2024-08-10: We're Taking Our Big Rock Back

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  • Log: We're Taking Our Big Rock Back
  • Cast: Alto Saotome, Ranka Lee, Ruri Hoshino, Rose Tritten, Kaworu Nagisa, Sayla Mass, Liam 7-020, Lucine Azul, Flay Allster, Marian Cross
  • Where: Side 2 - Resource Asteroid
  • OOC - IC Date: 11th August 0099
  • Summary: A combined NUNE force goes to deal with a Vajra nest discovered in a resource asteroid, while performing an experiment on the effect Ranka's voice has on the Vajra. There they run into a Terminal force that were also there to deal with the Vajra and both work together to survive being swarmed by the insectoid aliens.

KTS: Ranka Lee is now subpiloting for Alto Saotome.

<Pose Tracker> Alto Saotome has posed.

        --- Three Weeks Ago ---

        <"Are... Are you sure about this?">
        <"Stop being such a wuss and come here.">
        <"But what if ZAFT finds out? We'll be branded as thieves!">
        <"They won't find out if you just hurry the damn hell up!">

        A pair of independent miners down on their luck fly their civilian
 mobile suits through the dark tunnel of the resource asteroid. Officially
 owned by the PLANTs, it hasn't been in operation for a few months now due to
 budgetary issues. As such, the more assertive of the two decided it'd be a
 good target to find some ore that no one would notice missing.

        The miner in the lead spots a vein of such ore and maneuvers over to
 it. He uses the piledriver on his unit's arm to blast several large bolts into
 the vein. Then after backing up, triggers the mining charges inside them. They
 explode, shattering the ore vein into large chunks.

        As the two begin to collect the free floating rocks, the second notices
 something, <"Hey! Hey! Check this out."> His unit floats up to the hole in the
 wall they have just made. Shining the light mounted on his machine into it, it
 shows that they appear to have blown their way into a large cavern.

        Unfortunately, it's not empty. The light shines across a vast
 collection of organic, bulbous shapes. The second miner asks, fear starting to
 creep into his voice, <"W-What the hell are those!?">

        The first miner hums thoughtfully, <"No idea... But I think I know
 someone who'll pay nicely for something like this. Let's grab a few."> He
 maneuvers his unit through the hole into the large cavern.

        His partner isn't so enthusiastic though, <"I... I don't know... Let's
 just grab what we've got and get out of here.">

        <"Don't be such a wimp! Those rocks will barely cover our operating
 costs. This'll get us far more than that! It'll be fine. Just get your ass in
 here and-WHAT THE FU-"> The miner's voice is drowned out by the sound of
 tearing metal before the signal goes completely dead.

        The second miner is really panicking now as he tries to re-establish
 comms with no success. As the fear swells inside him he decides to get the
 hell out of there. Leaving the heavy ore rocks behind he spins his unit
 around, pushing the verniers hard. He blasts his way through the tunnel,
 scrapping the walls several times and denting the frame. But he doesn't care.

        Soon enough, a field of stars appear through an opening ahead of him.
 The way out! He's just about there!

        A set of red claws flash into view on his screen. He doesn't even have
 a chance to scream.

        The unit spirals out of control and crashes into an outcropping,
 crushing much of the forward torso, severing control systems and power flows
 and forcing the unit to go still.

        --- Four Days Ago ---

        <"-I repeat! This is the cargo vessel Sirius, identification NLO-577,
 in orbital grid fifteen dash thirty four dash eleven. Our convoy is under
 attack by Vajra! Requesting immediate assistance! Is anyone out there!?">

        --- Two Days Ago ---

        <"-Oh my god, there's even more of them! Where are they coming from!?">
        <"Their flight path leads back to a resource asteroid in this area.
 Quick, send out a signal burst. We have to notify someone
        <"JONES! NOOO! Damn you! No... Nonono! NO! STAY AWA-*ksssssshhhhh*">

        --- Now ---

        The Nazca-class vessel finishes its deceleration burn and slowly turns
 to face the resource asteroid it's approaching. In the ZAFT warship's hangar,
 a VB-6 Koenig Monster sits on the deck. In the cockpit is, surprisingly, Alto.
 It's not his usual craft, but this is a special circumstance. Thankfully the
 Koenigs are something SMS does use so he has had training on them. Though it's
 going to be an interesting experience either way.

        While he is helping to power up the bulky shuttle's systems in
 preparation to launch, his thoughts drift elsewhere. It's only been a little
 over a week since he had arrived in the PLANTs, assigned there to assist the
 League-ZAFT specifically-with Vajra hunting missions. And yet he's already
 been deployed to the supposed location of a nest. He hadn't even really had a
 chance to put any of the ZAFT pilots through their paces is simulated Vajra
 missions. While some of them had already engaged in live combat with the alien
 creatures, Alto still would have preferred to improve their skills a bit more
 before sending them out.

        But then the experiment with Ranka located this nest. And Alto got the
 impression that the League's leadership were eager to put her abilities to the
 test. Thus the quick formation of this plan. Which of course means Ranka's now
 out on this battlefield too...

        He murmurs quietly to himself so the others inside the craft don't
 hear, "Damnit, how did it come to this?" He then turns his head to look at his
 co-pilot beside him. The older woman wears an SMS uniform much like him, with
 dark skin and a head of wild brown hair. Alto confirms with her, "I'll handle
 the flight controls. I'll let you deal with the main armaments, Canaria." Part
 medic, part bomber pilot, the Koenig is usually Canaria Berstein's craft, so
 Alto is willing to submit to her expertise with those.

        Meanwhile, Alto then turns to look at another of the bomber's temporary
 crew that has joined, "And thank you for the assistance, Sayla." It's a bit
 odd calling this person who he barely knows by her first name, but in combat
 situations there's no time to be formal. It's helpful that Sayla has stepped
 up to manage the bomber's systems, given that SMS has been stretched rather
 thin lately. Particularly with the experiment they plan to be running today
 involving Ranka.

        Finally, Alto looks over his shoulder at Ranka behind him as she is
 getting strapped in, "Are you sure you're ready for this? I can't imagine it's
 going to be easy for you." Awww, look, he's concerned for her! Surely there's
 no one here who won't pick up on that and get annoyed at him for it.

        Soon enough, everything is ready. With a light touch to the thrusters,
 the Koenig floats up off the hangar deck, landing gear folding up into its
 large frame. The bomber gently floats towards to the catapult. As he guides
 the large shuttle out, Alto reiterates the plan to the Rose Tritten team, as
 described in the mission briefing, <"We'll be providing long range fire
 support from the rear. While attempting to run the experiment with Ranka. The
 rest of you launch and proceed into the resource asteroid to locate and
 destroy the nest. Expect Mobile Soldiers at the least to be defending it,
 possibly some Heavy Soldiers too."> It's unlikely they'll face anything larger
 today. Or so Alto very much hopes, as that would be quite bad.

        The Koenig reaches the launch position and Alto radios, <"Koenig
 Monster. Launching."> The Nazca's launch catapult crackles with energy and
 soon enough the bomber rapidly accelerates, launching out away from the
 warship and out into space.

        Through the bomber's windows, the resource asteroid can be seen ahead.
 On one of the cockpit's screens, Alto zooms in on the asteroid's surface. It's
 far from the largest ever towed into Earth's orbit, but it's not a tiny rock
 either. Dotted along its surface, Alto can see the openings for several
 artificial tunnels dug into the big rock. Mining infrastructure, mostly in the
 form of gantries and abandoned containers, also dot the surface and tunnel

        Everything seems quiet and still. Which is a little unnerving. If it
 weren't for the distress signals received from this part of space, Alto would
 probably have questioned whether the experiment with Ranka actually worked
 this time. It's certainly proven to have had its faults in the past...

        <"Stay alert. It's doubtful the Vajra have moved on.">

<Pose Tracker> Ranka Lee has posed.

"It's all over the news still." Ranka mentions, sullenly, on the linear car
 ride, "I don't like how they're still tearing down Sheryl and praising me."

Grace was seated in the front passenger side, and gave Ranka a sympathetic look
 through her glasses, "I filed a complaint, but the more we make a fuss, the
 more people will talk." She doesn't say it was at Ranka's request, because
 she doesn't need to. Ranka simply folds in upon herself more, in posture, as
 Grace looked back forward, "It's simply bad timing, it was the request of the
 League that we make you the people's hope figuratively and literally..."

Ranka frowns, "It sounds so presumptuous, we don't even really know whether my
 voice can do anything like what they say it can." Part of her wishes she could
 take it back, the choice to work with the League, but Grace noted gently, "If
 you're worried about the harm to Sheryl's reputation, then don't be - she'll
 be out of the hospital soon, and we'll be immediately going on a media blitz."

Grace without looking Ranka's way holds up a mini-disk backwards into the rear
 side, "For now, I'd like you to put that all out of your mind and to listen to
 this." Ranka looks at it curiously, then takes it, and places it near her
 phone, whose orange salamander mouth suddenly opens, and contorts to devour
 it, pulling one of its legs up to her ear, she listened and-

"Wait... this is..."

"Your song. I know you've already released it for the Bird Human soundtrack,
 but at the request of the League I tried arranging it, and modified the lyrics
 a little." Grace finally turned her head to ask, "Oh, you don't like it?"

Ranka doesn't respond, as if mesmerized by the music, memories cascading back -
 or rather memory, singular.

Her first memory.

My song...


On a Koenig Monster, within the SMS, Ranka Lee was being strapped in by Ozma
 Lee, who was fidgeting with it, double checking to make certain her normal
 suit was on correctly, and the harness was secure.

"I'm counting on you, Saotome... and you too Doctor Mass. Please take care of
 my little sister for me." He said to the pilots up front, but then turned to
 Ranka to fuss over her some more, "If you start to feel sick, then you let
 them both know right away, alright?"

She smiles at them, "Thank you, I'll be counting on you both-" Before she then
 looks back to Ozma, "And you don't have to worry about that, Minato's definitely
 pulled some... interesting stunts, on the Nadesico. I'm used to it getting
 intense." Ozma Lee looked at her in slight reproval, "Don't underestimate how
 different it can be from a warship, Ranka. Even at low speeds, the G-Forces
 can get the best of anyone who's not used to being on a battlefield."

Ozma however put an arm around her in a hug, before leaning in to murmur, "Is
 this what you want? Really what you want? Just say the word, and I'll take
 you away from here... damn the consequences." Ranka looked at him for a
 moment, as if touched, before resolve enters into her eyes, "Yes. ... I
 don't want anyone else to be hurt like Sheryl was, or killed... like your
 friend, Gilliam was."

Putting a hand over his, she smiles, "I may be your little sister, but I'm not
 a little girl anymore. This is my decision, to stand on this stage."

After a moment searching her expression, Ozma stated, "I understand."


The VB-6 Koenig Monster was chosen in part because Ozma Lee would never allow
 anyone but his closest people to protect his little sister, and in part
 because they needed Ranka to get closer for a true test.

There is fresh nose art of Ranka there painted along one side of the cockpit
 of the behemoth of a bomber, which might be perhaps an unwise move for
 grabbing Ozma Lee's ire, but perhaps he'll be moved by tradition to not punish
 so harshly.

It's Ranka, posing in a swimsuit, with the text:

        Call us
        Monster Girl

Nah he's definitely gonna punish someone (Definitely Michael) very harshly for
 this one.

Even before it launches, and Alto turns to her, her gaze sharpens, before she
 nods, "I'm ready." She tells him, "You've put so much on the line for me
 before, so many times... saved me again and again Alto, it's only right that
 this time - I fight for you, in my own way."

She listens to him speak over the comms, and holds on as the Koenig launches.

As Alto and Sayla fly, Ranka in contrast to Alto simply puts forward a single
 message on the comms to everyone, trying not to let nerves creep into her voice

"<Good luck everyone. I promise I'll do whatever I can to support all of you
 out there, even if it means singing until I'm hoarse!>"

There is of course, anxiety, what happens if she can't live up to expectations?
  What happens if people get hurt because she can't do what they say she can
 do? What happens? What happens?

... For Sheryl's sake... for Alto's sake... for everyone here... she has
 to try.

KTS: Sayla Mass is now subpiloting for Liam 7-020.
<Pose Tracker> Ruri Hoshino has posed.

        Speaking of Minato's stunts --

        "Is this really where the nest is?" Minato Haruka sighs, tilting
 forward, in her seat at the helm. "This resource asteroid is way too close to
 civilisation... way too close for comfort!"

        "The resource asteroid is owned by the PLANTs," Ruri Hoshino reports,
 dispassionate. "Now scanning... there are five settlements registering close
 enough to be afflicted by a significant or sustained Vajra surge from this

        "You're really spelling it out, huh," Minato laughs, thinly.

        "Not really," Ruri says, which is literally true, and figuratively the
 exact sort of exhausting teenager response one might expect from a girl who is
 now sixteen years old.

        "Regardless, let's just observe the situation for now," Jun Aoi, XO,
 advises the ship. "Lucine, Izumi, you two are on standby today. We need
 someone out there, and you're up."

        "Out there," Izumi Maki says, "about where, without air..."

        "Izumi's Aestivalis and Lucine's Dianthus Mk. 3 are registering ready
 for launch," Ruri reports, ruining the blue pilot's fun.

        They're on the other side of the very large rock to Ranka and the
 others, but...

        ... even so...

        Ruri looks up, at the screens, and starts humming the opening of Cat's
 Diary to herself.

KTS: Marian Cross arrives loaded onto Ruri Hoshino's combat deck!
<Pose Tracker> Rose Tritten has posed.

"Rose Tritten, ZAKU Blaze Warrior, launching!" with a signalling tone, the
 magnetic catapult launched Rose's ZAKU Warrior forwards into the void,
 slamming her back into her seat. As soon as she cleared the tube, she gripped
 the controls and flew a quick holding pattern, just long enough for Sushila
 and Aspyn to form up, before the trio maneuvered into formation above the
 Koening. She could already see the resource asteroid coming into view, growing
 by the second. In her helmet, there was a message buzz, and she could see
 Sushila requesting team only comms.

"Something wrong Sushila?" Rose asked, as Sushila's ZAKU Gunner accelerated
 alongside her.

"What do you think of this plan?" Sushila's voice came in through the
 integrated headphones.

"Little late to be asking don't you think?" Rose replied, visually double
 checking her systems out of habit.

"Kinda weird the shuttle full of Naturals gets to sit back while we have to go
 bug hunting in an enclosed space, don't you think?" Sushila replied.

Rose sighed. "Sushila, not now. These ones are from space, like us, and are out
 here, with us. I mean one of them is Char Aznable's sister if we want to start
 playing conspiracy theory."

"Just saying."
%"Well don't say it too loudly." Rose replied. She didn't want to be too
 negative but everyone else on this mission was a non ZAFT natural. She wasn't
 bigoted but...well the war hadn't been over that long. "Please play nice, and
 we can get through this without another pop star getting attacked, okay?"

"Oh my GOSH!" Asypn cut in, seemingly totally oblivious. On her cam feed, Rose
 could see that Aspyn was clearly looking at her phone."Sheryl woke up! AAAH I
 gotta post about this everywhere!!!"

"Aspyn!" Rose growled, turning to see that Aspyn's Slash ZAKU was starting to
 drift off."Get back in formation, PLEASE."

"Sorry! I'm just so excited!!!" Aspyn blushed, her ZAKU rejoining them, tucking
 her phone out of sight as though Rose couldn't see her typing away.

Rose could tell it was gonna be a long afternoon.

<Pose Tracker> Kaworu Nagisa has posed.

        Although kaiju are NERV's wheelhouse, NERV has not historically had
 much to do with dealing with the Vajra. Not nothing, but the SMS based in
 the Frontier fleet has always been the first responders when it comes to those
 insectile aliens. But with the paradigm shift in global agencies, that might
 well change. The Vajra's influence--and thus danger levels--has increased.
 They're still primarily the province of the Space Assembly League, but they
 and NERV both fall under the umbrella of NUNE, and so NERV has responded to
 these distress calls.
        Kaworu is aboard the warship in Evangelion Unit Beta, his dark plug
 suit (marked with 06 rather than B) a contrast to her champagne gold
 armor. There's some irony in the fact that a heavily Earth-based organization
 like NERV is working together with ZAFT, but it doesn't bother him any. While
 listening to Alto's instructions from the Koenig Monster, he gazes out towards
 the asteroids where the Vajra are nesting.
        It is a lamentable thing they do today, but Kaworu understands the
 necessity of it. Better than most, really.
        He looks next to the Koenig with Ranka on board. It's easy to tell even
 without extrasensory perception because Ranka is painted on the side. Kaworu
 gives it a curious look--Monster Girl? curious indeed--before focusing on
 Ranka herself.
        "<And we'll make the utmost of your support, Ranka,>" he transmits
 back, reassurance in his calm voice. His hands settle on Unit Beta's controls.
 "Kaworu Nagisa, launching in Evangelion Unit Beta."
        The stately robot extends her back pylons, and gossamer wings extend
 from them. With no visible thrust, she launches, silver hair cascading like a
 waterfall behind her into the expanse of space. There are many others here,
 but Kaworu is unbothered, as he is wont.

<Pose Tracker> Sayla Mass has posed.

        Originally, Sayla had only put in the request to oversee the mission
 from the battleship in a purely civilian role. The fact that the Koenig
 Monster was short handed and needed someone who could operate systems was an
 opportunity she couldn't pass up on. To be fair, Sayla doesn't have a lot of
 familiarity with the bomber's specific set up, but enough familiarity in
 general to pick it up with a quick crash course.

        "It's no issue at all, Mr Saotome. I admit I didn't expect to be back
 in a cockpit today, but I'd rather make myself useful than sit on a battleship
 observing." After all, the ship would be fully crewed and she'd be sequestered
 to some viewing room at best. From here... she gets to see the Vajra and how
 they react to Ranka's singing up close. "Besides. I have my own reasons to
 want to assist, I'm afraid."

        After all, it wasn't too long that Leina was nearly crushed by the
 Vajra at Sheryl's concert...

        In a borrowed SMS Pilot suit, Sayla gives Ozma a reassuring smile.
 "I'll do everything in my power to make sure we all come back, Mr Lee." Sayla
 pauses for a moment. "I know how hard this can be." She settles into her seat,
 to let Ozma continue his fussing, and focus on her own role.

        At least Ozma is handling it better than some people have.

        "Everything green," She mentions to Alto as he prepares to launch. It's
 a familiar role by now, but she has to stay alert.

        "Miss Lee, please keep us informed of your status. This is an
 experiment only on your end, if you need to pull back, tell us."

        She does not have any actual command role in this mission, but... well.
 She did say she was a meddler.

<Pose Tracker> Lucine Azul has posed.

        < "... A Vajra settlement this close to civilization?" > Lucine is
 already suiting up; her screen is automatically been set to <VOICE ONLY> as
 she does so. Pinning her hair back as she walks forward, she grabs one of the
 helmets enroute to the Dianthus, pulling it on and buckling it into place. <
 "Dianthus is in Cargo Bay B, right?" >

        It'll be standby duty, according to Jun, and Lucine... doesn't mind
 stepping back. She grins at Izumi's word play over her radio unit as she
 climbs up into the Dianthus, which opens up to her like a warm welcome. < "...
 So we're erring on the side of caution?" > She winces, realizing she had
 walked right into a pun of her own.

        Something about the idea of a Vajra-infested asteroid so close to so
 many settlements makes something tighten at the bottom of Lucine's stomach.
 Are they really the first people to notice, with an asteroid this big?

        < "Dianthus ready for launch." > Lucine settles back into her seat.

        Her thoughts wander naturally to Ranka, being possibly thrust into a
 different role. And then, to Sheryl, still recovering in her bed, and how
 tired her face looked, while still being undeniably *Sheryl*. And then, quite
 naturally, to Liam, with whom she had shared these concerns, and had visited
 Sheryl with her.

        She should call him tonight.

<Pose Tracker> Liam 7-020 has posed.

        A second machine--as tall as Unit Beta, and even more massive--flies in
 formation with the ZAFT cruiser. The Type-4 Akashima rides beneath the belly
 of one of NERV's aerospace deployment transports, clamped down and dormant. In
 its cockpit, Liam sits with his hands on his thighs; a woman's voice, calm and
 gentle, speaks when the radio does not.

        "Breathe out. Imagine your body is floating, free of tension."

        Liam can do more than imagine. He feels the weightlessness in his limbs
 because they are weightless. Letting out one final breath, he turns off the
 relaxation audio--which stayed in the confines of his cockpit--and brings
 himself back to the present. His hands grip the sticks, and his feet settle on
 the pedals. He reaches out to press a few touch panels, and cockpit's HUD
 lights up around him.

        "<We've got your back, Ranka,>" Liam says, a smile in his voice.
 "<Pilot Liam, deploying in support of Unit Beta.>" The clamps release. A
 gentle pulse of the Akashima's maneuvering jets carry it down and away from
 its transport.

<Pose Tracker> Flay Allster has posed.

After her encounter with Stella at Asticassia, Flay had pretty much immediately
 been called back to the Gaia Sabers' new Orbital Ring base. Apparently, their
 sensors have been picking up on some distress signals from cargo ships in the
 Side 2 area - without a doubt, Vajra attacks. And while the Gaia Sabers don't
 have all the details on it yet, apparently the SAL have a big operation
 planned to strike at the Vajra nest.

The popular sentiment among the Gaia Sabers is that the Vajra are a space
 problem, and thus, the Space Assembly League should just deal with it. In that
 sense, they haven't contributed a ton to this operation, even though the Vajra
 could very well become Earth's problem.

But Flay saw an opportunity there - it wouldn't be such a bad idea to score
 some points with the SAL, especially since... deep down, she's not fully sure
 she can place all her bets on the Gaia Sabers anymore. And so, a Drake-class
 escort ship follows closely behind the Nazca-class, mostly playing an
 obligatory support role, with very few mobile suits aside from the Strike

"I never thought I'd be launching right alongside ZAFT..." Flay muses to
 herself, in a tone more of resignation than anything, as she watches the ZAKU
 Warrior team fly out. "Flay Allster, Aile Strike, heading out!" The Strike
 flies from the Drake's linear hangar in formation with the rest of the NUNE
 forces - beam rifle swapped for an armour-piercing bazooka.

She turns on her public comms. "Hey there, Space Assembly League. This is Flay
 Allster with the Gaia Sabers. I'm here to help you mop these pests up!" Pretty
 unconventional roster they have, though. NERV even sent out one of their
 Evangelions? At least some groups are taking the Vajra problem seriously.

What she really wasn't prepared for, though, was the Space Assembly League's
 true weapon, hearing Ranka Lee's voice over the comms. "Seriously? That was
 their plan? Sending an idol out onto the battlefield? Ridiculous." She won't
 deny, she heard it's been effective before. But using her like this... "I get
 it." She smiles. "I'll do what I can to support you... so sing until you can't

<Pose Tracker> Marian Cross has posed.

A Murasame - Orb's newest mass produced mobile suit to succeed the Astray -
 sits in its MA mode in the hangar of the Nadesico. It came along with Marian
 when she was informed of the potential Vajra threat. This is the first time
 she's seen the Nadesico in person too, let alone board it. Her missions while
 with Nergal didn't allow her anywhere close to her, so she's particularly
 excited to be aboard as she exchange greetings with its crew, even with the
 looming threat they are about to face.

One of the most notable exchanges though, is with one Ruri Hoshino, who she's
 met at her sweet 16th.

"Thank you once again for allowing me onboard, Miss Hoshino. The Nadesico is an
 excellent ship. I didn't think I'd ever have the chance to board her
 especially after I returned to Orb's NDF," she speaks with sincerity. It's
 clear she has an admiration for military hardware such as this, and its crew
 for flying it.

But even with the heighten tension in the air, she uttered not a word of the
 mission or the Vajra themselves with anyone. Much preferring to keep the mood
 light when she can.

<Pose Tracker> Alto Saotome has posed.

        As Ranka goes on about the times he's saved her, and that this time
 she'll fight for him, Alto instinctively goes to scratch his cheek in mild
 embarassment. Unfortunately his helmet gets in the way. But at least it also
 means it's harder to see his face. Alto coughs instead, joining the others in
 saying, "We'll make sure you get through this."

        The combined NUNE formation approaches the resource asteroid from one
 side. Definitely a strange group. Alto of course knows Liam. And vaguely
 recalls Kaworu as a friend of Ranka's. The support from the Gaia Sabers is
 unknown though. Still, the Vajra are a threat to all of humanity, so it only
 makes sense. Alto notices one of the Rose Tritten drifting out of the
 formation, but then soon returning. He's not sure what was going on there, but
 decides not to inquire. There's more important things to worry about right now.

        The Koenig comes to a stop in front of one of the larger mining tunnels
 leading into the big rock. Large lights built into its forward wings activate,
 showing the tunnel interior for quite some distance until it curves away.
 Apart from scaffolds and what looks like a dead mobile suit just floating
 there, there's nothing of note visible from here. No signs of Vajra.

        Alto tenses a little, but radios, <"We'll hold position here. This
 should be close enough and I'm not risking taking the Koenig in there."> More
 like he's concerned about taking Ranka in too deep. <"Everyone else, advance.
 Remember to watch the corners.">

        From the other side, the Nadesico's own team of mobile weapons
 approach, currently unseen by the NUNE side. They too will find a similarly
 large tunnel dug into the rock. With the approach of both teams...

        Nothing happens.

        As each proceed inside, the tunnels are large enough to at least
 accommodate the machines being used in the mission. Though naturally there's
 not a lot of room for rapid manoeuvring for all but the smallest ones.

        After the first couple of turns, natural light becomes all but
 non-existant, forcing the two teams to rely either on night vision systems or
 lights. Numerous smaller tunnels break away from the main one. There is an
 option to split up in order to search them, though perhaps it's wise to stick
 together for now.

        As the teams dive deeper, their systems start to pick up on movement
 from some of the side tunnels that appear. Every now and then, there's a brief
 window where the teams can catch sight of the cause. Sure enough, there are
 Vajra inside these tunnels. Though only a few have been spotted at this point.
 And they're acting oddly cautious. There's a few opportunities to take shots
 at what appear to be Mobile Soldiers as they dart in and out of view. And, if
 one is reckless, they could even charge in to try and give chase.

        Back in the Koenig that floats at the tunnel entrance, Alto monitors
 progress via the other units gun cameras. He murmurs, loud enough for the
 others in the bomber to hear, "I would have expected them to swarm us by

KTS: Kaiju Navi has deployed in Vajra Heavy Soldier.
FPT: Lightly Loaded Bonus=16
["Vajra Armored Claws" -> 834, "Vajra Bio-Cannon" -> 832, "Vajra Bio-Machine
 Guns" -> 831, "Vajra Bio-Micro-Missiles" -> 833, "Vajra Mobile Soldiers" ->
KTS: Vajra Armored Claws Vicious Swipe: 3600 Physical,Melee
KTS: Vajra Armored Claws Heavy Impact: 3900 Physical,Melee,Repulse
KTS: Vajra Armored Claws Six-Legged Grab: 4300 Physical,Melee,Anchor,Formation
KTS: Vajra Armored Claws Sharpened Crush: 5400
KTS: Vajra Bio-Cannon Powered Blast: 3700 Beam,Ranged
KTS: Vajra Bio-Cannon Tearing Shot: 4200 Beam,Ranged,Ship-Killer
KTS: Vajra Bio-Cannon Close Impact: 4400 Beam,Melee,Barrier Breaker
KTS: Vajra Bio-Cannon Charged Assault: 5100 Beam,Ranged,Root,Penetrating
KTS: Vajra Bio-Cannon Self Destruct: 5800 Beam,Melee,Penetrating,Finisher
KTS: Vajra Bio-Machine Guns Ripping Barrage: 3200 Physical,Ranged,Spread
KTS: Vajra Bio-Machine Guns Leading Fire: 3800 Physical,Ranged,Formation
KTS: Vajra Bio-Machine Guns Reckless Stream: 4600 Physical,Ranged,Spread,Rattle
KTS: Vajra Bio-Micro-Missiles Breaking Retreat: 3900
KTS: Vajra Bio-Micro-Missiles Wide-Area Barrage: 4300
KTS: Vajra Bio-Micro-Missiles Guiding Swarm: 4800
KTS: Vajra Bio-Micro-Missiles Explosive Dance: 5000
KTS: Vajra Mobile Soldiers Swarm Fire: 3400 Physical,Ranged
KTS: Vajra Mobile Soldiers Swarm Converge: 4200 Physical,Melee,Rattle
KTS: Vajra Mobile Soldiers Rapid Advance: 4400 Physical,Ranged,Long-Range
KTS: Vajra Mobile Soldiers Coordinated Encirclement: 4900
KTS: Pass: 0 Ranged,Passive,All-Range
KTS: Kaiju_Navi has deployed as a Boss for 7 opponents.
You're already bossed up. Please use +bossadjust to change your boss level.
<Pose Tracker> Ranka Lee has posed.

Ruri and the Nadesico - and thus Marian and Lucine are on the other side of the
 rock - thus she cannot tell them how much they rock. But- perhaps, soon
 they will find out.

"I know you will." She beams at Alto, perhaps not entirely catching his
 embarrassment over her nerves.

"<Kaworu!>" She says in surprise, "<I'm so glad you're here...>"

Is that, Evangelion really what he's in? It seems such a contrast for the
 gentle boy she knows...

Before Sayla asks her to keep her informed and Liam concurs, "<I promise, I
 will. But - If I can pull it off, there'll be no need.>"

She doesn't know if she can...

... but she knows she can sing, she knows there's power in song.

She's just not sure in this way.

It does sound ridiculous, doesn't it Flay?

"<Thank you, but with all of you here, I think the battle will be over long
 before that.>" She does smile, "<I am a professional after all.>"

It feels like something Sheryl would say - but it's true, most battles last
 minutes, whereas concerts - hours.

And she doesn't have to dance for this experiment.

Can she be the people's hope? She simply wanted to spread her music to all who
 would listen... she had no such lofty ideals when she set out on this journey.

Ranka tries to settle in, she's to wait for the signal to start the song -
 which is to come when the Vajra truly swarm, but only some come...

... a few mobile soldiers, and Ranka feels, butterflies in her stomach, "This
 doesn't feel right." She agrees with Alto on them swarming them by now... "I
 don't know where they could all be."

Ranka hasn't been near Vajra in two years. Yet - something's changed, in ways
 she hasn't processed. The image of that woman in the twilit sky, singing her
 gentle song, is one she tries to banish.

She needs to do this... for Sheryl. For everyone.

<Pose Tracker> Rose Tritten has posed.

The Monoeye of Rose's ZAKU turned to lock onto the Gundam now forming up with
 them. It was very odd to have the Gaia Sabers on an operation like this, but
 having a Gundam would be a serious help. Her HUD identified it as an Alie

"The one type Commander Joule and his team wasn't able to capture..." She said
 to herself, before the pilot's voice came over the comms.
 Shockingly...cordial, for a Gaia Saber.

"This is Rose Tritten, Pixie team lead," she radioed, unsure the tone to take.
 Let's try cordial and professional."Thank you for joining us, we may not be in
 Gundam models but we'll be able to keep up!"

"Wow, don't lay it on too thick." Sushila smirked on her screen.

"Cram it."

As the Koening stops in front of the tunnel, Pixie team keeps going forward,
 slipping in and taking point.

"Sushila, I know the intelligence briefing said it's seismically stable enough
 to handle multiple blasts, but only bring out your beam cannon if need be,
 stick to your Beam machine-gun otherwise."

"Well that spoils my fun." Sushila replied, her beam cannon folding up into
 it's stowage and her ZAKU's arm presenting its beam machine gun.

In addition to the IR sighting, Aspyn's beam axe also cast a pinkish glow
 through the tunnels. At the branch, the ZAKUs pause."Should we split up, or
 stick together?" Rose broadcasts out to the rest of the pilots inside the

KTS: Ranka Lee targets Alto Saotome, Kaworu Nagisa, and Liam 7-020 with Awe!
KTS: Ranka Lee has activated the Rouse Spirit Command targeting Flay Allster
KTS: Kaworu Nagisa accepts Ranka Lee's Awe!
KTS: Ranka Lee inspires awe, increasing Kaworu Nagisa's Morale!
KTS: Best Defense! Kaworu Nagisa successfully reacts to Ranka Lee's Awe, taking
 0 damage!
KTS: Alto Saotome accepts Ranka Lee's Awe!
KTS: Ranka Lee inspires awe, increasing Alto Saotome's Morale!
KTS: Best Defense! Alto Saotome successfully reacts to Ranka Lee's Awe, taking
 0 damage!
<Pose Tracker> Ruri Hoshino has posed.

        "We won't be the only ones to notice it, since it's this close," Jun
 replies to Lucine, with a serious scowl. (He'd be much cooler if the camera
 would focus on him for more than ten seconds at a stretch.) "If we go in guns
 blazing... we might cause a misunderstanding. Besides, we can't just blow the
 asteroid up -- we don't know whose livelihood is riding on it."

        Is that why he's the one handling this one, and not Yurika? Perish the

        "You're welcome," Ruri says, hogging the camera from the actual
 commander, as she replies to Marian. "Though the final decision was the
 Captain's," not that Yurika has ever said no to Ruri once in her life, "I
 wanted to vouch for you."

        "For now," Jun says, to Marian and Lucine, "scout out those tunnels.
 But don't push further than you're capable of handling... we don't want either
 of you trapped in there."

        "Adapting forward scanning to the Dianthus and the Murasame," Ruri
 reports, as wooden as ever. "Triangulating Vajra position... transmitting."
 And she offers that information to the machines themselves, in that strange
 way she has, reaching out to them on their level to inform their systems of
 the threats.

KTS: Ruri Hoshino targets Lucine Azul and Marian Cross with Caution!
<Pose Tracker> Kaworu Nagisa has posed.

        Kaworu smiles at Ranka's warm surprise. Unit Beta is less overtly
 monstrous than other Evangelions, but she still looks unsettlingly
 human--especially with that long, long hair. "<You hadn't realized? I'm sorry
 for not saying something sooner. You aren't used to the battlefield, are you?>"
        Even so, as she proudly declares, Ranka is a professional. She's worked
 hard to reach this stage. It might not be her ideal, but Kaworu will listen to
 her song regardless.
        Kaworu knows Alto too--perhaps better than he knows him in return,
 thanks to Ranka. It's good to see the two of them fighting alongside one
 another, in their respective ways. Perhaps this will give them the chance to
 get closer as Ranka desires. (Already it begins.)
        All of them approach the resource asteroid. Alto gives the all
 clear--for now--while saying the Koenig will remain outside. Reasonably so.
 There are Vajra here, of that he has no doubt. "<Understood. We'll let you
 know when we engage the objective,>" he radios back.
        The tunnels will clearly be a tight squeeze for Unit Beta--not just
 her, but also Liam's Akashima. She looks at it with her faceless mask and nods
 once. "<Let's take up the rear, Liam. We'll have less room to maneuver than
 the others.>"
        Of course, that also means that they may block an escape when the Vajra
 make their move, but Kaworu is less worried about that. They can carve a way
 out if need be.
        He turns a long gaze towards the Nadesico and those within it, as well
 as those it deploys, from within Unit Beta's entry plug. However, he doesn't
 remark on them. He waits for Liam to confirm, then heads in after the others,
 directing Unit Beta with care.

KTS: Lucine Azul accepts Ruri Hoshino's Caution!
KTS: Ruri Hoshino suggests caution, raising Lucine Azul's Intuition!
KTS: Best Defense! Lucine Azul successfully reacts to Ruri Hoshino's Caution,
 taking 0 damage!
KTS: Liam 7-020 accepts Ranka Lee's Awe!
KTS: Ranka Lee inspires awe, increasing Liam 7-020's Morale!
KTS: Best Defense! Liam 7-020 successfully reacts to Ranka Lee's Awe, taking 0

<Pose Tracker> Sayla Mass has posed.

        Sometimes, Sayla knows exactly when to keep her focus elsewhere. When
 Alto and Ranka are talking between each other is definitely one of them.
 Instead, she keeps her eyes on the sensors and lets the kids have their moment.

        There are, however, a number of other factors on the field. NERV is
 somewhat expected, but the Gaia Sabers less so. The Tritten squad were
 anticipated support, at least. And Sayla already knows what role they intend
 to fulfill.

        That's a lot riding on an 'if', Sayla thinks to herself. "Understood."
 She says. The young woman is definitely resolved... and that's something far
 too exploitable.

        Alto's hesitance gets a frown from Sayla. Her brow furrows as Ranka
 confirms Alto's suspicions. "I take it they're not characteristically this

        While Alto's piloting, she loops herself into the comms. "<Director
 Nagisa, Pilot Liam, Pilot Allster, your support is appreciated. This is H->"
 She stops herself. That's not her callsign anymore. <"This is Sayla Mass, I'll
 be support for Skull-4."> Sayla reassets, her voice calm and controlled as she
 slips into that bridge officer role again. "<I recommend a cautious advance,
 we could be walking into an ambush at any point.>"

        It's much harder to let go of command than she had hoped. It's not her
 call to make as an observer. It... chafes a little. "Just do what you can,
 Miss Lee. Don't push yourself further than that." A gentle reminder- after all
 she's known far too many who've tried to do more than that. The cost is always
 too much.

KTS: Sayla Mass targets Alto Saotome, Rose Tritten, and Flay Allster with
KTS: Rose Tritten accepts Sayla Mass's Caution!
KTS: Sayla Mass suggests caution, raising Rose Tritten's Intuition!
KTS: Best Defense! Rose Tritten successfully reacts to Sayla Mass's Caution,
 taking 0 damage!
KTS: Flay Allster accepts Sayla Mass's Caution!
KTS: Sayla Mass suggests caution, raising Flay Allster's Intuition!
KTS: Best Defense! Flay Allster successfully reacts to Sayla Mass's Caution,
 taking 0 damage!

<Pose Tracker> Liam 7-020 has posed.

        Liam can't help but smile, a little, at Ranka's optimism. Grim as the
 circumstances are, it's good to see it from her--especially in the face of the
 ongoing media fracas.

        The Akashima's slow, measured approach stops just outside the breach
 point, with a silent rush of maneuvering thrusters. It reaches out a hand,
 planting it against the rock of the entryway to brace itself. Liam studies the
 sensors for a long moment. <"Not seeing much movement,"> he says. "<No, not
 usually,>" he adds for Sayla's benefit. (Sayla? What's she doing here?) "<I'm
 surprised they haven't swarmed us.>" But Sayla and Liam are of like minds on
 this, and Kaworu seems to be, too.

        "<Looking real claustrophobic, in there,>" Liam says. <"I'll follow
 your lead, keep an eye on our tail.>" And make himself the rear guard, in case
 the Vajra come at them from behind. The Akashima's jets fire, once. It coasts
 into the tunnel, its bulk blocking out the starlight from beyond. Liam marks
 the handful of Soldiers on his HUD, but makes no aggressive action.

KTS: Liam 7-020 targets Kaiju Navi with Pass!
KTS: Liam 7-020's Tactical Intelligence activates Strike!
<Pose Tracker> Lucine Azul has posed.

        < "... Roger, Executive Officer Aoi." > Even if she can't sense that
 scowl (or see it, due to the camera refusing to focus in on him), Lucine's
 reply is respectful, as well as fully in agreement, as it turns out. < "I
 don't relish knocking on a a hornet's nest either. If we can find any miners
 trapped within and extract them safely..." >

        She trails off, not sure if it'd be worth it to even consider the

        On the Dianthus's screen, Lucine deploys her unit's scope, trying to
 get a better idea of what lies on the asteroid's surface. < ".... I'm not
 seeing anything alive on the surface, Vajra or miner..." > The Nadesico's
 abilities may trump the Dianthus's, on top of superior tools, but the
 uneasiness still sits in her stomach, making her restless.

        That's not due to any Newtype shenanigans, though; it's the realization
 that they'll have to go further into the asteroid itself.
        < "Ms. Cross, er.... do you prefer a title or a callsign? Ah, my unit
 is smaller than yours, so feel free to have me scout ahead." > The Dianthus
 moves in front of the Murasame, if allowed. < "I can deal with tight corners
 like this pretty well." > But not usually when there's Vajra at every corner.

        Her sensors are picking up on Vajra deep within, but something is...

        Namely, Lucine doesn't feel that jolt of danger closing in, like a
 sneak attack coming.

        < ".... To your right, 20 degrees.... They're... hesitant. I don't
 feel-" > Lucine pauses. < ".... There are no signs they're preparing for
 attack. I won't shoot first, either; they may know some danger I don't." >

KTS: Lucine Azul has activated the Foresee Spirit Command targeting Marian Cross
KTS: Kaworu Nagisa: Will Barrier Activates.
KTS: Kaworu Nagisa targets Kaiju Navi with Pass!
KTS: Lucine Azul targets Kaiju Navi with Pass!
KTS: Lucine Azul has activated the Spirit Spirit Command.
<Pose Tracker> Flay Allster has posed.

Ranka sounds surprisingly assured, and while Flay doesn't know her personally
 enough to say if she's just putting up a strong front, she respects it
 anyways. "A professional, huh? That's what I like to hear." She smiles, as
 well. "Let's put an end to them quickly, so you can stand on a real stage

The Pixie Team in their ZAKU Warriors are also surprisingly... chatty?
 Friendly. "I don't think you'll need to worry, Pixie team," Flay replies, as
 to their lack of Gundam models. "Despite their, well... questionable
 appearance." Probably not the first time a ZAKU pilot's heard that one. "I've
 heard just how capable the SAL's new flagship model is. I'll be counting on
 you three~" She smiles.

Flay is surprised to hear the voice of one Sayla Mass, though - she knew of her
 appointment to the SAL, but why is she flying support on a mission like this?
 Flay is.. kind of happy to hear from her, anyway. "I didn't think this was one
 of the duties of Secretary of Refugee Affairs... but I'm listening." Flay
 frowns, hearing her advice. "If you think we're flying right into a trap...
 I'll be careful."

Tthey take to the tunnels, the greatest asset of the Aile Strike - it's
 high-speed mobility, is unfortunately rendered pretty obselete as the tunnels
 quickly cramp up. And strangely, the Vajra don't really seem to be attacking
 them. Are they... after something else? Taking Sayla's caution in mind, Flay
 doesn't lift any of the Strike's main weapons, instead slowly aiming the CIWS
 between the walls. "If they're up to something... I'll see if I can intercept
 them!" She announces, firing a few delayed 'warning shots' of those tiny

KTS: Flay Allster targets Kaiju Navi with M2M5 'Todesschrecken' 12.5mm
 Automatic CIWS Burst!
KTS: Marian Cross accepts Ruri Hoshino's Caution!
KTS: Ruri Hoshino suggests caution, raising Marian Cross's Intuition!
KTS: Best Defense! Marian Cross successfully reacts to Ruri Hoshino's Caution,
 taking 0 damage!
<Pose Tracker> Marian Cross has posed.

Marian launched a little later in the Murasame than Lucine's Dianthus. She had
 to familiarize herself with the controls. Being that it's a transformable
 mobile suit, there are more settings and controls that she's used to. But
 she'll get used to it soon enough. The battlefield is her home. And she is
 (un)naturally talented at fighting.

"Marian Cross, Murasame, moving out," she announces as the Murasame takes
 flight and catches up behind the Dianthus. That was her launch phrase while
 she lead her squadron...but perhaps it's time to come up with a new one.

And as Jun says, Marian simply replied over comms. "Copy," a short and quick
 response. Like a soldier should. Though she ought to change that too, if she's
 to cultivate her image as the 'Hero of Orb'.

"I've got your back, Lucine," she comms to the Dianthus as they approach the
 tunnels of the asteroid. "And just Marian is fine. You're not military. And
 you're not my subordinate," she added. Her tone is friendly as she says. It's
 not so condescending as it is to reassure Lucine she doesn't need to be formal
 with her. And she follow behind the Dianthus, and allowed it to scout ahead of
 her. The Murasame has its missles and beam rifles and cannons to provide cover
 fire if needed.

KTS: Marian Cross targets Kaiju Navi with Pass!
KTS: Kaiju Navi accepts Liam 7-020's Pass!
KTS: Best Defense! Kaiju Navi successfully reacts to Liam 7-020's Pass, taking
 0 damage!
KTS: Kaiju Navi accepts Kaworu Nagisa's Pass!
KTS: Best Defense! Kaiju Navi successfully reacts to Kaworu Nagisa's Pass,
 taking 0 damage!
KTS: Kaiju Navi accepts Lucine Azul's Pass!
KTS: Best Defense! Kaiju Navi successfully reacts to Lucine Azul's Pass, taking
 0 damage!
KTS: Kaiju Navi accepts Marian Cross's Pass!
KTS: Best Defense! Kaiju Navi successfully reacts to Marian Cross's Pass,
 taking 0 damage!
KTS: Kaiju Navi fails to engage evade against Flay Allster's M2M5
 'Todesschrecken' 12.5mm Automatic CIWS Burst!
KTS: Kaiju Navi's Physical Wall L1 activates, negating 1000 base damage.
KTS: Kaiju Navi successfully reacts to Flay Allster's M2M5 'Todesschrecken'
 12.5mm Automatic CIWS Burst, taking 1520 damage!
<Pose Tracker> Alto Saotome has posed.

        The two teams continue through their tunnels separately, continuing to
 occasionally see signs of a Vajra passing through adjacent tunnels. They
 continue to only skirt around the mobile weapons, never actively approaching.
 Flay's Strike is the only one that attempts to actually engage, CIWS vulcans
 lighting up at one Mobile Soldier as it passes by. The relatively low calibre
 rounds patter against the creature's tough carapace. It seems to squirm under
 the fire for a moment, one of its arms being ripped off. But it swims back
 down through a side tunnel, out of view again. Curious.

        Soon enough, the NUNE team come upon a far more hurried opening in the
 tunnel wall. Sure enough, it's the same hole that had been inadvertently
 opened by the doomed miners weeks prior. Peeking inside, the team will notice
 the large numbers of Vajra eggs lining the walls and clumped together into
 piles. Though there are no actual hatched Vajra inside the large cavern.
 They've found the nest. And this is their opportunity to destroy it.

        Just as they're preparing to, their systems alert them to more
 movement. This time further down the main tunnel. Lights begin to sweep from
 around the corner...

        And that's when Marian's Murasame and Lucine's Dianthus come into view!

        It seems the tunnel both teams chose to enter through were ultimately
 the same one. Still, that begs the question... Where are the Vajra?

        Ruri is the first one to find out as the Nadesico's advanced sensor
 array picks up new signals at the edge of the area of operations. Dozens of
 signals. And the patterns all match Vajra!

        The Nazca and Drake class warships on NUNE's side pick up the same
 signals soon after. And they are relayed to the pilots. Alto swears under his
 breath as his manipulates one of the Koenig's hull cameras to aim towards the
 reported direction and zoom in. Sure enough, a veritable swarm of Vajra are
 approaching. Dozens of Mobile Soldiers, supported by several Heavy Soldiers.

        The reason why it's been so quiet inside the resource asteroid becomes
 clear. The Vajra guards were away! And now they've returned to find intruders
 in their home. They're probably pissed.

        The swarm of Vajra splits as it gets closer. A Heavy Soldier supported
 by several of their smaller Vajra each break away to target the two warship
 groups. Rapid fire bio-bullets rain down on the three vessels from the Mobile
 Soldiers, while the Heavy Soldiers charge up and fire the large bio-cannons on
 their backs.

        The Koenig also does not escape notice, as a couple of Mobile Soldiers
 spin through space, a barrage of bio-missiles launching out and arcing across
 the distance towards the heavy shuttle. Alto gives a warning to the others,
 "Hold on!" He jams the flight stick to the side, trying to turn the Koenig's
 nose away from the asteroid so he can hit the throttle. But the large bomber
 turns far slower than he expected.

        Thankfully, Canaria is on the case as she quickly says, "Launching
 countermeasures!" A series of flares rocket out the side of the Koenig as it
 turns. The bio-missiles are drawn in by the heat blooms, rushing through them
 and impacting against the asteroid's surface. Chunks of rock go flying,
 several impacting against the Koenig. But its heavy armor dull their impact,
 resulting in only minor damage.

        Whether it was the vibrations of the explosions passing through the
 asteroid, or the arrival of the rest of their swarm, the Vajra inside the big
 rock that had been moving cautiously suddenly become far more aggressive. They
 start to crawl out of the smaller tunnels, lighting up the interior of the
 main one with bio-machine gun fire directed at the two groups of mobile

        Back outside, the Koenig has finally turned to face the oncoming Vajra.
 Its engines light up as it blasts away from the asteroid. The vulcans start to
 light up, spitting out a stream of 30mm shells towards the stream of
 approaching Vajra. Several of the smaller ones are ripped to shreds. While
 others turn to give chase to the bomber.

        The rest all dive into the tunnel entrances. It won't take them long to
 reach the two teams inside. Alto tries to warn them, <"You've got incoming!
 Get out of there!">

KTS: Kaiju Navi targets Ruri Hoshino with Vajra Bio-Cannon Tearing Shot!
KTS: Kaiju Navi targets Alto Saotome with Vajra Bio-Micro-Missiles Guiding
KTS: Kaiju Navi targets Marian Cross with Vajra Bio-Machine Guns Ripping
KTS: Kaiju Navi targets Flay Allster with Vajra Bio-Machine Guns Ripping
KTS: Kaiju Navi targets Lucine Azul with Vajra Bio-Machine Guns Ripping Barrage!
KTS: Liam 7-020's The Hound activates!
KTS: Kaiju Navi targets Liam 7-020 with Vajra Bio-Machine Guns Ripping Barrage!
KTS: Kaiju Navi targets Kaworu Nagisa with Vajra Bio-Machine Guns Ripping
KTS: Kaiju Navi targets Rose Tritten with Vajra Bio-Machine Guns Ripping
KTS: Alto Saotome accepts Sayla Mass's Caution!
KTS: Sayla Mass suggests caution, raising Alto Saotome's Intuition!
KTS: Best Defense! Alto Saotome successfully reacts to Sayla Mass's Caution,
 taking 0 damage!
KTS: Alto Saotome's Here Is The Warm Sea activates!
KTS: Alto Saotome engages evade against Kaiju Navi's Vajra Bio-Micro-Missiles
 Guiding Swarm!
KTS: Alto Saotome's EN Barrier activates, negating 1000 base damage.
KTS: Alto Saotome poorly reacts to Kaiju Navi's Vajra Bio-Micro-Missiles
 Guiding Swarm, taking 3800 damage!
KTS: Liam 7-020 has activated the Wall Spirit Command.
KTS: Liam 7-020 engages guard against Kaiju Navi's Vajra Bio-Machine Guns
 Ripping Barrage!
KTS: Best Defense! Liam 7-020 successfully guards Kaiju Navi's Vajra
 Bio-Machine Guns Ripping Barrage, taking 2112 damage!
KTS: Flay Allster engages evade against Kaiju Navi's Vajra Bio-Machine Guns
 Ripping Barrage!
KTS: Flay Allster's Physical Wall L2 activates, negating 2000 base damage.
KTS: Best Defense! Flay Allster moderately reacts to Kaiju Navi's Vajra
 Bio-Machine Guns Ripping Barrage, taking 0 damage!
KTS: Alto Saotome targets Kaiju Navi with 30mm Small-Bore Vulcan Gun Blitz!
KTS: Rose Tritten has activated the Valor Spirit Command.
KTS: Rose Tritten engages block against Kaiju Navi's Vajra Bio-Machine Guns
 Ripping Barrage!
KTS: Best Defense! Rose Tritten successfully blocks Kaiju Navi's Vajra
 Bio-Machine Guns Ripping Barrage, taking 1888 damage!
KTS: Kaworu Nagisa engages block against Kaiju Navi's Vajra Bio-Machine Guns
 Ripping Barrage!
KTS: Kaworu Nagisa's Will Barrier activates, negating 2500 base damage.
KTS: Best Defense! Kaworu Nagisa successfully blocks Kaiju Navi's Vajra
 Bio-Machine Guns Ripping Barrage, taking 399 damage!
KTS: Lucine Azul engages evade against Kaiju Navi's Vajra Bio-Machine Guns
 Ripping Barrage!
KTS: Critical Hit! Lucine Azul poorly reacts to Kaiju Navi's Vajra Bio-Machine
 Guns Ripping Barrage, taking 4288 damage!
KTS: [Dynamic Hit] Kaiju Navi's Ace Attacker activates, causing Insight L1!
KTS: [Dynamic Hit] Kaiju Navi's Defiance activates, causing Sparkle!
KTS: Marian Cross has activated the Focus Spirit Command.
KTS: Marian Cross engages evade against Kaiju Navi's Vajra Bio-Machine Guns
 Ripping Barrage!
KTS: Critical Hit! Marian Cross poorly reacts to Kaiju Navi's Vajra Bio-Machine
 Guns Ripping Barrage, taking 3904 damage!
KTS: [Dynamic Hit] Kaiju Navi's Ace Attacker activates, causing Insight L1!
KTS: [Dynamic Hit] Kaiju Navi's Defiance activates, causing Sparkle!
<Pose Tracker> Ranka Lee has posed.

"<I've been in battles on the Nadesico but... I don't think I could ever say
 I'm used to it.>" She answers Kaworu honestly before, "<It's just surprising,
 is all. Knowing you're controlling it makes it easier to deal with.>"

"No." Ranka tells Sayla softly on the Vajra being cautious, "They don't really
 need to be." That comment may be difficult to interpret, as to whether they
 are just that strong or... something else.

As the team advances inside, that feeling of dread just grows, and grows within
 Ranka, she tries not to let it show - not even to those in the Monster. Not
 to Doctor Mass or Alto or Canaria.

She's a pro, just like Sheryl, she tries to force herself to have even HALF of
 her courage under fire, to sing even while the Vajra are swarming and coming
 close. They were barely a presence before... but the moment the Guards
 return - the moment the assault begins, she receives the signal and...

Aimo O.C. - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PcBhofATiKc

The channels are flooded by a militaristic marching rhythm, with the stately
 tolling of bells. At first it may be unclear what's even going on, because
 it's so unrecognizable from the pop music that Macross Idols ordinarily sing.

Yet, it isn't long before Ranka's voice can be heard, rising even over the
 bellicose melody, resonant on spectrums that some can sense better than
 others. It's a song that many who understand language are likely to recognize
 lyrically, those who have followed her career since Bird Human but now...

        "Aimo aimo nedel lushe
        "Now toll the bells of victory,
        "For this place is my new planet."

This is not the same song she sang for the movie soundtrack - a song trying to
 honor the Mayan people. Nor is it the song of Ranka's memories - her first
 memory, which she sang in an Observatory park for comfort year after year. It
 has become a song of war, of battle, of conquest. And she sings it, clarion
 clear, just as she's been instructed.

        "Aimo aimo nedel lushe
        "Now wave our flags above our heads,
        "For this place is the new land of God."

Around her, on the Koenig Monster, there is equipment pointed at her,
 amplifiers perhaps - or monitors... this is an experiment after all, so data
 collection is important. Within the equipment, the fold waves detected dance
 upon a prismatic spectrum.

And all around them... the Vajra respond, even without ears to hear, her song
 reaches them on a far deeper level. Some are beginning to pause in confusion,
 others hesitating...

... is it truly working?

KTS: Rose Tritten has activated the Strike Spirit Command.
KTS: Ranka Lee targets Kaiju Navi with Jam L2!

<Pose Tracker> Rose Tritten has posed.

As the Terminal suits come into view, Rose is about to send off an
 interrogative on the open broadcast channel.

"Unidentified mobile suits, you're trespassing in the middle of a Space
 Assembly League military operation! Disengage any weapons and surrender
 yourselves for-"

The sudden attack of the Vajra nest coming to life interrupts her, as the
 bio-machine guns slam into her ZAKU's shoulder shield.

"I think that might be a later problem!" Sushila cut in.

"Ahhh! It's just like Lagos again! There's so many and they're icky!!!" Aspyn
 radioed in, gripping her beam axe.

But then, Ranka's song begins. The lyrics are haunting, but as she looks over
 her scanners and IFF system, Rose realizes the Vajra are starting to slow, to
 pause. The crazy plan...is it working? Time to take advantage. "Open up on
 them!" Rose ordered, as she took aim at the nearest warriors and opened up
 with her own Beam Machine Gun.

KTS: Rose Tritten targets Kaiju Navi with MMI-M633 Beam Assault Rifle Barrage!
<Pose Tracker> Kaworu Nagisa has posed.

        "<True... It would be best if Lilim didn't have to grow used to battle,
 but that is reality,>" Kaworu muses to Ranka. "<But if that's all, very well.>"
        His smile doesn't so much as flicker when Sayla almost reaches out
 under another name. "<Likewise, Sayla Mass,>" he transmits back. "<Let's
 continue to work together.>"
        No need to question her advice. He agrees that a cautious approach
 would be best here. "<Very well,>" he transmits to Liam--it only makes sense,
 as the Akashima is bulkier than Unit Beta. She keeps pace ahead of them,
 matching their speed and the speed of those ahead to avoid any collisions with
 inhuman precision, something Flay and Team Tritten may or may not appreciate
 for their own reasons.
        He watches, unsmiling, when Flay opens fire on a Mobile Soldier. It
 squirms and runs without returning favor, even after taking significant
 damage. "<Strange...>"
        What isn't strange is the presence of the Dianthus and the Murasame.
 Kaworu noticed them and the Nadesico already. He sends a friendly hail to Ruri
 and Omoikane over on the Nadesico now that they've made contact, eschewing
 intermediary lines to send it directly. As you do.
        His smile fades to neutral as he takes in all the Vajra eggs, though.
 "...." As he takes them in without moving, there is a signal--from the NUNE
 warships to the pilots, of an incoming swarm of Vajra returning home. The
 Vajra that had already been inside activate, aggression shooting up as they
 come crawling out to open bio-machine gun fire on them.
        Unit Beta raises an elegant hand; her A.T. Field blooms under the
 countless impacts of the Vajra's fire. Her composure--or rather,
 Kaworu's--staggers for an instant when that arrangement of Aimo begins to
 play, carrying Ranka's voice through the asteroid in a distortion of its
 original self.
        "<Ranka... That sound of yours...>" he murmurs--and he actually sounds
 unsettled. He looks around at the Vajra as they look around in
 confusion, hearing Alto's warning for them to get out of there. Others are
 moving on the offensive, but... "<Liam and collected forces, I'm going to
 secure our exit route,>" he transmits not just to the NUNE fighters but
 Terminal's as well. "<Be careful.>"
        Unit Beta draws her Heat Rapier and launches herself point-first
 towards the Vajra that swarm the way back. The force of her approach and
 potentially passing should knock them back, or even crush them.

KTS: Kaworu Nagisa targets Kaiju Navi with Forward Stab!
<Pose Tracker> Ruri Hoshino has posed.

        "Vajra signals identified," Ruri transmits, to their pilots, with no
 shred of the alarm she ought to feel. "Now returning to the asteroid."

        "The early bird gets the worm," Izumi quips, from her blue Aestivalis,
 transmitting to the NUNE forces they've found as well as to her own. "So long
 as it can peck it from the apple. Wriggle, wriggle... that is to say, we're
 the worm, and the Vajra came home early."

        She's so nice, explaining the joke like that.

        Omoikane returns Kaworu's hail, warmly, even as he fires on the Vajra
 returning home. If he can distract them from going back inside the tunnels,

        "Now firing missiles," Ruri says, as if she did it. (She didn't, but
 she'll cover for him.) "The Vajra are hesitating... there are strange Fold
 signals. They're coming from the other side..."

        "So, NUNE's encampment," Jun frowns. "For now, get out of there! We
 don't know if we can hold them off for long!"

KTS: Ruri Hoshino fails to engage evade against Kaiju Navi's Vajra Bio-Cannon
 Tearing Shot!
KTS: Ruri Hoshino's EN Barrier activates, negating 1000 base damage.
KTS: Ruri Hoshino poorly reacts to Kaiju Navi's Vajra Bio-Cannon Tearing Shot,
 taking 4000 damage!
KTS: Ruri Hoshino targets Kaiju Navi with Missile Barrage!
<Pose Tracker> Ruri Hoshino has posed.

        And when the cannon rocks their ship, Ruri reports: "I'll leave the
 damage report to you, Minato."

        Minato chirps, brightly: "We're still fine, Ruri-ruri!"

<Pose Tracker> Sayla Mass has posed.

        "...I thought as much." Sayla says, quietly. She doesn't have expertise
 against Vajra, so she just takes it in for now. Some things are harder to hide
 from others. That dread rising in the background as Ranka prepares herself is
 one of them. Something she's not trying to let show. It might even be working
 for some of them.

        "<This is simply my being in the right place at the right time, Pilot
 Allster.>" Sayla's voice remains calm. "<Extra hands were needed.>" Kaworu's
 acknowledgement is received. Her tensions with NERV aren't exactly resolved,
 but... "<Affirmative. We'll be counting on you.>" What Sayla is doing here IS
 an extremely good question she'll have to answer eventually. Just... not right

        And then the ambush comes, and Alto and Canaria move to keep them
 alive. Even with three of them operating, the Koenig is a large unit, and it
 simply doesn't have the speed to outpace the missiles. The impact on the
 bomber causes Sayla to jostle in her seat, rattled around. Tsk... "That was a
 solid hit, shields blunted it but we took a beating." Repeating info Alto
 probably already knows, admittedly.

        She moves to check on Ranka- but she hears the singing. The experiment
 has begun.

        EWhile Alto is forwarding a warning, Sayla forwards data- trajectories
 on the incoming Vajra. The pilot is doing a good job, no need to double up on
 comms right now.

        Still, as she focuses down, the lyrics of the song reach her ears. Her
 eyes narrow, slightly.

        But some things are harder to hide from others. Like the slowly rising
 concern and anger at the song being sung, even though she keeps it off her

KTS: Sayla Mass targets Kaworu Nagisa, Flay Allster, and Liam 7-020 with
KTS: Liam 7-020 accepts Sayla Mass's Coordinate!
KTS: Sayla Mass coordinates maneuvers, raising Liam 7-020's Piloting!
KTS: Best Defense! Liam 7-020 successfully reacts to Sayla Mass's Coordinate,
 taking 0 damage!

<Pose Tracker> Liam 7-020 has posed.

        The Akashima drifts forwards with slow, steady bursts, every twist of
 its body executed with exaggerated grace. As the team reaches the first large
 chamber, Liam pauses his machine in the entryway for a moment, then jets to
 the side so he's not blocking the exit. His face twists as he sights the
 rounded mass of the egg cluster. <"Eggs,"> he says, decisively. "<Like in that
 Fold relay. There should be guards-->"

        Fuck, Liam thinks, a moment later, as Alto sounds the alarm. A moment
 after that, he fully registers the non-NUNE signatures inside the chamber:
 Nergal machines. The Dianthus. Liam's heart leaps against his ribs.

        Music fills the cockpit. Is that... Ranka's song? It's her, singing.
 "<I'm right behind you,>" Liam transmits--to Kaworu, and all the others.
 <"Watch yourselves. We're pincered."> The Akashima presses itself back-first
 against the wall, letting Unit Beta dart back into the tunnel. It turns to
 follow, pulling its Progressive Sword free. In the confines of the tunnel,
 there isn't much room to do anything else but stab, so that's what Liam tries:
 driving the blade towards a bigger Soldier, and letting his momentum do the

        "<Gaia Saber Gundam,>" he says. "<Use me as cover if you have to!>" He
 doesn't know Flay. Lucine, of course, doesn't need to be told.

KTS: Liam 7-020 targets Kaiju Navi with Progressive Blade Twist!
KTS: Liam 7-020's Tactical Intelligence activates Focus!
Marian Cross transforms to MVF-M11C Murasame (MS Mode)

<Pose Tracker> Marian Cross has posed.

The Murasame received a rather nasty barrage of bio machine gun bullets. Marian
 tried to boost out of the way, but the controls failed her at the last split
 second. The Murasame felt slow to her... Maybe it's the unfamiliar jet fighter
 form of the Murasame, or that the machine legitimately couldn't keep up with
 her. But she can't adjust or tune it now. Nor does she have the skills to do
 it on the fly like the former Strike pilot could. So clicked her tongue and
 gritted her teeth. The hands on the controls tighten their grip. And
 transforms the Murasame into a more familiar form to her, and making herself a
 bigger target to cover for the Dianthus.

Speaking of the Strike, one came into view as Marian and Lucine enters the
 cavern. Among the several other mobile weapons, that one caught her attention
 immediately. It couldn't be Kira Yamato. The original was destroyed some time
 ago. And it couldn't be the Strike Rouge either. It's not pink. Which only
 leaves one possible person left in that machine. "Flay Allster," she muttered
 over public channels. And a look at the IFFs confirmed beyond visually that it
 is indeed the Strike E. "I didn't think I'd see a Strike here."

She scoffed at the Pixie's team lead command. 'Disengage and surrender'? At a
 time like this? This is bigger than a petty border squabble. "You really
 think this is the time for that? The Vajra is a bigger problem than any one
 nation or organization," she responded, not hiding her disdain for SAL and
 NUNE's overreach.

The beam rifle in hand raises to take aim at the Vajra - not the eggs, someone
 else can take care of them while she helps deter the actual threat - and let
 loose a volley of beam fire. She barked at the Dianthus, "Lucine!" She doesn't
 say anything beyond calling out her name. Just trying to get her attention,
 and trusting her to make the best judgement for herself.

KTS: Marian Cross has activated the Strike Spirit Command.
KTS: Marian Cross targets Kaiju Navi with Type 72 Kai 'Ikazuchi' Beam Rifle
 Rapid Fire!
<Pose Tracker> Flay Allster has posed.

The CIWS barrage doesn't actually accomplish much, but that's fine, because
 ultimately, the Vajra reveal their hidden nest - time to take it out. But
 somehow, they aren't even the only ones here... the Murasame looks like it's
 probably one of Orb's, but Flay's never seen the Dianthus. Rose is quick to
 tell them off, while Izumi fires off... puns on behalf of the Nadesico. Not
 convincing! Marian calls her out by name, though. "Familiar, Orb pilot?" She
 asks, with a smile. "It's a powerful machine, but it's really not much more
 than a tool. It just happens to be in my hands, this time."

Sayla says she was simply at the right place at the right time. "They're really
 not letting you forget your past, are they..." She frowns. "Of course, I'm not
 going to turn down the support either."

The guard-type Vajra arrive though, forcing both groups alike to go on the
 defensive. And even though she's a mobile suit pilot now, even though she's
 sitting in the cockpit of a machine with some of the strongest armour on the
 market - it's hard to let go of the fear of being shot at. It consumes her
 attention enough that Kaworu's movements doesn't even really cross her mind -
 though if she thinks back on it later, it WOULD be weird that such a hulking
 machine can move so fast.

As for own situation, though, there's hardly enough room to make a full
 evasion, so the most Flay can do is force the Strike to make a tight jerk back
 to pull it away from much of the machine gun fire. The ones she can't avoid
 simply bounce off the frame's Phase Shift Armour. But even if she's safe, it's
 not done yet... Ranka hasn't even sung her song yet.

Eventually she does, though, and Flay just... regards it carefully. Is it
 really going to work? Or was it a fluke last time? Besides that, there's just
 something strange about it. "What the hell makes her song so special?" She
 asks, off the record, shaking her head, as the Vajra begin to slow.

Liam offers cover, and she also has to wonder why she'd shield himself for
 someone he doesn't know. "If you're going to do that... then at least let me
 cover you!" Flay transmits, aiming the Strike Bazooka from above the Akashima,
 firing armour-piercing rounds at the smaller Mobile Soldiers around them.

KTS: Flay Allster accepts Sayla Mass's Coordinate!
KTS: Sayla Mass coordinates maneuvers, raising Flay Allster's Piloting!
KTS: Best Defense! Flay Allster successfully reacts to Sayla Mass's Coordinate,
 taking 0 damage!
KTS: Flay Allster targets Kaiju Navi with Strike Bazooka Shot!
<Pose Tracker> Lucine Azul has posed.

        < "Alright, Marian, then." > Lucine's voice sounds a little more
 relaxed. < "Thank you for helping here." >

        Further and further in they go, the Dianthus deftly navigating the
 space as well as its radar and its pilot's own senses can manage. < "....
 Let's try the right." > This was a decision of simple luck; it's hard telling
 one corner from the next in terms of something promising.

        Which brings them to the now. Rose's team is one Lucine doesn't
 recognize, but as the others in the team get closer, she begins to feel a

        .... as well as a change in the 'air': a terrible, hot spear of deadly

        Thankfully, it's not coming from Rose, who handles first contact with
 the NUNE team with a tone Lucine may have found curious on its own, if
 something else wasn't calling for her attention.

        < "_Watch out!_" > The alarm goes on the open channel, making it
 unmistakable for Liam's sake, if the sight of the Dianthus itself wasn't

        The first swarms of Vajra come in with bio-bullets, and the Dianthus
 deftly dodges, moving towards Liam's unit for cover. < "Marian, over here--">

        And Ranka sings. The first chords are confusing, until the familiar
 voice begins those words Lucine had heard, many times before. The song Ranka
 sang in the greenhouse, when she still nervous, the one that was used for the
 movie, a peaceful song Lucine had listened to herself, when her source became
 Ranka's album.

        Kaworu isn't the only one who sounds unsettled. < ".... No... This
 isn't..." > Lucine is still on the open channel.
        Another round of bio-bullets tear through the Dianthus in that moment
 of hesitation. It snaps Lucine back into focus, and she goes to the Akashima's
 side, Jun's orders laying over the music. < "... The tunnel we came through
 goes to the other side, where the Nadesico is. Depending on what side they're
 coming from, one may be easier to retreat from than the other." >

        The music is working, at least. But Lucine can't feel happy that she's
 benefitting from it.

<Pose Tracker> Lucine Azul has posed.

         The blades at the Dianthus's back unhinge and spread out, glowing an
 angry magenta. A pulse erupts out, trying to generate distance between the
 Vajra and those around her, especially itself.

KTS: Lucine Azul targets Kaiju Navi with Aure-019 System v.1 Scream!
KTS: Cannot job this attack.  Possible reactions are Accept, Block, Charge,
 Evade, Guard, and React.
KTS: Cannot job this attack.  Possible reactions are Accept, Block, Charge,
 Evade, Guard, and React.
KTS: Kaiju Navi accepts Alto Saotome's 30mm Small-Bore Vulcan Gun Blitz!
KTS: Kaiju Navi's Physical Wall L1 activates, negating 1000 base damage.
KTS: Kaiju Navi successfully reacts to Alto Saotome's 30mm Small-Bore Vulcan
 Gun Blitz, taking 4590 damage!
KTS: Kaiju Navi accepts Ranka Lee's Jam L2!
KTS: Best Defense! Kaiju Navi successfully reacts to Ranka Lee's Jam L2, taking
 0 damage!
KTS: Kaiju Navi accepts Rose Tritten's MMI-M633 Beam Assault Rifle Barrage!
KTS: Kaiju Navi's Beam Wall L2 activates, negating 2000 base damage.
KTS: Best Defense! Kaiju Navi successfully reacts to Rose Tritten's MMI-M633
 Beam Assault Rifle Barrage, taking 2250 damage!
KTS: Kaiju Navi accepts Kaworu Nagisa's Forward Stab!
KTS: Kaiju Navi's Physical Wall L1 activates, negating 1000 base damage.
KTS: Kaiju Navi successfully reacts to Kaworu Nagisa's Forward Stab, taking
 2000 damage!
KTS: Kaworu Nagisa begins a Formation attack!
KTS: Kaiju Navi accepts Ruri Hoshino's Missile Barrage!
KTS: Kaiju Navi's Physical Wall L1 activates, negating 1000 base damage.
KTS: Best Defense! Kaiju Navi successfully reacts to Ruri Hoshino's Missile
 Barrage, taking 2494 damage!
KTS: Kaiju Navi accepts Liam 7-020's Progressive Blade Twist!
KTS: Kaiju Navi's Physical Wall L1 activates, negating 1000 base damage.
KTS: Kaiju Navi poorly reacts to Liam 7-020's Progressive Blade Twist, taking
 4900 damage!
KTS: Liam 7-020 completes the Formation attack!
KTS: Kaiju Navi accepts Marian Cross's Type 72 Kai 'Ikazuchi' Beam Rifle Rapid
KTS: Kaiju Navi's Beam Wall L2 activates, negating 2000 base damage.
KTS: Best Defense! Kaiju Navi successfully reacts to Marian Cross's Type 72 Kai
 'Ikazuchi' Beam Rifle Rapid Fire, taking 1875 damage!
KTS: Kaiju Navi accepts Flay Allster's Strike Bazooka Shot!
KTS: Kaiju Navi's Physical Wall L1 activates, negating 1000 base damage.
KTS: Best Defense! Kaiju Navi successfully reacts to Flay Allster's Strike
 Bazooka Shot, taking 2550 damage!
KTS: Kaiju Navi accepts Lucine Azul's Aure-019 System v.1 Scream!
KTS: Kaiju Navi's Force Wall L2 activates, negating 2000 base damage.
KTS: Kaiju Navi successfully reacts to Lucine Azul's Aure-019 System v.1
 Scream, taking 2070 damage!
KTS: Lucine Azul repulses Kaiju Navi, preventing its from Charging the next
<Pose Tracker> Alto Saotome has posed.

        'Aimo aimo nedel lushe'

        As the song starts up, the Vajra swarm does indeed react. Many of them
 come to a relative halt, their heads twitching around as if looking for
 something. The ones chasing after the Koenig are amongst those that stop.

        Alto brings the heavy bomber around, turning so that the hesitant Vajra
 swarm is brought into view. They are definitely holding position, neither
 charging nor firing.

        Sayla provides a report on the damage. It's not Alto who replies, but
 Canaria, saying with some pride in her voice, "She's a tough girl. She can
 take this kind of punishment."

        Alto meanwhile turns in his chair to look back towards Ranka, watching
 her sing. The various recording devices around her are showing reactions on
 their screens. He only has a basic understanding behind the science related to
 fold distortions, but it does seem like there's a connection there.

        Although Alto had pretty much already known in his heart that this was
 something Ranka could do. Seeing it actually play out directly in front of
 him, with irrefutable proof... It's concerning.

        Also what's with those lyrics?

        Alto can't think about them too much right now though, as they need to
 take advantage of this situation while it lasts. Alto calls out to his
 co-pilot, "Canaria!"

        Canaria nods, "Right!" She rapidly enters targeting information into
 the bomber's system.

        While Canaria is doing that, Alto is checking the surrounding space.
 Judging from spotty reports from the interior team, there's a familiar
 presence in the area. And sure enough, from their new position the Koenig is
 able to spot the Nergal ship under assault from part of the Vajra swarm. As he
 watches the Nadesico's missiles starting to explode some of the Vajra, Alto
 wonders, "What is the Nadesico doing here?"

        There's no chance to ask though as Canaria soon reports, "Firing!" The
 Koenig's upper rear section folds upwards away from the rest of its frame. Six
 large openings can be seen at the end pointing forwards. From within each of
 them, a large missile blasts outwards. They streak out towards the paused
 Vajra swarm, splitting up. As they reach their target locations they detonate,
 causing several large explosions to bloom in space, engulfing numerous Vajra
 within their radius.

        Within the asteroid, a scene similar to outside is playing out. The few
 Vajra that had been on guard stop their initial assault, glancing around as
 Ranka's song filters through the NUNE radios. This gives the two teams plenty
 of opportunity to engage. Rose and Marian open up with beam fire, which is
 easily on point as the Vajra aren't moving. The beams have a little trouble
 penetrating their carapaces, but repeat fire quickly burns through them.

        Still, the Vajra not moving might make them good targets... But it does
 mean the tunnels are currently clogged with them. But Kaworu and Liam look to
 create an opening, pushing through the distracted Vajra with Heat Saber and
 Progressive Sword respectively. It's easy to aim the bladed weapons at
 openings in the Vajra heavy carapaces, eliminating them and getting them out
 of the way. Those that aren't stabbed instead find heavy shells tearing into
 them as Flay's Strike fires while covering Liam.

        As for Lucine's pulse. The energy rushes outwards, washing over the
 Vajra. While the grown Vajra still have their carapaces with defensive
 adaptations to at least dull some of the damage... The eggs inside the nest
 aren't so durable as the pulse travels through the large chamber, ripping
 apart the vulnerable fleshy blobs.

        Unfortunately, it seems as if Ranka's sway over the Vajra is not
 permanent. Or perhaps it was the attack against the nest. Either way, as the
 interior team starts to carve its way out again, the Vajra begin to return to
 their senses. Those that haven't been killed yet begin to give chase. Even
 with the advantage of Ranka's song, everyone here is going to need to
 coordinate if they want to get out alive. So Alto expands his radio
 transmissions to include the Nadesico and its team. Which also means Ranka's
 song will start echoing through their speakers too.

        <"Interior teams, try and collect the Vajra outside in a single
 location. Nadesico, we can then bring the heavy fire on them.">

KTS: Kaiju Navi targets Alto Saotome with Pass!
KTS: Kaiju Navi targets Liam 7-020 with Pass!
KTS: Kaiju Navi targets Flay Allster with Pass!
KTS: Kaiju Navi targets Marian Cross with Pass!
KTS: Kaiju Navi targets Rose Tritten with Pass!
KTS: Kaiju Navi targets Kaworu Nagisa with Pass!
KTS: Kaiju Navi targets Ruri Hoshino with Pass!
KTS: Lucine Azul's Morning Star activates!
KTS: Kaiju Navi targets Lucine Azul with Pass!
<Pose Tracker> Ranka Lee has posed.

That sound of hers.

Is it truly hers? A song - changed - to spread a message she never wanted to

Kaworu speaks, she hears him, but she is singing - and she must make certain
 not to stop. If she does then the experiment is ruined.

Perhaps lives will be lost.

She can't stop - but it is dissonant from her, in ways that Kaworu can
 comprehend better than anyone else, and not just from her musical prowess.

What sort of music are you hoping to create as you become a singer?

I'd like to create music that... touches everything around me. That conveys
 my feelings and stirs the souls even to those who don't have ears to hear my
 music, or the ability to express their appreciation.

Be careful what one wishes for.

        "Go forward, to the frontier,
        "While embracing your proud name.
        "Fly away, to the frontier,
        "And awaken your dormant power."

The song reverberates triumphantly, Ranka's voice carrying the song, no matter
 how dissonant it is from her regular music - the Vajra start to regain their
 senses, and she redoubles her effort, singing more crisply than before.

She has so much talent that even when a song doesn't suit her, it still holds
 so much power in what her mere voice commands...

        Aimo aimo nedel lushe
        Go forward with lightning in your hand.
        Build our homeland right in this place.

The battlefield flares in her vision. She knows it. That image - of the
 Vajra, curling over a massive ship. That feeling of death.

That image of a Vajra, grasping Henry Gilliam, before crushing him in it's
 claws. The smell of blood.

If she sings - people will live. As she sings, Vajra begin to die.

Don't be afraid. We only want to introduce you to your people.

The image is strong, but she closes her heart off to it, because the sight of
 Sheryl in that hospital bed looms so much larger... how could these
 frightening creatures compare, in emotional weight? These indiscriminate
 killers who don't even need to feed on them?

She knows who her people are. She will sing, people will live. Vajra will die.

It is the right thing to do. No matter how much that feeling in her gut tells
 her otherwise.

KTS: Ranka Lee targets Kaiju Navi with Designate L2!
KTS: Kaworu Nagisa accepts Sayla Mass's Coordinate!
KTS: Sayla Mass coordinates maneuvers, raising Kaworu Nagisa's Piloting!
KTS: Best Defense! Kaworu Nagisa successfully reacts to Sayla Mass's
 Coordinate, taking 0 damage!
KTS: Kaworu Nagisa accepts Kaiju Navi's Pass!
KTS: Best Defense! Kaworu Nagisa successfully reacts to Kaiju Navi's Pass,
 taking 0 damage!
KTS: Liam 7-020 accepts Kaiju Navi's Pass!
KTS: Best Defense! Liam 7-020 successfully reacts to Kaiju Navi's Pass, taking
 0 damage!
KTS: Ruri Hoshino engages react against Kaiju Navi's Pass!
KTS: Best Defense! Ruri Hoshino successfully reacts to Kaiju Navi's Pass,
 taking 0 damage!
KTS: Flay Allster accepts Kaiju Navi's Pass!
KTS: Best Defense! Flay Allster successfully reacts to Kaiju Navi's Pass,
 taking 0 damage!
KTS: Marian Cross accepts Kaiju Navi's Pass!
KTS: Best Defense! Marian Cross successfully reacts to Kaiju Navi's Pass,
 taking 0 damage!
KTS: Lucine Azul engages react against Kaiju Navi's Pass!
KTS: Best Defense! Lucine Azul successfully reacts to Kaiju Navi's Pass, taking
 0 damage!

<Pose Tracker> Rose Tritten has posed.

While the rest of the interior team is starting to force their way outwards,
 Rose realizes that the core nest is just going to bring more and more of them.
 The nest has to go down, and it has to go down quickly.

"Sushila!" Rose orders, her ZAKU reaching down to grab a grenade.

"I'm on it!" The Orthros Beam Cannon on her ZAKU Gunner's back unfolded and was
 taken hold, as she planted herself near the entrance of the hive.

"Aspyn! Cover her, don't let any of them get close!" Rose ordered as she
 started to toss Grenades into the hive, their silent detonations rocking the

"Leave it to me! No one's laying a claw on her!" Aspyn grinned as her ZAKU
 slamed it's beam Axe into the head of an approaching warrior.

KTS: Rose Tritten accepts Kaiju Navi's Pass!
KTS: Best Defense! Rose Tritten successfully reacts to Kaiju Navi's Pass,
 taking 0 damage!
KTS: Rose Tritten targets Kaiju Navi with Formation Attack Pattern Epsilon!
KTS: Alto Saotome accepts Kaiju Navi's Pass!
KTS: Best Defense! Alto Saotome successfully reacts to Kaiju Navi's Pass,
 taking 0 damage!
KTS: Alto Saotome targets Kaiju Navi with VB-6 Koenigin Missile Array
 High-Speed Launch!
<Pose Tracker> Sayla Mass has posed.

        "I hope so," Sayla comments quietly to Canaria. "I've had enough of
 seeing space without a cockpit in the way for a lifetime."

        Still, that concern drops away as the Vajra... stop. They stop
 attacking, they stop pursuing. "...I can't believe it..." Sayla's voice is
 almost whisper quiet. "It worked." Fold waves are a technology- or psychic
 phenomena, perhaps- that Sayla does not understand. What she does understand
 is that it works.

        Alto calls out a plan, and Sayla nods- if with some surprise that the
 Nadesico is there. "Relaying our identified targets to the Nadesico," Sayla
 confirms as she opens comms again.

        "<Nadesico, this is Sayla Mass with SMS Skull-4. Sending the data to
 aid with Skull-4's tactics.>" It's been a long time since she's spoken to any
 of the Nadesico crew- despite the fact that she really owes some of them a
 visit. ...Something to resolve later, not now. "<Internal team, co-ordinate
 your attacks! We cannot waste this opening! End it now and get out!>"

        ....Her discomfort with the lyrics has yet to abate. She knows this
 sort of rhetoric too well. Far too well.

        It's not an omen she likes.

KTS: Sayla Mass targets Ruri Hoshino, Flay Allster, and Kaworu Nagisa with
KTS: Ruri Hoshino's IFS Genius activates!
KTS: Ruri Hoshino accepts Sayla Mass's All-Out!
KTS: Sayla Mass orders an all-out attack, raising Ruri Hoshino's Skill!
KTS: Best Defense! Ruri Hoshino successfully reacts to Sayla Mass's All-Out,
 taking 0 damage!
KTS: Kaworu Nagisa accepts Sayla Mass's All-Out!
KTS: Sayla Mass orders an all-out attack, raising Kaworu Nagisa's Skill!
KTS: Best Defense! Kaworu Nagisa successfully reacts to Sayla Mass's All-Out,
 taking 0 damage!
KTS: Flay Allster accepts Sayla Mass's All-Out!
KTS: Sayla Mass orders an all-out attack, raising Flay Allster's Skill!
KTS: Best Defense! Flay Allster successfully reacts to Sayla Mass's All-Out,
 taking 0 damage!
<Pose Tracker> Kaworu Nagisa has posed.

        Though Kaworu and Omoikane may exchange warm greetings, it doesn't
 last. The change in the atmosphere (or lack thereof) with that remix of
 Aimo, so oppressive and intense... The way the Vajra don't even
 meaningfully fight back...
        This isn't what Ranka's song is meant for. The dissonance is
        "<Ranka, you must stop singing,>" he urges her, low but urgent. And, in
 a point towards Ranka's gut: "<Something is deeply wrong.>"
        With Liam and Flay's support, and the Vajra in disarray--even if they
 are starting to recover--it's not difficult to create a path back outside of
 the resource asteroid. Because the Vajra are starting to recover, they
 can't afford to let up on the attack.
        With Sayla relaying information to help both NUNE and Terminal
 coordinate, Unit Beta puts on speed as she tears a path back towards the
 stars, kinetic energy building visibly around the Heat Rapier and radiating
 out towards and into the Vajra.

KTS: Kaworu Nagisa targets Kaiju Navi with Penetrating Stab!

<Pose Tracker> Ruri Hoshino has posed.

        "Come in, NUNE vessel," Jun Aoi opens a communications window, once
 Ruri is able to get a lock on the Nazca-class previously hidden to them. "This
 is Jun Aoi, Executive Officer of the Nadesico. We received information about a
 Vajra outpost and are here to assist."

        And when Alto makes his request, Ruri opens another window, to Lucine,
 Marian, and Izumi. "Please try to draw the Vajra outside," she relays, stoic.
 "Once we've brought them to a single location, we'll be able to fire."

        "You're just going with Altoto's plan, just like that?" Minato asks,
 tilting her head as she looks across to Ruri.

        "That's right," Ruri says, as dispassionate as ever. "Those are the
 XO's orders... and Alto-san has always found victory against the Vajra."

        She doesn't add -- though she thinks, to herself, in her heart -- that
 Ranka is having a hard time, but she's singing as hard as she can, anyway, now
 as audible through their channels as it is through the fold disruptions in
 their data feed.

        Why would she say something so unscientific and unfounded...?

        It doesn't even make sense.

        "Acknowledged, Dr. Mass," Ruri responds, in kind, to Sayla, relaying
 her information to Omoikane in the same breath. There's a pause, on the line.
 "Please check up on Ranka-san when you're able, after the mission," she adds,
 and it's as proper and stoic as anything, but -- it might just be -- a

        If Sayla is with them, surely she'll be able to reach her... more

        And Ruri knows she can trust Sayla, still, even if she can't exactly
 express... why she's worried.

        (Kaworu would know.)

        "The appleseeds are all quite rotten," Izumi reports, as she fires on
 the eggs as she backs away. "But they'll make us very attractive little
 worms!" Surely... surely she means that the Vajra guards will want to follow
 them, when they've been provoked in such a way. She might be
 anthropomorphising them a little too much, but she's... a pretty weird woman.
 Most people on the Nadesico are! Sorry, Lucine, you too.

        The Nadesico manuevers about, lying in wait for the pilots to herd the
 Vajra into place. Once they're secured -- and Ruri finds herself glad for
 Marian's expertise, in the process -- the Nadesico's great jaws begin to
 unhinge, as the Gravity Beam Cannon engages.

        "Gravity Beam Cannon, marking firing trajectory," Ruri notes, as she
 transmits it to all the allied units in the area, NUNE, Terminal, or
 otherwise. "Firing."

        And in one, massive bellow of gravitational force, the Nadesico
 demonstrates why it's the flagship, firing on the Vajra which everyone has
 gathered in place.

Marian Cross transforms to MVF-M11C Murasame (MA Mode)

KTS: Ruri Hoshino has activated the Enable Spirit Command.
KTS: Ruri Hoshino has activated the Attune Spirit Command.
KTS: Ruri Hoshino targets Kaiju Navi with Gravity Blast Cannon - Gravity Blast!
KTS: Marian Cross targets Kaiju Navi with Wurger' AAM Pods All-Out Barrage!
<Pose Tracker> Marian Cross has posed.

A song plays through the speakers in the Murasame's cockpit. "A song...?" she
 muttered under her breath. But she quickly shake her attention off of it.
 She's not going to be confused by it like the weird bugs are. Focus. The
 battlefield is where lives get snuffed as easily as one could lift a finger.
 She lost her squadron, and many more that day. She can't let the same thing
 happen here again. So another transformation, back into its jet fighter form
 where it has access to its missiles. Missiles are limited, of course, unlike
 the beam rifle. And she's uncomfortable with fighting in MA mode, but
 overwhelming firepower might just be what they needed right now to get them
 out of this pinch.

The Murasame flies towards Liam on Lucine's voice, but she follow just short
 behind to provide some cover fire with some more beam fire, and prepares to
 collapse the tunnel on their way out.

"More than I should," she says to the Strike pilot. A little knowing chuckle of
 her own. She's integrated into Orb's upper echelon with her political
 maneuvering. Learned many state secrets. Including the Archangel, and whatever
 other records she could get her hands on. The name Flay Allster is one she's
 more than familiar with, so's the Strike. She let the comment on the Strike
 being just a tool go however. They've got more pressing matters to attend to,
 after all.

And whenever the group's ready and out of the cavern, she flipped the Murasame
 around, and fire all the missiles she had on the tunnel, before once more
 flipping around and escort the group from the back on their way out.

<Pose Tracker> Marian Cross has posed.

A song plays through the speakers in the Murasame's cockpit. "A song...?" she
 muttered under her breath. But she quickly shake her attention off of it.
 She's not going to be confused by it like the weird bugs are. Focus. The
 battlefield is where lives get snuffed as easily as one could lift a finger.
 She lost her squadron, and many more that day. She can't let the same thing
 happen here again. So another transformation, back into its jet fighter form
 where it has access to its missiles. Missiles are limited, of course, unlike
 the beam rifle. And she's uncomfortable with fighting in MA mode, but
 overwhelming firepower might just be what they needed right now to get them
 out of this pinch.

The Murasame flies towards Liam on Lucine's voice, but she follow just short
 behind to provide some cover fire with some more beam fire, and prepares to
 hit the eggs on their way out. Ruri asked to draw the Vajra out. What better
 way to anger them than to destroy as many eggs as she could?

"More than I should," she says to the Strike pilot. A little knowing chuckle of
 her own. She's integrated into Orb's upper echelon with her political
 maneuvering. Learned many state secrets. Including the Archangel, and whatever
 other records she could get her hands on. The name Flay Allster is one she's
 more than familiar with, so's the Strike. She let the comment on the Strike
 being just a tool go however. They've got more pressing matters to attend to,
 after all.

And whenever the group's ready and out of the cavern, she flipped the Murasame
 around, and fire all the missiles she had on the eggs, before once more
 flipping around and escort the group from the back on their way out.

<Pose Tracker> Liam 7-020 has posed.

        Vajra blood sprays out into the tunnel, and splatters the Akashima as
 it shoves the Mobile Soldier's corpse aside. The big machine jets
 'downward'--insofar as anything is 'down', here--giving Flay a little space to
 provide cover fire. The larger machine keeps its bulk between the Vajra and
 the suits sheltering behind it, presenting the aliens with a wall of alloy

        After the third stab, Liam pauses. The Akashima 'kneels' on nothing,
 its free hand braced against the tunnel wall.

        "They've stopped," Liam breathes. For a few moments, anyway--all the
 Vajra seem deathly still, and in that moment, Liam is elsewhere.

        He sees Sheryl's body hitting the water, and the Dianthus diving in
 after. He sees Sheryl in her hospital bed, surrounded by machines. That's just
 one level of the horror.

        What if, Lucine had asked, they find a way to weaponize people with
 this kind of power?

        After all, it's not like they can get away with weaponizing Newtypes
 in this political climate.

        Liam lets out a soft choking noise, and a sharp spike of dread erupts
 through him. Kaworu, of all people, told Ranka to stop. He wants her to stop,
 too, but if she stops...

        The Akashima finally clears the tunnels, emerging into open space.
 Liam's jaw tightens. His body moves on autopilot as he twirls the massive
 machine around, raises its cannon arm, and braces it. Incendiary fire peppers
 the edges of the Vajra swarm, herding them towards a single point--the center
 of the Nadesico's gravity blast.

        "Who wrote this?" Liam asks. His radio is still open. His voice is
 tense with confusion and fear.

KTS: Liam 7-020 targets Kaiju Navi with Akashima Arm Cannon Fluorinated
 Incendiary Round!
KTS: Liam 7-020's Tactical Intelligence activates Alert!

<Pose Tracker> Flay Allster has posed.

Ranka's song is effective against the Vajra - almost effectively so. They
 turned this girl into some kind of weapon against the Vajra... and it
 worked, is all Flay can think to herself as the Vajra don't even make the
 attempt to resist her bazooka shots. But can she really blame her for taking
 on that role, if it's choosing between the Vajra and humanity, like the song
 implies? Will she really have to sing until she can't anymore?

"Mm, is that so?" Flay wonders just who's in that mobile suit, but there's not
 really time to question it right now. "Then let's just consider it an act of
 good fortune that we're fighting on the same side for this mission." She
 offers, as she flies in formation with the Murasame.

And indeed, it looks like they're going to be cooperating with the Nadesico on
 this - as a plan is formed to lure the recovering Vajra out of the asteroid,
 so that the Nadesico can finish it off with its signature Gravity Blast
 cannon. Sayla pushes the internal team to that end. "All right, got it. The
 sooner this is all over... the better." Flay takes a deep breath, putting the
 Strike Bazooka aside, its ammo depleted after covering Liam.

After the Vajra go still, though, there's not much of a reason to remain inside
 the tunnel. Instead, she follows Kaworu and Unit Beta - as while the Aile
 Strike can't really keep up with the Evangelion, it commands a much more
 impressive thrust now that it's out in open space.

Flay reaches for both of the beam sabers mounted on the Striker pack - going
 for a series of brutally efficient slashes against the scrambled Vajra, with
 the intent to use the Aile's sheer mobility to chase them down to the
 Nadesico's coordinates more than anything. Now it's just up to the Nadesico's
 Gravity Blast...

KTS: Flay Allster has activated the Rouse Spirit Command.
KTS: Flay Allster has activated the Daunt Spirit Command targeting Kaiju Navi
KTS: Flay Allster targets Kaiju Navi with Aile Beam Sabers Combo!
<Pose Tracker> Lucine Azul has posed.

        Of course the Nadesico is all weird, Lucine included! It's why Lucine
 felt so much at home.

        < "... And if we egg them on, the early bird gets the worm..." > It's
 like Lucine's attuned to Izumi's own channel of consciousness. And why not?
 It's an oasis against the dark tones of Ranka's song.
        Lucine can't appreciate how dissonant the song is like Kaworu can, but
 she can see just how bad it must be, for him to *ask her to stop*. If she
 hadn't heard the original, hadn't found it so peaceful, hadn't know how
 special it was... Would she feel the same way she does now?

        Would she feel queasy when the Vajra eggs rip apart if she didn't keep
 comparing them to actual insects, and instead viewed them like the drones that
 destroyed so much of Mars?

        It is necessary, for survival-- theirs in the here and now, and for the
 the future.

        ... But it doesn't mean Lucine has to like it.

        And that is the thought Lucine needs to center herself.

        Yellow eyes focus in. Her hands hover over the controls. If Ranka is
 doing this for them, Lucine had better well use it. < ".... Let's get this
 done as fast as we can. Ranka may not want to stop as long as we're in danger,
 even if Kaworu askes her to.... so let's show we've got the upper hand." > The
 quiet words are as much for everyone as they are for Liam, even if her own
 heart wonders the same exact thing.

        The Dianthus comes out of the safety of the Akashima's 'shadow' and
 openly brandishes its spear, as if to cut more defenseless eggs, then flees

        As the Dianthus flies, mines of energy lay down as the Dianthus flies,
 seeking to further herd the attacking Vajra outward towards the Nadesico. <
 ".... _come get me._" > It's not as if the Vajra would respond, even if they
 could hear, but it communicates her actions.

KTS: Lucine Azul has activated the Valor Spirit Command.
KTS: Lucine Azul has activated the Dash Spirit Command and has gained
 proficiency bonus.
KTS: Lucine Azul targets Kaiju Navi with Lunate Crown v.2 Fireflies!
KTS: Kaiju Navi accepts Ranka Lee's Designate L2!
KTS: Ranka Lee designates Kaiju Navi, making it easier to target and opening it
 to indirect fire.
KTS: Best Defense! Kaiju Navi successfully reacts to Ranka Lee's Designate L2,
 taking 0 damage!
KTS: Kaiju Navi fails to engage guard against Rose Tritten's Formation Attack
 Pattern Epsilon!
KTS: Kaiju Navi's Beam Wall L2 activates, negating 2000 base damage.
KTS: Kaiju Navi successfully reacts to Rose Tritten's Formation Attack Pattern
 Epsilon, taking 3312 damage!
KTS: Kaiju Navi fails to engage Evade against Alto Saotome's VB-6 Koenigin
 Missile Array High-Speed Launch!
KTS: Kaiju Navi's Physical Wall L1 activates, negating 1000 base damage.
KTS: Kaiju Navi poorly reacts to Alto Saotome's VB-6 Koenigin Missile Array
 High-Speed Launch, taking 3100 damage!
KTS: Kaiju Navi fails to engage guard against Kaworu Nagisa's Penetrating Stab!
KTS: Kaiju Navi successfully reacts to Kaworu Nagisa's Penetrating Stab, taking
 3780 damage!
KTS: Kaiju Navi fails to engage guard against Marian Cross's Wurger' AAM Pods
 All-Out Barrage!
KTS: Kaiju Navi's Physical Wall L1 activates, negating 1000 base damage.
KTS: Best Defense! Kaiju Navi successfully reacts to Marian Cross's Wurger' AAM
 Pods All-Out Barrage, taking 3750 damage!
KTS: Kaiju Navi fails to engage evade against Liam 7-020's Akashima Arm Cannon
 Fluorinated Incendiary Round!
KTS: Kaiju Navi poorly reacts to Liam 7-020's Akashima Arm Cannon Fluorinated
 Incendiary Round, taking 5700 damage!
KTS: Kaiju Navi fails to engage guard against Flay Allster's Aile Beam Sabers
KTS: Kaiju Navi's Beam Wall L2 activates, negating 2000 base damage.
KTS: Flay Allster enervates Kaiju Navi, reducing its Morale significantly.
KTS: Critical Hit! Kaiju Navi poorly reacts to Flay Allster's Aile Beam Sabers
 Combo, taking 3850 damage!
KTS: [Dynamic Hit] Flay Allster's Fight Until You Die activates, causing Deject!
KTS: Kaiju Navi fails to engage evade against Lucine Azul's Lunate Crown v.2
KTS: Kaiju Navi's Beam Wall L2 activates, negating 2000 base damage.
KTS: Kaiju Navi poorly reacts to Lucine Azul's Lunate Crown v.2 Fireflies,
 taking 3100 damage!
KTS: Lucine Azul anchors Kaiju Navi, preventing its from Evading the next
KTS: Kaiju Navi fails to engage guard against Ruri Hoshino's Gravity Blast
 Cannon - Gravity Blast!
KTS: Kaiju Navi's Force Wall L2 activates, negating 2000 base damage.
KTS: Kaiju Navi poorly reacts to Ruri Hoshino's Gravity Blast Cannon - Gravity
 Blast, taking 5400 damage!
<Pose Tracker> Alto Saotome has posed.

        The grenades lobbed by Rose into the cavern containing the nest start
 to explode, shrapnel ripping through more of the vulnerable egg sacs as the
 explosions crack and shatter parts of the cavern wall, chunks of rock starting
 to fill it. At the same time, gunfire from Izumi's Aestivalis tears through
 eggs, splattering them and punching holes into the cavern walls. Soon enough
 this is followed by missiles from Marian's Murasame, their explosions burning
 a number of egg clusters into ash. Thankfully this far in, the asteroid is
 pretty solid and so won't become too unstable as a result.

        Kaworu is amongst the first to break out into space once again, given
 he was one of those at the rear which turned into the forward charge. The
 openness of space is a relief, almost dauntingly so, to the comparatively
 cramped tunnels. However, there are even more Vajra out here than had been
 inside. Some of them are still a little confused by Ranka's song, but many
 others are starting to approach and give chase. Which is all part of the plan
 of course.

        Kaworu buys time by cleaving into the Vajra monsters as they try to
 swarm the mobile weapons team. It's harder to break through than before, but
 the goal right now anyway is to gather the Vajra in to one place. Meanwhile
 Liam's cannon fires into the collection of Vajra, a number of the smaller ones
 having scorching holes shot through them, while the larger ones tank the shots
 with heavier carapaces. Only for the Strike to come streaking in after the
 shots, its beam sabers taking advantage of the weakened spots to carve through
 the the larger Vajra and separate them into two pieces.

        Lucine is the last one out, the energy mines she lays behind her
 exploding against the Vajra that try to swarm out and flank the team from
 behind, letting them focus their efforts on maneuvering the rest into place.

        Through the cockpit windows, Alto can see the others rushing out of the
 asteroid. And all around them the Vajra are starting to swarm again. It seems
 to be working! Alto fires the bomber's upper thrusters, starting to push the
 craft down towards the asteroid's surface. As he does so, he triggers its
 transformation. The frame of the large shuttle separates into multiple
 segments. The wings with their main engines fold down and spread out,
 extending outwards on legs to form large feet. The upper rear section rises
 out and then splits to either side as the cockpit slides backwards to form the
 upper torso, with the six missile tubes split in half to form two arms on
 either side. The rest of the rear section then rises up, bringing with it four
 giant barrels that that extend out over the top of the cockpit.

        The transformed Koenig Monster lands on the asteroid's surface.
 Numerous panels lining its feet spreading out to snap down on the tough rock
 and anchor the unit.

        From their perch, those in the Koenig can see the great wave of energy
 that is the Nadesico's Gravity Blast Cannon wash over the gathered Vajra,
 their numbers already reduced by conventional attacks but still many in
 number. Many of which seem to hold on under the barrage of energy. For quite a
 while too! This is not the first time the Nadesico has used this weapon
 against the Vajra and they've strengthened their carapaces against it. Still,
 a number of the smaller Mobile Soldiers begin to disintegrate under the
 assault, half of the Vajra numbers being reduced to a crisp under the assault,
 while the rest come out of it alive, if heavily damaged.

        Alto simply asks, "Canaria?"

        Already anticipating the plan, Canaria smirks as she enters firing
 information into the weapons system, "Of course." The four large cannon
 barrels on the top of the Koenig each individually rise up to slightly
 different angles. Canaria then warns, "Hold on, this is going to be loud and
 rough!" She then taps the key to fire.

        The Koenig's four cannons all fire. The counter force from firing the
 heavy explosive ordinance pushes the transformed bomber against the asteroid,
 straining the machine's legs while also slightly altering the rotational speed
 of the large rock beneath. Meanwhile the sound of the blasts reverberates
 through the machine's frame, washing over those within it like they've been
 hit to the chest by a fast moving object.

        The four 320mm shells rush outwards into space, quickly approaching
 what remains of the Vajra swarm. The timers on their fuses quickly tick down,
 until reaching zero as they streak into the Vajra formation. The resulting
 explosions light up this part of space silently. The already damaged Vajra are
 engulfed, unable to withstand the large explosions with all they've received
 already, they too are destroyed by the light before it fades.

        The ol' one-two punch.

        The nest has been destroyed. And though their weapons continue to have
 a tough time get past the Vajra defensive adaptations, the confusion brought
 on by Ranka's singing does seem to provide a tactical advantage. Is this as a
 successful experiment?

        Alto turns in his chair to once again look at Ranka, a smile on his
 face, "You did well."

KTS: Lucine Azul has launched from Ruri Hoshino's combat deck!
KTS: Lucine Azul's Dianthus Mk. 3 has been disabled.
KTS: Kaworu Nagisa's Evangelion Unit Beta has been disabled.
KTS: Marian Cross has launched from Ruri Hoshino's combat deck!
KTS: Marian Cross's MVF-M11C Murasame (MA Mode) has been disabled.
<Pose Tracker> Ranka Lee has posed.

Kaworu demands that she stop, something is wrong. And indeed, she trusts
 Kaworu enough that upon hearing it, she hesitates...

        "Oh you- you the chosen people, blaze together with the meteors.
        "We shall cleave the darkness and obtain eternal glory."

It's notable, that moment where the professional idol's voice hitches, and she
 hesitates but then the song continues. It has to continue... she has to be
 the one to sing it. How many people are counting on her to sing it? Ranka
 puts her all into singing her song, warped and twisted, melodically it marches
 on. The Vajra die, and die, and die...

        "Aimo aimo nedel lushe
        "Now wave our flags above our heads,
        "For this place is the new land of God."

What was a queasy feeling grows, and grows, and grows. An inner glow of
 feelings - that churns in her gut and twists, and spasms, but as the Nadesico
 fires - as the Koenig fires - the explosions engulf them all.

And Ranka bites down to keep herself from screaming as the sudden surge of
 emotional pain - that feels so raw and physical, the sensation of so many
 dying carried into her abdomen.

She's not the same girl as before though, she's the girl who has decided to be
 here on the battlefield. The one who has decided that people live, and Vajra

Their deaths carry, and Ranka looks pale and sweaty, panting... as she holds
 her belly, but unlike before, she doesn't cry out, she doesn't scream.

This death - it is the role she has taken on, to be the people's hope, that is
 what Grace said, what Durandal told her.

Why does it feel so wrong?

Alto smiles at her, and Ranka, straightens up, and smiles back, "You really
 think so? I- guess I can do it."

No. It's not wrong at all. Alto's safe, everyone here is safe. There are no
 more bodies of people - people who matter, people who mean the world to her.
 Sheryl in the hospital... certainly she'll be proud of her, right?

Everything is just as it should be.