Green Fold Quartz

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Green Fold Quartz (or crystal) is a variety of Fold quartz which absorbs power, rather than transmitting it. It is noted for its emerald green hue, unlike the purple tones of normal Fold Quartz. Green Fold accesses the strange dimensional powers of The Void, and is able to receive the Void's power. It is synthesized through a mysterious process known only to the Whispered Shari Loom. For this reason, Green Fold has never been used for interstellar travel, though it is capable of creating teleportation effects. Note that when it is treated and contains the Void's power, it causes hallucinations and eventual madness in people who handle it. Treated green fold is also anathema to the Awakened; it hurts and sickens most Newtypes to hold it. The untreated and unpowered varieties have no such qualities.