2024-05-24: Afterschool Overflow

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<Pose Tracker> Ranka Lee has posed.

Nippon Budoukan has a long and storied history within Tokyo-1, adjacent to Shinjuku, it's within sight of the walls of the old Imperial Palace. It is a place that feels central to the beating heart of Japan's cultural history.

Tonight it shines with emerald light, spotlights glittering across the purplish sky during the last moments of sunlight. Holographic displays line every thoroughfare leading to this place, displaying promotional material that tells a story of the rise of an idol.

It seems carefully crafted for those on the journey to learn of the Macross Princess, from her time waiting tables at the chain of Chinese restaurants Nyan-Nyan, to participating in a talent show and achieving runner up, but then struggling, striving as a 'working idol' until she was finally discovered by legendary director George Yamamori.

And now, several years into her career as the 'Super Dimension Cinderella' it's clear that they're trying to parallel the story of Lynn Minmay in her rise. Here and there are holographic displays of Ranka's latest album covers, whereas others show her with a fake mustache face and singing a jingle for the restaurant she once worked at.

They're tastefully crafted, on long enough cycles that they never truly outstay their welcome, synchronized with the general pace of traffic towards the arena that towers above with a sloping octagonal roof that's meant to be reminiscent of Mount Fuji.

Most of Ranka's fans take to the new form of ad campaign well. After all, why wouldn't they want their rising star to be compared to the idol of idols, Lynn Minmay. Those who know her personally though might feel it's just a little 'off' given her general humility.

The tickets for the concert tonight are collector's items in and of themselves, permanent memorabilia, made of some thin alloyed metal and a holographic sheen over it, a chain link fence over Ranka's windswept green hair, her fingertips grasping upon the metal, even if they fade as if to avoid covering her face.

It is reminiscent of departures - the fence a barrier, as if it were keeping her apart from those important to her. Despite the numerous people who are here, the process of entry is orderly and efficient. Nergal security is wanding people as they come in to make certain there are no 'incidents'.

There are merchandise booths all over, kiosks selling T-Shirts, tour memorabilia, high quality heart shaped glow sticks, and more. There is of course, as always an official Osanshoo-san booth with the titular phone available, plushies, and more.

The arena is rows upon rows - tiers of seats ascending all surrounding a central stage, expanded multiple times over the centuries. This is the center of excitement that can be felt all the way from Kamogawa to here - this is where all roads in Japan lead.

To here, today.



Despite being used to the bustle of setup prior to the concert, Ranka had to quickly dodge a few workers, one of them noticed her too late, and she waved at them apologetically.

Before weaving in and out of the stagehands at work, right towards the center of the preparations, right towards the eye in the storm, Grace O'Connor. Her new manager, a consummate professional.

All smiles, she listened to her at work, not interrupting as she heard her calmly directing some of the 'bosses' supervising setup.

"Please have your people check it again. The lighting is definitely off-center. If it's not corrected it'll be a distraction during the opening number." Then to another, she offered a flash drive, "City management is being difficult." She adjusts her glasses, looking chagrined, "I've had our people develop an algorithm to correct this. Please see if you can't have it applied to our ad campaign before the show."

Marveling at her competency, Ranka didn't clear her throat to interrupt her, but did lean over to look at her, not realizing that Grace had already seen her.

"Ah. A moment everyone." Grace held up a hand, before taking several steps towards Ranka, "What can I do for you, Ranka?"

Ranka smiled at her, "Well, I was thinking. I know I approved the new visuals for Afterschool Overflow earlier but- I was thinking, maybe I was just nervous about speaking up? It's a song that's very special to me, so I was wondering if we could make a few minor last minute alterations."

She held up her own little flash drive, "I promise - nothing major." She told Grace, quietly, and indeed Ranka was nervous, but seeing Grace's competent, professional handling versus the more chaotic atmosphere of Elmo in charge, she was convinced it could be made happen.

Grace's face instantly looks tired, as she rubs a hand by the bridge of her nose, "Ranka I know you're used to a looser atmosphere, but a professionally run concert requires certain things to be set in stone early."

The young idol's face fell gradually, from the smile towards something more desperate, "I it's all very minor I- it's" A pause "I'm being a bother, aren't I?" Grace doesn't nod, but the look in her eyes seems to confirm it, as she takes the flash drive, "Making it happen by tonight would inconvenience a lot of people, Ranka, but I can take a look at it for potential changes going forward."

A hand lightly touched Ranka's shoulder, as she smiled at her, "Please, leave the rest of the preparations to me. Your focus right now should be putting on the best show possible for your fans."

It was hard not to look sullen at the sudden understanding, this is what caused Elmo to quit, this behavior from her - stressing him until he couldn't handle the pressure anymore. Yet, even as Grace touches her, there is a subtle undercurrent, a nostalgic scent, and suddenly she understood just how truly childish she was being. Quickly she nods, and forces a smile, "Don't worry, I will."

<Pose Tracker> Ruri Hoshino has posed.

        And then there are people who came here to jump the fence.

        Ruri Hoshino, her pale hair in its usual twin-tails, wears a shirt advertising Cat's Diary. Her communicator is clipped to her shorts, beneath it, and that piece of technology explains why there's a holographic window or two floating open beside her. Right now, they declare:

                                < RANKA >
                        < THE BEST ! >

        Omoikane is definitely biased.

        She's come here with her COOL OLDER TEEN FRIENDS... and Eight! Who she invited after taking care of Aarmi and Zaress for an afternoon while the bosses were in a meeting. Who's taking care of the kids now the babysitter has kidnapped mom? That is a mystery.

        "I'm not sure how we'll get through to see her," Ruri frowns, looking at the well-ordered crowd. "This is a very orderly event."

<Pose Tracker> Alto Saotome has posed.

        When was the last time Alto was at a concert when he wasn't on some form of job? Whether it was acting as security for Sheryl's concerts, bodyguarding Sheryl at Ranka's concerts, or providing protection for the expedition to Gallia IV during that hell of a concert. But with the contract between Sheryl and SMS ended and not renewed, Alto was now no longer her employee.

        Which just makes it ironic that he's essentially providing 'escort' for her now. Though to be fair, he's also providing escort for Ruri and to a lesser degree, Eight. SMS may be distancing itself from Nergal due to changes in the factional landscape, but that doesn't mean Alto isn't going to watch out for the little Nadesico operator! Or Sheryl, for that matter.

        As the four make their way through the lines to gain entrance, Alto glances at the various holograms on display telling the story of Ranka's rise to fame. As the loop repeats to show Ranka's work waiting tables at Nyan-Nyan, he muses to the other two, "I notice they don't show the parts about her dropping all those orders at Nyan-Nyan. Probably smart." Alto is just wearing his usual casual style, namely a white shirt with dark jacket over it, rounded out by dark pants.

        Ruri mentions that it might be difficult to meet up with Ranka and Alto has to agree, "It definitely feels like security has been stepped up. The whole event is a lot more organized. Which is to be expected, I suppose, given..." Alto doesn't actually say why, he just glances at Sheryl. He's not entirely sure how she's taking it. No doubt she's been putting on a strong face, but whether that's actually the truth...

<Pose Tracker> Madoka Kyouno has posed.

Budoukan! Budoukan, Budoukan, Budoukan! Ah, waht a minor bit of luck to be able to snag tickets to this place! Granted, it was because of Uncle Hiroshi winning some sweepstakes while keeping the BWH Food Stocks, and him having sub-zero interest in the idol industry, so it went down to his technical next-of-kin and her friend...But that was luck, nonetheless!

"Uwaaaaah, I didn't know it was so big in person..." Even going from Kamogawa to Tokyo-1 was an advertising adventure in of itself, watching the holograhpic displays one after the other while shuffing from train to shuttle to lines. Shorts, a good pair of sneakers, a light pack for water bottles and carrying memorabilia, lightweight shirt...and that jersey. More for comfort than anything. Really. She swears.

The pack is soon weighed down by multiple shirts and memorabilia, money sourced from the various people in her school who wanted this and that. Conscientous enough to not buy everything out, but still a tidy profit. And two glowsticks: One for herself, one for Lan, offered with a smile.

"Still, we're sure lucky...These seats aren't front-class, but Uncle Hiroshi can pull through when he wants to." Aaaah, a clear vantage point, all the same. Clear enough to see the stage, and that's the most important part of it all!
Rin Naujakaite (rin) has paged Ranka Lee with, 'Oh I get it like the scene title'

<Pose Tracker> Eight Orlodhari has posed.

Eight Orlodhari is here! ...It's not an official visit; she's not in uniform. She's here for a concert, wih her young friend Ruri. Eight's in red, as she likes to be, her long hair down, in pretty nice clothes as it happens. She has no weapons on her.

Of course, she doesn't need weapons to make trouble, but Nergal security knows that, and is unlikely to give her trouble.

Especially not with--

"We'll manage," Eight says to Ruri. "It's a matter of being limber for the right opportunity!"

It is pretty organized, though. Who's watching Eight's kids...!?

It's a mystery, because they're not here.

She does hve a heart-shaed glow stick, of course.

"It's funny to think back to when she was starting, though..."

<Pose Tracker> Laffinty Fin E Ld Si has posed.

A concert from Ranka Lee, this close to Kamogawa...it wasn't something Lan could skip. She wondered if she could see the girl, but it was, apparently, not a miracle Moid, or Hiroshi's luck, could make happen. Regardless...

As is tradition for Lan, a girl who is rarely entirely 'off', she's in what passes for her casual slash military dress, in a sleeveless leotard under a quarter-length blue sleeved vest, which has the logos of Le Garite and Novumundus on opposite sleeves. Madoka needs to teach her about skirts someday. She is regarding the pen light like it might project some kind of beam, peering into its depth. "So this is Earth celebration..."

She looks up to Madoka and favors her with that quiet smile of hers. "Thank you for inviting me, Madoka. Have I told you, I met her before? Ranka and Sheryl were on the Earth expedition that led Moid and I to Earth. They're both truly remarkable people."

<Pose Tracker> Rin Naujakaite has posed.


Rin Mei Naujakaite arrives with a lot less Journeying than most people because she just has to hop on the Senpuji Hokuto Express down to Shibuya and then get on a local train. She did not have to leave a train station.

Rin is wearing a tank-top declaring her eternal allegiance to RANKA LEE (until she changes shirts). It has, in fact, a silk-screen of the album art for Afterschool Overflow, with its image of Ranka grasping a chain link fence. She is also wearing black denim jeans and has a belt ornament of some kind of jeweled X, or perhaps a cross?

Rin has a glowstick stuck in a messy bun of her hair. "WHAT'S UP MAN" she says as she ducks and weaves her way through the crowd with alarming alacrity, approaching Alto. "You look beautiful as always. Hey guys!" Rin declares to Ruri/Omoikane, proffering a loose-held fist for a bump, which may be cryptic youth culture, or not.

"Hi!! I'm Rin!!" Rin says to Eight, sticking out a hand. "Do you know Ranka?!"

<Pose Tracker> Muginami has posed.

        For some, the call of Ranka's verdant green light was a road from Kamogawa to Tokyo. For maybe exactly one - her road is from Tokyo to Kamogawa instead.

        After Villagiulio at least managed to negotiate himself a few hangars aboard the Frontier Fleet for temporary rental in the event of emergency - it was finally time to start converging on the first target. The mysterious facility just off-shore from Kamogawa...

        But that involves passing through Tokyo first! And on the day they were passing through, Muginami just happened to hear about a Ranka Lee concert! And when she'd just met Sheryl Nome the other day, the Galactic Fairy said that Ranka Lee was the true, secret #1 idol in the galaxy behind the shadows!

        She thought Sheryl was just joking and talking about some friend - but by sheer coincidence, Ranka's at such a prestigious concert of Earth's? Muginami's nose doesn't smell coincidence at all!

        And so, after lots, and lots, and LOTS of begging, Muginami finally was allowed to get her hand on a concert ticket! The festive atmosphere of the concert is enough to make Muginami forget so much about her mission...she doesn't exactly have spending money to get much more than a shirt. But she does get a shirt! And changes into it! So now she's wearing a black, slightly cheaply printed Ranka shirt. Perfect disguise!

        Muginami was about to just settle in and wait for Ranka to finally take the stage...but a strange sight catches her eye. A vaguely familiar blue-haired girl off in the distance. Blinkblinking and rubbing her eyes, Muginami focuses in on the sight of Lan a few stands away...and hastily scrolls through her communicator device. She was shown that girl in a briefing somewhere, right...? Right? And she even looks kind of like what she was shown of Dizelmine...

        Flip flip. Flip flip. There-! Laffiny Fin E Ld Si, the princess of Le Garite - here, of all places?! And an otherwise ordinary looking girl she's talking with...

        Slowly parting the crowds, Muginami works her way in to a position juuuuust behind Madoka and Lan, and aimlessly exclaims, to no particular direction, "Aaaah, you're right, I'm so excited, it's gonna begin soon, isn't it?! Even someone like little old me getting to see the Ranka Lee...! I wonder how many other out-of-towners came to see her~?"

<Pose Tracker> Lucine Azul has posed.

        Yesterday, what could have ended up a disaster for Lucine turned into a fun day out with none other than Sheryl Nome, shopping in one of the Orb Union's fashionable boutique walks.

        The call had been made due to a certain itch of something being off, the source of which Lucine has trouble identifying. Maybe it was an appearance, an article she forgot she read, or a million other things that are liable to set the Martian off.

        In the end, Lucine's decided it was a red herring, but a valuable one, as shopping with Sheryl became more fun than she could have expected, once the glow of the situation wore away. She even got a dress out of it! Why not spend some money on something so nice? Especially since she's finally with Liam after a month-long absence.

        The marigold dress is more akin to some of the styles on Mars (of which there are many, to be fair), which themselves call back to an era even further back, just updated for a new age: an empire cut with a high neckline, and a tie and keyhole feature in the middle, a flared skirt, accented by red earrings and a clip of red flowers in her hair.

        ".... So she did bring him," Lucine comments to Liam, pointing out Alto. "That, or Ruri did." The twintails would be distinctive enough, but the open windows make it even easier.

        Looking at the displays and coming into the concert, that nagging feeling that something may be off makes a subtle return. But, why wouldn't it? Lucine is used to that memory of years ago, where Ranka sang to her plants in the nursery. Things change, and now that Ranka's star has risen, she's built the confidence needed.

        "... Maybe... it's because I'm seeing this all in real time, rather than far away..." she says to herself, though Liam will likely overhear her.

<Pose Tracker> Sheryl Nome has posed.

        In Sheryl's opinion, it's a little much--all the Minmay comparisons, that is. She gets why that kind of promotion would get made, but even though she herself was inspired by icons like Sharon Apple and Fire Bomber, she's never relied on comparisons to that inspiration to bolster her success.
        (No, Grace used different manipulative tactics to rocket Sheryl to success. But that's neither here nor there anymore.)
        Still, it's that same Grace who's putting all this in motion, and it's that same Grace who made sure that Sheryl had a special booth to attend this concert. She's still the Galactic Fairy, after all! She's only lending Grace to Ranka while she gets this manager situation sorted out. It's not permanent.
        It's not.
        Today, though, she's hanging out with Ruri. As the Galactic Fairy, it would have been a matter of a single phone call to get a private booth with all sorts of comforts and amenities and, above all, privacy--but she's here with Ruri, and Ruri wants a more open experience. Truth be told, Sheryl's never attended a concert as a normal girl, so curiosity demanded that she indulge in exactly that experience. Grace was remarkably okay with it, too. But then, Alto would be with her. They may not have renewed his bodyguard contract, but... well, Sheryl trusts him. So obviously this is a matter of Grace trusting Alto, too.
        She herself is dressed in a black sports-bra-esque undershirt, a white sleeveless shirt with artistic rainbow splattering on the chest, stone-washed jean short-shorts, black thigh stockings, and brown heeled boots. Her long golden dresses are pinned up in a bun that pokes out of the back of a baseball-style cap, which not just shadows her face but also the shades she has on to disguise herself. She's done her make-up differently for today too for the same reason, set up to bring out the golds rather than the pinks in her complexion. She isn't even wearing her iconic fold quartz drop earring--not on her ear, anyway. That's attached to a red cord with a certain charm that she's wearing under her shirt. The only thing that might give her away is her taiyaki phone, which is clipped to one of the loops of her jean shorts.
        Omoikane's show of support for Ranka gets him a wry smile, but Sheryl will graciously forgive him.
        "Don't worry about it! I can get us in with just one phone call," she reassures Ruri with the confidence of someone who knows for a fact this is true. She does give a little shrug and a nod to Alto when he glances her way. She's not nearly as upset as she was the other day, that's for sure. "That's Grace for you! Though this is a little orderly even by her standards. Maybe Ranka prefers it that way."
        The mention of Ranka dropping plates gets a giggle out of her. But when Eight weighs in on Ranka's early days, Sheryl says, "She really has climbed up those stairs to fame."
        Just like she encouraged her to, that fateful day they met... though it's gone a long ways past that now.
        Rin comes in then and calls Alto beautiful. Sheryl just gives him an impish grin.

<Pose Tracker> Liam 7-020 has posed.

        Liam walks beside Lucine, his arm looped through hers. It took some doing to get two consecutive days off, but he's here, with the woman he loves.

        "...She did?" Liam says, following Lucine's gaze. Recognition gleams in his eyes, followed immediately by surprise. "Sheryl?" And Alto, and Ruri, and Eight! (Even if Ruri is a little trickier to spot, being shorter than average, and in a crowd.) Liam offers a discreet little wave. Like Lucine, he's dressed up, but in a more daring way than usual. He's wearing khakis and a blue button-down shirt with the waistline artfully untucked, and the first few buttons unbuttoned. It shows off part of a scar, but also his muscular (and partly-engineered) physique.

        "What do you mean?" he asks, leaning in a little closer. "Do you think we can go say hello to Ruri and the others?"

<Pose Tracker> Emilia Eschonbach has posed.

        It had not actually been that long since Emilia Eschonbach had seen Ranka in concert, what with the secret performance on Magallanica. But six months was still long enough to want to see it again. Mineva had encouraged it, and even arranged transport with a few ranking members of Terminal. And her benefactor... he had ensured everything would be smoothed over with her other allies. The commander might have issue with her having fun, but...

        Well. Sometimes fun is necessary.

        On the trip here Emmy had been polite, but perhaps not the most talkative she's been. That may be because she spent months replaying that first 'encounter' with Ruri- who she had travelled here with- in her head.

        Now that she's here, she seems perhaps a touch more nervous, focusing especially on her physical awareness, moving very carefully around people, and using a simple looking but sturdy and well made cane to assist with walking around in full gravity. She doesn't need it most of the time but now and then there's a wince of pain and she needs it to support herself.

        Her prosthetic eye- a plain prosthetic, despite Mineva's offers to cover a cybernetic replacement- sits in it's place in her left eye socket, the only clear tell it's not real being the relative lack of movement compared to her very alert right eye. She wears a Ranka t-shirt- one of the first to go on sale when Ranka debuted- comfortable black jeans and sneakers. Her lavender hair has only gotten longer in the past year, falling down to her thighs now. She has considered a trim but... Well. She had enough rough blows to her self image in a short time that she's not had the confidence.

        She was surprised how many of Ruri's older teen friends overlapped with her own. She still felt a little awkward around Sheryl, given what she disclosed at their last catch up- but she's nonetheless happy to see her. Alto got a bright smile- it had been more than a year after all.

        "I d-d-don't know. I th-think it would h-have sold her cute image." Emmy admits, as Alto speaks of Ranka's dark and secret past. Still, the talk of security. "...the c-c-concert she held back h-home w-wasn't like this. It w-was really easy for her to interact with f-f-fans."

        To be fair, Emmy had the most VIP pass for that particular concert.

        "Th-there'll be a draw f-for a s-signing event, right? Maybe y-you'll. Get drawn." She mentions to Ruri and Eight, after Eight's talk of being limber. Fortunately, Sheryl is there to abuse her power for good. "O-or that."

        It came as something of a surprise to Emmy too that Ranka had made it that far so quickly, but a happy one. "W-well... She's e-earned it, hasn't she? She w-worked really hard to g-get this far."

        It's when someone comes to join their little group that Emmy's eyes go wide with surprise- even if the effect is not complete. "...Rin?"

        She hadn't seen the other former Black Knight since Cascade's... betrayal. Not that she can mention that here. "Y-you're okay?"

<Pose Tracker> Ranka Lee has posed.

It is very orderly isn't it? What a strange contrast to how Grace ordinarily ran things with Sheryl. Ruri and Omoikane certainly see it, as does Alto (Mean! Mean! Mean! Mean! ... Is what Ranka would say but she's not in earshot. Though Emilia is correct it would sell the cute image.) Tokyo is a very busy city and everything is going- eerily smoothly.

Muginami gets a stare from one super fan that's bedecked in memorabilia as if judging her cheaply printed shirt as not being official merch. "Wow, tacky much?" They mutter as they walk off.

The crowd's energy is growing the longer that they wait, a din that's infectious. Japan's idol culture has an even longer history than Macross' own, even if it has risen to prominence in recent decades, the romanticism of spaceflight, of exploration and colonization of distant galaxies.

Abruptly, the stadium lights go out, plunging everyone into a darkness reminiscent even of travel through space, the fans responding at first with a cheer, before hushing down into that anticipation, and then that relative silence is broken by an energetic shout.


Afterschool Overflow - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=16oqUyo2GIQ

A rising synthetic percussion begins as a melody starts to play, simultaneously with the stage lights coming on, a spotlight focused on a Ranka turned away with her back to the crowd, a train of ribbons descending from an asymmetrical skirt of green and white and black.

Turning around, she breaks into a run down the narrow runaway of the stage that enters into the crowd displaying the greater dress ensemble where that skirt pattern rises up the dress to the bust, before becoming a flowy long sleeved blouse, with white ribbons trailing off of each wrist. A pair of black shorts beneath it becomes white tights, down to her decorated white shoes. A bow, ribbons and a star hairpin adorn her hair, with a long dangly necklace around her neck.

Putting her hands on her knee, she takes a breath as if she'd run a much greater distance then rising, swings around and spreads her arms out, in a to-and-fro of head bobbing this way and that in maidenly vibing. A hand comes up to her chin, dreamily thinking of someone, before she turns in profile, bringing her fingers up in the 'Kira' gesture. The microphone raises, while the opposite arm waves- it's her music that weaves a spell.

"Because you're so very gentle,
"You take all the pain on yourself,
"As you support me, and take on that role,
"It becomes the real you.
"Even if you're hurt by my weakness,
"I'm sure you wouldn't say a word."

Suddenly Ranka goes out of focus, as if the audience is being pulled away and up into that Colony Sky. From it, variable fighters take off, streaming contrails of light, before they pass beyond into a bright, warm impression of space. In the distance it is darker, save for the sudden blooming of light.

Before being tugged back down, into a school roof, Ranka's suddenly dancing on a Japanese style school rooftop which to those who have been to Tsutsujidai might think is uncannily similar, Ranka's image blurs, and suddenly it's like with every dance step, another of her splits out of her, not to become backup dancers, but to show everyday life. A Ranka in a high school uniform running down the path to school. Another taking her place on another part of the school rooftop to eat lunch, yet another in class, alone, as dappled sunlight pours down over her at her desk.

"Even in my average everyday life,
"Seeing your face in profile,
"As I looked up was spe~cial."

Above variable fighters swoop in stunts, and suddenly the Ranka running down the path looks up. The Ranka on the rooftop stops eating for a moment to look up. Another looks up. And despite the feel. All of them suddenly smile. The idol in the performance pumps her arm up and down, again and again as if calling attention to what lies beyond.

The primary Ranka continues her dance, with a twist step that moves her across the school grounds. One by one the other Ranka's vanish, into one clambering up the stairs, running so fast towards the chain link fence that it feels like it would clatter, a single hand gripping it, her eyes towards the heavens. The fence is a tangible barrier between them. Still, she forces a smile.

"If we part ways after school,
"We may not be able to meet again tomorrow.
"The rain flowed down over my eyelids,
"The vision of your back as,
"You walked home after school,
"Became a sepia photograph."

Light sparkles down from above, raining from space onto the Colony, like rain, over Ranka. One strikes an eyelid, even as the Colonial world suddenly becomes a freeze frame of sepia tones before coming back into color again. The peppy pop beat swells, before becoming a melodic chorus.

The sepia toned Ranka turns, smiles, then walks towards the real one. Who energetically is dancing, her arm making sweeping circles towards her fans, before she swings herself around into the path of the other coming towards her.

"Love is kind of embarrassing,
"I couldn't sing your name.
"The reason the world is endless will break you,
"If you think about it too deeply,"

Ranka's palm touches the other, and their foreheads touch, at the moment of contact, the sepia toned nostalgia becomes one with her. Ranka herself takes on the high school uniform. That white blouse, the blue ribbon tie around her neck, a pink cardigan tied around her waist with blue knee socks and shoes.

The scenery changes to her at a spaceport, her image dividing, dividing, dividing - into pairs again, each pair having one of her, and another like aglitter with azure light. In each, the real Ranka embraces that impression of a person that's kneeling, one that's standing with a hand against the wall, another that's sitting with her legs on the seat, comforting them.

"As you whispered, "I couldn't protect that person,"
"I held you tightly."

One by one, those images become light, rising, as the Variable Fighters take another pass overhead, engines roaring as they swoop over each other, changing positions in formation as they head back into that distant darkness.

"If we part ways after school,
"We may not be able to meet again tomorrow.
"I believed things would change,
"But as I pick up my childhood dreams,
"They become a sepia photograph."

And now Ranka is at the window of a spaceport, her hand against the glass, looking out as they go. A reflection in that glass, that despite it all forces a smile again. As her hand slides away, she dissolves into light, rushing past the glass. A lit green image of herself flying alongside the Variable Fighters, on a sparkling comet, the universe becoming a watercolor of rainbow colors and warmth.

"As it rushes past, the blue storm of time strikes my cheeks,
"I will always love you, love you."

She dances on stardust, her ephemeral self traveling with them this time on this journey, no matter where it might take them. The implication is clear, no matter how apart they are, their feelings are with that person in her life. And thus, she can always see the bright side.
The light transforms, transfigures, as if it's embracing them, even as the audience's point of view is taken back down to that Colony school rooftop again, Ranka dancing there, the chain link fence still present but now it feels more translucent, like she could pass through it.

In a whirling swingstep, she dances towards the side of that rooftop, waving as if she were waving goodbye, but without any visible sadness, her movements to the time of the music.

"If we part ways after school,
"We may not be able to meet again tomorrow.
"Before I open my eyes,
"In the skies to the East
"Beyond those skies you are..."

Her arm sweeps up, and light drifts down around her, as the Variable Fighters make one last swooping turn over the school, and then everything freezes in Sepia tones again, the fighters captured there, as if a memory frozen in time.

Only Ranka now is in color, in view, as the melody rises as energetic as ever as she runs up to her audience, and then beyond the stage, an effect like the high school girl is now dancing overhead, on air, each footstep a sparkling ripple. As she sweeps her arm over them, those water like ripples dissolve, motes of light sparkling down on their audience like rain, drifting down, and as they strike each audience member while she sings.

"If we part ways after school,
"We may not be able to meet again tomorrow.
"The rain flowed down over my eyelids,
"The vision of your back as,
"You walked home after school,
"Became a sepia photograph."

They become glittering teardrops, more and more floating down, before Ranka herself vanishes, becoming those sparkling lights, raining down over the audience. Back on stage, she rises up again in a ring of light, as the melody winds down, a smile alit on her face against that still sepia backdrop.

And then the lights go out, just as the cheering begins.

<Pose Tracker> Ruri Hoshino has posed.

        Alto knows the security, of course -- no wonder, Ruri thinks, when he's usually protecting these events. She's no stranger to helping out, herself... though, strangely, no one ever asked her to help with troubleshooting these special effects.

        (Surely it's not Grace keeping her away from Ranka.)

        But Eight assures her they'll find an opportunity, and Sheryl assures her she has social power, and so Ruri nods. "Okay." She might have said more, in her taciturn fashion, except -- here's Rin!

        Gravely serious, Ruri extends her dainty little fist out for a bump. Behind her, the holographic screen changes text to, < NEW CHALLENGER >. See, Sheryl? A private booth would have never afforded them this chance encounter. "It's good to see you, LX-san," she greets Rin, quite properly, as if it wasn't strange at all to see her. (Despite Emilia's surprise.)

        She doesn't seem to even remember the Incident which first introduced her to Emilia. How could a spilled drink be forgotten?! She doesn't seem terribly cold to her, though, so it's possible she hasn't been holding that one event over her head for years. "Ranka-san has worked very hard," she reflects on what Emilia says, instead.

        Of course, Ruri waves to Lucine and Liam, in the crowd. She kind of lifts her hand up to wave so they can see her, because she still, in fact, quite short. (She's still only four-foot-eight, even now she's almost sixteen.)

        And then it's time to embrace each other, to the ends of the galaxy. Ranka runs into view, and --

        "A cardigan tied around her waist... I wonder if Ranka-san learned that at school." What a thing for Ruri to murmur, quietly, as she's watching it all. And, behind them:

                        < RANKA-CHAN >
                        < STAR ! >
                        < GET BURNING ! >

        Omoikane's into it, too.

        Still, those Variable Fighters... the shadow of war falls over this high school romance. And... there's something about the imagery of that chain-link fence which bothers Ruri, quietly.

        "You were also..."

        She's not talking to anyone in particular. At least... no one beside her, right now.

<Pose Tracker> Sheryl Nome has posed.

        Not too far away, Lucine and Liam are finding their own seats. They wave to Sheryl, and Sheryl catches the moment and waves back with a smile. They did well to recognize her dressed down like this--but then, they actually know her. Maybe if she gets lucky, she'll recognize Lan in the audience too... but right now they're a little too far apart. It's good to see Emilia too, especially in much better condition compared to when they last met, and Sheryl had a smile for her as well when they joined up.
        But soon it's time for everyone to embrace each other to the ends of the galaxy. When the performance begins, Sheryl takes off her sunglasses, hooks them on the edge of her top, and pays close attention.
        Afterschool Overflow lives up to its name. Energetic and hopeful, yet wistful and yearning... The bittersweetness of youth distilled in a single song. There is a lot of Variable Fighter imagery there interspersed with the sepia memories of high school--but given the lyrics, Sheryl assumes that's just part of how Ranka is essentially confessing her love to a certain someone. The chain link fence that holds her back from saying it directly is only part of that symbolism.
        After all...
        I will always love you--
        "...love you..." Sheryl sings along under her breath, blue eyes shimmering at Ranka as her hand moves to brush against Alto's.
        ...It's so much easier to sing it, isn't it? Even if you can't sing their name.

<Pose Tracker> Eight Orlodhari has posed.

"Hi," Eight answers Rin wih an easy friendliness. "I'm Eight. And I do! We're not close or anything, but I've been following her for a while."

Eight is easy to spot; she's very tall. Sh also smiles easily; like when Emmy menions Ranka's cue image. "True," she says. "Success makes a lot different..." Like Sheryl said. And like Sheryl says, she'll get them in. Eight laughs a little. "I expected to have to be a litle more limber," she admits.

Light and lights... Eight watches the visuals as she listens to the song. She recognizes the appearance of war--and i's nostalgic for her, too. her adulthood began by going to war...

School, and battle. It makes Eight think of the schools she's concerning herself with now. The many Rankas...

She is quietly affected by that narrative of protection and loss.

She doesn't say more, for now.

<Pose Tracker> Rin Naujakaite has posed.

"Nice. I actually met her before she was big," Rin tells Eight, "no big thing really, it's just one of those great little stories--"

"SH," Rin begins to exclaim before toning it down to a stage-whisper "Sheryl!! You look amazing too!! Hey!!"

*DAP*. Rin is recognized. "If you go for noodles or something after the show, let's do a round," she tells Rin. But then--

Rin turns her head to look at Emmy. There's a blink or two, which hopefully Emmy will take as recognition confusion -- after all, a surprise can take a moment to get through your slow-ass brain.

Rin's brain-ass is faster than the average gamer's, however. (Oh, crap! Is she here to kill me? Wait, no. She looks like she's had a rough time. Yeah, if they were going to kill me they'd just bomb my house, it wouldn't be that hard to do. I ought to be nice, this is all probably super hard on her, too.) All of this happens in Rin's head in that second or two.

There are too many people between Rin and Emmy for her to embrace the other girl, and so she reaches out to clasp her forearm while her face pulls into a grin. "Hi!! I'm great! I'll tell you about it after the show, we can-" The stage is darkening.

The song is beginning.

Rin hears it washing over her as she stares out at the immense visual display. Her hand doesn't leave Emmy's arm unless the latter moves away from it.

<Pose Tracker> Madoka Kyouno has posed.

There's the quick five-second showcase of how to work a penlight: On, off, flashing. Twirling her own penlight in the hand, making sure her own worked properly.

"Oh, you have? You think she might remember you?" Granted, she had little idea of the scale between Gallia IV and Earth; Only that it was infathomably large, and that it took months to come from there to Earth. Huge, huge distances that she coudln't concieve of...! "Then again, they might remember Moid more...Wait, but you're a princess. They might remember you anyways!" Fist against palm; Conclusion reached!

Out-of-towners? Her ears catch the uttered phrase, leaning back with a relaxed smile on her face. "Yeeees, two from out of town, right from Kamogawa!" She can't help but widen her own smile, a peace sign of that confident assertion beamed upwards before looking back at the stage. "WHere'd you come in from? Had to cross the border?"

Regaredless of the answer, she drowns herself in the atmosphere of the place, closing her eyes for a moment to breathe in. The distinct aura of anticipation, want, and festivity...

And she follows along, brought along by the crowd and the guidance of lights, sounds, and the visual spectacle before her. Eyes sparkling as she watches the choreography, mind ticking every so often in marvel at how the entire thing is staged. The eye that knew little things about how to choreograph, dance, and stage could only watch on in marvel, cheering along with the crowd as the song played out.

The lyrics...They may not ring to the specific period, but it rings true all the same, penlight swinging along to the beat. One, two, three, four, a wide smile at the nostalgic heartstrings tugged.

Ah, Ranka had a new fan.

<Pose Tracker> Laffinty Fin E Ld Si has posed.

It's tough to read excitement out of typically grim-faced Lan, but with the tension rising for Ranka's appearance, even Lan looks just a little fidgety.

"I'd hope so! We spoke quite a bit, actually. Though I was supposedly the head of that expedition, much of my duty was ceremonial, so...we found a lot of time for each other," is her answer to Madoka. But, that line of thought gets cut off! A voice pierces the pre-show hubbub, and Lan finds herself jumping and looking behind her. That's...that's...! A total stranger!!

Lan looks to Muginami with total earnestness. Complete, piercing focus. Examining, contemplating...

She holds her hand up in a little dog paw. "Wan," she says, like it were a word with meaning.

Before further normal conversation between earthlings can ocur, THE LINE HITS. "Oh! She's here!" Lan says, and turns her attention straight back to the stage.

Ah...Her face loosens into a smile, slowly. "Yes...that's her," Lan says, maybe to herself.

<Pose Tracker> Alto Saotome has posed.

        'You look beautiful as always.'

        Alto gives a glare in Rin's direction. She better not be talking about him. She was talking about Ruri, right? Or possibly Sheryl. Yeah, that's probably it. Glare.

        But Alto's face softens again as Sheryl's words about Ranka's rise echo in his brain. He too thinks back to those early days, when Ranka was just some schoolgirl Sheryl fan he just happened to run into. It seems so long ago, far longer than it's actually been. He murmurs in response, "Yeah..." Has this future that has come to pass really the one they wanted? On the surface it seems so, yet...

        Also, Alto is technically no longer an 'older teen friend'. He turns twenty one in a couple of months! Time, why is it so fast... Of course he stills give Emilia a nod for her insight into Ranka's cuteness, "True. Though I get the feeling that's not quite the vibe they're going with this time..." Which is a strange feeling given he's always associated 'cute' with Ranka... Her concerts! He means her concerts, naturally. Cough. But perhaps there's more to her image than just that? Is that what they're trying to show?

        The group reaches their seats, running across Liam and Lucine in the distance. It's actually Sheryl's wave back that causes Alto to notice and he gives the other two a nod in greeting.

        Soon enough the concert begins. Seeing the spotlights appear on Ranka, wearing that dress with a green that matches her hair, Alto can't help but stare.

        But soon enough the impressive visuals start up and draw Alto's attention. Of course the VFs grab his eye the most and he can't help but judge their movements. Of course, they're perfect. Trust Grace to pay such attention to detail, as she always does (did?) with Sheryl's concerts.

        Alto doesn't consider any alternative meaning behind the VFs. After all, they're a big part of his own life and a symbol of the Macross fleets, from which Ranka is from. It's not uncommon to see them in various forms of media from them.

        'I will always love you--'

        Alto can feel Sheryl's hand brushing against his own, but doesn't think much of it. She's just moving her hand absently while watching, right? Besides, Alto's attention is focused on Ranka right now. The lyrics washing over him.

        'If we part ways after school, we may not be able to meet again tomorrow.'

        Ever since he graduated from Mihoshi, roughly about the same time Ranka's meteoric rise was starting, he's not had as much chance to run into her.

        'In the skies to the East, Beyond those skies you are...'

        And since the Gallia IV incident, both of them have been incredibly busy. When was the last time they actually had a quiet moment together? Is this what things are going to be like now? ... Is that okay?

<Pose Tracker> Emilia Eschonbach has posed.

        You mean some people move on from accidental wrongs and go on with their lives? Clear proof that Ruri is not secretly Britannian. Emmy merely nods quietly at Ruri's agreement.

        The smile from Sheryl does put Emmy at a little more ease, and she visibly relaxes as the show starts to get closer. Eight's own easy smile helps that too- she's still not sure what to make of the Admiral, but she's definitely leaning closer towards 'good person'. Enough to at least feel comfortable around her now. "...I s-s-suppose." Emmy confesses, at success changing things, and takes a second to think about what Alto says about going for a different image. "I g-guess maybe you have to h-h-hide a bit of. Who y-you are, on the st-stage."

        Emmy's caught a bit by surprise when Rin takes hold of her forearm- but she doesn't pull away in the slightest. "S-sure." She manages, before the lights completely dim. It's a little awkward to to return the gesture from Emmy's current position, but... She's still definitely shifting to make it a little easier for Rin to hold on during the song.

        It's maybe a surprise that the first song is Ranka's current best seller. (Now that she's got a real allowance of sorts, she may have bought both the limited edition release and the standard. The limited edition sits inside her bag for signing, hopefully.)

        It's strange, how the view of a colonial sky went from something she dreamed of seeing to her every day, but there's still wonder in Emilia's eyes. Magallanica is no Macross, after all- but it is space.

        Somewhere around the second verse, though, Emilia closes her eyes to focus on the lyrics, on the music alone. The first time she saw this performance, her breath was taken away. And just like the first time, tears are forming in her eyes. Closing them hides that for a little longer.

        How many people from school would she never see again? They prevented so many dying at the hands of Britannia at the massacre, but the fighting and martial law had broken so many bonds- and her own GUTS connections were things she couldn't lean on now, all those bonds locked away in Ashford's student council room, closed to students. How many had been killed in collateral? How many were refugees? How many had simply disappeared?

        Rin suddenly appearing at the concert has made so much clearer the distance and cuts in those bonds that have happened since.

        She opens her eyes near the end of the song, as the VFs swoop above the school and freeze, while the light falls on the audience. A hand reaches out to catch one of the holographic motes, despite it being ephemeral as anything.

        And when the song ends, Emilia lets out a loud cheer with the rest of the audience. She can take up that sort of space now- and then, after a moment, reaches into her pocket to pull out a handkerchief- silk and of excellent quality- to dab her eyes and clear the tears that have streamed down her face.

        With the song over, in the brief respite, she speaks to Rin, just barely audible over the crowd noise. "I'm g-g-glad you're doing well." That's... probably a good sign she's not here to kill Rin.

<Pose Tracker> Lucine Azul has posed.

        Lucine speaks her thoughts aloud, and Liam overhears. The teal blue-haired young woman looks up at Liam. "Oh, it's--"

        The lights are beginning to dim. Lucine grins instead. "I'll tell you later. I still haven't told you about my day with Sheryl in full, after all~" For a moment, eyelids drift halfway over yellow eyes in a coquettish expression.

        Don't be fooled, Liam. It mostly was just them going into different stores and trying on different outfits. Sheryl being a merciless tease, all in good fun. The establishment of a secret, that both swore to never reveal...

        ( ... The secret is that Lucine privately ships Alto and Sheryl and that Sheryl can never tell Alto because Lucine is *trying* to ensure she maintains an air of competency around a fellow pilot. )

        It took Lucine a moment to realize where Sheryl was, to be fair; crowds this thick can make detecting by Newtype means a complete disaster. However, once she saw Alto, all she had to do was look for a suspiciously fashionable woman nearby him.

        She waves back to Sheryl and grins, as well as to the shorter Ruri. "... It's amazing how much she's grown in the past year," Lucine remarks to Liam. "Within a year or two, Ruri could get away with wearing a captain's uniform. No one would question it."

        The lights dim completely, and Lucine quiets, settling down into her seat, her hand settling back into Liam's.

        And for a while, she's transported into a love song of a schoolgirl, a bittersweet journey of yearning and distances, of resolve.

        The tears feel real; real enough for Lucine to have a few of her own.

<Pose Tracker> Muginami has posed.

        It was one thing to see concerts on fuzzy, low-quality recordings, often with unsteady, off-centered cameras. There's a certain kind of joy in those, but when Muginami was looking for music when she first got a communicator...those were often a bit of a letdown.

        But being here, in person? Feeling the energy of the crowd match the aura the performer gives off? And when it's a song like this - holding onto someone important in a vast universe that pulls people apart...

        Ahh, yep, Muginami's crying. For a second, she clutches the front of her Ranka-shirt, bundling it in her grip, before peeking to her left and right - the rest of the crowd's emotional, but a little less so? ...And so the bottle upending Muginami's tears is tipped backwards a little more constrained.

        After all, the idea of someone close to her finally walking away for good...what would she have left?

        Fanning herself with one hand, Muginami gets herself together just enough to give Lan an innocent, bubbly little smile, and, in sheer confusion, returns the hand gesture, but does not return the 'wan'. (The universe may have prevented a fatal error there.)

        ...That's absolutely Princess Laffinty, without a doubt. Don't look at her too closely, of course - thankfully a concert is easy enough to find a different focal point. Right after that strange greeting, Muginami's right back to cheering Ranka on, with an enthusiastic, "I love you, Rankaaaa!" (That's not true just yet.)

        Princess Laffinty's acquaintance strikes up a small chat. And Muginami can so easily answer: "Crossing the border wasn't easy at all, but it was all worth it to come here! My big bro was so nice to get me a ticket~" (What 'border' does Madoka mean? Is that something to be concerned with?) "How long have you two been Ranka fans? This is my first! Also, my name's Muginami!" (It's a subtle attempt to figure out if this girl is the princess's bodyguard, or another courtier from Le Garite, or just...a normal person, like everyone else here...?)

        After all - they said they were from Kamogawa. It can't be a coincidence that whoever the Princess of Le Garite is involved with - must be relevant to the reason Muginami's come all this way.

        Best not to say anything of the sort just yet. Leave it a pleasant surprise for later~

<Pose Tracker> Liam 7-020 has posed.

        "Later, then," Liam says. As the two take their seats, he leans in and plants a kiss on her forehead. His arm slips around her waist, and squeezes. "I hope you two had a good time--and that she didn't tease you. Too much." There's a twinkle in Liam's eye. As difficult as things have been for them, it feels good just to be here with her.

        "Not too soon, I hope," he says, sobering a little as Lucine comments on Ruri. "She needs time to... just be a young person." Liam never got that. But the moment doesn't linger too long.


        Liam embraces Lucine, and kisses her forehead. But then it's back to watching the show--and what a show it is. Liam's face brightens in delight, but the very moment the first lyrics hit, his heart twists in his chest. It's like Ranka looked at him, and through him. (She did nothing of the sort, at least not knowingly. It's almost like many people have similar anxieties, and similar tendencies to self-sacrifice.

        By the end of the song, Liam is crying, silently, as he holds Lucine's hand.

<Pose Tracker> Ranka Lee has posed.

In the dark as the audience cheers, Ranka peers into the arena, her fans a dark blur alit by glowsticks, picking through the overwhelming tide of excitement. Her eyes look one way, then another as if having difficulty picking something out.

But she swore she heard- no more felt?


She's still looking around, and Sheryl might feel that momentary contact, as if trying to pick out a separate, familiar feeling - from three others she knows? Ruri? Emilia? Rin? Lucine? It couldn't be right? They never confirmed they were coming, even though she sent texts. Then again there was a lot of Minovsky interference, the error messages did say.

(Texts which had a little oopsie on the way and got a little deleted. How could that happen???)

She wonders, just as the lights come on and Ranka's hair leaps on both sides as it knocks her out of that focus, as Ranka waves at all of her fans, recovering immediately as any professional might from a moment of lapsed focus, "Hello Tokyo! It's great to be back! You make it so easy to want to be back.."

She smiles cheerfully, "I always appreciate how Japan does things. Back in the day I did a lot of work here before my debut. If it weren't for those opportunities, I probably wouldn't be standing on this stage today."

She smiles at everyone, "Your appreciation lets me know that it's alright even for a Colony Girl like me to not hold back. To really cut loose." Slowly walking around the stage, "So to show appreciation back, I've got something special for all of you tonight."

The spotlight goes off of her, and instead takes the perspective of a single chair. A Ranka that's got her arms around her knees, with a similar high school uniform, save it looks more ragged, like the end of a hard day, staring off into space, alone.

Saturday Night Question - Megumi Nakajima - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N0eNkDjtui4

Then all of a sudden, the darkness is carved asunder by a guitar rift. Pink lights stream up in the background, as the guitar solo continues.

Ranka emerges from the side of the stage again, this time in a loose sleeveless blouse of green and yellow stripes, a long loose scarf scarf that bespeaks an adventurous spirit. A ruffled skirt, accessorized by two loose belts, one black leather and another studded, wearing various bracelets.

Ranka takes slow, measured steps towards the Ranka on the chair, as if understanding the skittishness, the pain of her life, all the while singing into her orange Osanshoo-san microphone.

"Worn out by the remaining pain,
"My heart's gotten warped and taut to its limit,
"Its strings weren't all that thick"

The Ranka in the chair feels like she's incapable of paying attention at first, as the other Ranka begins to swing around her, as if trying her best to figure out how to reach her. A blur of humanity begins to pass by the two of them, people walking, drifting by, indistinct shapes, blots without features. The chair vanishes, and Ranka stands now, as if she's a part of this - and apart at once.

The adventurous Ranka at first gets overwhelmed by the blur of humanity, unable to catch up, but then she starts scooting by, pushing by, forcing her way towards the other.

"Unable to fully avoid the doubt and wariness being cast on me,
"I occasionally hide the woods in the forest,
"And doing this, I've grown fed up of apologizing to myself."

And abruptly, contact, as the fingerless gloves of a hand touch the other, and the first Ranka seems to see her for the first time, eyes subtly widening, as the sea of humanity vanishes. Taking her hand, she begins to pull her towards the screen now, a backdrop not unlike that of a computer.

"Removing a mask that doesn't even exist,
"Saturday night begins to move one more step forward."

The two dive in, as the music swells, and the moment the high school Ranka enters, she's now dressed like a video game character on an adventure, bedecked with pink robes, a beret, ribbons, wielding a staff in the archetype of the feminine spellcaster.

The boundary is struck by other Rankas coming out of them, but in that moment they change - one becomes a androgynous paladin in armor. Another becomes a feminine kunoichi. Still another grows cat ears becomes a becomes a catboy in a leather breastplate that bares their midriff.

"Lights and dreams lead me, illuminating the future with vibrant light,
"I want to touch them, to trace them out,
"I'll cross the frustrating, longing, swaying nights while embracing them
"Until I open the next door"

The entire party of Ranka's nods to each other, and begins to take off in a run, the landscape shimmering into a wide fantasy plain of fantastical forests. A six legged deer looks up at them, then bolts. While colorful sparkling birds alit with flame fly overhead, and a purple Osanshoo head emerges from a pond to stare at them, unblinking.

"Just where is this fabled total retraction?
"I clapped my hands and checked for an echo,
"Listening closely, I can faintly hear one"

Without warning, they're back in the real world, and 'guide' Ranka is approaching another one, who is sitting there in the countryside, holding up a mirror that half hides their face. Gently taking the mirror from her, she pulls her in, and she becomes part of the party too, running alongside them. This one wearing a cape and a classic feathered tricorne, while sporting a rapier.

"Once a chance that I can take advantage of presents itself,
"'Okay, I'll take my leave here'
"I wonder if acting tough like that is getting me anywhere"

Now it divides into scenes, the spellcaster sitting at the fire at the campsite. The catboy and the kunoichi sitting on a tree branch, silhouettes at night. The one with the rapier leaning their head upon the Paladin's shoulder.

All scenes of reverie, of escapism. Of people thinking, longing, yearning for something to fill that gap.

"I'm being asked 'What do you want to do?'
"However much time passes, I can't solve this q-q-question."

Back in the real world, in a dark room, the high school Ranka's head suddenly lists forward as she puts her head on her desk, atop her arms - guide Ranka putting a blanket over her shoulders, before she leans her head on her back, as if empathetic to that.

Rising up, the darkened room becomes a street which the guide Ranka breaks into a run, on a new day, dancing in and out of the people like a girl hurrying on her way to - or perhaps from school. Catching her breath against a lightpost, she pounds a hand against it.

"I search for almost forgotten fragments and words from a scattered puzzle
"I want to fill it in leaving no gaps
"I'll find an answer from both the time that won't come back and a small fabricated past.
"Once I've opened the next door"

And the world shatters like glass, suddenly a red dragon faces the audience in a sulphurous landscape of rock and lava, light gleaming off its gleaming scales, it roars and a gout of flame descends, as the Paladin blurs out, suddenly intercepting it with their shield. The rest of the party joining in on the attack. The kunoichi throwing kunai at it's back, the spellcaster's spells gleaming in green light.

The catboy leaps over the Paladin, axe drawn, while the rapier wielding swashbuckler slides low between its legs, in daring fight choreography. Guide Ranka hurries down center stage in a dance step of desperation, and reaches out a hand to the audience.

"Removing a mask that doesn't even exist,"
"When I solve this q-q-question with just a little more work, Saturday night will begin to move."

As she does, the entire audience changes, all of them becoming fantasy versions of themselves, as if they crossed that threshold. Some change race - some becoming more gender androgynous - their outfits changing into fantasy garb with weapons. The dragon roars as it makes a charging run past the party, as if it were coming into the audience.

"Lights and dreams lead me, illuminating the future with vibrant light
"I want to touch them, to trace them out
"I'll cross the frustrating, longing, swaying nights while embracing them
"Until I open the next door...
"Once I've opened the next door..."

Then suddenly, it freezes, and its entire image blips and grows dark as if it were simply on a computer screen all along. In that moment they can see the high school Ranka again, sitting in that chair, hands on her knees, but as she looks up - there's a smile, despite her tired eyes.

The melody winds down, but the audience remains changed, as if they were a part of the escapism, a part of the act of getting away from life - in order to seek answers in order to live again.

This time the lights don't go off, and for a time the audience remains changed as if to give them more time enjoying the illusion of being someone else.

The Ranka in the chair stands up, and both the chair and her vanish. Right as the cheering starts, but fans of her concerts know that people are briefly allowed photography in these moments to take selfies of themselves changed as part of the concert.

(OOC Note: Feel free to create your MMOsona and pose it! The algorithm performing the change knows the audience very well - Yes that includes you aliens, you got caught at the border - by combing through information from data sharing companies, though it won't overtly 'out' them. The vibe is meant to try and create 'good feels' rather than angst so please don't do anything that would traumatize or upset your character with it. This change is holographic and entirely superficial.)

<Pose Tracker> Sheryl Nome has posed.

        Sheryl pulls down her shades to wink at Rin. "I always look amazing! ...Just kidding~," she teases. (How much is she kidding, though? At least Eight won't have to do any parkour.)
        But those shades come off, and she watches Ranka's performance... save for a moment when she glances at Alto. Their hands brush together, but he doesn't seem to notice at all. His attention is rooted on Ranka.
        ...Sheryl still remembers the way he and Ranka had held hands at her Gallia IV concert.
        Before she can dwell on that, though, something tugs at her heart, and she looks back at the stage. In the darkness, she can see Ranka's outline, searching for something. Searching for someone? Sheryl rests a hand on her chest, over where her earring is hidden.
        It wouldn't be the first time their songs connected them to each other, would it...
        What is this triangle for?
        The next song has a more danceable, almost frenetic beat to it, though. The performance itself speaks to loneliness at first, but soon it shifts into something far more colorful and connected, a literal fantasy world that brings them all together. The red dragon and its fiery breath is dramatic, but Sheryl knows her holograms well; she isn't startled. It has a similar vibe to the holographic work on Rainbow Bear Bear, even, something reiterated when the audience transforms into fantasy fighters too.
        The algorithm knows Sheryl especially well--and so does the person running it. She transforms into a fairy-winged mage in a poofy star-strewn dress with a tiny crown and, to keep her from being recognized at someone else's concert, a marble white face-covering mask. With a flourish and without hesitation, the Galactic Fairy waves her wand just as the dragon freezes. A complete coincidence, but it's excellent timing, isn't it?

<Pose Tracker> Ruri Hoshino has posed.

        Ruri is more open, psychically speaking, then she was when she was younger. Could Ranka feel her, in the crowd? It's not impossible.

        (Omoikane is just an average guy, but this, itself, is notable, considering where he came from.)

        As Ranka sings about Saturday night, switching avatars on the stage, Ruri tilts her head. "LX-san," she nudges Rin's elbow with her own, whispering, "it's familiar, right?" Whether that's playing a game, or...

        ... getting on stage?

        Of course algorithms know Ruri -- she even greets it, as it comes to say hello. Lo, does RR of Death take the stage: a feline sorceress with a very complicated looking tome in her hands, with big orange ears and a fluffy orange tail.

        "Meow," Ruri says, still totally stonefaced.

        (At her shoulder, the holo-screens cheering for Ruri have morphed, too -- into a tiny little chibi Gekiganger III holding a physical sign cheering for < RANKA-SAN THE BEST ! >. Of course that's how Omoikane would most prefer to see himself... or, if you're facing him on an online match, you might know him better as HEAVYBELL.)

<Pose Tracker> Rin Naujakaite has posed.

Alto, when he looked at Rin, saw a distinct :3.

But that was then and this is now; Rin laughs with a strange sort of authentic blurting in her tone (or perhaps it's not so strange), and she answers Emmy, "Thanks. I hope you are too," during the lull between the songs.

And then it moves --

It's a youthful, plaintive kind of song, and maybe it suits the mood. Rin closes her eyes for a moment (2.7 moments) and then opens them again, her eyes turning down towards the star of the show and the screens around her. The chair.

Rin blinks several times.

Her face colors faintly.

But then the light washes over her --

-- and Rin is transformed!?

The outfit is maybe not what would be suspected. There's a jaunty straw hat perched on her head, something like a classic boater with more of a curve on the top of the hat. It's held in place with a jade hairpin. Fat round sunglasses with jade-green frames. A long white silk shirt with lacquered-wood buttons, fastened up all the way to the neck. The jeans are replaced with leggings. She crosses one leg over the other, making the bells on the sandals jingle realistically -- at which point Rin wiggles her foot a couple of times, perhaps to test the limits of the illusion.

There's a cane which is far too ornate to be anything but either a magical item, a sword-cane, or both, leaning against her armrest. She picks it up and raises it upwards to tilt her head back, looking towards Sheryl and then leaning forwards, perhaps to see what a game legend a little in front of her might become.

"Mew can say that again," Rin answers Ruri. "Fur real."

<Pose Tracker> Eight Orlodhari has posed.

"A friend introduced me to her music," Eight explains, and then Eight smiles at Rin. She seems like somebody who likes Ranka. But with the concert starting, she doesn't get to talk too much more--instead, she just notices the way that Rin and Emilia interact...

That's good. She likes seeing Emilia have nice things. Maybe it won't always be that simple, but...

It's an adorable set of images, of course. Ranka calls herself a colony girl, and Eigh beams. Colony girls...! Sh supports that. Bu as the perspective changes...

Eight listens along. She listens, and watches. Advenure and moveement. To hide in the woods...

She always liked games like this. She wasn't much for video games, but these were an exception. And the scenes she sees are of longing, and questions. She knows what she wants to do, but--

The light changes, and Eight is changed too. She's even taller than she usually is in this image, though a good chunk of that is the tall rabbit ears at the top of her head, the fur blonde like her hair. Her red dress is replaced by a long, white-and-red dress, with bell sleeves done up with the classic triangles of a certain franchise's healer mages. She hs fingerless gloves, a snug bodice, and a flowing skirt. At at her back is a giant hammer, with a red haft and a huge head.

"...Heh," Eight says. "I guess my playstyle changed after all..."

She used to consider herself more of a warrior type.

"I definitely need to get somme pictures of this."

<Pose Tracker> Asciel Colette has posed.

        It's been over a year since Asciel Colette last saw Ranka in concert. Since that curious feeling of looking upon a nascent competitor, and feeling so much joy in her heart at her rise. Even to this day, she couldn't help but wonder why it was all so touching.

        ...It was hard to focus on that in the moment, because she was streaming AND toying with the Brave Police at the same time as the concert, but Asciel's nothing if not a good multitasker! ... ... ... was good at it...

        This time, the "fallen" idol's come not as a center of attention, not to fulfill some labyrinthine agenda of hers - but just...to verify what she felt from Ranka that day. To see if it was real, that spark of inspiration from such a plucky type of girl. She's even in disguise - the handiness of an artificial body that can change her from cyan to blonde, her eyes from orange to blue with a simple gesture! By all legal accounts, she's the 'unassuming' (but still very tall) independent contractor Lana Nielsen, covertly at the back of the stands, waiting for what Ranka might unveil...

        ...But "Afterschool Overflow", despite its clear passion, doesn't quite ring the bell for her. ...Maybe, a little bit, Asciel remembers the time she foolishly abandoned Ai, [who must never be abandoned] - but that'd be a song for her. She was the one who walked away and left someone cruelly behind - but Ai's heart refused to let go. ...It's one Asciel decides she'll save for her instead, even if it's a little distant for her.

        "Saturday Night Question" brings her right back into it. There it comes. Words that drag around Asciel's fingertips just like the strings Ranka sings of - words of doubt that cause Asciel's butterfly to flap its wings - words of distant stars that guide Asciel's hand to reach further out towards that distant little idol, whose presence blooms vaster than herself.

        ...And everyone in the audience begins to transform, dragging all of them into the world of illusory fantasy Ranka's weaved for them. At first, Asciel assumes it's arbitrary, but so many of those who newly 'become' look upon their new selves with an awe-struck amazement. Some of them grow teary. It's an uncanny wave of self-realization washing over the crowds - and, by some odd reflex, Asciel tightens her arms over herself, and closes her eyes.

        ---<(After all, I promised that nobody else would decide me.)>---

        ...But since it doesn't change what she feels, Asciel's finally brave enough to crack an eye open. -While she may take a false name, anything Grace O'Connor concocts knows who Asciel really is...

        -Would she be made a 'goddess', like she says, radiant and abundant in blessing?

        -Would she be made a 'paladin', like she denied, a fortress of certainty and oblivion?

        -Would she be made a 'warrior', like she fights, a blazing sword of bravery in her hands?

        ...The long, draping sleeves down Asciel's arms are colored a vivid ultramarine, with white frills at the end. A showy matched cape flows around her shoulders - a mask has been applied to her face, and a jaunty little cap applied to her head. (As an extra devious touch from Grace's - her hair and eyes are also turned right back into the recognizable cyan.)

        Surrounding her are a plethora of orbs tethered to her - made of memories and encounters, largely of what Asciel's rejected, feared, and resisted over the years. Disasters and enemies, made into her own skill

        "...what a specific choice. ...I can't say I don't like it. ...Saa, it's actually rather creative~" hums the radiant blue mage.

<Pose Tracker> Madoka Kyouno has posed.

"Oh? Ceremonial duties...If you talked with her more, then that means she's sure to know you!" A self-confident nod that's swiftly taken off track, washed away by the appearance of another.

Still! "That's great! I've been a fan for....A while now! First concert, though!" 'Fan' in the loosest possible sense; She did enjoy listening to her tracks! "Madoka! Good to meet you, Muginami~!" An equally bright smile with a sniff of her nose, shaking her head before looking back at the concert. Taking in the atmosphere once more, beaming ear to ear...

Listening. Kept quiet by the force of Ranka's voice, allowing the emotions to wash her about and be carried by the waves of prose. Watching on, pumping her hand in time with the beat, cheering on the song, adding, amplifying her own emotions pinging off of the music. Ah, it's one of those game things, watching the air sparkle, the party growing...

The light flashes across the arena. Madoka proudly wearing the garb of a lightly armored knight, the penlight substituting itself for a gleaming greatsword piercing through the figurative darkness. The fluttering cape of decorative, declarative orange with green highlights wrapped around her upper back, the backside of that same cape shimmering a fiery red. Hard plate shimmering with equally green accents up and down the body. From gauntlets to chestplate, topped off with a tiara laced in green and orange, jade gem implanted in the middle. Light legguards, a slim figure overall meant more for mobility than taking things headon. A few more swords across her figure, under the cape, nestled on her lower back, and a stubby dagger dangling on a necklace.

"Oooooh...!" She had to admire the technologlical advances nowadays, when even commonplace things seemed to brim with the wonder of magic. to floursh that sword, pointing ahead with that same confident grin. Maybe she should lay off some of her online reading habits, if it knew her to this extent...

<Pose Tracker> Laffinty Fin E Ld Si has posed.

Muginami...what an interesting name. Japanese, perhaps. Lan's not familiar with the kanji you'd use, but she's weak in that field in general. "Please address me as Lan," Laffinty says, quietly between songs. "Muginami." Name spoken. Got it memorized. "...I first encountered her almost two years ago now." Before the current push, at least. But her straight and earnest face carries no hint of boasting.

Then, the next part starts. It's really amazing, the visuals they use for these shows on Earth. Le Garite is more of a gorgeous angelic choirs in crystalline halls kind of aesthetic. The 'shattering' of the world before them...even Le Garite holographics would struggle with effects like that! Remarkable! Especially as they rush out, washing across the whole audience in a curtain of light.

Lan comes out of it in a fantastical robe, thick and multi-layered with royal purples and grand constellations inlaid upon it. But instead of a witch's hat or a sorceress' dress she has a tiara, a fine one. Lan can't see it to check, and thus doesn't know that it is *anomalously* close to the royal circlet of the princess of Le Garite. Who even had the assets for that!

        Somewhere, Balance T. Moid snacks on a Kit Kat.

Seeing Madoka, she casts a serious eye across her friend, and then earnestly says, "It suits you."

<Pose Tracker> Lucine Azul has posed.

        Lucine laughs. "She was merciless. It was great."

        "... You're right. It took a long time before Ruri began to open up... Everyone on the Nadesico had a part to play, but... I think we all owe a lot to Omoikane." Which made saving him no different than saving a physical crewmember.

        Lucine leans against Liam's kiss on her forehead; she'd love to reach up and try to kiss him, but unlike his shoulder-size version in that simulation when they intervened to safeguard Omoikane, his height makes it a little more difficult to steal a kiss.

        .... She's not complaining, as she leans against his side.

        As the last song fades, Lucine realizes it was super effective against the both of them, noticing the glint of tears on Liam's face. It's been hard on him too, even if they're not truly apart. The messages and chats have done a lot, but she feels better feeling someone's presence nearby, whether a friend, or the man she loves. Digital can't quite capture that, but it's valuable nonetheless.

        It makes her remember that this separation isn't to be cruel, but for safety.

        The next song is something more upbeat, but still holding that tiny bit of melancholy that Ranka seems to do very well. The fantasy backdrops are an interesting touch, and Lucine finds herself roped into the story of the Rankas, nodding her head with the beat of the song.

        And then, the world of Rankas expand. Everyone transforms, and Lucine looks down, seeing her yellow dress morph into something like a starry valkyrie's, which could have been stoic and beautiful by itself. However, the outfit is adorned with little comic quirks that soften that potentially austere image, like the two little tuffs of feathers on her head, like the cute ear-like tufts of an owl. The small half cape is similarly feather themed, as is the pantaloon-like pants, mimicking the similar shape of, yes, an owl.

        She looks up, gleefully curious to see Liam's, as well as Ruri and company's. Already, she can tell who is Sheryl, Ruri, E-- eight....

        "B-bunny ears."

<Pose Tracker> Muginami has posed.

        That's right. An idol is made of masks.

%Muginami can't help but laugh a little darkly. Seeing Sheryl Nome cover a worrying illness and continue to stand looking to the future - that's something Muginami will take to the grave, of course. There's honor among thieves. Rumors and mutiny lead to a ship full of dead men. Her lips are sealed.

        But even someone adorable like Ranka Lee, singing so passionately about the power and pain of wearing and discarding them - is that just what it's like for singers, a life led of lies?

        "Hehe. I couldn't do what they do for a week~" Muginami whispers to herself.

        The magical power of Class Change is bestowed upon the audience, and Muginami marvels as the holograms build upon her form. The weaving and winding of lots of leather straps certainly confounds Muginami for a minute - but the dark purple tunic beneath and a peppering of throwing knives and trap-wires makes it all come together, as do the fingerless gloves, bundled up face mask, and folded back hood into which her hair pools up and collects. Ta-da! "A gallant thief of the night who slips beneath the moonlight, stealing treasures and hearts alike!" - she can't help but actually say.

        "...Though it's a little bit clingy, dear me!"

        ...granted, part of the algorithm may have assigned Muginami as a shadowy rogue because, well, there's not THAT much information to work with on her. Even the false ID she's come with is a little haphazard and shoddy, really, and it's too obvious to any system that dives really deep that she's here on Earth illicitly in some sense!

        "Mouuuu, but you two actually look so amazing," Muginami confesses at Madoka and Lan, and she's being pretty earnest there at least! "I kinda really wish I had robes as pretty as Lan's, though I think I would look a little silly in them. ...Somehow I get the feeling Madoka's the kind of girl who's gonna need all those swords to slay a dragon like that~"

        -Oh she recognizes the crest of Le Garite. The princess says "Lan", which isn't the name in her records, but a false name would certainly suit them. As for Madoka...her name sounds local, too. Nothing Muginami can say for certain, but - an ally Le Garite made among the populace of Kamogawa? What could they want from ordinary people of Earth...?

        So many thoughts spiral in Muginami's head, and none of them are any good. The moment Lan's turned away, Muginami's leering with laser-precision at the back of her hair.

<Pose Tracker> Emilia Eschonbach has posed.

        "Y-yeah. Things are... b-b-better now." She answers Rin. "We'll t-talk all about it after, r-right?"

        Something special, huh? This must be a new song, then. Emilia certainly doesn't recognize the riff. The look of an exhausted Ranka still elicits a touch of concern from Emilia, for a moment. The second Ranka, trying to approach so carefully... There's something very familiar about this experience.

        It's almost like she was sat in that chair once, skittish and nervous.

        The lyrics don't hold back, either. Was this one Ranka had written...? It felt very real to the lavender haired young woman in the audience. As the song continues, her grip on her cane tightens. Her eye follows Ranka as she moves across the stage- and many different Rankas emerge. Many personas- singing about a future they want to reach as they run through a fantastical world. It's kind of astounding to watch, the effects of Ranka's concerts never getting old.

        'I wonder if acting tough like that is getting me anywhere.'

        The yearning for escape, the desire to fill an emptiness. Longing for something that isn't there- and it being so far out of reach. It's the stammer in the lyrics that catches Emilia most off guard, a look of surprise on her face.

        The lyrics seem to be hitting Emilia hard, that need to feel the gap, and she's tearing up again. Rin can maybe notice a slight tremor in her arm.

        As change washes over the audience, the change in Emilia is... noticeable indeed. Light armour- hide, maybe, exposing a surprising amount of skin. A fur cape that seems to accentuate her form rather than hide it, and matching knee high fur boots and gloves that go up to her elbow. Her cane is gone, replaced with a rough, heavy axe that she is leaning on, axehead on the floor.

        The scars from her recent surgery aren't visible under the hologram- it's the first time Emilia's seen her shoulder without them in a long time. The muscle she has is slightly exaggerated on her slim form, in a fashion not unlike a video game look.

        She seems surprised by her outfit- but not uncomfortable with it. There's a power in it, a strength. The axe weighs nothing more than her cane, but it feels nice to swing it up- carefully- over her shoulder.

        She looks around the others- Sheryl and Ruri are some sort of witch types, right? So is Eight... Ruri's weird little screen thing is a robot Emilia absolutely does not recognize. She's not sure what Rin's look is supposed to be, Emmy's not much of a gamer herself. It's... definitely an ensemble.

        Still, Eight suggests getting pictures, however, and Emilia agrees. "D-d-definitely!" She pauses... it's a little hard to find her bag with it obscured by the hologram. "U-um, does a-anyone have their phone h-handy? Or a camera?"

        What? Emmy usually doesn't have her phone on for shows. It's bad etiquette!!

<Pose Tracker> Alto Saotome has posed.

        Sheryl's glance switches away from Alto towards the stage, due to the searching feeling she senses. At the same time, Alto also feels something, though not as strongly. More like a feeling of someone looking at him. His eyes glance to his side, looking at Sheryl. Was she the source? No... She's looking at Ranka right now. With a somewhat strange look on her face. Mmm, it's probably nothing.

        The next song starts out a little sad, but quickly picks up in colour again. It's not quite as drawing to Alto as the previous one. He's certainly played a video game or two in the past but it's not usually his style. He still recognises the concept of the visuals though. An escape from reality into a world of dreams.

        Some have tried to convince him that's what he's doing by choosing the path of a pilot. But that's not true...


        Everyone around him changes. As does Alto. There's a couple of ways the algorithm could have gone, given the information of Alto's past available on the internet. So it's a good thing it chooses to focus more on his recent life. The outfit manifesting over Alto is a set of handsome attire with a formal feeling to them, primarily white in colour with red highlights. The colours of his Variable Fighter! On his waist there is a long, thin blade with an ornate guard. Combined with the attire, it seems he's transformed into some kind of dashing fencer! An appropriate comparison to the more fast paced exchange of maneuvers seen in combat between fighters.

        Alto doesn't seem to mind this transformation, also taking the opportunity to look over the others. Ruri in particular is adorable as a cat, especially with that deadpan meow.

        But of course, looking at Sheryl, it's no surprise that she'd end up as a fairy. But despite not being surprised by it, Alto is still a little dazed by the sight. He stares for a few moments, before starting to say, "Y-You look..." Can he say it!?

        "... The wings suit you." Unfortunately, he choked at the last moment.

<Pose Tracker> Liam 7-020 has posed.

        "You'll have to tell me all about it." Liam gives Lucine's waist another little squeeze. He missed her in many ways, but he didn't realize how much he missed physical intimacy until it was suddenly not an option.

        The cyborg nods, soberly, as Lucine brings up Omoikane. "He does his best," Liam says. "And he deserves better. He and Ruri deserve all the good things."

        The first song ends, and Liam wipes his face on the back of his hand. He looks down at Lucine, managing a little smile as Ranka takes a moment to recover, and then segue into the next number. It is upbeat, but there's still that sense of longing, wanting. Not quite knowing who you are. The choreography is dazzling, even if there's only one actual Ranka on stage. He wonders how long it took for her to learn the dance--clipping through a holographic actor would kill the illusion, after all.

        And then, another illusion.

        The young man sitting next to Lucine looks like he stepped out of a fantastic, forgotten age. He wears a long, green mantle, embroidered with golden thread and fastened with a brooch shaped like a fig leaf. A tartan drapes across his body, ending just below the knee. His hair hangs past his shoulders. His beard is a little bushy, but well-kempt. There's a braid at his right temple. Bright blue paint traces linear designs down the right side of his face. In one hand, he holds a spear with a bright golden point, which blazes with fire. On his left forearm rests a wooden shield, emblazoned with the image of the rising sun.

        Liam gapes. He looks down at himself, then Lucine, then he whips out his phone--with the shield hand, so as not to break the illusion--and takes photos.

<Pose Tracker> Ranka Lee has posed.

Ranka returns out in her original outfit for the night before long, "Did you all enjoy that one?" She waits for the cheers, and her hair bounces out at the magnitude of response, "Ehehehe." She giggles, and then performs the Kira pose, a toothy grin as her hand by her face, as she does suddenly the entire audience changes back to normal.

"That's a new one for me, my first performance of it - well ever! Tonight, I wanted to spoil all of you a little." Walking forward, she smiles, then winks, as she holds up two fingers, "Or maybe - a lot. You all may have heard I have a new single coming right?" The crowd cheers in response, and she smiles bashfully, "Well... I think I'd like to celebrate with all of you. This one was written by a good friend of mine, and tonight it goes out to them, wherever they are."

While Ranka doesn't name the friend, fans almost certainly recognize that it's the mysterious 'I, Tabby' since they reference every instance of her not naming someone. All Ranka has stated of them before interviews is that they desire anonymity.

That's right. - Megumi Nakajima - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9RpfLf73XEo

Walking back down the stage as the piano begins a soft melody, Ranka faces away from the audience, as the lights go off, and as the spotlight comes on she's wearing a dress of white and pink, a tiered skirt, with purple accents of a web of triangles. It looks off the shoulder in its sleeves, but there's that hint of a pink tie around her neck. And pink bootlets that look oversized.

As the audience watches, Ranka's shoulders lift, as if in a sigh, like there's something difficult for her to say, then she turns and faces the audience, revealing how the tie joins with the dress over the bustline, into a purple clasp. Those who know Macross history well understand it has to be inspired by an iconic Lynn Minmay outfit.


And then she begins to sing, her voice beginning to reverberate across the arena with such emotion, this sorrow and yearning and loneliness. That idea - that impression of being in love, being so full of feeling, and having difficulty expressing it, wanting to convey that feeling.

"That's right.
"Your words are always a treasure,
"No matter how many times, their light and energy,
"Always reaches me."

Her arm makes small movements across the audience, as if to add gravity to that feeling. The darkness of the arena feels like it's turning, spinning slowly - like she's revolving around someone without moving. Twinkling lights wink into being from different places, revolving slowly until they gently collide into her, sending her awash with different colored light even as synthetic tones dapple the melody with that feel.

"Even though I can't meet you now, I'm all right.
"So even though I can't meet you now,
"I'd like it if you were all right, too.

The darkness continues to revolve, and she continues to sing across it, but no matter how she does, it feels like she gets no closer to where she desires to be. The warmth in the lights - words, feelings that shine across space and make it less dark, less cold.

Despite herself, Ranka smiles, though it feels like a wavering, half-formed thing. Like she doesn't believe she's all that courageous. A step forward, a light crashes into her, and it becomes bright, a flash of their words and memory. Then behind her an image of hands on a bedspread, dappled sunlight pouring in through curtains. It fades, showing an adorable Shiba Inu barking at a Mercat in the sea.

"Tell me about the dream you had yesterday, and the story of the neighbor's dog,
"Teach me about the world you see that I don't know,
"Even though I'd like you see you now, after just a little longer,
"I want to close my eyes and hear the voice of the person I love but can't see."

Her hand moving up to her ear, as if she were listening on a phone, her eyes close, and images elsewhere, of a twilit sky, of Gallia IV to those who have seen it. Of the oceans of Ragna. Images of Mars' polar ice caps - and the bright sun rising over one of Jupiter's moons.

All while Ranka's eyes are closed, as if picturing it from far away, she turns and her eyes open, as if calling attention to the twilit sky, as if some distant liminal space.

"Good morning. In your neighborhood, the day begins,
"Good night. In my neighborhood, the first star..."

Pressing a hand to her lips, she reaches her palm outwards, as if to touch the lips of someone - something distant, from her hand, a light floats off, passing beyond the sky, sparkling as it shimmers beyond the clouds, as the sky fades into dark, that light joining the revolutions as it moves towards some distant figure.

"As many hundreds of millions of light years away as the sky I kiss you from is
"That kiss will jump over those hundreds of millions of light years to reach you."

Ranka reaches out her hand, as if that light would be her link to whoever she's singing to - so distant from her, but eventually, the hand slowly reaches to her microphone, joining it,

"Even though I can't meet you now, I'm all right.
"So even though I can't meet you now,
"I'd like it if you were all right, too."

The gentle piano melody starts to fade, and Ranka fades too, but the lights in the whirling dark remain for a while longer, before those wink out last of all, and the applause starts.

<Pose Tracker> Sheryl Nome has posed.

        From a Princess to a Prince! Still, the look suits Alto, in Sheryl's opinion. When the second number wraps, Sheryl looks back at him, and finds him staring back at her. Even if all he can manage is to compliment her wings, she still giggles--though that mask covers up her smile.
        "Don't they, though?" she teases all the same as those gossamer wings flutter.
        A lot of the other outfits are cute and cool, too. At Emilia's question, Sheryl pulls up her taiyaki phone to snap off several rapidfire photos of her, Alto, Ruri and the others--and naturally herself--before the next performance. "Got you covered," she says confidently.
        As she moves her phone over the crowd, though, there's one robed girl who looks familiar--startlingly familiar, at that. That tiara... that blue hair... Sheryl lowers her phone, eyes widening.
        But Ranka returns to the stage, and the crowds roar their approval. Sheryl lowers her phone, which snaps back into place on the cord at her belt, and gives a long look back at that familiar blue-haired girl as if she might be able to confirm or deny her identity if she just stares hard enough, before focusing back on the stage. Ranka may be in a Minmay-esque costume now, but the song is her own, filled with an emotion Sheryl knows too well.
        She knows exactly how Ranka feels, because she feels the same way.
        Sheryl's eyes go wide, and she snatches her phone back up in a rush to bring up a text app and type in the lines that just came to mind. She doesn't want to miss this performance--but Sheryl never hesitates to write down potential lyrics when she thinks of them.
        Fortunately, it doesn't take her that long. When she puts it back, she leans in her seat to gaze up at the revolving darkness, a familiar beach, a twilit sky... Worlds so far and so near, here or gone. They bring a feeling like... she's not alone. They're not alone.
        ...Even if Ranka didn't write this song, she's truly made it her own. Sheryl rests a hand on her chest again, her gaze distant and bittersweet.

<Pose Tracker> Rin Naujakaite has posed.

(Rin gives Emmy a reassuring squeeze.)

Rin whistles at Emilia's manifested form. "Most splendiferous," she says, reaching forwards with the blunt head of the cane (ironic, really, that it's what she got, but it seems a much more whimsical device than the utilitarian one Emilia's been using) to 'boop' her on the nose.

It's made of light, of course, so it just makes a little sparkle~ -- and then the magic's fading, for now, or at least it's changing. Even so...

"Nyan nyan, nyan nyan," Rin echoes to Ruri, which is perhaps a cue -- but the show is continuing onwards.

"YES," shouts Rin at the question from Ranka. And then there's that peculiar music, somehow memorable even if something about it feels ethereal. Settling back, Rin wonders silently to herself if maybe she's using a computer. It doesn't feel synthetic, but hey, couldn't a computer grow feelings too?

Her eyes seem misty, though, as the song moves along. (Emilia might notice she isn't wearing glasses any more, despite their appearance in the holographic fantasia.)

<Pose Tracker> Alto Saotome has posed.

        "Hmm?" Alto questions as Sheryl speaks a name. One he vaguely recognises. Wasn't that one of the Princesses they met on Gallia IV? Alto tries to look in the same direction, but with so many people and so much movement from the crowd he can't catch sight of her. He muses, "I didn't hear much about what happened to them after the return from Gallia IV... Would have thought they'd have gone home by now." It'd be a bit hard to try and track her down in this situation though. Especially as the crowd goes wild with the start of a new song.

        Being so full of feeling, and having difficulty expressing it. Where have we heard that one before?

        Alto of course recognizes the Minmay inspired attire. He's never exactly been into her music (he wasn't really into much music before encountering two certain people) but as a resident of the fleets he of course knows the famous historical figure and the legacy she left behind. And he'd like to think that said person would look fondly on Ranka for being one of those who struggle to try and continue that legacy of trying to bring people together through song.

        The light of Sheryl's phone catches Alto's attention. He can't help but smile at the sight of her eagerly taking notes on the potential lyrics. It's good to see that despite all that has happened recently, she's still very much Sheryl Nome.

        Familiar imagery appears on the holograms, yet again making Alto think of that exciting, but also cursed, expedition. Such a whirlwind of events. And he's still not entirely sure everything they lost was worth it... Has anything really improved since they set out in search of answers? Have things not, in fact, actually gotten worse since then?

        No, now is not the time to think about that. Focus on the concert, on Ranka. The song ends and Alto applauds with the rest of the audience.

<Pose Tracker> Ruri Hoshino has posed.

        "The forest warriors... I see. That's a good class, too." Ruri accepts the bunnygirl in Eight's heart, apparently thinking of a specific type of bunnygirl. Wait, does she actually play this in an MMO--?!

        She is a gamer. That's why she has a gamertag.

        And to Rin, she adds, "Meow," saying it again.

        Luckily, Omoikane has a camera! Which is to say: he can act through Ruri's communicator to take photos. She lifts it up so he can snap some shots of everyone, the sign he's holding up replaced with a giant novelty camera. Click! Click! Did she need to hold the communicator up, or was it just for emphasis? They'll never know.

        This next song... involves all space, Ruri sees. And, the mercats... she does like seeing the mercats. But... it's melancholic, isn't it?

        "Are you... all right?" Ruri wonders, into the aether.

<Pose Tracker> Emilia Eschonbach has posed.

        Emmy *does* pose for photos. She's good at that too! Which. Kind of makes her first showing in the pageant all the more baffling. Was it just the pressure? Or was it years of people trying to help her?

        (It was both.)

        And then she gets bopped on the nose and blushes a little awkwardly before letting out a small giggle at the surprise of it. If that happens to get on Sheryl's camera to be deployed tactically later, who can say? "I d-don't know, I f-feel a little underdressed," she says with a smile, humour in her voice.

        There's been a lot of sadness in Ranka's performances today, the bittersweetness and the melancholy under happy beats. But also it's earnest. This song is not a high energy one, and Emmy sets her cane back down again, leaning on it a bit to listen. This is the longest standing she's done in months apart from one little meeting.

        The Mercat is very cute, though.

        What's most fascinating about the show in this moment is getting to see all these worlds, far away from Earth. Worlds not even of this Solar System. It's wondrous to see everything else out there, even with a song about parting.

        When the song finishes, Emilia claps gently. It seems a little weird to cheer something so sedate.

<Pose Tracker> Madoka Kyouno has posed.

Two years...Two years is a long time. A year's a long time. Time's...A long time. (Madoka, get out of that mental loop.) But the fact that she's not boasting about it only further strengthens Madoka's own smile.

Keeping that greatsword pointed out before pulling back, a confident huff in her actions. "It does? I'd hope so...Yours looks pretty, Lan! I can definitely see you as a mage!" A knight for herself? A fighter of justice? Or just the stubbornness of her own self made manifest? The questions ping off of one another, flinging themselves to darkness...

"Aw, you think so? I don't have that many hands for them." A giggle at Muginami's quip, turning in place to check herself out. So many swords. Did she need them all!? Maybe. Maybe not. It never hurt to be sure.

She joined the chorus of cheers at Ranka's question of enjoyment, her lungs only increasing her booming scream while keeping that greatsword (quickly turning back into that penlight) held high. Listening with intent, riding the high of emotional vigor. A new single? Great! And she listens.

Coming down from the high of excitement to listen. Words to reach out to someone, to touch someone. Her body settling down while listening, slowly leaning against Lan. That beaming, energetic smile shifting to a calmer, more serene gaze out at the arena, watching the images flicker across.

A soft whisper. "I hope wherever you are, you're all right." A deep breath in, then out. Before clapping politely, ascending with the emotions swelling within.

<Pose Tracker> Laffinty Fin E Ld Si has posed.

Lan might almost hear someone call out to her, but before she can attend to it, Muginami calls her attention.

Lan's expression does not change in the slightest. She turns very slightly red, though. "Thank you," she says, blankly, and then turns to Madoka, eyes unblinking. "Is that the name for this attire? It resembles what the seneschals wear at home..." she says, thoughtfully. "Highly ceremonial. Perhaps a priest, or sage." Slow nod. She turns, though, facing the stage properly as the music fades.

Lan isn't a screaming type cheerer, and she mostly smiles at Ranka's next interstitial piece, and then the next song, as the holograms break apart. She looks down as Madoka comes to lean against her, and a warm smile perks the edges of her lips. She turns her attention back to the front while the stage returns to darkness.

<Pose Tracker> Lucine Azul has posed.

        Lucine's face turns red at the handsome man that appears beside her. ... This, this is... her boyfriend.

        After Liam takes a photo of her, Lucine manages to hold up her phone to take a photo of her own, raising it to get a few good views.

        "... Did you see Ruri's cat ears?" She grins, the illusion disappearing as she puts her phone away. Though, come to think of it, how did they manage to choose so well?

        Best not to think too hard on it-- it could be because Ranka was involved.

        The piano's melody, an outfit that calls back to another famous idol known the galaxy over, and the mention of a certain friend, which Lucine guesses is the mysterious 'Tabby' due to the inclusion of the piano, gracefully segues into the next song.

        If that first song hit her, this one does as well. For a while, Lucine is lost in the images displayed of the Gallia IV trip, feeling a certain sadness at what she had missed, until she sees the familiar ice caps of Mars and the moons of Jupiter. That's right-- they were protecting each other, like two allies back to back against enemies coming from more than one side. Her heart flushes with pride, for her friends, her Nadesicrew, and all the growing up they've had to do. Lucine saw her mom again, and... well there were some definite hiccups, like being kidnapped by a rogue member of the Syndicate, but she was able to fight alongside some of the most inspirational people she's ever been with. She and Liam had a meal for his birthday. She stood tall, even as Liam rested fitfully, nearly lost to Yapool's machinations. She's proud, of herself, and her friends in the Gallia IV expedition.

        But, there's still something else nagging at the gardener. Like Ruri, and many others who have gotten to know Ranka, there's a definite theme to this concert. What was it, that Lucine had thought to herself earlier? 'That melancholic feel that Ranka does so well'?

        That vague feeling, of something wrong, something off in the pit of her stomach, comes back.

        When Lucine was caught up in Ranka's song, did she feel her presence? It was hidden in the song itself, but as Lucine thinks about it...

        Was that longing not just in Ranka's singing, but projected from Ranka herself?
        Her eyes stray to Sheryl again, bathed in the subtle glow of her phone.

        Lucine's hand squeezes around Liam's own.

<Pose Tracker> Muginami has posed.

        "...She really sings a lot about feeling far apart from someone, doesn't she?" Muginami muses to herself. "...I see. I wonder how you might've affected Sheryl. She speaks highly of you!~" Of course, Ranka couldn't possibly hear her, but telling something to someone far away isn't new to Muginami.

        Many true feelings can't be put to words. Many of them have to, and many of them would cause problems if they were heard for what they were.

        For everyone Muginami could never imagine saying goodbye to, there were many, many more whose farewells had to just be accepted.

        Such as the two kind-seeming girls she fully intends to follow, despite them being fated enemies she will one day part ways with. Fanned out fingers spread aross Muginami's lips, watching Madoka sidle closer to Lan - the din of the crowd masks her whispering, "Is that the way it is?"

        ...is that the way it is, that if Muginami ever needed to threaten Le Garite's princess, it may come down to putting this seeming Earthling in danger, and playing on her care...?

        "Aww. I hope they're okay too, Madoka~" Muginami softly asides to Madoka. Maybe a little brusque if Muginami were to know.

        "...Where in the world did you travel from that you knew any kind of 'seneschal', Lan?~" She says the word slowly and uncertainly, as though it's unfamiliar, but Muginami knows the names of some of those seneschals. Prime assassination targets that the more ruthless members of Kiss suggested - even if Villagiulio found it a bridge too far. He probably knows best in that regard, right?

        ...She's getting a little unsubtle about leaning in to hear what these two are saying, to the point that, despite sitting a row behind, Muginami's face isn't that far from their ears, really...

<Pose Tracker> Liam 7-020 has posed.

        "I did," Liam says, with a laugh. "That was Sheryl under the veil, though, wasn't it? It had to be her."

        Later, he's going to think back to that.

        "...Is that Gallia IV?" It's a world he doesn't recognize. Nor does he recognize the mercat, but the other imagery is familiar. Recent, even. Liam goes silent, focusing on the lyrics for a moment, on the emotion he feels in Ranka's voice. Mars was a beautiful place. It's now inextricably intertwined with Lucine's pain.

        When Lucine squeezes his hand, Liam squeezes hers, and lets out a breath. "I love you," he murmurs." All this melancholy and longing is reminding him he'll be back in Tokyo-3 in two days, and Lucine will be back in Orb.

<Pose Tracker> Ranka Lee has posed.

After 'That's Right.' The concert continues with Ranka singing Interstellar Flight, in a new take on her debut outfit. It's then followed by Love is a Dogfight, with Ranka dressed like she's a Variable Fighter, followed by Azure Ether

Despite Azure Ether bringing down the energy of the room, with that soulful rendition, they figure the show can't be over with that, since Ranka always ends the concert with something a little more energetic.

As she comes onto the stage again, she smiles at the audience, but perhaps this time it looks sad, "You know, coming down to Earth again, I can't help but look at the sky and think of Gallia IV. It's a sad story, and maybe some of you know it, but I feel like I should never stop telling it."

She walks forward, "We made contact there with a delegation from its Military Academy and two dignitaries attending there. Princess Yurikano de Metrio and Princess Fin E Ld Si Laffinty- at first it didn't feel like we understood each other all that well, but Sheryl-" She clarifies, "-Yes that Sheryl. She was persistent, and wanted to share our 'Deculture' with them."

She smiles as if remembering, but the smile seems bittersweet, "And with their help, we all wrote a song together. I was looking forward to performing it for them - but as I was holding a concert there, the Vajra attacked and..." Her voice wavers, "The planet... it blew up." For a moment, she looks overwhelmed, "There wasn't even any warning, it just - just happened. And... they didn't make it."

Taking a deep breath, she gives her audience a determined look, despite her grief, "So now, I want to sing it all the time. Even if it's my final song tonight - it isn't a goodbye. Not to you - and not to them. It's celebrating that time together, rather than grieving that parting."

(Grace O'Connor smirks faintly behind the scenes, as a security camera controlled by her focuses in on Lan this exact moment.)

"So instead Hello!"

Ranka steps towards the center of the stage, and the lighting changes, into a midriff bearing flowy pink and black checkered blouse, and ruffled skirt of the same pattern, as her hand touches her head, a fascinator hat - in the shape of a tiny top hat appears on the left side.

BGM Change - Hello! - Megumi Nakajima -

The melody resounds with the ringing percussion, a quick beat upon the cymbals, the bells beginning to chime in a cheerful rhythm, as despite all of it before she sings joyously.

"Shalalala~ Hello! (Hello!)
"Shalalala~ Hello! (Hello!)"

A single prop appears on stage, that of a green chair, as Ranka moves towards
it, and begins to step up onto it. At first she bobs up and down in place at the knees, but then as she begins to step off into the air, another chair appears in blue. And she does a swing step on it, then back across - as another chair appears in pink.

Hopping up and down she waves to her audience in time with the Hellos!

"Try! There's a heart that doesn't give up, here in this chest of mine.
"I won't forget, never.
"Don't Cry. I'm sure it's a promise we'll keep,
"That you won't go crying alone,
"Because we're always together."

This time, there's an energetic twist step, and they can all seem the chairs moving, as she once again dances like she's going to fall right off, but at the last moment she hops off, and those three chairs rise up, with a base now of six of them, and her on one end.

From above, in sync, three more Rankas fall down, each hued in green and blue and pink, each one looking like they're stumbling, before each catches the other, and they stabilize. Each breathing a sigh before continuing to dance.

"If we take one piece of sorrow (and gently share it together...)
"We can become stronger. Yeah!"

The Ranka on the lower tier looks up at them, as if embarrassed, then begins to step down again, each one forming a new tier of a pyramid of more chairs - and more chairs while the Ranka's at the top rise. Then when it feels as if it can rise no higher.

She begins to march, the perspective focusing on her as more chairs are replaced, and the pyramid starts to move off stage. As she does, the other three Rankas slowly begin to hop down, hand in hand first, but then begin to catch up, the first green Ranka in the lead running up to Ranka and merging, while the other two space out behind her.

"Put a smile on your face right now! My Friend!
"Not for the sake of anyone else,
"But because you've decided to feel that way yourself.
"With a steady and sincere voice, Hello!
"Sing out the song you always sing,
"With a drop of courage in your heart, Yeah!"

As she does, the perspective shifts, and the chairs are now surrounded by Japanese districts, at first imagery of a small shopping district. A school. Akihabara. The crosswalk at Shibuya, the chairs stretch across them all. All of them as one hold a hand up to the audience and wave.


As everyone watches, the chairs start to curve upwards, and they march up into the sky, variable fighters flying by them as they ascend above the blue, above it, past the orbital ring, and now they keep marching on these multicolored chairs across the dark of space, as Colonies start to appear, the Macross Islands shapes, as one Ranka waves to it as they walk by.

"Why? There are times when you'll be a little confused,
"When you'll need to stand still,
"But tell me! Because your words are tied to a powerful pledge,
"And they can change the world."

Now they move faster and faster, Mars, Jupiter appears - before abruptly the imagery of fold travel appears in rippling shining light, in a blur of space before a planet appears Gallia IV. The Rankas march down through it's atmosphere in a curve, breaking through the twilight, until they hit the ground.

"The thing that I was searching for... (Yes, it was you.)
"When I see those eyes, I understand the message. Yeah!"

Where suddenly, no more chairs appear, and each one hops off in turn, as the three Rankas dance side by side, before two of them vanish, in sparkling light, leaving just the one, as the other two stream forth, becoming shining comets across the twilight sky.

"I'm going right now! My Friend!
"The hope that overflows from my heart reaches the other side of outer space.
"Collecting smiles, Hello!
"When you cast them out into the night sky, the gleaming lights are comets, Yeah!"

In a twisting step from side to side, she moves towards the audience, bending down as she counts on one hand, as she leads the audience in shouting with her- 1, 2, 3, 4!

"The message that was hiding in the pocket of my uniform...
"One day, at some point, it was fluttering in the wind - No....
"In the corner of the schoolyard, I was always gazing at it,
"At the little dream in the palm of my hand. 1, 2, 3, 4!"

Straightening up, she puts both her hands at the side of her face, indicating a smile, before taking heel steps forward, precariously towards the edge of the stage, as if it was a courageous act, to dip her toes off.

"Put a smile on your face right now! My Friend!
"Not for the sake of anyone else, but because you've decided to feel that way yourself.
"With a steady and sincere voice, Hello!
"Sing out the song you always sing, with a drop of courage in your heart, Yeah!"

Across the audience, a trio of Ex-Frames fly, in those colors, sending down glittering smoke, as Ranka watches them above, until they pass over the stage into the illusion of the twilight sky.

"The miracle that I met on that day, My Friend!"

The idol keeps facing in that direction, and slowly her arms lower, but with a shake of her hips, she turns around, makes the Kira pose, as the music ends.

While the cheering is going on this time, Ranka takes a bow, then raises her mic, looking bashful for the applause, as she waits longer, before telling everyone, "Thank you Tokyo-1! Thank you Japan! Sometimes the best way to grieve is a celebration, and it warms my heart to know that even if they're gone - they'll be remembered, even so many light years away from where we became friends together."

All warm smiles, she steps forward, "You've been an incredible audience, once again I'm just wowed by your hospitality here. I'm already looking forward to coming back to perform for you all again some day! Until then-" Ranka makes the Kira pose again, as she pronounces the final word for the night, "-Sparkle!"

Waving one last time, she steps towards the back of the stage. After which, the announcer comes on with the seat numbers chosen for the signing event after.

The security to get backstage is much tighter than usual, and much less lax about letting friends and acquaintances back, strange. In the past Ranka always had a list of people who were just allowed back!

OOC Note: Due to it being late (Sorry all, I have work tomorrow) none of the PCs present got chosen for the signing event, but are welcome to pose after as the log is running. Some I've arranged beats with to happen in advance!

<Pose Tracker> Sheryl Nome has posed.

        The last song of the night is that song--the one Sheryl, Ranka, and Lan all wrote together on Gallia IV... with Yurikano's support. Sheryl's eyes widen to hear Ranka introduce it, then smiles a little bittersweetly to hear her sing it. It's a fitting tribute, to be sure, and she hadn't had great hopes for Lan's survival after the world's destruction, but--she glances again towards that girl in the audience with the familiar blue hair. If it really is her... then Ranka needs to know right away. And since she's busy working, Sheryl's going to need to be the one to confirm.
        First things first, though: once the song is over, the announcer comes out to say who gets to go to the signing event, and unfortunately, none of their group is in it. That's fine. Sheryl simply puts in a call to Grace.
        "Grace! I'm bringing Ruri over to Ranka's signing. ...I don't care, I'm doing it! I have to run afterwards, but Ruri wants to talk to her--" She pauses, then glances at Ruri and Alto on either side of her. Her expression pinches; then it resolves with steel. "No, you're right. I can't just leave Ruri by herself. I'll bring Alto too. We'll be there in a moment, so get ready!"
        She hits the disconnect button, wherever it might be in that taiyaki phone, and grabs Ruri and Alto by the hands. "I'm bringing you two to see Ranka! Let's go!"
        Sheryl does not take 'no' for an answer. Sorry, Eight, Emilia, and friends; it's just the three of them, this time.
        Afterwards, though, once those three are there where the signings are taking place--she gently pushes Ruri and Alto forward in her wake. "You two go say 'hi' to Ranka for me. I've got something I need to do, and I've gotta go right now." She gives them both a wink and a smile. "We'll catch up later, all right?"
        With that, Sheryl dives back into the crowds to return to where she last saw that dot of blue. ...Hopefully Lan hasn't already left, or they're both out of luck.

<Pose Tracker> Alto Saotome has posed.

        Alto had just been trying to push away the thoughts about that mission, then Ranka has to go and tell the story about it. No escaping it now! So he just sits there, closing his eyes and nodding his head along a little. Listening to Ranka recount the story, he remembers his own perception of the events. He didn't have as many interactions with Lan at the time as he did Yurikano. Not surprising, given the latter was also a pilot. Alto liked her. So it was quite the blow to realize that she was still on the planet when it exploded...

        ... Wait, did Ranka just say 'They didn't make it'?

        Surely she didn't mean Lan too? Alto is fairly sure he saw her name amongst that survivors who had escaped with the expedition fleet.

        ... But then, Ranka wasn't with the fleet on the way back. And then after the incident she was in isolation. And then she was busy, they all were.

        Did no one tell her?

        Alto groans a little, moving to bury his face in a hand. It's a bit late to tell Ranka now. And if it's true that Sheryl did spot Lan here (not necessarily a low possibility given how well she and Ranka seemed to get along) then it's even more awkward.

        At least it's a nice song?

        Of course, the awkward is going to continue as Alto is 'volunteered' to escort Ruri to go backstage and meet up with Ranka. Not that he's got a problem with that. It has been a while since he's seen Ranka too. Though he is definitely going to conveniently forget about the whole Lan thing. Especially as he would need to confirm things before actually mentioning it... Still, as Sheryl grabs his hand and starts dragging him off with Ruri, he complains, "What!? Where are you going!?" He doesn't get an answer though, simply left there with Ruri. He looks at her and shrugs.

<Pose Tracker> Madoka Kyouno has posed.

"Not that I know of. More...A designation? Like, who you choose to be while in a game of sorts." A sage...That does track! Or a mage. Lan does have the appearance of it. Regal, royal. It's hard to not mark her as a princess with that sort of outfit! As much as Madoka doesn't pay attention to that sort of thing, its hard when it's this front and center.

"...You heard? I know they are, but it's good to hope." The smile on that moment is...complicated. Grief never fully leaves a person. "They're fine! Really." Really.

But still... "What is a seneschal?" She's never heard that word before. Nothing pings at her mind, not from fantasy novels, not from talks in Kamogawa...A new word that she hadn't heard. Answer or not, she does pull her phone out in the heat of the moment.

The transparent panel flicks up, camera function clearly activating. Click. The memento of two girls and a stranger they're connecting with. What could be better?

Still! She listens on. She cheers on. Song after song, the exubriant girl cheering and clapping and hollering on, riding the high of the crowd to keep her own energy level up, supporting Ranka as one of the crowd. Experiencing the gamut of human emotion, falling into content sadness as the song ends...

Gallia IV. Her eyebrow perks up. Two Princesses. There's a glance over at Lan with a curious eye. Did she know? Did she actually know? It sounded like...

A whisper. "...But you're not dead." No, it was the fire lit when someone was wrong. When something should be set right. The planet blew up. The voice of a girl that wavered and sounded like she believed it, other than any ruse.

It serves enough to lightly break the stupor of her emotions, watching the chairs float and dance. Riding the wave of emotional understanding, glancing over every so often at Lan. They dance and move, Madoka's ears perked up to hear every last word. Not a goodbye, but a celebration.

...Her hand shifts over, snagging at Lan's wrist. Holding tight. "Lan." Another glance over. Gallia IV. The fire in her eyes refused to deny what she wanted to do.

'The miracle that I met on that day, My Friend!'

A deep breath as she smiled. She shouldn't be so tense. Not for something like this. This was a positive thing. A good thing. Not some revelation of some terrible truth, but a turn of good fortune.

"She's still here. You think we can get to her?" A small tug at Lan's wrist. She's insistent.

<Pose Tracker> Ruri Hoshino has posed.

        It was destroyed...

        Ruri grows quiet, when Ranka speaks of Gallia IV. She thinks of what happened, and she thinks of what happned after, too.

        But when the song ends, Omoikane's screen of course displays, < SPARKLE >

        Sheryl makes that call, though -- and insists. "Thank you, Sheryl-san," she says, and says it in-between being dragged along by her, so it's a little more out of breath than her usual stoic sentences. She means it, though! And when she shoves them forward, she stumbles, a little, and says, "Ah -- good luck."

        To Alto, she explains, quietly, "I keep trying to invite Ranka-san to my birthday party," just like he got his invitation, "but the messages never go through. So..."

        Now she's here, she can deliver it in person.

        It was just a coincidence that it took this much effort, right?

<Pose Tracker> Alto Saotome has posed.

        "It does seem like the networks have been a little less reliable lately."

        Has Alto been having trouble getting things through to Ranka too? Or perhaps he's just wondering why he hasn't heard much from her.

        Either way, Alto nods to the explanation. He definitely plans to be there for her birthday and expects Ranka want to as well. So he firmly says, "Don't worry, I'll make sure we get there. Even if I have to break us in. I happen to be quite familiar with how Grace sets up security for places like this."

        Not that it's going to actually get that far, since Grace has already approved their passes.

<Pose Tracker> Laffinty Fin E Ld Si has posed.

Lan hums to Muginami. "I...hadn't noticed," she admits. She is perhaps not the most attentive to others, even when they're putting their hearts and soul out there for her and all others to see.

A seneschal? Uhhhh "It's a sort of, royal personal assistant," she says. "It's the staff who'd work most closely and directly with a king or noble." How has she met those, Muginami asks, and Lan looks like she's about to stammer something nonsensical when she instead says, "Oh look the next song's starting!"

The rest of the concert is a grand time, of course. But then...a melancholy final piece. A call out to a lost friend.

Lan makes a noise like she's just been punched in the throat. Grace gets a phenomenal view of Fin E Ld Si Laffinty's 'completely poleaxed' face.

        'They didn't make it.'

        Somewhere in the universe, a blue chair sits alone in a spotlight, isolated from green and orange.

"Oh, no..." Lan says, her heart sinking, distress and alarm splashed across her face. It's their song, yes, between her and Ranka and Sheryl and Yurikano, bright and full of the energy of old friendships rekindled and new ones born. The images...don't feel right. But she lacks the expertise to identify another's hand at the pen.

"I'm not," Lan says, tremendously small as the chairs dance on stage. "...Yurikano is. That's." Her hands slowly ball, stress and anxiousness filling the usually stoic girl. But it's not the kind that makes her yelp some ludicrous 'royal decree'.

It's fear. Her eyes a little wide, cold crawling up her skin. "That's the power they want from the Vox," she whispers.

Madoka grasps her wrist, and it pulls her out of the ice cold lake of terrible memories, pulling Lan's eyes from the stage to Madoka. Her breathing is too fast for the quiet theater.

"No, the guards are...they wouldn't possibly..."

The thoughts tumble out of Lan's mouth, the girl cringing inward too fast to think of seizing a chance.

<Pose Tracker> Muginami has posed.

        ...Oh, doesn't that answer everything in a tidy little bow?

        So Princess Laffinty is here owing to some prior connection with Ranka, and by extension, Sheryl, and it all had to do with that incident on Gallia IV that rattled Villagiulio enough into coming all this way. ...They seem to believe Princess Laffinty is dead? How interesting - then she's possibly got an upper hand on someone, knowing full well she's alive and in front of her.

        ...There's only one snag...


        Who in the world was this person she'd never heard of, sharing her brother's last name, involved in all this?

        A cloudy expression crosses Muginami's face the longer she thinks about it. A gentle headache that makes her carefully rub her head. Nobody told her much about this, or why - but she trusts her big brother, and Captain Grania, and all the others.

        She's being assigned something as important as investigating the people of Kamogawa and their ties to Pharos - and this is a lead she can't possibly let go of. Surely it means they can trust her back, if she does a good enough job here!

        And once everyone's safe, they'll tell her everything they hadn't yet, won't they?

        ...For a moment, Madoka can maybe see, when the camera is brought up - that Muginami's expression is a bit too contemplative. But she jolts back to reality on sight of the phone, and the corners of her lips perk up. A light laugh for the camera, for two fateful strangers she seems to have befriended. "Did I get in the way of that picture? I'm so sorry~ I just got a little stiff and bent forward too much~" And mercifully, Muginami pulls back to give Lan and Madoka more space.

        ...No. When the two next turn around Muginami's slipped off somewhere else entirely. She's just some enthusiastic stranger the two chatted with at a concert who had to run off, surely.

        ...When in reality, for the next several hours, including the train ride back to Kamogawa, Muginami plans to keep a hawkish watch on their whereabouts at all times.

        ...Somewhere in the universe, several pieces of orange-hued wood sit disassembled on a workshop, but arranged together, waiting only to be hammered into place.