2025-02-15: Explosion of Love

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<Pose Tracker> Ranka Lee has posed.

The courtyard of Mihoshi Academy is perhaps more lively than it's ever been
 since Sheryl Nome performed here. The entire courtyard facing the school has
 been converted into event stands, packed full of lively fans, cheering so
 loudly that one might forget that Variable Fighters line both sides of the
 school and out front.

Two Nightmares guard the front in Gerwalk mode, with four in Battroid to the
 audience's left, and three to its right. The guns are pointed inward, but
 don't worry about it, the safeties are all on.

With this much security, there's absolutely nothing to fear.

The entrance to the school is now overlapped by a stage, that protrudes over
 the steps, with a colorful mishmash of green and red, the semi-circle shape is
 lined by speakers all positioned to draw attention to the center, where Ranka
 Lee is holding a concert at her Alma Mater. Maybe she never officially
 graduated, but the school definitely claims her as its own.

The school itself gives the image of being designed like a Macross Battleship,
 with twin catapult runways overlapping hallways designed like subdecks, the
 top of the school sporting the effigy of a fighter jet.

Even without all the high tech effects, it evokes the very 'image' of a Macross
 Idol singing to inspire those who fight, and to teach those who aggress the
 power of human feeling through music.

All of these details have long, long faded into the background, for the focal
 point, the League's Songstress of Hope, Ranka Lee - the Super Dimensional
 Cinderella came on stage over an hour and a half prior with a thrilling
 rendition of Afterschool Overflow and Interstellar Flight, followed by
 bringing the energy down with a soulful portrayal of Azure Ether, her own
 version of 'Do You Remember Love?' to cheers from the crowd, before shifting
 to Rainbow Bear Bear, Hello!, and Raspberry Kiss.

The only true high tech in sight, has been the way the idol's outfit shifts
 from song to song, as if this concert was meant to show off her singing chops,
 that she truly does belong among the ranks of the Macross Superstars.

Step, step - the crowd hushes in waves as Ranka takes the stage again, this
 time in the Mihoshi uniform. As she turns, hands folded, eyes lifting up to
 one of the runways that make up the exterior of the school. There's something
 wistful in her quiet sigh for a moment, that makes everyone believe a
 heartfelt ballad is about to begin when

...she clenches her fists in resolution, and-

BGM Change - Love is a Dogfight - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8-94udtouSA

-the music begins in an energetic contrast, as if the audience were baited into
 the mood. In the energetic synthetic tunes of the instrumentals does her
 outfit change into an anthropomorphized variable fighter. A white bralette
 with pink trim, shoulder pauldrons, white short shorts, a yellow headband with
 a pink V, and an antenna. Her legs are encased in white thighboots, and gloves
 sheathe her arms past the elbow. A hand over her face as she sings while
 standing center stage.

        "Even if I'm in a dark rain
        "That pours so hard I want to cry
        "Above the clouds, the blue sky shines bright enough to dazzle me."

The hand slowly moves in rhythm like she's controlling the music with it,
 crossing the space across, before she points on high. And at that moment,
 Ex-Gears take off from the school on both runways, trailing colorful smoke.
 Two of them fly in formation, before a third launches behind the other - as if
 in pursuit. The three break off and figures begin making playful circles
 around each other as Ranka keeps singing on the stage.

        "C'mon, take off
        "From the planet of one-sided love
        "Pierce through the clouds of hesitation
        "As your heart pounds out
        "A supersonic beat
        "I want to convey my love faster than with words
        "Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh."

Placing a finger to her lips, she makes a swooping motion in time with the
 'whoosh-whoosh-whoosh' with her hand. Ranka dances in place, leaning to the
 side, and sending an arm low, like a fighter that's doing a roll, before she
 spins that arm in circles, and pivots, holding out a finger like a gun, and
 closing an eye like she's both winking at the audience and sighting down a

        "I'm gonna fire every kiss missile I've got
        "Gonna lock on with my bouncing chest
        "Love is a dog fight
        "A loving cross fight
        "Miracles spin 'round
        "The skies, my hair, the city, my eyes
        "The two of us spin 'round like flies
        "Love is a dog fight
        "A loving cross fight
        "Miracles spin 'round."

The Ex-Gear overhead make a pass close overhead to the audience, don't worry
 all, they're professionals, but it's close enough that they can all feel the
 rush of wind, the thrill of fighters flying overhead, as they break off again
 in spiraling aerial maneuvers to trail smoke. The Super Dimension Cinderella
 meanwhile waves a hand across her face like she's dashing away tears, turning
 sideways in profile and pumping a fist at the audience in time with the
 movements of her leg.

        "Even if I'm in a dark rain
        "That pours so hard I want to cry, 'I won't hesitate'
        "It seems like you can see them, but you can't
        "The future, the heart, even when they're frozen
        "The stars burn so hot they fill up the Milky Way."

Turning backforward, she wags a finger like she's chiding herself for a
 momentary weakness, before making a V for Victory sign with her fingers, and
 pumping her arm sideways across her face and back as she dances across the
 stage, as that arm begins making whooshing circles again, giving the audience
 a toothy grin as she slips in the Kira pose and winks.

        "C'mon, nose up
        "Out of the lonely darkness
        "Release the limiter of your chest
        "Turn upside-down and
        "Super fall in love
        "I want to feel a love that's faster than light
        "Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh!"

This time, when she hits the next verse, the audience can see the results of
 what the Ex-Gears were sky-writing, a heart with the word Ranka in it, with an
 arrow sticking out of either side. Despite herself, she smiles, and waves
 above as if thanking them, before pivoting back towards the audience
 energetically, waggling that finger in a motion across the center, before
 putting a hand at her chest.

        "I'm gonna fire every kiss missile I've got
        "Gonna lock on with my bouncing chest
        "Love is a dog fight
        "A loving cross fight
        "Miracles spin 'round
        "Time, dreams, wounds, tears
        "The two of us spin 'round like flies
        "Love is a dog fight
        "A loving cross fight
        "Miracles spin 'round."

The Ex-Gear pilots have broken off for a show of dog-fighting between the three
 figures overhead, and despite their daredevil antics, they seem really careful
 NOT to disrupt the show. Perhaps a lesson learned long ago during a Sheryl
 Nome concert? Ranka wraps her arms around herself, and shimmies down to the
 ground in twisting motions, before coming back up.

        "I want to
        "Hold you tight at 17 G's
        "'You'd really think' you can see them, but you can't
        "The future, the heart, even when they're frozen
        "Even if I'm in a dark rain
        "That pours so hard I want to cry, 'I love you'
        "Above the clouds, I'll trace trails of love into the stars."

And then coming in formation, the Ex-Gears all fly overhead again, in one last
 formation, before they arc upwards, rising higher and higher in the twilit
 Island-1 sky, as Ranka raises her hand again, and again - like her spirit is
 rising, before she puts the back of her hand to her face like she was feeling

        "I'll rise so high I touch the vacuum of space and
        "Ah~ black out!"

As she trills the final line of the lyrics, she stands stock still, like she
 truly has passed out in place, until the moment the melody stops... and the
 applause begins, the Ex-Gears all landing again on the elevated strips as the
 applause drowns out their landing.

<Pose Tracker> Alto Saotome has posed.

        'Above the clouds, the blue sky shines bright enough to dazzle me.'

        The handle catapults mounted into the school's 'runways' slide down
 their length, pulling the Ex-Gear equipped students holding onto them up to
 speed. The small engines on the winged power-armours ignite, propelling the
 students into the air, coloured smoke trailing behind them.

        It's common practice for those who are learning to fly at this school
 to utilise Ex-Gears. At least, the civilian models. It's the only form of real
 in-atmosphere flight experience they're likely to get, given real aircraft
 generally can't be flown within the limited skies of the colony spaceship.

        The practice of flying stunt maneuvers for concerts and other events is
 a more niche application of the training equipment. Typically reserved for
 those students at the top of the piloting course, the school concerned about
 maintaining its high reputation amongst the public. Alto was one such student.

        'Was' being the operative word. He's not a student anymore, which is
 why he's not currently up there flying amidst the formation of Ex-Gears as
 they make a close pass over the audience. Instead he's leaning against the
 railing at the edge of one of those raised runways (he pulled some strings to
 get them to let him up there), watching the formation-and the concert of
 course-from above. He watches wistfully as they break, the Ex-Gears rising
 upwards in a triple spiral formation. Though one appears to lag behind just a
 bit. Not really noticeable to the average person, but Alto catches it.

        Alto smiles a little, straightening as he raises his hand, palm flat
 with thumb and pinky finger spread out. He follows the movement of that
 Ex-Gear as it continues to dance through the air.

        Finally though, Alto lowers his hand again to the railing, smile
 fading. When was the last time he felt that exhilaration while flying?
 Nowadays it's all combat patrols and dogfights...

        Alto leans against the railing again, turning his attention to the
 concert playing out below. He watches Ranka, becoming a little transfixed by
 the sight of her dancing and her smile... Distracted as he is, it's probably
 easy to sneak up on him.

<Pose Tracker> Sheryl Nome has posed.

        It's been a long time since Sheryl's been here to Mihoshi Academy. She
 just barely managed to graduate--though some might argue that given that this
 is the only school she's ever attended, it's amazing that she graduated at
 all. Has she made good use of her diploma in flight?
        She feels like probably not. But then, a lot has happened since then.
        Still, because this is her own alma mater--the school she attended with
 Alto and Ranka--it's easier than most places to get into furtively. She wears
 a blue dress with matching beret, white blouse and gloves with pink neck bow,
 and fawn-colored boots. Her face mask protects her from casual
 recognition--not that Sheryl Nome has been in the limelight for some time
 now--but her iconic fold quartz earring hangs from her right earlobe, same as
 always. Rin and Sagiri helped her get on campus, as usual, though she asked
 them to hang back. This might be her last chance to say goodbye to Ranka... to
 Alto... and she'd like a little privacy.
        They may or may not be attending the concert itself. Sheryl didn't ask,
 and won't hold it against them if they do. If they aren't, though... she'll be
 low-key grateful for their loyalty. It's not as though they needed to.
        She watches from the outskirts of the concert grounds as Ranka
 performs, from Afterschool Overflow to Azure Ether to Raspberry Kiss. She's
 positively sparkling... and that first song in particular, Sheryl recognizes
 the feelings she's poured into it.
        After a time, she spots a familiar figure on one section of the school
 roof. Sheryl clutches a hand close to her chest, then works her way around on
 the outskirts. It won't be long before she manages to sneak inside and ascend
 the stairs; she remembers the school's layout well.
        And once she reaches the ceiling, where Alto watches the skies and then
 the concert... Sheryl takes a moment to simply watch him in turn. Then, taking
 a step forward, then another, she removes her face mask with care and tucks it
 away in a pocket.
        She could call out to him; she could simply walk up to him. But
 something stirs in her heart and has ever since she returned to this place. As
 Ranka dances to the chiptune beat of a loving crossfight, Sheryl sneaks up
 behind Alto and attempts to cover his eyes with her hands.
        "Guess who~?" she lilts into his ear, leaning in close.

<Pose Tracker> Ren Takeda has posed.

Being on a business trip had been interesting. But also he was told by his
 adoptive parents that he needed to experience some things a human teenager
 would. And one of those? Concerts!

That being said, the Takedas had managed to get Ren some tickets to the concept
 at Mihoshi. While they had not gone overboard with it, they at least were
 making sure he could leave easily if he wanted. That had resulted in his being
 back a good ways and.. well, now he he's not far away from the two lovebirds.

The amused look he sends over comes with a shake of his head before he leans on
 the railing to watch, one hand going up to the pendant he wears. He is at
 least tapping his foot to the beats of the songs, listening to them. Even the
 buzzing Ex-Gear has him watching in wonder. An eye is given to them as he
 seems in thought, "So those are Ex-Gears?" He tilts his head, "Wonder how hard
 they are to use?"

But the song does capture his attention again, turning back to watch the stage
 and his foot resuming tapping to the beat.

<Pose Tracker> Astarte Spalding-Monteiro has posed.

         Officially, the One Fine Day had come to the Macross Frontier on
 business, acting as a bit of extra security for the airspace around the fleet.
 But, once every VIP had been properly escorted, Astarte had the ship docked
 and dismissed the crew for the evening. It had been a while since their last
 shore leave, after all, and the captain didn't want them to have to watch
 another concert from their battlestations.

         So they had spread out, some making their way into the concert, and
 others choosing to take in the city. "Make sure to stay on this island, comms
 on!" she had commanded before leaving them to their lesiure. "...As if there's
 anything else going on tonight," she adds to herself with a soft chuckle.

         Astarte, having taken off her captain's jacket and cap and leaving
 only her undershirt and trousers, stands by the gates to Mihoshi Academy,
 flanked by her commanding officer Juno Xiao, who was still in full uniform.

         "You know, Xiao, I have to stick around here because I need to be
 ready to mobilize the ship if need be. What's your excuse? Go have fun."

         "I appreciate your concern, Captain, but I'm fine. Like you, I also
 need to be ready to assume duty."

         "Suit yourself. Just don't expect an old woman like me to be exciting
 company, hehe."

         The two glance up at the Ex-Gears as they stunt through the air. "I
 kinda like this Ranka Lee, to be honest. She's got a classic feel, you know?"


<Pose Tracker> Shinji Kaminaga has posed.

Of course, with everything that's gone WRONG at Ranka Lee concerts over the
 years, precaution against disaster is a reasonable thing. And so, tucked away
 in one of the larger classrooms with a (terrible) view of the concert, a small
 field post has been set up with connections back to Frontier's central
 command. And at that field post is an even smaller set of five laptops set up
 in a neat square, with one at the head. At that head is a man in a plain suit
 with an orange armband and tie, both labeled with GGG Red's emblem. Kimio
 Tamura sits patiently, watching the readouts on his screen come through.
 Across from him are two of the finest scientific minds the OCU had to offer -
 Yumi Funaberi, resident xeno- and kaiju-biologist (related but not identical
 fields), who is quietly sipping from a mug emblazoned with a certain adorable
 devil of a mascot from a particular anime; and Akihisa Taki, who has tied a
 Ranka concert headband on and placed glowsticks attached to acryllic stands
 around his desk space in lieu of being able to actually do audience yell
 routines while technically working.

"Ahh..." Taki says, sighing and sitting back as the first number ends. "She's
 really just an exceptional singer, even without all the concert tech. Amazing."

"Where's our 'buddies'?" Yumi asks, ignoring him, directing her attention to
 the chief.

"They're analysts. They're analyzing," Tamura supplies.


A man and woman in suits with STAFF armbands pinned below their orange GGG Red
 bands stand amid the crowd. The short-haired woman appears to be wildly
 uncomfortable just sort of standing there. The man is set so sternly you'd
 think he'd been planted there since the dawn of time - earnestly,
 stone-facedly absorbing it all. Finally, the man, Shinji Kaminaga, tips to the
 side to ask, "Is this some manner of...group worship?"

Hiroko Asami grimaces. "I swear it's like you were never twelve," she sighs.
 "...but also, sort of, yes."

<Pose Tracker> Leon Sakaki has posed.

Movies have endings. Music has its final note. The end of a life is not so easy
 to accept.

No matter how much we sink into the sea of despair and resentment, tomorrow
 will always come and we will have hunger to face. To fill our stomachs, we
 have to work. Sometimes the work that we do to make ends meet is more precious
 than the cause or the ideal behind it.

If the repetition of these things is how people live and die, then it is
 possible that the only true meaning of life is to listen to Ranka Lee on the
 radio as one lies in bed and to dream of a better tomorrow.

To this end, as Ranka launches into Love is a Dogfight, one Leon Sakaki, aka
 Siegfried 1, aka "that chestnut-haired idiot who I hate" is down in the crowd,
 waving his twin green glowsticks like a man possessed.

<Pose Tracker> Lilium Valerie has posed.

Lilium wasn't supposed to be here, not technically. She had... work of her
 own coming up, and by all rights she should be 'practicing' for that right now.

Still, though, she'd never been told not to come. And it wasn't as hough
 people knew her face yet. People she hadn't met, anyway. And a pair of pilot's
 sunglasses and her old motorcycle leathers would be disguise enough for anyone
 she'd met through her old job. Probably. And anyway, all eyes were on Ranka

Well, Ranka and the EX-Gear pilots. The definitely-anonymous woman gazes up at
 the artificial sky, feeling the almost-breeze on her face. her ponytail,
 longer than it used to be, flows behind her in the downdraft-wind. The pilots
 looked well-trained, certainly... but that wasn't her field. Not anymore.

Ranka's actions on the stage, on the other hand, were her business. She'd
 been watching the performer's outfit changes with great interest... more so
 than her actual dance, in fact. Similarly, she found a lot of her attention
 being drawn by the audience... the roar of the crowd, the frantic waving of
 the glowsticks. This was the true strength of an Idol... the power over the
 human heart they possessed. A faint smile on her face, she turns to her
 companion who insisted on sneaking out with her. "This is, like, pretty good,
 right Aurora..?"

<Pose Tracker> Sho Tachibana has posed.

The sharp sea-change in geopolitics has resulted in more complicated operations
 from NERV, and an increase in vigilance for the department of the organisation
 focused on 'intra-terrestrial' threats to human civilization. Hayato Jin
 remains convinced that Emperor Gore will eventually seize on the fraying
 military and political cohesion to strike, and has Getter Team and their
 allies back on full readiness.

He might be notoriously a bastard, though, but he's not wholly heartless and
 does understand the importance of letting his pilots take breaks.

So, with Gai touching base with his large extended family, and Go having looked
 at the advertising for this event and making a face that we can only politely
 describe as 'rude'... that just leaves Sho Tachibana, Getter Team squadron
 leader, on the Frontier - so since it's (more or less still) Valentine's Day,
 she's decided to make a date of it.

> - I'll meet you outside the Academy, Lou-chan!

Sho's red hair, held up in a ponytail with a powder-blue ribbon remains an
 excellent way to pick her out of a crowd. Wearing an iridescent silver cropped
 jacket open over a black wool full-neck haltertop and jeans (and those
 ever-reliable combat boots), she's already starting to pick up on the crowd
 energy as people file in.

====== ======

Once actually in the venue, Sho hands Alouette a pair of glowsticks before
 cracking her own on and getting into it, immediately seeming to vibe with
 Interstellar Flight. When the energy comes down, especially for Ranka's
 take on Do You Remember Love, she slips one arm around Alouette's waist
 and just sways, glowstick raised up to Frontier's artificial sky.

Love is a Dogfight gets her to glance to her girlfriend with a wry grin.
 "She's not wrong, huh?"

<Pose Tracker> Alouette Pommier has posed.

Alouette's only been to Frontier City a few times herself, but it brings back
 fond memories all things considered - whether it was enjoying Sheryl's concert
 at the very same Mihoshi Academy, or doing some summer shopping with her and
 Ranka for the last Deculture Festival before she graduated.

And while she might be even more busy now than she was when she was a student
 - as she finds her duties piling up deeper and deeper with each strange new
 development - but she was luckily able to take some time off for a nice
 Valentine's concert date - as the stars have aligned for Sho too. It doesn't
 hurt that the fact Ranka always seems to be a magnet for danger justifies the
 presence of GGG Blue's Mobile Captain, but really, she's hoping it doesn't
 come to that.

> - I'm on my way, I'll see you soon <3

It's not hard to pick Sho out of a crowd - so it's not long before Alouette is
 right behind you. "Found you!" She declares, before taking her girlfriend's
 hand. Alouette actually brought out the merch for this one, an
 Osanshoo-san-like case overtop her smartphone, which she sets back into her
 purse - along with her usual blouse and skirt combo - in pink and red, for
 Valentine's. "Wow.. you're looking nice today." She feels that Sho might've
 actually outdone her this time...

But now it's time for the show to begin. Interstellar Flight is her personal
 favourite - it was the first song Ranka performed in her first concert and it
 was an instant hook, and it gets the most glowstick action from Alouette. She
 doesn't have as much attachment to the classics... but they're pretty good,
 too. "Of course that one's your favourite." Alouette teases, about Love is a
 Dogfight. "She really isn't, though... I wouldn't have it any other way."

<Pose Tracker> Aurora Dusk has posed.

         Booming music. Loud cheering. Lights in every direction. The roaring
 of the engines from the airshow. Aurora can still function in high-stimulation
 conditions, she'd be useless as a soldier otherwise (and to be Useless is, of
 course, to be Discarded) but she still doesn't often show up to concerts

        Nevertheless, when Lilium proposed 'sneaking out' to go to a concert,
 Aurora agreed. She had nothing better to do anyway, and she's a known enjoyer
 of music. Plus, it's time spent with a friend who hasn't had much time,
 lately. She knows that you have to take time off when you can get it.

        Considering that Aurora is a total unknown and will likely stay that
 way forever, she isn't disguised. She's got her own leather jacket and aviator
 shades, but that's more for temperature-related convenience than disguise.

        Her eyes drift from Ranka to the guard units. Nightmares. Not really
 that great these days. When are they going to get an updated Variable Fighter?
 Probably when it's time for Lilium's debut.

        She doesn't wave her arms or anything, but she still hums slightly.
 "Yeah. It's good," she replies to Lilium quietly.

        "I still prefer Fire Bomber though."

        "We should be careful. Concerts like this tend to have Vajra attacks
 for some reason."

        Nearby, Ren makes a comment about piloting EX-Gears. "I wonder that
 too," the teal-haired girl blurts out. She doesn't really have much in her
 life other than piloting, so it's fortunate she enjoys talking about piloting
 and mobile weapons.

        She returns to casually watching the concert. "I want to fall in
 love..." she mumbles.

<Pose Tracker> Ranka Lee has posed.

While Ranka is always looking at the audience, there is a moment, when she
 looks up and to her right just slightly, because her audience is not entirely
 in the stands. Whether Alto sees her or not, she's looking right up at him...
  but doesn't quite see the figure with him.

Once the applause starts to die down, Ranka smiles toothily at her audience,
 and asks a simple question, "Has everyone has a good time?" Before putting a
 hand to her ear, part of her hair lifting to hear the fervent roar of 'Yeah!'
 in reply, "Your applause... it really touches my heart, every time I hear it.
  To know that I have your support."

She says with a sort of earnest sentimentality, as a single hand touches her
 chest, "Sometimes... when I'm out there, singing, I have moments where I
 really do feel weak. But then I remember that sound. And suddenly I remember
 why I'm doing this."

Perhaps there are two people she was inspired to do this for, but that doesn't
 mean she doesn't want to protect everyone else, and so with a smile she says,
 "That sound... it comes from each and everyone of your hearts. It's like
 when you cheer, I can reach out and feel all of you, in every heartbeat."

As she extends a hand, few of them really know, that she actually does in a
 sense. It's not as if she makes it public that she might be a Newtype. At
 least, that's what everyone thinks - tells her she is. She has no idea if
 it's true or not. "So I wanted to thank you all, by my final number of the
 night being something new, to mark our next part of the journey together."

With the sound of horns, there's a drift of Osanshoo-san shaped lights, and
 Ranka Lee's entire outfit changes into a black and white dress, with a stave
 of notes running down to the hem of the short skirt, the asymmetric top
 creasing the other side in white and orange accents, as grey notes feel like
 they're escaping the dress. On the other, shorter orange side, a sash creases
 along it, as notes decorate a trail down from it to the opposite side. Upon
 her head, a tiny black hat with a frill of lace and white boots round out the

BGM Change - Your Sound - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9njxJnOJupk

And with the melody of plucking strings on an acoustic guitar, she begins to
 sing with a soothing tone, pregnant with affection. Beginning by dancing in
 place with a subdued choreography, save for the hand motion, a weaving of that
 single hand, up and down.

        "Your sound, dokun dokun dokun
        "I can hear it dokun dokun dokun
        "A living sound, a kind sound,
        "That's why I hear a bittersweet sound."

For a time, the singing pauses amidst a solo from the piano, Ranka's arms
 gliding back and forth in rhythm, arms waving from side to side, until the
 moment she lifts her microphone back up, and continues the side to side dance.
  In the audience, people begin to follow the rhythm of the new song, waving
 their arms back. There are all kinds of people here today, and amidst the
 strange Vajra costumes that so many are wearing, as if to celebrate her role
 against them.

        "If we can smile for the wind
        "To make the flowers bloom
        "If we can shed tears
        "So that the rain can water the grass."

Noone, not within the audience, or the security notice when several smaller
 'Vajra' (Because surely not) wave their Antennae in time with the crowd, and
 the swaying of Ranka's limbs, eyes and forehead shining. It's just really
 good cosplay, right? Even if their bodies are shaped in ways no human's could
 ever be - the kids these days are just so creative.

Picture of Completely Ordinary Audience Members - https://imgur.com/SSQvdhU

Shinji asked, is it group worship? Ranka certainly doesn't seem to consider
 herself their Goddess, or the like. Her fans can get a little intense
 sometimes, but this group is especially intense, just look at that realistic

She may not be a Goddess... but she is definitely their Queen.

        "Our wishes are alright;
        "There's no need for a coat of doubt
        "It's ok to be interrupted once in a while;
        "We won't ever part again."

Ranka's pose returns to simply having her hand over her heart, as she leans
 forward to address the audience again, like the feel of someone's heartbeat
 was drawing her forward to them.

        "Your sound, dokun dokun dokun
        "I can hear it dokun dokun dokun
        "A living sound, a kind sound,
        "That's why I hear a bittersweet sound."

And before long, she's dancing in place anew, celebrating the rhythm of the
 heartbeat of a special someone - someone's in her life, a smile on her face,
 as she presents her hands outwards, still clutching the microphone. The
 crowd, despite this being the first time hearing the song, has already picked
 up on the cues, as Ranka shouts, "Okay! Everyone with me now!" As she begins
 the line, before pointing at all of them for 'dokun dokun dokun'!

        "Love is (DOKUN DOKUN DOKUN)
        "Until we awake (DOKUN DOKUN DOKUN)
        "With these hands
        "I want to touch your loneliness all the more
        "We shut our eyes tightly,
        "The both of us waiting for dawn."

Other than the costume change, there are no special effects this time, and
 that's entirely by design, and perhaps that's part of the show, to understand
 that while these effects are all part of the performance, the showmanship
 involved in being a Macross Idol, that Ranka is able to perform without them,
 entirely on her own merits, just this - and this connection between her and
 her fans. Perhaps it's only a stunt from her manager, to show off, but more
 likely it's that she herself would not be satisfied if she couldn't do this.

        "If our eyes could meet,
        "For the stars to bridge the darkness
        "If our fears would melt
        "Such that the moon forgives everything."

Abruptly the tempo of her dance picks up, in a twirling motion of her arm, as
 she dances from side to side, with each twirl, the hand ending up on her hip,
 before on the last verse, it ends on her chest again - then stretches out
 again, beckoning the audience.

        "Will we be able to fly without getting lost?
        "Even the compass needle does not know
        "Can we fly to the ends of today?
        "I want to protect this forever."

Again, she points to everyone again on the 'dokun dokun dokun' to hear them
 all, as her hair lifts on one side, but as it comes back down in place, she's
 got a toothy grin on her face, as she makes a motion like she herself is
 forcing a shoulder bump to someone beside her, putting a finger up like 'Don't

        "Your sound (DOKUN DOKUN DOKUN)
        "Even though it's faint (DOKUN DOKUN DOKUN)
        "When our shoulders bump
        "It quickens such that I can hardly breathe."

The melody picks up, in a medley of so many instruments, as Ranka's hand comes
 back to her chest, even the choreography of this song is soothing, as Ranka's
 own tempo picks up to match the song, in the side to side of the dance steps,
 in the movement of the arms.

        "My chest dokun dokun dokun
        "Something that's certain dokun dokun dokun
        "This feeling, and the plum blue sky
        "So beautiful that we can't move
        "A living sound, a kind sound,
        "That's why I hear a bittersweet sound."

But now she stops center stage, with a shake of her hips to the rhythm of dokun
 dokun dokun, a hand lifting up, thumping on air like it's a heartbeat, as the
 motions of her arm slows down, becoming more sweeping...

        "Love is dokun dokun dokun
        "Until we awake dokun dokun dokun
        "With these hands
        "I want to touch your loneliness all the more
        "We shut our eyes tightly,
        "The both of us waiting for dawn.

... until it ends beside her face, her eyes closing, as the melody closes out
 with an expression of utmost contentment, as the applause begins again, and
 Ranka, can't help but smile.

"Thank you all... it means so much to me that you all came out here tonight...
  and for Mihoshi Academy, for agreeing to host us. It's a place that means so
 much to me, because of all the precious memories I made here."

She puts a hand to her chest.

"Including this one... I hope tonight, I'm able to make one more. Wish me
 luck, everyone."

Although the crowd lacks context, they cheer 'Good Luck' in turn, and keep
 cheering, even as she waves at them and leaves the stage, it'll be some time
 before the audience even starts to leave.

But many pairs of glowing eyes certainly watch her go, amidst the crowd.

<Pose Tracker> Alto Saotome has posed.

        The song ends and Ranka procedes to talk about how she feels while
 she's 'out there'. She's fighting too, in her way. Alto notices when she
 mentions the times she feels weak. He wonders if she's thinking the same thing
 he is. She has to be, right? Using her song to fight... It's surely not what
 she intended. Here the two of them are, very different people from the last
 time they were at this school.

        Lost in thought, Alto is initially quite confused as darkness overcomes
 his sight. But the 'Guess who?' clues him in as he instantly recognizes the
 voice. Simply too surprised and shocked to play along, Alto spins around to
 face the person he hadn't seen-or even spoken to-in months. And certainly not
 from lack of trying!


        The sight of Sheryl causes a sudden barrage of feelings and thoughts,
 which confuse Alto. While trying to sort through them he starts to feel a
 little self-conscious. Glancing around he realizes that the two of them, at
 the roof's edge, are easily observed by the entire concert audience below. Not
 to mention the Ex-Gears that are coming back in to land. Alto's confused brain
 decides to make him grab Sheryl's hand, dragging her away from the edge and
 towards the rear of the rooftop runway.

        Once somewhere a little more private, Alto lets go of Sheryl again and
 spins around to face her. He starts to barrage her with questions, a mixture
 of worry and confusion in his voice, "Where have you been? Why are you here?
 What happened after the hospital? Why haven't you contacted me since then? I
 tried to find you but all my attempts ran into dead-ends." As if something or
 someone was trying to keep him from finding her.

<Pose Tracker> Sheryl Nome has posed.

        Sheryl can't help it; Alto's shock makes her giggle mischievously as
 she retreats a few steps. She's moving to clasp her hands behind her back when
 Alto grabs one of them and pulls her to one side, out of easy view of the
 concert. Of Ranka, announcing her final number for the concert.
        "Wh--hey!" she protests, but without any heat. She lets Alto lead her
 by the hand to a more private spot, heart pounding painfully. Once they're
 there, and he spins around to interrogate her, Sheryl can only give him a
 muted smile.
        "You're so cute," she murmurs, brushing a lock of blonde hair back; her
 earring sways in its wake. She meets Alto's gaze, now somber. "I came to say

<Pose Tracker> Ren Takeda has posed.

The comment from nearby has Ren turning to look at Aurora. He blinks a few
 times, giving a smile her way. "I have heard it is hard. I want to try one
 sometime. Add in that the integrate with the newer VFs and they sound like a
 part of a system that is very nice. Perfect for explorations definitely. Plus,
 they sound like you can use them for physical controls or something. I didn't
 read up on them that much yet."

Deciding to at least make one friend he walks over towards Aurora while Ranka
 is talking for a moment, stopping to turn back to the casual watching. "I'm
 Ren." He says towards her, then the comment makes him reach up to touch that
 pendant he has on.

"It can be a good thing at times. Worse at others." He says, looking back. The
 music has him swaying on the railing a bit instead of waving his arms in the
 air. He shakes his head a bit, "... need to thank my parents for sending me to

<Pose Tracker> Astarte Spalding-Monteiro has posed.

         Astarte notices some of the cosplayers out of the corner of her eye
 and lets out a scoff. "Bit in bad taste, hm? Well, far be it from me to
 understand these young provocateurs. Probably have a camera around for their

         "Security should really discourage that..."

         "Long as they're not hurting anyone, they got a right to free speech.
 No matter how tasteless."

         As Ranka finishes her set and addresses the audience, Astarte gives
 her a jubilant clap, while Juno's applause is a more restrained golf clap. The
 two linger as the audience scatters, not having much to do until their VIP is
 ready to leave. "I do feel bad about keeping the crew away from their special
 someones this Valentine's. Duty waits for no man, I suppose."

         "They knew what they were sigining up for, Captain. You're not the one
 at fault here."

         "I know, I know, but I can't help but care. So Xiao, you got anyone I
 was keeping you from today?"

         Juno coughs, taken aback by the question, but keeping her professional
 air. "I... No, Captain. I've dedicated myself to my duty. Again, please don't
 worry yourself on my part."

         "I can't recommend it enough. My time was short, but it was a hell of
 a time." She sighs. "I do miss him around this time of year, though."

<Pose Tracker> Sho Tachibana has posed.

Is Sho treating her and her girlfriend's fashion as a competition?

It's Sho Tachibana; everything is some kind of competition to her. The fun
 part, of course, is that they both win, in cases like this. "You look great,"
 she returns to Alouette, grinning, before heading inside.

As Ranka addresses the audience, Sho pauses to listen, exchanging another look
 with Alouette where her confident demeanour fades to something a little
 softer. As Ranka starts her new song, that soft look becomes one of surprise -
 "Oh, this is cute." before she leans into Alouette again, swaying with the

This is not a song for dwelling on the past, she feels - the rhythm and
 orchestration buoy her up and push her forward. As the song closes out with
 the accompaniment of distant engine roars, it's almost like she's in the
 cockpit of Neo Jaguar, streaking across Earth's skies - not on a mission, just
 savouring the feel of flight.

"Good luck!" She roars out to Ranka, waving her glowstick in the air as the
 green-haired idol departs the stage.

<Pose Tracker> Shinji Kaminaga has posed.

Yes. A queen. A goddess. An object of adoration and centering. The line
 connects, for Shinji, at least.

This is not the only star in the sky with an idol, after all. There is a
 sincere intensity with which he watches, even if his expression appears
 totally empty of preconception.

"What do you think?" Hiroko asks him, a curious squint to her eyes. "I hear
 even folks who've never heard a song before melt when they hear this music.
 That's how we befriended the Zentradi - so the story goes."

"It was," Shinji says, without looking at her. "The textbooks agree. How would
 you describe it? In terms of your emotionality?"

Hiroko gives him the frump of a lifetime. "Did that rock break your head," she
 sighs, and shakes hers. "I suppose it's...lovesick? Longing. Everyone gets
 feelings like that, right?"

Shinji says nothing, but his eyes perceive all. "Yes. Wishes are a common

Back at the SSSP station, Taki has had to excuse himself to sing his heart out
 in the hallway. Yumi says to their boss, "Frontier central says no Fold waves,
 by the way," and bites a muffin.

<Pose Tracker> Alto Saotome has posed.

        Being called cute makes Alto go a little red. It's not quite the same
 as when people call him pretty. Especially given who it's coming from.
 However, he doesn't let the comment distract him as he doesn't fail to notice
 that Sheryl hasn't actually explained anything. He's about to insist further-

        -When she says she's here to say goodbye.

        Alto freezes. There's a significant amount of finality in those words.
 In the way she says it. There doesn't seem to be an 'I'll be back later' to it.

        Still, hoping that that's not the case and mistaking her meaning, Alto
 asks, "Where are you going? I-" He cuts himself off from saying more though as
 Ranka's song filters up over the edge of the roof from below. 'We won't ever
 part again.'

        Alto's heart and mind are clearly torn as he tries to process
 everything. Giving Sheryl plenty of time to act first.

<Pose Tracker> Aurora Dusk has posed.

         Aurora turns to look at Ren and nods. "The jets are good for
 maneuovreability, and I've heard there's a military variant that looks like a
 person sized mobile suit. Almost like cosplay." The mechanical augmentation
 aspect reminds her of cyborgs... "...they're considered less invasive than
 actual augmentation. I don't really know about the pilot-machine integration
 aspect, though." Aurora is under no illusions about whether or not wearing one
 of these would be the same as being augmented properly, but she still wonders
 if it would feel like becoming more mechanical...

        "My name is Aurora." Her face maintains its usual introversion, but her
 eyes don't seem as cold as they're coloured, somehow.

        "I wouldn't really know about it..." Aurora probably isn't emotionally
 mature enough to process feelings like that, anyway. Call it a project for
 when her self-actualisation is better! "...Your parents sent you here?"
 Briefly, Aurora strokes her jacket. Another thing she's never really had.

        At some point, Aurora makes to shift for a better view and finds
 herself bumping into an enthusiastic glowstick-waver called Leon. With those
 arms waving around, there are good odds she'll take one to the head. "!"
 Either way, bumping him staggers her a little. Enhanced though she may be, it
 was an unexpected hit, and she exhales a little breath.

<Pose Tracker> Sheryl Nome has posed.

        Sheryl shakes her head slowly, even as Alto cuts himself off. She has a
 pretty good guess of what he was going to say, because for all his grumpiness,
 he is a kind person, just like the lyrics of Your Sound say. His is a
 living sound, a kind sound... That's why--
        "You can't come with me," she replies, gentle but firm. "You have to
 stay with Ranka. Or are you going to leave a scared little girl all on her
        This she says as a joke, a smile lightening her leaps as she leans
 forward, arms akimbo. The humor is clear: it's a paraphrasing of what she said
 when the three of them were trapped in a shelter during a Vajra attack all
 those years ago. Ranka's hardly a scared little girl now.
        And yet, even so.

<Pose Tracker> Lilium Valerie has posed.

This was, of course, technically for her work. She'd been to concerts before
 (hadn't she?), but she needed to get used to the experience of one again with
 her new... Abilities taken into account. That was the excuse she was planning
 on using, at any rate.

Maybe taking Aurora to a concert was a bad idea, though... she could handle it,
 seemingly, but it might not exactly be her idea of a good time. Lilium can...
 tell. Just about. It's an uncomfortable sensation--and one she doesn't really
 know how to interpret just yet.

Indeed, the sound of the audience all around her is, to her, only almost as
 loud as--

"...Their Hearts." The woman inclines her head slightly to the side. Ranka Lee
 has finished her thought for her. Or more accurately, had been thinking about
 the same thing already. Was she..?

Well.. that was what Lilium had been remade to compete with, wasn't it. And the
 audience's hearts... they really were quite loud.

She isn't carrying glowsticks herself, but she lets out a wistful sigh... if
 she'd had more time, she could've seen if she could have a few routines for
 them written to her muscle memory.

She turns down to Aurora. "...I guess that's fair... I dunno how I feel about
 them... that's the Fire Valkyrie ones, right?"

She shakes her head at the warning, a faint smile on her face. "I'm sure they
 know that, too... There's probably more security than just those Nightmare
 FV.5s, right..?" She's slipped back into using the AEU British designation
 system. Nobody would ever suspect a woman using that of being in the Gaia
 Sabers, she thinks. She's so smart. Really, she should've been in

"They're even letting people dress as Vajra... pretty convincing costumes,
 but they're still--"

She focuses her attention on one of the 'cosplayers'. That heart doesn't sound
 right, does it..? But it's probably just the--

Something is wrong.

--costume, the costume is muffling it. "They'll definitely have an evacuation
 plan, anyways... even for non-Vajra incidents. It's normal concert stuff. I've
 been learning about it."

...She's distracted from whatever's going on with the 'Cosplayer' by Aurora's
 faint mumble. "...I want to fall in love, huh..." she says, practically
 inaudibly. She feels like she should relate to that more.

<Pose Tracker> Leon Sakaki has posed.

Leon lets Ranka's music suffuse him, filling him up with warm emotion and
 putting a smile on his face. As she exits the stage, he takes a deep breath
 and looks around at the arena around him.

Mihoshi Academy is a quaint place, one that Leon thinks is almost picturesque -
 like it's another fancy backdrop for Ranka's concerts, more idealized fantasy
 than real life. Leon almost wishes he had been able to attend a place like
 this to learn to fly, instead of the NUNE training academy he, Mia, and Rod
 had studied at. It seems much kinder.

"Great show, right?" Leon says to an audience member next to him. He receives
 nothing but a glowing stare in response.

"Oh, that's an awesome cosplay! It's so lifelike" Leon reaches out to poke one
 of the "cosplayer's" stalks, before he is interrupted by a sudden collision
 with Aurora.

"Holy crap!" Leon jumps back for a second, pointing his glowsticks at Aurora
 like weapons. "Oh- oh" he says, calming down. He takes another look at Aurora,
 squinting his eyes.

"Have we met before? I'm Leon Sakaki, S.M.S. Sep- Frontier Branch."

<Pose Tracker> Alouette Pommier has posed.

A little healthy competition is always welcome - and it certainly doesn't hurt
 that it means their outfits always end up complimenting each other somehow.
 "Merci~" Alouette smiles, before considering the chatter around them about the
 Ex-Gear. That's a kind of outfit, too, right? "Has NISAR ever considered
 adopting that kind of flightsuit? They look a little on the bulky side... but
 somehow I feel like it suits the Getter Machines pretty well." She considers.
 "Actually... it reminds me a little of Guy's ID Armour."

Alouette listens to Ranka's words, then - she really has come so far since the
 time she debuted, but her reasons for singing never wavered. She looks to Sho
 with a nod, as Ranka speaks of journeying together. What kind of song might
 she sing next...? It might not have the sheer electric energy of something
 like Interstellar Flight, and the special effects are more subdued - but
 Ranka's performance 'Your Sound' has its own power to it. Alouette's glowstick
 moves gently with the sound of engine roars.

...Before she considers what Ranka says about making one more precious memory
 at Mihoshi. She doesn't have the full context, but she does know what day it
 is. Ranka must have someone very special to her as well, doesn't she? And if
 you love someone... you can't leave it unsaid. "...Best of luck, Ranka!" She
 chimes in with the rest of the crowd.

<Pose Tracker> Alto Saotome has posed.

        Sheryl sees right through Alto, calling him out on the very thing he's

        And yet, even so.

        "What about you?"

        Sheryl might seem like she's fine. She might seem like her usual self,
 the indomitable Galactic Fairy. But Alto knows she's more than that. He knows
 her better than that, "You can't do this alone." He's not entirely sure what
 'this' is. But he knows he's right.

        'I want to protect this forever.'

<Pose Tracker> Ranka Lee has posed.

The concert hasn't been over for long, but Ranka was a whirlwind backstage, as
 she's back in her first outfit of the night, a light pink strapless dress
 that's cut across the arms, a ribbon around her neck, and Alto's necklace on.

I'm going to say it!

Being back at Mihoshi after so long, knowing he was up there on the rooftop...
 Sheryl may be far away, but... she wants to say it. It's the perfect image
 up there, where she doesn't have to be an idol, and he doesn't have to be a
 pilot. They can just be how it was like back then, with everything else
 stripped away.

I'm going to finally tell him how I feel!

Tearing up the stairs towards where she glimpsed his form watching from above,
 the tap of her heels in quick rhythm, she hurries towards the bright light
 marking the entrance to the rooftop.

And then - I'll ask him to come with me so we can find Sheryl together...!

Her heart is quickening, faster than it ever was during the performance before,
 up and up, closer and closer.

So... that I can tell her ...

But for all of her momentum, as she reaches the top of the stairs, it all dies
 in a single moment from the sight at the top.


On her way out of the concert, a second year at Mihoshi with a brown pony tail
 enthuses, "Oh it was the best! She even debuted a new song! ... No. She
 didn't mention anything about the release of a new single or anything, but..."

Something splatters on her face at that moment, "Eh?" She puts a hand to her
 face, wondering if it's raining, but when her hand is pulled away...

... the stain upon it is quite red. In horror, she looks up, only to see half
 a man - the upper half, falling towards her, splattering blood as it goes.

His lower half hits the ground a half second after she begins screaming.

BGM Change - The Target - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dRBlX-7qvzU

Moments later, gunfire erupts everywhere, as dozens of Vajra Fliers - small
 things about two meters tall with strange insectoid forms, buzz in from above.

Security begins firing their assault rifles, as one of the Battroids gets up to
 swing around, only for two Vajra to THONK into the side of it, as that
 Battroid topples backwards, knocking down it's fellows.

It's pandemonium in short order, for reasons which include the fact that the
 small agile fliers, begin to fire bio-lasers, that streak towards the assault
 rifle lines, detonating concrete around them.

While another simply swoops in and bites a man's helmet clean off.

Soon enough, flying over the concert site, those Vajra that had been previously
 pacified by Ranka Lee's song? That is no longer the case... they're very
 much within the Island, and all people here make targets.

One arcs down near Leon, it's arm like a Scythe, as it cuts an arm off a
 security guard that was firing off of it, as the man starts screaming, he
 lifts him up without a care...

Whereas another suddenly looks upon Alouette... wings buzzing, as it begins to
 dive right towards her.

Still another body comes flying past Hiroko Asami, as a woman is abruptly
 silenced by the impact and a sickening crunch.

The Vajra?

They're here.

OOC Note: The Vajra are attacking, for the Fliers you may feel free to take
 them out, even on foot, but most people will require concentrated small arms
 fire to do so. I put out a few scenarios here, but you're welcome to make

<Pose Tracker> Sheryl Nome has posed.

        Sheryl chuckles. He is right; she couldn't do this alone. But she's
 not about to out her partners in crime. Maybe the fact that she takes what
 Alto says in such stride might be a hint to that fact--but then again, maybe
 not. She knows how much she relies on the support of her friends... how much
 she's relied on that ever since she came to the Frontier. However, what she's
 doing now is purely for herself.
        And indeed, while it was her trip around the world to the impact sites
 of the Break the World event that motivated her to start writing music again,
 it was her feelings for certain people--for one certain person--that prompted
 her to write this song in particular. As such, there's one particular message
 she wants to convey, here and now.
        "Alto... that doesn't matter. Some things just can't change, no matter
 how badly you want them to." She turns to look over her shoulder. Ranka's song
 has ended; she's calling out her final message to her audience. She's grown so
 much. Sheryl can't help but feel proud of her, no matter how tightly her chest
 squeezes. She bows her head, smiling slightly; then she meets Alto's eyes. "So
 for now... for my goodbye... will you listen to my song?"
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dDrOUuSiowE (When We Can't Meet)
        Sheryl of course doesn't have the music backing, the lights or the
 stage that Ranka did just now. Her voice likely won't carry off this rooftop,
 and with the both of them standing back away from the edge, her figure won't
 be seen either. But that's all right. This message is one she wrote for him.
        "When we can't meet, listen to this
        "Things that are only mine--let me sing about them
        "When I am by your side, I can't say it
        "So this sweet kiss is mine..."
        She smiles bittersweetly as she takes a step closer to Alto, raising a
 hand to caress his cheek if he'll let her. Even if he won't, she soon brings
 that hand back to her chest as her voice vibrates with the emotions she's
 never quite been able to tell him directly up until now.
        "You're important to me, so that's why
        "Sometimes I want to tease you... mm...
        "Doing many things, touching many places
        "I want to see your troubled side
        "What should I do?
        "I don't want to leave you... oooh..."
        But... she has to leave. She doesn't have long for this world. She
 loves Alto, and she loves Ranka--and so, while she wishes she could stay
 here with them... she knows she can't. It's better for them to have each
 other, to comfort each other. That way, they can both be happy. She wants that
 for them; she truly does.
        "'I love you'
        "It would have been good if I had said that more..."
        Even so--
        "I love you
        "Love you... mm..."
        Sheryl Nome isn't so selfless that she can let it go at that, either.
 What she's doing now is purely for herself.
        Eyes shimmering with unshed tears, she steps the rest of the way
 closer, slipping her hands onto his chest. Her lips rise to seek his, and
 close the distance that remains.

<Pose Tracker> Ranka Lee has posed.

Ranka stands stock still and it's like she doesn't trust what her eyes are
 seeing at first, with Sheryl's lips against Alto. "No way... Sheryl?" As far
 as she knew, Sheryl vanished from the hospital, and out of the public eye.
 She felt her in Africa... but...

... the last thing she expected was to see her here... with Alto... and the
 two of them...

She was doing this... she agreed to do this, for both their sakes. She'd
 fully been feeling she'd been doing something wrong despite her efforts
 protecting people, saving people.

Don't be afraid. We only want to introduce you to your people.

Ignoring that warm sensation, that song meant only to comfort her. That
 beckoning draw for her to come with them 'home'. She ignored it all as she
 thought, it was for their sakes. But... seeing them together like this. Was
 she expecting...


... was she expecting to be rewarded for doing that? In this moment, she
 thinks of Kaworu, and his feelings - and knows she was being more selfish,
 than selfless.

She takes a step back, lifting a hand, trying to ignore the warm sensation
 beading in her eyes, trying to keep it together

"Excuse me... Ah. I didn't mean to..." She's not keeping it together very
 well though. And the sudden screams erupting fully cause any attempt to
 recompose herself to fail, not just in what she hears, but in the horror of
 what she feels. The knowledge that...

... the Vajra, they're attacking.

She turns around suddenly, and says, in higher tinny pitch, voice cracking
 under the strain, "Sorry!"

As she hits the stairs, it's the same moment the Battroids start to fall,
 striking Mihoshi, as the building rumbles, she fully isn't looking though, and
 steps wrong as the tremor hits. Immediately off-balance with a cry of alarm
 she falls forward, landing sprawled over two of the steps, her arms down, her
 eyes full of tears.

"... I hate this."

Even as the world falls apart around her, so too does she.

<Pose Tracker> Astarte Spalding-Monteiro has posed.

         As screams fill the air, Astarte and Juno feel their muscles tighten
 under their skin. "CAPTAIN!"

         The captain grips the handle of her cane, her face immediately
 sharpening from her usual relaxed expression. She pulls an earpiece out of her
 pocket and puts it on, a direct line to the crew. "One Fine Day, this is
 Captain Spalding. Get back here NOW! We've got a Vajra attack! Anyone who
 brought arms, take out what you can!" She turns to Juno, standing up
 straighter than she was previously, assuming a more commanding presence. "XO,
 back to the ship! Get everything warmed up! I'll make sure the rest of the
 crew gets back." She holds out her hand, fingers curled up. "I'll have to
 borrow your sidearm."

         Juno hesitates for a second before unholdstering her pistol and
 placing it in the Captain's hand. "Right away, Captain! Be careful!"

         Astarte nods as Juno salutes and runs to the hangars, cocking the
 pistol as her cane drops to the ground. "It's not much, but it's better than
 nothing!" She points the gun into the air, taking shots at Vajra as they fly
 past, darting between whatever cover she can find. Don't stay still, because
 they sure as hell won't.

<Pose Tracker> Ren Takeda has posed.

That there was suddenly violence. Right there. Has Ren pause barely a second as
 an arm ends up on the ground. Leon just introduced himself as some sort of
 military. That means the next closest people are the ones that need to get

Training takes over as he reaches towards his belt for a second before
 stopping. The vajra were peaceful until now, right? So why?

He looks around to assess what is going on. "Why now...?" He asks as he backs
 away carefully.

A part of him looks closer at what is happening but he can't see anything so
 far. That there is something going on has him worried. Docile space bugs is
 one thing. He has dealt with those. Even hostile ones. Now, though, he turns
 to the nearest one and waves his hand at it before sending out a telepathic
 thought at the primitive mind, << Hey! Over here! >>

If nothing else, his experience should help him a bit. He sees the lasers
 firing, and he can tell they are trying to eat people. If he can distract a
 few, he's going to do it. He glances towards another and sends out the same
 message hoping to make them turn towards him so he can lead them on a bit of a

<Pose Tracker> Ren Takeda has posed.

That there was suddenly violence. Right there. Has Ren pause barely a second as
 an arm ends up on the ground. Leon just introduced himself as some sort of
 military. That means the next closest people are the ones that need to get

Training takes over as he reaches towards his belt for a second before
 stopping. The vajra were peaceful until now, right? So why?

He looks around to assess what is going on. "Why now...?" He asks as he backs
 away carefully.

A part of him looks closer at what is happening but he can't see anything so
 far. That there is something going on has him worried. Docile space bugs is
 one thing. He has dealt with those. Even hostile ones. Now, though, he turns
 to the nearest one and waves his hand at it before sending out a telepathic
 thought at the Vajra mind, << Hey! Over here! >>

If nothing else, his experience should help him a bit. He sees the lasers
 firing, and he can tell they are trying to eat people. If he can distract a
 few, he's going to do it. He glances towards another and sends out the same
 message hoping to make them turn towards him so he can lead them on a bit of a

<Pose Tracker> Sho Tachibana has posed.

"I trained in VFs originally," Sho says with a nod, "I've tried out the
 EX-Gear. Pretty cool tech, really. I think Shikishima is working on something
 to adapt the tech for the Getter Team suits, but... we'll be testing that
 thoroughly before we ever get around to using it. It gets pretty cramped
 in the cockpit even without adding that bulk, though."

As the hubbub of the concert dies down and people begin to file out of the
 auditorium, Sho begins to make a flirty remark about them both renting out a
 suit and going flying together - and stops short.

The sound of the drone has changed.

She looks up -

"'Lou-chan! DOWN!" She tackles Alouette as the Vajra over them dives, not even
 pausing to take a breath before rolling clear into a crouch, looking around as
 people begin to scream and panic. She hisses a curse under her breath, fully
 aware of her lack of weaponry, and calls out. "We should make for the hangars!"

<Pose Tracker> Aurora Dusk has posed.

         Now, Aurora is still having fun, but the concert is a little Much.
 She can handle it, though. Lilium mumbles something about hearts, and Aurora
 repeats it, confused. "...hearts?"

        "That's right. The rock band from 7. Fire Bomber is also famous for
 using the Excalibur as a singing platform." Aurora does not bring up the
 Rhongomyniad or Seraph out loud, but she means to imply it.

        "Mm. I think there's security close by, but not immediately visible
 just in case. The local airbase is probably on alert, too." Aurora would know
 how these work, she's a military brat. Well, one kind of military brat. Both
 kinds? Depends on how you count her family.

        Alouette joins the conversation, and Aurora wonders. Is there any point
 to adapting EX-Gears for cyborgs? Briefly, she imagines the ones she knows in
 powered armour. "I don't know about NISAR, but I think some things like that
 are being worked on in various research bases..." She's not just being vague
 for opsec, she's really not sure.

        Leon points his glowsticks at Aurora like guns and the tealnette backs
 up before she briefly begins dropping into an aggressive posture... and
 then, not recognising any threat, she relaxes. "Oops. Sorry."

        She doesn't recognise Leon from anywhere. The voice... no, she can't
 place that either. "I'm Aurora. I don't think we have..."

        Suddenly, an eruption of violence. Aurora almost jumps, hearing the
 gunfire... but then her training takes over and her hand twitches to reach
 for- a gun that isn't there. Damn. The knife in her sleeve is probably no
 good, considering how tough Vajra are.

        First priority: "Get down!" Aurora barks at Lilium as soon as she
 processes that they're under attack, immediately sidling over to her
 protectively. It only takes a little longer to process that the attackers are
 Vajra. She looks around herself, staying on alert for opportunistic Vajra...
 and possible weapons.

        There, in the hands- dismembered hand of a fallen security guard. An
 assault rifle. Memories of drilling excessively come to the forefront of
 Aurora's mind - she dismisses them as she rolls over and greedily snatches up
 the weapon, bracing it to fire. Second priority... complete.

        No sooner than she gets her hands on the gun, a Vajra flies overhead
 just a little too close for comfort, and Aurora hoses it down with bullets.
 Small arms fire isn't ideal, but she tries her best to aim for soft parts.
 Eyes, mouth, that kind of thing. (Exploiting weaknesses is one of the first
 things they teach you where she's from.) Now, where are Ren and Leon... Ren
 looks nervous, so Aurora moves to cover him. "Keep your head down, stay sharp."

<Pose Tracker> Leon Sakaki has posed.

"Woah, easy there!" Leon says as he sees Aurora tense. Another soldier? He
 definitely feels like he remembers her.

The two's awkward reunion is cut off by A MAN'S ARM FLYING OFF. Leon's heart
 pounds in his body as everything seems to slow. People are screaming. People
 are dying. Not again. Not again. Not again. Not again.

"Hit the deck!" Leon tosses his glowsticks to the side and draws his sidearm,
 crouching low and trying to clear his head. As the Vajra drags the screaming
 guard away, Leon puts the Vajra in his sights but hesitates - what if he
 misses - can't get a good shot.

"Damnit!" Leon squeezes off a shot, and manages to ping the Vajra with one of
 them. On pure instinct, he moves to cover Aurora as she grabs an assault rifle
 and starts blasting away. Something about Aurora is oddly familiar, and Leon's
 body moves faster than his brain as he joins her.

"Gah, I need my Valkyrie!" Leon's sidearm isn't really doing much compared to
 an assault rifle.

<Pose Tracker> Lilium Valerie has posed.

The cheers, the roar of the crowd, the showering of an Idol in love... It was
 good that she came here to experience it from this side first. She's not sure
 how her own career will go, but... Well, having a reference point is good.

She tilts her head slightly to the side. Aurora was... like her, right..? Less
 so on the relevant front, admittedly, but... "You can't... hear them? I

Right, I remember being briefed on that... The red one, right?" She did owe
 that band something, then... or at least the program she worked for did.

She turns to the group Aurora is speaking to, thinking about what to say. She
 can't give too much away... frankly the 'YF-23 PROGRAM' patch on her jacket
 was probably a bit much--she wouldn't have put it on if she'd thought she'd
 ever be using this jacket as a disguise--but unless someone really knew
 their mobile weapon history, it was probably--

There's less hearts than there were. She can tell. How can she tell?

How many less?

Has the song... turned to screams..?

There's something in the air.

Told you.

She hits the ground--it's red, it wasn't red before, don't think about
 it--before Aurora even tells her to, practically the moment the security
 forces open fire.

Priority one: Survive. 'Lilium Valerie' was disposable. The Boosted Songstress
 is demonstrably not. Priority two--


The fear on her face in genuine. She's seen combat, even against the Vajra
 once--but never from outside of a cockpit. She starts frantically mumbling to
 herself--not a prayer, not a song, not really anything coherent.

<Pose Tracker> Shinji Kaminaga has posed.

With the SSSP team, with the concert ended, Taki has returned and unraveled the
 headband, settling his heavy weight into his chair. "Super Dimensional
 Cinderella is right," he laughs, and then lifts his head to slump toward his
 monitor with a satisfied smile. It vanishes immediately. "These signals

Yumi perks up and looks down, then taps rapidly. "I see it. They're here.
 Chief! Vajra Light Soldiers! No less than thirty!"

Tamura whips up his comms unit. "Asami, Kaminaga, we need you."


Hiroko tips her head, then looks to Shinji. "They're here," she says, seconds
 before the gunfire starts. Shinji turns, and his gaze rises up. "Yes," he
 agrees. His fingers itch with unspent reflexes. His thoughts blur together and
 unite within him.

When an enemy approaches...
When a hostile makes to attack...

        Take a firing stance!

He snaps up, handgun drawn in one motion, and fires, one, two, three, four,
 five, six, emptying the clip clean and true. "Buddy," he says, with urgency
 but not duress.

Hiroko watches the horrifying suddenness of the attack, but Kaminaga's
 immediacy and urging snap her out of it, and she also draws and fires. Two
 agents with small arms amount to Not Much in this horde, but it should be
 enough to defeat or ward off a single attacker. "Let's go," she says to
 Shinji, and she moves to run off toward the building with the rest of the
 SSSP...but slows when Shinji doesn't. He stands, again transfixed.

"Buddy! Let's go!" Hiroko yells, trying to rouse him in turn. But Shinji shakes
 his head, turning away. "I have an idea," he says, and turns to vanish into
 the churning crowd.

Hiroko seethes, "What kind of 'buddy' *are* you, even!" but at this point she
 knows Shinji's departure means he's trusting her with the rest, and she makes
 a run for the base camp.

<Pose Tracker> Alouette Pommier has posed.

"It makes sense that the skills would transfer., Alouette nods, about Sho
 originally specializing in piloting VFs. "It does seem awfully convenient to
 be able to make a lot of those microadjustments with the flightsuit itself,
 but..." She considers how tiny the Getter Machine's cockpits are - and the
 fact that they're all slammed together when they combine. "Ahahaha... I bet!"
 She looks to Aurora as she makes her own comment. "I don't doubt that. I hear
 it makes a significant difference in pilot survivability, too."

Alouette was probably about to say something along the lines of 'oh, only one
 suit~?" before there's a twisting feeling in her gut. Something is horribly
 wrong, and one second there's clear skies, the next - gunshots. "The Vajra?
 Why-?" And right after Ranka left, too? Something's not right- and she doesn't
 even have time to contemplate it before there's a Flier seconds away from
 impact. "Ah-!" She grips onto Sho as she's tackled to the ground - and even in
 a situation like this, there's a tint of red on her face, her life being saved
 from being cut short just like that.

Alouette's that kind of girl in dangerous situations.

She's not helpless, either, though. She's not like Renais - most of her
 enhancements are mental, but she's still a Coordinator. Her eyes track across
 the other nearby concert goers - Aurora, Leon, Ren. And from her purse she
 produces a toy-ish looking pistol. "The Vajra are faster than either of us. If
 we run, it'll only chase us down - or get someone else. You get a head start
 for the hangars, Tachi-chan... I'm going to fire!" Removing the safety, she
 keeps her aim steady, even if her hands are shaking. She might be panicking
 inside right now, but she only has one shot and if she's not careful, more
 people will get hurt.

Alouette pulls down the trigger and a burst of blueish beam energy flies
 towards the Flier, hopefully pinning it down long enough for the two of them
 to get to any kind of mobile weapon to fight them off for real.

<Pose Tracker> Alto Saotome has posed.

        'Alto... that doesn't matter. Some things just can't change, no matter
 how badly you want them to.'

        It certainly feels that way. Lately it feels like he's able to do less
 and less. It used to be he could do anything if he put his mind to it. Like he
 was actually in control of his life. But now, everything is so much harder.
 And the world chugs along around him, regardless of what he wants. Alto
 clenches his fists, wishing he had the power. The power to force things to
 change. The power to ensure he could help both Sheryl AND Ranka.

        But then his eyes meet Sheryl's and she asks him for a favour. To
 listen to her song.

        Alto's hands relax again as he simply nods silently. He can't exactly
 refuse. So Sheryl starts to sing.

        The song's lyrics are extremely clear, Alto watching and listening
 intently as Sheryl raises a hand to his cheek. He doesn't flinch as she
 touches it. For a while he's suspected how she felt and certainly knew how he
 felt. But that's all it was, a suspicion. Which let him fool himself into
 thinking it was fine to avoid it.

        But it's pretty clear now. As Sheryl's lips move close to his. He
 doesn't resist, leaning into her.

        A noise draws Alto's attention away from what seemed like an infinite
 moment. His eyes go wide at the sight of Ranka staring at the two of them.

        Alto stumbles back away from Sheryl, calling out in surprise to the
 clearly distraught Ranka as she turns to leave, "Ranka!" Alto looks like he's
 about to run after her-

        -But gunfire is exploding all around them within the Island colony's
 interior. The guard VFs are being swarmed and the school is starting to take
 hits from Vajra lasers, "What!? Where did they come from!?" It's just one
 thing after another as Alto reaches into his jacket to draw the handgun from

        Some of the Vajra fliers are getting ominously closer to the school
 roof and Alto aims at them. He fires off several shots, hitting the mark and
 giving the Vajra pause for a moment. But his handgun isn't going to cut it
 without more help, "Damnit!" Alto turns, heading towards the stairwell where
 Ranka ran off. He calls out, "Ranka!" Though not because he wants to talk
 about what just happened. There's more important things right now.

        Reaching the stairwell where Ranka is collapsed, he calls out in
 concern again, "Ranka!" She seems alright though, if a little emotional... But
 right now there are people dying out there, "Ranka, you have to sing!"

<Pose Tracker> Ranka Lee has posed.

As chaos breaks loose, all Ranka can think about is how that's her fault. With
 the expectations of everyone else upon her, she thought she became the
 Songstress of Hope to make certain there were no more people hurt like Sheryl,
 to make certain Alto always came back, came home.

And now?

She doesn't know whether she made the right choice. Whether she was being
 honest with herself over the reasons she was doing this.

So when Alto comes to her, her eyes are still wet, even as he calls out her
 name, and she looks up, looks at him, in this sense of bovine incomprehension,
 like she's not certain why he's even calling to her. Like she's too broken up
 to even realize something so simple as he might want to after.

Perhaps an explanation of what happened is what her mind needs, but the
 situation doesn't allow for that, instead, he asks of her... something else.
 Something more.

To do the thing she was doing for him and Sheryl again.

A woman in the twilit sky of Gallia IV sings to her.

That gnawing, twisting feeling in her gut whenever she does sing against the
 Vajra, that knowledge she was doing something wrong. What Kaworu even said
 about the damage she could do...

... they're Vajra but...

... but...

Abruptly she lurches forward onto her palms, more tears splattering on the
 school's steps. "No... I... I can't sing..." She tells him plaintively, then
 with more emphasis, "I can't sing when I'm feeling like this! I... I hate
 this!" She tells him, more tearful, voice fully cacking with every word, "I
 don't want to do it anymore! I don't want to be a weapon to fight the Vajra!"

And as she whimpers, and her shoulders shake, she fully breaks into sobbing, "I
 ha... hate this!"

<Pose Tracker> Sheryl Nome has posed.

        "Ranka!" Sheryl gasps, recoiling from Alto when she bursts from the
 stairwell to gape at them. For a moment, she's horrified. She knows exactly
 how this must look to her. The two of them, kissing, when she'd vanished
 without word for so long--she knows exactly how much that's going to hurt her.
        She knows how Ranka feels, because she feels the same way. And as much
 as she did this for herself, she never wanted to hurt her, either.
        A scream rings out below. Then a splat. And then harsh buzzing and
 the rapid retort of gunfire. She only needs to turn to see what's wrong.
        "No way... The Vajra?! Why?!"
        Ranka turns and runs, only to immediately fall; just as immediately,
 Alto goes to her side. Sheryl shoots him a look. That hurts, but that was the
 point, wasn't it? She hurries after them, as much for cover as to go to Ranka
 and Alto's sides.
        Ranka has to sing.
        But she can't sing. Not when she's feeling like this. Not when she's
 hated being a weapon all along.
        Sheryl shuts her eyes, then strides forward. She kneels in front of the
 sobibing Ranka, pulls her up by the shoulders to face her square, raises a
        That's one single, sharp blow to the cheek. Just enough to rattle Ranka
 out of her spiral. And then, while she's recovering from this emotional
        ...Sheryl pulls her in for a hug.
        "Calm down," she murmurs. "I fully understand that you need to be in
 full control of your emotions to be able to sing, but you're a professional."
 Like her. Like Alto. "You should do whatever you can." She leans back to look
 Ranka in the eye, her expression solemn, her gloved hands light on Ranka's
 skin. "Your voice has power--a power I can't obtain, no matter how much I
 might wish for it."
        She squeezes her, gently, her gaze softening. "I came back to tell Alto
 how I feel. But I also came back to see you. Because I want to know you'll be
 all right, whether I'm here or not."

<Pose Tracker> Sho Tachibana has posed.

Shit. She's right. If they run, the Vajra will just pick them off, or pick
 someone else to hunt. They have to cut their way through carefully... and she
 doesn't have a weapon.


Her head snaps around to the entrance, where two figures in black and shades,
 their suits embellished only with the NERV logo on the breast pocket, are
 holding the position. One of them - a tall, black-haired woman - holds up a
 katana, as her partner lays down covering fire with a STORAGE rifle.

"Captain Jin sends his regards!" She yells, hurling the jade-green saya towards
 the group, where it slides, clattering, across the asphalt to Sho's feet.

"God, I hate that bastard," Sho mutters as she picks up the weapon. Despite
 herself, a fierce grin twitches on her face for a moment. A quick glance at
 the hilt, and she notices a dynamo resting against the tsuba... and her grin

"Perfect." She inhales, ignoring the stench of gore quickly spreading around
 the campus, and focuses.

Another Vajra Light Soldier dives towards the group, its claws extended to
 scoop someone on the ground - maybe Aurora, maybe Ren, maybe Leon - up and rip
 them apart.

Sho stands, eyes closed, hand resting on the hilt of her new blade. She steps
 back, executing an iai draw as the alien bug sweeps past her. There is a flash
 of light at the point of contact, and the creature crashes to the ground in
 two halves.

Sho exhales, lowering the blade as sparks of plasma energy crackle along it,
 and looks over to Alouette and the others.

"Let's go."

<Pose Tracker> Ranka Lee has posed.

Ranka barely even perceives Sheryl coming down until she turns her around, and
 she almost said the word, 'Sher-' but before she can. There's an impact
 against her face.

For a moment, her eyes are just blank, empty, like she doesn't understand what
 even just happened - she freezes up as Sheryl draws her in, but the
 whimpering, the crying has stopped.

But then she pulls her in for a hug, and while her arms remain at her side as
 if she's fully just unable to understand how to react to this, Sheryl
 offers... comfort?

'Calm down.'

And her mind slowly starts to recenter on that comfort, on that advice. Sheryl
 was always her image of what a professional was... as Sheryl leans back to
 look her in the eye, that distance is there like - Ranka was going far away,
 but she's gradually coming back, due to her words.

Due to that explanation, she looks at her for almost six whole seconds after
 she finishes, eyes still wet but, no more tears are coming.

"... I... I missed you..."

That's an inadequate response to how she really feels, plaintive and weak. She
 wants - no needs to say, hear more but... in this moment, it's not the
 priority anyway, as her head turns to look at Alto too.

Then closing her eyes, "... I'll sing." She finally coherently replies, muted
 but calm.


Ren tries to contact it telepathically, and what's sent back is this intense,
 buzzing feedback, that grows - and grows - and GROWS within his head as he
 brushes the fully alien mind.

Indeed, one of them stops attacking people, to land, as a stalk on it's head
 forms, and like a walking turret, begins to send bio-mechanical laser beams
 his way.

The Vajra that dives past Alouette misses her as Sho tackles her, which is
 fortunate, it does not circle back. It is a target rich environment.

A man is soon picked up, and fully in sight of both of them is he crunched by
 mandibles, as he goes limp, drenching the ground with blood shortly after.

Alouette's shot hits it in the middle of the forehead. It's third glowing eye
 dims, and it staggers, like what little brain tissue it had was suddenly
 burned out, and it falls limply forward, the man in it's mandibles coming out
 in pieces.

Soon after, another falls to pieces to Sho's swordwork, splattering the ground
 with ichor and exoskeleton.

Aurora meanwhile gets hold of a weapon, and the spray of it fully causes a
 Vajra to at first list in the air, before it crashes, spasming, ichor dripping
 out of it... moments later the green in it's eyes fades, while looking at her.

There is this eerie sensation like even death has not claimed it's memory of
 what happened.

Lilium Valerie is disposable, the Boosted Songstress are not. Suddenly, she's
 hyperaware of all the threats around, buzzing over, every which way. Every so
 often the environment punctuated by a new scream - that's silenced after.

Someone's leg splatters the ground next to her. It's not attached to anyone

Shinji's handgun is emptied into one. That one doesn't seem to even notice it
 for a few moments, but the sixth bullet strikes something in a wing, as it
 buzzes lopsided, and skids into a brick wall.

It turns around, and standing asymmetrically on a busted leg, an antenna moves
 up as if to fire, before several more shots bring it down.

And more and more people die, several for every Vajra that's brought down, even
 for ones this small, this young.


Up atop Mihoshi Academy, on one of the Ex-Gear runways, Ranka steps out with
 Alto and Sheryl, looking upon it all in abject horror.

It doesn't take much, a tap of her phone only really with the setup the school
 gave her, to activate the concert's AV equipment again, to change the track on
 the speakers, as the militaristic marching rhythm begins over the speakers.
 Ranka's eyes look down over the Vajra attacking in horror.

Those are her fans, that she even hesitated... but... when she begins to sing
 into her phone that becomes microphone.

Aimo O.C. - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kfN-vkzBGK8

        "Aimo aimo nedel lushe
        "Now toll the bells of victory,
        "For this place is my new planet."

At first, there is a hush, as even the Vajra below buzz slower, hovering in
 mid-air. Is it working? The defenders suddenly find it much easier to take
 down a few of them. But then, in the distance, out of the bowels of the
 Colony, the buzzing becomes louder, and louder - AND LOUDER-!


Until suddenly hundreds of them erupt, spiraling out in a chaotic cicada like
 swarm that blackens out even parts of the Colony Sky, as they rush towards the
 concert with great speed.

        "Aimo aimo nedel lushe
        "Now wave our flags above our heads,
        "For this place is the new land of God."

Elsewhere, a woman in glasses crosses her arms and watches the waves of her
 voice in real time, noting quietly, "Negative 7.3." Perhaps something about
 this outcome does not fully meet her expectations.

        "Go forward, to the frontier,
        "While embracing your proud name.
        "Fly away-"

They all arrive, as a great swarm, overhead Mihoshi Academy, hundreds upon
 hundreds of them, flitting around here and there, but upon sight of them,
 Ranka fully stops with a gasp, as she clasps a hand over her mouth.

"No way... why?"

Perhaps she was more correct than she knows. She can't, sing, while she's
 feeling like this. Down below, lighting directs people towards the closest
 evacuation shelter. Given that it's a school - there are thankfully, several

OOC: Many, Many More have come - evacuation is recommended before the swarm
 descends, as it's fully too many to fight and will be a massacre. You may
 still pose taking out some of them, but understand that flight and assisting
 others to flee is now the only option where anyone survives.

<Pose Tracker> Aurora Dusk has posed.

         Lilium asks about hearing. "Oh, you mean... I can feel things a
 regular amount, for what I am. You'd be better at it."

        The blood may be pounding in her ears, and the sudden shock may be
 making her heart beat a little more rapidly than she's used to, but Aurora is
 trained for this kind of scenario. Not exactly, but she's seen a lot of
 combat, and she can hold her own. ECOAS material doesn't break easy, even when
 ambushed. Even the suddenly pervasive feeling of terror in the air doesn't put
 her off her game. Granted, she's not the most empathic Newtype - it comes
 with the Cyber territory - but she's not deaf to the cries of the heart.

        Speaking of cries of the heart. Aurora squeezes off her shots, in three
 round bursts, at the Vajra that buzzed over her head, and Leon covers her with
 his own gun. Hopefully, working together they'll be able to take it down and
 keep Lilium and Ren safe. Aurora falls in with Leon, firing in tandem, even if
 a pistol isn't that much good against a Vajra. Working together, they manage
 to bring one down... it looks almost like the grudge is surviving the death of
 the victim. Creeepy.

        Lilium is a pilot, but Ren is... Ren is some kind of hobbyist, right?
 If he's going to live through this, Aurora thinks, he's going to need the
 people who can actually fight to step up. (Maybe she'll eat those thoughts
 if she finds out what he ACTUALLY is.)

        And on the topic of Lilium... "Calm down! We'll get you out alive!"
 Aurora barks forcefully. It's a little counterproductive, yelling at someone
 to calm down, but all the military people she hangs out with would do that
 with a panicking bystander. Bystander. Lilium shouldn't be a bystander.
 She's a soldier, like Aurora, even if her combat skills are mostly limited to
 MS and wanzers and VFs and things of that nature. Something rankles her about
 Lilium's career change, actually. Like she got robbed of the career she

        Ranka sings, and at first it looks like it's working. A few more Vajra
 go down as they slow... and then a wave of them blankets the skies. They're
 screwed if they stay. "We need to go, NOW! Ren, Lilium, we'll cover you!"

        Aurora dreads to think of what Lilium's minders will think about the
 two of them sneaking out and getting jumped by Vajra. Some of them can be...

<Pose Tracker> Ren Takeda has posed.

Ren's eyes widen as he looks at the Vajra. He closes his eyes for a moment as
 he holds his head with on hand, the other grabbing at the railing. "That
 was..." He tries to sort through it before cutting the connection quickly. It
 takes a second or two.

"That did not work." He says after a deep breath. Looking towards Aurora, a nod
 is given. He looks around, then motions towards the nearest doors, "That way!"

Ren takes off running that way, reaching out to grab at the one that is
 screaming. "Lillium, right?" He grabs at her hand to pull her along, even if
 he has to try to pick her up to do just that. They need to get out of there.

"Sorry, but we need to go!"

<Pose Tracker> Alouette Pommier has posed.

Alouette doesn't keep her eyes off her target for a moment, even as her shot
 strikes true against the Vajra's forehead. There's a brief flinch at what
 remains of the man it took in her place - the sheer brutality these bugs are
 capable of inflicting. Thankfully, those mysterious figures arrive to bring
 Sho her plasma sword - which helps a lot for clearing them a path out of here.
 Even at a time like this... it's such impressive swordplay.

Ranka, too, prepares to sing even amidst her hesitation. It must be so hard for
 her right now, to be the only one who can possibly prevent this. But... "It's
 not working... and there's so many of them." Alouette frowns. So much of this
 doesn't add up, but their only goal right now is to survive, they can figure
 things out after. "Right behind you!"

Letting Sho lead the way, Alouette keeps her own eyes sharp for any more Vajra
 ambushes against them. They need to get out of here for now... but it doesn't
 mean they need to give up on Frontier City as long as Ranka's out there.

<Pose Tracker> Shinji Kaminaga has posed.

There's the song. Shinji slows. Watch. The Vajra react, as he's been told they
 will. They burst out of the grounds like this had been their home for decades.
 Hundreds. This...could he fight this? Perhaps. But would that be the most
 effective use of his life? Are they marshaling?

Yes, he decides, and pulls up his phone. "Buddy," he says into it as soon as
 the line clicks. "The song isn't working. Get everyone to shelters. The school
 building won't hold."

He pockets it and marches off, pure focus, looking for people he can assist
 toward the shelters.

Shinji Kaminaga is part of SSSP and GGG, his thoughts confirm. His role is to
 ensure safety for others.

<Pose Tracker> Astarte Spalding-Monteiro has posed.

         As she empties out the clip of the pistol, Astarte clicks her tongue
 and hucks it uselessly towards one Light Soldier, missing by a Texas Colony
 mile. She lifts herself from cover, wincing as she puts weight on her bad leg.
 Maybe she... overestimated her limits. She glances over to her cane, mentally
 weighing the risk between going to grab it and going without. Could she make
 it to the ship in time?

         No, it wasn't a matter of if she could.

         She had to. She was the captain, and the ship wasn't going to go down
 without her.

         She puts her finger to her earpiece to address her crew as she begins
 to run, counting on her adrenaline to numb the pain in her leg. "All hands,
 prepare for battle stations! Any crew who aren't on the ship, get to shelter!
 We'll come back for you! Xiao, get her started up for me!"

         <<"Roger, Captain!">>

         Astarte had made it a point to bring the ship as close to the Academy
 as she could, so she only had to run a couple blocks before reaching the
 military facility they had docked at. Running short on breath as she got
 there, a serviceman runs over to her and supports her the rest of the way, the
 doors slamming shut behind them.

         She eventually makes her way to the bridge, wiping sweat off the brow
 as the crew salutes.

         "Captain on bridge!"

         Astarte climbs into the captain's seat, taking a moment to catch her
 breath. "Are we ready for takeoff?"

         "On your word, ma'am!" the helmsman barks in reply.

         "Then get us the hell out of here!"

<Pose Tracker> Sho Tachibana has posed.

Aurora is not the only one coming to the conclusions enforced by the grim
 arithmetic of the Vajra swarm building overhead. The equation is cold, stark,
 and inescapable.

If they stay here, they'll die.

"Stick together!" She yells at the others. "We need to get under cover!" She
 points over to the entrance into the Macross's architecture, towards the
 hangars, where the NERV agents in black - Hayato Jin's bodyguards - are doing
 their best to cover the evacuation. "Fighting retreat, look sharp!"

With that, she takes point, blade gleaming and crackling as she makes for
 relative safety, trusting in Alouette's sharp eyes and sharp aim to cover her
 back while she clears the way forwards.

"Neo Jaguar isn't going to be able to launch in these conditions, it's nowhere
 near well-armed enough to defend itself against that many Vajra." Lacking
 pinpoint barriers or the versatility in armaments of Variable Fighters, all
 three Getter Machines would need to be on-site to present a significant push
 in their favour.

"Gai and Go are probably already on their way up, but that'll take..." She
 briefly tries to run 'low orbit interception' maths in her head, and then
 shakes it. "... too long."

<Pose Tracker> Lilium Valerie has posed.

Lilium isn't used to hearing the hearts of all those around her. The alien
 threats' unknowable Presences. The screams of those the Vajra take. The
 silence that follows. The crying of those left behind.

She looks up from the ground, tears streaking from under her aviators--and is
 met with a... chunk of meat. it's just a chunk of meat. don't think about it
 don't identify it dont worry about it its fine its fine its fine its

She screams. And screams. And screams some more.

People in her immediate area, strangely enough, might suddenly feel just that
 tiny bit more terrified. Probably no reason why.

She turns to face Aurora. Her glasses are reflective. The fear in her eyes is
 hidden. But anyone with even the tiniest bit of Intuition can feel that it's
 there. "R.. right! I need to--we need to-- Stay calm, calm, calm..."

She's not calm. But she can act it. She's an actress now, sort of. That's how
 that works, right?

Ren takes her hand--and Lilium stumbles along after him. "R.. right! We're

She turns back to Aurora, Leon, and anyone else with them--

"Thank you! I.. I'm sorry, I can't... thank you so much!"

<Pose Tracker> Leon Sakaki has posed.

Everything is going straight to hell, and it's evident that there's too many
 Vajra to fight on foot. Leon stands alongside Aurora as they protect Lilium
 and Ren. A sudden spike in his fear makes him wince, and he jumps in front
 of Aurora, placing himself in front of this strange girl. r
"All of you, run! You all need to get out of here!" Even though Aurora is
 heavier armed, Leon's instinctive protectiveness only grows stronger as the
 wave of Vajra crashes in the sky. His heartbeat has not slowed a bit, as Leon
 slides his spare clip into his pistol. He doesn't know what he's going to do,
 but all he knows is that he has to do something.

<Pose Tracker> Alto Saotome has posed.

        Alto just stares at Ranka as she breaks down. He's clearly feeling
 guilty about it, even though he didn't mean to... He didn't want to hurt her,
 that was the whole point of his indecision towards Sheryl. But in the end he
 still did.

        It's not just that either. It was clear that Ranka didn't like it when
 she used her song to help fight the Vajra. Alto didn't stop her though. He
 even encouraged her, because it's what they needed! They needed to fight the
 Vajra, to win for the sake of everyone. Without her, it's only a matter of
 time before they lose completely... Still, he failed her. And now it's all
 come crashing down at a pivotal moment... What can he do?

        He doesn't know.

        Thankfully, Sheryl steps in to handle it. Although the slap causes Alto
 to look on rather shocked.

        It does the job though, Ranka plucking up the courage to sing again. As
 she prepares, Alto moves out of the stairwell onto the roof again. He raises
 his pistol, starting to fire shots towards any of the Vajra that get close.
 It's a delaying measure at most, but he's going to do what he can to protect
 Ranka while she sings. And sing she does, going with the song she has been
 using to combat the Vajra.

        At first it seems to work...

        ... Until it doesn't.

        The large Vajra swarm bursts into view in the distance, rapidly heading
 in their direction. Alto can only stare in abject horror at the sight... They
 were having trouble enough with the thirty or so at the school. This is...
 This is too much! How will Frontier survive this?

        Alto's gun lowers, as it seems rather pointless to continue shooting at
 this point. All they can do now is escape. He turns towards the other two,
 calling out, "Ranka! Sheryl!" They have to run! But that swarm is rapidly


        Bursts of rapid gun fire streak through the sky towards the swarm,
 ripping those near the front to pieces. The white and grey of a VF-25S Messiah
 in an armored pack rushes past the school, 'SMS' adorning its frame and wings
 and the symbol of a skull layered over a dagger and shield on its top.

        As it reaches a point between the school and the swarm, it rapidly
 transforms into GERWALK mode and stops to come to a hover. Ports all across
 its armored pack fold open, revealing a huge array of micro-missiles beneath.
 Many of them blast outwards, dancing through the air towards the swarm of
 Vajra Light Soldiers before exploding amongst them, blowing large chunks out
 of the cloud of bugs.

        A voice familiar to some then echoes out of the VF's speakers, "Ranka,
 are you alright!?" The VF turns a little so that Ozma Lee is visible through
 the cockpit canopy. Seeing Ranka okay on the school rooftop, he is relieved.
 He then turns his attention to other matters, "Skull-4, Siegfried-1, what the
 hell do you think you're doing!? Get to your machines! There's a Vajra fleet
 attacking outside. We need to cover everyone here until they can evacuate and
 then go join the fight."

        As Ozma says this, Alto's VF-25F Messiah, also in an armored pack, and
 Leon's YF-25 Prophecy fly down on autopilot to land near them, cockpits
 lowering down close to the ground and canopies opening. Alto looks a little
 unsure though as he glances at his VF, before turning to look back at Ranka
 and Sheryl. He hasn't been able to say anything to either of them...

<Pose Tracker> Aurora Dusk has posed.

         "Breathe, Lilium. Deep breaths." Complete calm would be
 counterproductive, but panic doesn't produce good results.

        It doesn't escape Aurora's notice that Ren seems to have developed a
 sudden Weird Headache. Something to file for later. Didn't work? What did he
 try? Not important right now. Focus on escaping. She covers Ren and Lilium's
 escape as they hustle towards the exit Ren pointed out.

        The storm of Vajra only intensifies as the gang of four makes their
 escape, but working together, Aurora and Leon at least manage to take down the
 soldiers that were gunning for them. Thwack! Another body slams into the
 ground, splattering... liquids. Liquids, on the ground. Suddenly, Leon's fear
 sharpens to a point Aurora can feel, and he leaps in front of her to protect
 her from... what? Nothing specific, it seems. But still, there's something...
 familiar about the way he interposed himself. Aurora wouldn't say she hates

<Pose Tracker> Sheryl Nome has posed.

        'I missed you.'
        Sheryl's smile warms--but there is a sadness there that only deepens.
        "I missed you too," she murmurs, and leaves it at that.
        Together, the three of them head back onto the roof. The oppressive
 instrumentals of Aimo O.C. start up, backing Ranka's sweet vocals. Alto
 uses his handgun to keep the Light Soldiers at bay. Sheryl... can only watch.
 But as she watches, it doesn't go the way it should. Ranka's a
 professional--she's doing what she can as a professional--but a massive swarm
 streams through the sky, cutting off her song. As if they didn't care at all
 about it.
        It's quite the opposite, but despite the bacteria swarming Sheryl's
 brain, that feeling simply doesn't come across.
        "Alto!" Sheryl calls back as he calls to her and Ranka. She moves to
 usher Ranka back towards the stairwell so they can make some kind of
 escape--but then a Valkyrie, a proper Variable Fighter, sweeps up and tears
 through part of the swarm with missiles and gunfire.
        Sheryl shields herself with one arm, stepping closer to Ranka to hold
 her close with the other. It's selfish of her, she knows, but it's the least
 she can do. When Ozma appears, Sheryl lowers her arm, then sees in relief as
 more Valkyries descend, one for Alto, one for... well, she doesn't know Leon,
 but she can tell he's part of the SMS, and that's good enough.
        Alto looks at both of them. Valkyries are two-seaters at best. Sheryl's
 expression sets with determination, and she pushes Ranka towards him. "Go. You
 have something you need to do," she tells them both firmly.

<Pose Tracker> Ren Takeda has posed.

Ren can feel somthing off from the one he is leading. They need to get to some
 sort of shelter. And that doorway is probably the best bet. Then comes that
 feeling and another.

Telepathy is something, but Ren knows that they may be out of time. These are
 bug monsters. Bugs exist in swarms. Almost every iteration he knows of do.
 That means more are probably headed here.

"There are more coming! You two stop trying to be heroic and get in here!" Once
 at the door, he opens it and pulls Lillium to get her inside.

He even says in passing to her, "I don't know what ability you have, but do
 like Aurora said. Breathe. I will help if I can in a moment."

He looks to the others still fighting, raising his voice, "This way! Shelter
 here! Get inside! Find a door and get inside!"

<Pose Tracker> Ranka Lee has posed.

Dread grows within Ranka by the second. She's failing not just her fans, but
 also Alto and Sheryl, wringing her hands around her microphone, she backs up,
 away from the edge of the rooftop.

The gunfire grows loud in her ears, the screams louder. Smoke is rising
 throughout the island now, as if to show that it is not merely this place that
 is under attack.

They're everywhere.

But then Sheryl puts an arm around her, and she looks at her, and in her eyes
 is an apology, as she leans against her anyway. It's selfish of her too, to
 do so... after her failure but...


But then, as the Gerwalk flies by, Ranka covers her head against the sudden
 rush of wind, before she cries out in relief, "Ozma! We're okay! But-
 there's so many! How did so many get in the Island?"

But even as she asks, she finds, she's terrified of the answer, because there's
 only one possible answer.

As Alto's Messiah flies down... he hasn't been able to explain anything, and
 she's about to cry, 'Be careful. Please come back safe...' when Sheryl looks
 at her nudges her forward, and... she replies back, "But..."

I don't know if I can protect you

"... I..."

I don't know if I can protect anyone.

She looks at Sheryl, and in that moment, there's only one way she knows she

"Come with us."

There's not many things she understands about herself, and her feelings in this
 moment, but she does understand this one thing.

"... Please. I don't- can't go without you."

She doesn't want to let either of them out of her sight.

It's only once they're inside the cockpit, that the two will see men in suits
 from the Frontier Government arriving on the rooftop, bearing guns, they try
 to call to Alto - only to notice in the backseat Sheryl Nome, with Ranka Lee
 sitting on her lap, the two making do with the limited space.

Sheryl might however notice if she's watchful, from her vocal training, one man
 speaking into an earpiece. Read his lips and one might make out...



... before the VFs take off.

"<Skull-4.>" Ozma says over the comms, "<... That harness isn't rated for two
 people. Fly more carefully than you have in your entire life or else->"

"<Ozma!>" Ranka protests back, cutting off whatever threat it is.


It didn't work, and yet, his aim was to be a distraction. That Vajra is
 certainly distracted, but so are three or four more. As Ren grabs Lilium,
 several fly into the narrower spaces beneath the stands, and there are more
 cries - as Aurora and Leon's gunfire covers them, keeping them from getting
 closer. The four finally descend down into an evacuation shelter.

It is fortunately isolated from the bowels of the Colony.

But it is very packed. Fortunately it's not long before a confirmation voice
 rings that it's isolated off, and a blast door opens up, allowing for an
 evacuation route off the streets.

Shinji meanwhile spies a girl with a wounded leg, who's biting down on her
 teeth as she ties part of the sleeve of a blouse around the wound on her leg
 to stop the bleeding. Part of the leg beneath it is gone, but if he carries

... there are prosthetics.

His role is to ensure the safety of others, and there's only one way she's
 going to get out alive.

Astarte and her crew fight a running battle towards her ship, but it's not an
 easy one, Vajra choke the streets, chunks of buildings are falling down as the
 Vajra blast at passers by with lasers, but she makes it.

Sho and Alouette run for safety, and several Vajra do follow. Their blades are

... but so is Sho's...

They make it, where many do not.

The Frontier Colony is red for far more reasons than the sky, the blood, and
 the flames see to that.

But with a Vajra fleet gathering outside, the massacre within might seem...
 trivial, in comparison, if the battle there is not won.

<Pose Tracker> Alto Saotome has posed.

        Sheryl pushes Ranka in Alto's direction. He looks surprised, glancing
 at Ranka for a moment before looking at Sheryl. It's almost like Sheryl is
 trying to ensure the two escape, even if she doesn't...

        Alto clenches his fist again, "No, I can-" He cuts himself off again.
 He wants to say he can protect Sheryl too, but as was said in the conversation
 before he can't guarantee that...

        Thankfully, Alto doesn't have to decide as Ranka insists that Sheryl
 come too. For a moment, Alto seems unsure. But he then nods firmly, agreeing
 with Ranka as he stares intently at Sheryl.

        The three pile into the Messiah, Alto in his usual seat while Ranka and
 Sheryl have to share the rear. It's a bit of an awkward situation... But given
 the danger of the situation, they have to work with what they've got.

        Settling down into the EX-Gear cockpit, Alto decides to leave putting
 his flight suit on until later. For now he should focus on protecting everyone

        The Messiah's canopy closes as it starts to rise into the air again.
 The radio comm from Ozma comes in and Alto doesn't hesitate, saying as he
 looks back at the two behind him, <"I'll protect them with my life if I have

        Determination on his face, Alto turns back to look towards the large
 swarm of Vajra Light Soldiers. There's still so many of them... They're weaker
 than the other Vajra types, but in numbers like this they will cause great
 devastation to the interior of Island One before the day is out. Even with the
 fleet's defenders fighting them.

        Right now though, Alto brings the gunpod in his machine's hands up and
 starts firing into the swarm, trying to keep them from getting too low and
 attacking the people as they flee.

<Pose Tracker> Sheryl Nome has posed.

        Sheryl really didn't expect Ranka to insist she come along--but when it
 happens, it's one of those things that's so correct to who Ranka is that the
 only surprise is that she didn't see it coming. She shoots Alto a wide-eyed
 look, but he's fully on board.
        "...Honestly, you two..." She breaks into a fond, almost misty smile.
 "Don't you dare regret what comes next."
        She gets into Alto's Messiah, Ranka on her lap; that harness is indeed
 not rated for two people, something she knows perfectly well, so she holds
 Ranka close, fingers latched around her waist. Ozma's ever the over-protective
 brother, and Alto says what he needs to, but--
        "You won't have to. We'll survive long enough to get out of here," she
 says firmly.
        There's no way she's letting Alto die to protect her when she's in this
        As the VFs lift off, Sheryl notes movement of people arriving on the
 rooftop. She looks over her shoulder at them, eyebrows furrowing. The shapes
 of their lips form... letters and numbers...
        For now, though, she keeps her dread to herself. There's enough of that
 to go around right now.

<Pose Tracker> Shinji Kaminaga has posed.

Maybe another man would hesitate. A more human heart might fluster at the
 thought of so many screaming, so many lives unsaved.

Shinji Kaminaga runs directly at the injured girl, kneels down next to her. His
 eyes flick to her leg. Tourniquette. Yes, good. That will save her. "I'll take
 you," he tells her. His gaze is serious, soulful, a man who says little with
 his words but has fathomless depths in his eyes.

He ignores any complaint, only helps her to grab on to his back. There are so
 many people here who need help. He can only save so many. And yet, he must do
 his best. He must. The heartbeat on his back tells him that he must. The
 heartbeat in his chest tells him that he must.

Why must he? There is no answer to such a ridiculous question, he knows at
 once, the space flooding into him from the substrata of the man he is. He
 simply must. That is the heart of a human.

"Courage," he says, remembering a word he heard before, and continues a
 resolute pace for the shelter.

<Pose Tracker> Leon Sakaki has posed.

Leon looks back at Aurora as she stands behind him. For just a second, he sees
 Mia. He sees her consumed in a fireball. He sees Macross City in flames.

Then there is gunpod fire cutting through the sky, and then there is Ozma Lee
 is barking at him over the comms, and his Prophecy is descending from the sky.
 Everything is clear again.

"Skull 1, sir! I'll be right there!" Leon turns back to Aurora and the group as
 the Prophecy touches down in Gerwalk behind him, freshly repaired after the
 incident at Macross City, its sea-green paintjob as distinguishable as ever.

"Please, get to the shelter," he says to Aurora, a note of trepidation and
 real, sincere concern in his voice. "You'll be safe there." Then, he turns to
 his Valkyrie and climbs in, hands resting on the controls as the cockpit
 slowly lowers.

Leon gives Aurora a thumbs-up just before it closes, and then, with a burst of
 dust, the Prophecy lifts up and off to defend the city.

"I'm not letting anyone else die tonight, you stupid bugs! Siegfried-1,

<Pose Tracker> Lilium Valerie has posed.

Lilium stumbles down the stairs, the doors sliding shut behind her, she nods
 her head. "Right... deep breaths... it's fine. It's normal. We're fine."

She tilts her head slightly to the side as Leon's variable fighter touches
 down, that's the... no, she doesn't recognise it.

She does throw a vague salute in his direction, though. They didn't fully kill
 the soldier in her. Not yet, anyway.

<Pose Tracker> Aurora Dusk has posed.

         I wasn't trying to be heroic! Aurora thinks. Well, maybe a little.
 Maybe she got a little carried away in the fighting. Happens to the best of
 her type. She ushers the two into the shelter before turning to look back at

        He clearly has no intention of leaving with them. He looks kind of
 cool, actually, looking back at her, backlit by the scything gunpod fire.

        And then he's getting orders barked at him, and a Variable Fighter
 touches down behind him. Again, he looks cool with it as a backdrop-

        And then Aurora realises where she's seen it before. It's been
 repaired, but it's the one from Macross City. Same type, same coloration.
 Are those his personal colours? There aren't any others like it.

        Perhaps her surprise is easy to read as the stress of the situation
 she's in getting to her. It's not particularly in her control what Leon reads
 into that face, as he encourages her into the shelter. The concern is
 palpable. It's... touching?

        Aurora gives him her own salute and returns to ushering her "charges"
 into the shelter. Once the doors shut behind her, she attends to Lilium,
 slinging her rifle over her shoulder and placing a hand on her back, giving
 her her own look of concern. "Lilium. Are you okay?"

<Pose Tracker> Lilium Valerie has posed.

A nod of the head. The blast door to the evacuation route opens.

"I'll... live. Just..."

Lilium shakes her head, screwing her eyes shut and choking back a faint sob.
 "T.. they... everyone... I felt their..."

She trails off. She doesn't... have the words. Not for this. Not yet.

<Pose Tracker> Aurora Dusk has posed.

         Lilium, overwhelmed, shivers and cries. Aurora thinks back...


        A small, teal-haired child grips her head in a corner, shivering. An
 older woman pats her on the back and, speaking softly, tries to calm her down.
 It... half works.


        In the present, a teal-haired young woman gently rests her hand on the
 shoulder of her compatriot, eyes softening with sympathy. "Mm. I know. It gets
 like that, sometimes. You don't have to say anything." Aurora understands
 without words. Not just because she can feel Lilium's feelings, but because
 she herself has been there. She rubs Lilium's shoulder gently with her hand.

<Pose Tracker> Ren Takeda has posed.

Ren has been listening the whole time, watching the door once they are sure
 they are in. He moves over to the two after a few moments.

He pauses, then looks to Lillium as he kneels down in front of her, "Imagine a
 wall around yourself. Make it the hardest substance you can think of. Use it
 to block it out. Remembering what you are experiencing... what happened out
 there. It makes you better than simply locking it away. It will not get

Some of the light catches the pendant he wears. A small brief glimmer in the

"You have friends out here, ones that will help you as best they can. Remember
 that and use that." Ren says softly.

He looks up at Aurora, "Keep by her. I'm going to go see if there is another
 entrance we can use. I need to get out there without having to bring the
 building down around us."

<Pose Tracker> Aurora Dusk has posed.

         A wall? Something else to file away. Ren looked like he was doing
 something earlier...

        Aurora nods. "You're going to go find a mobile weapon, right? ... Your
 head feel better now?"

<Pose Tracker> Ren Takeda has posed.

"It does." Ren says as he stands up. "I think the bugs might be linked somehow."

He shakes his head, "But right now, I'm going to get going. Longer this goes
 on, longer and more people that will die. Just stick together if you two
 decide to move."

He turns to head away, the glimmer of light from the pendant visible for a
 moment before he starts to run down the hall, turning a corner and obviously
 starting to search for exits or some way out.