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*'''Where:''' Orbital Ladder
*'''Where:''' Orbital Ladder
*'''OOC - IC Date:''' March 25, 0096 (2022)
*'''OOC - IC Date:''' March 25, 0096 (2022)
*'''Summary''': ''Sheryl Nome has come to Earth for a global tour--but first, she's putting on a mini-live concert sponsored by Nergal Heavy Industries on a luxury space liner cruising over the planet. Crisis strikes when Zentraedi separatists attack the concert with the intent to wipe everyone out, forcing the liner into atmospheric re-entry. Can they survive?'' (Lyric translations by [User:Ayu].)
*'''Summary''': ''Sheryl Nome has come to Earth for a global tour--but first, she's putting on a mini-live concert sponsored by Nergal Heavy Industries on a luxury space liner cruising over the planet. Crisis strikes when Zentraedi separatists attack the concert with the intent to wipe everyone out, forcing the liner into atmospheric re-entry. Can they survive?'' (Lyric translations by [[User:Ayu|Ayu]].)
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[[Category:Phase 1, Turn 1]]
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[[Category:The Galactic Fairy Alights]]
[[Category:The Galactic Fairy Alights]]

Latest revision as of 23:03, 25 June 2023

<Pose Tracker> Sheryl Nome has posed.

        For the past month or so, there's been a lot of hype across the Earth Sphere about Sheryl Nome, nicknamed the Galactic Fairy. She's a singing, dancing diva who's topped the charts among the Macross colony fleets, well-known to be the pinnacle of (de)culture. After debuting a year or two ago, her beauty and passion have captured the hearts of millions of fans--maybe billions, if you listen to her more ardent fans. She'd just finished an intergalactic tour, and now that the Macross Frontier, where she'd had her last concert, has returned to Earth, she's moving on to a tour of the motherland.
        There's some talk on that front, too. Sheryl's from Macross *Galaxy*, after all. But something happened to it while she was on tour, and she can't go home... There's been talk that a hostile new race of aliens, called the Vajra, was behind Macross Galaxy's disappearance. But it's hard to get the details of that among shiny, beautiful holograph posters of Sheryl with her long golden curls and impeccable fashion lining buildings and streets everywhere her Earth Sphere tour is expected to visit.
        Thanks to her new record deal with Nergal Heavy Industries, she's even putting on a special premier mini-concert on a luxury liner above the skies of Earth, hosted by Nergal. It'll only be a couple of songs, but it'll be a great premier for her tour down below. It's as much party as it is concert, and if someone has the money or connections to get a ticket, they're free to come. Nergal's not just paying for the venue, but also the security, after all. The best seats are exorbitantly expensive, but there are affordable seats for even high schooler budgets, so nearly anybody can get a ticket if they can get transportation there. Ticket-checking also includes ID-checking, on that mark; alcoholic drinks are available on board, so each patron is gifted a corsage in either silver (legally allowed to drink) or black (not legally allowed to drink) to determine which refreshments they're able to access.
        The luxury liner is a beautiful one, of course--a long, sleek spaceship that's docked on the orbital ring, letting ticket-bearers in on literal red carpets. Inside, chandeliers glitter overhead like diamonds of light, long tables are set up with all sorts of hors d'eourves, and waiters and waitresses carry around platters of sparkling champagne on silver platters (for the adults) and sparkling cider on black platters (for the minors). Despite the fanciness of the venue, it's not *strictly* black tie, but attendees are expected to at least be dressed up nicely--unless they're wearing Sheryl merch, in which case casual dress will mysteriously be tolerated. There is, conveniently, a large room of merch available for perusal and purchase right off the entryway, near the dining hall where most folks are mingling.
        Once the last of the attendees are on board, the liner's doors will shut, and it will take off to sail across the delicate ocean that is the Earth's atmosphere. It's a stunning sight, to be able to look out the windows down at the swirling clouds below.
        Further in, the performance hall forms a circle around a central base far below the seats, so people are naturally inclined to gaze upon the center. There's a pit between the closest seats and the central stage where the musicians are tuning their instruments. The seats are comfortable and plush, and several aisles cut them in sections to make it easier for folks to find their seats. It's soon time for the concert to start, so many are finding their way to their reserved seats, but there's still time to grab food and drink and chat with fellow attendants.
        In several sections, there are cameras and camerapersons set up. This is a live concert, but that doesn't mean it'll go unrecorded. All over the world, there are people who purchased e-tickets and thus will be able to watch this premier event from the comfort and convenience of their own homes.

<Pose Tracker> Elisa Kafim has posed.

Elisa Kafim is a name that those who have kept up with gymnastics for a decade or so might remember. Even if they don't, she has money, and so she was able to get a ticket here without too much trouble, arranging transport without difficulty. She has heard all about this coming tour and is very interested! ...And she has other reasons, as well, to mix among some of the great fans and wealthy people, having secured a very good seat for herself thanks to a few connections. She is dressed in green, a lovely long dress appropriate to the venue, sleeveless and mostly backless, with matching jewelry in gold and emerald. She is not carrying a bunch of merch. She is carrying a flute of champagne, having already come down the red carpet and stepped inside.

She is not finding her seat just yet. She's been doing a lot of mingling, instead.

...And a little snacking. Because obviously.

<Pose Tracker> Arriety Hearn has posed.

        Arriety's a high schooler, all right, even with all that's said and done... but she's not here today because of her own money -- she'd hesitate to go to an idol concert, after all. Instead, it's her aunt Seo-yun that's sent the tickets over to her, perhaps in a (slightly mis)guided attempt to try to get her to engage with something she trained for only three years ago...

        She's got a black corsage today, because she technically isn't of legal age to drink yet... despite the fact that she's just had her first round of drinks with Rena a few days ago. She's still kinda wondering how she managed to pull that off. Minae'd be so mad if she knew.

        Still, a luxury liner is... kind of entirely way out of her class... she's kind of nervous to be here. She takes some sparkling cider and thinks for a moment how even the glass is a lot fancier than anything she's ever drank from.

        She's also not dressed as nicely as other people, given that she doesn't own really fancy clothes -- but her turtleneck sweater, thick gloves, skirt and leggings combo are at least passably nice.

        Uug... there's so many presences here... so many voices... so many emotions...

        The psychic with the critical inability to turn it off is, of course, finding this social event to hit her like a sack of bricks. Finding her (cheap) seat, Arriety quietly slinks in and starts getting tempted to just hide in the bathroom for the duration of the entire trip. Drink. Oogh, if only she could get some champagne.

        ... huh. Hiding from your problems with alcohol... Arriety's just gotten some insight to being a (bad) adult.
Alto_Saotome teleports in.

<Pose Tracker> Grace O'Connor has posed.

        It's almost time for the show to begin!!

        These last few weeks have been a hurricane of publicity and activity surrounding the first visit of the idol singer phenom, the Galactic Fairy herself, the great Sheryl Nome to the cradle of human civilization: The Sol System!! While this has no doubt put an extreme amount of stress on the artist herself spare a moment to think of her poor beleagured talent manager, the ever-professional Grace O'Connor.

        Even now Grace is moving swiftly from hub of activity to hub activity, like a busy lavender bee ensuring that each flower is in resplendent bloom for the upcoming show. Last minute changes ordered by none other than Sheryl herself are dutifully communicated with exacting precision to stage hands. Meanwhile last minute technical drills are run through all the holographic crystals, and any indication of poor or malfunctioning units leads to them being immediately replaced.

        Were anyone interested in finding or speaking to Grace though during this time they'd likely, at best, get a fleeting glance of her rushing by while talking to one of the staff members regarding how and when to begin moving everyone ot their seats. It's simply not a good time for Ms. Manager to be social it seems...

Meanwhile...in Grace's Cybernetic OS...

        "Are we sure they can pull it off? I'd rather not have a repeat of last time's fiasco..." an older man's voice resounds in the green void.

        "Haha well they're the hardliners!! They've been shivering it out alone on some dusty old space rock for years now, waiting for a juicy steak to pass them by. I doubt we'll have to worry about them like mister hotshot." An excitable girl's voice exclaims.

        Grace stands in the center of various displays showing numerous video feeds - both from inside and outside the venue. She smiles, "It doesn't matter. Whether they're successful or not, the spectacle will begin to kindle old memories... old grievances. And the more eyes we attract, the more ears that will listen to her song."

        "A song to shake their hearts."

<Pose Tracker> Ruri Hoshino has posed.

        The Nadesico is docked, with all appropriate clearance, beside the luxury liner; it is a looming reminder to anyone who would care to come in from space to interrupt the concert that Nergal won't tolerate disruptions. The bridge, of course, has image feeds to the inside of the concert halls as well as all the necessary security scans.

        "Captain," Ruri approaches her on the bridge to ask, entirely proper, "I know we're providing security here, but... I'd like to attend Ms. Nome's concert."

        "Ruri-chan!" Yurika exclaims, clasping her hands together. "Of course! There's no way anyone would dare to attack something like this! So, you're a fan?!"

        "Fool," Ruri responds, deadpan. "Miss Lee invited me... that's all." There's a grumbly edge to the last of her words; she can't quite hide her embarrassment.

        "Well," communications officer Megumi speaks up, cheerfully, "in that case, I'd like leave to go as well, Captain!" She wags a finger, and winks: "I've got to cheer on an entertainment colleague, you know?"


        And there are an awful lot of people, here. Ruri is all dressed up in a pinstriped black suit, complete with red tie; Megumi assured her she didn't need to dress up quite that much, but Ruri insisted she wanted to do this properly. (Megumi, of course, is in a charming yellow dress, still moderately fancy.)

        A man shoves at Ruri, who steps aside. "Fools," she grumbles. "Why is this place so crowded? Miss Lee said she'd be here, but I think she's the only person who isn't." She frowns at the passing man, only to look back and find --

        The reason Megumi didn't answer her is because Megumi isn't beside her, any more.

        "Ms. Reinard?" Ruri asks, a shadow of nervousness crossing her voice, as she looks back and forth through the bodies. Her voice doesn't climb high enough to get past the excited chatter. The way she wilts is almost imperceptible.

        (Of course, in that crowd, Megumi is searching for Ruri, trying not to make a scene of it just the same. She doesn't find... Ruri, quite so easily.)

        When the luxury liner takes off, so too does the Nadesico; Ruri looks up, with some sense of its movement, connected even here. A passing waitress offers her a glass of sparkling cider from a black platter -- she's wearing her black corsage on her red tie, so it stands out. Rather than ask her for help, Ruri simply takes it, holding it in both her hands as she looks at all the people moving through.

        "Miss Lee said she'd meet me here," Ruri repeats, a shade downcast, as she tries to look between the various decorated arms of everyone milling about. Did she misunderstand? Wouldn't Ranka tell her if something had changed...?

<Pose Tracker> Gary Biaggi has posed.

        If one knew Gary Biaggi, this event would be the type of event described as the last place they would ever see him. So the fact that he is stepping up to hand over his ticket would be a surprised to many. He does seem to be missing the Sheryl merch though, instead sporting a black business suit with a grey button shirt and a silver tie.

Taking the silver corsage, in exchange for his ticket, he fumbles with it for a moment before he gives a flirtatious smile to the lady at the ticket counter, "Could I have some help here?" Making small talk while she helps him and once done he thanks her and moves on giving her a lingering gaze with a smile as he walks away.

Moving through the Foyer, the first step to the evening is acquiring a glass of champagne from one of those silver trays, which he does in a well practiced manuever. Then he manuevers to the outer edge of the circle as he slowly walks around the circle scanning the crowd. It's as if he was looking for someone.

<Pose Tracker> Ranka Lee has posed.

Ranka has been full of excitement ever since leaving the Frontier for the first time. Not only is she going on tour with Sheryl Nome as part of her Nergal internship - but she's going to Earth! So almost as much time has been spent looking at the Earth from the Orbital Ring as she's been excited about the concert. In anticipation of this day, Ranka had dressed up in a cute pink beret with a dark lining and bow. She's also wearing a pink dress with a white collar and a bow over the bustline and white lace over the waistline, the hem only dipping to mid-thigh, a pair of dark tights, and flats.

Eventually however, it's time! And Ranka finds herself - way back in the line. Farrrr back. She finds herself being one of the last to board before the hatches start to close.

Once on board though the sheer luxury puts her in a dizzy spiral - even moreso than the pounding pulse of emotions that seem to throb into her skull. Anxious and insecure she finds herself hanging out near the walls, and away from the crowds. Inching more and more away. Until...

"Where... even am I?"

Having accidentally gotten herded into a corridor meant to be used only for STAFF, Ranka isn't even sure which way to go in order to get to the performance hall.

Ranka squishes her plushie Salamander like phone with her fingers again, its eyes distorting as she does so.

>im boarded
>got a bit lost
>gonna be late
>im so sorry ruri-chan

Staring at the holographic viewscreen hovering overhead, the chibi icon of Ranka's face works...

>im boarded!>got a bit lost
>gonna be late at the meet up
>im so sorry ruri-chan

The text turns red, 'Message not delivered' appearing. "I don't understand why the reception is so bad..." Pulling the Salamander's leg, she hooks it to her ear as an earpiece and tries to call directly. It doesn't even ring, a synthesized message plays soothingly 'This call cannot be connected. Please hang up and try again.' With a tug the leg snaps back into place, the salamander resting firmly on her shoulder.

A staff member with a tray walks by, "Excuse me! Where do I go to Sheryl-san's-!" And bumps into her, unable to see her with the overfull tray of empty glasses in hand. "Watch it!"

Clamming up as she watches him go, Ranka gets a nudged by yet another staff moving in the opposite direction causing her to spin around as she asks, "Ah! Can you tell me which way to go to get to the performance hall?"

"Guests aren't supposed to be back here." The staff member casually thumbs down the hall without looking, "I'm sorry! - Thank you so much!" Hurrying off in that direction, Ranka taps the panel for the first door she sees. The door appears stuck. Puzzled she tugs at edge with her fingertips.

The overfull janitorial closet promptly dumps its contents on her, knocking her to the ground, dislodging her beret and konking her floppy Salamander phone, which turns black in response and gets X's for eyes.

Ranka moans... and reaches for her beret. "... Why can't I... run into Alto-kun... every time I get lost."

<Pose Tracker> Shinji Ikari has posed.


"I don't understand." Shinji Ikari says, looking at the strange, colored cloth.

Ryoji Kaji, who's exact role at NERV is something ambiguous and Shinji sort of thinks of as 'Misato's ex' smiles disarmingly. "A man, Ikari, should own a suit. You never know when it'll come in handy. And while Misato has many fruitful and fascinating virtues, her sense of male fashion has always been a bit lacking. Hold still, kid."

Shinji does not say what he wants to, in part out of politeness and in part because he has no idea what to do with someone this unavoidably cool spending time with him. When is he ever going to need a suit, though?


"I don't understand." But at least Shinji can wear a suit; navy blue slacks, brown shoes and belt, crisp white shirt with blue accents, and a deep red tie that's been tied properly. Shinji left the jacket in their ride, an ichinana from NERV's motor pool.

"Sheryl Nome IS the Zetigeist!" Kensuke Aida enthuses, camera in hand. He's wearing pants with pictures of places Sheryl's been on them, a t-shirt that's just a blown up picture of her face, a jacket with GALACTIC FAIRY on the back, and a headband with MACROSS CITY on the front. He is either a superfan or an astronaut. "Do you know what I had to do to get us tickets?"

"Did it involve dignity?" Toji Suzuhara is dressed in a track suit and pants, though he is wearing a tuxedo t-shirt and a red bow tie, wrapped around his throat. He has a small bag to get an important item for an important person. "This is ridiculous. Music should be loud and mean spirited and be about trains, or men dying in trains. One of the two."

"What, like Baby Metal?" Shinji says, as they're given a look by the ticket takers. Shinji offers up his phone, smiling a little at Toji's sputtering. "Jakob Rokubungi, yeah. Party of three." Shinji looks over at Kensuke, who just adjusts his glasses when the three are handed silver corsages despite all physical evidence to the contrary.

NEON GENESIS EVANGELION: Side Story: The Three Stooges Attend A Concert.
("A-and there'll. There'll. there'llbesomeservicetoo oh noooo I said it!"
"You tried your best Hikari!")

<Pose Tracker> Agatha Banneret has posed.

Agatha Banneret, comma, supergenius trainee (age fifteen) has come aboard for the concert.

She is not well known for being a supergenius, of course. She's not actually well known for much other than managing to have had no social life for several months on account of disciplinary problems and ending up peeling potatoes and other boring tasks instead of going out and making friends.

But today, through a combination of being on her best behaviour and having luckily won a ticket, she's here.

She's also quite wide-eyed at the number of other people here. She looks a little lost in the crowd--and Agatha is short for a fifteen year old, so older people keep trying to treat her like a lost kid.

So right now Agatha's looking for somewhere out of the way to stand and take in the event and the atmosphere without getting pestered by people trying to help her find her parent or guardian.

"Not even like I look that much like a kid, I'm just short," Agatha comments to no one in particular, assuming that nobody is actually listening.

<Pose Tracker> Alto Saotome has posed.

        Alto sighs, quietly saying to himself, "I can't believe she roped me into this too..."

        The Mihoshi Academy student and SMS pilot, Alto Saotome, wanders through the staff section of the space liner. Unlike most people on the ship, he's not wearing fancy clothing. Nor the equally fancy uniforms of the staff. He's wearing his pilot's suit, holding his helmet over his shoulder.

        Still, he has to admit that it's an interesting opportunity he's been given. It would be better if he had his own team here to pull it off, but thankfully the squad he's been temporarily assigned to seems good enough. As long as they-

        Alto's thoughts are interupted as he rounds a corner and comes spots someone who doesn't appear to belong. Which is easy to tell, given all the pink. Definitely not staff colours. He glances around for a moment, before realizing he's the only 'staff' in range and thus it falls to him to help. Great.

        Alto starts walking towards the pink guest, starting to say, "Excuse me, Miss. Are you... Lost?" Alto trails off at the end as he finally gets a good look at the person and realizes it's, "Ranka?"

<Pose Tracker> Lucine Azul has posed.


        Lucine adjusts the focus on her video cam in her room, then turns around, showing the camera the back of her dress, then the front. "It's... not as pretty as the one I had on Mars. The one we had to adjust the hem on? But... it's a nice color, and I bought it, with my own money."

        The video shows the person of the other end of the call: an older woman in her mid 40s, sharing a similar hair color to Lucine, dressed comfortably as she sits back in her chair. "It does look nice, though. I do like the bow in the back."

        Sitting down, Lucine sighs. "It feels strange, when I really think about it... half a year ago, I couldn't even think of doing anything like this. Does this mean... I've gotten better?"

        "As long as you're taking things slowly." The woman sighs. "If you're still nervous about the crowd, one option is to suggest yourself to be on guard duty. You'd probably feel better with the Dianthus around anyway, right?"

        ".... But... would they object to me being in a dress instead of a uniform...?"

        The woman on the other end pinches the bridge of her nose. "I'm sure it'll be fine. It's the Nadesico. As for piloting, who would attack a concert?"


        This is why Lucine is dressed up in a nicely cut reddish-purple dress, knee-length, her hair nicely gathered on her shoulders and a small hand-purse at her side and a large white flower pinned in on one side of her hair.

        Of course, she's exiting the bathroom, after giving herself a pep talk in the mirror like any self-respecting extremely confident young woman with large armed mobile suit at the ready, *just in case*. Nearby. Somewhere. She's being responsibile and being security, *and* she gets to wear her new dress. It's great.

        "... Ruri..." Now among the crowd of people, Lucine immediately zeros in on the one face she knows. "Weren't you with Miss Reinard? Or were you meeting up with Miss Lee?"

<Pose Tracker> Emilia Eschonbach has posed.

        For being from a stinking rich political family, Emilia Eschonbach seems frankly going through a bit of of culture shock. She's never been allowed near this many of her grandfather's peers. And honestly, she isn't expecting a great reception to her presence. Especially as, given most of her 'black tie' clothes are a) in her dorm room, b) dated, c) *extremely* britannian and d) deeply hated by Emilia, it's a good thing Milly insisted on getting her the shirt and the wristband from the merch stand. It meant her 'as nice as she could manage' gentle pastel jacket, undistressed jeans, and basic flats could get her in. Hewr makeup and hair, at least, are super on point. The black corsage is on her left wrist, the wristband on her right.

        She's also, as Milly and Kallen disappeared to get drinks, trying to remain visible but also out of the way. She's certain she's getting looks from people, like she doesn't belong- despite not being particularly out of place amongst the Sheryl fans. What if someone asks what she's doing here? She's never even been to a concert before, she didn't even have a chance to listen the music before the concert, being a mess of nerves and trying not to be the last one in the hotel room to fall asleep. (It didn't work, but for once, nothing bad happened.)

        But deprived of her emotional support chaos agent, Emilia has reverted to scared, anxious, and expecting to be humiliated or bullied- they can't be the only Ashford students here and it feels like anyone in the school who hates knows she has no place being here. All those negative emotions are easy to feel for a newtype, as long as they can read a natural.

        A large group walks too close, and Emilia steps backwards to avoid them, and even slowly, she feels herself bump in to someone, and she startles, turning around. "I-I'm sorry," she says, looking to whoever she's wronged and is going to extract a bigger, harsher apology.

        The fact that it's a young girl in a pinstripe shirt doesn't actually mitigate that fear any.

        Oh great. Now you've angered someone powerful's daughter. Of course you did. It was always going to happen, you idiot. This is why Grandfather made sure you were never at his events.

<Pose Tracker> Serinas Nikola has posed.

        A concert? A SHERY NOME concert? And a party on a luxury liner? This is a chance to make up for some lost mother-daughter time! Lani Nikolas has sprung for midrange tickets, and Serinas's squeal of excitement could be heard around the entire block when she heard!

        It was tempting to just come in comfy clothes with Sheryl's branding on them, but Serinas has never tried FORMAL(ish) CLOTHING before and was excited to try some, which is how the two brunettes have ended up in somewhat matching outfits. Serinas herself has ended up in a long, flowy red shoulder-baring dress with a matching ribbon around her neck, and white somewhat-dressy flats. Her mother, slightly taller and having... been to formal events before, like a normal person, has a bit more complex of an outfit put together, a shorter, knee-length dress with actual high heels and paired with a white cropped jacket with poofy shoulders and a light, flowy sea-green scarf around her neck, and a tasteful hairclip or two.

        Serinas is practically bouncing with excitement, grinning wide. "Ohmigosh my first concert! And it's Sheryl Nome! This is so cool! I've never been to a concert before!" She turns to random passerby and asks "Are you here to see Sheryl Nome too?!" as if... why else would anyone be here?!

        Lani, a thirty-something woman, with hair lighter than her daughter's that doesn't shine blue, follows along with a more serene smile at her daughter's happiness, reminding her "This is a Sheryl Nome concert. Everyone is here to see her." If the random passerby Serinas accosts is annoyed.

        What *neither* of them expected is that the teenager might know *anyone* here. "Miss Elisa??" Serinas asks upon sighting a familiar face. "Are you a fan of Sheryl Nome too??"

        Lani trails behind, having picked up some sparkling cider despite her silver corsage, looking surprised. "You know her?"

<Pose Tracker> Milly Ashford has posed.

Milly is at the head of a modestly-sized group of Ashford students; she has concert tickets and she's not afraid to use them. She is firmly on the 'Sheryl merch' side of the equation -- Milly can overdress or underdress, but there's no fun to be had in being appropriate and there's very little 'overdress' to do here without having to take a real action about it. As a result, Sheryl merch is the way to go.

Milly is the only member of her trio who's equipped with a silver corsage; she's got a glass of red wine, which she sips at with a little smirk on her face. She makes her way back to Emmy after getting refreshments, with a casual ask of, "Having fun?" She gives a glance to who Emilia's bumped into, giving a smile. "That's a nice outfit," she offers. "Milly Ashford. This is Emilia Eschonbach. We're here on behalf of Ashford Academy -- we might be a venue for a later event."

Milly's hoping to model at least a little bit of confidence for Emilia, here. Another sip. ... this isn't actually that great, Milly -- who has, despite her propensity for tremendous mischief, never *actually* had wine before -- muses.

Meanwhile... in Grace's Cybernetic OS...

A text message, with a modest amount of attached video, comes through on a frequency reserved for Earth-based BioNet affiliates. A highly-pixelated four-frame animation of Alexis Kerib's head, flickering in flame, appears.

"Pardon the intrusion. I thought I'd provide your new friends with some modest assistance. Please tell them to expect one of these as support." A second image comes through, with the just-slightly-alien frame of a Schakal in black and red, with an insignia of a black shield with a humanoid skull overlaid.

And back in reality...

Alexis Kerib observes, and waits.

<Pose Tracker> Ranka Lee has posed.

Ranka does a quick self-inspection after she shifts some of the debris off of her, "Only a little bruised up... I have to hurry!" Ranka is halfway back to her feet when someone asks her if she's lost. Ranka looks up from her knelt position at the face of the person who rescues her, the spots in her eyes from the minor head trauma looking like sparkles in the ship's lighting, "How beau-"

An intense sense of deja-vu hits her, as Ranka suddenly stops mid-comment on the unexpected beauty of her rescuer at the realization that they're familiar, "Alto-kun?" Rising to her feet on her own merits (Or getting pulled up with Alto's assistance) she clasps her hands back together, "It really is you! Thank goodness! I got so lost up here... I was worried I wouldn't make it to the concert."

Ranka gives him an expectant look, "Did Ruri-chan send you to find me? The two of us were supposed to meet up for the concert. But..." Her phone suddenly reinflates back to its Green Salamander look on her shoulder, "... well, I was having some phone trouble, then with all the crowds..." She trails off, then gives him the biggest toothy smile, "I'm just so glad that you found me in time Alto-kun."

<Pose Tracker> Elisa Kafim has posed.

Elisa has been to concerts before, of course. Quite a few! But today is different. Today is special. And today...

Today she is found by someone who has met her! Dr. Kafim turns towards Serinas as she notes her, and smiles to her and to the other woman present. "Why, hello," she says. "Of course I am. It's important to appreciate good music."

Elisa nods to Lani, "Elisa Kafim. A pleasure to meet you. ...We met in Orb, once. I'm from there."

<Pose Tracker> Sheryl Nome has posed.

        A discreet but unmistakable buzz sounds throughout the liner. Escorts and guards lined up throughout the ship know this is the signal that Sheryl's mini-concert is about to begin, and pass on that information to any straggling attendees who aren't already heading to the concert hall on their own. Now that more people are inside, it's easier to note that there's a skylight above--it's closed at present, but the dome overhead is glossy and clear as if made from glass, and the ceiling beyond is made of interlocking parts. Perhaps the audience will get a view of the stars before the night's done.
        Within the concert hall, the lights have dimmed. It's not quite so dark that people can't see their way to their seats, but it does encourage people to prepare themselves for what's to come.
        There are ushers equipped with flashlights going around too, partly to help attendees find their seats and make sure that everyone has their phones turned off, partly to make sure everything is orderly and ready to go among the seats, the stage, and the cameras. As go time approaches, they'll shuffle their own way out to the edges of the stage and turn off their flashlights.

<Pose Tracker> Ruri Hoshino has posed.

        Ruri is trying not to be too obvious about looking back and forth; God forbid she be seen to be a lost little girl. (Luckily, Ruri has an aura of capability which wards off questions like that.) Paying attention to the crowds, though, necessarily means she's not always paying attention to her immediate person. And that means --

        "Oh," Ruri says, her exclamation muted, as a teenager steps backwards into her. Her cider spills over her sleeve before she manages to right it, and Ruri turns to Emilia with a light scowl. "Fool," she chastises her, stoic. "Don't be so clumsy."

        She looks to Milly, at her introduction. "Ruri Hoshino," she introduces herself, shortly. "I'm the Nadesico's systems operator. Really, I don't know why I'm even here."

        There's an edge of petulance to that last line which suggests she's much more bothered than she's letting on. She turns to Lucine, when she hears her, drinking the rest of her cider before anything else can happen. "Ms. Azul," she greets her. "I... was separated from her. I was supposed to meet Miss Lee here, but I suppose it can't be helped."

        She steps a little closer to her, trying her level best not to be obvious about it.

        "... I guess we'd better find our seats."

        She's going to take Lucine's escort to the concert hall -- not because she's twelve years old and intimidated by the crowds, you understand, but just because they're comrades. The orderly nature of those ushers, at least, is more relieving to her, and she gratefully takes a seat.

        If she's looking to her left to see where Ranka could possibly be, that's just... a matter of waiting for the concert to start.

<Pose Tracker> Arriety Hearn has posed.

        There's quite a lot of people here and Arriety doesn't really know any of them -- well, no, that's not true, she recognises Ruri, but she's with other friends and seems quite busy and disappointed someone's not there. Hmm... she has a lot of other friends. She shouldn't bother her...


        If only she'd come with someone, Rena, or Eight, or Anita or Minae or someone... concerts are rough without a friend, she concludes.

        She drains the rest of her sparkling cider, and then grabs TWO flutes of the same stuff and decides to pretend they're alcoholic as she slinks into her seat and does the rude thing and curls up in it. Whatever. Drink drink drink.

        She can get drunk on all the emotions going high around her instead, if she can't have alcohol. And if that fails, the bathroom's gonna be her friend.

<Pose Tracker> Gary Biaggi has posed.

        Gary continues his circling as he sips his drink casually and is thankful for his height as he catches sight of someone he didn't expect to see here. A certain white hair friend of his, and it is this distraction that sets off a chain of events.

        First he bumps into some teeny-bopper, this causes him to instinctively move back and to the side and ends up tripping over a camera bag that was left pressed against the back of one of the seats. It is over this seat that Mr. Biaggi goes, the content of his drink flying off wherever it will go.

        This is not Gary's best moment, in fact it is quite embarrassing for him and one off the few times he wasn't even trying to cause some distraction to this level.

        As he recovers the lights go down and he realizes it is time to start moving towards his seat. He stands up and goes through the process of sipping from his empty glass and frowns wondering where it all went as he makes his way to his seat.

<Pose Tracker> Serinas Nikola has posed.

        Serinas bounces excitedly again. "It's so good!" Serinas sings a bar or two of a song.

        Lani is a Coordinator. She does not *need* glasses, but she wears a pair that help her look refined or stern. She's halfway through shaking Elisa's hand with a friendly smile when she puts two and two together. If they met in Orb, the only possible time is... She gives a slightly-exasperated sigh and pinches the bridge of her nose. "I apologize for my parents. They are... eccentric. I hope you weren't injured by one of their inventions..." then she smiles again, "Still, someone else from my old neighborhood! What are the odds...? I moved to the PLANTS after college, but--" There's a buzz and the lights dim.

        Serinas speaks up, "It's starting, we gotta get to our seats, come on!" She grabs her mother's arm and drags her into one of the rows of seats.

<Pose Tracker> Shinji Ikari has posed.

Toji Suzuhara is grabbed by some girl who demands to know if he's here for the music. "Actually I'm here to pick up some merch for my." Toji is so shocked he blurts out the truth; his eyes widen, and he brushes his nose with a finger and looks away. "Uh my friend. Sort of. We knew each other as kids. She's always looking after her sisters so she never gets out and you are already gone."

"Is this what being you is, Shin-man?" Toji asks, putting a brotherly arm on his socially anxious friend.

Shinji is flying. He isn't sure why. Maybe it's because he's letting himself get involved in An Antic, or maybe it's because after all of the horror and head injuries of the last few weeks a crowd of people isn't as paralyzing as it used to be. Shinji can look at this crowd of mothers, fathers, children, young lovers and old couples and feel.

Shinji gets a glass of champagne and downs it in one gulp. If Kensuke's going to break the law he might as well enjoy it. It tastes like nothing. Bubbles. This is adulthood, Shinji thinks, years of build up and nothing but bubbles. "Jakob Rokubungi." Shinji says, "Is flying high."

Toji looks over at Kensuke in clear worry, but Kensuke is in another world. "Holy smokes." The otaku says, "Is that the Nadesco crew! Shinji you deployed with them, right? Right?! Oh I'd give my left eye to get a look at those top secret Nergal specs!"

"Yeah." Shinji says, "Asuka's friends with the little one. Keeps giving her bad advice. She called me an idiot when I got Unit-01 hosed off on there. I'll introduce you. Ruri! Yooo Honsho! My friend here wants to look at top secret data!"

"We're gonna be shot." Toji says, grabbing both of his friends and physically dragging them towards their seats. "Some Orb goons are gonna drag us out behind the superyacht's gold toilet and shoot us."

<Pose Tracker> Alto Saotome has posed.

        Alto eye-twitches for a moment as Ranka almost re-enacts their first meeting completely with her comment. But he lets it slide, both because she didn't finish and he's actually amused that they're in this situation he again.

        Alto sighs again, though this time with a bit more amusement in his voice, as he extends his free hand down to help Ranka back up, "You know, if you keep this up, you're going to end up being late to your own concert one day." He imagines that situation wouldn't be anywhere near as funny.

        Alto tilts his head a little, "Ruri?" Oh right, he remembers that's the name of the Nadesico's operator. He did recall seeing the Nadesico in a neighbouring hangar before launch, so it's probably no surprise she's here too. Alto shakes his head, "Ah, no. I'm just-"

        Alto is interrupted by a buzz through the hall, easy to hear thanks to the lack of guests. He does actually know what it means, so he says to Ranka, "Come on. The concert's going to begin soon and I think there's an exit near here." Alto begins to lead Ranka through the hallways, in another bout of deja vu. Though this time he's actually doing it intentionally.

<Pose Tracker> Elisa Kafim has posed.

Elisa also wears glasses, and for more purpose than simply having them glint in the light. If she puts two and two together...

"Ahahah. It's not a problem. There's something good to be said about indulging one's family, isnt there? But the lights start to dim, and... "We'll have to discuss that later, hm? I'd better be going myself. She smiles back, and waves at Serinas and Lani both."

Then she starts towards her own seat, in the particularly nice areas...

But hse looks curiously Arriety's way on her way over, and lifts er own glass at er, as if to encourage her.

It's fine.

<Pose Tracker> Agatha Banneret has posed.

Agatha thinks she's spotted some other Ashford students in the crowds, but she doesn't know any of them and her seat, having been a prize, isn't with theirs at all. She vaguely wanders towards her seat, not in a panic or a rush--just in case anyone thinks she needs help.

<Pose Tracker> Ruri Hoshino has posed.

        Ruri turns to the hooligan boys, and calls out, to Shinji and his friends: "You're a bunch of fools." With that, she turns back to her business.

<Pose Tracker> Emilia Eschonbach has posed.

        Emilia feels like... a total jerk and she winces back from Ruri's chastisement. She reaches for her purse, but fumbles a bit with the zipper. Inwardly, she's hating herself. Milly handles the introductions, and she blinks kind of shocked when Ruri says her position... Even someone as young as Ruri is so much more useful and important than her. An actual important role, doing important things. She's not even some spoiled rich girl automatically, she's actually doing something while Emilia's just a disposable drain. Even with...

        By the time she gets out of her own head, Ruri's already walking off and Emilia feels even more an idiot. She startles, hearing Shinji yell over to Ruri and turning her head to gaze at them.

        At least she isn't as underdressed as Toji. That's reassuring, and frustrating, and... ugh.

        It's only the movement of crowds that reminds her that there is a concert to go to, and she looks up to Milly- the one with the tickets. That means the Ashford students are gathering. And she's obvious and damnit. Damnit.

        Emilia goes back in to small, quiet posture and follows Milly's lead. She's going to be like this maybe until the concert starts.

<Pose Tracker> Sheryl Nome has posed.

        The lights, already dim, black out entirely. For a few breaths, there's nothing but silence in the dark--the breath before the kiss, the thrum of anticipation that enlivens the body before the lights go on. The Galactic Fairy's known for her spectacular performances; what kind of show will she put on tonight?
        There's a subtle change. A little bit of a chill that might make one pull their coat close. Low, billowing clouds of mist sink down from the top of the seats down towards the stage in waves, low enough to not obscure anyone's vision but to add a sense of wonder and mystique. From the mist rise motes of light, sinking towards the center even as they rise, trailing forward and blinking softly on and off and on again like pale blue fireflies. As they all float to the center, the shimmering sounds of a piano waft up and around the concert hall.
        "Woah woah woah... oh oh..."
        The mist flows together at the heart of the stage... and out from it steps a young woman with long, flowing locks. The soft spotlight that shines upon her makes her golden hair look blue, or perhaps it's all an illusion, for the sunflower embedded in her headband is still a striking yellow. A sky blue dress folded tight over her chest, torso, and hips contrasts a loose, flowing cyan robe that flows from her shoulders with elbow-length sleeves and a floor-length trail and matches a lace choker tied at her neck. A shimmering dark blue ribbon tied under her bust brings it together. Around her neck, she wears a silver two-heart pendant; at her wrists are a pair of matching bracelets; dark stockings caress her legs as they slip into silvery-blue heels; and a single glittering earring hangs from her right earlobe. As she strides solemnly forward, she raises her chin, sad yet dignified, as she croons again: "Woah ohhh..."
        The Galactic Fairy...
Kallen_Kozuki teleports in.

<Pose Tracker> Sheryl Nome has posed.

        As violet and aqua stagelights throb like a heartbeat at her feet, the motes of light trail in around her as if like stardust orbiting a celestial body. Sheryl reaches out to them--seems almost to reach out to some unknown soul in the audience--as she sings:
        "Dear Lord in Heaven, back when I was deep in love with you
        "There was not a moment when I imagined such a parting would tear us in two... oooh..."
        The piano notes shimmer downward into a brief lull. The motes of light around Sheryl burst into feathers and snowflakes, willowing outwards back into the audience as Sheryl clutches her hands to her chest, stepping forward as if searching for the audience, beseeching the audience.
        "If we were fated to never touch each other again
        "Then at least, before I wept, I wanted you to hold me tight and forget for then... ohhh..."
        At the end of the stage, the mist parts, and Sheryl stands before a grand piano. She gazes upon it mournfully, before she reaches out and plays four clear notes.
        "Our long, long good-bye..."
        The piano, once played, bursts apart into a storm of snowflakes. Sheryl's eyes widen, and she chases after it several steps, fingers outstretched in soft agony.
        "'Farewell to thee, farewell to thee,' times twenty thousand
        "So tenderly and cruelly to myself I said..."
        She cannot reach it. She makes it to the edge of the stage, gazing upwards at the audience with shimmering eyes. She pulls back her hand and cups it, as if waving to an unseen someone.
        "Your gentleness when you waved your hand hitched my breath
        "But what I want now is strength..."
        The music shimmers with the light, and drums tap out a beat before the orchestra erupts with euphonic sound and the seats erupt with snowy light. Outstretching both arms to everyone, giant ghostly mirror images of Sheryl materialize throughout the concert hall, reflecting her lips, her dance, her sorrowful expressions, as though she's singing to each person individually.
        "I encountered you, and then I was born as the stars glittered above
        "So long as I live, so shall I continue to love
        "What's the point in waiting for a hopeless miracle you claim's forgone?
        "'Cause the shining of those stars, blurred by my tears, are all gone..."

<Pose Tracker> Lucine Azul has posed.

        Lucine's chin snaps to Emilia, looking at the young woman with a gaze that would be alarming if the emotion behind it wasn't so gentle, as Ruri's attention is directed away.

        She smiles softly. "Everything will be alright." She then pauses, as if realizing how that sounded, and adds, "You're nervous too, right? Once the concert begins, we'll forget that we were even nervous."

        She's nodding with her chin towards Ruri, as if to indicate that Ruri, in her own way, is in the same boat as they are. "Oh, she's getting our seats. Ah, Ruri, I'm coming!"

        Her attention is split as the Three Unwise Men from NERV greet them- or, at least, Shinji does.

        "Oh, you all are from NERV?" She smiles. "I was just there, not too long agoi! You all have a wonderful cafeteria."

        Which is the best time to leave, when you realize that is not the best note to start on. "Ah, oh, need to get to our seats!"

        Later, sitting in her seat, Lucine asides to Ruri: "I'm technically on Guard duty, but we didn't think anyone was going to--"

        A low hush on the crowd.

        The concert has begun.

        And Lucine's prophecy, at least for her, has proven true.
Nidaime teleports in.

<Pose Tracker> Shinji Ikari has posed.

"I'm actually a test pilot!" Shinji claps back, before being dragged into his seat. "For NERV!"

"How many has he had?" Toji asides to Kensuke. He waves at Lucine and for the sake of argument says, "Yeah, uh STORAGE division, ha ha! Sorry, my buddy's a lightweight."

"One, but it was the Zentraedi liquor." Kensuke says, setting up a small antenna hidden in his camera rig. He looks at his phone, and grins to himself as the VPN locks into place, letting him start to broadcast a stream for a very select clientele. Plus, first dibs on the on-site recording months before it'll be released digitally. "We're gonna make so much money, Suzuhara."

"Are you ever not up to somethin'?"

"It's that or die in Tokyo-03 when the Brittanians finally get serious." Kensuke says, cheerfully. "You've seen their navy right?"

"Only because I know you." Toji grumbles, giving Ruri's strange friend judging his attire a glare of his own. He's quietly grabbed a doll and a few posters while his friends were making asses of themselves, and is trying not to enjoy the music.

Shinji isn't really a pop man himself, and something about this all seems...Shinji chews his lip and wonders if there's really something wrong with the show, or if he's just a natural born killjoy. Ikari sinks into his seat as his friends are distracted, a familiar moodiness filling his mind as the distractions of not wanting to vomit in the middle of a crowd for once start to fade and all he's left with is the stark reality of being Shinji Ikari.

<Pose Tracker> Milly Ashford has posed.

"Sometimes things just line up that way!" Milly offers Ruri, before she heads off. To Emilia, she offers: "Let's go get seated. Kallen'll catch up."

Agatha doesn't know Milly; Milly *does* know Agatha. She sits with the rolls a lot because she considers Ashford Academy her responsibility in every sense of the word, in spite of the fact that she presents as a horrid goblin who is perpetually gaudy to prove points. She gets a wave, but not a callout or anything.

As Sheryl starts singing, Milly leans forward just a little bit. She gives Emilia a soft nudge with her upper arm, noting, "I'm thinking that's a candidate for you for the next Ashford Cosplay Festival." It comes in the lull in the vocals after 'are all gone,' of course.

<Pose Tracker> Ranka Lee has posed.

"Mean!" Ranka complains while rubs the back of her head after Alto helps her up, though she then titters as if she did find it funny after all, "I'm sure Elmo-san would find some way to get me there on time. Even if he had to get me there a day early..."

That is, if she ever gets her shot.

The look on Ranka's face changes though as Alto questions the idea on Ruri. "She didn't?" Ranka looks instantly a bit anxious, though she doesn't have time to explain why it's so anxiety inducing before Alto says to 'come on'.

"Ah - right!" Quickly she lets him lead him on towards the exit door without any complaint, only gratitude. Maybe she'll get to catch up to her new friend after all.

On the way however, she notes graciously, "It feels like you're always around to rescue me when I'm in a pinch."

In the distance though, even through the walls of the performance hall, the sudden distant roar - then a surge of excitement that she feels in her soul, "It's starting! Sheryl-san's singing!"

Ranka picks up her pace despite the clumsiness of her feet saying quietly, "...I was really hoping to be there with her for her first concert..." She knows how important music is to Ruri, and... now... ordinarily she'd just be upset that she was late to see Sheryl's concert, as she regards those concerts as some of the greatest moments of her young life...

... so now she's just doubly upset.

<Pose Tracker> Agatha Banneret has posed.

Agatha blinks in surprise and waves back to Milly, having some vague notion of her being someone important at Ashford. Maybe she can go over and introduce herself properly during...do concerts have breaks? Agatha does not know.

<Pose Tracker> Grace O'Connor has posed.

        At this time, Grace has stopped running like a chicken with her head cut off and instead made her way backstage. She likes to remain here, comfortable close to where Sheryl is just in case she is needed during - or between - song sets. She's still able to keep track of everything within her cybernetic OS after all. Each camera filming this production of this show is filtered into a visual feed that is displayed on multitudinous screens before her in the soft green glow of her OS.

        "Pardon the intrusion. I thought I'd provide your new friends with some modest assistance. Please tell them to expect one of these as support."

        Ah yes of course. It's not that she dislikes the additional support from Alexis in making sure things go off as it should. In fact she very much appreciates it - and demonstrates that with a thumbsup visual emote (https:'static.tvtropes.orgpmwikipubimagesgrace.jpg). She also takes the information provides it and routes it to... the special guests for this evening. It wouldn't do after all for them to end up shooting each other on accident, right?

        For now Grace is content to allow herself this brief lull. To listen to her fairy sing a song: A song of loss, of grief, of a desire to be stronger. It's a song that resonates to Grace in ways perhaps she doesn't like to admit... and that she believes will resonate with many of those in the audience today.

        "What's the point in waiting for a hopeless miracle you claim's forgone?" Grace whispers softly as Sheryl sings the words, and smiles...

        ... a smile that is perhaps a touch unkind.

<Pose Tracker> Serinas Nikola has posed.

        Serinas is leaning forward in her seat with eyes wide as if to better take in every second of this. Lani is more relaxed, putting the glasses away in her purse and just drinking in the music and ambience, but her smile widens a little at seeing her daughter's excitement.

<Pose Tracker> Gary Biaggi has posed.

        No matter where one may go in this room, Gary ends up surrounded by those younger then him it seems. Even if his seat is next to a trio of kids, two of them a bit less mature then their friend judging by their dress. At least the the smaller brown hair kid (Shinji) had the understanding to dress for the occassion.

         Taking moment as he settles and the lights go off, he rudely pulls his own phone and checks it before looking over at Kensuke who appears to have signal and then at his own phone, "I apparently need a better carrier."

         As the music starts and the concert begin Gary can't help but notice the kid in blue next to him appearing to pout. Leaning over a little he says, "You look like she just turn you down for a date kid. Smile, there are plenty of fish in the ocean, most of them even appear to be here in the small pond." Gary shouldn't get involved but he isn't going to let some kid ruin the concert for him.

<Pose Tracker> Ruri Hoshino has posed.

        Ruri would insist she isn't nervous, except she's too busy demonstrating she isn't nervous to establish it verbally. A little too sullen, in the wake of all these things going wrong, to even reach out to Arriety when she sees her -- even though she's glad to see she's still hanging in there.

        (She hasn't visited the Ra Mari recently, has she..?)

        The lights dim, and Ruri stops looking around at the nearby seats. Well, she won't say she's giving up on it as much as it was just foolish in the first place.

        At least the special effects are really something.

        And then the song starts, and Ruri's brow arcs upwards, expression loosening to melancholy. It's hardly fair, is it..? That kind of isolation...

        Sheryl's acting demonstrates she can't reach, and those are feelings which strike deep to the well of her, beneath her still lake. Her sleeve, still damp, slips a little as her hand lifts to clasp by her heart.

        Her face, of course, is dry.

        It's all on the inside.

<Pose Tracker> Arriety Hearn has posed.

        Elisa gives Arriety a lift of her glass. Eh? Hmm... well, if she's not going to rat her out or anything, that's okay. ... she should really have the courage to come say hi to Ruri. She doesn't have it today.

        The lights black out. Darkness always has a way of highlighting everyone's emotions around Arriety; it makes it all the more stark. The inky blackness in everyone's souls... withering, pulsing, writhing, just waiting to leak out of those fake covers people call faces and personalities...

        Mist, and lights like fireflies. Sheryl Nome, the Galactic Fairy, has come out, and she looks really beautiful. She sings. She sings... she steps as if searching for the audience, for them, beseeching them.


        She stares, towards the rest of the crowd. How is it that one performance has so much adoration, so much sincerity, so much excitement, from so many, and she...

        Ahhh, she's back there again...



        The cafeteria in Winter Wonderland's local high school. A small stage that's been recycled for everything from concerts, plays, the principal's announcement that the rainbow illuminating space was absolutely nothing to be concerned about...

        Arriety's standing there on that day, dressed as cutely as she's managed with her meager allowance. A costume that she cobbled together from a dress and glued lace and sequins onto, after her favourite idol at the time.

        The rainbow. She still remembers it. Space never looked so beautiful, and there was a sincerity in it all that she can feel even beyond space. Something heartening and good...

        That's what got her worked up to try singing. She put the hours in. She trained her voice. She practiced her dance routine. But as the stage curtains open--

        Eh? How ugly...
        What a cheap costume...
        Is she for real right now?

        The Dark is there too, always waiting to greet her. Inside everyone's hearts, sneering and whispering, behind their politely smiling faces...

        She pushes through it. She sings--

        Isn't this just plagiarising?
        She can't even come up with her own material...

        She sings. She sings-- she hitches, misses her cue. The song on the tape deck runs off without her, wordless and awkward. Her shoulders slump. Murmuring.

        Ahaha, she blew it, I knew it.
        Wow, cringe...

        From Axis, a rainbow shines in space on that day, illuminating the light in people's hearts. But all she can she in front of her was the darkness in people's hearts...


        Back in the present, Arriety rummages into her pocket and pops her emergency benzos. Wash it down with a cider chaser. She stops to reflect how all those people are dead now when Myrme attacked the high school. ... what a weird coincidence. ... is it?

<Pose Tracker> Emilia Eschonbach has posed.

        Lucine's kindness catches Emilia off guard- as indeed, acts of kindness still do. She gives a small, unconfident nod to acknowledge she's listening, but words are a bit much right now. So she follows, as suggested.

        As the concert starts, Emilia feels she should feel surprised to be sitting next to Milly, but it's starting to get comforting honestly. The student council president's continuing invasions are starting to become a good thing.

        And then the concert starts and trepidation quickly gives way to wonder. That look someone gets when they first encounter something they always wanted but never new existed. She's never heard music like this, seen a show like this.

        But more than anything, the lyrics capture her. Milly's suggestion for the cosplay festival goes unheard, as she grips the armrest of her chair unthinkingly. Memories, pleasant and painful, come rushing to her mind, as the words bear down into her heart.

        There are tears in her eyes, and it's too hard to tell if they're sad or happy. Emilia doesn't know either.

<Pose Tracker> Kallen Kozuki has posed.

Kallen is late. Oh, not super terribly late or anything. She just lost track of time a little on the phone, talking to family. She'd forgotten how it feels, having fun with other people. Just... being a teenager for a while. Needless to say, her father was over the moon, hearing about her trip so far.

But she eventually managed to realize the time, and quickly grabbed a few quiet-eating, venue-appropriate snacks on her way in. It might surprise them when she slides into step with both of them on the way to their seats, but she'd caught up easily enough by vaulting in a few less crowded areas, where nobody from her corner of the world is going to notice. Of course the fact she's now mildly out of breath helps to sell the image of her frailer mask, as someone who has no business pushing herself physically in the least. "I'm so sorry for holding you up. I brought these for an apology gift."

She barely gets the words out, before Sheryl's singing begins. And respectfully for the music, promptly shuts her mouth.

<Pose Tracker> Elisa Kafim has posed.

Elisa is silent as she watches, her green eyes glittering as much as her jewels in the light of the concert, watching the ghostly mirror image before her, of Sheryl singing to her in particular. Perhaps she is.

She does not pay attention to the fancy people around her in the moment, nor to the noises elsewhere in the seats. There is a smile on her face, but her glasses glint and hide her eyes in the low light of the concert.

<Pose Tracker> Alto Saotome has posed.

        As they make their way through the maze of staff halls, Alto is a little distracted as he tries to get their bearings. But he does spare some attention to Ranka, responding to her comment about him always being there to save her, "Mmmm, must be fate. Or something." He could have swore there was an exit around here.

        Ah, it should be this way. Alto continues to lead Ranka, catching her quiet words, "It sounds like you're making some new friends in Nergal. That's good. I admit, some of them are an interesting bunch." Alto had imagined that Ranka getting expelled from her old school had probably been difficult for her. And then with everyone else around her, himself included, starting to get pretty busy with various work... But it looks like there's no need to worry. Not that he really is worried, or anything!

        Finally Alto manages to find an exit into the concert hall, sighing with some relief. He turns to Ranka and gives her a smile to try and cheer her up, "Don't worry, it's barely started." He opens the door for her, "Have fun."

        Once Ranka has left to go find her seat, Alto turns and heads back into the staff area. Given the concert has started, even if just, it means he's actually a little late himself. So he shifts up into a run as he weaves his way through the halls.

        Finally Alto bursts through a doorway and out into the ship's large hangar. There are numerous craft of various types here, from small shuttles, to support mecha. One of them stands out though and that's the one that Alto makes a beeline for. A quick glance though tells him that the others have already launched, "Damn, I'm late." Alto quickly climbs up into his machine, settling in and pulling his helmet on, "I can still make it though."

<Pose Tracker> Ranka Lee has posed.

"I am! They're not what I expected, but - it's fine!" Ranka says of her first experience on the Nadesico to Alto as the two hasten, she didn't expect the ship to be so... well, casual, and the personalities to be so eccentric. "I think I prefer it that way."

OZMA is a bit less thrilled, as he doesn't want Ranka anywhere near a battleship, civilian or not. But she doesn't bring up that argument right now. Tonight's a night for Sheryl's concert! Not family problems!

Alto though finally guides her to the door, and Ranka takes a few moments to catch her breath, "Thank... you so much, Alto-kun!" As he holds the door open to her, "Ah- would you..." Ranka stops from asking him if he'd like to come watch with her. Sure it wouldn't work out, he doesn't have an assigned seat, and would have to stand in the aisle... but he's security... and it's not likely that security will actually be called upon. However, she halts in the asking.

It was foolish of her to consider asking.

"I'll see you later, Alto-kun."

And rushes inside. Once inside, she can catch a glimpse of Sheryl in that sky blue dress, her hair aglow.

Her heart skips more than a single beat... her insides feeling like they're melting, sighing in contentment as she listens to a song she sang with Sheryl not so long ago.

It takes her a good half a minute to get moving again towards the direction of her seat.

<Pose Tracker> Agatha Banneret has posed.

Agatha, slightly overstimulated by the flashing lights and music, closes her eyes and just does her best to listen.

<Pose Tracker> Shinji Ikari has posed.

An Adult shows up.

The change is immediate; Ikari sits up straight, lowers his gaze, and starts to look for the quickest way out of the room before catching himself and putting on a forced air of nonchallance. His friends, caught up in the concert and the personal dramas around them, don't really notice, though Gary does get a camera in his face for a second.

"Oh, uh, hello sir. It's not really like that." Shinji says, his head clearing a bit from the primal terror of interaction with an older man. It also starts to clear: musnt run away musnt run away musnt run away, he thinks, and his heart rate lowers, the buzz of his a-10 connectors stops screaming in his mind.

Just say something precocious and he'll go away. "Oh, uh, nothing like that." Shinji whispers, not wanting to spoil the music for those enjoying it. "...to tell you the truth we snuck a drink in and I was just feeling it. I just have one of those faces you know?"

"He really does." Kensuke says, activating a noise canceler on his camera and shocked that security hasn't grabbed for it yet. He could've used a bigger model. "Yo I think we're beating Asciel-tan right now, ha ha!"

"Sorry." Shinji says, as if that fixes the world. "I appreciate the concern, sir?"

<Pose Tracker> Sheryl Nome has posed.

        As the symphony quiets into the rising repetition of piano notes, Sheryl's holographic copies fade away while Sheryl herself strides slowly, regally, towards the back of the concert hall. The mist billows towards her, sweeping up the train of her robe, until she swivels to face the audience, hands clutched to her arms. A few snowflake-like pieces of light stick to her cheek as if they really were snow. As she raises her hand to her face, the music surges with her voice:
        "Forever lingering on my skin, my heart, my dewy eyes
        "I'll never forget your warmth as you held me close like the rays of a sunrise
        "On our long, long good-bye..."
        Her eyes widen at her hand as she pulls it away. A wind kicks up at her back, pushing her towards the audience and whipping through her hair. She stumbles, then chases it forward, one hand outstretched, to the edge of the stage. There she pauses, pulling her hand back, expression pensive--until it sets with determination:
        "Farewell to thee, farewell to thee, my dearly beloved
        "Because I had you by my side, I could walk ahead
        "I know I'm not alone, but still I feel so lonely
        "So I want you now to answer me...!"
        Once again, the orchestra breaks into full song, but this time, the motes of light gather around Sheryl, clinging to her, before shattering apart. Her outfit has reformed into a long-trained dark blue dress tied under the bust, while her headband forms a full crown of flowers. Overhead, the skylight breaks apart, revealing the Milky Way shimmering above. A brilliant red shooting star sears down from above, and Sheryl reaches up to catch it in both hands, both on stage and in a vast holograph that forms behind her.
        "Snatch a blazing meteor out from the heavens to light up a sign
        "I want to keep loving you, I want you to love me for all time
        "What's the point in freezing for a world that won't hold out a hand anymore?
        "I keep putting on airs, but in truth your touch is all I long for..."
        Her hands part, expression filled with anticipation and hope, but though she seemed to have caught the shooting star, there's nothing there in her palms. Overhead, a pink butterfly passes by, perhaps transformed from the red meteorite. Her expression falls, and she shakes her head as she sings:
        "Why can't I find my way? My tears spill so fast, I can't wipe them away..."
        An instrumental follows them, Sheryl's voice rising wordlessly along with it as she turns away, seemingly for good this time. But when she does, the piano has appeared before her again. She pauses, eyes wide; then she seats herself there and plays, fingers locking the instrument in place as her arms move now not with hesitation but passion.
        "I encountered you, and then I was born as the stars glittered above
        "So long as I live, so shall I continue to love
        "What's the point in waiting for a hopeless miracle you claim's forgone?
        "'Cause the shining of those stars, blurred by my tears, are all gone..."
        Sheryl arches her back and neck as the pink butterfly flutters down and lands on her face. Once more she's transformed, the cool colors in her hair and her outfit changing to the warmth of her blonde and the heat of a silk crimson evening gown that clings to her curves. As if not noticing, Sheryl continues to play, singing with all her strength as a vision of the galaxy, mirroring the skies above past the skylight, shimmers around her.
        "If one day we can be reborn into a world where we're safe and free
        "Then I know I'll find you again, I know you'll race straight to me
        "Never let me go, let us never again take love for granted
        "'I won't let you feel alone,' I want you to whisper to me, planet..."
        She stills, fingers curved, body arched; so too does the orchestra. Then Sheryl begins to play the rising, repeated leitmotif, glancing to one side as if finally noticing the butterfly on her hair. Her eyes widen as they focus in on it. As the orchestra chime in with her playing for the last verses, the butterfly takes off, but this time, Sheryl smiles warmly. That warmth somehow rises underneath everyone's seats, seeping through the light chill that had persisted through the number, until at last, Sheryl plays the final notes.
        The butterfly meets a snowflake, and they merge to the warbling melody and send a ripple through the concert hall that transforms the snow into a full bloom of pink petals, the winter-like cold now fully replaced by spring--just like the cherry blossoms that have begun to bloom on the planet's surface far below.
Banagher_Links teleports in.

<Pose Tracker> Lucine Azul has posed.

        Shinji, being a lightweight, confuses Lucine, who momentairely panicks as she tries to read into the unknowable context behind Shinji's comment.

        That is, not the fact that he's a test pilot, but that he's drunk.

        ".... Then you must know Kaworu and Zoia, then..." She looks up at Toji. "Right! The one with the cool capsule things, right? Like, the one that looks like a really sad metal can? It's really adorable..."

        Lucine has no idea what size these capsules are, of course, and that this 'sad metal can' is much larger than the small, cute-sized assistant she had been imagining.

        "I hope you all enjoy the show!"


        "... Miss Lee might've gotten lost. There was... a lot of nervousness going around, so I wonder..." She frowns. "That is.... I mean... you could see it, on their faces." Just like she could(not) read it on Ruri('s face).

        What if Ranka needs help?

        In the waning parts of the song, at an opportune moment, Lucine motions to Ruri as subtly as she can.

        "... I'll go look for her, Ruri. I'm on security duty anyway." Discreetly, she gets up, and makes her way to the exit--

        --opposite from the one Ranka enters in from. Of course.

<Pose Tracker> Gary Biaggi has posed.

        Gary listens to the kid's complaint and nods his head understand, "Ah a lightweight..." Fishing into an inner pocket of his jacket he pulls out his emergency rations, a caloriemate bar. Usually it is incase he gets stuck somewhere without food but he will be damn if some brat is going to puke on him.

         "...here eat this. Put somethin in your stomach, it will help." Gary says to Shinji before sliding the caloriemate bar over towards Shinji.

         With his good dead done he goes back to listening to the music and simply listens to the music for a moment. Turning his head over to the kid for a moment he leans over Shinji to Kensuke, "How'd you get a signal?"

<Pose Tracker> Serinas Nikola has posed.

        Ever the analytical one, Lani finds herself analyzing the effects, wondering which technology they're using to do it. She's actually surprised by the temperature change -- holograms can't do that! But of course... regular old heating vents are a much older technology, aren't they? She could almost laugh at something so simple catching her off-guard...

        Serinas, in excited whispers, observes to her: "It's like watching a movie but it's *here*... we're *in* it! So cool...! I wonder if I could do stuff like this, when the war's over...?"

<Pose Tracker> Alto Saotome has posed.

        "You're late, Skull 4!"

        "I know, I know! Sorry. Is everyone ready?"

        "Affirmative, we're in position. This is your show, so you take the lead."

        "Copy that, Arrow 1. Just like the plan says, we're starting in a delta formation before going into a breakout on my signal. Following that, an Immelmann into a crossover. Alright, let's show them all how SMS flies!"

        Inside the cockpit of his VF-25F Messiah, Alto listens as the audio from the concert is piped through into the speakers in his helmet. It's not the first time he's heard Sheryl sing live. Though he has to admit, hearing it over the radio is not quite as... Impactful... As hearing it in person.

        Not that he would ever admit that to her.

        Still, as he listens, he stares out into space ahead of him. The fancy space liner floats in the black, with the large Earth as a backdrop. It's quite the sight... And getting closer. Sure enough, Alto pulls up on his controls, bringing the nose of his fighter up so he's now flying parallel to the ship. Just as Sheryl reaches a specific point in her song and he can see the sections of the skylight fold open on the ship ahead of him.

        In the concert hall, the skylight opens and shortly afterwards, a formation of variable fighters rush into view. Four dull green fighters, led by a bright white one. They fly in a chevron formation for several seconds, before pulling away from each other in a coordinated break. They rise up and over, spinning, before converging back towards each other and crossing over each other at the same time.

        Looks like the concert includes an aerial show!

<Pose Tracker> Milly Ashford has posed.

As Kallen arrives, Milly pats the seat next to her. She doesn't say anything -- she just gestures and gives a brief nod.

As Emmy starts to look *deeply* moved by the concert, Milly... makes a note, but doesn't push it just yet. It seems mean to do that. Granted, Milly's no stranger to mean, but it's *pointless* meanness. For now, she just decides to self-congratulate about having made a move that caused an emotional reaction, which is -- of course -- her favorite thing in the world.

<Pose Tracker> Ruri Hoshino has posed.

I know I'm not alone, but still I feel so lonely...
Well, the song went something like that, anyway.
People on the Nadesico can be rather thoughtless, sometimes... it's more or less the case that everyone fumbles about, not realising whose toes are in the way.
Maybe it seemed like there could be a better attempt with something like this, but...
Oh, well. Don't worry too much about how a song like that applies to life.


        Ruri's counsel on what's happening, as always, is something she keeps to her own lonely heart, even as Sheryl's music seems to speak so directly to it. If she could be reborn, could she...

        Well, that's the sort of inspiration which settles in and blooms over time.

        Her eyes are on the concert, on Sheryl, on her transformations and her butterflies.

        The field of stars. It -- no, she -- turns, as Ruri hears Lucine, beside her, speaking during a lull in the music. "They were nervous... I see." Ruri didn't realise..?

        "All right," she nods, to Lucine, and feels a stab of guilt, wondering if her resentment might have been put in place of Ranka being in trouble. "I'll leave it to you, Ms. Azul."

        Ruri wouldn't know how to go and help someone in a situation like this, anyway.

        ... she's never even been to a concert before.

<Pose Tracker> Shinji Ikari has posed.

"Yep! Trash Can and Mister Smooth, that's us!" Toji agrees, lying through his teeth. They grit a little as he remembers a certain conversation at school, which may or may not have inspired his agreeing to this latest terrible scheme of Kensuke's.

Shinji looks at the caloriemate. He takes a bit, experimentally.

He wonders what he's done to be punished like this. "t. thanks."

Kensuke is in heaven. "Oh, well, the signal dampening's artificial. They don't want anyone cutting in on their broadcast rights, but a small enough operation can be ignored. I just set up a rotating vpn server so that a few seconds of activity gets through; the feed's like a minute off but security probably thinks they're just steaming movies on the Nadesco."

He then looks up at the show, his eyes wide and an expression of innocent bliss on his face. "Airplanes. Airplanes that turn into robots."

Toji holds the camera steady, meaning like three people are hanging over Shinji right now. He takes another bite of the punishment bar.

<Pose Tracker> Arriety Hearn has posed.

        Sweet, sweet benzodiazepine oblivion.

        The traumatic flashback lets go of Arriety, since she has no capability to let go of it, and she focuses a little harder into the song. There's so much they're doing with light here, playing it up with the spaceship's skylight. It's so good. But, stage lights only do so much of the main act isn't any good, and...

        As much darkness is in Arriety's heart right now, she has to admit that she's really good. Really, really good. If she was around three years ago, she might've been covering Sheryl Nome instead...


        Arriety's kinda glad she didn't. She also doesn't know how to play the piano... that'd be one part of the act she can't reproduce.


        She's startled a little by the temperature changes, but doubly so by the chevron of Valkyries flying over. ... is this part of the show? People don't look agitated, but...

        Bathroom... she should go to the bathroom. She's experiencing sensory overload right now and a break would be nice. Water, too. She stumbles out into the hallway, at this point. The Nadesico's around... should she come say hi afterwards? That'd be kinda nice... if she can muster up the confidence.


        Arriety's eyes widen as someone calls out to her, and she looks around and -- a blobby, foot-tall bean-shaped Bug comes into view. Her mouth is full of glass.

        "M-Myrme? Why are you here?"

        "Your aunt said you're going somewhere fun! So I tagged along! Also, oh man, the fancy glasses they have here are GREAT!"
        "... did you just eat all the champagne glasses?"
        "Uh huh! And the tablecloths too!"

        Oh no, she didn't need this headache...

KTS: Alto Saotome has deployed in VF-25F Messiah <Fighter Mode>.

<Pose Tracker> Serinas Nikola has posed.

        An airshow? Serinas's mother looks up. "I don't recognize that model... is it the Federation's new VF?" Her thoughts are interrupted by Serinas's hand on her shoulder. She looks over to see... her daughter's eyes watering, tears starting to run down her face??

        "It's so sad... She just wants her beloved... But she can't... She's all alone..." Serinas wipes her tears on her arm. "I hope whoever the song is about is okay..."

        Her mother hands her a tissue to dab her eyes and blow her nose, softly. "You won't have to feel such loneliness. I'll always be here..." The older -- only in a relative sense, thirty-six isn't even middle-aged! -- woman puts an arm around Serinas and holds her close.

<Pose Tracker> Gary Biaggi has posed.

        Finally Gary seems to actually be interested on what is going on at the stage now. The appearence of the Messiahs seem to have caught his attention as he has to stop himself from whistling at the impressiveness.

"Thats a new model, someone must have gotten tired of the Nightmare." Leaning back in the seat Gary seems much more focused now on the performance then he was a few moments ago as he tries to take in the Messiah and figure out what the difference is between it and the Nightmare.

<Pose Tracker> Sheryl Nome has posed.

        Once the music and the lights have completely faded--but not the warmth, for it turns out these seats have *seat warmers* that the concert-goers can now adjust to their liking now that their existence has been brought to their attention--Sheryl rises from the grand piano. Subtly, she trades a hidden microphone for her more iconic golden hand microphone, which she brings to her lips as she looks out at the cheering audience all around her.
        For a second, her gaze flicks up at the Valkyries zooming overhead among the stars, and her smile widens briefly, knowing Alto's in one of them. For an amateur, he really did turn out to be something else... But that's about all the self-indulgence she can allow herself in the face of her audience, though, which she now focuses back on.
        "Hey, everyone! Are you culturing~?" she calls, voice strong and confident in the countless faces before her, as she raises an arm as if to wave to all her fans. She seems to glow under the spotlight of their attention, reflecting off her long curls and the waves of her low-cut vermilion dress, held up by see-through black lace over her chest. "I'm so honored to have all of you here tonight for the premier of my world tour of the Earth Sphere. The Macross colony fleets are were I was born and raised, and it's so exciting for me to finally see a real planet--*the* planet, our motherland, that you've all been blessed to grow up on--with my own eyes!"
        She brushes back one of her long strands of hair, smile growing. "But to make sure we could all be here tonight, the Macross fleets have faced a lot of troubles during their return trip. That's why I've written a brand new song just for this event, as my way of honoring the brave people who fight to protect us."
        For a heart She bows her chin, still smiling, as she raises her microphone. "So..."
        The old captain yawns while adjusting his cap. After being drummed out of military service due to his age and a lack of need for old combat pilot vets in the commander's chair, he had been lucky to find a job that allowed him to keep his wings. Even if it was flying for a bunch of stuffed shirts and old ladies who would complain at even a slight increase of G-Forces. At least the kids coming for this show are a bit more exciting than the typical corporate tours affairs he ends up with.
        By now his co-captain is no doubt reading through another systems checklist. She's a nice kid, fresh out of the commerical flight academy and still clutching her rule book like it was the one true religious text. She'll have enough flight hours to pilot one of these barges on her own before long.
        Her voice reads, "Gravitational field emitters are... nominal. Radar readout ... huh? Captain, what's this?"
        The captain gives a beleagured sigh. Probably another another private transorbital plane flying too close to the commercial lanes. He'll take a look, raise them on broad band radio and give them a chewing out. The most excitement he'll get tonight.
        "A Zentradi battle formation?" The captain can't believe the own words coming out of his mouth. His co-pilot looks startled as well. He bangs his meaty fist against the radar plate to try and jar it out of displaying some fantasy of his... but instead he barks out a laugh!! "Those giant bastards are coming for me again eh?! Well I'll show them what this fat bird can do!!"
        The captain rises with the swiftness of several decades his junior and switches off the auto pilot. A captain's wheel rising out of the floor in front of him while a stability harness lowers behind him.
        His co-pilot meanwhile shakily straps herself into her seat. "C-captain, what do I do... what do we do?!"
        'Poor girl, but she'll be better for it,' he thinks. 'Any pilot worth their salt deserves a trial by combat before they earn their wings.' "Strap in and keep an eye on the damage read outs. And get the shipwide up, I've got an announcement to make."
        "This is your captain speaking! A battle wing of Zentradi has just in on radar behind us and they're not slowing down. Since they're warming up their weapon pods and they weren't announced as part of tonight's festivities, I doubt they're here to enjoy a bit of culture. We'll go for re-entry before they can cut us off. They've likely got landing craft so any able-bodied individuals should get ready to repel boarders. The rest of you - sit down and strap in!!"
        The announcement ends with a hearty laugh, a cry of "C-captain what are you--" from a woman in the background, and then finally cuts out entirely. Alongside that the entire vessel begins to burn faster towards the blue sky below. As the craft begins re-rentry red light enters the edges of the skylight overhead - and Zentradi landing craft can be seeen streaking red hot down toward the deck. Some few missing their landing vector due to the sudden change in attitude of the luxury craft, but more than a few managing to collide with the vessel and unload their cargo. Meanwhile a menacing vanguard of glaugs begin their assault!
        For her part, Sheryl is openly shocked. Just before her iconic line, she's been interrupted by no less than the captain of the liner, announcing that there are *rogue Zentradi*, of all people, coming in to attack. Here? Now? Of all times?! She whirls around, her dangling earring whirling with her, as her eyes widen.
        "Are you serious?!" she half-cries, half-demands--off-mic, of course. She's a professional. But already everyone can see the burn in the skylight, and Nergal's security are already hurrying towards her to usher her off-stage. She straightens her shoulders and steels her expression, projecting the calm that the audience surely needs to see right now.
        But as she begins to hurry off with them, she glances over her shoulder...

<Pose Tracker> Grace O'Connor has posed.

Some Time Ago:

        On a remote asteroid base in near Earth orbit, a group of Zentradi separatists sit around a holo terminal. Unlike the rest of the equipment in the base, which is largely run down and jury rigged from the Space War era, this particular terminal is new. It deployed after a piece of apparently space debris hit their platform, and as soon as a group of soldiers went to investigate it crackled to life revealing the shadowed figure of a man.

        "Good evening, gentlemen." A voice just on the masculine side of androgynous is heard saying. "Or is it morning? Hard to tell from out here..."

        "Miclone nonsense." A gruff Zentradi grumbles before moving to crush the holoterminal under his boot.

        "Ah sorry, your time IS valuable. But before you crush our only line of communication, what if I were to present you with a golden opportunity. Not only to kill many high ranking members of the Federation military, but one of their most valued idol singers."

        The foot comes down just beside the holographic terminal. The Zentradi stares down at the shadowed figure on display. His face a mixture of intrigue and distrust. "What do you get out of this, Miclone?"

        The shadowy figure smiles, his smooth voice like silk adorning rusted, jagged sadism, "Fear, and hatred."


        The Miclone didn't lie. Not about the vessel carrying the idol singer or high level military personnel, nor about the new equipment waiting for them. Though Zentradi equipment is built to last, being able to last was all that they had managed for a long time now. The result of decades of guerilla warfare and raiding had left most of their machines collapsing into pieces. Keeping up with new technological advances was simply out of the question.

        ... but this new battlepod was something else entirely. It resembled a glaug equipped for atmospheric entry but the equipment was entirely of new manufacturer. Presumably Miclone manufacture. It was enough to turn his stomach to consider lowering himself to use this perversion of their technology, but he was ready to put that aside for a chance to strike at the heart of his hated enemy.

        Alongside that? Spare parts, spare equipment, and more to repair their regults and landing craft. This would be enough to punish the Federation for their hubris and awaken the warrior hearts of his people.

        "I'll take the tip of the van. The rest of our powered-up Glaugs will follow in formation, we'll distract the battleship's defensive batteries while I get in range to knock out their military communications. Afterwards landing craft will deliver payload to the surface and interior of the target vessel."

        His lips split into a cruel grin, "This isn't a raid, it's a military operation. Destroy and kill everything in sight. Leave no survivors."

KTS: Grace O'Connor has deployed in YF-27-5 Shaher F Custom 'Ars Goetia' (Fighter Mode).
KTS: Emilia Eschonbach has deployed in eEXM-17 Alto.
KTS: Emilia Eschonbach has changed loadout.
KTS: Alexis Kerib has deployed in Schakal B.
KTS: Alexis Kerib has changed loadout.
KTS: Arriety Hearn has deployed in MSZ-006ME Myrmekes Zeta.
KTS: Arriety Hearn has changed loadout.
KTS: Gary Biaggi has deployed in eEXM-17FT Alto Flight Type.
KTS: Lucine Azul has deployed in Dianthus Mk. 3.

<Pose Tracker> Elisa Kafim has posed.

Elisa is indeed culturing. She is pleased, even as the song finishees for now, and leans back in her seat pleasantly, to wait for the new song, looking for anything like a Queen looking on at her court bard, as if she were the only one in the audience.

And then the announcement breaks in, and Elisa's eyes narrow dangerously. She looks around the hall, considering the alarm of her fellow audience members. She notices the calm that Sheryl's expression seems to try to project, but only because she looks at her, not because she 'feels' it. Indeed, there is something vey unlike calm in her demeanor. Her hand curls on the armrest of her seat.

It cracks.

Despite her fancy dress, Elisa rises from her seat, graceful despite the sudden movements. She begins to move towards the aisle, presumably one of the 'able-bodied individuals' mentioned. This will certainly see her walking past others, and she has a serious expression on her face. Serious... but not afraid.
Shinji Ikari tosses a coin: Tails

<Pose Tracker> Gary Biaggi has posed.

        Suddenly the cruise is playing Gary's favorite song. As the lights go on Gary is already making his way towards his favorite system operator. However he stops and reconsiders, any hesitation and they could lock the room down. Gary chooses to not wait for that.

        Instead of continuing towards Ruri he pushes through the crowd to an exit and then he is running down towards the hangar of the cruise liner. They always kept a couple of emergency suits down there for situations like these. Especially when Nergal is paying for security.

        Once in the hangar he can see the squad of pilots rushing to their suits, when he grabs one of the pilots and in a very Gary way politing relieves him of his piloting duties and the key for the suit as well.

         Another few minutes and Gary is sitting in his newly borrowed Alto, and what luck it even comes with a flight unit and before anyone can stop him he is already making his way out of the hangar. Yes there would be hell to pay for this later.

<Pose Tracker> Agatha Banneret has posed.

Agatha Banneret does not care for this development. She's meant to be relaxing and having fun, a night away from worry and fear and violence. Her eyes snap open. If there's going to be some kind of mass panic or something she does not want to get trampled, and she may be able to help in case of emergency.

As though this doesn't qualify as an emergency.

Not seeing any reason not to, and hoping for safety in numbers, Agatha makes for where the other Ashford students had been sat.

<Pose Tracker> Grace O'Connor has posed.

        The show has begun...

        Not Sheryl's performance of course. That has been going on for a while now. But as soon as the captain announced the Rogue Zentradi, it was time for Grace to come out onto a stage of her own. Immediately she springs into action. "We need to get Sheryl to a secure location, quickly!" she says out loud to a group of Nergal Security who doubtlessly do not need to be told how do their job.

        She waits for them to retrieve her charge, her face a mask of concern and fretful worry. The face Sheryl would expect from her manager after just experiencing a major show disruption. Perhaps she's thinking about all the refunds she'll have to issue? Or perhaps she's just worried about the safety of Sheryl? Her eyes catch Sheryl's moments before she glances back over her shoulder, back towards stage.

        Curiosity prickles. It is not Sheryl's way to be concerned about her audience members - she knows, after all, that there are professional ushers working now to quickly evacuate members of the crowd to a safe area. What could that headstrong girl of hers be planning?
Asciel_Colette teleports in.
POT: Asciel Colette is now set observer.

<Pose Tracker> Arriety Hearn has posed.

        Arriety's just about to wrestle Myrme and pick the glass out of her mouth (that's dangerous, Arriety) when the announcement rings through the luxury liner. Her eyes widen just for a moment. A battle wing of Zentradi? A... a battle? Re-entry? What's happening?

        She should evacuate with everyone else... ...

        "Uh..." Arriety just realises she doesn't really understand where the escape pods are, or what evacuation procedures are. Besides, are escape pods really all that safe? They might just burn up into the atmosphere...


        Arriety pushes the part of her that thinks that wouldn't be so bad, before turning back to Myrme. "Myrme, if you came here, then that means... you also brought the Zeta with you...?"

        "Uh huh!"

        "L-let's go there, then."


        It didn't really take long; the Myrmekes Zeta is, in fact, mysteriously just... there, present in the hangar. Arriety decides to not really interrogate too hard how Myrme managed to sneak onboard in her 19.5 meter tall self, but the reality is that it is here...

        And not long after, a Zeta Gundam -- at least at first glance -- is off, freshly blasting off in a cloud of bright-blue vernier fire off the ramp of the luxyr liner spaceship.

        "Um... I have no idea what communication lines are open... I forget how to tune the radio," Arriety sighs. She also didn't put a Normal suit on. That's a pretty bad idea if a cockpit leak occurs, or if they just get hit hard enough that things break apart, but...

        That wouldn't be so bad, that thought returns.
        "Are you sure you're ready to fight, Arriety?"
        "Not really, but... well... whatever happens..."

        The Gundam's gossamer insectoid wings are curious, as are its chitinous, almost bug-like features. At closer zooms, it's clear the camera isn't a camera, but an... eye... oh, is that teeth it has? And claws, and talons on its feet. Oh dear.

        "I hope it doesn't set itself on fire again... what did Dr. Kamille say about the Bio-Sensor? Oogh..."

<Pose Tracker> Alto Saotome has posed.

        The first song has ended, so Alto and his squad move into a waiting pattern in preparation for the aerial display for the next one. He pulls out a zero-g water bottle. He's taking a sip from it just as the announcement from the liner's captain filters in through his radio. He spit-takes in surprise, "What!?" Sure enough, a quick glance at his radar shows the new formation of signals appearing.

        Alto quickly scrambles, putting the bottle away and starting to bring the VF's combat systems online. It's a good thing his squad is doubling as security for the flight, otherwise he might have ended up out here unarmed.

        While Alto is preparing for a fight, the voice of his squad's leader filters in over the radio, <"Skull 4, Arrow Squadron will proceed to engage. You hold here and protect the liner.">

        "Understood." Alto replies just as he finishes bringing his weapons online. He pushes the throttle forward and his fighter blasts ahead. It quickly closes in on the liner again, heading towards that skylight, easily the weakest point on the ship. Moments before reaching it, he snaps his controls up and back.

        From within the concert hall, the white VF can be seen screaming into view in the space beyond. It quickly separates into pieces, before rearranging itself into a humanoid form. The large thrusters in its feet blast out fire as it quickly halts its velocity relative to the ship. The robot then spins around, raising the gunpod in its hands as it takes up a guard stance just above the concert hall.

KTS: Ruri Hoshino has deployed in ND-001 Nadesico.

<Pose Tracker> Serinas Nikola has posed.

        Serinas rests her head against her mother's shoulder.
        'Hey everyone! Are you culturing~?'
        "YEEEEEAH!" She abruptly sits up straight, pulling free of Lani's arms and raises her fists in the air, cheering.

        It's Lani's turn to freeze, eyes wide. Unlike CERTAIN PEOPLE, she's a scientist! And not the crazy kind that's always got a raygun tucked under their coat! And let alone herself, she has to worry about Serinas--

        Serinas has stood up from her seat, alert. Now it's her turn to do the comforting. She leans over to hug her shocked senior. "Don't worry Mom. I won't let them hurt anyone here!"

        "I... but... You could get hurt!"

        "Don't worry!" Serinas smiles, though her heart is pounding. "I've fought Gundams!"

        "You've fought GUNDAMS?!"

        "Hey, remember those construction MSes we passed on the way in? I've got a better idea than repelling boarders... they won't board in the first place!"

        Lani stares at her daughter and the absurdity of this plan. But that eagerness and determination... There was a time when it was what she would have wanted to do. She, too, dreamed of fighting to protect others from the cockpit, when she was just a few years younger than Serinas. ( And unlike I did, she has actual training and experience... ) The woman takes a breath, then lets it out. "Just... come back to me, alright?"

        Serinas just nods cheerfully, "I will!" And starts to run off.

        "Ah, wait!" Her mother calls, pulling her scarf off.

        "What?" Serinas pauses.

        "The heroine should have a scarf, right? It's not quite the right style, but..." She drapes it over her daughter's shoulders. "There."

        Serinas sighs, blushing a bit. "Mom..." Then once let go, flashes a smile and a thumbs-up. "Don't worry! I'll protect everyone!" The half-Zentradi runs out into the aisle, scarf trailing behind.

        And oh hey, look who else is in the aisle! "Miss Elise... you can fight?" She doesn't tarry more than a couple of seconds, though, she has people to save!

<Pose Tracker> Shinji Ikari has posed.

"Yeah, they're amazing, aren't they? Top of the line. I think the Ichis made everyone nervous." Kensuke elbows Shinji at this. "It's a whole new generation of fighting machines! I can't wait to see what everyone innovates next!"

A bulkhead explodes, and the ship is boarded. Chaos reigns.

Shinji looks up, breathing shallowly. Kensuke is taking footage, his smile gone, but his hands strangely steady. Of course he'd want to record it. The man is gone. Dead? Shinji smells.

Oh no. Shinji looks at a bit of rubble from the scuffle, some fancy gold thing that was probably chipped off of a wall, and under it is Toji Suzuhara. Breathing, Shinji thinks, but. "Kensuke!"

"We need to get him out of here!" Kensuke barks back.

Shinji reaches into his bag and straps on his A-10 helmet: adapted from the A-10 connectors, this piece of machinery lets Shinji send remote signals to vehicles that are equipped with A-10 receivers. It's not a patch on a proper Eva, but, as Shinji and Kensuke grab their friend by the shoulder and book it, it means the car is on.

It's a run. The Ichinana is on one knee, a hand extended, its cockpit open. Kensuke looks at Shinji for a moment, and they get Toji in; Kensuke is a lot of things, and one of them is a legitimate rugged outdoorsman. First aid is applied.

"Every time we go out I end up in one of these things." Toji says, chuckling as he clutches his little bag. "Zentraedi? Real Zentraedi? What th'hell is going on, Shin-man?"

"A bad day." Shinji Ikari puts away Jakob Rokubungi, lowering the cockpit and starting to walk towards the fight. He is pretty sure he caught which pod caused the damage that hurt Toji. "Going to make it worse for someone."

KTS: Shinji Ikari has deployed in MPMZ-17 Ichinana.
KTS: Serinas Nikola has deployed in eEXM-17 Alto.
KTS: Serinas Nikola has changed loadout.
POT: Koji Kabuto is now set observer.

<Pose Tracker> Kallen Kozuki has posed.

Kallen doesn't want to cry. She really doesn't. And yet, so freely it starts to flow. It's something she never lets people see. After all, in that way she's very Britannian. Don't let people see your weakness. At least, not the real one. And for her, that's the pain she's been holding onto, and letting fuel her anger and motivation to fight. Someone will probably ask later what got her leaking like an old faucet, and she'll have to make up excuses then. She's let herself get far too comfortable with Milly and Emmy already. Not that she'll be withdrawing from future interactions, it's simply... something to be aware of. And cautious about.

As she's starting to dry her eyes, the announcement comes across. An assault?! They're under attack, and not only does she not have her Guren, but she's around people who she cannot POSSIBLY let see her jump into a cockpit to fight! This... is the worst. Someone with the empathy for it can probably tell she wants to get up and fight to protect people... and yet here she is, pretending now that she's a normal, scared girl. Not trembling or screaming, but certainly looking shocked and unsure of what to do. It's still a little too muted though. Right in line with her too-subdued reactions that, unknown to her, Milly always notices.

KTS: Alexis_Kerib has deployed as a Boss for 4 opponents.
KTS: Grace_O'Connor has deployed as a Boss for 4 opponents.

<Pose Tracker> Alexis Kerib has posed.

It's not that Milly is utterly incapable of doing something about this -- but she'd be a liability, and these types of places are fairly well-defended. There are areas where she *could* make inroads -- but even then, she'd mostly be messing up the chain of command.

When Agatha arrives to sit with the rest of the Ashford students, Milly gives a tense wave. "Agatha, right? ... looks like we're going to need to settle in." This is not Milly's first rodeo with this kind of thing by a long shot.

Alongside the Zentradi remnant is a curious piece of hardware to see in space, especially alongside Zentradi -- a wanzer, done up in black with red accents. (While unusual, this isn't exactly as uncommon as you'd expect; Zentradi remnants have put a lot of work in in some of the messier hot zones out there, and some half-Zentrans don't take to macronization very well. Strange, but not unheard-of.)

Its silvery optics sweep the scene once, then again. There's a simple thruster set equipped to it for use out here -- it's not much, but it's better than nothing. For now, it's mostly waiting -- but when the suggestion comes that this is a 'military operation' and that the goal is to leave none alive, it immediately opens fire.

Alexis Kerib scans the crowd... from Grace's vantage. He sent a warning ahead for multiple reasons. Hm -- some familiar faces here...

<Pose Tracker> Emilia Eschonbach has posed.

        Emilia is way, way too into the song to notice Kallen sneak in. Sometimes you just encounter something casually life changing.

        The tears are flowing more freely now, but she's not sobbing. She's blinking only when she has to, to not lose sight of the show. She's lost in the music, and memories so warm and precious and few she doesn't dare touch them, normally. She didn't want to taint them with the rest of her sad, sore heart.

        But those close enough, in the low light from the stage, might see Emilia mouth 'Mom'.

        The song ends, and the spell fades slowly as Emilia returns to the world of everyone else, glancing briefly to Milly and Kallen. She may have been awfully open right then, and is maybe expecting some sort of comment.

        Instead, she focuses on Sheryl's speech. It's so strange, to think of a spacenoid having that view. So many hate earth, with good reason. She kind of does too. But nonetheless, she wants to hear that next song...

        The next song that is instead interrupted with an attack and evacuation for those who need or want it. Presumably, Ashford Academy students are evacuating. That means Emilia should be evacuating.

        Emilia is not evacuating. In fact, in the chaos, Emilia has disappeared. Instead, she is in the halls, looking for something. She finds it- a construction Alto, used in setting up the show, and a normal suit that will do in a pinch. She can pilot a KMF, and that's AMBAC. And she does some work at a Hobby MS shop. And what is an Alto but a Hobby MS for a thirdborn his parents don't love as much? It'll do.

        Sure, she's never fought in space before. She's never piloted an Alto before. But she can do this. She needs to do this.

        She's going to hurt them all for stomping on her first new happy memory in more than five years.

<Pose Tracker> Ruri Hoshino has posed.

        Ruri doesn't know what 'culturing' means, precisely; she isn't close enough with any of the Zentradi working in the background of the Nadesico to have run into much of their slang. She presumes it must be positive, though.

        Maybe it's the feeling of being understood... silly, isn't it? Well, music is like that, so Ruri supposes it's reasonable. Obviously Sheryl doesn't know her personally, but maybe it's a similar enough experience...

        Ruri wonders what it's like, to have never seen Earth before. Somehow, knowing they're coming back makes her happy.

        ... of course, a warm feeling like that could never last.

        Because another voice comes on, blasting through the ship.

        "A battle wing..?" Ruri echoes, a shade numb. Quickly, she stands, and pulls her sleeve up to tap at her communicator. "Nadesico, come in. Nadesico --"

        Nothing. She can feel the connection failing to establish.

        With a little more anxiety in her heart, Ruri tries something closer to home: "Ms. Azul, please come in --"


        Ruri scowls at the cider on her sleeve, and wonders whether it could have really damaged it so much. But she can't just stay here -- the Nadesico needs her. Ruri slips between the crowd, past legs and torsos which are, largely, going the other way; she's small enough that she can squeeze through, and when an usher finally sees her and calls out, she's already running down the hall.

        She just needs to get to the hangar. She'll find Lucine, she'll get her to bring her to the Nadesico -- she was too, too right, making that snappish comment to Emilia. What was Ruri doing here? She should have known danger would come. She should have known --

        Ruri hears yelling, down the hall. She scrambles, but not quickly enough to avoid being seen by a Zentradi boarder who's escaped the security forces fighting them. He has very, very long legs; hers are short, and unsuited to athletics.

        Let's not forget the fact that only one of them has a gun in their hands.

        She rounds a corner, breathing heavily, and there's a moment she can hope she evaded sight. Her first mistake is stopping, wearied from that short sprint. Her second mistake is looking back.

        Just in time for that soldier to stomp into view.

        Ruri's brow knits in something still far, far too vague to be life-threatening terror; she taps her communicator, again. "Ms. Azul," she speaks into a receiver which isn't sending, a clear nervous edge to her words, "Ms. Azul, come in!"

        The man gives her an assessing look, for a moment, before realising she's a human child; with a shrug, he raises the butt of his rifle, fully meaning to bring it down and knock her out. He hardly needs to waste bullets on a little girl.

        Ruri, a little girl, doesn't know what that means in the slightest. She can't run or hide; she's too small to fight. She can't call for help.

        Her hands clutch together by her chest. Even in a situation like this, her expression is more drawn than terrified, a dull shade of horror to her. It's difficult to raise her voice, too. Even so, caught between this moment and what may well be her last, Ruri cries out:

        "Mr. Kerib, please help me--!!"

<Pose Tracker> Agatha Banneret has posed.

"Agatha Banneret," Agatha agrees when Milly asks. "I came alone, but I thought it might be a good idea to come over to the group so if something happens, I can help at least. What's the plan for settling in? I guess none of us is a fully qualified pilot, or else--" Agatha stops, shaking her head. "Anyway, you're probably better at being in charge than me, so..."

<Pose Tracker> Ranka Lee has posed.

Ranka threads her way through the aisles, unaware that Lucine is off to search for her. As Sheryl asks the audience if they're culturing, Ranka cheers with a fist pump, "Yes!" Before ducking down low again, a hand on her beret. She doesn't want to block anyone's view of Sheryl, and coming in this late feels so rude.

And then the announcement causes Ranka to straighten back up in alarm, "What? We're under attack?" Suddenly she's glad she didn't ask Alto to skip out on security duty...

... even if she doesn't want him in danger either. Suddenly she rushes down the aisle, trying to beeline for her seat. "Gotta strap in, gotta strap in." Ranka repeats, suddenly becoming an anxious wreck at the idea of more violence breaking out as she finally gets to her aisle. "Excuse me - pardon me! Sorry! Sorry!" Ranka says hurriedly as she threads through the maze of jutted out legs en route to. "What...?"

That's her seat... but...

... there's an empty one right beside it. Suddenly the thought occurs to her. Did Ruri not make it into the hall???

"Oh no - nonononoNO!" Ranka suddenly starts trying to run back out of the aisle in the direction she came, an act which gets a few ugly comments thrown her way. Yet she doesn't let them register. Because Ruri could be out there somewhere else on the ship, and now in danger.

Lungs heaving, she runs out towards the closest exist, hands mashing the bar as she burts out of the performance hall. "RURI-CHAN! Where-Where are you?"

This is a nightmare. This is her nightmare. It's her fault, if she hadn't gotten lost... then right now, the two of them would be strapped in...

... and she wouldn't have to go through what happens next alone. Hearing the yelling and heavy boots in the distance, she tries to dart off in the opposite direction both painfully aware, and not aware enough of how exposed and vulnerable she is right now.

<Pose Tracker> Lucine Azul has posed.

        Lucine sighs as she exits out onto the now quiet hallways, her shoes making soft impacts on the ground. She's reluctant, yes, but maybe, if she's quick enough, she won't miss much.

        Besides, if Ranka is lost, she'd want to see this too.

        In the end, it was for the best, as the com sings to life: not with more of Sheryl's singing, but with the captain's voice. ".... Zentradi...? But why...?"

        She tries her phone, but, like with Ranka, no reception. ".... Guess those pilots from NERV were right... Maybe that's why Miss Lee didn't say anything..."

        If only she thought of that reason *sooner*.

        Ruri'd understand though, right? And Ranka, she'd get to safety too.

        Suiting up as best as she can with her dress, Lucine climbs into the opening cockpit of the Dianthus, settling in.

        "<Nadesico, this is the Dianthus! That is... ah, Lucine Azul! I'm here! Deploying off the ship. You all got the message, right? .... Though, I guess, you likely see it.>"

<Pose Tracker> Alexis Kerib has posed.

Milly thinks about Agatha for a moment. She resolves to review her student information when they get back to Earth. (Not if.) She looks back toward Emilia, and --

"Emilia?!" she calls -- but she's kind of past the stage where she can do something about it.

Ruri calls for help. Alexis tracks his attention back to her, and:

He's back out of Grace's OS, for the moment, because he has something more pressing to attend to. There's a blur of black and red. The distinct sound of a cape's swirl. Were he to swallow the full of her despair now, it would no doubt be delicious -- but it would accelerate things too much. He would have oh-so-much to answer for, and it would change the situation.

So he follows through on the offered help. Ruri is, in a moment, back on the Nadesico -- safe and sound. Oh, to be sure, it'll be an annoyance to deal with the fallout of this on Grace's operation, but...
Alto Saotome transforms to VF-25F Messiah <Battroid Mode>

<Pose Tracker> Arriety Hearn has posed.

        "I said I'd come out here and fight, but I'm not really sure... what," Arriety admits, even as she continues on the flight. The Zentradi remnants, she supposes -- she scans as the Gundam's "cameras" swoop towards the battle wing of the Zentradi, and she pauses and notices... the black Wanzer. Well, she doesn't know what a Wanzer is, but that looks like as good a target as any...

        She kinda thinks how easy she had it last time, when she had Eight to tell her what to do. She's kinda lost... is this how people get swallowed up in the battlefield? This might very well be the last time...

        "You remember I won't let anyone kill you, right, Arriety?"

        Arriety pauses, and a rather dark smile grows on her face. "That's right. You promised." She lowers her head.

        "Until I'm healthier and happy... you won't let anyone kill me. Because you'll consume me yourself, right, Myrme? Then... earn your promise."

        The Zeta swoops down, as the conversation ends, and a small white cylinder pops out of its forearm guard; a brilliant magenta beam sabre erupts into light as the mobile suit sweeps to the drone and engages.

        "Is there a pilot onboard this...?"

KTS: Arriety Hearn targets Alexis Kerib with Beam Saber!

<Pose Tracker> Serinas Nikola has posed.

        Serinas grabs an emergency normal suit from a locker somewhere (and re-applies the scarf over it) and makes her way to where those construction altos are parked. And she's not the only one! Serinas gives a friendly nod to Emilia as they run for mechs. "We'll teach them a lesson, eh?"

        Once she's in and has the budget-brand MS powered up, she grabs some construction equipment that looks like it can be weaponized, attaching it to the alto's backpack. "Serinas Nikola, Alto, launching!"

        It's an old machine, but she flies it well -- it's way easier to pilot than a Coordinator-OS mobile suit, after all! As she puts some distance between her and the cruise liner, she readies...

        ...Is that a gatling gun modified to shoot rivets? Why would you do this.

        But someone did, and Serinas puts it to full use now, sending a cloud of high-speed metal downrange at the approaching Zentradi pods! "Hey! How could you DO this?! Don't you know lots of our brothers and sisters love Sheryl Nome's songs?! Why would you try and ruin a beautiful concert?!"

KTS: Alexis Kerib fails to react to Arriety Hearn's Beam Saber, taking 3500 damage!
KTS: Arriety Hearn has engaged Alexis Kerib
KTS: Serinas Nikola has activated the Strike Spirit Command.
KTS: Serinas Nikola targets Grace O'Connor with Rivet Gun Constant Barrage!
<Pose Tracker> Gary Biaggi has posed.

        Gary was taking his moment to get use to the new suit, its like someone took his Enact's OS and put it all in the wrong spot. Not to mention who uses a spear, suffice to say there is a lot of grumbling. However at the end of the day he is still in the fight.

        Flipping on the friendly comms he speaks up, <" This is Lieutenant Biaggi of the AEU offering assistance to protect the cruise liner. I am moving in to engage the Zentradi."> Taking a moment to right himself he charges in towards the Zentradi battalion as he tests the flight pack's energy cannons while moving in.

KTS: Gary Biaggi targets Grace O'Connor with Flight Module Cannon Maneuver Shot!
KTS: Grace O'Connor fails to react to Gary Biaggi's Flight Module Cannon Maneuver Shot, taking 5580 damage!
KTS: Grace O'Connor fails to react to Serinas Nikola's Rivet Gun Constant Barrage, taking 4320 damage!

<Pose Tracker> Shinji Ikari has posed.

"This is a mess." Kensuke says, safe behind his camera. He's patched Toji up enough that the big kid can be propped up, and a few pain pills have him mostly lucid. "How did they show up out of nowhere like that? Shinji, there's a big battle drone too-!"

"Try not to went yerself." Toji says, and blinks. "Wait that girl, the silver haired one, I..but she's gone?"

Shinji feels a pain in his head, as Synchronization burns through his brain. The Ichinana sags and his eyes open as he remember-

The Gun God, Gilveed, and the strange miasma pouring from it.

"Beware that the ghosts don't consume you." The face of Good, of Gridman peered down and Shinji BURNT.

"The NERV is yellow." Shinji mutters, pressing a button. The Ichinana spares its quarry as Shinji struggles with his initial instinct to stay as far away from space combat as possible and another, new instinct that's growing steadily in him since the first time he bonded with Unit-01.


"Dude don't do anything crazy."

"I see you." Shinji says, and his Ichinana kicks its heels, rockets exploding as the three boys are rocketed into space; Toji and Kensuke hugging each other as the Ichi's space protocols keep the sudden change in pressure from killing them. Shinji's eyes are on the drone, his Unit's shield held forward like righteousness.

"Is this just gonna be the rest of our lives?" Toji groans, covering his face with his hands.

"Statistically, yes." Kensuke agrees, somehow still filming this.

KTS: Shinji Ikari targets Alexis Kerib with Ichinana Shield Bash!

<Pose Tracker> Grace O'Connor has posed.

Zentradi Forces

        The rogue Zentradi commander smirks as the luxury liner starts a more rapid descent. Oh is that their game is it? Trying to pull the prey from his mouth before his jaws have had a chance to close. No matter - bred as they were for battle, he's not about to let the possibility of uncontrolled re-entry burn deter him from his prize. The result is that many of the boarding pods have landed to the fore of the ship rather than directly on the ship's performance hall. No matter. It shouldn't take any time for his troops to crush the pathetic Miclone resistance and tear out the head and heart of the Federation's military alliance.

        The glaug formation descends into the wake of the luxury liner's descent. The great weight and size of the larger vessel makes it easier for it to descend at a greater speed without being broken or burnt up in the turbulence. Already some of the lesser skilled glaug pilots can be heard screaming as their own battle pods, still rickety from haphazard repairs, break up. 'Never mind' the commander thinks, 'Weak warriors like them would have not made a difference in this coming battle'.

        "Enemy suits incoming!!" One of his fellows yells over comms. It would seem that not all of the screams are due to shoddy repairs or piloting - Serinas and Gray managing to catch a couple of the pods with their attacks! "Arm cannon sweep full spread, shoot them down before they finish deploying." The glaugs raise their arms and fire off a sweeping shot across the surface of luxury liner - scarring the thinly plated surface, but not yet risking a hull breach. It's the mechanized units that are their main target and that will receive the majority of the resulting rounds.

Meanwhile inside the ship:

        The heavy boots mostly pass Ranka by. Mostly. Just as she might think she is safe one of pair of boots doubles back and leans down into the corridor. A cruel sneer breaks across the Zeltrandi's face, "I thought I heard something... what have we here? Some half bred Meltran?" Suddenly the face is replaced with a massive arm reaching into the hall way, blindly grabbing for poor Ranka.

Zentradi Forces End

KTS: Grace O'Connor has activated the Strike Spirit Command.
KTS: Grace O'Connor targets Gary Biaggi with Beam Cannon Double Shot!
KTS: Grace O'Connor targets Serinas Nikola with Beam Cannon Double Shot!
KTS: Alexis Kerib fails to react to Shinji Ikari's Ichinana Shield Bash, taking 2860 damage!
KTS: Shinji Ikari has engaged Alexis Kerib
KTS: Grace_O'Connor Changes attack to Emilia Eschonbach and Alto Saotome with Gatling Sweep.
KTS: Alto Saotome's EN Barrier activates, negating 1000 base damage.
KTS: Alto Saotome blocks Grace O'Connor's Gatling Sweep, taking 1941 damage!
KTS: Emilia Eschonbach blocks Grace O'Connor's Gatling Sweep, taking 1348 damage!
KTS: Gary Biaggi blocks Grace O'Connor's Beam Cannon Double Shot, taking 1394 damage!

<Pose Tracker> Elisa Kafim has posed.

"I can," Elisa responds to Serinas. "I'll help get people to safety. You focus on what's out there, hm?" She smiles. She is good at faking smiles, though Serinas's involvement does give her a chance to evaluate her young friend(?) in battle, so there is that. She certainly isn't inclined to stop her. And her mecha...

No. Celestial Being's Viridesca need not deploy today.

But while Elisa is making her way out, she sees suddenly rushing past her--a girl, shouting. Running for the exit. Ranka.

"Damn!" Elisa picks up the pace, shoving someone slow out of her way as she moves for the exit herself, looking around quickly to catch sight of--There she is. There is yelling, therer are heavy boots in the distance. And Elisa knows full well how vulnerable Ranka is in all this.

But she doesn't get to her first. The corridor contains a Zentradi man... a Macronized Zentradi man, and Elisa is quite familiar with the advantages that that brings. She drops into a low stance, approaching more carefully from behind him as he grabs into the corridor.

...Unfortunately, this project will go south if she doesn't do something. So...

Elisa reaches out, and darkness flashes from her hand. She grabs at his arm, attempting to lock on. Life energy surges through her palm. She attempts to use it to drain his, though at this size, without the amplifiers in the Spinatia, it may not be fatal.

But it should be a nasty surprise. "That would describe me better," she voices. ...And hopes that Ranka is cowering instead of looking too hard.

<Pose Tracker> Lucine Azul has posed.

        "I can do this. I know I can..."

        Switching the coms to include the wider range of pilots (which she hopes are all allies), Lucine grimaces. The closest one seems to be the wanzer. Unusual, but not so much that Lucine doesn't accept its existence, especially as it fires.
        "<This is Lucine Azul piloting the Dianthus. I'm from the Nadesico, that is, from Nergal. I'm lending assistance.>"
        The soft voice, though distorted by the channel's feed, may be recognizable to those who met Lucine not too long ago.

        "<We will drive them off, if we work together.>"

        It's much more confident than before, but not too much to be unbelievable.

        Angling around the attacks of those already targeting the Wanzer, the Dianthus swoops in, pressing the weight of its momentum against her glaive, pointed straight at Alexis's co-opted mech with the force of a surprise attack to the back. "<There!>"

KTS: Serinas Nikola fails to charge.
KTS: Serinas Nikola fails to react to Grace O'Connor's Beam Cannon Double Shot, taking 3036 damage!
KTS: Lucine Azul targets Alexis Kerib with CL0-V3 Glaive Ram!
KTS: Alexis Kerib fails to parry Lucine Azul's CL0-V3 Glaive Ram, taking 2800 damage!
KTS: Lucine Azul has engaged Alexis Kerib

<Pose Tracker> Ruri Hoshino has posed.

        The rifle, as it happens, comes down on nothing at all.

        For a moment, it's all black, rustling and swirling -- or maybe that's the way Ruri's eyes squeeze shut, more afraid than she'd ever let see the light of day. This is a good place not to see the light, as it happens. Here, in --


                                < SYSTEMS AUTOMATION ENABLED >

        That's what the communication window in front of the empty systems operation console reports, and no one here can tell just how much anxiety is behind the words. The captain, Yurika Misumaru, slams her hands on her own console. "We'll have to leave Megumi-chan and Ruri-chan and Ranka-chan in Lucine-chan's hands," she decides, boldly. "We have to respond to a threat like this!"

        "I understand what you're saying," the helmswoman, Minato Haruka, says. "But we're operating at a disadvantage... it's hard enough to evade them, right now!"

        Omoikane points out, tersely:

                                < OPERATIONAL OUTPUT: 50% >

        Yurika shakes her head, determined. "Arm the missiles! We're going to --"


        -- the Nadesico's halls. Ruri falls to her knees, at once knowing -- knowing -- she is here, she is home, by the feeling of the engines under her hands, the sensation of their output, the twinge of the Distortion Field holding steady.

        She takes a moment to stare, downwards, fingers curling, as her mind catches up and comprehends. That soldier was going to -- but now she's here, and --

        He saved her.

        She only takes a moment, before she pushes herself up, and runs for the door which leads to the bridge. "Ruri," she says, a little out of breath, "reporting in, Captain." The barest of attention to the necessities, before she's making her way around, squeezing past Megumi's empty seat, to sit at her operations console.

        Yurika blinks, stunned. "Ruri? How did you--?!"

        "Mr. Kerib," Ruri answers, a little hushed. "There was a soldier -- a gun -- but he appeared and saved me."

        "The alien?" Goat Hoary, their military advisor, scowls. He doesn't like Ruri being put in physical danger like that, but...

        "In any case, we have to protect the others! Megumi-chan and Ranka-chan are still down there, after all!" Yurika declares, moving past the questions.

        "Yes," Ruri agrees, mild voice a poor conduit for the rapid-fire beating of her heart. She opens a communication channel which succeeds, this time, to Lucine, Arriety, and the Ichiana: "Dianthus Mk. 3, MSZ-006ME Myrmekes Zeta, MPMZ-17 Ichinana, we've established you as closest to this side of the assault. Now transmitting wanzer weakness optimisation."

        She reaches out, to the machines; to each of them, she offers her advice on how their systems can optimise their offensives. This, at least, is something she can do.

KTS: Ruri Hoshino targets Shinji Ikari, Lucine Azul, and Arriety Hearn with All-Out.
KTS: Ruri Hoshino orders an all-out attack, raising Arriety Hearn's Skill!

<Pose Tracker> Sheryl Nome has posed.

        Grace is right. It *isn't* like Sheryl to worry about her fans during an attack like this. It's not that she doesn't care, but she's a professional songstress; her job is to perform, to entertain. She has no place in battle. It's better for her to leave quietly and calmly, and let the professionals take care of her fans. That's *their* jobs--the things they're specifically trained to do. Someone like her, who doesn't know anything about that, would just get in the way.
        But, as she looks back on the audience hall, she spots the audience evacuating in a panic, racing to try to find safety. She sees girls in student uniforms clustering together, trying to find safety in numbers. She sees that little girl from the Nadesico, Ruri, get *swallowed up* by some strange black cape and vanish. Where is she? There's no knowing, and that's horrifying. She *does* see Ranka in the hall, tumbled over, as a massive hand reaches out for her, and that's even more horrifying.
        And she remembers:
        'Wait! There are still people inside! Are you just going to sneak off on your own?!'
        'Let the professionals take care of it. Amateurs need not worry.'
        'What?! All of them came here to see you! And you're just going to run away by yourself?! You call yourself a professional?!'
        She'd called him a fool back then. That was before she'd realized... he understood better than most what it means to be a professional. That was before she'd signed up to become a pilot herself, and understood better than anyone with bitter frustration of starting out from scratch--from still needing to do *something*, because doing nothing is the same as giving up and dying.
        And that's something Sheryl Nome will never do.
        "LISTEN TO MY SONG!"
        The voice of Sheryl Nome cracks through the performance chamber and down the halls with as much force as the leather attachment at the end of her microphone. With the hologram programs not running, she appears as she's actually dressed: in a silver-gray full-body suit to reflect the costume-change projections, though still with that single drop earring, still with those golden curls. Her blue eyes burn with fierce anger at the utter *gall* of these invaders interrupting *her* concert, trying to hurt *her* fans, her *friend*.
        These aren't Vajra. These are Zentradi, who were once conquered by the power of Protoculture--the power of song. And Sheryl is a professional songstress. If there's ever been a place and time where she can use her voice as a weapon, it's here and now.
        Grace and the staff and security better back her up, because she's about to sing whether there's any music or not.

KTS: Ruri Hoshino orders an all-out attack, raising Shinji Ikari's Skill!
KTS: Ruri Hoshino orders an all-out attack, raising Lucine Azul's Skill!

<Pose Tracker> Alexis Kerib has posed.

The beam saber bites into the Schakal, and rather than find full purchase, it causes the emission of several sparks, all the same silver-black as its optics. A moment later, it's knocked away by the Ichinana with some force; despite its remarkable performance profile, it's just a wanzer. In terms of the weight class, it might be the smallest thing here.

Really, this thing is fully disposable to Alexis; there's some D-list mafia front in Alordesh that will no doubt be unhappy with Alexis using this thing to death, but that's not his problem. Just like the glaive-ram doesn't really register as his problem, even as it hits real metal. The wanzer pulls out a bazooka, shouldering it one-handed -- but after that whipcrack hits, it actually seems to slow for a moment. Whatever hideous, beyond-spec strength it's using to one-hand a bazooka comfortably falters, and for a moment, it's simply an utterly unassuming Schakal B.

It doesn't last. But Alexis has to pay more attention to it than he usually does with resurrected monsters and 'borrowed' gear.

The Schakal's heavy shrapnel bazooka points first at the Ichinana, giving it two quick shots that burst on impact; it then uses its thrusters to move back a bit, firing high-impact blasts at both of its other aggressors.

KTS: Alexis Kerib targets Arriety Hearn with Pfahl G Blast Shot!
KTS: Alexis Kerib targets Lucine Azul with Pfahl G Blast Shot!
KTS: Alexis Kerib targets Shinji Ikari with Pfahl G Hammer Down!
KTS: Alexis Kerib rattles Arriety Hearn, making her next maneuvers more difficult.
KTS: Arriety Hearn blocks Alexis Kerib's Pfahl G Blast Shot, taking 1748 damage!

<Pose Tracker> Emilia Eschonbach has posed.

        There's no announcement from the construction Alto launching, but it's immediately under fire. She's shut down outgoing comms for the moment. She's also,surprisingly ready, pulling a large slab of metal up to block the attack, a few scoring through it and into the reinforced Alto's armor.

        When she moves the 'shield' down it's more obvious what it is- a giant Sheryl Nome advertisement billboard. One of her other armaments becomes obvious- a LARGE chain of stage lights, hooked up to a generator. And she's swinging it around, as she goes full burst towards the nearest Zentradi machine. Outside, no one can hear it.

        Inside, she's shouting. "How DARE you!? Why would you ruin this you cruel bastards!?" The Alto's systems are so old, compared to even her Burai, and annoying to read. But space controls aren't as awful as she hoped. Yet.

        And then she hears a voice over comms. The voice that raised her heart. She calls out to listen.

        Emilia's scared and angry, but right now angry is winning. "I WON'T let you ruin this! I won't let violent boors like you take this moment, this day from me! Not you, not grandfather!

        She needs it too much. Too desperately. If she loses this it might send her sprawling back into the deepest depths, where no one will try to reach again.

        "And I'll kill you all for trying!"

        The sparking lighting rig swings out, aiming to drag an opponent in close, and sending violent electric shocks all through the suit, if it can.

KTS: Emilia Eschonbach has activated the Strike Spirit Command.
KTS: Emilia Eschonbach targets Grace O'Connor with Dangerously Sparking Lighting Rig Entangle!

<Pose Tracker> Gary Biaggi has posed.

        The alto raises it's shield up as the shots from the Zentradi beam weapons mostly end up simply hitting the shield but when you have a 1000 needles raining upon you a few of them are bound to hit there mark. All Gary can do though is push forward.

        "Fine fine, I get it you guys want to play that way, let see if you are willing to risk shooting your own people." Pushing the flight pack to its maximum thrust he charges in to get into the middle of the group spear raised.

         At the last moment though the Alto flips around and makes use of the claw like feet it has instead as plants both feet into one of the attacking Zentradi and tries to rip it apart with the Alto's feet.

KTS: Gary Biaggi has activated the Strike Spirit Command.
KTS: Shinji Ikari blocks Alexis Kerib's Pfahl G Hammer Down, taking 2242 damage!
KTS: Gary Biaggi has activated the Alert Spirit Command.
KTS: Gary Biaggi targets Grace O'Connor with Feinting Strike!

<Pose Tracker> Ranka Lee has posed.

Ranka doesn't know what she's doing. She absolutely knows what she's doing. She's trying to find Ruri. It's her fault that Ruri's in this position to begin with.

Ranka's gone through her whole life knowing intrinsically that life is so fragile. Feelings are so fragile. It's so easy for them to get hurt. She doesn't know why she knows it, she just does. It's why she's sang alone in a park for so long. Her song can't hurt a false sky, it can't hurt the grass or the trees.

Yet she might have hurt Ruri today, not having been there at the start of the concert. She might have hurt her by asking her to come along at all. Harm can stay with a person, even if it's in ways not obvious...

... ways not remembered.

The heavy boots pass her by, and Ranka briefly debates huddling down somewhere. This is impossible for her. Yet... she takes the first step anyway, only for a face to double back. Ranka suddenly gapes at his words, the cruelty on his visage, that she feels intrinsically. "Wait... please..."

She can't remember the last time someone directed feelings so cruel towards meek - unobtrusive - non-confrontational her, especially not for what she is. All the Zentradi she's ever known on Island-3 have always been so kind to her, made her feel like she's a part of them. "I'm sorry! I'm sorry!" She suddenly blubbers as she bursts out into tears, unable to stand up to those feelings. Having never experienced someone treating her like this just for what she is. She shouldn't have to apologize, but right now she's terrified and does so anyway just to try to divert his confrontation... "I'm j-juhst..."

A hand starts to reach for her and she yelps, stumbling to the ground, and huddling - pinching her eyes shut as she doesn't want to see what happens next as she sobs out "...looking...fuh a fuhriend-!"

Ranka doesn't see what happens next, with her eyes shut. She doesn't even feel what happens next. It's just... there's a new voice, and it sounds familiar...%

She hasn't looked up, yet in the distance, she feels something. Like a faint thread of connection. And somehow she knows... Sheryl's readying herself to sing right now even though she's no longer in the audience hall. Right now. Just like before. Terrified out of her mind, the very thought that Sheryl's preparing to sing despite what's happening to her right now... is inspiring... as she dares to consider opening her tear-filled eyes, rather than to submit meekly to what happens next.

Sheryl-san's... going to sing... right now?

She wouldn't believe that kind of courage existed if she hadn't felt it herself.

"Eli....sa... sen... sei?" She, dares to utter, still scared, but... somehow calmer.

<Pose Tracker> Arriety Hearn has posed.

        Comms erupt on the scene. One Lieutenant Biaggi of the AEU, and Lucine from the Nadesico... aah, it's kind of annoying to have to mess with the radio mid-battle, but Arriety'll try. She fusses with the settings for a moment, before:

        "<Um... this is Arriety from... uh, I'm a high school student. I'll help fight...>"

        Oof, she really needs to practice her line. Why's she even still calling herself a high school student? Her high school burned down. She's... not one now. What is she, though? Bumming off Minae and getting tutored? Homeschooled student? ... she's trying to cling onto something that isn't there anymore.

        But Ruri's voice rings through her murky thoughts. "<Ruri? Is that you? Oh, I'm glad you're safe... I saw you at the concert. Um, I mean-- okay!>"

        Data filters into her machine, instructing her how to optimise her offense. ... she doesn't understand half of it, but fortunately, it seems like the Zeta itself does, or perhaps Myrme does.

        The Schakal is resistant; she expected as much, really, but it soon responds and fires a high-impact blast with its bazooka. A momentary sensation of danger, and Myrme's raised the black and red shield that's integrated into her arm--


        There's an unsatisfying noise, and the shield remains... somewhat intact, though Arriety's dizzy and rattled by the sheer impact of it all. "Uuh..."

        Can't just stop now, she's in the middle of live fire. Remember Miss Roux's words... try to be less obvious in combat, even if it's uncomfortable. Arriety breathes in deep, and sweeps in once more as she flicks the switch on the flightsticks. "These are for... the arm bombs..."

        The Zeta raises its arms, as a pair of grenades launch with a trail of smoke towards the drone.

KTS: Arriety Hearn targets Alexis Kerib with Grenade Launcher!
KTS: Alexis Kerib fails to react to Arriety Hearn's Grenade Launcher, taking 3870 damage!

<Pose Tracker> Serinas Nikola has posed.

        There is screaming and people running every which way. Lani slides down in her seat when she hears boots... BIG boots, are those macronized Zentradi?! and tries to stay out of sight, hoping the defenders will do their job.

        Is this what it will be like, one day, if Blue Cosmos ever comes for the colony? Huddled, scared and waiting, to see if others will save her? ...It sucks, when she's not certain they *will*.

        Serinas attempts a daring maneuver, a zig-zagging charge that would have worked perfectly in the CGUE, she's sure, but the alto is not as advanced a machine. Beams blow a hole in it and melt one of the tools to slag. Damn. Serinas pouts frustratedly. But...

        Why'd she have to think about *then*. Well, perhaps it was unavoidable with her daughter running off to save the day in a giant robot -- which makes her feel proud, actually, now that the background level of fear has kind of settled in. Her inner child is practically cheering for Serinas to kick some ass, and the thought brings a smile to Lani's face.

        ( I may not be a hero... but that doesn't mean I can't do anything but cower! ) Step 1: Crawl to the end of her row and then make a dash for the nearest suit locker, just in case.

        Serinas pouts frustratedly. But... Better to commit than back off now! The alto speeds up, drawing an enormous, mecha-scale wrench from its pack and swinging as it rushes in, trying to slam all its gathered momentum into one of the Zentradi pods! "No words for me, huh?! That's okay, I'll smash you up either way!"

KTS: Serinas Nikola has activated the Alert Spirit Command.
KTS: Serinas Nikola targets Grace O'Connor with Tool Misuse Rushing Strike!

<Pose Tracker> Alto Saotome has posed.

        Alto holds his position above the concert hall part of the ship. It's where the majority of the people are and it's also the most vulnerable point. He's not going to let anything through if he can help it! And sure enough, those Glaugs open up with their attacks. Alto quickly presses his foot down on one of the pedals, grunting as he feels the acceleration of his suit darting to the side.

        The Messiah bursts to the side, bringing itself into the line of fire. It raises its left arm, moving the attached shield into position. And just as the bullets begin to rain down on the VF, a large circular barrier of light appears in front of it. The pinpoint barrier blunts the impact of the gattling shots, though not completely as the rest pepper the Messiah's frame itself. But at least none made it through to the ship.

        'LISTEN TO MY SONG!'

        Sheryl's voice echoes through Alto's helmet again. His Battroid's head turns towards the ship below and on the panoramic screen in his cockpit, Alto can see into the concert hall, where Sheryl is still on stage. His first thought is to shout at her for being in the way and not getting somewhere safer.

        But then he too remembers.

        Alto lets out a brief chuckle, "Heh... Reckless as usual... Fine." If Sheryl is going to risk her life like this to sing, then he'll just have to protect her. And everyone else. Alto briefly thinks of Ranka also being down there...

        The Messiah's head turns back to look out towards the raging battle. Alto's expression takes on a more serious one as he focuses in on the closest Glaug. A quick jerk of the controls and a pull of the trigger causes the Messiah to spin around, raising its gunpod up towards a Glaug and firing off a stream of rounds.

KTS: Alto Saotome targets Grace O'Connor with Gatling Shot!

<Pose Tracker> Serinas Nikola has posed.

        Also: Sheryl is singing? NOW?!

        That's right, Lani remembers, the stories of the effects of song on the Zentradi. She may have been an infant then, but she's seen movies about it all her life. That... might really make a difference! Plus, it's just uplifting to have the background music on your side, isn't it??

        Lani morale: Lifted! ...But it doesn't unlock any attacks, because she's a civilian.

<Pose Tracker> Shinji Ikari has posed.

A wanzer in space, Shinji thinks. I know enough about mechs to think this is weird. I hate this here it comes. Shinji holds up his shield and gets his Ichinana's arm mangled for his trouble; he manages to keep in a tight circle to stay afloat.

"Okay I get the space thing now." Toji says, pale.

"Right?" Shinji says, and flips a button. "<Nadesco this is Shinji Ikari. Engaging unknown wanzer. It's flying a little funny, keep an eye out.>"

"Seriously who are you." Kensuke says, "That was downright military."

"Every time he's behind a cockpit." Toji says. "...is that woman singing during an air raid?!"

"Guys, this isn't easy." Shinji grunts, and lowers a targeter, centering it. The Ichinana moves back a little, pulling its shield arm forward and with a THUNK a grenade the size of a Buick goes flying at the massive space wanzer. "Need to take out that hammer before it crushes us."

KTS: Shinji Ikari has activated the Strike Spirit Command.
KTS: Shinji Ikari targets Alexis Kerib with Ichinana MG Grenade!
KTS: Alexis Kerib fails to react to Shinji Ikari's Ichinana MG Grenade, taking 3150 damage!
KTS: Lucine Azul successfully evades Alexis Kerib's Pfahl G Blast Shot
KTS: [Mirage] Grace O'Connor's Stealth Custom activates, and she slips into a mirage.
KTS: Grace O'Connor fails to evade Alto Saotome's Gatling Shot, taking 0 damage!
KTS: Grace O'Connor fails to evade Gary Biaggi's Feinting Strike, taking 5640 damage!
KTS: Gary Biaggi has engaged Grace O'Connor
KTS: Grace O'Connor retreats from the attack!
KTS: Grace O'Connor fails to react to Serinas Nikola's Tool Misuse Rushing Strike, taking 3750 damage!
KTS: Grace O'Connor retreats from the attack!
KTS: [Lucky] Emilia Eschonbach's The Misfortune of My Birth activates, and luck goes her way!
KTS: Emilia Eschonbach anchors Grace O'Connor, forcing her into close range.
KTS: Grace O'Connor fails to react to Emilia Eschonbach's Dangerously Sparking Lighting Rig Entangle, taking 3555
<Pose Tracker> Ruri Hoshino has posed.

        "Lay down cover fire," Yurika commands, from atop the bridge. "Let's stop anyone else from getting too close! And take care of that wanzer, too!"

        The reason they have an eye towards keeping things away ought to be entirely obvious -- something like the Nadesico can't fire too close to the luxury liner without risking friendly fire. They're depending on the mobile suits for quite a lot, in a situation like this.

        Ruri inputs the commands; the missiles sail out. A little extra targeting data is a poor description of what it takes to send one a little closer to home, into that wanzer which can manage to wield a bazooka with one hand -- it's rather a complex series of calculations, requiring a head as cool as Ruri's under the pressures of a fight.

        She can't stop to think about the people in the liner, when she's enacting these commands.

        About her friends.

        Women with sly hearts, and girls who hate --

        Ruri's face appears in another transmission to Arriety, all bound in a communication window. "Unfortunately, the situation has rapidly escalated," Ruri says, and it sounds removed, but for her it's quite a blurring of the lines. "I'm aware you may not wish to be here, but please address the targets for now."

        Her gaze flicks away, for a moment, before it returns to the window.

        "You see," she explains, stoic as ever, "there is someone else on the liner who is very frightened. Transmitting targeting data now."

        A window to the Ichiana opens, as Ruri confirms: "We read you, Mr. Ikari." She looks to her other side to ask Megumi a question, only to find --

        ON THE LINER:

        "Oh, great!" Megumi says, all stuck in a crowd of scared people. "At least we never got terrorists coming to the booths!"


        -- Ruri can't ask their communications officer the question she was going to, so she's going to have to risk looking foolish. "You're... a NERV pilot, aren't you?" Ruri ventures, more uncertain. "Now providing performance optimisation."

        ... does she think he's out of his element now he's not in an Evangelion? What a rude little girl.

        To Lucine, she simply transmits: "I'm all right, Ms. Azul." She'll... she'll tell her the details later. It's not operationally relevant.

KTS: Ruri Hoshino has activated the Attune Spirit Command targeting Arriety Hearn
KTS: Ruri Hoshino has activated the Enable Spirit Command targeting Shinji Ikari
KTS: Ruri Hoshino targets Alexis Kerib with Seeker Missile!
KTS: Alexis Kerib fails to react to Ruri Hoshino's Seeker Missile, taking 3840 damage!
<Pose Tracker> Lucine Azul has posed.

        Lucine's voice tries to assure Arriety, instantly drawn to that similar note of insecurity. "<.... It's okay, Arriety. I'd call myself a high school student too, but I didn't have a school, so...>"

        Ruri's voice is more confusing, drawing Lucine out of that phase back into being unsure of just where she stands. Replying back to Ruri's window, Lucine sighs, confusion sorting into relief. "<I guess I'm just glad you're safe. I didn't find Miss Lee, unfortunately. I tried to contact you, but there was no reception, just like the NERV pilots were talking about. Maybe Miss Lee was trying to contact us, and... god, I hope she's safe...>"

        Lucine has to hope.

        Shinji mentions there being something odd. Being as close as she is, Lucine spots it- that odd moment when that bazooka seems uncertain at that whipcrack from Sheryl. Turning her com back to the other pilots targetting the wanzer, Lucine says, "<.... I suppose I shouldn't be surprised that more things are odd here. Odd things happened the last time, too... but not like this.>"

        Missiles fly, and the Dianthus responds, flowing through them with practiced grace.

        "<You cannot touch me.>" There's a touch of iron will in her voice.

        The tip of the glaive sparks to life, hanging high overhead, which she brings down on the Wanzer. "<But I can you!>"

KTS: Lucine Azul targets Alexis Kerib with CL0-V3 Glaive Shine!
KTS: Alexis Kerib fails to react to Lucine Azul's CL0-V3 Glaive Shine, taking 3975 damage!
KTS: Lucine Azul has engaged Alexis Kerib
<Pose Tracker> Grace O'Connor has posed.

Zentradi Forces

        As the glaugs continue their descent towards the luxury liner, the variable fighter raises its gattling pod toward the leader's unit. However it is at that moment he might notice something... strange about that particular unit. The approach shifts and moves unconventoinally making it hard to follow, even for the VF's systems. When he fires off a stream of bolts he hits it dead on!! Or rather he hits what should have been in it - instead it is an after image that vanishes seconds later. The commander sneers inside his unit, "Seems like Miclone tech is worth something after all."

        The Zentradi units reach the surface of the ship, and immediately begin to disengage their powerup pods to allow them to walk along the surface. Unfortunately it was just at this moment that several of the newly deployed Miclone units start their attacks! Serinas' daring maneuver may not save her tool, but it gets her close enough to one of the Glaug pods to whack it with a wrench!! The power of the impact crushing the front of the battlepod, and sending it rolling across the surface of the liner, before careening off the edge and breaking up in the heat of re-entry.

        Next Gary manages a flying kick on another deploying Glaug! Planting his feet against the armored unit's chassis and main cannon, managing to find a faulty weld and ripping the entire thing free. "YOU DAMN MICLONE!!" can be heard over a local channel before breaking to static, as the resulting power surge causes the unit to detonate as it falls upwards from the descending luxury liner.

        Just when it didn't seem like it could get worse for the boarding glaugs, Emilia swings out elecrtically charged rigging to grab one of them. Several nearby glaugs actually attempt to free their compatriot before it is dragged close and flung from the ship and to its fate in the unkind turbulence of Earth's atmosphere!!

        In the end just four glaugs manage to land successfully aboard the top of the luxury liner: The commander's, squaring up with Alto, and the other three squaring up with Emilia, Gary, and Serinas. There is a pause as the music invades their suits... but then the commander roars in anger, "Eliminate them all, now!!"

Meanwhile, aboard the Luxury Liner:

        "Gotcha!!" The Zentradi roars in victory as he feels his hand and arm impact against a Miclone's form. What was he planning to do with the meltran halfbreed? Probably mock her for how soft and vulnerable she is. How easy he can crush her in his palm. How easily her life could be snuffed out...

        ... does this victory feel like burning?

        The man's roar of victory becomes a howl of pain as he drags himself back, his entire arm at first burning in pain and now just... dead? It feels like it has gone entirely to sleep. Once the limp arm has been dragged out of the hallway he leans down his face to look for that sneaky halfbred meltran and finds... another one? "Whatever sneaky trick you think you're using, see how it works against this!" With his other arm he hefts its rifle and angles it towards the hallway, preparing to fire!!

        ... but then he hears, singing? From the stage in the next room? His eyes move from anger to wonder, and he gasps, "Is this... Deculture?!" The rifle is forgotten for now, still not fully pointed towards its targets. He's too in shock. Perhaps it's best to get away before he realizes what is happening and starts pursuing Elisa and Ranka again...

        ... or perhaps there's something Ranka can do, after all?

Zentradi Forces End

        What was that about plans?

        ... oh yes, things rarely go as plan. But now it's not just the planned performance by Sheryl Nome, but even Grace's plan for how this whole matter would proceed. She catches only briefly the Galactic Fairy's eye - violet meeting blue through space. It was all it took for her to realize a new fire had been ignited in Sheryl Nome's heart. Enough for her, as someone who has raised Sheryl for the past decade, to know that the girl was about to do something extremely brave...

        ... or extremely stupid.

        "Keep the Zentradi from the stage." If the Nergal security stare at her dumbfounded as how to prevent the giants from rushing the stage she'll respond angrily, "Use the lights, the holographic displays, anything to keep them guessing where their targets are. Just do it!!" She doesn't have time to manage every little detail, she's already running towards the A/V Booth.

        When she reaches the A/V Booth, she encounters a crew ready to pack it up and run for cover. Grace doesn't give them time to argue, "Sit back down." She turns to view the stage through the windows to the booth, to sound of a whipcrack... "She's going to fight with her song." The crew turn to each other briefly in confusion, but their leader is moved by Sheryl and Ms. Manager's determination!!


        Before long the show is back on, now blasting the music out on all frequencies and even across the ship's external speakers. No doubt even the Captain will approve of such an epic sound track as he continues to pilot the luxury liner through the sky to the Earth below.

        Meanwhile Grace smiles. Not an unkind smile, but a pleased smile. This is enough. It's almost enough, in fact, for her to ignore how Alexis Interfered with her plans for Ruri. Well, that's something for Later.

KTS: Grace O'Connor targets Emilia Eschonbach with Lunging Punch!
KTS: Grace O'Connor has activated the Dash Spirit Command and has disengaged.
KTS: Grace O'Connor targets Alto Saotome with Targeted Beam Cannon Blast!
KTS: Grace O'Connor targets Serinas Nikola with Machine Gun Tracking Shot!
KTS: Grace O'Connor targets Gary Biaggi with Strafe Shot!
KTS: Emilia Eschonbach blocks Grace O'Connor's Lunging Punch, taking 1702 damage!
KTS: Grace O'Connor has engaged Emilia Eschonbach

<Pose Tracker> Alto Saotome has posed.

        As the battle rages on, the descent of the large space liner picks up. The light glow of re-entry is quickly growing in intensity. From within the concert hall, that orange glow can be seen starting to cover the the skylight. A light shake begins to rumble through the ship as the air starts to grow thick enough to create noticeable drag to fight against the ship's speed.

        Meanwhile for those outside and fighting, their systems begin to report variations of:


<Pose Tracker> Sheryl Nome has posed.

        Sheryl meets Grace's eye for only a few heartbeats. And then she's off, trusting her manager to handle the rest as always.
        As if to spur on the musicians still in the pit, Sheryl turns to the piano and nimbly dances her fingers into an energetic, almost frenetic intro that climbs delicately before she slides her fingers down across the keyboard. The orchestra, realizing she's serious, take to their instruments too: a powerful lead guitar, drums to provide the backbone of the beat, violins to add a sweet airiness to contrast the power and energy. Sheryl strums out a few more chords, then spins to the audience--and never mind the warning about the decaying orbit.
        The rest of the staff is on top of things too. As she turns, the crystals in her earring glitter, catching the light that shimmers off her hologram suit. For a breath, she seems stripped nude before it ravels back around her into a purple-and-red corset, tied up in white in front over a lavender skirt ribboned with gold. Dark purple gloves cover her hands, a flower-studded choker wraps around her neck, and a lacy band ties her upper left arm; a huge lavender bow ties over her backside, while a long purple stocking rides up one leg while the other stocking remains short, both of them held in place by strappy silver heels.
        Her boobs look amazing in this outfit, in case anyone was paying attention to that. Hikari was right: there was more service.
        There's only an instant where the Messiah passes above. Sheryl catches sight of it, and for an instant, she thinks she can see Alto smiling inside. A fleeting smile passes her lips--maybe they were both remembering the same moment? But that's all the more reason for her to focus now.
        Sweeping an arm out as if to cross the audience hall, Sheryl sings with all the *considerable* ferocity the Galactic Fairy can muster:
        "Orbit the stars at the heart of the world
        "When you sneeze, butterflies in some forest somewhere will dance wildly!"
        She spins, following a lilting twirl in the music, and swaps hands deftly while moving her feet. All around her, holographic doubles spin with her throughout the performance hall, in the air, along the seats--even in space, where the skylight has opened up. As she arches her other arm, she sings:
        "The key to the door you protect is randomized
        "Here's an embarrassing story: even if they lick each others' wounds, lions are strong..."
        She crosses her arms up and down and across herself to the beat, stepping back and forth, before thrusting out a single finger. Her voice is for her fans, for her staff, for everyone who's supported her and continues to support her. She made it to this moment in time by clawing her way up when she found the chance. She won't lose here.
        "I want to survive, I want to survive, I find I still want to live
        "Guided by the constellations, we now gaze at each other..."
        Sheryl snaps her hand back, flaring her hair to catch the light. It might not be the full holographic performance from earlier, but she and all eight other Sheryls dominate the stage. Rightfully so, for the debut of her new song. The spotlights light her up from above and below, as she conveys her strength:
        "I want to survive, I'm at a loss, I glitter as I wither away
        "Until I show off how I look when I'm serious, I won't sleep!"

KTS: Gary Biaggi blocks Grace O'Connor's Strafe Shot, taking 1326 damage!

<Pose Tracker> Alexis Kerib has posed.

Now that the Zeta-type is in close, its arm grenades can do a lot more a lot faster; the sheer coordination between the assembled fighters actually impresses Alexis, as the Ichinana deploys its own grenades.

"Hm, interesting. For an ad-hoc defense, this is really quite pitched..."

The Nadesico's missiles detonate *just* prior to reaching the Schakal; it's enough to save it from the worst of the hit, but only by inches. Explosions are explosions, after all. Alexis doesn't right the unit -- insofar as he's doing anything beyond vaguely gesturing at the idea of having the unit attack things -- before the Dianthus's glaive pierces it.

The Schakal finds itself on the back foot. The tiny red mecha skates back and forth, trying to find a good angle of attack; unfortunately, it's being pressed from too many sides to adopt a comfortable defensive posture, which means it has to stay up close and personal. It dances across the battlefield after giving the Nadesico one last shot from the Pfahl to remember it by; the Dianthus receives the meat of its close-quarters aggression, as it whirls around. The arm-mounted shield gets swept across its path to knock the Ichinana and the Zeta back; the Dianthus, though, receives a full, aggressive round of strikes from all angles.

Alexis takes the time to really notice what's fighting his puppet of choice. "Hm? On closer inspection... is that a kaiju...? I'd thought it one of this world's highly-evolved mobile weapons, but..."

... he makes a note in his head -- perhaps he ought to follow up on this. Perhaps some of the seeds he planted bore fruit when he wasn't looking...

KTS: Alexis Kerib targets Ruri Hoshino with Pfahl G Shrapnel Burst!
KTS: Alexis Kerib targets Lucine Azul with Formation NexT 100!
KTS: Alexis Kerib targets Shinji Ikari with MULS-P Heavy Shield Bash!
KTS: Alexis Kerib targets Arriety Hearn with MULS-P Heavy Shield Bash!
KTS: Arriety Hearn fails to react to Alexis Kerib's MULS-P Heavy Shield Bash, taking 1767 damage!
KTS: Alexis Kerib repulses Arriety Hearn, forcing her to disengage.
KTS: Ruri Hoshino's EN Barrier activates, negating 1000 base damage.
KTS: Ruri Hoshino fails to evade Alexis Kerib's Pfahl G Shrapnel Burst, taking 2120 damage!
KTS: Arriety Hearn has activated the Spirit Spirit Command.
KTS: Shinji Ikari blocks Alexis Kerib's MULS-P Heavy Shield Bash, taking 1178 damage!
KTS: Alexis Kerib repulses Shinji Ikari, forcing him to disengage.

<Pose Tracker> Elisa Kafim has posed.

Pain. Not what she'd been after, really, but an acceptable start. Elisa gathers up the energy of an arm multiple times her size, drinking it in and empowering her form. She sees the rifle angling towards her though, and starts to draw on that energy to move, green crystals gleaming--

The song starts. Deculture... Elisa finds herself listening in the moment to Sheryl, and she smiles again. Her foe is distracted, but the music has a similar effect on her, causing her to let go the power she was immediately building up and listen. She is calmer than she was, less angry, as she looks upon Ranka. Upon her foe, once again, so much larger than she is. With his distraction, it would be easy to let this power she's drained out. His eyes are softer than the hard bone of his skull. But that would involve showing such power to Ranka... And she finds in light of this music that it is less important that she make this Zentradi suffer for his presumption.

   So instead of that, she moves quickly towards Ranka, and extends a hand, prepared to take Ranka's and help her up--and move. "Come on," she encourages. "...Let's survive," she says, listening to the song herself. To Sheryl's words, which in this moment, are also for her.

<Pose Tracker> Arriety Hearn has posed.

        The Schakal may be a drone, but Arriety is also a novice -- and it doesn't take much for it to outmatch her in close range, the shield coming in close before Arriety can respond, even mentally; there's a loud *CLANG* as the mobile suit is shoved backwards, with Myrme barely pulling her arms up in time to avoid the worst of the blow.

        Arriety stops for a moment and listens -- looks -- to Ruri when she appears in a communication window. Wow! How'd she do that? (Arriety hasn't discovered the FaceTime button yet. Give her time. To the face.)

        "<I-- I know, but,>" Arriety pauses. "<I had a choice to just run, but knowing the Zeta Gundam was here somehow... and knowing you were onboard...>"

        Was that really the reason? She's not sure. It sounds good right now, but it might not entirely be the truth. It's not a lie either, though. "<Yeah. You have friends onboard too, right? I'll do what I can...>"

        Is this what Anita, Eight and Rena were talking about? That feeling of wanting to protect someone...

        She listens momentarily to her fellow pilots engaging the drone -- Shinji says there's something weird with the drone's movements. "<Um, right!>" she doesn't spot it herself, but...

        Lucine tries to calm her down. "<G-got it, Miss Lucine. I'll try to follow your lead.>"

        Warnings start to erupt on the dashboard, and Arriety looks a bit confused. "Orbit? What's this about?"
        "It means we're gonna fall into Earth and turn extra-crispy if you're not careful! My butt's hot already, Arriety!"
        "O-okay... then we have to finish this fast--"



        At that point, the Zeta is O N F I R E ! Again!

        "Oh, not agaaain..."

        Arriety mopes in defeat as she stares at the monitor starting to corrupt, text warbling and sensory outputs fluctuating as the Bio-Sensor within the central console starts to emanate.

        She momentarily pauses to listen to Sheryl's song, biting her lip. Even now, she's fighting in her own way. What right does she have to be resentful? It's not her fault. Her baggage is not her fault.

        She'll just take it all out now on this thing...!

        The beam sabre the Zeta's wielding warps and twists unusually, as the psychic emenation ensconces the kaiju mobile suit's arm. She lets Ruri's guidance data channel the sword's path.

        "How about this...??"

KTS: Arriety Hearn targets Alexis Kerib with Hyper Beam Sword Strike!

<Pose Tracker> Gary Biaggi has posed.

        Gary Biaggi follows his target eagerly as more shots are fired and the shield is finished turning to slag. Thus is the way shields go these days but it doesn't matter, sure the Alto's arm is damaged but Gary is sure that NErgal has great insurance coverage.

         Watching his target on the deck of his ship he spins the spear as he finally gets a hang of this thing and reaches out over friendly comms, <"Just these last four. Lets make it quick."> Pointing at his opponent with his spear he gives his intention clearly.

         He dashes back just enough to give him space to pick up speed before he dashes forward, spear out. Moments ago he just did the same pose and flipped into a kick, but this time he pushes forward charing to plant the spear into his opponent. It would probably also stab the liner as well, but that is just the cost of doing business.

KTS: Gary Biaggi targets Grace O'Connor with ExAMACS Spear Lunge!
KTS: Lucine Azul fails to rush.
KTS: Alexis Kerib enervates Lucine Azul, reducing her Morale significantly.
KTS: Lucine Azul fails to react to Alexis Kerib's Formation NexT 100, taking 5829 damage!
KTS: [Dynamic Hit] Alexis Kerib's Hollow activates, causing Insight L1!
KTS: [Dynamic Hit] Alexis Kerib's Shallow activates, causing Sparkle!
KTS: [Dynamic Hit] Alexis Kerib's Superficial activates, causing Deject!
KTS: Alexis Kerib has engaged Lucine Azul
KTS: Alexis Kerib fails to react to Arriety Hearn's Hyper Beam Sword Strike, taking 4410 damage!
KTS: Arriety Hearn has engaged Alexis Kerib
KTS: Serinas Nikola has activated the Spirit Spirit Command.
KTS: Serinas Nikola fails to charge.
KTS: Serinas Nikola fails to react to Grace O'Connor's Machine Gun Tracking Shot, taking 3172 damage!
KTS: Alto Saotome's EN Barrier activates, negating 1000 base damage.
KTS: Alto Saotome blocks Grace O'Connor's Targeted Beam Cannon Blast, taking 1075 damage!
Alto Saotome transforms to VF-25F Messiah <GERWALK Mode>

<Pose Tracker> Ruri Hoshino has posed.

        Minato doesn't completely manage to evade the Pfahl shot; Ruri modulates the Distortion Field, to avoid the worst of the damage. "Not much of an attack," she reports, mildly, as she considers their sensor data.

        That wanzer... is there even anyone inside? If it's a drone... Ruri sends out a ping to the enemy, knock-knocking on the door.

        But... even if she gets an answer, it won't be willing to stop, will it...? Ruri asks, regardless, if it would mind shutting down. Politely, of course. She's not here to force anyone to do anything.

        She couldn't disrupt someone's systems like that... could she?

        She doesn't really have time to think about what she could do, though, because Omoikane helpfully reports the same thing most of the systems are reporting.

        "Re-entry conditions imminent," Ruri relays, impassive. "Damaged units may find the transition difficult."

        "We'll defend our fighters with the Distortion Field!" Yurika declares, slapping a hand into her fist. "Let them in!"

        "Yes, Captain," Ruri says, before she opens up a communication window to Shinji, Lucine, and Arriety. "You are now facing re-entry conditions. Come closer to the Nadesico for the moment. Our Distortion Field can protect you."

KTS: Ruri Hoshino targets Shinji Ikari, Lucine Azul, and Arriety Hearn with Caution.
KTS: Ruri Hoshino suggests caution, raising Arriety Hearn's Intuition!

<Pose Tracker> Ranka Lee has posed.

I want to survive, I want to survive, I find I still want to live
Guided by the constellations, we now gaze at each other...

Ranka makes a small noise as she looks at the Macronized Zentradi with a dead arm. Then at Elisa, suddenly scrambling up to her feet, she nearly stumbles three times as she takes her hand, "Elisa-sensei!" She cries out to her at her aid, looking over her shoulder at the Zentradi. He isn't brandishing the arm, but he's... so big. It'd be so easy to crush her in those fingers, and with the malice behind it, she will be crushed.

Yet she knows one thing.

I want to survive, I'm at a loss, I glitter as I wither away
Until I show off how I look when I'm serious, I won't sleep!

She wants to survive. She wants to live. She doesn't want to close her eyes and feel her life fade away. Looking back at the man as he asks, 'Is this... Deculture?!'

She's heard so much about the first Zentradi war, but she's never truly experienced what the Zentradi were like before then. She's always merely known their capacity for kindness. Ranka suddenly wonders if he hates her so much, because he's never known a song that stirs the soul. He's never felt that thread of connection, that pound of one's pulse as one listens to a song that means the world to them.

And so, she suddenly pulls away from Elisa... and runs for the performance hall door. And tears it open so fast she loses her beret atop her head, hitting a switch that sets it to stay open, "LISTEN TO HER SONG!" Ranka shouts, breathless from her run, her near brush with death, "Sheryl-san is singing her heart out! She's singing a song to all of us for the first time! Listen! Please listen!"

If you still hate me after hearing Sheryl-san's song... I'll accept your feelings. But... I'm going to live!

Rather than run back into the performance hall, she bolts, back in the same way Elisa is running as fast as her legs can carry her, listening to her song the whole time.

<Pose Tracker> Emilia Eschonbach has posed.

        The Glaug's start pulling back, moving onto the ship. Unfortunately for them, Emilia is following, those sparking cables still causing problems. The thrusters are still tricky, but the line helps a lot as she gives chase, hauling herself onto the ship after him.

        Transitioning to fighting in space to fighting on a ship is different though, and she has to remember how- just in time the pull up the big promotional shield to get slammed by the attack. The good news, is Emilia is not knocked back. The bad news is she is now entangled in a much rougher way, and not in position to pull a big swing. So she pulls her trump card.

        Zero-Oxygen Fireworks were a neat invention more than a hundred years ago, for a show some Britannian wanted to be visible from most of Earth. It was a grotesque display and largely ignored, but Pyrotechnicnicians still sometimes have use for them, and a good effects designer always has a manual backup.

        This manual backup is largely 'a tube, with a button, to launch the devices- a moderate power railgun- and the devices with their chemical charges to become 'the fireworks.' They're not typically meant as a weapon.

        But there are many sudden, colorful bursts fired in point blank range against Emilia's attacker, distracting, sure but it's mostly an improvised weapon. It can't hit that hard, right?

        The song is in Emilia's ears now, screaming to survive. She fully intends to now. She doesn't want Kallen and Milly to get in trouble for her dying. She isn't going to let these new memories, these new joys fade moments after she gets them. She's finally in space- she doesn't intend to die here on her first visit.

        It's an unusual drive for Emilia, but she has things buoying her, just enough, beyond just anger.

        Besides, dying up here would give him too much satisfaction. She still has to see him experience those feelings of stupidity and impotence, even if he punishes her for it. It would be worth it.

KTS: Emilia Eschonbach targets Grace O'Connor with Backup Pyrotechnics Supply Shot!
KTS: Ruri Hoshino suggests caution, raising Shinji Ikari's Intuition!
KTS: Ruri Hoshino suggests caution, raising Lucine Azul's Intuition!
<Pose Tracker> Alto Saotome has posed.

        Alto frowns as his shots seem to just pass through the enemy machine, before it vanishes like some kind of mirage, "Damn... What the hell is that?" Alto watches as the real Glaug he was targetting proceeds to land upon the ship with its fellows. That could be a problem.

        However, the current problem is that a warning has flashed up on Alto's display. Though he didn't need his system to tell him that as he can already feel in through his controls. It's getting harder to keep the Battroid in its position, as the air begins to push it around. Alto grunts as he struggles against it, the shaking starting to become more noticeable. Finally he swings his controls down and forward.

        The Messiah splits again, quickly rearranging into its GERWALK mode in less than a second. Once more staring out at space through the canopy of his cockpit, Alto notices that there's a bit of colour starting to sneak in. He can't think on it for too long though as another barrage comes streaking his way. Once again Alto's machine raises its arm-mounted shield as another pinpoint barrier appears. The beam targeting him is partially dulled, the rest simply leaving a scorch mark across his hull.

        A bit more stable for now, Alto once more aims his gunpod towards the Glaug he tried to shoot down before. The angle is low enough that the shots will thankfully just pass over the ship's hull and into space without hitting the ship. But to try and prevent a repeat of before, Alto holds the trigger down for a larger stream of bullets, spreading his aim around to not only target the Glaug directly but also some of the space around it as well.

KTS: Alto Saotome has activated the Valor Spirit Command.
KTS: Alto Saotome targets Grace O'Connor with Gatling Full-Auto!

<Pose Tracker> Serinas Nikola has posed.

>I want to survive, I want to survive, I find I still want to live
        Yeah, that sure is the mood! Momma Nikolas grabs a normal suit and carries it for now.

>Hikari was right: there *was* more service.
        Very Nice but there's no time to stare!

>Until I show off how I look when I'm serious, I won't sleep!
        That's right! ...But, uh, what exactly can she do? She looks at all the exits that lead to STEALTH MISSIONS and possible death. M-maybe it's better to stay here in the hall. What's she going to do anyway, somehow use SCIENCE to... do... something... with the ship's systems? There's surely some normal person thing she can do here, like help lost children find parents they got seperated from in the chaos. And the main hall seems a lot more safe now with Sheryl singing...

        Serinas lands a good hit, but overshoots and has trouble staying in melee range where she wants, exposing herself to more machinegun fire, which fills the alto's armor with holes as she reacts like she's in a much speedier suit. Damn it!

        And they're approaching reentry, too... Serinas isn't sure even the Rhea could make it through that, let alone this hunk of junk... She'll have to stay on the ship and time this carefully...

        Sheryl's song comes over the radio, buoying her spirits too, like the warsong her ancestors never had. Speaking of songs, second verse, same as the first! "That's right, you won't put me down! I'm just getting serious... RrrrrRRRRRAAAAAGH!" She shouts as she continues her charge through the machinegun fire, trying to smash a battlepod hard enough to force it off-balance now that they have to stay on the surface of the ship!

KTS: Serinas Nikola has activated the Alert Spirit Command.
KTS: Serinas Nikola targets Grace O'Connor with Tool Misuse Haymaker Swing!

<Pose Tracker> Shinji Ikari has posed.

It'd be a lie to say Shinji has NO pride, but he was never the sort of person to turn down help. Frankly he is at a disadvantage out of here, the Ichi handling only okay outside of gravity. Shinji is the sort of person who likes fighting on the ground and it shows.

"<Yeah, I pilot the purple one.>" Shinji thinks he is saving time, "<Thanks for the assist. I suspect Aberrant Behavior behind this thing, be careful.>"


"He thinks its haunted."

"Bomb!" Shinji shouts, but too late, as his unit is flung backwards. And then they start going through descent into the atmosphere.

All three stooges look at each other and their flimsy little robot at the promise of going DOWN through THE ATMOSPHERE.

Shinji gets that look in his eye. The Ichi cracks through the air, twisting around, and gets close to the wanzer. Pilot or no, Shinji punches for the machines 'gut', grabbing for the closest thing he can find for a neck and trying to shove it right and the border of, and even through the Nadesco's distortion shield, hoping to force part of the wazner to go through reentry unassisted!

KTS: Shinji Ikari has activated the Accel Spirit Command and Has Engaged with Alexis Kerib
KTS: Shinji Ikari has activated the Valor Spirit Command.
KTS: Shinji Ikari targets Alexis Kerib with Ichinana CQC Focus Strike!
KTS: Alexis Kerib fails to react to Shinji Ikari's Ichinana CQC Focus Strike, taking 6300 damage!
KTS: [Dynamic Hit] Shinji Ikari's Find The Core activates, causing Nullify!
KTS: Shinji Ikari has engaged Alexis Kerib
KTS: Grace O'Connor successfully evades Emilia Eschonbach's Backup Pyrotechnics Supply Shot
KTS: Grace O'Connor has activated the Alert Spirit Command.
KTS: Grace O'Connor has activated the Alert Spirit Command.
KTS: Grace O'Connor fails to retreat.
KTS: Gary Biaggi anchors Grace O'Connor, forcing her into close range.
KTS: Grace O'Connor fails to react to Gary Biaggi's ExAMACS Spear Lunge, taking 4320 damage!
KTS: Gary Biaggi has engaged Grace O'Connor
KTS: Gary Biaggi roots his unit, coming to a standstill and leaving him vulnerable.
KTS: Grace O'Connor fails to retreat.
KTS: [Mirage] Grace O'Connor's Stealth Custom activates, and she slips into a mirage.
KTS: Serinas Nikola rattles Grace O'Connor, making her next maneuvers more difficult.
KTS: Serinas Nikola has engaged Grace O'Connor
KTS: Grace O'Connor rushes into the attack!
KTS: Grace O'Connor fails to react to Alto Saotome's Gatling Full-Auto, taking 8400 damage!
KTS: [Dynamic Hit] Alto Saotome's The Twinkle Of A Tearful Planet activates, causing Insight L1!
KTS: Grace O'Connor's YF-27-5 Shaher F Custom 'Ars Goetia' (GERWALK Mode) has been disabled.

<Pose Tracker> Lucine Azul has posed.

        Arriety.... wants to follow her lead?

        It's just a saying, yes, but, Lucine smiles. "<I'm glad you came to help us. We'll need it.>"

        But maybe don't follow too closely to this sun Lucine's chasing, right now.
        Lucine wanted to lean into the attack, to rush in and away in that unexpected window of time.

        This hurbis gives Alexis the opening he needs.

        "Ngh!!" The shock of the attacks disorientates Lucine, unable to react or defend against something that is seemingly coming from all angles.
        Awaking to the warning on her dashboard, the girl grimaces, the flower in her hair almost seeming to droop in response. "<How can this be happening....>"

        Ruri commands them to come closer to the Nadesico, or risk facing reorbit.

        "...." Sheryl's song carries to her in a raw way, drawing memories of a time when she felt so much lower than this. But even then, she carried on, right? Because her mom needed her.

        And because she did, her mom was able to see her dress today. "Mom...."

        She pilots the Dianthus in the protective shield of the Nadesico. "<.... Coming in, now.>"

        Aiming her Arbalest behind her and aiming, the Dianthus lets loose a shot. "<Ichinana. Careful. That Wanzer's not worth losing your life. Or lives?>" Was there more than one person talking in there?

KTS: Lucine Azul targets Alexis Kerib with Argen-21 Beam Arbalest Aim!
KTS: Alexis Kerib fails to react to Lucine Azul's Argen-21 Beam Arbalest Aim, taking 4464 damage!
KTS: Alexis Kerib's Schakal B has been disabled.

<Pose Tracker> Alexis Kerib has posed.

Despite the fact that it's being driven by something other than, strictly speaking, a person flipping levers and switches... the Schakal is still a machine, performing a machine's tasks, with a machine's tools. When Ruri reaches out to it and asks kindly if it would power down, it rejects her -- because of course it does.

That said, that rejection plays its own role. Alexis actually overrides the systems for a second rather than allowing it to run automatically -- he wants to know what just happened. This leaves the Schakal utterly defenseless for several seconds -- and that's time well-used.

Using the Nadesico's Distortion Field as a weapon... it's a bold move for the Ichinana and its pilot, and it pays off. The severe pounding the machine receives as a result -- not just from the Ichinana, but from the Myrmekes Zeta's blade and the Dianthus's Arbalest as well -- is enough to tear it to shreds; there's still some of it left, but the real problem it has is that it's momentarily incapacitated as reentry approaches. It begins falling at speed, now, as -- seemingly -- what was intended to be an escape thrust instead becomes straight acceleration toward Earth.

Alexis... decides to hang back in Grace's OS, for now, rather than make any more moves. In exchange for a piece of military hardware he doesn't care about, he's learned quite a bit... and has the opportunity to learn even more.
The housekeeper moves Agatha Banneret to the quiet room.

<Pose Tracker> Grace O'Connor has posed.

Zentradi Forces

        'Four Zentradi are worth Forty Miclones!!' The rogue Zentradi separatist thinks to himself with a smirk. They likely think they have his forces pinned now... well they'll soon learn what it's like to face true warriors in combat!!

        "Yack, Deculture!!" One of his cohort suddenly declares as Sheryl's song starts playing over the local frequencies. The commander hisses angrily, "You fool, don't let them distract you, it's a Miclone trick!!" The warning comes too late though. The Alto's spear spins before Gary's unit plants its spear through the chassis of the glaug and briefly impales it into the liner!! Whatever the warrior's response to his commander, it is consumed in static. Once the spear is withdrawn the unit goes tumbling off the liner and upwards into space to explode!

        At least the other Zentradi are proving to be worth their weight in rations. Emilia's clever use of the zero-oxygen pyrotechnics is flashy, but narrows misses catching one of the remaining glaugs and turn it into part of the display!! Meanwhile Serinas' rushing assault with the machine gun is narrowly avoided with a bit of help from the sensor camouflage employed by the lead glaug unit. They're down to three, but three is more than enough ...

> I want to survive, I'm at a loss, I glitter as I wither away

        "Commander, look out!!" One of his cohort exclaims, diving in between him and the Messiah. What had happened? He was in control of combat but he momentarily blanked out and now he is watching one of the glaugs get ripped apart in a rain of gattling cannon fire. The other glaug is shortly after shredded as it attempts to rush into the variable fighter, trying to knock its cannon off course. The commander is shocked. What happened?

        The Miclone witch...

        As gatling cannon rounds rip through the Glaug he yells in anger, frustration, and pain. Several of the rounds piercing through his machine and into his flesh causing him to cough up blood!! "It... wasn't supposed to end like this!!!"

        "This is just a contingency of course. An explosive like this will take apart the entire liner - but you'd also have to sacrifice the glaug, and yourself as well."

        The Zentradi grimaces. That dirty Miclone. He knew that this was the way things would turn out, all along. Well fine. "I'll take you all down with me!!"

        From the size of the energy spike from the glaug, and the way it has started to glow, it's perhaps best to eject it from the hull of the Luxury Liner before it goes off.

Meanwhile, aboard the Luxury Liner:

        Bred as they are for war and nothing else, it's little wonder how a full blooded Zentradi who has never been exposed to culture would see the descendents of those who have turned their back on the old ways. Soft. Small. Weak. They blame those who lost their way for their loss, for choosing a life of decadence over the purpose of their people.

        For this particular Zentradi, after having to live in disgrace on a remote asteroid base while the last of their supplies withered to dust, perhaps a song of defiance - of unrelenting hope in the face crushing despair - speaks to him and his struggle in a way he never expected. It's like this songstress is singing directly to him... ABOUT him and how he has been forced to live!


        He had been, entranced. Up until this moment he had forgotten about Ranka, or even Elisa and his deadened arm. Didn't even think about how much of a sitting duck he would have been should someone had decided to... oh, I don't know, perform an impromptu transorbital lobotomy on him. His expression is dumbfounded - almost shocked to see Ranka and Elisa still standing there. When the two halfbreeds run off together, his head finally clears up enough to raise his one good hand toward them, "Ah! Ah...." But they are gone...

        ... "I want to live... too?" It comes out as a hushed whisper, and then he is swept up once again into Sheryl's song.

Zentradi Forces End

<Pose Tracker> Arriety Hearn has posed.

        "Re-entry conditions, it'll get hot... we'll burn up," Arriety half-mutters to herself as much as to the comms, to just reiterate the risks on the table. Ruri, fortunately, is much smarter than her and suggests moving in close to the Nadesico so that she can get protected by the Distortion Field.

        "<O-okay!>" Arriety answers. She's already dealing with enough fire of her own here, she doesn't also want to get burnt by the Earth's flame... it's like it's pushing her back, away, away... does it view her as something it must repel, like an antigen?

        Lucine further encourages her, saying she's glad she came to help, and Shinji thanks her for the assist. It's what she needs right now...

        It turns out she doesn't need to press on with the attack, however, between the Ichinana's bold slam through the Distortion Field and the Dianthus' arbalest. The Zeta swoops down on the Nadesico's top half and lands, watching the small black machine burn up. Just whose was that...? It didn't seem like one of the Zentradi's...

        "<Um, the Zeta's still on fire... I don't -think- it's going to burn the Nadesico, but it needs a bit of time to cool off... I don't know how it works. Let me know if it's causing trouble.>"

<Pose Tracker> Alto Saotome has posed.

        Much of the liner's exterior is now on fire, due to its re-entry into the atmosphere. Thankfully it is designed to operate both in space and atmosphere, so it will survive relatively unharmed. Also thankfully, most of the flames are along the bottom and sides of the ship. Those outside who have found themselves on top of it, will be dragged along in its wake, mostly shielded from the flames by the large ship, should their units NOT be rated for re-entry.

        However, after an agonizing long time that is actually a rather short amount of time, the flames pass. And soon enough the liner is sailing high through the atmosphere, blue skies dotted with white clouds stretching out beyond it.

<Pose Tracker> Sheryl Nome has posed.

        An electric guitar strums as Sheryl's voice echoes through the concert hall. As it strums its brief solo, Sheryl shakes her booty across the stage and trills:
        "We're supposed to survive, wow wow wow"
        "We're supposed to survive..."
        "What was I born to do? What am I here to do? Ooh... oooh..."
        The strings sweep upwards as the other instrumentals draw to a momentary pause. In the hush, the warning klaxons call out that re-entry has taken place. Even without it, everyone can see the crimson flare outside in the skylight, thankfully pointed *away* from the re-entry point. It's insane to stand here and sing, Sheryl realizes. But at the same time, Sheryl sees and hears Ranka shouting for everyone to listen to her song. Her heart goes out to the younger girl as her expression warms in fondness. Sheryl's got literally millions of fans, but is this what it's like to have one who's *number one*?
        For that, Sheryl will sing to the very end. To make sure that *everyone* hears her song. It's not as though anything would have changed if she'd run and hidden, for her *or* her audience. If she dies, what better way to die is there than burning brightly on stage?
        But she *won't* die. She'll place her faith in Alto, in the Nadesico and all her other defenders, as Ranka has placed her faith in her. Raising her chin in proud defiance of the overwhelming odds, she joins her voice with the orchestra to lull the Zentradi with a momentarily soft sound:
        "I want to survive; my uncovered wounds feared the light
        "The lives that want to be forgiven now draw each other close
        "I want to end my wandering and quell my burning heat at your side
        "Until I show off how I look when I'm serious, I won't sleep..."
        The orchestra spins up to full power, violins trilling sweetly as the drums and guitars power along with Sheryl's passionate voice. The rocking of the ship in re-entry is too violent for her to do anything but kneel defensively, but even so, she clutches her microphone, hair whipping behind her as if ablaze--holograms making it look *actually* ablaze--as the whole ship rocks, searing down to Earth like a shooting star:
        "I want to survive, I don't mind if it's by a hair, I'm in love with you
        "The lives that want to awaken now draw each other close
        "In place of madness, I'll offer up a prayer: I'm in love with you (love with you)
        "Guided by the constellations... the constellations... hey yeahhhh!
        "I want to survive, I still want to live, I'm in love with you
        "Until I show off how I feel when I'm serious, I won't sleep!"
        The guitar solo rocks again, one last time, plucking out legato notes to burn along with their descent. Klaxons wail, warnings blaze... but as the attackers are left behind in the blaze, there's room for the captain to get the ship's speed under control. They slow, slow, slow... and as the last notes echo, the ship leaves a trail in the sky before regaining control, now cruising under the cloud cover of Earth. Now *on* Earth, only a proper landing left to seal the deal.
        They've survived.

<Pose Tracker> Serinas Nikola has posed.

        "Gotcha--huh?!" Serinas swings at an afterimage and the alto stumbles past. But the VF airshow pilot finishes the job... No way the lead zentradi can fight on in that condition, right? Serinas may see herself as heroic... but she's inexperienced. She directs the alto back to the hangar, well aware of the danger of reentry if she falls off, not wanting to put a construction-repurposed discount MS's flight abilities to the test, and not realizing the significance of the odd sensor reading coming from the heavily damaged glaug. She's never seen someone attempt a self-destruct before, so she's not ready for it...

They've survived, right?

> I want to survive; my uncovered wounds feared the light / The lives that want to be forgiven now draw each other close
        Fired up even if directionless, Lani looks over the gathered lives.

> I want to end my wandering and quell my burning heat at your side
        She really wishes her wife were here to hold her, though... It's selfish, though, and she's glad that she and her son *aren't* in danger, should anything happen here...

        She closes her eyes and listens to the music, letting it fill her soul.

They've survived...

<Pose Tracker> Shinji Ikari has posed.

Family. Friends. The urge to live.

'It's not worth dying over'.

If Ruri's still looking through the visual coms, she'll get a view of Shinji's face as he tries to choke the wanzer, to break its neck, as his teeth grind so hard there's a cracking noise from the cockpit. He wants to scream, to shout, to bite at the fake people and their false sympathy.

But that one girl's right. He has passengers. Shinji swallows something evil, feels the water fill his eyes and he cannot cry after probably killing some zentraedi terrorist, he cannot.

Shinji feels a weight on his shoulder. "Shin-man." Toji Suzuhara says, "If you start that crap about how you deserve this, I am going to kick your ass."

"And then we'll die in space, you're the only one who can navigate reentry." Kensuke says, having finally put the camera down, and a hand on Shinji's other shoulder.

"Don't kill us in space, Shinji." Toji agrees.

"Oh! Shit shit, depressurization." Shinji says, grabbing the controls and starting the procedure. The good thing about the Ichinana is that it is specifically designed to survive damn near anything, being a very expensive brick with rockets strapped to it.

<Pose Tracker> Grace O'Connor has posed.

In Grace's Cybernetic OS:

        Not making moves is sometimes precisely the right move to play. Grace's Cybernetic OS is after all designed with automatic security measures designed to intercept lock down invaders before they're able to see anything they shouldn't. After all, it was designed with clandestine operations in mind. Wouldn't do to have your operative to get counterhacked so easily would it?

        ... unfortunate though that no one designing the system thought for a second that it might end up getting invaded by Nothing. A Null value on its own isn't something that would normally draw alarm bells, and in the absence of her conscious mind becoming aware of it Alexis is of course free to observe.

        And what there is to observe is of course fascinating. Grace is watching a read-out of the fold waves emanating from a subject called Fairy-9. Grace is comparing a most recent recording alongside that of another recording, and notes the statistically significant jump in amplitude and frequency of the waves. "Still not enough..." Grace mumbles to herself before folding the two screens upon themselves and sweeping them away.

        Next Grace turns her attention to another screen. Upon it are two unique communication IDs, and a few lines in red:

>im boarded
>got a bit lost
>gonna be late
>im so sorry ruri-chan

5tWith a single finger Grace taps a lock icon on the window, switching it to its unlocked status, the messages going white. Then with a well practiced sweeping motion the closes the window. No longer a need for that it would seem. Perhaps at this point, with Ruri back on the Nadesico, it's simply too risky for her to continue disrupting their communications with one another. There was at least plausible deniability that the hum of activity surrounding the performance would have resulted in network outages - less so now.

In the Physical World

        "Good job everyone." Ms. Manager says politely to the impassioned A/V workers, "I'll be sure to put a glowing recommendation in your review." With that she walks out the booth and past a few Zentradi Warriors-now-Sheryl Fans. Those that weren't killed in the assault anyway. She's not particularly worried about any of them spilling the beans about what they know. Besides the commander they only know that a Miclone named Jack had told them about the performance and gave them a bunch of equipment. Hardly enough to go off of to pursue her - and with the commander so predictably responding to his imminent defeat with a vibrant self detonation, well, there's little and less of him to interrogate much less the unit itself.

        Yes this is a most pleasing result it would seem. And as Grace makes her way towards the stage via the back stage, she picks up a chilled water bottle in one hand and a towel in the other. "Good job today." Is delivered with a pleasant and familiar smile, "Ready to go see Earth?"

<Pose Tracker> Alto Saotome has posed.

        Alto watches as his gunfire shreads the Glaug, putting numerous wholes through it. He grimaces for a moment at the thought of its pilot... But there's too much at stake here. Which becomes even more evident as the damaged Glaug begins to spark up a storm, still attached to the ship's exterior, "Shit!" Alto pushes his throttle forward hard.

        The Messiah's legs fold up behind it as the engines in the feet come to life. The VF sweeps down closer to the hull, using the large ship's drag to reduce the the force of the wind and darting in and around various parts of it on fire. Alto attacks his gunpod to his machine's legs, before crashing into the Glaug. The Messiah reaches out with its arms, grabbing hold of the sparking machine as its legs fold down once more. Pushing the throttle hard for intense force against the ship's hull, the Messiah proceeds to rip the Glaug commander off the hull.

        Rocketing upwards, Alto cries out with effort as he spins his VF, releasing his grip on the Glaug and sending it flying up and away to explode moments later.

        One problem dealt with, now for the other... Alto can feel his cockpit heating up as his machine plummets, now too far from the liner to use it as a shield.

        No way is he going to let it end here!

        Alto manipulates his controls, switching his machine back into fighter mode. Then recalling his training in the simulators, he adjusts his currently flight path, pulling up a little and putting the most amount of surface area towards the large planet below. He then throttles back, before quickly rerouting the spare engine power into the VF's Energy Conversaion Armor system, reinforcing integrity.

        Finally, after several tense moments of fighting to maintain a proper descent, the flames around his fighter subside and soon enough he can feel the force of the air beneath his wings keeping him aloft. At that moment, Alto closes his eyes, finally breathing a sigh of relief. Opening his eyes again, Alto stares out at the wide blue sky.


        Alto grins. He pushes the throttle forward again, his fighter blasting forward. He rolls, pulling up on the stick and feeling the sudden rush of the turn. He laughs, musing to himself, "This is nothing like in the simulators!"

        The Messiah goes through several aerial maneuvers, before finally catching up to the liner and flying alongside it. Alto slumps in his cockpit, satisfied. It's not how he expected it to happen... But he's finally here, in an endless sky.

<Pose Tracker> Ranka Lee has posed.

Ranka can feel a warmth in her belly as Sheryl sings, the lyrics feel like they're imprinting into her soul. It's a precious moment, she doesn't know how or why she's experiencing Sheryl's song like this. She just knows she is.

It's all precious because she's alive. Sheryl taught her that.

Ranka runs - and runs - and runs. Until she's breathless, and sweating, her limbs trembling from muscle exhaustion. Again she's lost. Elisa-sensei is no longer right beside her.

Lungs burning, she puts a hand against a wall, and lets herself breathe rapidly again and again, body shaking - as she sinks down to her legs, "Haaaa.... ahhhhh.... haaa..."

Still breathing hard, Ranka looks up to where her palm is pressed to the wall, to find out...

... it's a window, unto a blue sky. Wisps of clouds everywhere. It's not a familiar sky, one demarcated by struts and metal. Ranka looks at it in wonder, her hand against the window as she recovers from her run. It's the first time she's seen a real sky.

Looking upon it, maybe she understands a little why Alto wanted to fly in one so much.

When a VF25 flies by the window. Ranka from her knelt position lifts her hand from the window and waves, smiling.

"Welcome to Earth Alto-kun!"

He can't hear her, but it'll certainly be conveyed anyhow. Despite the terror of the day, today three connected people from the Colonies who have never seen a real sky have come to Earth for the first time.

It's good to be alive.

<Pose Tracker> Gary Biaggi has posed.

        It is a good thing that Gary planted his spear into the cruise ship, it gives the perfect form of handle to hold on to. The suit may have been equipped with a flight pack but orbital re-entry was a whole other problem and one Gary was not wanting to have to jury rig a solution to deal with.

         As the flames die down and the air cools Gary takes a moment to enjoy the view from the top of the ship then opens comms, <"Well my compatriots I believe we won and none of are allies died. Plus we saved the ship. So drinks are on me."> With that he begins to manuever his unit back into the hangar and sees the pilot he knocked out that was the original owner of the suit. This will be interesting.

<Pose Tracker> Alto Saotome has posed.

        The white VF-25F Messiah apparently sees Ranka because it wiggles its wings at her in response, before pushing forward again. No doubt to fly through the skies some more, before it needs to land once more.

<Pose Tracker> Emilia Eschonbach has posed.

        They manage to fight off the Zentradi, only to get caught in re-entry. She was too slow, too clumsy, too stupid, too much of a rookie. She shouldn't have been fighting at all. She clings her construction Alto- reinforced, but not armoured and *definitely* not rated for reentry- to the outside of a liner. It's hot. It's so damn hot, she's boiling inside her normal suit. Was this how she was going to die- because she liked a song?

        ....It was a really nice song, though.

        And yet, as Sheryl sings, the re-entry shields protect those on the hull. It's not pleasant, but she makes it. As they come into the skies, they're...

        Back on Earth. Damnit. Damnit. Whatever magic Milly worked last time won't work twi-

        Her eyes widen. She'd run off, and... The President surely won't be pleased. Not at all. You impulsive idiot...

        As soon as the path is stabilized, mag locks on, Emilia's Alto moves toward the service hangar. She needs to get in quick, get out of the cockpit, escape down the halls, ditch the normal suit, and find somewhere to hide for another hour until it's okay to re-emerge. If Grandfather finds out she was piloting, that she was *here*?

        Emilia is found about 45 minutes later, hiding in an utility closet, and obviously a bit of a mess. She is lead back to the Ashford group, looking at her feet the whole time. She's had a long time to work out how the rumours will go, how the talk with Milly and Kallen will go. How it will get out to people who she doesn't want to know. How she'll be punished for it.

        It's amazing how easy it is to look ashamed and scared after that, now the anger that pushed her through has faded.

<Pose Tracker> Lucine Azul has posed.

        "<Wait, that voice...>"

        Between Sheryl's stirring song, the damage to her unit, and the whole (thrilling) rush to it all, Lucine didn't realize it, until now.

        "<... The test pilot... that was you... Thank you.>" She should have had more faith, instead of lashing out at someone trying to protect them all.

        She was scared, even as inspired as she was.

        The blue begins to filter into her perception of the sky, and Lucine falls back into her seat.

        "<It really is pretty, the sky... it stretches on forever, here.>" By now, the flower in her hair has recovered, but was it even wilting in the first place?

<Pose Tracker> Ruri Hoshino has posed.

        Ruri appears to the side of Shinji's display, with a taciturn report of: "Re-entry in twelve seconds." This is the only warning she extends him, with regards to his brazen attacking style. Assaulting the wanzer like that...

        She'll leave extending care to Lucine. Ruri isn't really the type.

        Luckily, there are enough warm people on the Nadesico to protect the people around them from the unrelenting heat of an atmospheric entrance. Ruri just focuses on modulating the Distortion Field.

        Once they're in atmosphere, the ship pulls up, above the luxury liner. Yurika sends a message through to its Captain, to check they're all right and if they need any further assistance landing; Ruri, for her part, sags slightly against the console. "Please dock for now, Arriety-san," Ruri transmits, to the super high-schooler. "The engineering team will be able to extinguish your unit."

        She looks back down, to the data scrolling past. Now the evidence says that Zentradi ships are enemies... well, Ruri can't really blame Omoikane for thinking that. He knows how she feels better than most people, after all. How she feels, after...

        Her communicator beeps. It wasn't damaged by the cider, apparently. Or... perhaps it dried out. Text pops up, all bound in boxes -- and Ruri reads as Ranka finally explains what happened.

        (The timestamp of the messages, from her perspective, is sometime around... now.)

        Ruri frowns, slightly. It's concern, but it's not just that.

        She sends a message back through text, to respect the limitations of Ranka's program.

        > It's good that you're safe.
> Various unpleasant things happened, so it's reasonable to be late.
> Unfortunately, it would be foolish for me to leave my post after something like this.
> I hope you are able to see Ms. Nome.

        She closes the prompt before she says anything she's going to regret. It's not Ranka's fault, Ruri supposes. She herself should have known...

        The others are talking about how impressive Sheryl's aggressive performance was -- and how tactically prescient it was, given music's role in the Zentradi war. Ruri doesn't participate in the chatter.

        She does think of the music, though.

        She wanted to survive... and she had help.

        But even though she's surrounded by so many friends, Ruri is still...

<Pose Tracker> Arriety Hearn has posed.

        They're descending. Descending to Earth.

        The last time, Arriety was in the Ra Mari, and she didn't... she didn't really get to see the whole trip, before she mysteriously fell asleep and woke up in Tsutsujidai. She's been there twice, now. She wonders how Akane is doing. Did she ever finish that model of hers?

        Ruri calls on her to dock, however. "<Um-- sure!>"

        Past the terror of the orange of the atmosphere, there's a beautiful blue that awaits them. Arriety is silent for a moment longer, reflecting on how this is the first time she's been able to see the Earth in its entirety.

        They survived...

        "I managed to survive again..." Arriety whispers to herself, then departs to the Nadesico's docking catapult, where Myrme is probably going to start drinking the fire extinguishing fluid shot on her and think it tastes like pink bubblegum or something.

        "It's like SODA that tastes like rocks! Gimme more of that stuff!"

        ... close enough.

<Pose Tracker> Ranka Lee has posed.

Osanshoo-san pings. And Ranka looks startled, as she presses a hand to her squishy salamander phone, reading the new messages.

Suddenly she lets out a long breath of relief. "She's okay."

Quickly she writes back with her thumbs across the back of the salamander as it distorts this way and that under her fingers.

>your post?
>youre on the nadesico?
>thank goodness!
>im so glad ur okay!
>i couldnt find u
>so i was scared u were out there there on the liner when it started
>im not sure seeing her is the right way to put it but
>i did hear her

>im sorry

Ranka puts her phone back on her shoulder, where it flops in place.