2024-10-19: A Hot-Blooded Frenzy

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<Pose Tracker> Alto Saotome has posed.

        Off the western coast of the Britannian Union's Area 6 is the chain of
 islands more locally known as the Galapagos archipelago. The population of the
 islands is quite small, numbering at only around twenty thousand. But recently
 that number has been growing rapidly.

        Unfortunately, that added growth is not people.

        Of the many volcanoes that make up the islands, a battle currently
 wages at one of them. Having detected a Vajra nest there, a NUNE strike force
 headed by the League is sent in its ongoing mission to clear the Earth Sphere
 of the threat.

        Upon arrival, the team found that the Vajra had infested the many magma
 tunnels that that make up the currently dormant volcano. Thankfully they
 haven't gone quite as deep as to meet any magma, so no death defying battles
 over a pool of the stuff today. While, as part of their nesting, the Vajra
 have widened a number of the tunnels they inhabit, they still don't quite
 reach the size available for some of the team's larger units. So a plan was
 hatched to send half the team in to flush out the Vajra while half remain
 outside to ambush them. The exterior team also has the duty of protecting
 Ranka as she sings.

        Thus far the mission has been proceeding well enough. The Vajra are
 still tough bastards with their adaptations to the weapons being used against
 them. But with Ranka's singing, they've been thrown into confusion and aren't
 putting up a strong defense.

        Inside one of the tunnels, Alto unloads more rounds from his gunpod
 into a pair of Mobile Soldiers. As they slump down and go still, he turns his
 machine to face the cavern he had discovered. Inside he sees a collection of
 eggs. His eyes glance across it, the Messiah's cockpit sensors picking up the
 movement and assigning target locks. With a press of the trigger, one of the
 micro-missile packs mounted on the unit opens and unleashes a small swarm of
 missiles. They streak through the tunnel and into the cavern, rushing in to
 the nest and exploding it.

        As the eggs are exploded and burned away by the detonations, Alto opens
 his visor for a moment to wipe his face. It's been a bit of a hunt, but
 they're getting there. As his system reports the nest's successful
 destruction, Alto radios, <"Another nest down. According to our initial scans,
 there should be three left."> As Alto's Messiah starts to walk further through
 the tunnel it's in, he asks, <"How is everyone else doing?">

KTS: Kaiju Navi has deployed in Vajra Heavy Soldier.
KTS: Kaiju_Navi has deployed as a Boss for 7 opponents.
KTS: Ranka Lee is now subpiloting for Alto Saotome.
KTS: Alto Saotome targets Kaiju Navi with Gatling Shot!
KTS: Kaiju Navi fails to react to Alto Saotome's Gatling Shot!
KTS: Kaiju Navi's Physical Wall L1 activates, negating 1000 base damage.
KTS: Best Defense! Kaiju Navi successfully reacts to Alto Saotome's Gatling
 Shot, taking 2325 damage!

<Pose Tracker> Ranka Lee has posed.

Aimo O.C. - In Medias Res - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kfN-vkzBGK8

Ranka was trying her hardest not to think of Sheryl in this moment, as the
 Koenig Monster flew above the network of tunnels, within earth's atmosphere
 the music was audible over more than just the comms, the speakers thrumming
 their sound through the tunnels.

It was not how the music reached the Vajra, but it did not matter, for it was
 effective to the people involved in the spectacle.

        "Oh you- you the chosen people, blaze together with the meteors.
        "We shall cleave the darkness and obtain eternal glory."

She told herself she was doing this to protect Alto, to make certain this never
 happens to anyone ever again, like it did to Sheryl. But now one half of that
 reason... she couldn't help but fret. Still, she was a professional, the
 League was in a bad place.

They had to prove themselves and their sincerity to the people of Earth, and
 this was the way, to clear out the alien invaders.

Ranka's eyelid twitches, as she feels a faint spasm of pain, but rather than
 pay attention, she pushes through, her voice as clarion as it might be during
 a concert.

        "Aimo aimo nedel lushe
        "Now wave our flags above our heads,"

Alto asks over the comms how everyone is doing, and her heart skips a beat with
 relief, as Carnaria replies over the comms, "<All Green here. Our little
 Songbird is in top form today.>" There's a faint tease, "<Sure you weren't
 checking in as an excuse to check on her, Skull-4?>"

Ranka grows a little redder, but keeps on singing.

Shinn Asuka has arrived.

<Pose Tracker> Serinas Nikola has posed.

        Defending the Earth Sphere from monsters is what Serinas should be
 doing! Not having to fight humans who want to tear the Earth Sphere apart...
 so this is a good day.

        As they make their way into the tunnels, she primarily uses the gatling
 lasers with precision, being able to aim two at once with the position of her
 hands is pretty handy! And sometimes when they round a corner she just blasts
 the chest beam cannons down it before stepping aside so they can all get
 attacks downrange.

        "Don't get too far ahead." she calls to Alto, concentrated gatling fire
 finishing off and tearing through a warrior before the Queadluun-Reah flies to
 the Valkyrie's side just as he's launching missiles at the eggs. "Oh, you
 don't need to spend missiles on that..." But it's done, and she takes a moment
 to look carefully at the walls, searching for side tunnels more attacks might
 come from.

Kaiju_Navi has changed Boss level to 7

KTS: Shinn Asuka has deployed in ZGMF-X56S Sword Impulse Gundam.
KTS: Serinas Nikola has activated the Spirit Spirit Command.
KTS: Serinas Nikola targets Kaiju Navi with LPG-30/3R Hand Gatling Lasers
 Focused Fire!
KTS: Kaiju Navi engages evade against Serinas Nikola's LPG-30/3R Hand Gatling
 Lasers Focused Fire!
KTS: Kaiju Navi's Force Wall L2 activates, negating 2000 base damage.
KTS: Best Defense! Kaiju Navi moderately reacts to Serinas Nikola's LPG-30/3R
 Hand Gatling Lasers Focused Fire, taking 0 damage!

<Pose Tracker> Kaworu Nagisa has posed.

        NERV is of course part of NUNE, and battling against kaiju and hostile
 aliens is part of their remit, so it's only logical for some of its pilots to
 be here to assist. As is often the case these days, those pilots are Kaworu
 and Liam. Kaworu Nagisa, the Fifth Child, is present in Evangelion Unit Beta,
 her champagne gold armor a contrast to his dark plug suit. Her size means
 there's difficulty in traversing the magma tunnels, but she manages.
        He listens to Ranka's song as the team progresses, whenever it is that
 she sings the remixed version of Aimo. He smiles, but it's a faint,
 distant, sober thing. Still, the two of them spoke to each other's hearts; he
 understands painfully well her wishes. He will support her in this.
        He doesn't remark on Canaria's teasing or Alto's check-in. Unit Beta
 spears a Mobile Soldier with her Heat Rapier, then cooks it from the inside
 out as the plasma activates on the sword. <"Three left... I see,"> he muses,
 gaze also distant. <"No significant problems here. Liam, are you well?">
        There are others here whose condition Kaworu is concerned for, but Liam
 is his subordinate, and he has a specific responsibility towards him.

KTS: Kaworu Nagisa: Will Barrier Activates.
KTS: Kaworu Nagisa targets Kaiju Navi with Forward Stab!
KTS: Kaiju Navi fails to react to Kaworu Nagisa's Forward Stab!
KTS: Kaiju Navi's Physical Wall L1 activates, negating 1000 base damage.
KTS: Best Defense! Kaiju Navi successfully reacts to Kaworu Nagisa's Forward
 Stab, taking 1875 damage!
KTS: Kaworu Nagisa begins a Formation attack!
<Pose Tracker> Rose Tritten has posed.

With a mighty bang that shook the entire cavern, the first of three ZAKU
 Warriors stepped out of another burning hive. "Make that two, Skull-4." Rose
 radioed in. The girls had just deployed a new ZAFT incendiary charge, and the
 results were popping eggs left and right. Rose took the opportunity to suck
 back a banana-ginsing instant powder drink packet, popping it closed and
 wedging it under her seat, remembering that gravity was back in play.

It had been an odd couple of days. Part of a brand new Task Force, back hunting
 bugs, pretending that your entire understanding of your culture and society
 was now completely topsy-turvy.

That last part got easier after a night of vomiting.

On the terrain map, Rose could see the path to the next hive, and a couple of
 sonic detections inbound. Rose's ZAKU lifted it's beam assault rifle, and she
 and Aspyn hosed down the approaching Mobile Soldiers.

"Miss Lee's lyrics are getting kinda..." Sushila radioed in from behind her
 companions, her beam cannon not having much use in the tight confines of the
 volcano, outside of the hives.

"Depressing?" Aspyn cut in, as a hose of energy from her beam gatlings light up
 the entire cavern to the extent the sun visor dimming took effect in Rose's
 cockpit. "Kinda. Not really a fan of the lyrics on this one...OOH! Is she
 taking requests? Maybe she can sing 'Interstellar Flight'? I love that one!"

Aspyn started to hum the tune to Interstellar Flight as a salvo of Missiles
 from Rose's Blaze pack screamed past her friend deeper into the tunnel.

KTS: Rose Tritten targets Kaiju Navi with AGM138 "Firebee" Guided Missile
KTS: Kaiju Navi fails to react to Rose Tritten's AGM138 "Firebee" Guided
 Missile Barrage!
KTS: Kaiju Navi's Physical Wall L1 activates, negating 1000 base damage.
KTS: Kaiju Navi successfully reacts to Rose Tritten's AGM138 "Firebee" Guided
 Missile Barrage, taking 2627 damage!
<Pose Tracker> Shinn Asuka has posed.

So it's a bug hunt.

Shinn has yet to do one of these.

The Core Splendor launches from its ship, sweeping over the area before the
 other Silhouettes launch.

"Right. I'm thinking we do this close up so send the Sword Silhouette out."
 Shinn says watching the initial combat underway.

Within moments, the Core Splendor locks into place with the other pieces,
 guided by lasers as the Gundam forms. Finally the Sword Silhouette docks and
 turns the Gundam's exterior a pleasant red color as it finishes its

It is here when Shinn starts to hear Ranka's depressing song. <"Uhhh...I'm
 kinda new to these bug hunts but is the depressing music necessary?">

The Sword Impulse draws it's Excalibur and ignites the blade. "I guess I'll
 just get into the groove of it. Here I go! AAAAAAAAA" Shinn charges the
 nearest bug, attempting to bisect it with a firm chop from the oversized sword.

KTS: Shinn Asuka targets Kaiju Navi with Excalibur Slash!
KTS: Shinn Asuka has activated the Strike Spirit Command.
KTS: Kaiju Navi fails to react to Shinn Asuka's Excalibur Slash!
KTS: Kaiju Navi's Beam Wall L2 activates, negating 2000 base damage.
KTS: Best Defense! Kaiju Navi successfully reacts to Shinn Asuka's Excalibur
 Slash, taking 750 damage!
<Pose Tracker> Liam 7-020 has posed.

        Liam knows from experience that the Vajra like to nest in relatively
 enclosed spaces, turning them into fortresses full of choke points and
 opportunities for ambush. An Eva might be nimble enough to navigate the lava
 tunnels, but Liam's Akashima is not--so a field test has been kicked down the
 curb, awaiting a more suitable operation.

        Instead, a grey-and-black Dilanza Sol troops down the tunnel, its beam
 rifle braced in the crook of one arm. Both of its shields sit low in front of
 its torso. As a group of smaller Soldiers pour out of yet another of the side
 tunnels, Liam puts down a field of fire, aiming and shooting for center-mass
 with trained precision.

        <"Suit's holding steady,"> he says to Kaworu, which is how his suit
 is doing, and not how he is doing. Realizing, perhaps, that this is a cop-out,
 he adds: <"Focused. Wasn't looking forward to this."> It wasn't that long ago
 tha he ran into Sheryl Nome, out of the hospital and clearly, obviously
 miserable. What even happened? His throat tightens at the memory. A moment
 later, he flicks open a tightbeam to Alto, and Alto alone. <"You haven't seen
 or heard from Sheryl lately, have you?"> Not the best thing to ask in such a
 tense situation, but...

        A moment later, he's back on the mission frequency. "<It's arranged to
 mess with the Vajra,>" Liam says, to Shinn. A new guy? A new guy, in a Mobile
 Suit, charging right into the fray. Liam shakes his head, and hopes he's not
 going to have to save him, or watch him die.

KTS: Liam 7-020 targets Kaiju Navi with Beam Rifle Shot!
KTS: Liam 7-020's Tactical Intelligence activates Valor!
KTS: Kaiju Navi fails to react to Liam 7-020's Beam Rifle Shot!
KTS: Kaiju Navi's Beam Wall L2 activates, negating 2000 base damage.
KTS: Kaiju Navi moderately reacts to Liam 7-020's Beam Rifle Shot, taking 1890
<Pose Tracker> Lucine Azul has posed.

        Lucine still has her reservations over Ranka being used as a weapon.
 However, one nest in, she has to admit to herself that it's given them a
 foothold they wouldn't have otherwise had.

        < "... Just hitting my stride, Skull-4." > Having thrown her anger at
 Alto's feet after the first mission that Ranka was deployed, Lucine's guilt
 over how she handled herself pushes her in the present to be the perfect
 scout, using the Dianthus's smaller size (at least in comparison to most of
 the other units deployed) to navigate the tighter tunnels. < ".... Sending
 coordinates for a potential nest area in sight. You'll have to find a better
 route to it, though, this tunnel will be a tight fit for anyone over the
 Dianthus's size. I'm sighting other entrances though-- ah." >

        It seems she's not alone, as one of the Vajra discover her tunnel in
 turn. < ".... Pulling back to meet up with all of you." >

        Lucine has to admit, this version of the song does get her blood
 boiling just the right way, when she ignores everything else.

        < "Incoming." > Like a hawk out of the blue, the Dianthus seizes down
 on top of a random soldier, the back of its 'cape' spread outwards in a
 mandala behind it. < "... Some more Vajra may be coming to join us. I may stay
 here with all of you for a while." > She pauses a beat, a smile in her voice.
 < ".... I hope there are no objections." >

KTS: Lucine Azul targets Kaiju Navi with CL0-V3 Glaive Dive!
KTS: Kaiju Navi fails to react to Lucine Azul's CL0-V3 Glaive Dive!
KTS: Kaiju Navi's Physical Wall L1 activates, negating 1000 base damage.
KTS: Kaiju Navi successfully reacts to Lucine Azul's CL0-V3 Glaive Dive, taking
 2880 damage!
<Pose Tracker> Alto Saotome has posed.

        <"... N-No! Just making sure everyone's still alive."> Alto stutters
 briefly in response to the teasing from the Koenig's pilot. Yeah, that sounds
 totally believable. Alto continues to walk his machine through the tunnel,
 moving in the general direction of the next reported nest.

        As Serinas critiques his choice of weapon to take out the egg clusters,
 he replies, <"I'm going to make sure that not even one of those damned bugs
 can hatch. Let them get big and they become a far greater threat."> His anger
 is understandable, given his extensive history with the Vajra to this point.
 Especially after...

        Speaking off, Liam briefly private comms him. And Alto frowns,
 responding just to Liam, <"No, I haven't... Haven't been able to get her on
 the phone. And I've had no luck trying to find her so far."> He's definitely
 tried, but he seems to keep hitting walls for one reason or another.

        Rose's team report another nest down, while Lucine has narrowed down
 the location of one of the last two, <"Nice. If we keep this up, we should be
 done soon.">


        "It seems everything is going well so far."

        Grace O'Connor smiles as she stands upon a peak some distance away. Her
 custom YF-27 'Ars Goetia' is parked nearby. Both are unlikely to be detected
 due to electronic countermeasures. Especially as the Vajra hunting team are
 distracted by the enemy in front of them.

        Grace watches the battle playing out, a mixture of long range visual
 and sensor scans displaying data inside her cybermental landscape. In
 particular she is paying attention to the fold waves being unleashed by Ranka
 as she sings, "Her skill has improved. It seems one of the conditions for
 progressing to the next stage has been cleared."

        Grace then turns her focus to another in the battle, underground scans
 showing a wireframe of Alto's Messiah as it fights its way through the tunnel
 it's currently in. A different set of readings appear as Grace says, "And it's
 clear that Fairy-9 was not a complete failure, creating an interesting
 unexpected variable such as this. It seems he is almost ready as well."

        Grace turns her head to actually look at the one beside her, continuing
 to smile, "Still, there's a few more tests that need to be run. Shall we
 proceed with the next one, Doctor?"

<Pose Tracker> Kaiju Navi has posed.

The Vajra continue to fight, of course. Mobile Soldiers, spindly and
 anthropoid, are too confused to effectively fight back. Eggs explode and
 Vajra are burned as the group continuess to clean out the nest. They aren't
 completely defenseless; some can dodge.

But elsewhere...

"Indeed," A mysterious woman next to grace answers, a small smile on her dark
 lips. Doctor Kafim inclines her head. "Let's."

The crystals clasped in her hand begin to glow. And others, deep within the
 caverns, glow as well...

There is a terrible SCREECHING as if dozens of voices suddenly call out at the
 same time--in fury. In anger. In frenzy.

A blast ERUPTS out of the cavern. The Tritten Trio are its targets.
 Micro-missiles scream outward next, for Lucine and Kaworu and Liam. A mobile
 soldier attempts to TACKLE Shinn's machine outright. And a whole swarm
 comes for Alto from three directions.

There is a buzzing, a heat, a terror.

And for Ranka, there is a horrific, horrific noise.

KTS: Kaiju Navi targets Rose Tritten with Vajra Bio-Cannon Powered Blast!
KTS: Kaiju Navi targets Liam 7-020, Lucine Azul, and Kaworu Nagisa with Vajra
 Bio-Micro-Missiles Wide-Area Barrage!
KTS: Kaiju Navi targets Shinn Asuka with Vajra Armored Claws Heavy Impact!
KTS: Kaiju Navi targets Alto Saotome with Vajra Mobile Soldiers Swarm Fire!
KTS: Kaiju Navi targets Serinas Nikola with Vajra Bio-Cannon Powered Blast!
KTS: Shinn Asuka engages charge against Kaiju Navi's Vajra Armored Claws Heavy
KTS: Shinn Asuka's Physical Wall L3 activates, negating 3000 base damage.
KTS: Shinn Asuka successfully reacts to Kaiju Navi's Vajra Armored Claws Heavy
 Impact, taking 810 damage!
KTS: Kaworu Nagisa engages block against Kaiju Navi's Vajra Bio-Micro-Missiles
 Wide-Area Barrage!
KTS: Kaworu Nagisa's Will Barrier activates, negating 1500 base damage.
KTS: Kaworu Nagisa successfully blocks Kaiju Navi's Vajra Bio-Micro-Missiles
 Wide-Area Barrage, taking 2016 damage!
KTS: Rose Tritten has activated the Trust Spirit Command.
KTS: Rose Tritten fails to engage evade against Kaiju Navi's Vajra Bio-Cannon
 Powered Blast!
KTS: Best Defense! Rose Tritten successfully reacts to Kaiju Navi's Vajra
 Bio-Cannon Powered Blast, taking 2775 damage!
KTS: Alto Saotome engages block against Kaiju Navi's Vajra Mobile Soldiers
 Swarm Fire!
KTS: Alto Saotome's EN Barrier activates, negating 1000 base damage.
KTS: Alto Saotome successfully blocks Kaiju Navi's Vajra Mobile Soldiers Swarm
 Fire, taking 1320 damage!
KTS: Liam 7-020 engages block against Kaiju Navi's Vajra Bio-Micro-Missiles
 Wide-Area Barrage!
KTS: Best Defense! Liam 7-020 successfully blocks Kaiju Navi's Vajra
 Bio-Micro-Missiles Wide-Area Barrage, taking 2666 damage!
<Pose Tracker> Shinn Asuka has posed.

<"Huh. So it's a bug killing song...Neat."> Shinn responds back to Liam, not
 worried yet about charging into the bug zone. He wasn't aware that Idols had
 this sort of music in their repertoire. It also shows how much he was paying
 attention during the briefing.

Regardless, he is here now to back up this extermination.

And now the Impulse Gundam is being charged by a mobile soldier. Shinn pulls
 back on the control stick, sending the Gundam flying at the soldier with just
 as much power. "Tch. You think you'll get me with something like -that-?!"

The Gundam holds the Excalibur in one hand as the free hand grabs the second
 Excalibur, brandishing both large swords.

The Impulse Gundam swings both swords in counter arcs, making an X in front of
 the large bug soldier. Hopefully this takes care of Shinn's current rival
 because he has a feeling it's about to get crowded here.

<"Right. So how do we turn up the song? It's getting a little hairy out here!">
 Shinn says, pushing forward.

KTS: Shinn Asuka targets Kaiju Navi with Excalibur Dual Wield!
KTS: Rose Tritten has activated the Strike Spirit Command.
KTS: Serinas Nikola has activated the Spirit Spirit Command.
KTS: Serinas Nikola engages evade against Kaiju Navi's Vajra Bio-Cannon Powered
KTS: Critical Hit! Serinas Nikola poorly reacts to Kaiju Navi's Vajra
 Bio-Cannon Powered Blast, taking 4440 damage!
KTS: [Dynamic Hit] Kaiju Navi's Ace Attacker activates, causing Insight L1!
KTS: [Dynamic Hit] Kaiju Navi's Defiance activates, causing Sparkle!
KTS: Shinn Asuka has activated the Spirit Spirit Command.
KTS: Lucine Azul has activated the Alert Spirit Command.
KTS: Lucine Azul fails to engage evade against Kaiju Navi's Vajra
 Bio-Micro-Missiles Wide-Area Barrage!
KTS: Critical Hit! Lucine Azul poorly reacts to Kaiju Navi's Vajra
 Bio-Micro-Missiles Wide-Area Barrage, taking 5246 damage!
KTS: [Dynamic Hit] Kaiju Navi's Ace Attacker activates, causing Insight L1!
KTS: [Dynamic Hit] Kaiju Navi's Defiance activates, causing Sparkle!
<Pose Tracker> Ranka Lee has posed.

It does hearten her that Liam, Lucine, and Kaworu are here too, but it brings a
 stab of guilt in Kaworu's case, because she knows he doesn't like this...
 even if he accepts it.

For indeed, her reason is one he would understand more than almost anyone else.

"<Ohhhhh? What a guy~>" Carnaria teases lightly, before turning around and
 winking at Ranka in her seat, perhaps the reason she can tease is that this
 has been a total milk run so far.

Ranka is still quite red, but as a professional, she still manages to keep

... she has reached the end, and thus repeats from the top, just as she was
 instructed, in this jingoistic encore.

        "Aimo aimo nedel lus-"

Which is when there's a sudden... feeling, at first like static in her soul,
 before it builds, and builds, until it is a deafening with the terrible music
 of the beyond.

And Ranka Lee... shrieks, holding both sides of her helmet, writhing in her
 seat, as Carnaria suddenly jolts, "Ranka?! Ranka!"

Ranka keeps incoherently shrieking in her seat, before it becomes her curling
 up and sobbing on the spot. "Ranka! Speak to me!"

Carnaria pleads, but it's like it's being lost behind a thick wall of horrific
 buzz, and Carnaria speaks into the comms, "<Emergency! Something's happened
 to Ms. Lee! She just starts screaming out of nowhere after the Vajra started
 acting strangely!>" And indeed, they can all hear it in the background of the

"<Taking evasive action!>"

The Koenig Monster begins to turn away from the tunnels, to avoid what's going
 on... Shinn requests that the song turn up, but like the Tritten team's
 request for Interstellar Flight, it seems she's in no shape to deliver upon

KTS: Ranka Lee targets Kaiju Navi with All-Out!
KTS: Kaiju Navi engages guard against Shinn Asuka's Excalibur Dual Wield!
KTS: Kaiju Navi's Beam Wall L2 activates, negating 2000 base damage.
KTS: Kaiju Navi successfully guards Shinn Asuka's Excalibur Dual Wield, taking
 1700 damage!
KTS: Kaiju Navi accepts Ranka Lee's All-Out!
KTS: Ranka Lee orders an all-out attack, raising Kaiju Navi's Skill!
KTS: Best Defense! Kaiju Navi successfully reacts to Ranka Lee's All-Out,
 taking 0 damage!
<Pose Tracker> Kaworu Nagisa has posed.

        Liam says his Dilanza Sol is holding steady, which is not the answer to
 the question Kaworu was asking. <"I see,"> he says all the same. When Liam
 actually answers, Kaworu listens quietly. <"Does it bother you?"> he
 wonders. He wasn't very fond of the operation last time, either, and he went
 into it some. But-- <"Why?">
        He'd like to know Liam's reasons again.
        But before too much of an answer can come, there is a sudden change.
 Crystals glow, and the Vajra scream. Kaworu shoots a look towards what
 would seem to be a solid rock wall, eyes narrowed. However, the Vajra are
 here, and Ranka too is resonating with them, and they are an immediate
 threat. When that blast erupts, Kaworu calls up Unit Beta's A.T. Field in time
 to catch some of the follow-up missiles--but these are close quarters and Unit
 Beta is large. Heat and rock crumble at the edges of the tunnel, and the
 golden Evangelion cannot avoid them. Hopefully the much smaller units among
 them, Lucine's especially, will have an easier time of it.
        <"Something else is interfering with the Vajra,"> he tells the others
 with gentle urgently. <"Ranka is in no shape to sing.">
        The A.T. Field shines and inverts, and what remains of micro-missiles
 hurtle back towards the Vajra, guided back to their source. This too will hurt
 her, but he is resigned to that necessity, as he is most things.

KTS: Kaworu Nagisa targets Kaiju Navi with Distance!
KTS: Kaiju Navi fails to react to Kaworu Nagisa's Distance!
KTS: Best Defense! Kaiju Navi successfully reacts to Kaworu Nagisa's Distance,
 taking 4425 damage!
KTS: Kaworu Nagisa continues a Formation attack!
FPT: Lightly Loaded Bonus=28
Alto Saotome transforms to VF-25F Messiah <GERWALK Mode>
["GU-17A Gatling Gun Pod" -> 179, "ROV-127C Beam Vulcans" -> 177, "VF-25F
 Bulletproof Shield" -> 618]
FPT: Lightly Loaded Bonus=18
["CIMM-3A Micro-missile Launchers" -> 1156, "GU-17A Gatling Gun Pod" -> 179,
 "ROV-127C Beam Vulcans" -> 177, "VF-25F Bulletproof Shield" -> 618]
<Pose Tracker> Alto Saotome has posed.

        The terrible screech echoes throughout the tunnels. Alto winces a
 little as the speakers in his cockpit transmit the horrible cry. An unknown
 terror starts to creep into his heart.

        He's never heard anything like that before. Not in all his missions
 hunting the Vajra.

        The Messiah stops at an intersection in the tunnels. Alerts begin
 popping up on Alto's screens as his system detects more and more Vajra
 approaching from multiple directions. This is not good! He starts to back up
 the way he came just a little.

        Alto doesn't get far though as the approaching Vajra begin to open fire
 with their bio-machine guns. The Messiah raises its left arm, bringing the
 attached shield up in front of it. A circular barrier of energy appears just
 behind the shield, the pin-point barrier starting to block a lot of the shots.
 It doesn't manage to stop all of the bullets though, some getting around its
 edge to clip the outer parts of the Battroid.

        Alto grunts under the assault, backing up faster now while keeping the
 barrier pointed towards the swarming Vajra, <"This isn't good... Something's
 changed. We need to regroup and-">

        Canaria's alert and Kaworu's warning definitely put Alto on edge, far
 more than the unusual behaviour of the Vajra, <"Ranka!? Ranka, what's
 wrong!?"> He doesn't get an immediate response though.

        Alto swears as he spins his machine around amidst the hail of
 bio-gunfire from the swarming Vajra. The Messiah quickly separates into
 multiple pieces, electromagnetic forces rearranging them as it transforms into
 GERWALK mode. The engines its feet light up and the half-plane half-robot
 rapidly accelerates, starting to fly back through the tunnel and back track
 towards the surface. As he goes, he calls out, <"Fall back!">

        As Alto maneuvers his Messiah through the tight spaces, his rear view
 shows the Vajra chasing him through the tunnel. He targets them with the beam
 vulcans just behind the cockpit, the two long turret barrels folding over to
 point behind the VF and starts to rapid fire blue bolts into the pursuing
 Mobile Soldiers.

KTS: Alto Saotome targets Kaiju Navi with Beam Vulcan Tracking Shot!
KTS: Kaiju Navi engages block against Alto Saotome's Beam Vulcan Tracking Shot!
KTS: Kaiju Navi's Beam Wall L2 activates, negating 2000 base damage.
KTS: Best Defense! Kaiju Navi successfully blocks Alto Saotome's Beam Vulcan
 Tracking Shot, taking 1200 damage!

<Pose Tracker> Serinas Nikola has posed.

        "A song of victory to fight the bugs... Deculture is amazing..."
 Serinas agrees when the 'bug-killing song' is mentioned.

        And then a blast comes out of nowhere, she can't tell from where, and
 she's surrounded by bugs in the now-weathered Queadluun suit. She's
 immediately unloading with the beam cannons and gatling lasers again, trying
 to get them some space. <"Ranka! No way, are the Vajra attacking her

        Alto calls for a retreat. Serinas nods, <"I concur. I'll help make an
 exit, someone watch our backs!"> She turns and chases after Skull-4 in the
 Meltrandi mecha, helping watch his back and spraying laser fire over any
 bugs he misses!

KTS: Serinas Nikola's In the Zone activates!
KTS: Serinas Nikola targets Kaiju Navi with LPG-30/3R Hand Gatling Lasers
 Sustained Fire!
KTS: Kaiju Navi engages guard against Serinas Nikola's LPG-30/3R Hand Gatling
 Lasers Sustained Fire!
KTS: Kaiju Navi's Force Wall L2 activates, negating 2000 base damage.
KTS: Kaiju Navi successfully guards Serinas Nikola's LPG-30/3R Hand Gatling
 Lasers Sustained Fire, taking 2400 damage!

<Pose Tracker> Rose Tritten has posed.

The blast rips through the cavern, engulfing the trio and shaking their ZAKU
 Warriors. Paint is scorched away as the seismic compensator grips fire into
 the rock, keeping the three Mobile Suits on their feet.

"What the hell was that?" Sushila said, as Rose switched the ZAKU's thermals
 on, the mobile suits of her two friends lighting up the scope. "I don't know
 but we'd better take them out and quick!" Rose ordered. More glowing shapes,
 chittering and crawling began to approach them. Rose deployed her Beam
 Tomahawk, and started swinging.

KTS: Rose Tritten targets Kaiju Navi with Beam Tomahawk Combo!
<Pose Tracker> Lucine Azul has posed.

        Lucine feels a flush of pride in herself and the team, as the amount of
 nests is wittled down. < "... Good. I'm sure Ranka will appreciate it too." >
 The line is said with some humor, outlining her own concern, but, Lucine
 hopes, acknowledging Ranka's efforts as well.

        Unseen, Lucine's yellow eyes widen. Danger calls, but from what

        < "... Something's happening." > Lucine's poor sense of timing strikes
 again; her vague warning is issued moments before Ranka's song cuts out.

        The next minutes may be more up to luck or a pilot's own sense of
 defensive positioning and measures than any foresight Lucine may have provided.

        Lucine certainly doesn't benefit from it, though Kaworu's assessment is
 partially correct: she nimbly dodges one round of missiles, but the next
 catches her against a cave wall, with no way to evade it in time. The Dianthus
 sparks, but Lucine breathes, steeling her resolve. < "... It wouldn't be the
 first time the Vajra have turned the tables on us. Ranka will be likely
 counting on us to pull through." > She manages to keep the waver out of her
 voice as she likewise disregards the Dianthus's warning bells.

        ".... We've pulled through worse, Didi," she says now, to her unit
 alone. "You're not down for the count yet."
        There is no answer, but none is expected.

        She flips her radio back on. < ".... Liam, cover me. Orion Shot's never
 let me down yet!!" > If Liam is able to respond, Lucine will brace the
 Dianthus against Dilanza Sol, taking out the Argen-21 Beam Arbalest and
 letting it charge to its maximum level as she carefully aims.

        < "Bullseye!" >

        A bright magenta beam shoots out from the Dianthus, aiming to tear a
 hole in the pursuing swarm of Vajra.

KTS: Lucine Azul has activated the Valor Spirit Command.
KTS: Lucine Azul has activated the Valor Spirit Command.
KTS: Lucine Azul has activated the Dash Spirit Command and has gained
 proficiency bonus.
KTS: Lucine Azul targets Kaiju Navi with Argen-21 Beam Arbalest Orion Shot!
<Pose Tracker> Liam 7-020 has posed.

        <"Are you new here?"> Liam asks. He doesn't recognize that machine. (He
 recognizes the Tritten Team's ZAKUs from Junius Seven, but for some reason,
 he's keeping them in his periphery as much as possible. That design is still
 hard for him to look at.) <"What's your name?">

        Kaworu deserves an answer, and Liam gives him one, over a tightband to
 Unit Beta. <"Feels wrong,"> he says. <"And that feels wrong because this
 might be what we need to save people's lives."> It's an uneasy contradiction,
 made even worse in the wake of the murder of millions. Every innocent life, no
 matter how abstract it feels relative to him, matters so much more.

        The horrid screech echoes down the tunnels. Sudden, icy fear shoots
 down Liam's spine. Immediately, the Vajra snap out of the spell they've been
 under; the cluster of soldiers he'd marked as his next targets opens fire,
 sending a spray of missiles their way. "<Lu, Kaworu!>" Liam shouts, and it
 feels like the words don't come out fast enough. The Dilanza Sol sets its
 heels and braces, its shields swinging together with a solid CLANG. Missile
 fire slams into the armored barrier, chewing into the metal. When the barrage
 dies down, the shields are scarred and pitted, but still in one piece--for
 now. The rest of the Dilanza is scored, here and there, by stray shrapnel.

        Liam sits bolt upright as Canaria's transmission cuts through. He can
 hear Ranka screaming in pain and terror in the background, plain as day. The
 Dianthus takes a bad hit.

        "<Lu,>" Liam says, urgently--it takes effort to keep himself from
 screaming it--and the Dilanza Sol jets forward, roll-dashing across the
 irregular surface of the lava tube. It sweeps in front of the Dianthus,
 ignites the beam bayonet on the end of its rifle, and stabs it at the lead
 Vajra in a single maneuver. "<Roger,>" Liam transmits back, "<Stay behind me.>"

KTS: Liam 7-020 targets Kaiju Navi with Bayonet Charge!
KTS: Liam 7-020's Tactical Intelligence activates Focus!
KTS: Kaiju Navi fails to engage guard against Rose Tritten's Beam Tomahawk
KTS: Kaiju Navi's Beam Wall L2 activates, negating 2000 base damage.
KTS: Kaiju Navi successfully reacts to Rose Tritten's Beam Tomahawk Combo,
 taking 2480 damage!
KTS: Kaiju Navi fails to engage evade against Lucine Azul's Argen-21 Beam
 Arbalest Orion Shot!
KTS: Best Defense! Kaiju Navi successfully reacts to Lucine Azul's Argen-21
 Beam Arbalest Orion Shot, taking 5325 damage!
KTS: Lucine Azul completes the Formation attack!
KTS: Kaiju Navi fails to engage evade against Liam 7-020's Bayonet Charge!
KTS: Kaiju Navi's Beam Wall L2 activates, negating 2000 base damage.
KTS: Best Defense! Kaiju Navi successfully reacts to Liam 7-020's Bayonet
 Charge, taking 1800 damage!
KTS: Kaiju Navi has activated the Valor Spirit Command.
KTS: Kaiju Navi has activated the Spirit Spirit Command.

<Pose Tracker> Kaiju Navi has posed.

A large bug soldier runs right into Shinn's beam sabers... and survives. It
 keeps attacking, trying to grab on with its remaining five legs even as one is
 shorn off by the force of the beam saber. It's very angry, it would seem.
 Relentless. Even injury doesn't slow it down until it's dead.

And it does get more crowded.

Micro missiles blast back at a Vajra, as Kaworu's Unit Beta inverts the AT

Falling back may be a wise idea. But the Vajra keep chasing after Alto and the
 others, too. Two turrets fire blue bolts into Mobile Soldiers, and they take
 them head-on without even stopping, though at least momentum and the laws of
 physics mean that Alto gains some distance in the process. Luckily, Serinas
 hits the same ones, and one explodes violently!!

Just one, though.

Rose's trio is able to bash down another, despite the resistance to her beam
 tomahawk. Sheer force and determination are enough in this.

Liam and Lucine take on another, together, and the lead Vajra is only barely
 fazed by Liam's bayonet--but is punched through by Lucine's Beam Arbalest.


More swarm out still, and larger Vajra, though none of the truly gigantic
 ones yet--a Heavy Soldier is crwling out of the lava turbes.

The one Lucine destroyed makes a parting shot, exploding on Liam and Lucine
 both in an array of bio-beams.

The Mobile Soldieres rapidly start to advance, however. The Rose trio take a
 few shots that become many more, as a few converge on them. And Alto gets
 three Mobile Soldiers rushing ahead straight for him. Serinas is not spared;
 the armored claws of one crash towards her, trying to knock her out of the
 air outright.

KTS: Kaiju Navi targets Shinn Asuka with Vajra Armored Claws Six-Legged Grab!
KTS: Kaiju Navi targets Lucine Azul with Vajra Bio-Cannon Self Destruct!
KTS: Kaiju Navi targets Liam 7-020 with Vajra Bio-Cannon Self Destruct!
KTS: Kaiju Navi targets Alto Saotome with Vajra Mobile Soldiers Swarm Converge!
KTS: Kaiju Navi targets Rose Tritten with Vajra Mobile Soldiers Rapid Advance!
KTS: Kaiju Navi targets Serinas Nikola with Vajra Armored Claws Heavy Impact!
<Pose Tracker> Kaiju Navi has posed.

While Kaworu, with his magical AT Field, gets a terrible tearing shot of
 bio-electrical force aimed for center mass!!

KTS: Shinn Asuka engages charge against Kaiju Navi's Vajra Armored Claws
 Six-Legged Grab!
KTS: Shinn Asuka's Physical Wall L2 activates, negating 2000 base damage.
KTS: Critical Hit! Shinn Asuka poorly reacts to Kaiju Navi's Vajra Armored
 Claws Six-Legged Grab, taking 2760 damage!
KTS: [Dynamic Hit] Kaiju Navi's Ace Attacker activates, causing Insight L1!
KTS: [Dynamic Hit] Kaiju Navi's Defiance activates, causing Sparkle!
KTS: Kaiju Navi targets Kaworu Nagisa with Vajra Bio-Cannon Tearing Shot!
KTS: Kaworu Nagisa engages guard against Kaiju Navi's Vajra Bio-Cannon Tearing
KTS: Kaworu Nagisa's Will Barrier activates, negating 1500 base damage.
KTS: Critical Hit! Kaworu Nagisa poorly guards Kaiju Navi's Vajra Bio-Cannon
 Tearing Shot, taking 2835 damage!
KTS: [Dynamic Hit] Kaiju Navi's Ace Attacker activates, causing Insight L1!
KTS: [Dynamic Hit] Kaiju Navi's Defiance activates, causing Sparkle!
KTS: Rose Tritten engages evade against Kaiju Navi's Vajra Mobile Soldiers
 Rapid Advance!
KTS: Critical Hit! Rose Tritten poorly reacts to Kaiju Navi's Vajra Mobile
 Soldiers Rapid Advance, taking 4840 damage!
KTS: [Dynamic Hit] Kaiju Navi's Ace Attacker activates, causing Insight L1!
KTS: [Dynamic Hit] Kaiju Navi's Defiance activates, causing Sparkle!
KTS: Alto Saotome has activated the Dash Spirit Command and has gained
 proficiency bonus.
KTS: Alto Saotome has activated the Wall Spirit Command.
KTS: Alto Saotome has activated the Wall Spirit Command.
KTS: Can't find an attack from Kaiju.
KTS: Alto Saotome engages evade against Kaiju Navi's Vajra Mobile Soldiers
 Swarm Converge!
KTS: Alto Saotome's EN Barrier activates, negating 500 base damage.
KTS: Critical Hit! Alto Saotome poorly reacts to Kaiju Navi's Vajra Mobile
 Soldiers Swarm Converge, taking 4440 damage!
KTS: [Dynamic Hit] Kaiju Navi's Ace Attacker activates, causing Insight L1!
KTS: [Dynamic Hit] Kaiju Navi's Defiance activates, causing Sparkle!
<Pose Tracker> Shinn Asuka has posed.

The tunnels are making the whole swordplay thing a little tricky. Shinn takes a
 deep breath, finding a opening in the ceiling to back up near. "Right! I need
 the Blast Silhouette! This is going to be a little more destructive than I
 anticipated." Shinn quickly docks the Excaliburs and watches the Silhouette
 fly off as Shinn keeps himself defended with a anti-armor knife. This bug is
 being a real pain the ass.

Within moments, the blast gear locks onto the Impulse and docks quickly, giving
 the Gundam a pair of very large guns. "Ok. Aim for the tunnels and trap some
 of these stupid bugs in the holes. That's easy enough for even me!"

Shinn hears the concerned Liam blinking a little as he focuses on all of the
 bugs. <"It's my first bug hunt if that's what you mean...Uhhh, not that this
 is a great time for introductions but I'm Shinn Asuka. I'm from ZAFT special
 forces."> Shinn swings up the Kerberos cannons, aiming them toward THAT bug or
 possibly something that could cut off an entrance without stranding someone.

KTS: Shinn Asuka targets Kaiju Navi with Beam Cannon Medium Power!
KTS: Shinn Asuka has activated the Strike Spirit Command.
KTS: Liam 7-020 has activated the Wall Spirit Command.
KTS: Liam 7-020 has activated the Spirit Spirit Command.
KTS: Liam 7-020's The Hound activates!
KTS: Liam 7-020 fails to engage guard against Kaiju Navi's Vajra Bio-Cannon
 Self Destruct!
KTS: Critical Hit! Liam 7-020 poorly reacts to Kaiju Navi's Vajra Bio-Cannon
 Self Destruct, taking 6960 damage!
KTS: [Dynamic Hit] Kaiju Navi's Ace Attacker activates, causing Insight L1!
KTS: [Dynamic Hit] Kaiju Navi's Defiance activates, causing Sparkle!
KTS: Shinn Asuka has activated the Spirit Spirit Command.
KTS: Serinas Nikola has activated the Alert Spirit Command.
KTS: Serinas Nikola fails to engage evade against Kaiju Navi's Vajra Armored
 Claws Heavy Impact!
KTS: Critical Hit! Serinas Nikola poorly reacts to Kaiju Navi's Vajra Armored
 Claws Heavy Impact, taking 4290 damage!
KTS: [Dynamic Hit] Kaiju Navi's Ace Attacker activates, causing Insight L1!
KTS: [Dynamic Hit] Kaiju Navi's Defiance activates, causing Sparkle!
KTS: Kaiju Navi repulses Serinas Nikola, preventing her from Charging the next
<Pose Tracker> Kaworu Nagisa has posed.

        It's not beyond Kaworu's notice that Liam responds to him via
 tightband, to make sure only the two of them hear what he has to say. <"It's
 difficult, isn't it?"> he says with quiet sympathy. <"As long as two species
 cannot coexist, one must face extinction for the other to survive. It is...
        He listens too to Liam's conversation with Shinn, though he doesn't
 weigh in. The Dianthus takes a hit and nearly crumples as a result. Liam moves
 to defend her, though, as she requests. Kaworu smiles to see their
 coordination. Love is so beautiful.
        There's little time to admire it, though. The Vajra continue to warm in
 towards and around them, and bigger and more powerful ones at that. Kaworu
 lifts his chin to gaze at a spot in space again, before that bio-electrical
 blast fires towards Unit Beta's central mass. Her A.T. Field mitigates some of
 it, but closed quarters with mixed company as it is, some of it gets past. She
 writhes as it impacts her, and Kaworu hunches over in sympathetic pain within
 her entry plug.
        <"...how unpleasant. But Ranka must be suffering far more,"> he
 murmurs. <"This will not do...">
        Unit Beta raises an elegant hand, silver hair akew around her. Light
 shimmers iridescent orange for a brief instant, before her A.T. Field forms a
 barrier that smashes into that Heavy Soldier crawling out to join the fray
 in an attempt to force it back into the tunnels--even crush it.

KTS: Kaworu Nagisa targets Kaiju Navi with Rejection!
<Pose Tracker> Ranka Lee has posed.


Grace's readouts are suddenly filled with anomalous spiking of the data, as she
 looks over them with a scientist's analytical mind and the intense processing
 speed of her brain, until something clicks.

"Doctor Kafim... she always did have an interest in our Little Queen."

"It would seem your failure to handle her has now endangered the experiment." A
 Galaxy executive points out to her.

At that however, Grace smirks, "There is no danger. If she desired to get rid
 of LQ then she would hardly need to resort to methods so indirect."

"Is that your professional analysis?"

"Call it my expert opinion..." She smiles, "...honestly she has my gratitude
 for adding this new variable to our experiment."


Ranka cannot answer, does not answer, there is a long prolonged keening noise

...it's not in her ears. She couldn't articulate it if she tried, it's like
 it's some place, deeper. Her abdomen feels like it's writhing, while her head
 pounds, like something was carrying through.

Carnaria, Alto, Serinas and others call out to her and it's like she both hears
 it and can't as her lips form a long keening whine.

This aural horror feels... isolating in a sense, like it's trying to shut out
 the rest of the world from her, and succeeding.


This girl who was once too timid to entertain the thought of singing in front
 of other people, who needed others to coax her into trying has changed over
 the past two years.

And as she looks up through watery eyes, through the haze of static, she sees
 something, like a distant pale blue dot.

For a moment, it's like even if she can't hear him, she feels him, and further
 still beyond that...

... reminders. Reasons. As isolated as she feels right now, she has two of
 them. Her mouth moves, and she can't even hear the words she's saying.

"What do you mean turn around!? Ranka the Vajra are going crazy! You're in no
 state to do anything!"

Ranka's lips form more words.


Carnaria stays the course for a few more moments, before making one long noise,
 over the comms, things were sounding terrible, but, "You have thirty seconds
 to turn this around, before I turn this around."

The Monster begins to loop back around towards the tunnels, even as the
 Variable Fighters fall back to try and get out of them.

<Pose Tracker> Serinas Nikola has posed.

        <"Oh no you d--"> Serinas blasts the mobile soldier point-blank with
 everything to make it back off, but it doesn't work -- the Queadluun unit is
 slammed to the ground, armor cracking and breaking, Serinas grunting in pain
 as she's rattled in the cockpit. Unfortunately, the bigger they are the harder
 they fall applies against her inside her machine, when she's macronized like

        Coordinator mind racing ahead, she has the anti-ship cannon blow
 through the Soldier's arm to free herself, but the damage is done. At this

        No time for extraneous thoughts. Find the path to victory. Dash this
 way -- the Vajra can't keep her out of the air until they disable the suit,
 really -- knee here. Rake with claws and lasers, kick back, dash to next,
 repeat, she doesn't have to finish them all, just knock them back long enough
 for her and the others to get away!

KTS: Serinas Nikola has activated the Alert Spirit Command.
KTS: Serinas Nikola uses hyper reloader
KTS: Serinas Nikola targets Kaiju Navi with LPG-30/3R Hand Gatling Lasers
KTS: Rose Tritten has activated the Strike Spirit Command.
KTS: Rose Tritten has activated the Spirit Spirit Command.
KTS: Lucine Azul fails to engage evade against Kaiju Navi's Vajra Bio-Cannon
 Self Destruct!
KTS: Critical Hit! Lucine Azul poorly reacts to Kaiju Navi's Vajra Bio-Cannon
 Self Destruct, taking 6960 damage!
KTS: [Dynamic Hit] Kaiju Navi's Ace Attacker activates, causing Insight L1!
KTS: [Dynamic Hit] Kaiju Navi's Defiance activates, causing Sparkle!
KTS: Kaiju Navi fails to react to Shinn Asuka's Beam Cannon Medium Power!
KTS: Best Defense! Kaiju Navi successfully reacts to Shinn Asuka's Beam Cannon
 Medium Power, taking 3600 damage!
KTS: Shinn Asuka bypasses Kaiju Navi, preventing its from Guarding the next
KTS: Kaiju Navi fails to engage evade against Kaworu Nagisa's Rejection!
KTS: Kaiju Navi successfully reacts to Kaworu Nagisa's Rejection, taking 3330
KTS: Kaworu Nagisa rattles Kaiju Navi, making its next maneuvers more difficult.
KTS: Kaiju Navi fails to engage charge against Serinas Nikola's LPG-30/3R Hand
 Gatling Lasers Execution!
KTS: Kaiju Navi's Force Wall L2 activates, negating 2000 base damage.
KTS: Best Defense! Kaiju Navi successfully reacts to Serinas Nikola's LPG-30/3R
 Hand Gatling Lasers Execution, taking 3750 damage!
<Pose Tracker> Alto Saotome has posed.

        Alto's breathing is rapidly rising as he maneuvers his machine through
 the tight corridors at a speed well above the far saner choice of 'walking'.
 All while Vajra are chasing behind him.

        No, not just behind him.

        Alto's system alerts him of more Vajra approaching from intersecting
 tunnels ahead. He can't slow down now, if he does he'll be completely

        Alto rapidly manipulates the pedals at his feet while he janks the
 flight stick around. The Messiah's legs kick around behind it, engine flare
 bursting out of their feet. The craft twists and turns through converging
 Vajra, managing to avoid some of them.

        But the last one slams into the Messiah, knocking it into the side of
 the tunnel. The VF scrapes along the rocky wall, energy-conversion armor
 keeping the craft from being torn to shreds as it continues to rocket through
 the tunnel.

        As rocky wall rushes past the canopy, just feet from Alto's cockpit, he
 holds the cockpit back from being crushed using the shield on his left arm.
 With the right arm. Alto moves grab at the knife slotted into said shield.
 Drawing it he starts rapidly stabbing into the Vajra that's keeping him jammed
 against the wall.

KTS: Alto Saotome has activated the Valor Spirit Command.
KTS: Alto Saotome has activated the Valor Spirit Command.
KTS: Alto Saotome targets Kaiju Navi with AK/VF-M9 Assault Knife Slash!
<Pose Tracker> Rose Tritten has posed.

The mass begins to overwhelm the ZAKU Warriors, the slamming of their
 appendages rocking the cockpits of the three girls more and more.

"I hate fighting bugs I hate fighting bugs I FREAKIN HATE FIGHTING BUGS!!!"
 Aspyn shrieks as her beam axe whips at the chittering mass.
"We should get the heck out of here!" Sushila adds, as her beam cannon smashes
 through the mass once more.

But could they? Rose whipped her tomahawk at another warrior, bringing it down,
 but yet another was approaching to take its place.

"Sushila Max output your cannon into the biggest one! Aspyn and I will follow
"I'm not blowing myself up again!" Sushila hissed back.
"Not that high!" Rose snapped, "We're gonna try and Alpha Strike them!"

Rose and Aspyn Slammed their thrusters, forcing a warrior each into the walls
 as Sushila's cannon began to light up...

KTS: Rose Tritten targets Kaiju Navi with Anti-Ship Formation Alpha!
<Pose Tracker> Lucine Azul has posed.

        < "Yes!!" > The combined shot makes it through, filling Lucine with a
 heady rush of exhilaration. What comes next, however, is the explosion of what
 explains, landing squarely on the two of them despite the Dianthus attempting
 to dodge backwards.

        The warning bells are even louder now in the Dianthus cockpit, as if
 shaming Lucine for not holding up to her end of the bargain.

        < "Health is extremely low. I'm going to let loose an attack that'll
 give me and Liam a chance to double back. Use it to your advantage." > The
 waver in Lucine's voice is noticable, but she still keeps firm. < "... This
 one's a new one, designed by me. I'm rather proud of how it performed in
 tests." >

        Tests won't matter if the real thing it was designed for doesn't hold

        The glowing 'crown' atop the Dianthus's head projects a cloud of
 spreading particles, catching light in a distracting and confusing way for
 anyone caught up in it, Vajra or no. The shots that pierce through it will
 make it even harder to trace, arcing around from multiple sides to keep from
 telling which side is up, or what direction to go towards or away from.

        < "Liam, now!" >

KTS: Lucine Azul has activated the Dash Spirit Command and has gained
 proficiency bonus.
KTS: Lucine Azul has activated the Spirit Spirit Command.
KTS: Lucine Azul targets Kaiju Navi with Lunate Crown v.2 Cloud Forest!
KTS: Kaiju Navi fails to engage evade against Alto Saotome's AK/VF-M9 Assault
 Knife Slash!
KTS: Kaiju Navi's Physical Wall L1 activates, negating 1000 base damage.
KTS: Best Defense! Kaiju Navi successfully reacts to Alto Saotome's AK/VF-M9
 Assault Knife Slash, taking 2100 damage!
KTS: Kaiju Navi fails to react to Rose Tritten's Anti-Ship Formation Alpha!
KTS: Best Defense! Kaiju Navi successfully reacts to Rose Tritten's Anti-Ship
 Formation Alpha, taking 4950 damage!
KTS: Rose Tritten bypasses Kaiju Navi, preventing its from Guarding the next
KTS: Kaiju Navi fails to react to Lucine Azul's Lunate Crown v.2 Cloud Forest!
KTS: Kaiju Navi's Beam Wall L2 activates, negating 2000 base damage.
KTS: Best Defense! Kaiju Navi successfully reacts to Lucine Azul's Lunate Crown
 v.2 Cloud Forest, taking 2580 damage!
KTS: Lucine Azul rattles Kaiju Navi, making its next maneuvers more difficult.

<Pose Tracker> Liam 7-020 has posed.

        Shinn Asuka, then, from ZAFT Special Forces. If they survive the next
 ten or so minutes, it will be nice to have met him.

        The explosion hits at point-blank range. Liam has steadied his machine,
 and kept the shields at the ready, but the force is overwhelming, regardless.
 Armor shreds off the Dilanza's front; a shield groans with a tearing-metal
 noise, and snaps free, flying across the cavern. Liam rocks back from the
 impact, and when his machine stabilizes--a harrowing few seconds later--he's
 breathing, heavily.

        Lucine says she has something to get them out of here. Liam grunts in
 acknowledgment--it feels like there's no time for words, for him--and floors
 the accelerator. The Dilanza Sol 'skates' around the Dianthus, putting itself
 between the lighter, smaller machine, and more Vajra--and then charging.
 Liam levels the bayonet, and tries to RIP clean through one of the Mobile
 Soldiers before they can swarm Lucine.

KTS: Liam 7-020 has activated the Valor Spirit Command.
KTS: Liam 7-020 has activated the Strike Spirit Command.
KTS: Liam 7-020 targets Kaiju Navi with Bayonet Crash!
KTS: Liam 7-020's Tactical Intelligence activates Trick!
KTS: Kaiju Navi engages guard against Liam 7-020's Bayonet Crash!
KTS: Kaiju Navi moderately guards Liam 7-020's Bayonet Crash, taking 4930
<Pose Tracker> Kaiju Navi has posed.

Isolating. There is much going on that is isolating.

Kaworu is willing to deal with unpleasantness, it would seem, and elegantly
 rejects the Heavy Soldier. Thanks to his intervention, that Vajra will be
 stuck instead of out trying to kill them. While Serinas is still doing her
 best in her mobile suit at least, freeing herself with a blast of her
 anti-ship cannon. Serinas's weapons are powerful, and her aim is good, but
 the adaptation of the Vajra is simply effective enough that her attack is only
 half as powerful as it could be.

Shinn, in the meantime, handles matters very destructively. The tunnel
 collapses on a group of Vajra, preventing them from continuing to chase him
 for the moment, and if they can dig their way out, it won't be immediately.
 Alto stabs into a Vajra!! While it's only a small weapon on mobile suit
 terms, it manages to shear off the leg that was holding Alto's VF in place,
 and that's enough for him to get free. The ZAKU Warriors meanwhile do not
 like fighting bugs, but are good at it. The cannon ERUPTS with damage, and
 one of the larger Vajra chasing them EXPLODES outright!!

Lucine's strnage particles don't hurt as much as they could, but their
 secondary effect is quite useful--the shots that come after it are less
 intent, less well-focused than before.

Finally, Liam rips through another warrior, just in time to spare Lucine
 another blast.

For now. But the frenzy is not over, and the tunnels stretch on. Machine guns
 /rip into the air, peppering Lucine's Dianthus and Liam's Dilanza Sol with
 bio-bullets. Alto gets a swarm of bio-missiles from more that start emerging
 from the folds of the tunnels.

Serinas gets one attempting to CRUSH her outright all in one go, and while it
 probably doesn't understand that she's Macronized in there, it's a dangerous
 attack nevertheless.

Shinn has very large guns. He'll need them, because one of the larger Vajra
 manages to free a cannon from the tunnel and FIRES it straight at him!

A swarm tries to go after Rose, Aspyn, and Sushila next, after her great shot.
 The blasts they fire are hard to avoid with sheer volume.

The one Alto freed himself of CHARGES, aiming to self-destruct right on top of
 him!! While Kaworu's Heavy Soldier, mostly covered by the rubble, manages to
 get free one claw--

But that's not the attack. The attack is three more swarming reckelssly!!

KTS: Kaiju Navi targets Liam 7-020 with Vajra Bio-Machine Guns Ripping Barrage!
KTS: Lucine Azul's Morning Star activates!
KTS: Kaiju Navi targets Lucine Azul with Vajra Bio-Machine Guns Ripping Barrage!
KTS: Kaiju Navi targets Serinas Nikola with Vajra Armored Claws Sharpened Crush!
KTS: Kaiju Navi targets Shinn Asuka with Vajra Bio-Cannon Charged Assault!
KTS: Kaiju Navi targets Rose Tritten with Vajra Mobile Soldiers Swarm Fire!
KTS: Kaiju Navi targets Kaworu Nagisa with Vajra Bio-Machine Guns Reckless
KTS: Alto Saotome's Here Is The Warm Sea activates!
KTS: Kaiju Navi targets Alto Saotome with Vajra Bio-Cannon Self Destruct!
KTS: Shinn Asuka fails to engage Charge against Kaiju Navi's Vajra Bio-Cannon
 Charged Assault!
KTS: Critical Hit! Shinn Asuka poorly reacts to Kaiju Navi's Vajra Bio-Cannon
 Charged Assault, taking 6120 damage!
KTS: [Dynamic Hit] Kaiju Navi's Ace Attacker activates, causing Insight L1!
KTS: [Dynamic Hit] Kaiju Navi's Defiance activates, causing Sparkle!
KTS: Kaiju Navi roots its unit, coming to a standstill and leaving it
KTS: Liam 7-020 fails to engage evade against Kaiju Navi's Vajra Bio-Machine
 Guns Ripping Barrage!
KTS: Liam 7-020 successfully reacts to Kaiju Navi's Vajra Bio-Machine Guns
 Ripping Barrage, taking 3296 damage!
KTS: Alto Saotome engages evade against Kaiju Navi's Vajra Bio-Cannon Self
KTS: Alto Saotome's EN Barrier activates, negating 500 base damage.
KTS: Critical Hit! Alto Saotome poorly reacts to Kaiju Navi's Vajra Bio-Cannon
 Self Destruct, taking 5830 damage!
KTS: [Dynamic Hit] Kaiju Navi's Ace Attacker activates, causing Insight L1!
KTS: [Dynamic Hit] Kaiju Navi's Defiance activates, causing Sparkle!
KTS: Rose Tritten engages evade against Kaiju Navi's Vajra Mobile Soldiers
 Swarm Fire!
KTS: Critical Hit! Rose Tritten poorly reacts to Kaiju Navi's Vajra Mobile
 Soldiers Swarm Fire, taking 4080 damage!
KTS: [Dynamic Hit] Kaiju Navi's Ace Attacker activates, causing Insight L1!
KTS: [Dynamic Hit] Kaiju Navi's Defiance activates, causing Sparkle!
KTS: Kaworu Nagisa engages guard against Kaiju Navi's Vajra Bio-Machine Guns
 Reckless Stream!
KTS: Kaworu Nagisa's Will Barrier activates, negating 1500 base damage.
KTS: Critical Hit! Kaworu Nagisa poorly guards Kaiju Navi's Vajra Bio-Machine
 Guns Reckless Stream, taking 3224 damage!
KTS: [Dynamic Hit] Kaiju Navi's Ace Attacker activates, causing Insight L1!
KTS: [Dynamic Hit] Kaiju Navi's Defiance activates, causing Sparkle!
KTS: Lucine Azul has activated the Focus Spirit Command.
KTS: Lucine Azul engages evade against Kaiju Navi's Vajra Bio-Machine Guns
 Ripping Barrage!
KTS: Lucine Azul poorly reacts to Kaiju Navi's Vajra Bio-Machine Guns Ripping
 Barrage, taking 3392 damage!
KTS: Lucine Azul has been defeated!
<Pose Tracker> Ranka Lee has posed.

Despite the profound sense of isolation, the harm of this strange assault
 trying to distract her with pain, Ranka's more focused now, even if it's just
 on this sensation of color, blue, and pink...


Someone in danger, this very moment, as the Vajra go berserk. And further


Somehow she knows she's out there. She can't say how she knows. Call it
 'intuition' or call it simply the two people she can 'feel' through the Noise.
  As painful, and frightening as it is.

She resolved to do this for them. Shakily, Ranka reaches out, and hits the
 button that plays the Melody for the song, even if she can't hear it.

It doesn't matter.

She knows the timing perfectly by heart. Not because she likes this song. Not
 because she wants to sing it - but because she needs to sing it.


It's like something impossible at first, her mouth forms the words, and she
 can't even feel the music flow forth through it, it's like her sense of
 hearing is just, gone, it's like she's singing through some strange swamp of

        "-toll the bells of victory,
        "For this place is my new planet."

... but it gets easier as it goes, as Ranka sings, without hearing. Blind to
 everything but feeling that reminder of what she's doing beyond. She sings,
 and the Vajra suddenly move from this strange frenzy, to subtle hesitation.

        "Aimo aimo nedel lushe
        "Now wave our flags above our heads,
        "For this place is the new land of God."

Carnaria looks behind her and mouths, 'The hell?' impressed, but also confused,
 what happened? But even if Ranka herself can't hear it, the rest of them do.
 They all do, as she sings through this odd isolating interference.

        "Go forward, to the frontier,
        "While embracing your proud name.
        "Fly away, to the frontier,
        "And awaken your dormant power."

"<I'm not sure what's going on, she still looks like she's suffering... but
 she's pulling it off.>"

And more and more do the Vajra respond...

KTS: Ranka Lee targets Kaiju Navi with Designate L2!
KTS: Kaiju Navi accepts Ranka Lee's Designate L2!
KTS: Ranka Lee designates Kaiju Navi, making it easier to target and opening it
 to indirect fire.
KTS: Best Defense! Kaiju Navi successfully reacts to Ranka Lee's Designate L2,
 taking 0 damage!
KTS: Ranka Lee has activated the Rouse Spirit Command targeting Alto Saotome
KTS: Ranka Lee has activated the Trust Spirit Command targeting Alto Saotome
<Pose Tracker> Shinn Asuka has posed.

Making note of his progress on burying the Vajra, Shinn keeps focus loose as he
 scans for more loose rock. He is doing pretty well until a certain jerk
 manages to dig out a cannon. The Impulse Gundam doesn't have a lot of
 maneuverability down here.

Shinn quickly takes defensive manuvers, leaping toward a rock to take some of
 the blast. Still the blast burns Impulse's outer armor, holding up due to the
 Variable Phase Shift Armor. Still Shinn takes a deep breath, bracing as he
 lets out a string of expletives.

After a moment, the Impulse Gundam begins to move again, swinging around before
 cannons this time as it begins to charge it's next assault. "So you want to
 have a gun fight do you?! WELL LET'S GO!" The Impulse Gundam digs its feet in,
 locking onto the big soldier with the cannon. "HAVE A TASTE OF THIS!!!" Shinn
 pulls back on the trigger, letting out a blinding beam of power as Shinn Asuka
 fires a powerful anti-ship weapon at an individual bug. That's the Shinn Asuka

He breaths heavily, starting to really like hearing that song. It meant that
 they were still alive.

KTS: Shinn Asuka's Resurgence L3 activates!
KTS: Shinn Asuka targets Kaiju Navi with Beam Cannon Full Power!
KTS: Shinn Asuka's Resurgence L3 activates!
KTS: Kaiju Navi fails to react to Shinn Asuka's Beam Cannon Full Power!
KTS: Kaiju Navi's Beam Wall L2 activates, negating 2000 base damage.
KTS: Kaiju Navi successfully reacts to Shinn Asuka's Beam Cannon Full Power,
 taking 4260 damage!
KTS: Shinn Asuka roots his unit, coming to a standstill and leaving him
<Pose Tracker> Alto Saotome has posed.

        Alto rapidly advances through the tunnel now that he's been freed
 again. He's starting to see natural light ahead...

        ... But the Vajra aren't giving up. Their bio-missiles streak in, Alto
 once more twisting and turning his VF through the tunnel as the guided weapons
 explode against the tunnel walls around him, shaking them. He's almost made

        The Mobile Soldier that Alto had escaped from comes rushing up from
 behind, starting to glow with golden light. Alto's eyes widen as it rapidly
 closes in on him.

        On the surface, the entrance into the tunnel that Alto's currently in
 unleashes a burst of flame from an explosion, before moments later the Messiah
 comes blasting out of the cloud of fire. Its armor is heavily scorched and
 slagged across multiple points. But the VF is still flying and now once more
 above ground! The tunnel collapses behind Alto a moment later, stopping at
 least those ones from following him.

        But they're not the only ones.

        As Alto rises up into the air, he notices the Koenig Monster is still
 nearby. He frowns, asking, <"Ranka!? Why are you still here? Canaria, get out
 of here...">

        That won't be easy though, not with the Vajra swarming up out of the
 tunnels in a frenzy. Surely they'd be able to catch up to the lumbering

        And then Ranka starts singing again. She's determined not to give up...
 But as much as Alto wants to believe in her, this situation...

        Beneath Alto's flight suit, the crystal hanging from his neck softly
 glows unseen.

        Alto can feel some of the terror of the situation fading...


        The Messiah comes to a stop, spinning around in the air to face down
 towards the various tunnel entrances below. Already the Vajra are beginning to
 follow out of them. Alto calls out, <"Everyone, get out of there and seal the
 entrances! If we can't kill them all then we'll bury them!">

        Alto activates the missile targeting system again, this time not only
 locking on to all the Vajra rushing out into his view, but he also starts
 tagging the tunnel entrances, only avoiding those that others on the team are
 still escaping from.

        Alto presses the trigger.

        All of the Messiah's FAST Pack micro-missile launchers open this time.
 Dozens of small missiles rush outwards, smoke trails blossoming behind them.
 They dance through the air, some weaving their way towards the Vajra that are
 heading up towards the Messiah and the Monster. Others close in towards the
 tunnel openings, trying to explode inside and around them, breaking apart the
 rock and causing cave-ins to fill the tunnels in at least part way.

KTS: Alto Saotome has activated the Valor Spirit Command.
KTS: Alto Saotome has activated the Valor Spirit Command.
KTS: Alto Saotome has activated the Strike Spirit Command.
KTS: Alto Saotome has activated the Strike Spirit Command.
KTS: Alto Saotome targets Kaiju Navi with CIMM-3A Micro-missile Launchers Swarm
KTS: Kaiju Navi fails to react to Alto Saotome's CIMM-3A Micro-missile
 Launchers Swarm Barrage!
KTS: Kaiju Navi's Physical Wall L1 activates, negating 1000 base damage.
KTS: Best Defense! Kaiju Navi successfully reacts to Alto Saotome's CIMM-3A
 Micro-missile Launchers Swarm Barrage, taking 3564 damage!
KTS: Serinas Nikola fails to engage evade against Kaiju Navi's Vajra Armored
 Claws Sharpened Crush!
KTS: Critical Hit! Serinas Nikola poorly reacts to Kaiju Navi's Vajra Armored
 Claws Sharpened Crush, taking 6480 damage!
KTS: [Dynamic Hit] Kaiju Navi's Ace Attacker activates, causing Insight L1!
KTS: [Dynamic Hit] Kaiju Navi's Defiance activates, causing Sparkle!
<Pose Tracker> Kaworu Nagisa has posed.

        Isolation... Yes. This time, this city will be polluted by 2000 light
 years of rain. That is its final destiny.
        But Sheryl Nome isn't here to sing of such things. It's Ranka Lee here
 instead, who insists on Canaria bringing her back to the battlefield, who
 insists on raising her voice again to interfere with the Vajra. The change is
 palpable, visible and audible to anyone who looks and hears. Kaworu's smile is
 gone entirely now. Even so, he will not let Ranka's efforts go to waste.
        As the Heavy Soldier struggles to free itself, three more of its
 compatriots rush in to attack, claws slashing towards Unit Beta. The closed
 quarters mean Unit Beta can only continue to hold her ground, and while her
 A.T. Field mitigates some of the attack, there are many of them coming in from
 multiple angles cleaving into her armor.
        Still, Unit Beta is far from the worst off. Lucine and the Dianthus are
 having a terrible time. Kaworu can only leave her to Liam--but he knows that
 Liam would stop at nothing to keep her from harm, so there's no need to fear.
        Alto issues orders to the group, telling them to get out and seal the
 entrances so they can bury the Vajra. It's a sensible course of action, so
 Kaworu transmits back, <"Understood. Ranka wants us all to leave here alive.">
        To honor her wishes is what he's here to do, so he'll do precisely
 that. Guiding Unit Beta backwards, Kaworu provides cover for the others to the
 extent that they're willing to accept. Shimmering radiance follows Unit Beta,
 the expression of the light of her heart, to act as that cover.
        Once everyone has gotten closer to the exit, that light shoots back
 into the tunnels and twists, shearing down volcanic rock in its wake. It
 may shear into the Vajra too, just before joining in with the others' missiles
 and beams and whatnot to collapse those tunnels--though, helpfully and perhaps
 noteworthy considering it would seem to defy logic and physics, that collapse
 won't happen until after Alto and everyone have fully retreated.

KTS: Kaworu Nagisa has activated the Enable Spirit Command.
KTS: Kaworu Nagisa has activated the Attune Spirit Command.
KTS: Kaworu Nagisa targets Kaiju Navi with Longing!
<Pose Tracker> Serinas Nikola has posed.

        Why do they keep trying to squish her?! What is this strange, bug
 obsession with squishing peop-- oh. In the alternate timeline where her mother
 became a pilot instead, Lani would have to agree that that is kind of fair.
 But this isn't that timeline, and Serinas isn't the type to make jokes like
 that at death's door.

        Neither of them would extend any fairness or kindness to the Vajra.

        Serinas dives to the side but again the Vajra is faster than she ever
 expected, claws coming down with a terrible CRACK. The cowl and the top of the
 'shoulders' are crunched in, and the Queadluun-Rhea's 'mask' is broken
 through, pieces falling apart and revealing Serinas's head, curled forward so
 the claw is stopped feet away from her skull by modern engineering.

        Serinas remembers piloting Queadluun-Raus in the belt, while she was
 learning. Has seen some accidents where another pilot crashed into an asteroid
 or industial equipment, none fatal thank goodness, but she knows how resilient
 they are, and if she'd been in one of those, she would be paste now.

        Thank goodness for technology. And human engineers prioritizing the
 life of pilots.

        Her machine ducks and jukes to the side, Serinas staring up at the bug
 in shock, turning to anger.

        Kill, kill, kill! She's fighting for her life, now!

        There's no time to think, only to escape, and kill anything that
 absolutely prevents that.

        Once she's out, a swarm of high-maneuverability micro-missiles assists
 Alto's in collapsing the entrances!

<Pose Tracker> Lucine Azul has posed.

        Bio-bullets rip the air.

        Lucine tries to evade, complimenting Liam's Dilanza Sol's own
 movements, but despite her smaller size, the tighter quarters leave little
 room for the the Dianthus to effectively avoid the complete spread of

        The Dianthus sparks and crashes onto the cave wall floor. The angle the
 Dianthus is at makes it awkward to stay in her seat, but she doesn't unbuckle
 herself just yet. The ground outside is thankfully not magma, but it is
 swarming with Vajra, so it's not that much safer to traverse on foot.

        < ".... It knocked my flight function. I'm a sitting duck here now." >
 The emergency lighting colors Lucine's face red. < "... Damn it... Liam, I'll
 need to rely on you or someone else to get out of here." >

        She's not panicking, because she knows she won't be left behind, and
 Liam's much larger Dilanza Sol is right there in case the Vajra come in to
 peel her right out. The frustration of having to be carried out still stings,

        She feels isolated, helpless. She can't hold her calm for much longer,
 trapped like this. Hitting her closed fist against the side arm of her cockpit
 seat, Lucine shuts her eyes, hearing the combat around her.


        < ".... Ranka..." > It's hard to effectively sense whatever part of
 Ranka's heart may be out there in the ether, but the heart in her song speaks
 for itself, at least, to Lucine. She has no idea why Ranka stopped, or if it's
 more her nerves and paranoia talking than an actual reason to be worried.

        Alto gives the orders to withdraw. It may not be under her own power,
 but Lucine, hearing Ranka's song, feels some connection again.

        Kaworu is right. < ".... Alright. Please, be careful, Skull-4." >

KTS: Kaiju Navi fails to react to Kaworu Nagisa's Longing!
KTS: Best Defense! Kaiju Navi successfully reacts to Kaworu Nagisa's Longing,
 taking 4875 damage!
KTS: Serinas Nikola has activated the Alert Spirit Command.
KTS: Serinas Nikola has activated the Alert Spirit Command.
KTS: Serinas Nikola targets Kaiju Navi with High-Maneuverability Missiles Itano
KTS: Kaiju Navi fails to engage intercept against Serinas Nikola's
 High-Maneuverability Missiles Itano Circus!
KTS: Kaiju Navi's Physical Wall L1 activates, negating 1000 base damage.
KTS: Kaiju Navi successfully reacts to Serinas Nikola's High-Maneuverability
 Missiles Itano Circus, taking 4560 damage!

<Pose Tracker> Rose Tritten has posed.

Like the rain from a pouring typhoon, the swarming fire hails down on the trio,
 burning into the servos and pistons while drilling into the armour paneling
 and beginning to make the ZAKU's resemble a trio of colanders. They continue
 to retreat, hurling waist armour mounted grenades and spraying beam fire into
 the advancing horde. Rose's trigger finger starts to burn like the barrel tips
 of their beam machine guns.

Then, Ranka's song begins to play again. Will they at the very least, get out

The three continue to wage a fighting retreat, grinding their way back towards
 an exit. As they exit, the girls give one final burst of fire.

KTS: Rose Tritten has activated the Strike Spirit Command.
KTS: Rose Tritten targets Kaiju Navi with Formation Attack Pattern Epsilon!
<Pose Tracker> Liam 7-020 has posed.

        Another spray of fire rips through the cavern. The Dilanza Sol fires
 its jets and jukes to the side. Only Liam's hair-trigger reflexes keep it from
 being sliced to pieces from the hail of bio-bullet fire. Armor shreds off its
 right arm, leg, and side, revealing the superstructure beneath. It lands with
 a heavy crunch as one of the leg servos gives out. Warnings blare in the
 cockpit, bathing Liam in red light. He takes a deep breath, and refocuses--

        Lucine, Liam thinks, horror spiking through his mind. He watches the
 Dianthus take that hit, lost for a moment in awful uncertainty. The smaller
 machine comes to an awkward, violent stop against the wall, and the Dilanza
 Sol reaches for it, trying to hoist it up with its left hand.

        "<I've got you, Lu," he says, as the bigger Mobile Suit manages to
 sling the smaller one over its forearm. It's undignified. But it's the best he
 can do with one functional arm. The Dilanza spins about, and Liam hits the
 jets. Its missile launchers swivel partway, targeting the Vajra coming at them
 from the sides. "<Understood, Skull-4. Clearing out with Dianthus in tow.>"
 Ranka's singing again. Liam never thought he'd be grateful to hear that
 jingoistic garbage, but here he is. A moment later, missiles streak into the
 cavern, peppering the enemy with fire.

KTS: Liam 7-020 has activated the Strike Spirit Command.
KTS: Liam 7-020 targets Kaiju Navi with Split Missile!
KTS: Liam 7-020's Tactical Intelligence activates Focus!
KTS: Kaiju Navi fails to engage evade against Rose Tritten's Formation Attack
 Pattern Epsilon!
KTS: Kaiju Navi's Beam Wall L2 activates, negating 2000 base damage.
KTS: Best Defense! Kaiju Navi successfully reacts to Rose Tritten's Formation
 Attack Pattern Epsilon, taking 2916 damage!
KTS: Kaiju Navi fails to engage intercept against Liam 7-020's Split Missile!
KTS: Kaiju Navi's Physical Wall L1 activates, negating 1000 base damage.
KTS: Best Defense! Kaiju Navi successfully reacts to Liam 7-020's Split
 Missile, taking 2250 damage!
<Pose Tracker> Kaiju Navi has posed.

Shinn lets out a powerful ship weapon, as is Shinn's way. Even through their
 beam resistance, this one splats an individual Vajra, powerful enough that
 it simply deletes the enemy outright.

But three more take its place.

Alto calls the retreat. dozens of missiles start to collapse the caverns, and
 while indidivudally few hit the Vajra, the tunnels start coming down all
 right. But there's still la matter of escaping.

Kaowru shoots that light into the tunnels, and indeed, someone will notice
 that way that that force doesn't start collapsing the tunnel until the right

Serinas is in trouble, but her missiles rock the entrances even more.
 Everything shakes. And she kills.

Lucine can't know all the details... But she has friends to help her. And the
 Rose trio keep blasting away until they're free. Finally, Liam pulls out the
 Dianthus, and his missiles impact the cavern. Everything shakes harder. The
 world is stone and sky and earth and dirt and explosions--

...And the screeching is gone. It stops, as rapidly as it began, and Ranka's
 song is audible to many.

The Vajra are buried underground, and they do not appear to be escaping.

...But what happened...?

KTS: Kaiju Navi's Vajra Heavy Soldier has been disabled.
<Pose Tracker> Alto Saotome has posed.

        Watching the last moments of the battle play out, Grace is enthused by
 Ranka's ability to start turning the tables at the end. It shows that her
 strength has grown. A strength that Grace needs her to have.

        However, it seems this is the end of the experiment as Grace says, "I
 think that is enough for now. It wouldn't do to kill them before they've
 fulfilled their part in all this." She closes the logs on the scientific data
 she had been gathering. It's looking promising.

        Grace turns to face Elisa, a smile on her face as she bows her head in
 thanks, "Thank you for your efforts today, Doctor Kafim. I'm certain this
 confirms the validity of the prototype. The base unit is already prepared,
 which means we just need to make the alterations to the system at the
 appropriate time."

        Grace spins around, starting to walk back to her Variable Fighter. On
 the way she says in farewell, "I look forward to working with you in the
 future, Doctor."

        For as long as it suits her needs.

<Pose Tracker> Kaiju Navi has posed.

"My," Elisa Kafim says as she notices Grace's enthusiasm and Ranka's rally. "I
 knew that girl was special." A smile, at Grace. Elisa has the normal amount
 of teeth. "Yes, that's sufficient for my needs, as well."

A pause. "You're welcome. You provided me with an interesting pitch..."

Elisa rises to see her guest off. "And I you," she answers Grace.

For so long as it remains more interesting than the alternative.

<Pose Tracker> Ranka Lee has posed.

"<Excuse me, but you all were getting killed out there!>" Carnaria replies back
 to Alto readily, "<If there was even a chance she could salvage this...>"

Well it's worth risking Ozma being pissed at her, the two go back, at least -
 enough that he won't give her too much shit.

Ranka sings, and- the tunnels start collapsing... and just as abruptly as it
 began, it stops.

Ranka gasps, then shivers within her seat. "What was that?" She whispers,
 genuinely disturbed.

"Everyone... okay?" She asks Carnaria who looks at her, "You're obviously not.
  We're having you checked out the moment you're back."

Ranka takes a deep breath and just nods in acquiescence, leaning back, and not
 telling Carnaria that the biggest relief she's ever known is that... she can
 hear her.

<Pose Tracker> Serinas Nikola has posed.

        The song came back.

        Serinas wasn't focused on it, but unconsciously she heard it, and it
 resonated with her.

        They are victorious, even if by the skin of their teeth.

        She turns around, flying backwards as she watches the tunnel recede
 into the distance. No Vajra come forth.

        <"Is Ranka okay...?!">

<Pose Tracker> Shinn Asuka has posed.

Shinn takes a deep breath as the battlefield goes quiet. He reclines on his
 chair, just basking in the stillness after all those bugs swarmed them just
 moments ago. Maybe he should leave the bug hunts to the professionals...Then
 again, it seemed to take a lot out of the people here. He sighs, finally
 getting his mind clear. <"Is the Idol doing ok?"> He sounds concerned for
 someone who doesn't really know many people here.

For now, he just waits for the order to be recalled.

<Pose Tracker> Alto Saotome has posed.

        Alto holds his breath for a moment as he waits, watching the tunnels
 collapsing in...



        No Vajra come blasting out to chase them. Is that enough? Are they in
 the clear?

        Alto finally lets out the breath he had been holding.

        <"Let's not stick around... Just in case they decide to dig themselves

        The Messiah quickly switches over to fighter mode, accelerating and
 swinging around to fly into formation with the Monster. As he does so, Alto
 counters to Canaria, <"Hey! I was doing just fine."> The scorchmarks on his
 VF's armor say otherwise.

        Still, Alto says, <"... Thanks, Ranka."> He's hoping she's alright

        Though what happened?

<Pose Tracker> Lucine Azul has posed.

        Lucine places her frustration at her helplessness aside. Liam's feeling
 just as much, she knows for certain.

        The Dianthus is like a limp doll in the Dilanza's grip, but its cockpit
 holds firm and solid, protecting the pilot from doing the same inside. So,
 when Lucine's voice cracks through on the com sounding hale and healthy, if
 shaken, it may feel like it's coming from another place entirely as Liam
 departs with his girlfriend in tow. < ".... Thank you, Liam. .... I'm sorry, I
 wasn't careful enough this time." >

        She doesn't mind the way the Dianthus is being held, at least. Just as
 long as she's not being held upside down.


        Outside, everyone is whole and accounted for, damaged units aside. <
 ".... Just... what was all that? I felt something shift just moments before
 all hell broke loose... but I couldn't sense exactly what. Was it because
 Ranka's song cut out?" > Lucine's not ready to rule out Ranka being injured
 somehow, but she also wants to believe the cause was something mundane. <
 ".... Or was it the cause of Ranka's song cutting out..." > She lets out a
 breath, slipping her helmet off and holding it loosely with one hand, as the
 Dianthus still drapes in the Dilanza Sol's forearm. < "... Either way... does
 Ranka know we all got out okay? I'm not sure if she's even able to hear our
 comms." >

         It'd be a shame if she felt isolated from the very pilots she wanted
 to help, after all.

<Pose Tracker> Liam 7-020 has posed.

        The Dilanza Sol joins the rear of the formation, the Dianthus draped
 over one arm and balanced carefully by the other. "<I'm just glad you're all
 right,>" Liam says. Heavily damaged, and listing to one side, his machine is
 in no shape for atmospheric flight. "<I'll hail the transport for pickup,
 Kaworu.>" A moment later, a second transmission patches through to the

        "<She sounded like she was in agony. Is she even okay in there?>"

<Pose Tracker> Serinas Nikola has posed.

        Serinas stops to watch over those waiting for pickup. Just in case.
 Worst comes to worst, they can bail out and she'll fly the pilots to safety.
 "They seemed tougher that time." Serinas notes. She turns and looks at the
 crunched shoulder armor on her machine. "...Stronger, too. Perhaps they're

        "And yeah," she looks around for... she's not sure who is able to relay
 this, <"Is she okay?">