2023-01-20: The Invasion of Orb

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<Pose Tracker> Juri Wu Nien has posed.

        The first indications that something was amiss was when Orb ships
 patrolling the seas around the island nation detected the large Federation
 fleet on a direct course to Orb. Initial enquiries were made to the Federation
 embassy in Orb.

        The enquiries were met with silence.

        Things became more heated as the fleet reached the imaginary border
 representing the start of Orb waters. The patrol ships demanded that the fleet
 alter its course.

        The demands were met with silence.

        Already anticipating the worst and not willing to pointlessly sacrifice
 their patrol ships to the much larger fleet, the Orb military chose not to
 engage the Federation fleet at the border. Instead they pulled all their ships
 back to create a stronger defence line.

        Finally the Federation fleet reached Yalafath Island, the main island
 of the Orb nation. Home to the capital city of Olofat. There waiting for them
 was the majority of Orb's own defence fleet. Their numbers just about half
 that of the Federation fleet, but no less determined.

        The two military forces now stare at each other over the waters. The
 Federation fleet just outside engagement range with its warships loaded up
 primarily with somewhat ageing mobile weapon models. The Orb fleet just off
 shore, backed by a line of the new Orb-built M1 Astray mobile suits lined up
 along the coast.

        The city just beyond is a buzz off activity as Aestivalis units move
 about, setting up defensive positions and assisting evacuations. The call had
 gone out some time ago, but evacuating that many people out of the city to
 remote shelters is not a quick process.

        It's in this situation that finally word comes from the Federation
 fleet... In the form of an open communication.

        <"This is Muruta Azrael, representative of the Federation Assembly, to
 all of Orb. Until now we've been... Patient, in letting you maintain your
 neutrality in this war. Despite the fact that it's a war for our entire
 planet. And despite certain... Incidents that cast doubts on the integrity of
 that neutrality."> Brief pause for dramatic effect.

        <"Unfortunately, that patience has reached its end. Recent events have
 shown that all of us must stand together if we have any hope of countering the
 threat of the space invaders. As such, we are here today to deliver a list of
 terms to outline the future of Orb.">

        <"One. The Orb government and its five ruling families will disband and
 pass all control over to a Federation overseer."> A fairly obvious demand,
 given the war fleet they rolled in with. And yet one might ask, why Orb? It's
 hardly a significantly large nation on Earth.

        <"Two. The Orb military will immediately disarm and all equipment and
 personnel will be folded into existing Federation divisions."> Again, while
 well trained and equipped, Orb's military is paltry compared to the Federation
 at large. It's unlikely it'd make that much difference.

        <"Three. All Orb-based industries will be required to hand over any
 plans and information related to the design and development of mobile weapon
 technology."> There it is. Likely one of the primary reasons for this farce.
 An opportunity to gain access to one of Orb's greatest assets, its
 technological superiority over most other nations in the Earth Sphere.

        <"You have ninety minutes to provide a positive reply. Any other will
 be considered to be against the interests and well being of the entire Earth
 and dealt with as such.">

        The overall situation is tense. The Orb military doesn't want to make
 the first move, hoping to buy as much time for the evacuation to proceed as
 possible. Plus they haven't given up hope that their negotiator will be able
 to talk the Federation fleet down.

        Less tense is the situation on the bridge of the Federation flagship.
 With his list of 'terms' delivered, Muruta Azrael remarks to the others on the
 bridge with a smile, "I think that went well. Of course, I don't expect them
 to simply hand the country over to us. But we do need to make some effort to
 talk this out. We don't want to seem like barbarians. But what we are doing
 here is important and must be done. To ensure peace."

        One of those to respond is the fleet commander, Captain Geoffrey Dorn,
 "Yes sir. We've already lost too many good men to this damned war..." The
 Captain seems particular sour right now.

        Something which Azrael picks up on, "Are you still concerned about
 yesterday's incident? Don't worry, Captain. At this point, it's only a matter
 of time before men like Garland will no longer need to be sacrificed to
 protect our world."

        Ninety minutes before all hell breaks loose...

Ruri Hoshino teleports in.

KTS: Ryoko Subaru has deployed in Aestivalis - Aerial Frame (Ryoko Ver.).
KTS: Mitsuba Greyvalley has deployed in Dreisstrager-class 'Dreisstrager'.
KTS: Eight York has deployed in Clop-class Cruiser 'Ra Mari'.
KTS: Rena Lancaster has deployed in A000-0001 Gaia Gear Alpha.
KTS: Anita Rosetta has deployed in VF-25 Messiah Rosetta <GERWALK Mode>.
KTS: Anita Rosetta has changed loadout.
KTS: Naoko Suzuki has deployed as a Sub Pilot for Eight York!
KTS: Riika Sheder has deployed as a Sub Pilot for Eight York!
Hikaru Amano teleports in.
KTS: Roger Smith has deployed in The Big O.
KTS: Hikaru Amano has deployed in Aestivalis Aerial Frame (Hikaru).
KTS: Naoko Suzuki has deployed as a Sub Pilot for Rena Lancaster!
<Pose Tracker> Ryoko Subaru has posed.

"<Move it!>" An Aestivalis in the Aerial Frame suddenly shifts to hover over
 the a blinking barrier that several people were trying to duck under and
 divert from the main route, "<Hey dumbasses the evacuation route is THIS

"But my little girl dropped her doll-! She can't sleep without it!" A father
 calls up, in hesitant protest, a wailing preschooler nearby. "<How is that
 my-!? ... ... ... Where do you think she dropped it?>"


Roughly four and a half minutes later, a Aesti is kneeling down, offering a
 scuffed up but whole Natural Lychee doll in its palm. "<Here! Now keep ahold
 on it this time!>" "What do you say to the nice lady sweetie?" "... ... ...
 Thank you."

The Aestie took off again, and that's when the comms comes over. And Ryoko,
 without realizing it, replies back on the open comms, thinking she's only
 chatting up her Aestie pilot wing, "<Oh it's THIS asshole! God I hate him and
 his smug pretty boy face. Like if there was a list of top five most punchable
 faces in the Federation, he'd DEFINITELY be number one.>"

Pause. Pause. Lonnnnnnggggg pause.

"<Wait... was that on the same band...?>"

Ryoko's pupils shrink notably at the realization... ... ... ... ...

The awkwardness is unbearable. Then-

"<You know what, don't you have something better to do right now like I don't
 know, clearing your busy schedule of Spacenoid oppression to get your nose
 surgically removed from Britannia's ass?>"

Apparently she leaned into her mistake???

Leave it to Ryoko to you know, make things worse.

Then she just slooowlllyyyy clicks her comm back to just the Aetie band, and
 maybe hangs her head for a while, low key freaking out.

"<Let's just... get our butts into formation...>" She calls over the comms to
 Hikaru and Lucine, trying to reclaim any amount of dignity from this situation.

KTS: Mitsuba Greyvalley has deployed in RGM-89De Jegan ECOAS Type.
<Pose Tracker> Juri Wu Nien has posed.

        As Ryoko's comm filters in through the flagship's speakers, Azrael's
 eyebrow twitches a little. But he otherwise smiles, replying, <"Ah, yes. Thank
 you for reminding me, little girl. I forgot the most important term.">

        <"All Coordinators within Orb borders will be required to register with
 the Office of the Overseer upon its implementation.>

        Azrael muses in amusement, "Can't believe I left that one."

<Pose Tracker> Rita Bernal has posed.

Today, like twice before, the clouds part. Descending from the skies, a golden
 Gundam alights atop the National Assembly Building of Olofat. The city is in
 chaos, all around her, but she is still. Waiting. Twin golden wings rest at
 her back, their long kite-tails flowing out in an otherworldly wind.

Instead of the usual feelings of miraculous peace onlookers may feel from
 witnessing her, this time... There's a distant, potent anger, like the
 rumbling of thunder on the horizon. Something has drawn the wrath of the
 firebird. Woe to whoever it may be. No warning will be offered them.

But, a warning was given to these people. Will it have been enough? Will it
 have bought them enough time to escape? Will it have brought the heroes of the
 living to fight for them?

The Phenex is here to find these answers with her own eyes.

KTS: Rita Bernal has deployed in RX-0 Unicorn Gundam 03 Phenex <Unicorn Mode>.

<Pose Tracker> Eight York has posed.

Eight York had a bad feeling about this mission.

That feeling magnified as the fleet blew past the Orb military's initial lines.
  "...Mx. Rezza." Eight from her Captain's chair on the bridge, frowning,
 rises. "You have the bridge."

Eight strode away towards adjoined office, and Rezza moved from their station.
 Rezza, green-haired and severe, moves to take Captain York's chair for the
 moment. "Maintain course," they say. "Follow the flagship."

There are guests on the bridge. Eight gestures Riika to come with her, as well
 as Naoko.

"I think it might be time," Eight says to Riika seriously, and then walks over
 to her desk, starting on making preparations. She doesn't use the radio for
 the first. She closes her eyes, and focuses...

~Rena. It's time. Prepare the other pilots. ...I have a bad feeling about
 this. Be ready.~
"So," she says to Riika. "It's officially too late to get off this train.
 This might get bumpy." She turns to Naoko. "...Sorry. If I'd realized this
 was happening, I'd have let you off sooner. You can hide in here if you'd
 rather. I'll keep the ship safe, one way or another."

Eventually, Eight comes back onto the bridge, pulling her uniform jacket down
 as she takes Rezza's spot on the bridge. This is in time... To hear the open

Tempo Astelian turns from his console, looking troubled at Eight. Licia Chovan
 turns, too, but there's more resolve in her expression. They are quiet.
 Eight is quiet.

"...Kazama," Eight instructs the woman at the gunnery. "Prepare shields.
 Don't engage them until my cue."


"You heard me."

"...Are we doing this, Captain?" Chovan wonders. Astelian says, "I've--I've
 got the frequencies at the ready."

'All Coordinators...'

"Kazama," Eight starts. "Shields up. Astelian," Eight says. "Open band."

BGM: The Oath https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TsnJBvokVzk

"All Federation forces. This is Captain York of Londo Bell's Ra Mari.
 Judging that this unprovoked aggression goes against the peaceful tenets of
 the Federation, which is meant to protect Earth and colony alike, we refuse to
 engage in this mission. To all Federation forces: I urge you to consider
 your own consciences in this matter. Are we a force meant to protect Earth
 and its colonies, or are we a tool of oppression, like the Titans were? Are
 we going to guard and shield the people, or are we going to allow our worst
 elements domination?"

"Any orders that result in rounding up citizens to 'report' to Overseers is
 flatly unacceptable."

"...That is all. For any who choose to stand with me, then stand with me. If
 not... Then best of luck to you."

"But the Ra Mari will not be a tool of oppression."

<Pose Tracker> Mitsuba Greyvalley has posed.

What Mitsuba had been expecting was, at worst, the Federation to request a
 resupply from Nergal and Morgenroete after recent events heavily depleted
 their reserves. This would be the behavior of a bully, but not totally out of
 the scope of modern warfare; she could...deal with that. Indeed, she could
 probably do a fairly good job of ensuring it didn't lead to absolutely
 catastrophic diplomatic consequences.

Then the NIA majority leader demands the dissolution of the Orb Union
 government and the handover of its national secrets.

Mitsuba waits a moment; when Azrael adds another term, she stops cold. "Lian,
 open communications with the NIA majority leader."

"Right away, ma'am," Lian replies -- and sure enough, they open.

"This is Captain Mitsuba Greyvalley, of the Dreisstrager," she announces,
 first. It's important to establish who you are before you actually state your

"Have you lost your mind?" she asks, visibly agitated. "This will jeopardize
 the operation of this battleship and its associated battle group." /Strictly
 speaking/ Nergal could operate through a regime change in the Orb Union, and
 Mitsuba recognizes that, but this feels...

"Beyond that, this will do catastrophic damage to the unity of the Earth
 Sphere," Mitsuba says, expression flattening further. "You will not have the
 support of the Dreisstrager for this mission. We will not raise a flag in
 rebellion against the Earth Federation, but this mistake is yours alone to

Switching to ship-internal comms from her own console, Mitsuba announces, "The
 Dreisstrager will withdraw from this operation! Officially, this is at
 Nergal's request. If Majority Leader Azrael's interests align with yours,
 please remove yourself and your mobile weapon from the ship immediately. I'm
 sure the Powell's battle group will be pleased with the additional fire

A minute later, several ECOAS-type Jegans launch from the Dreisstrager,
 requesting to serve as secondary escort for the flagship. Mitsuba is not
 unhappy to see them go.

<Pose Tracker> Hikaru Amano has posed.

"Over here, over here~" A cheerful voice from the orange-headed Aestivalis
 right behind Ryoko's red leads evacuees to their destination, maintaining that
 easy-going demeanour even as her squadron leader loses her temper several

<"I don't even think you can legally call him a pretty boy!"> Hikaru chimes
 back - closed comms thankfully. <"I mean that face looks like - wait... did
 you...?"> Hikaru can just feel all the stares upon the Aestie squadron.

As thanks, the Federation's winning number one most punchable face adds another
 term: the forced registration of Coordinators. Hikaru frowns sharply. "I guess
 you really did it this time, Ryoko-chan..."

It's not helped by Ryoko just doubling down on mocking the Federation. But at
 the same time, it's refreshing after being pushed around by these guys for so
 long. And as much as it sucks, that mockery is only showing their true colours.

<Pose Tracker> Mitsuba Greyvalley has posed.

Mitsuba opens comms to Captain York as the Dreisstrager starts to exit. "...
 Good luck. Officially, the Dreisstrager's political situation is too sensitive
 to stand with you; if we were to move here, we'd be jeopardizing anti-Jovian
 Lizard and anti-Sleeves operations."

Mitsuba's lips turn up just a bit. "... But I'll be counting on you."

<Pose Tracker> Roger Smith has posed.

"Muruta Azrael!" The responding voice is deep and resonant - and though an ace
 Negotiator never lets his personal feelings affect proceedings, there's a
 clear tension in the address.

"My name is Roger Smith! On behalf of Homura Athha and the Five Families, and
 at the personal request of the Lion of Orb, I have been asked to offer a
 reply. As you can plainly see, Orb poses no military threat to the
 Federation, and its assembly has no desire for armed conflict. I've been
 asked to ensure that there is no bloodshed here today, Representative Azrael,
 and I would like to see that through!"

The man delivering this address, with a handheld radio unit in his hand, is
 tall and dressed in all black, wearing a very crisp black double-breasted suit
 - today he is accompanied as well by a young woman with red hair, also in
 black - the both of them are standing atop an evacuated building, strangely

"It's plain to see that the terms you've offered may as well be called an
 unconditional surrender to a hostile force! But because of their love for
 their people, the Orb assembly are willing to meet your terms... On the
 condition you offer the same compassion towards those living here! Please
 allow sufficient time for a full evacuation, and allow the formal draft of an
 agreement between the Federation and the people of Orb that can be considered

Quietly, the woman at his side speaks up - he smoothly flicks the transmission
 off for the moment:

"Do you believe the Federation can be convinced, Roger Smith?"

"If it were a matter of the Federation, dear Dorothy... I wouldn't bet on it,
 but it may be possible. However... I've been thoroughly briefed on the type
 of man this Muruta Azrael is. He's nursing a grudge, and he intends to see it
 through. An utterly reprehensible man, through and through."

"Then, the purpose of these negotiations is simply to stall for time? So that
 the evacuation can be completed?"

"A Negotiator must always operate in good faith, miss Dorothy. However, if
 that good faith is not returned in kind, there's no negotiator in the world
 who can come to a meaningful agreement. Under those conditions, I simply have
 to consider my client's wishes, and do the best work I possibly can."

"Are you practicing your long-winded speeches on me, Roger Smith? I do not
 think mister Azrael will be impressed."


When the Ra Mari makes its announcement, Roger Smith's smile slowly spreads,
 and he tilts his head to his companion. "You see? When you treat folks in
 good faith, sometimes they decide to surprise you."

The radio clicks back on - this time, its transmission is directed towards the
 Ra Mari.

"Captain York. This is Roger Smith, acting on behalf of Uzumi Nara Athha. We
 thank you for your consideration! Please proceed knowing you have the support
 of Paradigm City's Megadeus. I'm glad that not all representatives of the
 Federation are so... pig-headed."

<Pose Tracker> Riika Sheder has posed.

Riika Sheder is on the Ra Mari.

Very few people (who are not also on the Ra Mari) know, but this is not a new
 development. Thought dead by ZAFT after they shot her machine and sent it
 uncontrolled into a debris field, the Ra Mari came across Riika's emergency
 beacon in time to save her, and she has been there for weeks. Healing, at
 first, and then deciding what she was going to do next.

That decision hasn't been taken out of her hands. She made it; it wasn't made
 for her. She hadn't simply put it off until it became unavoidable. But she
 wasn't expecting it to happen quite like this.

Orb is independent. Earthnoids, part of Earth even though they aren't in the
 Federation. Riika is sometimes a little vague on Earth's internal divisions,
 having never been there before the war with the PLANTs began, but she knows
 some facts about Orb. They're wealthy, they have a mass driver - and they're
 one of the few places on Earth friendly to Coordinators.

Which is why they have just been brought into this war.

It's not out of line with what Riika expects out of the Federation. But it's
 only recently that she's started to see exactly how far things go, and not
 just in the Federation itself. And if they're calling out the Coordinators,

She is rather tense when she comes along with Eight. "I understand," Riika
 says. "I made my decision anyway. This - this is just more of the same! It's
 the same kind of person as those at JOSH-A." The same kind of person as that
 man is conspiring with, and Riika cannot yet see the shape of that goal. All
 she sees along that path is death for both sides. "If they're trying to push
 the war between Naturals and Coordinators, to get us to hate one another, then
 I can't just sit by."

"My equipment is already moved. I'm with your decision, too... Captain."


Riika returns to the bridge with the Ra Mari. There's no station for her,
 precisely, but she takes one anyway; a backup position rarely used. She isn't
 expected (or expecting) to do anything there, but it lets her look at scanners
 and listen in, if one of the primary stations has activated it for her.

She looks more focused than anything else. She's listening. Not speaking.
 Joining in with communications would only make things worse. If Azrael - and
 the rest of the Federation - knew there was a PLANTs Coordinator on board the
 Ra Mari, everything they'd done would be suspect.

But she can at least watch, for now. Even if it's sometimes hard to be patient
 and not act.

[OOC] Riika Sheder says, "blu-ray 'I'm with your decision' to 'I've made my
KTS: Mobile Weapon Team has placed a bucket with capacity 10!

<Pose Tracker> Ruri Hoshino has posed.

        "Ms. Subaru is taunting the Federation," Ruri Hoshino, the Nadesico's
 systems operator, reports from the bridge. The Nadesico, of course, stands in
 defence of Orb. It is the Nergal's flagship, no matter the conditions the
 Federation has forced on it.

        There is a beat of a pause.

        "Accidentally," she clarifies her report.

        "Haah... but can we really say she's wrong..?" Minato Haruka, the
 Nadesico's helmswoman, sighs as she sinks into her station. "This sucks...!"

        "Try to hold on," Megumi Reinard, the Nadesico's communications
 officer, looks around Ruri -- the two of their stations flank Ruri's central
 one, on the lower level of the bridge -- to offer Minato a sympathetic
 expression. "At least... we don't have Erina's job."


        "Let me out at once! This is a mutiny! A MUTINY!" Admiral Munetake
 rages, banging at the door of his (locked) quarters.

        "Sorry, Admiral," Erina Kinjo Won -- the Nadesico's other helmswoman
 -- sighs, leaning on the door. "But we have a few things to discuss..."

        "A few accounts to settle," Mr. Prospector, the Nadesico's chief
 accountant, agrees.

        "That's right," a third voice, smooth and masculine, steps closer in
 the hall. Nagare Akatsuki is the Nadesico's new hotshot pilot -- but
 strangely, he's in here, right now. "There are just a few things we have to
 clear up with you, here..."


        And back on the bridge, Ruri frowns, as Azrael adds his final term.
 It's a ghost of an expression; her face doesn't shift, much. It's still a
 clear mark of displeasure.

        Eight's speech reaches the bridge of the Nadesico, just the same.

        And Ruri says: "We can trust her, Captain."

        Ruri so infrequently makes emotional appeals, like that, in the middle
 of a conflict. Those scant five words are worth noticing.

KTS: Gary Biaggi has placed a bucket with capacity 2!
KTS: Mitsuba Greyvalley has placed a bucket with capacity 3!

<Pose Tracker> Rena Lancaster has posed.

~Octo... all right. I understand.~

Rena's brown eyes open after that thought reaches out to Eight York. She sits
 in the cockpit of her Mobile Suit -- the sleek white Gaia Gear Alpha,
 currently in the hangar of the Ra Mari -- with her helmet in her hands. Her
 breathing, she finds, is completely normal.

Muruta Azrael speaks -- issuing his orders. Rena feels her stomach drop; that
 feeling of hatred directed not at her, but people like her. Her eyes narrow,
 and she feels a thread of anger spinning and being woven into something more.

But Eight speaks. She finds herself smiling, despite herself.

Her hand doesn't shake. She flips a switch on the controls, bringing up an open
 communications line: "Ra Mari pilots, this is Lieutenant Rena. I... know
 you're all nervous. I am, too. We're about to do something very dangerous. I
 know you've all thought about this a lot. I know the last year has been hard."

Her fingers curl a little around the controls. "Stick together and stick to the
 battle plans. We'll get through this," Rena says. "And... on the other side of
 it, we'll work together to make the world we want. Not pure and blue," she

"But brighter, kinder, and together!"

The Gaia Gear's thrusters fire -- the gleaming white Mobile Suit shoots out of
 the hangar, bursting into the skies -- and leaves a trail of blue-whtie light
 from its thruster nozzles. Rena leans forward.

Then blinks, as she glances at the slight reflection of the 360-display, to see
 something -- no, someone -- behind her.


KTS: Ryoko Subaru has joined Mobile Weapon Team's bucket!
KTS: Lucine Azul has deployed in Dianthus Mk. 3.
KTS: Lucine Azul has joined Mobile Weapon Team's bucket!
KTS: Ruri Hoshino has deployed in ND-001 Nadesico.
KTS: Ruri Hoshino has joined Mobile Weapon Team's bucket!
KTS: Rita Bernal has joined Gary Biaggi's bucket!
KTS: Ryoko Subaru arrives loaded onto Ruri Hoshino's combat deck!
KTS: Gary Biaggi has deployed in AEU-09Y812 Enact Custom.
KTS: Rena Lancaster has joined Mobile Weapon Team's bucket!
KTS: Eight York has joined Mobile Weapon Team's bucket!
KTS: Anita Rosetta has joined Mobile Weapon Team's bucket!
Lacus Clyne teleports in.
POT: Lacus Clyne is now set observer.
KTS: Anita Rosetta arrives loaded onto Eight York's combat deck!
<Pose Tracker> Hikaru Amano has posed.

"Over here, over here~" A cheerful voice from the orange-headed Aestivalis
 right behind Ryoko's red leads evacuees to their destination, maintaining that
 easy-going demeanour even as her squadron leader loses her temper several

<"I don't even think you can legally call him a pretty boy!"> Hikaru chimes
 back - closed comms thankfully. <"I mean that face looks like - wait... did
 you...?"> Hikaru can just feel all the stares upon the Aestie squadron.

As thanks, the Federation's winning number one most punchable face adds another
 term: the forced registration of Coordinators. Hikaru frowns sharply. "I guess
 you really did it this time, Ryoko-chan..."

It's not helped by Ryoko just doubling down on mocking the Federation. But at
 the same time, it's refreshing after being pushed around by these guys for so
 long. And as much as it sucks, that mockery is only showing their true colours.

Ryoko isn't the only one, either. The Captains of the Ra Mari and Dreisstrager
 both refuse to pledge their support to the Federation's operation against Orb
 - which makes the Nadesico's job in defending Orb muuuuch more easier.

"Aye aye, Ryoko!" Hikaru's own Aestie flies into formation next to Ryoko's.
 "Time to send these goons packing!"

[OOC] Hikaru Amano says, "blu-ray Use this pose instead"
KTS: Hikaru Amano arrives loaded onto Ruri Hoshino's combat deck!
KTS: Hikaru Amano has joined Mobile Weapon Team's bucket!
KTS: Rena Lancaster arrives loaded onto Eight York's combat deck!
<Pose Tracker> Naoko Suzuki has posed.

Naoko's entry to the Ra Mari bridge was... a bit unusual. After her arrival on
 the ship yesterday, she had a long overdue meal and equally overdue bath, then
 immediately collapsed on the guest bunk she was so graciously assigned. Where
 she proceeded to sleep approximately Forever, until literally minutes ago. And
 so when she appeared, curious about all the commotion that she'd slept through
 entirely, she showed up dressed in her borrowed blue and white striped
 pyjamas. Look, you can't breach protocol when you're not officially part of
 the crew. Also when you don't know what the protocol even is.

"What? What? Is this a fight? Are you fighting??" That was all she could manage
 at the time. She saw what it was like out there. This is not a small fight.
 This is a big fight. What has she gotten herself into?

Taken aside by the captain along with another guest, it's plain to see that
 she's... uncomfortable, to put it mildly. After all, she's in a state that she
 isn't normally in. A state without any candy on her person. ...what, her mode
 of dress? No, that isn't a problem, why would that be a problem?

As Eight speaks, she fidgets with one of her butterfly hair clips, the only
 things from her previous ensemble she's still wearing. "Well, um... I'd be
 lying if I said I was prepared for something like this, but..." She takes a
 deep breath, slaps her cheeks, and shakes her fists, psyching herself up.
 "There's gotta be something I can do to help here. If you have, like... a
 spare monitor for me or something, so I can watch what's going on down
 there... I dunno, I'll think of something! I wouldn't be much of a miracle
 worker if I couldn't figure out a way to be of use!"

Hiding? No way. Didn't even cross her mind. She owes Eight, and by extension
 the people on the ship. This is a good way to repay them for their help, she
 figures. It'll be fiiiine. She'll improvise, she's good at that.

...But first she heads back to her quarters for a few minutes to change into
 her actual, freshly washed clothes. And collect her candy supply while she's
 at it. That's important.

She thus returns to the bridge still fully casual in hoodie and jean shorts,
 but at least bette clothed for the job than before. "Okay!" she announces
 herself, already munching on a PaPPy stick. "Just show me what I can do! Or
 rather, give me something to work with, and I'll show you what I can do!"

KTS: Lucine Azul arrives loaded onto Ruri Hoshino's combat deck!
<Pose Tracker> Anita Rosetta has posed.

The Federation had launched a sudden invasion of Orb, and the Ra Mari found
 itself caught up in it. ...So this is it, huh...? This is where everything
 comes to a head.

Anita suits up, first her pilot suit, then her EX-Gear. She flexes the armor of
 the fingers and rolls her neck as she makes her way to the hangar, climbing
 into the pilot seat of the Messiah Rosetta. It's been her partner for over a
 year now... She never thought it'd see her through something like this.

Azrael gives his demands - and Eight responds with a speech. Anita smirks.

"You tell 'im, Eight." Anita says, proud. She seems... as relaxed as ever. Part
 of it is taking an effort on her part to remain calm, but the rest of it is...
 she trusts them. Eight, Rena, and everyone on the Ra Mari. And then, Rena
 gives a speech of her own. Brighter, kinder, together...

"I'm with you. Always." Anita agrees, her smile growing wider. Even if it means
 it's them against the world. That's the way it's always been.

...But they aren't alone this time, are they?

The Messiah Rosetta launches from the Ra Mari alongside Rena's Gaia Gear.
 Whatever happens, they fight together.

<Pose Tracker> Gary Biaggi has posed.

        The federation is doing questionable things, so of course Gary Biaggi
 has been included in the questionable activity. Sure the doctors said that it
 was still weeks to early to climb back into the cockpit of a mobile suit, but
 well the bonus on flying this mission that Azrael had promised, well Gary
 suddenly felt better. So for now Gary's Enact is sitting on one of the decks
 of the battleships, ready to sortie the moment the timer is up. That is f
 course when he sees that ship.

         The Nadesico comes into his view and Gary frowns a moment as he looks
 at the ship, this could definately be a set back. Opening a private channel
 Gary types out a message and then sends it to the Nadesico:


Unlikely this is going to end peacefully. Don't die. -Mr. B

         In the end it is all Gary can say, he can guess where Ruri is on this
 matter and can guess on how this matter is about to go, especially if the Ra
 Mari is going to be rallying the federation to turn against Azrael. Still the
 check cleared so Gary is here for whatever the guy says to do.

<Pose Tracker> Juri Wu Nien has posed.

        Azrael frowns a little as the voice of the Ra Mari's captain echoes
 through the bridge. He'd been doubtful about eliciting help from Londo Bell,
 but issues putting this force together-given OTHER operations in the works-had
 meant seeking their assistance. A gamble that seems to have not paid off.

        "Lock the Ra Mari and its forces out of our systems. If those cowards
 don't have the stomach to do what is necessary for the survival of our planet,
 so be it."

        The withdrawl of the Dreistragger is also not especially surprising.
 Though Asrael had placed bets with some of his fellows as to which side it
 would fall on. Naturally he won, "Do the same for Captain Greyvalley and her
 troope." There is a bit more venom in his voice at the mention of Mitsuba's

        Roger's comm to Azrael does actually get a response out of him, <"Ah,
 Roger Smith. Your reputation precedes you. They still haven't completed the
 evacuation yet? My that is inefficient. Though I'm sure that the Five Families
 are already away and safe on another island somewhere.">

        <"As for your request, I feel like we've already shown considerable
 compassion by granting you this initial time to respond. We could have simply
 come in guns firing like ZAFT's forces often do. However if that time is not
 sufficient then perhaps, after all this is done, you should work with the city
 officials to prepare more competent evacuation plans.">

<Pose Tracker> Ruri Hoshino has posed.

        A ghost of a frown crosses Ruri's face, as she looks down at Gary's
 message. Her own is typed just the same, though she does not type it, hands
 pressed to her IFS console.

        'I don't want to fight you, Mr. Biaggi. But I can't compromise the
 mission, either. Please be careful.'

        It's a private message.

KTS: Roger Smith has joined Mitsuba Greyvalley's bucket!
BBSYS: Post 630, 'Sub-pilots in +pot' has been published to Walled Garden by
 Spike Spiegel.
<Pose Tracker> Lucine Azul has posed.

        The sight of evacuating civilians twists something in Lucine's gut as
 she watches from the cockpit of the Dianthus. < "... We might as well be one
 step away from Jovian Lizards, doing this... taking away people's homes and
 lives... " > she hisses, over the Aestivalis channel. < ".... If they start
 giving orders to shoot... I'm sorry, but I can't do it. My patience is way too
 thin." > There's a reason she took the Dianthus, after all; it's liable to
 make any quick escape a whole lot easier. Lucine's shoulders lower, the action
 of her helmeted head sagging down captured by the video screen. < ".... that's
 what I'd say to that asshole if I had enough guts to do it... Instead I'm just
 saying it to you guys..." >

         That same head straightens as if someone poured ice water down her
 back as soon as Ryoko makes her mistake, and, because Ryoko *is not Lucine*,
 she leans into it. A shocked silence follows from Lucine, caught between
 admiration and second-hand embarrassment. < "Hey there... it's okay, we all do
 it eventually, right...?" >

        Spotting the Phenex as she flies in formation, Lucine frowns, and comms
 the Nadesico crew altogether now. < "That's the Phenex. .... This is bad. I
 highly recommend being on their good side." >

        Ruri knows better, especially with the Ra Mari refusing to side with
 the Federation.

        Dropping into formation alongside Ryoko and Hikaru, Lucine sighs. <
 ".... After taking on a Macross, I think I could handle this as well... Shall
 we?" >

<Pose Tracker> Eight York has posed.

"...You did," Eight remembers. "I respect that." She nods to Riika. "We'll
 talk more when this is over, then."

Riika's found an unused backup station for herself. Naoko's request gets a
 thoughtful look from Eight and then, "...Monitoring station. There's one next
 to me on the bridge. If you can look after our pilots, I'd appreciate it."

Speaking of her pilots: Brighter, kinder, and together. Eight smiles down at
 her radio, nodding once.

~Be safe out there, Rena.~ 'I love you', she doesn't have to think; it
 suffuses her.

To Mitsuba, Eight smiles over the frequency. It's a grim smile, but
 appreciative, and it's in her voice. "Understood. We'll do our best,

From Roger--Eight acknowledges his transmission first with, "You're welcome.
 We're just doing what we feel is right." A beat, "Though I don't think
 they'll consider me a representative after this." It's wry--but she's
 serious, too.

Then, over wide band, "Ra Mari, breaking formation."

"Chovan," Eight says over just the Bridge, "Prepare for evasive maneuvers. But
 take us over to the Orb lines. That should give them a clue that we're

"They've locked us out of their systems," Rezza points out in their usual
 smooth, calm voice. "Just in case you were wondering."

"...Heh," Eight says. "If that's all..."

She looks to the guests on her bridge, thoughtful. She doesn't bring them up,

<Pose Tracker> Lucine Azul has posed.

The sight of evacuating civilians twists something in Lucine's gut as she
 watches from the cockpit of the Dianthus. < "... they might as well be one
 step away from Jovian Lizards, doing this... taking away people's homes and
 lives... " > she hisses, over the Aestivalis channel. < ".... If they start
 attacking... I'll definitely shoot back. My patience is way too thin." >
 There's a reason she took the Dianthus, after all; it's liable to make any
 quick escape a whole lot easier. Lucine's shoulders lower, the action of her
 helmeted head sagging down captured by the video screen. < ".... that's what
 I'd say to that asshole if I had enough guts to do it... Instead I'm just
 saying it to you guys..." >

That same head straightens as if someone poured ice water down her back as soon
 as Ryoko makes her mistake, and, because Ryoko *is not Lucine*, she leans into
 it. A shocked silence follows from Lucine, caught between admiration and
 second-hand embarrassment. < "Hey there... it's okay, we all do it eventually,
 right...?" >

Spotting the Phenex as she flies in formation, Lucine frowns, and comms the
 Nadesico crew altogether now. < "That's the Phenex. They're on our side, but
 please, be careful.... They're very angry... >

Dropping into formation alongside Ryoko and Hikaru, Lucine sighs. < ".... After
 taking on a Macross, I think I could handle this as well... Shall we?" >

<Pose Tracker> Juri Wu Nien has posed.

        The clock ticks down.

        Cannons on both sides start to move, making preparations to fire.

        The city continues to be evacuated.

        Neither side is looking at giving in the other.

        Muruta Azrael smiles expectantly.

        Time runs out.

        The Federation fleet fires first, a collective barrage of cannon shells
 and missiles crossing the distance. They rain down amidst the waters that the
 Orb fleet sits, as well as the coast line guarded by Astrays.

        For now the city proper is spared any strikes, but it's unlikely it's
 going to remain that way.

        The Orb fleet quickly responds in kind, joined by beam rifles from the
 Astrays along the shores.

        As the exchange of weapons fire settles into a more constant state, the
 Federation fleet begins to push closer. The mobile weapon carriers towards the
 center of its formation open their doors. From within, numerous mobile weapons
 begin to spill out. They are mostly of older designs and they begin to clash
 against the Orb fleet and Astrays.

        However, from the Federation's flagship, something a little more
 dangerous emerges. A few teams of Fortestra equipped Long Daggers. These newer
 units have quickly earned a reputation since their first deployment. Primarily
 for their ability to stand toe to toe with some of ZAFT's best. And not only
 because of their tech, but also the pilots. Who, if the rumours are true, have
 gone through some rather... Troubling... Preparation for using their new

        And the Long Daggers reputation seems warranted as the teams blast past
 the Orb fleet and Astrays, wrecking a number of them along the way before
 reaching the city and starting to move into it proper.

KTS: Mobile Weapon Team has deployed in GAT-01D Long Dagger Fortestra.
KTS: Mobile_Weapon_Team has deployed as a Boss for 7 opponents.
<Pose Tracker> Riika Sheder has posed.

Riika isn't the *only* guest, and she looks at the other - Naoko - with some
 curiosity, because -

Okay. It's a war zone, or about to be. It's certainly a tense stand-off no
 matter what, even if the Federation backs down (she does not think the
 Federation will back down). Riika was not aware coming in your pyjamas was an
 option. Or a hoodie and jean shorts, for that matter. (Riika herself has a
 mechanic's suit on. It's borrowed from the Ra Mari, a bit too big for her, and
 suspiciously without a rank marker.)

Time ticks down. Riika makes some adjustments to the control panel. She has to
 pull the seat way up, but there's more than that; she types in some commands,
 tentative at first and then faster when she recognizes that the computer
 system of the Clop is similar enough to what she's used to.

"If you really want to get back on the systems I can give it a shot," Riika
 says, "but I'm not exactly a hacking specialist." Ruri would do it better -
 she spotted the Nadesico on the Ra Mari's scanners - but Ruri is busy.

"Hold on. Units deploying," Riika says, to the bridge. She's probably not the
 only one. A longer pause, accompanied with a lot of typing, then: "Are those
 things using a simplified *Duel Gundam* frame?" Given ZAFT stole the Duel, and
 also given she's actually worked on it, she's probably seen more of it than
 the Ra Mari tech crew. Especially because... "It looks like... they stole my
 GINN's Assault Shroud! Or the idea, anyway." She's not sure if she should be
 offended or not.

"And they're going in fast...!"

<Pose Tracker> Ryoko Subaru has posed.

Oh great she reminded him that he was here for the OPPRESSION.

"Aaaahhhh SHUT UP ABOUT IT ALREADY!" She cries out at Hikaru, Lucine, and the
 Nadesico's bridge. "It's done alright!?"

It's at least good to hear that not everyone in the Federation is a part of it,
 the Dresstrager, the Ra Mari. In fact it's a distinct relief, that this is
 just the NIA, Blue Cosmos - the worst elements.

And the Phenex, Lucine recommends being on their good side? She certainly
 remembers it from that other battle, it covering them. "I've got better things
 to do than get on the bad side of some glittery bird." She says, begrudgingly.

Time runs out. And suddenly a fleet of Long Daggers appears from mobile weapon
 carriers, "They never had any intention of doing this peacefully. Come on
 Hikaru! Lucine! Let's bust them up!"

At that the thrusters of her Aestie blare bright, as she descends into an arc
 right towards some of those in the lead moving straight towards the city, both
 fists outstretched, "Killer Move-!"

The Aestie looks like it's charging right at it, its flickering distortion
 field in place, focusing their attention and obscuring vision but at the last
 second it breaks away, instead striking it a glancing, disorienting blow from
 the side with that distortion field to try to knock them into another one of
 their fellows as she flies past, corkscrewing up into an arc to get back

"Get it Hikaru!" She calls out in the wake of that feint.

KTS: Ryoko Subaru targets Mobile Weapon Team with Killer Move - Set Up!!
KTS: Ryoko Subaru has completed their actions for the round.
KTS: Rena Lancaster targets Mobile Weapon Team with Beam Rifle Shot!
KTS: Rena Lancaster has completed their actions for the round.
<Pose Tracker> Rena Lancaster has posed.

~I will, Octo. You too. We'll all come back together.~

It might be an empty promise, Rena thinks. Nonetheless, she wants to be sure it
 isn't. She stares ahead, and her eyes drift -- peering towards Anita for a
 moment. She smiles, then, and inclines her head.

"Yeah," she says. "I know, Annie. We'll do this together."

The Ra Mari begins to break for the Orb lines. The Gaia Gear Alpha falls in
 beside it -- and turns in the air, monitoring the Federation lines. She
 watches on her monitor -- as Federation units begin to change from a friendly
 green to an uncertain yellow in their highlights and information read-outs.
 The friend or foe data begins changing before her eyes.

"Nadesico, do you read us?" Rena says. "We're falling in with you. Let us know
 if you need support. Kakapo Leader, out!"

The first volleys fire. Rena sees them shooting across the field -- and her
 breath catches. She looks, briefly, in the direction of the Phenex. She sends
 a thought her way: ~Be careful, please. I won't waste what you did for

Then, Rena's eyes shift back to the Federation flagship. Her eyes lock onto the
 Long Daggers -- they're Boosted Humans. She heard the rumors. The same sort of
 experiment that her mother did. She takes a deep breath. "Annie," she says.
 "We're going in."

The Gaia Gear Alpha swings around its beam rifle, taking aim at one of the ones
 in the lead. Rena's eyes narrow for a second, and then she pulls the trigger
 -- and a lance of mega particle energy explodes from the barrel, hurtling
 towards one.

The IFF code around the Federation units turns red.

"Just... go back! If you know what's good for you!"

[OOC] Rena Lancaster says, "and blu-ray out the missed ansi"
<Pose Tracker> Roger Smith has posed.

"I told you so."

"I suppose you did, Dorothy. Well, some things just can't be helped. You know
 what comes next for me, right?"

"Roger. What should I do? Until you return."

"Hmm? Oh... I suppose you should evacuate as well, Dorothy. You are an
 innocent young girl, after all. If you run into any trouble, I'll come and
 pick you up, alright? Since it's my job to protect you, and all."

"Understood. Should I come and rescue you, if you end up in trouble?"

"I... don't think that'll be necessary, Dorothy..."

The pale young girl leaps smoothly from the roof, cement crunching on impact
 when she lands below - and then takes off running towards one of the shelters,
 keeping an eye out for stragglers. Those arms and legs piston with an inhuman
 speed, as Roger softly whistles and brings his watch up to his wrist.

"Well then! If this is your decision, Muruta Azrael... I think we can
 consider the negotiations over! Big O! It's SHOWTIME!"

KTS: Mobile Weapon Team blocks Ryoko Subaru's Killer Move - Set Up!, taking
 1140 damage!
KTS: Ryoko Subaru has engaged Mobile Weapon Team!
KTS: Ryoko Subaru begins a Formation attack!
<Pose Tracker> Ruri Hoshino has posed.

        Lucine says the Phenex is on their side, and Ruri responds:
 "Acknowledged." There's not much decoration, but Ruri's never been one to
 mince words, in a fight.

        That's probably fine. No need for concern.

        With their orders, Ruri confirms: "Bringing the Nadesico into defensive
 formation with the Ra Mari." The Nadesico's Distortion Field is strong enough
 to deflect fire around them -- so if the Nadesico positions itself between the
 fleet's cannons and the civilians...

        Well, it's not just a tool for killing helpless people.

        "This is the Nadesico," Megumi opens a channel, to the Ra Mari -- Rena
 included, of course. "Thanks for the support. We really owe you one!"

        And Megumi opens a channel to the Federation forces, in turn, to warn
 them: "We'll match your aggression, Federation."

        "Not like we haven't done this before," Minato sighs, from her station
 at the helm, as she tries to position the flagship so that advancing fleet
 can't reach the civilians.

        "All Nadesico units," Ruri reports, on a channel to Ryoko, Hikaru, and
 Lucine -- and any other pilots who are surely fighting just off screen, like
 Izumi and Akito -- "enemy Long Daggers are breaching our defence line and
 moving on the city. All units, engage the enemy."

        The Nadesico, meanwhile, opens its missile bays, as Ruri asks Omoikane
 to attack. "Now firing," she reports to the room, as those missiles soar
 towards the Federation's own flagship.

        One flagship deserves another.

<Pose Tracker> Rita Bernal has posed.

The Federation fires first. This does not surprise the Phenex, but it does set
 her into motion. Lifting off the city's central building, she soars through
 the air, shields racing ahead of her. A few missiles aimed at the Orb fleet
 are caught on those golden wings, turned away from the defenders. It's not
 something she can maintain as she fights, but it's a small mercy, for the

As she soars to the front lines, bits of light split off from the main body of
 the Phenex, racing toward her newfound companions on the battlefield. Each one
 takes the form of a canary, with two long, fantastic tailfeathers trailing
 behind them. Bursting through walls and cockpits in a shimmer of golden light,
 the messengers deliver the words of their greater self.

To Lucine: I'm with you. I promise, I'll stay in control.

To Eight: I'll keep my promise. You and your people will be protected.

To Anita: You're making the right choice. Be brave!

To Rena: I'm by your side. You can do this.

After delivering their message, each canary bursts into a shower of golden
 light, vanishing back into the resonant plane of their home.

The closer she gets to the front lines of the battle, the further her
 consciousness reaches, until--

A familiar soul. Cruel. Uncaring. Greedy. The Phenex's head snaps in Gary's
 direction, and she adjusts her trajectory mid-flight, racing toward him. Anger
 radiates from the golden Gundam in waves of psychic pressure, heightening. It
 feels like a heartbeat, to those who can feel such things.

She thinks about speaking to him. In the end, she chooses not to, simply
 raising her arm above her head. One of her shields races toward Gary Biaggi's
 Enact, crashing into it with extreme force. It strikes from above, as though
 trying to send the man tumbling down into the water.

KTS: Rita Bernal targets Gary Biaggi with Phenex Kite Shield Strike!
KTS: Rita Bernal has completed their actions for the round.
KTS: Rita Bernal has activated the Trust Spirit Command targeting Anita Rosetta
KTS: Rita Bernal has activated the Trust Spirit Command targeting Rena Lancaster
KTS: Rita Bernal has activated the Trust Spirit Command targeting Eight York
KTS: Rita Bernal has activated the Trust Spirit Command targeting Lucine Azul
KTS: Ruri Hoshino has activated the Attune Spirit Command targeting Lucine Azul
KTS: Ruri Hoshino has activated the Attune Spirit Command targeting Hikaru Amano
KTS: Ruri Hoshino targets Mobile Weapon Team with Missile Launch!
KTS: Ruri Hoshino has completed their actions for the round.
KTS: Gary Biaggi fails to evade Rita Bernal's Phenex Kite Shield Strike, taking
 2800 damage!
<Pose Tracker> Hikaru Amano has posed.

"The what-now?" Hikaru asks Lucine as she makes mention of the 'Phenex'. "You
 mean that pretty gold one?" Unlike many, Hikaru hasn't actually encountered
 the strange golden Unicorn mobile suit before. "Either way, I prefer not
 making enemies anyways. Except for well, the entire Blue Cosmos wing of the
 Federation, I guess!" They - at least - deserve it.

The Ra Mari hasn't just abandoned the battle - they've broken ranks entirely,
 as it seems like they're being fired on with the same discrimination as the
 Nadesico by the Federation. <"Loud and clear, Ra Mari pilot!"> Hikaru replies
 to Rena's message to the Nadesico. <"Thanks much for the backup! Really... you
 made the right choice, right?">

And now the cavalry's arrived with a horde of Long Daggers - they're piloted by
 Boosted Humans. They have their orders - Ruri calls to engage the enemies.
 Hikaru doesn't let the Federation's dirty tactics phase her, as Ryoko begins
 phase one of their killer move combination! "Alrighty! Distortion Field up!
 Double devastating blow!"

The Distortion Field transforms into a fist that breaks right through Ryoko's
 feint - punching right through the Long Dagger's heavy Fortestra armor. "Okay,
 Lucine! You're up~"

KTS: Hikaru Amano has activated the Rouse Spirit Command targeting Lucine Azul
<Pose Tracker> Anita Rosetta has posed.

The Ra Mari moves to join in with the Orb lines - to stand with them physically
 as well as metaphorically against the invading forces. Anita follows after,
 flying alongside the Gaia Gear. Rena's already sent a message ahead, so she
 doesn't need to say anything... but one of the Messiah Rosetta's hands does
 extend a hand to offer a thumbs-up to the Nadesico and its flight team.

She whirls around, then, now fully on their side. She watches as the Federation
 flagship unleashes a squadron of Long Daggers, their effectiveness immediately
 proving useful. ...She hears, too, that deep breath from Rena.

"It'll be alright." She assures, then nods. "Right behind you!"

...But before she accelerates to join into the battlefield, a canary flies into
 the cockpit, bearing a message of bravery. A smile crosses Anita's face.

"...You're here, too, huh." She says. "We're here if you need us too, you know?"

She accelerates, then, drawing her gatling pod. It accelerates, spinning up to
 full speed before she fires, sweeping the gatling gun through the Long Dagger

KTS: Anita Rosetta targets Mobile Weapon Team with Gatling Sweep!
KTS: Anita Rosetta has completed their actions for the round.
KTS: Hikaru Amano targets Mobile Weapon Team with Distortion Punchy-Punch!!
KTS: Hikaru Amano has completed their actions for the round.
KTS: Roger Smith targets Mitsuba Greyvalley with Arc Line Sweeping Beam!
KTS: Roger Smith has completed their actions for the round.
KTS: Mobile Weapon Team fails to evade Hikaru Amano's Distortion Punchy-Punch!,
 taking 4725 damage!
KTS: Hikaru Amano has engaged Mobile Weapon Team!
KTS: Hikaru Amano completes the Formation attack!

<Pose Tracker> Mitsuba Greyvalley has posed.

"Ma'am, we've been locked out of communications with the Powell's battle
 group," Lian reports to Mitsuba. "The ECOAS Jegans that left the ship have
 also closed communications with us, presumably at direction of Muruta Azrael."

"Captain -- are you sure about retreating...?" Reynold cuts in, allowing his
 anxiety into his voice. "The Ra Mari and Nadesico have been our allies for
 quite some time."

Mitsuba shakes her head. "I'm not entirely sure," she admits, bringing an arm
 across her midriff to grip at her opposite elbow, looking down. "But I trust
 in their strength because we've been their allies. We need to be in position
 to be voices for peace and freedom within the Federation after this resolves."

Lian nods, and says, "Of course, ma'am."

Reynold looks at her thoughtfully for a moment. "... Your answers do seem
 consistent with your academy assessments on the duties of a flag officer." Is
 that how she sees Captaincy of the Dreisstrager, then? It is, to be sure,
 quite a large vessel, with a similarly large battlegroup.

The ECOAS Jegan flight wing talks amongst itselves a bit. "... I already kind
 of regret this," their flight lead -- a woman in her early 30s -- admits. "But
 if the Captain won't do what needs to be done, it's on us."

"Agreed," comes the voice of a much younger pilot. They consider their next
 words carefully, settling on, "We can't just go against the Majority Leader.
 That's ridiculous."

The third member of the ECOAS Jegan wing simply shrugs, announcing, "What comes
 next is her problem," before boosting straight ahead toward the islands. If
 the negotiations are over, then the pilot of the Megadeus is their enemy.
 "Engaging enemy fortress-type," she declares, letting loose a spray of
 missiles from the shield --

-- but they're a feint, overwhelmingly detonating early to provide a
 smokescreen for advancing. Behind those missiles comes a simple, though not
 ineffective, maneuver: running her vulcans dry immediately to make a clean
Roger Smith has cancelled his attack.

KTS: Mitsuba Greyvalley targets Roger Smith with Head Vulcans Dash-and-Fire!
KTS: Mitsuba Greyvalley has completed their actions for the round.
KTS: Roger Smith has activated the Wall Spirit Command.
KTS: Roger Smith blocks Mitsuba Greyvalley's Head Vulcans Dash-and-Fire, taking
 1080 damage!
KTS: Mitsuba Greyvalley has engaged Roger Smith!
KTS: Mobile Weapon Team fails to evade Rena Lancaster's Beam Rifle Shot, taking
 3150 damage!
<Pose Tracker> Naoko Suzuki has posed.

Naoko had zero issue with her assigned task, flashing a v-sign in
 acknowledgement. "I won't let you down!"

And so, the bridge has an extra hand next to the captain this time, a teenage
 girl of a mere 5 feet. How old is she, anyway? Just one of the many things
 about her that they just haven't had the chance to discuss yet. Heck, nobody
 even knows her real name, having introduced herself as Nova Stellar. Plenty of
 time for all that later - assuming they can get out of this huge mess. She, at
 least, doesn't have to bear the weight of switching sides. Not like she was on
 anybody's side before. She was offered help by this ship, and so she's on the
 side of this ship, that's all there is to it. She's fine helping out against
 Whoever This Is.

She settles into her assigned role smoothly enough, availing herself of a
 headset and examining the monitor thoughtfully. "Okay, let's see what we got
 here..." Fingers fly with the practised precision of one who's used to dealing
 with this sort of equipment. Not this equipment specifically, but a
 combination of experience, inference and intuition helps her to get the gist
 of its basic functions in no time flat. Yeah, this is good. She can do
 something with this.

First things first. She settles on a certain pilot signature, one that she
 deduces to be of particular import due to its positioning, and opens
 communications. Time for introductions!

"Hey there, Ra Mari pilot! This is Nova Stellar, Miracle Worker! This is your
 lucky day - I'm on your ship, and miracles follow wherever I go, so don't
 worry! We'll get through this! Do your best, I've got your back!"

A... dubious cheer, to be sure, but there's something pure about that kind of
 youthful enthusiasm. And then she suddenly backs off from the console, looking
 spooked. "What is that?!"

That... would be Rita's canary. Even if the message wasn't directed to her
 specifically, it felt as if she was perceiving it on a higher level than just
 with her eyes. And she doesn't understand why that is. It felt, somehow...
 vast. Not for the first time, she wonders what the heck kind of world she's
 gotten herself into. Everything was so simple before...

KTS: Naoko Suzuki has activated the Rouse Spirit Command targeting Rena

<Pose Tracker> Gary Biaggi has posed.

        "Well, times up. I guess that means the pizza is free." Gary says
 before he has the Enact step off the battleship and float into the air under
 its own power. The immediate target was obvious, Captain York had made her
 choice and was leading the charge. If she could be removed then perhaps it
 wil. Gary's thoughts are cut off by the sound of impact alarm sounding , and
 Gary instantly tries to dodge by dashing backwards. However he is to slow as
 he is slammed into by the Phenex, that damn gold gundam.

         The ENACT drops pretty far before Gary can recover it, hovering inches
 before he would have impacted the water. The ENACT hovers for a moment
 rotating to locate the enemy and sees exactly what hit him. "It's that one, I
 was hoping to run into that one again."

         The ENACT's thrusters increase in power pushing the mobile suit
 towards the Phenex, Gary transmitting to the Phenex, <"Are you here to try and
 kill me again for doing my job?"> The question is almost mocking as the
 ENACT approaches, the small machine gun turret planted on it's chest opening
 fire as it continues to move towards getting right up into the Phenex's face.

KTS: [Spirit Defense] Rita Bernal's Spirit Endurance activates, and the spirit
KTS: Gary Biaggi has activated the Daunt Spirit Command targeting Rita Bernal
KTS: Gary Biaggi targets Rita Bernal with 20mm Machine Gun Dash-and-Fire!
KTS: Gary Biaggi has completed their actions for the round.
KTS: Mobile Weapon Team successfully intercepts Ruri Hoshino's Missile Launch
KTS: Rita Bernal fails to evade Gary Biaggi's 20mm Machine Gun Dash-and-Fire,
 taking 3510 damage!
KTS: Gary Biaggi has engaged Rita Bernal!
<Pose Tracker> Eight York has posed.

Eight doesn't say anything about the pyjamas! It's fine. ...Maybe she's just
 that unflappable? Or maybe, she's learned, as Captain, that if something's
 too silly you just don't comment on it.

But she does comment on the Phenex's canary, bursting through the bridge wall.
 SHe looks to it. She says something... And Eight says, "Thank you, Phenex.
 We'll do what we can to shield the civilians." Then, to Naoko, "I'll explain
 later. But we have a friend out there, in the golden Gundam."

The Nadesico opens communications. Astelian gives Megumi a nervous smile over
 the console. "Anytime," he says to her. "W-we're doing what we think is

A Coordinator, on a Federation ship... They wouldn't leave him alone, either,
 given the choice.

They'll all come back together, Rena says. Eight hopes that's true, too.
 She'll do her best. But the Boosted Humans in the Long Daggers make Eight
 frown. Rena engages...

"Maintain battle stations," Eight instructs her crew. "All pilots--engage at

Their IFFs change, too. Kazama nods sharply, and begins to trigger shields
 where fire comes near them. The Nadesico is in formation with them now...

Eight smiles at Naoko as she helps. It looks like this might not be a terrible
 idea. She has a feeling about this girl...

But for now, "Astelian! Get our pilots and the Nadesico targeting data on
 those Long Daggers! Transfer data to all Orb forces!"

"Kazama..." Eight breathes in. This is the true test. "Ready forward missile
 tubes. Get a missile lock on that flagship."

She looks to Riika then. "Don't worry about getting us back in. But if you've
 got advice on dealing with those Long Daggers, we'll take it. Our pilots need
 all the edges they can get."

KTS: Eight York targets Mobile Weapon Team with Designate L1!
KTS: Eight York has completed their actions for the round.

<Pose Tracker> Roger Smith has posed.

The black Behemoth shatters through concrete (its location carefully selected
 at the edge of the evacuation zone, its debris propelled towards open sea -
 the possibility clearly always considered...)

And finds itself with mobile suits sweeping down on it. The Big O's enormous
 black shields sweep up, vulcan shells clattering against them, as it slowly
 tilts its head towards the advancing mobile suits.

With little fanfare, it responds in turn - two sharp pink beams slashing forth
 from its eyes, twisting over each other as they race towards the Mobile Suits.
  Roger shifts in the cockpit, firming his grip on the levers - the Big O's
 arms rotate out of their defensive position into something more like a boxing
 stance, one giant shield covering its core while the other arm slips back,
 ready to strike out once one of his foes is cornered.

"That sort of disappointingly bland mentality is exactly why I left the
 military police," Roger muses, though he doesn't elect to share his thoughts
 with his foes. After all: Negotiations are concluded, now that the Federation
 has shown their true colors. "Still, nothing personal. Everyone has their
 own way of living... I just can't bring myself to agree with the type of man
 who thinks only lives like his have any value!"

KTS: Roger Smith targets Mitsuba Greyvalley with Arc Line Sweeping Beam!
KTS: Roger Smith has completed their actions for the round.
KTS: Eight York has activated the Spirit Spirit Command.
KTS: Mobile Weapon Team blocks Anita Rosetta's Gatling Sweep, taking 2800
KTS: Mitsuba Greyvalley fails to evade Roger Smith's Arc Line Sweeping Beam,
 taking 3600 damage!
KTS: Eight York designates Mobile Weapon Team, making him easier to target and
 opening him to indirect fire.
<Pose Tracker> Lucine Azul has posed.

        There's a sound of muffled giggling from Lucine as Ryoko Objects to
 this outrage. Nono, Lucine is laughing with, not at Ryoko.

        < "Right, that's the Phenex. I talked with the pilot, once... she's
 very nice, when you get to know her, but... she's limited to the Phenex. ....
 She's become dedicated to her goals, but... you can imagine how awkward that
 can get..." > Lucine fails to provide the necessary context of how, why, and
 'the pilot is a spiritghostspectre inhabiting the giant robot', but that's
 best left for another day anyway. < "... You might meet her one day..." >
 Maybe, through Lucine's connection to them?

        She hopes she didn't make it sound like a threat.

        < "Copy that, Ruri. Going in." > Now, everything is business. Didn't
 Liam usually pilot something similar when he wasn't in the Helios? <
 "Following behind you, Ryoko, Hikaru. It seems the others will be taking the
 other batch... Ah, loud and clear, Ms. Ra Mari pilot." > The last is to Rena.
 < "We'll do our best." >

        Lucine's eyes close momentairely, hearing the Phenex's message. "....
 I'm counting on you, Rita," she says softly, though her words only ring to the
 cockpit alone. ".... Your biggest power is the hope you're beginning to

        Ryoko and Hikaru go ahead, and the Dianthus draws its glaive from its
 back, shifting into position.< "Got it, Hikari..." > The slivery sharp blade
 of the Dianthus's glaive is at the ready, almost as if this entire maneuver
 was practiced before.

        It isn't, but Lucine's getting the hang of how her two co-workers work
 by now.

KTS: Lucine Azul targets Mobile Weapon Team with CL0-V3 Glaive Crescent Cross!
KTS: Lucine Azul has completed their actions for the round.
KTS: Mobile Weapon Team fails to rush.
KTS: Mobile Weapon Team partially guards Lucine Azul's CL0-V3 Glaive Crescent
 Cross, taking 3608 damage!
KTS: Lucine Azul has engaged Mobile Weapon Team!

<Pose Tracker> Mitsuba Greyvalley has posed.

Those bright pink beams slice through the mobile suit serving as the vanguard
 of the formation; one of them also grazes rear support. The damage is already
 significant -- the shield arm hangs by a thread.

"Dammit -- rich Coordinators hiring outside help to fight their battles...!"
 comes a snarl from the rear of the formation. "I'll hang back. You two, keep
 him occupied. 'Nothing personal' -- you say that like it makes it better! At
 least we're here for the sake of our convictions...!!"

The second Jegan moves up to support the first, providing covering fire; the
 worst of the assault comes from the rearmost Jegan, though, which fires a
 stream of shots from its beam rifle.

KTS: Mitsuba Greyvalley targets Roger Smith with Standard Secondary Beam Rifle
 Rapid Fire!
KTS: Mitsuba Greyvalley has completed their actions for the round.

<Pose Tracker> Juri Wu Nien has posed.

        Ryoko is amongst the first to encounter the Long Daggers within the
 streets of the city. She flickers towards it and then goes for a side blow.
 The Dagger manages to turn its shoulder into the blow, taking it along the
 more heavily armored Fortestra pack. Then, over open comms...

        <"Hahaha.... HahahaHAHAHA! That's it! THAT'S IT! I'M GOING TO KILL

        The Long Dagger reaches to its waist, drawing one of its beam sabers
 and trying to lunge at Ryoko's Aestivalis. However, even as it's attempting
 this, Hikaru's follow up to Ryoko's combo opener comes in, catching the Long
 Dagger's pilot by surprise, "Shit!" He tries to slip out of the way of the
 distortion punch but fails, a large chunk of his Fortestra shroud getting
 blown to pieces in the attack.

        The pilot growls, <"You... YOU'RE DEAD!"> The Long Dagger reorients its
 body, aiming that large shoulder-mounted cannon at Hikaru. But before firing,
 Lucine comes streaking in to finish the Long Dagger off-

        -Except another Long Dagger on the team rushes in to meet Lucine, <"Not
 so fast!"> It brings its arm around to meet the glaive, taking a deep cut
 through the limb for its troubles. But it buys the first Long Dagger the time
 it needs to fire that cannon at Hikaru. Likewise the second presses its rush
 towards Lucine more, attempting to slam her machine with its heavy armor.

        Rena opens up with her beam rifle against a different team of Long
 Daggers. The one being targeted notices, trying to swerve out of the way of
 the incoming particle beam. But it fails to do so entirely, the beam ripping
 through its left arm and completely blowing it off the machine. It's pilot
 comms, <"A minor inconvenience.">

        The Long Dagger raises the beam rifle in its right hand, aiming towards
 Rena and countering in kind with its own particle beam.

        The Nadesico's missiles streak through the air towards the Federation
 fleet. A number of the vessels aim their CIWS turrets up at them, beginning to
 whittle away their numbers as they close in until finally there are no more.

        As the explosions from the missiles can be heard within the Federation
 flagship's bridge, Azrael taps a finger against the arm rest of his chair, a
 somewhat annoyed expression on his face, "Can someone deal with that damn
 Nergal ship? And get those traitors too while you're at it."

        Missile tubes on several of the warships open, unleashing a counter
 barrage. Half fly off in the direction of the Nadesico. The other half turn
 and make their way towards the Ra Mari. It's clear where they now stand in
 this current situation.

        Anita's gatling shots streak out towards a Long Dagger team. The first
 few rounds pepper them before they are able to react, but they quickly form up
 together, using their Fortestra armour to dull the barrage. Then when an
 opening presents itself, they all shout together, <"Ha!"> <"So!"> <"Ka!"> What
 the hell does that mean? Who knows! But they all join together in unleashing a
 barrage of vulcan fire in Anita's direction.

KTS: Mobile Weapon Team targets Ryoko Subaru with ES01 Beam Saber Thrust!
KTS: Mobile Weapon Team targets Hikaru Amano with 115mm Cannon Leg Shot!
KTS: Mobile Weapon Team targets Rena Lancaster with M703 Beam Rifle Sighted
KTS: Mobile Weapon Team targets Ruri Hoshino with 8-Tube Missile Launcher!
KTS: Mobile Weapon Team targets Eight York with 8-Tube Missile Launcher!
KTS: Mobile Weapon Team targets Anita Rosetta with Igelstellung 75mm
 Multibarrel CIWS Dash-and-Fire!
KTS: Mobile Weapon Team targets Lucine Azul with Shield Bash!
KTS: Mobile Weapon Team has completed their actions for the round.

<Pose Tracker> Rita Bernal has posed.

Pleased at her messages being delivered, the Phenex resolves to keep watch of
 her allies. Should they need her, she's here. She only needs one shield to
 fight a monster like this one.

Instead of a reply, a memory is broadcast to Gary -- a fairly potent one. If he
 has any sort of psychic sensitivity, he should be able to see, or at least
 hear, it. A man is lifted from the ground, his limbs pulled harshly away from
 his body. It's Gary, viewed from the Phenex's perspective of this event.
 Seeing himself through another's memory may be disorienting. Anger pulses, hot
 and fierce. The Gundam considers ripping him apart. She satisfies herself with
 mangling his trigger finger.

Is she here to kill her? Perhaps. If he dies, he dies. The Phenex simply wishes
 for a target to vent her rage. Gary Biaggi certainly deserves to die, but
 death should be brought to the living by the living. She'd be satisfied
 simply tearing him apart once again.

With her focus torn in so many different directions, the Phenex doesn't notice
 Gary aiming his machine gun at her. The sense of rage and psychic pressure
 only intensifies as the bullets crack and tear at her beautiful golden armor.
 Her first shield is returned to her, orbiting the Phenex for a moment
 alongside its twin. Then, with a gesture, both race toward Gary. One strikes
 from the front, the other from the back. They crash into him as a bird might,
 soaring with great speed to devastate their targets.

KTS: Rita Bernal targets Gary Biaggi with Phenex Kite Shield Dual Strike!
KTS: Rita Bernal has completed their actions for the round.
KTS: Ryoko Subaru has activated the Spirit Spirit Command.
KTS: Ryoko Subaru has activated the Spirit Spirit Command.
KTS: Ryoko Subaru fails to Parry Mobile Weapon Team's ES01 Beam Saber Thrust,
 taking 5160 damage!
KTS: Mobile Weapon Team has engaged Ryoko Subaru!
KTS: Rena Lancaster partially guards Mobile Weapon Team's M703 Beam Rifle
 Sighted Shot, taking 2115 damage!
KTS: Roger Smith has activated the Wall Spirit Command.
KTS: Gary Biaggi fails to evade Rita Bernal's Phenex Kite Shield Dual Strike,
 taking 3200 damage!
KTS: Roger Smith has activated the Wall Spirit Command.
KTS: Roger Smith blocks Mitsuba Greyvalley's Standard Secondary Beam Rifle
 Rapid Fire, taking 1620 damage!
KTS: Eight York fails to intercept Mobile Weapon Team's 8-Tube Missile
 Launcher, taking 5720 damage!
KTS: Anita Rosetta has activated the Alert Spirit Command.
KTS: Anita Rosetta rushes into the attack!
KTS: Anita Rosetta partially guards Mobile Weapon Team's Igelstellung 75mm
 Multibarrel CIWS Dash-and-Fire, taking 4320 damage!
KTS: Mobile Weapon Team has engaged Anita Rosetta!
KTS: Hikaru Amano has activated the Focus Spirit Command.
KTS: Hikaru Amano's EN Barrier activates, negating 500 base damage.
KTS: Mobile Weapon Team rattles Hikaru Amano, making her next maneuvers more
KTS: Hikaru Amano fails to Evade Mobile Weapon Team's 115mm Cannon Leg Shot,
 taking 2970 damage!
<Pose Tracker> Rena Lancaster has posed.

"I'm glad we can help, Nadesico," Rena answers Megumi, with a smile. Her eyes
 look ahead -- tensing as she sees the Federation flying forward. But she
 hears, as much as she feels, the words of the Phenex.

Her eyes turn to the golden canary that appears -- through the walls of the
 Gaia Gear Alpha.

"Thank you," she says, her voice quiet. SHe doesn't doubt that the Phenex's
 spirit can hear her, even as the spirit fades away. Then, she answers Hikaru:
 "I won't doubt it. I'm Rena Lancaster," she says. "We're with you!"

The Gaia Gear Alpha moves alongside the Messiah Rosetta, soaring alongside it.
 Rena glances sideways at Anita, smiling for a moment -- and then she bobs her

This is when Nova Stellar, miracle worker, appears on a cut-in video feed on
 her monitor. Rena's eyes blink -- then she smiles. "...All right!" she says.
 "I-I'll do my best, that's for certain. Ah--you're--you're on the Ra Mari?
 Keep an eye on everyone!"

The Long Dagger that she fired on shoots back. The lance of mega particle
 energy slashes along the side of the Gaia Gear Alpha, leaving a burnt, silvery
 scar from the near-miss along the forearm. Molten shards of metal rain down,
 hitting the sea with a splash.

Her eyes dart towards Anita, then back at the team of Long Daggers. She tenses,
 as she sees the rounds being fired at Anita -- and her opponent. The Gaia Gear
 Alpha reaches to its backpack, and pulls free a second weapon -- a gatling
 cannon, held in its left hand.

"I'll show you what I can do," she says. "I'm tired of compromising what I
 believe in... for the sake of short-sighted fools!"

The gatling cannon roars to life, pouring down a burst of rounds for the Long

KTS: Rena Lancaster has activated the Spirit Spirit Command.
KTS: Rena Lancaster targets Mobile Weapon Team with 20mm Gatling Gun!
KTS: Rena Lancaster has completed their actions for the round.
<Pose Tracker> Riika Sheder has posed.

Sitting on the bridge, Riika sits up straighter at Ruri's message. She doesn't
 respond to it, but it's good to hear that they are getting involved after all.

Riika does not see the canary; it isn't 'aimed' at her, and she isn't open
 enough to pick it up regardless. She glances up as if she was looking for
 *something*, but nothing is there. She settles on Naoko for a moment,
 mid-cheer, but then looks back down a moment later.

"I haven't dealt with these in particular, these - your computer is tagging
 them GAT-01D, they *are* GAT units like Duel! - so I don't have any specific
 information ahead of time. Give me a few moments, please." Riika is a very
 fast study; part of why she's so good a pilot is because she's good at
 determining what things can and can't do on the fly, both her own unit and the

She can't simply load up the schematics of the Long Dagger, but Riika can at
 least get a glimpse at their weapons. She's talking more to herself: "It has a
 linear cannon, shoulder-mounted, and a missile pod on the other one. Seems to
 be the same beam rifle as the other GAT unit, which means it has an
 underbarrel grenade launcher. I can see two beam saber docking points on this
 picture. It has a fair amount of thrusters..." She's typing as she goes,
 loading additional info on the threat detection systems and sending them out
 to Ra Mari pilots (and the rest of the bridge).

Riika pauses. "They're compensating for the weight, not providing additional
 lift. I bet it would be faster without the extra armour, even if it lost some
 of the thrusters when it took it off." Is she doing a field suit analysis? You
 better believe it. This is what they pay her for.

(The Ra Mari does not actually pay her.)

Speaking of threat detection, Riika has been on a bridge for a missile attack
 before; she knows how to brace, both for maneuvering and possible impact. It's
 not much of a shift, in gravity. "Updating your threat profiles," she says,
 into a clear moment.

KTS: Riika Sheder has activated the Prospect Spirit Command targeting Eight York
KTS: Ruri Hoshino has activated the Attune Spirit Command.
KTS: Ruri Hoshino's EN Barrier activates, negating 1000 base damage.
KTS: Ruri Hoshino fails to intercept Mobile Weapon Team's 8-Tube Missile
 Launcher, taking 2720 damage!

<Pose Tracker> Ryoko Subaru has posed.

The Nadesico gives them the go ahead, "You don't have to state the obvious
 Ruri! I see them already!" Though she sounds less acerbic than usual.

The way that pilot laughs is disturbing, incredibly disturbing. Yet coming
 from where she is, not so disturbing as to shake her off her stride.

"Nice one Hikaru! Lucine!" Ryoko grins devilishly as that punch and Glaive
 strike land, "If they think we're going to turn tail when they challenge us to
 a good fight they've got another thing coming!"

A beam saber rushes at her Aestie though, and part of the armor opens up to
 draw a knife, in the end though the frenzied move catches her off-guard just
 enough that a long gash is carved across one of the Aestie's 'pauldrons'.

Ryoko immediately moves towards damage control, this is her team. She's not
 gonna let some puffed up racists kill any of them.

"<DUMBASS! AMATEUR!>" As suddenly the shoulder turrets on her Aesti pivot
 around to pepper him with a salvo of missiles at close range as the Aestie
 tries to duck under its arm, then move in a flanking circle, missiles
 unloading the whole time.

"<You think just because you've got a little size on us you're all that!?
 You're weighed down! You're not killing ANYONE here today like that!>"

The comms switch back over, "Come on you two! Let's show them how actual pros

KTS: Ryoko Subaru targets Mobile Weapon Team with Aesti Missile Salvo!
KTS: Ryoko Subaru has completed their actions for the round.
KTS: Eight York has activated the Attune Spirit Command targeting Ruri Hoshino
KTS: Mobile Weapon Team fails to evade Rena Lancaster's 20mm Gatling Gun,
 taking 3040 damage!
KTS: Lucine Azul has activated the Focus Spirit Command.
KTS: [Mirage] Lucine Azul's Glimmer Engine activates, and she slips into a
KTS: Lucine Azul parries Mobile Weapon Team's Shield Bash, taking 0 damage!
KTS: Mobile Weapon Team has engaged Lucine Azul!
<Pose Tracker> Gary Biaggi has posed.

        Gary Biaggi is not a psychic, if anything he just has a deep
 understanding of the human pschye that he may or may not use in ways that
 people would frown about. This does not mean though that as the images are
 projected into his head he doesn't feel as if someone is not just walking on
 his grave but dancing on it like they are in a disco. The mental distraction
 is enough to cause him to notices the shields coming in to late. One shield
 and then the other rams into his suit leaving dents in the ENACT and a gash on
 the chest of the ENACT showing circuitry. If the ENACT was waterproof, it
 wasn't anymore.

         Gary does his best to shake off the feeling and get himself back into
 the fight, "Fine then. Not much of a talker, thats fine. Totally fine. "
 Speaking to no one but his own cockpit , but it totally sounds like he isn't
 happy that his opponent isn't a talker.

         The ENACT begins to once again prepare to rush in towards the Phenex,
 as it draws the blade rifle in it's rifle form. As the ENACT approaches it
 raises the sword as if to slash the PHENEX with the sword before just never
 following through, instead opting to use a flying knee into the unit. A

[OOC] Gary Biaggi says, "blu-ray delete that A at the end "

<Pose Tracker> Roger Smith has posed.

Beam rifles seer, and though a couple shots scatter off the armor, that
 reared-back fist slams forward - Oddly short of any obvious target.

"Well, that's what makes me a professional. I operate by rules and principles.
  And one of those rules is to never rub shoulders with the likes of you!
 After all, it'd be terrible for my reputation if people started thinking I was
 associated with you 'blue and pure world' types."

And then the piston behind it slams home. The air ripples, and tears, as
 plasma spills over the massive cuff of the Big O, and the beams being slung
 its direction... split in midair, the magnetic envelope holding them together
 torn apart by the suddent atmospheric tension.

Gripping the Big O's primary sticks, Roger slams both of them back - and the
 Big O responds in kind, rearing both arms back as the pistons inside slowly

"Now, maybe you should start moving back towards your ship. I'm not a fan of
 dumping my fellow human beings into the drink, but if you really want to test
 your emergency rescue systems..."

KTS: Roger Smith targets Mitsuba Greyvalley with Burst Impact!
KTS: Roger Smith has completed their actions for the round.
KTS: Gary Biaggi has activated the Strike Spirit Command.
KTS: Gary Biaggi has activated the Alert Spirit Command.
KTS: Gary Biaggi targets Rita Bernal with Feinting Strike!
KTS: Gary Biaggi has completed their actions for the round.
KTS: Roger Smith rattles Mitsuba Greyvalley, making her next maneuvers more
KTS: Mitsuba Greyvalley parries Roger Smith's Burst Impact, taking 5043 damage!
KTS: Roger Smith has engaged Mitsuba Greyvalley!
KTS: Rita Bernal has activated the Dash Spirit Command and has disengaged.
KTS: Rita Bernal fails to rush.
KTS: Rita Bernal partially guards Gary Biaggi's Feinting Strike, taking 6000
KTS: Gary Biaggi has engaged Rita Bernal!
KTS: Mobile Weapon Team retreats from the attack!
KTS: Mobile Weapon Team fails to evade Ryoko Subaru's Aesti Missile Salvo,
 taking 3600 damage!
<Pose Tracker> Ruri Hoshino has posed.

        "The Dreisstrager has retreated," Ruri reports, stoic, as the metrics
 of the battlefield flood over her windows and into her mind. Breathe in,
 breathe out. She is immersed, and she IS.

        "That's not unusual," Goat Hoary, their resident military advisor,
 speaks up. He offered only a curt nod to the Nadesico's decision to help Orb
 instead of the Federation, and it's not difficult to imagine he's holding a
 lot of thoughts about it, inside himself, with his service record. He keeps
 them to himself. He keeps much to himself. "Since the Dreisstrager is a joint
 project, its loyalties are split, as well. Retreat is the most Captain
 Greyvalley can offer us."

        And it's not difficult to imagine Yurika offering her own words of
 support on following one's heart, to the Ra Mari, as Astelian stammers about
 doing what's right.

        "Acknowledged," Ruri responds, to Ryoko, when she talks about not
 having to state the obvious. Her face, transmitted in the communications
 window, remains entirely straight.

        The missiles come for them, and -- before Ruri can give the order to
 intercept the missiles, Omoikane's already tried blasting them with their own.
 Some make it through, though, and Ruri frowns lightly. "Distortion Field...
 working adequately," she reports, in the wake of the damage.

        "If we move," Minato frowns, "we'll leave the city vulnerable."

        "The Nadesico's mission is to help people," Megumi agrees. "I'll agree
 with the Captain on that much. We have to protect them!"

        "Now relaying tactical data to allied units," Ruri reports, as she
 reaches out to contact the Aestivalises -- and hte Dianthus. She advises their
 machines, more than them, of the options they have for maneuvering in this
 space. She reaches out to the Ra Mari's units, as well, to offer their
 machines what aid she can.

        Once she does that, though, Ruri takes a moment to look at something
 else, in the battle, portrayed on the Nadesico's massive main screen. The
 battle between Gary and the Phenex...

        And Ruri reaches out again -- but not to Rita.

        No: she's speaking to the third RX-0 Unicorn Gundam, and she speaks in
 its language. Reaching out with electronic empathy, Ruri beseeches the Gundam
 to lower its power. It is not a demand. It is a request.

        Mr. Biaggi is my friend, the ones and zeroes might translate to,
 understood on a human level. (Ruri isn't understanding on a human level.) Even
 if your pilot is angry... please go easy on him.

KTS: Ruri Hoshino targets Lucine Azul, Ryoko Subaru, and Hikaru Amano with
KTS: Ruri Hoshino has completed their actions for the round.
KTS: Ruri Hoshino has activated the Attune Spirit Command targeting Eight York
KTS: Ruri Hoshino has activated the Attune Spirit Command targeting Anita
KTS: Ruri Hoshino coordinates maneuvers, raising Lucine Azul's Piloting!
KTS: Ruri Hoshino coordinates maneuvers, raising Ryoko Subaru's Piloting!

<Pose Tracker> Anita Rosetta has posed.

Rena introduces herself to the Nadesico flight team, and that reminds Anita
 that she... should probably do the same!

"Anita Rosetta. Nice meetin' you." Anita chimes in. She guesses she doesn't
 have to worry about introducing herself as an Ensign anymore...

The team Anita is up again turns out to be pretty well coordinated. Their armor
 soaks up some of her gatling fire, and then they shout together and retaliate.

"What's with these guys...? That some kinda battle cry? Or maybe it's the
 name of the formation..." She considers. There's so much incoming vulcan fire,
 her shield can only intercept so much of it. So instead she charges in, aiming
 to limit the amount that reaches her by drawing in to melee range. As she
 moves, a beam cannon emerges over her left shoulder, charging up energy. And
 conveniently enough, tactical data floods into the Messiah Rosetta around this

"Thanks, Nadesico." Anita replies appreciatively, before turning her attention
 back to the fight.

"Now's your chance to back off before this gets uglier..." Anita says - and
 fires, unleashing a targeted blast at one of the Long Daggers!

...She quietly appreciates, too, Rena's announcement of her resolve.

KTS: Anita Rosetta has activated the Valor Spirit Command.
KTS: Anita Rosetta targets Mobile Weapon Team with Targeted Beam Cannon Blast!
KTS: Anita Rosetta has completed their actions for the round.
KTS: Mobile Weapon Team fails to evade Anita Rosetta's Targeted Beam Cannon
 Blast, taking 4000 damage!
<Pose Tracker> Hikaru Amano has posed.

"Rena Lancaster... nice to meet you!" Hikaru replies back cheerfully. And she
 then realizes she forgot to introduce herself in the heat of battle. "I'm
 Hikaru Amano, age 18, future mangaka - ah, heck - we can do the rest later.
 Good luck out there!" And the two units turn to face their respective gauntlet
 of Long Dagger pilots.

Anita's here, too... "Hey! You're that pilot from the movie set, aren't you?"
 She remembers that chill and unhindered vibe she had, even when Mr. Entitled
 Movie Star made his appearance. "Glad you're on our side!"

Following on Ryoko's feint, Hikaru and Lucine both managed to do some
 significant damage... but it appears it incurred the wrath of the pilots in
 the Long Dagger. "Oh, man... looks like we really made 'em mad," Hikaru
 scratches the back of her head, at Ryoko's hot-blooded declaration "Then let's
 keep it up!

Still.. it almost feels like there's more to it than just being angry. Almost a
 similar type of aggression to those who don't react well to the IFS...

Either way, she can't afford to let that distract her, as one of the Long
 Dagger's cannon makes a direct hit. Hikaru and the Aestie themselves are fine,
 but the Aerial frame takes a heavy hit, keeping it locked down temporarily.

But Ryoko goes for missiles, and you don't need much movement to use missiles.
 "Prepare yourself for round two! Of this most captivating circus of missiles~"
 The orange Aestie's missiles lock down towards the Long Dagger's following on
 Ryoko's lead.

KTS: Hikaru Amano targets Mobile Weapon Team with Aesti Guided Missile Fire!
KTS: Hikaru Amano has completed their actions for the round.

<Pose Tracker> Naoko Suzuki has posed.

A friend in the golden Gundam... Naoko nods quietly to that descriptor given by
 Eight, slowly stepping back towards her station. A friend, so... nothing to
 worry about. Just ignore the goosebumps, it's fine. In another very practised
 motion, she presses her candy stick with one finger and consumes it all with a
 few quick bites. Immediately, another PaPPy stick replaces it, quickly
 withdrawn from her hoodie's pocket. Yeah. Now everything's fine.

...Normally, it would be another pair of voices reassuring her. But they're
 being conspiciously quiet right now. She can feel their reassuring presence,
 they're just not talking all the time like normaly. She can guess why that is.
 Stealing a glance at Eight, she wonders just how many others are capable of
 hearing the voices of her two friends, that she used to think only she could

She shakes her head. Focus, Naoko-- no, you're Nova Stellar. Time to work some
 miracles. Her hands go back to the console, recomposing herself to reply to
 Rena, a little later than she meant to, but with no less confidence than

"Sure sure, no worries! Everything's under control! Hang on just a second,

Focusing on the console in front of her, her already quick-moving hands gain
 further in speed still. Factoring in the data that's already been collected,
 she pulls up the information Riika's provided, running calculations in her
 head in the way that she's used to. Data points are connected more quickly
 than her hands can work, Naoko wearing an intense expression as she mentally
 overlays the enemy formation with what she's managed to put together. Finally,
 Naoko releases the breath she's been as she places down her finger one last
 time. "Aaand done." She switches communications back on.

"So-- Rena, right?" First names for people she hasn't even met properly? Sure,
 why not? "Just sent over a little something to your machine. Those machines
 you're fighting are pretty easy to predict if you know what to look for."

It's... more than a little something, that she's sent over. She is not very
 organized, it's a struggle to pick out the practical parts among this pile. It
 may be more practical to let the mech sort it out. But she does have a number
 of solid Long Dagger tells in there that may help with figuring out where
 attacks are going to coming from. Apparently she can just... put things like
 that together. In a way that makes sense to her anyway, perhaps less so to
 everyone else.

KTS: Naoko Suzuki has activated the Foresee Spirit Command targeting Rena
KTS: Ruri Hoshino coordinates maneuvers, raising Hikaru Amano's Piloting!
<Pose Tracker> Eight York has posed.

"Missile lock, Captain!"

"Brace for impact!"

The missiles slam into the side of the Ra Mari, ablated by the armor plating
 but gouging great melted rents in same. It's a powerful set of hits from
 several warships rather than just one, and Eight is at least glad they're out
 with the Nadesico now. "All right," Eight says. "We're here in earnest.
 Time to engage that flagship."

"Right, Captain!"

She nods to Riika, next. Updating threat profiles. No specific information,
 but she is a very fast study--she can look at them more than well enough. If
 they paid Riika, it would be worth paying her for this. "Noted, Ms. Sheder.
 Useful information."

Rezza taps a few keys, too--but it's Astelian who sends more targeting data to
 the Nadesico. "We'll help you out!" Tempo says to Megumi. "So rely on us,
 please!" Yurika is an inspiring Captain.

Kazama meanwhile, "Captain. The Hyper Beam System is ready." Eight considers.
  "...Use it," Eight says. "We'll give that flagship a nice big warning shot.
 Aim for the weapons."

"Acknowledged! Finding solution..."


"Firing!" Itsuki Kazama hits the switch, and coruscating pink beams rocket
 towards the flagship of the Federation fleet, aiming for its primary weapons
 systems. They're powerful--more powerful than is standard for a Federation
 ship... and a little unstable.

Eight looks back to Naoko. "You're doing well," she assures her. "We can talk
 about it all later."

Then she leans forward in her chair. "Astelian," she says. "...Let me know if
 our other 'friend' comes into range."


KTS: Eight York has activated the Enable Spirit Command targeting Rena Lancaster
KTS: Eight York has activated the Spirit Spirit Command.
KTS: Eight York targets Mobile Weapon Team with Twin-Barrel Hyper Mega-Particle
 Cannons Targeted Barrage!
KTS: Eight York has completed their actions for the round.
KTS: Mitsuba Greyvalley has activated the Resupply Spirit Command.
KTS: Mitsuba Greyvalley has activated the Resupply Spirit Command.
KTS: Mitsuba Greyvalley has activated the Resupply Spirit Command.
KTS: Mobile Weapon Team retreats from the attack!
KTS: Mobile Weapon Team successfully evades Hikaru Amano's Aesti Guided Missile
<Pose Tracker> Mitsuba Greyvalley has posed.

Both of the nearby Jegans end up within the range of the wave of plasma; one of
 them does indeed end up in the drink almost immediately, punching out of her
 machine without hesitation. The cockpit block skids out toward the ships,
 eventually deploying flotation devices.

"Nngh -- dammit," the woman in the vanguard Jegan mumbles. "We're committed,
 now -- the Dreisstrager already left... damn Super-type mobile weapon." At
 this point, though, retreating would be a substantial blow to her pride.

So instead, the instant she gets control back again, she decides to make a play
 that might generously be described as risky and ungenerously be described as
 pointless and wasteful. She queues two things exactly simultaneously. One is a
 high-speed thrust aimed right for Big O's center of mass at a speed that
 threatens to shake the machine apart and knock the pilot out.

The other is an ejection. Sometimes a Jegan can, itself, be a missile.

KTS: Mitsuba Greyvalley targets Roger Smith with J-Type Beam Saber Decisive
KTS: Mitsuba Greyvalley has completed their actions for the round.
KTS: Roger Smith has activated the Wall Spirit Command.
KTS: Roger Smith has activated the Wall Spirit Command.
KTS: Roger Smith partially guards Mitsuba Greyvalley's J-Type Beam Saber
 Decisive Strike, taking 3248 damage!
KTS: Mitsuba Greyvalley has engaged Roger Smith!
KTS: Roger Smith has activated the Spirit Spirit Command.
KTS: Roger Smith has activated the Strike Spirit Command.
KTS: Roger Smith has activated the Valor Spirit Command.
KTS: Roger Smith has activated the Valor Spirit Command.
KTS: Roger Smith targets Mitsuba Greyvalley with Sudden Impact!
KTS: Roger Smith has completed their actions for the round.
KTS: Mobile Weapon Team blocks Eight York's Twin-Barrel Hyper Mega-Particle
 Cannons Targeted Barrage, taking 3570 damage!
KTS: Eight York begins a Formation attack!
<Pose Tracker> Lucine Azul has posed.

        < "These pilots are... something else..." > Lucine idlely agrees with
 Hikaru, on the spirited state of the pilots. < ".... I suppose you'd have to
 be, at this point, in order to fight..." > Their emotions are hard to get a
 grasp on, but Lucine's not trying; it's more efficient to focus on the battle

        < ".... You can't touch me." > The magenta and black armor emits a
 brief burst of magenta light, serving as a brief mirage while the real
 Dianthus sweeps the second Long Dagger's trajectory aside.

        As Ruri contacts the Dianthus, the turning dianthus flower appears in
 Ruri's view, spinning just a little faster as it accepts and incorporates the

        There is something disturbingly familiar about these pilots, however,
 as she watches them fly. Something that can't be attributed to 'someone is a
 Newtype' or 'someone is very experienced'. "..."

        The glaive makes a quick swipe around, attempting to fend off the
 second Long Dagger before the Dianthus bolts upwards. < ".... Hikaru, Ryoko.
 I'm going to do my Dragoon attack soon. I'll be back." >

KTS: Mitsuba Greyvalley rushes into the attack!
KTS: Roger Smith rattles Mitsuba Greyvalley, making her next maneuvers more
KTS: Mitsuba Greyvalley partially guards Roger Smith's Sudden Impact, taking
 5270 damage!
KTS: Roger Smith has engaged Mitsuba Greyvalley!
KTS: Lucine Azul targets Mobile Weapon Team with CL0-V3 Glaive Stab!
KTS: Lucine Azul has completed their actions for the round.
KTS: Lucine Azul has activated the Spirit Spirit Command.
<Pose Tracker> Rita Bernal has posed.

The vision disturbs Gary enough for the Phenex's attack to land solidly on the
 evil pilot. Satisfaction echoes from the golden machine. He deserves to feel
 these things. Ending a life so callously... What makes a man like this?

As the Enact rushes forward to attack again, the Phenex catches his sword on
 one of her shields, taking the strike from its knee. The Phenex recoils,
 stunned for a moment. So rarely does anyone get close enough to physically
 strike her, in this way!

In a blur of azure flame, she darts away from Gary. Again, the shields are
 prepared, glowing bright with the Phenex's psychic strength--

Someone talks to the Phenex.


Pure, clear, bafflement echoes from the Phenex's beloved. Many have spoken to
 her, but the Phenex itself? How can anyone step into the arena of their
 bond? It isn't a spiritual path this interloper treads, but one relying on the
 Phenex's existence as a machine. Hanging in the air, machine and spirit
 communicate in a flurry of invisible words.

With permission, the Gundam reaches back out on this strange, unknowable path.
 To Ruri, though she doesn't know her name.

Hello. Who are you? How are you talking to me? No one has ever talked to me
 except my beloved. Why are you friends with a man who kills others in cold
 blood? I picked up an injured man. I was going to take him to the hospital.
 This man shot him dead in my own hand. My beloved couldn't remove the blood
 for a very long time.

She's been given a higher existence from her beloved, and that comes with
 lonliness. She knows her sisters exist, but she cannot speak to them. Who else
 is there to communicate with, for one with a kindling flame of consciousness?

It isn't just that my beloved wants to hurt him. I do, too. I will give him a
 chance, if there's more to him than just cruelty. Tell me who he is to you.

So distracted, the Phenex doesn't move. No attacks come forth, her wings simply
 orbiting around her in a protective pattern.

KTS: Rita Bernal targets Gary Biaggi with Pass!
KTS: Rita Bernal has completed their actions for the round.
KTS: Mobile Weapon Team fails to retreat.
KTS: Mobile Weapon Team fails to react to Lucine Azul's CL0-V3 Glaive Stab,
 taking 2025 damage!
KTS: Lucine Azul has engaged Mobile Weapon Team!
<Pose Tracker> Roger Smith has posed.

The lead suit sweeps in, and Big O's fist rushes to meet it.


At the very last second, the enormous hand opens to a flat palm. The beam
 saber sinks in, and once again the piston slams closed - but the vast wall of
 black iron between that explosive force and the Jegan mean it's merely
 shattered, rather than obliterated, and its pilot free to eject safely into
 the sea.


"Something else that goes against my policies," Roger effuses, his tone full of
 amusement as Big O casually swats the tattered mobile suit aside, "is using
 violence against women."

Freed from his most immediate threat, both Roger Smith and the tremendous
 fortress he inhabits turn back towards Orb, considering how best to interpose
 on behalf of its citizens. He leans in to flick a few switches - the central
 terminal displaying Dorothy's impassive face, if with some degree of static -
 far enough away for Minovsky interference to be making things difficult, then.
  A few strands of hair are out of place, and she has a bemused expression.

"Is the evacuation going well, Dorothy?"

"I think so. I located two children and assisted them in reaching shelter. I
 also located this."

Quietly, Dorothy lifts a rather unnerved-looking black cat by the scruff of its
 neck into view of the screen. It meows plaintively at Roger.

"Look. It is black. It may stay in your home, correct?"

"Dorothy, that's absolutely not - That belongs to someone, surely - I am not
 adopting pets today, Dorothy!"

"The interference is growing worse. I'm afraid I can't understand you, Roger

<Pose Tracker> Juri Wu Nien has posed.

        Rena's gatling cannon opens up on the same Long Dagger, hoping to
 finish it off. And it looks like it just might-


        Another Long Dagger from the same team places itself in the path of the
 shots, taking a number of them across its main frame. It briefly crashes down
 to one knee, the first moving to assist, <"Why did you do that!? I would have
 managed!"> <"I just couldn't stand by and watch!"> <"Damnit... Jones, cover
 us!"> <"Right!">

        While the first Long Dagger assists the second, the third rolls up
 behind them and begins to unleash multiple shots from its shoulder cannon to
 try and ward Rena off.

        Ryoko and Hikaru try to flank the Long Dagger team, circling them with
 their missiles firing. But the team reacts quickly. Two use their thrusters to
 accelerate backwards and gain some distance on them. A number of the missiles
 still strike, blowing bits of armor off the machines, but not as bad as Ryoko
 and Hikaru might have hoped. The third attempts the same, but is struck by
 Lucine's glaive before it can really gain much distance.

        One of the pilots that retreated responds to Ryoko, <"SCREW YOU, BITCH!
 YOU'RE NOTHING BUT A FLY!"> Another, the one that failed to pull back
 interjects, <"Jesus, calm down!"> The third replies, <"Ignore him. We've got
 people to kill."> <"He's going to get US killed at this rate!"> The clearly
 unhinged one finishes, <"I will if you get in my way!"> It then raises its
 rifle, aiming towards the three Aestivalis machines and firing off a grenade
 from the attachment to try and catch all three of them. The one still up close
 is almost caught in the blast, managing to just escape its radius at the last
 moment, <"Watch it!"> Regardless, the other two follow suit, unleashing their
 own grenades at the three.

        Anita fires towards the close formation of three Long Daggers, but they
 move in sync, quickly splitting up. One of them still takes the shot across
 its shoulder, blowing its mounted cannon to the ground.

        The three then start, <"This is the time for heroes, not selfish
 warmongers!"> <"We will stand against those who have betrayed the ideals of
 the Federation!"> <"We will not let you monsters destroy our world!">


        The Long Dagger team unleashes a combined barrage from their missile
 launchers, which all blossom out before rushing towards Anita.

        The Ra Mari opens up on the Federation flagship with beam cannons. The
 pink beams rip out towards the water-based vessel. Such vessels are probably
 even slower than their air and space based counterparts. But they make up for
 it with heavier armoring. The beams rip into the flagship's armor. One of its
 weapon turrets are even destroyed in an explosion. But the ship itself remains

        Seeing the explosion out the window, Azrael panics a little, "What the
 hell are you people doing!? Take them down!" Several warships turn their
 cannons towards the Ra Mari, beginning to fire a barrage of shells at it. Yet
 more do the same for the Nadesico, the shells raining down towards the Nergal
 vessel and-as anticipated by the perceptable Minato-threatening to land amidst
 the city's buildings.

        That said, the city is not faring well to the battle anyway. The Long
 Dagger teams, while being engaged by the defenders, are slowly pushing their
 way forward. Stray shots (usually from the Daggers) are hitting buildings,
 causing debris to fall to the ground. The Orb military's ground forces
 continue trying to evacuate what still remains of those civilians left behind.
 But the battle is quickly drawing close to their evacuation routes.

KTS: Mobile Weapon Team targets Rena Lancaster with 115mm Cannon Shot!
KTS: Mobile Weapon Team targets Ryoko Subaru with M703 Beam Rifle Grenade!
KTS: Mobile Weapon Team targets Hikaru Amano with M703 Beam Rifle Grenade!
KTS: Mobile Weapon Team targets Lucine Azul with M703 Beam Rifle Grenade!
KTS: Mobile Weapon Team targets Anita Rosetta with 8-Tube Missile Launcher!
KTS: Mobile Weapon Team targets Eight York with 115mm Cannon Barrage!
KTS: Mobile Weapon Team targets Ruri Hoshino with 115mm Cannon Barrage!
KTS: Mobile Weapon Team has completed their actions for the round.
KTS: Rena Lancaster has activated the Alert Spirit Command.
KTS: Eight York blocks Mobile Weapon Team's 115mm Cannon Barrage, taking 6380
KTS: Rena Lancaster has activated the Alert Spirit Command.
KTS: Hikaru Amano successfully intercepts Mobile Weapon Team's M703 Beam Rifle
KTS: Rena Lancaster's EN Barrier activates, negating 500 base damage.
KTS: Rena Lancaster fails to evade Mobile Weapon Team's 115mm Cannon Shot,
 taking 5060 damage!
KTS: Anita Rosetta has activated the Focus Spirit Command.
KTS: Anita Rosetta's EN Barrier activates, negating 500 base damage.
KTS: Anita Rosetta blocks Mobile Weapon Team's 8-Tube Missile Launcher, taking
 4680 damage!
KTS: Ryoko Subaru partially guards Mobile Weapon Team's M703 Beam Rifle
 Grenade, taking 2800 damage!
KTS: Ruri Hoshino's EN Barrier activates, negating 1000 base damage.
KTS: Ruri Hoshino fails to react to Mobile Weapon Team's 115mm Cannon Barrage,
 taking 5760 damage!
<Pose Tracker> Ryoko Subaru has posed.

The data enters into the machine from Ruri's data stream, and thanks to her
 Cybernetics, Ryoko is instantly aware of it, everything sharpening with the
 instantaneous understanding of the situation granted by the data.

"Now that's more like it Ruri! Good job!"

Hikaru though answers someone on who she is, and Ryoko's face appears inside
 her cockpit, "Hikaru this isn't some SPEED DATING circuit! She doesn't need
 to know all that!"

... She's not really MAD, it's more she's worried for some reason...

They really made them mad? "Well yeah! Obviously!" There's something off about
 it. This isn't just... Blue Cosmos weirdos, but she's not sure WHAT.

Round 2 comes in Hikaru's missiles, and while they manage to avoid the worst of
 it, "I didn't hear no bell! Don't let up Hikaru!"

Did she just mix metaphors from a Circus to Boxing because Hikaru talked about
 Rounds? Don't worry about it.

"Watch yourself! You leave yourself wide open whenever you do that!" Ryoko
 calls out as Lucine tells her she's about to do her Dragoon attack.

The unhinged one yells at her, calls her a bitch, "<Ha! I'm the fly? Look
 who's about to get swatted!>"

The beam rifle grenade flies at her, and suddenly she's caught in it vanishing
 in a cloud of smoke, before her Aestie flies out, shield flickering, scorch
 marks all along the frame.

Then she dives at the Unhinged one, the Knife flickering out like a
 Switchblade, as she tries to move inside of its Guard.

The Knife is stab, stab, stabbed right towards the cockpit, with flickering
 thrusts, the IFS system translating muscle memory to deadly lightning fast

When she's finished, there's a roundhouse kick that's aimed to knock their Long
 Dagger away, "What is the DEAL with these guys!?" She asks Lucine and Hikaru,
 astounded by the STRANGENESS of the radio banter. "This is getting creepy!"

KTS: Ryoko Subaru targets Mobile Weapon Team with Rather Immediate Knife!
KTS: Ryoko Subaru has completed their actions for the round.
KTS: Lucine Azul retreats from the attack!
KTS: Lucine Azul successfully evades Mobile Weapon Team's M703 Beam Rifle
<Pose Tracker> Mitsuba Greyvalley has posed.

In the course of roughly a minute, the Megadeus has left two Jegans utterly
 destroyed; the pilot of the third decides they can do much, much better than
 crashing against that massive, dark wall.

They open comms to the flagship... or attempt to. Unfortunately, they were
 ordered cut off from the battle group earlier, despite Mitsuba leaving them to
 help the battle group.

Being utterly alone on a battlefield of this scale is a pretty miserable
 experience. After a few moments' thought, they mutter, "Not worth it," and
 elect to also eject, leaving yet another cockpit floating on the Orbish

KTS: Mitsuba Greyvalley's RGM-89De Jegan ECOAS Type has been disabled.
<Pose Tracker> Riika Sheder has posed.

Riika realizes that Naoko has the same idea she does and makes sure the data
 goes to her, too. It's more effective if they can work in a group instead of
 at cross-purposes or duplicating effort. She types at a nearly inhuman rate,
 the beneficiary of Coordinator talent and practiced skill. "Thanks," she
 mouths, quietly.

"Got their boost characteristics," Riika says, after watching them jump and
 boost and fire thrusters. Does she have them down perfectly, or all their
 secrets? Absolutely not; but she has a basic performance profile and that will
 have to do for now.

She finally takes in the rest of the battle, broadening her view. It's a bad
 one; Riika is less experienced at fighting in and around cities - she's never
 had to defend one that isn't in a colony - but it looks to her like they're
 making their way in.

"Is there anything else we can do with the evacuation?" The Nadeisco is using
 its barrier systems as cover, but that only works so well. But the Ra Mari's
 just one ship... "Some of the attackers are... really aggressive." That's an

KTS: Gary Biaggi fails to react to Rita Bernal's Pass, taking 0 damage!
KTS: Mobile Weapon Team fails to parry Ryoko Subaru's Rather Immediate Knife,
 taking 5830 damage!
KTS: [Dynamic Hit] Ryoko Subaru's In the End All I Do Is... activates, causing
 Insight L1!
KTS: Ryoko Subaru has engaged Mobile Weapon Team!
KTS: Ryoko Subaru completes the Formation attack!

<Pose Tracker> Gary Biaggi has posed.

        The ENACT recoils back in the air as the knee impacts, flipping back
 and righting itself prepared for a counter attack. That is how these fights
 seem to go, attack, counterattack, counter-counterattack, etc etc until
 someone goes boom. Their was suppose to be a counter attack, there wasn't and
 there wasn't a mobile suit shattering kaboom. So there is confusion instead.

         Gary watches the Phenex hesitating for a moment as it seems to just be
 waiting for him. This causes him to think back to his earlier years and how
 when he was working with new recruits he would wait for them to charge before
 he would move and disarm them before attacking with their own weapon. Oddly in
 a brief moment he can't help but wonder whatever happen to Soran, such a good

        Still Gary can't hesitate forever and attempts banter again while his
 blade rifle switches to it's rifle form, <"Hey golden one, I think you forgot
 this is a battle field. He who hesitate on it is a casualty."> The ENACT
 raises it's rifle and begins to fire at the Phenex, taking the time to aim the
 shot since his opponent appears confused.
Eight York (Eight) has paged Juri Wu Nien with, 'so!!'

KTS: Gary Biaggi targets Rita Bernal with Blade Rifle - Sighted Shot!
KTS: Gary Biaggi has completed their actions for the round.
Eight York (Eight) has paged Juri Wu Nien with, 'i had a Backup Plan I was
 holding in reserve'
Eight York (Eight) has paged Juri Wu Nien with, 'and I think this might be the
 time to deploy it'
KTS: [Mirage] Rita Bernal's Ars Goetia activates, and she slips into a mirage.
KTS: Rita Bernal fails to evade Gary Biaggi's Blade Rifle - Sighted Shot,
 taking 0 damage!
Eight York (Eight) has paged Juri Wu Nien with, 'I'd been hinting in my poses
 that it was on the way but I think that might be the best thing to do with it'
Eight York (Eight) has paged Juri Wu Nien with, 'since obviously I can't
 redeploy for a /fight/ with it, it's narrative'
<Pose Tracker> Anita Rosetta has posed.

It seems like some of the Nadesico pilots remember her! Anita grins.

"Oh, hey, it's you. Yup, that's me. Glad you remember me." Anita replies. "Nice
 workin' with you again!"

Her attention is quickly forced back to the fight, however, as her opponents
 start to speak. They unleash a barrage of missiles. At this range, there's far
 too many for her to intercept. She braces herself, repeated explosions wash
 across her Variable Fighter. Anita grits her teeth - it's intense, but she
 manages to hang in there.

"...Bravo. I bet you rehearsed that, huh? Feelin' all heroic... invading a
 neutral nation without warning makes you feel like a big hero, huh?" Anita
 replies. "You wanna talk about selfish warmongers and betrayals of the
 Federation's ideal, you gotta look no further than the guy pulling your
 strings, practically reading right out of the Titans' playbook."

She accelerates, then. As she flies her machine, currently GERWALK, transforms
 into Battroid mode with her combat knife drawn. The Pinpoint Barrier System
 flows around the knife as she looks to jab it right into the Long Daggers -
 and then, she tries to grapple the machine, to force it around so that it
 looks directly at the chaos going on in Orb.

"Look at it! Look at what you're enabling! You wanna see a monster, you just
 gotta look in a mirror." She says.
Anita Rosetta transforms to VF-25 Messiah Rosetta <Battroid Mode>

KTS: Anita Rosetta has changed loadout.
KTS: Anita Rosetta has activated the Alert Spirit Command.
KTS: Anita Rosetta targets Mobile Weapon Team with Pinpoint Barrier Knife
KTS: Anita Rosetta has completed their actions for the round.
KTS: Mobile Weapon Team fails to react to Anita Rosetta's Pinpoint Barrier
 Knife Thrust, taking 5100 damage!
KTS: Anita Rosetta has engaged Mobile Weapon Team!

<Pose Tracker> Rena Lancaster has posed.

"There's something wrong with them, Annie," Rena says. "They've been... I don't
 want to say enhanced. But the way they feel! It's... it's..."

It's hard for a Newtype to put into words.

"You, too," Rena answers Hikaru -- and she nods. "We'll--we'll get to hear all
 about it after we get through this!" She smiles for a second -- then raises an
 eyebrow. Wait, Anita was in a movie? How--how did she miss this!?


Her eyes widen as she sees a Long Dagger fly in front of her shots -- the
 gatling tearing into that Mobile Suit instead -- and her blood runs cold for a
 moment. Then, she feels a prickle at the back of her mind -- and Gaia Gear
 Alpha turns in a blur, at the last moment.

The first cannon shot smashes into the right shoulder, causing a fiery
 explosion to erupt. The second hits the left hip, but this one is pushed back
 by a flash of energy as the Minovksy Barrier flashes to life.

She pauses, as Naoko's voice rings in her ears. She sees the 'little' something
 -- a rush of data, providing so much information out for her. For some, it
 might be overwhelming; Rena, though, is a Coordinator. She knows that now; she
 isn't quite proud of it, yet, but she knows why she can do this.

She can put this together. Her mind rushes to assemble the data, make sense of
 it, and then understand. It's telling her where to strike. "I read you, erm,
 Miss... Stellar?" Is that her real name? "I've got a lock on them--"

The Gaia Gear Alpha surges with green light. Motes of green light explode from
 it as the psychoframe comes to life, trailing after the Gaia Gear Alpha as the
 white Mobile Suit banks around to come closer to the Messiah Rosetta. On its
 back, though, there's a burst of a dozen vapor trails.

"Funnels," Rena shouts, "GO!"

They explode outward, twisting and turning each way. Twelve of them soar out
 amidst the team of Long Daggers facing her and Anita -- and zip in and away.
 Beams of energy fire and slash, trying to take off an arm here, a leg there
 -- and into the very weak spots that Naoko found.

"Do you think the Federation is just people who look like you?" she asks. "I'm
 from the colonies! I'm a Coordinator! It's supposed to represent all of us...
 not just your ideal!"

KTS: Rena Lancaster has activated the Strike Spirit Command.
KTS: Rena Lancaster has activated the Strike Spirit Command.
KTS: Rena Lancaster targets Mobile Weapon Team with All-Range Attack!
KTS: Rena Lancaster has completed their actions for the round.
<Pose Tracker> Ruri Hoshino has posed.

        "We're counting on you!" Megumi chirps, to Tempo, in turn.

        "The Ra Mari is firing hyper mega-particle cannons," Ruri says, still
 quite stoic.

        "Wow... damage like that... I'm surprised the Ra Mari can handle it,"
 Minato blinks, hands on her helm. "Isn't it still a Clop-class...?"

        Ruri glances aside, to her, and says: "Mr. Orlodhari is very good." As
 if that explains everything.

        The cannon barrage of the fleet barrages the Nadesico -- which still
 refuses to move from its defensive position in front of the city. "Those
 attacks won't be enough to make us withdraw," Ruri assures them, even as the
 ship is rocked in the sky. "The Distortion Field is holding."

        She feels the preparations. She says, as if it's Ruri who decided on
 it: "Now calculating Gravity Blast trajectory."

        Minato yipes, and straightens up, a little, to report: "Manuevering!"
 They want to shoot over the ocean, not into one of their islands.

        "It might be a lot to ask, but I'm counting on you, Omoikane," Ruri
 asks, and asks more than she seems to, as she presses her hands to the
 console. "Firing Gravity Blast."

        (It was Omoikane who wished to fire. Ruri is scared, for him.)

        The great prongs at the front of the Nadesico part, not unlike the
 pincers of a beetle, or jaws which open on entirely the wrong hinge. The
 gravitational energy of Nergal's flagship gathers, and erupts, pouring out
 over the Federation fleet.

        If there is one saving grace, for them -- it is that the Nadesico is in
 atmosphere, and cannot use its vacuum-powered engines to their full potential.

        (And here, in atmosphere, it's not something they can do again so

        She takes a moment, to breathe. It takes a moment, for her to address
 the Phenex, again, and the machine -- again, the machine, not Rita -- has a
 clear picture of her mental state, as she's speaking.

        Her face is stoic. Her voice is unmoved.

        Beneath it, Ruri is a child -- only thirteen years old. She is afraid,
 and she is tense, and she is anxious, harrowed and horrified. It is only the
 nanomachines through her body which keep her so focused, so unflinching.

        Her friends are fighting people who want to kill them, and they're
 fighting them so they don't reach innocent civilians.

        They are at war. They are at war!

        My name is Ruri Hoshino, she 'says,' to the Phenex, coloured by those
 emotions. (They are not words. We will translate, for elegance.) I'm someone
 who can reach the hearts of machines... like how 'Newtypes' reach the hearts
 of humans. I guess that makes me a technopath, instead. I hope I didn't
 frighten you. (She is thoughtful, despite the horrors, and very, very brave.
 And Ruri, too, is a creature of loneliness.)

        Ruri's electronic missive goes on: Mr. Biaggi helped teach me it was
 okay to ask for help, when I was having a hard time. He taught me how to fly a
 plane myself... he's always been kind to me. Well, I guess it's true he's
 still a soldier, and the Federation isn't really very nice... but he's always
 helped me.

        But I don't think you're a bad person, either, Ruri 'says'. If you
 route your engine output through the second cycler via the aft port, you
 should get a little more power to defend yourself. I think you'll need that,
 since Mr. Biaggi is still a soldier.

        A light pause: Sorry. I wasn't trying to pry. But it's difficult for me
 not to notice.

KTS: Ruri Hoshino targets Mobile Weapon Team with Gravity Blast - Atmospheric!
KTS: Ruri Hoshino has completed their actions for the round.
KTS: Ruri Hoshino has activated the Resupply Spirit Command targeting Rita
<Pose Tracker> Hikaru Amano has posed.

"Sorry, sorry! Force of habit- I'll try to be more careful." Hikaru reassures
 Ryoko... still, there's nothing about Rena that seems untrustworthy. The Ra
 Mari crew's always had the Nadesico's back, and this only goes to show it.

The missile circus doesn't quite go as planned, with a large amount of Hikaru's
 not quite meeting their target. It's more Ryoko's harsh leadership and loud
 yelling that's the shock to her system than the actual miss... let alone the
 pilots' silly speech about selfish warmongers. Hikaru wouldn't have it any
 other way. And if Izumi were deployed, she'd definitely throw in a morbid pun
 about funeral bells..

The Long Dagger squad prepares to fire off a grenade towards the Aestie
 squadron and Lucine, but Ruri's targeting data comes in handy just at the
 right time. "Thank you, Ruri-chan! Rapid Rifle, shoot 'em down!" And taking in
 the field data as if it was an extension of her own mind thanks to the IFS
 system, Hikaru deftly shoots down the incoming grenade.

Lucine warns the two that she's going to prepare to use the Dragoon system.
 "Okie dokie! Covering fire for you!" And as Ryoko's immediate knife strikes
 true, Hikaru stands between her two wingmates, firing a round with the rapid
 rifle. "Buzz off!" That fly metaphor is doing wonders today...

KTS: Hikaru Amano targets Mobile Weapon Team with Rapid Rifle: Team Formation!!
KTS: Hikaru Amano has completed their actions for the round.
KTS: Hikaru Amano has activated the Enable Spirit Command targeting Lucine Azul
<Pose Tracker> Naoko Suzuki has posed.

"Nova's fine!" the voice on the other end of Rena's line quickly corrects.
 "Don't worry about it, go get 'em!" Though she may not have given that
 impression, she knows that it's possible to overdo things. She should give the
 pilot a moment to act upon that information before she does anything else.

Meanwhile, on the Ra Mari bridge, Naoko returns Riika's nod with a v-sign. And
 then Eight compliments her. That is just what Naoko needs, encouragement.
 She grins widely in response. "But of course! If you have the ability to do
 something, you should do it! And when I agree to do something, no matter what
 it is, I always give it 100 percent! Miracles won't happen unless you work for

With that, she grabs the end of her stick of candy and bites down with a
 satisfying crunch, popping the rest of it in her mouth whole. As soon as she's
 done chewing, another stick replaces it. She seems so flippant about all this,
 like she doesn't have a care in the world. Patently untrue, as Eight has
 already seen. And yet, once she has something to occupy herself with... she
 manages, somehow. If there is such a thing as going with the flow too much,
 she's never heard of it.

Things change, following the next barrage, heavy enough to cause Naoko to
 topple over, unused as she is to keeping her balance under these sorts of
 conditions. Suddenly, it hits her that... this is actually really dangerous,
 isn't it? What if the ship goes down? Would there be any way to get off safely?

In light of this, someone else decides to speak up. Despite the fact that Eight
 and any other psychicly sensitive individuals that may be on the Ra Mari
 bridge can hear this voice that 'normal' people cannot.

>"That's enough, Nova! You gotta get to the hangar, take the Sukeban and get
 out while you still can."<

The young boy's voice is summarily argued against by a young girl's voice.

>"Uriel! You can't be serious! All these people...!"<

>"...have nothing to do with us. You know I'm right."<

As the other voice in Naoko's head devolves into distressed 'mumu' noises,
 Naoko picks herself up, expression blank as she looks to Eight. Then, she
 slowly shakes her head, and takes her former position at the monitoring
 station. "...I'm not running away," is all she says on the matter. "Not this

<Pose Tracker> Lucine Azul has posed.

        < "But Ryoko--" > Lucine stops herself, realizing her reasoning would
 be her dancing around the fact that all she has is 'it will be awesome'. She
 sighs audibly. < "...... Alright." >

        This is a baby step, for Lucine. Working well with others isn't just in
 being generally cooperative and quiet on foot; it has to carry into the skies
 as well.

        Besides, something does seem very off about these pilots, in a way
 Lucine can't quite put her finger on. < "..... Their reactions are far more
 advanced than a regular pilot's, but I doubt the Federation would be using
 Coordinators here..." > What would keep up with a Coordinator?

        Her mind flashes to how Liam had piloted the same units, often with the
 same degree of efficiency. Her eyes widen. < ".... They're.... Boosted..." >

        On top of that, they're also drawing painfully close to the civilian
 evacuation routes.

        Reactively, Lucine opens the channels, trying to transmit a message
 over to the group of pilots. < "..... We're nearing the civilian evacuation
 routes!! Don't involve them in this! Do you think they'd need soldiers who
 have been Boosted if they have gotten ahold of Coordinators they can just
 splice up?!" > Her mind flashes to yesterday, and the way Alto's Messiah
 hovered in mid-air, his opponent's unit speared on his blade. The five
 petal'ed 'cape' on the Dianthus's back sprung outwards, projecting a barrier
 of noise. < "If you go any further, I will use lethal force!! So this is your
 warning; turn back!!" > .... As if she if she wasn't, before. But now, for
 some reason, she feels like she has to warn these people who showed no
 previous remorse in following orders.

KTS: Lucine Azul targets Mobile Weapon Team with Lunate Crown v.2 Scream!
KTS: Lucine Azul has completed their actions for the round.
KTS: Lucine Azul targets Mobile Weapon Team with Lunate Crown v.2 Howl!
KTS: Lucine Azul has completed their actions for the round.
<Pose Tracker> Eight York has posed.

It's a bad battle, all right. Eight sets her jaw when Riika asks the question.
  "...Not much," she admits. "We risk destroying more of the city if we use
 our weapons systems down there to hit the Long Daggers. ...But there is one
 thing. There's one thing we can do, if Lavhi comes through."

She looks to Riika--"The secret project."

But Eight is monitoring the pilots' transmissions, too, and she frowns. These

"They're 'enhanced'," she murmurs. She shakes her head.

But the Ra Mari suffers another strong hit from far too many warships at once;
 their guns slam into the Ra Mari's hull, and while the beam shields can blunt
 the impact, it's not looking good for the old Clop. But they're not out yet.

Naoko topples, and Eight calls, "Nova--You all right?" But then there's the
 voices. Licia Chovan, at the helm, blinks. "Who is--"

"..." Eight would not blame Naoko for leaving. But... "...All right," she
 says to Naoko. "Then rely on us. We'll keep you safe. The ship can take a
 lot more punishment than that."

Tempo keeps an eye on the sensors and says to Riika and Eight, "I'm picking

IFF from all sides abrubtly indicates an additional target, charging down
 through atmosphere from above. A ship once here to attack Earth is now here
 for something altogether different; the Zentradi Monitor, a small warship for
 those people, barrels through the sky down towards the city, and when it gets
 close, shuttles swarm out from it to start landing at evacuation zones.

"People of Orb!" comes a deep, powerful voice, as Lavnadim Orlodhari appears on
 screens. "This is Orlodhari of the Ra Mari II'!! Any who wish to come to
 safety, we have a safe place for all refugees!"

"He made it!" Eight cheers on the bridge, and then over the radio, "Orb forces.
  The Ra Mari II is an allied ship. We'll keep you safe if you take refuge

Eight narrows her eyes. "But first..."

"Engage the Hyper Beam system, Kazama. Target the flagship again. ...We're
 done with warnings."

"On it, Captain," she replies, and taps away at her console. "System power...

"Licia--prepare to get us out of here. We can't do much more other than get
 out of range of their guns if this doesn't work. But we can cover the Orb
 types while we do."


"3... 2... 1. FIRE!"

Lights all over the Ra Mari burst into blazing brilliance, as beams suddenly
 slam down towards the ship, the entire system of the Ra Mari's guns launch8ing
 down towards the ship.

Meanwhile, the great red form of the Ra Mari II hovers over the city,
 turning its great front towards the Federation fleet. In case.

KTS: Eight York has activated the Spirit Spirit Command.
KTS: Eight York targets Mobile Weapon Team with Twin-Barrel Hyper Mega-Particle
 Cannons - Focused Assult!
KTS: Eight York has completed their actions for the round.
<Pose Tracker> Roger Smith has posed.

That massive red ship descends. Lumbering, yet strangely careful, the Big O
 roams beneath it - interposing between the Federation suits and those
 descending shuttles wherever it can.

It seems to have lost interest in striking out - but between the behemoth
 above, and the young woman dashing through the streets (at a more sedate speed
 now, with a young black cat softly bundled against her dress) - it should be
 more difficult for violence to spill beyond the boundary and find vulnerable

After all, the terms of his agreement asked Roger Smith to protect the people
 of Orb - the nation's future, according to the famous Lion.

<Pose Tracker> Rita Bernal has posed.

With the Phenex so distracted, her beloved has to take over protecting them
 both. Gary's taunts echo in her spiritual awareness, earning a extra wave of
 anger. There's no surprise -- she was trained in such harsh circumstances as
 these. She knows what career soldiers are capable of, how dull their hearts
 can grow.

So as Gary lines up his rifle and fires at the golden Gundam, she doesn't move.
 Instead... Her beloved reaches out, grasping the edges of the resonant plane
 in her fingers. With a hard tug, she pulls it into the world of the living, as
 though she was throwing a blanket over the Phenex. A childish gesture, really,
 but a very effective one. Gary's shot passes through, as though the Phenex was
 simply a projected image.

Ruri. Ruri. Ruri.

Said thrice. She is the third sister. If she was a person, the Phenex would
 be rolling her name around her mouth, exploring the way it feels. Perhaps
 there is an electronic equivalent.

You are a singular woman, then. The Federation is cruel. You must be very
 careful with them, and all their many arms. My beloved has seen what they will
 do, to keep their control.

There is another flurry of psychic activity within the Phenex, a back-and-forth
 conversation happening like lightning in the clouds.

I am not a person. So I don't think I can be a bad one. My beloved is so angry.
 And this Gary has hurt me. It's very difficult for her to repair me. We will
 stop him, but we will not hurt him this time. I promise.

As time passes, the light of another world slowly fades. It cannot last long in
 this dimension without someone holding it fast, and the Phenex's beloved is
 already pulled in so many directions. She calls to her partner, and the Phenex
 answers. Activating herself as Ruri suggested, the Phenex seems to glow just a
 little brighter, float just a little easier. It is a relief, to her beloved.

I'm glad he was kind to you. Still. Beware, beware. I like you. I don't want
 you to be hurt. I'm glad you can fly, now. Would you like to fly together
 someday? For now, we must fight. Thank you for the tip. I would like to talk
 to you again. My name is RX-0 Unicorn Gundam 03 Phenex. My beloved calls me
 'Phenex'. You may also call me that, if you want to.

As the Phenex turns her attention back to the man before her, she seems to
 realize Gary has fired upon her. Anger, entwining with her beloved's, radiates
 forth, a weapon in its own right. Both shields are raised. She promised not to
 harm Gary, but she will not allow harm to come to herself, either.

Wings spread wide. Both shields soar forward, luminous with mystical fire. They
 swirl around Gary's Enact. One strikes an arm, harsh with concussive force.
 The other, a leg. They orbit him, faster, faster, dizzying. Another two
 strikes: chest and back. Swirl, swirl. Head and feet. Both arms. Both legs.
 Again, and again, and again. It is a feat of psychic power, to control such
 massive objects with such grace and strength.

KTS: Rita Bernal targets Gary Biaggi with Eye of the Wind!
KTS: Rita Bernal has completed their actions for the round.
<Pose Tracker> Riika Sheder has posed.

Where is she keeping all that candy, Riika thinks, completely irrelevantly.
 Naoko slips, but she's helped back up, rising; Riika stays at her seat.

"...I could deploy." Part of Riika wants to; another part of her realizes it
 would be foolish to do so, as she's never piloted the majority of the
 Federation mobile suits *and* if she's actually identified it would case
 problems. But the problems wouldn't be attacks against civilians, so she can
 probably accept them.

But the Ra Mari II is by far the better option, and it when it shows up, Riika
 wants to cheer. A weight lifts from her chest. The people of Orb won't die
 over this stupid war; with a ship like that here, at least most of them should
 be able to escape. It's not like it won't have enough room, at least for a
 short trip where they can refresh their air as often as they need to.

What Riika actually does is squeeze her hand into a fist, pumping it once as
 she grins, turning back to her console. She joins in with what amounts to air
 traffic control for the shuttles; the more organized the better, and she
 doesn't know how well-crewed the Ra Mari II is yet to handle it.

"Go, go! I'll do what I can - Nova, can you keep on the tactics for now
 instead?" If only she could assign escorts!

KTS: Riika Sheder has activated the Prospect Spirit Command targeting Eight York
KTS: Mobile Weapon Team blocks Rena Lancaster's All-Range Attack, taking 4550
KTS: Mobile Weapon Team successfully Evades Hikaru Amano's Rapid Rifle: Team
KTS: Gary Biaggi successfully evades Rita Bernal's Eye of the Wind
KTS: Rita Bernal roots her unit, coming to a standstill and leaving her
KTS: Lucine Azul rattles Mobile Weapon Team, making his next maneuvers more
KTS: Mobile Weapon Team blocks Lucine Azul's Lunate Crown v.2 Howl, taking 2250
KTS: Mobile Weapon Team blocks Ruri Hoshino's Gravity Blast - Atmospheric,
 taking 3849 damage!
KTS: Ruri Hoshino roots her unit, coming to a standstill and leaving her

<Pose Tracker> Gary Biaggi has posed.

        The shot passes through the gundam without causing any damage and Gary,
 Gary is perplexed. He squints at the screen for the moment and then checks
 the sensors and is just shy of sticking his head out the door and looking for
 himself. Truthfully if this wasn't combat he would toss a rock at it, it's
 like it suddenly became one of those damn holograms they use in the arcade.
 The real confusion would be if he could hear the conversation being had about
 him, but all he can do is sneeze and continue to check the sensors.

         It is the sensors that give him enough notice, that tell him the
 shields are approaching , and had he seen it on camera instead he might have
 doubted it. The ENACT begins to move, as if dancing with the shields until an
 opening is given and the ENACT slips through the shields attack before
 charging forward and raising the sword and slashes hard at the Phenex and
 once again trying to force this into a close range fight.

KTS: Gary Biaggi targets Rita Bernal with Blade Rifle - Engaging strike!
KTS: Gary Biaggi has completed their actions for the round.
KTS: Mobile Weapon Team blocks Eight York's Twin-Barrel Hyper Mega-Particle
 Cannons - Focused Assult, taking 7320 damage!
KTS: Rita Bernal has activated the Trust Spirit Command.
KTS: Eight York has activated the Trust Spirit Command targeting Rita Bernal
KTS: Rita Bernal blocks Gary Biaggi's Blade Rifle - Engaging strike, taking
 3825 damage!
KTS: Gary Biaggi has engaged Rita Bernal!
<Pose Tracker> Juri Wu Nien has posed.

        Stab stab stab.

        <"AHAHAHAHAHAKEHGLAHBLEH-ksssssssht..."> The Long Dagger's cockpit is
 repeatedly penetrated by Ryoko's knife after it fails to ward the smaller
 machine off with its beam saber. The resulting sounds over the radio are...
 Disturbing. But eventually they go silent, the Long Dagger collapsing to the

        The other two on the team pause for a moment at the sight. Then, <"Oh
 thank god. That guy was getting on my nerves."> <"Focus!"> Hikaru provides
 covering fire for her teammates, but the two Long Daggers seem to have good
 reactions, further proving Lucine's (and several other people's) theories
 about them. They dodge out of the way, before moving to charge in with rifles

        That is until Lucine's barrier spreads and catch the two Long Daggers.
 They pause, seemingly to struggle against it. It takes them a few extra
 moments, but they bring their beam rifles to bear against the three and start
 firing multiple shots that not only threaten the Aestivalis units but also the
 surrounding buildings, including some with nearby evacuation routes.

        Anita charges in towards the trio of Daggers, knife drawn. She lunges
 towards one of them. The knife plunges into the machine's torso, <"Gaaaack!">
 As it is grabbed by her, it's unclear whether its pilot actually sees what she
 is trying to show him. For once she finally lets go, it falls down onto its

        The other two cry out in despair, <"Nooooo!"> <"Jooooooooe!"> The two
 charge towards Anita, drawing their beam sabers in unison, <"Justice will
 prevail!"> <"Heroes never die!"> They both unleash a combo of strikes against

        Meanwhile the third that got stabbed goes, <"Uhhh, guys? I'm not
 actually dead...">

        The battle continues to drag on. And Azrael is getting impatient,
 "What's taking so long!? Why haven't they surrendered yet?"

        The fleet commander responds, "They have a strong fighting spirit, sir."

        Azrael huffs, "Then we'll just have to break it." He looks at the map
 of the island on display in the bridge... And smirks.

        "Have the Long Dagger team closest to the National Assembly Building
 destroy it."

        The Long Dagger that took Rena's last attack stands again with
 assistance from the other, <"Thanks."> It looks damaged, but not down for the
 count just yet it seems. New orders then flash up on the team's screens. The
 apparent team leader says, <"Cover me.">

        The three Long Daggers form up and begin to burst down the city streets
 on their thrusters. The partially damaged one takes up its shield to try and
 provide cover against the funnel attack. The third Long Dagger uses its beam
 rifles to take pot shots at the remotes, warding them off from getting ideal
 targeting angles. And occasionally firing a shot off at Rena directly.

        The lead Dagger has its attention focused elsewhere, though keeps
 enough on Rena to respond, <"We all have our reasons for fighting... For
 subjecting ourselves to the hell of war... Do not doubt our resolve!"> The
 Long Dagger comes to a stop, aiming its missiles and firing.

        But not at Rena.

        The missiles arc through the air, coming down on the capital's National
 Assembly Building. The center of Orb's governmental structure. The building
 had long been evacuated thanks to a heeded warning from days ago. But it's a
 symbol of the nation, one of Orb's oldest structures. And it goes up in a
 shower of fire, dust and debris.

        The Nadesico's gravitic cannon unleashes a torrent of energy. Not at
 full power, but still a significant threat to the Federation fleet! The beam
 heads straight towards the fleet's center, ripping apart Federation mobile
 weapons and warships alike.

        On the bridge of the flagship, the incredible light out the window is
 easily visible. Azrael's eyes go wide as he stands! Everything goes white...

        ... The Nadesico's blast fades and... The flagship is still there!
 Practically unharmed. Though several of the surrounding ships are now sinking
 to the ocean floor...

        ... And standing on the tip of the flagship's bow is a Gundam!

        The Ra Mari joins in with the attempt to sink the Federation's
 flagship, its bright beams of light rushing towards it.

        The Gundam's pilot simply hmphs, "Easy." The large green backpack its
 wearing moves, two large shields attached on arms moving around to its front.
 A field then projects out from those shields...

        The Ra Mari's beams arc away from the flagship, instead blasting to the
 sides and slicing through a couple of the other vessels.

        Azrael falls back into his seat, breathing a sight of relief. He's so
 glad he managed to bring that one along. Now they just need to-

        -Azrael watches as another, much larger, vessel comes to a stop above
 the city, "What the hell is that!?"

        The fleet commander replies, "Unclear, sir. But it appears to be
 helping with the evacuation."

        Sure enough, the timely arrival of the Ra Mari II is proving to be a
 life saver. Many people are being shuttled up and onto the vessel. It won't be
 long now until the evacuation is completed, well ahead of schedule too!

        Azrael grits hits teetch at the sight of the looming Zentradi vessel,
 "Whatever! Just take care of those damn ships!" The Federation warships turn
 their weapons on the Nadesico and Ra Mari again, this time unleashing energy
 beams of their own in response.

KTS: Mobile Weapon Team targets Anita Rosetta with ES01 Beam Saber Combo!
KTS: Mobile Weapon Team targets Rena Lancaster with M703 Beam Rifle Beam Shot!
KTS: Mobile Weapon Team targets Ryoko Subaru with M703 Beam Rifle Rapid Beams!
KTS: Mobile Weapon Team targets Lucine Azul with M703 Beam Rifle Rapid Beams!
KTS: Mobile Weapon Team targets Hikaru Amano with M703 Beam Rifle Rapid Beams!
KTS: Mobile Weapon Team targets Ruri Hoshino with M703 Beam Rifle Sighted Shot!
KTS: Mobile Weapon Team targets Eight York with M703 Beam Rifle Sighted Shot!
KTS: Mobile Weapon Team has completed their actions for the round.
KTS: Ryoko Subaru has activated the Wall Spirit Command.
KTS: Ryoko Subaru blocks Mobile Weapon Team's M703 Beam Rifle Rapid Beams,
 taking 4620 damage!
KTS: Eight York blocks Mobile Weapon Team's M703 Beam Rifle Sighted Shot,
 taking 5640 damage!
KTS: Eight York has been defeated!
KTS: Hikaru Amano has activated the Alert Spirit Command.
KTS: Anita Rosetta has activated the Focus Spirit Command.
KTS: Anita Rosetta has activated the Focus Spirit Command.
KTS: [Lucky] Anita Rosetta's Serious Mode activates, and luck goes her way!
KTS: Anita Rosetta successfully blocks Mobile Weapon Team's ES01 Beam Saber
KTS: Hikaru Amano successfully Evades Mobile Weapon Team's M703 Beam Rifle
 Rapid Beams
<Pose Tracker> Ryoko Subaru has posed.

Ryoko knows about Hikaru's inclinations. In truth, she likes them - her
 optimism, her cheer - even if they drove her up the wall when she first met
 her, she grew on her.

She's just always so bad at communicating her feelings. In this case it's just

The guy dies, the sounds are disturbing. She tries not to think about it. In
 the end all she does is kill people.

It's fine. That's normal.

"Good! Give her the cover she-" Ryoko starts to Hikaru. Lucine complains and
 Ryoko face appears in Lucine's cockpit, "But NOTHING! I didn't say don't use
 it! I told you to BE CAREFUL!"

Ryoko though sounds alarmed as the suits approach the civilian evacuation
 route, "What'd you say!?" She thinks of that father and her daughter, and
 suddenly she grows intense.

"Don't worry. They won't get ONE STEP FURTHER!"

The beams from the twin Long Daggers weaving about leave her no exit, and so
 she raises her Distortion field and tries to ride it out. It's not a pleasant

In the aftermath Ryoko's distortion field still glows brightly across the
 tortured frame of the Aestie underneath, picking up more and more energy from
 the Nadesico by it's Gravity Wave Antenna. Flying upwards in a spiral, she
 pivots to face the suits.

Then dives, both hands extended, the plates on the back of the fists shifting
 into place.

And with that distortion field concentrated on the lead of her fists, tries to
 plough right through one mobile suit after the next.

To punch through them, one after another with its distortion field, trying her
 best to avoid the reactor but... making little effort to spare the cockpits.

This is the part she hates. It's also the only thing she's good for...

... but she'll beat herself up about that later, after the civilians are safe.

"Ruri! Minato! How are you looking up there?!"

KTS: Ryoko Subaru has activated the Valor Spirit Command.
KTS: Ryoko Subaru targets Mobile Weapon Team with This Is Not the Gekigan Flare
 Shut The Hell Up!!
KTS: Ryoko Subaru has completed their actions for the round.
KTS: Ruri Hoshino's EN Barrier activates, negating 1000 base damage.
KTS: Ruri Hoshino partially guards Mobile Weapon Team's M703 Beam Rifle Sighted
 Shot, taking 1665 damage!
KTS: Rena Lancaster's EN Barrier activates, negating 500 base damage.
KTS: Rena Lancaster partially guards Mobile Weapon Team's M703 Beam Rifle Beam
 Shot, taking 1797 damage!
KTS: Lucine Azul has activated the Alert Spirit Command.
KTS: Lucine Azul has activated the Alert Spirit Command.
KTS: Lucine Azul fails to evade Mobile Weapon Team's M703 Beam Rifle Rapid
 Beams, taking 5040 damage!
<Pose Tracker> Riika Sheder has posed.

Riika *had* been focusing on helping with the shuttles' organization and
 control, but she is alerted to something suddenly.

"A Gundam...?"

Riika doesn't recognize that one. Not from ZAFT files and not from Federation
 encounters. It's a GAT-type suit, but that's all she gets from a quick glance
 at it. The magnetic fluctuations were pretty intense for a few moments there.
 Riika runs the recording back and watches it again, though admittedly most of
 it is covered by the beam itself.

"Captain York! The Gundam standing on the Federation flagship has some kind of
 beam deflection system mounted on that backpack frame. It's not a technology
 I've seen in the field before - it's not an I-Field, the readings are all
 wrong. Have you seen that?"

Riika braces as another shot hits the ship, then: "Can you pass that
 information along to the other Orb-friendly troops? If they have missiles, or
 the gravitational weapons of the Nadesico, it might be more effective." Or it
 might not; Riika doesn't *know*, but she does know that beams clearly did not
 do the job. "Though if it's a GAT Gundam it might have Phase Shift armour too,
 but it can't defend the ship with that, it's not big enough to interpose!"

Riika flinches as more violence occurs. She doesn't think the Ra Mari can take
 a whole lot more, but she has to say it - and she has to stay coordinating
 (ha) as long as she can.

<Pose Tracker> Rena Lancaster has posed.

Rena's eyes widen as she sees the descent of the Ra Mari II. An old Zentradi
 Monitor, converted into something else. The 'side project' that had a lot of
 the Ra Mari's crew away; she hadn't slept much the last few weeks with extra

Then, she lets out a whoop. "Let's give it time to get them out of here!" she
 calls back. "Just a little longer...!"

She looks back at the Long Dagger in the lead, and she narrows her eyes.
 "Resolve to do something terrible?" she asks. Then, she draws in a gasp --
 seeing the missiles fire. The funnels can't move in, in time -- and she sees
 the National Assembly Building go up in a fiery blast. "N-No!"

She hesitates for only a second. The beam rifle and gatling cannon are stowed,
 as the Gaia Gear Alpha bursts forward. One hand reaches up, gripping a beam
 saber. The weapon erupts to life when it's torn out of the recharge rack, a
 blade of golden light erupting.

It chops down, slashing for the waist -- below the cockpit block and the
 reactor, she hopes -- as it comes in close for the Long Dagger.

KTS: Rena Lancaster targets Mobile Weapon Team with Beam Saber Cleave!
KTS: Rena Lancaster has completed their actions for the round.
<Pose Tracker> Hikaru Amano has posed.

Hikaru also understands what anxiety looks like in Ryoko. She thinks about her
 huffing about getting that man and his daughter her toy, but putting the
 effort in to do it regardless. That really does sum up Ryoko to her.

Hikaru's thoughts are interrupted by the horribly disturbing sound of the pilot
 over the radio... she doesn't even bring herself to comment on how that was
 totally a Gekiganger reference when they started yelling JOEEEE on the other
 side of the fight.

All that's on her mind is the warning that the enemy Long Daggers are advancing
 towards the civilian evacuation spots. And how she has to stop them. The
 formidable Ra Mari II is here to assist, but even now, people remain on the

Even a mysterious new Gundam shows up.. no one seems to recognize the model,
 but missiles and gravity-based weapons are recommended.

"Gravitational weapons? No problem!" The distortion field goes up - unlike
 Ryoko, this is a purely defensive move on her end. Hikaru PUSHES, trying to
 keep those Long Daggers and that Gundam away from the civilians the best she
 can. "Gekigan SHOVE!"

KTS: Hikaru Amano targets Mobile Weapon Team with Distortion Push!!
KTS: Hikaru Amano has completed their actions for the round.
KTS: Mobile Weapon Team blocks Ryoko Subaru's This Is Not the Gekigan Flare
 Shut The Hell Up!, taking 7800 damage!
KTS: [Dynamic Hit] Ryoko Subaru's In the End All I Do Is... activates, causing
 Insight L1!
KTS: Ryoko Subaru has engaged Mobile Weapon Team!

<Pose Tracker> Naoko Suzuki has posed.

Naoko is quick to mark the helmswoman's reaction when her 'friends' speak with
 a short glance. She can't be as shocked as she was before. It's certainly
 still surprising, but with two others now... it's become a pattern. She'll
 have to stay on her toes... she, and the other two with her. Predictably,
 those two stopped talking once she made her position clear. Their advice is
 unwanted, this time.

Then rely on us. We'll keep you safe.

She... wants to believe in that. She always thought she'd be fine on her own,
 but then circumstances changed, and now she's not sure of anything anymore.
 She's not too proud to admit that she needs someone to rely on. She's been
 treated well. She's been given no cause to believe she's unwelcome.She's been
 shown genuine appreciation for her abilities. Even if it's true that it takes
 effort to ignore the impulse to run... she can't just ignore all of that. All
 of... this. So what if she doesn't know all the details? These people...
 they're the good side in whatever is going on here. That's all she's sure of,
 and all she needs to be sure of.

She sees the appearance of a 'Ra Mari II', which has to be good news. It
 certainly seems to bolster people's spirits, which helps her regain a measure
 of confidence, too. Enough so reply to Eight with a blatant lie, but one she
 absolutely wants to try and turn into the truth: "...I'm not afraid."

Riika calls on her to return to handling tactical data, and she nods in
 acknowledgement. She's lost the bluster - and the candy that was in her mouth,
 after falling down - but she's still ready to assist, rapidly typing away to
 process all the recent changes in the battlefield situation. As she does so,
 she contacts Rena again first of all, noticibly more business-like than before.

"Be careful, your formation has a gap in it, right here." Less complex and more
 practical data is sent over this time, indicating a weakness that could be
 exploited, and a suggestion of how to close the gap. Notably, this suggestion
 involves a different unit. "I'll inform the pilot of the VF-25, hold steady."

The same data is sent over to Anita, who gets to see what the Ra Mari's latest
 guest looks like for this first time as communications are opened to the
 Valkyrie. "This is Nova Stellar aboard the Ra Mari. Are you receiving this
 data? If you form up with the Gaia Gear Alpha like this, you'll better cover
 your vulnerable angles."

She's certainly changed from the way she was acting before. ...But not enough
 so to not suddenly notice that she lost her candy, quickly retrieving more
 from her pocket. She accidentally withdraws two sticks, which just causes both
 of them to go into her mouth at the same time. Desperate times call for more

KTS: Naoko Suzuki has activated the Foresee Spirit Command targeting Anita
KTS: Mobile Weapon Team blocks Hikaru Amano's Distortion Push!, taking 3840
KTS: [Dynamic Hit] Hikaru Amano's I'll Introduce Myself! activates, causing Jam
KTS: Hikaru Amano repulses Mobile Weapon Team, forcing him to disengage.

<Pose Tracker> Ruri Hoshino has posed.

        You seem like a curious person to me, Ruri replies, in the way of them.
 But if you don't want to be called a person, I won't call you one, either. ...
 thank you for going easy on him.

        I like flying. I don't like fighting. But I'm happy I met you, Phenex.
 I'd like to meet you again.

        Her attention redirects, though, away from the Phenex, because -- well.
 There's a war on.

        And the Gravity Cannon is manifest.

        As the blow fades, Ruri reports: "Seven warships disabled. Negligible
 damage to Federation flagship. Suspected source of defence is the unknown

        She tries to reach out to that Gundam, too, but... somehow, knocking
 on its door might not be as productive as knocking on the Phenex's.

        The warships turn their guns on the Nadesico, and the Distortion Field
 flares, absorbing much of the beams. "That won't be enough damage to destroy
 the Nadesico."

        Minato frowns, at the readings. "But, the Ra Mari..."

        Responding to their orders, Ruri confirms, opening a channel to Eight:
 "Now bringing the Nadesico around. We can still fight, so please fall back,
 Captain York. We'll hold the line a little longer."

        And, to their pilots specifically, Minato tells Ryoko, Lucine, and
 Hikaru: "We're still fine, for now. But Ryoko-chan, if you need to fall back,
 come back, okay? With the Ra Mari II's help, we shouldn't need to hold out too
 much longer!"

        The Nadesico looses more missiles, from its broadside position,
 defending the city from that encroaching Federation fleet. They are
 specifically aimed -- and aiming to sink ships.

        Ruri frowns, down at her console.


        It's a heavy burden on his heart, too.

KTS: Ruri Hoshino targets Mobile Weapon Team with Seeker Missile!
KTS: Ruri Hoshino has completed their actions for the round.

<Pose Tracker> Rita Bernal has posed.

Frustration radiates from the golden Gundam as the Enact dances through her
 attacks. So much psychic energy expended for nothing. Two enormous fights in
 two days drains on even the Phenex. Her armor is cracked, golden 'feathers'
 falling down to land in the ocean beneath her. She can rally to strike once
 more, if she pushes herself.

She looks across the battlefield, at those she swore to protect. Rena, Anita,
 and Lucine are all still in fighting order. But the Ra Mari... it looks bad.
 The Phenex does not hesitate. With one last baleful glare at Gary, she races
 toward the ship, her shields hovering at her back. Protecting those who
 protected her comes first. And beyond that -- Captain York, the Ra Mari, all
 her crew. They must survive. Their story does not end here. It cannot end here!

Taking a protective stance in front of the damaged ship, the Phenex spreads her
 shields, ready to catch any incoming attacks. She's heavily damaged, but she
 can do this much. Protecting is much easier than fighting. It's what she's
 meant for, after all.

Again, a splinter of energy breaks off from the Phenex. A bird soars through
 the hull of the Ra Mari, landing next to Eight and bursting into light. When
 the radiance fades, a young woman stands on the bridge. Long, cloud-like hair
 falls to her waist in golden waves. A white sundress falls to her thighs,
 exposing bare shoulders and feet. Otherworldly green eyes look to the Captain,

Captain York. I'm sorry I took so long. I'll stay with you until you're
 somewhere safe. I can't fight much more, I'm too badly damaged. But I can do
 this much. Fly as fast as you can, I can keep up. Please, trust in me to
 protect you.

Turning to look back toward Ruri's ship once more, the Phenex raises a hand.
 For the first time, she's excited to meet someone again, someone besides her
 beloved. Transmitting to Ruri alone, the Phenex sends a series of numbers. A
 communication code, never before shared, one that will reach directly to the
 Phenex herself. Like two friends exchanging phone numbers.

<Pose Tracker> Anita Rosetta has posed.

"So something is up..." Anita considers with a frown, as Rena says that
 there's something wrong with them. That's definitely the vibe she's getting,
 even if she can't feel them like Rena can.

The chaos of battle is starting to draw close to the city... but, someone
 arrives to help. And not just anyone - but the Ra Mari's engineer, now
 piloting the Ra Mari II.

"Is that what everyone was working on...?" Anita remarks, surprised. She lets
 out an appreciative whistle. "That's sleek. I like it."

She was looking forward to seeing what they were working on... and it's sure
 paid off to see it here and now, when they need it most.

Her attention is soon returned to the fight. She lets the Long Dagger fall,
 though she watches its descent carefully to make sure it won't drop into
 anything dangerous. She knows she didn't hit the cockpit, but... they're
 taking it pretty seriously. Anita sighs.

"Why did I have to get the hot-blooded types...?" She mutters to herself. For a
 low-energy person like her, they're hard to deal with... She rolls her neck.
 They go in for a combination attack, beam sabers twirling. It's pretty
 dangerous, and they're working together pretty well in unison... Anita's
 shield shifts and the Pinpoint Barrier moves with it, each focusing to
 intercept the incoming attacks. It's a pretty narrow escape - if her reaction
 speed was any slower, her unit might've gotten seriously damaged. Still, for a
 moment, her reactions seem keener than usual...

"Justice, huh...? That word sure don't mean what it used to." Anita replies.
 She's about to attack again, when suddenly, receives a transmission from the
 Ra Mari. The face she sees... is not one of the expected faces. As a result
 there's... only a slight moment of hesitation before she responds.

"Yup, loud and clear. ...Oh, thanks for the heads-up. Lemme just..." Anita
 says. ...She's taking this pretty well in stride, all told...

Once again, Anita's knife lashes out. The blade dances between the two
 remaining Long Daggers - and as it dances she shifts her position to the one
 outlined by Nova.

...Covering their vulnerable angles is good, due to the uncertain presence of
 that new Gundam on the enemy flagship... Is it just there for defense? What
 will it do?

KTS: Anita Rosetta targets Mobile Weapon Team with Dancing Knife!
KTS: Anita Rosetta has completed their actions for the round.
KTS: Mobile Weapon Team fails to parry Rena Lancaster's Beam Saber Cleave,
 taking 4050 damage!
KTS: Rena Lancaster has engaged Mobile Weapon Team!

<Pose Tracker> Eight York has posed.

Deflected!? Eight watches the light part around the Gundam and narrows her
 eyes. Riika's warning is timed just before the ship is rocked by the
 counterfire of the beams, which is enough to knock out the finicky sensors
 that keep the Hyper Beam System running. "Everyone all right!? Damage

"Shields output down 75%, Captain! Hyper Beam System is offline! Breaches on

Eight grits her teeth--but then, there is the Phenex. The Phenex moves to
 shield the Ra Mari, and Eight has to admit to more than a little relief--even
 as the National Assembly building goes up. "Damn," she murmurs.

But then, she gets over it, and nods. "Tempo--pass on Riika's warning to the

"All Orb forces!" Comes the radio'd words of Tempo Astelian. "The Gundam on
 the Federation flagship has some kind of beam-deflection! It's not an
 I-Field, but it does work! Use gravitic or physical attacks instead of beams!"

"Thanks," Eight says to Riika. And then she smiles faintly. Ruri's report
 over the channel... It's kind. "Will do," Eight answers. "I appreciate it.
 We'll fall back behind the Ra Mari II."

Then to the bridge, "...Let's get out of here. We've done as much as we can."

"Chovan!" Eight calls. "Take us out behind the Ra Mari II. We don't want to
 impose on the Phenex longer than we have to."

At least the engines are still working fine. That's the key, for the moment.
 Chovan starts to pull the Ra Mari back. Meanwhile, Eight over the radio to
 her pilots:

"Reconvene at the Ra Mari II when you're ready to pull back. We'll all meet up
 depending on where's safe."

But then there is--the bird through the hull! A young woman on the bridge.
 Licia blinks visibly as she appears, but has to focus on her work. She trusts
 Eight. Meanwhile, Tempo's jaw falls open. Some of the rest of the bridge
 hear her. But Eight? Eight sees her.

"I appreciate your help," she says to her. "...We'll get out of here. We have
 more people to protect. That's more important than winning the battle."

Eight knows full well that Naoko--Nova--is lying about her fear. But she
 doesn't call her on it. Instead she says, "Then let's keep supporting our
 pilots, eh?" 'Our' pilots, now.

Besides; if Eight didn't like Nova before, now that she's helped her best

But the Ra Mari II is still hard at work with its shuttles, which, as soon as
 they're full, return to the ship under Big O's protection. There's quite a
 lot of them, and plenty of room in the Monitor's hangars. It may not be the
 most comfortable ship around, but it's safety. ...but Riika's right; most of
 the crew on the Ra Mari II at the moment is handling refugees, leaving Lavhi
 to handle most of the ship's functions himself.

But back on the original Ra Mari, Eight looks to the woman in the sundress, as
 Licia pilots the Ra Mari back out of the battle. "No apology needed, by the
 way. You're helping a lot of people like this."

She's... amazing. What does it mean...?

"Orb forces, Ra Mari withdrawing. Ra Mari II will continue evacuation efforts."

"Yes!" Says Lavhi over the radio. "Leave it to us!"

<Pose Tracker> Gary Biaggi has posed.

        The ENACT again expects a counter attack and instead gets nothing. Gary
 is , well he is annoyed. There is a bit of a growl in his voice as the Phenex
 runs off to help the Ra Mari. "This is suppose to be A FIGHT!" Gary is
 annoyed,more so tthen if he had lost or really any other situation. It is a
 rare moment to piss Gary off and it appears Rita had triggered it

        " Screw this, I loss my appetite." The ENACT shifts into it's plane
 mode and if anyone contacted him about leaving the battlefield they would get
 ascii art of a middle finger as a reply. Worse that will happen is he will get
 chewed out, he's been chewed out before.

<Pose Tracker> Lucine Azul has posed.

        "...." Lucine tries not to reflect too long on Ryoko's sadness, or the
 way that pilot's laugh turned suddenly disturbing.

        It's why Ryoko's yelling is so welcomed. < "... Ah, but it made more
 sense to shoot when I thought about it? It makes more sense when it's
 something giant." > Lucine's face doesn't seem to alarmed by Ryoko's anger,
 taking it as a form of Ryoko's concern.

        The Ra Mari II appears, briefly distracting Lucine. < ".... Thank
 goodness..." > They just need to push back a little longer!

        However, the Dianthus's speed, as well as Lucine's own Newtype senses,
 had to fail eventually. A beam cuts against the side of the evading Dianthus,
 knocking it asunder briefly. "Ghhh!" Lucine bolsters herself to keep from
 flopping against the cockpit seating, steadying her unit's spin.

        "....." They ignored her warnings. She's shot planes down before. She's
 just never been around to understand the death that sometimes follows.

        The glaive is exchanged for the Argen-21 Beam Arbalest, and the
 Dianthus flies backwards, then shoots up, almost as if to prepare for an epic
 stabbing attack from above, but. That is not the correct weapon for it at all.

        If she plans this correctly... she can lance a bolt through one or two
 of the remaining pilots.

        < "Orion Shot!" > It feels better to say names when Hikaru's around. It
 makes Lucine feel like this is just a part of her job, and that she's not
 killing someone.

        That she's not close enough to feel when that moment happens, and know
 it was due to her.

KTS: Lucine Azul has activated the Focus Spirit Command.
KTS: Lucine Azul has activated the Focus Spirit Command.
KTS: Mobile Weapon Team fails to intercept Ruri Hoshino's Seeker Missile,
 taking 4050 damage!
KTS: Lucine Azul has activated the Alert Spirit Command.
Lucine_Azul [[[[[[[[[ 
KTS: Lucine Azul targets Mobile Weapon Team with Argen-21 Beam Arbalest Orion
KTS: Lucine Azul has completed their actions for the round.
KTS: Mobile Weapon Team parries Anita Rosetta's Dancing Knife, taking 1800
KTS: Anita Rosetta has engaged Mobile Weapon Team!
KTS: Mobile Weapon Team fails to evade Lucine Azul's Argen-21 Beam Arbalest
 Orion Shot, taking 5130 damage!
KTS: Mobile Weapon Team has been defeated!
<Pose Tracker> Naoko Suzuki has posed.

Shortly following the transmission to Anita, the next hit to the Ra Mari is a
 bad one. Naoko cringes - almost cowers in the fear she claimed not to have,
 holding onto the monitoring station to keep from falling again. Did she make
 the wrong decision...? It's too late to change it now. What choice does she
 have but to... rely on them?

She breathes a sigh of relief when she hears the call to retreat. She doesn't
 know what's at stake here, so she really doesn't see any down sides to this.
 She's just barely returned to an upright position when it appears again. That
 bird... it doesn't startle her quite as much as it did before, the girl only
 staring at it in wonder.

That is, until it changes form. Naoko can't suppress a start, backing away a
 little from the figure that suddenly appeared right there in front of her on
 the Ra Mari bridge. While it may appear far from threatening, Rita's existence
 is just... something she can't logically process. This is a lot, for someone
 just barely familiar with their own mental quirks, who has far less of an idea
 still of how deep that particularly rabbit hole can go.

Even so, she can reason out one thing well enough, from what Eight told her
 before. "So this is... your friend..." She really can't manage any more than

<Pose Tracker> Juri Wu Nien has posed.

        Azrael bites his lip a little bit as the battle continues to progress.
 This... This is not looking good. Azrael stands, <"Excuse me for a moment,
 Captain."> He turns and calmly leaves the bridge.

        Ryoko is the first in the trio of Aestivalis pilots to go in. Charging
 through the two remaining Long Daggers, her distortion field smashes into
 them. One has its arm up to its shoulder shattered into pieces that rain to
 the ground. <"Shit!"> The other takes the charging blow more head on,
 crunching chest armor and sending it flying onto it's back. <"Nnngh-Fuck!">

        But before either one can recover from that initial blow, Hikaru's own
 distortion field strikes. Both are impacted by it, the one on its back getting
 pinned there, more crushing sounds accompanying the sight of its frame
 crumpling. Meanwhile the one still standing is pushed backwards, feet digging
 up asphalt as it tries to fight back against the field. Unfortunately it's
 while doing so that Lucine manages to take advantage of its weakened state and
 send a bolt of light through the machine. It quickly crashes down to the
 ground, joining its fellow there.

        The lead Dagger of the team fighting Rena stands and watches as his
 target crumbles. While he does so he replies to Rena, <"All acts in war are
 terrible."> The machine then turns as Rena charges in. The Long Dagger pulls
 its own beam saber to meet the attack. And for a moment, it looks like it
 manages to!

        But then the Gaia Gear Alpha overpowers the Long Dagger. The golden
 blade rips through the Dagger's waist, bisecting the machine in two. They
 crash down to the ground, the immediate fate of the pilot unclear. Though it
 doesn't look like a lethal blow.

        <"NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!"> The partially damaged Long Dagger rushes in to
 check on the bisected one, while the third also moves in to cover them with
 its beam rifle at the ready.

        The Federation fleet has taken a serious beating. Quite a few ships
 have been sunk and the remaining are all well on the way. The Nadesico's
 missiles proceed to add more as the lowered number of CIWS turrets prove to
 fail in stopping the barrage. The missiles exploding amidst the fleet, setting
 ships alight and blowing holes in them for water to rush in.

        Working together, the two still standing Long Daggers manage to hold
 back Anita's knife strikes with their own beam sabers. One of them grunting at
 the effort, <"The force is strong with this one!"> The other warning, <"Hold
 strong, brother. Together we will defeat this foe!">

        Then something strange occurs...

        <"Nnnnggggh... Damnit... Not now!">
        <"Ha... Ahh... Nnn... Geh...">

        All the still active Long Daggers suddenly go still, or collapsing to
 the ground. And judging by the sounds over the radios, they're all in intense
 pain. Whatever the reason for it though, they've been rendered incapable of
 continuing the fight.

        Finally, the battle appears to be over.

        The Federation fleet is mostly on the bottom of the ocean floor, those
 ships still afloat choosing to engage no further. Even the flagship has raised
 the white flag, the fleet commander giving the order himself after a certain
 someone failed to return to the bridge.

        Meanwhile, flying away from the battlefield on a VTOL transport, Azrael
 slams his fist into the arm rest, "Damnit. We almost had it." He sighs,
 rubbing his temples. Before finally managing out a crooked smile, "No
 matter... We'll have to make do."

        Flying behind the VTOL on a lifter unit, the Gundam's pilot listens to
 Azrael's musing over the radio. Well, 'listens' is a strong word. Eventually
 he just rolls his eyes, before moving to put some earbuds in and turn the
 volume up on his music.

<Pose Tracker> Rena Lancaster has posed.

The Long Dagger is bisected. Gaia Gear Alpha swings its beam saber down -- and
 then the motes of green light from the psychoframe waft away. Rena's eyes

She exhales. "A--a gap in it?" Rena asks Naoko. "I read you! We'll... we'll
 move in there!"

She tries to keep her breath steady -- especially seeing the beating that the
 Ra Mari has taken. Even with the Ra Mari II here, they can't afford to lose
 the people aboard the Clop-class ship. She hesitates, she stares for a moment,
 and then sees the Phenex descend.

That's a moment of relief.

"Yeah," Rena tells Anita. "We did it. It looks like... it looks like we're all
 clear. And Orb's safe... and the Ra Mari made it out."

She sighs, then she smiles. "...that was a lot, huh?"

<Pose Tracker> Anita Rosetta has posed.

The Ra Mari falls back. Anita watches it go, but... it looks fine, at least.
 She turns her attention back to the enemy, as they manage to parry her attacks.

"Yeah, well-" She starts... and then watches in surprise as the Long Daggers...
 start to collapse? The transmissions she's receiving are... pretty awful, too.

"...What the...?" She frowns slightly. Even she's a little disturbed by that
 one. But...

...But, they did it. They managed to repulse the attack. She turns, flying over
 next to Rena's Gaia Gear.

"Yeah... we did it." Anita replies. It doesn't feel real. ...She chuckles,
 though. "...Yeah, it really was."

The future is uncertain, considering the enormity of what they've all just
 done, but... At least they're together in this.

"Let's go back. We should check on everyone." She says.

<Pose Tracker> Ryoko Subaru has posed.

"Gekigan SHOVE!?" Ryoko sounds aghast, "What kind of name for an attack is

The battle winds down though, the Long Daggers are wiped out. And there's an
 immediate downswing of her mood. As she listens to the dying gurgles over the

Ryoko tries not to stare at the crushed cockpits overlong. She hasn't changed
 one iota since that day. Not a single speck of her is different.

She's still...

"... Right. ... No there's no need for us to fall back." Ryoko says back to
 the Nadesico, it's something she can focus on. "This is over."

She knows it isn't, not really. It's never over for the Federation.

"Hikaru - Lucine - let's do a sweep around the city - make sure there's no civs
 in need of rescue."

Her Aerial Frame takes off, she may not be a coward when it comes to a fight...

... but she's certainly good at running.

[OOC] Ryoko Subaru says, "*blu-ray As she listens to what she thinks are their
 dying gurgles over the radio."
<Pose Tracker> Ruri Hoshino has posed.

        "The Federation is sending white flag signals," Megumi reports. "It's

        But Ruri, hands pressed to her console, is still writ in that subtle
 tension of hers. The Nadesico is still targeting --

        "Omoikane," Ruri whispers, sharp and desperate. "Omoikane, the fight's
 over! Remember what Kaworu-san said? They're not a threat, Omoikane. They're
 not a threat..!"

        The weight of her own feelings, harrow and hewn, sinks into him;
 reluctantly, Omoikane relents his missile locks.

        The Nadesico stands down.

        Ruri sighs, shoulders slumping, as she sags against her station -- and
 Minato and Megumi share a worried look, over her twin pigtails.

        The Captain of the Nadesico, of course, will accept the Federation's
 surrender with her typical bombastic grace.

        And Ruri...

        ... won't feel good enough to contact the Phenex on that line for a

<Pose Tracker> Hikaru Amano has posed.

"I don't even KNOW...!" Hikaru responds, the panic of battle fresh on her mind.
 "I just wanted them to get away, really. Guess it worked." That's the best she
 could do, childish and maybe even foolish as it is.

Ryoko on the other hand, knows how to take matters into her own hands
 decisively... but drowns in guilt for it. Hikaru doesn't want Ryoko to carry
 her burden alone - but she doesn't want the blood of another human being on
 her hands either. Ugh, if they didn't constantly have to fight people,

It's over, and Ryoko suggests taking a quick sweep around the city and
 immediately speeds off just as fast. Hikaru can see that suggestion for what
 it is, even if she can't fault it. "Uh-huh. We'll talk later, okay?" As a
 team, as friends, where to go from here is an important conversation.

Hikaru looks at Lucine, and the Golden Gundam, the Phenex, she told her about.
 She hears a faint voice from inside, nothing said relevant to her, but.. yeah,
 there's definitely someone in there. And maybe they were why Lucine could
 fight so hard. She considers what Lucine told her... being chained to one spot
 is just a sad way of living, isn't it?

<Pose Tracker> Lucine Azul has posed.


       The bolt lances through the uncrushed pilot. Lucine's chest burns as
she holds in her breath, complusively.
       She feels the weight of their deaths, and which died first. If her
powers were stronger... she'll feel this, every time her shots hit, just right.
       She'd have to get used to it. Or handle it her own way, like Alto did.
       ..... Because there will be a day when she'll be that close to someone
else's cockpit.
       < "...... it helps Hikaru fight." > Lucine takes her hands off the
controls, the Dianthus's automatic systems keeping the unit steady. < ".....
That was.... tough. But.... we got through it. Thank you, Ryoko. And you too,
Hikaru..." > She breathes, feeling the ring on her right hand underneath her
gloves. < ".... Right. Let's go." >