Lina Lombardi

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Lina Lombardi
IC Information
Full Name: Linelise Beatrice Lombardi
Also Known As: The Green Daredevil (Self-Styled)
Gender: Female (She/Her)
Species: Newtype
Age (Birthdate): 30 (April 5, 0069)
Hair Colour: Green
Eye Colour: Blue
Height 6'0" (183cm)
Job: Fighter Pilot
Homeland: Italy (Currently living in Japan)
Awakening: 2
Primary Unit: VF-171 Nightmare Plus
BGM: Comona - The Tiberian Suns
Insert: Into Free ~Dangan~ - B'z
Voice Actor: Ami Koshimizu (JP)

Allegra Clark (EN)

OOC Information
Origin: Original Character
Factions: Grand Glorious Guard
Player: Waffleman

The self-proclaimed ace pilot of 3G, Lina Lombardi has flown under many standards. Initially training to join the AEU military, news of her father's disappearance led her to drop out just before graduation and serve as a mercenary for several years searching for information. Headhunted by G-Hound, she eventually resigned in protest against their actions against the PLANT colonies. She eventually found her way into the Gutsy Global Guard, where she served in the expedition to Jupiter against the Oath Over Omega. An impulsive woman who usually wears her emotions on her sleeve, she came into the realization of Newtype affinity during her first encounters with Triple Zero, with the assistance of NERV captain Sonia Sophia-Grace, who she would eventually develop a relationship with. During the Division Train expedition and some time after, Lina's mental fortitude was challenged when she made an enemy of the inter-dimensional monster Yapool, however, her friendship with Yapool's son Shozo and the support she finds in 3G has helped her face her demons, entering into her third decade with a renewed passion for life and her work.


Linelise Lombardi, the first daughter of the first son of the Lombardi family, was born in Tuscany, Italy to AEU pilot Felix Lombardi and artist Isabella Lombardi. For as long as she's remembered, she idolized her father, desiring to follow in his footsteps. This dream became a close reality for Lina when she was accepted into the New Roman Academy, a military training academy affiliated with the AEU. She studied diligently with aims of becoming a pilot like her father.

During her time at the academy, she got a closer look at the work her father did, becoming slightly disillusioned with the Federation and how many officers prioritized following orders or the letter of the law over doing what seemed to be more right. However, she persisted, choosing to follow her dream. In 0091, Lina was informed that her father had gone missing during a mission over the Pacific. When she pressed for more details, she found that any information had been redacted and was unavailable to her. Completely shaken by this betrayal of trust, she dropped out of the academy months before graduation.

In an attempt to investigate her father's fate, Lina ended up contacting an associate of his, Elias Concord. The CEO of Concord Defense Solutions, a PMC based in Moralia, Elias offered Lina a job as a mercenary while she investigated. Intrigued by working outside of the Federation, Lina accepted, piloting an eEXM-17 Alto Flight Type along with Alina Pride, a technician and tactical advisor within CDS who would grow into her closest friend.

In 0096, Vitaly Sokolov, Lina's former instructor at the academy, joined up with the autonomous Federation group G-Hound, a group Lina had worked with several times in the past. Disappointed that Lina had flaked out of her program, Vitaly pushed herself into a mentor position to Lina, despite Lina's wishes. After several months, Vitaly was successful in convincing Lina to leave CDS and fully enlist with G-Hound.

At G-Hound, Lina pilots a VF-171 Nightmare Plus as the flight leader and sole member of the 21st G-Hound Aerial Juno Squadron as part of Sokolov's Rapid Response Team, having brought Alina with her from CDS as technical lead and AWACS (Airborne Warning and Control System) operator. In September of 0096, she fought in the battle of Torrington, defending a Federation stockhold from an insurgent attack while also dealing with a rogue prototype Gundam. During this battle, the ace of the One Year War, Amuro Ray, thought dead for three years, made an appearance. Lina joined in the fight against the newly hostile White Meteor, and while she put up her best resistance, was easily outmatched by the Nu Gundam.

For several weeks after Torrington, Lina exhibited several physical and psychological issues, including headaches and nightmares, initially thought to be a symptom of post traumatic stress. This was then accompanied by the presence of voices in her head, the stress of her condition beginning to interfere with her piloting.

While on duty in G-Hound's Luna II base, Lina was visited in a dream by Rita Bernal, who confirmed a sneaking suspicion that Lina was beginning to awaken as a Newtype. Sympathizing with Lina's search for her father, she suggested that Lina meet with Michele Luio of Luio & Co, claiming that Michele was looking for Rita as well and that if Lina informed Michele that they had met, Michele may be able to help her find information deeper than she would be able to find on her own. After making an appointment with Michele and explaining herself, she agreed to look into the matter and Lina unofficially joined the Phoenix Hunt.

While on a routine patrol by Tsutsujidai, Lina was caught up in the city's break from reality, and she finds herself trapped in its walled garden. She befriended NERV's Sonia Sophia-Grace, and assisted in the reintegration of Tsutsujidai into greater reality, fully awakening to her abilities and getting her payback on Amuro Ray all at once.

Upon returning from Tsutsujidai, she learned of G-Hound's campaign against the PLANTS, and finds herself conflicted as to her role and her future.

During the climax of the Phenex Hunt, Lina's trust was betrayed by Michele and her ReLion was scrapped by the Banshee, piloted by Puru-1. While waiting for rescue, she made the decision to leave G-Hound.

On the recommendation of Sonia, Lina has been recruited into GGG. After a botched first encounter, she assisted in neutralizing the Tenth Angel, Dumas.

Lina participated in the GGG expedition to Jupiter in order to rescue the rest of the errant Gutsy Galaxy Guard and put a stop to the threat of Oath Over Omega. During the journey, she met Shozo, befriending the boy and inadvertently making an enemy of his father, the inter-dimensional creature known as Yapool, who tortured her by showing her the death of her father. Shaken from this and a later journey into Yapool's own domain to save Shozo, she underwent therapy to manage her trauma. After this, Shozo would be unofficially adopted as Lina's brother.

Due to the closed borders between NUNE and the OCU, Lina is currently living in Tokyo to allow easier access to 3G facilities. She also wrote the song "Giant Step" for Sheryl Nome for a songwriting contest held by the idol.

In January 0100, the Provincial Court of Pistoia moved to declare Feliciano Lombardi legally dead in absentia. Though expected, this closing of the book hit Lina hard, reopening old wounds as she prepared to return home to see to the arrangement of his estate.


Unit Type Remarks
eEXM-17 Alto Flight Type My personal unit, but it doesn't really see much action unless I have to.
MPMZ-17 Ichinana Got one of these on loan from Dr. Kabuto. Hope he doesn't mind the paint job.
VF-171 Nightmare Plus My backup. Couldn't go without one of these.


Name Description AKA
Felix Lombardi Wherever you are, I know you're doing alright. Papa
Elsamarie Lombardi You can stop fretting about me, I've got plenty of people to do that already. Elsa, Sis
Alina Pride I can't just expect to drag her around with me everywhere I go...Hope she's doing well. Ally, Mousetrap
Elias Concord The CEO of Concord Defense Solutions. Still checks in on me from time to time. Boss
Guy Shishioh "King of Braves" is a hell of a title, but boy does he live up to it. Cap'n
Sheryl Nome I'm one of Sheryl Nome's songwriters...I wonder if I could get a discount on merch... Galactic Fairy
Sonia Sophia-Grace Love you. Gattina
Koji Kabuto I think I still owe him a cup of coffee... Doc
Alouette Pommier Kid that young's got a hell of a brain. I'm supposed to be the adult here... Lette
Tenryujin They keep asking me what my favorite movies are...I'm gonna run out of movies at this point.... An & Ko
Shozo I'll do my best to show you how a family should really be. Morello
Yapool Ho intenzione di ucciderti. The Devil
Lucine Azul We should really arrange another double date sometime. Lu
Liam 7-020 You're looking better every time I see you, buddy. Li


  • Proficient at playing the saxophone
  • Has been in space maybe 3 times and thrown up every time Is getting better at it!
  • Favorite food: Spaghetti pomodoro
  • Is the heir to The Lombardi Grove vineyards and winery

