2022-05-09: The Bodyguards

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<Pose Tracker> Sheryl Nome has posed.

        "What do you mean, a bodyguard?" Sheryl complains to her manager, Grace, as she slams herself onto the couch.
        It's a very nice couch, on which note--long and L-shaped, plush leather, set up in the entertaining portion of her hotel room in the Orbital Ring just over the Tenchu Elevator. Sheryl's dressed in a sleek, sleeveless red dress that drapes down to her thighs, and her arms rest on the backs of the couch that overlooks a spacious room that could house up to ten guests easily, even without the second room past the nearby door that houses the actual bed. The room is also sleek, decorated in whites and blacks and ruddy pinks; there are a few other seats, a coffee table, a kitchenette (not that anyone here is *cooking*), tall ceilings, long windows, and a stunning view of the Earth below. The travel time going up a space elevator to the orbital ring and over to another elevator is *incredible* too; earlier today, they were in Africa, and tomorrow morning, they'll be back in Japan, and from there, into Tsutsujidai. If you're going to do a major backtrack for your global tour, it's the only way to travel.
        But that's not important, aside from as window dressing. Sheryl's frowning at Grace, having just heard the news that she's getting two bodyguards to accompany her for the rest of her tour--and, also, the rest of her career, for however long they continue to work for her.
        Still, though, enough chaos has happened over the past several months, before the Frontier even finished arriving back at Earth, that she grumbles, "Fine, fine. After all the incidents that've been happening lately, I guess I can't say no. They just better have *style*. Sheryl Nome is NOT getting tailed by a pair of boring suits."
        She tosses her hair haughtily to punctuate her statement. She doesn't add the part where her bodyguards need style, but not more style than her, because they can't be boring suits but they also can't pull attention away from her. "So who is it, anyway?"

<Pose Tracker> Grace O'Connor has posed.

        Even for someone as competent and diligent as Grace, the eternally willful Sheryl Nome is a handful. Thank goodness then that due to the Galaxy refugees being housed upon the Frontier that she had access to doctors skilled in prosthetic limb replacement and customization. Her new arm is good as new... after all it IS new, and she very much looks like she never lost it at all.

        In fact there are no remaining physical injuries to her person at all. Her hair is worn in her customary twist, her body adorned with her typical green business dress, and a smart set of business glasses. That said there is a sign of mild distress... or at least exasperation on her face in return to the frown being given by her young protege.

        ... and so she starts to wind up a detailed explanation as to why it is necessary. A lengthy, detailed diatribe long on numbers and charts is a good way to for any skilled manager to get her way from an unruly client

        This time it doesn't prove necessary though.

        Grace picks up her PDA from the table and makes a few deft motions on its surface before offering it to Sheryl. The screen displays first a young man with uneven light green hair and a two tone light and dark blue jump suit with a cut-out from his collar bone down to below his navel. The presence of a 'hair clip', something Sheryl will likely recognize as an implant, is visible on the main screen. A dossier detailing his past combat record as well as some recorded videos of performance trials display on screen.

        "The first is Major Brera Sterne, of the Galaxy Fleet Antares Flight." Grace's voice rings a bit with pride, "He's outfitted with the latest combat implants, and is a top notch pilot. One of the few that we have with us from Galaxy while we're trying to re-establish communications with them. I was able to pull some strings with the refugee officials to have him placed on your bodyguard detail. You are, after all, one of Galaxy's most valuable cultural assets..."

        ... and now time to sweeten the pot.

        "As for the other, well, given recent incidents and the value of the Galactic Fairy to the interstellar community, the Frontier Government insisted that they provide an additional contract as escort."

        The screen slides over revealing a beautiful, slender figure with dark blue hair tied back in a pony-tail. As handsome a visage to ever grace the stage, or in this case, screen. Beside that face is a name: S.M.S. Warrant Officer Alto Saotome

        "That said... I understand you might be uncomfortable having two body guards trailing you at all times, and between Major Sterne and myself I imagine you'd be quite safe. I'd be happy to let the Frontier government know of your gracious thanks but regretful refusal..."

<Pose Tracker> Alto Saotome has posed.

        While Grace is inside giving the News to Sheryl, Alto is waiting outside the hotel room. He's not going with his SMS uniform for this particular contract, as that's likely to stand out too much. Instead he's taken inspiration from the only bodyguard type person he actually knows. So is wearing a large black trench coat, beneath which is a white shirt with tie, tucked into some black pants and shoes.

        Though the professionalism of the outfit is offset a bit by the fact that Alto hasn't gone to much trouble to actually make sure it's neat. The collar is unbuttoned one too many. The tie knot is a bit loose and not right at his neck. The shirt itself is not tailored to fit him exactly, so bellows out in one or two places. Overall, it's got a bit of a rough look to it, giving off the same kind of vibe that Alto has when he's wearing his Mihoshi Academy uniform.

        This is probably in contrast to Alto's counterpart. The so-called pilot from Galaxy. Whom Alto is currently staring at with a mix of curiosity and suspicion, having very little idea who he is or whether he can be trusted. Of course the two were briefly introduced by Grace when they met up to come here, though Alto got very little information about it.

        As such, Alto leans over a little bit to Ranka, who had run into them out here, and whispers the question, "What's his deal anyway?" Not that he actually expects her to know... Just more seeking confirmation that he's not the only one wondering.

<Pose Tracker> Brera Sterne has posed.

Bodyguard duty is not an assignment which Brera is confident is an efficient use of his skills. This is going to require far more urban navigation than he is accustomed to and technically working within an industry he has little knowledge of despite Grace's close ties to it. There has never been a need before. But now that there is, gathering the intelligence on it will become a priority. An order is an order, and there's no questions from Brera, and there's no doubt that he's assigned because it's believed he can handle it. So he will.

He waits outside obediently, entirely too stoic for someone who dresses like he intends to hit the club after an aerobics class. And now he's got a pair of sunglasses to help obscure his cybernetic eyes for this more up-close work.

Ordinarily, there would be no need to acknowledge Alto beyond the bare minimum. Brera could be replaced with a statue and there would be virtually no change to their interaction. What else is there to Brera but his name? There's no more to share, and no more to concern themselves with beyond how well they can protect there charge.

... Except for one new variable entering the mix. Ranka is here. That girl. Why?

Alto speaks to her like he knows her, and Brera's gaze subtly shifts to stare at him with newfound intensity. The look in his eyes may be obscured in his sunglasses, but that can't stop the subtle vibe of animosity that is now filling the hall.

<Pose Tracker> Ranka Lee has posed.

The Orbital Elevator is a technological marvel that still fills her with awe. It's still such a big deal to go from Space down to Earth and back again for her - having lived on the Frontier for as long as she can remember. It was such a big deal the first time, but now here it's just a quick trip up or down whenever they'd like.

Despite being at the hotel, she's still technically on call as an intern, and was sent down to the mail room to pick up a package to deliver to the room of a Nergal executive staying on the same floor as Sheryl.

Post delivery is when she spotted the pair, and she waved as she approaches, "Alto- Brera!"r
Ranka is currently wearing a pink dress with a bow over the bustline and a pleated hem, accented by lace. A pink beret with a red bow, red tights and black flats.

It strikes an interesting contrast to Alto, with his more formal than usual but still rough look.

As Alto whispers to her, her surprise causes one side of her hair to rise as if allowing access to her ear - yet it falls shortly after. A smile blooms on her face, as she then whispers back her reassurances, "He's very nice. I met him back on Earth."

That technically doesn't answer 'What's his deal?' and yet that's in fact the majority of what she knows. She then turns to Brera, "I didn't expect to see you again so soon... especially here!" Then her look turns to a curious one, "Though... why are you both here outside of Sheryl's room?" A finger traces between Alto and him and back - wondering if they're both working security for her right now. "Are you... coworkers?"

<Pose Tracker> Sheryl Nome has posed.

        Sheryl reaches up and accepts the PDA before inspecting the first man. "Hmmm... He's got a handsome face. And I respect the cleavage," she comments as she slowly scrolls down. She notes the 'hair clip' but thinks little of it, having grown up in a colony fleet where such things are commonplace; the mention of his being from Galaxy does bring a wistful look to her face. She looks over his combat record and watches a couple of the videos, but honestly, by that point Grace already has her convinced. It'll be nice to have someone from her hometown around. And he really does have nice cleavage.
        "He'll do," she thus declares, satisfaction in her tone. She wasn't expecting Grace to let her down per se, but this is also something that's just been sprung on her. So like Grace to already have all the details wrapped up in a neat little bow by the time it crosses Sheryl's plate. "So who's the other one?"
        Grace shows her. Sheryl gasps a sharp, tiny little gasp as her back straightens and her cheeks turn rosy. Somehow she'd completely forgotten that Alto was in the S.M.S., and of course they'd be the perfect liaison for the Frontier government in terms of offering up a bodyguard, wouldn't they?
        But then Grace suggests that maybe Sheryl would rather have just one bodyguard. She yanks the PDA away, despite being the only one holding it, clutching it protectively to one side as she glares at Grace anew, this time with a different sort of heat. "No! He'll do, too, *Grace*!"
        Lowering the device, she averts her gaze, pouting. "Honestly," she huffs. "You know perfectly well I wouldn't refuse *him*..." She pauses for a moment, her expression lightening into fondness, a hint of a smile on the edges of her lips. "Hmmm... So Alto agreed to be my bodyguard, hmm..." She giggles and all but bounces on her couch seat as she hands the PDA back. "Maybe that Brera's the one who ought to get dismissed! I'm joking," she adds abruptly, sending Grace a sharp look. She then softens it with a one-armed shrug. "I'm not going to put all your string-pulling to waste, after all."
        ...She really does want to have someone else from Galaxy around. Brera does look a little overly serious, but Alto's like that too, and he's plenty fun. Who knows? Maybe Brera's stoicism will end up one of his charm points~. "So when do I meet them? You're not going to save them for right before tomorrow's show, are you?"
        Alto she knows well, but she'd like to at least get the size of Brera before having to entrust her safety to him. Good thing they're right outside, ready to call in--along with a special guest. (Also Grace's doing...?)

<Pose Tracker> Grace O'Connor has posed.

        Yes... it's nice to have an extra hand. Or an extra pair of hands even. And eyes. Ears too, while she's at it. While Sheryl is certainly aware of Grace's daliances with the occasional hacking of military computer networks (all the better to surveil ongoing military conflicts, particularly those involving a certain young man) she's probably less aware of just how many fingers Grace has tangling through Galaxy's military.

        ALL OF THEM.

        So at this moment Grace is aware of what is happening out out in the hall way. 'What's his deal anyway?' The virtual avatar of the talent manager smirks to herself. Oh? A bit of nascent interservice rivlary? She can use that. It's also fascinating to her that Ranka is there as well. For now, she is merely happy to observe the impact that Ranka 'Lee' has upon Brera 'Sterne'.

        ... how many anguished days were spent trying to jog even the smallest shred of memory from that child's broken mind.

        Back in the real world Grace has the... well, grace to manage a slight guilty smile when her protege manages to see her thinly veiled gambit. "I figured as much." The talent manager... though her eyes widen in apparent shock when Sheryl suggests she might dismiss Brera instead! That is until Sheryl mentions she is joking... and Grace sighs with honest relief while raising a hand adjust her glasses, "Honestly!! You shouldn't joke with me like that. You're a much better actor than I am - it's hard for me to tell sometimes whether you're being truthful or not!!"

        Taking her PDA back, the talent manager smiles with pleasure as Sheryl suggests she would like to meet her new bodyguards. "Of course, I took to liberty to have them in reserve pending your approval." She walks towards the entrance to the hotel room, and opens the door to the outside. "Gentlemen, would you care to introduce yourself to your new client?"

<Pose Tracker> Alto Saotome has posed.

        Alto looks a bit surprised as he turns to look at Ranka, asking a bit more loudly, "You've met him before!?" Alto looks back up at Brera, even more suspicious now. Especially as he notices that new intensity with which Brera is looking back at him... At least he thinks it's new. It's hard to actually tell with this guy's face. The sunglasses don't help too.

        Alto is shocked out of his suspicious stare when Ranka asks about what they're doing here, Alto quickly realizing he had completely forgotten about that part while focused on the stranger in their midst.

        "Uhhh... Well..." He looks away for a bit, rubbing the back of his neck while he tries to think of a way describe what had happened to Ranka. He wasn't entirely sure how she'd take. Hell, he's not entirely sure how HE'S taking it. On the one hand, it's a good idea for Sheryl to have some bodyguards. On the other, when the orders came in from SMS that he was going to be one of them, he felt a mild sense of concern.

        Why concern? It's not because of the potential to have to fight to protect Sheryl. It's not like he hasn't done that in some capacity already. Plus that's just part of the job. No, it's more the propensity for treating him like a slave that Sheryl seems to have. Jokingly, perhaps. But now that he's actually officially working for her, he's one step closer to that reality being true! Not to mention she's going to have even more chances to tease him.

        The concern spikes a little as the door opens and they are called in. Alto already imagining the amused expression on Sheryl's face at the thought of having him to order around even more than she usually does.

        Wait, that's right! Ranka's here! Maybe her presence will help curb that a bit. So in an attempt to save himself some attention, Alto reaches out to take Ranka's arm to drag her in as well, whispering, "Come on."

        Alto enters into the room, trying to pretend that he's totally cool with this. He fails miserably, his first glance at Sheryl making him to go just a bit red, before quickly looking away.

<Pose Tracker> Brera Sterne has posed.

"Ranka," Brera greets, but he does not look away from Alto, because he has yet to determine why Alto would be with Ranka. Why he would be speaking to Ranka. Why Ranka would speak back.

More importantly, Brera does not know why he cares -- beyond caring about this, specifically, but caring at all. Why? The question echoes into his own emptiness not matter how tight he grips it.


"Yes," he answers where Alto hesitates, because he has no reason to think this is some delicate scenario. (If he did, would he give Alto mercy? No.) But that's as far as Brera is willing, or able, to elaborate.

The door opens, and at the sound of Grace's voice, Brera's attention redirects to her, as it always does and always should, awaiting her orders and input.

And is dragged almost immediately from her when Alto takes Ranka by the arm. He watches that instead, overcome with the inexplicable urge to seize Ranka and pull her back. He thankfully does not do this.

It is far too many seconds of delay before he follows after and does his job by introducing himself to Sheryl:

"Brera Sterne."


That's it. That's, incidentally, also exactly what Alto got. Nothing more and nothing less.

<Pose Tracker> Ranka Lee has posed.

Utterly oblivious to the idea that someone is closely watching Brera and herself right now when they're in close proximity she nods and answers Alto, "Back at the park in Japan." She may not be mentioning all the details but how would she even explain that he knows Aimo? That she felt some... intangible connection between them.

She doesn't know what to make of Brera looking at Alto with such intensity though - even as he replies to her.

Alto's sudden awkwardness though causes him to give him a curious look, her head tilting to try and catch a look at his face - trying to see if he's alright. When Brera answers, she looks back his way and her smile brightens as she places both of her hands together in a gesture of delight, "Ah! That's wonderful! I hope that means I'll be seeing you around more."

Then the door opens- and Grace is there-! Asking them to introduce themselves to their new client who she of course figures is Sheryl- means that Grace is asking them to act as professionals. Which means that she shouldn't just swing inside uninvited on a casual visit.

"Ah- you're both busy so I'll let you-" Alto suddenly grabs her arm 'Come on', "-eh!? But-" Still she doesn't resist going along, she figures Alto has a good reason for wanting her there, and if not for propriety's sake she'd want to be there so. "-alright."

As the two introduce themselves, she just raises one hand and waves discretely to Sheryl, smiling as she tries to give Grace a furtive look - hoping she doesn't mind.

<Pose Tracker> Sheryl Nome has posed.

        Utterly unaware of the irony, Sheryl smiles playfully and sticks out her tongue at Grace. "That's just part of my mystique," she declares. However, when Grace goes to the door to call in her new bodyguards, she straightens up, smooths out her hair with one hand, and quickly checks her reflection in the mirror before folding her legs and leaning on the back of the couch, one arm crooked back to rest on it while the other hand settles on her lap.
        Alto walks in...!
        ...with Ranka in tow.
        Sheryl blinks in open surprise. "Ranka?! You're here too?!" she utters. Not that she's unwelcome, but considering this was a conversation about bodyguards, that's approximately the last person she expected to see. And she can't say she's too jazzed about her walking in specifically *with Alto*...
        Pursing her lips, Sheryl glances at him, just in time to see him blush and jerk his head away. Normally that would be a delicious treat, but... Alto unwittingly gets Sheryl to decide not tease him--*directly*, by deciding to focus on Brera. If he's going to pay attention to someone else when he's supposed to be here for her, she can play that game too.
        (Never mind that Brera was also focusing on Ranka for an instant. Lucky for him, Sheryl herself was too focused on Alto to notice. Ah, teenagers.)
        "Brera, hmm?" she says, resting an elbow on her knee and leaning forward to set her chin on her hand. "Your pictures don't do justice to how handsome you are~." She smiles coquettishly. "They did make me think might be the stoic type, though. I didn't realize just how right I was!" She gestures him forward to step closer as she sits up. "So you're from Galaxy too, right? Tell me about that! I want to hear all about which part of town you grew up in." She tilts her head to one side, golden curls tumbling over her chest as her smile broadens into a grin. "Maybe we were neighbors once upon a time. Wouldn't that be a dazzling coincidence?"
        Ever the performer, she might be laying it on a *bit* thick for the audience. But she really is interested, too.

<Pose Tracker> Grace O'Connor has posed.

        ...overcome with the inexplicable urge to seize Ranka and pull her back.

        The virtual avatar of Grace within her cybernetic OS raises her eyebrow. She isn't just monitoring his audio and visual feeds after all - she is also fully interfaced with various biological monitors keeping track of his autonomous nervous system as well as brain waves. While what she sees is merely a blip on a chart it's enough to send a well honed scientist's mind to hypothesizing and inventing countless potential experimental protocols.

        But, that's for later.

        Physically, Grace O'Connor stands aside to allow the two gentlemen (with one lady in tow) come through the doorway. First comes Alto, actually physically pulling Ranka in with him. Part of her is genuinely amused by this behavior. It's like a lion tamer clutching a chair defensively upon entering her cage. Said amusement only grows when her cybernetically enhanced eyes catches a hint of red Alto's face. A lovely match for Sheryl's own rosy cheeks from earlier...

        ... and a strange warmth flutters within her own chest. The diagnostics are quite clear: This isn't some sort of malfunction, nor does she any longer have the muscle with which to produce this sensation. No it's a memory. A memory of when she saw that special someone who made her act the way Sheryl is acting now. Part of her hates that she feels this way...

        ... but part of her treasures it too.

        When Brera comes in she also can't help but smile. Though this time it is out of pride. When compared to Warrant Officer Saotome's entry, the cool professionalism of Major Sterne's entrance is a clear as the contrast from Red to Blue.

        Once they are done, she strides away from the door to stand between them and Sheryl, "Thank you both for coming on such short notice. Our concert schedule is pretty tight, and this was the best available window to bring together the Galactic Fairy's security detail in one place."

        'Ranka?! You're here too?!'

        Grace's purple eyes manage a guileless blink, before turning for the first time to regard the young green haired girl currently giving her a furtive look. "Ah!! Miss Lee! How good of you to make it!" The Fairy's minder then looks up to Saotome with a pleased smile upon her face, "I see Major Lee must have told you about the addendums he added to your contract with us prior to signing." She manages a coy look by placing her index finger in front of her lips in a whispering gesture and smiling, "Don't worry, I'll help take care of the more onerous details so you can focus on protecting Sheryl. But there are a few things Miss Lee and I need to go over before I can finalize the paperwork."

        Approaching Alto and Ranka, she politely extends her hand towards Ranka in an offer for the two to walk together. "If you don't mind coming with me? We'll go to a meeting room I have reserved on this floor so we can get out of the way of Warrant Officer Saotome and Major Sterne while they discuss security matters going forward."

        If accepted, she will take Ranka by the hand and lead her to the door of the room before walking out together. She will linger at the threshhold just long enough to give Sheryl a sly wink before closing the door behind her.

<Pose Tracker> Alto Saotome has posed.

        Alto's plan appears to be working, as Ranka helps draw some attention! He does of course feel guilty for dragging her into this without so much as an explanation. So he was about to come to her rescue by explaining something along the lines of how they were just talking outside and it seemed rude to just send her off.

        But then Grace steps in, offering up her own explanation. Alto is initially surprised and confused. And before he knows it, Ranka is being escorted out again. And he has no choice but to go along with it, "Oh-Ah. See you later then, Ranka." Annnnnd his distraction against Sheryl is gone.

        Alto sighs quietly, resolving himself to what's probably going to come next as he turns back to Sheryl. Only to find her focused on talking with Brera, trying to learn more about him. Alto is briefly relieved.

        Wait... That's not right. That's the suspicious guy who just showed up and has been unusually cryptic about who he is and where he's from. He might be dangerous. A double agent. Sheryl shouldn't be chatting with him so carefree like that. Right?

        Not that there's anything Alto can do in this situation. So he just does what little he can, returning to watching Brera closely with some mild suspicion.

<Pose Tracker> Brera Sterne has posed.

Brera looks toward Grace with the faintest look of surprise. "Signing?" He gaze drifts to Ranka and back. But there is no need to answer him, as the answer is apparent in all to follow. Grace and Ranka are gone. Brera gives a farewell to neither of them, and is now left alone with his new charge and his new co-worker.

Sheryl's compliments wash over him as if they were never spoken at all. And while Brera's attention is on her as Sheryl thinks is only proper, it is void of any of the appreciation a fan might have. Or even what your average human being with the barest minimum interest in social bonding might have.

"That information is classified," he replies simply.

They have been closer than Sheryl knows while they were growing up, but this connection provides them with nothing Brera can identify as relevant.

"As of now, I have been assigned to see to your individual protection and privacy. Ideally this will be achieved by assessing threats to prevent them before they occur, but I am authorized to remove what we cannot avoid. Please provide me with any sudden changes you may experience in your schedule so I can make the proper adjustments for your safety."

<Pose Tracker> Sheryl Nome has posed.

        That Grace...! She absolutely did this on purpose! But why? That's not important. It's even less important when Grace walks over to Ranka and offers her hand to lead her away to do paperwork. Sheryl's a little surprised at the stab of disappointment that digs into her chest. She showed up, and now she's already leaving? ...well, it's fine. Sheryl hadn't even been expecting her. Of course, she hadn't been expecting Alto either until just a few moments ago...
        Unable to untangle her own feelings, Sheryl decides to go with a smile, wiggling her fingers at Ranka in good-bye, belatedly returning her wave in time to see her go. She peeks at Alto out of the corner of his eye--he seems just as disappointed to see her go.
        I suppose I can't blame him, she admits silently. It doesn't really help much.
        What does help is noting how he starts glaring at Brera the moment Sheryl pays attention to Brera over him. Yes! Maybe Major Sterne can be useful in more ways than one...
        ...or so it seems, when Brera demonstrates he goes beyond 'stoic' and into 'emotionless.' Maybe even 'robotic.' It's a little startling to Sheryl. People with implants are usually, well, people with implants, emphasis on *people*. Maybe he's just trying to be a professional? He does have that vibe, as a military man. ...wardrobe aside. But then, she *did* tell Grace they had to have style. Right now, Brera's definitely got more style than Alto, who couldn't even get his shirt fitted. Alto, what are you doing!
        For now, Sheryl purses her lips at Brera, then decides to settle into a more professional demeanor of her own and nod along. "I'll do that. There've been a lot of unexpected disruptions in my schedule lately, as I'm sure Grace already told you, so I'm sure I'll keep you busy... Major Sterne."
        She smiles abruptly, suddenly amused by hearing the name aloud. Major Sterne. It *has* to be a made-up name. It's too funny otherwise! "Actually, I'm sure Alto can tell you all about it--he's been there for several of them. Right, Alto?" she adds, glancing his way. "On that note, have you two met before, or--" Mischief glitters in her eyes as she smirks. "--is this everyone's first time~?"
        She couldn't resist.

<Pose Tracker> Alto Saotome has posed.

        The place where you lived is classified? Yeah, that does nothing to lower Alto's suspicions of Brera. Though he has to admit that Brera appears to be taking this pretty seriously. Then there's the mention of Sheryl's schedule...

        ... And it hits him. He remembers the times he's aware of when Sheryl has up and slipped from Grace's sight to do her own thing.

        'That's going to be us, now...' Alto facepalms for a moment at the thought.

        Alto looks out from behind his hand again though as he hears his name, "Huh? Oh... No. Not really. Just a brief exchange of names before coming here." Even back then, Alto had a feeling that they wouldn't get along. What with Brera being so... Rigid.

        He of course misses the double entendre completely.

        He does go on to explain though, "As for concert security, I'll be having my VF transported in a truck along with us to the site. Given the magnet for trouble you've seemingly turned into, better to be safe than sorry."

        Alto then glances over in Brera's direction, asking, "What about you, Major Sterne? Do you have a unit of your own or are we going to have to find one for you?" Naturally as a pilot himself, Alto is curious about what this man flies. And totally not because he wants to compare it to his top-of-the-line VF-25F prototype modification.

<Pose Tracker> Brera Sterne has posed.

All names are made up, but Brera's is especially made up. He is not in on the joke.

Even the reactions to Brera's lack of one wins no adjustment to Brera's face or tone. There is not even the amusing tension of someone trying to maintain the look, but a work worn woefully by default. Resting robot face.

"I will take what actions necessary to adapt to these disruptions." A promise but possibly also a threat, given Sheryl Nome's occasional casual relationship with her schedule.

Alto answers Sheryl's inquiry about their meeting and Brera glances toward him with tilt almost downwards that's going to have to pass for a nod. Sheryl is, unfortunately, surrounded by a pair of dense boys in the other regard.

But when Alto speaks more directly to him as a fellow pilot, Brera's brain waves spike again with a reminder of his ire from moments ago. He lets it light and burn, even if it doesn't show outwardly -- feeling is the first step.

"Unnecessary. I am sufficiently equipped for the task."

<Pose Tracker> Sheryl Nome has posed.

        Neither Alto nor Brera even blink at the double entendre. Sheryl sighs as she hangs her head. Grace just *had* to pick the two young men with the lowest sex drive in the galaxy. "Grace did this on purpose, I swear," she laments, naturally without explanation. Let them figure it out for themselves.
        A promise, but maybe a threat. Sheryl isn't threatened by the threat. Brera works for *her*, and just because he's her bodyguard doesn't mean he's going to necessarily carry her off on the spot if she happens to sneak off a little bit with someone to do something or another. And Brera might have an *excellent* poker face, but Sheryl WILL find out how to crack it.
        "He *is* a major. I'd be surprised if he didn't have a unit of his own," she points out. "Still, it's nice to know you're both prepared. The last thing I want is some Vajra to show up to my next concert and carry me off into the night." She looks between the two again, then smiles coyly. "We'll just have to see which of the two of you is the better flier. Alto's pretty good, but I saw some of your performance videos, Brera... *Very* impressive. Honestly, maybe I'll end up asking Major Sterne for flying lessons instead, hmm, Alto?" With an exaggerated shrug and sigh, she adds, "Wouldn't you be sorry then!"
        A chime rings from the taiyaki-shaped phone lying on the couch next to her. Distracted, Sheryl picks it up and squeezes it. "Oh, speaking of, here's the details of the venue I'm performing at tomorrow. A park in a city from another *dimension*, can you believe it?"
        She squeezes her phone again, and it projects an outdoor map of Tsutsujidai Park. "I'll forward it to you boys, but in the meantime--have a good look~."
        It'll be something for Alto and Brera to work on together, at least... even as the reasons for them to compete instead keep stacking up.

<Pose Tracker> Alto Saotome has posed.

        Yeah, Alto really should have expected he wouldn't get any actual details out of Brera. It seems to be a running theme with him. Boy is THIS job going to be fun... Though it does make Alto let out a short bark of a laugh when Sheryl suggests that she get flying lessons from Brera, "Yeah, because he definitely seems like the type who is good at explaining things."

        Sheryl brings up the map of the concert grounds for tomorrow. Alto walks over to take a closer look, "I'll admit, I've never been to another dimension before... I never even knew there were other dimensions. Unless you count fold space." It certainly looks like it qualifies as another dimension when you fly through it. But this seems to be on a whole other level.

        Though Alto then realizes that he and Brera will now have to talk about security for the vent. Yes... Fun.

<Pose Tracker> Brera Sterne has posed.

There is a tension in this room Brera does not know what to make of, nor how to read. He would prefer that it not end up mission critical to learn anything about it. There is enough to focus on concerning maintaining Sheryl Nome's security in the face of alien threat while not allowing smaller scale problems to slip through the cracks.

This talk of pilot lessons and the sarcasm that goes with it wins both Sheryl and Alto an unsurprising flat look.

He removes his sunglasses instead of moving closer, letting his cybernetic eyes zoom in instead. A city from another dimension is especially going to pose a new list of unexpected problems that Brera will need to account for in the case of an emergency response.

Brera and Alto. What could go wrong?