2023-01-22: Project Cerberus

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<Pose Tracker> Treize Khushrenada has posed.

        A little over an hour ago it appeared, the battleship that had been built by the hands of the poor ZAFT people who were taken prisoner during the occupation. Having launched from the colony radiating more Minovsky particles then an entire fleet of battleships and throwing comms and sensors out of whack. Unfortunately while this launch of such a powerful beast of a ship did succeed, it happened in the middle of an attempt to take back the PLANT colony. It was rushed, and after releasing a rather large, point making blast across the battlefield, decimating allies and enemies alike the battleship had problems and forcing a momentary retreat of those wishing to steal back the colony.

        That is why it has been sitting, parked in front of the plant colony for as long as it has been. That and its commander was still in the PLANT colony. An unexpected guest had appeared and after a gunshot was heard the commander had made his way to a transport shuttle to move to the Cerberus.

         Finally though the Cerberus was ready to move, as Commander Thompson walked onto the bridge of the Cerberus, " I see we are finally able to move out. Please begin the relay network to inform our Blue friends that we will rendezvous with them en route. Also you can pass along to Colonel Khushrenada that if he wants any credit for any of this, he better provide us with some of those Taurus carriers." The commander then looks out towards the stars ahead of him.

        With a disgusting grin on his face he gives his order, " Set course for the next PLANT Colony, lets turn every one of these wanna be humans into space dust." The Cerberus begins to slowly rotate and begin its slow pace toward its next target.

<Pose Tracker> Mobile Weapon Team has posed.

        A little over an hour ago it appeared, the battleship that had been built by the hands of the poor ZAFT people who were taken prisoner during the occupation. Having launched from the colony radiating more Minovsky particles then an entire fleet of battleships and throwing comms and sensors out of whack. Unfortunately while this launch of such a powerful beast of a ship did succeed, it happened in the middle of an attempt to take back the PLANT colony. It was rushed, and after releasing a rather large, point making blast across the battlefield, decimating allies and enemies alike the battleship had problems and forcing a momentary retreat of those wishing to steal back the colony.

        That is why it has been sitting, parked in front of the plant colony for as long as it has been. That and its commander was still in the PLANT colony. An unexpected guest had appeared and after a gunshot was heard the commander had made his way to a transport shuttle to move to the Cerberus.

         Finally though the Cerberus was ready to move, as Commander Thompson walked onto the bridge of the Cerberus, " I see we are finally able to move out. Please begin the relay network to inform our Blue friends that we will rendezvous with them en route. Also you can pass along to Colonel Khushrenada that if he wants any credit for any of this, he better provide us with some of those Taurus carriers." The commander then looks out towards the stars ahead of him.

        With a disgusting grin on his face he gives his order, " Set course for the next PLANT Colony, lets turn every one of these wanna be humans into space dust." The Cerberus begins to slowly rotate and begin its slow pace toward its next target.
KTS: Mobile_Weapon_Team has deployed as a Boss for 5 opponents.

<Pose Tracker> Rau Le Creuset has posed.

        The white CGUE of Rau Le Creuset sits in the hangar of the Nazca-class vessel, Vesalius. It's looking rather damaged, having just finished going up against the Rabscuttle. A couple of hangar techs float up to the open cockpit hatch, expecting to find Rau himself inside and ready to give further orders. But instead they find it's empty...

        ... In the Vesalius's crew section, Rau barges into his personal quarters. He pushes himself over to his desk, quickly pulling one of the draws open. He's breathing heavily, grunting in pain. He fumbles at the container of pills inside the draw, messily causing a bunch to fall out and begin to float away. He grabs a couple and quickly downs them.

        After a few moments, his breathing gets under control and he starts to calm. That damned machine almost got him! He's losing his touch. He can't fall now... Not when he's so close!

        Rau activates the comm panel on his desk, "Ades! Prepare the Vesalius for frontline combat. I'll be taking command."

        The voice that filters through replies, "Yes, sir. And-"

        But Rau cuts him off impatiently, "JUST DO IT!"

        Ades's voice stammers out, "S-Sir, Chairman Zala is on the line for you."

        Rau takes a few moments to force himself to calm down, before pulling himself down into his chair and saying, "Put him through." The screen in Rau's desk flashes to life with the image of the PLANT Supreme Council Chairman, Patrick Zala. Rau greets him, "Chairman."

        Zala replies, "Commander. I hear you still haven't driven off the dogs snapping at our heels."

        Rau manages to maintain a calm composure as he replies, "I'm working on it. They've proven to be more resilient than we expected."

        Zala grows more demanding, "Don't delay! We can't allow them to maintain such a presence in the PLANTs for much longer. Not at this stage. It could jeopardize the plan! You need to drive them out. At all costs! Understand?"

        Rau once more bites down on a more venomous response, annoyed as he is by this interruption to state the damn obvious, "Of course. I'm just about to lead another assault. I'll make sure they're gone, one way or another."

        "Good. I didn't bring us this far, sacrifice so much, only to fail in the last moments. Get it done!" Zala's image vanishes. Rau squeezes the arm rest of his chair...

        ... But then leans back in it to take a moment to recover...


        Rau's head snaps to the side to look at the space beside his desk, "Who's there!?"

        ... There's no one.

        Rau rubs his temple... The pain must be getting to him. Or that damned winged Gundam's pilot is playing tricks on him.


        Rau enters the Vesalius's bridge. The man seated in the captain's chair, Captain Fredrik Ades, turns to look at him, "Sir, the fleet has regrouped and is ready for the next attack. The enemy vessel is beginning to move towards December Nine." He proceeds to stand from his chair, vacating it.

        Rau floats over to the chair, going to sit in it, "Good. Put me through to our forces." A comm opens up to the ZAFT and allied forces.

        <"No longer will we tolerate this trespassing on our homes. The deaths and mistreatment of those who rely on us to protect them. This very invasion into our souls as proud citizens of space! We will drive this Federation cancer from out territory now. No matter the cost! All forces, engage!">

        The atmosphere on the bridge becomes even more tense as the battle is renewed, Rau starting to order, "Thirty degrees to port, ten down. Target that enemy ship with the beam cannons and fire on my mark."

        As the ZAFT forces begin to push forward, the Vesalius begins to turn. The two large beam cannons on either side of its forward section begin to rotate, aiming towards that Cerberus prototype. As the two forces start to engage, beams, bullets and missiles flying everyone, Rau says, "Fire!" Two large green beams lance out from the cannons, slicing through space towards the newly constructed prototype.

<Pose Tracker> Leina Ashta has posed.

It was a tense regrouping after the Cerberus emerged. What kind of monster had G-Hound built with forced labor? Did they even leave the civilians of the PLANT alive afterwards?

Despite her efforts to focus on the situation, Leina found it... difficult. Because Banagher was still in rough shape, and had flown into battle in a heavily damaged Unicorn, citing a vision.

While Leina had a great deal of respect for Newtype intuition, and thus visions, she still found herself upset that he cast caution to the wind to come here. That he made things worse by activating the NT-D with a damaged Psycoframe.

While incensed, Banagher would certainly feel the underlying concern beneath it all.

"<This is Spade-7. Unfortunately the warship is still interfering with my instruments, so I'm unable to get a clear read on its capabilities.>"

Her tone was perfectly professional up until she switched it over to Banagher and it took on a certain heat, "You could have reached out! Communicated your vision to me that way!"

Then back to a general channel, calm, serene, utterly professional, "<Perhaps a few volunteers strike it from the aft. If we can cripple its engines then we might be able to halt its advance and prevent any rendezvous with potential reinforcements.>"

Then back to him and yep ANGRY again, "But coming yourself, it really shows you don't trust me do you!?"

Then back over to the general band - one would have no idea anything is wrong at all with how composed and dignified she sounds if one wasn't a Newtype, "<My Mobile Suit is equipped with a High Mega Cannon, assuming no significant surprises, a direct hit on the engines may expedite the process.>"

There's a pregnant pause, then she switches it back over to him as her anger reaches its crescendo, "And one more thing. When this is all over - your butt is going straight to Sweetwater! Don't believe for a second that Audrey and I aren't going to have words with you LATER!" One deep, calming breath is taken and it sounds like she's managed to deescalate herself, "But for now. I'm going to forget about that, we are both going to focus on the battle, and you are going to play it safe."

She listens to the speech, the moment the ZAFT Commander calls for the assault, is the moment she springs into action. "<Spade-7 - Commencing assault!>"

The aggressively pink and white Mass Produced Double Zeta takes off it's position, it's main thrusters burning bright as it tries to cut around to the Port Flank of the Cerberus, sinking lower and suddenly moving more erratically to try and give their gunners a hard time getting a bead on her, firing off a quick series of shots at several of the turrets near it's underbelly to test the waters as she moves towards the aft.

"... It's hard to believe that mercy is ever rewarded when you're fighting bigots like these..." She says to herself, a touch mournfully.

<Pose Tracker> Tieria Erde has posed.

         The Gundam Virtue takes its place near the back lines as it usually does. Tieria had his reservations about working with the Shuffle Alliance, but their goals were aligned and VEDA did not object, so he supposed it was out of his hands.

         "This is Virtue. I'm prepared to enter the fray at any time."

         The Virtue's GN Drives gave a faint hum, pretty much audible only to Tieria himself inside the cockpit. A soothing hum, as comforting to him as the sound of a heartbeat within the womb would be for humans.

<Pose Tracker> Banagher Links has posed.

Starlight surrounds the young pilot, as he soars above the battlefield. The joy of connection with his Gundam sustains him, despite his injuries and weariness. This is what piloting is meant to be like -- every moment, he's more united with the Unicorn.

"--reached out! Communicated your vision to me that way!"

Leina's voice, as ever, breaks through the NT-D's spell. Banagher blinks, feeling his consciousness fade back into his human form. Oh -- oh. He's still in a battle. An enormous ship is approaching, and his vision, of fire and horror... has yet to come to pass.

And Leina's angry.

Banagher winces. "Sorry, I'm -- sorry. I didn't--"

She's flipped to another channel, only to come back a moment later, just as furious.

"I'm sorry, Leina! It isn't that I don't trust you! I couldn't--" Banagher closes his eyes, the Unicorn flying back to the MP ZZ's side. "I couldn't let something like what happened to Industrial 7 happen here! I couldn't stay in bed, if there was any chance I might be able to prevent it!"

Banagher's a Newtype, and even he doesn't know how Leina's managing this back-and-forth. And invoking Audrey... He's doomed. There's no way he could survive Leina's wrath, but Audrey's too? Banagher slumps in his chair.

"Oooh." Haro intones, gravely. "Oooh..."

"Y--yeah." Banagher says, meekly. "I'll go. Whatever you want, love. For now, I'll hang back! Just -- please be careful yourself, as well."

Leina's machine moves forward, and the Unicorn follows, hanging back as her pilot promised. Scarlet light still shines from the Gundam, though it's flickering and dim. The damage the Beast of Possibility has endured is taking a toll. With practiced motions, she pulls out the beam magnum.

The second the Cerberus takes aim at Leina, Banagher will act. Until now, he's watching cautiously.

<Pose Tracker> Himeyuri Oono has posed.

The monster emerges, and Captain Oono stares at it. This is what Earthlings wasted lives ons? This ugly monstrosity? That's fine It's time to show them how they kill monsters.

"Michi!" Himeyuri shouts over the comms- "It's time!" In the cockpit of the Revernova, she flips up the covered lever, and grabs onto it. "Engaging hypermagnetic connectors!" Several explosive releases pop on the Revernova Otome, revealing anchor points, but for what? The ExAmac spreads its arms, and looks strangely vulnerable.

"Michiru I'm ready for you"

"Hime!" Michiru returns her shout, almost in unison. The concern from her voice is impossible to miss, for all but the most stubbornly, emotionally dense of people. "Engaging separation mechanism! Galaxia entering Core State!" Within the Gardnova, a similar lever, similarly shielded to prevent accidental use, is flipped open, clasped in a firm but gentle hand. Steam vents from the machines joints, as first its arms and legs detach Floating in place around the main body.

"Hime I'll come in slowly. Please brace yourself for connection."

Hime smiles gently in her cockpit. "I know you'll be gentle, Michi. Let's Gekiga-in!" She drives the lever forward with a click, and the anchor points spark with pink electricity. First it links to the Gardnova's legs, which wrap around and reconfigure into feet and leg armour, and the space only limbs of the Otome can go anywhere.

The Galaxia's arms are next, spiraling up and around, the massive blue shield claws of the Gardnova connect under the big thrusters of the Revernova, and cross over the floral pink of the smaller unit's chest. The shoulder armour locks into place.

All four arms open as the Core State of the Galaxia shifts, the cockpit and head repositioning. The Revernova's chest opens- the Galaxia turns to become a chestplate, the electromagnets pull-

And the systems link, and their IFS open to each other.

"I can feel you, Michiru!"

"I've never felt so close to you, Hime!"

The weapons of the two reconfigure, the massive gravity sniper rifle of the Otome linking to the Galaxia's systems, combining the power of two phase transition engines. The repulsion shield to a force sword, the pepperbox needle gun merging the Galaxy's net generator.

The fused cockpits drop together, and Himeyuri's seat lines up behind Michiru's. "...Combination successful! Transferring full control!" This feels good. Right. "My maiden's heart is in your hands!"

The forward section where Michiru sits lights up, displaying full systems control before her. "And my burning soul shall defend it from all harm!" Both hands take their control positions, as the fused sword is taken hold of, held forward in a pose known and feared by all who oppose a heart of justice.

And finally, as this new machine stands triumphant, their voices echo out in perfect harmony! "Two hearts and souls, beating as one. With the advent of our union, no villain holds any hope of victory!"

Michi's spirit is infectious, and Himeyuri opens her comms. "<Allies of justice Now is the time to prove our mettle! Go! Slay this horrid Kyo'akk mechamonster!>"

BGM: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3h9_bnr-8yM
KTS: Michiru Tenjou has deployed in bEXM-28+29-GT-R Evergard Novagalaxy.

KTS: Himeyuri Oono has deployed as a Sub Pilot for Michiru Tenjou!
KTS: Himeyuri Oono targets Michiru Tenjou, Leina Ashta, and Banagher Links with Awe.
KTS: Himeyuri Oono has completed their actions for the round.
KTS: Leina Ashta targets Mobile Weapon Team with MP ZZ Single-Barrel Beam Rifle Snap Shot!
KTS: Leina Ashta has completed their actions for the round.
KTS: Himeyuri Oono inspires awe, increasing Michiru Tenjou's Morale!
<Pose Tracker> Ujico Issa has posed.

        Their peace accord has held. Ujico was sure it would - after all, the crew of the Ptolomaios can follow orders, and she certainly doesn't go around committing the kind of things Leina Ashta had brought up at the summit. She's been waiting patiently for a chance to help.

        Ujico will prove that Celestial Being exists to bring peace, by being on her best behavior.

        The Palisade is a monster of a mobile suit, vaguely humanoid in shape but not in posture. It runs like an animal on all fours, and in low-gravity environments it lopes along in a lazy-seeming thruster-aided gallop. It is large, and shiny black with silver spikes and pinkish-red panel lines picking out the details. (It also has rabbit ear-like fins at either side of the elongated head, and some weird-looking equipment jutting from its upper back.)

        She opens a private line to Tieria, at the rear of their formation. Her face is hidden behind her cat-eared helmet. "..." Oh no, she doesn't know what to say... "Good luck out there," Ujico decides on that, and closes the line before taking off.

        A new frequency this time, keyed to the entire strike team through a voice changer. "This is Palisade. Engaging!"

        Taking Leina's 'request' for a volunteer, Ujico ignites her thrusters and charges for the rear of the ship, Incomms launching from hatches in the shoulders to send a few testing shots.

<Pose Tracker> Michiru Tenjou has posed.

Now with full control and no end of information spinning through her mind, Michiru gives a near-instant scan over the Novagalaxy's armaments. Her heart is is strong, and her soul stronger. And with Hime's support, she feels capable of taking on anything.

With the distance between them and Cerberus, it only makes sense to begin with what she knows can reach. The blue defensor arms raise up, releasing their payload of stored missiles in a bombarding maneuver. Monsters like this always have one spot that's weaker than the rest. Once she finds it, they can strike true, and show this vile beast what a blade of justice is capable of.
KTS: Michiru Tenjou targets Mobile Weapon Team with Missile Fingers!
KTS: Michiru Tenjou has completed their actions for the round.
KTS: Mobile Weapon Team fails to react to Banagher Links's Pass, taking 0 damage!
KTS: Mobile Weapon Team successfully intercepts Michiru Tenjou's Missile Fingers

<Pose Tracker> Mobile Weapon Team has posed.

        "It appears the bugs have come out to play. All hands prepare for combat!" The Cerberus's weapons begin coming online as the bridge crew prepare to do what they need to do to survive. The Cerberus has rather thick armor and the attack from the ZZ and Virtue both seem to hit the heavy armor points, however it seems patchy. The Palisade and the Vesalius appear to find spots that are lacking in armor. It is almost as if someone did a rush job on installing the armor plating, patches here and there , and at the same time some of the armor is being used for structural support. It is obvious that this thing really needed a few more weeks in dry dock.

        The weapons though are a little more fine tuned, probably because they are stock weapons of the federation. Mostly stock federation weapons, the cannons mounted on each side of the battleship are more reminiscent to one other ship in the federation fleet, the Ra Mari. As if to prove that the weapons are fully functional the CIWs track the incoming missiles launched by the newly combined suit and remove them from existence before they impact.

        Many oddities are occuring but there is one more, a very odd thing on a battleship. It appears to be a EWAC Leo, flying across the battlefield carrying a white flag instead of a weapon. This lone Leo stops on the battlefield and begins to project a signal that seems to cut through the Minovsky particles enough to allow for everyone to hear this message. The sound of a rather nervous pilot, a bit young by the voice can be heard ,<"Colonel Khushrenada, regrets to inform Commander Thompson that request for support has been denied. Further, he points out that one should not be so flippant with the lives under ones command and if you had cared more you would have the men you wanted.">

        Commander Thompson's face is red as he looks at the Leo and then at the others before he marches over to the comm desk and grabs the microphone, <"You tell Khushrenada that the moment I am done with the PLANTs I am coming for him. As for the rest of you bugs I am going to destroy you, destroy this accursed colony and then go and destroy the next and the next till you no longer EXIST!"> Turning back he looks at the bridge officers who are a bit shocked, before the Commander starts yelling more, "Weellll, SHOOT THEM! Don't stop until they are scrap metal!"

        The Ceberus begins to open fire with its beam cannons on all those who stood against it, including that poor little Leo. Blast after blast as it can line up the shot trying to just end this quickly.
Escudo Shard teleports out.

<Pose Tracker> Rau Le Creuset has posed.

        "The enemy's cannons are targeting us!"

        "Down fifty, full burn!"

        The Cerberus's beams reach out through space, lancing towards the Vesalius. The Vesalius dives to try and avoid them, though failing do so much more than shift the impact point to sear across the top of the vessel's armor. Deep wounds are cut into it, sparks and bits of debris sheared off flying away.

        On the bridge, the sound of the energy ripping through the hull reverberates as a few sparks fly here and there. That thing packs a wallop. Rau attempts to return the favour, "We will not back down! Missile tubes one through four, nav grid delta five. Tubes five through eight, sigma three. Fire!"

        The Vesalius slowly rolls over, missiles tubes along its hull opening up. Two waves of missiles fly out, sweeping around in different directions before converging on the Cerberus from multiple angles.

KTS: Rau Le Creuset targets Mobile Weapon Team with Internal Missile Launcher Surgical Strike!
KTS: Rau Le Creuset has completed their actions for the round.

<Pose Tracker> Leina Ashta has posed.

As they rush into battle, Leina's cameras catch sight of the Galaxia combining with the Revernova. "Wow. ZAFT anime fandom is... intense. They're so committed!"

For a time Leina wonders if the two pilots are dating with how close they feel to each other.

Banagher at least seems to understand he messed up, which eases Leina's anger off, "I'll be careful, I promise. Just so long as you do that. Right now - if you're reckless, then I have to be even moreso to cover for you."

Leina catches sight of both the Celestial Being pilots' IFF signals and opens her comms, "<This is Spade-7 to Celestial Being. Appreciate the assistance. The reinforcements were very much needed.>"

Thompson comes over the comms, as does a messenger, and Leina... smirks, her theory appears correct, Khushrenada is clearing house with a rather messy divorce.

Still though, she hates that they're playing into his hands, but what choice do they have? Besides... if it gets Blue Cosmos out of G-Hound...

"<...It sounds like our timeline has been extended. Does it hurt Thompson - aren't you even the slightest bit ashamed to know that even your own allies have abandoned you because you're 'bad for business'?>"

It's beam cannons fire, and the Double Zeta pivots, suddenly zig zagging, as one beam of the barrage glances off of its flap like shield, and another lightly grazes the Double Zeta's leg.

"<When this is finished, you'll go down in history as just another Genocidal Maniac->"

Once there's an opening, the Double Zeta makes a break for its AFT, and missile after missile fires from the hardpoints from its turrets.

"<-a cautionary footnote, in the long list of men who were on the wrong side of it.>"

<Pose Tracker> Banagher Links has posed.

Michiru's voice comes through the comms, and Banagher squints. What?

"<Uh, thanks! I'll do my best!>" Banagher transmits back. Leina seems to be making connections with these... strange feeling women, so he's not getting in the way of that. "<Watch out for yourselves out here!>"

Banagher runs a hand through his hair, avoiding the metal arms of the NT-D. "<Best behavior, love, I promise.>"

Watching the odd little diplomatic meeting play out, Banagher keeps his hands steady on the beam magnum. Kushrenada... He remembers that name, from Leina's gala. Kushrenada is leaving this guy out to dry. At least there's some limits to G-Hound's cruelty.

A flash of malicious intent crosses Banagher's awareness, and he begins charging the beam magnum. "<Leina, this guy--!>"

The attack comes before Banagher can even finish warning his girlfriend. With a hissed breath, he guides the Unicorn as she darts out of the way. His head aches, but working with his Gundam is still such an improvement over trying to pilot with a concussion.

"<Your story ends here!>" Banagher calls to their enemy, even as the beam magnum opens fire, aiming for the Cerberus' turrets. "<Surrender, and you'll make it out of this!">

Beam after beam lances toward the ship, tearing through space.
KTS: Banagher Links has activated the Valor Spirit Command.
KTS: Banagher Links has activated the Strike Spirit Command.
KTS: Banagher Links targets Mobile Weapon Team with Beam Magnum Barrage!
KTS: Banagher Links has completed their actions for the round.
KTS: Mobile Weapon Team blocks Rau Le Creuset's Internal Missile Launcher Surgical Strike, taking 4359 damage!
KTS: Mobile Weapon Team partially guards Leina Ashta's MP ZZ Missile Pod Salvo, taking 2320 damage!
KTS: Mobile Weapon Team fails to react to Banagher Links's Beam Magnum Barrage, taking 6700 damage!

<Pose Tracker> Tieria Erde has posed.

         The cannonfire glances off of the Virtue's armor as Tieria begins to close in, engaging his barrier. He raises a brow as he notices the Shuffle forces. An MP Zeta and...that white Gundam. No, not THAT white Gundam, the other one. And the ZAFT forces doing some...poppycock. He almost wanted to turn tail right here. But, alas, the mission.

         "Indeed, Spade-7. Just don't get in our way."

         And with that, the Virtue's bazooka fires off several additional shots into the armor points.
KTS: Tieria Erde targets Mobile Weapon Team with GN Bazooka Rapid Fire!
KTS: Tieria Erde has completed their actions for the round.

<Pose Tracker> Ujico Issa has posed.

        Hands curled loosely around her secondary controls, Ujico cheers quietly ('woooo') at the sight of her energy beams carving into the ship's hull. It's another moment before she realizes what that means. Battleships aren't supposed to be made of tissue paper and spit. They're supposed to be really tough!

        A few possibilities stream through her mind, each more worrying than the last. 'It's a trap', 'it's a decoy and the actual enemy is somewhere nearby', 'it's a double trap and she isn't sure what that means but it's bad', and worst of all, '?????!'.

        "You're welcome. Uh... is it supposed to do that?" she asks her team, because Spade-7 had definitely seemed like the kind of person who would have answers to questions like that when she had grilled the Celestial Being delegates at the summit. "Like it's cheap?"

        But the Little Leo That Could and its very important message reveal a vital clue. "--Wait, they just... they're leaving this entire ship out to dry?"

        Because its captain attacked the PLANTS. Because he hates them.

        Her mouth forms a thin line, but the particle cannons are charging now, and Ujico doesn't have time to think - only move. Claws lit, Palisade takes a glancing shot as it rams into the Cerberus's hull and begins to dig through the armor plating.
KTS: Ujico Issa targets Mobile Weapon Team with Dig In!
KTS: EN Regen activates. Your new EN value is 56.
KTS: SP Regen activates. Your new SP value is 80.
KTS: Ujico Issa has completed their actions for the round.
KTS: Mobile Weapon Team blocks Ujico Issa's Dig In, taking 2400 damage!
KTS: Ujico Issa has engaged Mobile Weapon Team!

<Pose Tracker> Himeyuri Oono has posed.

        The missiles are shot down, and Hime lets out a frightened scream (Ep 33, 23:10-23:15) as the beam crashes against the the Evergard Novagalaxy's Armour. "Michi, activate the distortion field! I'm going to adjust the reactor output!" The calculations are manual, the rapid typing behind Michiru's head.

        This feels... more comfortable. Like being on the bridge for a woman makes sense, as a science officer. This is like Miss Nanako being at the lab, adjusting the Gekigan Wave Transmitter in times of peril. Right? But for Michi's sake, she will be the maiden.

        It sometimes bothers her that she created a weapon for a man and a woman to use together. It's so un-Jovian. But right now...

        "<History doesn't remember men who die pathetic deaths, 7-san! And what could be more pathetic than this? You don't even qualify as a man, Captain! You're a recycled monster, like in episode 28! Reused footage and inadequate recoloring! Even the most die hard history fan won't remember you!>"

        She looks forward. "I have a path through their guns, Michi! Let your Gekiganger spirit guide you!"
KTS: Himeyuri Oono has activated the Resupply Spirit Command targeting Michiru Tenjou
KTS: Himeyuri Oono has activated the Resupply Spirit Command targeting Michiru Tenjou
KTS: Himeyuri Oono has activated the Foresee Spirit Command targeting Michiru Tenjou
KTS: Himeyuri Oono targets Mobile Weapon Team with Shock!
KTS: Himeyuri Oono has completed their actions for the round.

<Pose Tracker> Michiru Tenjou has posed.

Within the Novagalaxy, Michiru gives a simple nod of her head as her missiles explode too soon. Each one shot away ahead of time. Not a problem, they're for feeling out a target and learning about their defenses. And that's exactly what they've done. It's perfect, really. Novagalaxy can move in now, pushing forward to bring the fight directly to the ship itself. "Hime. Incoming fire." A warning to brace herself, as she takes action to defend against the particle barrage. It's not a perfect defense, the change in armoring and positions are something to get used to... But not a single pessimistic thought enters her mind. No, Michiru has perfect confidence in their union, and the machines Hime gave life to. This system, that Michi feels so perfect within. As if she always belonged in this exact place. Working alongside her perfect partner.

Something Hime can feel from her right now... and those most in-tune to the hearts of others, can see it too. The absolute trust and devotion practically radiating from Michiru.

The Novagalaxy's hands grip firm upon its blade, weaving through the further salvos of fire sweeping over the battlefield, as per Hime's guidance and her own instinct. Operating as one. "Hime, keep watch on our reserves." It doesn't need to be said... and vocally it isn't. Right now their hearts are so in-tune, the direction simply flows between them.

They're close enough now, and as the Novagalaxy approaches the Cerberus from its bow, they veer off slightly to the left-hand side. To evade something? Heavens no. The fused machine swings out with the weapon of a hero, to carve a clean gash through a segment of the hull as she passes by! "<Indeed, not a soul shall recall your name! Your heart of ink and sludge has doomed you to naught but oblivion! Galaxy Style Opening Strike! Neat Split!>" No matter the time and place, Michiru simply isn't Michiru if she can't give every blow her heart and soul!
KTS: Michiru Tenjou targets Mobile Weapon Team with Neat Split!
KTS: Michiru Tenjou has completed their actions for the round.
KTS: Mobile Weapon Team fails to react to Michiru Tenjou's Neat Split, taking 3600 damage!
KTS: Michiru Tenjou has engaged Mobile Weapon Team!

<Pose Tracker> Mobile Weapon Team has posed.

        The battle commences, and that Little Leo That Could does it's best to get the hell out of dodge, even if it has to run away in a damaged Leo. It does manage to get away though as it exits the combat zone the poor private floats there breathing heavy and scared for his life. Yet somehow he lived.

        On the Cerberus however klaxons go off loudly as reports of enemies have reached melee range. That is right before the Novagalaxy and the Palisade begin to work together to dismantle the ship form outside in. It definately leaves cause for concern as they continue to rip it apart. This is of course enough of a problem that the barrage of missiles from everyone seems to just rain down on the poor ship. Explosions shake the inside, the reactor at the ship seems to pulse erratically as it slowly begins to tip towards a overload.

        On the bridge the Commander growls at the indignations of the verbal attacks sent at him and he just shoves the poor comm officer, who is smart enough to just get out of there and grabs the mic as he begins to yell back at the opponents. <" My story doesn't end here! Oh no, it is all of you who will end! I will go down in history as the one who helped to purge you all from space! ZAFT first and then all you other damn space lovers! It will become your grave!"> For anyone who dares to get a read on the psyche of the commander, the word unraveling might not do it justice.

        Fortunately the Commander had a second in command for a reason, " Begin counter measures against those nearer to the ship. Meanwhile begin select fire against those sticking to the further ranges, target the ship though. We will remove the biggest target first." In response Cerberus begins to work to create a wall of physical ammo to block the Palisade and the Novagalaxy from getting in towards the ship without at least taking some damage. Meanwhile the main cannons short burst shots towards Banagher and Tieria building up into a bigger and bigger burst as it reaches Leina's suit. Finally the barrage opens completely up towards the Vesalius focusing it all on the single ship.
KTS: Mobile Weapon Team targets Michiru Tenjou and Ujico Issa with Ship Heavy Physical CIWS Screening Fire.
KTS: Mobile Weapon Team targets Leina Ashta with Twin-Barrel Hyper Mega-Particle Cannons Blast!
KTS: Mobile Weapon Team targets Banagher Links with Twin-Barrel Hyper Mega-Particle Cannons Shot!
KTS: Mobile Weapon Team targets Tieria Erde with Twin-Barrel Hyper Mega-Particle Cannons Burst!
KTS: Mobile Weapon Team targets Rau Le Creuset with Twin-Barrel Hyper Mega-Particle Cannons Targeted Barrage!
KTS: Leina Ashta has activated the Strike Spirit Command.
KTS: Mobile Weapon Team has completed their actions for the round.
KTS: Leina Ashta partially guards Mobile Weapon Team's Twin-Barrel Hyper Mega-Particle Cannons Blast, taking 5160 damage!
KTS: Michiru Tenjou's EN Barrier activates, negating 1000 base damage.
KTS: Michiru Tenjou partially guards Mobile Weapon Team's Ship Heavy Physical CIWS Screening Fire, taking 4160 damage!
KTS: Tieria Erde has activated the Strike Spirit Command.
KTS: Rau Le Creuset partially guards Mobile Weapon Team's Twin-Barrel Hyper Mega-Particle Cannons Targeted Barrage, taking 6480 damage!
KTS: Mobile Weapon Team begins a Formation attack!
KTS: Tieria Erde has activated the Strike Spirit Command.
KTS: Tieria Erde rushes into the attack!
KTS: Tieria Erde's EN Barrier activates, negating 1000 base damage.
KTS: Tieria Erde partially guards Mobile Weapon Team's Twin-Barrel Hyper Mega-Particle Cannons Burst, taking 4440 damage!
KTS: Ujico Issa fails to retreat.
KTS: Ujico Issa's EN Barrier activates, negating 500 base damage.
KTS: Ujico Issa fails to evade Mobile Weapon Team's Ship Heavy Physical CIWS Screening Fire, taking 4810 damage!
KTS: Your unit's HP stands at 8780

<Pose Tracker> Tieria Erde has posed.

         Tieria flinches as the cannons push through his barrier, but the Virtue's armor keeps itself together. He figures it could take just a few more of those cannon shots before his defenses fail. And considering the size of the ship, it would be a waste to not make the most of that time.

         "GN Bazooka moving to Full Burst." The Bazooka goes through its usual procedure of attaching directly to the Virtue's inner generator and begins to charge a shot. "Palisade, watch yourself while in melee range!" Leave it to Tieria to find time to chide you whenever he can find it. Once the bazooka is finished charging, it lets out a massive shot directly at the bow of the ship.
KTS: Tieria Erde targets Mobile Weapon Team with GN Bazooka Full Burst!
KTS: Tieria Erde has completed their actions for the round.

<Pose Tracker> Rau Le Creuset has posed.

        Again more beams reach out to ravage the Vesalius, this time wreaking even greater havoc as a beam laces across the entire ship's length. In several sections the already weakened armor is compromised, several internal compartments opening to space and leading to some of the crew members in this sections getting blown out into the void.

        on the bridge, Rau shouts, "Status!?"

        "Hull breaches in sections three and four!"
        "Starboard side railguns are offline! Looks like their power has been severed."
        "Several deaths confirmed so far, even more unconfirmed."
        "Enemy vessel appears to be still fighting strong!"

        Rau frowns. This is not turning out well, "Re-route starboard side railgun power to the beam cannons. Bring our port side around to face the enemy ship and fire!"

        The Vesalius goes into a turn, smoke trailing out of holes in its starboard side. Turning to face its less damaged side at the Cerberus, its beam cannons rotate to aim at it and fire another, somewhat brighter, blast of beams at it.

KTS: Rau Le Creuset has activated the Valor Spirit Command.
KTS: Rau Le Creuset has activated the Valor Spirit Command.
KTS: Rau Le Creuset targets Mobile Weapon Team with Beam Turret Array Blast!
KTS: Rau Le Creuset has completed their actions for the round.

<Pose Tracker> Leina Ashta has posed.

That malice Banagher feels, Leina doesn't miss it as she quietly relates to Banagher, "... I'd almost feel sorry for the man, not being able to read the room. With Khushrenada sending only the Blue Cosmos wing of G-Hound while the majority of his forces remain stationed on Earth."

She does respond to Ujico in short order, "<The ship was built to forced labor in the captured PLANT by its civilians. Almost certainly there was sabotage involved. ... Likely logistical sabotage from Khusrenada as well, he set up this man to fail.>"

Whereas the Virtue? Spade-7 merely sounds a touch annoyed, "<I'll be asking you the same before long. ... Cute toy by the way.>" She means his GN Bazooka.

Leina blinks at Himeyuri's evaluation of history not remembering men who die pathetic deaths because - well, it does, but then she just pops off with VERY SPECIFIC animation details, "<... Wow your fandom is super hardcore. Kind of impressive really.>"

The Commander though retorts, and she can feel him just unravelling quickly. The blast of the main cannon shot comes far too quickly, and Leina jukes just out of the way, the Double Zeta's little sibilng pivoting, as the ship rocks, and alarms blare as the beam coating on the outermost layer of armor just - melts away.

"<'Space Lovers'? Most of humanity lives in space! Are you really such a narrow-minded simpleton? Right now you're just another petty Titan with an obsession for Genetic purity!>"

In the aftermath of the blast, the Double Zeta maneuvers up to be sidelong with the engines, "<To the pilot of Celestial Being in that 'Chonker' of a mobile suit->" ... she looks up a lot of cats on the internet..."<-I'm sending you my targetting data as you may want to stay out of my way for this.>"

There's a sudden build of plasmic particles that's caught by all nearby instruments, as she lines up with the Aft engines of the Cerberus, a cerulean glow spills forth in a spiral, before the Double Zeta erupts in a scarlet beam of incredible size, its core a blinding white as she tries to shear through the engines of the ship outright in a diagonal line of fire.

To those who have their eyes on it, it nearly reaching 20% of the output of the Colony Laser might be... something of a surprise.

KTS: Leina Ashta has activated the Enable Spirit Command.
KTS: Leina Ashta targets Mobile Weapon Team with MP ZZ Simplified High Mega Cannon!
KTS: Leina Ashta has completed their actions for the round.

<Pose Tracker> Ujico Issa has posed.

        Story, story, story... Palisade's energy claws rend the ship's hull armor into thin strips, the metal melting and curling as she digs deep. If she can reach the reactor and disable it, this will be over. The hyper cannons will power down.

        It seems simple and good. Ujico can prevent suffering, if she acts correctly.

        But the Cerberus's defenses are ready for physical skirmishers like her. "<I hear you, Virtue,>" she's replying, when her defenses systems light up. Ujico pushes away from the hull, only to receive a few dozen rounds across Palisade's armor for her trouble! "...Sorry," she murmurs to her mobile suit, eyes distant as Palisade's cameras continue their direct feed to her brain.

        She won't stay here much longer - not with beams like that flying over her head, thanks Leina and Tieria!!! - but as long as she's here...

        A curious-looking pair of devices settle into place on Palisade's shoulders. They look a little bit like exhaust grilles, but what comes out of them isn't heat. A cloud of brilliant green chaff particles swarm forth, surrounding as much of the Cerberus as possible, before Ujico takes the hint and retreats closer to the Unicorn, which looks likes it's seen better days.

        A window pops up on Banagher's monitors, the Celestial Being pilot's identity shrouded by a cat-eared space helmet. "<Hey. Is your mobile suit okay?>"

<Pose Tracker> Banagher Links has posed.

Banagher sighs as the Commander rants and raves over the radio. There's no way of reaching someone like this. After everything he and Leina saw within the Colony, he has no sympathy for anyone on board the Cerberus.

"<I sure don't. After what he did to everyone who couldn't evacuate-- he's lucky if we don't just blast him apart.>" Banagher glances to the other pilots with them. "<And I'm not sure the others will even allow him that much mercy.>"

Kind enough to turn off his comms before he laughs at Leina's comment to the Virtue, Banagher shakes his head. Leina can't be too angry at him if she's able to tease the weirdo in the enormous Gundam.

Another direct message to Leina. "<Those girls are talking about an anime, right? Not some kind of historical battle? ...are we sure they're okay?>"

The Cerberus fires, and Banagher isn't quite lucky enough to evade it this time. Though a glancing blow, the damage to the Unicorn continues to mount. Scarlet light flickers more intently, making Banagher grit his teeth. They've got to end this.

Ujico's message pops up, and Banagher looks at it curiously. His own identity is no secret -- though he's wearing a helmet of his own, those golden eyes and fluffy brown hair would be recognizable anywhere. "<We've taken a lot of damage, but-- hey, wait. Ujico?>" It's a good thing this is a private line. "<What are you doing out here? Please try to stay behind me!>"

Banagher feels Leina's intention before she fires, and anxiety radiates through their bond. Without the Unicorn's shield, he knows she'd be furious if he stepped in to protect her again. But just knowing Leina's using the High Mega Cannon... She'll be helpless for a few moments.

Unable to help himself, Banagher pilots the Unicorn directly next to the MP ZZ. If anything goes wrong, at least he can try to drag her away. Until then, the beam magnum glows hot magenta, targeting the weapons that tried to shoot Leina down.
KTS: Banagher Links has activated the Strike Spirit Command.
KTS: Banagher Links targets Mobile Weapon Team with Beam Magnum Shot!
KTS: Banagher Links has completed their actions for the round.

<Pose Tracker> Himeyuri Oono has posed.

        "<The words of a Kyo'akk dog who thinks he's a prince!>" Hime shouts- the spirit of Michiru flows into her, her trust and devotion. The best friend a girl could ever have.

        The cyberbrains inlaid by the IFS allow the transfer of information so much faster than Himeyuri can speak, which is good, because she thinks faster than that. "The reactors holding steady, Michi, no need to hold back."

        The carving blade of Force Sword R, as the blade cuts through, a the spirit of Rikuganger. The CIWS slams in and she grips the handles for support. "She's holding steady, Michi! You can cut loose!"

        She engages the reactor once more, to enhance the distortion field. She breathes in, and out. Is this how men feel in battle? How Michi feels? Good? Strong? Powerful? Women aren't supposed to be like that...

        Fortunately, she's distracted. <"Our devotion is more than just fandom, 7-san. Let us show you!"> She reaches forward, to press her hand on Michi's shoulder.

        "The Holy Miss Nanako believes in you, Michiru. And so do I."
KTS: Himeyuri Oono has activated the Resupply Spirit Command targeting Michiru Tenjou
KTS: Himeyuri Oono has activated the Trust Spirit Command targeting Michiru Tenjou
KTS: Himeyuri Oono targets Michiru Tenjou with Awe!
KTS: Himeyuri Oono has completed their actions for the round.

<Pose Tracker> Michiru Tenjou has posed.

Just as Himeyuri feels Michiru's spirit. Feels the rush of emotions boiling over. Michi feels from Himeyuri, her conviction. Her certainty in the path ahead. Her assurance that there is only this path, and that together, nothing will bring them to a halt.

"Hold ready. We'll send him beyond with these next two strikes!" The precise calculations, flowing straight through her mind. Every minute detail... For her alone, it would be too much. She can only manage this because of Himeyuri. The only one she could ever trust to have her back this way. The only one who knows the depths of her heart.

The distortion field begins expanding around Novagalaxy's limbs. Preparing them. It may take a little time to complete the process, so in the meantime, the shield claws come to attention. <"Second Strike! Giga Graviton Crusher!"> The Novagalaxy comes to a halt overlooking the Cerberus, staring down upon it with palpable disdain. And through its secondary arms flows the justice and overwhelming might of Rikuganger! The secondary arms reach out after extending to their full, deceptively sturdy length, gripping the ship's hull and pulling upward. To actually LIFT such a monstrosity would be unthinkable, even for the two of them. It's simply too large. But in lieu of that, the claws move to dig into the warship with the weight of a collapsing star behind them. Prying and crunching through hastily assembled frame. Shredding it apart, and hurling the pieces across the bow.

"Still at optimal output?" A dumb question really. Hime would tell her the instant anything was wrong. "You truly have outdone yourself though. Novagalaxy is the ideal crystallization of Gekiganger's very own soul." Perhaps not in shape... but in its spirit, nothing comes closer.
KTS: Michiru Tenjou targets Mobile Weapon Team with Giga Graviton Crush!
KTS: Michiru Tenjou has completed their actions for the round.

<Pose Tracker> Mobile Weapon Team has posed.

        The benefit of being in space is that outside of its own external thrust, there is no gravity to add weight so trying to move the ship upward works. There is a loud straining sound from the inside as part of the ship finally gives and is ripped away. The ZZ and the Virtue melt any of the remaining armor patches the ship has. As the Vesalius and the Unicorn take out a large variety of the CIWs , leaving really only the twin particle cannons. Also every sensor out in the area should be able to detect that the reactor in the ship is pretty unstable beyond repair now.

        The Commander is sitting there on the bridge, red and glaring. The XO is shouting, "Commander we need to abandon ship. We need to get out of there!" The Commander looks at him, "You would dare! You would dare run in the face of this trash!" The XO sees what is about to happen but is to late as the Commander executes his XO on the spot. Fortunately the rest of the bridge crew is already scrambling to get off the bridge and one of them sounded the alarms to abandon ship.

        "Fine I don't need them, I can do this myself. " For now the grumpy man just locks the comms on so everyone can here him. <"Listen here everyone of you. You think you have won, well that is what you think. This reactor has enough energy to melt everyone of you into a liquid and then some. Let me show you what it is like to be the ant under the magnifying glass!"> The heavy beam cannons begin to fire. First towards the opposing battleship and slowly the ship rotates to drag the beam across everyone, taking a moment to rest on the Unicorn. Then it begins to rotate again, the entire ship turning and pivoting again.

        Slowly though it is obvious where he is turning, the ship is rotating towards the colony. It would appear Roger Thompson is a very sore loser.
KTS: Mobile Weapon Team targets Rau Le Creuset with Twin-Barrel Hyper Mega-Particle Cannons - Focused Assult!
KTS: Mobile Weapon Team targets Leina Ashta with Twin-Barrel Hyper Mega-Particle Cannons - Focused Assult!
KTS: Mobile Weapon Team targets Ujico Issa with Twin-Barrel Hyper Mega-Particle Cannons - Focused Assult!
KTS: Mobile Weapon Team targets Michiru Tenjou with Twin-Barrel Hyper Mega-Particle Cannons - Focused Assult!
KTS: Mobile Weapon Team targets Tieria Erde with Twin-Barrel Hyper Mega-Particle Cannons - Focused Assult!
KTS: Mobile Weapon Team targets Banagher Links with Twin-Barrel Hyper Mega-Particle Cannons Overload - Full Barrage!
KTS: Mobile Weapon Team has completed their actions for the round.
KTS: Michiru Tenjou has activated the Wall Spirit Command.
KTS: Rau Le Creuset fails to react to Mobile Weapon Team's Twin-Barrel Hyper Mega-Particle Cannons - Focused Assult, taking 9230 damage!
KTS: Rau Le Creuset has been defeated!
KTS: Mobile Weapon Team completes the Formation attack!
KTS: Tieria Erde has activated the Wall Spirit Command.

<Pose Tracker> Tieria Erde has posed.

         The Virtue simply...moves to the side.

         Whatever of the GN technology G-Hound had gotten their hands on, it wasn't a match for a true meister. Which was obvious from the start.

         "Ooooooooh? Hmmmmm, I seem to still be completely soliiiiiid. What was that about ants and magnifying glaaaaaasses?"

         He's completely milking this, in a way that the Commander would know that he would NEVER hear the end of it. And he just might never get the chance to, as the GN Cannons on the shoulders of the Virtue charge up, particles gathering at the end of their barrels, unleashing in a not quite as powerful as the Bazooka, but still quite impressive beam.

<Pose Tracker> Ujico Issa has posed.

        To be fair, when Ujico Issa, adopted experimental daughter of Laurence Issa and rookie pilot for Celestial Being, pinged the closest Gundam she was one hundred percent not expecting it to be anybody she knew. It's really cool and controlled of her to only jump a little bit when familiar amber eyes show up on her own monitors - and then jump a little more when he recognizes her, that is not fair, she is WEARING her HELMET like a GOOD TERRORIST.

        The first thing out of her mouth is, "<Uh. Who-jico?>"

        Right, that's it, if Tieria finds out she's blown her secret identity like ten minutes into sortie he will skin her alive. Or worse, make her drunksit Miss Sumeragi again.

        Breathe. It's not important right now. She doesn't follow him as he rushes to the ZZ's side. "<I'm fine, don't worry about me. [Protect] Spade-7!>"

        Virtue will be vulnerable for a few moments after using the GN Bazooka at its highest output levels. And the Cerberus... is going to take all of them and the colony down with it, if it isn't stopped.

        "<Virtue! I'm releasing it!>" she keys to Tieria, as the Palisade rushes closer to the other Celestial Being machine. She doesn't need to be close to him for this, but....

        Well, Ujico likes company, even if she's not good at it.

        All the while, her reactor levels climb. When she turns to face the foundering battleship, the red lights tracing the seams in Palisade's armor are a blinding pink. A lens open up, high on the chest, followed by another on each shoulder. Something spins up, inside the Palisade and inside Ujico. But it's the Palisade that releases a triply-strong torrent of light and heat, every single bit of energy raking across the hull of the Cerberus.

        She has to [stop] it. She has to [save] them!

KTS: Ujico Issa has activated the Trick Spirit Command.
KTS: Ujico Issa targets Mobile Weapon Team with Big Mega Screw-You Laser!
KTS: EN Regen activates. Your new EN value is 30.
KTS: SP Regen activates. Your new SP value is 20.
KTS: Ujico Issa has completed their actions for the round.
KTS: Tieria Erde targets Mobile Weapon Team with GN Cannon Spread Shot!
KTS: Tieria Erde has completed their actions for the round.

<Pose Tracker> Himeyuri Oono has posed.

        "That's-" Hime stares. The reactor seems to be typical Minovsky, and based on the placement of the thrusters it can take up only so much space in the ship, but if it is largely powering the weapon.

        Hime's voice goes monotone. "Distortion field counterbarrier manipulation, Minvosky Particle Beam decay of..." The shield *flares* and which Michiru's piloting, the two are clear, the two blue arms covering the pink cockpit. But for a second... There really is just the two of them in here right?"

        Armor is dissolved, strong enough to destroy Gekiganium Alloy. But it holds. It Holds. Himeyuri's nose is bleeding in her helmet. The terrible heat was hard to stay conscious through. "...Michi. Please tear open that bridge- and reduce that villain to paste with our hands."

        She overclocks the reactor, just briefly, and stares forward. The maiden's role is over. It's time for the hero to slay the beast. She just has to stay on the sidelines.
KTS: Himeyuri Oono has activated the Resupply Spirit Command targeting Michiru Tenjou
KTS: Himeyuri Oono has activated the Resupply Spirit Command targeting Michiru Tenjou
KTS: Himeyuri Oono has activated the Resupply Spirit Command targeting Michiru Tenjou
KTS: Himeyuri Oono has activated the Resupply Spirit Command targeting Michiru Tenjou

<Pose Tracker> Leina Ashta has posed.

"Doubtful." Leina tells Banagher in short order, while they don't want to kill them, even people this abhorrent... they can't exactly ask ZAFT to give them mercy.

"And Oh yeah - it's very common online." Pause as they show their devotion, "I wish I could get them to join my drama club, they're so committed to the act."

In short order though, the Double Zeta goes dark in the waking of the firing, as its reactor cycles, and the Unicorn moves to protect it.

Leina wishes she could tell him to back off but... she can't claim it doesn't feel good that he'll so readily move to protect her when she needs protection.

A lot of protection in fact. The Heavy Beam Cannon Fires. Raking across all of them, and the Double Zeta only comes on at the last moment, twisting to try and take the brunt on it's shield. It's only thanks to the Unicorn grabbing hold and yanking the mobile suit that she escapes worse. Much worse.

The flap like shield partially melts outright, the Double Zeta's little sibling rocking and tossing her about as alarms blare and the cockpit turns red in it's lighting. And in that same moment of white hot pain to her skull from being jerked and tossed about...


It comes in a moment of a connection not so much reconnecting - for it could never be severed - more the interference of dimensional boundaries ceases.

She feels her.

Her breath hitches in the cockpit, as her eyes water despite her best efforts. And beyond that, she feels her, and him and him.

It's all she can do to keep from bawling on the spot, but her soul tries to reach out all the same at the stimulus, unable to help it. One would sooner ask her to stop breathing.


"Banagher... I can... I can..." She can't even choke out the words... so afraid was she that she might not ever see them again, or if she did it'd be decades in the future.

Focus, she tells herself. Focus, as she forces the tears back. Focus. Focus. Focus.

The only way she can go back to her is if she survives right now. With a few thruster vents partially melted, she maneuvers back to align.

Then she sees it in all of its sobering horror, she sees what he's turning towards, right towards the PLANT. "Banagher - he's!"

There's always a choice she feels, and she makes hers. "<You LUNATIC! You think we'd let you!?>"

The rifle snaps back up into hand as she immediately upregulates the power...

... and sends a shot hurtling straight towards it's bridge.

KTS: Leina Ashta targets Mobile Weapon Team with MP ZZ Single-Barrel Beam Rifle Charged Shot!
KTS: Leina Ashta has completed their actions for the round.
KTS: Himeyuri Oono targets Michiru Tenjou with Prospect!
KTS: Himeyuri Oono has completed their actions for the round.
KTS: Himeyuri Oono has activated the Attune Spirit Command targeting Michiru Tenjou
Leina Ashta has cancelled her attack.
KTS: Leina Ashta has activated the Strike Spirit Command.
KTS: Leina Ashta has activated the Enable Spirit Command.
KTS: Leina Ashta targets Mobile Weapon Team with MP ZZ Single-Barrel Beam Rifle Charged Shot!
KTS: Leina Ashta has completed their actions for the round.

<Pose Tracker> Banagher Links has posed.

Again, the commander rails against the inevitible. Banagher has a flash of awareness the moment before the cannons begin to fire. Before he can even will it, the Unicorn has braced her arms aganist the younger ZZ and pushes her away. It's a desperate gesture, but what else could he do?

The beam grows closer, and still, the Unicorn refuses to abandon the MP ZZ. Even as the cannon strikes the Unicorn, lingers there, she pushes the MP ZZ away with all her strength. Banagher cries out, feeling the laser scorch the Unicorn as though it was scorching his own body.

But -- he's okay. They're okay. The Cerberus isn't able to do as much damage to Leina, and Banagher grins fiercely at that. Scarlet light is flickering out, he only has moments left with the NT-D.

Breathing hard, Banagher nods to Ujico's image. "<D--don't worry. I've got her. Just take this thing out, before it can hurt the Colony!>"

Though not as powerful as Leina's connection, Banagher, too, has people he loved who vanished with Tsutsujidai. The strongest, the one that comes to him first--

"Dr. Bidan!" Banagher shouts, inside the Unicorn's cockpit.

Only moments later, he's reaching out to Leina. "<Love! Did you feel-- They're okay! They're -- they're okay, I know it! I can feel Dr. Bidan, and Liam, and Sayla!>"

It's a terribly faint connection. Banagher couldn't tell you where their missing loved ones are, or how they're doing, only that they exist again. Banagher's relief is dwarfed by Leina's, the echoes of it streaming through their bond, bringing tears to his eyes.

The thrill of returned loved ones dies in Banagher's heart as the cannon continues to fire, lancing toward the Colony. "<NO!>" The young pilot screams, horror in his voice. This is the vision he saw -- it can't happen. It can't!

Moving just as the MP ZZ does, the Unicorn raises her beam magnum. Two shots race Leina's, magenta light luminous against the darkness. Firing for the bridge. Knowing what the beam magnum is capable of. Banagher chokes out a sob.
KTS: Banagher Links has activated the Valor Spirit Command.
KTS: Banagher Links has activated the Valor Spirit Command.
KTS: Banagher Links has activated the Valor Spirit Command.
KTS: Banagher Links targets Mobile Weapon Team with Beam Magnum Double Shot!
KTS: Banagher Links has completed their actions for the round.

<Pose Tracker> Michiru Tenjou has posed.

Michi glances back as Hime's tone shifts. The change in her heart... When their eyes meet, she hears a third voice. Twisted, garbage noises, like screaming into a filter. At the same time, her mind overflows with an amount of... something she simply can't process. Something she CAN'T process. As with Hime... Michi's nose is bleeding.

She feels a sharp pain in her head, nothing like she's ever felt before. But she'll power through. She has to, for Hime. She pulls in a slow, deep breath. Steadying herself. Resynching their heartbeats. "I will. Just hang on, and watch carefully. Let's... Gekiga-In!"

Atop the ruined bow of the ship, Novagalaxy alights. Her body is shimmering from head to toe from the shield, but as she takes off running forward, the shine begins to fade... No, it's not fading. It's focusing. The Distortion field is collapsing into a single point of immense, unthinkable gravitational strength. <"FOR THE SOULS OF EVERY PERSON YOU'VE CRUSHED! EVERY LIFE DESTROYED BY YOUR CRUELTY! THEY ALL CRY OUT FOR JUSTICE TO BE DONE! FINAL STRIKE! ULTRA! NOVA! GALAXY! FLAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARE!">

Even for Michi, the volume packed in her lungs today is intense. But then, she's never so cleanly witnessed the weight of atrocity. Never directly seen the crimes of the Earthlings, who would see them all ground to nothing on one heel. Now... she has. And the pain in her heart is resonating with Hime. Resonating with the Novagalaxy. Even resonating with... whatever it was, that she couldn't understand. And her fist is shining, with the full power of their souls, given shape by the Distortion Field. She leaps upward, eyes trained on the command bridge. Fist poised to ram straight through it, and vaporize the man responsible for the suffering in this colony.

KTS: Michiru Tenjou targets Mobile Weapon Team with Ultra Novagalaxy Flare!
KTS: Michiru Tenjou has completed their actions for the round.

<Pose Tracker> Rau Le Creuset has posed.

        The large beam fired from the Cerberus is clearly visible from within the Vesalius's bridge, Rau quickly calling out, "Full burn! Evade it!" But it's too late.

        The beam cuts across the ship, melting through multiple sections and decks, leaving a large swath of destruction through the ship. Numerous small explosions light up the sections that were hit.

        On the bridge, everything shakes, sounds of secondary explosions alerting everyone to the significance of the damage. Several consoles explode, molten debris showering a few of the bridge crew. Pained cries echo as the lights fluctuate from a now unstable power source. It's pretty clear this vessel is on its last legs.

        Rau clenches his fist, looking out the bridge windows to see the Cerberus still turning, its beam weapon sweeping through space, "There's nothing more we can do..."

        In the seat beside him, Captain Ades says, "That's not true, sir." He then activates the ship's intercom, "All crew, abandon ship. Repeat, abandon ship!"

        As the bridge crew begin to push themselves away from their seats and towards the bridge exit, Rau looks at Ades, wondering if this was cowardly treachery. But then Ades floats over to the now unoccupied nav station, "Go, Commander. I'll take care of this."

        Understanding, Rau nods and pushes himself up from his seat, "Die well, Captain." He then turns, heading for the exit too.

        Numerous escape pods begin to jettison from the Nazca-class vessel, while a couple of transport ships quickly fly off from its rear hatch. The vessel itself slowly turns straight towards the Cerberus, before engaging its engines. They burn brightly, quickly beginning to accelerate the vessel forward, multiple trails of smoke forming behind it. Faster. And faster. Heading straight towards the other ship. A call goes out to the allied forces, <"All forces, get clear of the enemy vessel.">

        It doesn't take too long for the Vesalius to quickly reach the Cerberus, the large ship rapidly filling up the windows in front of Ades. To an empty bridge he proudly declares, "For the PLANTs!"

<Pose Tracker> Mobile Weapon Team has posed.

        As the attacks comes in , one after the other. The virtues blast removes the main engines from the ship, leaving only thrusteers and slowing it's pace. The spiral of energy sraping along the battleship and leaving most of its exterior hull slagged, save for a few spots here or there. The bridge seemed to be protected by the majority of it's armor until the ZZ's blast removes any chance of it remaining. The beam magmum shots stripping away the structure around the bridge, leaving Comander Roger Thompson standing there, with nothing to protect him as he continues to command the helm to turn. The entire time mumbling <"I will take them all out">

         Then there in appears the embodiment of Gekiganger, Novagalaxy. The Novagalaxy and Commander Roger Thompson's eyes meet and all he can do is scream, <"DIE!"> Then of course that is what he does, he is vaporized as is the command bridge and most of the top half of the ship. There is nothing left, save for the revealed reactor and the now spiraling out of control beam cannons.

         Any moment the remains of the Cerberus is going to wipe out the colony and take everyone here with it, that is until Captain Ades of the Vesalius flies directly into the point where the cannon's beam starts and forces the cannons to be caught up in it's own explosion. There is a momentary bright light, that seems to cause all the light to be dwarfed before the battleships explode , leaving nothing but debris and a whole bunch of escape pods remaining of the two ships.

<Pose Tracker> Tieria Erde has posed.

         Tieria scoffs as the Cerberus explodes, immediately turning the Virtue and leaving the battlefield. "Palisade. Don't wait up for me."

         There was an odd presence during that battle. Some of the others had felt it too...must ask Veda.

<Pose Tracker> Leina Ashta has posed.

The Cerberus detonates as they rip the bridge apart.

And there it is. She's a killer. Even if she's not the only one who made the decision, even if she's not the one who finished him off she still made the decision to kill. She feels the man die. It's not a pleasant feeling by any stretch of the imagination. Maybe in death he'll figure out his error.


Leina takes a deep breath, and keeps herself from thinking about it for right now. "<This is Spade-7. We're withdrawing from the battlefield. If ZAFT high command will accept aid to the affected PLANT - let us know.>"

Despite what she says, in contrast to how calm her words sound... Banagher will feel her presence like a warm, comforting - but ephemeral hug.

... There were more important things right now than her feelings about killing a man, a monster.

Once the two mobile suits quit the field, Leina switches the band over to a Shuffle one and sends out a call, "Rain - I need to arrange a medical transport to Sweetwater for one passenger and one mobile suit..."

There's this light sense of exasperation, "... and someone sensible to watch the passenger to make certain he doesn't sneak out to do something reckless before he's recovered."

She'll handle that first, she'll make absolutely certain it's handled...

There's some chatter on the comms, a message is relayed, "The Orbital Ring...?"

... before she heads straight towards that presence, before she makes certain it's real, and if so welcomes her back home.

<Pose Tracker> Rau Le Creuset has posed.

        Watching from one of the transports that had escaped the Vesalius, Rau sees the vessel crash into the Cerberus and both of them exploding in spectacular fashion. It's unfortunate, he'd spent a lot of time on that vessel. And Ades had been a solid man to rely on. Though he feels no sadness for the man's death, he does regret losing a valuable ally. It's unlikely he'll find another.

        Not that it really matters at this point. With the last remnants of that invasion fleet dealt with, ZAFT can re-secure the colony and its borders. After which, it's only a matter of time before the final moves are made the everything is in place.

        Rau smiles.

<Pose Tracker> Himeyuri Oono has posed.

        The villain is slain... but at such cost. That captain, sacrificing himself and his ship to ensure Michiru could slay the monster was... noble.

        A real Captain Laura action. Amazing.

        "You did it, Michi. You killed the monster and kept me safe, like I knew you would." Himeyuri is.... very tired. And the Novagalaxy is running low on energy. "<This is Captain Oono to the Socrates. We're coming in for landing. Michi and I may need minor medical and treatment. Please ask XO Zelinn to prepare to retrieve escape pods.>"

        Her comms open to her allies. Well, one ally. "<7-san... you fought bravely. A daring man of action such as yourself will go far- as long as you do not fall for the Federation's treachery. You feel as though you could embody the spirit of Joe Umitsubame, if you can remain on the right path. For this valor, I shall investigate this... Persimmon.">

        "Deactivating combat protocols." She slumps, and the IFS Cybernetic Brain uncouples. She's so tired. "Take us back home, Michi." She sighs. "After we've rested... I want to show you something special." She's sat on them for a year now... She can't wait any longer for word from the church. She has to finally act. And only Michiru would truly understand what she sees.

        The Lost Episodes Await.

<Pose Tracker> Banagher Links has posed.

Tears float within Banagher's helmet, feeling the Commander die. He was horrible, but feeling his life extinguish... It's something Banagher hasn't experienced since Torrington. Leaning into Leina's ephemeral embrace, he takes a heaving breath.

"<Thank you all for fighting with us.>" Banagher broadcasts, simply. "<Please return home safely.>"

"Let's go home, too, Haro." Banagher says, placing a hand on the little companion robot.

Haro makes a cheerful noise, bringing a smile to the young pilot's face. "Home! Home!"