2024-05-11: Altitude Sickness

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  • Log: 2024-05-08 Altitude Sickness
  • Cast: Sheryl Nome, Alto Saotome
  • Where: Frontier Fleet
  • OOC - IC Date: May 11, UC 0099 (2024)
  • Summary: Sheryl drops by to lovingly pester Alto, but a few unpleasant things come out.

<Pose Tracker> Sheryl Nome has posed.

        The life of a megastar is a constantly busy one. That said, with the help of a super-manager, one can manage to squeeze some time in for the things one really wants to do, like visit a dear friend (and annoy him).
        Plus... Sheryl feels sick more and more often these days, which means she's not able to do as many interviews and photoshoots and the like as often these days. If she schedules something, she'll absolutely show up even if she's a wreck afterwards, but if it isn't scheduled yet, she'll absolutely have Grace turn it down.
        But it's not great. It's honestly scary. The doctors keep finding nothing wrong with her, but something is clearly wrong. Grace keeps reassuring her that all she has to do is take her medicine and everything will be fine, and Sheryl finds herself believing that less and less. But who can she actually talk to about that?
        So even if it isn't a solution, she'd at least like to see the face of one of the people she cares about more than anyone else.
        That's why Sheryl shows up at the SMS hangar in shades. A blue headband crosses her hair, a teal off-the shoulder blouse billows over her form and her black hot pants, black stockings pull up over her thighs from under stylish boots, and a golden necklace and bracelets adorn her neck and wrist.
        And, of course, there's her single fold quartz earring, dangling from her right earlobe. But that hardly goes without saying.
        She spends a little time snooping, and more time having Alto's location pointed out to her. When she slips into the hangar itself, it's with a mischievous smile. There, over by his modified Messiah...! Sheryl slips in--sneaks closer--and--!
        "Boo!!" she shouts, jumping out at him with manicured hands raised playfully in claws.
        But is Alto still there at this point?!

<Pose Tracker> Alto Saotome has posed.

        Clearly Sheryl's disguise is perfect. Cause no one makes any mention of her identity. They don't even try to stop her from entering the more restricted parts of the SMS HQ!

        Of course, they all have knowing looks on their face as they provide directions towards Alto's location.

        Which is indeed with his Messiah! He appears to just be running some basic maintenance on it. He's no VF engineer but as the machine's pilots there's things he does know and likes to keep on top of. After all, if even a tiny thing is off it could cost him his life!

        So Alto is clearly laser focused on the task at hand, partially crouched beneath one of the fighter's wings as he performs a check. This makes it quite easy to sneak up on him.

        There's a shout from behind Alto. He jumps, straightening in surprise! A thud follows as Alto's head strikes the wing above him. He groans, rubbing his head as he turns around to face Sheryl. There's a touch of anger on his face at first but once he recognizes who it is he relaxes and quips, "Thanks, just what I needed to wake me up."

        Walking out from under the wing he looks at Sheryl with mild suspicion as if he's expecting that she wants something, "What are you doing here?"

<Pose Tracker> Sheryl Nome has posed.

        The best disguise of all is having people invested in your relationship with a certain pilot Princess. Not that anyone calls Alto "Princess" anymore, surely.
        Sheryl bursts into giggles when Alto shouts in surprise and jumps up, hitting his head. "You know you can count on me to keep you ready and alert! <3" Though concern does shift into her blue eyes as he rubs his head. "You didn't hit yourself too hard, did you?"
        But then he asks what she's doing here like he's expecting something bad, and she mock-huffs at him, puffing out her cheeks as she sets her fists on her hips. "Isn't it obvious? I came to visit you! Now that the contest is over and the recording and releases are done, I've got a little bit of breathing room, and it's been ages." She leans in dangerously close, her eyes locked on his. "Or are you saying you didn't miss me even a little bit, Alto?!"
        She says it like she's joking-mad, but she's really closer to worried-serious. It has been a long time, and it would hurt a lot if he didn't.
        ...But it would be way too emotionally exposing to admit that.

<Pose Tracker> Alto Saotome has posed.

        It's really only Michael who calls him 'Princess' anymore. And even then it no longer has the same insulting tone behind it.

        When asked if okay, a more charismatic and/or cheesy guy might say something along the lines of 'I must have hit my head hard because I'm seeing stars' as he looks at Sheryl.

        Alto just says, "I'll be fine. I get worse when the Major throws me in the simulator."

        As Sheryl explains her reasoning for being here, Alto recalls the contest she's talking about. That's right, it finished recently. Things have been busy, he's barely been able to keep track of his own life. He's about to ask how it went when Sheryl instead asks if he missed her.

        And she does so while leaning in real close. Being this close immediately reminds Alto of...

        Going just a little red, Alto turns his head and glances away, "What? Miss you? Half the city is plastered with your posters. It's like I see you every day so what's to miss?" Yeah, no one's buying it mister.

        Of course the other half is probably plastered with Ranka posters. Though Alto smartly doesn't mention that part.

<Pose Tracker> Sheryl Nome has posed.

        A more charismatic and/or cheesy guy (*coughMichaelcough*) might come up with a line like that, but Alto doesn't. It can be frustrating at times, but that's one of the many things Sheryl likes about him. She isn't a star to him; she's just Sheryl. He isn't trying to feed her any lines; he just says what he means.
        So his response gets him a smile. "Good, then!" She leans in close to elbow him with a grin. "Imagine if I had to stop jumpscaring you because you concussed yourself~! That wouldn't be any fun at all!"
        Of course, while she's in close, she makes that demand. He gets a little flustered and makes an excuse. Her eyes narrow as she tilts her head, examining him...
        "Well, I guess that's true," she says nonchalantly, standing back up. ...It's not ideal and it's hardly smooth, but as mentioned, that's something Sheryl likes about him.
        She reaches out to take him by the crook of the arm. If he lets her, she'll sashay close with a smile. "So if you're at a good stopping point, let's go for a walk~! You could use a break anyway, I'm sure." She winks. "And with me around, no one's going to dare throw you in the simulator."

<Pose Tracker> Alto Saotome has posed.

        "No more jumpscares? Oh no. How terrible." Of course Alto says this all with a deadpan tone. Though there's a hint of amusement on his face so he's probably just teasing.

        Alto doesn't resist as his arm is hooked and he is offered a break. He supposes he's not doing anything particularly critical right now, "Sure, I guess. I'm just on standby right now, so as long as we don't go too far in case there's a sudden emergency." A little more quietly he says, "Which unfortunately has been more common lately..."

        Heading out of the hangar back towards the staff facilities, several hangar crew are smirking in the two's direction. Alto catches them and gives them harsh stares in return, causing them to make themselves look busy.

        As they walks, Alto asks what he meant to earlier, "How did the contest go? Since it's you I suppose perfectly?"

<Pose Tracker> Sheryl Nome has posed.

        "See? Even you agree!" Sheryl teases back, winking.
        But there's only so much amusement to be had at the reminder that he's on call--that he might need to deploy at any moment. Sheryl's smile fades away as her gaze flicks to the ground. For the moment, she leaves it be, but she doesn't forget it.
        As they're passing by fellow SMS members who smirk at them, though, she absolutely puts on a sunny smile and hugs Alto's arm. Alto's glaring only makes her grin more.
        "It went off without a hitch, of course!" she declares. She lowers her voice and adds, "Which is great, because I was actually worried about this one. One of the winners was that terrorist Super A.I., Asciel Colette. Her entry really was that good, so I couldn't justify rejecting it, but Grace and I weren't sure how things were going to go for a bit. Fortunately, Grace kept it all in hand."
        She smirks. "And Brera was there too~," she adds, just to needle Alto a little bit.
        That teasing fades as she looks up at him in concern. "But never mind that--is it really that bad lately?" Her eyes narrow. "It isn't the Vajra again, is it?"
        So many of them were destroyed that day they returned from Gallia IV. Sheryl hadn't thought that they were annihilated, but she'd actually thought she could hope they'd decide to leave and never come back. It'd be an unsatisfying revenge, but she'd take it all the same. But things are never that easy, are they?

<Pose Tracker> Alto Saotome has posed.

        Alto listens intently as they walk. He silently admits it is nice to think about something different for a while and Sheryl's career and work is certainly far from a dull conversation topic.

        Though at the mention of Asciel Colette, Alto frowns a little. He recalls one of the few times he had a close run in with her... Against a full blown Macross over Pendragon. He sighs a little, "I suppose it's like you to focus on the music. Still, that AI is dangerous." Sounds like he's concerned. But he then admits, "But, I suppose if Grace was involved, it's okay. I'm sure she can be trusted to handle something like that."

        He distinctly says nothing about Brera.

        The topic shifts back to his work now and Alto nods a little grimly, "It's almost always the Vajra, nowadays. Most of our missions are for NUNE, taking care of the Vajra when they appear. Every time we destroy a nest, another pops up. We don't know where they keep coming from. And we can't predict their movements so all we can do is react. Not to mention it's getting more difficult to kill them with their adaptations."

<Pose Tracker> Sheryl Nome has posed.

        "No kidding. I'll admit, talking to her was interesting, but in the same way a house fire is 'interesting.'" Sheryl breathes a sigh. "Well, she was quick to leave once the interview was over, and Grace thinks her pride as an artist means she wouldn't cause any trouble here, and so far she's been right." As Alto says: Grace can be trusted to handle something like that. (She shouldn't be. But she can.)
        She frowns, thinking back on that day. "I told her if she really likes making music so much, she ought to ditch the terrorism and stick with that. I'm not expecting a lot, though."
        The news that it's almost always the Vajra now gets a thin frown out of Sheryl. Thing never are that easy, are they. "Damn Vajra," she mutters. "If only there was some way to get rid of all of them for good."
        If they're gone, then she'll have to worry about Alto a little less. (But only a little. Earth may be beautiful, but it is not a peaceful place.)

<Pose Tracker> Alto Saotome has posed.

        The two soon pass from hallways into the building's staff lounge. It's pretty quiet, since there's still some time until people go on their usual lunch breaks.

        Alto turns to head towards the fridge, figuring he'd get something to drink. As he does so he asks Sheryl, "Do you want something?"

        While Alto is digging around in the fridge, he continues with the conversation, agreeing with Sheryl about getting rid of all the Vajra, "That would be nice... And something they're working towards using the stuff we gathered from Gallia IV. Though so far, there hasn't been much news on that front." Clearly trying to engineer something out of the 'newly' discovered fold quartz is not something that's going to happen quickly. Well, that or someone is holding out on them.

<Pose Tracker> Sheryl Nome has posed.

        "Any chance of tea with honey?" Sheryl asks, knowing that it's the fridge he's heading to and not the stove. If it turns out there's something brewed up in there, great! If not, she says, "Just sparkling--no, regular bottled water is fine," she corrects herself.
        The bubbles irritate her throat these days, and that's something she can't afford to overlook.
        She peeks over Alto's shoulder, which conveniently gives her an excuse to keep leaning into him. Soon, though, she pulls over a couple of chairs at a nearby table and sits, crossing her legs. "There was that weapon the Nadesico used, but... from what I hear, the way it works is by erasing things from existence? Making it so they never existed, or something like that?" She shivers a little. "Even for the Vajra, that's a lot. So Yurika isn't in a hurry to use it again, and I don't blame her."
        Even if it did do exactly what Sheryl was just hoping for. She rubs her forehead, then leans her cheek on one hand. "Yeah, same here. I've told Grace to keep me updated, but... nothing, so far."
        Silently, she adds that she's a little grateful that it isn't just her. Obviously she shouldn't be doubting Grace, but it makes her feel better that someone else is having the same experience.
        "Are you guys at least on top of those Vajra nests? You're not getting too overwhelmed, are you?" she adds, concern creeping into her voice.

<Pose Tracker> Alto Saotome has posed.

        While Alto grabs some cold soda for himself, he proceeds to start working on some tea without saying a word about it. While doing that he comments on the Nadesico's weapon, "Even if the Captain wanted to use that weapon again... The thing is I think it's more erasing things from 'space'. And given fold space is a different kind of 'space', one that the Vajra appear very good at manipulating, there's no guarantee they won't eventually adapt a counter to that weapon too. So better to save it for emergencies."

        Tea with honey is prepared, Alto walking over to place it on the table in front of Sheryl. He then takes a seat himself and appears to be in thought as Sheryl asks him how the hunts are going. The fact that he doesn't answer right away is probably concerning.

        Alto takes a sip of his soda and then does eventually start, "Destroying the nests hasn't been too difficult so far. Though that's only because we've been able to get there pretty quickly and they've been relatively small. The biggest concern is if we miss one. And with Ranka's song still being the only way to detect them over long range... It's only a matter of time before something bad happens." Sheryl likely has reason to be concerned. As the same concern is evident in Alto as well. Though probably for different reasons.

<Pose Tracker> Sheryl Nome has posed.

        The fact that Alto does start brewing up some tea for her brings a fond smile to Sheryl's lips. She watches his back in silence for a time, thinking of drawing close and snuggling up to that broad back.
        The topic of the Vajra, and that horrible super-weapon, keep her from putting thought into action. It just isn't the right mood.
        "You're right. I didn't even think of it from that angle," Sheryl admits. "It's scary to think that the Vajra could eventually adapt to even something as awful and powerful as that."
        The tea is brewed; honey is stirred in; Alto joins her at the table. Sheryl accepts it in silence and takes a sip as Alto... eventually speaks. Honey is good for the throat. She's been drinking tea with honey a lot more ever since that trip to Gallia IV.
        Her eyelashes flutter close to shut. She's concerned about that too, for a number of reasons. "Ranka... Have you all had to call on her a lot since we came back? It was such a hideous experience for her... She's stronger than she used to be, but she's still so kind. It might not ever get any easier for her. And if it's only a matter of time..."
        Sheryl might not like any aspect of any of that, but she's professional enough to accept it is how it is and she just has to deal with it.
        "If something bad does happen, what's the plan? ...Is there a plan?" she adds. "I can't imagine Ozma would leave anything to chance, though, especially if it meant Ranka would be at risk."

<Pose Tracker> Alto Saotome has posed.

        Alto doesn't think anything of the choice of drink. He's not yet noticed any change in Sheryl's behaviour, or her work. Though part of that is simply because he's been busy. And no doubt Sheryl has tried to make it not obvious. Which is certainly enough for Alto 'frequently-misses-the-obvious' Saotome.

        Alto shakes his head at the question about Ranka, "She's not really been involved. I think some in NUNE have been trying to pressure her into helping but she's been avoiding them." And Alto certainly hasn't asked. And it's not because he fears what Ozma would do if he did.

        Of course, Sheryl asks THE question and Alto just gives her a clueless look. He does eventually say, "At this point... All we can do is hope that the fold quartz research pans out into something."

<Pose Tracker> Sheryl Nome has posed.

        In fairness, it's easy to miss. They've both been busy, so they don't see each other as much as they did when they were both in high school. Sheryl definitely has taken an effort to make it not obvious, especially in front of Alto. It will be more obvious presently--but let's leave that aside for now.
        "She hasn't, hm? I'm surprised she's been able to get away with that. The way the Federation talked about her back in the day, it was like they thought she was their secret weapon. I'm betting NUNE isn't any different," Sheryl remarks in between sips. "Good for her, though, not letting them bully her into it."
        So there isn't a Plan B. She grimaces. But really, what can either of them do? If Sheryl's song could stop the Vajra, she'd take up that stage in a heartbeat--but it can't. Only Ranka's can. If she's not stepping up on that stage either, then relying on the fold quartz research is all any of them can do.
        "Here's hoping, then," she says, unenthusiastic.
        She's about to take another drink when a nearby TV, broadcasting a talk show she knows well, transmits, "Join us tomorrow for an interview with hot guest star, Ranka Lee! See you next time!"
        "What?" Sheryl utters as the credits run, slamming down her mug as she rises to her feet. "I was supposed to be doing that spot! What's going--"
        She cuts herself off when she breaks into a sudden, violent coughing fit. She claps a hand over her mouth, shoulders spasming. Unfortunately, the mug's handle catches on her fingers and she accidentally sends it careening off the table to smash on the floor, sending hot tea splattering everywhere. It fortunately only splashes her a little bit, thanks to her boots--but that's little comfort when she's hunched over that table, tears beading in the corners of her eyes as she's unable to get her coughing fit under control.

<Pose Tracker> Alto Saotome has posed.

        Alto idly plays with his can as he thinks about Ranka's situation and NUNE. It's true that the latter, while having a new name, really isn't that much different to the Federation. Especially on Frontier where the government hasn't actually changed at all. He muses, "I suppose they've been busy with other matters. Plus, apart from the large fleet that suddenly appeared in orbit-and was swiftly destroyed-the Vajra threat has been contained. They probably don't see it as a big problem." Not like those who are actually doing the fighting. They definitely see it as a big problem...

        While he's still a bit lost in thought, Alto does perk up at the sound of Ranka's name. He turns to look at the TV, registering the information about Ranka being on a talk show. Good for her!

        That is until Sheryl suddenly exclaims her confusion. Oh boy, this could be a different big problem-

        -Alto quickly stands as Sheryl starts coughing violently. This is absolutely no normal cough! Alto reaches out for Sheryl but stops. What should he do!? He doesn't know! Really, what CAN he do!?

        Looking concerned, Alto asks, "Are you alright? Do you want a doctor?" He recalls that Canaria should be on duty in the building somewhere.

<Pose Tracker> Sheryl Nome has posed.

        "They're stupid if they do," Sheryl says mercilessly of NUNE. Though, it's not like she doesn't get it. She was holding out hope that the Vajra had been wiped out. She just didn't really genuinely expect it. She's seen firsthand what they're capable of--seen it many times.
        All that gets derailed at the TV show announcement, which gets further derailed by Sheryl's coughing fit. Alto goes to her, but he doesn't know what to do. How could he? She's been hiding this from him all this time.
        She still can't give a coherent reply, but she shakes her head quickly when he mentions a doctor. Not only are doctors terrible, they're useless. They all keep telling her that there's nothing wrong with her, or at least, they can't find anything. What's the point?
        But considering her fit is only tapering off very slowly, Alto might well decide that running off to get Canaria, or at least calling her over, might be wise anyway. She's at least sunk back onto her chair by now, so there's no risk of her falling over.

<Pose Tracker> Alto Saotome has posed.

        Despite the fact that Sheryl doesn't want to see a doctor, when her coughing doesn't settle quickly, Alto decides to call for Canaria anyway. A phone call and short time later, the SMS medic is on site. She's able to provide Sheryl with a medicinal inhalant that helps to ease the coughing more quickly. Though that's only treating the symptoms temporarily and definitely won't have any effect on the cause.

        Once Sheryl seems stable again, Canaria suggests that she go and see her doctor about it. A suggestion that Sheryl will probably ignore.

        Canaria departs, leaving the two alone again. During the time she was here, Alto had been quiet, simply observing from the sidelines. Now, he places a glass of water down in front of Sheryl. And then gives her a piercing stare as he waits for an explanation, "So?"

<Pose Tracker> Sheryl Nome has posed.

        The inhalant helps. Sheryl's cough clears; soon she can breathe again, though she's left sprawled in her chair, long blonde curls cascading over her shoulders, head hung as she breathes slow and deep. She brushes that hair back and mutters something about how she knows, she knows when Canaria tells her to talk to her doctor.
        Soon she and Alto are alone again. She accepts that glass of water and knocks it back, then sets it down with bang and a loud gasp.
        "It's nothing," she insists stubbornly. She looks away, jaw clenched, the look in her eyes distinctly bitter. "...That's what the doctors keep saying. So there's no point in going to them again just to hear the same old 'we couldn't find anything.'"
        She really didn't want Alto to know about this. Whatever... 'this' is.

<Pose Tracker> Alto Saotome has posed.

        "That's not nothing!" Alto retorts rather loudly. He doesn't seem angry at Sheryl. More concerned and confused. He expects she would be able to go to the best doctors money can buy. So what's with them not finding anything?

        Alto drops down into a chair, rubbing the back of his head in annoyance, "Then maybe you need to find some new doctors. Maybe Canaria can help? Or Miss Fressange on the Nadesico?" Though it's been a while since he's run into the Nadesico and so suspects it might be the same for Sheryl. And Alto doesn't really know any other doctors.

        He stares at Sheryl again, "How long has this been going on for?"

<Pose Tracker> Sheryl Nome has posed.

        "Grace already got me appointments with the best doctors in the Frontier. She had a few come in from outside the Frontier, too. And they all said the same thing. One of them said it might be psychosomatic--it's all in my head," Sheryl mutters petulantly, still not meeting Alto's eyes. "A bunch of them said I'm probably just overworking myself and I ought to slow down for the sake of my health."
        Her hands clench. "...But I'd already been on a long hiatus by then, and I was only just barely starting to segue back into music. Show business is cutthroat." You would know that, she doesn't say. "There's so many would-be divas just waiting to claim your throne. Two of them were winners in that contest, even! And I was already taking a big risk going on hiatus in the first place. If I go on hiatus again now, I may as well kiss my career goodbye."
        She pushes her hair back and sighs irritably. "Anyway, it's fine. It probably is just me overworking. I'm not an invincible teenager anymore." (Even though she was a teenager when this started.) "Grace is looking out for me, I promise--"
        So she starts to say, but she cuts herself off, eyes widening. That interview spot was one she was supposed to go to tomorrow, but Ranka's doing it instead. There's no way Grace would be that sloppy.
        Did she give her work away to her biggest rival?
        Her nails dig into her palm as her lips purse. "...but I'll talk to her about it again, if it makes you feel better," she concludes, voice and eyes steelly.

<Pose Tracker> Alto Saotome has posed.

        Alto listens. It sounds very much like Sheryl.

        Which is the problem.

        He sighs, "Your career won't do you much good if you're dead." He glances towards one of the walls of the staff lounge. There's a board on it, with a list of names. It's not hard to figure out that it's a list of the honoured dead, "It's a tunnel vision that you see a lot in rookie pilots. They're so focused on going for the kill on their current target, they don't see another coming at them until it's too late."

        Sheryl insists she fine though. It's just overworking. Alto doesn't look convinced... But he doesn't fight back. Especially once Sheryl says she'll talk to Grace about it again. He nods, "I'm sure she's doing what she can. But it won't hurt to talk with her about it." He has no idea that there might be an ulterior motive behind the conversation. After all, Ranka taking up one of Sheryl's media spots seems like such a minor thing in comparison that he's pretty much forgotten about it.

<Pose Tracker> Sheryl Nome has posed.

        "I'm not dying, don't be melodramatic," Sheryl huffs. She pointedly doesn't look at the list of honored dead on the wall.
        When she remembers later that she said this, it'll be another reason to keep the results from Alto.
        For now, though, when Alto doesn't push further, Sheryl relaxes a bit. She has this under control. And never mind that just a little bit ago, she was anxious about something clearly being wrong with her no matter what the doctors say.
        Pride is a powerful and terrible thing.
        "Right," she says briskly. Then she looks down at the floor, where the shattered mug and spilt tea has not yet been cleaned up. There hasn't been time for it; it just fell to the wayside while much louder things were taken care of.
        Sheryl clutches her knees. She hopes it won't turn out to be a metaphor.