Koji Kabuto

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Koji Kabuto has become every bit the inheritor of the legacy of his father and grandfather. Now a talented scientist, Koji spins many plates -- alien signals analysis, Photon Power, military weapons design... at almost 30 years old, Koji Kabuto is a responsible adult (unless you ask Sayaka Yumi, of course.) He actually excels as a scientist, and has given Japan energy independence with what seems like a wave of his hand. His war is over, for the most part, and he is content to play the supportive uncle to Londo Bell across from the figure Bright Noa cuts as its stern father. Isn't that a little too easy, though? As war approaches the Earth Sphere yet again, Koji needs to contend with just what his responsibilities really are.

Koji Kabuto

Koji Infinity.webp

IC Information
Full Name: Koji Kabuto
Gender: Male (He/Him)
Species: Natural
Age (Birthdate): 27 (0069)
Hair Colour: Brown
Eye Colour: Dark Grey
Height: 5'8" (172.72cm)
Job: PhD (Quantum and Particle Physics), Retired Hero
Homeland: Fujinomiya City, Japan
Awakening: 1
Primary Unit: Mazinger Z  
BGM: Mazinger Z Infinity Theme
OOC Information
Origin: Mazinger Z Infinity
Factions: Londo Bell
Player: Namillus


The history of Koji Kabuto and Mazinger Z defies conventional Earth Sphere wisdom on giant robot fighting, in that he was a perfectly normal teenage motorcycle delinquent before Baron Ashura showed up to kill his grandfather and he became the pilot of Mazinger Z without any prior training or specialised indoctrination to make him a living weapon. With the help of his now-girlfriend Sayaka Yumi and the resources of the Photon Power Research Institute, Doctor Hell's Kikaiju army was demolished by, ultimately, ordinary people.

Nowadays he works as a researcher, advancing the understanding and applications of the technology discovered by his grandfather to better the quality of life for all persons living in the Solar System, though that flame of passion he had during his battles still smoulders from the injustices perpetrated by the Federation upon its people. A sufficiently large threat could stoke that flame to its old heights once more, and call forth the Castle of Iron to stand in defence of the downtrodden again.


A high-ranking scientist in the Photon Power Research Institute, Koji has a strong understanding of the properties of Japanium and Photon Power, as well as a tinkerer's personality to help him make upgrades to machines he finds in need of it, or perhaps build new ones.

The recent revelations unearthed in the wake of the Colossal Mazin's appearance under Mount Fuji have spurred Koji to begin experimenting with the interdimensional properties of Photon Power, chiefly to develop a method of wirelessly beaming energy to anywhere in the Earth Sphere without transmission disruption from Minovsky saturation.


Name Affiliation Relationship Notes
Kenzo Kabuto Science Fortress Lab Father (deceased) "I'd only learned he was alive for a couple of weeks before he died. He was a great man; but was he a good one?"
Juzo Kabuto Photon Power Research Institute Grandfather (deceased) "The man who warned me about becoming a devil or a god. I'm still mulling over the damage he left behind."
Shiro Kabuto OCU Forces Younger Brother "Shiro's grown up to be a better man than me, I think, but he'll still be kiddo to me. That attack... I'll figure it out."
Tetsuya Tsurugi NERV Adoptive Brother "Things were rough at first, especially after dad died... But we worked through it, and we're unstoppable together. Mess with the Mazinger Brothers at your peril."
Jun Hono Tsurugi Civilian Adoptive Sister "She's smart and kind and gentle, a woman I really look up to. Tetsuya's a lucky man, to be starting a family with such a strong spirit at his side."
Gennosuke Yumi Prime Minister of Free Japan Mentor and Father Figure "I respect Old Man Yumi for helping me through the war with Doctor Hell, but... I wish he'd use his position to make more overt change."
Sayaka Yumi Photon Power Research Institute Director Significant Other "... She's the love of my life. I wish I could tell her that. I wish I could give her the family life she wants."
Boss, Nuke and Mucha Boss Ramen Former Rival and cronies "We've been through a lot together! Visiting their ramen shop always helps me get through a creative or emotional slump."
LiSA Mazinger Infinity? Administrative Interface "What kind of machine produces a person to act as its interface? Still, she's a smart kid and I can't help to want to protect her. She seems... familiar, somehow?" Sayla Mass Civilian? Old Friend "That determination is admirable, but I can tell she's burning out. I'm trying my best to help, but I think this needs Sayaka's touch."
Nidaime Tsutsujidai? New Friend "Sayla's niece, but also a kaiju from the 'Cognitive Realm' burdened with a duty that's hurting her to fulfill. Maybe there's a way to help..."
Guy Shishioh 3G Green (NERV) Close Comrade "Even the King of Braves would struggle with fighting his friends. Another one who I feel frankly inadequate trying to help... But we pay our good fortune forward wherever we can."
Kamille Bidan Londo Bell AEUG Comrade "Another friend who retired to get an Education. I'm glad he's come through okay and is putting his knowledge to use where it's needed."
Roux Louka Londo Bell AEUG Comrade "Judau's girlfriend, back from Jupiter. Also a newfound fan of the Ichinana, which is great to see."
Lin Xiahe Civilian? Old Friend "She just turned up again after nine years in the wind, and she seems... deeply sad, somehow. A younger me would have missed it, but..."
Kyosuke Nanbu Londo Bell New Comrade "This kid is... There's something vaguely Tetsuya-shaped about him. I wonder if that 'accident' is going to follow him - best keep an eye on him."
Yuliana Dispersal REA Forces Mistrust "One of those 'too happy being a soldier' types. And then she did that thing people do where they threaten without actually threatening anyone, in the vague direction of a child. Don't like that."
Doctor Hell Doctor Hell Arch-Nemesis "The man who twice now almost conquered the world, a mighty and intelligent enemy. Thankfully, he's long-since dead. I hope it sticks this time."
Baron Ashura Doctor Hell Enemy "The lovers cybernetically returned from death and joined together by Doctor Hell and sworn in as one of his generals."
Count Brocken Doctor Hell Enemy "A decapitated soldier resuscitated by Doctor Hell as another cyborg general. His cruelty is masked by a veneer of civility, which I've never enjoyed in an individual."
Shiro's Attacker Tsutsujidai? Booked for Payback "Did they want to make a point? Make me watch my brother die? Whatever their motive, their attack failed and it's drawn my attention, which is almost certainly a mistake."
Mazinger Infinity Itself? Curiosity "What is this Mazin? It's large enough that Z or Great could pilot it, and its construction defies our current understanding of Super Alloy Z and Photon Power. We can learn great things from this discovery."

