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Revision as of 06:02, 9 February 2024

Commander Lavnadhim Orlodhari
Lavhi 3.png
IC Information
Full Name: Lavnadim Orlodhari
Gender: Male (He/Him)
Species: Zentradi
Age (Birthdate): 21 (September 15, 0076)
Skin Colour: Green
Hair Colour: Black
Eye Colour: Brown
Height 6'2" (188 cm) / 35'8" (10.9m)
Job: Thrill-Seeking Engineer
Homeland: Macross Colony Fleets
Awakening: 1
Primary Unit: Zentradi Monitor "Ra Mari II"
BGM: Unset
OOC Information
Origin: Original Character (NPC)
Factions: Terminal
Player: Bel

Lavnadim Orlodhari ('Lavhi' for short) grew up on the Macross colony ships, a first-generation born Zentradi rather than cloned. He is a visionary engineer, a fine warrior, and a stalwart ally to Terminal, just as he was to the Three Ships Alliance. While his interest in humans led him to the Earth Federation's Londo Bell task force, where he served with distinction, he left with the rest of the Ra Mari's crew. Now he serves as chief engineer aboard the Ra Mari II, a ship he personally oversaw refitting, and he works to advance his ideals and protect his young family. He is husband to Terminal's top Admiral, and does his best to give his wife, his children, and his crew all that they need to operate at their best.


Growing up in the Colony Fleets with parents who were still adapting to the idea of 'relationships' and children, Lavhi from a young age had a love of the new and the unknown. Coming to understand 'culture', his parents worked to give him music, books, entertainment, and other examples of same, considering their own martial history as a bit of 'culture' of their own, but encouraging him instead to channel that physicality into sporting events. Accordingly while he is a warrior, he is primarily a technician, studying engineering and the function of things to indulge his endless curiosity.

It was a surprise but not a great one to his family when he joined Londo Bell, and his parents have found a bit of a conflict between pride that he is willing to be a warrior for his own purposes and concern that he is enmeshing himself in war even after all that's happened. He stays in regular contact with them, however. He was posted aboard the Ra Mari out of training, coming to a post as Chief Engineer. It was on this ship that he would meet Comms Officer Eight York, though when he asked her to dinner he did not expect things to go nearly so well as they did.

Over the course of that year, he would grow closer to Eight, and also grow in his own understanding of the political situation of the Earth Sphere. Late in 0096, he had the idea to begin salvaging an old Zentradi warship from the Denver Colony--a ship that would become the Ra Mari II with his refits.

He is its chief engineer, and endeavors to provide a solid foundation for the other crew to build upon.

A Typical Day (Back on the old Ra Mari)

Cheerful music plays over a small speaker nestled in the corner. The corridor's acoustics aren't terrible, but they aren't exactly designed for a show, either, but the small box the speaker's resting in does well enough to echo its music out. Consoles are open and wires exposed as Lavnadim Orlodhari works on the ship, whistling along with the music.

"Hm hm~" He rearranges wires, turns a few screws. He is working on this part of the ship, which has been experiencing lighting outages among other issues. His engineers have been stumped about what's wrong, so he's taken to handling it himself--and that's working out well so far.

"Sir?" A fresh-faced young worker pokes his head into the corridor, tilting his head in surprise at the scene; the large, green-skinned man humming along with peppy pop music. He's never seen a Zentradi in his element, being new to the ship.

"Yes?" Lavhi answers, reaching over to depress the 'pause' button on his player and looking up to the younger man. "Is there something that requires my attention?"

"Uh. No, sir. I just heard noise next to my station and was curious..."

"Ah! Do you like it?" Lavhi asks brightly. "The music helps me to think. Here, I am nearly finished; you may have it." Lavhi stands up from where he'd been working and picks up the speaker, little metal box and all, and presses it into the hands of the crewman.


"There you are. This one is... Sheryl Nome! A very beautiful singer. You will enjoy her voice. You have my permission to play the music at your station. Now go, go."

"Yes, sir!" A little dazzled, the crewman takes his new prize and starts off back towards his station.

Lavhi, on the other hand, sits back down with his tools and gets to work. ...He can hum the music himself, at this point. He's heard it enough.


Lavnadim is an engineer on a formerly-Federation battleship, and not just any engineer--he's in charge! He has access to a lot of interesting parts and other engineers, and has done a great deal with salvage--and could do more given the chance. He additionally knows a number of other Zentradi workers and crewmen who have his loyalty, since they've come aboard the Ra Mari II.

He is also a notable warrior, though he does not, as a rule, deploy in mobile suits or anything of the kind; it is primarily a cultural practice that keeps him in tune with his ancestors/parents/grand-clones. It's like that.

He does deploy in one mobile weapon: When Eight York deploys in the VB-6 Koenigin Monster, he goes with her as the gunner, and together they fly the unit.


Name Affiliation Affinity Relationship
Eight York Londo Bell Affinity-5-cloud.png "She is a talented officer, a steadfast Captain, a good woman who will do great things. And I love her very much."
Enba Rezza Londo Bell Affinity-4-blue.png "Even if they are not one for music, they have a very interesting mind! I look forward to our next game."
Licia Chovan Londo Bell Affinity-5-cloud.png "A fine friend. I admire her convictions in the face of great difficulty. If one simply gets to understand her, they find someone very much worth knowing."
Kathras Fari Londo Bell ??? "It was the Captain's choice of what to do... but such a violation of trust cannot be easily forgiven."
Tempo Astelian Londo Bell Affinity-3-green.png "At first he seemed to stand very much apart, but he is a stalwart comrade. I worry about his habit of taking things onto himself, but I will believe in him, as a comrade."
Itsuki Kazama Londo Bell Affinity-3-green.png "Talented and diligent. Her ambition I think is a good thing."



Chibi Lavhi 1.png