2024-06-30: A Hero

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  • Log: A Hero
  • Cast: Marian Cross, Eight Orlodhari
  • Where: A Military Base in Orb
  • OOC - IC Date: June 30, 2024 (0099)
  • Summary: While she's touring a base in Orb, Eight Orlodhari drops in on a 'Hero' named Marian Cross--and they talk a little about what that means.

<Pose Tracker> Marian Cross has posed.

Ever since Marian has decided to embrace the title of 'Hero', albeit very reluctantly, she's been bombarded with work. Aside from testing a new weapon system Morgenroete is developing, she's been running herself ragged dealing with officials for the Athhas and getting more entrenched in the top brass.

Meaning of course, she's stuck in her office. Her desk scattered with stacks of folders and papers. And that's in addition to a couple monitors in front of her.

Her eyes are a little bloodshot, too much caffeine perhaps. And she groaned, throwing herself back in her seat as she swiveled around. It's her little way of taking a break.

<Pose Tracker> Eight Orlodhari has posed.

Speaking of the top brass, Eight Orlodhari is here, an old ally of Orb. She was one of those who turned at the Invasion in order to defend the nation, and has been a friend ever since. She of course has an escort around the base... Who is currently trying to catch up with her as she walks down a hallway.

"Admiral!" her escort says. "Ma'am!!"

Then Eight knocks at Marian's door. "Commander?" Eight's voice comes. "This is Admiral Orlodhari, of the MDF. I'd like to speak with you."

Her escort--a harried young Ensign--catches up. "Ma'am, we could've arrranged an appointment..."

"It's fine," Eight says.

<Pose Tracker> Marian Cross has posed.

Marian quirked an eyebrow at that and her swiveling stopped abruptly. Eight Orlodhari? She read the reports after emerging from her coma. Eight was here during the battle. Even more than that, Marian found out she's a part of this secretive group based in Magallanica called 'Terminal.' ...after coaxing colonel Ledonir about it...

"Yes, please come in." She replied. Wondering what she wanted from her, to come her personally, to her office and meet her.

She didn't hear what the Ensign said, of course. But yes, she definitely should've arranged an appointment. Even if Marian isn't the most timely person herself.

<Pose Tracker> Eight Orlodhari has posed.

Eight opens the door, and her escort wobbles in place. "Ma'am!"

"I'd like to speak with Commander Cross alone," Eight instructs her, and the Ensign nods. "Yes, ma'am. I'll... Let the base commander know you came here."

"Very good."

Then Eight moves into the office, closing the door behind her, and smiles. She's in her Magallanica Defense Force uniform, teal and white; the MDF has a base in Orb, but she wanted to visit the Orb facilities proper.

"Thank you," she says to her. "When I'd heard that you were awake, I was interested in meeting you. There must have been a lot to catch up on, while you were out. The world looks very different than it did a few years ago."

<Pose Tracker> Marian Cross has posed.

Her eyes studies her intently as Eight enters the room. Prim and proper, very unlike Marian. Her untucked dress shirt is in plain view with her uniform jacket opened. Dress pants, not skirt, as some female officers prefer. She stood up, preparing for Eight to come forwards and extend a hand for a shake. She didn't bother buttoning up to make herself presentable either. It's an image she's cultivating. 'I'm above your military hierarchy,' her attitude seems to say.

"I was interested in meeting you too. After all, we're both 'heroes' from that battle." There's a tinge of bitterness in her voice when she said the word 'heroes.'

"And indeed it has. So much has changed since the past two and a half years. From the old Earth Federation dissolving...This new NUNE. I'm still wrapping my head around it all, quite frankly."

<Pose Tracker> Eight Orlodhari has posed.

Eight likes to be approachable--but approachable within the bounds of discipline. Her uniform is clean and well put-together, and she does have a long skirt on. Her jacket is closed, her rank insignia shiny. What she doesn't do is comment on Marian's less clean-cut state. She looks her over, but declines to say anything there. Instead, she indeed aproaches for a handshake.

"Sounds like you have more complicated feelings than the media would hope," Eight notices. "...That's fair. The reality is a lot more complicated than 'heroes' as a rule. For those of us in the middle of the war... It is what it is."

"And right. It's a lot." Her voice is faintly accented in this language. 'Scottish' they'd call it in Europe, but there's a tinge of Zeonic too.

"We're all waiting to see how things are going to fall into place, now. I admit--I'm not confident that NUNE will be much better than the Federation was at this rate. But then, I suppose I am in charge of the military for an independent colony--we wouldn't be independent, otherwise."


<Pose Tracker> Marian Cross has posed.

Marian takes her hand in for a quick shake. It wasn't a particularly firm one on her end. While she might be presenting herself in a rather loose way for a soldier, very clearly exploiting her title as the 'Hero of Orb', she's not out to be competitive or antagonizing.

"...yes. Though I've recently begun to enjoy the perks of being called a 'hero.' You'd be amazed at the things you can get away with and what the top brass is willing you tell you. Things you're not supposed to know for your rank." Of course, she's referring to herself. While she's not happy to exploit it, she's certainly more than willing to now.

She motions her to take a seat before she continues, "Indeed. Orb and Terminal share many of the same ideals. I hope we'll continue to have a friendly and fruitful relationship." And she takes a seat with that. 'Terminal,' she said, not 'Magallanica.'

<Pose Tracker> Eight Orlodhari has posed.

Eight's is firm, but only regular-firm; enough to show she's paying attention.

"Hmmm," Eight answers about perks. "Is that so?" She lifts a eyebrow. But 'perks' givs way to 'knowledge' and the point becomes clearer to Eight, who nods along, taking her seat. "That's true," Eight answers.

"I hope the same. Terminal will continue to watch over Orb, in any case. We have a history... and a lot of the best of the Three Ships Alliance chose to settle here, too."

"It's home, for a lot of us. Even if keeping neutral nations afloat wasn't to our benefit, we'd want to help."

<Pose Tracker> Marian Cross has posed.

'Terminal will watch over Orb,' huh? And who's going to watch over Terminal? "I've noticed. And I'm glad they do." She said in regards to people of the former Three Ships Alliance choosing to settle here, and making no mention of her previous thought.

"Home, huh?" She muses. "What's that saying? Home is where the heart is?" She chuckled with a hint of sadness in her expression. "'Home' haven't been the same ever since Lord Uzumi's death. And the Princess...she's not ready to lead Orb back to what it was."

<Pose Tracker> Eight Orlodhari has posed.

Who watches the watcher? It's a fair question.

"Some of my very best friends, even. If not for being more comfortable in space--and needing to watch over Magallanica--I'd have considered it more myself." A smile, "...Orb is beautiful, but a little big for me."

But home... yes. "That's what they say." A ause. "...True," she admits. "I'm worried about what's next for Orb, with that in mind. I'm not deaf to the rumors."

She shakes her head. "He deserved better than what he got. He was a good man. He's part of why we were able to operate so successfully after the Invasion--He really gave us a hand getting it together."

<Pose Tracker> Marian Cross has posed.

"I've only been up there for training, while I was with Nergal. Think I prefer being able to feel my feet touching the ground at all times." She laughed softly.

What's next for Orb is that its 'Hero' will do its damnest to protect it, even if she has to break a few rules along the way.

She nodded at that. "Yes. It was a terrible way to go. I didn't know him personally, but I adore him all the same. His ideals and visions are the very ones that made Orb what it is. And I intend to keep it that way." A determined declaration. Perhaps the only one that's actually apt for her title since their conversation started.

<Pose Tracker> Eight Orlodhari has posed.

"I grew up out there. A resort colony, Winter Wonderland." Well, after Zeon, of course. But Eight doesn't talk about Zeon quite so freely as that. She laughs back though. "Fair. The ground is big and comforting if you're used to it."

Eight is no stranger to rulebreaking. But in this case...

"I agree," Eight says. "...I hope you can. Those ideals... they helped me believe that at least one government in this world held values like that. They made it worth defecting."

A grimace. "But since you know about Terminal, you know that I can't influence that. What Orb does next has to be up to Orb, not shadowy influences from space."

"...But I still hope you succeed. I admire that determination."

<Pose Tracker> Marian Cross has posed.

"Perhaps I'll pay that colony a visit. Would be nice to take a break some time." Not that she could with Orb in its situation at this point, but it's nice to dream. And she offered another idle thought. "Or maybe Asticassia. Always wanted to see what that school is about." It's a genuine wonder to her, having never been afford many, if any, academic prospects in her childhood.

She nodded once more. "Of course. 'Orb will not intervene in the conflicts of other nations.'" She paraphrased Orb's motto. "It would be silly to expect others to intervene on our behalf when that is our own national policy. Orb has to take care of itself." And she offered a smile. A somewhat wry one even. "...but that doesn't mean we can't engage in trade. Even if the nature of that trade doesn't involve goods." It's a roundabout way of saying 'I'll scratch your back, and you'll scratch mine.'

"...thank you. I hope so too, for the sake of Orb, and the Princess..."

<Pose Tracker> Eight Orlodhari has posed.

"I haven't been back in a while myself. If you go, get ready for hot cocoa. It's the official drink." Asticassia, though... Eight is thoughtful about that one. "It's definitely an advanced school. But I'm not entirely on board with the way they solve what seems like everything through duelss."

Orb's own policy. "Right." She laughs a little at that wry smile. "True. Well, let me know if you have anything to 'trade'. I'll have the Ensign leave you a contact number for me."

"...Yes," Eight agrees. "We can't predict the future, but we can do our best, and that has to be enough."

"...Well," Eight says, "I should probably leave you to yor work--I dropped in on you out of nowhere--but I wanted the chance to meet you for myself, either way."

<Pose Tracker> Marian Cross has posed.

Marian gives a simple nod and makes a mental note for hot cocoa. "I personally don't mind the duels. Being able to solve conflicts with power, in a safe way. It's a wonderful concept." She said, making no mention of the myriad of corruption that could happen (or perhaps even happening already). Cathedra however, she has other opinions about them.

"Of course," she replied, this time flashing a simple smile. So she's not against the idea.

She scoffs softly, "...I'm not sure best is enough. But we can certainly try." She acknowledges, even if she doesn't necessarily agree.

"Yes, thank you for dropping by. I'm sure we'll see each other again soon enough." she stood up and lead Eight out, opening the door for her, and giving her another shake as she leaves. The handshake is a firmer one this time. As if acknowledging her as a friend.