Asuka Shikinami Langley
IC Information
Full Name:
Asuka Shikinami Langley
Female (She/Her)
Age (Birthdate):
18 (December 4, 0080 (official))
Hair Colour:
Eye Colour:
Second Child
Primary Unit:
Evangelion Unit 02
Tranquillité, by Shiro Sagisu
OOC Information
Rebuild of Evangelion
NERV, AEU Forces
A recent transfer to the Japanese Branch of NERV from Europe, Asuka Shikinami Langley is the pilot of Evangelion Unit-02. Most have given the so-called Second Child a wide berth given her irascible and prideful nature which makes her nigh-impossible to approach. Indeed, she punishes anyone who attempts to with a constant barrage of insults and even physical abuse. Her service record in the AEU shows that she rose to the rank of Captain in the Air Force at an early age, however one would be hard pressed to find anyone who speaks well of her due to rumors that circulated that she was born a Coordinator at a time when prejudices against them in a heightened state. Belligerent, brash, and stubborn to a fault, Asuka walls herself off from others in her rigid belief that she is alone in life and must manage everything by herself. All told, these challenging behaviors ensure that Asuka's quills are as long and sharp as they come within the hedgehog's dilemma that is life.
Date of Birth: December 4, 0080
Mother: Kyoko Z.S.
May 25th, 0095 - Graduated with Honors from the University of Munich with Masters in Theoretical Chemistry.
May 30th, 0095 - Enlists in the AEU, Starting rank O1, Lieutenant. Accelerated Basic and Officer training due to Emergency Wartime Declaration
May 31st, 0095 - Reprimanded for insubordination.
June 1st, 0095 - Reprimanded for insubordination.
June 25th, 0095 - Commendation for active duty performance granted.
July 6th, 0095 - Reprimanded for insubordination.
July 7th, 0095 - Reprimanded for insubordination.
July 8th, 0095 - Reprimanded for assault of superior officer.
July 9th, 0095 - Removed from active duty for recovery in infirmary.
July 15th, 0095 - Commendation for active duty performance granted.
July 16th, 0095 - Removed from active duty for recovery in infirmary.
July 17th, 0095 - Request for Retraining in CQC approved.
August 1st, 0095 - Reprimanded for insubordination.
August 2nd, 0095 - Reprimanded for assault of subordinates.
August 7th, 0095 - Reprimanded for assault of superior officer.
August 8th, 0095 - Reprimanded for assault of subordinates.
August 17th, 0095 - Commendation for active duty performance granted.
November 28th, 0095 - Promoted to rank of O2, Captain. TIG(Time in Grade) requirements waived.
Confirmed Mobile Suit Kill Count: 14
December 4th, 0095 - Evangelion Unit-02 is completed.
January 3rd, 0096 - Transfer to NERV Japan approved.
- Asuka's got a Wonderswan and she's a prolific retro gamer.
- A doll! For nightly pep rallies.
- Infinite boxes, all the better to shrink Shinji's space and aggressively claim it from him.
- A direct line to her handlers in the Third Branch. Don't make her call that number, the results would be sad.
- Asuka's a Captain in the AEU! While noone likes her over there, it does give her access to some resources.
ExpandNERV (Rebuild of Evangelion)
- Shinji Ikari: Daddy's Boy,Baka Shinji - Asuka has come to accept not only that Shinji belongs as an Eva pilot, but that the two have a bond of sorts. That bond is uncomfortable to her in a way, as it represents a desire to have a life outside of being just an Eva pilot. What she wants from that though, is a work in progress as between teenage hormones and her views on human relationships, there's only one way they could go from here.
- Mari Makinami Illustrious: Four-Eyed Crony, Catty Four-Eyes - While Shinji represents that desire to have a life outside of being just an Eva pilot, Mari is perhaps the driving force behind that ambition. Her constant prodding and questioning have forced her to question whether her entire existence needs to be devoted to piloting an Eva. Her behavior constantly pushes her out of her comfort zone and forces her to examine and then reexamine her way of living. She's not certain of much right now, but she knows that she wants her to remain a part of her life.
- Kaworu Nagisa: Fifth String - Asuka hates him with every fiber of her being, and that's putting it mildly. For all the things they have in common, they nevertheless clash on almost everything. She has however, acknowledged that she's misjudged him for how she regarded him in the past, and has decided that even if she hates him, there's no reason to be unnecessarily cruel to him. After all, she still feels more solidarity with him than any adult.
- Rei Ayanami: Commander's Pet, Doll - Asuka hates Rei, for her passivity, and for how she serves as an uncomfortable reminder of how she used to be coming out of the Shikinami program, before she learned how to pass as more human. All the same, she has acknowledged to herself there's more to Rei than she initially thought. Despite that, while she doesn't believe the two will ever get along, she wants her to at least keep existing and is interested if she'll become more than just a doll.
- Alouette Kaas: Tako-atama - Asuka genuinely doesn't know what to make of Alouette, as her behavior is so mercurial, at times vacillating into violence towards her. Kaworu has helped her cotton on to her motives over time, and she's still in a state of disbelief that that's the way she feels while ruminating over what to do about it.
- Eisen Daiwel: Chuutwo Flunky - While at first she was comfortable to slot Eisen into being a rival, her own changing worldview over time has caused her to now see how immature she was. Which unfortunately places Eisen in a category of making Asuka see how she was perceived from the outside in. His unnuanced black and white worldview towards Kaiju and use of force is just something she can't take in stride anymore.
- Misato Katsuragi: Misato is perhaps the adult who knows Asuka the best, even if there are some key gaps in her knowledge. In many ways, Misato is her role model towards adulthood, which is affecting her belief in where her relationship with Shinji ought to go. Nevertheless, Misato is one of the few adults that Asuka acknowledges cares for her, and she's grateful for her presence in her life. When it comes to mission deployment, there's noone else she'd rather have in command.
ExpandNERV (And Associates)
- Yoko Nakajima: Ultra Fangirl - While originally belligerent towards her, Yoko's ability to hold up to her constant challenges and to challenge Asuka in turn has steadily caused her to become a mentor figure in her life. During one of her lowest moments, Yoko was there for her and managed to get rare honesty out of her. She's also played a significant role in her evolving beliefs on Kaiju in general.
- Ouka Nagisa: Nussknacker', 'Mother Goose - Asuka once believed that Ouka was like her, albeit more naive in her relationships with others at 'the School'. Now, after a violent confrontation which ended in Ouka shutting down, she knows better. She's utterly horrified that Ouka is a war orphan that should have had a normal life, but doesn't know how to approach her. Misato has told her that 'the School' has done something to her in regards to how she regards or remembers Asuka, and that makes her worry. If my behavior causes her to shut down again, is that it for her?
- Seolla Schwarzer: Stunt Pilot - Ouka's revelation that the school draws its candidates from a pool of war orphans and other disadvantaged populations has caused Asuka to reassess how she regards Seolla. The clingy behavior to her big sister, her inability to handle school life without breakdowns are now something she views with great sympathy. Like Ouka though, she's afraid that if she pushes her, that it might cause a breakdown that 'the School' might not forgive.
- Liam 7-020: Labrat - Liam's situation disturbs her, insomuch as he's an example of someone that had a normal life yet she believes he can't go back to it. While she's grown more sympathetic to him over time, her pride has kept her from having a real conversation about it. She feels terrible though, as it's her belief that what happened to him at Anti's hands was her fault.
- Neo Getter Team: Go and Gai Asuka don't think much of yet. Sho though? Sho played her on equal terms in a game she'd never played before. While she understands she has so much talent, her pride has rejected the idea of acknowledging it herself. As such,s he's comfortably slotted her as another rival within NERV. Who can say how that will develop.
- Hayato Jin: While Asuka respects the contributions this guy has made towards beating the Dinosaurs, his treatment of her like a child drives her up the wall. As such, he can easily provoke her in any which way he wants. She's still on the lookout for whatever surprises he's cooked up for her.
- Guy Shishioh: Asuka respects the King of Braves, not that you'd know it from her usual behavior. She hasn't really approached him about it, though whenever they're in a fight together, she can at least acknowledge that he's not in her way.
- GaoGaiGo Team: The Stromboli gaming party they organized is something she at least went to, though she doesn't have a strong impression of them yet. Mamoru is just so damn cheerful that it grates on her nerves a little, while Ikumi is so stoic she can't get a bead on him. Still, their reputation kind of speaks for themselves doesn't it?
- Yuka Ohta: Asuka loves her health drinks. Like a lot. They look disgusting but she's used to drinking disgusting things. Instead they're incredible, and energizing. Her views on Kaiju are something she's steadily coming to agree with, in part. Though she's not 100% there on everything yet.
- Jana Cektru: A bit of an oddball from STORAGE. Jana seemed to brush off Asuka's behavior in a way that kind of put her off, seeing everything she did in the most positive light. The backup that she gave her on a recent mission in a fraught situation won her a lot of points though.
- Tetsuya Tsurugi: Asuka sees him as another adult manipulating her to socialize with people her own age. While she respects his accomplishments, she mostly wants him to butt out of that, because she gets enough of that from Misato! She finds it a bit strange that such a family man would want to stay in NERV with a kid on the way, and part of her wishes he would retire.
ExpandTokyo-3 Municipal Middle School
- Hikari Horaki: Perhaps because Hikari is so normal, she's been able to worm her way into Asuka's heart through sheer persistence, and a desire to spend time with her. And Asuka in turn has come to enjoy eating lunch with her, or walking home with her, or listening to her talk about her day. Despite Asuka's standoffish behavior, Hikari has come to understand that the walls she puts up are mostly just not being to communicate well with others, and she has started to encourage her whenever she makes any effort to put herself out there. The two tend to be very protective of each other.
- Toji Suzuhara: Asuka's not a fan of Shinji's friend, she may like that he has friends, but she regards this guy as a boneheaded sexist with ideals multiple centuries out of date.
- Kensuke Aida: Asuka's more okay with this guy, though she's feels like she's going to have to kick his butt one day from the pictures he takes and his military fanaticism trying to take him somewhere classified. At least he's not a total bonehead in day to day.
- Duo Maxwell: Asuka has steadily come to suspect this guy is a spy from his orbit in Relena's life, and what she's told her of him. This isn't particularly unusual to her, after all, plenty of spies have transferred in. Eventually she intends to confront him on this, though it might become more friendly than she knows. After all, they both know the depths of Relena Peacecraft's persistence.
- Edward Wong Hau Pepelu Tivruski IV: Asuka is coming to believe, after repeated demonstrations that in fact, the school's latest transfer student is Radical Ed. While her behavior is generally off-putting to the grumpy gus that is Asuka, she's steadily worn her down. One of the few people other than Sho that's been able to challenge her in gaming, she actually acknowledges her skills, and is looking forward to a rematch. More importantly though, she's made a deal with Ed to investigate a certain organization for her, the price however is... high.
ExpandRa Mari
- Eight York: Eight was the first Newtype Asuka encountered, even though she didn't realize it at the time, the sheer angry intent she sent her way caused her to dissociate, something which disturbed Asuka from her experiences in the Shikinami Series program. Since then the two haven't interacted much, though Asuka was willing to be challenged by her mid-battle in not causing collateral damage.
- Callisto Diana: Callout - Callisto initially was someone Asuka enjoyed a heated rivalry with back and forth heated banter. In a recent encounter though, she found Callisto withdrawing from her anger yet again. These moments have started to teach her that even her emotions can be violence towards those sensitive to them. As a result she's resolved to work on that.
- Kamille Bidan: A doctor that deployed during Jehudiel. He came upon Asuka after she'd beaten up a gang, but took injuries in the process, and was horrified by how casual Asuka was about how NERV would take it. Asuka missed his tone entirely, unfortunately just wanting to get through the examination and on her way as soon as possible. Asuka didn't think he gave the worst advice, just that he was misunderstanding her circumstances entirely.
- Relena Peacecraft: It's a bit bizarre to Asuka that royalty would have any interest in her, however, there it is. Relena's actually proven to her over time that she genuinely just likes her company and wants to get to know her. While the two don't always agree, their willingness to challenge each other perhaps keeps each other in their orbit. Asuka over time has come to sympathize with Relena's story, no longer considering her just some spoiled Princess who doesn't even know the weight of a gun.
- Anti: 'Munchkin' - Asuka thought Anti was just a weird kid, not the purple Kaiju she'd fought again and again and again. Meeting Anti repeatedly though taught her that he regarded her in the same light as his abusive 'big sister' and recognized that even if she isn't human, that she'll be seen the same as people who treat others like that unless she changes herself. The fact that he's a Kaiju shook her, as she had sympathized with the plight of a Kaiju, and she resolved to mercy kill him due to the DG infection. It was unnecessary though, and the fact that he could be saved has changed her worldview substantially in such a short time.
- Akane Shinjo: Cram School - Their relationship has always been rocky, Asuka started to regret the way she treated her, but now she doesn't anymore. She may be an exploited and lonely girl, but the fact that she created the Repli-Compoids with a purpose, but without telling them what it is until recently and upturning their normal lives just upsets her. It feels like some betrayal of the responsibility a creator has to the created. And while she has trouble articulating how she feels, due to how uncomfortably close to home it hits, she intends to lash right out at her next opportunity she gets.
- Alexis Kerib: Yeah she's never met this guy face to face, just fought his Kaiju, and at least knows his role in all this. So this guy? Despite knowing very little about him, she hatesssss him. So much.
- Rikka Takarada: Initially Rikka just seemed too normal to Asuka to be involved in this, and she dismissed her presence entirely. Recently though she's started to regret how she's treated her, and even moreso when she found out this 'normal girl' is in fact someone created to keep Akane Shinjo company even without knowledge of her purpose. As a result, she lashed out at her desire to save Akane as her own choice, and while she feels horrible about it, she doesn't think there's a way for her to make up for it.
- Renais Cardiff: Asuka relates far too uncomfortably to this girl, especially in the fact that neither of them consider themselves human. While she was resolved to end her life due to what Triple Zero had done to her, the fact that she's been freed is uncomfortable to her. While she hasn't really spoken to her since, she's not sure how she'll reconcile the fact that her belief that she needed to die, with the fact that it was unnecessary to begin with.
- Yuta Hibiki: Too nice and too normal to be caught up in all this, but that's Akane Shinjo's fault, isn't it?
- Orpheus Zevon: Asuka doesn't know why this guy felt so familiar the first time she saw him. Surely though, it has absolutely nothing to do with the memories she has of a more aggressive/assertive Shinji Ikari though!
- Ruri Hoshino: Cyber Fairy - Asuka once blamed this Systems Operator who she thought was like her in the sense of being an artificial prodigy for the failure of the Nadesico on Mars. Since then her views have evolved, and while she feels badly about it, her pride prevents her from apologizing. Instead, she's tried to be kind to her in her own way, though the two haven't really spoken again outside of a crisis.
- Lucine Azul: Asuka thinks she's too damn nice to be a pilot. It feels like nothing she could say could make her mad, and doesn't realize that's in part because she's a Newtype sensing her intent. Still she doesn't tend to mind her being around when a mission happens, she was there for her after all during Jophiel...
- Alto Saotome: Princess - Asuka enjoys getting under his skin with the nickname Mari gave /her/. Serves him right for trying to tell her what to do.
- Yuliana Dispersal: She was actually nice to her? And empathized with her feeling that magic is bullshit, and even put in for a commendation for her. She's still wary, after all, something is going on between her and Callisto, but she still intends to check her out.
- Koji Kabuto: Asuka respects Koji's accomplishments, and he's the rare adult who treated her with respect and somehow didn't anger her. All the same, she thinks the two would clash philosophically given his conception of the Photon Power Labs being an institution of peace.
- Gary Biaggi: This Lieutenant in the AEU enables the teenage rebellion in Asuka in both the best and the worst ways. Thus far Asuka tolerates him, even likes him a bit, but she wonders about his almost frightening competence on the battlefield and where it came from.
- Treize Khushrenada: The leader of G-Hound, Asuka was all set to hate him based on everything Relena told him of his role in inflaming tensions within the Federation, instead she found herself having grudging respect for the way he seemed to take responsibility for all the lives he'd taken. However, being responsible for over ninety three thousand deaths at the age of twenty four is disquieting at best, as she wonders what kind of long game he's playing. She's wary, and believes only a fool would take their eyes off of him.
- Riika Sheder: A member of ZAFT, Asuka at first hated her, due to her own projection of her situation onto Coordinators in general, and ZAFT for lashing out at humanity for their own mistreatment. However, over time she's come to have grudging respect for her after Anti was saved from his situation. Who can say where this will develop from there?
Hooks & Trivia
- Asuka piloted a VF-171 Nightmare Plus in the AEU Air Force.
- After becoming a Captain in the AEU, Asuka was transferred to recruiting the 'youth' of the AEU for the war effort. She hates this with a passion.
- If you'd like to choose your Asuka nickname, or be involved in the process of deciding one for your character, contact me at any time!
- If you were present in the AEU during UC 95, or a member of ZAFT fighting on the AEU Front, then potential hooks are present!
You think she's taking this test as seriously as the other two?
Wow, you're an Eva pilot and you can't even dodge a trip attack? Loser.
An entirely platonic cheek rub.
Find the Sad Girl in the picture, go!
Good things are about to happen! Look at that smile!