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Careful and watchful, Terminal is an intelligence network serving various extra-governmental organizations in the Earth Sphere for the purposes of averting unnecessary wars, preventing and pursuing science crimes, and promoting harmony between the various strains of humanity (and its new allies).  Made up of various legitimate and more shadowy organizations, it supports elements of what was once the Three Ships Alliance and is run by those as well as remnants of Mithril and the former Shuffle Alliance.

Backed by Nergal and a number of interests in space such as Zeonic interests that disfavor war with Earth, Terminal is sometimes beholden to those interests.  While it has more resources than many other organizations of its kind, so too does it have more obligations.  Its primary base of operations is the colony Magallanica, and even though it does not have the backing of Orb's government, it has many allies there, and even some bases.  Notably, its capacity for military intervention is not unlimited; while their soldiers and fleet are high quality, they lack the sheer numbers of a NUNE-backed military. It does have legitimate military forces in Magallanica’s defenses, as well as the Nergal ship Nadesico.

As stated above its goals are broad and primarily humanitarian: to prevent or, failing that, curb the excesses of war is among them.  So too is a firm commitment to opposing science and war crimes, particularly given that one of its leaders is herself a Cyber-Newtype.  Finally, off of a war footing, Terminal seeks to ensure that Newtypes, Oldtypes, Earthnoids and Spacenoids, Naturals and Coordinators can live together in peace.  While they have friends in other factions, they also have intelligence plants in many, and it's easy to assume a member of Terminal has ulterior motives when dealing with other groups.

Often, their remit as regards science crime runs into suspicion from other groups, given their ties to Zeon.  In addition, they're obligated to protect the interests of their backers--while the Nadesico may fight the Jovians primarily, they stand to lose a great deal if Nergal loses the ability to fund them.  In general they don't have the legitimacy as a military organization that a nation's military might.  They primarily operate from Magallanica, which is already something of a rogue government, with their own operations doubly rogue.  They especially have trouble with Earth-identitarian groups, given that their leaders include a Cyber-Newtype and a Coordinator.  It's also hard for Terminal to act unilaterally in a proactive sense; their distributed leadership structure means major operations require a number of key turns.

Methods include spywork, because the organization is above all an intelligence network--but also conventional military deployment, in order to act on the intelligence that they gather.  Operatives will not be expected to do both, but both legs of the organization are vital to its mission.

Terminal is for those who want to protect the Earth Sphere through careful intelligence gathering and decisive action, but think that some of the methods others are taking to remove problems might be too extreme.  They can expect to deploy against science crimes, overreaching governments, and alien threats.  It is not for people whose priority is fighting against NUNE; Terminal considers itself a check in place if NUNE goes bad, rather than asserting that it already has.

Major Characters

Lacus Clyne - While she's moved out of the public eye, Lacus Clyne remains an important political figure in the PLANTs, and her skills and connections are important to Terminal.  She remains a vital player in the network's operations, working from the shadows to preserve what peace there is..

Yurika Misumaru - Captain of the Nadesico, Yurika is the head of the most advanced ship in Terminal's fleet, and an inspiring leader.  Her ship also represents Nergal's stake in the organization--for better and for worse.  While she's known for her eccentricity, she's just as known for her prowess as a commander.

Eight Orlodhari - Admiral of Terminal's fleet, Eight Orlodhari oversees not only her own ship but many logistical matters for the organization, and has found her calling as a leader and negotiator.  Her Cyber-Newtype history makes her a divisive figure to some, but her commitment to the cause is unquestioned.

Domon Kasshu - The last King of Hearts of the Shuffle Alliance, Domon Kasshu found himself ill-suited to leading- he preferred to face problems head on, fist to fist. The collapse of the Shuffle Alliance has given him the opportunity to do just that, operating as a lone wanderer helping the organization act as a balance to NUNE. It’s a position he’s more comfortable in than that of a leader- being pointed at a problem has always been more his speed.

Kim Yunhi - Formerly the Mithril agent codenamed Wraith, narrowly survived both Leonard's direct assault on the Shuffle Alliance's protection of Kaname Chidori and the general suppression of the Alliance, and has since joined the fistful of Mithril operatives who limped their way to Lacus Clyne's door to try and rekindle the mission. Yunhi is primarily an intelligence asset, with a talent for disguise that can match even BioNet's shapeshifting infiltrators, and frequently goes ahead of Terminal operations to gather information on the ground.

Rena Lancaster - Captain Lancaster is the head of Terminal's mobile suit wings, serving on the Ra Mari II but holding influence over all the organization's pilots.  Her combination of technical acumen and sheer charisma makes her an asset in the position, and a friendly face of the organization.

Key Questions

  • Is using force to curtail the actions of others functionally different from conquest?
  • Is an imperfect peace enough?
  • Are you prepared to go back to war if true peace can’t be achieved without it?

Tension Points With Other Factions

Gaia Sabers: While the Gaia Sabers are not aware of the full extent of Terminal's activities, the world proposed by the likes of Eight Orlodhari is ultimately too free-wheeling for the tastes of the Gaia Sabers. Humanity must be unified if it is to face the infinite universe beyond, and there is no unity in the freedom that Terminal desires.

Space Assembly League: While the SAL has no reason to overtly start trouble with Terminal, Gilbert Durandal sees Terminal and its members as a threat to his plans in the long term. He's not above covert attacks on Terminal with deniable resources, and the SAL has a lot of deniable resources.

Cathedra: In practice, these organizations don't know a whole lot about each other yet. While Cathedra does retain some residual Blue Cosmos/LOGOS participation (inevitable in a Ringer-dominant organization), most of those people went to the Gaia Sabers; this neutrality largely comes from lack of intelligence or open relations. The relationship between Cathedra and the Three Ships Alliance does provide some mutual knowledge of the individuals at play and even proof that cooperation remains possible, but whether that survives a shift in priorities is an open question.

NERV: NERV is a little too close to being totally unchecked authoritarian emergency power for the tastes of a lot of Terminal's rank and file. Terminal, conversely, represents an annoying distraction from real problems for NERV.

Grand Glorious Guard: There's actually a lot of mutual acceptance here! Many Terminal types are personal associates with Grand Glorious Guard personnel, and without NUNE in the way, they can cooperate a little. On the other hand, 3G *is* a really large organization throwing around a lot of money with very mixed checks on itself.

Dawn of Fold: While there's a few old Terminal allies among Dawn of Fold, there's a lot of old Terminal enemies. While they agree on some matters, the methodology and orientation of Dawn of Fold is just as objectionable to Terminal as NUNE's own -- and indeed, Dawn of Fold's movements could *jeopardize Terminal's capacity to operate*.

Satellicon: Again, Terminal doesn't want the level of dirt -- or overt direct action -- that Satellicon has going on. Satellicon is more restrained than Dawn of Fold and its leadership more open to negotiations with Terminal, making the relationship slightly less problematic for both sides, but it remains tense.

BioNet: It's funny how hard it is for "we love human experimentation" to open dialogue with an organization whose higher-ups overwhelmingly either are former human experiments or are emotionally entangled with same.

Anti-Earth Cooperative Federation: Nergal considers the AECF an ongoing obstacle to its interests in Mars. If there's a wrinkle here, it's that Terminal's cozy relationship with Zeon creates an indirect resource pipeline between the two organizations that is, itself, mutually compromising.

Yaman Rebellion: No opinion and no known obstacles. Honestly, Terminal might be some of the best friends that Daba Myroad and Chirico Cuvie could make, especially since they already share many enemies.

Played Characters