2023-05-18: It Must Be Now

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  • Cutscene: It Must Be Now
  • Cast: Eight York, Lavnadim Orlodhari
  • Where: Ra Mari II, Captain's Quarters
  • Date: 0097 05 18, 0200
  • Summary: Takes place after 2023-05-17: The Price We Pay. Eight finally returns to her quarters after a long night of relief efforts. As hoped, she is not alone.

All evening into the night, the Ra Mari II is handling evacuation, finding places for displaced colonists, and overseeing efforts to patch the hole in the colony to allow those in the shelters to remain there for a while longer. Eight York is busy at the forefront of those organizations, making decisions and directing manpower. The Eternal and the Nadesico arrived to help, among many other ships.

Luckily, it was possible to maintain peace even with the disparate people coming together to help, for now…

Now, though, Eight York is finally making her way back to the quarters she shares with Lavnadim Orlodhari, placing a hand on the panel that opens the door to slide it out of her way and then stepping inside. Dressed still in uniform, her jacket is open now, undershirt stretched by her growing bump. Rank insignia and heavy sleeves hang low as she slouches. It hurts her back a little, but she is so very tired.

But she's not alone when she gets there. Lavnadim is there, smiling at her in the entryway. "Hello," he says. "We finished our work somewhat earlier," he explains, "And so I came to wait for you!" He gestures inside, stepping at first out of the way. But he doesn't stay very /far/ out of the way.

"...Thanks," Eight answers, and moves forward to give Lavhi a hug. "It was a really long night."

"I know," he says. "But also, I heard the things you said, and saw how you arranged to save all of those people, even letting go your anger for the greater good. It was very impressive, Eight. And…"

"Oh, I just–did my–Oop!?"

Lavhi leans down and scoops Eight up from the back and under her knees, princess-carrying her over to the couch, where he gently sets her, very careful of her belly. Once she's situated in the seat, he kneels down in front of her, still smiling. "You did what you believed in," he supplies for her. "And it has made me decide that… it is time." In uniform, he is as big as ever, boisterous, his hair a little longer by now than regulation in Londo Bell. He despite the long day is full of energy, and his green skin shines in the dim light. Eight keeps it dim, for her sensitive eyes.

Lavnadim pulls a small box from his pocket, and opens it up before Eight. He looks up, dark eyes shining in that dim light, a micronized Zentradi on a ship desigend for his forebears and remade for his new peers.

"Marry with me, Eight York. I love you. And I wish to be with you for more than 'a time.' I wish for you to be my wife."

"Lavhi…" Eight blinks, surprised, and brings a hand up to her heart. Her blonde hair hangs heavy down her shoulders. "You–Now!? Now, of all…" Her expression is surprised; her lips part slightly, still deep pink with the lipstick she wears. Her eyelids are still heavy with shadow and mascara; she looks much less tired than she feels. And she is staring down at her boyfriend.

"You are at your most beautiful when you are bold and kind, Eight. How can it be other than now?" He keeps the ring in his hands, and waits, still in uniform himself.

"Oh, I… Yes! Yes!" the blonde answers happily, and leans down, extending her hand.

Lavhi begins to slide the ring onto her finger. A diamond, with a gold band, and two smaller pink diamonds on either side, to frame it. "I hope it is to your liking…"

"Oh, it's lovely," she says, looking down at her hand in wonder. "Lavhi…" She gestures him up to the couch and he rises to join her there, smoothly setting an arm around her. "I love you, too." Her hand curls, and the ring fits perfectly as it does, her manicured nails gentle as she reaches to take his hand.

The Captain leans close to him, "...And I'd love to be your wife. To have you as my husband."

She closes the distance and they kiss for a long few moments.

There is more work to do tomorrow, but… Tonight is not over yet.