2022-10-05: T-NRV - Vanished

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Title: CRITICAL: Missing Person Notice
Poster: Guy Shishioh
Date: Mon Oct 3

 Notice from Yang Long-li.
 As of October 1st, Alouette Pommier is to be considered missing and presumed in peril.
 Miss Pommier failed to report for her shift that morning. At the same time, a system intrusion brought numerous major systems failures upon Orbit Base and critical GGG Mobile Division systems. At this time we believe Miss Pommier executed them herself for reasons we cannot speculate.
 Orbit Base is not in direct peril. Most of the affected systems appeared to be targeted at physical intrusion detection and prevention, and those are already back on line as of last night. At this time, we have regained use of the Division Ships and their Mirror Catapults, so deployment operations of the Strongest Brave Robot Corps will remain unaffected. However, SympaRate Monitoring is offline, and so Symmetrical Docking with NichiRyu and GetsuRyu cannot be conducted safely. The greater blow is the total corruption of the Final Fusion Program Drive for both GaoFighGar and GaoGaiGo. Due to the extremely delicate nature of the Final Fusion sequence, we expect it may take as many as two months before GaoGaiGo is available again. The Kakuseijin GaiGo unit itself is not hindered and is available for deployment.
 The Chief of the Gutsy Global Guard and I, acting in my role as Supervisor, have agreed that this behavior is deeply concerning but not consistent with an act of sabotage with malice aforethought. With that in mind, and considering Miss Pommier's previous contributions to GGG, we are not escalating this to a capture-on-sight order.
 Psychic attack or various mind control tools are likely, however. At this time, if Miss Pommier is encountered, please engage the situation as if she is in peril that she may herself not be aware of. We ask that you not escalate to force at this time. If she does resist, please simply relay that her friends are worried, and report the sighting to GGG Orbit Base.
 --Yang Long-li, Supervisor, Gutsy Global Guard (GGG Blue)

Title: Orbit Base staffing notice
Poster: Guy Shishioh
Date: Mon Oct 3

 General administrivia related to the Alouette situation.
 -The Three Doctors (Minoru Inubouzaki, Programming subdivision; Akiko Hirata, Utilities subdivision; Tohru Nozaki, Systems subdivision) have been tasked with repairing GGG core infrastructure. ETA for near-full capacity, 8 weeks.
 -Chief Engineering Operator Sueo Ushiyama will be working directly with the Three Doctors regarding ensuring that all equipment on Orbit Base is in good working order.
 -To replace Operator S. Ushiyama and Operator Pommier, Tsuguo Ushiyama and Ayame Ushiyama have been asked to return from parental leave to return to their prior roles as Engineering and Mobile Division Operators.

[T-NRV] * Liam 7-020 sounds upset, meaning his tone is tense yet clinical. "Received report. Apologies for delay; on-site at Torrington aiding in search-and-rescue. Confirming that Operator Pommier is missing, emperiled, and possibly mentally compromised."

[T-NRV] (GaoGaiGo Team) Ikumi Kaidou speaks. He sounds emotionally still. "Confirming. No whereabouts known yet."

[T-NRV] Liam 7-020> Understood. N--no motive? No--

[T-NRV] Seolla Schweizer> ...Pommier too, huh...what in the hell's going on...t...they told me...Ouka also went totally rogue on us?! ...I...I've been worried that...maybe when I talked with her last...she came to weird conclusions...but...

[T-NRV] * Seolla Schweizer sounds scratchy and hoarse. Like she's been...screaming a lot before all this.

[T-NRV] (GaoGaiGo Team) Mamoru Amami says, considerably more relaxed (if tension still noticeable), "Does motive matter? She's clearly in a bad spot. She didn't even turn in her two weeks!"

[T-NRV] Liam 7-020> She wouldn't /do/ this--

[T-NRV] * Kaworu Nagisa says, "'Weird conclusions'?"

[T-NRV] * Liam 7-020 startles, audibly. "Seolla?"

[T-NRV] Liam 7-020> Ouka is missing, as well?

[T-NRV] Seolla Schweizer> ...Yeah. They had me and Arado penned up for a while and told us they weren't going to let Ouka bust us out...but it was news to us both that anything was wrong. ...I was just talking to her last week...hoping to encourage...her to want something more for herself.

[T-NRV] * Kaworu Nagisa says, "..."

[T-NRV] * Kaworu Nagisa says, "...Yuka hasn't reported in to work in some time as well."

[T-NRV] Liam 7-020> Seolla. Breathe. Do you have water?

[T-NRV] (GaoGaiGo Team) Ikumi Kaidou makes a tense noise. Mamoru, meanwhile, is sounding more enlightened, not less. "Hmmm..."

[T-NRV] Seolla Schweizer> THERE'S NOT A DAMN THING TO DO EXCEPT KEEP DRINKING- sssssssssssssssss... ...Is this some insane Angel crap or something?! I have...no idea what could've happened to her...to anyone!!

[T-NRV] Alloy Kaas> Is there a pattern to the absences? What is common to these individuals?

[T-NRV] (GaoGaiGo Team) Mamoru Amami says, "Let's pretend these three cases are connected. We have no reason to believe so *exactly*, but as they're all in our apparatus...what is their connection?"

[T-NRV] * Alloy Kaas is taken aback by Seolla, though she buries her own concern deeper from being voiced on the comms. "I can only say that there is no data that would support an Angel being involved, and there has been no Code Blue detection. Any other options?"

[T-NRV] (GaoGaiGo Team) Mamoru Amami makes tapping sounds, as if he's checking something. "Well, yes. But I'm not comfortable sending everyone on a witch hunt!"

[T-NRV] Seolla Schweizer> ...I...I don't...know. ...I only...kinda know the other two's names. Better chance I've yelled at them more than I've talked normally to them...khhkh...

[T-NRV] Liam 7-020> Seolla, I--" Pause. Breathe. "I'm sorry. We'll do everything we can. All right? We'll do everything we can to help, right Administrator?

[T-NRV] Seolla Schweizer> For all I know there's a dead-ass witch responsible, so you may as well send us on that!!!

[T-NRV] * Kaworu Nagisa says, "Yes. ...A dead witch?"

[T-NRV] Liam 7-020> Did... Yuka have history of involvement in human-enhancement programs?

[T-NRV] (GaoGaiGo Team) Mamoru Amami says, "Sorry! I don't like fighting magic, it's scary." A pause. "Administrator! Would you go shopping with me in two days time? I'll send you the address."

[T-NRV] * Alloy Kaas chokes on the suggestion of a witch and coughs, before realizing nothing about her was suggested

[T-NRV] * Kaworu Nagisa says, "Not to my knowledge. She has a passionate interest in kaiju. ...Ah, me? I don't mind, Mamoru Amami."

[T-NRV] Liam 7-020> Ms. Kaas?

[T-NRV] (GaoGaiGo Team) Mamoru clicks a tab, and then, after reading something... "Wa-ha! Great!"

[T-NRV] * Eisen Daiwel is surprisingly keeping any commentary on secret societies and such at bay. He's listening, but can't think of anything to say that really applies to the situation yet.

[T-NRV] * Kaworu Nagisa says to Mamoru, "We can discuss the details a little later."

[T-NRV] (GaoGaiGo Team) Mamoru says, "Of course!"

[T-NRV] Eisen Daiwel> What's the likelihood this is caused by some kind of... Geass or NewType ability?

[T-NRV] Liam 7-020> Then--nothing comes to mind aside from 'our personnel'.

[T-NRV] Alloy Kaas> Y-Yes? Apologies I, drank... too... quickly?

[T-NRV] * Seolla Schweizer is emitting shaky, shivery sounds... "...if we were...all together...then this might not have happened...did I not...cling hard -enough-???"

[T-NRV] Eisen Daiwel> Clinging too hard will have people run away faster.

[T-NRV] Eisen Daiwel> But I'm with Mamoru on this, and I'd like to treat these cases as connected.

[T-NRV] Liam 7-020> Checking to ensure you're all right.

[T-NRV] * Kaworu Nagisa says, "..."

[T-NRV] Eisen Daiwel> I imagine our Administrator must be concerned with the SecOps implications?

[T-NRV] * Kaworu Nagisa says, "I'm concerned by a variety of things."

[T-NRV] Alloy Kaas> I must beg for your pardon, but I feel I must also put forward the possibility, of some kind of pathogen. That our missing have been infected, and are incapacitated somewhere by it.

[T-NRV] * Seolla Schweizer I...have never been less alright in my life! I want to tear everything apart! I want to curl up and die right now! Did /I/ do this somehow??? Whose head do I have to turn into a smoldering mess to fix this...gyagh...!!!

[T-NRV] (GaoGaiGo Team) Mamoru Amami shakes his head, audibly. "Pathogens spread fast. Orbit Base would all be infected."

[T-NRV] Eisen Daiwel> You're thinking Triple Zero, Alloy?

[T-NRV] Liam 7-020> Seolla, I--no. I know you're not, I'm sorry. You cared for her.

[T-NRV] Alloy Kaas> Not if it targets certain individuals with unique physiology

[T-NRV] * Liam 7-020 pauses, then says something that sounds genuine, if practiced: "You feel angry, and that's not wrong."

[T-NRV] Alloy Kaas> Aye, something like that Eisen. This is new, an beyond my experience. I am concerned for our comrades. I, don't want to ignore anything.

[T-NRV] * Eisen Daiwel hmm.

[T-NRV] Seolla Schweizer> ...hehe...really, when I'm like this...you could just give me whatever name you want, and I'd...I'd hunt them down. I wouldn't think twice about it no matter how many it took. Maybe I'd even feel a little better about it...ahahah...

[T-NRV] * Eisen Daiwel hrrms. "In the end, these are all conjecture and theories. What are our best avenues of research?"

[T-NRV] Jana Cektru> The last strange behavior outbreak was related to the Algernon phenomenon, wasn't it?

[T-NRV] Jana Cektru> Can we rule out the idea that it's resurfaced?

[T-NRV] Seolla Schweizer> Is care even the right word? Hmmm?! ...it's more like...'need'...I never even thought...something bad could happen to Ouka. That's the only way to not be scared out of my mind of that possibility.

[T-NRV] Seolla Schweizer> Who or what is Algernon and how do I wipe it off the planet? Tell me about that...what are signs it might've happened...

[T-NRV] Eisen Daiwel> I mean, can we truly say it ever truly disappeared if we never understood it?

[T-NRV] Eisen Daiwel> But it seems odd for there to be such a very specific rise in Algernon occurrences specifically around NERV.

[T-NRV] Eisen Daiwel> Of course, that's me suggesting there aren't any other disappearances we simply don't know about.

[T-NRV] Liam 7-020> Orbit Base reported confirmed Algernon case several weeks ago.

[T-NRV] Liam 7-020> Algernon is... an infection. Causes escalating, irrational behavior culminating in violence, and death.

[T-NRV] Jana Cektru> I do not mean to suggest that it /is/ the case--simply that it's best that we rule it out as soon as possible if it isn't.

[T-NRV] * Eisen Daiwel hrrm. "You know. I'm honestly surprised by one thing. And that's Aurum-1. You'd think that someone with that many physical enhancements and systems in her body would have some kind of carjack system. That the School has no idea where she is, is earnestly surprising."

[T-NRV] Eisen Daiwel> I'd certainly put a tracker on something that valuable.

[T-NRV] (GaoGaiGo Team) Ikumi Kaidou says, with a pause. "Have we considered...they might be fine, wherever they are? As long as infosec isn't broken and they're not being injured..."

[T-NRV] Liam 7-020> That's--

[T-NRV] Eisen Daiwel> In the end, we should assume InfoSec is broken.

[T-NRV] Eisen Daiwel> Because it's better to be safe than sorry.

[T-NRV] Jana Cektru> ...It would admittedly be surprising to me if Dr. Ohta in particular simply left. She has shown nothing but enthusiasm for her work.

[T-NRV] * Jana Cektru sounds disapproving though as she talks, after Eisen's statements.

[T-NRV] Seolla Schweizer> ...they did have a tracker on Ouka, but she removed it. Unless there's...an internal one...

[T-NRV] Alloy Kaas> Ok. So we have a number of possibilities. What CAN we do? Now. Today?

[T-NRV] Alloy Kaas> Everything I can do to find Au- to find Ms. Nagisa, I will.

[T-NRV] Jana Cektru> So, the primary factor that remains the same in all cases is that this unexplained departure is uncharacteristic of the individuals in question.

[T-NRV] Eisen Daiwel> Well, one got off of a space station, presumably. The other broke out and is a dangerous enhanced human. But we may have options when it comes to Dr. Ohta.

[T-NRV] * Liam 7-020 sounds like he just choked down an angry response to Eisen, which is... kind of progress? "Pommier is like me. BioNet made her. She was /loyal/ to GGG, she wouldn't have done this for no reason."

[T-NRV] Eisen Daiwel> I would recommend something rather low tech... a dog.

[T-NRV] Eisen Daiwel> Since I presume that Dr. Ohta is not trained in covering her tracks - we may be able to use fairly low-level ways to at least get a trail on her.

[T-NRV] Jana Cektru> Then we can safely assume that there /is/ such a reason, Liam. The next step is to search, and try to determine what that reason may be.

[T-NRV] Alloy Kaas> I don't know about the others but, some have specific needs. Is there a way to, use our resources to find out if supplies for meeting those needs are going somewhere?

[T-NRV] * Liam 7-020 lets out a breath. "Correct, Alloy. Seolla, Ouka had... nutritional requirements?"

[T-NRV] Liam 7-020> As for Dr. Ohta, is a search of her residence possible?

[T-NRV] Seolla Schweizer> ...yeah. She...might be in trouble without...the stuff that we have to...eat. Maybe she can find it wherever she went. Maybe not. ...It'll be bad without them.

[T-NRV] Liam 7-020> How bad?

[T-NRV] Asuka Shikinami Langley> ... What's this about her?

[T-NRV] Jana Cektru> While it's a bit of a long shooting, I think that if we can identify Ms. Nagisa's needs we my be able to track supplies, if they are sufficiently specific, yes.

[T-NRV] Seolla Schweizer> ...a few of the others died when that happened to them.

[T-NRV] (GaoGaiGo Team) Ikumi Kaidou continues to miss the emotional point, "Should we prepare a package with her supplies to deliver to whereever she is, once we find her?"

[T-NRV] * Liam 7-020 is silent for a moment, but something metal near the radio groans, audibly, like it's being crushed.

[T-NRV] Jana Cektru> It would be wise to have a supply of her needful items on-hand for when we find her, I believe, in case she is under duress.

[T-NRV] * Alloy Kaas is heard talking in the background talking to, someone, or someones, as she begins a search for, what it is Ouka needs, and any recent changes in distribution and deliveries for said things.

[T-NRV] Asuka Shikinami Langley> I came in late, what happened to her?

[T-NRV] Jana Cektru> Liam, if you need to speak privately, I can move to a quieter location.

[T-NRV] * Kaworu Nagisa says to Asuka, "Ouka Nagisa, along with Dr. Yuka Ohta and Operator Alouette Pommier, have gone missing."

[T-NRV] Asuka Shikinami Langley> ... That doesn't make any sense.

[T-NRV] Liam 7-020> Presumed mentally compromised. Operator Pommier sabotaged Orbit Base on her way out.

[T-NRV] * Kaworu Nagisa says, "Why do you say that?"

[T-NRV] Liam 7-020> ...Yes, please, Doctor.

[T-NRV] Seolla Schweizer> ...that's probably the best lead we've got. Though...it's Ouka. Whoever has those supplies...will need to be pretty well armed. We should probably expect them to die. So we'll need ways to get information even then.

[T-NRV] Asuka Shikinami Langley> Because she wouldn't just /leave/.

[T-NRV] (GaoGaiGo Team) Ikumi Kaidou says, "I'll bring her the supplies. I'll survive."

[T-NRV] * Alloy Kaas begins to start to explain to Asuka, but nothing comes out, and she is informed by the others... "Asuka- you don't... you don't mean that... she's part of us."

[T-NRV] Liam 7-020> You're right, Asuka. She wouldn't. None of them would.

[T-NRV] * Asuka Shikinami Langley brusquely, "I don't understand what you're implying. I'm just stating there's no way that she - Ouka left on her own. It's even less likely for her than the other two that she'd be mentally compromised like that."

[T-NRV] (GaoGaiGo Team) Ikumi Kaidou suddenly sighs. "You don't know that."

[T-NRV] Liam 7-020> Pommier is loyal; GGG saved her. Dr. Ohta loved her work. Ouka /followed orders/.

[T-NRV] (GaoGaiGo Team) Ikumi Kaidou says, "People run away all the time."

[T-NRV] Asuka Shikinami Langley> I never said that the other two were /disloyal/. Just that it's less likely for her.

[T-NRV] Asuka Shikinami Langley> It doesn't make sense.

[T-NRV] Liam 7-020> Chief Shishioh concluded she was compromised.

[T-NRV] (GaoGaiGo Team) Ikumi Kaidou says, "I'm not saying we don't look for them. But if we go in expecting to bring them back no matter what..."

[T-NRV] Liam 7-020> Because you're right, it doesn't.

[T-NRV] Seolla Schweizer> ...I did talk with her before then about...finding something that was special to her, just in case me and Arado ever...didn't make it. For all I know she found it out.

[T-NRV] * Liam 7-020 reflexively, "Please don't blame yourself, Seolla."

[T-NRV] Jana Cektru> ...I understand what you mean, Kaidou. However, for the moment, I think it's best that we operate under the possibility that their departure was non-voluntary. If they do not /wish/ to return, then that is another matter which can be addressed at that time.

[T-NRV] Asuka Shikinami Langley> ... Which scientist in the School is in charge of her nutritional regimen? Is it Cero?

[T-NRV] * Kaworu Nagisa says, "Was there anything specific that Ouka mentioned when you last conversed with her, Seolla? Anything that seemed unusual or out of place for her?"

[T-NRV] Alloy Kaas> No I just, I'm worried for her that's all. It should take a few hours to get the results of the search on inventories and addresses regionally.

[T-NRV] Seolla Schweizer> ...Nothing that I specifically noticed...she didn't even hint something abnormal. Completely her usual self last I saw her...

[T-NRV] * Kaworu Nagisa says, "I see..."

[T-NRV] Alloy Kaas> Is there any kind of log, Seolla? Just some daily routine that she either writes, or, some kind of... I hate to say this... some kind of system data dump that uploads somewhere?

[T-NRV] Alloy Kaas> What about Dr. Ohta and my counterpart Alouette? Do they have some kind of log they use?

[T-NRV] Alloy Kaas> Ah!

[T-NRV] Seolla Schweizer> ...If she had one of those...I wouldn't know what's in it...

[T-NRV] * Alloy Kaas begins working and talking again in the background before returning "If you haven't already, I recommend you use whatever access you have to follow security access points, and use that to begin accessing, or hacking any personal or state optical surveilance systems to follow the last known path of travel and possibly see heir last known locations.

[T-NRV] Alloy Kaas> By identifying last known time and location of badge or biometric security access of a door, we can use that, as a point to begin back tracing them with optical surveillance, or at least, attempting to.

[T-NRV] Alloy Kaas> Ms. Seolla, I apologize for being upsetting. I just, want to find her, find them, before anyone else goes missing. I fear this is a start and not the last.

[T-NRV] Liam 7-020> Solid approach for Ouka and Dr. Ohta, Alloy. Pommier likely covered her electronic tracks.

[T-NRV] Liam 7-020> But how can we keep anyone else from--

[T-NRV] Liam 7-020> We don't know.

[T-NRV] Alloy Kaas> We could... begin injecting individuals with either electromagnetic, or... a tracer with a radioactive nucleotide that can be picked up and traced despite anykind of EM/RF obfuscation.

[T-NRV] Liam 7-020> Potentially useful. Also, potentially useful to whatever targeted them.

[T-NRV] Jana Cektru> No.

[T-NRV] Jana Cektru> If we start down that route we will quickly end up places we do not wish to be.

[T-NRV] Liam 7-020> This... feels targeted. Or--are we--

[T-NRV] Alloy Kaas> I think we are already where we don't want to be.

[T-NRV] (GaoGaiGo Team) Mamoru Amami says, with a strange confidence. "I don't think NERV's being targeted, if my hunch is right."

[T-NRV] Jana Cektru> Yes, but moreso. When we compromise ethical standards we all suffer.

[T-NRV] Liam 7-020> Hunch? I was just thinking--what if this is only a portion of the data?

[T-NRV] * Alloy Kaas blinks at ethics and sits back into her seat quietly

[T-NRV] Jana Cektru> Now that's possible.

[T-NRV] Liam 7-020> Have other bloc taskforces seen disappearances?

[T-NRV] Liam 7-020> Civilian organizations?

[T-NRV] (GaoGaiGo Team) Mamoru Amami says, as myserious as you can be while still being babie, "Well! If I told you, I'd have to do something bad to you! Because, again, witch hunts."

[T-NRV] Guy Shishioh> Sounds like you've got a line, Mamoru. Let me know what you pick up.

[T-NRV] Alloy Kaas> Why do we keep bringing up witches? I- I don't think witches are, to... blame.

[T-NRV] (GaoGaiGo Team) Mamoru Amami> "Of course, Guy! Wa-ha!"

[T-NRV] Liam 7-020> Everyone is worried.

[T-NRV] * Eisen Daiwel tuning back in, picking up on something; "Witches are awesome. Nothing wrong with a good witch-hunt."

[T-NRV] * Eisen Daiwel adds; "How else would you find and meet the witches?"

[T-NRV] * Alloy Kaas in a hushed voice, "Eisen, no...

[T-NRV] * Eisen Daiwel surprisingly understanding; "Alright."

[T-NRV] Eisen Daiwel> Speaking of witchhunts. We do have a communication line to a group who are good at finding people. I expect an immediate and harsh 'no' on this... but...

[T-NRV] Eisen Daiwel> We can ask for assistance from G-Hound and the Man Hunters.

[T-NRV] Guy Shishioh> Ah. No.

[T-NRV] Jana Cektru> I am not familiar with these 'Man Hunters'.

[T-NRV] Eisen Daiwel> Yeah, they're not that active here in Japan I don't think.

[T-NRV] Guy Shishioh> I understand it's concerning, but right now we want to treat this as a rescue. That means it's urgent, but it also means care is important.

[T-NRV] * Alloy Kaas What if it is not a man?

[T-NRV] Eisen Daiwel> I'm fairly sure they also hunt women, Alloy.

[T-NRV] Alloy Kaas> Oh. I see.

[T-NRV] (GaoGaiGo Team) Ikumi Kaidou says, "No. Manhunters are reprehensible."

[T-NRV] Eisen Daiwel> Reprehensible, but effective.

[T-NRV] Seolla Schweizer> ...that's not really within their purview. Those guys spend most of their time clearing out places they don't want people living at.

[T-NRV] Jana Cektru> In the absence of information on them myself, I am willing to abide by the Acting Chief's ethical judgment.

[T-NRV] Seolla Schweizer> By nature of the School's backing I guarantee you the doctors have called plenty of the suits in G-Hound.

[T-NRV] Eisen Daiwel> Alright. So, less efficiency, more people skills. I can try to find Yuka - I can bring Wulf. But I'll need someone with me who can request video-tapes from traffic center authorities.

[T-NRV] * Alloy Kaas growls and hits the console frustrated, "DAMMIT! This isn't enough! The searches are running. I can't access the GGG systems. Sitting and waiting just invites more attrition, and we don't know to what!"

[T-NRV] Eisen Daiwel> Hooo~ you do not like the invisible enemy, hmm?

[T-NRV] (GaoGaiGo Team) Mamoru Amami says, "It's been two hours since we started."

[T-NRV] Alloy Kaas> A S U K A! You're the best, DO SOMETHING!

[T-NRV] (GaoGaiGo Team) Mamoru Amami says, "I don't think you're under threat. I don't think most of us are."

[T-NRV] Alloy Kaas> That's not what I mean...

[T-NRV] Eisen Daiwel> I believe she means the attribution of data available to us. Scents getting weaker.

[T-NRV] Alloy Kaas> They could be sick, injured... they could be tortured, interrogated...

[T-NRV] (GaoGaiGo Team) Mamoru Amami says, "No, I don't think they are, right now."

[T-NRV] Alloy Kaas> ... WHy?

[T-NRV] Eisen Daiwel> Alloy. Right now, their wellfare is irrelevant to your calculations. Focus on the goal of finding them.

[T-NRV] Eisen Daiwel> It's processing power better used elsewhere.

[T-NRV] * Alloy Kaas inhales loudly and sighs heavily.

[T-NRV] Alloy Kaas> None of my skills, or experience, or training, is for sitting. Waiting. Pondering. While my... friends, disappear.

[T-NRV] (GaoGaiGo Team) Mamoru Amami> "Because I have a 90% likely hunch! And if it's the 10%, me and Guy will go punch people until we get answers."

[T-NRV] Guy Shishioh> I'm entrusting the GGG side of this to Mobile Division Captain Mamoru and his vice-captain. Alouette's been working with GGG Blue for a while and they know her well. With luck, when we find one, we'll find them all.

[T-NRV] * Kaworu Nagisa says, "Eisen Daiwel, I've acquired Yuka's home address. I want you and Alouette Kaas to go there to investigate--see if you can turn up any clues. Alouette, I'm sending you as my subordinate and representative so you can acquire the permissions he will need. You two can include whomever you like on your investigation. Understood?"

[T-NRV] Eisen Daiwel> Understood. I'll also see if I can get any information from her neighbours. Maybe they saw something they didn't know was important.

[T-NRV] * Kaworu Nagisa says, "Very well."

[T-NRV] * Alloy Kaas sits rigidly upright as Kaworu continues speaking, not a conscious choice, just what happens, "Understood Administrator."

[T-NRV] Seolla Schweizer> ...I still...feel like I'm going to throw up. But...I have to be...ready. No matter what. As soon as anyone knows anything...I'm...doing anything it takes.

[T-NRV] Eisen Daiwel> You'll be the first to know, Switzerland.

[T-NRV] * Alloy Kaas sends a text only message to Seolla 'I will find Ouka and bring her home.'