2024-06-30: Open Air

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  • Log: 2024-06-30- Open Air
  • Cast: Akane Shinjo, Rikka Takarada
  • Where: Tokyo - Hibiya Open-Air Concert Hall
  • OOC - IC Date: 0099-06-30
  • Summary: Rikka and Akane go see a certain J-pop/B-pop fusion artist in concert. They talk a little about a lot of things, including music, date planning, chores, and Obon.

<Pose Tracker> Akane Shinjo has posed.

The Hibiya Open-Air Concert Hall still stands, even after the One Year War; it's been rebuilt more than once, but it's still kicking. More than that, though, this kicks off its active season. There's pretty much always going to be something happening there.

Today, live in concert is Eledore Massis -- a musician who picked up some fame after making a decent radio debut as a songwriter in the middle of the One Year War (in addition to serving as a comms operator in the Federation army). A two-decade career is nothing to sneeze at.

... Akane only knows him from a cover album of anime and tokusatsu tracks he did in the late 0080s... this may not have been her idea.

That's not to say she isn't happy to be here, though; she's settled into their spot on one of the long benches in the back with a certain someone, leaning on her a bit. "... I kinda wish they let you bring food in," she murmurs, between the local opening band and the concert proper. "I get it, but still."

After a little thought, she adds, "I'm kinda surprised the opener was that good... I've never even heard of them." Another thing she'd never have known, never have experienced without letting someone else into her heart.

<Pose Tracker> Rikka Takarada has posed.

When Rikka heard that Eledore Massis was going to be holding a live concert in Tokyo, she knew she had to go. His career might be around her own age, but Rikka has always enjoyed the classics, too - one only has to look at her Minmay albums to see that.

And, naturally, a concert is best enjoyed with company. There's something about the energy of an open-air concert hall that Rikka enjoys...

And so, Rikka has settled onto that bench as well, Akane leaning on her a bit. Rikka chuckles at Akane's murmuring.

"Yeah... Maybe we should've picked something up before the concert. We can get something after?" She replies, and then, she nods.

"Oh, they were great, weren't they? I'll have to check out their discography when we get back home..." Rikka enthuses. "They'll often highlight lesser-known or up-and-coming artists for the opening act, it's a great way to learn about bands you might not have known otherwise."

<Pose Tracker> Akane Shinjo has posed.

Akane nods. "Yeah, that sounds really good... I think maybe I could go for pizza? That's kinda heavy, but it's been kinda a rough week. If that's a little much we could do diner fish." There's a new hot dog place she wanted to try at some point, too -- but it's a little far, and if she's hungry now she's definitely going to be hungry in two hours.

Akane glances up toward the sky for a few seconds -- then back to Rikka to talk a bit more about the opening act. "Yeah, that makes sense. You get to use the big name as the draw and then get your name out there too..." It's a world where you have to rely on people -- something Akane is still getting used to inch by inch.

Akane seems... at least as interested in Rikka as the concert; she has that look on her face again. It's easier to be out in the world if she focuses on a single person. "So, how does the venue stack up for you?" she asks. "I've never been to one of these that was outdoors. There was almost one time in middle school, but things got rained out."

<Pose Tracker> Rikka Takarada has posed.

Pizza or fish... Rikka gives it some thought, tapping a finger to her cheek thoughtfully.

"It's been a while since we last had pizza... I think it's okay to treat ourselves once in a while." Rikka decides. It might mean watching her diet a bit more strictly for a bit, but they could definitely use the comfort food right now.

Rikka nods, then.

"Mm-hm. It gets the crowd hyped up, too. It's a good arrangement for everyone." She agrees. She looks over to Akane, smiling just slightly as she spots that look on her face... and Rikka listens with interest. She hasn't huh...?

"Oh yeah? That's a shame... It's a real experience. There's just something about a concert in the open air." She replies. "It's great, though. It's a got a real history behind it, and you can tell they take real pride in it. There's a lot of different considerations you have to take when performing outdoors compared to in, and they've really done a good job paying attention to that."

She nods.

"I've been to a lot of good ones, but this one is definitely up there."

<Pose Tracker> Akane Shinjo has posed.

"Ehe, pizza it is. But... we're gonna have to hit the gym tomorrow..." ...not that Akane minds going to the gym with Rikka, for reasons both practical and... otherwise. "I'll look up what's close... later, anyway."

... Akane has to pretend her stomach isn't gurgling a little after food talk, with mixed results. ... it's not much, but she has a piece of hard candy in her bag, at least. She discreetly unwraps it with her hand still in the bag, and pops it into her mouth after a few seconds. It at least psychologically reduces the feeling of hunger, if just a bit.

"I'm glad it's working for you. I'm usually kind of an old lady, but I think I like this kind of venue too. Do you like outdoor venues for other stuff too?" She stays leaning into Rikka, listening for her answer just before the first song starts.

... it's a lot more 'old-school pop' and a lot less rock than Akane was expecting, given the specific slice of the discography she knows. The discontinuity gets her to sit up a little, eyes widening -- and actually turning toward the stage instead of Rikka. She's silent for the whole performance.

Only once it's over does she say anything -- and all she manages is, "... wow..." It's a different type of joy than what Rikka may be used to seeing from Akane; rather than giddy, it's awestruck.

<Pose Tracker> Rikka Takarada has posed.

"Yeah..." Rikka replies with a small laugh. "It's fine. I don't mind."

Rikka also, mysteriously, doesn't mind that at all.

Akane produces some hard candy, and of course Rikka doesn't mind. She knows how to pick locks and suggest keeping a cat illicitly, a little bit of candy in the concert hall is nothing if it ends up helping her.

"It depends a bit?" She considers thoughtfully, leaning a bit more on Akane in turn. "On the venue and the act. If they're not fit for each other or the scheduling or weather is bad it can kind of suck... But generally, yeah. I like the fresh air, and it's kind of nice having the open sky."

And then, the first song starts. Rikka's eyes are on the stage - and she can see the way Akane's shift that way, too. She's always liked this song - and with her familiarity, it's no surprise to her.

"Wow." Rikka agrees with a smile, turning to look Akane's way as the first song winds down. That awestruck joy on her face... it's a rare expression. She'll have to savor it. "What do you think?"

She has an idea, but she wants to hear it from Akane in her own words.

<Pose Tracker> Akane Shinjo has posed.

Akane has time to digest the answer to the venue question during the song. All things being equal, an outdoor venue wins, huh... she'll have to remember that. Maybe when she gets home she'll write that down.

In the present moment, though -- it takes her a second to snap out of it and actually answer Rikka. "That was amazing. I've only heard him and the lady vocalist doing a cover of the Gagagatchi opening, so I was expecting something more like that... but what we got was totally different." she whispers, just barely audible over the din of the crowd as people take a moment to re-situate themselves between songs. "You can tell he writes his own songs... there's a lot of feeling there."

It almost makes her want to take a crack at that herself -- though she's never really thought that was her thing, she's younger than he was at the start of his career. It's worth exploring, right?

"I'll be honest, I was kind of expecting this to be one of your weird pulls." Akane winks, admitting, "Not that I don't like those too, but... this is great."

The second track is a little more up-tempo, and the lady vocalist seems to have more time on this one. Akane, once again -- now enthusiastic for the event itself, rather than just about spending time with Rikka -- turns to watch.

<Pose Tracker> Rikka Takarada has posed.

Rikka smiles, happy to hear that Akane enjoyed it. When she suggested it, she was a little worried it would end up being something that only she was really into... So it's good that's turning out to not be the case.

"Yeah, I can see how that'd give you certain expectations..." Rikka replies, and nods her agreement. "You can really feel the meaning in every word. Even if you'd never heard of him, you can get idea of what he's been through just by listening to him sing. Putting his heart out into the world..."

Akane teases her a bit, and Rikka smirks.

"Hey." She says, nudging her playfully with a small laugh in a way that suggests she's not at all bothered. "...I'm glad, though."

The second track begins, a more up-tempo one this time. Rikka listens intently, head bobbing along with the music. She likes this kind of song, too - and definitely likes appreciating it with someone else.

<Pose Tracker> Akane Shinjo has posed.

Sometimes those are their own fun experience, if for completely different reasons.

After the second song, Akane wraps her hand gently around one of Rikka's, continuing to get closer. The lack of distinct seats is a plus for this kind of venue -- no armrests to get in the way.

Having now had some time to digest, Akane agrees, "The style itself is really interesting, too. Like, I'm pretty sure he has perfect pitch but what's really standing out here is how distinct this stuff is. I guess if you were fighting back then, you'd meet a bunch of different people and hear a bunch of different music..."

Akane absently reaches up with her other hand, running a finger through her dark hair. "When we get home I think I want to break out the keyboard again. I don't think I'm quite this good, but the mood is kinda sticking..."

A familiar drip, drip, drip starts. It's June in Japan, so the odds of a 20% chance of rain rearing its head weren't exactly small. The stage, of course, is deep enough that this doesn't cancel the concert, but...

"... I wish they'd let you bring umbrellas in here," she murmurs, as the third song starts. "Then again, I guess it's not that bad. It's better than getting rained on alone." Something that Akane knows all too well, now.

A few hours later, a very damp Akane sits with her similarly-wet partner in a pizza place a few blocks from the concert hall. In the end, 'fish or pizza' became a false choice; at least for her half of the pizza, Akane's gotten salmon and burrata. ... She doesn't mind sharing, either.

"That was really good -- thanks for inviting me along," Akane says, with a smile. "When it comes to music, you're kinda the expert... and it was really good to have a day to do something fun with you and not think about class or work."

<Pose Tracker> Rikka Takarada has posed.

Akane wraps her hand around hers, and Rikka gives it a gentle squeeze.

"Yeah, absolutely..." Rikka agrees. There's a lot to absorb, in an environment like that. And, Akane wants to break out the keyboard again... Rikka smiles.

"That sounds great. I can help you set it up." Rikka offers. "I'd love to hear whatever you decide to play."

Drip, drip, drip... It's raining again. It does put a dampener on things, pun intended - but with the show continuing to go on, Rikka's willing to stick it out.

"Yeah, me too..." She laughs awkwardly... and then, she smiles.

She's glad she doesn't have to be rained on alone.

And now, pizza. For her side, Rikka went with the quattro formaggi... but naturally, seeing the salmon and burrata, she had to try a bit of that, too, and shares in return.

"You're welcome! I'm glad you had a good time." Rikka replies with a smile. "I was a little nervous that I was going to be the only one interested... so I'm glad you liked it, too."

It's definitely been nice to have a distraction.

<Pose Tracker> Akane Shinjo has posed.

"I can get that," Akane agrees. "We've had a couple dates go like that for sure. I don't really mind those ones either, though. I like the way you like that stuff." She pushes her hair back a little bit, giving an awkward grin.

Akane takes a bite of the slice she traded for, and looks thoughtful for a few seconds. "Oh, this is a really good cheese mix. You can really taste the Gruyere." That's something Akane would never have been able to pick out if someone didn't like cheese fondue. "The salmon is good, too... you can tell this is fresh fish. I'm pretty impressed."

Eating lets her think for a few seconds. That gives her the time to remember something she wanted to talk about. "Did you ever decide what you wanted to swap dishes for this month, or has work been too busy? I'm still pretty interested in changing things up..." They are just a few hours out from July at this point. "I'm surprised we didn't think of a rotation sooner. I guess the first chance we had to live together was on the way to Jupiter, and a lot of that stuff was taken care of, though."

<Pose Tracker> Rikka Takarada has posed.

Rikka nods. It's... definitely happened more than once. Still, she smiles.

"I'm glad." She replies. "We'll have to go someplace you pick out next time..."

It'd be nice to see something Akane's so thoroughly into.

Akane tries the cheese, and Rikka tries the salmon... and Rikka nods, approvingly.

"Yeah, you can tell they know their cheeses. They picked out flavors that really bring out the best in each other. They've got my seal of approval." Rikka agrees, with a nod. "It's really good salmon, yeah. We'll have to remember this place is here, I wouldn't mind going again sometime."

Rikka works on her pizza, then looks Akane's way as she asks her question.

"Work has been pretty busy. But..." Rikka says. One hand carefully balances the slice of pizza she was working on while the other taps thoughtfully against the table. "Do you want to handle the dusting or the trash?"

She nods, then.

"Yeah... We got used to each other's habits, but it didn't really teach us what day to day life was going to like... We kind of had to play that by ear." Rikka considers, taking a bite. Once she's finished with that, though... she smiles, just a bit. "It's been nice, though. Figuring it out."

<Pose Tracker> Akane Shinjo has posed.

"Ehehe... I'll find something that works for both of us," Akane agrees. Her track record on that certainly isn't exactly spotless either -- though it's getting easier to make good picks, at this point.

When Rikka mentions remembering this place, Akane nods. "Yeah. It's a little out of the way for our usual commute, but this is a pretty good, like, day trip spot. I think I saw a bookstore a little ways back, too..." Part of her wants to go now, but she realizes that they'll probably be closed by the time they finish eating.

She has a choice to make. Dusting or trash... on the one hand, she can think of ways to make dusting a little more engaging. On the other hand, trash takes less time, and Akane doesn't really have the gross-out factor associated with even pretty nasty trash.

After some deliberation, Akane says, "I think trash? And we can check in again next month!" She polishes off the rest of the quattro formaggi slice, murmuring, "Crust could use a little something... but I guess it's not really meant to be the main event, either, and the cheese is so good."

There's a thoughtful look on her face as she looks back. "Yeah," she says, nodding gently. "It has. I hope we can keep moving forward with that stuff..."

A thought strikes her out of nowhere. "We were talking about going back to Tsutsujidai... we could do it for Obon, maybe. I don't... have family to do that with."

<Pose Tracker> Rikka Takarada has posed.

"Sounds good." Rikka replies with a nod and a smile. She's looking forward to seeing what Akane picks out... though she doesn't want to put pressure on her, either.

"A bookstore, huh..." Rikka murmurs consideringly. She must've overlooked that one, but if Akane's interested in it, that has her curiosity up, too. "Sounds like we're going to have to make some more plans sometime soon."

As Akane deliberates, Rikka finishes off her last slice of pizza. And then...

"Alright, trash it is." Rikka confirms with a nod. "Sounds good."

To continue moving forward... Rikka nods.

"I hope so, too." She agrees. And then, a thought - Rikka listens with interest. Obon... Rikka offers Akane a gentle smile.

"That'd be great. I know mama would love to have you join us." Rikka agrees.

<Pose Tracker> Akane Shinjo has posed.

Continuing with her pizza, Akane scoots just a bit forward in her seat and polishes off her own last slice of pizza.

Taking a drink of water, she says, "That sounds like a great way to start off another summer with you."

She looks outside. Still raining... well, a light jog to the train station shouldn't be so bad. "Let's head home," Akane says, with a smile.

<Pose Tracker> Rikka Takarada has posed.

"I think so, too." Rikka says. Somehow... having Akane there for Obon feels perfect.

It's still raining... but, they've had time to warm up and dry off and, with plans for the future ahead of them, Rikka feels ready to head back out into it.

"Let's." Rikka agrees, with a smile of her own.