Marian Cross

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Revision as of 07:38, 17 June 2024 by Lime (talk | contribs)
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Commander Marian Cross
IC Information
Full Name: Marian Cross
Gender: Female (She/her)
Species: Natural
Age (Birthdate): 0067 (32 as of '99)
Hair Colour: White
Eye Colour: ?
Height ?
Job: MS Pilot
Homeland: United Emirates of Orb
Awakening: Unknown
Primary Unit:
BGM: None
OOC Information
Origin: Original
Factions: Unknown
Player: Lime

A pure Natural with no supernatural or psychic abilities to speak of. Even so, she managed to make a name for herself as a MS pilot with just her skills and diligent training. Awakened from her coma after two years since the Battle for Orb, she returned to duty as a commander of Orb's military. With her dream of having a loving family no longer achievable due to her sustained injuries, she's now on the lookout for a successor that could inherit her ideals and legacy.


Marian Cross was orphaned from a very young age from war. She has no memories of her parents, or even her actual birthplace or birthday. Even her earliest memory is comprised of her staring out the window of her orphanage and looking longingly at the families walking past.

With little academic prospects resulted from her rough upbringing, she joined up with Orb National Defense Force. Spending a few short years as a foot soldier before making her way into her own MS squadron. Her surprising skills as a Natural pilot garnered the attention of Nergal, and soon she found herself working for them along with her squadron.

During the Battle for Orb, her squad was tasked with defending a major strategic objective. The resulting battle cost her the rest of her squad, and nearly her own life. She didn't come out from the battle unscathed either. The heavy injuries she sustained from being partially crushed rendered her no longer able to bear child and put her in a comatose. With her recently emerging from it, Orb officials swiftly took the chance to recruit her back from Nergal, and giving her an experimental Gundam built upon the remains of her nearly destroyed MP Nu Gundam from the battle.





