2022-11-05: Moonsetters

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  • Cast: Banagher Links, Kaworu Nagisa, Rei Ayanami
  • Where: The Moon
  • Date: U.C. 0096 11 05
  • Summary: Kaworu and Rei do some sightseeing up on the moon. Banagher, looking for a break from the chaos of the Laplace conspiracy, happens to meet up with them.

<Pose Tracker> Kaworu Nagisa has posed.

        Kaworu Nagisa was sent to the Moon, with an assistant for the possibility that his injuries from when he was almost assassinated are exacerbated by the change in gravity and other factors, for a specific purpose. That purpose has been completed. However, the shuttle back won't be until tomorrow. So as long as he and Rei have time to spend on the Moon, there's no harm in visiting the cities therein, is there?
        Not that it's precisely easy to get to and from the Lunar cities. Tagbha Base is remote even by local standards; after all, it's supposed to be a secret base, though the ZAFT attack on it last year sort of ruined that to some extent. Its activities remain a secret, at least. Kaworu and Rei have thus received an automated transport that takes advantage of the lower gravity to sort of hover from one place to the next; this avoids tire tracks and thus things that can be followed. From there, it's simply a matter of being allowed into the domed city.
        Since this is technically a business trip, Kaworu doesn't have a change of fashionable clothes for the trip; he's still wearing his dark plug suit, emblazoned with the number 06. (There have at least been opportunities to shower and for the suit to be cleaned. Rei is likely in a similar situation.) Still, with the interior of the dome being oxygenated, there's no need for a helmet. They can simply stroll around as-is, even if the pilot suits might make them stand out--might even get them some wariness, after recent war movements.
        But they're here for peaceful purposes, to simply stroll through Copernicus City and enjoy the sights, like totally normal tourists who are definitely fully human beings. As they take in the sights of the many buildings that still retain the 'Granada' naming, they come soon to a shopping district, lined with shops full of food and goods. Kaworu regards them with interest, then looks over to Rei.
        "Would you like to take a closer look at these shops?" he asks her. "I'm personally quite curious what sort of flavors they prefer here for their curry." (Curry is ubiquitous, after all. Surely the Moon has curry.)

<Pose Tracker> Banagher Links has posed.

Dr. Bidan always says breaks are important. You need to take care of yourself first, before you can help anyone else. And so, the young pilot of the Unicorn Gundam has taken a mini-vacation to the moon. Banagher has been once before, but that was merely to battle a kaiju. He didn't really get to look around.

Happily playing the tourist, Banagher wanders through the shopping district, looking in the windows of various stores. He's still got a bit of money left over from what Sayla gave him... Maybe there's a Haro customization place he could check out? At the least, he's definitely going to get some food.

Today, he's wearing his usual outfit -- jeans, a white shirt, and a minty-green hoodie. It's hardly fashionable, but it's warm and comforting. The weight of the hoodie on his arms makes him feel a lot more secure, with the emotions of the people around him pressing up against his mind. It's like a little barrier keeping him safe.

"Maybe I should look for something for Audrey and Leina..." Banagher murmurs, glancing toward a book store. Both girls enjoyed reading, after all. And book stores frequently had piano music for sale...

As he makes his way to the door, a familiar presence echoes against Banagher's conciousness. It feels like a few piano notes, one after the other. Hesitating, the young man glances around. Where had he felt this before? It feels like it's been ages, but it's definitely someone he's felt before.

Kaworu, even without his stylish clothes, seems to stand out in a crowd. Banagher smiles when he sees the other boy. This was perfect. Though they've only met once, Banagher knows one thing about Kaworu: he's a complete pro when it comes to piano music.

Walking up to the pair, Banagher gives a friendly smile. "Hey. Sorry to interrupt, but we met at the cherry blossom viewing. I don't know if you remember, but -- you were playing the piano, and I nearly crashed into it." A little self-concious laugh. "My name's Banagher Links. If you're not too busy, could I get some advice on piano music?"

Not wanting to leave Rei out, he also smiles at her. "It's nice to meet you too. Sorry again to interrupt your time together."

<Pose Tracker> Rei Ayanami has posed.

No harm whatever.

Rei Ayanami is in her own piloting suit as well, the form-fitting white-and-black garment with its technological accessories looking not-quite-like a Normal Suit; near enough that you might take it for one at a distance, but something that thin surely wouldn't be a good proper suit. Even the high-grade ones, owned by spaceriding professionals, are rather bulky.

It would certainly be better than nothing, although Rei dismounted the air enclosure bubble array before coming into Copernicus City, and has taken out the A10 hair clips. (Where are they? Secured in the Tagbha transport. If need be, they have something in common with Rei: They can be replaced later.)

Rei's gaze rests on the shopping arcade.

Even here, on the Moon.
Sacred and barren.
Even here, man will live and dwell.

"... It's familiar," Rei says. "Granada," she echoes, seeing the names.

Rei didn't read the brief on that.

"Yes," Rei says, pausing to raise up the wrist on the plug suit and fiddle with the integrated components on the wrist. The purpose of this becomes clear enough - reviewing the software. Her wrist makes a faint 'pii-tii~ (positive sentiment)' at the confirmation of connection to the marks of commerce.

"The air is different here," Rei says then.

But then - someone is here. Banagher. Rei gazes at Banagher with silent incomprehension for a moment. She blinks - he is speaking to Kaworu - someone Kaworu knows. Her face colors, very faintly, and she doesn't speak a reply. There is a certain sort of subtly uneased bewilderment on top of what seems to be a deep reserve of situational joy, as Rei's arms fold in front of her and she nods, tentatively, to Banagher.

<Pose Tracker> Kaworu Nagisa has posed.

        It's typical for Kaworu to keep his hands in his pockets, but sadly, plug suits don't have pockets. His hands instead rest at his sides as he watches Rei fiddle with the buttons on the wrist device. The air is different here, she says.
        "It's recycled," he offers.
        There is a presence. There are many presences, but this one has a certain familiarity. He looks up as Banagher approaches, dressed far more normally than they are, and smiles back at him. "I do remember. You have a musical soul," he replies. He looks back at Rei. "This young man came to listen to a friend and me perform together last spring," he explains. "There's no need to be uneasy."
        He looks back at the newcomer. "I'm Kaworu Nagisa. This is my friend, Rei Ayanami. We're here to look around the city, as we haven't been here before. If you don't mind walking around with us, I don't mind advising you on piano music." He looks over at his companion. "Provided that Rei doesn't mind, either."
        He's here with Rei first and foremost, after all.

<Pose Tracker> Banagher Links has posed.

Rei's feelings are... strange. Bangher's never quite felt anything like them. She's not hostile, really, but -- what /is/ she feeling?

Realizing he's been staring at Rei, Banagher blinks quickly, looking back to Kaworu. Noticing their outfits for the first time, Bangaher looks them over curiously. Normal suits? Or maybe something more?

"Oh, thank you." Banagher's smile only brightens. "My mother taught me to play when I was very young, but I'm certainly not on your level. It's nice to properly meet you, Kaworu. And you, Rei."

How long has it been since he's been able to talk to someone his own age without the weight of Laplace's Box weighing on his shoulders? Surely Kaworu and Rei can't be involved in the conspiracy -- despite their odd clothing, they appear for all the world to be normal teenagers. Maybe it's okay to relax.

"I'd love to. I came here for a little vacation from some, um." A pause. "Studying. It's been a while since I've been shopping in a place like this. Company would be great! As long as Rei doesn't mind." Banagher looks to her, a little nervous. He doesn't quite know what to make of Rei.

As long as Rei doesn't protest, Banagher will take up a place on Kaworu's other side. He seems at ease, eager to explore the city with new friends. "My girlfriend and I are working on a surprise piano performance for our other girlfriend. We've got some of her favorite music picked out already, but do you have any particular duets you recommend? I only ever learned solos, as a kid."

<Pose Tracker> Rei Ayanami has posed.


Rei relaxes, slightly, when Kaworu says that he knows Banagher and there's no need to be uneasy. It's a little explicit, perhaps, but maybe she

A glass of water. The glass contains half the water that it could.

just needs advice like that, sometimes. First encounters are

A piece of wood, carved into something like a statue. Shavings rest near it, swept into a heap and left there.

sometimes fraught, and Rei seems to be on the shy side.

"Understood," Rei says, about when they met. She blinks once at what Banagher

Undulating light in a pool of water. The waves meet the waves, and the light shines through them.

says, and her shoulders straighten upwards. She blinks again, even as Banagher falls in on the other side of Kaworu. It's an easy thing to do, and there are places to go. Rei stays with Kaworu, though she looks past him, towards Banagher, with something nearer to

The sun shines through a thick lattice. Like a garden frame, or a very thick fence. The sky is blank, like a colony window in the brightest parts of the day. A pale left hand is grasping the fence. It seems slack.

curiosity than her earlier reticience.

Rei purses her lips as there is a brief feeling of something that feels almost normal compared to those cthonic impressions, a sort of 'something prompted me, I remembered to do this, yes, i'm doing it, hurrah' feeling, as she says, "There is a recital soon, at, our school." Valiantly she presses a step further: "Th- Nagisa, knows much about music."

<Pose Tracker> Kaworu Nagisa has posed.

        It's one hell of a stretch to call either Kaworu or Rei a normal teenager, but at the very least, they aren't involved with Laplace's Box. While Kaworu notes Banagher's curious look at their plug suits, he doesn't say anything, so Kaworu doesn't either. Instead, he chuckles a bit at his compliment. "Thank you. But I'm sure you could reach it with enough practice."
        He takes Banagher's statement about why he's here at face value, too. He nods once, and takes the statement about Banagher's girlfriend and their other girlfriend in stride. "Hmm... Anything can be a duet, really, as long as it's arranged for it. Would this be for two people to play on a single piano, or is it a duet with a different instrument?"
        He looks fondly over at Rei as the three of them walk onwards--no, when she offers information about the recital. "Yes," he replies. "Have you had a chance to practice your singing yet, on that note? You and Mary were going to be singing Ave Maria together, were you not?"
        His pace is easygoing but not so slow it drags any of the others down. It's his own pace, yet it keeps up with the others just fine, too. His psychic impression is perhaps that of the sea lapping at the shore at night: rhythmic and calm and beautiful, but with an immense depth that can be intuited by the darkness of the water but not actually measured or known.
        Well, it's fine. As Rei said, he knows much about music, and that's all they're discussing today.

<Pose Tracker> Banagher Links has posed.

Kaworu thanks him, Banagher smiles, and opens his mouth to say something, but--

A half-full glass of water.

"--uh." Banagher manages, blinking in surprise. "Yeah! I've decided to start practicing again. Leina and Audrey both play the piano, so I was --"

A wooden statue of some kind. Complete with abandoned shavings.

Is this coming from Rei? Banagher looks past Kaworu to her, puzzled. She doesn't look like she's trying to project anything, and he isn't getting the pressure he usually does from a fellow Newtype. So what are these images?

"I was, um--" A pause, as he tries to remember what Kaworu said. "Yeah, two separate pianos. We've been using some really cheap keyboards, but hopefully we can get better--

Water, illuminated by light, shining through a gently-moving pool.

"What is this?" Banagher asks, stopping suddenly. The images are distracting, pressing against him as he's trying to focus on Kaworu's conversation. It's already difficult to manage with the emotions of other shoppers echoing through his soul, but these images are something different. Before he can protest further--

Someone holds a fence, with sunlight beaming down on them. They're inside a colony, but they don't look like they're holding on very tightly.

Bringing one hand up, Banagher covers his right eye, trying to figure out what, exactly, he's seeing. "Rei. Are these your memories? Are these things you value?" Keeping his voice soft, he looks back at the young lady with his one uncovered eye. "I don't understand."

Kaworu's presence, at least, is constant and unthreatening. A deep, calm sea -- reminding Banagher a bit of his experience of his soul resonating with Leina's. While there's certainly a sense of danger to a body of water so deep and so unknowable, Banagher doesn't feel worried. If anything, it's grounding in the face of the shifting images Rei presents him with.

"Sorry. I'm fine, just --" Another glance at Rei, openly curious, and a little worried. "This is a little different than what I'm used to. Is everything okay, Rei? Has--"

How do you ask someone if they've been experimented on? Banagher hesitates, lowering his hand and placing it in his hoodie pocket. Leina and Audrey would know how to handle this -- their skills with words were far beyond his own.

"...if anything's gone wrong, or anyone's hurting you, I'd be happy to help, okay?"

<Pose Tracker> Rei Ayanami has posed.

Rei walks comfortably, heedless. Relaxing. Looking away from the others for a moment, to look at the shops. The recurrence of Granada is an unusual name. The place is called Copernicus City. On some level, Rei wonders why. It's interesting. It feels good -

"Yes," Rei answers Kaworu, which seems to be enough to cover all of it, and then Banagher seems to pick up something else. They stop. Rei turns to look at him, blinking a few times at what Banagher does - covering his right eye, revealing his left -

and then he speaks to her

There is a brief flicker image of Rei, distinctly in a blue-and-white school uniform, looking out through a window and then all of that strange impressionism just disappears, like an octopus drawing itself up and fleeing away. The impression is gone, leaving only perhaps a faintly unusual sense from Rei, which comes in along with her arms folding as she opens her mouth - faltering -

There is a brief moment of terror, behind the curtain of the self:

But Rei seems to calm, or at least draw herself together.

Nagisa trusts him.
He is not evil.
If he knows everything, Nagisa will know what to do.
My thoughts were not--

There is a second or two, but other feelings - encouragements, poured into her over the course of months, from two dozen voices - come out, as she stumbles out, "No, I am... I don't, I mean: that everything is alright."

Her jaw tightens, teeth gritting. Kaworu at least can tell this is effort. Not deceit; pushing past something else.

"I did not mean to distress you," Rei says finally.

<Pose Tracker> Kaworu Nagisa has posed.

        "Leina?" Kaworu repeats in mild interest. "Do you mean Leina Ashta?"
        He doesn't comment on Banagher's pauses and blinking, or on the way he stares at Rei. This is one who is clearly sensitive, and Rei is someone special--but without all of the abilities she could have. It's no surprise that she can't modulate what she projects.
        But soon enough Banagher stops of his own accord, then asks Rei directly about what she's projecting. Kaworu glances to one side at her for her reaction, and for Rei, that moment of terror is blaringly loud and clear. But Kaworu remains calm; it's a stretch to say that he trusts Banagher, per se, but he is confident he has a sense of his character and that he is not one who possesses ill will. The fact that Banagher shows concern to Rei, offers her his help if she needs it, underscores this. Soon Rei settles, trusting Kaworu's judgement.
        He gives her a small smile, meant to reassure in the face of that effort of hers, and subtly offers her his hand, raised partway to her without reaching all the way up or to one side. "It's kind of you to offer, Banagher. Thank you. You're a kind person," he says aloud to their companion. "We have our own situations, just as you have yours. You needn't worry about it for the time being."
        'We,' he says, as opposed to 'she.' Yet his presence is that undisturbed shore.
        Perhaps he's just more used to it. Or perhaps it's something else.
        "As for your other questions, I've played on a single piano with another person before. It's quite fun. Perhaps you could try it with her, too," he suggests. "I quite like the works of Chopin, Bach, and Mozart, but I've been enamored with Debussy's Clair de Lune of late. It's an appropriate song for Luna; I wouldn't be surprised if you were able to find sheet music for it for a piano duet."
        He doesn't press Rei again about the duet. She already confirmed a positive, and as long as she's practicing, all will be well. He's confident of that.

<Pose Tracker> Banagher Links has posed.

Watching Rei stare out a window in her blue dress, Banagher feels phsyically close enough to her. He reaches out, only to flinch back at the wave of Rei's terror. It's a shock to his open heart, like touching a live wire. And then --


Banagher knows this feeling, someone trying to pull away and hide their mind. He frowns. If she isn't a Newtype, how is she capable of doing this? A soft frown. There's definitely more to this girl than she's willing to reveal. If he really tried, there's a chance he could power through her walls and find out what she's hiding, but -- that would be a terrible violation of trust.

With a soft breath, Banagher decides to let it go. It's clearly what Rei wants from him. "Alright. I'm sorry to have pried. You didn't do anything wrong. This just kinda happens around me." Banagher shrugs, trying to put Rei at ease. "If anything changes, though, I'm here." Kaworu said we... Maybe that's something to think over later. Banagher turns to him next. "That goes for you, too, Kaworu. I'm sure you're both capable, but it can't hurt to have an extra pair of eyes watching your back!"

Turning to Kaworu, Banagher manages a truer smile. "Yes! She and I have been dating for a few months now. Do you know her? She's incredible. Audrey and I really want to do something great for her. We'll be seeing her again in just a few days, now." His smile turns soft, and he pulls his phone out of his pocket.

Tapping at the phone, Banagher holds it up to Rei and Kaworu. On the screen are three teenagers -- Banagher, Leina, and a young lady with dark blonde hair. They're wearing goofy sunglasses and posing for the camera. All three look extremely happy. Banagher has his arms around both girls.

"A single piano for two people, huh?" Banagher thinks it over, taking his phone back. "That sounds pretty fun, really! My mother and I used to do that kind of thing, but it was just playing. Audrey and I are really in harmony, so I think... it could turn our really nicely!"

"Clair de Lune duet" is typed into a note. With a look of genuine excitement, Banagher grins at Kaworu. "That's a great idea, thanks so much! Rei, do you have any particular favorites? Kaworu mentioned you're going to sing, so you must have an appreciation for music, too."

<Pose Tracker> Rei Ayanami has posed.

Rei feels the subtle urge to reach for Kaworu's hand. Her fingers curl. She doesn't do it; but there is the impulse, the feeling. It feels heavy, warm, like the bathroom after a recent shower. Not bad.

Why does he care?
I'm no one to him.

Banagher speaks more easily to her. Rei gazes at him, and she blinks, once, nodding slowly. "... I understand," she says, a little slower, more verbose than her usual. Her lips thin for a moment, when Banagher moves on to talk about -


Rei's eyes turn towards Kaworu wordlessly, silently, when he isn't looking, but when Banagher holds up a phone, she blinks and looks at it. They are people she doesn't know, of course, but the general outline - she thinks of Suzuhara and Aida.

There is then a question for her.

"... I don't know," Rei says, about her favorites. "But... I like music."

"I learned the viola," she continues. "I am learning to sing. Nagisa is further, along."

"... It's pleasant," she concludes, which may be an ambiguous thing to say with those preambles.

<Pose Tracker> Kaworu Nagisa has posed.

        If Banagher had tried to force his way in, he would have been met with Kaworu's displeasure and all that implies. But he doesn't, because he isn't that kind of person. Kaworu remains relaxed and unbothered, and watches over the two as Banagher lets it go and offers his apologies--as well as an offer to him directly.
        He smiles broadly, a faint chuckle in his throat. "Thank you. I do appreciate the offer." Perhaps one day he'll take him up on it, even. Kaworu has many friends and friendly acquaintances, but there are some things that only those with the presence that someone like Banagher has can deal with. At that time, it might be necessary to call upon him.
        "Somewhat," he says of Leina. "We met once as part of... hmmm... an 'improv'?" He says the word like it's alien to him. In some ways, it is. "She desired 'actors' to help a mutual friend of ours, you see. I'm no actor, but I did wish to help, and so I entrusted myself to her direction. I hope the two--rather, the three of you are very happy together. Please tell her I said hello."
        They do look happy together, too, looking at the photo that Banagher displays for them. Kaworu inspects it, then--catching Rei's attention out of the corner of his eye, though she soon turns away--smiles over at her. She may not take his hand and she may have already looked away, but that unspoken offer remains open should she change her mind. He is here for her, whether she reaches back or not. That's what he wishes to convey to her.
        "I'm glad I could help you, Banagher," he replies. As the young man turns his questions to Rei, Kaworu looks at her too, listening to her responses. He chuckles a bit. "The more you experience, the more you will come to find what you prefer," he remarks. "Whether in music or in other things." He looks back at Banagher's grin and his smile widens enough to squint his eyes shut. "I have a great love for music. It's very pleasant indeed."

<Pose Tracker> Banagher Links has posed.

Rei doesn't know her own favorites, depsite liking music? Worry increases in Bangaher's heart. He can't help but think of the Puru clones, and their intended purpose as living weapons. Maybe -- No, Rei has white hair. All the same, he'll talk to Leina and Audrey about Rei. There's more victimized children than just the Purus.

"That's alright," Banagher says to Rei. "I've heard the viola is pretty complicated. I'm sure you're really talented if you've learned it already. And singing is amazing, too. That's definitely beyond me."

The more they talk about Leina, the brighter Banagher's smile becomes. "That sounds right. She loves acting, and she's always helping people. Thank you so much for helping her out! I'll be sure to tell her you said hello." There's a clear moment of hesitation as Banagher steels himself. "She's -- she was in a pretty serious accident during a battle. She's okay, but she's in a wheelchair for a while. I'm sure she'd appreciate it if you visited or sent her a message during her recovery."

Tucking his phone away, Banagher can't help but shake his head a little. Leina really /does/ know everyone on the Earthsphere. What does that say about Kaworu's identity, when she knows so many other spectacular people? A curious glance toward the other young man offers no further information.

At least Rei has something she enjoys. No matter what she's been through, that's got to be a good sign. Kaworu's words to Rei only make Banagher more curious. Has she not experienced much of the world? Rei reminds Banagher of the Purus all the more.

Coming back to the conversation, Kaworu is given a soft nod. "Yeah. I used to have a hard time understanding it, but my mother pointed out how it's all mathmatical, really. That made it easier. If you don't mind me asking, what brings you two to the moon? I don't want to keep you from anything important -- but if you don't mind the company, I'd be happy to come along."

<Pose Tracker> Rei Ayanami has posed.

Rei blinks in bafflement as Kaworu mentions Improv. This term seems to mean nothing at all to her, and the context makes it completely ambiguous. He might as well said he had met Leina during a zwilnik or a beeblebrauch.

But they do seem happy.

Rei keeps her arms folded as they walk, though her stance is not quite as guarded. She isn't lowering that impression-barrier but it's probably not something she did deliberately. If nothing else, she isn't manipulating anything --

-- and it must be said that she does not bear much resemblance to Elpeo Puru except in the most general way (bipedal, two arms, hair, etc.) but hey, one never knows.

"Wheelchair," Rei says. She looks at Banagher. "A spinal injury?"

He speaks of his mother, and then of what brought them to the Moon.

Rei's expression, finally, softens. "We are awaiting the return trip, and there is enough time to visit Copernicus City."

Rei looks around again. "Granada."

She looks back to Banagher.

... wait, maybe she actually said 'Granada?'

Yes, she did.

<Pose Tracker> Kaworu Nagisa has posed.

        Kaworu catches Rei's baffled blink and smiles at her in fond amusement. "It really is bizarre," he tells her, as if that explains everything. Perhaps it's all the explanation that's really necessary.
        His smile fades into a sober, concerned frown as Banagher brings up the accident that Leina got into during a battle. In truth, he'd met Leina only very shortly before that happened, but... he hasn't seen her since, so he hadn't known. "I see... I'm sorry to hear that. I'll send her a message if I can."
        Leina's a well-connected young woman, and Kaworu's a well-connected young man. Funny how these things work out. It isn't even usually the case for him. If he had to guess as to what the difference is, it's probably the fact that he's an administrator this time around. That, and that he had the chance to descend early. Yes; both of these things combined. He of course doesn't say that to Banagher, nor does he signal it.
        He does listen to Banagher when Rei asks if it was a spinal injury. Hopefully not that... Spines are very delicate things, and so much are attached to their proper functioning. Almost absently, Kaworu rubs the back of his neck and thinks of many much larger spinal cords.
        "Yes, it is quite mathematical. Perhaps that's part of what appeals to me about it," he muses. He lowers his hand and smiles. "Work," he replies, very simply. "But our work has ended, and now we're taking the chance to look around before our return trip." He nods to Rei as she also weighs in. He's undisturbed by her calling the place 'Granada.'
        "I don't mind the company, certainly. Actually, if you happen to know the area, I'd appreciate your advice on what would make proper gifts for our friends back home," he says. "I believe in this situation, they would be called a specific type of gift--'souvenirs'?"

<Pose Tracker> Banagher Links has posed.

Banagher looks surprised when Rei accurately guesses Leina's injury. "Yeah. Thankfully it's all temporary damage, but-- it's still been scary. And I know it's hard on her." Kaworu is given a grateful smile. "Thank you, Kaworu. She's surrounded by people who love her, but a little more never hurts."

Guilt is clear on the young man's face -- though not terribly so. He's making progress in not blaming himself, but a part of Banagher will always be haunted the sickening cracking noise he heard as Leina hit the side of the Unicorn's cockpit. The sound echoes in his mind as he watches Kaworu rub the back of his neck. Banagher shudders. Thankfully, the subject changes quickly.

"Granada..?" Banagher looks around as well, noting the signs. "Oh. I wonder why they left those up?" It's fine. If Rei wants to call it Granada, he certainly won't make a fuss. "I'm glad you two are finished with your work. How kind of you to spend your free time finding souvenirs for your friends. This is my first time here, too, but I've walked by some interesting shops, at least!"

Walking down this street should take them by a number of probably-overpriced stores. The bookstore Banagher walked by earlier, along with a typical tourist boutique, several food stands, and a jewelry store. Gravitating toward the food stand, Banagher buys himself a crepe. He seems quite happy with this, brown eyes lighting up at the taste.

"You guys want some food? My treat."

<Pose Tracker> Rei Ayanami has posed.

"When it starts to -" Rei says to Banagher, before pausing and looking at her left hand, "feel patapata, it means the inflammation is reducing."

She looks up at him again, a little more hesitantly. That startling is recent, but he seems to have been past it. A quick and flexible mindset. Is this what happens to those who reside in space, on the Moon? It did not seem to be the case on Orbit Base, but...

Kaworu mentions souveniers. Rei blinks once, and then seems to mull it over, before following forwards. "Is Granada the district name?" she asks, looking around, upwards, at the signs.

And Banagher detaches slightly from them - perhaps he's led them to where they need to go and is now about to depart from the impromptu party - no, Rei sees, he's purchasing food. Rei blinks again, and then adjusts her plug suit wrist again, looking over towards the posted menu.

To Kaworu as if looking for authorization -- but only for a second, because she says: "Yes."

"Peanut butter and banana," Rei states.

<Pose Tracker> Kaworu Nagisa has posed.

        It's like Rei to be familiar with what types of injuries lead to what sort of needed treatment. Kaworu doesn't comment on it, no more than he comments on the guilt radiating from Banagher, but... Yes. This is a topic best not lingered on, all considered. Pain is a novelty to him. To Rei, it's a reality.
        "I believe Granada is the former name of the city itself. When there was a change in those who hold power, there was also a change in the name. However, the previous name wasn't fully purged. That's why these signs still remain," Kaworu explains. Updated history lessons each continuity are helpful after all, it seems.
        And while Banagher is also new to the city, there's no harm in looking around together. Bookstores (perhaps a novel by a local author for Shinji), boutiques (perhaps a piece of local fashion for Alouette), a jewelry store (perhaps a locally designed hair pin for Mari)... And food stands, but food doesn't keep well over long periods of time. Kaworu is prepared to overlook those entirely when Banagher goes to buy himself a crepe and offers to treat the two of them too.
        He smiles at Rei but gives no other indication of approval or disapproval. Not until she says yes for herself. Then he looks over at Banagher. "I'm not hungry, but I don't mind if you two eat," he says. "There's time enough for all of us to do as we please for now."