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(47 intermediate revisions by the same user not shown)
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{| class="toccolours" style="width: 25em; float: right; margin-left:2em; margin-right:0em; margin-bottom:2em; text-align: left; font-size: %110" cellspacing="2"
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! style="background:#87ceeb; border: 2px #000000 solid; font size: 110%;" align="center" colspan="2" | <span style="color:#000000">'''Shinji Ikari'''
! style="background:#367588; border: 2px #000000 solid; font size: 110%;" align="center" colspan="2" | <span style="color:#000000">'''Shinji Ikari'''
! colspan="2" align="center" | [[File:Shinji_school.png|300px]]
! colspan="2" align="center" | [[File:Shinji_school.png|300px]]
! style="background:#87ceeb; border: 2px #000000 solid; font-size: 110%;" align="center" colspan="2" | <span style="color:#000000">'''IC Information'''
! style="background:#367588; border: 2px #000000 solid; font-size: 110%;" align="center" colspan="2" | <span style="color:#000000">'''IC Information'''
! style="text-align:left" | Full Name:
! style="text-align:left" | Full Name:
Line 17: Line 17:
! style="text-align:left" | Age (Birthdate):
! style="text-align:left" | Age (Birthdate):
| 14 (June 6, 0082)  
| 18 (June 6, 0081)  
! style="text-align:left" | Hair Colour:
! style="text-align:left" | Hair Colour:
Line 26: Line 26:
! style="text-align:left" | Job:
! style="text-align:left" | Job:
| Third Child
| <del>Third Child</del> Assistant Cook
! style="text-align:left" | Homeland:
! style="text-align:left" | Homeland:
| Free Japan, Geofront
| Tokyo-3, Free Japan
! style="text-align:left" | Awakening:
! style="text-align:left" | Awakening:
Line 35: Line 35:
! style="text-align:left" | Primary Unit:
! style="text-align:left" | Primary Unit:
| Evangelion Unit 01
| None (formerly Evangelion Unit-01)
! style="text-align:left" | BGM:
! style="text-align:left" | BGM:
Line 41: Line 41:
! style="background:#87ceeb; border: 2px #000000 solid; font-size: 110%;" align="center" colspan="2" | <span style="color:#000000">'''OOC Information'''
! style="background:#367588; border: 2px #000000 solid; font-size: 110%;" align="center" colspan="2" | <span style="color:#000000">'''OOC Information'''
! style="text-align:left" | Origin:
! style="text-align:left" | Origin:
Line 47: Line 47:
! style="text-align:left" | Factions:
! style="text-align:left" | Factions:
| [[Terminal|Terminal]]
! style="text-align:left" | Player:
! style="text-align:left" | Player:
| --
| [[User:Ayu|Ayu]]
Life has not been kind to Shinji Ikari. He lost his mother as a young child; his father abandoned him as a somewhat older child; two years ago, he was coerced into piloting Evangelion Unit-01 so a severely injured girl wouldn't have to; and now, his Eva was made to crush another pilot's entry plug to kill the Angel that had possessed it at the orders of NERV Commander Gendo Ikari--Shinji's father. As a withdrawn, quiet young man who nonetheless never wanted to hurt anyone and only wanted to protect the people he cares about, who'd gradually begun to open up to his friends during his time in NERV and reach out for his own form of happiness, this betrayal has driven Shinji out seemingly for good. Now, embittered and grieving, he's taken on a job on the Ra Mari II as an assistant cook. Maybe one day, he'll figure out what he's good for if he isn't piloting an Eva. Until then, he's had more than enough.
Shinji has had three separate players to date. In the logs listed below, from 1/15/2022 through 7/4/2022, he was played by Beard (who also played the first [[Dr. Hell]]); from 7/21/22 through 2/25/23, he was played by Ru (who also played [[Brera Sterne]]); and from 7/1/23 onwards, he is being played by [[User:Ayu|Ayu]] as a dual role with [[Kaworu Nagisa]].
- Born June 6, UC 0081, to mother Yui Ikari and father Gendo Ikari (né Ayanami).
- Shinji's mother passed away when he was three.
- Shinji's father passed custody of him to Shinji's teacher when Shinji was eleven. Father and child did not see each other or communicate for three years.
- On October 4, UC 0095, Commander Gendo Ikari called Shinji to NERV Japan in Tokyo-3 in order to pilot Evangelion Unit-01 and defeat the Angels.
- On the same date, Shinji reluctantly piloted Unit-01 and defeated the Fourth Angel.
- Shinji has been piloting Unit-01 and defeating Angels with a greater or lesser number of fellow Eva pilots, NERV pilots, and NERV allies since then...
- ...until September 29, UC 0097, when Shinji was dishonorably discharged from NERV for threatening it with Unit-01 as a result of [https://srtmoo.net/mediawiki/index.php/2023-09-29:_Twelfth_Angel_Part_2_~_Farewell_for_Today the battle with the Twelfth Angel, designated Bardiel].
- On September 30, UC 0097, Shinji dropped out of school and left Tokyo-3 with the intent to never return or pilot again.
- On October 10, UC 0097, Shinji joined the crew of the [https://srtmoo.net/mediawiki/index.php/Ra_Mari_II Ra Mari II], and by proxy the [https://srtmoo.net/mediawiki/index.php/Three_Ships_Alliance Three Ships Alliance], as an assistant cook.
- The Three Ships Alliance over time shifted to [https://srtmoo.net/mediawiki/index.php/Terminal Terminal]. Inertia has carried Shinji into Terminal too, though he's still just an assistant cook on the Ra Mari II.
- There, Shinji currently remains.
Shinji used to be an Evangelion pilot and employee of NERV with all the "benefits" that implies! Now he has a few sets of clothes, including extra socks and underwear, a baseball cap, and a very nice moon-themed hoodie; a set of fine kitchen knives; a couple of mostly-filled notebooks; a well-read copy of Oscar Wilde's ''The Happy Prince and Other Tales''; a Sanshoo-san phone that he can't figure out how to work and mostly just uses for music and stress relief since it has no contacts on it anyway; a variety of other personal and/or minor items; and a backpack stacked with cash. Thanks, [https://srtmoo.net/mediawiki/index.php/Neon_Genesis_Junior_High_Students Calibur].
==Evangelion Pilots==
'''[[Rei Ayanami]]''': The First Child. The reason Shinji got in the robot. Shinji grew closer to her over time and came to see her as something close to family--maybe a sister--and loves her accordingly. He's never explicitly said as much, though. They shared an exchange diary of basic daily information and some recipes for a while, and he now owns her old copy of ''The Happy Prince and Other Tales''. One day, he'll read it. Shinji currently believes she's dead.
'''[[Asuka Shikinami Langley]]''': The Second Child. A contentious relationship. Shinji has sometimes feared her and sometimes been exasperated by her, but he's always respected her. For a time, they were dating, culminating in Shinji declaring his love for her during the battle against Bardiel. It's unclear if Shinji really does love her romantically, but at the least he cares about her as a friend. Either way, he refused to kill her while she was trapped in the Angel-possessed Evangelion Unit-03; nothing good happened as a result. Shinji currently believes she's dead.
'''[[Kaworu Nagisa]]''': The Fifth Child. Shinji's best friend, or maybe something more than that; Shinji's not sure. He trusts him more than anyone else, and over time has realized that despite how perfect and put-together Kaworu seems, the two of them are more alike than unalike. He knows there's a lot Kaworu can't talk about and for a time was content to leave it alone, but he has never stopped being terribly curious and wanting to learn more about him. He does know that Kaworu was left heartbroken by someone he called "[https://srtmoo.net/mediawiki/index.php/2022-09-11:_The_Earth_and_the_Moon the Earth]" and cannot forgive "her" for it. Shinji has a lot of mixed feelings about him for a variety of reasons but ultimately cares about him deeply. Kaworu was his co-pilot in Unit-01 for a short while after NERV developed a two-seater entry plug, and this was the time that Shinji liked piloting the best. That all ended when Kaworu talked back to Gendo about Unit-03's would-be test pilot and was put in detention and then reassigned to Jupiter as a result. Shinji misses him terribly but also has a lot of questions for him.
'''[[Mari Makinami Illustrious]]''': The Undesignated Child. A baffling mystery. Of all the Children stationed in Japan (Jupiter mission notwithstanding), Shinji knows the least about her. While she seems to delight in getting under his skin, Shinji understands she means no harm. If he had to put a word to how he feels about her, he likes her platonically. While he was leaving Tokyo-3, he exchanged a promise with her.
'''Tohji Suzuhara''': Formerly Shinji's bully, who punched him twice for getting his sister hospitalized while fighting the Fourth Angel. After seeing Shinji's suffering in Unit-01, Tohji's feelings changed. Now he's one of Shinji's best friends along with Kensuke Aida and Kaworu Nagisa. Shinji left him behind when he dropped out and left Tokyo-3. He feels bad about this, but not bad enough to go back.
'''Kensuke Aida''': A military otaku and classmate of Tohji's and Shinji's who, as a result of his obsession with seeing and recording an Evangelion, also got involved in seeing Shinji's suffering in Unit-01. Now he's also one of Shinji's best friends along with Tohji Suzuhara and Kaworu Nagisa. Shinji left him behind when he dropped out and left Tokyo-3. He feels bad about this, but not bad enough to go back.
'''[[Orpheus Zevon|Orpheus Zeveles]]''': Originally a friend of Kaworu's, Shinji got to know him over a series of visits, trips, and boys' sleepovers. They aren't ''that'' close, but they're near the same age and he seems wise and grown-up, so Shinji respects him. He was sad to hear from Kaworu he had to withdraw from school for health reasons.
'''[[Ranka Lee]]''': A fresh-faced idol whom Shinji's had the good fortune to actually meet before she debuted. One of Kaworu's friends originally, naturally. She was very kind in person and her voice is sweet and relaxing, so he's become a fan of hers and has attended a couple of her concerts.
'''[[Misato Katsuragi]]''': Shinji's former guardian and a colonel in NERV. The first parental figure, as far as he can remember, who actually cared about him. Though her slovenly, drunken personal habits drove him nuts, Shinji got to know her well enough to understand her dedication. His trust in her was broken after [https://srtmoo.net/mediawiki/index.php/2023-09-29:_Twelfth_Angel_Part_2_~_Farewell_for_Today the Bardiel incident]. This is unfair to Misato, but Shinji isn't emotionally ready to acknowledge that yet.
'''[[Gendo Ikari]]''': Shinji's father and the commander of NERV. His relationship with him has been extremely tumultuous ever since the loss of his mother/Gendo's wife. For a short time, Shinji thought he might be able to mend bridges and form a real bond; he lost all hope of this after [https://srtmoo.net/mediawiki/index.php/2023-09-29:_Twelfth_Angel_Part_2_~_Farewell_for_Today the Bardiel incident]. Now he despises him with a volcanic passion and never wants to see him again.
'''[[Guy Shishioh]]''': A modern-day hero and acting chief of the GGG sub-section of NERV. Shinji had faith in him and took his views seriously, but that faith is currently mired in resentment due to his failure to rescue Asuka (and self-loathing in the understanding that Guy failed because ''Shinji'' failed).
'''[[Liam 7-020]]''': A mulched Gundam pilot who had come to NERV after escaping the labs of BioNet. Possibly the only person Shinji knows who's as emotionally fragile as he is. He considers him a good friend, but Liam can't help him any more than Shinji can help Liam.
'''[[Akane Shinjo]]''': An upperclassmate and the former "God" of Tsutsujidai. Shinji had been surprised to realize that he knew her in the before days. Their relationship is still tenuous--even moreso right now--but he considers her a victim of Alexis Kerib's machinations and thus deserving of compassion.
'''[[Alouette Pommier]]''': A member of GGG Blue, sweet and friendly. Shinji isn't very close to her, but she has done her best to be mindful and supportive of his feelings, and that has stuck with him.
'''[[Zan]]''': A train-based Super A.I. robot. You'd think this would be Shinji's worst nightmare, but he actually rather likes him.
'''[[Gridman]]''': The Hyper Agent who for a time believed he was a Repli-Compoid named Yuta Hibiki. Shinji was very confused about this for a time, but eventually accepted Gridman as the friend he'd had all along that he met early on. He was sad to see him leave for the Hyper World, though he understands he had an important mission to complete. He is definitely not jealous in any way, shape, or form of Gridman's romance with Kaworu and Rei. Definitely. Not.
'''[[Yuta Hibiki]]''': The actual Repli-Compoid named Yuta Hibiki. Shinji feels sorry for him for having lost almost two years of his life due to being possessed by Gridman, but he ''does not'' like that Yuta has Gridman's memories, however disjointed, and that these memories have caused him to have feelings, however unwanted, for Kaworu.
'''[[Neon Genesis Junior High Students]]''': Gridman's four offshoots: Calibur, Max, Vit, and Borr. Shinji is more tangentially aware of them than close to any of them, but he does know that they're pieces of Gridman's soul and they've all been kind to him in their own ways. He doesn't dislike them; all the same, ''because'' he knows they're pieces of Gridman's soul, he doesn't know what to think of them.
'''[[Rikka Takarada]]''': A good person and a good friend, though Shinji isn't as close to her as he is to Gridman. Even so, he considers her reliable and trustworthy, and is happy for her and Akane being together. It's nice to see good people get the ending they deserve.
'''Sho Utsumi''': The third in the so-called Gridman Alliance. Shinji is mostly just passingly familiar with him compared to Gridman and Rikka, but they've met and he seemed like a decent guy.
'''[[Anti|Knight]]''': Shinji fought him in Unit-01 a few times when he was still "Anti." They weren't pleasant experiences. Now that he's aged up and become their ally "Gridknight," he doesn't hate him, but he doesn't really like him either, especially since Knight <del>was too real with him about needing to fight and Shinji couldn't handle it</del> was mean to him about Asuka.
'''[[Nidaime]]''': The Second. The Second what? Just The Second. She's always seemed to really like Shinji, something that has consistently baffled him. Still, she seemed like a good kid and she also loves music, so he tried to accept her as a friend. He does not know how to handle her suddenly being aged up and hasn't really had a chance to talk to her about it, so he's avoided thinking about it.
'''[[Eight Orlodhari]]''': The captain of the Ra Mari II and mother of twins. Shinji went from passingly familiar to better acquainted while she was pregnant, which accented his view of her as a mother figure. They bonded over tumultuous relationships with family and wanting to get closer, and Eight took him in after Shinji's hopes came tumbling down. His heart is currently closed off, but they might get closer in the future.
'''[[Lucine Azul]]''': A kind person and consistent ally on Angel battles for some reason. Shinji finds this aspect of her baffling. Still, she's friendly and she's really good to Liam, whom she's dating, so he likes her well enough as a friend.
'''[[Ruri Hoshino]]''': A stoic young lady who reminds Shinji of Rei (positive). He didn't really know how to approach her until after he helped save her from a kaiju that preyed on her heart, after which he felt like they got a chance to bond. He met Omoikane at the same time too.
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[[Category:Residents of the Ra Mari II]]
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[[Category:Rebuild of Evangelion]]
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[[Category:Feature Characters]]

Latest revision as of 03:04, 15 May 2024

Shinji Ikari
Shinji school.png
IC Information
Full Name: Shinji Ikari
Gender: Male (He/Him)
Species: Natural
Age (Birthdate): 18 (June 6, 0081)
Hair Colour: Brown
Eye Colour: Blue
Job: Third Child Assistant Cook
Homeland: Tokyo-3, Free Japan
Awakening: 1
Primary Unit: None (formerly Evangelion Unit-01)
BGM: Cruel Dilemme, by Shiro Sagisu
OOC Information
Origin: Rebuild of Evangelion
Factions: Terminal
Player: Ayu

Life has not been kind to Shinji Ikari. He lost his mother as a young child; his father abandoned him as a somewhat older child; two years ago, he was coerced into piloting Evangelion Unit-01 so a severely injured girl wouldn't have to; and now, his Eva was made to crush another pilot's entry plug to kill the Angel that had possessed it at the orders of NERV Commander Gendo Ikari--Shinji's father. As a withdrawn, quiet young man who nonetheless never wanted to hurt anyone and only wanted to protect the people he cares about, who'd gradually begun to open up to his friends during his time in NERV and reach out for his own form of happiness, this betrayal has driven Shinji out seemingly for good. Now, embittered and grieving, he's taken on a job on the Ra Mari II as an assistant cook. Maybe one day, he'll figure out what he's good for if he isn't piloting an Eva. Until then, he's had more than enough.


Shinji has had three separate players to date. In the logs listed below, from 1/15/2022 through 7/4/2022, he was played by Beard (who also played the first Dr. Hell); from 7/21/22 through 2/25/23, he was played by Ru (who also played Brera Sterne); and from 7/1/23 onwards, he is being played by Ayu as a dual role with Kaworu Nagisa.


- Born June 6, UC 0081, to mother Yui Ikari and father Gendo Ikari (né Ayanami).

- Shinji's mother passed away when he was three.

- Shinji's father passed custody of him to Shinji's teacher when Shinji was eleven. Father and child did not see each other or communicate for three years.

- On October 4, UC 0095, Commander Gendo Ikari called Shinji to NERV Japan in Tokyo-3 in order to pilot Evangelion Unit-01 and defeat the Angels.

- On the same date, Shinji reluctantly piloted Unit-01 and defeated the Fourth Angel.

- Shinji has been piloting Unit-01 and defeating Angels with a greater or lesser number of fellow Eva pilots, NERV pilots, and NERV allies since then...

- ...until September 29, UC 0097, when Shinji was dishonorably discharged from NERV for threatening it with Unit-01 as a result of the battle with the Twelfth Angel, designated Bardiel.

- On September 30, UC 0097, Shinji dropped out of school and left Tokyo-3 with the intent to never return or pilot again.

- On October 10, UC 0097, Shinji joined the crew of the Ra Mari II, and by proxy the Three Ships Alliance, as an assistant cook.

- The Three Ships Alliance over time shifted to Terminal. Inertia has carried Shinji into Terminal too, though he's still just an assistant cook on the Ra Mari II.

- There, Shinji currently remains.


Shinji used to be an Evangelion pilot and employee of NERV with all the "benefits" that implies! Now he has a few sets of clothes, including extra socks and underwear, a baseball cap, and a very nice moon-themed hoodie; a set of fine kitchen knives; a couple of mostly-filled notebooks; a well-read copy of Oscar Wilde's The Happy Prince and Other Tales; a Sanshoo-san phone that he can't figure out how to work and mostly just uses for music and stress relief since it has no contacts on it anyway; a variety of other personal and/or minor items; and a backpack stacked with cash. Thanks, Calibur.


Evangelion Pilots

Rei Ayanami: The First Child. The reason Shinji got in the robot. Shinji grew closer to her over time and came to see her as something close to family--maybe a sister--and loves her accordingly. He's never explicitly said as much, though. They shared an exchange diary of basic daily information and some recipes for a while, and he now owns her old copy of The Happy Prince and Other Tales. One day, he'll read it. Shinji currently believes she's dead.

Asuka Shikinami Langley: The Second Child. A contentious relationship. Shinji has sometimes feared her and sometimes been exasperated by her, but he's always respected her. For a time, they were dating, culminating in Shinji declaring his love for her during the battle against Bardiel. It's unclear if Shinji really does love her romantically, but at the least he cares about her as a friend. Either way, he refused to kill her while she was trapped in the Angel-possessed Evangelion Unit-03; nothing good happened as a result. Shinji currently believes she's dead.

Kaworu Nagisa: The Fifth Child. Shinji's best friend, or maybe something more than that; Shinji's not sure. He trusts him more than anyone else, and over time has realized that despite how perfect and put-together Kaworu seems, the two of them are more alike than unalike. He knows there's a lot Kaworu can't talk about and for a time was content to leave it alone, but he has never stopped being terribly curious and wanting to learn more about him. He does know that Kaworu was left heartbroken by someone he called "the Earth" and cannot forgive "her" for it. Shinji has a lot of mixed feelings about him for a variety of reasons but ultimately cares about him deeply. Kaworu was his co-pilot in Unit-01 for a short while after NERV developed a two-seater entry plug, and this was the time that Shinji liked piloting the best. That all ended when Kaworu talked back to Gendo about Unit-03's would-be test pilot and was put in detention and then reassigned to Jupiter as a result. Shinji misses him terribly but also has a lot of questions for him.

Mari Makinami Illustrious: The Undesignated Child. A baffling mystery. Of all the Children stationed in Japan (Jupiter mission notwithstanding), Shinji knows the least about her. While she seems to delight in getting under his skin, Shinji understands she means no harm. If he had to put a word to how he feels about her, he likes her platonically. While he was leaving Tokyo-3, he exchanged a promise with her.


Tohji Suzuhara: Formerly Shinji's bully, who punched him twice for getting his sister hospitalized while fighting the Fourth Angel. After seeing Shinji's suffering in Unit-01, Tohji's feelings changed. Now he's one of Shinji's best friends along with Kensuke Aida and Kaworu Nagisa. Shinji left him behind when he dropped out and left Tokyo-3. He feels bad about this, but not bad enough to go back.

Kensuke Aida: A military otaku and classmate of Tohji's and Shinji's who, as a result of his obsession with seeing and recording an Evangelion, also got involved in seeing Shinji's suffering in Unit-01. Now he's also one of Shinji's best friends along with Tohji Suzuhara and Kaworu Nagisa. Shinji left him behind when he dropped out and left Tokyo-3. He feels bad about this, but not bad enough to go back.

Orpheus Zeveles: Originally a friend of Kaworu's, Shinji got to know him over a series of visits, trips, and boys' sleepovers. They aren't that close, but they're near the same age and he seems wise and grown-up, so Shinji respects him. He was sad to hear from Kaworu he had to withdraw from school for health reasons.

Ranka Lee: A fresh-faced idol whom Shinji's had the good fortune to actually meet before she debuted. One of Kaworu's friends originally, naturally. She was very kind in person and her voice is sweet and relaxing, so he's become a fan of hers and has attended a couple of her concerts.


Misato Katsuragi: Shinji's former guardian and a colonel in NERV. The first parental figure, as far as he can remember, who actually cared about him. Though her slovenly, drunken personal habits drove him nuts, Shinji got to know her well enough to understand her dedication. His trust in her was broken after the Bardiel incident. This is unfair to Misato, but Shinji isn't emotionally ready to acknowledge that yet.

Gendo Ikari: Shinji's father and the commander of NERV. His relationship with him has been extremely tumultuous ever since the loss of his mother/Gendo's wife. For a short time, Shinji thought he might be able to mend bridges and form a real bond; he lost all hope of this after the Bardiel incident. Now he despises him with a volcanic passion and never wants to see him again.

Guy Shishioh: A modern-day hero and acting chief of the GGG sub-section of NERV. Shinji had faith in him and took his views seriously, but that faith is currently mired in resentment due to his failure to rescue Asuka (and self-loathing in the understanding that Guy failed because Shinji failed).

Liam 7-020: A mulched Gundam pilot who had come to NERV after escaping the labs of BioNet. Possibly the only person Shinji knows who's as emotionally fragile as he is. He considers him a good friend, but Liam can't help him any more than Shinji can help Liam.

Akane Shinjo: An upperclassmate and the former "God" of Tsutsujidai. Shinji had been surprised to realize that he knew her in the before days. Their relationship is still tenuous--even moreso right now--but he considers her a victim of Alexis Kerib's machinations and thus deserving of compassion.

Alouette Pommier: A member of GGG Blue, sweet and friendly. Shinji isn't very close to her, but she has done her best to be mindful and supportive of his feelings, and that has stuck with him.

Zan: A train-based Super A.I. robot. You'd think this would be Shinji's worst nightmare, but he actually rather likes him.


Gridman: The Hyper Agent who for a time believed he was a Repli-Compoid named Yuta Hibiki. Shinji was very confused about this for a time, but eventually accepted Gridman as the friend he'd had all along that he met early on. He was sad to see him leave for the Hyper World, though he understands he had an important mission to complete. He is definitely not jealous in any way, shape, or form of Gridman's romance with Kaworu and Rei. Definitely. Not.

Yuta Hibiki: The actual Repli-Compoid named Yuta Hibiki. Shinji feels sorry for him for having lost almost two years of his life due to being possessed by Gridman, but he does not like that Yuta has Gridman's memories, however disjointed, and that these memories have caused him to have feelings, however unwanted, for Kaworu.

Neon Genesis Junior High Students: Gridman's four offshoots: Calibur, Max, Vit, and Borr. Shinji is more tangentially aware of them than close to any of them, but he does know that they're pieces of Gridman's soul and they've all been kind to him in their own ways. He doesn't dislike them; all the same, because he knows they're pieces of Gridman's soul, he doesn't know what to think of them.

Rikka Takarada: A good person and a good friend, though Shinji isn't as close to her as he is to Gridman. Even so, he considers her reliable and trustworthy, and is happy for her and Akane being together. It's nice to see good people get the ending they deserve.

Sho Utsumi: The third in the so-called Gridman Alliance. Shinji is mostly just passingly familiar with him compared to Gridman and Rikka, but they've met and he seemed like a decent guy.

Knight: Shinji fought him in Unit-01 a few times when he was still "Anti." They weren't pleasant experiences. Now that he's aged up and become their ally "Gridknight," he doesn't hate him, but he doesn't really like him either, especially since Knight was too real with him about needing to fight and Shinji couldn't handle it was mean to him about Asuka.

Nidaime: The Second. The Second what? Just The Second. She's always seemed to really like Shinji, something that has consistently baffled him. Still, she seemed like a good kid and she also loves music, so he tried to accept her as a friend. He does not know how to handle her suddenly being aged up and hasn't really had a chance to talk to her about it, so he's avoided thinking about it.


Eight Orlodhari: The captain of the Ra Mari II and mother of twins. Shinji went from passingly familiar to better acquainted while she was pregnant, which accented his view of her as a mother figure. They bonded over tumultuous relationships with family and wanting to get closer, and Eight took him in after Shinji's hopes came tumbling down. His heart is currently closed off, but they might get closer in the future.

Lucine Azul: A kind person and consistent ally on Angel battles for some reason. Shinji finds this aspect of her baffling. Still, she's friendly and she's really good to Liam, whom she's dating, so he likes her well enough as a friend.

Ruri Hoshino: A stoic young lady who reminds Shinji of Rei (positive). He didn't really know how to approach her until after he helped save her from a kaiju that preyed on her heart, after which he felt like they got a chance to bond. He met Omoikane at the same time too.

