Akane Shinjo

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Tsutsujidai's Lord Monster
IC Information
Full Name: Akane Shinjo
Gender: Female (She/Her)
Species: Kaiju User?
Age (Birthdate): 16 (January 2, 0080)
Hair Colour: Lavender
Job: Brat
Homeland: Nouvelle Tokyo, Free Japan
Awakening: 4
Primary Unit: Ghoulghilas
BGM: HumanLove_CH_edm_all
OOC Information
Factions: BioNet
Player: Tem Ray Circuit

Akane Shinjo has retreated into the darkness of another world, existing in the gaps between reality and unreality. In her tiny slice of a not-quite-Earth space --- Tsutsujidai Ward, a near-perfect composite of Nouvelle Tokyo locations with its own high school and its own denizens --- she plays the most beautiful and popular girl in school. It's all just an elaborate fantasy, though, one allowed her by Alexis Kerib, an alien being with power over dimensional space. Her simulation is imperfect, her little world full of flaws -- and every time she encounters one, she makes kaiju to destroy, kaiju to rebuild, imbuing them with her malice... and Alexis Kerib brings those kaiju elsewhere. That malice has begun to bleed into reality with his help -- especially as he has made himself available to the BioNet science criminal network for his own reasons. Akane herself is a profoundly lonely young lady so accustomed to her suffering she is unaware it exists.


She probably has one!


Akane has some!

Monster Creation and Henshin Greebles

Kaiju Creation Tools

  • Boxcutter - Akane's preferred tool, and her first gift from Alexis.
  • Kaiju Seeds - Miracles and wonder! Kindling for the spark of the human heart! Akane has like sixty just hanging out in her desk drawer soaking in her garbage feelings. Whatever.

Henshin Components (Unusable?)

  • Maga-Orochi's Kaiju Card - Gifted to her by Jugglus Juggler. A Lord Monster to suit Tsutsujidai's. Alexis has offered to share its power with Anti; Akane told him off for it.



  • Alexis Kerib - Like a doting uncle, Alexis Kerib indulges Akane's every whim. Isn't he nice?
  • Anti - Akane's creation. She expects much from him!
  • Rikka Takarada - The friend Akane hoped for so. They don't talk much anymore, even though they're neighbors...
  • Sho Utsumi - A classmate. Akane knows he's a fellow Tarabaman enjoyer. They have almost never spoken.
  • Yuta Hibiki - A classmate. Akane fusses over him, especially now that his memory is so weird...

Guests (Murder Time)

  • Gridman - Their mysterious guest. Once Akane beats him, she's sure things will go back to normal again.
  • Unknown ZAFT Pilot - Outsider. Bad. It kind of stings to hurt a ZAFT pilot, but...
  • Unknown Kobu Pilot - Outsider. Bad. She seemed really into the groove on fighting kaiju... if there are people from outside like that, it's much more important to lock everything down.

Intruders (Tolerated)

  • Jugglus Juggler - An Illusion Demon who presented himself to her. Like her, he has business with a giant of light. That's fine, as long as he cleans up any mud he tracks into the house. Like her, he knows Alexis. That's also fine, and she's not really interested in the history. She likes that he approaches her like a monster.
  • Kaworu Nagisa - Someone who knows Alexis. Akane thinks she'd tolerate him in her space more often. She wishes he didn't think of her as so human, though.
  • Lamia - Someone who can get into her space. Unlike Gridman, who's only ever presented as a threat, Lamia has presented himself as a protector, rather than a threat. He's said some things Akane doesn't like, but... it sounds like he's doing something about the problem. Maybe if he succeeds, Akane can go back to shutting everyone out.
  • Renais Cardiff - Seeking the end. Offered her services to Akane in keeping the outside out. Akane has accepted, cautiously, because she needs more information. Almost everything about the situation makes her angry and unhappy.

Alexis's Friends

  • A Fellow Monster-Maker? - It's amazing how quick Alexis is to get the right kind of help... kinda worried about this crowding out Anti, though.


... further results