New United Nations Earth

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The Earth Federation

The Earth Federation is an organization which has a lot of power over the average civilian's day-to-day life and almost no power as a geopolitical organization. Established 100 years ago, it serves as a mutual defense agreement, lawmaking body regarding civilian laws, and theoretical treaty enforcement organization.

In practice, the idea of the "Earth Federation" as a unified front that leverages military force has become a paper tiger; there are a wide range of special interests and national blocs that actually wield power mostly unilaterally. These groups can even go to war with one another without facing expulsion -- and have in the past. The Assembly has taken a dim view of most petitions for humanitarian aid in Earthnoid-on-Earthnoid conflicts, making it an alliance in name only.

Federation Leadership

Federation leadership consists of an elected Assembly of representatives from each participating member nation and a Central Council of appointed representatives from each power bloc. As of 0080, the nation which wins the Gundam Fight appoints the Ruler of All Known Space to the Central Council; the Ruler of All Known Space serves as a tiebreaker on Central Council votes and appoints many administrative and judicial positions.

Central Council

  • Ruler of All Known Space - Shin Karato (OCU; AEUG)
  • Councilor in Charge of Settlement Issues - Ronan Marcenas (AEU; UESA)
  • Councilor in Charge of Peacekeeping Forces - Duke Dermail Catalonia (AEU; NIA)
  • Councilor in Charge of Trade and Negotiation - Alejandro Corner (BU; AEUG)
  • Councilor in Charge of Industrial and Energy Strategy - Joseph Copeland (BU; NIA)
  • Councilor in Charge of Truth and Reconciliation - Fixx Bloodman (AEU; PZ)
  • Councilor in Charge of Recalled Colonization Fleets - Howard Glass (Frontier Fleet; PZ)
  • Councilor in Charge of Environmental Remediation - Shunya Chidori (OCU; NIA)

The Federation Assembly

Key Positions

  • Olbani (BU; UESA; Secretary General)
  • Muruta Azrael (BU; NIA; Majority Leader)

Major Political Parties

  • National Industrial Alliance (NIA) - A hard-right political party. Against autonomy for space colonies, wants to increase the proportional value of Gundam Fight victories, viciously anti-Coordinator. Mostly a front for Blue Cosmos, but is the strongest political party in the current governing coalition.
  • United Earth Sphere Alliance (UESA) - A center-right political party drawing its lineage back to before the formation of the Federation. Its primary platform planks focus on the entry or return of non-Federation nations to the Federation. Part of the current governing coalition.
  • Partiya Zaftra (PZ) - A centrist political party most popular within the Republic of East Asia but also represented in the eastern AEU, most popular in former Soviet states. Favors investment in natural resources and overtly espouses pacifism and reconciliation. Part of the current governing coalition.
  • Anti Earth-Union Group (AEUG) - A center-left political party. Advocates for comparatively high levels of spacenoid autonomy but substantially funded by Anaheim Electronics, and has lost a significant chunk of its more radical members since 0088.
  • Space Revolutionary Party - Maintains one seat in the Federation General Assembly out of Zeon's four. Caucuses with the AEUG but mostly just advocates for the end of the Federation system.

Member Organizations

These include countries, supranational unions, and colonial administrative bodies that are part of the Earth Federation system.

Key Shared Holdings


Joint Strategic Headquarters Alaska (JOSH-A) is the nominal seat of Federation military power on Earth. Located in Alaska, it plays host to a particle research facility, an extensive mobile weapon factory, and a well-appointed situation room used by top Federation brass to coordinate anti-PLANT warfare.


Konpeito is a damaged asteroid base held jointly by the Earth Federation after its capture from Zeon. It was originally known as Solomon, but after its capture by the Federation, it was rechristened Konpeito as a play off of its similar shape to a Japanese/Portuguese candy. Konpeito suffered heavy damage during Operation Stardust, but is still valued as a staging point.


The nation of Senegal is neutral space within the Federation, and hosts the Federation Assembly. With the loss of Lhasa, Tibet, the city of Dakar is the sole hub of Federation governance.

Side 1

Located at L5, Side 1 plays host to most Federation-held colonies, including Londenion, which serves as the headquarters of the Londo Bell special task force.

Side 3

Located on the far side of the moon at L2, Side 3 hosts the Republic of Zeon. Many derelict colonies in Side 3 are used as staging areas for space-based Zeon remnants.

Side 4

Located at L5, Side 4 contains an electrified shoal zone created after the destruction of many colonies. A handful of impoverished Federation colonies also exist here. Colloquially, the 'Frontier Side,' due to the need for resettlement.

Side 7

Side 7 is an underdeveloped area of space at L3. Only a handful of colonies exist here, and the largest and most famous colonies, Green Noa 1 and 2, have been uninhabited since the Gryps Conflict.


Tokyo-3 is an artificial island off of Japan's east coast, near Hakone, with the city partially overlapping onto the mainland. The project was initially intended to alleviate urban crowding in Tokyo, but with the mass death associated with the One Year War and the Impact Wars, the massive artificial island project lost its purpose. NERV swooped in during its inception to take control of the project, however, and it became a fortress-city in support of the Evangelion units.

Von Braun City

Built on the landing site of Apollo 11, Von Braun City is the de facto capital of the Moon, and nominally held by the Earth Federation. It is an industrial powerhouse, with most industries at least partially owned and operated by Anaheim Electronics.