Lilium Valerie

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Lilium Valerie
IC Information
Full Name: Lilium Bella Valerie
Gender: Female (she/her)
Species: Cyber-Newtype
Age (Birthdate): 23 (October 23rd, 0076)
BatoOpe Playertag: Shellypage0084
Hair Colour: Black
Eye Colour: Reddish-Pink
Height 5'9 (175 cm)
Job: Angel of Peace
Homeland: AEU Britain
Rank: First Lieutenant
Awakening: 4
Primary Unit: YF-777SA Seraph
BGM: Wanna Be Your Idol - Tommy heavenly6
OOC Information
Origin: Original
Factions: Gaia Sabers
Player: Juneau

A mere soldier, plucked from the rank and file of the Gaia Sabers and reforged into a shining star. An Angel of mercy, the icon of a better, Peaceful future. An obvious industry plant, propped up by Britannian capital. The true voice of the Earth Sphere's people, crying out for justice. The Neo United Nation's Earth's latest pop music sensation, First Lieutenant Lilium Valerie, has been described in all of these ways. Since she suddenly appeared in the midst of the Earth Sphere's idol scene in early U.C. 0100, becoming a true 'Century Idol', her meteoric rise has been chronicled in all state-approved publications as being the full realisation of her childhood dream to heal the world with her song, brought about through her own hard work--and of course, the support and adoration of her fans. Lilium's somewhat eccentric behavior, combined with her music's purported ability to soothe even the most restless soul, has won her the hearts of legions overnight--and any rumors that her adorable eccentricities 'match the behavior patterns of older-model Cyber-Newtypes almost exactly', or that her beautifully-coordinated outfits 'always seem to hide the spots most documented Enhancement procedures leave scars' are surely nothing but slanderous lies, spread by Spacenoids jealous of the Earth's return to dominance in the field of Idols... So Lilium pays them no mind. After all, her music is the path to the peaceful world she truly has always wanted, isn't it..? For that, the so-called Angel of Peace finds the strange whispers in the back of her mind are a small price to pay.


Lilium B. Valerie was once, in many respects, a typical woman of her age—born into the general turmoil of the late UC 0070s, her earliest memories are of news coverage on the general horrors of the one year war unfolding all around the world; yet nowhere to be directly seen from her home in the rural landscape of AEU Britain. The wars would mostly continue to be distant until the Dublin colony drop, which she witnessed from her bedroom window. Deciding then and there that she’d do everything she possibly could to help prevent anything like that from happening again, Lilium set out to become a mobile suit pilot when she grew up. Initially rejected from the AEU Forces’ formal MS training programs once she came of age, she instead found her place as a Wanzer operator and enjoyed a modestly successful period of service through the PLANT war, seeing just enough success to earn a second lieutenant’s commission in the newly-organised Gaia Sabers… and the Mobile Suit that comes with it. She accepted the offer eagerly... but found little success in combat. After a year in her new position, though, a clandestine military program flagged her as an ideal candidate...




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