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(Created page with " *'''Log: 2022-10-17- Welcoming''' *'''Cast:''' Character :: Akane Shinjo, Character :: Renais Cardiff, Character :: Yuta Hibiki, Character :: Ouka Nagisa, C...")
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"...Akane... Are you happy?" Rikka asks. It's not an accusation - just a question.
"...Akane... Are you happy?" Rikka asks. It's not an accusation - just a question.
<Pose Tracker> Ouka Nagisa has posed.
    It wasn't supposed to be this way.
    Perhaps Ouka wasn't really being realistic when she tried to think about how this all would end up.  Still she was encouraged to shoot for the Moon.  Why not, after all?  The changes she has experienced are immense, and sudden.  Somehow she was freed of her programming.  Somehow she has become able to live a life which... well, she doesn't know if it's necessarily normal, but at least it seems to be superficially so?  If for someone like her, who was so trapped within The School's grasp to never even be able to even dream of freedom, to have been freed is possible... why wouldn't it be possible for Seolla?  No... not just possible, but even easier?!
    It's part of what causes her brow to furrow as she sips her meal from its drink container.  A slight furrowing that vanishes as soon as she hears Asuka referencing her, and specifically giving voice to how Ouka is a war orphan...
    The First Boosted Child's eyes widen at that.  She rolls the thought over in her head.  True she had known of war orphans.  She had even known that other Boosted Children were war orphans.  But... she had never thought of herself, in that context.  She had always been a...

Latest revision as of 00:49, 21 October 2022

<Pose Tracker> Akane Shinjo has posed.

Tsutsujidai High School has had an unusual influx of students and a new teacher recently -- a very unusual occurrence for what is a very sleepy ward. We mean PLANT. We mean little town sort of stuffed into the corner of a PLANT. It's... listen, it's a space that exists somewhere in the universe.

Wish it wouldn't!

All that to say: it's a new student welcoming party after school! A call has been put out to other GUTS schools, too, just in case people want to say hello -- or, for that matter, say goodbye. The transfers are coming from GUTS school to GUTS school, after all, so there's a certain amount of parting in addition to the meeting, here.

The school's assembly hall plays host, which means squeaky gym-style floor and a lot of those crappy long brown lunch tables everyone loves. Tsutsujidai High's Cooking Club has catered the event, which means there are hot buttered potatoes available to eat -- as well as a few more normal snacks at the school's expense. Beverages, too -- and of course Tsutsujidai's ubiquitous special dog, with its egg, lettuce, radish sprouts, and Japanese-style mayonnaise. It's important that everyone feel cared for, and what better way to make sure of that than to provide for their basic needs?

(There's also a high-protein, no-glucose, low-glycemic index nutrient drink formulation for people with very specific dietary needs. It's important.)

Akane Shinjo has set up at one of the lunch tables; since 2-E seem to be the stars of the show today (with every incoming transfer), she's pretty thoroughly surrounded by classmates. There's some light mingling going on -- people getting to know the incoming students. Akane herself is trying to keep it a little low-key, but she seems pleased with the situation. ... or maybe just with herself. She's sure kicking her feet contentedly under the table, though.

Ramo Marusa, in a rarity for her, isn't sitting near Akane; she insisted on helping get the food service situated first, and has enlisted a couple other Dance Club members for the same. While she's done now, this means she's taking a load off. She does seem to have a very close eye on Ms. Shinjo, though. "She looks happy... ... wow, I hope we were wrong here," she mumbles to herself.

<Pose Tracker> Renais Cardiff has posed.

Renais Cardiff is among Tsutsujidai High School's new transfers. It does seem a bit odd that she's here, though. She looks a little bit old to be in high school; indeed, she's either 20 or 25, depending on whose clock you're measuring by.

More surprising than her presence, though, is her attire. Absent is the rose-white coat, a white greatcoat instead draped over her shoulders, lined with black, the sleeves left loose. Underneath, she wears a black and gold jacket, left mostly undone save for the collar, baring a black blouse with red lace underneath. The gap between jacket and blouse bares a few inches of cleavage. Below is a mid-thigh-length pleated skirt with a tartan pattern, and black leather boots. Her typical shaded pince-nez are similarly absent; instead, a slim, square-rimmed, clear pair are perched upon her nose. Her normal hand is clad in a white glove, and the cybernetic one is left bare.

There's a plastic cup in her gloved hand, full of fruit punch with ice. The ice is rapidly melting, and the condensation has left the glove dark with moisture. The other holds a half-eaten special dog.

Her expression is stony as ever. She stands apart from the crowd, for the moment--one gets the distinct vibe that she'd much rather not be here.

<Pose Tracker> Ouka Nagisa has posed.

    Ouka Nagisa is at school today.

    It's been a while since she's been to school... or to The School for that matter. For those who have heard about her sudden disappearance, it might be fairly reassuring to see her sitting in class looking both hale and happy. She wears a school uniform - although not one from Tokyo-3 Municipal, and one that is very likely completely unique compared to everyone else there. She wears a navy blue jacket with a white blouse, and a bowtie with diagonal blue and red stripes. A skirt of similar material and pattern to her bowtie is worn on her legs, and a pair of black tights cover the full length of her legs. A pair of brown indoor school shoes adorn her feet.

    She also wears her dark green hair tied up in a loose bun behind her head while her twin sidelocks remain loose. This allows for someone to more easily see her face, and the occasional glance she might steal.

    Which is pertinent... because Ouka has noticed a relatively new member of Class 2-E: A certain red haired Child. When she first spotted the girl walk in her golden eyes widened considerably, and she quickly turned her glance away. Similarly, throughout class she would make the occasional glance towards her new fellow student - though should anyone take notice of her curious glances she would quickly look away. It's likely enough to set someone's honed battlefield awareness on edge...

    However she makes no attempt to interact or communicate directly with Asuka ... at least until around lunch time. Within the school's assembly hall, she approaches Asuka's place with her nutrient drink clutched between both hands. "Um... hi Asuka! I was... just wondering if you would mind sitting together for lunch?"

    She fidgits a bit ... and then the protein drink's carton slightly bulges within her grasp. "I wanted a chance... to say I'm sorry, for snapping at you. Now that I'm able to recognize what I did, and able to say that I am sorry."

<Pose Tracker> Yuta Hibiki has posed.

It had taken a while to convince the Neon Genesis Junior High Students to let Yuta attend this event on his own, but he'd put his foot down. The last thing they need is more trouble, or getting his protectors banned from campus. They've come close in the past, showing up at a class activity might be enough for the faculty to intervene.

And so, Yuta stands a little awkwardly near the door to the assembly hall. He hadn't joined his club in helping situate the food, certain he'd drop something with how anxious he is. So many more people have transferred in than he realized... And with what he's learned about Alouette and Ouka, Yuta's certain, everyone here has horrible pain in their background. Pain he wasn't able to see.

Taking out his phone, Yuta snaps a quick picture. He tries to get the majority of the transfer students in his shot, then prepares a text message to accompany it, addressed to Sayla Mass.

>lots of new kids?
>help lol

Send. Click.

In the dark, sleep-mode screen of his phone, Yuta's expression is serious. What is happening to his little city... What is happening to his friends? What is he supposed to do about all of it?

Shaking his head, Yuta refocuses. Nobody will be helped at all by him moping in a corner. Sliding his phone back into his pocket, Yuta takes a deep breath. There's no real reason to be nervous! He knows everybody here. They've fought by each other's sides. Some of them more recently than others, but he would trust almost everyone in this room with his life.

Stepping forward, Yuta puts a smile on his face. He's ready!

<Pose Tracker> Seolla Schweizer has posed.

        It's been a harrowing couple of weeks for Seolla Schweizer. Helplessness and isolation are an incredibly poor mix for someone who needs to feel her presence marked on the world - and for someone who could only ever do that for another person. She's having to put all her trust in the rest of NERV...a thought that turns her stomach.

        They've assured her that the cause of the mysterious disappearances is here - Tsutsujidai, the incredibly strange little town in an incredibly strange little PLANT. One way or another, Seolla is gong to resolve this situation. As soon as she finds this 'Akane Shinjo'...

        That's what the ever-so-big suitcase slung across her back is for.

        Otherwise wearing a simple variant on a typical boy's uniform, with a well-tested white blouse, sky blue tie, and slate gray slacks, Seolla's aura here is one of the high-strung, ice queen, high marks student, whose glare cuts through crowds and ensures a wide berth. Just the way she needs right now. If people got too close...if they got too close...

        One can practically see the steam pouring from her ears, and Seolla's emergency self-regulation protocols kick in. She needs one of those special dogs. Right...now. And so, completely turning her utterly sharp, cactus-like presence on its head...she can most imminently be found scarfing down one of those local delicacies like she hasn't eaten in weeks, followed by gulping down ice water with a fist fierce enough to pulverize the plastic cup.

        ...And that's when that oh so merry visage of Akane comes right into view. Seolla is...staring. Unrelenting. Like a hawk. Completely tunnel visioned on that seemingly completely ordinary girl surrounded by completely ordinary friends.

        ...this can't be right...someone like this is responsible...?

        Deep breath. Seolla steps closer and closer, effortlessly nudging anyone out of her way, and looms imperiously over Akane.

        "...I'm looking...for a friend of mine. She's one of the recent transfers. Long green hair. Golden eyes. Elegant but strong type. You seem like the popular, in the know type. Ringing a bell?"

<Pose Tracker> Kaworu Nagisa has posed.

        Kaworu had said yesterday that he was coming today to Tsutsujidai to check to see if Asuka did in fact come here, but there's hardly any need for it. There's already a big welcoming party at Tsutsujidai High featuring all the new incoming students, all of them to Class 2-E. Asuka's name is on the registry, too, along with several other familiar ones. But he said he would go, and Shinji and Misato are coming with him, and there are some things that can only be said face-to-face.
        So, here they are. Though Tsutsujidai is now a PLANT, or at least a tiny town tucked into a corner of a PLANT, getting there isn't as hard as it seems; GGG's Orbit Base provides a semi-convenient launch point, and the trip isn't as long as one would think. (It could be even shorter, but Kaworu is a bit more cautious with Misato here too.) Soon the three of them enter the assembly hall where long tables are decked with all kinds of foods. Kaworu pays them no mind; he simply steps inside with his hands tucked in his school outfit pants pockets, steps to one side to allow room for Shinji and Misato to enter too, and looks around. Given that he attends this school along with Tokyo-3 Municipal Middle School (yes, he attends two schools at once; yes, one is a high school and one is a middle school; no, he is not accepting contructive criticism at this time).
        "What do you two think?" he asks his companions as he looks around. With Yuta right at the door, he smiles at him first in greeting. "Yuta, it's good to see you." His gaze flicks past him towards Renais... He hadn't doubted Akane when she said she was here too, but... If he manages to catch her eye, he gives her a smile. He doesn't head her way just yet, though; their first priority is, technically, Asuka, after all.

<Pose Tracker> Ako Furuma has posed.

Ako has not assisted with lunch. No one really expects her to, though, which is sad in its own way! But she has a very important mission.

Suss things out with the newcomers, and help them out where she can. Befriend! Subtly!

She is not subtle.

Moving to grab a Special Dog from specifically near Marusan, she speaks quietly. "Yeah. I'll send you my notes later. Have fun too, okay?"

And then, 'texting' into her phone as she sees Renais, briefly possibly locking eyes, she also sees her expression. The master of 'knowing when people want to be avoided', she instead scans the room. Yuta Hibiki is taking pictures, and...huh. His expression in the reflection of his screen...

While she's supposed to be meeting the new people, maybe she could have help doing so. She has never spoken to Yuta of her own free will, but.

"Hey, Hibiki." She approaches. "Nervous? We're having a big crowd, I can meet people with you, if you want." Not subtle! Again!

As Kaworu passes by, he gets a nod from Ako. It might not seem like much, but...it seems Things Have Changed for her.

<Pose Tracker> Asuka Shikinami Langley has posed.

Asuka is one of the transfer students hanging around Akane's lunch table. She looks a little young to be a high schooler, but then again she was too young to be a university student years ago.

She's wearing a pair of dark green shorts, a black light jacket that's obviously only for indoors, when its get cold, a trendy striped shirt of red, orange, white, and yellow. And shockingly a pair of red-rimmed glasses.

What? She has perfect vision.

It's a gift however, a gift from someone very special. So of course she's wearing it. She's h a p p y to.

In fact, Asuka has this thin smile going on, which makes her look, a little more pleasant, approachable. What's the deal? It doesn't look incredibly warm on a close glance. It's just subdued, but present? Renais actually gets a glance, and after a moment - a nod, as if she were respecting the swimming instructor's distance, but still acknowledging her presence.

Right now she's got a special dog, and a drink in a plastic cup.

Ouka... she'd seen her earlier in class, and sometimes would catch her glance and look away. However, it seems like every time it took longer for her to look away, like it was wearing her down.

And then, her blues eyes blink at Ouka, her smile fading, "Do what you want. It's not taken by anyone." It's not hostile though, her tone, it's more just, she sounds a little guilty?

However then Ouka apologizes, and there's just instant surprise, before she looks away, rubbing her neck taking her some time, "Uh. You don't - Me calling you Mother Goose, I know it sounded harsh how I described it but, it wasn't meant to be..." Pause, "... negative. Just that, I don't really mind, your way of living? It was meant to be a show of... respect even."

She looks down at the table. "It's fine. I guess - I should have been more clear. Then it wouldn't have happened right?"

She struggles, even now with that pleasant feeling in her brain, she can't truly apologize.

"Let's just - forget about it? That was before. And we're here now. So we can... start over."

That subdued smile returns.

<Pose Tracker> Akane Shinjo has posed.

"Ahaha, yeah," Marusan replies to Ako, rubbing at the back of her head for a second. "Don't worry," says the girl who's shoved herself directly into Doing Something at the event instead of just socializing, when she had literally no obligation to. "I'll do my best to have a good time."

Meanwhile, Akane continues contentedly kicking her feet, playing with the strings of her hoodie. "Oh, that's just the new swim coach! She's a little intimidating but she's great," Akane says to one of her friends, waving off a couple of nervous glances in that direction with a little laugh -- and then Seolla interrupts.

"Oh! Yeah, Nagisa, right...?" comes her answer, utterly unworried about it. "She's here. She seems really happy to be here, too... I get the feeling her life was kinda crazy before she showed up." Akane remembers this girl, from Ouka's memories; her presence is... more nervewracking than Akane would like to admit, but she's feeling very capable of wearing the mask today. "Did you go to school with her before she moved here or something?"

Her gaze flicks to Asuka and Ouka for a brief few seconds. ... yes, she tells herself -- what she's doing is fine. It sounds like those two never could've patched things up without her...

<Pose Tracker> Jana Cektru has posed.

A certain Dr. Cektru is also here, dressed in blue and white as ever. What is unusual is not that she is smartly dressed. What is perhaps unusual is that she is standing with the other teachers at the moment in a little cluster. Yes, 'other' teachers.

Because Jana Cektru has a new job! She mentioned that she was making her own way to Tsutsujidai to NERV, and as it turns out, this is how.

She has a few beverages in one container, as is her wont, and she is holding that container as she hears a story related from one of her new colleagues. But as more people start showing up...

She glances over at Asuka and Ouka talking, and then at someone entering the room. "Oh?" she says to her colleague. "My. That must have been awkward."

A nod to Kaworu, and then she returns to her conversation... for now.

<Pose Tracker> Yuta Hibiki has posed.

"Kaworu!" That brings a genuine smile to Yuta's face. "It's good to see you too. You look well, I'm so glad. Are you here for, um--"

Glancing toward his fellow redhead, Yuta's eyebrows draw together a bit. "Good luck. Let me know if I can do anything, okay?"

Seolla's energy is... a little alarming. Yuta watches her talk to Akane, subtly moving closer to the both of them. Just in case.

Ako approaches! Yuta turns his smile to her. They haven't ever really talked, but they're in the same class. That means they're friends, right? "Furuma! Um, yeah, I guess. It's a big change for our little class!" Trying to play off his inner turmoil as nerves is easier than he thought it'd be, though he feels a bit bad to be lying. "I'd like that. I know some people here, but I really do appreciate the company!"

"Where would you like to start?" There's certainly a wealth of options!

Today, Yuta's wearing his typical school uniform, minus the tie. No sweater vest, either. It just feels too hot for the knitted fabric, lately! On his left arm, as always, is his red wristband, and around his neck seems to be a necklace, tucked beneath his white shirt. Mysterious...

<Pose Tracker> Rikka Takarada has posed.

Today, Tsutsujidai High School is holding a welcoming party for all of the new transfers coming into the school. It's kind of a momentous occasion, getting so many new people all at once.

Rikka's honestly not sure what to think about it. Something feels up... but maybe Akane really is just giving them a place to rest...? She's not sure why she's decided to change her opinion so drastically.

Speaking of Akane... Rikka watches her from afar. ...She really does look happy. Happier than she's seen her look in a while, anyway. It's kind of been a while since she's seen her surrounding by classmates like this... She's been making sure to go to class regularly after her and Yuta's talk with Alouette, but she hasn't really spoken to Akane directly. Still, this should be a good thing, right? It should be a good thing, but...

...She should at least go and talk to her. But she can't quite work up the courage just yet. So instead, she elects to approach Renais, standing off to the side. It kind of looks like she doesn't want to be here... hopefully she doesn't mind her presence.

"Hey, Renais... How's... How's Tsutsujidai been treating you?" Rikka asks. She steals a brief glance over to Akane, then. It looks like someone has approached her...

<Pose Tracker> Alouette Pommier has posed.

With the chaos of the new 2-E transfers mostly settled, it's finally time to kick off the welcoming party. Alouette doesn't seem particularly concerned about all the other new transfers besides herself. The more friends, the better, right?

Still, she can't say the prospect of so many people gathered in one room isn't overwhelming. As such, she is holed up in one corner of the gymnasium, slowly sipping on the iced tea Akane provided her - it's quite refreshing. She also holds a special dog with a few bites in it, it couldn't hurt to try Tsutsujidai's specialty, after all. She might end up saving it for later though, she thinks.

Alouette is once again wearing one of the new outfits Akane chose for her when they went shopping together; someone who's been paying attention may notice once again it has a strong red motif to it. A simple black dress accompanied by a red coat with a hood over top. The most striking part of the outfit is the bright red thigh-high boots, lined with black laces. The outfit certainly evokes Little Red Riding Hood in many ways. Does that make Akane the wolf in this story...?

Speaking of new outfits, Renais has a stunning new look of her own. If she's here, does that mean she's one of the new teachers? Alouette would normally go greet her in an instant, but something tells her Renais isn't exactly looking for conversation right now. So she simply moves closer, smiles and waves quietly. If Renais wants to talk, she will. With both sharing a history and a connection with Akane, it almost seems meant to be that they're both here...

Alouette didn't know two of the other transfer students, Ouka and Asuka, very well from her time at NERV, but she notes that they seem quite a bit.. different from what she knew about their personalities. She wants to go say hi to them too, but she sees they're already in conversation and... if Tsutsujidai is a new start, then why does Alouette feel so out of her element in this room?

<Pose Tracker> Misato Katsuragi has posed.

Misato Katsuragi's face is seemingly permanently etched in teeth gnashing mode. She hasn't even been to Tsutsujidai before and she makes absolutely no effort to blend in. She's coming in uniform. Kaworu asks how she feels but even Misato knows saying 'I'm going to burn down this school' is not helpful commentary. She arrives with Kaworu and gives Akane a positive glaaaare upon spotting her but Akane is her secondary concern here--instead...

Well truth told, even with the drastic personality change and the glasses, Asuka kind of stands out. Misato blows air out her nose like a bull. You can practically see the cloud puffing out and she certainly has the expression like she's going to charge the nearest 'red thing' and try to headbutt it.

"You said this was some kind of hokey dokey happy mind control dream world?" Misato says. "How about we start slapping people and see if they wake up."

But before she can rush off to Asuka, Yuta shows up.

She looks to him. She looks at the necklace, though it doesn't seem to mean anything to her, and then back up. "Oh you're one of the uh Gridkid pals huh?"

<Pose Tracker> Shinji Ikari has posed.

The way this is turning out, it would have been a relief if Asuka had made her violent departure from the Ra Mari in order to avoid speaking to Shinji for the complete embarrassment that was going to the arcade together. Shinji Ikari did eventually do that interview, unable to hide forever, which largely involved a bunch of non-commital nothing answers and paralyzed utterances and 'I don't know's until they got bored and left him alone.

What he really does not know -- or maybe does, and is afraid to admit -- is how Asuka ended up caught in this increasingly frightening Tsutsujidai web.

Shinji arrives with Kaworu and Misato, unsettled that this visit is going as easily as it is. No need to sneak around or be cautious. They've been invited. Kaworu steps aside for Kaworu to go around, but Shinji stops cold, deciding to stick close. He stares out at all the students, the 'new' students in particular, eyes wide at Asuka and at Ouka. Asuka looks... so happy. And her and Ouka are... getting along?

It should be good. Shinji should like seeing this. He should feel some relief or joy for his friends, surely? But he just feels... scared.

"...Something isn't right," Shinji says to Kaworu, which is the most obvious thought he could have voiced. Yuta's here too, and there's some relief in Shinji's features. Yuta still seems like Yuta. He nods with Yuta's offer to help, though what help can be asked for?

His head whips around as Misato makes her slapping suggestion. "Miss Misato!" He has no means of stopping her, so he tries to latch onto the segue. "This is Yuta Hibiki. He's a friend of ours."

<Pose Tracker> Renais Cardiff has posed.

Renais nods to Kaworu. There's a bit of awkwardness under the surface; part of the reason she doesn't want to be here, really. Withdrawing like this... people might not understand. But she's happy.

At least, that's what she tells herself, as condensation soaks through her glove, and the ice disappears. She takes a drink of the mildly watered-down punch, chewing on a bite of her special dog thoughtfully. She swallows as Rikka approaches, and there's a faint smile on her lips, undercut by anxiety.

"Ah, Rikka. Hey. It's going pretty well, honestly--better than I'd hoped, in fact. It's... good to be away from the chaos, and I've even got a proper job." Leaving aside, of course, that she already did. "I'll be the swim instructor, and it sounds like they've got me slated to coach at least one of the sports teams."

Alouette receives a nod as well. Now that she's talking, she looks... a *little* less miserable?

<Pose Tracker> Yuka Ohta has posed.

Gatherings like this tend to require a teacher for chaperone duties. In this case, Tsutsujidai's most recent hire volunteered to take care of it. Yuka seems all smiles really, as she's watching over her charges, if anything she seems... more happy really, than her old co-workers had seen her be for a month or two, at this point. Indeed, Tsutsujidai's new teacher of Macrobiology appears to be the very utmost essence of good cheer... except, those smiles don't quite reach her eyes, which feel oddly dull. Lacking a touch of their typical sparkle and life.

Does Yuka even have a teaching degree? ...Don't worry about it. She's a multi-disciplined genius, surely something like that was a side-thing she picked up when she was getting her doctorates in biology, kaiju, engineering, and whatever else she may happen to have.

...And apparently she's not alone. The fact that her replacement, the one she had unknowingly, personally showed all she knew and everything about their workplace, is here now... as another teacher. That makes Yuka feel something unpleasant and dark. Privately curling inward on herself, to protect what little she still has here... 'Just like I thought... even this isn't something just I can do...'

Outwardly, none of that shows of course. She just has a special-dog and drink in her hands, that she's been steadily pacing herself through. The most alarming visual cue for her really, might just be that she looks... completely professional. Doctor Yuka Ohta, Chief Gremlin of STORAGE, looks like a proper teacher, complete with a button-up shirt tucked into a proper dress-skirt and a matching jacket over top.

<Pose Tracker> Ako Furuma has posed.

Ako, still holding her Special Dog, nods to Yuta. He's so nice. It's odd for him to-


Misato approaching with Kaworu and some other kid, addressing Yuta, and overall being Rude both raises Ako's hackles and anxiety. "The hell's a Gridkid? You somebody's parent, because recruitment drive is that-a-way."

Ako points out the window.

"Hibiki, please don't tell me you're thinking of moving to Earth and joining the military. The Federation doesn't deserve you!"

She's only been on speaking terms for two minutes.

<Pose Tracker> Seolla Schweizer has posed.

        Pulse. Pulse. Navigating this is already difficult for Seolla. Everybody else, those blessed with something 'normal' to grasp onto, could never understand. And she could never understand them - so the pretending makes her shoulders weak.

        Her leer widens, lips worrying into a firm grimace, before she tosses aside a little 'tch' in frustration. It was made very clear that force is not the way this operation can be handled - and made very clear that as important as it is to Seolla, she's far from the best fit to be here. But she insisted. "...You don't know the half of it," Seolla says, to someone who knows painfully too much already. "...say, who are you anyway? ...You can just call me Seolla. I'm here from Tokyo-3, I guess..."

        Have I ever known her to be 'happy'?

        Seolla hasn't looked in the direction Akane indicates yet. She has to be prepared. The stress the past week has built up in her is explosive. "...happy, huh?" Seolla's fists clench tightly, a pop in her knuckles from the force of it - followed by a terse tug at her tie's collar, the tightness feeling more like a leash.

        "...You just had to complicate all this with such a simple word like that, huh..."

<Pose Tracker> Kaworu Nagisa has posed.

        "I didn't quite say that," Kaworu tells Misato, unruffled by her snorting and glowering. "It isn't a dream in the literal sense. You should realize that by the fact that we needed to take a space shuttle from GGG's Orbit Base. And if you engage in violence, it isn't going to go well. Akane wished for this to be a peaceful world, but it has its defenses."
        There are quite a few familiar faces here. Naturally; Kaworu's been attending Tsutsujidai High since April. While Renais nods back, she doesn't seem quite comfortable... though it eases up some as Alouette addresses her. Kaworu smiles back at Ako as she passes by to approach Yuta--she looks to be doing well, he silently notes with an approving nod of greeting.
        "Yes," he tells Yuta simply. He has no complaints about Shinji sticking close, but when he says that something's wrong, Kaworu gives him a thoughtful look. "What makes you say that?"
        Technically they already know what's wrong, but Kaworu wants to hear specifically Shinji's thoughts and feelings on why. When Shinji introduces Yuta to Misato, he nods along, though he doesn't say anything about his connection to Gridman.
        Past Renais, he spots Jana and Yuka. The latter doesn't look like she's noticed him yet, but Jana gives him a nod, and he returns it. He focuses back on Ako and says, "She's my friend Shinji's guardian." He gestures to Shinji next to him. "I brought them with me."
        Apparently, he doesn't see fit to actually properly introduce either of them to the other.
        Finally, he settles his gaze on Asuka--and next to her, Ouka. They're having a civil conversation. Both of their vibes are quite different. That's not unexpected, but... "Do you want to go talk to them?" he asks Shinji.

<Pose Tracker> Ouka Nagisa has posed.

    The First Boosted Child, Aurum-1, The School's super prototype, a being who very recently tore her way through an entire armed squad of soldiers all trained and prepared to detain her. But she did not feel fear then. She knew what to do then - what she was trained to do, what she was built to do.

    She was not meant to be a regular school girl, trying her best to express and apologize for her regrets. There was no live fire exercises, no conditioning routines, nothing that was done to make her ready for this.

    ... but as soon as Asuka expresses her acceptance of the apology, Ouka's expression melts from one of intense nervousness to one of excitement. She had waited until then to take the seat next to the other girl - she wanted to be sure she wouldn't be invading her space! But now she has to resist not breaking down and giving her a hug, and let all her regrets spill out in a rush.

    It's Asuka's turn to talk though, and Ouka listens with a passive smile upon her face. When she is reminded of being called 'Mother Goose', the green haired girl can't help but blush slightly in embarrassment.

    "Yes..." Ouka begins softly, "But that wasn't your fault. The School had put me through a lot, a lot that you weren't aware of. A lot that you still aren't aware of..." . . . a lot that Ouka herself isn't fully aware of. She only has hints and shadows. "But what I did wasn't right either. I was hurting, and afraid, and I just wanted to stop hurting. And I have." Ouka says with almost an air of pride, "My sister helped free me of The School. And now I'm no longer suffering, which is why I also want a chance for us to start over."

    With that she raises her drink carton, as if to toast on it. "A new start, a new chance to get to know one another." She says, cheerfully.

    But just then... the past comes back to see her. She glances across the room towards Akane, and sees a few familiar individuals over there. Those golden eyes focus upon the figure of Seolla. Her face blooms into a pleased smile, "Oh!! Speaking of which, look who made it here too!" She had been promised this as well after all -

    She would be the first... and soon all the others would find their way to freedom. Surely that is what is happening today, right?

<Pose Tracker> Yuta Hibiki has posed.

A woman in a military-like uniform approaches Yuta, and he blinks in surprise. She's with Kaworu and Shinji, so she must be alright, but -- wow, she really looks unhappy. Slapping people? Gridkid pals? Ouch.

"Uh, yeah, I guess?" Yuta looks a little puzzled, but he offers a hand to her politely. "My name is Yuta Hibiki. Just as Ikari says. I'm uhhh--!"

Ako seems really upset... This could be bad, especially with Shinji already looking half-terrified. "Don't worry! I'm really happy here in Tsutsujidai. You see, um! I know Ikari and Kaworu," Yuta points them out in turn. "And I guess Miss Misato is... with them!" It's a pretty weak excuse... Hopefully Ako accepts it. Thank goodness Kaworu backs him up. "See? I'm sure it's fine."

Yuta brightens considerably when Shinji appears. "Hey, it's great to see you too! Are you feeling alright?" Once Misato has either accepted or rejected his handshake, Yuta attempts to give Shinji a fist-bump. This method of touching has been explicitly confirmed as acceptable, after all!

<Pose Tracker> Asuka Shikinami Langley has posed.

A glance from Alouette catches her attention, and Asuka nods her way. She doesn't know her particularly well even if they were in NERV together, but she's a new transfer, one of Akane's friends so that means she's alright.

Right now however, her attention is almost entirely on Ouka, she's only barely unwrapped her special dog.

"I can imagine." Asuka says, to things the School put her through. Because indeed - from what she already knows, there's a significant amount she can imagine. However, being gone...? Her sister freeing her? "Good. You didn't belong there in the first place. Wasn't right. That they just, took you, and forced you into that life."

Ouka raises her cup, and Asuka, hesitantly returns the gesture, like it's something unfamiliar. "We'll figure it out as we go." Before she then leans over to see Seolla too. "Oh. She transferring in too?" Before she nods, "Good for her."

Looking past at Seolla however, Asuka also spies Shinji, Misato, and Kaworu.

That thin smile, just vanishes from her face. And becomes a look of vague suspicion.

Without a word, Asuka scoots her bag closer to her.

"Trouble maybe." She indicates to Ouka. "Might be nothing, but..."

She knows in the end that NERV would never let her go. That they'd chase her no matter where she went.

<Pose Tracker> Akane Shinjo has posed.

Alouette looks lost, Akane thinks -- and it's the kind of lost that brings back some unpleasant memories. She doesn't want to put her on the spot -- that'll make things way worse -- but she does tap out a quick text to her:

> I didn't actually realize this would have people from other schools...
> It'll be fine. Just pick someone and say hi!

Looking up, she lets her gaze track around; her expression falls a little as she spots Shinji in particular. That's... going to get complicated, she realizes.

Then again, she looks almost nothing like the old Akane Shinjo. Maybe she'll be able to just skate, she tells herself.

Back to Seolla. "Yeah, definitely," she says -- and if she has any compassion for the 'complication,' she doesn't show it. "Wanna stay here? I know she'd be happy to see you around --"

And sure enough. "Ouka!" comes Akane's bright enthusiasm. "Ouka's taken a little longer to get settled in compared to some of the other students, but it seems like she's having a good time. I've been cooking for her a little bit!"

Her eyes wander away again -- toward Rikka. She doesn't say anything, but... as she looks at her, there's a throb of very human guilt and shame -- before she turns back to the people she's sitting with.

<Pose Tracker> Jana Cektru has posed.

Jana Cektru just shows up all over the place! ...But wha she does isn't go straight to Yuka, despite the fact that she is part of why Jana is here at all. She is willing to play a long game, as she watches Renais and the others. Kaworu is here, and she should probably confer with him, but acknowledgement is enough for now.

...Or it would be, if not for Misato. Misato's approach for the moment rather concern her. But that's not where she goes. "Ahahah," she laughs at the finish of the story. "Well, excuse me--I see some people who might be a good idea to meet, too..."

With her horrible concoction of a drink, Jaa steps through the gymnasium, and comes to a stop not far from Alouette. "It's pretty crowded, isn't it?" she says by way of greeting.

<Pose Tracker> Misato Katsuragi has posed.

Misato looks to Ako. "I'm Asuka's caretaker." She has no idea who this is but considering she's under the sway of Akane she has to assume everyone here is a potential danger. "And it's Nunya."

Sorry Ako she's still going to be rude. Kaworu warns her of the dangers of violence. "A peaceful world, what a joke." She runs her hand down her face and--

--stops, and looks at Ouka and Asuka getting along.

She cups her chin thoughtfully, now tempted to just leave Asuka and Ouka here for a while.

No, no, what is she thinking that's ridiculous.

She shakes Yuta's hand. Despite her flippant attitude she does, at least, listen to Kaworu and not do numerous actions that have occured to her, some well outside the scope of slapping.

"Alright," She murmurs to Kaworu. "This is an investigation anyway. But we can't let them stay here for too long... Another Angel attack could happen at any moment and I doubt the higherups are too happy about having one of their Evas stolen. Getting slapped will be the least of their worries of that happens."

As wild as Misato is, she's still dove-ish compared to the hawks of NERV and SEELE.

She looks to Shinji. "You should approach her, Shinji..."

And then provides a catlike grin. "Maybe invite her to a second date. For humanity."

The grin fades quickly as she turns back to Yuta.

I'm really happy here in Tsutsujidai

Misato looks confused, then suspicious. "Careful Shinji... He's happy."

<Pose Tracker> Rikka Takarada has posed.

Rikka sees Alouette waving toward Renais, so since she's there too Rikka offers her a wave, before taking a look over her latest outfit. More red, huh...?

Speaking of outfits, Rikka takes note of Renais's own. Come to think of it, she doesn't think she's seen her outside of that coat she usually wears. This is new, too.

"Your outfit looks nice." Rikka offers. She returns her smile with one of her own. There's anxiety there... she doesn't blame her.

Getting away from the chaos, though... is that what this is about? She'd like to ask her why she left, too... but this doesn't exactly seem like the best environment for it.

"Glad to hear it's going well... Let me know if I can help you with anything, okay?" She offers. Renais's going to be the school swim instructor... "I guess if you'll be teaching here, we'll be seeing each other more often."

Her eyes wander, wander back to Akane. For a moment, their eyes meet. Guilt and shame... Upon feeling this, Rikka averts her eyes, as well.

Akane... What are you doing...? To them, and yourself...?

<Pose Tracker> Ako Furuma has posed.

Misato is incredibly rude - but gives away key info. A new student's caretaker...

Anxiety, rising. Need to offset. "I'll leave you to your friends, Hibiki. We can catch back up later. Make sure she doesn't shoot anyone!"

Ako scoots away from the source of tension, and picks...Alouette. Who has new digs!

"Hey, you alright? I'm Ako Furuma. We're classmates now." A pause. The vibes from her clothes are slightly better...but still worrisome.

<Pose Tracker> Alouette Pommier has posed.

> "Don't worry! I'll do my best. Thanks for looking out for me," comes Alouette's reply to Akane.

"Are you going to be teaching here, then?" Alouette casually asks Renais, noticing that her more dour expression has faded. "You're pretty smart, and dependable! So I think you would make a great teacher." It's genuine praise, that's for sure. Renais is one of the figures she looked up to the most while growing up.

On the other hand, despite all the noise, Alouette's hearing skills are still better than average, and she can pick up pieces of many of the conversations. "...space shuttle from Orbit Base..." from Kaworu's conversation to Misato. That raises an eyebrow and she frowns for a moment. But before Kaworu can notice her eavesdropping, she quickly regards him with a nod.

After that, all the attention she begins to receive almost overwhelms her in a totally different way. But she said she can handle it! So she waves back at both Rikka and Asuka.

And then that mysterious woman who Alouette vaguely recognizes as one of STORAGE's doctors approaches her. "Yeah, it is pretty crowded." Alouette responds. "I'm trying my best to keep up with everyone saying hi!" She then gives her trademark "scanning" look. "By the way, what brings you here? You're definitely not a student and I don't think you're one of our teachers, either."

And finally, Ako introduces herself. That's one of Akane's friends. "Alouette Pommier! Nice to meet you. I don't think I've seen you much in class yet, actually." It's true that Ako missed a few days, but she's clearly cares if she's taking the effort to introduce herself. "I think I'm alright.. but it was pretty overwhelming at first I think. I was too busy to attend high school before, so it's a new experience."

<Pose Tracker> Shinji Ikari has posed.

Shinji's tense as he looks between Kaworu and Misato, feeling an impulsive hesitation at someone his age arguing with an adult, and hoping Kaworu wins this argument because Shinji does not want this to escalate.

Though even Shinji gets the feeling he knows why Kaworu is asking what makes Shinji so uncomfortable here, he cannot help giving him an incredulous look as if it should be obvious. ...Only to immediately look uncertain. It's not obvious. Everything seems better. But...

"It feels... forced," Shinji ventures, not sure the words are conveying what he really means. Problems don't just vanish. What's left in the wake of it, pretending they're gone...? Shinji might've been a problem like that to someone, once.

Watching Ouka puts a newly pained expression on Shinji's face. "But --" But... is what they have to gain better? He still remembers the way the emotions left her face. The threats she spoke to him. He can't imagine her wearing any of that right now.

Through all his discomfort, it takes him a moment to register what Yuta's fist means. But Shinji does raise his own, meeting knuckle to knuckle, with a weak smile. "Um. I've been better, I guess." He looks past Yuta to the others briefly. "...What about you?" How does Yuta feel about all of this? Or has he noticed it? Yuta is happy. Could he have been...?

Kaworu asks if Shinji wants to talk, and Shinji looks down a moment before briefly clenching his fists and relaxing them again. "...We should go talk to them," he says, an agreement, but a more honest rewording that simply answering 'yes'.

Misato has her own encouragement to add and Shinji winces. "That... doesn't sound like a good idea." He whines some. "And don't talk about that, please...!"

With a final nod and a deep breath, he moves across the gym to approach Asuka. "...Asuka." Anything else he planned to say is suddenly stripped from his mouth.

In all his preoccupation, Shinji has yet to notice Akane. ...And he might not immediately recognize her if he did.

<Pose Tracker> Seolla Schweizer has posed.

'-stay here-'

        This is perhaps the first time Seolla...looks around. At this environment. This completely cozy, natural place for people to gather. This completely alien, impossible place for Seolla to be. Even at Tokyo-3, she was the sort to make her way to some inaccessible perch and isolate herself there.

        "...cooking???" Seolla falters at the prospect - that thing that's been a restraint for so long. Ouka couldn't accept 'cooking' - she wasn't built for it. She and Arado and some of the others, the more 'light' modifications who could go further afield - they could take normal food, sure, but- "That's totally impossible, you kn-"

        And there comes that voice. In just a few short seconds, Seolla melts, and finally works up the nerve to twist around, and see Ouka for herself-

        Warmly befriending Asuka, looking hale and vibrant, practically sparkling with comforting joy.

        From one pocket, Seolla pulls a small towel free, and covers her face as though to wipe something off. It's an eternity of uncertainty that pours out instead, tears falling in this overwhelming maelstrom of relief that she can't show. Not here. She still has to keep things in order.

        The towel's sopping wet by the point Seolla tucks it away again, and it's still visible in her reddened eyes. Marching right in Ouka's direction, Seolla has to clutch a hand to her elder sister's shoulder to make sure she's real...that this all hasn't been some bizarre illusion at her expense.

        All she has to say is 'let's go home'.

        All she has to do is wrench Ouka away securely.

        ...But in one fell swoop - is that even possible anymore?

        "...Ouka...w...what the hell is going on here?! I don't understand at all! I thought...I thought I'd have to haul you out here at any cost, that something terrible happened to you...but..."

        But this is the happiest she's ever seen one of the most important people in her life.

<Pose Tracker> Jana Cektru has posed.

"Ahah, and I've just added to the pile, hm?" Jana smiels. But she is definitely not a student here that is true, and she nods along to that. "Actually, I just started here as a teacher myself. I'll be teaching Physics."


"Well, I was going to check in, but it seems you'e got someone to talk to now," she says, and smiles at Ako too. But then she starts to move on, circling the room. She eyes Misato in particular, but happens to pass by... Akane, first of all.

She sips her drink. Sssssip.

<Pose Tracker> Yuta Hibiki has posed.

"No, I'm not happy like that!" Yuta tries to clarify, shaking his head fervently. "I've always lived here! It's my home, and I like it, that's all! I'm totally myself."

Ako takes off. "Ah, see you, Furuma..!" Carefully, Yuta looks back at Misato. Kaworu wouldn't bring someone to Tsutsudijai who would actually shoot someone, would he? No way.

"You feel it too, Shinji?" Yuta murmurs, his eyes sad. "Something's wrong. Everyone transferring in had a life they were devoted to that they just walked away from... But they also had all suffered. And now," He hesitates, "They're not suffering. They're happy. I don't know what to do about it, but I know something's wrong."

Shinji heads off to Asuka, and Yuta gives him a little wave. He really was going to need good luck...

<Pose Tracker> Renais Cardiff has posed.

Renais looks down at herself. "Ah, do you think so? Akane picked it out for me. I quite like it..." She tugs at the greatcoat, which seems fastened to her shoulders. "I hadn't thought much about, ah... accessorizing," she confesses, "But without any combat to worry about, I don't need something quite so heavy-duty anyway."

She nods to the offer, "Of course. Thank you, Rikka. I've been thinking about stopping by Aya, but haven't really had much time to..." A lie. The same anxiety as before. "Anyway. I can't say I have much experience with teaching, but physical education seemed like my strong suit. I hope you'll be able to bear with me as I learn the ropes."

She finishes off her drink, pitching the cup into a nearby garbage can and grabbing a napkin to take care of the wet mess on her hand. Ugh. "How are Hibiki-san and Utsumi-san doing?" she asks, looking over in Yuta's direction.

<Pose Tracker> Kaworu Nagisa has posed.

        It's fine if Misato's rude, as long as she isn't violent. Kaworu knows how to temper his expectations. He gives Ako a vaguely apologetic shrug just before she flees, then nods slightly to Misato as she murmurs to him.
        "I also doubt it. But since the Second is here, she's unlikely to leave. They can probably be convinced to take a stance of 'watch and wait' as long as we can confirm that. That should give us some time," he murmurs back.
        Misato then expresses suspicion at Yuta's statement of happiness. Kaworu can't help but laugh a little. Yuta clarifies his meaning well enough, though, so he leaves it at that.
        He meets Shinji's incredulous look with a level, patient one. Soon enough, Shinji expresses, in his awkward way, what bothers him about this place. Yuta agrees, chiming in with his own thoughts. Kaworu follows his gaze back to Ouka.
        "Yes," he says simply. "Their pain has been stolen from them."
        As for Alouette, it's fine; he doesn't mind if she eavesdrops. It's not as though Akane couldn't and hasn't already guessed their reason for being here. Asuka herself looks more cautious at the sight of them. Misato encourages Shinji to ask her out on another date, and while Shinji is less than enthused about that... he does walk over to her.
        Kaworu follows, on the surface as placid as ever. However, he comes to a stop a few paces behind Shinji, as if to give him and Asuka a modicum of space. Once there, his gaze flicks over to Akane--perhaps his red eyes meeting hers.
        He doesn't say anything. He simply looks at her sidelong, expression neutral.

<Pose Tracker> Ako Furuma has posed.

"Ah, sorry for interrupting..." Ako says as Jana leaves. But even so, learning about Alouette is important. Her outfit sucked last she saw. "Pommier! Sounds French, huh? You're friends with Akane, right? I'm so happy for her." It's genuine, too. "Oh, I ditched a few days...don't tell anyone, okay?" Also genuine!

Too busy to attend high school...another clue. "Agh, I wish I was. But then it'd be kinda lonely, right? You wouldn't have any friends. So if you need any help learning the ropes, lemme know."

<Pose Tracker> Akane Shinjo has posed.

"I'm trying to monitor her diet," Akane cuts in to Seolla, at the incredulousness about cooking; it's an implicit admission. "If you know what her nutritional needs are it'd be a big help, actually..." It's an implicit admission, and a slightly dire one, perhaps: she's got only best guesses about Ouka's nutritional needs. To be fair, her best guesses have held up very well for a few weeks. ... but how long will that last?

Kaworu -- and an adult? And Dr. Cektru's here, too, pointedly sipping as she passes her by. ... This is bad, Akane reflects -- they're already trying to sniff out something. Do they already know...? She kind of expected some more discretion from Kaworu, but...

Strain starts to come into Akane's smile. For a few minutes this was nice, and maybe seeing the people who understand her so happy means it's still nice... but now it feels so tense, and so fragile. She's never even seen the woman with Kaworu before in her life. Has she even put a dent in the number of enemies she has? Will they simply refill the ranks indefinitely?

This sucks even more than I thought it was going to, she thinks, behind an awkward little smile.

<Pose Tracker> Ouka Nagisa has posed.

    'Trouble maybe,'

    That causes Ouka's smile to quickly falter. The rose tinted lenses on her own eyes, in spite of her lack of lenses, slip away slightly. She notices too the inidividuals from NERV - the very same people she has no doubt that Asuka are looking at too. For her part, her heart wishes to soar! After all she's safe here. Akane wouldn't have let them come here if there was a chance something bad would happen, right? She would have told her to do something if she needed her to... right? But she also resonated with the uncertainty from Asuka.

    All at once her body posture changes. She once again tenses up in the way. Her posture going from the relaxed student to once again the braced super soldier. Her eyes, once again, going from focusing on Asuka, Seolla and Akane to glancing around the room. Looking for unseen dangers. Foes lurking in every blindspot, knives shining in every shadow.

    She still has that expression and that posture as Shinji and Seolla approach. She even moves slightly closer to Asuka, in a way perhaps familiar to both her and the other Boosted Child. She's preparing to protect Asuka. To prevent either Shinji or Seolla from hurting her.

    But she makes no further moves. Instead she just waits. Waits to see evidence - is Seolla's arrival a dream come true, or a nightmare made real?

    In truth... like with most things in life, it's a little of both.

    Seolla's words cut through Ouka's recently reacquired honed soldier posturing with the ease of a warm knife through butter. She just settles back further in her seat, her eyes widen. She pauses... her mouth opening briefly, and then with a click of her teeth the mouth shuts again.

    "I'm sorry that you were worried." Ouka says softly, "I wanted to tell you. I tried to leave something for you... something that you could find me with, but that I hoped The School wouldn't find and use. There wasn't a lot of time though to plan something out though. When Latune contacted me, I knew I had to leave quickly. I had to escape, before I was forced to forget her again."

    Ouka then rises up from her seat and moves over towards Seolla. She will stand before her younger sister, fidgeting slightly, her expression hopeful but clearly afraid. "It's good though... right? It's just like she said. If I left, if I found freedom, you'd find a way to follow me. And here you are! ... that's why you're here after all, right? To join us? To live as a family, here, in Tsutsujidai?"

    "And I'm sure Arado will join us too... we don't have to do anything, we just have to wait for him to make it here himself."

    We don't have to do anything. We don't have to fight for, or protect Arado. Just wait, still and quiet, and he'd come here too.

    So hopeful - but coming from Ouka, suggesting to abandon Arado to being alone within the grips of The School, why does it sound so wrong?

<Pose Tracker> Teletha Testarossa has posed.

New experiences were becoming piece and parcel for Tessa at this point; The realization of a world out there without anything to properly ground her was becoming an increasing concern in her mind, especially with the thoughts surrounding Sousuke, Anti, Akane, and the minor thread that seemed to pull her five ways past Sunday. With the (very impassionately coerced) defense against Mardukas (bless him), a permanent record was in Jindai High School.

...Which was why she was here in the first place, in full Jindai School Uniform. GUTS was GUTS, transferance was easy transferance, and yet...These special dogs were just okay. That was the first conclusion she came up with. The second? Space travel was manageable. The third? ...Being stuck in a submarine for a while wrecks your social skills a small bit. A tiny bit.

"But really, Sagara's been around..." A low mutter to herself while scanning the room, eyes flicking from person to person. Grey eyes taking in the cheerful(?) surroundings, eyes and ears perked up for something. Anything to latch on. Coming ashore after a few weeks of formal military duty tends to make one tense, tense, tenser. Merely listening into convos showed a side that she rarely came into contact with nowadays.

...She could only thank a small part of herself for not immediately seeing any Whispered. That, at least, could be stricken from the quagmire.

<Pose Tracker> Misato Katsuragi has posed.

Misato isn't feeling like being polite. When someone you see as a daughter figure gets kidnapped and MIIIIINDTAAAAKEN, being a sweetie in that situation is tough. Misato's own anxiety is up to eleven and she couldn't even begin to bury her stormy mood. Her attempts to treat this flippantly may just be old soldier toughness but it is, at least in part, an attempt to make this less frigtening for her.

"Oh okay." Misato says, almost relaxing. She's relieved when Ako backs off and approaches Alouette--


Why are so many people from NERV and friends falling under sway of the illusory world that lies to them about not having been drafted into conflicts most of them didn't sign up for and even some had no chance to refuse??

Misato starts tapping her foot noisily like she's waiting for an elevator to arrive or a bomb to go off. Kaworu murmurs back to her. Maybe they can convince them. Maybe.

Their pain has been stolen from them.

Misato clenches her fists. The scar across her chest burns. Chill, she tells herself, you don't want to shoot an innocent(?) sassy green haired girl again do you? You didn't bring your pizza hut coupons with you.

She takes a steadying breath. Their pain has been stolen from them. That line just keeps rebounding in her skull.

"Anyway I'm Colonel Misato Katsuragi I guess." Misato asides to Yuta. "Well I don't know how devoted some--" No you shouldn't bother this nice kid with the skeevier elements of her work. "--Well, you never really know what's going on in someone's head. Even if it seems like their heart's on their sleeve."

They're not suffering.

She exhales. "This isn't sustainable anyway. Even if they're happier here, it'll end badly if they don't get out soon, Yuta. Pretty sure I spotted at least one kid with special dietary requirements." She rubs at her neck. If they'd just be happier in this existence and it COULD last--would she just let it happen?

"No point stressing out about doomed joy," She adds.

Sadly, there's really only so much Kaworu can do about Misato being discreet. Especially in a situation like this. At least she has the presence of mind to murmur occassionally and hasn't started shouting that the world is an illusion yet.

Misato remembers how dangerous Ouka can be. Without the School's programming--assuming Asuka is blocking that stuff out--well she probably hasn't physiologically changed her. If Ouka doesn't think to be careful in this situation she could hurt or kill someone even without overtly pushing her super soldier serum.

Ouka getting more tense only encourages Misato to make her own approach.

She looks at the Second Child.

"Asuka." She says.

Don't talk about the date, he said. And she won't... FOR NOW.

<Pose Tracker> Asuka Shikinami Langley has posed.

Seolla approaches, and breaks down, and despite her tensed posture, Asuka tries to subtly nod her way to tell her to go to her. There's something about the pair that she... always envied, even if she doesn't want to admit it. Maybe that's why she lets Akane cling to her so easily whenever she wants, even if she doesn't react.

Asuka finds some part of her wants to help Ouka out here, but she isn't sure she knows how. Seolla and her never really got along... but she feels so much sympathy for her now that she knows where the School gets their candidates.

Maybe they can start over too, once she's here.

Shinji moves across the room to approach her, and while she's suspicious of NERV - she's definitely not suspicious of him. There's no way they'd send him to take her back. "...Shinji." Wait what, is she dropping the nickname? What is going on?

The words are gone from his mouth, and she looks away. "Look. The other day." She sounds like she's struggling herself, to find the words here. It's strange, the sheer lack of aggression, hostility, something about her is a bit muted. "Want to try again, sometime?"

Wait what? Wasn't it awkward, and horrible?

"It wasn't the-"

Pause. She can't find a compliment that works for that day, and she can't quite apologize either for how she didn't match his speed. All she can do is say...

"Let's just give it another go."

She finally gives Shinji a look...

... and that thin smile.

"Right after you transfer in."

It's so soon after that Misato approaches the table, and the smile vanishes again, "Hey... Misato." Her hand is on her bag, but otherwise she's not hostile yet to her approach. She always did like Misato. She just understands out of everyone here she's the one most likely to use force to get her to go back.

"This place. Not a bad change of pace." She notes to her, but that's it for now.

She doesn't want to make a scene, not in front of Akane.

<Pose Tracker> Alouette Pommier has posed.

Renais as a PE coach... to anyone who's seen her abilities the idea of that would probably be terrifying. But considering Alouette's been on missions with her, she generally knows what to expect. So instead, she just responds with a cheerful smirk. "Oh, you know I can keep up with you!"

"Oh! Physics, hmm?" Alouette responds at Jana's claim that she will be teaching the subjects. "I was more of a programmer myself, but I know a thing or two about physics." Was a programmer. Somehow, that makes Alouette sad, even though she willingly left that behind. "I wonder if you'll be teaching our class, then?" And then as Jana leaves, Alouette nods goodbye, but she doesn't fail to notice her approaching Akane.

Ako, despite having what some may consider an "unapproachable" fashion sense, is very sweet and friendly. "Oui, that's right," she confirms, in regards to being French. And she more enthusiastically nods, when Ako asks if she's a friend of Akane. "She's wonderful, isn't she? It seems like she put a lot of effort into this welcoming party." Alouette is no snitch, in regards to Ako skipping. "It's our little secret then~" she answers, playfully.

That last sentence... hmm. She's right in a lot of ways. It's not that she had no friends, but she didn't know anyone her age on Orbit Base. It was foolish to think they'd take her seriously, in the end. She doesn't acknowledge those thoughts to Ako, but it's clear she was lost in thought for a moment. "I think I'll take you up on that offer!"

<Pose Tracker> Rikka Takarada has posed.

"She did?" Rikka remarks, curiously. It sounds like both Alouette and Renais are finding time to learn fashion... "But yeah, it looks great on you. That makes sense, though..."

Renais says she's been thinking about stopping by Aya, but... if Rikka notices the lie, she doesn't comment on it. Instead, she just nods.

"That's fair... I bet you've been pretty busy with moving in and getting yourself settled." Rikka replies with a small wave. "Still, our doors are always open, so feel free to stop by any time, even if it's just to grab some coffee."

She nods, as she says she doesn't have much experience with teaching.

"Don't worry. And if anyone tries to give you trouble about it, I'll tell them off." Rikka replies. As for Hibiki and Utsumi...

"They're doing alright. We're all adjusting a little to everything's that's been happening..." Rikka says. "I'm sure Yuta'd like to greet you sometime, too - though maybe not right this instant..."

<Pose Tracker> Kaworu Nagisa has posed.

        Truthfully, if Kaworu had his way, he would have been more discreet, by way of not bringing Misato. But when he invited Shinji along, Misato invited herself to join them, and Kaworu acknowledges she does have a right to come now that Asuka's here. As she already told Ako, she's Asuka's guardian. She has a responsibility for her, far more so than he does.
        And due to that same discretion, he doesn't tell Akane as much. And, arguably, having her along is its own kind of discretion: a sign that it's naive to believe she can just take people and expect those they left behind not to care.
        A presence enters the hall then. Kaworu turns to give Teletha a long look. That's all, though. She may well catch him staring, but even if she does, he's not self-conscious about it; he turns back to his companions in his own time. Misato in particular gets a long look of her own. She wears her emotions like a flag on fire. And Akane's not the only one on the other side growing tenser and tenser.
        Asuka says things. Kaworu still says nothing, opting instead to watch it all unfold. His expression remains neutral, but somehow there's now a dimness to it, too.

<Pose Tracker> Yuta Hibiki has posed.

"It's nice to meet you, Colonel Katsuragi." Yuta says, politely, his eyes on Shinji and Asuka as well. They had seemed to have something going on during the Angel fight, even before Shinji had been attacked. "...thanks for watching out for my friends." Misato is treated to a genuine smile, albeit with sad eyes. "And good luck with Asuka. I hope she'll be glad to see you."

As the Colonel goes to Asuka's side, Yuta is left on his own in the middle of the room. He takes a breath, runs a hand through his hair, and decides to go get a special dog. As he's picking one out...


The sound is loud and piercing, with a sort of quality that cuts through noise. Clearly some kind of alarm, it goes on and on... It's likely everyone at the party can hear it.

Yuta jumps as though he's touched a livewire, his left hand covering his wristband. Not now -- was this Akane's plan?! Did she lure everyone here only to unleash a kaiju? Alexis said she'd been in a slump, but even a mediocre kaiju could easily kill people, and almost all his allies are here!

"Rikka!" Yuta shouts, "We've got to--!"


Yuta looks down at his wrist band. He taps it. Nothing changes. Looking back up, Yuta is suddenly aware of so many eyes on him... And blushes as red as his hair. "S--sorry, everyone, um!" Tucking both arms behind his back, he bows low. "I'm so sorry! False alarm!"

In a softer voice, he adds, "I hope."

<Pose Tracker> Jana Cektru has posed.

For her part, Jana too is content to watch and wait for the moment, though she is prepared to intervene one way or another. Showing herself to Akane is simply a part of the plan. Making herself not a surprise later...

Her attention lingers on Misato and Shinji for the moment, though there are many presences to account for. Such as...

Jana moves off from where she'd been towards Yuka, stepping quietly, though not making a particular secret of it. He bows, and--

"Is everything all right?" she says more quietly.

<Pose Tracker> Ako Furuma has posed.

"Akane and I have been friends for a while." Ako nods, considering how to dig up more info from Alouette. "The PLANTS must be a new change of pace! Are you Earthside or Neo-French? I've been here my whole life...honestly, I want to visit Earth but outside of GUTS trips it's too expensive, probably. Even if I bet *she* could get everyone to give money..." A glance to Marusan, with a smile if she looks back.

"What do you do for fun, anyways? I'm not up-to-date on French culture beyond the fashion."

<Pose Tracker> Seolla Schweizer has posed.

        Somehow, this 'Akane Shinjo' knows about Ouka's needs - trying her best, and seemingly...for the most part, succeeding. If Ouka was enduring any health problems, they aren't showing...but indeed, they can take a while to develop in this case. But...

        Somewhere, Ouka brings up that a Latune has helped her with the plan. It hasn't been out and out stated, but-

        Seolla can put two and two together.

        Seolla twists around and shoots Akane an even more stern, analytical look. She's completely unfamiliar. [But how many people have been forgotten by now?] [But she almost looks kind of like some of them.] [But if anyone would reach out and help, it would've been one of them.] [But she's the right age, and what high schooler would go along with a lie that involves something so deep?]

        [But they've been lied to all their lives.]

        ...The mud threatens to wash back over Seolla. There's a slight shading in her eyes. Yet...just like it's always been. Knowing there's someone with her clears it away. Finally, something has given - and this thing Seolla feels, this uncomfortable, unfamiliar, strange thing her first instinct tells her must be rejected...

        it's relief.

        "Ouka. ...It will take more from me to do that. You know as well as I do that it won't be that easy. It's never been that easy. ...but you don't have to do it yourself. I can tell the dream of bringing us all here, to this little bit of hope you've carved out, is important to you. I hate to be the one to tell you it won't work out that way."

        Seolla sniffs in deeply, gripping Ouka's shoulder tightly. "...But...it's not your responsibility at this point. You...you've needed what you have here." Her piercing gaze glances up to Asuka - the way this person |painfully like her| also seems to be just that little bit more at peace too.

        "...I'll be back in just a little bit."

        Abruptly, Seolla marches her way right back to Akane's table, a firm blaze in her expression, driving forward at a pace that, yet again, threatens to barge people over.

        "...you're lying to them."

        Her hand drives down in her pocket with trained efficiency, just like an undercover agent would decisively draw in a movie-

        "...just like everyone else always will."

        It's not a weapon Seolla pulls out. It's her phone, presented right on the contact list and shoved inches from Akane's hands.

        "...we can't make this too obvious. I'll take a risk on you, 'Latune'. But it'll also be your responsibility. Whatever you're doing here..."

        "...keep in touch with me, and we'll make it 'real' enough."

<Pose Tracker> Renais Cardiff has posed.

Renais watches Yuta for a moment, nodding lightly. "Yes, it looks like he's got a few things of his own to deal with right now..."

Right on cue, his wristband starts making noise, and she stiffens, looking ready for combat--but no. False alarm. She slowly relaxes. "... Yes, I think he's got enough on his plate today," she confirms giving him an odd look. "That said... I should probably go mingle a bit. Wallflower or no, I ought to at least *pretend* I'm interested in the party." She winks. "If you'll excuse me."

She steps away, then, and after a few steps not in anyone's direction, she glances over to Akane... hm. She approaches the lavender-haired girl. "Is everything all right, Akane?" she asks, quietly.

<Pose Tracker> Rikka Takarada has posed.

Suddenly, a loud, piercing beeping cuts through the air. Rikka is familiar with that sound - the familiar sound of the Acceptor - so she whirls quickly toward Yuta as he calls out to her -

...And then the beeping stops.

Rikka assesses Yuta for a moment. Why now...? She looks back toward Renais.

She notices the way she relaxes. ...Was she concerned?

"Hahah, yeah." Rikka replies with a laugh as Renais's comment. "Take care."

Renais departs, so Rikka takes the opportunity to hurry over to Yuta.

"It was different this time..." She murmurs with a frown, keeping her voice low. "Closer to an actual alarm. You don't think there was one here, do you...?"

...It doesn't seem like it. They'd know, right?

<Pose Tracker> Alouette Pommier has posed.

"That's good," Alouette slowly nods. "I know Akane was pretty lonely for a while, so I'm sure she appreciated someone who always stayed by her side," Alouette isn't wholly incapable of understanding Akane in this state, after all. But there's still a sense that this is absolutely the best solution for both of their lonlinesses.

"Oh, I'm from Earth. Although if you'll believe it, this is my first time visiting the PLANTs even as a Coordinator." It seems Alouette has taken the advice to heart that being a Coordinator or Newtype is akin to nothing more than a small-talk topic in Tsutsujidai. Still, if Ako knows a thing about the outside world, that statement might vibe as strange, as if Alouette is hiding something. ...It's not easy to be a Coordinator on Earth.

And then Ako asks what she does for fun. This is another typical small talk question, but surprisingly, it's the hardest one to answer by far. "Well..." Normally she'd easily answer with "Coding!" It was her passion. But she drifted away from it. So what does she answer now?

BEEEEEP. Her train of thought is once again interrupted by the kaiju alarm going haywire. She gives Yuta a little look, as if to say "you should REALLY get that thing fixed", and then resumes thinking. No big deal. "Um, I've been learning how to sing and play piano. It's easy to reach the notes, but it's harder to put it into a song. Everything has to come together perfectly, right?" Strangely, it's very similar to the processes she learned while programming. While it's easy to efficiently put a code together, it's much harder to put it into a complex, almost beautiful program like the Final Fusion Program Drive.

<Pose Tracker> Shinji Ikari has posed.

Yuta's normal Yuta happy, because Yuta is the kind of amazing that can keep his spirits up even while the world is crashing down around them. But also, this is Yuta's home. And that's... important. They need to save Tsutsujidai and they need to save Akane while they save everything else threatened by her.

Shinji reminds himself of that again before making his move, surprised but grateful Kaworu stays by him. Misato comes to. Asuka didn't come home. They need to bring Asuka home.

But there's also Ouka, with Seolla pouring out her worries. Shinji glances to her in quiet sympathy before looking away, as if it would be unwelcome for him, a stranger, to give it. He thinks he understands. He was so worried, too. But for it to be this... it's... is it fair to pull them away?

Ouka moves as if to protect Asuka, and Shinji stiffens with the memory of past threats that did not feel they belonged to Ouka herself. Is this really better than the School...? He tries to steel himself past his nerves, desperate for useful words to say while Asuka turns away from him, bringing up the other day, of course, probably not wanting to see him at all regardless of anything else, but --


Want to try again, sometime?

And then Asuka Shikinami Langley smiles at Shinji Ikari. Asuka smiles at all.

He can't remember seeing that before. Shinji's mouth goes dry, throat choked. She's not being hostile. Not aggressive. Gentle, but Asuka standards. By most standards. She's happy and she wants to try again, like all his mistakes are forgivable, and that should be everything Shinji wants, right? But that's an idea. That's not a person called Asuka.

Shinji's whole face tenses up, shoulders scrunched. "...No. You're not -- this isn't like you at all, Asuka." He tears his gaze away, expression pained and the impotent anger he feels turning inward on himself. "I don't think you really want that. Or any of this."

Yuta's alarm goes off, but Shinji doesn't look up.

<Pose Tracker> Misato Katsuragi has posed.

Misato looks down at Asuka. Her face is a complex explosion of emotions. Asuka tries to lure Shinji into the illusion. That makes several emotions bleed away, leaving sorrow behind. A sorrow that intensifies when Asuka says it's not a bad change of place. Her gaze slants away for a moment. She closes her eyes. She opens them again. She remembers the briefing on OOO. This sort of stuff doesn't change who you are, it just twists it around. Shuffles your personality about like a jigsaw puzzle.

She turns back to Asuka. She can feel Kaworu's stare against her back. Her fists tighten into fists like she might throw a punch at any moment. Like she wants to.

She doesn't. Her hands relax and drop to her side.

"Asuka," She says. "If Akane wants to fart around in this kind of place, I don't really care. She doesn't seem like the kind of kid I should expect much out of. If she'd rather be happy here and give up on the real world, that's no skin off my back."

This is just Misato venting her frustrations but she has a little more to say.

"But you," Misato says softly. "I thought for sure that you, more than anyone, would be the kind of person to face reality head on and carve out your slice of happiness for yourself. I'm sorry for expecting too much of you. I'm sorry for being unable to give it to you."

"Take the time you need. You're welcome back whenever."

Misato might have added more but Yuta shouts, Misato startles, and then she looks at him for a long moment. Is a kaiju coming?!

I'm so sorry! False alarm!

Misato unleashes an impressively sour expression at him.

<Pose Tracker> Yuta Hibiki has posed.

"I don't know." Yuta's clearly distressed, speaking quickly. His phone is already in one hand, the group text with the Neon Genesis Junior High Students open. "Nobody knows anything. Gridman picked up a kaiju, for longer this time, a stronger signal! But it vanished again."

Looking up to Rikka, Yuta shakes his head. "I really hate this. I don't know what to do, and everyone is so vulnerable here. If Akane wanted to, there isn't a better chance to try and take us all out... I don't want to think she'd do that." Free hand on his wristband, Yuta continues. "I think we have to talk to her. What do you think, Rikka?"

The moment anything changes, Yuta's going to run out of here and get to Synchrotank, but... He can't let Rikka have this conversation alone. Not after her fight with Akane. "I don't want to mess up the party... but it's better than putting everyone at risk."

<Pose Tracker> Akane Shinjo has posed.

The allusion to the class trip (for whith Marusan very definitely got people to pay their fair share) and the look to Marusan gets the Dance Club girl to blush a little bit and smile, but with more than a little embarrassment.

Meanwhile: Seolla approaches -- and Akane tenses up a lot, fearing for a moment that the game is going to be up. Her hand comes up on reflex, ready to counter a potential threat as if her body weren't even her own --

-- but she's presented with a phone, instead. "... deal," Akane says, putting in her contact information. It's an unfair relationship, again -- Seolla has to play ball, because Akane has hostages, and Akane's savvy enough to know that that's the game.

But again, as always: unfair relationships are her expertise.

Speaking of which --

"Oh! Yeah, things are fine," Akane says, with a content smile. "I was worried that this was gonna get a little crazy, but... everything's okay for now. Seems like even the people with a problem are good at the stoic, show-no-pain samurai act. Maybe 'Gridman's' infectious."

Her gaze tracks to that beeping -- a familiar tell, but only for a small handful of students in Class 2-E. Her eyes narrow.

It stops. Good.

She tracks Rikka and Yuta; she can't hear them, but she has a hunch what they're talking about. ... let them talk. She knows the truth, of course.

Asuka seems popular all of a sudden. Misato and Shinji both make their plays -- and while Asuka seems to have them in hand... "You know, trying to drag someone back to a place they were unhappy is kinda mean-spirited," she says, cutting in.

<Pose Tracker> Yuka Ohta has posed.

Yuka spends far too long battling with her own negative feelings. Before she even realizes it, she's torn through several special dogs and equal amounts of punch. She really wishes she had a good modeling table in the staff room or something. Because she could REALLY stand to stress-sculpt a Super Nalgus right about now. It would help her relax, and stamp down this pain.

But that's not an option, and she has some responsibilities to handle. She can see various small confrontations going on... yet, all of them seem to peter out? Nobody is causing any sustained trouble. So... maybe. Maybe she doesn't need to intervene.

And as she's thinking that, the worst situation she could imagine happens. She's spoken to, by the person she was trying to forget was here. She puts on her best smile. Trying to pretend there isn't a maelstrom of dark emotions running roughshod over her heart at this very instant. "Oh, Ms. Cektru, yes, I'm fine. Are you adjusting to your new teaching position well? It's nice, seeing those kids from NERV's programs doing better here. That place really is just so awful to everyone, so the others should really ditch it too."

Something Yuka always thought, and even voiced occasionally... but not NEARLY so blatantly. At most, she'd talked about how they could use counseling and therapists. And friends. Things they would of course, never be allowed to have. ...Akane's already done more for them than Yuka would ever have been able to. So the least she can do, is teach them. Help them grow and thrive here, in this peaceful place. If a lack of active EVA pilots and child soldiers happens to mean less Kaiju Eradication too, all the better.

<Pose Tracker> Teletha Testarossa has posed.

Tessa chomped on the Special Dog, stirring the contents around in her mouth. It didn't...Offend her American-born sensibilities. Violated them? A tad. No, she couldn't say she was a fan of this semi-luxurious, "unique" cusine. At least there was other stuff to sample.

...That gaze from the boy. Name...Unknown? Such a strange boy, but perhaps silver hair was a prerequisite? No, no, no, not worth thinking in such a way. She'd only depress herself with that kind of thought.

Thoughts which were quickly interrupted by the loudness of Yuta's wrist. Breaking off that spiral, jolting her in place as she added to the gazes on the redhead. Nothing? Nothing at all? ...Strange.

Strange. Strange. This place was strange. Mithril had a few reports; Scattershot as any regarding this place. Strange. Eyes flicking one to the other to the other to the other. A light recognition of some faces. Human ones.

Maybe she'll listen in on the talk of relationships...Asuka and Shinji, it was? It sounds rocky. Maybe looking from the outside in will help...

<Pose Tracker> Ouka Nagisa has posed.

    Pick your lie. Choose your poison.

    What worry is there in choosing one lie over another, after all, if you've never known anything that is real or true? Why not simply choose to believe the lie you like the most.

    ... at the very least you wouldn't be any more delusional right? You'd be chosing one lie for another. You'd have to be crazy NOT to choose the one that you like the most! Even if you had to abandon everyone you devoted your entire life, your entire waking moment, fretting over and protecting. How difficult it must been for that young woman to make that decision. How deep then too must be her investment in making the new lie come true.

    By any means necessary.

    'It will take more from me to do that.'

    "No..." Ouka whispers softly. She had worried about this, after all. She had hoped the Bronzos would free each other, and come together. But failing that she had at least hoped Seolla would stay with her. Hoped that would lead Arado to come on his own. It's not based on any sort of logic - it's just a wish, a feeble fragile wish.

    The hand grips her shoulder tightly. Ouka tensed slightly, but otherwise remained still. She listens - listens to Seolla tell her that it's not her responsibility, that it's ok, that she needs what she is getting here. But Seolla couldn't stay. Seolla wouldn't stay. The sparkle of joy, the glow of elation, it all darkens in her to fear and worry.

    "... please don't go." She begins...


    Her words and her train of thought is quickly and suddenly pulled towards Yuta. She gives him a wide eyed look as he calls for Rikka. She then looks for Akane, to see if she can explain what is going on, to signal her to what she should be doing - but then just as quickly the beeping stops, and Yuta declares a false alarm. No one else seems to making a move on it. And she doesn't see or hear any additional warnings or sirens.

    The Boosted Child then is allowed to turn back towards her sister, Seolla, and her other sister, Akane, in conversation. Yes. If there's anyone who can convince Seolla to say, surely, it would be Latune 7. Rather than walk over and interject she decides to simply return to her place next to Asuka - next to her still unopened container of carefully balanced nutritional drink.

    She twists open the cap and takes her first pull of it. Listening to Shinji and his overtures towards Asuka. She frowns thoughtfully at his words. But she makes no move, yet, and instead glances to see how Asuka responds. However she doesn't have to wait long for help to arrive.

    'You know, trying to drag someone back to a place they were unhappy is kinda mean-spirited.'

    "Akane~" Ouka says with a sweet tone to her voice, "I'm sure the conversation between you and Seolla went well. I tried my best but... I don't have your gifts, it seems." She sounds a bit ashamed. That as the Aurum, she's now having to rely on one of her dear little sisters to do something for her.

<Pose Tracker> Asuka Shikinami Langley has posed.

Seolla and Asuka's gazes meet, and Asuka doesn't back down from staring back. However, Seolla would probably note it's more relaxed. There's no sense of competitiveness. No rivalry. No disdain for herself and Ouka in this moment.

The moment she moves over to Akane though, THAT is when Asuka tenses up as she barges over to her. However, as she watches, things go down without anything that would compromise her safety.

Shinji starts talking, and he'll note she's looking at Akane in this moment. Even as her attention is also on him. There's no attempt at a smile now. "Not like me? I don't know what you're talking about."

It's the piercing screech that diverts her attention as her eyes shoot over to Yuta.

"What's the problem? The moment I got out of that place - is it really a surprise things would get better?" Asuka glares at Shinji, "You? You're miserable there. Can't see why it's such a surprise to you I'd leave."

Asuka gives Shinji a piercing look, and now she seems angry, however she keeps her voice low so she doesn't make a scene, "Ouka is a war orphan that was turned into a weapon by the School. You think she's better off back there, rather than here? Do you have any idea what they were going to do to her if-"

Her eyes dart over to Misato as she starts talking to her, and there's a building, growing anger as she says 'slice of happiness'. "That just proves you don't know a single thing at all about me, Misato." Asuka says after a moment, when she says that, "Not one thing. This isn't me refusing to face reality. It's me waking up to what kind of future NERV has to offer for me."

She meets her gaze, and there's now a coldness in that look, "You and I both know that's not how this is going to go. That I can just come back 'whenever'. If you think otherwise, then you're the one that isn't facing reality."

Akane cuts in, and Asuka listens to her, then just nods, "Yeah that's exactly right, Akane." Then she just stands up, and scoots a bit closer towards Akane, as she just says, now seeming calmer, "I know where I stand. And now so do you."

<Pose Tracker> Jana Cektru has posed.

Modeling is nice! But Jana, for her part, is seeing these same confrontations start and peter out, though some more than others--but Yuka, ostensibly, is a chaperone at the moment. It's a good excuse to talk to her, to make sure there's nothing that the 'teachers' need doing.

"So far so good," Jana replies about her teaching position. "I enjoy helping young minds to appreciate knowledge." A smile, despite the fact that Jana knows not everything is all right.

"It is hard on them," Dr. Cektru agrees. "...I hope that they're all happy with the choices they're making. I do see some potential trouble opening up, but..."

"...It doesn't look as if anything will rock the boat too hard today."

She eyes Asuka, smiling. Shinji, disturbed. Misato... Misato.

"This job seems to be treating you well, certainly."

<Pose Tracker> Kaworu Nagisa has posed.

        The shrill beeping of Yuta's wristband tears Kaworu's attention his way in an instant. However... he still remains where he is, hands in his pockets. A few seconds later, the beeping cuts and is no more. He watches him a moment longer as he declares a false alarm and apologizes to the room. After that, his eyes are on Akane and her narrowed eyes.
        Teletha doesn't get another look. What was that about? ...She has no choice but to wonder.
        Shinji and Misato say what they wish--Shinji telling Asuka that this isn't her, Misato apologizing and telling her she can stay as long as she needs. Kaworu regards them both, but it's only on Shinji that his expression changes subtly--a small upward curve at the corners of his lips, a softening at the corners of his eyes.
        If she notices this look, and if she then looks down at his pocketed hands, Akane will note that Kaworu is wearing that metal wristwatch again.
        It doesn't last long. Ouka has her own issues that Seolla approaches Akane to deal with, and that Asuka brings up in brutally direct fashion. Kaworu watches and listens to her for a moment. Then he looks back at Akane.
        "So why her?" he wonders.

<Pose Tracker> Rikka Takarada has posed.

Rikka frowns as Yuta explains. She looks over the group text, nodding. She doesn't respond right away, though, instead thinking it out.

"I don't think... Akane would want to crash her own party." Rikka decides after a moment. "She actually looks... happy, here. Or at lease pleased with herself... Something's going on, but I don't think she'd launch an attack here."

...But then again, there was that look they shared... She frowns. But, Yuta asks her what she thinks.

"...We should at least go say 'hi'. And whatever ever happens after that, we can deal with." She decides.

<Pose Tracker> Ako Furuma has posed.

As Yuta's watch beeps loudly, Ako covers her ears briefly, and then starts tapping at her phone. "An artsy type! I'm not in any clubs, but I draw. What got you to start?"

Though the loudness is starting to get to her - she'll retreat to solitude once they're done talkiing.

<Pose Tracker> Alouette Pommier has posed.

Artsy type, huh? That's something she's never been called before. "To be honest, the main reason I'm learning is because I've never been much of an artsy type. It's a new experience for sure."

After that, Alouette decides her social battery has just about run dry. "I think I'm going to get going.. it was nice meeting you, Ako-chan!" And with that, the two take their separate paths and fade into the crowd.

She writes one last text to Akane, as she makes her way further from the chaos.

>"I think I'm going to get some air, and then go home. See you tomorrow, Akane-chan."

<Pose Tracker> Shinji Ikari has posed.

It makes too much sense and no sense at all. Shinji doesn't know how to explain it as his feelings twist into a cold, nauseated knot. Asuka's right. She's completely right. It's miserable. He's miserable. He wants to leave and he can't. Why wouldn't all of them want to leave, if they could? And Ouka too.

Shinji manages to look back at Asuka now. That anger in her eyes is more familiar, more comfortable, but still not quite right.

"And what's being done to her right now?! It's not fair! Why can't... why can't everyone leave us all alone! This is just trading one thing for another!"

Misato tells Asuka she can stay a while, then come home when she wants. It's sobering to remember they shouldn't make a fuss. Maybe Asuka does need a break. Can it work that way...? Asuka's not without pain. Or loneliness. She's too much like him for that to be true.

But Shinji's gaze snaps up to Akane when she cuts in. For a moment, shock, uncertainty. Then it slowly, slowly begins to light with realization thanks to those around him. Akane Shinjo. But this is not the girl he recognizes from the past. Now isn't the time to let himself be gobsmacked. He shakes off his shock to address her, but he also has to ignore a certain amount of fear to do it.

"...Isn't this just the same as becoming like them?" he asks, crack in his voice. "What good is it having people care about you if it's fake?!"

Asuka asking for a second date... because everything's been smoothed over. Erased. All the unhappiness he caused gone. A hollow, new flavor of loneliness threatens to swallow Shinji up thinking about it. He looks back at Akane and he wonders: is that what this is doing to her?

<Pose Tracker> Yuta Hibiki has posed.

The group text seems to now be filling with Borr sending knife emojis. As Rikka watches, Calibur sends a single thumbs-up emoji. The NGJHS seem to be adapting to youth culture well!

"Right!" Yuta says, with a determined nod. "Let's do our best, Rikka."

Abandoning the prospect of special dogs (though not without a regretful glance back at them), Yuta cuts a clear path to Akane. "Excuse me," he offers to the people around her, until he comes face to face with the lavender-haired girl.

"Akane. I'm happy to see you." Despite everything, Yuta's voice is gentle. "Do you know anything about that alarm just now? Is anyone in any danger?"

Taking a glance around the room, Yuta feels a rush of emotion. So many people fighting by his side, despite hurting... They were there for him. For Tsutsujidai. It's overwhelming, and for a moment, he closes his eyes and focuses on breathing. "I wanted to say... Whatever this is. I know something's going on." Yuta reaches a hand out, laying it on the table, within reach of Akane. "I don't know if it's right, but I think it's you doing your best to be kind. I care about everyone here, and, well." Yuta rubs at his eyes with his other hand. "Thank you."

It's not a surrender. It's not an approval. But Yuta's gratitude is genuine -- that Akane saw the pain he didn't, and took action.

<Pose Tracker> Misato Katsuragi has posed.

Misato says, "I'm not talking about NERV. Fuck NERV." A strange thing for a NERV Colonel to say, perhaps. "I'm talking about the real world. That's what has things to offer you. And if you think I don't believe it has value for you, you don't know a single thing about me! But like I said, it's fine. You don't need to impress me. Do what you want."

You and I both know that's not how this is going to go.

"Oh please, Commander Ikari will probably shrug and just make the other pilots carry your share of the work. Return your EVA and they might even let you stay here indefinitely. THAT they'll definitely send a strike team for." If they're able to find it anyway.

Misato looks to Akane as she cuts in. She wants to slap her so bad but apparently slapping god is a bad idea. Her hand still gets up about halfway before she's able to stop herself.

""That your read, kid?" She asks.

"Here's mine. Your arguments don't actually matter. Eventually, all the people you're pissing off right now will get tired of the kid gloves Mama Misato is wearing right now and this will become just another tragedy in space and one god's power won't stop it. My only hope is that you don't drag my kids down with it. I won't be able to stop it if they decide that even if they'll have to do it over my dead body."

And with that she spins on her heel and makes her way back to Kaworu.

<Pose Tracker> Seolla Schweizer has posed.

        As long as Seolla can observe it - she can seize upon it. A way forward, with important people - it's all she's ever pursued.

        Even if not an hour earlier, someone important is someone she was prepared to exterminate.

        "...Let me know immediately if any problems come up for Ouka," Seolla states firmly to Akane, sighing in something resembling ease. "...I'll get my hands on exactly what she needs. ...oh, and unrelated to all that...there wouldn't happen to be any sort of like, helicopters here in this Tsutsujidai place, right?"

        She can tell Ouka's in distress - that Seolla not fully accepting is painful to what she imagined. Of course it is. The care Ouka has for her as an elder sister is as much a 'lie' as whatever she can intuit Akane's lied to her about as 'Latune Seven'. Seolla's always known it...but what of it? What would she hold onto with the truth?

        "...I'll be back, Ouka. I promise. Not just 'some day'. Often enough. But I can't settle for hoping everything will just work out. It's clear...ah...'Latune' has made a lot of plans, a lot of accomodations. But if I just stay here myself, unconditionally - your dream will be incomplete. They'll all be stuck there. I have to make sure it doesn't...end, so suddenly."

        ...And right then and there...Shinji's voice breaks, on the handful of words Seolla least wants to hear right now. For that...the silver haired pilot marches forward, and flicks Shinji right on the temple.

        "...listen to me good, alright...? ...Care has to be forced sometimes. It has to be bullshit sometimes. It has to be illogical sometimes. When the walls start to crumble...you gotta make hard decisions about patching it up or getting out of there. But...until that point, you can't just turn down a place with cracks in the walls. I know what choice I'm making. Make sure you don't prioritize whatever the hell something 'real' means over doing the right thing."

<Pose Tracker> Yuka Ohta has posed.

Jana seems reasonable enough right now... and maybe even happy to teach? So maybe... maybe she's not here as a replacement. Maybe. Yuka can push down at least that much for a while. "I'm glad you understand. Kids need an environment and adults who can help them thrive. Who won't stamp out their happiness and passion." Speaking more than a little from experience, and it shows, in the subtle changes in how her eyes grow all the more dim when she talks about it.

She spots some trouble...? Yuka just barely glances Ouka's direction. She's... vaguely aware. She's heard Akane mumble something about a diet now and then. If she knew the specifics and the requirements, she'd probably be the one in the best position to help, but she doesn't. It's not a job for her anyway, is it? "It's... more rewarding, honestly. I... the work I was doing, it was just killing me inside. Every time we put another kaiju down, hurt more than the last. Like plunging knives into my own heart." Why is she baring this pain out to somebody? Why Dr. Cektru in particular? Maybe it's just because she's... free, to voice dissent now. "Now, I can put my heart into teaching people about the things I love instead." The idea she might be teaching about kaiju, at Tsutsujidai, seems... off. It doesn't really scan with anyone's perceptions of the sleepy town.

She hears some shouting over in Asuka's direction, and that brings a frown to her face. The idea that the care people have is fake... That makes her a little mad. She nearly breaks away, to sit Shinji down and have a talk with him about that. But... no. It's already starting to cool over there. It's fine. She can ask Kaworu to relay the message to him. That she does in fact care about Asuka's well-being. And his, and the rest of the pilots. She even wishes she could help Misato with her... glaring traumas, though that's really just so much further beyond anything she ever had any hope of handling.

<Pose Tracker> Rikka Takarada has posed.

Borr's knife emojis do put a bit of a smile on Rikka's face, as does Calibur's single thumbs-up. She looks back up to Yuta and offers him a nod, following him as he makes his way over to Akane.

"Hey, Akane..." Rikka greets a bit awkward. Yuta takes point on the talking. She lets him - now that she's here, she finds herself at a loss for words. What he says... he's really trying hard.

"...Akane... Are you happy?" Rikka asks. It's not an accusation - just a question.

<Pose Tracker> Ouka Nagisa has posed.

    It wasn't supposed to be this way.

    Perhaps Ouka wasn't really being realistic when she tried to think about how this all would end up. Still she was encouraged to shoot for the Moon. Why not, after all? The changes she has experienced are immense, and sudden. Somehow she was freed of her programming. Somehow she has become able to live a life which... well, she doesn't know if it's necessarily normal, but at least it seems to be superficially so? If for someone like her, who was so trapped within The School's grasp to never even be able to even dream of freedom, to have been freed is possible... why wouldn't it be possible for Seolla? No... not just possible, but even easier?!

    It's part of what causes her brow to furrow as she sips her meal from its drink container. A slight furrowing that vanishes as soon as she hears Asuka referencing her, and specifically giving voice to how Ouka is a war orphan...

    The First Boosted Child's eyes widen at that. She rolls the thought over in her head. True she had known of war orphans. She had even known that other Boosted Children were war orphans. But... she had never thought of herself, in that context. She had always been a...

    ... what? What had she even seen herself as? Did she have a family once? It makes her feel sad. So she decides to stop thinking about it.

    After all she has a family and friends here now. Asuka beside her, and Akane nearby. And when Shinji's voice cracks with an accusation that is the time she decides to set down her drink container and stand up once more. She walks over to position herself, the best she can, between Shinji and Akane. Her head is held slightly back and tilted upwards - allowing herself to stare down at Shinji in a manner that her modest height otherwise would not allow her to.

    "Whatever else you have to say to or about my sister, I care for her. That is not fake. Akane has worked hard to make a place for all of us here. She has struggled and suffered, far more than any of us, far more than any of you know. I will not allow anyone else to hurt her, anymore."

    Meanwhile, at the same approximate moment, Yuta shares a deeply emotional statement. Thanking Akane. He doesn't know if it's right - but at least he recognizes the good that she has done. Ouka doesn't respond ot him out loud... but she does offer him a brief, happy smile. At least someone recognizes the good work that Akane is doing.

    Meanwhile, in response to Misato suggesting that they would send a strike team to recover Asuka's Evangelion, Ouka states calmly: "That would be ill-advised." The Boosted Child states evenly, "But NERV can do what they must, and suffer the consequences." Given what was found upon that School derelict... it's pretty clear what she intends to do.

    Then Seolla comes to tell her that she will be back. Not just some day - but often enough. Her expression is sad, but understanding. "It's hard to put your trust into someone else... even someone like Akane, isn't it?" The First Boosted Child says softly, "I guess that's my fault. After all. Even I couldn't protect you from everything like I wanted to. Even now I can't protect you from making this decision..." She sighs, "But I know you will be back. Because I have chosen to trust Akane. I just hope it happens soon and not later."

<Pose Tracker> Akane Shinjo has posed.

Akane gives Ouka a nod. "It was a little tense, but we figured it out," she answers, rubbing at the back of her head. "Can't win 'em all on the first attempt, but... she seems open to it, at least." With a strained smile, she affirms, "It'll be fine. I think she just needs a little time to process."

Seolla makes a request -- and asks a question. "Sure thing! As for helicopters, uh... maybe?"

Akane considers expediting that, but then: she's already got a hostage. No need to double-dip; fewer enemies are fewer enemies, however that's achieved.

Giving Kaworu a quick look over, Akane notices the watch, finally. She considers commenting -- but Shinji cuts in and dispels that train of thought with one that... is equally Shinji-related but somewhat more pointed.

"I don't think you have any idea what's going on here," is all she offers him. (She knows it's not true. He obviously has the shape of it -- if Kaworu figured it out, Shinji almost certainly knows, too.) "If you're going to act like that, you can leave. I don't think anyone here needs this kind of reminder of how things used to be."

Surely she's talking about Asuka.

Yuta approaches, too. So many kind, lonely boys, Akane thinks, distantly. "I'm done with sending kaiju out to attack things I don't like," she says, her tone a little flatter than she realizes it is. When he thanks her, though --

She realizes she has no response for that. "U-uh... you're welcome?" It's at strain. Rikka follows up by asking her if she's happy.

"Of course I am! I don't have to handle things the other way anymore, and even the people I was fighting are starting to understand me," she says -- but there's another stab of guilt and shame as she says it, not obvious on her face but seeming to drop the temperature of the whole room a couple degrees. Fishing for something else to say, she tries to hunt up the words --

Her phone beeps, saving her, and she glances down at it. Alouette's leaving, huh...

> Might join you in a few minutes!
> Give me like twenty

Akane reflexively hits enter when Misato addresses her with... what definitely feels like threats, to Akane. She sees the hand and there's an immediate -- it's not a flinch, exactly, but Akane's whole body turns on reflex to fully face Misato, abandoning virtually every train of thought she had at once. "M-uh. Ma'am, are you even... oh, right, you're someone's legal guardian. I guess that has to be fine." She stands up. "I guess I'll just -- get out of your way," comes a strained affirmation, as she stands up from the table.

She pulls her phone up to block her face, turning away from everyone and starting to book it for the assembly hall door, tapping at it. Ouka, at least, runs interference for her -- something she's deeply relieved at right now.

> nevermind coming now now now now now now

It's a little more revealing than she'd like, but... it's just in one person's texts. Much like Misato's presence, that has to be fine, she thinks, as she beats a hasty retreat.

<Pose Tracker> Jana Cektru has posed.

"...Yes," Dr. Cektru agrees with Yuka. "That's true." Whether or not this is that environment, there is something real there that she will not speak against. Especially not with the way that light in her eyes changes.

"...That makes sense," Jana answers. "I can't say I approve of all the deaths," she admits. "I am glad that this work is rewarding for you. ...There's nothing quite like teaching, is there?" she comments.

She doesn't draw attention to that strangeness, to those seams in the fantasy. That isn't why she's here; she's been assured that it wouldn't help. Part of her still thinks it's not her place to decide how they should live anyway...

"I am looking forward to seeing how our students' lives unfold," she settles on, as she watches Akane... well. Flee? Is she fleeing?

"...Hm. Do you think we need to intervene?" she asks, putting the power with Dr. Ohta for now. "Or is it handling itself well enough?"

<Pose Tracker> Yuta Hibiki has posed.

No more kaiju attacks? Something in Yuta can't believe it, but a smile comes to his face. No more kaiju attacks... He never thought that day would come. Dr. Bidan had been right. He got through this by making sure he put his own oxygen mask first. Yuta wants to thank Akane again, but... that doesn't really feel appropiate.

Akane's guilt brings Yuta back to reality. "Akane, what's--?"

Misato breaks in, and Yuta takes half a step between them. It's too little, too late, though, as Akane flees the room. "Akane, wait!" He calls, but she's gone. There was more he wanted to say... But maybe this was enough for now. Every step toward friendship counted.

"Colonel Katsuragi." The young man's voice is quiet, but there's an intensity to his eyes. "Please remember Tsutsujidai is protected. By more than just its God. And while I know she's hurt many people, and we have to stop her, we'll still give our all to protect her." Yuta's left hand twitches, almost forming a fist. "We're going to save her. And nobody will stop us."

With that, the pressure Yuta gave off seems to fade away, and he bows to Misato. "Thank you." He murmurs, and makes his way back to the special dogs. Finally...

<Pose Tracker> Asuka Shikinami Langley has posed.

"What are you, stupid?" Asuka scoffs as she replies to Shinji, "Just talk to her for five minutes."

Misato...? Asuka just stares at her, then longer, "Never took you to be that naive." Not stupid, not an idiot - naive. It's a word that feels strange on Asuka's lips towards Misato. "Guess I was wrong."

However, the moment that Shinji tells Akane 'What good is it having people care about you if it's fake?!'

Just love me with all of your heart.
I don't know how

That hurts. And it hurts in ways she can't articulate, so she takes it only as an insult to Akane.

"Watch it. Whatever problem you may have with me, you don't get to talk to her that way."

Before her glare shoots right over to Misato, eyes narrowing. This, she doesn't call Misato naive on. Because no, this one feels more honest, more measured, more real.

Because no, this is exactly the kind of threat she knows is hanging over her head from NERV. Over all their heads because she's here.

Ouka instead answers it and as Akane seems to fluster at the voice of authority, and Asuka wants to tell her that she'll keep her out of her face -

- but she's already fled. That thought is upsetting to her. Like she failed her in some way, by all these people being here

"Over your dead body? ... Sounds like you're halfway to being a fugitive from NERV yourself." There's something strangely sympathetic in her words, even if her tone is cold, "See you around, Misato."

<Pose Tracker> Shinji Ikari has posed.

Shinji winces with the flick, hand reflexively there and he looks to Seolla as if he's far more hurt than the gesture should have done: he's wound up and it surprised him, is all. But it does make him listen. He doesn't have an argument to her words right now, even if something crawls in his chest, sick and unhappy.

But 'real' versus the 'right thing'... He doesn't understand that at all...

It takes a great deal of fortitude to work up his nerve to correct someone after being talked to with such conviction. It's too tempting to fall into, 'I'm wrong, I'm sorry,' and fold up like a theatre chair because people are mad and didn't understand him.

But that's what he always does. He gets scared and he shuts up and he doesn't speak out. He didn't do it for Akane back then, and everyone's counting on him not to do it right now.

...It's not them he needs to say it to.

Asuka tells him to watch it. Not to speak to Akane that way. Defending Akane, as if they're long time friends. Defending Akane in a strange, steady way Asuka almost never defends anything with. It hurts, not because she's getting upset with him. Shinji's learned to handle that. But...

He straightens up and looks directly past Ouka, now in the way, to Akane.

"There are people who care about you without having to do this. So don't... do this to yourself."

But whether or not she hears those words before fleeing is another matter.

Unfortunately, Shinji can't take a lot more of this either, and Akane is already making sounds about him needing to leave. He didn't want this to escalate, but then he was the one who snapped. He looks to Ouka and Asuka both, mouth partway open, and then unable to think of the words, turns away.

"...I guess I am stupid."

Then he walks away to leave, slow, then quickening his pace to get out of there as fast as possible.

<Pose Tracker> Rikka Takarada has posed.

Akane says she's happy. ...Rikka doesn't look convinced, though.

"...If you say so." Rikka decides... but, in the sort of way one says it when they don't believe it.

...But then there's Misato. The way she talks to Akane... it gets under her skin a little. She opens her mouth to say something... but bites it back. It's probably better if she doesn't say anything, so she doesn't. She doesn't really want to pick a fight with an adult right now.

Instead, when Yuta turns to leave, Rikka follows after him.

<Pose Tracker> Yuka Ohta has posed.

Watching Akane run away leaves another stab in her. A small pain she couldn't help with immediately. Then looks back. "I'll talk to Akane myself, make sure she's okay. ...But I think Ms. Katsuragi needs to leave. She's definitely causing distress for people trying to get away from that. Would you help me escort her out, and with making sure she didn't cause too much undue harm?" She wasn't wrong about the 'real world' being painful of course. Or that NERV is trigger-happy and prone to send something dangerous. But that's the point. They deserve a better world, where that pain isn't a prerequisite.

Yuka might have to give Tsutsujidai a little extra edge in dealing with a potential assault team, she's realizing.

"Thank you. And, as co-workers once again, let's get along well." And then she's up on her feet, and marching over to do... well, her job. Surely that won't be a catastrophe, either now or later on.

<Pose Tracker> Seolla Schweizer has posed.

        Akane fleeing reminds Seolla to check her phone contacts to make sure she wasn't given the run-around - and she briefly texts her new acquaintance once.

        >'Show me around this place some time, Akane, when you're feeling up to it.'

        A pause, as she almost wants to leave it at that. But then-

        >'Thank you. I mean it.'

        Grasping one of those never-great nutritional drinks from the nearby table, Seolla does flee from the sense of tension and fraying in the room by taking an actual seat at Ouka's side, sipping on the familiar slurry of vitamins. "...hmnh. This stuff still kinda sucks, but in a slightly different way. She really went through the trouble of re-creating these? She's done so much stuff here, but runs away real fast just from the Major?"

        Seolla does stop for a second, then admits, "...well. No, I guess a lotta people would run from her when she gets scary. I'd yell back, and one of us would probably throw a chair somewhere down the line."

        To the rest of NERV, Seolla raises a hand, as many of them seem to be on their way out. "...I'll be catching up with you all. There's a few things I wanna make sure of around here, but I'll be back and keeping you posted. ...and just...also...it's hard telling someone goodbye after I was worried for so long about them, so...give me a little while to do that...yeah?"

<Pose Tracker> Kaworu Nagisa has posed.

        "There won't be a strike team to retrieve Unit-02. I promise that," Kaworu tells Misato and Ouka calmly--but it's just as much to Asuka, on whom he fixes his gaze. There are many things he could say, and he weighs those words... before choosing to leave them unsaid. For now.
        Seolla comes in to flick Shinji on the temple, and he frowns slightly. However, besides tensing a bit, he doesn't interfere. Shinji has a final thing to say to Akane, and he looks to her if she sees it before she flees in the wake of Misato's diatribe.
        Past her head, he looks over at Yuka. She may or may not catch his gaze, but he did notice her attention in this direction. He would have liked to have talked to her too, but... that will have to wait for later. Shinji and Misato may no longer be welcome, but he's still a student here.
        He looks over at his companions. "You go on ahead, Col. Katsuragi. I need to stay a little longer," he tells Misato quietly. "Could you please tell Shinji to wait for me?"
        Hopefully that, and Shinji's rapidly speeding departure, will be enough to prompt Misato to leave, but if not, Yuka and Jana will have plenty of opportunity. For now, Kaworu nods to Seolla. "Take your time. We'll speak later," he agrees. Then he leaves this part of the room to head over to Renais.
        "So this is where we meet again," he muses, regarding her. "What's brought you here?"

<Pose Tracker> Misato Katsuragi has posed.

She said too much. Asuka points out she said too much though she doesn't use those words. But she never expected to survive to 30. she didn't even expect to survive to 20. Every day is precious. Every day is a gift. No matter how shitty things are, you could've died at 14. You could've died at 4. You can't count on tommorow.

It was stupid to try and talk to her. That, at least, was probably a bit naive. But the alternative was to say nothing. These might be the last words she gets to say to Asuka. If it's an argument--so be it. She'd rather have a fight than have nothing.

(This probably explains her relationship with Kaji a bit more).

Ouka counters with her own threat. But it won't just be NERV. She has seen enough in the basement even if she knows damn well there's basements under basements she might never get to see--but even that might be small potatoes compared to what BioNet might do. What other nonsense the SCHOOL might have hidden up its butt. The colonies who might not be so keen on a deity showing up unexpectedly on their turf.

Kaworu says there won't be a strike team. Maybe not from NERV, maybe her vision of Gendo /shrugging will come to pass but she can't be sure of that, truthfully. But NERV isn't the only group that might have interest in an Eva Unit.

Dr. Hell is dead, Misato tells herself, he's dead. He's dead. He's not coming back.

She stops long enough to wait for Kaworu to share his request.

"Sure." She says. "Please--"

She doesn't need to finish that sentence for Kaworu to know what she's asking. Save Asuka. Ouka too if he can. Save them all if he really wants to show off. But she doesn't really finish that. She said she'd let them stay and even if it was said in a sassy sort of way--

--well, she's still going to stick to that on her front. And it'll be over her dead body too. Whatever faults may lie wiht her, she won't let them kill the kids. Even if they choose to run away even if they mustn't run away.

It's kind of a relief really, obscurely, that Shinji has stuck around.

Guess Shinji isn't the running away type, Misato thinks.

She follows Shinji out and says, "Hey, Kaworu wants to chat with you later. Without me I bet. Mind lingering for him for a bit? I'll be around to pick you up outside the gates whenever you're done."

Which is a shame because what she really wants to do is dive into a bottle until she stops shaking.

<Pose Tracker> Shinji Ikari has posed.

Shinji didn't get very far past leaving the room. He waits outside, arms curled around himself, leaning on the wall and trying not to feel more foolish than he is.

He glances up at Misato. "...I wouldn't leave without him," Shinji says. Even if he ran from the room, he presumably means he never planned to run all the way back home. But he didn't want to stay there and make everything worse, to keep being misunderstood, to keep seeing Asuka and Ouka like that when he couldn't do anything for them. He's a coward, in the end.

His gaze falls back down. "I'm sorry."

For what, he doesn't say. Shinji feels awful, and so must be awful, and he doesn't know what else to do besides apologize for it.

<Pose Tracker> Renais Cardiff has posed.

Renais is quiet for a moment, before lifting an eyebrow. "Would 'happiness' satisfy you, Nagisa-san?" she asks. "A normal life? Look at me. I have a job. I can be..." A person? That's... not quite right, no. "I can be normal. I've found what I've been looking for, and it's... wonderful. Liberating."

She certainly believes that's how she feels, at least.

"I needed a clean break, though," she adds, a little guilty. "I didn't... still don't... think people will understand it."

The goodbyes were too hard, perhaps. "I'm sorry for not telling you."

<Pose Tracker> Misato Katsuragi has posed.

Misato makes a face because she has no idea why Shinji is apologizing because she has no idea why Shinji is apologizing.

She left for similar reasons.

"You didn't do anything wrong?" She ventures. "Or I totally missed it I guess. Either way you're off the hook."

Misato gives him a light noogie.

<Pose Tracker> Jana Cektru has posed.

"Yes," Jana answers Yuka. It's a reasonable division of labor. And Jana has made her choice as to what she needs to do in order to bring this situation to a conclusion--and it's not win a fight today.

...Will it involve being in one tomorrow?

"Yes, let's," she says to Yuka, and then continues on her own direction. She steps over... and nods to Kaworu, as Misato leaves ahead of the others. That's all, for now.

She focuses on checking for students getting into trouble, while Yuka is gone. She can do that much. And she doesn't need to interfere with Seolla, either.

<Pose Tracker> Ouka Nagisa has posed.

    Seolla is gone.

    She wants to run after her, to drag her back, to force her to stay. But she has chosen to trust Akane. Her dear sister has been right so far, there's no reason to stop trusting her now.

    With Shinji and Misato retreating as well, she decides to return to her place beside Asuka. She allows all the tension, all the professionalism, all the coldness she had just expressed to melt off of her. She had hoped that she wouldn't have to be Aurum-1 any longer. But at the same time, she couldn't just sit and watch Akane shoulder the entire burden. If she needed to step up to defend Tsutsujidai, she would do it too. With whatever means she has in her possession.

    It does help though... that she doesn't know just what sort of things are buried in the basement below the basement.

    "Anyway... I think we were at starting over...?" Ouka's tone is once again pleasant, as she picks up her nutrient shake and continues her midday meal.

<Pose Tracker> Kaworu Nagisa has posed.

        Kaworu listens to what Renais has to say, and compares it to what they talked about late last month. His eyebrows droop as he bows his head slightly.
        "Happiness... I certainly understand the desire for it. I, too, pursue happiness. I won't say anything further, then." Saying anything further wouldn't mean much with her in this state.
        He does offer her a little smile, though. "You don't need to apologize. If there's anything else you'd like to tell me, though, I'll listen."

<Pose Tracker> Shinji Ikari has posed.

Off the hook... Feels more like he's thrashing around on one.

Shinji grimaces with Misato's gesture of affection, but he looks back up at her. There's no smile, but there's an acknowledgment in his eyes, and a little less tension.

<Pose Tracker> Renais Cardiff has posed.

It takes a few moments for Renais to reply. "You should know that I'm not going back."

She thinks about the people she's left behind. Guy, Sayla, Leina... Kaworu less so, perhaps. He's here now, talking to her. But... he's certainly not happy.

"I'm sorry, but I have to take this chance. I'm... I'm content here."

Is she? Her body still radiates that same heat. She may be wearing a new outfit, but it's the same; a cooling coat to keep her from boiling alive.

Nothing has changed.

<Pose Tracker> Kaworu Nagisa has posed.

        "Yes, I expected you'd say as much," Kaworu replies. "Don't worry. I don't fault you. If this is your uncoerced will, I will not take you from this place."
        His words are carefully chosen. When Renais awakens from the dream, perhaps she'll remember what he said, and that it has an inverse: if this isn't her uncoerced will, he will take her from this place.
        Until then, he only meets her eyes and offers her a gentle smile.

<Pose Tracker> Renais Cardiff has posed.

Renais nods. "It is," she says conclusively, nodding. As far as she knows, it's the truth. "I appreciate it... I understand your concerns, too, but... this is what I want. This is what all of us want, I think." She looks over at Asuka, briefly, then back. "I think everyone else will manage just fine without us. Or at least... well enough, knowing we're happy."

<Pose Tracker> Kaworu Nagisa has posed.

        Kaworu doesn't argue with Renais. He does follow her gaze over towards Asuka, though. Ouka is chatting away happily with her, but Alouette and Akane have gone... He'll need to talk to Yuka and Jana later too, but he doesn't want to keep Shinji and Misato waiting for too much longer. He already knows that Yuka is under the influence and Jana is not; he only wanted to confirm Renais's state of mind.
        It's deeply unfortunate. But he can't say he's surprised.
        "I'm glad we had a chance to talk, Cardiff-san," he says, matching her address. "I expect I'll see you again later during school. For now, I should be going." And unless she has anything more to say, he'll turn and head off.

<Pose Tracker> Kaworu Nagisa has posed.

        As he leaves, though, he pulls out his phone and, without actually pressing the touchscreen, sends Yuta a text...