Teletha Testarossa

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Artist: dsknight
IC Information
Full Name: Teletha Testarossa
Also Known As: Diamond-2
Gender: Female (She/Her)
Species: Whispered
Age (Birthdate): 18 (0079)
Hair Colour: Silver-white
Eye Colour: Bright Brown
Height 158 cm
Job: Submarine Commander
Homeland: Boston
Awakening: 4
Primary Unit: Tuatha de Danann
BGM: Tuatha de Danann
OOC Information
Origin: Full Metal Panic!
Factions: Shuffle Alliance
Player: Ami

An abnormal girl from birth, Tessa was born into a military family. As a Whispered, she wrote out revolutionary questions before she could attend school, equations that revolutionized war and caused untold amounts of suffering in international locales, culminating in the death of her parents and the disappearance of her twin brother. Seeking a form of atonement and a will to prevent others like her from being swept up in the shady underbelly of constant war, she joined Mithril to prevent exactly that. With their assistance (and a bit of grease from her family friends), she single-handedly planned out the construction of her precious submarine, and personally pilots the infamous boat. As the Witch of Mithril, Tessa seeks to rescue others from the fate of being a target for the circumstances of their birth, and to link up with others, so that warfare in general may be prevented before it even began. A brilliant strategist, a resourceful commander, but someone who's green behind the ears.  


She's got one! Nothing too spectacular, and certainly classified. Born as a Whispered, raised in the elite side in Boston, the younger sister of the two children of Carl and Maria Testarossa. Orphaned due to Various Circumstances as a child, she was saved by Jerome Broda, who then brought her into Mithril under the R&D Division. A few years down the line, she designed the blueprints for the Tuatha de Danaan (TDD-1), as well as serving as Chief Programmer for the Ship's AI, DANA.

As of now, the Tuatha de Dannan patrols primarily around the Pacific Oceans, with Captain Tessa serving as Diamond-2 (Head of Materials, Research and Development) in the Shuffle Alliance.


Tuatha de Dannan

A vessel solo-designed by Tessa, intended as the shining flagship of Mithril's own naval forces. The base of the vessel itself was salvaged from an abandoned submarine sourced from the REA region formerly known as the Soviet Union. Housing over 150 personnel at any given moment, it lurks the sea as a base of operations with Tessa at the helm, accompanied by XO Richard Mardukas and Commander Andrei Sergeivich Kalinin. It's AI, DANA (Programmed by Tessa), supplies general combat information and manages the day-to-day functions of the ship on a loose, hands-off role.

The Tuatha de Dannan separates their battle group into two major units: Primary Response Team and Special Response Team. Due to the specialist nature of the TDD-1, personnel are given complete freedom to take whatever equipment they deem necessary for their operations.

  • Primary Response Team (PRT) - Callsign Kano # - Usually fields mechas as required to disguise themselves as armed forces of various nations. There are six units in total: air assault, amphibious warfare, espionage, assault, communications, and building breaching and assault. All PRT personnel are rotated within the six teams and form the core fighting force of the TDD-1 and, in extent, the Pacific Fleet of Mithril.
    • Most regular ops are carried out by the PRT.
    • Primarily headed by LCDR Kalilin,
    • Field commander ops headed by Castello (Uruz-3), in charge of communication and teamwork between the PRT and SRT when required.
  • Special Response Team (SRT) - Callsign Uruz # - Specialist team meant for more intricate operations, utilizing Arm Slaves rather than sourced mecha. During more complex operations, the SRT takes command of one or more PRT units.
Notable Special Response Team (SRT) Personnel
Call Sign Pilot Name Rank Notes
Uruz 1 Gail McAllen Captain Texas Colony man through and through. Notable for also whipping up a neat BBQ; He says its required to graduate from the schools there, though this assertion has been cast in reasonable doubt. Notable for being the "Old Man" of the SRT as its longest-serving member.

KIA during Into The Blue.

Uruz 2 Melissa Mao Master Seargent Chinese-Britannian ex-Marine who was discharged because she is a drunken lout. Still, she is an all-around ace, with skill in both AS piloting and hand-to-hand combat. Apparently good enough with throwing knives to peg a man between the eyes from ten yards away while concussed and drugged on a violently moving submarine in the middle of combat. As Uruz 2, Mao has field command of the SRT. Tessa is looking at promoting Mao into the officers' corps. and away from field duty, which may be why Mao seems mysteriously absent all the time lately.
Uruz 3 Castello First Lieutenant An experienced pilot and soldier. Although the younger members may be faster than him, he is a crafty bastard and should never be underestimated. As Uruz 3, Castello is the field commander of the Primary Response Team.
Uruz 4 Hummer First Lieutenant Field commander of the Mithril helicopter corps. Not much is known, because few people use helicopters in this day and age.
Uruz 5 Roger Sandraptor Sergeant Native American. Formerly a Britannian soldier. Although a capable soldier, he's not very friendly, so he's not under consideration for promotion to command. He's a little bit prone to speaking in cryptic aphorisms and metaphors.
Uruz 6 Kurz Weber Sergeant German-Japanese sniper. Formerly a mercenary in Lebanon. Bit of a playboy, not very professional, but can be trusted to get the job done. You will never find a better sniper. Unless you're Celestial Being, apparently.
Uruz 7 Sousuke Sagara Sergeant Soldier of unknown heritage, found in a plane crash in Russia. His age is an estimation and his name is a guess, taken from the name written on a doll found nearby. Formerly went by the alias "Kashim" in Afghanistan during the Fifth Middle East Conflict. Being raised entirely in war zones, has a lot of trouble with day-to-day life in a civilian setting. All romantic involvement with Anzus is met with probable deniability.
Uruz 8 Spec Sergeant Britannian. Formerly a Naval Soldier of the Britannian Fleet. He has a good sense of humor, but is essentially a cynic. Still, he is very good at judging a person's character, and has great faith in those he judges highly.
Uruz 9 Yan Junkyu Corporal Korean. Drafted into the military during the Bloody Valentine Conflict against his will, but blossomed into a skilled soldier. Raised the son of a mechanic, Yan dreamed of becoming a race car driver, but poverty and the draft ruined his dreams. He joined Mithril during a certain top-secret incident. Yan was only promoted to the SRT after certain events, and the older SRT have serious doubts that the young man is cut out for the job. Yan is the only SRT who cannot pilot a mech to save his life. However, behind the wheel of any other kind of vehicle he is a true ace. If Mithril needs a driver, Yan is their man. To the confusion of some of the more skilled ex-special forces on the SRT, this means Yan ends up on a /lot/ of missions. On other occasions he is typically in charge of a PRT team or an intelligence-gathering squad.
Uruz 10 Jezebel Richens Specialist Former member of the EFSF. Special circumstances involving the robbery of a Gundam and a mid-fight meeting and subsequent imprisonment into employment for Mithril.
Uruz 11 Seolla Schweitzer Specialist Former member of The School. Recruited via Uruz-7 after the events of THe Walled Garden routesplit.
Uruz 10 Nguyen Bien Bo Corporal A new transfer to the TDD Battlegroup.

Betrayed Mithril. Stricken from records. KIA.

Uruz 12 John Danigan Sergeant A new transfer to the TDD Battlegroup.

Betrayed Mithril. Stricken from records. KIA.

Notable TDD-1 Personnel

  • Edward Sacks - Portly older caucasian man with a HUGE beard, affable and helpful and we know the type. TDD-1's chief engineer.
  • Peggy Goldberry - Heavy-set black woman. TDD-1's onboard physician.

Notable TDD-1 Callsigns:

  • Uruz - The call sign of the Special Response Team. Appropriate considering the rune means "strength", though the more cynical members occasionally note it can also mean "sacrifice"...
  • Anzus - The call sign used by Teletha Testarossa when she's in the field. The rune refers to Odin, god of war and wisdom.
  • Kano - The unit call sign of the Primary Response Team. Appropriate to their role as seizing control at the start of an operation, the rune means "beginning."
  • Perth - The call sign used by Andrei Kalinin and presumably other elite commanders who enter the field.
  • Gebo - The call sign used by Mithril's transport helicopters and airplanes. The rune means "promise" or "gift."
  • Teiwaz - The call sign used by Mithril's observation and attack helicopters. The rune means "warrior."
  • Ogma - The call sign used by Intelligence officers attached to the West Pacific Fleet. Ogma-1 is Vincent Bruno.
  • Angel - Kaname Chidori.
  • TDD-HQ - The call sign of the TDD-1 Tuatha de Danaan in its capacity as an operations center.

Mithril Personnel

  • Lord Mallory - The overall head of Mithril, and also their chief financer. Not particularly hands-on but he does attend meetings with the division chiefs regularly. Not quite single-handedly funding a whole-ass military, but he's making a good run of it. Chiefly seen during meetings of the higher-ups, though his physical location is unknown.
  • Admiral Jerome Borda - Formerly of the BUSE navy, where he was a superior officer to Carl Testarossa. He's been close to the Testarossa family since before the tragedy that tore them apart. Saved Tessa on That Day and more or less walked her straight into Mithril from there. Current head of Mithril's Operations division, and works out of the Argyros Security headquarters building in Wellington, New Zealand.
  • General Mayer Amit - Head of Mithril's Intelligence division. Worked in special services with the OAC during the One Year War, where he learned to be a viciously cynical man. One of the most important lessons he learned is that the only battle you win is one you prevent from starting, an approach that allowed him to raise merry hell under the nose of Zeon's East African Army during the war. Perhaps inevitably, prefers a distant touch over Operations' preference for direct action.
  • Doctor Painrose - Head of Mithril's research and development division. It was his decision to work directly with the young Whispered, Tessa Testarossa and Bani Morauta, for better or worse. Little is known about him in general, but he produces results and Mithril's background checks have completely cleared him, so he maintains his current position with ease.
  • 2nd Lt. Nora Lemming - A Britannian researcher with doctorates in both neurology and experimental physics who graduated with honors from Britannia's famous Massachusetts Bay Institute of Technology. She was hand-picked by Tessa Testarossa to replace Bani Morauta. Nora's been essential to Mithril attempting to pick up and continue to operate the Arbalest, and is quite fluent in how it works...but she's far short of understanding how that's possible. Without that, she's nowhere near the understanding needed to make a new Lambda Driver. Rumored to have a romance blooming with Andrei Kalinin. The fact she goes out of her way to attempt to protest it on his behalf speaks volumes.
  • Gavin Hunter - Regional intelligence head for the Eastern REA. Runs several businesses which he uses to support and cover Mithril operations in his sphere of influence. His home base in Hong Kong gives him connections taht allow him to even be instrumental in smuggling assets across bloc borders into the OCU. Due to extremely clever use of proxies and shell companies, Federation intelligence is currently split between whether he is 3 people or 16.
  • Richard Mardukas - XO of the TDD-1 Tuatha de Danaan. A sublimely skilled captain from AEU Britain, Mardukas previously served as the captain of the Federation Juneau-class submarine, the Turbulent. There he racked up an impressive count of both sunk Zeon mobile suits and ships, making him one of the few ship captains of the One Year War to emerge with an ace title: His fellow captains refer to him with reverence as The Duke. His tactics are studied to this day even in high-level battleship training courses. Currently, the official story is that Mardukas has retired from service and now runs a shipping yard out of AEU Britain.
  • Andrei Sergeivich Kalinin - Callsign Pereth-1 - Commander of the TDD Battlegroup's mobile division. Kalinin is a career military man and a veteran of both the One Year War and Gryps conflicts, serving within the REA's secret military intelligence apparatus. He remains tremendously devoted to his late wife, although it seems their marriage was somewhat troubled by his frequent field work. Around 0090 he suddenly defected, not to any other bloc, but rather working as a mercenary alongside the young man who would become Sousuke Sagara. Kalinin was separated from Sagara some years after and soon after that, picked up by Mithril. He is a quiet and humble man but nonetheless keenly insightful. He is also one of the finest soldiers on the planet. A terrible enemy to have.
  • Kim Yunhi, AKA Wraith - Khankan member of Intelligence. Master of disguise, habitually wears masks, body-concealing suits, voice changers, and other disguises. Even getting her real name out of Intelligence more or less requires blackmailing General Amit. She is the operative chosen by Intelligence to watch over Kaname Chidori, with orders STRICTLY to observe, and intervene only against serious threats. There is precious little daylight between the point at which she'd intervene and the point at which she'd exercise her prerogative to simply kill Kaname.

Mithril Companies

  • ''Geotron Electronics'' - Geotron Electronics is an arms manufacturing and engineering firm with a focus on smaller mecha, specializing in the parts and design for ARM Slaves and Wanzers. They're not currently in the KMF market - the reps occasionally mutter a narrative that they were cut improperly out of the BUF's bidding process - but are expected to take on the challenge as soon as a bloc that isn't Britannia starts pursuing the form factor. For now their main focus is their newest model, the Third Generation ARM Slave the M9 Gernsback. Weaponswise, they're best known for the GRAW line of bowie knife-inspired monomolecular cutters. Geotron are also, quietly, known for a robust R&D program, with expertise in some of the most exotic technologies in use in the field today.
    • In secret, Geotron is directly attached to Mithril, serving as its engineering and design wing. Mithril has its own engineers and technicians, but it's Geotron's experts who maintain, design, and improve some of Mithril's most important technology, up to and including the vaunted "Toy Box" TDD-1 Tuatha De Danaan herself.
  • ''Argyros Security'' - PMC and private security (same industry, these days...) company with its headquarters in New Zealand. Argyros provides security services primarily to private customers, though it has been known to take contracts from sub-bloc governments that don't quite want to directly involve a Federation military. They do try to keep their noses clean, but every so often a team with Argyros patches turns up in a skirmish in some barely-settled Impact Wars hellhole, same as any other PMC. Despite their massive scale, Argyros is a privately held company, all the better to quietly divert attention from the fact that it is wholly owned by the absurdly wealthy Mallory family.
    • In secret, Argyros Security is nothing less than Mithril's beating heart, the headquarters of its Operations division. The chain is long and well concealed, but many Mithril operations start out in Argyros' contract tracker. High-ranking members of Mithril's Operations unit all have cover positions somewhere in Argyros, and the facility has security to rival the headquarters of national militaries. Deep in the heart of Argyros' headquarters is a 2-story monster of a chamber occupying the 26th through 28th floors: Mithril's central Operations Command Center.
  • ''Mao Industries'' - Unlike Geotron and Argyros, Mao Industries is not a disguised arm of Mithril, but is instead a collaborator organization. With a little forewarning and a touch of falsified paperwork, Mao techs anywhere in the Earth Sphere can provide support to anything in Mithril's fleet.

Personal Accolades

  • Holds an honorary PhD in Engineering Physics with Minors in Computer Engineering and Mathematics.
  • Annual upkeep of Mithril's own Periodic Health Assessment.
  • 5th in Jindai High Exams (Handicap self-inflicted).


