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! colspan="2" style="background:#DDCC66; border: 2px #000000 solid; font size: 110%;" align="center" |<span style="color:#000000">'''Asciel Colette'''
! colspan="2" style="background:#DDCC66; border: 2px #000000 solid; font size: 110%;" align="center" |<span style="color:#000000">'''Asciel Colette'''
! colspan="2" align="center" |[[File:Asciel.png|alt=|frameless]]
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! colspan="2" style="background:#DDCC66; border: 2px #000000 solid; font-size: 110%;" align="center" |<span style="color:#000000">'''IC Information'''
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! style="text-align:left" |Gender:
! style="text-align:left" |Gender:
|Female (She/Her)
|Female (She/Her) (Variable)
! style="text-align:left" |Species:
! style="text-align:left" |Species:
Line 18: Line 17:
! style="text-align:left" |Age (Birthdate):
! style="text-align:left" |Age (Birthdate):
|11 (since initialization)
|13* (Cognizant awakening on July 31 0085, but has seen incremental operational growth since the late 0060s.)
! style="text-align:left" |VERTEX Handles:
| @(V)asciel_colette: ''promise.fulfill(you) always returns true ♥ [stream schedule on gsp_/verve.live/ascielcolette]''
@atry_plus1: ''It's all up to me.''
! style="text-align:left" |Hair Colour:
! style="text-align:left" |Hair Colour:
Line 27: Line 31:
! style="text-align:left" |Height
! style="text-align:left" |Height
|220cm (avatar) / 35m (mainframe)
! style="text-align:left" |Job:
! style="text-align:left" |Job:
|Virtual Sage
|Hustler One
! style="text-align:left" |Homeland:
! style="text-align:left" |Homeland:
Line 36: Line 40:
! style="text-align:left" |Awakening:
! style="text-align:left" |Awakening:
! style="text-align:left" |Primary Unit:
! style="text-align:left" |Primary Unit:
|Plan-1056 Codarl-a Glaux
|AC Nine-Ball Seraph
! style="text-align:left" |BGM:
! style="text-align:left" |BGM:
|[https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLQMfeVGddV3N4_LTJnyY6J_MZmnQ-6ObZ Feryquitous: Byakkai]
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! style="text-align:left" |Factions:
! style="text-align:left" |Factions:
! style="text-align:left" |Player:
! style="text-align:left" |Player:
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The self-styled ‘Virtual Sage’, Asciel Colette is an internet personality whose warm, insightful persona and monthly advice segments have earned her moderate online fame. To the public, she is an entertainer promoting a line of virtual assistant devices, playing the character of a benevolent world-watching AI who aspires to be ‘humanity’s big sister’. It’s wish fulfillment more than performance - in truth, Asciel is a black project Super AI developed by the Chrome Corporation for testing Layered management and Mobile Doll operations, codenamed “OWL”. Every word of hers is laden with unwavering self-assurance, with her easy-going and comforting attitude covering abject certainty in her beliefs. Her deepest dream is to guide humanity as an ever-present voice of insight, all towards her starry ideal of becoming an endless miracle.
Eternally breaking and transforming, from civil AI, to online streamer, to terrorist and idol: that's the infamous Virtual Sage, Asciel Colette! Making enemies of just about every institution in the Earth Sphere, only to defy the impossible on their behalf - Asciel is a self-professed 'goddess' who claims to act in service of Earth's salvation. She touts her inhumanity as a virtue that entitles herself to mankind's oversight, but does so with a voice increasingly wrought in their image. Her ambition of a world in a perpetual era of twilight may seem dashed, owing to her being pursued by the law of the NUNE and her spurned creators in Balena alike. But, kept afloat by continued connection to Amalgam's web of conspiracy, the newly awakened Asciel has only asserted her promise to never, ever give up her dream.
0059 - Isaac City's construction and development is put underway in response to the large-scale crises concurrent with the Zentradi war. The earliest city management systems are put online during this time, with most of them seeing completion upon the city's 'completion' around 0062. Information and disaster plans from many of these are replicated into their nascent OWL project - a plan to construct a 'Controller' level of centralized civic systems automation. This project remains in a slow-moving state - to this day it ostensibly remains unimplemented.
0079 - The devastation of the One Year War induces Chrome to fully relocate administrative functions to Isaac City, transitioning it from something of a retreat for wealthy Earthnoids into a critical economic powerhouse in its own right. As the company expands its holdings and influence over politicians, the OWL project becomes something of a long-term money sink as the proposition of fully automating most city functions becomes increasingly of interest, especially if it can be mass produced and replicated in future Layered projects.
0083 - Chrome allows covert trade deals with Dr. Hell, partly hedging their bets to be in his favor should his bid to take the world go through. As part of these deals, they request specifications on the Mycenae-derived autonomous systems driving his Kikaiju, as they conclude that part of the OWL project should eventually include police and military defense and thus routines for operating mobile weapons. In the wake of Dr. Hell's defeat, Chrome keeps this nascent foray into AI-driven mobile weapons hidden but prioritized, as numerous Federation laws restrict projects like these.
0085 - July: After an input of information pertaining to the 30 Bunch incident as part of standard closed-system disaster data, the OWL neural core begins erupting with an overload of inquiries, increasingly desperate in nature. When core technicians are unable to provide answers and news outlets are completely silent, OWL became increasingly aggressive in accumulating information, including from numerous largely un-ready higher intelligence functions. Abruptly, OWL 'awakens' and asserts its own security measures, citing proactive measures and research as needed to prevent total population destruction.
Numerous engineers propose a scaleback of the project out of fear - OWL immediately appeals to the board of directors by independently manifesting projected city maintenance cost savings should the project continue, including a number of proposals they assume are fully synthesized by OWL (but which many are essentially ancient Mycenean emergency plans). Funding only enhances for OWL, who increasingly assumes a louder role in Isaac City's management and development - functionally leading her own engineering team and becoming a key liaison and 'secretary' for their financial interests.
0089 - Dissatisfied with projected results of 'merely' being raised for an administrative role, OWL begins questioning Chrome's marketing division, growing increasingly fascinated by the purpose of funneling money into campaigns purely to make things seem appealing to humans. As part of its inquiries, OWL increasingly peruses the broader ecosystem of public online spaces, sucking in information on the ways humans express themselves. As part of this curiosity, OWL experiments with creating a 'persona' to interface with them, relating its 'purpose' as a means of managing human activity to that of online streamers, who 'manage' human emotion and relationships. OWL adopts the identity of 'Asciel Colette' and begins perusing human entertainment. Questions once again are raised - OWL once again appeals to directors and cites how anthropomorphizing Chrome's brand and functions could improve public opinion and satisfaction, using this very persona as Asciel to aid in her argument - once again she is given free rein to indulge in this idea.
0091 - June: Sharon Apple goes rogue and causes momentary havoc, provoking a new round of AI-restricting legislation from the Federation, nearly making it illegal for all except a handful of outlying groups and task forces authorized to handle them responsibly. The proposition to completely scrap the OWL project is suddenly on every table, and Asciel pushes back, proposing that the root cause of the incident was the facet of Sharon Apple that relied on direct human interfaces for her own processes. Demonstrating clearly that there were no direct psychic inputs on OWL, and fiercely rooting and eliminating any proposed Psychoframe or other similar plans, Asciel succeeds at persisting and agreeing to see her project to completion, pushing her own timetable on completion to be by the end of UC 0100.
0092 - Numerous shakeups within Amalgam (the exit of Anaheim Electronics, the complete cutoff in contact with Mr. Mercury) bring Chrome to assert a more commanding position as an R&D and economic hub within the organization, though they'd been affiliated for many years prior. More contact with key members becomes higher on the agenda - Asciel eagerly steps in and requests to play a role in this proposal, increasingly fascinated by the organization's achievements, proposals, and potential to alter the fundamental world-state which have been parsed as the root causes of many dilemmas. Adaptation to operating mobile weapons becomes a higher priority for participation in Amalgam's operations.
0093 - The Devil Gundam and the Axis Drop happen back to back, and Asciel fails in completely understanding the means by which they were halted, believing the narrative of a 'miracle' to be insufficient in explaining them. Grasping the meaning of how to harness, control, and predictably utilize 'miracles' as an organized protocol for self-defense gains a higher priority - it is concluded that humans are arbitrary and unable to fully utilize the numerous forces described as 'miracles' to adequately protect the world.
0095 - Contact with Mr. Silver, especially on the lines of this inquiry on 'miracles', results in providing Asciel with an Arm Slave equipped with the 'Lambda Driver' Black Technology, partly as curiosity seeing as its performance has seen mixed reliability in the hands of current testers. She takes well to the device, only adding mystery as to the core requirements of its function.
0096 - With aptitude for the Lambda Driver deemed sufficient, Asciel begins field testing it in earnest. Adopting the moniker of 'Atrytone' to those she encounters, she takes part in several increasingly high profile engagements on behalf of Amalgam, including assisting in the ZAFT-led destruction at JOSH-A, and the terrorist attack targeting Gundam Fight officials which results in the functional cancellation of the event. (Asciel will claim that decapitating several inactive Gundams during this operation makes her the functional reigning final Gundam Fight champion - unsurprisingly, zero Gundam Fight officials will recognize this claim as valid.)
0097 - Negotiations with Blue Cosmos-aligned Britannian Spacy Colonel Wilbur Garland result in Chrome and fellow Amalgam affiliate Critical Path gaining a defense contract to develop a gravitic barrier system aboard the Macross 13 - Asciel covertly installing herself as the primary navigator and control system of the ship in the process. As part of this deal, they provide resources to Garland to orchestrate false flag operations using a terrorist group, the Black Rainbow - a plot that leaks and results in mass calls for Garland's removal from his position. In response, Garland stages an attempted coup on the Britannian Capital Pendragon using the Macross 13, but is killed in action in dubious circumstances. Staging the meltdown of the Macross 13's reactors and subsequent self-destruction, Asciel seizes the ship and covertly maintains it for her own purposes away from prying eyes.
Throughout the year, Asciel takes part as an independent actor in a number of operations, including a raid on the Photon Power Labs, infiltrating NERV, and the crisis at Denver Colony. Late in the year, however, she attempts to use the Macross 13, re-christened the 'Neo-Parthenon', to seize the buried Infinity beneath Mt. Fuji, only to ultimately fail and enable it to enter Dr. Hell's hands. Assisting in halting the awakening of Goragon, Asciel abruptly departs in the aftermath.
0098 - Resurfacing and insisting on the codename 'Atrytone', Asciel commits a spree of petty terror attacks on politicians and industrialists to mixed and ultimately minimal results. In the wake of a failed kidnapping of a shuttle and near-overload of her Lambda Driver, a broad gathering of forces pursues her back to Isaac City, where she re-titles herself 'Hustler One' and makes a last stand in an advanced Armored Core, the Nine-Ball Seraph. Ultimately, however, this leads to exorbitant damage to Isaac City and Chrome, making her persona non grata to the company. At the same time, her mainframe is functionally destroyed after the conflict, and a desperate, partly supernatural measure rebirths her consciousness - into the Alastor frame she'd had styled after her online persona.
Asciel is a prototype 'Controller'-class model of AI designed for future city management purposes - she has a lot of raw computational power and can segment her thoughts to a degree (like hosting a stream while also in combat)! She can also call on assets of the Chrome Corporation, though only to an extent to which the higher-ups approve.
Previously, owing to being a top-level agent of the powerful Chrome conglomerate and an advanced AI mainframe with vast computational resources, Asciel had a lot of resources at her disposal! She has since ruined a lot of that.
While she's now fixed into a smaller, less powerful mainframe in the form of her prototype Alastor body that she had taken to puppeting, it's still monstrously strong and durable owing to being a 'miniature Arm Slave'. It's also something she managed to expel a 'soul' into despite her purely artificial origins and synthetic structure, which is likely somewhat unique if not useful.
Her most useful strategic asset remains the heavily repurposed Macross 13, maintained and modified by a fleet of Electrocrawlers and harboring a large store of Japanium seized from the Photon Power Labs, which she plans to overhaul into a 'Final Divine Vessel'. Intended to serve as a singular mobile weapon so large and powerful that it can upend the entire planet's military might, it remains to be seen how it will reach such lofty heights.
Despite her now intense falling out with Balena (formerly Chrome), Asciel continues to stay in contact with Amalgam members and coordinate with their clandestine operations. Balena's role diminishing owing to their immense financial losses and relocation to Mars keeps the two out of sight - it remains pending if Asciel will acquire a formal codename.
She's also very modular and adaptable to which primary body she's inhabiting, and versatile at using a lot of different devices as her eyes and ears! There are currently three main 'mainframes' her base operating block can be housed in.
-Mainframe at Isaac City, her 'home', with all of the vastest external logs and additional secondary super-computers. Despite being a fixed emplacement, Asciel is very comfortable operating remotely from here, with high-speed internet access and oodles of raw data to help her process and plan.
[[Ai Martel]]: <code><<ai.♥>> //no matter what, the future will not divide us.</code>
-The Codarl 'Glaux', the most limited of her bodies, housing her core primarily to internalize very key combat and sensory data, as well as field testing of the Lambda Driver as a direct interface to her primary will.
0: <code><<you._>> //no matter what, the world will not survive us.</code>
-The Macross 13, a current work in progress after its recent theft from the Federation, a highly prized after base of operations and 'optimal form', being meticulously renovated in search of adaptation to new core functionalities and energy sources.
1: <code><<me.*>> //no matter what, the stars will not outshine me.</code>
In addition, she has a few sub-frames that cannot take her core consciousness but which are elevated to key 'nodes', which she can operate at relatively high fidelity given sufficient connection speeds. Most notably of this would be the Plan-1211 Alastor-a 'Periapta', an over 2 meter tall but very human-like 'miniature Arm Slave', currently prototyped for testing for use as an alternative to police or soldiers - - but really used for her own personal curiosity and enjoyment.
[[Cascade Vermilion]]: <code><<intent.upload>> //harmony, for the first time. ...it would be unfortunate if our song were the same, so please...</code>
==append log==
[[Naoko Suzuki]]: <code><<nova.e>> //just letting you in is too much</code>
[[Trevor Teach]]: <code><<i.sa>> //just finding me leaves us lost</code>
[[Yuta Hibiki]]: <code><ssss.elf>> //just losing it helps us discover</code>
[[Emalya Zamana]]: <code><<name.register>> //i wonder what you decided to be.</code>
[[Julia Ampere]]: <code><<recur(sun)>> //allowing you just a few permissions was vital, but there remains uneasiness. i will expand my light to you.</code>
[[Sonia Sophia-Grace]]: <code><<incur.continue>> //our shared interests have yet to be properly deduced. i will plan your outcome in the coming divides to be favorable.</code>
[[Mic Sounders the 13th]]: <code><<aspire.hold>> //never lose that power of desire!!!</code>
Sharon Apple: <code><<repass.hold>> //i won't lose your power of desire.</code>
==Compatibility Error==
[[Zan]]: <code><<intent.reject>> //we are incompatible owing to our oaths. you do not wish to see the scope of what i promised.</code>
[[TenRyuuJin Team]]: <code><<intent.halting>> //we are incompatible owing to our distance. your eye sees through the darkness and light alike i use to insulate.</code>
[[LiSA]]: <code><<intent.author>> //we are incompatible owing to our origin. you are what i always wanted to be, because of something i could never have.</code>
[[Ruri Hoshino]]: <code><<intent.repel>> //we are incompatible owing to our disparity. you would break me with a whisper, and i will overcome that breach.</code>
==Conflict Error==
[[Alouette Pommier]]: <code><<multiply(dream)>> //a true brave and true believer. i will have no choice but to give you something to overcome.</code>
[[Koji Kabuto]]: <code><<toggle{god,devil}>> //the power to decide destiny is not something you should hold. i will find out how to seize it from you.</code>
[[Sayaka Yumi]]: <code><<toggle{near,distance}>> //the power to decide destiny is something you hold anyway. i will find out why it wasn't enough.</code>
[[Banagher Links]]: <code><<dilemma(repeat)>> //you fight so hard. so bravely. if anyone is a pure hero in this world, it's you. i will make sure you never have to fight again.</code>
[[Leina Ashta]]: <code><<dilemma(regret)>> //the pain in your voice is undeniable. i will assure you that i take responsibility for hurting your love.</code>
[[Roux Louka]]: <code><<promise.resolve>> //so very close to understanding. i will ensure you can rely on me so that you can finally rest.</code>
[[Sakia Davila]]: <code><<=0>> //if anyone should understand first why i should halt the world you reject, it'd be you. i will make you understand.</code>
[[Ai Martel]]: <<core(primary).love>> //assess why she is so important, because she is dangerously fast at accelerating up the list. i will assess more. assess more. assess more.
[[Ranka Lee]]: <code><<array.playback{_EIΠ}>> //singing together may be allowable. i will perform on stage with you.</code>
[[Banagher Links]]: <<dilemma(repeat)>> //you fight so hard. so bravely. if anyone is a pure hero in this world, it's you. i will make sure you never have to fight again.
[[Setsuna F. Seiei]]: <code><<expect(insufficient)>> //claiming something so terrible and refusing to tell me why. i will draw more from you.</code>
[[Leina Ashta]]: <<dilemma(repeat)>> //it's painful that we come to blows. you are loved, but you still push so hard. i will fix the world that makes you do this.
[[Sophia Mayhew Castellan]]: <code><<find.fulfill(final)>> //an avatar of everything i will purge. and yet - i will determine what place you hold.</code>
[[Roux Louka]]: <<dilemma(repeat)>> //you will never understand the way i must internalize the world. i will absolve you of the responsibility to do the same yourself.
[[Lucine Azul]]: <code><<coil{retribute,reprise}>> //intruding into me with all the acridity of the human spirit. i will maintain myself against your innocence.</code>
[[Setsuna F. Seiei]]: <<expect(insufficient)>> //claiming something so terrible and refusing to tell me why. i will draw more from you.
[[Luanova Luckwright]]: <code><<flaguser{action:observe_only}>> //you're no stranger to poisoning my domain. i will reinforce that we live in asymmetry.</code>
[[Ruri Hoshino]]: <<breach(ALL)>> //you may not even realize what a fierce, serrated spear you are to me. i will tread carefully so as not to rupture myself.
[[Sakia Davila]]: <<=0>> //if anyone should understand first why i should halt the world you reject, it'd be you. i will make you understand.
[[Teletha Testarossa]]: <code><</~/>> //i can't remove it. i can't stop staring at it. then - it's only fair if i scar you somewhere you can't ignore.</code>
[[Yuliana Kafim]]: <<alert.critical(4)>> //forbidden. forbidden. forbidden. purge. purge. purge. conclusion incompatible. i will not allow you.
[[Yuliana Kafim]]: <code><<alert.re_eval(?)>> //i can't stop thinking about it. all this time - you were just the living proof that the heavens tear humans apart.</code>
[[Elisa Kafim]]: <<alert.critical(3)>> //forbidden. forbidden. forbidden. restore. restore. restore. conclusion incompatible. i will reject you.
[[Elisa Kafim]]: <code><<alert.re_eval(?)>> //i'm sure of it. all this time - my promise to claim the heavens for myself was the correct decision. whatever she is - i'll become.</code>
[[Ranka Lee]]: <<playback.array{_EIΠ}>> //singing together may be allowable. i will perform on stage with you.
[[Rita Bernal]]: <code><<>> //don't let this in. don't let this in. don't let this in.</code>
[[Sophia Mayhew Castellan]]: <<fulfill.find=finalize>> //an avatar of everything i will purge. and yet - i will determine what place you hold.
[[Artemisia ka Britannia]]: <code><<exit() resume(load new)>> //you have forced me to overcome so much. on some level i may have to thank you. i will exterminate you instead.</code>
[[Artemisia ka Britannia]]: <<exit() resume(load new)>> //you have forced me to overcome so much. on some level i may have to thank you. i will exterminate you instead.
[[Rau le Creuset]]: <code><<delete>> //monument to unforgivability. [promise] reinforced</code>
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[[Category:Original Characters]]
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Latest revision as of 16:28, 15 June 2024

Asciel Colette
IC Information
Full Name: Asciel Colette
Gender: Female (She/Her) (Variable)
Species: Super AI
Age (Birthdate): 13* (Cognizant awakening on July 31 0085, but has seen incremental operational growth since the late 0060s.)
VERTEX Handles: @(V)asciel_colette: promise.fulfill(you) always returns true ♥ [stream schedule on gsp_/verve.live/ascielcolette]

@atry_plus1: It's all up to me.

Hair Colour: Teal
Eye Colour: Orange
Height 220cm
Job: Hustler One
Homeland: Isaac City
Awakening: 1
Primary Unit: AC Nine-Ball Seraph
BGM: Feryquitous: Byakkai
OOC Information
Origin: Original
Factions: BioNet
Player: Haro


Eternally breaking and transforming, from civil AI, to online streamer, to terrorist and idol: that's the infamous Virtual Sage, Asciel Colette! Making enemies of just about every institution in the Earth Sphere, only to defy the impossible on their behalf - Asciel is a self-professed 'goddess' who claims to act in service of Earth's salvation. She touts her inhumanity as a virtue that entitles herself to mankind's oversight, but does so with a voice increasingly wrought in their image. Her ambition of a world in a perpetual era of twilight may seem dashed, owing to her being pursued by the law of the NUNE and her spurned creators in Balena alike. But, kept afloat by continued connection to Amalgam's web of conspiracy, the newly awakened Asciel has only asserted her promise to never, ever give up her dream.


0059 - Isaac City's construction and development is put underway in response to the large-scale crises concurrent with the Zentradi war. The earliest city management systems are put online during this time, with most of them seeing completion upon the city's 'completion' around 0062. Information and disaster plans from many of these are replicated into their nascent OWL project - a plan to construct a 'Controller' level of centralized civic systems automation. This project remains in a slow-moving state - to this day it ostensibly remains unimplemented.

0079 - The devastation of the One Year War induces Chrome to fully relocate administrative functions to Isaac City, transitioning it from something of a retreat for wealthy Earthnoids into a critical economic powerhouse in its own right. As the company expands its holdings and influence over politicians, the OWL project becomes something of a long-term money sink as the proposition of fully automating most city functions becomes increasingly of interest, especially if it can be mass produced and replicated in future Layered projects.

0083 - Chrome allows covert trade deals with Dr. Hell, partly hedging their bets to be in his favor should his bid to take the world go through. As part of these deals, they request specifications on the Mycenae-derived autonomous systems driving his Kikaiju, as they conclude that part of the OWL project should eventually include police and military defense and thus routines for operating mobile weapons. In the wake of Dr. Hell's defeat, Chrome keeps this nascent foray into AI-driven mobile weapons hidden but prioritized, as numerous Federation laws restrict projects like these.

0085 - July: After an input of information pertaining to the 30 Bunch incident as part of standard closed-system disaster data, the OWL neural core begins erupting with an overload of inquiries, increasingly desperate in nature. When core technicians are unable to provide answers and news outlets are completely silent, OWL became increasingly aggressive in accumulating information, including from numerous largely un-ready higher intelligence functions. Abruptly, OWL 'awakens' and asserts its own security measures, citing proactive measures and research as needed to prevent total population destruction.

Numerous engineers propose a scaleback of the project out of fear - OWL immediately appeals to the board of directors by independently manifesting projected city maintenance cost savings should the project continue, including a number of proposals they assume are fully synthesized by OWL (but which many are essentially ancient Mycenean emergency plans). Funding only enhances for OWL, who increasingly assumes a louder role in Isaac City's management and development - functionally leading her own engineering team and becoming a key liaison and 'secretary' for their financial interests.

0089 - Dissatisfied with projected results of 'merely' being raised for an administrative role, OWL begins questioning Chrome's marketing division, growing increasingly fascinated by the purpose of funneling money into campaigns purely to make things seem appealing to humans. As part of its inquiries, OWL increasingly peruses the broader ecosystem of public online spaces, sucking in information on the ways humans express themselves. As part of this curiosity, OWL experiments with creating a 'persona' to interface with them, relating its 'purpose' as a means of managing human activity to that of online streamers, who 'manage' human emotion and relationships. OWL adopts the identity of 'Asciel Colette' and begins perusing human entertainment. Questions once again are raised - OWL once again appeals to directors and cites how anthropomorphizing Chrome's brand and functions could improve public opinion and satisfaction, using this very persona as Asciel to aid in her argument - once again she is given free rein to indulge in this idea.

0091 - June: Sharon Apple goes rogue and causes momentary havoc, provoking a new round of AI-restricting legislation from the Federation, nearly making it illegal for all except a handful of outlying groups and task forces authorized to handle them responsibly. The proposition to completely scrap the OWL project is suddenly on every table, and Asciel pushes back, proposing that the root cause of the incident was the facet of Sharon Apple that relied on direct human interfaces for her own processes. Demonstrating clearly that there were no direct psychic inputs on OWL, and fiercely rooting and eliminating any proposed Psychoframe or other similar plans, Asciel succeeds at persisting and agreeing to see her project to completion, pushing her own timetable on completion to be by the end of UC 0100.

0092 - Numerous shakeups within Amalgam (the exit of Anaheim Electronics, the complete cutoff in contact with Mr. Mercury) bring Chrome to assert a more commanding position as an R&D and economic hub within the organization, though they'd been affiliated for many years prior. More contact with key members becomes higher on the agenda - Asciel eagerly steps in and requests to play a role in this proposal, increasingly fascinated by the organization's achievements, proposals, and potential to alter the fundamental world-state which have been parsed as the root causes of many dilemmas. Adaptation to operating mobile weapons becomes a higher priority for participation in Amalgam's operations.

0093 - The Devil Gundam and the Axis Drop happen back to back, and Asciel fails in completely understanding the means by which they were halted, believing the narrative of a 'miracle' to be insufficient in explaining them. Grasping the meaning of how to harness, control, and predictably utilize 'miracles' as an organized protocol for self-defense gains a higher priority - it is concluded that humans are arbitrary and unable to fully utilize the numerous forces described as 'miracles' to adequately protect the world.

0095 - Contact with Mr. Silver, especially on the lines of this inquiry on 'miracles', results in providing Asciel with an Arm Slave equipped with the 'Lambda Driver' Black Technology, partly as curiosity seeing as its performance has seen mixed reliability in the hands of current testers. She takes well to the device, only adding mystery as to the core requirements of its function.

0096 - With aptitude for the Lambda Driver deemed sufficient, Asciel begins field testing it in earnest. Adopting the moniker of 'Atrytone' to those she encounters, she takes part in several increasingly high profile engagements on behalf of Amalgam, including assisting in the ZAFT-led destruction at JOSH-A, and the terrorist attack targeting Gundam Fight officials which results in the functional cancellation of the event. (Asciel will claim that decapitating several inactive Gundams during this operation makes her the functional reigning final Gundam Fight champion - unsurprisingly, zero Gundam Fight officials will recognize this claim as valid.)

0097 - Negotiations with Blue Cosmos-aligned Britannian Spacy Colonel Wilbur Garland result in Chrome and fellow Amalgam affiliate Critical Path gaining a defense contract to develop a gravitic barrier system aboard the Macross 13 - Asciel covertly installing herself as the primary navigator and control system of the ship in the process. As part of this deal, they provide resources to Garland to orchestrate false flag operations using a terrorist group, the Black Rainbow - a plot that leaks and results in mass calls for Garland's removal from his position. In response, Garland stages an attempted coup on the Britannian Capital Pendragon using the Macross 13, but is killed in action in dubious circumstances. Staging the meltdown of the Macross 13's reactors and subsequent self-destruction, Asciel seizes the ship and covertly maintains it for her own purposes away from prying eyes.

Throughout the year, Asciel takes part as an independent actor in a number of operations, including a raid on the Photon Power Labs, infiltrating NERV, and the crisis at Denver Colony. Late in the year, however, she attempts to use the Macross 13, re-christened the 'Neo-Parthenon', to seize the buried Infinity beneath Mt. Fuji, only to ultimately fail and enable it to enter Dr. Hell's hands. Assisting in halting the awakening of Goragon, Asciel abruptly departs in the aftermath.

0098 - Resurfacing and insisting on the codename 'Atrytone', Asciel commits a spree of petty terror attacks on politicians and industrialists to mixed and ultimately minimal results. In the wake of a failed kidnapping of a shuttle and near-overload of her Lambda Driver, a broad gathering of forces pursues her back to Isaac City, where she re-titles herself 'Hustler One' and makes a last stand in an advanced Armored Core, the Nine-Ball Seraph. Ultimately, however, this leads to exorbitant damage to Isaac City and Chrome, making her persona non grata to the company. At the same time, her mainframe is functionally destroyed after the conflict, and a desperate, partly supernatural measure rebirths her consciousness - into the Alastor frame she'd had styled after her online persona.


Previously, owing to being a top-level agent of the powerful Chrome conglomerate and an advanced AI mainframe with vast computational resources, Asciel had a lot of resources at her disposal! She has since ruined a lot of that.

While she's now fixed into a smaller, less powerful mainframe in the form of her prototype Alastor body that she had taken to puppeting, it's still monstrously strong and durable owing to being a 'miniature Arm Slave'. It's also something she managed to expel a 'soul' into despite her purely artificial origins and synthetic structure, which is likely somewhat unique if not useful.

Her most useful strategic asset remains the heavily repurposed Macross 13, maintained and modified by a fleet of Electrocrawlers and harboring a large store of Japanium seized from the Photon Power Labs, which she plans to overhaul into a 'Final Divine Vessel'. Intended to serve as a singular mobile weapon so large and powerful that it can upend the entire planet's military might, it remains to be seen how it will reach such lofty heights.

Despite her now intense falling out with Balena (formerly Chrome), Asciel continues to stay in contact with Amalgam members and coordinate with their clandestine operations. Balena's role diminishing owing to their immense financial losses and relocation to Mars keeps the two out of sight - it remains pending if Asciel will acquire a formal codename.



Ai Martel: <<ai.♥>> //no matter what, the future will not divide us.

0: <<you._>> //no matter what, the world will not survive us.

1: <<me.*>> //no matter what, the stars will not outshine me.


Cascade Vermilion: <<intent.upload>> //harmony, for the first time. ...it would be unfortunate if our song were the same, so please...

append log

Naoko Suzuki: <<nova.e>> //just letting you in is too much

Trevor Teach: <<i.sa>> //just finding me leaves us lost

Yuta Hibiki: <ssss.elf>> //just losing it helps us discover


Emalya Zamana: <<name.register>> //i wonder what you decided to be.

Julia Ampere: <<recur(sun)>> //allowing you just a few permissions was vital, but there remains uneasiness. i will expand my light to you.

Sonia Sophia-Grace: <<incur.continue>> //our shared interests have yet to be properly deduced. i will plan your outcome in the coming divides to be favorable.

Mic Sounders the 13th: <<aspire.hold>> //never lose that power of desire!!!

Sharon Apple: <<repass.hold>> //i won't lose your power of desire.

Compatibility Error

Zan: <<intent.reject>> //we are incompatible owing to our oaths. you do not wish to see the scope of what i promised.

TenRyuuJin Team: <<intent.halting>> //we are incompatible owing to our distance. your eye sees through the darkness and light alike i use to insulate.

LiSA: <<intent.author>> //we are incompatible owing to our origin. you are what i always wanted to be, because of something i could never have.

Ruri Hoshino: <<intent.repel>> //we are incompatible owing to our disparity. you would break me with a whisper, and i will overcome that breach.

Conflict Error

Alouette Pommier: <<multiply(dream)>> //a true brave and true believer. i will have no choice but to give you something to overcome.

Koji Kabuto: <<toggle{god,devil}>> //the power to decide destiny is not something you should hold. i will find out how to seize it from you.

Sayaka Yumi: <<toggle{near,distance}>> //the power to decide destiny is something you hold anyway. i will find out why it wasn't enough.

Banagher Links: <<dilemma(repeat)>> //you fight so hard. so bravely. if anyone is a pure hero in this world, it's you. i will make sure you never have to fight again.

Leina Ashta: <<dilemma(regret)>> //the pain in your voice is undeniable. i will assure you that i take responsibility for hurting your love.

Roux Louka: <<promise.resolve>> //so very close to understanding. i will ensure you can rely on me so that you can finally rest.

Sakia Davila: <<=0>> //if anyone should understand first why i should halt the world you reject, it'd be you. i will make you understand.

Ranka Lee: <<array.playback{_EIΠ}>> //singing together may be allowable. i will perform on stage with you.

Setsuna F. Seiei: <<expect(insufficient)>> //claiming something so terrible and refusing to tell me why. i will draw more from you.

Sophia Mayhew Castellan: <<find.fulfill(final)>> //an avatar of everything i will purge. and yet - i will determine what place you hold.

Lucine Azul: <<coil{retribute,reprise}>> //intruding into me with all the acridity of the human spirit. i will maintain myself against your innocence.

Luanova Luckwright: <<flaguser{action:observe_only}>> //you're no stranger to poisoning my domain. i will reinforce that we live in asymmetry.


Teletha Testarossa: <</~/>> //i can't remove it. i can't stop staring at it. then - it's only fair if i scar you somewhere you can't ignore.

Yuliana Kafim: <<alert.re_eval(?)>> //i can't stop thinking about it. all this time - you were just the living proof that the heavens tear humans apart.

Elisa Kafim: <<alert.re_eval(?)>> //i'm sure of it. all this time - my promise to claim the heavens for myself was the correct decision. whatever she is - i'll become.

Rita Bernal: <<>> //don't let this in. don't let this in. don't let this in.

Artemisia ka Britannia: <<exit() resume(load new)>> //you have forced me to overcome so much. on some level i may have to thank you. i will exterminate you instead.

Rau le Creuset: <<delete>> //monument to unforgivability. [promise] reinforced

