2022-08-11: What 'Bout My Star

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<Pose Tracker> Sheryl Nome has posed.

        The Galactic Fairy's Earth Sphere Global Tour ended here in the Republic of Zeon, specifically its capital, Zum City. Many a colonist watched that last concert of hers, either in person or via online streaming. Ever since, there's been a demand for more Sheryl, leading to commercials, CD sales, television spots, and more. Tonight is another one of those talk show appearances that she's been making both on Earth and in the colonies--the difference being that this one, for popular TV talk program The Starlight Show, hosted by the quick-witted and charming Mr. O'Klien, is airing live. Not only is there a live studio audience, but those who watch via streaming can participate in the Q&A portion scheduled to take place towards the end of the show. There's a chatroom, too, so they can comment on the show with each other in real time. In-house audience members can join in on that chatroom, too, but they'll probably be more focused on the show right in front of them.
        Once the show starts airing, Sheryl arrives to great applause, striding across the stage in strappy heels. Her strawberry blonde curls are fastened in a high ponytail, save for a couple of thick tendrils that wave down to frame her face; blue heart-shaped sunglasses rest atop her head over a dark rose headband, and hibiscus ornaments tie in there and throughout her hair. Tonight, she's clad in a ruffled pink spaghetti-strap dress with golden jewelry around her neck and on her arms, including her iconic crystal drop earring. She smiles brilliantly out at and waves for the audience before reaching the seat next to the host's desk and seating herself. As she crosses her long legs, the hem of her dress slides up to show off a lengthy, dark rose ribbon tied around her left thigh.
        The beginning portion of the show focused largely on the main, broad strokes of Sheryl's career--her beginnings, her first singles, her life in the Macross deep space colonies and her recent arrival on Earth, her inspiration for her music and songwriting, and so on. Then it segues into her performances and her experiences during her various tours, especially the most recent one (overall positive, though Sheryl has a few sharp words for how lawless some places have been). From there, Sheryl discusses some of her favorite artists that have influenced her own art (Lynn Minmay is a given, but she also lists Fire Bomber and, perhaps controversially, Sharon Apple). Finally, the topic shifts to her recent move into making and selling skin care products, starting with the recently debuted sunscreen, Pure Shield.
        "Naturally, skin this porcelain perfect doesn't stay that way on its own. It's hard work to be this beautiful! I just make it look easy," Sheryl is telling the host from her seat next to his desk, with a wink at the end. "That's what inspired me to set on making Pure Shield--it's no exaggeration that some solar systems can have two or even three suns! With that kind of radiation to contend with, I need the best protection possible. That's why I thought--why not contact some beauty and skin care professionals and come up with a product that meets my standards? And once we fashioned something that did, I thought--why not share it with everyone else!"
        "For a pretty penny of a price," Mr. O'Klien jokes.
        "Of course! Sheryl Nome guarantees pretty!" Sheryl boasts, tossing her hair with one hand. She stretches that arm out imperiously and traces her fingers along her skin, which is indeed unblemished and robustly rosy. "I don't compromise on quality--not with my songs, not with my shows, and not with my products! Having my name on the label is how you know you're getting every penny's worth. And if my Pure Shield is good enough for me, it's good enough for anyone!"

<Pose Tracker> Grace O'Connor has posed.

        As always, the delightfully effervescent Mr. O'Klien is an impeccable host. Quick with a joke, but even quicker with a laugh. He also attempts to act as sort of the avatar for the everyman - responding to the flirtatious wink with a astonished look and a slight loosening of his collar. As Sheryl lists her influences and inspirations he adds the occasional prompting to allow her to expound further - such as when she mentions Sharon Apple as one of her inspirations. However this IS a talk show interview of a famous celebrity, not some sort of controversial political figure, so most of the questions and interactions are intended to help Sheryl Nome appear more appealing than she already is (like she needs any help in that regard).

            When Sheryl Nome asserts that her product is good enough for 'anyone', Mr. O'Klien follows up with a well-practiced smile, "Where do you have it folks: The legendary songstress, Galactic Fairy and Interdimensional Diva Sheryl Nome who made a splash upon her arrival in the Earth Sphere now descending to protect us mere mortals while we splash around at the beach! She claims it's good enough for her, and based on the results we're seeing in the studio tonight..." he gives a sweeping gesture towards Sheryl, "... I'd say it's high time to check out if your local retailer carries 'Pure Shield' by Sheryl Nome!" He once again reaches across the desk to turn the sample bottle towards the camera as it briefly zooms in on the product.

        As the camera moves back to a shot of O'Klien and Sheryl sitting side by side, "Well you've answered all my questions, and then some! But now it's time for one of the hardest challenges in your career: Facing the questions of our audience, both in studio and at home!"

        The camera zooms in on Sheryl as he continues to speak, "That's right folks, Ms. Nome has so graciously to stay with us for a Q&A session after the break. So if you have any burning questions, it's time to reach over to your communicator and send them to us as at the speed of Starlight! Regretfully we're unlikely to get to all your questions, as Ms. Nome's time costs a 'pretty penny' as well, but you won't know if you don't try."

        The camera now switches to O'Klien, leaning over the desk and facing in Sheryl's direction before turning towards the now active camera and giving that same signature well-practiced smile from earlier. "Meanwhile, a word from our sponsors and... well, what you've really been waiting for, a chance to see the second version of Sheryl Nome's Pure Shield TV advertisement. You won't want to miss it!"

        After that the camera switches to a panning shot over the host and his guests, chatting amicably without their mics on, as well as a view of a (encouraged to) clapping live studio audience! As soon as they are off the air, the studio lights go back up and some of the stage crew approach the stage to help freshen up and go over any necessary last minute stages. Large television screens allow the audience in the studio to watch the commercials - they wouldn't want to miss the advert either, after all!

        Meanwhile the messenger lines open to allow both in-person and at-home audience members to submit their questions. Naturally one doesn't expect such a important cultural touchstone as Ms. Sheryl Nome to answer questions without some sort of screening process... right?!

        (If you're interested in asking a question, whether in-studio or from home, please page Grace! You can also choose whether or not you want the host to read your question for you or to have your audience member stand up to ask the question/an audio recording of your question to be played on air. One question per person, and I'll randomize the order they go in. <3)

<Pose Tracker> Rikka Takarada has posed.

Rikka enjoyed Sheryl's music from the first time she heard it, while browsing the music stores of what to her was, at the time, the outside world. Going to the concert at Macross City secured her as a fan... but it was the ill-fated concert in her home city of Tsutsujidai that made her really respect Sheryl as a person.

The sight of her continuing to sing, even in the face of a kaiju attack... it's something that really stuck with and inspired Rikka.

She had to catch the tour's final concert online, because traveling all the way to Zum City was a little out of her reach at the time, but suddenly, for some reason, space travel isn't as much of a problem for her. So naturally, when she heard Sheryl was going to be on a talk show, with rumors of a premier of a new song, and a Q&A section with the audience, both at home and in the studio... well, she had to try.

And so, here she is! She sits in the audience and, naturally, when the applause begins she joins in, watching with intent interest as the show progresses.

It's been good so far - it's definitely been worth the price she paid for the tickets.

And finally, it's time for the audience to send in their questions. Rikka pauses for a moment, considering exactly how she wants to word everything... and then, she taps out her question and send it off.

It's fine if it doesn't get asked - the show's been good enough, and the important thing was that she worked up the courage to ask in the first place. ...But it would be nice.

<Pose Tracker> Suzuha Saionji has posed.

        Initially watching on a hand-held computer while getting settled into 'his' new digs at Von Braun, with the help of 'his' new Neo-American friend, Ryo Ooshiro, or rather, Suzuha Saionji, switches over to the big screen that her quarters are equipped with, shedding the now rather dirty green jacket with the faded Zeon symbol on the back. She'll get into more comfortable clothing later. For now, she just sits on her very comfy bed she'd expect out of a high-end hotel or something, and watches as the show, and the interview, begin.

        Suzu isn't the type to spend much time worrying about her looks, being more of a tomboy than anything, so the talk of skincare products isn't ordinarily in her wheelhouse. But protection from radiation? That sounds useful.

        And the way that Sheryl shows off her looks!

        Suzu sighs as she leans back against the wall her bed lies against, drawing up one leg to her chest while she massages her aching feet. "At least she doesn't have green eyes... That would just be unfair..." she mutters. Meeting three beautiful women in less than three days is going to give her a complex, seriously. But then anyone would get a complex over Sheryl Nome. Watching on-screen like this isn't the same as the concert she attended a couple months ago, but at least she doesn't have people elbowing her in the ribs and yelling in her ears.

<Pose Tracker> Alto Saotome has posed.

        Alto is not actually a member of the audience. As evidenced by the fact that he has spent most of the show's production lurking around the edges of the studio. Making sure to keep out of the way of the production crew and the show's actual filming. Thankfully there have been no issues so far, apart from the occasional crazed fan, who wasn't able to get a ticket to be in the audience, trying to break in anyway. You know, the usual. Nothing significant enough to draw attention though as they were dealt with quietly.

        Of course, Alto can't help but spare some attention for the show itself and Sheryl in particular as it goes on. Most of what's said he's already pretty aware of. Sometimes he learns something new. Sometimes he finds the talk a little stupid, one of the things he doesn't like about these kinds of talk shows. He's definitely glad it's not him up there on there stage... Something he's not too keen on repeating ever again. He doesn't quite have the patience for it as he used to, it would likely not go well!

<Pose Tracker> Doctor Salamedes has posed.

        Seated in the audience are a pair of children, perhaps in their mid-to-late teens. They both have sea-green hair in a bob-cut, matching eyes, and dark complexions. Even their fluffy-collared coats and the normal suits they wear underneath them are the same. They are clearly twins. The only things that separate them from each other is that, well, one is clearly female and the other clearly male!

        They have been sent to sit in on this taping by a certain someone. Their eyes are narrow, and their pupils rather... Vertical. It gives them a feline or reptillian appearance. But hey, it's not like it's their fault they have weird eyes!

        They sit politely and respectfully, smiling thin smiles and watching the exchange up on the stage very interestedly.

<Pose Tracker> Ranka Lee has posed.

As Sheryl enters for the interview, Ranka Lee rises and applauds. She does wave too once the applause dies down and she takes a seat, but she keeps it discreet. Sheryl's a professional and about to be in an interview!!! Also it's not likely she'll see her anyway through the lighting right? Well maybe...

Fortunately for Sheryl's biggest fan, Nergal found a trip to Zum city to watch Sheryl do an interview live rather than merely watch the stream to be a worthy expenditure. Even if she's not going to be going on the show, she's dressed in up in a cute short sleeved pink dress with a bow hanging from the collar. A lacy frill, and a layer of pink and black at the hem, a pair of dark red tights, and black heels. On her head is beret with a dark red bow.

Ranka loves listening to Sheryl in an interview, especially the way she always says a little too much, or extra. Even if she's a professional it always just feels so natural, so real. She watches every single one she can.

When Sheryl hypes up her product, Ranka leans forward as if making mental notes of how to try and do that naturally. She doesn't look the least bit bored, or put off. ... Also she's actually bought several tubes of Pure Shield for the summer and some upcoming outdoor activities. More importantly though, Sheryl's just so pretty. And Ranka finds herself blushing as the sequence progresses.

Mr Klien though moves to the Q&A. And Ranka shyly writes down a question to submit to one of the messenger lines for a chance to be just be read up front, rather than reading it herself. Since she knows Sheryl personally, it feels unfair for her to take up air time from other fans asking something in person she could just do face to face.

Mid-writing it down though, she erases it with the electronic stylus and writes down A MUCH DIFFERENT QUESTION. Submitting it, she has to hide her face in her hands after. It's done though. It probably won't even get read aloud, but...

... it's then that Ranka looks up, seeing Alto hanging along the edges, and her hair just LEAPS on both sides in surprise - even though it shouldn't be so surprising... he's on her security team. Ranka tries to offer a discreet wave his way too, is she bright red? Nah couldn't be in this lighting.

<Pose Tracker> Sousuke Sagara has posed.


A few people from Geotron Electronics swung by Jindai High School as part of the festival preparations for the Millympic Games. Shortly after, the student council president Hayashimizu notified Sousuke and Kaname that they had had an unexpected windfall - Geotron had donated some tickets for an upcoming taping of a talk show that would feature Sheryl Nome, as thanks and goodwill.

And of course, everyone knows that one of the first things Sousuke ever told anyone about himself is that he's a big Sheryl fan.


A small block of seats are filled by a small block of high schoolers. Every atom of their bodies exude EARTHNOID, particularly the slightly green boy with the mop of brown hair and the big glasses - that's Shinji Kazama - who is muttering about fictional gravitational forces to himself. The other, different mop of brown hair is attached to piercing gray eyes, watching from the seats like a stone.

"Man," murmurs the yet third boy, Onodera, with him, whose hair is bleached blond. "You see her on the ads, but she's even hot in person, huh...? No wonder you're into her, Sagara."

Sousuke Sagara does not dignify it with an answer because he does not trust himself not to scream.

<Pose Tracker> Puru Ten has posed.

        The wind howls. Sand flies. The heat is intolerable, but the sky being blotted out by the sandstorm gives some level of comfort -- however irrelevant that is for any poor life form trapped in the storm without cover. Inside of a cockpit, an orange-haired girl in a blue-green pilot suit sits huddled up in her chair, the sandstorm screaming outside, the cameras showing only the storm and darkness and nothing else.

        She is alone.

        But, somehow, the Minovsky Particlae Interference is thin enough that she gets the transmission all the way from Side 3. Sheryl Nome. The young girl, far too young to be on her own like this, watches the show. It's so different from anything in her own life that it's outright alien.

        Looks? Music? Celebrity? Is that really what normal people worry about? What... Normal girls her age should care about?

        She thinks about the sum total of her knowledge of what constitutes 'normal'. Basically, what Eleven got from that old magazine she kept like contraband and nothing else.

        Ten curls up tighter.

        Maybe she can learn something from this.

<Pose Tracker> Grace O'Connor has posed.

        Commercials continue to roll, first the commercials played by the show (which play for studio audiences as well as streamers at home). However, then the commercials switch to those for local affiliates which instead show an animated placeholder card for the studio audience and those streaming from home. Unless they're watching from a local affiliate wherein they probably are getting commercials for a local law firm advertising their services for suing companies for falling space debris.

        ... and then suddenly both lawyer commercials and animated place guards are replaced with THE COMMERCIAL: It shows the product logo over a triple sun system in a brilliant blue sky. Sheryl runs past in a white sun hat and a pink swimsuit. Tossing off her hat, she runs through water, splashing it in her wake.

        Sheryl says, "Beauty is a triangle." As she runs through the water, screen text reads, 'This porcelain skin is deculture..' Sheryl snaps her fingers, and then there is a shot of two colorful fish smooching overhead and exploding into hearts as she continues, "The morning sparkles like a jewel."

        The beach shot comes again as Sheryl declares, "Make sure to protect my skin!" A close-up of her face shows her giving the camera a sulty glance. Then we see her running along the beach in the background, while the foreground presents the blue bottle, from which the pink bottle emerges. "Nome: Pure Shield!"

        As the commercial ends, the camera once again pans across the stage and studio audience as the Title Card 'The Starlight Show' sparkles across screen. The camera then settles on Mr. O'Klien standing in the midst of the audience, "Welcome back! I hope you enjoyed the sparkling deculture splashing across your screen, but now we're back to hear your questions. First up... from our audience:

        He walks up to one of the audience members, a dark haired High School aged with blue eyes. "Miss Takarada? Would you like to ask Ms. Nome your question?"

        He then presents the microphone for her to speak in.

<Pose Tracker> Marida Cruz has posed.

        The Garancieres is on Earth. Marida hasn't been outside yet, waiting for the go-ahead from the Captain, but just the gravity has taken some getting used to. But she's a Cyber Newtype. She was literally built to deal with hardship. Wandering around the Garancieres in her normal suit, just in case she has to deploy at a moment's notice, the red-head keeps looking for someone, with a portable console in her hand.

        "Master." she begins as she comes to the bridge. Captain's not there. Huh. When asked if she needs something, Marida just shakes her head and leaves.

        Knock knock knock.

        "Banagher. I want to show you something." she says outside the quarters that have been Banagher's all this time.

        No response. Is he out as well?

        Marida walks away, giving the ship another once over, and then deciding to go to the hangar. Better she be there if she needs to deploy, anyway, right? It takes one of those retractable winch devices to get her up into the Kshatriya's cockpit, but once she's inside, she seats herself. She ponders shutting the hatch, but decides to leave it open, just in case someone needs her.

        Then Marida settles in to watch and find out what the big deal is with Sheryl Nome. Is she a Newtype or something?

<Pose Tracker> Rikka Takarada has posed.

The Commercial... it's a really good commercial. Rikka figures it probably moved a bunch of merchandise alone. But, her focus is on the wait - the commercial ends, and Mr. O'Klien is in the audience!

...Thankfully, she's in the audience herself today, so she's at least had the opportunity to brace herself for the possibility. And, wouldn't you know it - she's the first one! Rikka takes a deep breath, and stands up.

"Yes, thank you." She says with a grateful nod to Mr. O'Klien, then leans forward to speak into the microphone.

"Hi, I'm Rikka Takarada, from Tsutsujidai..." Rikka starts. "I really admire your strength, Sheryl... where do you find the courage to keep singing, even in difficult situations?"

She'll sit back down when prompted.
Kallen Kozuki teleports in.
POT: Kallen Kozuki is now set observer.

<Pose Tracker> Sheryl Nome has posed.

        It's hard for Sheryl not to spot Ranka, the way she does a standing ovation, dressed up in that cute pink dress of hers. (They match??) She doesn't wave back to her in particular--she's on stage, and a professional--but her smile does broaden to see her in the audience. It's always a good feeling to see repeat fans, and Ranka in particular is her favorite.
        It feels good too that Alto's off in the wings, watching the show as he helps keep order on the backstage. He might be watching as part of security, but knowing his eyes are on her gives her a similarly particular excitement.
        ...hopefully that excitement won't end up including butting heads with Brera, also on security detail. But Alto's a former stage professional too, and Brera's so mission-focused. It should be fine. (If it's not fine, she's gonna be mad. But that might be a problem for future Alto and Brera!)
        Rikka's a familiar face within the audience, too. Beyond her, though, the audience is unfamiliar, from the strange-eyed twins to the achingly Earthnoid teens in the back. This is fair and normal. Sheryl's enormously popular in space and on Earth; she's only met a handful of her fans face-to-face, and only during special events. She isn't a Newtype, as far as anyone (including her) knows, but... listening to her songs and the emotion they convey, one might think there's something there.
        The violet crystal dangling within her earring glitters in the stage lights.
        The commercials run, and when the cameras roll again, Sheryl's still presenting a bright smile to them and the audience. It might or might not be coincidence that someone she knows gets to ask the first question--they're supposed to be random, but she knows Grace is monitoring everything--but it is pleasant.
        "Hi there, Rikka. Great of you to join us," she greets her. The question itself gets a thoughtful look; then she laughs a little. "For me, it might be less courage and more stubbornness! I don't like to leave things half-done," she replies. "If I'm performing for my fans, I want to make sure you all get the show you deserve!"
        Her smile fades. "It's true sometimes there's situations where it's dangerous for me to keep singing, and I've let the professionals do their job to protect the people. But I'm a professional, too--a professional songstress. And to me, a professional is someone who gives it their all to get the job done, no matter what." Her smile returns. "So in short, it's my pride as a professional that keeps me going strong. That, and not wanting to let my fans down!"

<Pose Tracker> Tsugumi Saionji has posed.

        In a hotel in Spain, near the international space port, a room is occupied. This is hardly unusual for a hotel. WHO it is occupied by is the part that is uncommon.

        You see, this particular hotel room is being haunted by a ghost. More specifically, a Specter. There she sits, ragged and pale like the bloodless thing she is, dark-ringed eyes hinting at empty sockets, the fluffy bathrobe she wears not convincing enough to pass her off as a living woman. For example, look!

        There, in her chalice!

        Wine: blood-red, at that!

        If this sorry thing with her mane of raven-black hair and her empty expression is not the very personification of a Specter, than what is?

        The televsision screen in front of the wretched wraith shows a young woman, marketing not only her music but her appearance. Perhaps, had the Specter followed such a path, she might'n't have suffered such a foul fate as she clearly has.

        But she chose love.

        And as any scholar of written works would know, love is the greatest and most final poison one can imbibe.

        Tsugumi Saionji, the Specter of Axis, lies stagnant and suffering in the grip of her love, and the doom it brought to her. Now, all she can think about, aside her vegeance, is what she might leave to those living she actually wishes to spare.

        She calls in on the hotline, scrambling her number and voice, to attempt to narrow down what that inheritance might be.

<Pose Tracker> Kaname Chidori has posed.

        From the seat beside Sousuke, Kaname Chidori can't help snorting at Onodera's comments. Sousuke dug himself this hole, now it was his to lie in--she'd get him into Sheryl's music if it killed her.

        Or him.

        More likely him, really.

        The snort elicits a questioning look from a bespectacled girl next to Kaname, with her hair done up in braided pigtails. "Huh? What's so funny, Kaname?"

        Kaname waves the question off. "Nothing, I just, uh, it was a weird sneeze."

        She's here out of genuine enthusiasm, and as VP of Jindai's student council. There's no escape for the Sergeant. She nudges him in the ribs with her elbow, giving him a sly grin. "Well? Whaddya think? She *is* pretty hot..." Eyebrows waggle. "Anyway, don'tcha have anything to ask, mister *super-fan*?" Another nudge. More a jab, really. She's got one ready to go, of course~

<Pose Tracker> Brera Sterne has posed.

Brera, like Alto, remains out of sight of the cameras, watching in silence and moving as much as an abandoned prop. If he were not so carefully leaned against a wall, he might be a hazard for someone failing to notice there were someone to trip over.

The content of the production means nothing to him. Unimportant words about an industry he does not understand and has never seen relevant to do so. But it is curious how much attention it gathers... How, because of all this talk, Sheryl ends up in a position to need a bodyguard. Or even two.

His eyes scan the audience, ever alert for threats. And then someone green haired is bouncing and waving and Brera's attention gets divided. That girl here, too... Her entire focus on Sheryl. On the interview. What's so important about it? ... And what could she possibly be asking?

And who is she looking at now that's flustered her so? Brera carefully follows Ranka's attention to... Alto.

His eyes narrow as he squeezes his dark nails into his own crossed arms, creating tiny half moon creases through the fabric.

<Pose Tracker> Suzuha Saionji has posed.

        Huh. People can ask questions? That's cool. Audience interaction is a great way to increase engagement and form positive opinions. It can make their idol feel more relatable, or like they care about their fans. Even if they don't. But that's probably just her mom's pessimism leaking into her thinking.

        She picks up her pocket computer again and starts flipping through apps to get to the messenger so she can call in. She starts thumbing out a question in an accessory text app in order to get her thoughts in order.

        'Are you single?' Naaaaah, she must get asked that a lot. It probably won't even be accepted. She backspaces it off the screen.

        'Are you into girls--' No, no, no. DEFINITELY won't be allowed.

        'So I have this friend named Mikael who is both a big fan of yours AND has this absolute bizarre cat fixation, do you think he should get help?' As hilarious as it would be, since Suzuha KNOWS Mikael is watching the show too, she backspaces that one as well.

        She pauses, and then starts, 'So when my mom was my age she was in Zeon and might have--' BACKSPACEBACKSPACEBACKSPACE.

        Sighing, Suzuha just puts down the computer on her chest and keeps watching.

        "The courage to keep on singing, huh?" she asks of no one in particular as she hears Sheryl's answer to the question.

<Pose Tracker> Grace O'Connor has posed.

        As Rikka asks her question, the gracious host attempts to do his best to be both encouraging and reassuring. This is all old hat to him after all - including shy audience members who are perhaps unused to being asked to present themselves before a live audience. When Rikka is done asking her question he nods her head gratefully to her and brings the microphone back to himself while waiting for Sheryl to answer Rikka's question, the active camera switching to focus on Ms. Nome while he moves to his next place within the audience.

        "A stubborn star that refuses to let her light get obscured by whatever dust the universe might fling her way!! That said, we also have questions rolling in from our voice and text lines. Of course we welcome those from home to submit their questions as well! Dazzled as we are by the glamorous Ms. Nome, we won't forget about our friends from afar. Speaking of text questions, we have one from R.L. and it reads:"

        "You're well known for writing songs about love and passion. Were you thinking about a boy while writing them?"

        While Sheryl takes a minute to answer that question, he approaches the two teenagers in the audience with matching hair cuts, hair colors, and dark complexion! The host does a double take... especially when it's clear one is female and one his female. Still he shrugs it off pretty quickly. This is HARDLY the weirdest thing Mr. O'Klien has seen in his line of business.

        Once Sheryl is done asking the question from Rikka, he lowers the microphone to ... wait, which twin was going to ask it? The male one, the female one? He looks back at the cue screen, but finally shrugs and smiles before just leaving it out before both of them to use.

<Pose Tracker> Rikka Takarada has posed.

Rikka would be excited and a little surprised if she knew Sheryl recognized her. It's not something she'd expect, or blame her for not doing so - Sheryl has and has met with countless fans, after all.

And so, the question is asked, and Sheryl answers. ...Rikka can't help but smile and laugh a little too at the answer she gets.

Pride and stubbornness, huh...? Maybe she needs a little bit more of that, herself... not that she doesn't already have some of her own.

"Thank you." Rikka replies, pleased, and sits down - nodding her thanks to Mr. O'Klien as well as she does.

It's definitely been worth the trip out here.

<Pose Tracker> Doctor Salamedes has posed.

        When called upon by the host, the twins who have been watching oh so very carefully each noise and movement coming from the audience around them, AND up on stage, even if that meant one of them doing one of those while the other did the other thing, stand up smoothly and in synch.

        "We have a question from our family doctor." the boy starts, his grin expanding for some reason after saying that. An inside joke, maybe?

        The girl then says, "You stated that Sharon Apple was a source of inspiration for you."

        The boy then continues speaking, "May we ask if you advocate future A.I. celebrities if they have oversight to ensure their safety?"

        Then they just stand there with those snake-like, thin-lipped smiles. One might almost expect them to flick out little forked tongues at any moment.

<Pose Tracker> Ranka Lee has posed.

After submitting her questions, Ranka watches the commercials, on occasion glancing Alto's way. Maybe she's especially embarrassed about her question with him here, however, it's not like he'll find out she asked it, right?

Rikka gets called upon, and 'from Tsutsujidai' casues her hair to leap up again as she whirls to look Rikka's way.

'I really admire your strength Sheryl, where do you find the courage to keep singing, even in difficult situations?'

Ranka's actually smiles at this one. She thinks she knows how Sheryl might answer already, however... one never knows what to expect from Sheryl. And it's a great question besides.

Sheryl's answer only widens her smile. And while Sheryl doesn't say it, Ranka actually whispers quietly, fondly, "Because she's Sheryl."

Then the host mentions a text question from R.L. and her attention slips away from Alto to look straight forward, oblivious that Brera is boring a hole through him. Because she's just agape. A hand moves in front of her mouth. "No way." She says quietly. Before it then gets asked aloud, and Ranka sinks deeper, and deeper into her seat, both hands covering her face as like a shame shield that's not particularly effective because SHERYL KNOWS SHE'S HERE! ALTO KNOWS SHE'S HERE! BRERA KNOWS SHE'S HERE! GRACE PROBABLY KNOWS SHE'S HERE! (Grace knows and keeps tabs on everything.)

Maybe it'll be fine. Maybe she'll just... learn to disappear into non-existence in the next ten seconds or so.

<Pose Tracker> Alto Saotome has posed.

        It's during one of his moments glancing over the audience that Alto spots a certain Ranka in it, giving a wave in his direction. He actually smiles a bit at this, raising a few fingers to give a short wave back. He doesn't make a big deal out of it, hoping to avoid being noticed or drawing attention or anything.

        Though at this point Alto feels a quick chill run through him for some reason. He glances around... Doesn't see anything obvious. It's probably nothing.

        As Sheryl responds to the first question, Alto can't help but let out a quite snort as he holds back some laughted. Yes. Stubborn is definitely a word he would associate with Sheryl. But his expression grows a little more thoughtful as she speaks on the more dangerous situations. Many of which he was there for... Having felt the fear of those times, he definitely admits to being impressed by her determination to keep singing. Silently admits, of course.

        The question that follows, the one about passion, draws a bit of a double take from Alto. Though only for a moment. He quickly busies himself with his job here, pretending to ignore it. The one after it though does draw some thoughtful pondering from him as he thinks about the issue of AI. Having fought alongside some in recent months, as reined in as they are, it's certainly something he's wondered about before. The possible return of a full AI idol... It does seem like there's a better handle on the technology nowadays. At least from what he's gathered from the complicated explanations from one of his squadmates. Not that Alto is particularly knowledgeable about the field.

<Pose Tracker> Puru Ten has posed.

        Ordinarily, she never would have considered doing something this spontaneous and foolish. But... In her loneliness and ignorance, it may be the only way for her to connect with anyone right now.

        So... If the signal is strong enough to receive a transmission, maybe Ten can send one as well. Then again, she >is< in the middle of a sandstorm. She hesitates. This might expose her position. But then again... Sandstorm. If anyone even intercepts it, it will be a while before they can come for her. She'll be gone by then.

        So, typing out a text message to the show, the eleven year old girl hits 'Send' and waits to see if anyone out there is listening to her.

<Pose Tracker> Sheryl Nome has posed.

        Rikka thanks her, and Sheryl gives her a wave as she fixes her smile on her for a moment. Seeing her here does bring her thoughts over to Tsutsujidai and its so-called God... But only for a second or two. As she just said, she's a professional, and she's currently on the job. She's not going to let her thoughts wander more than an instant.
        Mr. O'Klien announces an 'anonymously' submitted question. R.L., huh... Sheryl looks into the audience where she last saw a certain Ranka Lee, and sure enough, she's nearly aflame with embarrassment, visible even through the cover of her hands. She grins.
        "I've thought about a lot of people while I've written my songs. Love is very important to me, but love is more than just love between a woman and a man," she answers. "But to answer what I'm guessing you actually want to know... Is there a special boy among them?" She winks and draws a finger up to her lips. "...That's my secret~."
        There's a time and a place to flex on someone. Right now isn't it. A little mystery is much more alluring.
        The next question comes up from the strange-eyed twins. If Sheryl finds their manner or appearance or even their question unsettling, she does a masterful job of keeping it off her face. Instead, she graciously says, "You may," then uncrosses and recrosses her legs as she considers the question.
        "If there's better safety protocols put in place, then I don't see a problem with giving A.I. celebrities another chance. There's A.I.s in all kinds of security fields these days, from what I hear; how is that less of a risk than entertainment?" She then shrugs. "But I'll leave figuring all that out to the scientists making it all happen."

<Pose Tracker> Sousuke Sagara has posed.

Sousuke doesn't usually get to see that look on Kaname's face unless he's recently shot at an occupied vehicle and he just doesn't quite know what to make of that.

"It...is true that her appearance is agreeable," he mutters, to both his friend and his charge. Two things happen. 'From Tsutsujidai' makes him half-turn. "...Takarada," he mutters, glancing toward Kaname. A Shuffle contact. Surprising to see her here. Suppose her flight back won't pass through Nouvelle Tokyo anymore.

"...professionalism," he murmurs, at Sheryl's answer, as if that one actually hit something deep in his weird golem brain. "Yes. Completing a mission even through difficulties. It's the true sign of a pro."

He looks at Kaname, though, quietly muttering, "Ah...w, well...I thought I'd simply...take the measure. Of a professional. Yes."

<Pose Tracker> Doctor Salamedes has posed.

        The twins' smiles shrink a little bit more from =) to => as they say simultaneously. "Thank you. We will pass that along." Then they both sit back down. Weird kids! In normal suits! ...They had their sidearms confiscated well before they came in the studio doors, let alone this specific room, so they're probably okay.

<Pose Tracker> Marida Cruz has posed.

        Marida's hand-held tv console (do they even call them TVs in The Future(tm)? Maybe it's an ancient one from the Times When People Carried Portable TVs) is functional, but it's no big-screen TV. She doesn't need that kind of luxury. Instead, she begins queuing up a fake transponder while the Kshatriya powers up, planning to bounce a signal off the existing communications infrastructure of Earth rather than risk transmitting anything from the Garancieres' location.

        Marida has no particular interest in fashion, popularity, or what other young women her age do. Instead, she is focused much closer to home.

        Once everything is ready, she sends the signal and waits to see if the tricks she has learned from the Garancieres' crew for their more covert work has paid off.

<Pose Tracker> Ranka Lee has posed.

Ranka phrased that question perhaps to hedge. It gave that exact out, to wonder if it was about a special boy rather than Ranka asking... whether Sheryl likes girls. Slowly her fingertips slide open as Sheryl starts to answer, as a single red eye peeks out. 'love is more than just love between a woman and a man.'

Ranka's relieved on one level, but wishes it... had perhaps a more specific answer. It's her own fault, perhaps...

... but then Sheryl asks if she means there's a special boy among them... and Ranka makes a noise akin to a squeak, as her fingers come together again to keep her face covered.

Her face feels like she's running a fever right now. It takes all of her courage to eventually turn her head, and separate her fingers again, looking at a special boy.

It's just, what if there's a special girl too? How is that even supposed to work out?

Again Brera might notice her looking in that direction again, right after Sheryl talked about a


The AI celebrities question is interesting, and she feels the same way as Sheryl, it's just her heart is a kaleidoscope right now and she's not able to think about anything other than this...

<Pose Tracker> Grace O'Connor has posed.

        "Such a magnanimous response from the Galactic Fairy. I suppose for someone whose allure is being Macross Galaxy's only 'All Natural' Idol, fully AI Idols would have a hard time competing with that!" O'Klien laughs merrily, before gesturing to the stage crew to bring up another text-only question on his cue monitor.

        He reads over it briefly, and then he allows his eyebrows to droop slightly, and moderates his tone so as to better represent the emotion of the message he is trying to impart: "From E.P.: Do you think that if I looked like you, that I'd have friends?" All at once, a large number of the audience emits an 'Awwwwww' simultaneously as the host nods in agreement. "Sounds like a young person is having a hard time. What say you, Ms. Galactic Fairy? Do you have any words of encouragement for them?"

        As once again the active camera shifts back towards Sheryl Nome, the host of the show maneuvers deftly through the audience towards his next position. He waits patiently while Sheryl takes her time to (perhaps) give a pep talk to some distraught youngster. Once she signals the end of her response, the camera will return to him as he stands next to two high schoolers. This time less ... identical. In fact Sousuke Sagara and Kaname Chidori look pretty far apart from each other physically!

        Mr. O'Klien smiles to Kaname, this time having an easy time picking out who (he thinks) will be the one asking the question. "Ms. Chidori, are you ready to ask your question?" He leans the microphone towards her.

<Pose Tracker> Brera Sterne has posed.

Brera isn't ignoring the rest of the world, nor has he dropped his guard to potential threats, but he is taking moments to steal glances to Ranka, to observe what it is that interests her here. To see how she's reacting. Ranka's admiration for Sheryl is clear... The courage to keep singing.

If only it didn't make his job so much more difficult. But... songs are not frivolous.

He's not sure what they are.

Then a question from 'R.L.'. Love. Passion. A boy. Brera squints further, but there's more confusion than there is irritation in his gaze. He watches Ranka, somehow more still than he's been.

A... special... boy...

It is most fortunate Brera was never equipped with the ability to shoot lasers from his eyes with a death glare, or a certain special boy would be in danger of being set on fire right now.

<Pose Tracker> Rikka Takarada has posed.

Rikka feels some eyes on her. That's about to be expected - she did just stand up to ask a question in front of a live studio audience, after all. She offers a brief wave... and a second to Sousuke and Kaname, specifically, since she recognizes the former. They're both from high schools that have been reaching out to others, after all - it's a normal thing to do. The fact that she knows him through the Shuffle Alliance, well... it's not like anyone else knows that.

Her attention, of course, soon goes back to Sheryl. A question about love... Rikka's almost more attentive to the answer to that question than to her own, though in the end it's left a mystery. Still... it's not like Sheryl is wrong about that, and she's a little relieved she thinks that way.

<Pose Tracker> Suzuha Saionji has posed.

        As Sheryl mentions that love isn't just between a man and a woman, Suzuha SITS UP, scrambling to get up from her lazy slouching position (she is such a tomboy, she hasn't even taken off her stinky, sweaty socks yet). Oh! Oh, perhaps there's hope then! Even if Sheryl is being coy about it.

        Suzu starts rapid-thumb-typing more questions as she grabs her computer up.

        'Do you have a girlfriend?' 'Do you remember me from your concert in Side 3 a couple months ago, I was the girl in the crop top and sunglasses?' 'What do you mean by not just between a man and a woman? Does that mean a female fan has a chance?' 'Who is that green-haired girl who looks like a puppy? Is she your girlfriend?'

        But Suzu slams on the brakes and deletes all of these as she tries to think about what she should ACTUALLY ask, not just what her dumb teenage hormones want her to ask.

        She's in Von Braun and just got accepted into Anaheim Electronics. She doesn't want to get fired for sending invasive personal questions to an idol on live television.

        Isn't there anything more relevant to her immediate situation she could ask?

        She pauses. Nothing comes to mind. Nothing that would fly on television, anyway.

        Sighing, Suzu finally decides relationship questions aren't out of the ordinary. So... She calls in. She's probably going to be in quite the queue since she didn't call in the first second of the show, but... Nothing ventured, nothing gained, and all that.

<Pose Tracker> Kaname Chidori has posed.

        Kaname's heart almost skips a beat. Oh God. it's a hell of a thing to meet one of her idols--almost scarier than being in a gunfight... She stands up, smooths out her skirt, and takes the microphone with a smile.

        Deep breath.

        "Right! Um, hi! Kaname Chidori. I'm from Jindai High in Nouvelle Tokyo, and, uh... I was wondering, how involved were you in making this sunscreen? I know you're talented, but, y'know. Most idols aren't really into chemistry," she says with a bit of a grin. It's mostly bashful, but also excited.

<Pose Tracker> Alto Saotome has posed.

        First a chill, now some intense heat. Maybe he's getting sick? Or maybe he's just imagining it. Alto rubs the back of his head where the feeling is focused but it's quickly gone again as he starts moving once more. Yeah, he's probably imagining it.

<Pose Tracker> Sheryl Nome has posed.

        Sheryl laughs along with Mr. O'Klien as he brings up her 'all natural' selling point. It's certainly true that's how Galaxy marketed her, and for the same reason, it's true she doesn't feel threatened by A.I. idols. That said, when you're consistently at the top of the records, it's hard to feel threatened by anybody.
        Though there is one girl... but that's. Complicated (TM).
        The question from E.P. gets a little frown out of her--not of distaste, but something more complex. She looks out into the audience as they 'awwww,' then focuses in on the camera. "Maybe you would. But people who'd only be friends with you based on your looks usually aren't the kinds of friends worth having," she says, quite bluntly--an example of her sometimes saying too much. "If you ask me, and you are, you need to find what makes you shine--whether that's your looks, your smarts, your voice, or whatever--and polish it. Whether it gets you any friends or not, at least you can take pride that you've made yourself into the best version of 'you' you can be. That kind of self-respect is worth its weight in gold, E.P.."
        Firm and decisive--and very much the answer of someone who has a lot of fans, but few close, personal friends. Work on yourself first, and worry about other people later. She does hope it inspires whoever this E.P. is, though.
        Kaname stands up then and asks her question. Sheryl laughs and waves a hand from side to side. "Sorry to disappoint, but I'm definitely no chemist! I'm a perfectionist, though, so I was still very involved. That means I had to have everything explained to me so I could make the right choices for my product. God, if there's anything to make you feel dumb, it's having scientists talk to you in big words you don't understand. But don't worry, I got there!"
        If she notices any ominous heat getting beamed at anyone off-stage, she graciously pretends not to notice. There might be a storm later...

<Pose Tracker> Ranka Lee has posed.

Unfortunately Brera's vehemence towards Alto goes unnoticed! Brera did say the two are getting along! So did Alto, albeit more sarcastically. She takes him at his word.

The question from E.P. though brings her attention back forward, feeling sad and vaguely uncomfortable. She can understand that insecurity. However, she listens to Sheryl field it, and her smile just grows... as he thinks she answered it perfectly.

(Sheryl is so good to her fans, she thinks.)

Perhaps far too well. Poor girl. She waits to hear how Sheryl will try to reach out to her.

Then Kaname steps up and 'Oh Jindai!" Ranka's eyes widen, she knows this school!

Kaname's question though causes her eyelashes to flutter, as she looks forward at Sheryl, that's not a question she'd have thought someone would ask??? She assumes that Sheryl was more for the Q&A part but... it's not impossible!

However, like she thought Sheryl isn't a chemist. However! Knowing she was very involved in the product and not just rubber stamping her endorsement is exactly like she thought it might be.

Catching a small glimpse of Brera, she gives a discreet wave his way, oblivious to the invisible, intangible death rays he's firing, and gives him a big smile - utterly oblivious to the animosity.

<Pose Tracker> Brera Sterne has posed.

Alto not noticing annoys Brera the most.

But no one is leaping at anyone else's throat, so this is going great. They're getting along splendidly. This is the definition of tolerance and understanding.

In fact, Brera has never tolerated anything more in his entire memory wiped life.

He catches movement in his eye, ever alert, and especially so toward the green and the puppy-like. The death glare on his face softens to what's become the habitual blankness of not being sure what his face ought to do.

Brera does not wave back. He half-nods instead in the tiniest acknowledgment -- a monumental gesture for someone who typically does not acknowledge any friendliness while he's on the job.

<Pose Tracker> Puru Ten has posed.

        Ten stares at the screen, her violet eyes wide as saucers as she listens to every word out of Sheryl's mouth like she has never heard words before.

        UC 0096.08.05

        The Doctor left her. After Germany, they said they had to leave on business of some kind, and they just dropped her off with some people and went away. She was told they'd be back soon.

        So she waited. She waited in Dublin, on an old stone bridge over a river, in some mist-shrouded town, in the dark of the night. The people she had been left with watched her, but they didn't try to talk to her or anything.

        They just left her to wait, hoping that Doctor Salamedes would return for her.

        I'm standing on a bridge
        I'm waiting in the dark
        I thought that you'd be here by now

        It started raining on her, and so confident was she that the Doctor would be back for her at any moment, she stayed out in it. Her minders turned in for the night, as if they had no concern over her fate. 'If the girl wants to get pneumonia that's her business.' They were not her friends.

        There's nothing but the rain
        No footsteps on the ground
        I'm listening but there's no sound

        Hours. She waited hours. Until finally, cold, shivering, boogers running from her nose, she truly remembered what the Doctor had said. She needs to decide for herself what she should do. She must be independent. So she ran away. She ran away and got her Qubeley, and she took off on her own, following a trail of memory she had seen in someone else's sea. But even as she did her 'own thing'... She wanted someone to come after her.

        Isn't anyone trying to find me?
        Won't somebody come take me home?

        UC 0096.08.11

        And now here is this woman Ten has never met, looking at her in the screen, speaking directly to her, telling her words she needed to hear.

        It's a damn cold night
        Trying to figure out this life
        Won't you take me by the hand?
        Take me somewhere new
        I don't know who you are
        But I... I'm with you

        She followed the trail. And now here she is, in the Sahara Desert, being told how to have respect for herself, and belief in her own strengths. There's >something< she can do that will make her special. She just needs to find it.

        I'm with you.

<Pose Tracker> Grace O'Connor has posed.

        Mr. O'Klien can be seen nodding respectfully after Sheryl answers E.P.'s questions. He then waits patiently for Kaname to finish her question before pulling back from the odd couple Jindai pair. He chuckles softly, "Well it's never too late to add Universal Chemist to your list of titles, Ms. Interdimensional Galactic Diva Fairy. But of course we can't expect you to interrupt your beauty rest."

        "And speaking of beauty rest, it's about time for us to wrap up this question and answer section. We appreciate all of you calling and writing in your questions, and we of course wish we could get to you all, but we encourage you to stay tuned in... I promise it will be worth the wait." With another gesture towards the crew in the booth, a written question comes up on screen.

        "T.S. sends in the following: 'As a young woman yourself, how would you like a parent who may not share or understand your interests relate to and be supportive of you in living your best life?'"

        While the active camera moves back towards Sheryl, the Starlight Host moves back towards his desk and settes back into it. He smiles encouragingly while she manages her response, and then gestures towards the crew to switch over to the next question when both he and Sheryl seem ready.

        "And this one is from M.Z.: 'For someone who saved me, how could I possibly repay them?'" Once again he waits for Sheryl's response, this time nodding thoughtfully to her response to a question that potentially has such gravity. Of course he doesn't do much more than give his practiced nods and smiles - he is too busy focusing on his stage craft to do much more than try to head off any potential gaffes by his guests. Not that he has to worry that much with such a practiced personality as Sheryl Nome.

        "And finally we have one more question, this one is calling in: S.S. are you still there, and would you like to ask your question? And once Ms. Nome is finished answering, we'll go to a quick commercial break before we come back for our special treat for our audience and those of you tuning in from home!"

<Pose Tracker> Suzuha Saionji has posed.

        "Heeey!" comes Suzu's voice (and image if there's a streaming camera thing, in which case she has made sure to be presentable, ditch her bindings, and wear a mascot cat head so conceal her face. Believe it or not, the cat head does make her look more like herself rather than 'Ryo Ooshiro').

        "Wow, you look even better than you did at that concert a couple months ago in Zum City! Do you remember me? I was the--Anyway, nevermind, my question is this: When it comes to love, should steps be taken to separate private relationships from public image if not doing so would discourage one's fans?"

        Of course Sheryl isn't going to remember her, she's wearing a fricking cartoon cat head.

<Pose Tracker> Sousuke Sagara has posed.

Sousuke feels that confirming Rikka recognizes him is...good? Yes. what is this emotion. (that's what seeing your friends feels like, Sousuke, you human cinderblock)

The whole Jindai crew goes quiet when the camera's on them because, goofballs though they are, they know how to not be Disruptive.

...well, they know how to be a different, more entertaining kind of disruptive, anyway.

Sousuke finds himself watching Kaname all through the question and answer.

...he's gonna hear about this one, he thinks.

<Pose Tracker> Sheryl Nome has posed.

        "I'll think about it," Sheryl says loftily at the suggestion she become the Universal Chemist next. She even kind of means it. She does have quite a lot of ties to a lot of different scientists, after all. It wouldn't be bad to go into a field like that someday if she ever got tired of the stage. (She doesn't think she will--she adores it too much--but it's good to be flexible.)
        E.P. is of course not in the audience, so Sheryl has no way of knowing how her response affected her. But she does give a friendly wave to Kaname in the crowd before the Jindai student sits back down. When Mr. O'Klien declares that people will want to stick around for after the Q&A session, she grins and winks at the camera.
        There's still some questions left to go. The one from T.S. forces the briefest strain into her smile, which she tosses off with a toss of her hair. "Honestly, just being there is enough! If you're looking for specific examples, T.S., I'm not really the best person to ask, but I know I can be my best as the Galactic Fairy because of all the incredible logistic work my manager does for me. If you're struggling with how to support your child's interests, maybe you can start by helping them find resources to make them happen?"
        The second question, from M.Z., gets an incredulous little laugh as Sheryl leans to one side, elbow on the chair's arm rest. "Wow, what a broad question! It really depends on who saved you and how you were saved." Her expression softens as she considers her manager once again. Aloud, she continues, "But, not knowing any of those details... I'd say by living your life to the fullest each and every day. You've only got one, M.Z., so you ought to make the most of it."
        The last question of the night comes in--and with a video feed on a side camera. It's probably getting spliced into the feed as they talk, Sheryl reflects. Either way, she graces Suzuha with a question. Unfortunately, she doesn't recognize her, but she lets her save face by letting the half-asked question slide. And also by not commenting on the cat hat. "Hi~," she lilts back instead. "I'm very much about keeping public image and private life separate. But if you're suggesting an entertainer do that because fans want to imagine they've got a shot with them--like the so-called 'love ban' from the bad old days in entertainment--I'm completely against it." She smiles sweetly, but there's an edge to it. "I don't mind if a fan fantasizes about me, but that doesn't make me theirs. I'm free to love who I want."

<Pose Tracker> Grace O'Connor has posed.

        "And there you have it folks - The Galactic Fairy is there for us all on stage, but a girl's hear is her own. That said I hope everyone is looking forward to what's coming up next... right after the break!"

        Right after that, the camera starts to pan out once again showing a view of the audience while the show's title card flashes across screen. This time, once the cameras turn off and the studio lights come up, the stage crew are abuzz with activity while they move to prepare for tonight's special treat for the audience and fans at home! Please wait warmly while we show you these messages from our sponsors~

<Pose Tracker> Suzuha Saionji has posed.

        Suzuha nods approvingly at the answer she gets, giving a double-thumbsup before people are mercifully denied the splendour of a cat mascot head, minus the rest of the mascot outfit.

        Once she is sure she's no longer on air, she pops the head off and grins. You don't get more public than Sheryl Nome. If she says she's gonna' love whoever she wants, then that means Suzu (or Ryo) can be confident in loving whoever she/'he' wants as well. She's pretty sure that's how it works.

        Man! That was great! "I actually got to talk to Sheryl!" Suzu pumps a fist in the air all XD in excitement before falling backwards against the bed. She hits her head on the wall but forgives the barrier this trespass because she's in a good mood.

        There were some slightly weird questions though... And a few sad ones. She feels bad for 'E.P.'. That girl sounds very young and very lonely. The out-of-touch mom though just... Rubs her the wrong way.

        Sheryl's answer there wasn't the best.

        If it had been Suzu in her place, her answer would have been very simple.

        "In order to support them, you have to be there for them." she mutters, her mood souring as she rolls onto her belly to keep watching while the commercial starts. Siiiiigh.

        Well, it was good while it lasted.

<Pose Tracker> Kaname Chidori has posed.

        Kaname smiles at the answer and nods, taking her seat. She knows how it is to have everything sail over one's head--ironically, now more than ever, despite how rapidly the horizons of her knowledge are broadening. She relaxes, taking a slow, deep breath... and giving a little squeal. "Aaah! She's so *cool!!*"

        She wiggles a little in her seat, grinning over at the others. "I wonder what it'd be like to just... sit down and talk with her?" she wonders aloud, to none of the others in particular. "She's probably pretty different... I figure the public persona's usually a facade..." She trails off into silence.

        Not a single one of Kaname's thoughts goes toward the fact that she, a hunted woman with a bodyguard, just gave her name and school on a sphere-wide television broadcast.

<Pose Tracker> Tsugumi Saionji has posed.

        The Specter sits through multiple questions before it is her turn. Not that she necessarily believed she would have a turn. It's hard to believe anything when you're dead. The grave-black eyes of Tsugumi Saionji look at the screen, bloodshot from lack of sleep and overwork, as Sheryl Nome gives a somewhat generic answer. She didn't miss the slightly brittle smile that the idol had for a moment.

        'Ah,' the Specter thinks, piecing things together, or at least a potential picture, from context clues. However, the apparition's attention becomes laser focused as a familiar voice and a familiar cat pajama head and a familiar teenage girl attached to it appear on-screen.

        'S.S.' indeed! Who would have suspected that both mother and daughter would be watching and send a question in to the same show.

        Tsugumi's deadened, exhausted expression doesn't change. But the fact she didn't even know her Suzu had been to a concert, or that her daughter even liked Sheryl Nome, is just the cherry on top of the distance between them.

        "There's really no way to close the gap, is there?" Tsugumi practically whispers to herself. A little bit more of the hope she doesn't have goes dark and falls away. What are her daughter's interests? What resources can she find when she doesn't know the first thing about her own child?

        Tsugumi sinks into the plush recliner even further.

        Her glass is empty again.

<Pose Tracker> Marida Cruz has posed.

        Marida takes Sheryl's advice with all the seriousness it deserves. So, fighting as though she is expendable, getting herself hurt or even killed, as long as gives her purpose... That... Might not actually be what Master wants? Well, she knows that isn't what he WANTS, but... How else is she supposed to be of worth to him?

        What else can she do? How does one cherish one's own life, when there's nothing valuable about it unless one fights to earn their keep?

        The red-head tilts her head back and closes her eyes, thinking as she sits in the cockpit of a walking weapon.

        She'll have to think about what it means to be precious to someone. Before now, she hadn't really consciously considered that there were other ways to do it. She thinks about Banagher. About Ten and Two. About Mineva. About Mister Gilboa and the rest of the Garancieres' crew.

        Is she precious to any of them?

        How can she find out?

        She opens her eyes and moves to climb down from the Kshatriya. She looks up as she descends on the retractable winch, thinking about whether the cockpit should stay open or be closed.

        In the end, she decides it should stay open.

        It just seems better that way.

<Pose Tracker> Sheryl Nome has posed.

        When the commercial break ends and the show resumes, Sheryl is standing at the center of a cleared stage. "Thank you all for coming by and tuning in! A lot of you have been asking when the new song in my commercial, Glittering Summer, is going to get released as more than a fifteen-second background music clip. And the answer to that is... right now!!"
        She grips the hem of her dress, then tears it up, off, and away to reveal a swimsuit underneath--pink and ruffled with spaghetti straps as her dress had been, with a blue crystal droplet hanging beneath her top and a dark pink belt decorated with flowers capping her bottom. It's very similar to the bikini she wears in the Pure Shield commercials, but with even more glitz for the stage. Naturally; as Ranka observed, she's Sheryl Nome, after all.
        And, in the way of Sheryl Nome:
        "LISTEN TO MY SONG!"
        https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xq_ZD1bfHf4 (Glittering Summer)
        The spotlights shine in on her as a robust, enthusiastic song begins to play, the melody bright and bubbly. Holograms transform the stage into a sunny, tropical, beachside vista, framed by palm trees. Sheryl now carries a beach ball in one hand as her shades cover her eyes, and she waves her other hand high over her head to the audience as she beams in joy. Tossing the beach ball up and bopping it out into the crowd, which dissolves into light once it touches something, she plays volleyball with a couple more incoming holographic beach balls, then takes off her shades with a wink and throws them off into the wings where she likewise sent her dress. Catch 'em, Alto! (Catch 'em, Brera?!)
        Swaying back and forth, Sheryl spins in a circle, arms outspread as if to take in all the light in the world. She reaches up, then brings a finger down to waggle it as she winks and sets her other hand on her hip. She shimmies back and forth, then leans forward and blows the audience a kiss--that forms an actual heart that bubbles out towards some lucky person.
        "This will be the best day ever
        "Leave the outcome up to me, and I'll bring you along too
        "Into a richly colored stress-free space!"
        Turning in profile and pushing her hips back and forth, Sheryl reaches up, then faces the audience as she bounces from side to side. She spins, pumping her arms, and winks to the audience as she steps one leg front and back. Raising her arms, she sweeps them forward and draws them back, then bops her head to one side as she winks again.
        "An unstoppable, extreme love story is carrying on
        "I'm the form of your muse, so with your cool, calm gaze
        "Come down to me, and hurry!"
        Bringing a hand up to her headband, she forms the V-sign with her fingers, then sweeps her arms around to encompass the stage as she kicks one leg back behind her. She stretches out her hands and jazzes them back and forth over each other, then sweeps them around in a circle and flicks her fingers in and out from her palm as she bops her legs to the beat.
        "When the season's seductive, we got a glittering summer
        "A bright and shiny remarkable summer
        "When our eyes meet and we blink nonstop
        "Get ready; look, the curtain is going to rise!"
        Again she V-signs over her face, but this time she shimmies down as she bends her knees. When she rises, she leans over and swirls her palms next to her considerable chest. Resting a hand on her hip again, she waves a finger and turns to one side as she bows, then swings her arms and hips. She points out into the crowd with both hands, crosses her wrists, and sweeps one to her hip as the other rises to point up into the artificial sky.
        "I'll pretend to be pure for the glittering summer
        "My slim curves will turn you on this summer
        "Your heart will pound like it did in your dreams
        "Get ready to head for an unmapped promised land~"
        Bopping one last incoming beach ball away, Sheryl twirls a hand, sets them both on her hips, and winks as she tilts her head to one side, smiling vibrantly. The music fades out, and the holograph fades--though she remains in the bikini. That much, it seems, was for real. An exciting thought for some, no doubt.
        "Thank you all again for being here! Aren't you glad you stayed 'til the very end~?" Sheryl winks. "I've got something even better in store to announce: next month, I'm going to be traveling to a certain location to film a music video for Diamond Crevasse. For everyone who buys a download token for my new song, Glittering Summer, they'll get entered into a lottery for a chance to win a trip to join me there!" She blows a kiss to the audience, winks, and waves. "See you real soon! <3"
        As The Starlight Show's credits run, information on where to buy Glittering Summer download tokens for people's music players of choice, from Sheryl's website to other major music websites, take up a chunk of the screen and crawl accordingly. One download token equals one entry... Even more exciting, for those who're interested in it!

<Pose Tracker> Rikka Takarada has posed.

Questions are asked, commercials come and go, and finally, it's time for the other reason Rikka wanted to be here in person - the premiere of Sheryl's new song! In one swift motion, Sheryl reveals a flashy swimsuit...

Rikka watches and listen with interest. It's always impressive seeing her perform - she can definitely tell where pride and stubbornness would help...

She joins the audience in applause... but listens with interest as Sheryl announcements the filming of a music video somewhere, with a lottery for a chance to win a trip to join her there...

Rikka was already going to buy the song, but that just guarantees it.

...She just hopes everything will still be okay next month, with the trouble brewing back home...