2025-03-23: Visitor From U40

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  • Cast: Ren Takeda, Guy Shishioh, Shinji Kaminaga, Lina Lombardi, Akane Shinjo, Rikka Takarada
  • Where: GGG Orbit Base
  • Date: U.C. 00100 03 23
  • Summary: After the mystery of the DG Thunder Killer in Nouvelle Tokyo, Ultraman Solis pays a visit to the GGG Orbit Base both to say hello, find out information, and give another small mystery of a Dinosaur Tank during the Macross Frontier incident. Along the way it ends up being revealed that Solis has a human form, namely Ren Takeda.

A week ago, Ren Takeda was sitting in a small home on Aticassia that he was using for school work. He had taken to doing some research. The young Ultra was in human form, a disguise pretty much for what he truly was, but also technically his real form. So he was comfortable with it. And since his adoptive parents and Terminal had shown him how to look up things, he had looked up what he had faced and seen. "... that one doesn't make much sense. I wasn't behind on my studies back home."

He sighs as he runs his hand through his hair, "Oh, this is going to be interesting..." He started to type a few things, securing a line for "personal business" before he picked up. "Hey, mom. About what happened on Earth? Can you send a message for me to a group? The ones from back then."

Some time after all the events going on, GGG had received a message. It was rather simple, and sent through channels that could be traced back to the Colonies but then were scrambled up all over as to where it came from.

It was a simple one, too. Just some text.

"My name is Ultraman Solis. I would like to meet about the kaiju that could absorb energies, and another during the Macross Quarter incident. I will be arriving at your orbital base in a few days."

That had lead to the current situation. There was no sign on the sensors so far. At least not until something appears at the edge, moving pretty fast. It's... small however. Almost the size of a small mobile unit. And compact. But it's giving off high energy readings. Visuals show it to be some sort of ball of literal light. Light so condensed that it moves extremely fast.

Once it gets within a better visual range, it expands outwards into a large humanoid shape before the light fades away to show the Blue Ultra from the DG Thunderkiller incident. He slows down as he gets closer to the base until coming to a complete stop.

It is about then that he realizes a problem perhaps. There is no way for him to communicate despite his being of a similar size to a lot of their machines. So he simply floats there and waits. And seriously hopes no one's going to try to shoot him down for just being there.

<Pose Tracker> Akane Shinjo has posed.

Having some warning is a relief. Akane /does/ prefer to do these types of things with a little warning, actually... she's never been /that/ great at having people come over. It's improved, but it's always difficult -- and that includes having people drop by in /professional/ contexts. Sometimes you're just a person who really likes scheduling.

Akane hasn't been at an Orbit Base operator desk in a while. It's weirdly comforting, at this point. As something approaches, then stops, Akane looks thoughtfully at her readings, then at the visual. ... Well, the /timing/ matches Ultraman Solis's request, but is this their (Ultra) man?

... hmmm.

Akane starts her attempt at communication with the ball of light in the traditional 3G way: pager code. 411, 5-0-7-1-5 -- "Question: Solis?" If he can use text comms maybe this will /also/ work.

<Pose Tracker> Lina Lombardi has posed.

        Lina, having been present for the Thunderkiller incident where Solis had made an appearance, had been curious about the Ultra ever since. Ever since the mission to free Shozo years ago, she had found herself wanting to know as much about the beings from the Land of Light as she could. So when the Ultra himself reached out to GGG, she had made sure to be present. Of course, "a few days" was not a particularly precise measure of time, so she had been up on Orbit Base for the better part of a week, and despite having gotten better at managing her spacesickness, she still preferred not to spend too much time out in space if she could help it.
        "'Uffa,' I've about had it with waiting..."
        And as if right on cue, the ball of light approaches the base and takes the form of Solis. A watched pot never boils until you complain at it enough, she supposed. She recognized him right away. Most of the Ultras she had seen had red on them, so she definitely remembered the sight of one primarily in blue.
        "That's him, alright."

<Pose Tracker> Rikka Takarada has posed.

Rikka hadn't fought directly during the DG Thunderkiller incident. Her focus had been on coordinating the evacuation efforts - but she /had/ seen the unidentified Ultraman in Nouvelle Tokyo on the monitors. And when said unidentified Ultraman sends them a message asking to meet with them...

"...I think we should take him up on that offer. It'd be good to know where his head's at." Rikka decides. And, much like Akane, Rikka appreciates that he took the effort to schedule the meeting ahead of time.

And so, on the day of, Rikka waits with the others as they watch for his arrival. A high energy reading approaches. A fast-moving ball of light... and then it expands, into a blue-suited humanoid form. Akane sends him a question, and Lina confirms that it's the one she saw, and Rikka nods.

"Alright, let's guide him in, then. Akane, could you let him know?" Rikka asks.

Once they receive some manner of confirmation from Ultraman Solis, Rikka gives the command - and a trail of lights come to life to guide him inside.

<Pose Tracker> Shinji Kaminaga has posed.

Two members of GGG Red's S-Class Species Suppression Protocol are also set to attend, by request of that unit's supervisor, Kimio Tamura. Both sit at Analyst desks: One, a woman with a stern, inquisitive gaze; the other, a man whose gaze isn't so much stern as it looks like he's attempting to peer between your atoms to grasp the electromagnetic underpinnings of your existence. Both are in suits, rather than GGG's favored vests; a holdover from their time in various terrestrial agencies. They have a bright orange armband pinned on instead.

The woman, Hiroko Asami, says, "These aliens all seem to have a pretty firm grip on our communication systems, huh? Even when their spacecraft is themselves."

Her 'buddy' next to her looks down to key in some notes. "Ultimately, Earth's communication systems aren't overly complicated. Manipulation of radio waves and electromagnetic signals must be elementary to the species of this universe."

She smacks him lightly on the shoulder. "Well you're just a bottle of sunshine," she huffs, and stands, and turns to the Chief. "We'll go meet him. One of the A-Weapons should let us get to eye level."

<Pose Tracker> Ren Takeda has posed.

The Ultraman remains floating, unresponsive to the code that was sent. At least physically outside.

Internally, Ren blinks as his phone picks up something and he looks down at it, his Ultra form doing the same and putting a hand to it's hip. The fingers wiggle for a moment before Solis looks to the base and gives a nod with his other hand moving to a thumbs up position.

Communication problem solved slightly.

The trail of lights leading him in is easy to see as well and he follows it in, landing where they tell him to and looking around where he is. He starts to walk forward slowly as he looks for where he is supposed to go. Turning to see the airlock engaged, the Ultra walks forward and seems to be looking around.

It's even stopping and looking at some of the machines around as if curious about them.

Otherwise, at least Solis is going where he is told to go by the GGG staff even if he does stop on occasion to look. Even an Ultra can get curious, right?

<Pose Tracker> Akane Shinjo has posed.

Lina's affirmation gets a nod from Akane. "Okay, good," she says. The thumbs up... gets a giggle. "Looks like he knows at least a few human customs... I don't think that one's universal." There's not a lot of difference between Ultras and humans when it comes down to it, though, huh... communication is the same all over.

"Right," Akane affirms to Rikka, as she's told to guide him in. More pager code to the other Ultra ensues -- 104, 'come over,' 209, 'on my way.' Evidently they're both telling him to come in and telling him they're sending someone to meet him.

The guiding is simple enough; Akane's done this a dozen times. It isn't her /primary/ job -- she's Intelligence at this point, not Mobile Corps -- but she's more than capable of doing it. "All right. I'll be monitoring things from here," she says to Hiroko and Shinji. Her gaze turns to Rikka next. "Are you going to head down or remain up here?" /Akane/ doesn't mind talking through an intercom, and might even prefer it, but everyone /else/...

<Pose Tracker> Lina Lombardi has posed.

        One of the machines the Ultra finds in the hangar area is a green bird-shaped fighter, which may or may not be familiar to him, depending on how much attention he was paying in Nouvelle.
        "I'm headed down there right now, Akane!"
        As Solis comes in, Lina is pretty easy to pick out of the crowd, standing on one of the elevated walkways with her green hair and non-standard high-collared vest. She raises her hand in greeting and gives him a smile.
        "Ciao! You must be Solis. Remember me?"

<Pose Tracker> Rikka Takarada has posed.

Rikka looks toward the monitors - and watches as the blue-suited Ultra nods and offers them all a thumbs-up.

"...Guess that answers that." She says, with a slight smirk. It's just as Akane says, it seems.

Rikka is glad to have the S-Class Species Suppression Protocol here, too. She knows they know their stuff, and when they speak, Rikka listens.

"That makes sense..." Rikka considers thoughtfully - and nods, when Hiroko says the two of them will go meet him.

The trail of lights leads Ren in - and no one seems to be /stopping/ him from looking, at least, so long as that's all he does. Can't blame him for being curious.

Lina seems to be going, too... and so, Rikka offers Akane a nod when she asks if she's going to head down.

"I'll join them, I think." Rikka replies. She doesn't /need/ to - but going in person might help make a better first impression. "Let us know if you spot anything interesting?"

And so, she makes her way down to the hangar, joining Lina on the elevated walkway.

"It's nice to meet you in person, Ultraman Solis. I'm Rikka Takarada - chief of 3G Red." Rikka greets. She looks toward Hiroko and Shinji - she'll let the two of them introduce themselves.

"We can escort you to somewhere that may be a /bit/ more comfortable to talk than standing around here, if you'd like." She offers.

<Pose Tracker> Shinji Kaminaga has posed.

A new voice appears! Guy Shishioh arrives, dressed in his full Chief attire. "Sounds like our man is here," the Chief of GGG Green says with a grin. "Go meet him at the door, Rikka, I'll handle transfer," he says.


The elevated walkway soon bears the duo from SSSP. Shinji Kaminaga stares at Ultraman Solis with a silent, focused intensity. Asami is more cool, but there's still a curiosity there. "Big," she says.

"It appears to be a standard sized for Ultra-nated life forms," Shinji says back.

Huff. Asami speaks up, "We're analysts with GGG Red's S-Class Species Suppression Protocol team. I'm Hiroko Asami. This here's my 'buddy', Shinji Kaminaga."

Shinji says nothing.

"...we're the experts on aggressive kaiju, so we're looking in to the DG Thunder Killer incident."

Shinji says nothing.

<Pose Tracker> Ren Takeda has posed.

Of course Solis is going to remember that one. It's green, and not something you typically see. Even when fighting kaiju, you want to look out for those also fighting. Getting hit by friendly fire can be the worst thing to happen sometimes.

The question from Lina and her distinctive hair has him turning to look.

That is when things may get a little strange. If one has Newtype, Psychodriver, or other abilities, they would feel something from him.

It's almost like he was trying to 'tune in' in a way.

Then there is the sound of a rather young voice in their heads. << I am indeed Ultraman Solis. >>

His head turns to the green machine, then to Lina. << I do not remember you specifically, but this machine I do remember. You are the pilot, I take it? >>

The head turns towards Rikka next. << Thank you, Chief Takarada. It would be appreciated. >>

Then his head turns towards the two specialists and a nod is given. << DG Thunder Killer? I take it that is the one from Tokyo? I encountered, but did not face another that looked as if it was a dinosaur during the Frontier incident recently. I believe it was different in origin. >>

<Pose Tracker> Akane Shinjo has posed.

/Someone/ has to man the desks.

Giving a nod to Lina, Akane keeps an eye on the monitors. Everything looks fine at this point -- both 'halves' of 3G Red seem to be addressing the issue more than adequately. She takes a moment to breathe a long sigh of relief that everything seems to be proceeding apace, and takes a few seconds to steady herself.

... Even when it's an Ultra, meeting new people is still a little difficult.

Once Rikka introduces herself, Akane provides, over the comms, "I'm Akane Shinjo. Think of me as the Chief's special attache." Even if they're letting him in, she probably shouldn't introduce herself as head of the most sensitive department. Yet.

Akane feels something prickle at the back of her neck; in spite of everything, the wavelength she's on mentally is still 'kaiju,' and as such that sort of 'Ultra' frequency honing in always puts her a bit off her game. ... She can at least make decent conversation, though.

"That's our current designation for the one from Tokyo," she affirms.

<Pose Tracker> Lina Lombardi has posed.

        Lina's eyes narrow as Solis' gaze meets her, her Newtype intuition feeling him quite keenly. She raises a brow as she hears his voice in her head. She had... kind of expected an older voice. Something like Gai. But she supposed it made sense that there were younger Ultras. Her face quickly resets as he addresses her.
        "That's right! Lina Lombardi, combat agent for GGG Green! And that beauty's the Lombardi Custom. You had the honor of seeing its first flight back then. Pretty cool, huh?"
        She gives a grin and a chuckle, looking the Ultra up and down now that she was up close. As Asami introduces herself and the silent Shinji, Lina turns her head and glares over at him.
        "Shinji, don't be rude."

<Pose Tracker> Rikka Takarada has posed.

Guy appears! Rikka looks toward him, offering a smile - and a nod.

"Leave it to me." She replies.

Rikka smiles as Akane introduces herself. She looks up at Solis - and then, she feels something tugging at her senses. A mental nudge, like he's trying to tune in... Rikka concentrates on that feeling, reaching out - and meeting him half-way, like a mental handshake.

The voice that greets her is young - younger even than she is, perhaps, and she's young for her position.

"It's nice to meet you properly." She says with a smile.

She doesn't think much on Shinji's silence - instead, she nods at their words, and as Akane confirms their designation for DG Thunderkiller.

"As you hear, they're the experts - so if you want to discuss kaiju, then you've come to the right people." Rikka says with a nod. "I'm not completely on top of the matter of the Frontier Incident... could you tell us more?"

Of course, the SSSP might already be on top of that one, too. But he agreed, and so Rikka nods.

"Right this way, then." Rikka says, starting off - leading him and the others to where Guy can handle the transfer.

<Pose Tracker> Shinji Kaminaga has posed.

Hiroko's eyes flutter, her head shaking as the presence inserts signals into her thoughts. "Ough," she mutters. "Psychic impressions, huh...I guess that's how they'd have to..."

Shinji blinks at Lina, then over to Asami, then back. "I was introduced," he says.

Asami shrugs helplessly, palms up. "Don't bother trying to correct him," she sighs to Lina. "He's off in his own world all the time."

Soon, the group is off, though.

The Big Order Room is a tremendous cavern of a chamber at the heart of Orbit Base - or rather, toward the bottom of its central spine. The entirety of the Order Room has come down on the main elevator shaft, coming to rest on a platform that is approximately eye height for a Brave Robot. That's about half the size of an Ultra, so there may be some squatting involved for Ultraman Solis - but still, it's a position that allows Guy to walk down the rows and look the arriving party in the eye. There are chairs sized for Ultras and Braves around the table, and a countertop protruding out from the end, large enough to lean on like a proper bar.

Guy gives a grin. "So this is him, huh. Welcome aboard, Ultraman Solis." He holds up his left hand, ungloved even though it's no longer fully G-Stone infused. "Guy Shishioh, Chief of GGG Green."

Shinji and Hiroko make their way back to their stations to sit.

<Pose Tracker> Ren Takeda has posed.

<< Most impressive in it's performance. Variable Fighter basis, or something else? >> Solis asks.

A nod is given towards Rikka before he starts to head the way he is being lead towards. Although he does give what is almost a glance at Shinji before he looks to the others as he is lead on. That there is a bit of a height difference is obvious, but the Ultra has no problems in figuring out how to settle himself. He almost has to take a knee practically, but avoids leaning on the platform. It might not support the enormous weight.

The offer of a handshake is easy enough. Even if it is just a finger for the Ultra. Or a finger and thumb to shake Guy's hand.

<< Interesting... my apologies. I am a bit different than the ones I am aware of having visited or are still around. >>

<< I am Ultraman Solis and I come from the Planet U40. >> He says, pausing and looking around at each before rubbing his chin. << Would my human form be easier to communicate with and less unsettling? I am sensing some... interference in my mental communications. >>

<Pose Tracker> Akane Shinjo has posed.

"He's just like that," Akane says over the loudspeaker, when Lina tells Shinji not to be rude; /she/ has a healthy appreciation for being the most awkward weirdo in the room, even as that title has -- by some miracle -- passed from her to Shinji. She listens from her desk; when Rikka mentions that they're the experts, Akane nods -- though no one can see that -- and affirms, "I'm up for that, but we can save super detailed kaiju talk for another time."

She's /very/ surprised at Solis's familiarity with Variable Fighters as a concept -- but then, maybe he's just scraped the Internet since arriving...

Akane's typing things up as Solis says them; /someone/ has to take notes on this meeting for later review, and Akane doesn't mind that it's her. ... Her typing speed isn't actually the highest in 3G Red by a long shot, though it /is/ at this point quite solid.

When Solis mentions interference, Akane looks a little self-conscious. "U-um... yeah, that's probably me," she admits, cringing. "If it's bothering you I don't mind you changing, though if you're doing it on my account, uh, don't worry about it... ahahaha..."

<Pose Tracker> Lina Lombardi has posed.

        Lina also sighs in response to Shinji's reply, looking over to Asami. "I guess that means it's up to us to pull him back down to Earth every once in a while."
        When Solis compliments the Custom, she immediately perks up and starts to rattle off, "Yeah, good eye! I used to pilot a Nightmare Plus, so we used that for the basis, with a few modifications to incorporate our own tech, and oh, well, I'll go on all day at this rate!" She chuckles as she follows the group to the Big Order Room, taking a seat and crossing her legs.
        "U40... Can't say I've heard of that one before. Boy, you Ultras are just all around the cosmos, huh? I don't mind talking to you like this, but if you're fine with us seeing your secret identity, feel free."

<Pose Tracker> Rikka Takarada has posed.

Rikka offers an apologetic look toward Hiroko. She wasn't expecting it, herself - though it's something they probably could've guessed at.

They arrive at the Big Order Room, where the smaller one has come down to join it, and Rikka seats herself at her own station, watching as Guy greets Solis.

"It's alright. Everyone's different - I wouldn't expect all of you to be the same, too." Rikka replies with a shake of her head as Solis apologizes.

He introduces himself again, more properly this time... Planet U40...

"Do we have any records on that?" Rikka asks - but then addresses his question.

"Only if you want to, if it would be easier or more comfortable for you. I can understand the need for secrecy." Rikka replies. She remembers, after all, Yuta's efforts to hide his identity at Gridman - and what happened when the secret finally came out.

...Of course, the fact that she's a Newtype may only be making it easier for her than it might be for others. Akane apologises, and she can hear the self-consciousness in her voice.

She looks toward the loudspeaker sympathetically - but from here, she can only offer that feeling.

<Pose Tracker> Shinji Kaminaga has posed.

Shinji is just a man. Probably?

Setting up at his station, he quietly pulls up some scan notations. U40. U40...his memories of afar tell him, that should be a wasteland...but these things called Ultras aren't bound to this spacetime context, are they? Creatures from across the Planck Brane entirely...

He looks up to Solis, and says nothing else.

Guy sits at his own chair near the top, arms folded and glancing toward Rikka.

"We won't impose. We're used to this kind of thing around here," Guy says.

/That's/ when a Brave enters - two, in fact, the bickering brothers of the Strongest Brave Robo Corps. stepping up. "We heard there was a visitor!" Enryuu says with a big smile on his metallic face, and looks /way/ up at the Ultra. "Whoa! They make 'em big out there, huh?!"

"Behave yourself, brother," Hyoryuu says, a blue sibling emerging and taking up a seat near the Ultra. "Greetings. We are HyoRyuu and EnRyuu, from GGG's Mobile Unit. Please rest assured, GGG is more than used to dealing with both secrets, and large-scale allies."

"Swear every time you talk you've found a new stick to put up your--" EnRyuu mutters, also sitting.

"I don't have one of those," HyoRyuu replies. "Would you like refreshments? We have..."

He pauses.

"...oil, mostly."

<Pose Tracker> Ren Takeda has posed.

A small nod is given, mostly so he does not hit his head on the ceiling. Then comes the pair of Braves. That has him looking at the two. And actually leaning one side to the other, as if trying to figure them out for a second or two. The acknowledgement of the whole 'secret identity' bit has Solis shaking his head, << Technically a whole colony knows what I am. Word travels fast there. >>

The Ultra starts to shrink, turning into light almost as the form lands in a kneeling crouch before raising up. The light fades away to reveal...

... a teenager. In a school uniform.

"My human name is Ren Takeda. I am sure you can look it up just fine if you need to contact me for something. To be honest, I did not want to get involved but this... DG Thunder Killer? It was different."

He looks around, then up at the two Braves. "That and it is difficult to communicate with you two by my mental abilities."

He turns back to the others to look around again, "I noticed it did something with one of my attacks. The Frontier incident is... a little complicated. But I did manage to convince my friends there to send me some footage of the well... dinosaur tank?" He starts to check his pockets before pulling out a small flash drive.

<Pose Tracker> Akane Shinjo has posed.

Akane takes some notes on the conversation as it persists. Solis seems to have a good grasp on things... there's a lot to take in but he seems to have done so with aplomb.

Leaning back in her seat, Akane takes a moment to be relieved that she decided to hang back; at the very least, she can't be /seen/ having a bit of a moment about being a kaiju in the face of an Ultra. ... she knows that the feeling can be felt, but even then. It's good, though -- it gives everyone a chance to talk without her feeling like she /has/ to chime in.

When the Ultra returns to his human form -- a teenager? -- Akane makes another few notes. "Oh, is that a Dinosaur Tank variation...?" They've seen these before -- it's worth making note of, certainly. "That's... we've seen that kind of thing before. The last time it was on the moon..." She flips through the database a bit. "We really appreciate the footage."

<Pose Tracker> Lina Lombardi has posed.

        "HyoRyuu! EnRyuu! Talk about word traveling fast. Who told ya? Bet it was that blabbermouth Mic."
        As Solis shrinks into his human form, Lina leans over her station to take a closer look, letting out a silent sigh.
        A teen-ager.
        She should have guessed. A school uniform, too... Being an Ultraman probably didn't leave much time for extracirriculars. She mentally tried to place the uniform style, drumming her fingers along her leg.
        "Well, it's good to meet you, Ren. I'll say about the Thunder Killer. That was a real bastard."

<Pose Tracker> Rikka Takarada has posed.

Guy agrees - and then, they receive more company.

"Hello, you two. Have a seat." Rikka greets as Hyoryuu and Enryuu arrive, greeting Solis. And then he explains that a whole colony already knows... and starts to shrink.

He doesn't just sound young - his human form is young, too. A teenager, Ren Takeda... Rikka frowns consideringly, at that. Does the age of his human form correlate to the age of the Ultra form...?

She lets the concern pass over her for a moment.

"Then, it's nice to meet you, Takeda." Rikka says, and nods. "We'll do that, then. And you can contact us, as well"

The DG Thunderkiller, though... Rikka nods.

"It was definitely strange. DG Cells fused with a kaiju... that can't be a natural occurrence." Rikka agrees. The Devil Gundam has been gone for a while, after all. And he has footage of the Frontier Incident, as well. She nods, as Akane says they appreciate it. "Yes, thank you. That'll be a big help."

<Pose Tracker> Shinji Kaminaga has posed.

"Whoa..." EnRyuu says, gawping as Ultraman Solis shrinks down to a human form. "Neat trick! Humans are full of surprises..."

"I believe most humans cannot do that, brother," HyoRyuu provides.

Shinji specifically says nothing. Asami hums. "Takeda, huh. Well, nice to meet you," she says, obviously MUCH more relaxed now that she can see her subject without looking directly up. She glances to Akane. "Dinosaur Tank...right, I think I saw that file. Bit goofy, but you can't argue with the attack power..."

Shinji notes, somewhat in response to Rikka, "Fused, but not infested. An unusual behavior for DG Cells. Indeed, it was an unusual kaiju." Most unusual.

"Most unusual," Shinji affirms quietly.

<Pose Tracker> Ren Takeda has posed.

At the compliments, Ren smiles up at the two Ryuu brothers. "Thank you. It is not... well.. normal. But my people developed a means in which we can become what is called an Ultra. I know the Land of Light's people are usually born in the giant size. We are born human and can become as we are through training."

"If you do not mind, what do you two turn into? I have not seen such a transformation since I came to this solar system. Nor such articulation." He asks the two.

He turns to look at the others, "DG Cells? I have not heard of them. The term leads me to guess it was about the um... what was that incident? So many happened then..."

Ren looks concerned, "Is there some sort of properties to them that I should be aware of in case this appears again?"

A small shrug is given at the compliments about the dinosaur tank. "It was mostly battling a ship, and I was rather... occupied to try to see what it was about. Most of the engagement then was during the evacuation of the Macross Quarter and the Fold Drive being taken, I believe. Still, I am worried that someone was able to... make it, I believe?"

<Pose Tracker> Akane Shinjo has posed.

Unique things about U40 Ultras. Akane takes some more notes down. So the 'human' form here is the original... that suggests some things, but Akane needs a little bit for the full implications of the teenage human form of Solis to coalesce in her head -- and right now she's busy taking notes. She just has a few too many mental tracks going to fully engage with that -- especially seeing it at the remove of a screen.

"We're still trying to figure out why that happened. DG Cells... shouldn't be operating like that at all. Our first guess was BioNet, since they're the ones who have been doing most of the work with those, but..."

... Akane trails off, here. Too many variables. They need to get people back on that.

Solis asks a practical question while Shinji is as bewildered as she is, and Akane has a simple answer. "We didn't see meaningful undirected spread last time," Akane answers, "so the usual properties you'd need to worry about don't apply. I think it's just a strengthening feature..." But that asks more questions than it answers. As to the Dinosaur Tank...

"... We'll need to keep an eye out," Akane concludes over the speaker, nodding to herself. "We can keep in touch if we figure anything out."

<Pose Tracker> Rikka Takarada has posed.

Rikka listens with interest, to that. So rather than being born in giant form, his people are born closer to human size... /That's/ certainly interesting.

"The Devil Gundam incident, yes. It sparked a number of incidents in its wake." Rikka confirms. ...Not that she was there for that - but /that's/ too complicated to get into here and now.

Fused, but not infested... Rikka nods as Shinji comments on that, and as Akane offers an explanation on the observed nature of the DG Thunderkiller's DG Cells.

"Yes." She agrees, as Akane says they'll keep in touch. "Still... thank you again for reaching out to us. It means a lot - these days, it's better for everyone to work together than to keep this kind of thing to themselves."

<Pose Tracker> Shinji Kaminaga has posed.

Transforming from a small size...Shinji looks up at Ren again. His face betrays nothing, but his mind whirls with speed. No, this was not the Beta System. His connection to the Planck Brane would have detected a disturbance of that scale. Another method for attaining enormous size and power, then. The homeworld would never tolerate such discoveries being used freely. Should he?

But U40 is far away from here, and this one has come to join hands for the sake of humans.% His face betrays nothing. He returns his eyes to his console. "DG Cells are a form of artificial parasite," he summarizes. "They were verifiably detected, but behaving unusually. That itself suggests some manner of control limiting their features. Or, some manner of restricted replica."

Asami hums on that and then shrugs. "Bionet sure does love putting collars on stuff. Seems like a decent start, but..." She sniffs. "I don't think I like the smell of it." % HyoRyuu and EnRyuu look at each other, then EnRyuu gets a big grin at Solis' curiosity. "Good guess! My bro and I are can System Change into emergency response vehicles! We're basically fire fighters."

"My abilities focus on cryogenics rather than flame," HyoRyuu notes. "...I do still have the ladder, though."

Shinji pipes up, "Unfettered DG Cells will attempt to infect any host they are able to reach. Although the first outbreak known formed a sort of hive mind, that appears to have been directed via a central host-core in the manner of Galactron." He looks up. "Presently, we do not know for certain what totally undirected DG Cells would do, but I hypothesize they would attempt to multiply, find hosts to parasitize, and then use them to further multiply and parasitize."

<Pose Tracker> Ren Takeda has posed.

"System Change?" Solis, or rather Ren asks. "Neat! I'll have to look it up sometime when I get back to Aticassia."

The danger of the DG Cells has him looking at the others. "I guess I was lucky, then. My first strike put me in close proximity to it, and I grabbed it's tail."

Rikka's thanks has him smiling up at her, "Hey, you guys are the experts when it comes to kaiju. If I'm around and I can help, I'll do what I can."

There's a small buzz and what sounds like a bit of a Ranka Lee song going off from his pocket. He reaches to it, pulling out his phone and tapping it. "Ah... shoot. Unfortunately, I need to get going. I need to catch a transport back to the school. Missed way too many days and the Aticassia professors were getting annoyed at me."