2024-05-03: Never Say Never Again

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<Pose Tracker> Akane Shinjo has posed.

Virtually all arriving parties receive some variation on this brief by the time they arrive.

The machine which has appeared in Huffman Island is a "Galactron" unit. Galactron is associated with Gillvalis, a kaiju identified by NERV in 0096 as hostile to human life. However, as Galactron is a machine and can be reprogrammed, the purpose of this specific Galactron unit is at this time unknown. Gillvalis was built on similar architecture and can be significantly slowed by being fed logic problems or contradictions in its own behavior.

As it has made touchdown in the Lark Valley region, it is theoretically the responsibility of the OCU to choose an appropriate response. However, NERV's precise relationship with OCU-NUNE borders is already hazy due to Tokyo-3's location and the presence of several OCU nationals within NERV's infrastructure. It is also quite close to the OCU's capital city of Freedom.

At the moment, the Galactron unit is inert -- and clearly fresh, somehow; every bit of white, purple, and gold on the machine is pristine and dirtless.

It cuts a stark contrast to the rest of Lark Valley -- a ruin from the Second Huffman Conflict and the site of one of many war crimes during the OCU-BU conflict. The Britannian Union bombed a town, claiming that it was a disguised OCU supply base. (It was not.) Blown out buildings still half-stand here, bearing the marks of international violence.

The Galactron unit represents a potential threat to both sides of the border -- and moreover, a chance to flex a little muscle in a contested space.

A transport sets down about 400 yards from the Galactron unit, having traveled from Tokyo at well over Mach 10. The first to emerge from it is a girl with dark hair cut just above her shoulders, wearing sunglasses with pink frames -- which she immediately takes off once she seems acclimated to the sun.

"It is way too hot," she mumbles, a few drops of sweat trickling down her forehead already. She looks up toward the massive machine, brow furrowing a little bit as she starts to rule out possibilities in her head.

<Pose Tracker> Rikka Takarada has posed.

Practically anything suddenly appearing uninvited on Huffman Island would be enough to strain the already fragile tensions surrounding the region. That the thing that appeared is a documented machine kaiju whose current purpose is unknown, of all things, means that things could very well erupt into catastrophe if the situation isn't handled delicately.

Rikka Takarada isn't sure which is more volatile - those tensions, or that kaiju. But either way, doing nothing isn't an option, either. And so, she exits the transport behind the dark-haired girl, pulling her arms through the sleeves of a long, black coat as she walks, followed soon after by the vest representative of her station as Chief of 3G Red.

"I've got a science team on standby. I'll give the order to move in if it turns out to be safe." She says, adjusting her tie. Rikka pauses, then - and smiles when she complains about the heat. "...Yeah, figures it would happen on a day like this."

With that, she slides her hands into her coat pockets, looking up at Galactron in turn.

"What do you make of it?" She asks.

<Pose Tracker> Soma Peries has posed.

        Soma Peries still had a couple of weeks left on her leave, which she had been on after the final events that led to the end of the terrorist organization, Celestial Being. She still technically had to do some work during that time, due to her promotion to First Lieutenant and new assignment as leader of her own squad. But those things didn't require any deployment.

        Unfortunately, the appearance of this huge robot in the unstable area of Huffman Island has required her to end her leave early. NUNE's concerns over a potential border incident with the OCU necessitate a quick reaction of force to recon the site and discourage the OCU from acting brazenly. And with Soma's experience fighting unconventional opponents in the past makes her and her squad the most ideal to deploy.

        To that end, a squad of several mobile weapons streak through the sky on trails of crimson sparkles. The GN-Xs unveiled by the various bloc militaries at the end of the Federation's life has been adopted and mass produced by NUNE. It now represents one of the main stay units of the Gaia Sabers and is still quite effective against more recent designs. Of course, development of the GN-X has continued as well and the unit at the head of the formation is a unique design, an advanced model of the GN-X painted a rose pink colour and sporting several long protrusions on its back that look like they could be some kind of remote funnel.

        As the Gaia Sabers squad flies into the airspace above the site, most of them split up to start scouting the area from above. However, the rose pink Advanced GN-X does its own thing, flying down towards the ground some distance from the huge stationary robot. Its head briefly turns to register the already landed transport, before it too touches down. The cockpit opens and Soma climbs out, wearing her new purple Gaia Sabers flight suit, sans helmet. She lowers herself down to the ground and then begins to walk across it with a quick stride, all the while talking through the radio headset on her ear, "I'm approaching the primary unknown now and will investigate. Continue to survey the sight for any additional unknowns. Do not engage anything unless fired upon first. Peries out." Soma taps the headset just as she comes to a stop near the motionless kaiju. She turns her head upwards...

        "So. What are you?"

        Soma then turns her head slightly to glance sideways as more people begin to show up, also apparently here to investigate. The delicate border situation makes it difficult for Soma to simply cordon off the site... So for now she'll have to play nice.

<Pose Tracker> Kaworu Nagisa has posed.

        Gillvalis has appeared on Earth before. It's appeared specifically on this Earth, even. It's been some time, but it's not something NERV would be quick to forget considering their remit. So, even though this is technically GGG's jurisdiction, they send a few people too on a NERV transport to inspect the Galactron unit--or at least observe whatever ends up going down on Huffman Isle with it. Some might bring mobile suits along on it, but at the very least, there aren't any Evangelions aboard.
        Despite this, Kaworu Nagisa is one of those on that transport. He strolls off the NERV transport with his hands tucked in in his administrator suit, a would-be normal-looking affair safe that his purple tie is oddly scarf-like. It has a green stripe, and his white button-up shirt is striped in lavender on the inside, something someone would have to be very close to him to notice. His cufflinks are a little unusual, too--round, but with a slight point and texture.
        Most unusual, though, is how he's completely unfazed by the otherwise considerable heat, despite being incredibly pale. You'd think someone who might just have albinism given his silver hair and red eyes would fry to a crisp in minutes, but he's doing just fine.
        He's also unfazed by the tensions buzzing among the various people already gathering. He comes to a stop a reasonable ways away from the Galactron unit, which he takes a moment to take in.
        "It's quite clean," he remarks. "As if it were freshly created." Then he looks around at the others. Some are faces he knows well; some, less so.

<Pose Tracker> Gai Kurenai has posed.

Among the 3G contingent disembarking from the transport from Tokyo is a man in a dark t-shirt and jeans, wearing a leather jacket and a cowboy hat. Unlike the young lady first off the craft, he seems mostly unphased by the temperature - in fact, his hat is quickly removed and set on the girl's head.

Gai Kurenai's focus is solely on the gigantic mechanical dinosaur looming over them, and his silence is... different from his usual quietness - where ordinarily he would present a placid, easy-going calm, his current demeanour is heavy and stern, a tension taut in his frame.

"Galactron," he says, and the way he says the name - the bitter recognition on his tongue - makes it all too clear why he was so insistent on joining the investigation team, even as out-of-place as he looks next to the rest of 3G's brightly-garbed specialists.

He and this machine - or at least, something much like it - have an unpleasant history.

He glances over to Kaworu and inclines his head, before returning his attention to the inert Galactron.

<Pose Tracker> Elisa Kafim has posed.

The ambiguously gendered Ingvar Hedlund did not arrive in a ship. Nor did they arrive in a mobile suit. No, there was no conventional transit that brought them here, but a briefing by Elisa Kafim and a portal to one of the less watched warehouses in the area. From there, they step out--

Ingvar is a tall individual with long, blonde hair. They walk evenly, with dignity. A careful look at their left hand reflects metal; their attire is fancy, a black suit with a green tie. And they approach the unit along with many others. Their green eyes are thoughtful. "How interesting," they say, looking it over.

"How interesting indeed."

<Pose Tracker> Zan has posed.

The sound of a train in the skies is the first note of an arrival that is designed to help out in times of trouble.

Shuttle docked to the front and cooling down from rentry, the large train form of the Iron Zanrailer begins to circle the site in the air.

Galactron is one threat that even has Zan wary. It's a powerhouse of a machine. At least it appears to have landed in a deserted area.

Launching from the shuttle as the train circles, Zan's orange VTOL form launches out to fly down. Once closer to the ground, the form changes into the familiar robot of Zan himself. Who lands neatly with his back jets lowering him down. The orange robot looks down at those around, noticeably giving a nod towards Rikka. "Chief." He acknowledges before turning his head to the machine.

"I am on standby in case of hostile activations." Zan states quite simply. Speaking of hostilities, Zan is notably not looking at the NERV forces. Ignoring them even.

<Pose Tracker> Alouette Pommier has posed.

The appearance of this Galactron machine is absolutely a concern to all branches of the newly Grand Glorious Guard - of course Green and Red have all the reason to be concerned about all the dimensional weirdness surrounding the robot. But reviewing the documentation also makes it clear enough, something like Galactron could absolutely be abused for the sake of science crime, which is all the reason for GGG Blue to involve itself, too.

This isn't even getting into the political-territorial implications of Galactron's appearance in one of the most diplomatically-explosive places in the entire Earth Sphere, so GGG Blue's presence is on the more low-key end. While this may not exactly have been the first way Alouette Pommier would have decided to spend her day, she is Blue's mobile Captain now... so she decided to take the initial investigation into her own hands.

"My, my... there really couldn't have been a worse locale for a dimensional crisis." Is her first turn of phrase, hopping out of Tokyo's GGG transport. Despite the scathing remark, she's already sharply assessing the area, paying particular attention the groups involving themselves. NERV's people, the loud showing of the GN-X marks the arrival of the Gaia Sabers... there's definitely some unknowns too, perhaps hoping to take advantage of the situation. It's not much of a surprise, but it does mean things could turn tense or worse.

"Yeah. We're going to have to be very careful." Ever-taciturn Vice-Captain Ikumi Kaidou follows closely behind her, brow furrowed. He's an excellent combatant on-foot and he knows it - but he'd really rather not be in a position to put it into use.

Alouette's gaze remains fixed across the ruined island valley, as they begin to approach Galactron. "We'll let GGG Red's team make the first move here, they're far more equipped for analyzing just what that... robot's deal is." Alouette nods. "For now, we're here to get a read on what the NUNE plans on doing... and to make sure groups like BioNet don't try to take advantage of this." With that, she prepares herself to engage in some good old fashioned diplomacy. "Figuring out how this happened is one thing. I just have to wonder... why?" She muses, at the pristine appearance of Galactron.

<Pose Tracker> Sousuke Sagara has posed.

"So that's the beast, huh?"

The man is blonde, with shaggy hair that doesn't quite reach his shoulders, and a red shirt patterned with patterned with palm trees. He has a camera pulled from his bag, a professional's type of equipment. He's posted up as close to the cordon line as he can get, snapping away quickly. "Looks factory new..."

"Man...we could do some STUFF if I could get my hands on some of those parts...!" the redheaded young woman next to him says excitedly, fingers clenched into giddy fists.

"Would your new pilot even know what to do with something with that many guns, Nami?" the blonde chuckles. Snap snap snap.

Nami grunts and crosses her arms over her plain, loose white tank top, huffing a little. "With the stuff he borrowed from that 'old friend' of his, I'm not sure we could even mount any of that," she sighs.

<Pose Tracker> Cascade Vermilion has posed.

Something else is coming from high above.

At first it's nothing but a light, leaving a trail of glittering silver-blue stardust behind, but it continues to descend, and descend. It's broadcasting nothing, giving no friend-or-foe signaling; it's just approaching.

And it's very clearly aiming at this location, as it curves in midair, steering toward the Galactron unit. It didn't - quite - follow the same approach in, but it's clearly in at least general pursuit of the mechanical unit.

As it gets closer, the figure resolves - not into a mobile suit, or a variable fighter, or anything else deployed on a regular basis by any of the militaries of Earth. The world has seen Giants of Light before. Gridman, Ultraman Z, others... but this one's new.

By both shape and colour this one is an unknown Giant. For one, she's not an Ultra*man*; her build is female, though there's not much of an obvious difference in helmet style or face mask. Said helmet is completely covering, with faintly golden eyes and a raised Slugger-style crest, backswept and higher in back than in front. Her primary colour is red, with silver markings; down the sides and over the chest and hips, mostly. The colour timer, a crystalline structure set midchest, is shaped like an eight-pointed starburst, currently a steady light blue.

She drops past the airborne GN-Xs, taking advantage of the fact that she's at least half falling to pick up some extra speed, and lands - heavily, in a crouching impact that absorbs at least most of the force, though it's still enough to kick up dust. She's landed between the transport containing most of the humans (and people mistaken for humans) and Galactron, and her pose as she rises suggests she expects it to start shooting and she's trying deliberately to put herself between it and them.

<Pose Tracker> Sympatria Unit has posed.

Ingvar is not alone. They are accompanied by several others, in perhaps not dissimilar outfits - form-fitting, more like tactical clothing than anything. A boring, matte-gray color.

One of them, SYMPATRIA #1, is about as tall as Ingvar. He has a strong jaw and short cropped hair. He is carrying a black nylon bag. It probably contains tactical equipment (that may mean guns).

Another of them, SYMPATRIA #8 (NO RELATION) is more moderately tall. Her hair is similar to #1's. So is her bag. However, as they come into view of the unit, her eyes seem to unfocus. One of them twitches before turning entirely into something made out of silver; the other narrows and makes modest sounds. "Huh," #8 observes aloud, quietly. "It really stands out, doesn't it?"

The last of them, SYMPATRIA #6, has a much smaller bag, worn over her shoulder. She is presently looking into the mirror of an unfolded makeup palette. She seems to be layering pigment on her lips.

  1. 8 looks at #6 with incredulity for several seconds, then back ahead. The silvered-over eye flutters briefly.

  1. 1 comments to Ingvar, "There's a lot of 'em. I don't suppose she gave you a Gundam Fighter... Gundam to call up, did she?" (Meanwhile, #8's less-silvered eye twitches for a moment, imaging the new and unknown Giant as it lands, approaching Galactron.)
<Pose Tracker> Lilium Valerie has posed.

Second Lieutenant Lilium Valerie was having a very, very bad day. She had thought that, with the formation of the Gaia Sabers now virtually complete, she'd have a chance to catch her breath for more than the one night. Evidently, she had thought wrong.

Hot off of taking some documents she'd never be allowed to read from some middle manager she couldn't remember the name of on the Britannian mainland to some Major in a former BUF base on east Huffman Island--'Area 8', according to both ends of the transaction--she'd found herself bundled into the cockpit of an available GN-X, and scrambled as part of the second wave to be launched as soon as her control data and preferred weaponry was loaded onto it. As one of those red-trailed lights in the sky over the Unknown, Lilium halts her flight--setting herself down atop a conveniently placed ruin, eastward of the Contact (closer to the NUNE side of the island, of course). It wouldn't do to waste her finite supply of.. what were they... ah, GN Particles staying airborne indefinitely, after all--and this was as good a place as any to rest her long rifle, aimed directly up at the... creature?

What was this thing, anyway... She hadn't had the chance to go over the briefing more than once, but this was a confirmed extraterrestrial--no OCU foul play suspected, at least at the present moment. She didn't think that was likely to change, personally, but if it came down to it orders were orders.

The second lieutenant turns her gaze away from the contact, for a moment, keying into her task force's local channel--"Valerie. In overwatch position. I've got a clear shot at the unknown, if it becomes necessary, and an overview of the suspected OCU party's landing site. Holding fire until ordered otherwise. Over."

As she opens a little cut-in window to magnify her view of the landed transport and those stood besides it, the young woman finds herself taking a closer look at the landscape itself. Bombed out. Hollow. Empty. Even before whatever this thing was came down. That's what the real threat was, she thought. Not the giant monster, the possibility of a fight over it. But... maybe also the giant monster, just a little.

<Pose Tracker> Haruki Natsukawa has posed.

         Gillvalis again? Gillvalis-2? Or no, he guesses it's not really another Gillvalis more than it's like, related. So, Mini-Gillvalis? That doesn't seem right either. Haruki goes through names for the beast as he looks upon it until something in his brain nudges him to remember the briefing for why he's here to begin with, as well as what Z told him.

         Right, this is Galactron. A Galactron, specifically, supposedly there's more of them. Like Gillvalis' army, or something like that. If that's the case, he wonders if it's going to be upset that its parent is dead? Can a robot like this even feel sadness like that? It is, despite its mechanical nature, still a kaiju, and as he's witnessed firsthand, kaijus can carry emotions just like them...

         Haruki shakes his head. Now's not the time for that sort of thinking! There's another really pressing matter. Like the fact that this thing landed in contested territory! Which, honestly, he's not sure what he's supposed to do about it. Did Hebikura even brief him on that particular thing??? He does know that politics like this aren't really his suit, right?

         Well... He'll just have to stand there and do his best to look intimidating. At the very least, even if his boss doesn't know it, he's a pretty good pick to put in this situation for if things go really badly. Probably the best pick behind Yoko, anyway.

<Pose Tracker> Liam 7-020 has posed.

        Liam has been dividing his time between active duty in Tokyo-3 and an apartment shared with Lucine Azul in Orb. So far, no one in NERV's heirarchy has objected. It's a life he could get used to, he thinks.

        Then this happened, the very day he returned to duty.

        Liam follows Kaworu out of the transport, wearing his wholly standard-issue pilot's uniform: a tan jumpsuit with maroon highlights, and a beret. He remains a big, broad-shouldered, muscular man, and now he looks better than he has in years, despite the grim circumstances. He's kept the stubbly beard and hair he's been maintaining over the past year or so, and a pair of mirrored sunglssses hide his eyes. He stays at Kaworu's flank, even as the GN-X wing roars overhead, and the faintest flinch runs through him.

        "No sign of what made it, though," Liam adds. "So far." His gaze crosses the field, to the GGG transport. "...Looks like Alouette's here." Liam's guts twist and tighten. At any other time he'd be glad to see her. Now, though, with Gaia Sabers units overhead, on Huffman Island?

        Liam lets out a breath. "Feel like I should've brought the Akashima."

<Pose Tracker> Akane Shinjo has posed.

The heat may be getting to Akane, but the morbid atmosphere of Lark Valley... if anything, it's kind of soothing. It keeps her head in the game. Rikka asks what she makes of it, and Akane takes a breath and considers. "Well... the fact that it's not already shooting is a good sign? When Alexis had the other one, it was ready to go right away..." She chews on that a bit.

If she has a follow-up, she doesn't get around to it before the Gaia Sabers enter the airspace. Her shoulders straighten a bit; it's hard for her to feel good about the aggressive NUNE response on this side of the border. ... even with her new responsibilities, she's still kind of a scared kid.

"Are you guys from the NUNE garrison?" she asks Soma, looking to the parked GN-X, then the second lieutenant's GN-X, then finally to Soma again. "This is an OCU issue. I get why NERV's here..." She doesn't bring herself to state the implication: 'but you guys shouldn't be.' Looking back to Zan and Gai, Akane takes a deep breath. It's okay. They -- have their own defenders. They can handle things if they get hot. Scooting over to Alouette, Akane asks, discreetly, "... are you guys gonna be okay if this blows up?"

... Civilians seem to be gathering, from the looks of it, too. The more people get involved, the harder this gets. She looks toward Ingvar, then the blond man and the redhead next to him.

"... I'm going to get a closer look at the unit. Can you handle NERV and the civilians?" she asks Rikka, glancing toward NERV's transport and its fairly familiar emerging faces --

-- and then a giant of light appears. It's a new one -- which means that even if Akane wasn't too anxious to handle keeping the temperature down with all these strangers, she's responsible for keeping tabs on it as an Intelligence member.

Closing her eyes, Akane pulls a tablet computer out of her bag. "Can you speak English? <Can you speak Japanese?> <Can you speak French?>" Akane calls, getting a little space between herself and everyone else. She follows up with, "No fight yet!" in all three languages. Best to keep it simple.

Galactron continues to remain inert. For the moment.

<Pose Tracker> Soma Peries has posed.

        Despite the increasing number of people arriving, the large stationary robot doesn't appear to show any signs of waking. A relief, for certain. Which makes previously said people now the more pressing concern. If this unknown unit remains stationary, it could prove to be a valuable asset for salvage and study. Something Soma expects at least a few of the other arrivals are thinking. She doesn't recognise anyone in particular, though some of the attire does suggest affiliations. Some of which would have some claim over this find.

        One of the others poses a question to Soma. She looks at Akane, then shakes her head, "I am First Lieutenant Soma Peries of the Peries Squad." One thing she had yet to get to was thinking up a better name for that... "We're a rapid response team with the Gaia Sabers." Not your average garrison unit then.

        Already there are questions about jurisdiction... Soma frowns, "This unknown is close enough to NUNE territory to pose a threat and should it do so, I suspect it won't care as much about borders." She crosses her arms, "Besides, I doubt the OCU has a force strength to match ours. We're not about to rely on them to handle it."

        Soma stares down Akane for a few more moments before glancing between the others that are beginning to arrive, "This is no place for civilians! Everyone identify yourselves and your affiliations, or I'll have your escorted from the site."

<Pose Tracker> Kaworu Nagisa has posed.

        Kaworu catches Gai's glance and gives him a smile in return. It is a serious situation--potentially deadly, depending on how things develop, even without the shadow of Gillvalis--and that's precisely why a gentle calm is necessary right now.
        And if things do break bad, he has Haruki and Liam flanking him. To be honest, Kaworu would be more worried about them than himself, though.
        He looks to one side as a portal opens and Ingvar and the Sympatrias come through. He looks that way even if the portal is not within normal line of sight. Interesting indeed, as they say. There are other dramatic arrivals, too, but the other one that gets Kaworu's interest in particular is the descent of an Ultrawoman. She lands in between everyone and the Galactron, like she expects it to attack. No doubt she followed it here.
        "Yes," he replies to Liam, both of the Galactron's creator and Alouette's presence. His gaze turns to Haruki. "Are you all right? You seem distracted."
        He doesn't try to approach further, content to let Akane make the first move towards the new Giant of Light and open communications. NERV's presence here--at least for now--is in an observational capacity. To see what happens and report it later.
        Kaworu imagines Haruki and Liam have their own respective interests in the rest of what's going on, though. If either of them move to get closer to the Galactron or anything else, he'll nod them on in encouragement.

<Pose Tracker> Gai Kurenai has posed.

Gai studies the inert Galactron closer. "I haven't fought one of these in a while," he admits. "I think it's an upgraded model - the armour on the torso and head is reinforced, and the limbs are sleeker."

Something else catches Gai's eye - no, it's a feeling more than something he sees that draws his attention - and he looks up to the sky as the glimmer in the aether grows closer, resolving into a giant woman wreathed in re-entry flame. Hand up to shield his eyes against the glare of the fire and the sun, one might expect further sounds of recognition from the wanderer from a distant planet.

Instead: "... Who?"

The Ultra-woman crashes down, rising into a protective position between them and Galactron, and Gai's brow furrows in confusion. Akane, meanwhile, steps forward, and Gai keeps pace just behind her as she tries to communicate. (Who with? The Giantess of Light, or the Soldier of Gillvallis?)

"No fight yet," he agrees with the young lady.

Soma demands identities, and he looks up at her. "Gai," he replies, firmly, jerking his thumb back towards Zan and the rest of the 3G contingent. "I'm with them."

... At least it's better introductions than Juggler would have made.

<Pose Tracker> Rikka Takarada has posed.

Akane points out what happened when Alexis brought out Gillvalis. Rikka nods, thinking back.

"That's true. It might not have any direct attack orders yet, then." She considers. It may also be waiting for a signal - but nothing happening in the moment, at least, gives them some room to breathe.

Rikka looks toward Gai as he emerges, then, taking note of the bitterness in his tone.

"Not your first time, I take it?" She asks. He continues. An upgraded model, hm...? She wonders how many of them there are. She then looks up at the Iron Zanrailer as he acknowledges her. "Thanks, Zan. Stay alert, but don't make the first move."

She looks back to Alouette and her team, and nods as she says to let them take point.

Soon enough, they're not the only ones here. There wasn't any chance of that, of course - this thing is practically a beacon. NUNE's Gaia Sabers, NERV... This doesn't surprise her too much, but there are some parties present here she can't identify, too. Not much she can do about those until they make a move.

"Right. I can do that." Rikka replies with a nod toward Akane - which is when a Giant of Light appears, placing herself between them and Galactron. An Ultrawoman? This is her first time seeing one... Rikka looks up in surprise. And that pose... is that defensive? From her friendship with Gridman, she's gotten good at reading the body language of Giants. She looks toward Gai, though, to see his take.

But with that, she takes a step forward as Soma introduces herself.

"Chief Rikka Takarada, Grand Glorious Guard, 3G Red." Rikka introduces herself in turn. "With all due respect, this situation hasn't degraded itself to the necessity of force, yet. I think we need to step carefully until we determine its purpose here."

And not just out of fear of awakening the kaiju, either.

And with that, she looks toward the NERV contingent. There might be a schism between 3G and NERV right now, but she's largely been friendly with the individuals... With this situation as it is, will that change?

"Everyone... Good to see you." She greets, then nods toward Akane. "Can I ask you to let her handle this?"

Rikka looks toward Akane, then, as she calls out in three different languages. She knows two of them, and only has an okay grasp on the third due to her friendship with Alouette.

She waits quietly, giving her her space and letting her work. If there's anyone who'd know how to approach this, Rikka believes it'd be Akane.

<Pose Tracker> Elisa Kafim has posed.

Quietly, "I am authorized to call upon Ivnerre," Ingvar says to Sympatria #1. "The Dragon."

Pause. "But I think my mistress could get you a mobile suit or two, too."

Talk of civilians doesn't bother them much. The portal was not within line of sight, but Kaworu of course can sense it regardless. And that something from high above...

An Ultra(wo)man appears, and Ingvar regards her carefully. They looks to Unit #1 again. "Let's watch that one."

Then, they approach more fully, and smile pleasantly at Soma. "The people will want to know what's going on." They flash a press pass. "As it happens, we have a legal right to observe the proceedings... unimpeded by another nation's government."

"But we won't get in your way, of course. By all means, do what you're going to do. We'll be right back here, where it's safer."

They smile to Rikka. They have the normal amount of teeth. "We'll take her lead," they say of Akane.

<Pose Tracker> Liam 7-020 has posed.

        Liam turns back to Haruki. His brow knits. "I know. Thing gave us a rough time when it last--"


        Something enormous falls from the sky, landing with a thunderous impact. Liam becomes a blur. When the ground stops shaking, he's in front of Kaworu, his feet braced, his arms raised across his chest. He looks up...

        "...An Ultra?" Liam's eyes widen. He doesn't recognize her. She clearly thought the Galactron was a threat. Akane calls out, and Liam raises both hands, and offers what he hopes is a reassuring nod. He's not armed. "Going to scope out the Ultra," he says to Kaworu and Haruki, and he steps forwards--carefully. "HEY!" he shouts. "CAN YOU UNDERSTAND ME?" Probably not, but it's worth a shot.

<Pose Tracker> Lilium Valerie has posed.

They were on the wrong side of a border. What was their excuse, again..? Preemptive mobilization? No, that was the actual reason they were there... uhm... the briefing said it was... right. 'We didn't know where it was going to land and followed it down'. Lilium thinks for a moment. Did it land..? Did it just appear? Was that going to work on them. 'We're not too far from the border, it could easily become our problem instead'. That worked better. Assuming anyone asked her, which... seeing as she wasn't the ranking officer, they probably wouldn't. Good, probably.

A moment of further thinking later, Lilium comes to a realisation--Perhaps, just maybe, the visuals of a GN-X painted in Gaia Sabers colours pointing its primary weapon directly at the contact, completely ready to fire might not look too good to the civilians on the ground (or viewers at home, when the press inevitably showed up) and pops her cockpit hatch open. She shuffles across to sit on its rim, legs dangling over the side--just enough for her to be visibly not at the controls from the ground, but close enough that she could get operational again if ordered. Her helmet visor retracted, a sip is taken from a bottle of water as--

...the giant of light's impact creates a shockwave that, while not particularly dangerous for anyone, does send her tumbling back into the cockpit. Unfortunate, if anyone was looking. Annoying. Embarassing, if anyone was looking. Does this shift target priorities? Does it look hostile?

Her mind racing with necessary questions, Lilium sits back up, rubbing the side of her helmet. She takes stock of the situation--Giant contact #1-still inactive. #2-Seems to be here for the same reason everyone else is... and the OCU team have taken control of the situation. 'No fight yet'. She spoke at most one of the languages, but knew enough of one of the others to comprehend that it was the same message three times. She could get behind that.

<Pose Tracker> Sousuke Sagara has posed.

"Oh whoa!!" the blond man yelps at the arrival of a Giant of Light, and immediately sweeps his camera that way. "You hear about these, but you never expect to see them so close! She's huge!"

"Usually around eighty meters," Nami says back, nonchalant. "Uh, Lemon, is it a good idea to be here? This is looking..." Her eyes slide across GGG and NERV and Gaia Sabers, sensing the tension building. "...familiar," she breathes, uneasy.

"Eh?" Lemon answers, peeking over his camera at the mounting currently-proverbial sparks. "Oh. Prrrobably fine?" he says, one second before Soma barks for affiliations and IDs. Ugh. "Right, she did say Gaia Sabers, didn't she...Uhhh," Ingvarr produces a press pass, "oh neat, I used to have one of those--"

Nami grabs him by the arm and hisses, "You have no sense of urgency!"

<Pose Tracker> Sympatria Unit has posed.

Fortunately, two out of three of the people in gray clothing near Ingvar are completely ordinary. Perhaps they are, hikers, or other tourists. The one who seems to be relentlessly working on her lips stands out, but in a sense, she makes them seem *more* hiker-like.

Or something.

Even so, they move efficiently. #1 nods to Ingvar, and as Ingvar produces a press pass, the three of them look at one another -- OK, it's mostly #8 and #1.

  1. 8 blinks and her eyes are completely normal. Turning towards the others, she says, "We're going to set up for recording. If you have any security concerns, then"

  1. 6's makeup case closes with a clack as she looks upwards. "THE PEOPLE'S RIGHT TO BE INFORMED COMES FIRST," she shouts, then pops her tongue. "It's our #1 goal," she continues, even if that makes the actual #1, right there, pause -- before dropping his bag and crouching down to get out a long and rather narrow photo-lens, which he begins adjusting.

  1. 8 joins to help him, producing -- recording equipment? That doesn't seem to be everything in the bags but it is among the things in the bags. As this happens, #6 steps forwards, beaming towards Soma, "I'm Irrimata Amos, with Polymesh News. Can I ask you, Lieutenant -- actually one moment."

Irrimata(?) gets out a pocket recorder from her bag and clicks it on. "Ahem! Lieutenant Peries, can you tell us what steps the Gaia Sabers are taking in order to prevent this incident from escalating?!"

  1. 6 also waves to the GGG folks, with a wordless if perfectly-lip-lined beaming expression, before mouthing to Soma, 'Just being friendly.' Behind her, as the other two appear to get something like a camera up on a... bipod, not tripod? -- #8 glances sharply towards Liam, although she doesn't do more than raise an eyebrow.

Cascade Vermilion tosses a coin: Tails

<Pose Tracker> Zan has posed.

Rikka's orders have Zan giving a nod and looking around. He doesn't want conflict. Not with former friends, nor with humans if he can help it. He's here in case Galactron activates.

The new and unknown large Ultra-female has Zan priming his jets. And the shuttle's individual engines are starting up as well on the front of the train.

The massive response has Zan glancing at the others. Particularly those that are hidden from the ground but visible from the air. Ones that he can turn his head to look directly at.

Zan stays silent for a moment or two, remaining on alert.

Looking up at the Ultra, then to the Galactron has Zan coming to a decision. He turns to look at the human members of the grouping, "I recommend backing away. If this Giant of Light is shielding us from the Galactron, it is reasonable to assume it may activate at any time. Unless there is technology that allows a human to move faster than an energy beam, everyone is in danger."

Zan gives his warning before he turns to look up at the Ultra and give it a respectful nod. He then turns his attention to Rikka and Alouette, "Fusion permission requested in anticipation of Galactron activation?"

<Pose Tracker> Alouette Pommier has posed.

Alouette blinks for a moment when Akane asks her question. It's definitely more heat than even she was expecting, with the Gaia Sabers deploying an entire squadron. "...If it comes down to it, I think we'll be all right. This is what we're here for, after all." She answers, with an assured, if shaky smile. If worse comes to worse, they can deploy one of their new model Tsukumo, and she arrived with Kaidou for a reason.

"...What about you, Akane? Are you holding up okay?" She asks, in turn. With the way this is escalating... she'd be surprised if Akane wasn't at least a little anxious, even if she trusts her judgement in dealing with Galactron - as well as Rikka's in cordially handling all the groups who've come to stake Galactron out.

From the NERV side of things, there's a few faces she recognizes. That's definitely Liam and Kaworu, but even though she's still relatively friendly with them... there's no reason to approach at the moment. ...Especially not with the Gaia Sabers here and pushing their weight around.

Alouette really isn't fond of Lieutenant Peries' attitude, but... "Alouette Pommier, Captain of GGG Blue's mobile corps. I have Vice-Captain Kaidou with me." She answers briskly, but their uniforms would make that much clear. "Your squadron's interest in the situation is noted. Let's just make sure all this noise doesn't somehow awaken that robot, shall we?"

Ikumi in particular, tenses at the sight of Ingvar and the Sympatria Unit - regarding #6's wave with a curt frown for the time being, as Ikumi is prone to do. He can't make a judgement for sure, but are these ones really just civilians who happened to be in the area of a war-crime zone? No way.

But Galactron isn't the only abnormality on the site, with the appearance of yet another Giant of Light. Alouette's eyes widen, because while they seem to have the best intentions in mind... "This one's unfamiliar, without a doubt. I don't know... this is actually good for diffusing the tension." Alouette immediately notes. "...But let's see if they can understand what Akane has to say."

<Pose Tracker> Cascade Vermilion has posed.

The new Giant of Light stares at the Galactron.

(The Galactron does not stare back, or indeed do much of anything.)

After a few moments longer of that, she lowers her hands, though she's still keeping attention on the Galactron. She turns slightly, looking down at the GGG officers -

Well, her eyes don't widen. They can't, being solid shapes in a mask. But they do brighten slightly, especially when Akane addresses her ('Can you speak English? Can you speak Japanese?') The Giant of Light responds to that with a very human gesture indeed: a big thumbs-up and a cheerful nod that looks like it should have a grin. Yes, she understands both of those, though not French; she shakes her head at that one.

Giving the Galactron another half-look, half-glare, the Giant of Light turns around and crouches to get a bit closer to human head level. And then she very confidently addresses the group... with a long string that sounds more like "Syah," and "Suwit," than any actual English or Japanese words.

She trails off. WHY is it so hard? Okay, she thinks. Though she's not sure who some of these people are, she definitely recognizes some of them. (Which is weird. She shouldn't, should she? A new giant...)

Fortunately for Lilium, she misses her tumbling back in. Which is good. She might laugh.

"Syah?" she says, more hopefully. She recognizes Gai, apparently, because she points at him, and says something more empathatically. Hopefully *he* understands, she thinks, because I don't think I'm going to get through any other way than charades.

<Pose Tracker> Soma Peries has posed.

        3G. Not wholly unexpected that they would be here. Soma silently admits that they are probably those well suited to looking into this matter.

        Doesn't mean she's going to give in.

        "This machine was clearly not created for the purpose of tending a garden or any such tame reason. It's a weapon. So 'with all due respect', we're going to continue treating it as such until the threat has been eliminated." Soma rebutts to Rikka.

        On the bright side, she hasn't ordered a full out attack yet!

        However, Soma does seem at least begrudgingly willing to let Akane go ahead. Of course as Ingvar shows off that press pass, Soma appears even less enthusiastic about having so many people here. She briefly considers having said press removed anyway, regardless of any objections... But it'd probably cause problems and she's not sure she wants to risk potentially awakening this thing.

        There are still some who haven't identified themselves but the situation is quickly starting to get more chaotic. More than Soma can handle. The Giant in particular draws a glare from Soma, who seems undaunted by the size difference, "Hey! Don't provoke the thing!" The Giant of Light seems to relax a little thankfully. Of course Soma has no idea who this one is affiliated with either. She raises a hand to rub her temple for a moment. Even with the arrival of another Gaia Sabers unit (she doesn't recognize it but is thankful for the backup anyway) things are quickly getting out of control.

        Soma looks back up at the so-called expert, Akane, and asks plainly, "So then. Why do you think it's here and doing nothing?"

<Pose Tracker> Akane Shinjo has posed.

Alouette gets a brief nod. "... yeah, so far," Akane answers her -- though she knows she could definitely start freaking out if this got any worse. It looks like the NUNE forces are slowing their roll, at least -- though the presence of a rapid reaction team from the Gaia Sabers does make the whole thing a little more stressful.

Akane has to trust in the rest of 3G to handle the international situation; she'll focus on the Giant of Light. Liam seems to have the same idea Akane does -- and that's good, Akane thinks; it seems NERV's institutional values haven't totally shifted despite the schism.

A thumbs up! That's a good sign. ... She doesn't speak Ultra, but the thumbs-up is at least a start. Okay -- Japanese and English... and a little bit of charades. Or -- "... Do you understand her?" Akane asks Gai, next -- maybe he'll know how to have more productive dialogue.

For the Ultra-woman, finally, Akane adds, "Can you become smaller? It's okay if you can watch your step, but..." ... Can all Giants of Light become smaller?

Akane puts a hand in her vest pocket, and squeezes something inside it for a moment. ... She'll be okay.

<Pose Tracker> Kaworu Nagisa has posed.

        "It's good to see you too, Rikka," Kaworu tells Rikka--Chief Rikka, as she introduces herself to Soma--cordially. He gives her a smile, too, at her request. "Certainly. I trust her."
        Liam is in front of him in a flash when the Ultra lands, and says he's going to go over to get a better look. Kaworu nods. "Go ahead. But please do defer to Akane." He looks at Haruki. "You can go too, if you like."
        With that established, Kaworu strolls over to Ingvar and the Sympatrias. They appear to be media personnel, emphasis on 'appear to be.' He comes to a stop shortly behind them and their equipment, and as they converse with Soma, he watches what they record.
        That of course includes the Ultrawoman herself. Although she understands them, she doesn't seem to be able to converse in the same language, though she's clearly doing her best. A young Ultra, perhaps. Perhaps Gai knows her. She seems to know him.

<Pose Tracker> Haruki Natsukawa has posed.

         "Eh? Oh! I'm fine, just wondering why this thing is here, is all."

         Haruki snaps out of it to answer Kaworu and Liam, though the answer he gives, while not a lie, really does feel as if he's leaving something out. At least he's snapped out of it now though, enough to notice a few things.

         "Haruki Natsukawa! STORAGE Pilot and NERV member, Ma'am!"

         He stiffens up into a pole and places his hand on his head in a salute as if on reflex when he's asked to give his affiliation from Soma, only relaxing once he remembers that he doesn't really need to do that for people that he's not working for. At least, he's pretty sure that's the case?

         He'll have to figure that out later, however, as there's something that's really bothering him. A new Ultra? Is she confused? Does she think there's an immediate threat that isn't merely burecratic? Oh... Wait. Qivi? Nova??? Clo- OH... Well, he'd love to answer her, but while Z gives her the ability to understand, he can't really point and say. And God, as someone who had to deal with the point and interpret game before, he's not going to put her through that. So that just leaves him with one option.

          "Oh, uh... M-my stomach is starting to hurt! Nagisa-san, Liam-san! you mind handling things for a moment while I run back real quick?"

         He doesn't even wait for an answer, Haruki just books it back to the transport, running inside of it and into one of its built in restrooms as he locks the door behind him and disappears.

         A few definitely not suspicious moments after Haruki left, Ultraman Z comes crashing down from the sky beside the new Ultrawoman, his landing just as earthshaking, but packed with a surprising amount of care and precision as to not squash or knock down any of the surrounding vehicles or people.

         Z stands, and after scratching his head and rubbing his neck as if in thought of what to say, simply raises a hand and speaks.

         "Nova and Qivi right? We've got some spare STORAGE jumpers that Ha- My host brought along just in case, but, well..."

         Haruki is a pretty tall guy, there's no telling if they'll fit her. Or she could actually be taller than him too. That's equally a possibility and issue. But, this is a quick notice thing, so it's not like they had time to prepare.

"Never mind. I'm sure you could make it work! Though uh, if it doesn't, we should probably leave. If a bunch of us start showing up, we might scare some of the people here."

         Z motions to the group that's collected around Galactron for emphasis.

<Pose Tracker> Gai Kurenai has posed.

The enunciations produced by the new Giant catch Gai visibly off-guard - he's used to his peers being a lot more... eloquent in their giant selves. This new being recognises him, but he doesn't recognise her, yet... Of course, the eloquence of their kind isn't exactly spoken... He closes his eyes for a moment, directing all his attention to the giant female Ultra, listening not with his ears but with his heart and mind.

... After a moment, a smile that seems incongrous to the tension of the situation lights up his face and he steps forward towards her.

"Welcome back, Nova." He weighs whether or not to elaborate, and settles on: "This is a lot bigger than usual for you, huh?"

He looks back to Rikka now and nods. "She's a friend."

<Pose Tracker> Rikka Takarada has posed.

Rikka looks back toward Soma at her response. She has to hold back her initial reaction to that - though she can't hide the frown that crosses her face.

It is a weapon, yes - which is why we need to treat it delicately, until we can determine who or what sent it here, and why." Rikka replies, then glances toward the civilians that have started to gather. She look toward Ingvar, especially, as they seem to have brought a crew with them. Press, huh...? Whether that is the case or isn't, it'd be bad if they pushed them away. And with the people accompanying him already getting equipment ready... She doesn't want to see what a scathing hit piece would do to stoke the tensions on either side.

"...Alright, but keep a safe distance - and don't use the flash." Rikka advises. "If it activates, get to safety immediately. We'll do what we can to protect you."

Zan has advice. She nods. Right now, they're as far away as they can get while still being able to act. But as for his request... Rikka looks toward Alouette, nodding as she gives her opinion.

"Yeah, not yet. They might take it as an act of aggression." Rikka replies, shaking her head. Once again, 'they' isn't just the kaiju.

Liam calls out to the Ultrawoman - who seems to be responding, but Rikka can't understand a word she says. That thumbs-up, though, is a gesture she does understand, as well as the nod that follows.

Kaworu, meanwhile, gets a smile.

"Thanks." She replies, as he agrees to let Akane handle it.

She sends Akane a brief, encouraging smile as she tries to communicate with the Ultrawoman. With that, she looks back toward Soma. With Akane busy, she gives an answer for her.

"We don't know yet - but its current state of dormancy suggests a lack of standing orders." She says. "Once we learn more, we can determine the best course of action."

Another Ultra appears! He seems to be talking with the first one - and Gai confirms she's a friend. Rikka nods.

"If you say so, then I believe it." Rikka replies. She trusts his word.

Still, she hopes that Galactron won't perceive them as a threat and activate...

<Pose Tracker> Liam 7-020 has posed.

        'Hey! Don't provoke that thing!'

        Liam blinks, and turns back to offer Soma a vaguely apologetic look. Apologetic, not chastened. There's a big difference. "They seem to recognize the Galactron," Liam says, to her. With no intelligible speech to go by, all they have to work with is body language. Unless...

        Liam glances towards Gai, but it's part of a visual sweep of the GGG team as a whole. He still considers Gai a friend, and he owes him a lot. He's not about to blow his cover. And besides, Kaworu just encouraged him to defer to Akane, and he sees no reason not to unless things go very pear-shaped.

        A thumbs-up. Liam's mouth forms a little 'o' at the sight. It's suspiciously familiar, and it's coming from a brand-new Ultra. Red brows arch as Haruki loudly announces his sudden stomachache. "Seriously?" Liam says, before he can stop himself, watching Haruki's retreat with disbelief.

        AND THEN, A TOTALLY INNOCENT NEW ARRIVAL. At least this one is familiar. Liam stares up at Z for a long moment, before raising his voice again. "HELLO, Z. IT'S BEEN A WHILE. DO YOU KNOW HER?"

        They're having a conversation, at least, that's something. Right?

<Pose Tracker> Elisa Kafim has posed.

Ingvar smiles at Kaworu. "Hello," they say to him. "I'm impressed at how you're bearing up under the weather!" They're in a full suit and not even sweating. It's fine.

Ingvar is almost insufferable about the media thing. The Sympatria though doesn't seem to get an answer... "Maybe we'll have more luck discussing this with NERV," They suggest. "Though the Gaia Sabers' refusal to comment is very interesting..."

Ingvar is very suspicious. But their crendentials check out!

"Get some photos of that mobile suit." Lilium's!

They nod to Rikka. "Very well. No flash. That's just fine."

"...And let's definitely get shots of this Giant..."

<Pose Tracker> Sympatria Unit has posed.

  1. 6 explicitly blows Ikumi a kiss after he gets frowny at her. She throws in a free wink. This, sir, is Service. Perhaps this is some kind of new youth trend. 'News idols.'

The camera for 'Polymesh News,' apparently, turns to take in the new Giant of Light. It seems that #8 - or rather, the gray-clad woman with the short military haircut - is the camerawoman, pointing upwards. #1 connects the camera to some other goddamn box-like piece of technology. Backup storage? There's a cable involved.

Kaworu ambles around in their direction. #1 turns his head to look at him. "Can I help you?" he mutters in Kaworu's direction, in a tone that says 'I actually meant to say "fuck off" but cannot, at this present time, say "fuck off" in front of the Authorities, which may include you.' Meanwhile, #8 seems to heed Ingvar's commands; as they say so, the camera is turned towards Lilium's Mobile Suit.

  1. 6 moves away from Soma -- which may simultaneously relieve her and make her wary -- to approach Akane. "Excuse me, miss -- Irrimata Amos with Polymesh -- are you familiar with this phenomenon? From how you're addressing the gigantic being who's appeared next to the alien craft, I'd almost guess you were old friends~!" That tilde was unnecessary.

But then, another Ultra appears. "Oh!!" exclaims 'Irrimata,' her free hand flipping up to cover her mouth. When Liam raises his voice to shout upwards, #6 asks the immediate area, "You can just talk to them?" After this, #6 takes a deep breath over the course of about three seconds, which would probably allow people to interfere with her.

If not interfered with, Irrimata shouts upwards, "HELLO MR. Z!!! WOULD YOU LIKE TO MAKE A STATEMENT FOR THE WORLD?!?" while holding her recorder aloft with one hand. (The camera pans forwards and upwards.)

<Pose Tracker> Alouette Pommier has posed.

"So far... got it. Just don't push yourself, okay?" Alouette answers Akane. "Honestly, if we can even get some data on Galactron without a major confrontation I'll be pretty relieved..." She admits.

In the meantime, with the free press... If Kaidou looked awkward before, #6 escalating the flirtation gets him to totally freeze, and turn to face Alouette. "Good grief. She almost reminds me of you." He comments, bluntly.

"What? Definitely not! There's no way I was that forward." Alouette shakes her head at these terrible accusations. "Come on... just give them a quick wave."

Kaidou complies, covering his face with one hand, waves with the other. "Please don't air this." He mumbles.

MEANWHILE... if one Giant of Light wasn't enough, have two! At least Ultraman Z is a familiar face, one that's definitely aligned with NERV but familiar nonetheless. Gai brings them a hint as to the mysterious Ultrawoman's identity... her name is Nova, apparently. But she seems to know the members of GGG? And definitely knows Gai. Alouette waves her way, to gauge whether there's any familiarity there.

<Pose Tracker> Lilium Valerie has posed.

The second giant's fall proves far less disruptive, Lilium now paying far more attention to the sky than she had been before. Holding onto the sides of her cockpit, she manages to remain seated. This was getting out of her wheelhouse, though... The first team's leader seemed to have a handle on the civilians from her perspective (Who were they, again... the Peries team, the briefing had said?), which meant she could stop worrying about them. Cameras pointed towards her mobile suit aside, at least.

She takes a moment to scan the crowd--nobody she could recognise from this far up, but why would there be? NERV Uniforms, what look to be... GGG markings on the transport... everyone else is just press, or flatout civillian. No formal military presence outside of the Sabers. She turns her gaze back to the communicating giants... if nothing else, it was an interesting spectacle.

<Pose Tracker> Qivi has posed.

Thank goodness. SOMEONE can talk to her. Or, rather, vice versa.

Nova's eyes brighten again when she's responded to and it's clear to her that Gai understands her... she doesn't recognize Haruki, having never met him before, so she's not sure how to take him running off from ... her? Galactron? She can't be sure.

But then Ultraman Z shows up! His landing was better than hers. She needs some more practice; she's used to being big, but perhaps not quite *this* big. (Also, not flying, so not landing.)

"I'll take anything," Nova says, gratefully, in that strange language, which means only Gai and Ultraman Z are likely to understand her. "And thank you for it. Uh, though I REALLY do not want to turn back in front of the cameras, nobody needs to see my giant - butt on the news. And in any case, Nova's pretty worried about the Galactron, even if it's just sitting there. Should we... push it over or turn it off or something?" It already looks pretty much off to her.

The camera is pointing right at her. Nova looks down at it, her eyes dimming slightly as she squints. She doesn't respond to it, but sort of edges away; since she's crouching to address the humans, it's an awkward crabwise walk. She's only half-risen so she can talk to Z too. This is harder than even being Macronized, she thinks.

"Who's in charge here?" she asks, after a moment. "Is it ..." She knows a lot of the people here, and she's thrilled to find them all alive. But in charge - it's not Liam, she knows. It won't be Zan. It's probably not the mainline military, though what a Gaia Sabers is, she's not quite sure. It could be Rikka or Akane or Alouette, she supposes. But there's an obvious pick. "...Nagisa?" she guesses, having not been back on Earth for very long.

"...This is going to be SUPER awkward, they all think I'm dead..."

Automatically, she raises one hand in response to Alouette, then hastily lowers it to avoid questions. But she has never been very good at subtlety.

<Pose Tracker> Sousuke Sagara has posed.

"Whoa!!" Lemon yelps, immediately forgetting Nami's presence as Ultraman Z *also* appears. "Two of 'em!" Click click click

"You already got scooped," Nami notes, eyeing the Gaia Sabers with mounting worry. does she even have documents. does she have bribe money. IS THERE A BRIBE BIG ENOUGH IN THE WORLD.

"I'm not competing for network stuff anyway," Lemon replies, apparently not worried. "Photos like THIS will pay for those new Muscle Packages you wanted, anyway."

"You make *that* much--"

"One! Of those new Muscle Packages," Lemon corrects, and takes a picture of Ultraman Z in an uncommonly conversational pose. "You'd think they're talking," he breathes.

"Yes gosh what are the odds," Nami mutters. "They are talking." Ultrawoman Nova, Apparently waves quite conversationally. "...y'ever suddenly become like REALLY aware how big something is..."

<Pose Tracker> Akane Shinjo has posed.

Well -- Akane can't avoid the press entirely, it seems. "I've -- seen giants of light before," Akane answers -- though that's all the answer she's willing to give for the moment. It's important to know your limits when talking to the press, and all that... and to avoid representing 3G in a bad light. Best to keep it vague, for now. "This one's unknown to 3G, though."

... still, it is hard to miss that Akane has a unique relationship with such beings. It takes some conscious effort -- but she wants to believe in them.

It looks like Gai and Z have things handled with Nova; the encouraging smile from Rikka helps keep Akane focused, too. Still -- even the presence of those giants is a little dangerous. ... Lots of unaccountable power is arrayed here.

... She decides to return her attention to Galactron itself, thus, for the moment. "Right now," Akane says -- both for the two NUNE rapid reaction representatives and for the press -- "3G is taking on a wait-and-see approach. We can't say for sure what this thing is going to do... we'll be monitoring the situation." That's probably not good enough for NUNE, though...

"... I'll try to get the data sent over to the Peseta City civil defense unit," she adds, with a little hesitation. ... They can't offer everything, but at least they can offer defense-relevant data... Just because they're on the other side of the island doesn't mean it's fair to let Galactron catch them with their pants down.

<Pose Tracker> Kaworu Nagisa has posed.

        Kaworu smiles in Haruki's wake as he runs off to the transport. By total coincidence, Ultraman Z lands on the island only a moment later. He chuckles a bit but otherwise keeps his thoughts to himself. He wouldn't want to interrupt the Ultras' conversation. (Any more than anyone else is doing, anyway.)
        Ingvar smiles at him with the correct amount of teeth. "Hello," Kaworu greets them back with his own smile. "It's not that impressive, really, but thank you." He does not offer any commentary on NERV's end, though. At present, it's only a suggestion, and anyway, Akane seems to be offering information on 3G's behalf. He doesn't interfere with the newscasting either.
        The recording is another matter. Kaworu looks in the direction of the Sympatrias and their camera and plug-in container, noting a variety of things. When #1 addresses him, he looks to him with a soft, 'Hm?' Then he gives him a smile too. "No, I don't think so," he says amiably. He is not bothered by the 'I really want to tell you to fuck off but I can't right now' tone.

<Pose Tracker> Zan has posed.

Zan gives a nod, looking over the Galactron again. "In that case, I am going to begin a sweep and scan. At least get a better idea, I hope."

Seeing that the press and such are in hand, Zan steps a couple of steps (for him) away before he lifts off into the air. Changing to his VTOL form, the orange craft hovers higher before starting to circle in a wide path on the area.

Zan's sensors start to scan over the Galactron primarily, going over all the frequencies in the GGG database to determine what he can and search for any possible signals.

He's being careful and keeping the frequencies low for his scanners, too.

<Pose Tracker> Liam 7-020 has posed.

        There's a camera crew. Liam blinks as Irrimata Amos addresses him, and glances back at Kaworu. He has absolutely no training in how to deal with the press. A tiny lump starts to form in his throat.

        "These are Ultras," he manages, after a moment of standing there. "They're... very large, as you can tell, but they're intelligent. And they can understand us. Some of them."

        Was that okay?

<Pose Tracker> Haruki Natsukawa has posed.

         Liam asks if Z knows Nova, which causes him to stop and think, rubbing his chin. Maybe? Possibly? During one class in the Inter Galactic Defense Force training? Honestly, he doubts it, he's pretty good with faces, especially as the number one Ultra Fan. A title that many will debate, and would probably win, so if he fails that he's simply the most annoying Ultra Fan, as according to Master Zero... Wait. That's... Never mind!

         Z simply turns his head to Liam, and shrugs.

         "Ah. Nova's not really a talker, is she? Or maybe she's hurt? Well, in any case. Don't touch it. Not until it goes active anyway. The situation here seems pretty tense. I figure there's some sort of dispute on who's juridstiction this falls under, if I had to take a guess."

         It's more than a guess, he's pretty sure he's right, but honestly, he's not one to pry into Haruki's personal or private life unless he asks.

         Regardless, Z pushes a small, nearly visible orb of energy directly at Nova, the ball disappearing once it reaches the Ultra as it transports the clothing to her host. Theoretically at least. There's many ways for a bond to manifest, so if there isn't an 'inner world' so to speak like with him and Haruki...

         Haruki and Z realize they really should have thought this through a bit more. Well, worse case scenario, she can sneak into the NERV transport and play it off. It'll definitely work out.

         As for the camera work, Haruki and Z just give a peace sign, initially not phased by it all, before realizing it's probably not professional, letting out a panicked cough as they straighten into a more professional pose.

<Pose Tracker> Lilium Valerie has posed.

Lilium glances back to her cockpit monitor for a moment. A few lines of text communications with the units circling overhead... Some clarification of orders... nothing major.

Her unit remaining in the kneeling position it had previously assumed in the half-bombed building, rifle still balanced against the remains of the wall and pointed towards... Galactron, that's what it was called, the Second Lieutenant tosses her legs back over the side of the cockpit, unwrapping a still-somewhat-warm MacDaniels Big Dan burger that she'd bought immediately before the call came out, and had been keeping in her cockpit in case she had a moment to eat. The Target seemed inert for the moment, and the giants seemed to be preoccupied with each other... she had time.

She takes a sizable bite out of it, surveying the press and miscellaneous groups assembled below once again as she does.

<Pose Tracker> Soma Peries has posed.

        Soma gives the #6 Sympatria a bit of a deadpan stare, before rubbing her temple again. She can feel a headache coming out... She didn't come out her to herd cats after all. GGG on its own she could maybe handle. But adding in NERV, the press, a giant, and some others she didn't quite catch the identities of. This is annoying.

        They're just trying to do their jobs.

        And making mine more difficult in the process. Besides, you're not helping with the headache.

        Shaking the distraction of her internal dialogue, Soma focuses on the replies from Akane and Rikka. She seems to listen, before raising her hand in a wave, "Fine, fine. I'll recognise this is more your area than mine. So we wait and see." She turns to face her GN-X as if she intends to return to it, continuing, "I'll just recommend the local garrison dispatch a platoon to establish an observation post. Just in case." More NUNE units, fun!

<Pose Tracker> Rikka Takarada has posed.

Rikka nods back to Ingvar as they agree to not use flash. Right now, that's the best she can ask for. The press are spreading out, and while Rikka keeps an eye on them the best she can without taking her attention off the bigger issues, there's not much she can ultimately do. Still, she does keep a careful eye on Irrimata as she approaches Akane.

Well... it figures they'd be curious about that.

She looks up at Nova and Z as they continue to talk and the former carefully moves out of the way of the humans. It's an awkward movement - but the fact that she'd put herself through that tells Rikka a lot about her character, at least. It's not easy to watch your feet in a situation like this.

"Thank you. I know this can't be easy for you... Nova, right? It's nice to meet you. I'm Rikka Takarada." And then, Akane makes her statement. Considering the situation, it's probably the best thing she could've said. Rikka nods, before looking toward Zan.

"Alright, thank you - let us know right away if anything turns up." She replies.

Soma makes a decision - but also says she'll recommend the local garrison set up an observation post. Rikka... doesn't particularly like that idea, but at the same time, it's one she can't really reject - not without potentially causing more trouble.

"...Alright." She concedes, for now, and looks back to Akane.

<Pose Tracker> Akane Shinjo has posed.

An observation post... from NUNE, on OCU turf, this close to a major city like Freedom? Akane doesn't like that especially much -- the part of her that gets territorial over things is seething. ... But she can handle that. It might even be a good opportunity to get a better sense of what NUNE can do -- and what it's willing to commit to this sort of thing.

Akane nods to Soma, affirming, "We'll stay in touch." ... For now, it seems like that might be all they can do; getting too touchy about this sort of thing risks a lot. And it is a shared land mass, unfortunately.

Moving back to Rikka, Akane says, "I think for right now we've got about all the intelligence we're going to get... once the science team is in place, we should probably head back."

She looks over to the NERV contingent, saying, "We'll work with you guys to get monitoring set up." ... again, she wants to be a little more territorial -- but she needs to be professional. She's not acting on her own anymore. (Not that she has in a while.)

<Pose Tracker> Qivi has posed.

"...yeah, we were both hurt," Nova responds to Z. "It's easiest to communicate *now*, when we're so together, but it's not really talking with words. I'm better at it than I was. We had a bunch of time to figure it out. If you think the Galactron is safe right now, I'll take your word for it. GGG's here, at least... but I'm really out of date!"

More than that, she doesn't want to say here and now. She's vaguely aware of something she wasn't before: energy. She followed Galactron down, and then she's been here, amped up for a fight that didn't happen. Her Colour Timer isn't red or anything but she is definitely aware of it in a way she wasn't when they were flying through space.

Z tries to give her the clothes. And Qivi recieves them, in some way... but they're not on, and she has no way to try to put them on at the moment. She's pretty sure she'll have them when she untransforms, but she's going to have to find a way to *do* that.

"Look, I'm going to do something stupid," she says to Z. "If I ram my face into the dirt you're allowed to tell me so afterwards." She isn't sure Nova knows Z, but she gets the impression that if she doesn't she knows *of* Z. It's a weird feeling. "Tell them I'm not trying to hurt anyone."

Straightening up, Nova takes a couple steps toward the GGG shuttle, and then tenses as if she was going to jump -

There's a flash of light, a pink core surrounded by a cloud of bluish sparkles that she dives into as much as explodes outward from her - and when it clears, Ultra Warrior Nova is no longer present.

Concealed in the flash, though, is a blur of purple and the vague impression of someone, carrying a bundle clenched up to her chest, darting into the GGG shuttle. The mass of purple hair - longer, now, than before Jupiter, down to her waist and extremely voluminous - does a good job of keeping her concealed; the most any camera could possibly get is an unclear smear.

As soon as she enters the GGG shuttle, Qivi ducks out of sight next to the hatch, snaps the jumper open, and tries to get into it all at once. Haruki is right; it's far too tall for her, he's got a good eight inches on her in height, but better too big than too little. It's going to end up askew and baggy enough that she looks shapeless, but she feels much better when she's got *anything* on. (And she's also glad that trick worked, because she half-expected to come out of it macronized. Her experiments have not exactly had a perfect success rate.)

She does not immediately come out of the shuttle.

<Pose Tracker> Gai Kurenai has posed.

As Nova turns towards the shuttle, Gai steps 'aside', metaphorically speaking. As she retreats, vanishing in a flash of violet light, he returns his attention to the Galactron machine. "I can't tell, from this vantage point, whether it requires a pilot or if it can operate independently and is just waiting for an activation signal."

Quietly, he wonders if this version of the machine carries the Space Sorceress Mulnau's power to crystallise matter, or if it followed a totally divergent development path. Not for the first time, he wishes he knew more about the engineering of these terrible machines.

"Be careful when investigating the core in the torso, regardless," he points out.

<Pose Tracker> Rikka Takarada has posed.

Akane makes her call - they've gathered all the information they can get, for now.

"Alright. I'll make the call, then." Rikka says, reaching for a communication device. She should probably update them on the current situation regarding NUNE and NERV, too, not to mention the civilians... She's just about to ring them up, when suddenly, two things happen.

Nova tenses for what appears to be a jump, and Rikka tenses, too - but instead, she vanishes in a flash light. Gai, meanwhile, makes a comment that causes her to pause for several seconds.

"That's... very good to know. I'll be sure to inform them." She says.

<Pose Tracker> Kaworu Nagisa has posed.

        Kaworu smiles at Akane as she invites NERV to set up their own monitoring equipment, even offers GGG's help to do so. "Thank you. We'll take you up on that," he replies.
        He looks over at Ingvar and the Sympatrias. "Excuse me, I need to go," he says conversationally. "Give Elisa my regards."
        Then he walks off to take care of business. There's a great deal for all of them to do.

<Pose Tracker> Lilium Valerie has posed.

Lilium stares out over the horizon, finishing her meal, before climbing back into the cockpit of her suit. Things seemed to be calming down--she'd probably be allowed to stand down and head back soon. It didn't look like there'd be any issues.

At least, not today.

For the moment, though Lilium keeps her weapon trained on the machine. At least until she's relieved by someone else.

<Pose Tracker> Sympatria Unit has posed.

"No promises, darling~!" 'Irrimata' calls back at the request to not air this. Oh no, Kaidou!

But then Akane's giving answers. "Oh, I see! Then you're easily able to tell them apart... hm, hm, I see," #6 says, even as she reaches up to her own lips with her ring finger and smears the outer perimeter of her layered lip coloration together. Purse, pucker, and she seems happy with this.

She has no mirror. "I think the question on everyone's mind is - this is a new and unknown -- thingy. Not the giants, since I'm sure you're already aware of them -- but that!" (Helpfully, she points at the other thingy.) "Is Huffman Island going to be the next South Ataria...??"

Meanwhile, #1 is given an answer by Kaworu. It neither escalates the matter nor does it show his metaphorical belly. #1 stares at Kaworu, nonplussed. He seems, abruptly and quietly, stressed out. #8 focuses on the camera work. The camera turns towards Liam for a few moments as he gives an explanation, to some extent.

To #8, it's all just too vague.

  1. 1 finally blurts out, "Alright then!" to Kaworu, before turning to busy himself with something on the boxlike thing.

After this, #8 orients the camera as the Ultra-Giant becomes something much smaller. Any hopes to analyze this footage later may run into a mysterious obstacle. It is also #8 who realizes, after Kaworu has gotten out of the immediate area --

"Wait, what did he say?" #8 looks towards #1.

"He said to give," #1 begins to echo back, before his eyes go wide. "Oh."

<Pose Tracker> Alouette Pommier has posed.

Kaidou absolutely realizes the danger he's in, judging from the colour tone on his face. "Oh, I think we'll definitely need to check out the network TV once this is over." Alouette says, as if it was just some passing thought.

On the other hand, Alouette frowns at Soma's decision to post a NUNE contingent in the area. Is that really the most diplomatic solution? It's something she can imagine causing conflict even beyond the scope of Galactron... but it's difficult to argue against NUNE's authority all the same - which is probably why the Gaia Sabers feel so comfortable doing it.

But it seems like nonetheless, things are settling and they can pack up and leave. For now, at least. She nods in agreement at Akane's idea to at least get NERV some monitoring equipment set up. At the very least, she absolutely can't see Liam or Kaworu having ill intentions here.

But as for Ultrawoman Nova... there was absolutely some familiarity in the way she waved back. But who was she? Is her host someone familiar? That purple flash is just too vague to know just yet. But she remembers Gai's words - and it's always good to count an Ultra among your friends.

<Pose Tracker> Sousuke Sagara has posed.

Lemon has taken so many pictures, you guys.

But then... "Alright. Think the show's over," he says, sensing that the discussion between Gaia Sabers and GGG is coming to a close. "Let's, uh...like...go somewhere they respect our civil liberties and stuff."

Nami scoffs, tying up her arms above her head as she turns to walk away with him. "So you're traveling, then," she jabs him.



A shaggy-haired young man with brown hair and a scar on his cheek crouches amid the brush, squinting through a pair of binoculars at the site. He releases a heavy breath as he lowers them, relief loosening his shoulders. "They're away," he reports to nobody. "Still...I knew Huffman's border was contentious, but this won't ease anything..."

He levers himself upright, tucking his supplies away. "Leonard Testarossa...is this Amalgam's hand again...?" Sousuke Sagara breathes, and slips away.

<Pose Tracker> Haruki Natsukawa has posed.

         "I see. Well, best of luck to the both of you. I'd offer help, but I feel post-mortem bonding is a bit of a unique situation for all of us. And what do you mean, fall on your face-"

         Z finally realizes what Nova is doing, and raises a hand as if to try and stop her, or at least try and warn her. She seems to have the hang of it though, which is a load off of his and Haruki's mind.

         This only leaves the issue of his departure, but that should be the same old same old.

         Crouching down, Z channels all of his strength into his legs, before springing back up and leaping straight into the air as he begins flying off at high speeds, seemingly straight into space. Except he didn't, instead, he ported himself straight back into one of the NERV transport's restrooms. Though... Which one were they occupying again? Z turns to Haruki within their inner space, and Haruki thinks for a bit before realizing he doesn't remember either.

         Well, it's fine. Messing this up isn't the worst thing, they figure. Haruki is pushed out back into a closed bathroom via a suddenly appearing door, though now there's an inexplicably locked door that has nobody inside of it.
