Post-Hoc Integration

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Revision as of 20:38, 11 April 2022 by Soraya (talk | contribs) (Minor phrasing change in the closure notice.)
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Post-hoc integration submissions are currently closed while we revise the application process.

Integration of new themes on Super Robot Taisen MOO is not entirely closed; we know that players will want to play from shows other than the ones we've chosen to integrate, especially in Phase 1.

Post-hoc integration is always something of a challenge, however, due to the amount established about the world and the setting. Some themes require things that just don't make sense for the setting to have, or have to give a fair bit.

Post-hoc integrations are on the table for themes that:

  • Have been in an SRW game, OR
  • Have robots 3 meters or more in height as a central element of their conflict resolution, AND
  • Are not precluded by another rule or an explicit disallow.

As such, integrating new themes requires some discussion with staff (usually Tem Ray Circuit and/or Fin Funnel). During the initial such discussion, players and staff will identify potential problems the theme presents, and ways those problems can be addressed, as well as whether the show is viable during the current Phase. The unit of consideration is the series; if a series is greenlit or disallowed, its characters and mecha generally receive the same answer. (One notable exception occurs when a theme's mecha are, essentially, variants on another's; in cases like Gundam Build or Front Mission sequels like Evolved and Left Alive, for instance, we will allow the use of design concepts from these but not characters or plot content. This can help give characters inspired by these themes -- both FC and OC alike -- a bigger, broader upgrade cycle than they happen to have in their origin shows.)

Sometimes, the answer will end up being "This should have been on our list of inappable themes, but we either didn't know about it or didn't think of it;" this is not meant as a personal affront. We're trying to build a mutually-agreeable setting that is fun for everyone to play in, to the greatest extent possible. Ultimately, this is a subjective test, and questions like "does it accord with the staff's understanding of the theme and tone of the game" and "would staff be comfortable adding its elements to the playspace" are just as important as practical, logistical ones.

If we tell you no, we'll do our best to help you identify what attracted you to the thing in the first place and find an FC or OC concept that would still appeal. (We still ask that you do not use this as a tool to "stealth integrate;" the line between homage, expy, and ripoff is a little blurry and personal, but we really do want you to have a good time! Promise!)

Post-hoc integration is ultimately more art than science, and requires a fairly delicate hand due to the combination of 'how much retconning needs to happen to accommodate this?' A post-hoc integration definitionally cannot bend the theme to the same extent as a core theme's integration can; much is already built on the existing assumptions.

To provide examples of how this works, we've picked a handful of themes not in our starting theme list but which players or staff asked about prior to opening and broken down some tension points; all of these themes are appable during Phase 1 of SRTMOO.

  • 30 Minute Missions, a model kit series without attached multimedia content
  • Cowboy Bebop, a 1998 anime with ships and fighters, featured in Super Robot Wars T
  • Galaxy Cyclone Braiger, a 1981 Super Robot anime, featured in Super Robot Wars Alpha Gaiden
  • Hardcore Mecha/Code:Hardcore, a 2020 action video game patterned on mecha action games like Front Mission Gun Hazard and Assault Suit Leynos, with a Super Robot Wars-like art style
  • The Ultra Series, a tokusatsu franchise with nearly 60 years of content; we have used 2020's Ultraman Z and 2018's SSSS.GRIDMAN as primary integration points. Earlier Ultra Series entries have been featured in several Super Robot Wars-related titles, including Hero Chronicle and Super Hero Operation; the latter is featured in Super Robot Wars 30.

The diverse spread of content in these choices is part of the point; we want to show how adaptation might work for a wide variety of types of content.