Akane Shinjo

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A Once-Lonely Girl
IC Information
Full Name: Akane Shinjo
Gender: Female (She/Her)
Species: Kaiju-Hearted Human
Age (Birthdate): 19 (January 2, 0080)
Hair Colour: Lavender
Job: Brat
Homeland: Nouvelle Tokyo, Free Japan
Awakening: 3
Primary Unit: None
BGM: HumanLove_CH_edm_all
OOC Information
Factions: NERV
Player: Tem Ray Circuit

Akane Shinjo has been offered a second chance to decide who she is, free of the endless cutting and shaping of Alexis Kerib. While she feels a deep gratitude to those who struggled for her sake, she hasn't yet managed to find her way to a stable sort of happiness, and still wonders if she could ever be worthy of the trials people bore on her behalf. Her fear of the larger world still exists -- but perhaps her time alongside the Gridman Alliance, the Shuffle Alliance, and 3G will teach her that courage doesn't entail an absence of fear. Underneath the anxiety and the loneliness, however, lies a brave heart with a strong sense of the kindnesses the world ought to offer.


She probably has one!


Akane has some!

Monster Creation and Henshin Greebles

Henshin Components (Unusable?)

  • Grigio's Kaiju Card - Gifted to her by Jugglus Juggler. The skeleton of something greater. Akane hasn't put it to use yet.
  • Maga-Orochi's Kaiju Card - Gifted to her by Jugglus Juggler. A Lord Monster to suit Tsutsujidai's. Alexis imbued Go'yavec with the power of this Kaiju Card. It didn't matter that much, except that that gave it a variety of exciting new ways to menace Rei Ayanami specifically.

Former Items

  • Boxcutter/Craft Knife - Akane's preferred tool, and her first gift from Alexis. Left at Aya.
  • Kaiju Seeds - A weapon thousands of years out of place. Left in a room she does not intend to return to.



  • Ako Furuma - One of Akane's school friends. Akane's happy she's back in town.
  • Alouette Pommier - Part of being friends is that, yes, sometimes your friends get involved in your bullshit. Even so, Akane's happy to know Alouette; at first she'd been trying very hard to pattern her own recovery after Alouette's, but now she feels a little more clarity in it and can better treat her as a friend.
  • Asuka Shikinami Langley - Yeah, Akane was stupid. ... it sometimes seems like they agree on more than you'd think.
  • Jugglus Juggler - An Illusion Demon who presented himself to her. "Juggler-sensei" has lessons to impart, and Akane's eager to learn.
  • Kaworu Nagisa - A friend of Akane's. She has a lot of questions for him.
  • Knight - Her little brother. The messiness in herself she couldn't acknowledge. She owes him much; she doesn't know if she can repay it.
  • Leina Ashta - A friend who's proven herself deeply understanding and powerfully kind. What the Vist Foundation has done to her makes her angry beyond belief, though it's clarified Akane's values tremendously.
  • Ramo Marusa - Another of Akane's school friends. While she's reliable and fairly kind, Akane worries a little about having gotten her so close to involved in the cruelty of the world from which she came.
  • Renais Cardiff - Someone finally allowed to heal. Akane feels quite warm toward her, and grateful, though she still feels a little stung about the kindnesses Renais has received that Akane herself has not.
  • Rikka Takarada - Someone Akane Shinjo loves. Someone Akane Shinjo has always loved. The rest, they're figuring out. It's so much easier, knowing someone knows all of her and can love that still. Doing the work of building a relationship has been difficult, and she hasn't been up for it every day, but...
  • Sayla Mass - An adult in Akane's corner -- something she's needed for so long, so desperately.
  • Sho Utsumi - A friend. Akane's fond of him, and generally likes to get him entangled with her nonsense.
  • Yuta Hibiki/Gridman - A hero, expressed through a creation that inherited her heart. They've got time to become friends.
  • Yuka Ohta - Someone Akane might want to get to know better. It's easy to see her as a sign she has a future after all, and she seems to be committed to helping Akane reach that state.


  • Guy Shishioh - Akane's starting to get him and she's really deeply embarrassed at her past self now.
  • Lamia - Honestly kind of aspirational?
  • Rei Ayanami - Akane helped feed her, hospitalized her, stole her away from NERV, insisted she deserved a fuller life than she had... and yet, Rei saw the best in that.
  • Sheryl Nome - Whatever else might be true of their relationship, she supported Rikka so well...
  • Ultraman Geed - A Vessel of Light. Akane hasn't seen him in a while... maybe it's good that there are forces like that out in the world.
  • Ultraman Z - A Vessel of Light. Akane hasn't seen him in a while... maybe it's good that there are forces like that out in the world.


  • Ennil El - An agent of the Aura of Dawn, presently. She seems nice enough, and concerned over Hibiki... but how much of that is real? She should get the chance to decide what the relationships she built in Tsutsujidai mean for her.
  • Mikoto Utsugi - An agent of the Aura of Dawn who offered Akane defenders for her city. Akane understands that she's a kind person at heart, which makes her current situation even more frustrating.
  • Orpheus Zevon - Someone whose situation is just a little too high-test for Akane to be willing to touch. ... He might need her help, now.


  • Brera Sterne - Sheryl Nome's bodyguard.
  • Liam 7-020 - Akane gets the feeling they came into each other's stories at a misleading point.
  • Lucine Azul - Liam's friend (partner?), who punched Akane for trying to steal him away. Akane's not sure what to do with that.
  • Nanai Miguel - 'Mesta Mesua,' an outsider who insisted she needed to turn her eyes away from this warmer world.
  • Ouka Nagisa - The things done to her were monstrous. Akane gets that that isn't her fight, but...
  • Qivi - Seems to be doing better. Seems... provisionally okay with being friends with her, too.
  • Riika Sheder - Another girl Alexis helped. Akane's relieved she got away, and they seem to be on a positive trajectory...
  • Rin Starking - A casual acquaintance Akane met at a convention. Seems to want to get her into speedrunning X4 Omega...
  • Ruri Hoshino - Another girl Alexis helped. The beneficiary of his kindnesses but not his cruelties. It hurts, but that's not really Ruri's fault, is it?
  • Seolla Schweizer - Akane's still kind of afraid of her, but she does see the good in her.
  • Shelby Korts - Someone from outside Tsutsujidai.
  • Shinji Ikari - Someone Akane briefly knew at one of her many middle schools. ... maybe he needs to hear from her?

Former Allies

  • Alexis Kerib - He's proven he'll never give up on her. What an injustice.
  • Crucible - Akane regrets a lot of things, but doesn't regret the damage she did to Crucible's operations.
  • Dr. Spartura - Akane regrets a lot of things, but doesn't regret the damage she did to Dr. Spartura's operations.
  • Elisa Kafim - Akane legitimately has no idea what's going on there.
  • Grace O'Connor - Hopefully no longer Akane's concern. BioNet is the worst.


