2023-09-30: The Start of Our Journey

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A short distance away from the Frontier Fleet, several vessels have gathered together. Not from one single group or faction, these ships and those aboard them are set to depart this solar system in search of answers. Answers they hope to find at a distant star. One of those ships is the Macross Quarter. On it's bridge, its operators are busy going over final checks while its captain, Jeffery Wilder, sits in his chair silently. He stares through the bridge windows out into the depths of space for a few more moments, before moving his finger to press a button on his chair. Opening up comms throughout the ship, as well as the others in the expedition, he begins.

<"This is Captain Jeffery Wilder, Captain of the Macross Quarter. Today, we depart on a mission that demands our unwavering resolve... A mission that takes us far beyond the edges of humanity's birthplace in pursuit of something of utmost importance. The Vajra have proven themselves an ever growing threat to our existence and we must find a means to fight back, lest we risk our complete destruction. We embark on this journey to a distant star, not for the thrill of exploration alone, but to obtain something that holds the key to our future.">

The vessels of the expedition fleet begin to move closer to each other, taking up a tight formation with the Macross Quarter at the center. While this is happening, Captain Wilder continues.

<"Throughout history, humanity has shown time and again that when faced with a challenge, we rise to the occasion. Our innate curiosity and insatiable hunger for knowledge have led us to uncover the mysteries of our own planet. They have led us into space, to settle upon new worlds. To meet new friends and form strong relations with them. Today, we channel that same spirit, not into the unknown for the sake of curiosity, but because the fate of our world hinges upon it.">

In the depths of the Macross Quarter, numerous engineering and science personnel mill about the experimental drive that is on loan from the LAI Corporation. Final checks are in process to ensure that this journey actually has a chance of happening. While they work, the Captain's voice continues to filter through the speakers.

<"We don't know if the answers we seek will be found at Gallia IV. We don't know what dangers we may face once we get there. This expedition may be all for nought. Or it may be filled with peril, retrieving that which we seek an endeavour fraught with danger. Yet we must remember that it is in the face of adversity that we have always shone the brightest. It is when the odds are stacked against us that we summon the depths of our courage, innovation, and resourcefulness.">

As it is Maya's first jump, there's no way she was going to miss it. Thankfully, she did have some duties to keep busy with, namely helping out in the Nadesico's mech bay with Uribatake to ensure everything was fine. However, she couldn't help but keep a nearby screen open on the exterior of the ship, so she'd be able to see the jump when it happened.

Hikaru couldn't possibly /sleep/ through something as cool as a Fold Jump! Although she's mostly a pilot, she's picked up enough expertise from Uribatake to help him and Maya out. Beside her Aestie, she kicks her feet in the hangar, eager to see the very moment of the jump. How artistically inspiring! As she hangs out with Maya, waiting for the exciting event, the voice of Captain Wilder continues.

<"We leave the world behind us in a concerning state... The unrest on Earth... The darkness that many of our comrades seek to meet at Jupiter. But as we embark on this perilous journey, let us not forget the importance of our mission. It is only a matter of time before the Vajra numbers overwhelm us, especially as we continue to face other threats around us. They have shown no signs of stopping. They do not share the same limitations of manpower like we do. Their numbers will grow rapidly, while ours dwindle. They will evolve to counter whatever we throw at them, while our options vanish. They will not mourn for the deaths they suffer nor show remorse for those they cause, while we lose loved ones to their attacks.">

In one of the passenger sections, Dr. Franziska Edelweiss squeezes herself into one of the stasis pods, audibly grumbling about how small it is. As one of the support crew begins to prepare to put her into stasis, the voice of the Quarter's Captain echoes out of a nearby speaker.

<"Yes, there will be obstacles, risks, and trials that will test our resolve. But in the pursuit of something greater than ourselves, we discover our true potential. We become more than individuals; we become a collective force for change, united by a common purpose.">

Sheryl reclines in her seat, a black eye mask over her face, dressed in a comfortable robe for the ride. Some time earlier at the boarding station, she'd bid farewell-for-now to Grace, who'd seen her off with a mutual smile and wave, and Brera, with his typical stoic silence. His intensity had ratched up a notch or two at Ranka as she boarded, and Sheryl had elbowed him with a cat-like smile to his total lack of external reaction.

Now, though, it's time to sleep. This trip through fold space is like any other as far as the Galactic Fairy's concerned. Though as the Captain begins to reach the end of his speech, the purpose of this trip is clearly an important one.

<"Together we will recover that which we are after in that distant star system, and it will be a testament to our indomitable spirit. May our journey be one of triumph, courage and hope for all."> Captain Wilder presses the button on his chair once more to close the comms. He then adjusts his hat, before ordering, "Monica, take us out."

"Yes, Captain." The Quarter's chief operator, Monica Lang, starts rapidly typing at her console. Beside her, her fellow operators do the same. Monica opens up a channel to all the expedition ships, "Attention all vessels. Prepare for departure. I repeat, prepare for fold jump." Down in the Quarter's fold drive compartment, the experimental drive begins to thrum with energy, lighting up as it prepares to activate.

Rami Amasaki, fresh-faced rookie of the VTX Union, diligently volunteered to help ensure things run smoothly during the jump. She looks out to space; the twinkle of countless stars is not unfamiliar to her, but she finds no comfort in it as her hands gently curl against her lap. Most of the other members of VTX's Special Section 3 have gone into stasis for the trip; even Ms. Sakurai. But not her. She can't. The VTX Union arranged this. Father arranged this. She needed to put her best face forward for him. But... the Vajra...

Rami's fingers curl tighter, the sense of unease painting her expression deepening as the Fold jump begins.

Spirals of colourful light start to appear ahead of the Macross Quarter. They dance and weave around each other as they form an expanding circle that quickly spreads out in front of all the ships. The forming portal appears to struggle a little as it grows large enough to provide access to all the ships. But once it does so it stops growing, the patterns of colour calmly flowing across it.

"Fold portal is stable. No errors in the experimental drive." Reports Monica.

Captain Wilder nods, before once more addressing the expedition fleet, "All ships. Full ahead."

Ruri Hoshino has traditionally stayed awake, for these types of things. During their trip through the Chulip -- and now. This time, at least, she /chose/ to stay at her post. It will be... interesting.

She couldn't leave Omoikane to do it alone.

Of course, Ruri isn't alone either. Minato is there too, as she's still needed for this part of the journey. Receiving instructions to proceed, Minato replies, "Roger that, Quarter. Nadesico, moving out!"

The engines of expedition's various ships light up, beginning to push them forward. It doesn't take long until they reach the glowing portal, easily passing into it and vanishing. After they are all in, the portal quickly disappears in a blast of light and sparkles which soon fade away, leaving nothing but empty space behind.

As the ships travel through fold space, they appear to be doing so through a swirling tunnel of light. The light display isn't just limited to the ships' exterior though as streaks of light rush through their interiors too, easily passing through equipment, walls and people without harm. Additionally, glowing 'after-images' float around people as they move, adding to the trippy effects. They ARE travelling through a different dimension after all.

In the Quarter's standby room, Alto sits on a couch in his flight suit. He can see the strangeness of fold space rushing past the ships through a window, while the streaks of light rush past him inside. It's a familiar sight. One he's not seen in almost two years... Of course, he's accustomed to it and currently waits on standby with his fellow Skull Squadron members. Just in case something goes wrong that requires Valkyrie response. He silently muses on just what they're going to find at Gallia IV, hoping that this trip is worth the effort... And the fact that they won't be around to defend their homes should something go wrong. Which is entirely possible given the state of affairs they're leaving behind.

As for Riika Sheder, she volunteered to stay awake through the jump - not just out of duty, though there's some of that, but because she wanted to see it with her own eyes. She has the second engineering shift, the one immediately after the transit starts, and so through the actual jump she is watching with interest from a secure seat, with only a bit of disorientation as her vision adjusts.

Meanwhile, Emalya Zamana sits at a console, monitoring ship systems to ensure all runs smoothly. She is cheerful, unconcerned by the strangeness of the Jump. She's quite familiar with it by now. She happily taps away at the console, sending off a report.

On the bridge of the Macross Quarter, Monica speaks up, "All ships are reporting green status. No problems reported."

Captain Wilder nods, standing from his chair. They've all experienced fold travel before, so aren't that disturbed by the effects. He replies, "Understood. Begin skeleton crew duty shifts. I'll be in my office." He begins to leave the bridge, but then pauses for a moment to say, "Well done, all of you. Let us hope this is not for nothing..." He's then gone.

The expedition ships continue to fly through the tunnel of swirling colours, a long week ahead of them. And even longer few months as they attempt to find some means of combating the Vajra amidst the remains of those who have already died to them. All the while facing whatever unknowns the distant star system will throw their way.