2024-07-17: An Electrifying Scheme

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  • Log: 2024-07-17- An Electrifying Scheme
  • Cast: Milly Ashford, Julia Ampere
  • Where: Britannia - Small Cafe
  • OOC - IC Date: 0099-07-17
  • Summary: With the school semester out, Milly follows up with Julia again. After a somewhat disastrous, high-coordination first operation, she's been encouraged to keep tabs on something else entirely for the Prince... which suits her just as well, since she happens to like the people this puts her around.

<Pose Tracker> Milly Ashford has posed.

It hasn't been nearly as long since the last time Milly reached out to Julia that she's now done so again; with Asticassia's term out, it's suddenly much stranger for Milly to be seen in the vicinity of Grassley House on a regular basis. That's led to...

... some reorganizing.

All of that has brought Milly to a cafe in Britannia to meet with a friend.

"... And that's why it's actually better for both of us," Milly explains, "if you... lose, the numbers, of any of my previously-discussed friends-of-friends." Milly's explanation has been... discreet to the point of not explaining anything and going in a circle twice, which is a surefire indication that she can't-or-won't talk about the actual nature of the situation.

"But the good news," she says, her glossy lips turning up in a smile for the first time since her arrival, "is that this means I have more free time for different extracurriculars." Reporting to one person (well, two people) instead of serving as a tactical forecaster and communications conduit... it's not a bad fit for her in a lot of ways. In some ways, it even feels familiar, in a pleasant way.

With all the preamble out of the way, Milly asks, brightly, "So! How can I help you?" She finally takes a long sip of her tea.

<Pose Tracker> Julia Ampere has posed.

Reorganizing means changing things up. And that's fine - Julia of all people knows that, sometimes, part of planning is knowing when to adjust or change course on those plans.

"Understood, of course. I'll think nothing of it! You can consider them banished back into the digital ether." Julia replies with a nod of understanding. She's noticed the discretion, of course, and the circular talk - the fact that their conversation has had so little in the way of concrete details is significant enough. Out of respect for Milly, she won't pursue that any further, even though she's so very curious about it.

Still, good news! Milly smiles, and Julia smiles, too, as she relays that. More free time... that is good for the both of them. Julia steeples her fingers thoughtfully.

"Well! That is good news." Julia remarks. "I'll admit, I'd gotten used to your assistance. You'll be very welcome, of course, dear."

But the question is out there - how can she help her?

"Well, I could use some help coming up with my next scheme." Julia considers.

<Pose Tracker> Milly Ashford has posed.

"Perfect," Milly says, nodding. "I think we're on the right track for something exciting." She takes another long sip. Her expression seems a little softer, at least -- maybe this is all working out for the best, after all. She scoots forward a little; the next part will require a little more discretion if they're going to discuss it right here in the Britannian capital in semi-public, but that's fine.

Milly looks thoughtful as Julia says that she could use help coming up with her next scheme. In some ways, such a topic is intimidating -- the boldness Julia brings to the table in this particular milieu means the sky's the limit as far as schemes go. "Hmm..."

Tapping her finger against a biscuit, Milly glances up and to the side. "Well, art acquisitions are always a classic option." Her voice dips a touch lower. "I know there's a famous painting of Zeus in an art museum in Euro Britannia..."

<Pose Tracker> Julia Ampere has posed.

"Perfect!" Julia agrees with a nod of her own. She notes Milly's softer expression. That's a good sign, she thinks. Milly scoots closer for discrete conversation, and Julia follows her lead. Best to be subtle about things, after all - they don't want to broadcast their plans to the world.

...Not yet, after all. And certainly not without the proper theatrics to accompany it! No, that wouldn't do at all. Besides, it's rather thrilling to discuss their schemes right under Britannia's nose.

And, Milly has a remarkable idea, indeed.

"Art acquisition, hm? It's true I haven't really dipped my toes into that particular venture." Julia considers, tapping her chin thoughtfully. "Zeus, you say? Now, there's an idea... thematically appropriate, and with enough challenge to make it exciting... Yes, that is a good thought."

<Pose Tracker> Milly Ashford has posed.

Some things about this arrangement still loom large over Milly -- but she can set those aside for the moment. She has more interesting things to discuss.

"Oh, I'm glad. I think it's important to have some tasteful decorations," she muses, as she thinks about it. "... And that certainly doesn't have to be the only thing we pick up while we're there. I'm sure that the power grid will be fairly robust in a museum district."

They seem like they have at least the outline of a plan -- so for now Milly decides to set planning aside. Getting too into it in a public forum like this is risky, even if taking on a little of that risk is kind of fun.

"Is there anything you'd like to try for long-term?" she asks, curious. "This is a good short-term option, but I wonder if you need to start building to something..."

<Pose Tracker> Julia Ampere has posed.

"Of course." Julia nods wisely. What respectable, world-renowned thief doesn't furnish their lair appropriately? "True... And certainly, that would be a good first step. Drain the power to disable museum security and obfuscate our movements..."

She 'hmm's to herself thoughtfully, and it's clear that this has already gotten her mind working on ways they could pull it off. But Milly changes the topic, and Julia's distracted enough that it causes her to hesitate for a second. Long-term goals...

"Hmm... To be honest..." Julia admits, hesitating just a little. She could try to obfuscate it in her usual way, but... they've known each other longer enough that Milly is likely to see right through it. Real honesty is rare for her, so it takes a moment. "I've never quite been particularly good at long-term planning."

She drums her fingers at the table for a moment.

"I make schemes day by day, and that's always seemed... good enough. Thinking long term, is... Hm. It's different." She concludes. She hasn't had much reason to... or, maybe she's just been avoiding it.

<Pose Tracker> Milly Ashford has posed.

Milly's eyes momentarily widen in surprise as Julia suggests draining the power for practical reasons -- an angle Milly hadn't considered. (It's the result, perhaps, of having lived in areas where power restoration was a high priority all her life -- that type of infrastructure-cutting has never had an effect on her outside of a true-blue crisis situation, so it's hard for her to imagine that sort of thing in smaller doses.)

Besides -- she has something more interesting to sink her teeth into, something that's always been her favorite thing to sink her teeth into: another person!

"... I really can't say I'm that much better," Milly admits, after taking some time to think Julia's answer over. "I usually just chase the first thing that draws my attention." ... Some vague, uneasy feeling settles in her gut for a few moments.

She promptly ignores it, instead saying, "I don't mind the day-by-day, though. I was just curious~."

<Pose Tracker> Julia Ampere has posed.

Milly looks... surprised! Julia isn't sure if that's because Milly hadn't thought of it, or because she thought of it. Julia takes it in stride, though. They can come back to the topic at a later time. For now... Milly admits that she's not much better, in that regard. Julia offers her a small smile.

"Mm. Well, perhaps that's why we both get along so well." Julia replies. They're very similar, in that regard. But Milly ignores it and continues, and Julia laughs.

"Of course, of course. For now... it is enough, I think, to continue to spread the word of our exploits. And if we can line our pockets and save up some extra energy... all the better!" Julia agrees, more than happy to get right back on-script.

<Pose Tracker> Milly Ashford has posed.

Milly's always been good at kicking the next step over to future Milly to deal with. Perhaps that's what she's doing here, even.

Looking off out the window for a few moments, Milly thinks about their options. Spreading the word, hm? Notoriety -- is that her future? Master criminal and loving it? It's not what she expected coming out of high school, but then, rarely do people build the lives they expect...

"Do you mind if I stay at your place for a few days? I'm not really interested in going back to Georgia or Japan," and she does still say 'Japan,' at this point, even though she means Area 11, "so I need a few days to find another option. I don't mind if it turns out it's a hotel, but I could use the time to plan, at least. It'd give us an opportunity to draw some things up, too."

<Pose Tracker> Julia Ampere has posed.

Milly asks if she can stay at her place, and Julia smiles.

"Of course, dear. I've said it before, haven't I? You're always welcome." Julia assures. "I have no intention of turning you away if there are places you'd rather not be - stay as long as you like."

She won't pry into the 'why' - that's Milly's business, not hers. It's enough that she feels comfortable asking.

"Indeed - that would be a good opportunity, at that. The perfect opportunity to plan the most magnificent event that museum will ever see." She says, raising her glass. ...Even if it is mostly empty, by this point. It's the thought that counts.

<Pose Tracker> Milly Ashford has posed.

... all things being equal, Milly would still rather avoid her mother. Ever since the sale of the Ashford Foundation assets, she's been avoiding her grandfather, too. It's a little embarrassing to say that, though, so she elects instead to just smile and say, "Thank you." ... She does feel like she should go grocery shopping before she arrives, though.

... that thought, in turn, leads her to another one -- but she doesn't voice it just yet. Raising her cup to Julia's before taking another sip of tea, she agrees, "Here's to a magnificent event!"

... now she has the real question, though. "... Do you want me to teach you how to cook while I'm here?" she asks, with a smile. "I knocked Home Economics out of the park at Ashford... The Ring has a lot of restaurants, which is nice, but I've sort of missed cooking."

<Pose Tracker> Julia Ampere has posed.

"Of course." Julia replies with a nod - and looks pleased, as Milly returns the toast. But here, now that she's let down her guard... Milly has a real question, that breaks through her facade.

Teaching her how to cook... Julia looks surprised for a moment, pausing briefly, and looks away, looking briefly embarrassed for a moment. It's a simple question, but to be asked that by someone much younger... But, it doesn't seem like she's trying to, either. She wrestles with that for a moment.

"Ah, that would be..." She starts, tapping her fingers against her glass awkwardly. She thinks about it. But eventually... "I think, that would be... good, perhaps. Thank you."

<Pose Tracker> Milly Ashford has posed.

The vulnerability that question brings out of Julia is another surprise -- though those surprises have become smaller and smaller in the long time that Julia and Milly have known one another. "If nothing else, you could eventually teach the Electrocrawlers how to do it," Milly says. A legion of robot chefs...that actually does sound fun.

Milly pulls out her phone, saying, "In that case, I'm going to tell my mother I have no plans of coming over summer vacation," with a small smile. "We'll see how she takes it, though I'm not that worried."

One text later, she slowly turns the volume on her phone off. Downing the rest of her tea, she asks, "So -- is there anything you want to do in the city before we head back?" It's going to be a decently long set of train rides -- best not to forget anything.

<Pose Tracker> Julia Ampere has posed.

Milly makes a suggestion and Julia smirks, just slightly.

"I suppose that would be a good use of their capabilities, isn't it? Their many arms would no doubt prove rather useful in the kitchen." Julia considers. It's an idea.

As Milly pulls out her phone, though, Julia offers her a sympathetic look.

"Ah, good luck." She replies. But if Milly isn't worried, then they should be fine. Having already finished off her own drink, Julia considers Milly's question.

"Hmm... There were a couple of places I wanted to look into... Shall we take another look around the city before heading back?" Julia suggests.

<Pose Tracker> Milly Ashford has posed.

Milly nods, and puts her phone away. "That sounds great. I could definitely stand to shop for clothes, myself... it's been a while."

She collects her things, and after leaving a few dollars and a generous tip, she gets ready to head out into the city with Julia. ... It's an odd friendship, but it's turned out to be a durable one...