2024-10-03: Come Catastrophes or Wakes of Vultures

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<Pose Tracker> Teletha Testarossa has posed.

Today's as busy as any other day. Monday? Wednesday? Saturday? The days blend together with no end, displaced with the common notion of a 5-day workweek. There was no such regimented thing when one isn't in the regular workforce, only the notions of it every so often on much larger cycles: The breach and submergence for air, food, supplies, communications, and a peek at the world beyond.

Each and every time, something else was burning in some fashion, in some way, in some form, in some method, in some sense that what came after was not congruent with what was there before.

There's a message sent out to Dawn of Fold's participants through dead drops and other such One-Time Use avenues calling for a meeting with Satellicon. Satellicon's own members have been dutifully notified, both told to expect the other there (Participation pending. There's no such thing as raising expectations.). Just the simplistic platitude of Satellicon scratching their backs, now if you could please, come scratch ours.

Of course, when the address leads to an empty conference center that's listed as "Closed For Repairs" (but clearly not abandoned, going from how the doors are unlocked, with no dust on the signage), there's not much but to trust the message. The postmarked door in the building opened up to a roomy conference hall, a hearty buffet on the side laden with the local cuisine (and a few marked alternatives), chairs, tables, and seating like any other, and a few people milling about in civilian clothes, Teletha, Mardukas, and a few other SRT/PRT people working the various frequencies of work that required catering, surveillance, and just making sure that The Proper People made their way here. A screen hung down on the far side of the room, the projector turned on but displaying nothing but a screensaver.

Those keen on the specifics of otaku culture could recognize the sparkling logo of Magical Princess Natural Lychee. Clouseau had been involved in setup, after all.

And Tessa, in the middle of everything, sipped down on an energy drink. Civilian clothes felt foreign. Even in the most unassuming wear, the habit of a ponytail never receded. A good thing there wasn't jetlag, but she's still glancing through papers in front of her, all notated in shorthand. Mardukas beside, and a few other of the SRT enjoying a meal not born of the Submarine's Bowels for once in a few weeks.

"So. You think people are gonna come to this whatever thing?"
"They very well are. Conduct yourself, Uruz-6."
"Sir yes sir~! Don't worry, Mao. I think everyone's at least trustworthy from their side, even if they want more than us."
"Just keep your damn head in the game."
"Aaaah? Like when your head wa-"

Mao's reciprocation was a knife, handle-side front bonking on Kurz's head.

<Pose Tracker> Cascade Vermilion has posed.

Cascade tends to live on the suspicious side of Satellicon. Ever since she went vigilante she's been a little harder to find, at least when she's not in Japan. Recently she's spent a couple weeks in space, though, away from 'home'.

But she is prompt at showing up at gatherings. Cascade seems to subconsciously take a request to gather as an order to assemble, whether she means to or not. Certainly she's never missed one, and today isn't the day she is.

Still, she is suspicious, and so she doesn't take the main entrance to the conference center. Never mind how she got in; she has her ways. She found her way to the right room, the right hall, and peeked before she actually stepped inside.

Cascade has been spending time on colonies and has gotten some kind of colony wear, which is very unusual fashion by Earthside standards. She has a bodysuit on, with irregular, asymmetrical cutouts; most of one shoulder is bare (and only that arm), and a section over her hip, though that's partially covered by the tight-fitting black pants she's chosen to add to it. She has heels, even though she doesn't need them, because even without any she's five foot ten. Her hair is loose.

What she expected wasn't entirely this, but it wasn't entirely not. In some ways it reminds her of the Black Knights' pizza nights, but stepped up a (big) notch.

"Hm," she says, spotting the submarine crew. Cascade steps in without further introduction and goes to investigate the buffet, because over the past year and a half her attention to food and flavour has only increased.

She does not bother to introduce herself. She's supposed to be here, they know she's supposed to be here; what's the problem?

<Pose Tracker> Tieria Erde has posed.

         It had been years since the crew of the Ptolemy, set adrift from Celestial Being, the word of VEDA, and the will of Schenberg, fell in with the guerilla army Satellicon. The Meister of the Virtue had particularly felt cut off, having been the most ardent believer in the mission of Celestial Being. If they were being honest, they were still having a hard time feeling comfortable in a new hierarchy. They supposed that was what happened when one was created to serve a long-dead man's will. Perhaps that was why when the Ptolemy got message of a meeting with the terrorist cell Dawn of Fold, Captain Sumeragi had immediately volunteered Tieria Erde to represent the ship. "You need to get out more anyway," she said. Emphasis on the need.

         And so Tieria found themself in their most hated battlefield: A social event. Anyone who had known Tieria two years ago would have to take a good look to recognize them, purple hair grown long and cascading down their right side to their mid-torso. A long pink blouse sweater hung down to their mid thigh, slim cut stone-colored pants disappearing into a pair of ankle boots. They insisted that they were simply changing their appearance to lay low, but some of the Ptolemy crew would remark, never in earshot of them, that Tieria's demeanor had become ever so slightly less abrasive since their makeover.

         "A buffet? As if this is some kind of corporate retreat..." The audibly higher register of Tieria's voice probably also contributed to the crew's feelings, though no less curt.

<Pose Tracker> Yuliana Kafim has posed.

        The day is THURSDAY, Teletha, Yuliana is VERY CLEAR ABOUT THAT.

        (Her wife helpfully oriented her before she left to make sure she was well enough to travel.)

        She's travelled out in the stealth shuttle, Ghost; designed to avoid detection, it isn't outright eldritch in its appearance, because its appearance isn't much of anything. (Reflective paint and countershading.) It's parked a fair ways away in a discreet location, which is, itself, a measure of trust; see? She doesn't expect to have to make a quick getaway!

        Dressed in her black robes, a hood over her head and a scarf around her neck, Yuliana isn't... necessarily recognisable at a distant glance. She has her tentacles hidden in the folds of those robes, after all. And wearing black -- while it is the Calling-card of the Silent -- isn't, in and of itself, a crime.

        She steps into the conference hall, much more collected than she was this morning. Her smile is serene, now. "We're grateful for your kind invitation," she says, as if it wasn't a matter of scratching their backs in return. "I regret that my wife was unable to make these proceedings... she's very busy, you understand. But of course she wishes you well."

        Yuliana smiles. She has one too many teeth.

        As her gaze casts over the hall, though, her face lights up -- "Ah!" -- and she swans over to Tieria, regardless of their wants or wishes. "How good to see you well!" She remarks, reaching out to touch their shoulder -- how terrible -- as her smile grows warmer. "Here, let me show you..."

        She pulls out her phone, and swipes through her camera, coming to: cat photos. She has so many photos of her green tiger.

<Pose Tracker> C.C. has posed.

        That whimsical side of C.C. would love nothing more than to pull her parlor trick of appearing from unexpected entrances, rather than the one Satellicon had anticipated. That's always a fun way to start...with known quantities.

        Of course, this is a meeting with a clandestine PMC that the Black Knights had always been on wavering terms with, and one that's been on the run from the law for oh so long. -Today-, at least, the green-haired witch decides to walk in the same door as everyone else, and immediately makes herself at home lounging on the table. -yes, on, as in, sitting right next to several of the dishes.

        "Oh? How amusing, so the crew of the Toy Box even provide entertainment at these little gatherings?" C.C. remarks dryly, giving a few claps at Mao and Kurz's 'performance'. "Bravo, bravo, encore. Maybe you just don't know their kind of hospitality," she comments at Tieria.

        Helping herself to some of the sweeter options, C.C. slips a maritozzo between her lips - and offers one towards Cascade. "It's been a while, hasn't it? Ah yes, last I remember, I took quite the grievous wound from your sister. I got better, of course. Did you?"

        The elephant in the room, of course, is that C.C.'s in a psychoactive rock and a hard place. At her right, Teletha Testarossa, who the witch can vaguely sense those mysterious mutterings swarming her mind. It's a phenomenon she knows -of-, though it's new and novel and highly guarded, so she's not an expert. At her left, Yuliana Kafim, the known quantity of a black hole to those fifth senses of others - someone C.C. has a hard time actively perceiving. She bluntly says to the two, "Have you both met before? In person, I mean? ...I'd be a little careful getting too mutually near, if I were you. For reasons the both of you likely already understand, yes?"

<Pose Tracker> Kallen Kozuki has posed.

Of all the things for anyone to expect, a few particulars were certainly not on anybody's list. A shrine maiden arriving by motorcycle for example. Much less one wearing a festival mask over her face to cover it completely. Though, how much good does such a mask even do? Her long red hair, styled in a draping ponytail with a floral fan at the end nearest her head, is perhaps the most obvious signifier of her identity. The bike is however, the only sound her arrival makes. Walking in, she makes no sound at all, as if merely a phantom in the night. A spirit conjured up by the dreams and wishes of desperate hearts. In a world like this, that is FAR from the most outlandish thing that could happen after all. If she IS truly here, there's little to indicate it. A light floral scent, with an undertone of Knightmare grease... A few people here may be familiar enough with maintaining those, to know it off-hand. But her footsteps come without trace, and she makes no attempt to speak or partake in food yet. Simply observing those already present, and those yet to come in.

Her very presence is both calming and unsettling however. Traces of familiarity, uncertainty, and a swirl of other emotions... She isn't the type to broadcast such things on any spiritual level. But they are THERE, for any who wish to look for them. Perhaps it's simply the nature of being a shrine maiden, which provides this feeling of peace in some. Or perhaps it's an unconscious level upon which a part of them recognizes her, despite the passing of years.

Of course, she IS a real person. And as Kallen Kozuki-Stadtfeld looks upon the gathering, her feelings are quite mixed. She has missed... people. Her chosen residences these past few years have been quiet... in a sense. No isolation is ever truly quiet for her any more. But certainly not bustling with people. A part of her could even wish for the long-gone days of the pizza gatherings and birthdays. But those times... can only return once other things are done. And even then, they won't be the same as they were. After all... certain bridges have long been burning. Which of them can even be repaired these days?

Nobody needs to know, the exact number and types of weaponry hidden upon her person. Nor the location of any Frames she may have not far away, in the event of dire emergency. She never went without a weapon BEFORE the world became more fraught, and she certainly never goes anywhere without something now. But, all are securely hidden away. If any weapons are drawn, she will not be the one to begin aggression in any fashion.

<Pose Tracker> Boss has posed.

         Boss and his crew have no reservations about showing up as soon as they're invited. They're team players at heart, and they're not about to turn down any sort of meeting; the strength of a get-together is greater than any doubts of covert operations of nebulous legality. They might have a few more reservations about Dawn of Fold, but they've been fine partners - certainly not enough to scare the trio off of attending. Besides, Yuliana's there! She might even be Here! Boss's got nothing to worry about.

         If they can find the door, that is. The trio park their motorcycles next to the building, in their full biker outfits (helmets included!), and... pause. Closed for repairs? "Do you think that's code for the meetup spot being changed?" Boss looks to Nuke and Mucha for their thoughts. Nuke theorizes; "Maybe we're supposed to wait here for a sign of the real location? Satellicon security's pretty thorough..." Mucha approaches that sign; no dust in sight. No signs of any repair crew, not even recently. There is no smell of construction in the air. He tries the handle, and it swings freely.

         He turns to his partners and says "We may as well grab a seat while we're waiting, right?"

         So in they go! The trio soon discover that this is, in fact, the meeting place, as they seek out the room number in their invitation. When they open the door, the room is decidedly not empty. Rather- "Hey, Yuliana!" She is here! Cloak or no, Boss doesn't recognize her by appearance or the sensation of being near her - he's perceptive enough to just recognize the way she carries herself, and takes a pretty safe guess about the specter haunting this purple-haired individual with cat photos.

         Meanwhile, Nuke and Mucha look around the conference room, taking in the familiar and less familiar faces. At some point, both do look at the projector; Nuke wonders as to whether Satellicon has some new plans, that they would have a presentation prepared. Mucha, for his part, is sure he's seen that logo somewhere before...? They're both rejoining Boss's side the moment they get the sense the tiger photos are coming their way, though.

<Pose Tracker> Emilia Eschonbach has posed.

        This was not exactly the sort of mission she expected to be deployed on. Mainly because it was diplomacy, and she was really, really not a diplomat. Nonetheless, it was expected that the Sleeves would send someone- and with Commander Sauper being someone with harder restrictions on travel and more people observing them, one of the Dawn of Fold's benefactors had insisted it be Emilia for some reason. This was, technically, something she had to learn, presumably.

        Which meant another unexpected trip earthside, more skipped school, more Sunday makeup classes- they were becoming more and more common, even though she had people covering for her. She had made her way to the meeting point, through the hallways, through to the meeting room-

        And into a surprisingly normal buffet. This was not what she was expecting at all. Was she in the right-

        ...Oh. Yuliana and C.C. were here. It was the right place. The latter's presence was not reassuring. This was definitely the absolute best squad they had for diplomacy, huh.

        She was dressed as she usually was on missions- the red and white jacket over her sleeveless black leotard, the dark green military trousers, dark brown boots and the newest change to her appearance- a black eyepatch covering her left eye. Her lavender hair was loose today.

        She stared for a few moments scanning, the room, her eye looking over everyone. She could probably disappear into a crowd like this easily enough, but that wasn't what she was supposed to do today.

        Nonetheless, she clearly felt a little uncomfortable- at least for the initial moment. She's still identifying who is who in the room, and picking out individual faces is taking a little longer than she though. She knows her Squadron Leader was sent here too to keep an eye on her, maybe she should just-

        That resolve to keep her act together and professional disappears as she sees one observer in particular. If it weren't for the Shrine Maiden outfit, she might not have noticed them at all. But she had- and Emilia saw it all in the way she moved, in the way she scanned the room. There are some demeanours you can pick out in a crowd instantly.

        Emilia starts walking toward the woman in the festival mask, her steps starting out quiet and soft, but gaining loudness as she picks up speed. What starts as a walk becomes a run, Emilia slipping through the people between her and her target like she's on a warpath.

        Some of the SRT might be about to sense an incident about to happen, the way Emilia is rushing towards Kallen, like a fight is suddenly about to break out-

        Only for Emilia to wrap her arms around the taller women suddenly and with a lot of force behind it, almost tackling Kallen in a hug.

        "I-i-i-it's r-r-r-really you, r-right!?" She knows it, she's sure- but... she's asking for her own piece of mind. She needs to hear it- hear the voice of a best friend she thought had died- or worse.

<Pose Tracker> Sayaka Yumi has posed.

Sayaka's role in Satellicon is largely unofficially logistics - she provides them with the resources they need to keep up their fight, along with a little guidance along the way based on her experiences with the AEUG as a teenager. That said, she's also personally helped out Dawn of Fold with a few of their own operations - at the very real risk of being caught on by Kathras Fari and the Aion both times. After that, it might seem a little tempting to leave the Dawn of Fold to their own devices, but Satellicon had other ideas.

Because of that, Sayaka agreed with Tessa's idea to put together a little event to reinforce where the two groups stand - and the unspoken sentiment that 'we scratched your back, now it's your turn'. In this logistics role, Sayaka's here along with Koji and Boss. Officially, she at Vietnam on business for the PPL, and the way she dresses reflects that.

While most of Satellicon are familiar faces at this point, it doesn't appear like a terribly large amount of the Dawn of Fold made an appearance. Sayaka certainly recognizes even a cloaked Yuliana - you don't always see cute cat pics of a giant green tiger after all - and waves her way when Boss greets her.

Other than that, she lays a little low for the time being, sizing up the rest of their 'allies' in the Dawn of Fold. C.C. scans as that chatty girl on the radio with Zero from their last mission, but she never would have clocked Emmy as the same girl who tore those GN-Xs apart in their maiden battle.

As for Natural Lychee... isn't that the logo from that one fighting game Leina and Shiro used to play?

<Pose Tracker> Koji Kabuto has posed.

As mentioned, Koji is at Sayaka's right hand, similarly dressed for official business as Photon Power Laboratory staff. Evidently it's been a busy few days for them both, but fortunately it's easy to create a reason to be away from HQ in this contested region.

It occurs to him that the Satellicon contingent is the larger and the more recognisable, as they all file in - after all, several of their faces are on the news in a positive light. He does, however, recognise Yuliana among the Dawn of Fold group - the black robes are kind of unmistakable in how extra they are, given the circumstances.

Similarly to Sayaka, he's making a conscious effort to step back from the conference table until he has something to contribute, rather than using his clout to push the conversation. The projector, however, draws his attention - clearly Tessa has something planned.

<Pose Tracker> Teletha Testarossa has posed.

Thursday? It's Friday somewhere. Date-time semantics means she's on GoTHBEMT (Greenwitch of The Holy Britannian Empire [God Praise His Excellency Charles zi Britannia, joy of joys] Mean Time) circadian rhythm (adjusted for lack of sunlight)...So yes, it is Thursday.

Yuliana is just as her memory was, one too many teeth included. "Take my well-wishes to her in my own stead. There's not many opportunities for me to head up there due to personal hardships, but we all do have our own problems to deal with." Cordial blessings require cordial reciprocations, even if the Silent Calling's activities were well-known. That and the entire debacle at the North Pole. The only form of stare is more curisoity than anything; A few years change a person.

"Ah, don't call it a performance, lady. She's just angry for a few things I did a week ago, we're fine. Aren't we?"
Said answer was merely a harsh glare by a short-haired woman who's unfortunately had to spend the past few hours dealing with him.
"Right, I'll get back to supervising..."

C.C.'s question isn't an impossible one. "Before the dissolution of the PMC the Toy Box was in, yes. Her and her wife." A nod over at Yuliana. There's nothing hidden about that; Rebels (however techincal the term was) can't be choosers. "I've been occupied with my own activities since then." A slow sigh.

The shrine maiden brings a light eyebrow raise; Pressing fingers against the in-ear mic, listening in before nodding. It's fine, identity known or not. Everyone has their own reasons. A quick rap of morse code affiramtion on that earpiece before continuing on.

The sight of Emmy...brings her a small bit of pause. Her? Here? She couldn't place as such, not in her own mind. Trying to fix the gal who could show someone how to dance so well with the current state of affairs, eyepatch included...It clicks more successfully than not, a small snort of self-derision slipping from her mind. Of course. If she herself was here, why couldn't Emmy? There's no reason to stop her from allowing that more deserving reunion. Better than herself.

Indeed, this was being billed to the PPL; A few layers of transfers would be enough for TDD-1 to pay their own due for this, but for everything else: There's always corporate tax runarounds. The logistical center of accounting and minute details came just as easily as programming to Tessa, even if the terminology was different. Whether it was allowed or not was an entirely separate question.

There's a resigned sigh slipping out of Tessa's mouth, lips twisting to and fro for a moment before setting the papers back down. Even if she had setup this operation, being outside of the spotlight for a while was...interesting. Let's go with that. A slow pickup of a wireless mic in-hand, tapping it twice. Glancing upwards. Turning it on, tapping it again. Working this time, the thumps coming out of the embedded speakers.

"Testing. Testing. It's on. And I believe we have little need of introductions at this point-" There's a scan across the room. Everyone's been vetted by eye at least thrice, compared to known associates, and verified. Old habits from Mithril die hard, even ones that were currently back on the TDD-1's bridge acting as a mobile command center. "-but to reiterate and dispel any notions, the one speaking is Teletha Testarossa, former Mithril PMC and Captain of the Toy Box."

A clear of the throat. "As the invitation has been accepted, we can dispense with the formalities of justifying a plan for attack. Our target is..."

A beat.
Another beat.
Stepping on over to flick the page off the screensaver, the wallpaper a lavishly loving fanart of one of the most famous beats of GEKIGANGER 3's early plotlines. Pulling up the presentation proper, setting it on full-screen with the movements of someone used to dealing with 'antics'. "Next time we do one of these, let's use Villain's laptop instead." A few clicks to properly pull up the map of South Britannia.

Kurz hoots in the back. He has a bit more ammunition that will certainly be repaid tenfold.

"As I was saying, the proposed target is of a few facitilies in South Britannia here, here, and here." A few arrows pop up, pointing towards various coastline waterways and one further inland; A bit too in-land, considering the proximity to the orbital elevator. "There's been a disquieting bit of activity down at these fronts, and we've been able to confirm some of our bait laid out has been snapped up quite recently." With the way her self-assured smile puts it: They fell for something, finally.

"Any questions so far? We're not going to attack NUNE directly, yet."
Cascade Vermilion tosses a coin: Tails
Violet Miyazaki tosses a coin: Heads

<Pose Tracker> Cascade Vermilion has posed.

Cascade continues to nose around the buffet while people arrive. She is keeping tabs on people as they enter, but a lot more subtly than she could be.

She recognizes many of them. Yuliana, for instance; Yuliana is famous (one might say notorious) and, more significantly, Cascade has heard her voice before. She must be one of the other groups invited, something Cascade is uncertain of - partially moral reasons, but more immediately practical ones. Still, if she's willing to play ball -

Cascade is distracted from helping herself to something to eat by C.C.'s voice, once she wasn't expecting to hear. "Of course," she says, looking down at C.C. "I did expect the Black Knights here. And you're looking much the same as before, so I imagine you are doing well." Does she know C.C.'s secret?

(No. She's trying to be polite.)

Boss she's more pleased to see, and Sayaka with Koji even though she won't admit that one; she gives Boss and his crew a slight nod, follows through to a glance at Sayaka, and continues -

She knows that voice, too.

Cascade doesn't always show visible surprise, but these days she's actually got a less good poker face than she used to. She can still act, but emotions hit her harder, and she feels better if she doesn't hide them the same way as she used to.

So when she hears Emmy's voice, her eyes widen slightly and she spins, her hair fanning out behind her. Her thoughts of food abandoned for now, she strides quickly toward her, and now Kallen, who she identifies just as quickly.

As the two hug (well, as Emmy hugs Kallen), Cascade slows just a hair. "Emilia. Kallen." ... Her expression shifts, suddenly, to a broad smile. "You survived! I was unable to find you after Nagoya, and - I thought you were dead, after. I tried to get back in several times, and took a job at one of the main train routes out, but..."

Kallen was one of her few friends at Ashford; Emilia, she was less close to, but still considers important. Cascade can't help but feel her mood rise to see them again, and a still-unfamiliar sensation fills her - she's happy. More than happy: thrilled.

After a moment, she piles onto the hug, more for Kallen than Emilia, who she knows has every reason to still hate her. "I am sorry I did not come back," is what she says, as she releases them a moment later.

Meanwhile, the actual announcement is starting. Cascade is filing it all at the back of her mind for analysis. Being a robot means you can multitask. Without knowing what the bait is, there's only a limited number of questions she could ask, but she raises her voice and asks one, over Emilia's head: "What are these facilities used for?"

<Pose Tracker> Tieria Erde has posed.

         Tieria perks up ever so slightly when they see Yuliana. "Minov--" They stopped. They supposed she wasn't Minovsky's Woman anymore, right? "Yuliana. It's... good to see you." Despite Tieria's usual deadpan, it really was nice to see another member of Celestial Being outside the ship. They take a glance at her hand on their shoulder, thinking better than to push it off, and distracted by the cat pictures.

         "Sokrova! It's been so long!" And there was a rare instance of Tieria Erde actually audibly happy. They lean in as Yuliana shows off years worth of photos, giving a slight scoff to the green haired witch sassing them.

         As Tessa begins to speak, Tieria turns over, raising a brow at the Gekiganger image. Some cartoon nonsense. But at least they were actually getting down to business. An attack on Britannian facilities... She says it's not a direct attack on NUNE, but the reality of the situation was that that was NUNE's decision to make. "How well defended are these facilities?"

<Pose Tracker> Violet Miyazaki has posed.

         Violet was aware her new allies had dealings with other groups, of course. It's both expected and natural for those other groups to ask for favours and meetings as part of their mutually beneficial relationship... and Lambda is a new face. "Face".

        In any case, a meeting with a group she hadn't seen before sounded fun, so here she is, standing in front of the "Closed" sign, stroking her chin, having thrown on her "Lambda Formal Party Wear" outfit. "...well, it IS a conference." She pushes past the sign and into the building proper, and once she finds the correct door, she pushes that aside too.

        ...Huh, it looks like a regular conference. Everybody's even in their civilian clothes - Violet seems to be one of the few who bothered to wear a disguise. Maybe she should shed hers too... She flips a coin to decide. Heads. Miyazaki it is, then. She quickly calls Erica over and doffs all that identity obscuring crap, changing back into her lab coat and regular wear.

        And they're almost all recognisable, too. Look, there's Testarossa. Dr. Yumi is over there... and her old friend (by comparison to all these new faces) Yuliana, too!

        She listens to the speech Teletha gives, becoming more attentive at the sight of Brittanian infrastructure. Here's an idea... She lazily raises her hand... but Cascade beats her to the punch. "I have a few questions, too. Mostly about the context of this operation. Which bait did they take, and what activities have been concerning?"

        Erica, meanwhile, has slid over to the table and is currently eating. Her dark blue hair is up in the usual shoulder length twintails, and she still has that perpetual grin plastered on her face.

<Pose Tracker> Yuliana Kafim has posed.

        Yuliana smiles, to C.C. "Oh, we've met," she assures(?) her. "The Captain very kindly visited us, one day... what a surprise it was!" That's right, Emilia: they sent only the best of the best to do diplomacy. And, tragically, Yuliana sees Emilia, turning to wave brightly to her. (She offers Cascade a wave, too, when she spies her looking her way.) Luckily, she's distracted from embarrassing Emilia by a Tessa Save, because the young Captain brought up her very favourite topic: her wife. "I certainly will let her know! Ah, you're such a polite young woman." Did she just sparkle? "But you have been up to your own such-and-such these days, haven't you? We'll do what we can to aid you, after all you've done for us and ours."

        (Yuliana does not have an excessive amount of weapons hidden on her person today, because this is a gathering between allies. It would be terribly rude of her to show up with her usual armaments whilst extending a hand of friendship. Of course, she is herself a weapon -- but she, at least, has no intention of punching anyone today.)

        "It's good to see you," Yuliana says, and she does sound relieved to see Tieria well. "They said you and the others were fine, but... oh, I wanted to see you!" She restrains herself from hugging them, at least, which speaks to how much she did miss them -- she's considering their aversion touchiness. Mostly. She did put that hand on their shoulder, but she's only human, she can only do so much. "Look, look!" She scrolls through all those photos, gleefully showing off Sokrova's antics. He has a whole cat gym! "When it's safe, you really should come see him," she says, smiling to them. "He'd love to see you again."

        And speaking of people who would be loved when they're seen again -- "Boss!" She chirps, brightly, lowering her hood as she turns towards his voice. Her frills, at least, are folded behind her ears, so the horrible silence around her is at least bound to the space around her. She turns a little more, and remarks: "Ah, Yaka! Koyan! You're here, too! You'll excuse me," she says, to Tieria, as she hurries off to wrap Sayaka up in a big ol' hug. She's not... trying to crush her bones into dust. Koji gets one of those vice-grip hugs next, and then she'll turn around to give Boss a hug, because of course she wouldn't forget him. Somehow, she manages to hoist this man up off the ground with the force of her affection, even though he's one of the few people here who might actually be heavier than her.

        (It's probably not just Boss, even if she is a big lady for her moderate height.)

        She turns, draping an arm over Boss's shoulder and all but hanging off of him as she turns to Tessa, as she tests her audio systems. "Ehh?" She asides, to their local Photon Pals, as she looks over to Koji. "Isn't that Gekiganger...?" Of course she's asking Koji; all engineers know Gekiganger, probably.

        Anyway, there's South Britannia.

        "Sooo... are you gunning for the Elevator?" Yuliana asks all too directly, the fingers on her leaning arm quirking upwards as she gestures lazily to that inland target.

        She peers at one of the other arrivals, though, as her attention keeps coming back to Velvet. Wait, does she know that woman...?

<Pose Tracker> Sympatria Unit has posed.

The Sympatria Unit arrives *up in this piece*. (They were probably coordinating with Yuliana to some extent, but took a different route to the site. Can't be too careful.)

The Sympatria unit is represented today by:

NUMBER ONE - tall, male, attired in an outfit which was really obviously purchased at Uniqlo earlier in the day. Notable for the absence of one of his arms.

NUMBER SIX - middlin' height, female, wearing a full-body day-glo-green body stocking and a tubetop and short-shorts over it, along with open-toed sandals with a wedge heel. Has all expected limbs.

NUMBER EIGHT (now this will get confusing) - 5 cm taller than Six, female, wearing an outfit curiously similar to One's other than a long-sleeved shirt. Looks more military than the other two.

They came in shortly before the announcement began. (#8 in front, #1 and #6 slightly behind.) This interrupts efforts at greeting, although Six tells One, "I'll make you a plate," and breaks off to hit up the buffet instead of listening to the plan for advanced operations.

  1. 8's eyebrows lift at the mention of the Elevator.

<Pose Tracker> Kallen Kozuki has posed.

She knew of course, her choice of attire wasn't much of a disguise. It wasn't really meant to be. Just to weed out the people who weren't interested in figuring out who she was. Maybe avoid a few of the conversations that might lead to fists being thrown. So a high speed lavender missile is, while shocking, not unwelcome. Even before it becomes obvious she's coming in for a hug and not to fight, Kallen's arms are already opening for her. Reaching out to catch the far shorter girl and spin with her so nobody gets sent to the floor. She wasn't... planning to speak more than necessary. But circumstances change things. So... Emmy may be a bit shocked, the way her voice comes out. Still... familiar enough, but with enough wear and tear that it may hurt to hear. "It's me... I'm sorry it took so long seeing you again, but... I missed you. We should... go somewhere quieter after this to catch up on everything."

She's not letting go of course. Last time there was a gathering like this, and the time before THAT, something went badly. So... justifiably paranoid, she's going to keep hugging the girl who is in every way she gives a damn about, a little sister to her. But she DOES tilt up her gaze, to watch the presentation. To listen. She's spotted a few people she wants to talk to. Hopefully some of them will take the hint from this and approach. If they don't... she'll find them later, one way or another. She has a few days for this, after how her last match went. It'll take a bit to find a willing challenger, she suspects.

Turns out she isn't waiting long at all on people, as another familiar girl makes her way right on over in short order. "I'm glad you're still alive too Cascade. It really..." She can't finish what she was going to say. Between the two people piled on her right now, those long-dried tears are coming back to flow free, seeping out from under the mask. It may be a bit before she's able to particularly speak again.

<Pose Tracker> C.C. has posed.

        "Ah, well, if you've met and already understand your shared...mm." How exactly would C.C. explain the colors Tessa and Yuliana emit? (Or rather, 'the lack of color' in the latter's case, but that counts!) "In your case, Captain, I was just concerned you may pass out on us, which would be a bit tactically inconvenient."

        Kicking her legs and helping herself to a bowl of pho, C.C. remarks to the three of the Photon Power League, "In short, I'm one of Zero's attendants, just so you know. He's not a man to make appearances too frivolously, and he can trust me to relay what's important."

        ...The witch holds her words while Kallen, Cascade, and Emilia share such a teary warm reunion, but her stare -is- fixed on the three during their shared bond. Curling a leg up onto the table, so as to rest her chin on her knee, C.C. just remarks, "How warm, for absence to only make for fonder hearts. Well, I know Emilia's gone through a lot, so it's ideal that this can re-moralize her a little." There's just the faintest tinge of something bitter in her voice...but only a little. She's good at keeping even-keeled.

        "South Britannia really is the biggest, softest weak spot of the world right now, isn't it? I guess years of overextending finally start to fall apart on them. How romantic," C.C. waves a hand flippantly, her finger circling around some of the points on the map. "I've been down there a few times, so I'm not a stranger to what it's like. One of the harsher fronts to fight in, and you really don't want to find yourself stranded in the Amazon or deep in Patagonia."

        ...C.C. would certainly not be a familiar face to Violet, of course - and that constant smile of Erica's absolutely sends an invisible chill down the witch's spine. Of course, acting on it, C.C. only greets Erica with a simple, "I guess something was very funny, wasn't it?", all while actively being in the way of several foodstuffs on the table.

<Pose Tracker> Boss has posed.

         Boss and co. end up approaching Koji, Sayaka, and Yuliana all at once as they all converge on the same point. They're certainly not surprised to see their PPL friends here - much like themselves, they've never wanted for initative, nor are they any more easily dissuaded. Boss isn't surprised at all when Yuliana goes to lift him, at least not on the level of physical strength - he does feel the effects of being in direct contact with her for just an instant, but it's easily brushed off next to the effects of being in the air. "Wouldn't miss the chance to see you again!"

         With Yuliana still fully on his shoulder, Boss is responding to Cascade's nod with a friendly wave when Emilia begins approaching Kallen. None of the three are particularly familiar with their recent endeavors, but they don't need to be - a happy reunion always puts a smile on their faces, whether it's their best friends or a customer they only just met. They pause to look at Emmy marches toward Kallen, but once the nature of the interaction is clear, they grin and resume their previous train of thought.

         Their attention is jointly turned to the projector as the tapping of the microphone fills the room. An attentive observer would notice a look of recognition flash across Mucha's face when the screensaver comes up, as he remembers where he's seen that logo - of the trio, though, the only one who could catch a detail like that in their periphery is Mucha himself.

         When questions come up, Boss raises his hand (the one without Yuliana, if she's still draped over him)- "Are we expecting a fight? Or, I guess, are we looking for one? Or are we going after the actual facilities?"

<Pose Tracker> Sayaka Yumi has posed.

Once people seem to settle into the meeting, whether it's through the presence of familiar faces or the allure of the buffet, Sayaka finds it easier to focus as well. She gives Cascade a respectful nod as she passes her way to the buffet, picking up a scone as her snack of choice.

Sayaka lets Emmy and Kallen have their heartfelt reunion moment, and is maybe a little touched by it but then she actually steps up and gives Kallen a similar nod of respect. "I never did get to thank you for your help during the Infinity incident... you were one of the sole Black Knights that intervened when Fujinomiya was in danger." Her eyes train on Emmy for a moment, before she says, "If we'll be working together... hopefully my support can repay that debt."

Sayaka doesn't even complain when Yuliana wraps her up in that really tight hug. She's built different, she'll survive. "Y-Yuliana! It's so very good to see you in high spirits," Sayaka smiles. She was worried for her after she seemed to... dissociate after their last mission. "How's the family been?" Sure, it's pretty typical small talk. But she did notice that Elisa couldn't make it tonight.

Dr. Miyazaki is a bit of a surprise to see, and it's not because she knows about her curious opinions about Dr. Hell. She knows the name from an interesting study about extrasolar travel, but it's not like she should be shocked about a respected colleague showing up in a terrorist cell.

A few more Dawn of Fold members shuffle in - the cyborgs who saved the day in the supply run. But the projector runs and Tessa makes her announcement. "Gekiganger? No, that was Shiro's thing, wasn't it?" She asides, before focusing on the proposed mission.

"Near the Elevator? If we're not attacking NUNE directly, is this a move to help out with the area's power crisis following the colony drop incident?" She glances over to Koji.

<Pose Tracker> Emilia Eschonbach has posed.

        Emilia is sure if Commander Sauper saw her doing this, she'd be getting reprimanded. She may well still be. It's worth it. "Y-you're alive..." Kallen's voice sounds different, but it's her. "Th-th-thank goodness..." For all the sharper edges and jagged points Emmy had been developing over time, for a moment bits of the girl who attended Ashford shine through- but they're definitely muted to what they were. "Y-yeah. Yeah. We sh-should." Still, an urgent question is on her lips. "Wh-what about S-Sousuke and Kaname? Are th-they okay?"

        Another voice calls her name, and when she looks up at Cascade she... doesn't flinch, exactly. But for a second when she hears her name called she looks up like she's heard a threat. It takes a second for her to be sure about the attitude, her one eye focusing on the murder android. What if it's the third one? ...That doesn't last, though. "...I d-did. You did t-t-too." Emilia relaxes a little, but not as much as one might like. She doesn't fight being pulled into the hug right now, though. "...I-it's not like a-a-any of us can g-go back now." She says, a little grimly.

        The sound of *who* it is that is speaking catches Emilia off guard. Teletha Testarossa, Captain of the Toy Box...? Not Teletha Mantissa? But that's definitely her. Was this a GUTS reunion as well as a terrorism meeting? It kind of seemed like it was. Something clicks. "...T-Testarossa. L-like...?"

        The day of the massacre. That ARM Slave that could fly without effort. The one that put hedr through a stadium, that had led to them being hounded until their escape.

        My name's Leonard Testarossa. And I've come here for Kaname Chidori.

        Emilia is caught up in that when Sayaka arrives, and Emilia looks at her. She seems to know, or know of Kallen. She blinks several times, staring up at Sayaka. That was... she was famous, right? So why was she here...?

        Still, the target is the topic of discussion. "...It's B-Britannia, of course th-there'll be a fight," she says, sourly, toward Boss. Others seem to think Tessa has her eyes on The Tower. Their last mission there...

<Pose Tracker> Koji Kabuto has posed.

"Oh man, I haven't seen new Gekiganger content in a while," Koji asides to Yuliana. "I haven't had time to visit many cons since Goragon." There is, of course, pretty much always a Gekiganger holdout at any cult media convention one could care to name - and Shiro's a fiend for the fighting game the giant robot appeared in, of course.

It's a surprise, but a very pleasant one, to see Cascade getting to reunite with people he can only guess are her former colleagues from the Black Knights. He doesn't miss the confused look at Sayaka from the lavender-haired girl, either.

Sayaka asks if they're going for the space elevator in the South Britannia region, and Koji frowns, stepping closer to the projector so he can take a better look at the targeted areas. "... It sounds like there's something more complex going on here than just how the region is managing its power, or what's being shipped up to space." He glances towards Tessa. "Right?"

<Pose Tracker> Sympatria Unit has posed.

Six prepares a plate of various objects, air-kissing at Sayaka on her way past. #8 and One look towards Sayaka as well, but One gives her a kind of generic 'I see you, person I know!' small smile. #8 gives a Nod of Recognition.

Eyes forward.

One blinks when C.C. speaks. And mentions she is a servant of Zero. There is a little cross-talk between him and #8.

Six returns, and holds up a cherry tomato to One. "Mobile suit coming in, open the hangar doors~"

"I can feed myself," One complains, but quietly, since he's got his eyes on the presentation.

"Sure, whatever," Six says, eating the tomato herself and handing the plate - which is primarily made of selections of mixed pasta salad, a scoop of stew, white rice, and two yakitori-ish skewers.

One holds the plate with his one hand.

He looks at it, mournfully, turning it around and contemplating his angle on the yakitori. Six looks smug; One looks for table space.

"From what I've read, you're not wrong about the southern part of Britannia being a weak spot," #8 speaks up: "You're at maximal distance from the capital at Pendragon, and the shape of the lithosphere makes it harder for them to leverage sea and air control. With Jaburo off the board, it's hard to get more remote from the centers of NUNE power."

"What's a gekigangar?" Six asks, after finishing her stolen goods (the one cherry tomato).

<Pose Tracker> Teletha Testarossa has posed.

Yuliana's assurance gets a nod, the light, envious gaze of seeing a person so, so happy with their beloved. Their person of fated and legal entwinement, alive and well.

There's a small smile at the heartwarming reunion manifesting itself in the middle of it all, watching on from afar. How nice, to have people come back and show up after so long. It's something to etch into memory before moving on as another part of her that can't dare to dream of it. Cascade, Emmy, Kallen, others joining in...

...When will her own people come back from Nagoya?

Leaving the thoughts in the dust where they deserved to be.

Tieria's question first. "On the outside, they appear to be abandoned or closed for repairs facilities akin to this one. Technically, the lease on this space expires in three years under a false alias. The same goes for those facilities, but they're still in use today. Ever since..." Her eyes cast upwards, thinking back. "...Around the time of the First Neo Zeon War, if the documentation trail holds correct." An oddly muted recollection before returning back to didactic talk.

"Not for the elevator itself." The obvious implication: Of course not. People depend on that for so much. A click of the laptop as it zooms in past the outland areas, a large map of the Elevator's ground-level logistical pipelines alongside a chart documenting certain outlying buildings. "The outskirts of the place is what we're interested in. Here, here, and here." More arrows. Nondescript buildings. Abandoned factories. And one tunnel.

"With what we're taking in from the bait, there's 100% Confidence that Amalgam has subsumed itself into the general shipping lines of the Tower. Easy for something to be out of view of NUNE when they don't care beyond their own geographical boundaries, correct?" A beat before moving on.

"The objective is simple. Break into the facilities. Strip them of all their information. Find out who the local head is, and ascertain the power structure of Amalgam, both locally and organization-wise. If theory holds, he has changed the organization from a single-cell coordination style to one of a more top-down pyramid, which leads to the lynchpin objective: Hunt down Leonard Testarossa." The mention of her brother barely stirs anything in her.

The new face is noted; She's not complaining about how people come and go. "For the bait itself, we dragged them along with false equations related to the development of certain Neo Zeon suits. The Doven Wolf and purported earlier prototypes, along with earlier efficiencies for the Quelbey dating back to the First Zeon War. If any of them are built, it'll overload and explode outwards with concussive force. All fake, to repeat. They're aware of the actual source, but nothing in concrete detail. That...will be easy to make do with the real thing."

"Gekigangar's that robot thing people keep loving!" Kurz. Please.

<Pose Tracker> Cascade Vermilion has posed.

Cascade may release the two after finishing the spin that they started without her, but she stays nearby. She wants to talk to them - honestly, she's more interested in that than the meeting, though she can't put off the presentation by sheer willpower. She wants to catch up...

"No. But I thought that perhaps you were still inside," Cascade says. "I was working in a coffee shop at one of the major train stations out. I did meet some survivors from Nagoya, but didn't manage to make contact with any Black Knights. It's... I'm glad I could find you. And," she adds, to Emmy specifically, "fulfil my promise." She promised to come back, that she wouldn't die.

And she didn't. Neither did Emmy. But the eye... Cascade won't bring that up right now, though she wants to know the story. Her gaze lingers, just for a moment.

She's very happy to see them again. It shows, if you know how to read her - she's trying not to be loud about it, in front of people she doesn't know. Showing that much vulnerability in front of strangers is something still hard to her. But the Black Knights can read it in her posture - more relaxed than it was before, almost comfortable - and her facial expression. "I don't know," she says, truthfully. She didn't know Sousuke very well anyway, and hadn't been looking for him. "Rin did. We're still in touch. But we should talk, the three of us. Soon. Like old times... or as much as it could be."

Tessa continues her presentation. Cascade listens to all of it. "Amalgam..."

She knows that name. Of course she does. Amalgam means NX-1, unless she's found someone else to work for in the last year; Amalgam means any other remnants of Dr. Hell they could keep, and weaponize. Her eyes narrow, this time in anger. Not for the same reason as Tessa, but anger nonetheless.

<Pose Tracker> Tieria Erde has posed.

         Tieria notes the details of the plan, expecting full well that Sumeragi will ask as much as possible for her forecast. So they were going after Amalgam... They could tell there was some personal sentiment hiding behind the name "Leonard Testarossa," but that wasn't their business, nor was it here or there. A push into Britannia could give them some good ground against the Empire, and these facilities seemed like a good way to get in under NUNE's nose.

         Despite their comment about it coming in, Tieria couldn't deny the natural compulsion for sustenance, so over to the buffet table they decided to go. Piling up a plate, their eyes scanned the room, getting a good look at the people around. Satellicon was a somewhat loose organization, so Tieria had little contact with a lot of its members. There was Yuliana, with... Dr. Koji Kabuto? Even Tieria was familiar with his face. Granted, he was probably one of the most famous faces in the room, which they found understandable. Hard to do guerilla operations with an army of celebrity.

         Sitting down with a half-full plate, Tieria mused to themselves out loud, "Either way, it'll be good for the Ptolemy to get the Gundams out for once. The crew's been getting a bit restless."

<Pose Tracker> Kallen Kozuki has posed.

In the midst of the reunion, a familiar but unexpected figure speaks up. She can only give Sayaka a nod of her head however. She's still struggling to reclaim her words. An unfortunate fact of the times, her voice is weaker in some capacities than it used to be, and things which place stress on her throat, like crying, tend to cause complications. Still, she'll get there. Breathe in, breathe out... try and put the tears on hold a little. That's a rough ask.

While she's trying though, C.C.'s commentary is met with some gesturing. Nothing rude, just an indication she's been noticed, and that they need to talk later. She signs out that it's important... whether or not the immortal and capricious witch knows what she's saying or not. Well, there is one thing she'd know. The old symbol of something being high alert priority. Codes for everything, even if the knights may have changed some things in her absence.

She's... able to whisper at the lowest possible volume to Emmy. "If... safe enough." She's being circumspect about it, in addition to trying to ease her voice back in. But... that must mean they're out there, right? If she's talking about safety... Whether Emmy is just imagining meaning in the words, or it's true, that has to be some kind of relief, right? Of course, if Kallen's seen them, and truthfully she has, that says it all about why she's been out of contact. Given all that time they spent hiding together.

It's getting a little easier to speak as time passes. Affording her a few additional words. Words for Cascade this time. A little context. "We were... hunted. By Amalgam. Forced to... split up..." She motions at Emmy with her head. Explaining all the details will come in time. And Teletha is providing some amount herself as it happens. Talking about Leonard... A pinprick of anger blossoms inside her, remembering that piece of work. She'd certainly love to put him through some humiliation. Also put him in the ground. She's sold on this job already, just from hearing that. But she refocuses her attention on what all is being said to her. "I'd like the chance... to see old friends again. A day or two where we can laugh. Smile. Reconnect."

<Pose Tracker> Violet Miyazaki has posed.

         Ah, so not the elevator itself. Thought not. Shame. It would have been fun. Violet makes a note to try attacking a space elevator sometime. Smash and grab, get info... on Amalgam's head, Teletha's brother? Violet makes another mental note to go chase up more information on Amalgam than the brief historical overview Erica managed to put together for her. "Well, I won't say no to an attack on Britannia."

        The bait meets with her approval, and she chuckles lightly. "Interesting move. Foolish on their part not to double-check, but that's what they get." She half-smiles, half-smirks. "So, the ultimate operational objective is to hunt your brother?"

        Violet notices Yuliana's attention floating over to her. Right. She should probably ACTUALLY introduce herself, if nobody is bothering with disguises. Besides, she's already shown up unmasked, so leaving to change her mind AGAIN would be stupid. When she has a moment, she seeks her out... on Boss's shoulders? Huh. Better not be TOO blatant. "It's me again. The 'reporter' from back then. Since I was disguised last time, I figured I should introduce myself properly." She extends her hand, smiling slightly. Yuliana is a quickly formed friendship by her standards. "Violet Miyazaki. Dr. Miyazaki if you feel like being formal, but I don't think anyone here does."

        Afterwards, she turns to Boss, looking him up and down. Now here is someone interesting... "And you're... 'Boss', right? It's nice to meet someone of your position," she says without a hint of sarcasm.

        Erica, meanwhile, casually but abruptly turns to greet C.C.. "Funny? I guess you could say that about a lot of things," she says in her typical upbeat tone. Pink eyes, open wide, scan C.C. before swivelling up to greet her green ones. "Who're you?" Erica's tone changes to curious, and her head tilts to the left.

        Compared to Violet, Erica's taken more strongly to the 'spiritual' side of being a Newtype. She's much more 'active'. Her perceptions are more open, and she's easier to perceive in turn. It's easier to discern what she is, too, if someone is capable of that. For her part, she's examining C.C. closely... well, it's more like she can't help but perceive things.

<Pose Tracker> Yuliana Kafim has posed.

        Yuliana winks to C.C., and taps her fingers to her lip. "Let's not say it out loud, mm?" She invites her to conspiracy, all too gently. "We're the dear Captain's allies, after all." What she knows...

        What does she know about the absolute screaming oblivion which surrounds Tessa?

        "Heyyy!!" Yuliana calls to One and Six, waving, broadly. "You're looking good!" She's looking... markedly less insane. Is that normal?

        That's probably normal.

        "Aww," she practically beams, hearing Boss's greeting. "You came to see me...!" Probably also because Tessa asked them to come, but clearly the real reason was to see her. Isn't she what's really important here? She's still all smiles, as she answers Sayaka's question: "They're all quite well! Elya was terribly worried for me after what happened, so she took me home, but she made sure I had nothing to worry about. So it's fine, it's fine!" Is it really fine?

        (Perhaps Elisa elected to busy herself so as to not strain her relationship with her lightbound friends. Yuliana doesn't entirely think of that possibility, but neither does she entirely elide it, either.)

        Luckily, Yuliana will not be ratting Emilia out to Angelo for her affectionate activities tonight. That doesn't necessarily mean it won't get back to him, but she should clearly get points for her discretion.

        "I don't get out to the conventions terribly much any more," Yuliana sighs, quite beleagured, in an aside to Koji. "It's a shame, but it's rather more complicated for me, these days..." AND WHOSE FAULT IS THAT, WOMAN WHO TURNED THE NORTH POLE GREEN? (Society. It's obviously society's fault. How could NUNE have done this.)

        "So, they've been running since '88," Yuliana translates the date of the war Tessa mentions, for anyone who might not be quite as much of a history buff in the crowd. She listens quietly enough, until --

        "Ehhh?" Yuliana asks, straightening up, putting a hand to her hip as she gestures with the other. "That guy you wanted me to punch in the face is your own flesh and blood?" She grins, though, as she looks back over to Tieria. "Yeah, I bet! How long have you all been cooped up by now?! Come on in, brawl waters are fine!" This is, of course, strictly a metaphor; Yuliana does not generally consider any kind of water fine.

        She turns to Violet, and shakes her hand -- her grip is firm as ever. "Oh, so it is you! I didn't want to be rude. Nice to meet your acquaintance properly, Doctor," she smiles, and turns to gesture to the Photon Pal League. "These are my friends!" She announces, quite proud of herself.

        Good news, Koji: the bad guy loves you.

<Pose Tracker> Koji Kabuto has posed.

The friendship they have with Yuliana is, admittedly, complicated, but it is a friendship and Koji is happy to smile over to Dr. Miyazaki when Yuliana includes them.

To Tessa, though, he nods: "If they've been operating since '88... then they probably handled Titans materiel. Smashing a few of those would be good, if only for old times' sake." Like many others present, he has not missed the shared surname of Tessa's target.

Something to talk to her about later, he thinks.

"Do we have any projections for facility defenses?"

<Pose Tracker> C.C. has posed.

        Maybe if C.C. and Yuliana put their heads together, they could totally externally crack the entire code on the Whispered situation. But of course, there's a lot of people C.C. could collaborate with to solve and unpack the enigmas of the world. That doesn't mean that a) she should or b) she can be particularly bothered.

        "It's far from the correct company to get into that, I agree," C.C. simply replies, unsure as to whether the Void or the Whispers are the more unsettling phenomena to be in the same room with. ...At least working with the Dawn of Fold has led to her to get -accustomed- to the dark silence? Is that even a good thing?

        "If the three of you would agree, maybe it would be useful to get back in touch. Though I'm not really as comforting a presence to Emilia as you two must be, but I'll be sure to keep the right distance," C.C. muses to Kallen and Cascade, both hands cupping her cheeks after slurping down a bowl of noodles.

        Erica's openly telepathic examination warrants probably slightly too slow a set of barriers on C.C.'s end. Not that it gives the witch away too much, but Erica can likely tell -something- has shifted in the green-haired paramour's aura - like it got fuzzier and fluffier, maybe a little more 'rubbery' to probe. "So you have 'that' sense of humor, don't you?" C.C. remarks dryly at the girl, a faint sigh from her lips. "Well, you're not really in foreign company there. We meet a lot of people who think plenty of this is all a huge joke. Though we also are just as likely to come into conflict with them. South Britannia's becoming a mess of PMC interests, and plenty of the leaders of those have a screw loose."

<Pose Tracker> Emilia Eschonbach has posed.

        At least Emmy can always count on Yuliana not to talk to Angelo unless absolutely necessary, and only throw her under the bus if she's pissed the void woman off. Which... she hasn't so far! So good!

        Emmy understands the feeling of losing words. She reaches a hand down to squeeze Kallen's when she disentangles from the hugpile, to grab a napkin, and pull a pen from one of her pockets. If it's just hard to talk, then the napkin will help. If it's not, well. "I-If it's too much, w-we can talk l-later." But the fact that Sousuke and Kaname survived the boat trip.... that makes her feel better. There's *something* to hope for now.

        The objective she hears from Tessa, though... A shot of fear shoots through her heart, along with the anger. Hunt down Leonard Testarossa... She can't speak for the Sleeves, but...

        "...Th-that's a good e-enough mission f-for me." Emilia says, angrily. "...E-even if th-the commander doesn't c-clear it." That can be heard- she has certain leeway that rank and file Sleeves don't get. A benefit for being who she is, even if she's trying to earn their respect. "I o-o-o-owe that b-bastard a h-h-hole in the chest."

        Cascade mentions the promise to come back, to not die. "...Y-you did." Emmy falls quiet. "...Th-that doesn't mean y-y-you get out of it n-now though." Out of the promise, perhaps? "Y-you still h-have to follow th-through for a wh-while longer." She does blink. "R-Rin's okay? Th-that's good... I kn-know she didn't... st-stick with Zero." That's what Sheryl told her, at least.

        Amalgam. An organization that had repeatedly interfered with the Black Knights. Behemoth, the Gamias... Kallen's brother. Her eyes turn to Sayaka... and Koji Kabuto. A man that she knew fielded against A-21... and some of her friends. "...Dr H-Hell. R-r-really is d-d-dead this t-time, right?" That anger the girl carries is there, fiery and reckless. She stands almost protectively near Kallen, her arm moving around her shoulders. After what that bastard did... "...He'd better h-have d-died messily."

        The use of plans from the First Neo Zeon war... plans her cousin might have been involved in making.

        Her horrid, awful cousin who kept a girl as a pet and used others as weapons.

        ...That was all her family name had been reduced to now. Monsters. She had to be something more. Something better.

        C.C. gets a small glare. "...Z-Zero still o-o-owes me an explanation." She says, to his 'voice'. "R-r-remind him of that."

        There's a brief pause. "A-and y-y-you don't get to p-pick the food."

        Is she *still* angry about the Pizza?

        Yes. And she will remain so forever.

<Pose Tracker> Boss has posed.

         Boss waits for Violet to finish introducing herself to Yuliana before she turns to him. "Sure am! Co-proprietor of Boss Ramen, with my best pals Nuke and Mucha," (he gestures to both with his free hand- Nuke makes a tiny waving motion while Mucha tilts his head to suggest a wink) "but I guess that's not what you'd know me for in a meeting like this, huh? I'm definitely not the Boss of /Satellicon/, but us three pull our weight to keep it moving."

         Commenting on Boss's question, Emilia doesn't seem to think it's likely that their allies' intentions of combat will impact what ends up happening. Boss responds with "Well, I mean, do we sit and wait for them if they don't show? Or do we just do something else that we're there for and get out ASAP?" Boss isn't sure if he's hoping for a particular answer - he's not afraid of a fight, or to fight, but he wants to know he's not just doing it for its own sake.

         Fortunately, Tessa does have answers for him - they are actively looking for a conflict. Amalgam comes up frequently in Satellicon meetings - definitely a target he can get behind. The exploding fake Neo Zeon suits sound devious, and maybe a little harsh, but he can't deny it reminds him of the kind of schemes he'd get up to. He is also relieved they're not attacking the Elevator - he's grateful that Satellicon, true to their word, is steering clear of collateral damage wherever they can. It'll be some time before he thinks about the implications of who asked about it.

         And really, how could he think about that when she's being so sociable? As far as Boss can see, Yuliana's matching his energy beat for beat today; it's true that he does have other reasons to be here, but he sees no good reason to dispel her assumption. "I'll bet all the other big factions would have an easier time staying in one piece if they had get-togethers like this!" See, why would you need to warn the groups to expect each other? Satellicon and Dawn of Fold are quite literally arm in arm laughing as best friends! As far as terrorist meetings go, this seems like a pretty good time to Boss. And when the time comes for them to sortie, he knows they'll have each other's backs, just like always.

<Pose Tracker> Cascade Vermilion has posed.

"Hunted. I am sorry. I have managed to stay away from Amalgam," by cutting all her ties, "and I have been living... a normal life. Until recently, I suppose... - And Dr. Hell is dead," Cascade confirms for Emmy. "As is Baron Ashura." That, at least, she can be sure of. She wouldn't be able to live how she does if it wasn't.

But not NX-1, she thinks to herself. No matter how I try, I haven't stopped her yet...

"Then we can ... connect. I missed you," Cascade admits, lowering her voice so that the majority of the room can't pick it up. At a more normal volume: "I will pick the food instead," she volunteers, suddenly. "I have been learning how to cook. I... enjoy it. Then you will have no complaints." That with a slight smile, but an honest one.

She lets her eyes rove across the room to the others, lingering on a few people she wants to keep an eye on - Koji, Sayaka, Yuliana - then Tessa. She's more interested in this mission than she was a while ago.

<Pose Tracker> Sympatria Unit has posed.

Six's eyes turn towards Tieria as the latter sits down. She turns the bitten cherry tomato over in her mouth without parting her lips. Then they track, the cold amber chips focusing on Kurz... "Oh neat! I never heard of it," Six chirps to Kurz.

Then she answers Yuliana! "Heyy! I'm doing great! I had a lot of fun shopping for these cool disguise outfits!" Again: Neon-green bodystocking, tanktop, shorts, wedge sandals. Her joie de vivre evaporates as she tilts her head at One. "And him, you can ask yourself."

One continues to hold his plate of food. This is getting stupid. Having shuffled near to a flat surface that isn't a person, he puts it down, claims a yakitori skewer, and eats that meat.

  1. 8, for her part, pays attention to the presentation, lacking either the conflicting issues of One as he navigates challenges and social expectations, OR Six's entire existence. "Is the distraction going to be big enough to cover heavy operations, or do we need to minimize profile?" she asks Tessa, her arms folding loosely.

<Pose Tracker> Sayaka Yumi has posed.

ayaka's smile turns a bit more gentle when Kallen struggles to address her. It really does sound like she's been through a lot, but Sayaka's happy that today gave her at least some good news.

Sayaka has a sense of humour, so she thinks six's air-kissing is kind of funny, though she's quite engaged. She can see how that bunch keeps the Dawn of Fold's ranks lively.

"I'm glad to hear the family's doing well. And that you're feeling better, too." Sayaka nods. She knows there's a time and a place - so her look isn't one of scrutiny when Yuliana talks about Elisa's kindness. Is it fine? Like Koji, she thinks it's a complicated friendship... but it's still a friendship. "I had no idea you two were acquainted," Sayaka addresses Violet. "It's nice to meet you outside the pages of science journals." As if Satellicon and Dawn of Fold is some kind of social club.

Sayaka figured Amalgam was at play here, but for Tessa to name them out loud in front of their prospective allies, and to name drop her own brother... "I guess we aren't playing coy about them. We don't have a lot of reach in Britannia... but if we're using remote detonation, is there anything we can do to keep their defenses down?" She's already focused on practicals. "...Besides, I'm aware the former Sleeves over here have several of those mobile suits in their ranks. We'll need a way to differentiate them."

IS Dr. Hell dead? "Well, they say the third time's the charm," Sayaka explains, in a fashion that isn't entirely convincing. "But Koji and I finished him off ourselves. I honestly can't see any other way for him to come back. But if he did... we'd fight him as many times as it takes." Not to mention... he probably wouldn't see any worth in this world anymore.

<Pose Tracker> Teletha Testarossa has posed.

There are, of course, ears that listen into conversations. The mind is not a parallel processor, but efficiency in multitasking is (not) a thing. Nevertheless, there's still an ear out for the chatter as much as she could while presenting.

Cascade's hostility is marked down, noted, and earmarked. Granted, they were on the same side, but it's still...How to call it. A bit disconcerting. She can't help but wonder herself, about her own malaise within. A whisper in the wind of self-derision before moving on, the deep-seated, decade-plus-spanning rot continuing to fester inside.

"We'll be glad to have the Ptolemy aboard. If there's anything we can scavenge from those places under duress, the more hands we have, the better off we'll all be." The lightly dangerous statement is moved on from. There's more, anyways. What's a little duress?

"Leonard Testarossa's sole relation to me is by blood and nothing else." It's flatly stated to Violet without any form of pretense, in addition to Yuliana's own exclamation. The glare she had at that statement added to that. Hopefully. "The sooner we can be rid of him, the better off the world will be. You all have my express permission to punch him in the face." A breath to tamp those feelings back down. Not here. Not now.

"For facility defenses, it should be as expected for any Britannian establishment that isn't in their homeland: Nominally guarded...Except this is a hub for all the power in South Britannia. As such, we should expect heavy resistance no matter where." A few more circles on the screen. "Here are the known points of airborne entry based on delivery schedules." Notably, they're all shipping lanes; As far away from the central transport of people as possible.

"For the time being, the aim is to minimize our prescence until we can confirm the validity of our bait. After that, it's the equivalent of a smash and grab. Considering the civilian traffic in the area, we can strike during the low points of the incoming end-of-year rush. This is just regular business parlance, but I'm sure you've all already seen some stores already putting up Christmas decorations, correct?" The reach of Britannian Culture is long and wide. "Otherwise, we'll have to play it by ear and selectively disable suits where we can." A small smile at the PPL Couple. Surely, the Yumi Foundation can setup a fundraiser excuse or two for scoping.

"The main problem will be the movement of Britannian nobles themselves. Due to their authority, we can't anticipate anything other than the vaguest of movements, especially those connected to the more cladestine parts of NUNE." She leaves names unsaid. "If worst comes to worst, we may be hitting a hornet's nest of other things..."

"...But, knowing some of us, that's what we'd love to happen, right?"

There's an unusually cheery smile at that statement.

"That's all I have. Direct any questions to Kurz Weber, and don't let him leave until he's answered or collated every last one."

<Pose Tracker> Violet Miyazaki has posed.

         Ah, there it is. The quickly-becoming-familiar feeling of grasping psychic tendrils reaching out, grabbing nothing, then disappearing into the emptiness. Violet casually notes that the nothing feeling has stopped bothering her. Should that worry her? Probably not.

        She accepts Yuliana's handshake, matching the tightness of her grip. "It's good to see you again, Yuliana. How are you today?"

        The Photon Power League were definitely not who Violet was expecting from Yuliana's friend group. They shouldn't be what she was expecting from terrorists, either, but she was alive during the AEUG days, so she figured that with the Gaia Sabers around, some of the people from back then would be up and about again...

        Yuliana's exuberance is making an impact on Violet, and she's finding herself becoming better disposed to the PPL. Not that she was hostile in the first place; she's respected them for a while. "Nice to meet you. Friends of Yuliana are friends of mine," she says. "Boss Ramen, huh? I'll have to check it out some time." When Boss decides to fade out, she lets it happen.

        Violet turns to Sayaka. "We met recently, after I came back from outer space. It's nice to finally meet you in person too." She extends a hand to shake. Her grip is firm, but not obnoxiously crushing. "I've heard you've set up a charity. How is the Yumi Foundation doing these days?"

        "If Amalgam is a target worth going after, they've probably caught on to the exploding blueprint trick by now. Though if they fell for that... I'm sure we could put something together. If you're worried about IFF, we can arrange a code exchange." Military concerns like that aren't totally alien to Dr. Miyazaki, though she keeps her mouth decidedly shut about the places she's picked that experience up. "We can hash out other details like that at a later planning stage."

        Ah, Dr. Hell. Always a fun topic. Violet's a big fan, though the extent of that is a secret she knows better than to reveal in present company. "There are always dead angles," she says, and she leaves it at that.

        Erica isn't really surprised when C.C.'s aura turns opaque. Maybe the level of practiced psychic occlusion is odd, but considering Erica's personality, she's used to this type of response in more general turns. "If you like big jokes, I'm pretty good at them!" she says brightly. "Lots of things are big jokes, if you look at them right. Speaking of... PMCs, huh..." Erica taps her chin thoughtfully, then vigorously shakes her head. "Didn't get your name. I'm Erica. Viviani," she adds the surname as an afterthought. "Doctor," she adds as an afterafterthought. She says it casually, but she's proud of that title, especially at her young age. Proud of Violet's approval of it, too.

<Pose Tracker> Sayaka Yumi has posed.

Sayaka laughs lightheartedly when Violet brings up the Yumi Foundation. "Oh, that one isn't mine. I'd hate to take the credit from a good friend - that was all Dr. Mass's handiwork." Sayaka corrects her. "She stepped down as head to take an appointment in the SAL, but the charity itself is still up running... if a little blocked up thanks to NUNE interference." Their last operation entailed forcing their aid over after all.