Wendy Yuan

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Wendy Yuan
IC Information
Full Name: Wendy Yuan
Gender: Female (She/Her)
Species: Human (Cyborg)
Age (Birthdate): 27 (0069-05-30)
Hair Colour: Pink
Eye Colour: Red
Height 5'1" (155cm)
Job: Lady-in-Waiting
Homeland: China
Awakening: 1
Primary Unit: RK-96 Savage II Deadeye Custom
BGM: [Stabilo - Don't Look In Their Eyes]
OOC Information
Origin: Original NPC
Factions: Civilian, The Silent Calling
Player: User:Cute Kitty L

Wendy Yuan survived the One Year War only due to cybernetic implants which help to regulate her body in the current day. These include ocular implants, which give her eyes a distinctive red colour, and have established her as a sniper par excellence. She remains a personable woman, despite her early trauma -- in many ways, she's the beating heart of the Nega Force, able to unite their disparate forces into something resembling order. Despite this, she declined all attempts at promotion. She stuck with Yuliana Kafim following her forced defection, and now has a place within the Silent Castle's elite guards... and Yuliana's confidence. She recently changed her name from Wen to Wendy -- which is really just honouring her namesake more directly.


As a child, Yuan Chun Fang was injured terribly in the One Year War; while much of the external damage was repaired, she has oracular-neural implants, a reinforced musculoskeletal system, a pacemaker, one false lung, and much of her mouth and neck has been internally replaced. She lost her sense of taste, but kept her sense of touch, thanks to efforts which helped save much of her skin. While she manages to look more or less like a normal human, these days, Wen remains affected by her experiences.

Rather than creating a bitter person, though, Fang kept her basic optimism about humanity -- she joined the military in order to make a difference for normal citizens who were ravaged by war. They altered her ocular implants to a military level of specificity and trained her as a sniper; it wasn't long before Fang was recruited into Special Operations for her talents in long-range shooting.

Unfortunately, when Fang entered the military, she came face to face with the woman who destroyed her village and maimed her in the One Year War: a Zeon woman called Wendy Kal Vie. She murdered her, only to learn that Wendy was only perpetuating her own cycle of vengeance after losing everything at the hands of Earth. Fang took Wendy's name -- styling it Wen -- and changed her name to use a Western order so that she would never forget how devastating isolation was.

Wen Yuan took to her assignment to the Nega Force very well -- Wen was fascinated by Yuliana's unique talents, and found her arguments compelling. While she was bothered by the fact that every Cyber-Newtype assigned to them seems to wash out immediately, she consistently failed to investigate the depths of Yuliana's cruelty. This reflected a lifelong tendency not to examine the terrible things in her life and defer responsibility. This was, after all, just her job.

It also reflected her desire to fix people -- namely Yuliana, who she saw as being alone and at risk of doing something horrible. (She always saw the risk, and not the reality.) Wen doggedly tried to be Yuliana's friend for years... which may have offered her a kind of salvation when the REA betrayed the Nega Force and tried to throw her and Parminder under the bus. Elisa Kafim saved her, and Wen elected to stay in the Silent Castle with Yuliana as she recovered from the damage the Institute of Continuing Study had done to her as a half-conversion cyborg.

Despite the clear and present danger to reality Yuliana presents, Wen still thought things would be worse if she abandoned her. And life's been quite good, in the Silent Castle; she's even felt comfortable changing her name back to Wendy, now she doesn't have to obey the REA's cultural doctrine. She's been a key facilitator in helping the REA expatriates Elisa hires acclimatise to the cold. (She tries not to think about the people downstairs.)


Cybernetics: Wendy has extensive internal cybernetic systems which allow her to do things normal humans can't. For a long time, she lost her sense of taste because of an artificial tongue -- but Elisa recently arranged for her to a specialist who was able to upgrade her systems and their uplinks to restore her good taste.

Sniping Skills: Wendy is a highly-classed sniper, both on foot and in a mobile suit; she does her best work at range.

Black Ops Specialist: As an agent of the Nega Force, Wendy is skilled in on-foot sabotage, infiltration, and assassination. While she's less adept in those skills than Yuliana due to being a sniper first, she's still overseen a few devastating outbreaks of Zaftran Window Disease.

My Copilot, The Troll: Wen can count on Parminder's spotting assistance when she goes out sniping, due to alterations to her Arm Slave to allow him to ride along with her.

The Silent Court: Wendy is an elite resident of the Silent Castle, and is free to ask for the Mistresses' assistance in achieving her goals. Whether she'd like to is another matter.


Yuliana Kafim: Wendy thinks Yuliana needs a friend now more than ever, and the two have bonded over their shared experiences in the Institute for Continuing Study now they're free from working in its shadow. She thinks the tentacles are creepy, but she'll get over it.

Elisa Kafim: ... she also thinks Yuliana's wife is creepy. Wen has read one or two fairytales in her time, and has both a healthy dose of fear and respect for the horror witch who rules the Silent Castle. She tries not to be too blatant about it. She can't figure out why no one else is freaked out by her, though?!

Parminder Chaudhri: Wendy owes Parminder a great debt, given he was the one to break the Institute's indoctrination for her part... even if he only did it because it was more of a challenge than leaving her for dead. She still thinks he's pretty strange, but her overton window for strangeness has moved pretty significantly, so these days he's honestly a breath of normality. ... she's lost the taste for his cupcakes, though. Why did no one tell her they were TERRIBLE?

Alma Stirner: Okay, so Alma was definitely getting indoctrinated herself, and that's pretty bad. On the other hand, she seemed happy, and both she and Yuliana got mad when she brought it up... so Wendy didn't see any need to investigate the implications any further. Really, Alma made her kind of nervous! She's glad she's gone, now. Maybe she'll be happier out there? Who knows.

Shari Loom: Elisa's young assistant left recently, too, and it's quite a shame. Wendy never figured out how to get along with her... could she be losing touch with the youth?!

