Angelo Sauper

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Angelo Sauper
IC Information
Full Name: Angelo Sauper
Gender: Male(He/Him)
Species: Newtype
Age (Birthdate): 21 (December 24, 0077)
Hair Colour: White
Eye Colour: Violet
Height: 5'8"
Job: The Angriest Simp in All Known Space
Homeland: Globe City, Side 3
Awakening: 2
Primary Unit: AMS-129 Geara Zulu Sauper Custom
BGM: "Angelo" - Hiroyuki Sawada
OOC Information
Origin: Mobile Suit Gundam Unicorn
Factions: Sleeves
Player: Jean

Born during the downswing of the colonies following the One Year War, Angelo Sauper has experienced the very worst that human nature can offer. The brutal aftermath of the war and its lingering effects on Side 3 were an experience that the young Angelo might not have survived… if it were not for the intervention of the man known as Full Frontal. Now serving as the commander of Frontal’s Royal Guard in the Sleeves, Angelo is an odd study in contrasts: while he single-mindedly pursues the interests of the Sleeves, he seems to harbor no personal belief in those ideals himself, and indeed seems to carry a scarcely-contained contempt for much of the world around him that manifests as a nigh-constant chip on his shoulder. In the end, Angelo is a broken and jaded young spacenoid whose belief and loyalty belong solely to the man who saw value in him; all else might as well be trash in comparison.




Angelo is the commander of the Sleeves' Royal Guard and answers directly to Full Frontal; as a consequence, he wields a good deal of influence in the organization, though he doesn't seem particularly interested in exercising that authority.

While a Newtype, Angelo is intensely, inwardly-focused and most of his talent is dedicated toward combat; whether consciously or subconsciously, he seems to avoid using it for anything outwardly-focused and his empathic abilities specifically are, at best, "bad".


Name Affiliation Affinity Relationship
Full Frontal Sleeves Affinity-5-heart.png The answer to my prayers. Everything.
Suberoa Zinnerman Sleeves Affinity-0-angy.png You of all people...
Marida Cruz Sleeves Affinity-0-angy.png I don't like the look in her eyes.
Mineva Lao Zabi Shuffle Alliance Affinity-0-angy.png ...
Leina Ashta Shuffle Alliance Affinity-0-angy.png ...
Roux Louka Shuffle Alliance Affinity-0-angy.png Filth.
Eight York Three Ships Alliance Affinity-0-angy.png Filth. I was a fool to think different.
Liam 7-020 Three Ships Alliance Affinity-0-angy.png Filth.
Lucine Azul Three Ships Alliance Affinity-0-angy.png Filth.
Anita Rosetta Three Ships Alliance Affinity-0-angy.png Filth.
Ruri Hoshino Three Ships Alliance Affinity-0-angy.png Filth.
Ujico Issa Celestial Being Affinity-0-angy.png Filth.
Banagher Links Shuffle Alliance AFFINITY NULL Why is something like you allowed to exist?

