2024-05-18: Welcome to Iceland

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  • Log: 2024-05-18: Welcome to Iceland
  • Cast: Soma Peries, Flay Allster, Chienne Argent, Lilium Valerie
  • Where: Heaven's Base, Iceland
  • OOC - IC Date: May 18, 0099
  • Summary: A meeting among rising stars within the NUNE's Gaia Sabers, set in the frigid seat of power that is Heaven's Base. While some are hopeful about the Gaia Saber's presence in situations such as Huffman Island, Chienne is quick to lay out the reality of their mandate.

<Pose Tracker> Soma Peries has posed.

        Heaven's Base is a sprawling complex along the coast of Iceland. Originally the second largest military base constructed by a Federation bloc (the Britannians never do anything small as they also had the first) it became the first after the Joint Supreme Headquarters in Alaska had a small sun set off inside it. With the restructuring of the Federation into the New United Nations Earth, Heaven's Base now serves as the main headquarters for the Gaia Sabers.

        With numerous facilities for warship and mobile weapon construction and maintenance, training facilities, administration offices, personnel lodgings, no doubt a number of unlisted locations doing things that are highly classified, and even a Wendy's, the base has everything anyone in the Gaia Sabers could want.

        This includes a rather large and posh lounge in the headquarters main building. Often frequented by officers, ship captains and pilots of note, its elevated position provides a great view through its floor-to-ceiling glass windows. A view that is currently being taken advantage of by one First Lieutenant Soma Peries, super soldier number one of the former Super-Human Institute Technical Research Center. The latter part of which is something likely to have been heard about in rumours and the like, since she has never been shy about introducing herself as such. Though lately it's been far less frequent.

        Soma is wearing more simple casual clothing, seated at one of the large tables propped up against the edge of the lounge and the large windows. There's an empty glass on the table in front of her, as well as a computer tablet, the screen of which has long since gone dark out of idleness. For Soma has simply been staring out the window at the view of the sprawling complex beyond. Though one may get the impression she's not actually looking at it at all.

<Pose Tracker> Flay Allster has posed.

The sound of footsteps resounds in the lounge of the Gaia Sabers' ornate Heaven's Base - a recent addition to the NUNE's military, this is Flay's first time actually touring the facility.

Flay's never quite had a look of a soldier - favouring a closely-curated and hyperfeminine appearance. Perhaps that's just another part of the role she wishes to play, though. After all, she is a recent graduate from the Asticassia School of Technology's piloting program, and the daughter of a once-prominent Federation politician of minor Britannian nobility who died in the Bloody Valentine War.

If one were to do some closer digging, they'd find that Flay joined the Federation military at 15 as a cadet, but not much of the details. It might suggest she has a deeper reason for being here now than just fame or glory, though.

Flay approaches the table Soma is seated at, out of uniform herself, instead wearing a warm, yet stylish pink top. "You must be... First Lieutenant Peries?" She's at least familiar with some of the roster, and people have certainly talked about Soma. She's some kind of 'super soldier', some people around the base said... but is that just a rumour?

"I'm kind of tired of walking around, so do you mind if I sit here?" She asks, accompanied by a forced smile - and then she sits down anyways. "I mean, you look pretty bored anyways." She adds. She doesn't give her name - she's the type of person to expect people would already know it.

<Pose Tracker> Chienne Argent has posed.

There really are a lot of human projects around the Gaia Sabers.

Over the last few months, the Argents, a trio of ex-Schoolchildren (extremely ex-, if they have anything to say about it) have been spotted now and again around Heaven's Base. Presumably it's part of a project, and their security clearances are all up-to-date and entirely authentic, but it hasn't been very well publicized.

They haven't entirely been a great fit for the Gaia Sabers. Two of them are loud, the remaining one is a troublemaker in a different sense, and all three of them mildly to seriously difficult with authority, but never so much that they get thrown out - and whatever project they're on most really need them, because they're still here.

And, in a very direct sense, here. Right now, in this location. Or at least two of them are.

"You know it's not gonna change if you stare at it, right? Or did you pass out? Earth to space case, come in space case," Chienne says, from where she has arrived - behind Soma by a few feet, quietly enough that you might notice her if you were watching but most people wouldn't, arms crossed. She is wearing about half of a uniform. The top half. She replaced the bottom half with a sarashi. (Still got the boots, though.)

Chiot is following her. He has not said anything, and his expression is difficult to read because you can't see his eyes; they're behind an opaque visor. Inasmuch as he looks anything, he looks bored.

(Chien is technically here but has wandered off to get some food.)

<Pose Tracker> Lilium Valerie has posed.

This lounge wasn't somewhere Lilium Valerie really felt she belonged, even now. It was awfully fancy, after all, and she'd only been an officer for a little under two years--and she was far from being notable in any meaningful way. Still, if her duties took her past Heaven's Base (which they did, apparently) she may as well take in the hospitality. And besides, they have a slightly nicer Britannian-style burger franchise than the normal MacDaniels. That counts for something, right?

This leads the Second Lieutenant, dressed in, essentially, an old EFF service uniform with new patches stitched on, to enter into the currently almost-empty room. Maybe there's a couch she can catch up on some sleep on.

Or.. maybe there are people here already. That's... First Lieutenant Peries... they'd met before, but never actually spoken, and... Three others. Two in uniform, (at least she thinks that's uniform?), one other in casual clothes. No indication of rank... Irregulars, presumably.

Coughing politely, Lilium moves up towards the window, managing "-Ah, excuse me, First Lieutenant ma'am--" as she passes the table.

<Pose Tracker> Soma Peries has posed.

        Soma is not so distracted by the view that she is surprised as people approach. Flay is the first, speaking politely to her. Soma turns her head, golden eyes looking Flay over for a moment. Despite Flay's expectations, Soma in fact does not know who she is. Coming from the REA, Soma isn't yet as familiar with the notable people from the other blocs. Soma nods to Flay, "Please do. Are you a pilot?" It seemed a safe bet. Soma was aware of most of the higher ranking officers and Flay did not seem like a ship's captain.

        Another person approaches, from behind this time. They are far less polite, which results in Soma simply ignoring them.

        But another walks past and this one Soma does recognise, flagging her down, "Ah, Lieutenant Valerie. As I didn't have an opportunity before: Thank you for the assistance on Huffman Island."

<Pose Tracker> Chienne Argent has posed.

"Hey, Space Cadet! You deaf too?"

This time Chienne swings herself around so she can plop herself, all casual-like, on a seat where she can look straight at Soma - and the others, too. Without asking. She grins, showing teeth; all of Chienne's grins look faintly threatening, though she has her hands clearly visible and is not carrying a knife so it's probably fine.

Her gaze slides up to look at Flay, who she doesn't know, and Lilium, who she also doesn't know but is at least in a recognizable uniform. Chienne's eyes narrow slightly as she considers something, but apparently it eventually meets her ... well, not approval, but it doesn't meet her disapproval at least.

So, back to Flay: "Well, *you* don't look like the normal sort around here, now do you. All stuffy captains and boring pilots." Chienne pauses, drumming her fingers against her knee. "So either you're new, and you haven't figured it out yet, or you're not, and you know exactly what you're doing. Which one is it?"

Chiot has by this point taken a spot several seats away and pulled out *his* tablet, which he is much more engrossed in than the people. The screen does not display anything much visible to anyone else - he's getting a visual pickup on his visor, presumably, and is mostly using it for tactile input.


"Oi, Chienne!" Chien, who is a big, muscular man, is coming over with food from the burger place. He tosses a wrapped burger at Chienne; Chienne, without actually looking around, catches it left-handed. He tosses one at Chiot too, who catches his somewhat less adroitly - he actually has to look up to do it.

"Who's this then?" he asks, a moment later.

"That's what I'm figuring out," Chienne says, before taking a bite from her burger. There are no vegetables on it.

<Pose Tracker> Flay Allster has posed.

There's a brief hint of a 'tsk' of what sounds like annoyance from Flay as she's not immediately recognized - but then again, she's come to learn time and time again that the world is a lot wider than her immediate sphere. She lets it sit, and Soma seems kind enough in any case...

"Mm-hm," She answers Soma's question, her expression somewhat proud. "You know, I've been practicing with the new Strike. I didn't realize... that's what it's like to pilot a Gundam like that." She adds, with maybe a little less underlying excitement than being given a unit like that might entail - though she certainly doesn't show it.

She'd say a little more, but Chienne immediately forces her attention, and she frowns, eyebrows scrunches. "Hmmm.... what if it's some of both?" She answers. "Sure, I'm new around here. But it's definitely not my job to be 'stuffy and boring', you see. I'm here because the Gaia Sabers are going to bring the Earth Sphere some peace and stability for one... and I'd to be one of the faces of it." She looks towards Chienne and back, as if to ask 'does that satisfy you'?

"The Huffman Island conflict..." She sits down, and looks towards Soma and then Lilium. "I've heard about what's going on. I can't believe some weird.. alien robot might get in the way of so many years of diplomacy. How did it go for you two?" She drums her fingers across the table.

<Pose Tracker> Lilium Valerie has posed.

A brief nod is given to Soma--"Oh, I didn't do that much..." before she turns to stare out the window. It was... A view, certainly.

Lilium allows the discussions between Flay and the others behind her to go on, more focused on the window, before she's turned to--

"Oh, it was a robot? The debriefing I was given didn't really clarify..." Sighing, she shakes her head. "-Still. We can only hope things will turn out well... I'd say it went as well as it could have. We didn't get shot at, and I believe the observation post has been accepted relatively painlessly..?"

A moment of thinking later, she decides to take a seat if she's going to be actually involved in this conversation, and sets herself up on the other side of the table.

"...Peace and Stability, though. I'd like to think the fact that we didn't lose that to the Incident in question bodes well, you know?"

<Pose Tracker> Soma Peries has posed.

        "Not deaf. I just didn't see any reason to respond." Chienne invites herself to join the table, which she is technically allowed to do in this public place. So Soma doesn't say anything about it.

        Turning her focus back to Flay, Soma has to resist the up-swell of feelings at the mention of the name Gundam. Logically she knows there are many types of Gundams out there and Flay isn't talking about the ones Soma has the most experience with. Still, it can be hard to shake the feelings that come after years of trying to hunt down Celestial Being's versions.

        Soma looks thoughtful for a moment, "I recall seeing a summary of the technical notes for the new Strike Gundam. Numerous advancements in established technologies... Though nothing too unusual." Probably to avoid drawing the eye of the likes of Cathedra. "Still, if it's your unit, you must be an accomplished pilot."

        On the matter of Huffman Island, Soma muses, "I don't think the OCU appreciates the observation post so close to their border. But I doubt they'll make too much of a fuss over it. Especially as I'm sure they are thinking it may cause the machine to end up heading towards our territory should it awaken."

<Pose Tracker> Chienne Argent has posed.

Chienne just looks at Soma for several seconds. "Well, at least you're not stupid," she eventually decides, "or at least not stupid that way. But here's a word of advice. Don't ignore your 'colleagues'. Or one day when you need us we might be ignoring *you*."

"Peace and stability," Chienne grumbles, around a mouthful.

She swallows before she speaks again. "No such thing," she says, wiggling one finger in a 'no-no' style gesture. "People'll always reach for more power than they're allowed to have. And even if there *was*, we wouldn't have a job, so lucky for us that people keep trying to break it, huh?"

She smiles, almost companionably. "You can try, though. I understand wanting to be one of the... faces of it." She says 'faces'. Her mind fills in: 'fists'. Or maybe 'boots'.

Chienne snorts. "Huffman's always ready to go. Maybe an alien showed up. Maybe it's someone trying to make you think an alien showed up. But if it blows, it's an excuse, not the reason."

"She likes Huffman," Chien volunteers, from where he stands (looms) behind Chienne's seat. "She gets pissed whenever they turn the gladiatorial broadcasts off."

"And gridiron. Don't forget gridiron." She means 'football' but is stating it in a way where it's very clear to both the Britannians and the Europeans which kind of football she means. "You thought some of the teams around here have grudges? Those guys have *grudges*. I swear some of the gridiron teams would be carrying knives on if they could figure out how to hide 'em."

"But the Strike, huh?" Chienne seems considering. "Not bad," she eventually decides. "You've got some skills then. I'd hate to be expected to pay attention to someone without."

<Pose Tracker> Flay Allster has posed.

Chienne seems... honest, if not almost kind of aggravating to Flay. "It's not like there's anything wrong with wanting to have power. It's the only way to have peace, because it's the only way to be safe...!" She crosses her arms, before resting them back on the table. Because it doesn't actually sound like Chienne disagrees with that.

Which brings them to the point of Huffman Island. Lilium seems relieved it didn't escalate to a full-on shootout, while Chienne doesn't seem to take it all that seriously. Soma on the other hand, makes a cool assessment of the situation. "It's good that they aren't using it as an excuse for trouble, either..." Flay nods towards Lilium. "But do we actually have a plan for what to do if blows?" Her shoulders tense. "The OCU's anti-kaiju divisions probably know way more about what that thing is, but should we really just be relying on them to handle it?"

A skilled pilot... Flay is a graduate at Asticassia, but her duelling record is so-so. She has plenty of wins she can point to, but it's not like the competition wasn't fierce. "Are you just saying that to be nice or something?" She asks, mostly of Soma, because she doesn't expect that of Chienne. "I'm mostly learning how to pilot because.. I don't want to have to make someone else fight my battles anymore. But... I also want to show it isn't just the performance of the Strike that wins them, either."

The name 'Gundam' seems to mean something different to so many people. For Flay, the Strike is kind of like a guardian angel, or a symbol of protection she forged for herself. There's no doubt that's caught up with the original pilot of the Strike - but perhaps piloting it herself is her way of untying it.

<Pose Tracker> Lilium Valerie has posed.

Lilium leans back in her seat, sighing faintly. "It's probably a real alien. Probably. The OCU got there maybe... thirty seconds before we did, and nobody was seen moving in the valley before it appeared." She thinks for a moment.

"Not that that completely discards the possibility, but I don't think it's likely that they'd want a war with the entire rest of the world."

She turns to flay. "If I recall correctly, there are... plans for if it boils over. Their anti-kaiju forces were also, if I recall, convinced to hand over the information they had on.. whatever that thing was to the local garrison, so they at least know now."

Lilium turns once again, this time to face the window. "Neither the skill of the pilot alone, or the... uhm... performance of the suit... alone..? is that how the saying goes?" She muses, casting her gaze to the overcast skies.

<Pose Tracker> Soma Peries has posed.

        'Or one day when you need us we might be ignoring *you*.'

        "I do believe that would be a good way of getting yourself in front of a military tribunal." It's a good thing that Chienne and her fellows aren't on Soma's team, or they might find themselves quickly transferred elsewhere.

        Regarding the concerns about the new monster on Huffan and whether they'd have to rely on the OCU for it, Soma shakes her head, "Our greatest strength now as the Gaia Sabers is we are now a united front, rather than separate bloc militaries. That means we have the personnel and resources to confront more varied threats. The advantage of specialised teams dedicated to handling unusual threats like that has also been recognized more as of late." Her own team is one such group. So she confidently says, "Whatever comes, the Gaia Sabers can handle it."

        When Soma is accused of providing a hollow compliment, she generally looks a little surprised. She shakes her head to Flay, "I wasn't just being nice. I was simply thinking that they wouldn't give such a unit to just any rank and file pilot. Especially with the availability of new mass production models. Which means someone recognises that you have skill, whether potential or realised."

<Pose Tracker> Chienne Argent has posed.

Chienne does not in fact disagree with Flay in the least. "Good. You're thinking. Gaia Sabers is here to be the fist that keeps the people who don't listen in line. If someone starts a war, we're there. If someone tries to keep stuff from NUNE, we're there. If they won't listen to anything else, they'll listen to power. That means OCU too, so don't worry too hard about Huffman Island. If something happens, you get to come down on them like an angry god. You too," she adds to Lilium.

"But I said *some* skills. If you were completely hopeless they'd take it away from you. But don't get ahead of yourself." Chienne's irritation comes out now, mollified slightly by the fact that Chien and Chiot are both nearby and she has a burger.

Still, she squeezes it just a little too tight, threatening to squash it a bit more than she intends to, and when she bites it there's some viciousness to how she tears at it. Better she takes it out on poor, innocent food than anything else; she was going to eat that anyway.

"So here's the thing, Space Cadet," Chienne says to Soma, afterwards. "It's less 'ignoring' and more 'busy'. We've got these licenses, you see. They say I can do what I want, perusant to my orders. And *my* orders aren't the same as yours. I don't have to deal with tribunals as long as I'm following them. But you... you wouldn't qualify for the position I've got. You don't have the skills."

"Because it takes three of us," Chiot says, speaking for the first time and without looking up from his computer.

"Well, yeah." Chienne has had some of the wind taken out of her sails from that. She viciously attacks her burger again - oh look, it's gone. She wipes her fingers on the wrapper. "But we're for big threats. Dealing with them or making them. Not little pissant maneuvering, unless we feel like it."

<Pose Tracker> Flay Allster has posed.

Soma and Chienne's words are both assuring in very different ways. The idea that the Gaia Sabers are capable of handling anything and everything is a comforting idea of course... and Chienne puts it into harsher terms. "Without that kind of power, that alien would tear apart Huffman Island, even if the OCU owns part of it. The same goes for the Earth itself, isn't that right?" It's an enticing thought, after being powerless to protect so many of the things you hold dear.

"...Sorry, I just kind of assumed," Flay says quietly when Soma clarifies it wasn't such a hollow compliment, which might give an idea of the kind of mindgaming that goes on at Asticassia. "Well, I'm glad you think so, because I'm definitely not just doing this because I think it's a game." She glances back at Chienne, her wingmates nearby now.

"The result itself is the only truth." Flay completes for Lilium, having heard it so many times. "I guess that speaks for itself, doesn't it?" She falls silent when Chienne boasts of her and her team's autonomous action licenses. It's not a surprise they have them, and it's not that different from the kind of work Londo Bell got - on paper.

"Sounds pretty impressive, I suppose. "But it's not like the three of you are all that busy now, are you? Those qualifications definitely aren't for lounging around in the HQ base, I'm sure." Flay smiles. "That is to say, I'd rather see what you're capable of, when the time comes."

<Pose Tracker> Lilium Valerie has posed.

"I'd hope we can avoid too many tribunals... those tend to reflect poorly on organisations..."

Lilium leans back in her chair, staring up at the ceiling. That was what got the last EFF organisation like this... sort of. In a way. She thinks so, anyway. "We can handle it, though. That's what we're here for. We're the left hand and the right, so we actually know what we're doing. Fist or otherwise." At least, she hoped they did.

Lilium, for a moment, notices Chienne tearing into a perfectly good hamburger ...Come to think of it, she wanted a burger. She should probably get a burger, later. Why did it always seem to be burgers..? The second lieutenant shakes her head, refocusing. "-Right. We're here so that if they do try anything, they don't get away with it. Whatever we need to do to make sure."

She thinks on the statement as to their responsibility for the OCU's land, and the earth as a whole... before nodding. "..You could extend that to a lot of things, really... this earth is the world we all live in, so we might as well protect all of it. Even if I don't think we'll really need to respond to much inside the OCU proper, in practice... who knows? Maybe we'll have another full-scale alien invasion, or something." A moment later, she nods as Flay finishes her sort-of-correct interpretation of the.. what was that, a motto? "...and... yes, I suppose it does."

<Pose Tracker> Soma Peries has posed.

        Soma raises an eyebrow, "Ah yes, license holders. I've heard of your kind. Bestowed special freedoms due to your unique approaches to completing missions." Which as far as Soma believes is another way of saying they don't play well with others so better to keep them out of the main chain of command where they can do the least harm. Of course she doesn't say that part out loud, instead saying, "I look forward to seeing you in action."

        "This... Is definitely not a game." Soma's eyes are definitely a little distance as she says this. She's lost too many comrades for it to be a game. Too many people who one day she was sitting down to eat lunch with in the base cafeteria, only to never see them again because they were killed just trying to do their job as proud soldiers of their homeland.

        Soma refocuses her mind on the present, saying to Flay, "I'm glad you realize that. I'm sure you'll do well here."

        Soma nods along with Lilium, "The OCU might think they're better off on their own. But you know that tune will change when the next problem goes wrong inside their territory and they can't handle it. Then it'll be up to us to handle it. And we will."

<Pose Tracker> Chienne Argent has posed.

"License holders. Exactly that, Space Cadet." Chienne's toothy smile turns into a smirk toward Soma. "So don't get any ideas. We'll show you what we can do the first time we're on the field together." She doesn't say it like a threat, but there's something deep in her eyes...

"Obviously that applies to aliens too," Chienne agrees, even though she has not really fought aliens before and has typically restricted herself to boring old humanity. "The OCU can't manage it," she also agrees with Soma, perhaps surprisingly. "They're weak. Little batch of cowards, mostly - oh, not every soldier, and the little fights are going to be bloody, but their leaders don't have the guts to strike hard enough so you feel it deep down. It's like she says." An incline of her head toward Lilium. "Whatever we need to do to make sure."

She smirks at Flay. "You're right. We've been working today, but that's no excuse, is it?" With almost liquid movement, Chienne slides off the chair, rising to a stand in a particularly boneless way. She's flexible, but she's not really showing off so much as -

Well, she may be a little eccentric.

"If you want to see, you shouldn't have to wait long," Chienne says, popping her neck by tilting it left, then hard right. It's audible. "Chien, Chiot! C'mon."

Chien steps out of Chienne's way to let her go first. He's not the quiet type either, really, though he hasn't said much, and so his speech is loud: "Good to meet some actual fighters around here and not some goddamn bureaucrats!" At least *he* sounds cheerful. He makes a fist, thumps it against himself. "See you 'round, pilots."

Chiot *is* the quiet type, though he does say, more quietly to Chien and not meant to be heard, "Some of those we should keep an eye on - "

The three of them step away without much more comment.

<Pose Tracker> Flay Allster has posed.

Flay nods along when Lilium hopes the Gaia Sabers can avoid too many tribunals... "When you make a mistake, you should take responsibility for it. But like you said... it's better to be able to have enough judgement to never make a mistake at all." Which is unfortunately a massive ask for an organization like the Gaia Sabers.

A massive alien invasion... aren't there already rumours of alien organizations coming in from distant galaxies? It's not outside the realm of possibility... "I wouldn't go as far to say all that about the OCU, but if it came down to the entire Earth Sphere being at risk... mhm, I think they'd be smart enough to work with us." Flay half-agrees, about the OCU.

Definitely not a game... of course it isn't, because if it was - she'd probably be with her father right now, instead of in this base. "Well... thanks. I really do look forward to working with you." She gives Soma a shaky smile, definitely a different, more vulnerable one than her practiced, confident one before.

Chienne, on the other hand, leaves - certain she'll show just what a team of license holders can do. "Likewise. I'll see you later, then~" Flay waves Chienne, Chien, and Chiot, not sure what to make of them in the moment.

"...What do you think of those three?" Flay turns to ask Soma and Lilium. "I can see why they're here, but... I feel like I really need to watch out for them." She frowns.

<Pose Tracker> Lilium Valerie has posed.

Lilium Lilium stares as Chienne just... slides off of the chair. How did she do that? Is this spacenoid science crime? Excessive training? That newtype thing? Something like that..?

She shakes her head, managing "Ah.. uhm... see you around..?" before turning to answer the question. "They seem... competent, definitely. They'd have to be, or they wouldn't still be here despite being... ah... Like That. Definitely worth watching out for, though... I imagine that goes for all licence holders, nobody who wasn't exceptionally worth having around but also not at all suitable for... well, the actual military would be given one, would they?" It felt like a... retread of something, really... instead of being two ranks higher, just being outside the chain of command entirely...

Lilium shuts her eyes tightly, shaking her head. "-I'm sure they'll be dependable when it comes down to it. Absolutely."

<Pose Tracker> Soma Peries has posed.

        "Alien threats are not that uncommon if you think about it. We still haven't dealt with the Jovians. There was also that alien fleet that suddenly appeared in close orbit with no warning roughly a year back. NERV is still keeping the Angels in check, though they've been quiet lately. And yes, I've heard similar rumours." They're certainly going to have their hands full.

        Chienne and Co exit the group discussion, Soma watching the three leave,after giving them a simple courteous nod as a way of saying goodbye. She has no doubt that it won't be long until she gets to see them in action. Which is actually a little concerning.

        Something which Flay indirectly brings up. Lilium likewise seems a little doubtful, though expects them to be dependable when the time comes. Soma murmurs, "I'm not so sure. I expect they are skilled... But I wouldn't rely on them if you can help it. Such... Unique personalities can make them difficult to predict."

        Says the one with two personalities in her head.
        Shut up.

        Showing no outward signs of her internal dialogue, Soma proceeds to rise from her seat, "I'm going to return to my quarters. I have some mission plans I need to look over." She gives Lilium a nod, "Lieutenant. Good to officially meet you." She then looks at Flay, "And..." She realises she never caught Flay's name.

<Pose Tracker> Flay Allster has posed.

"It's still better than war between humans." Flay point out, between all the alien threats against the Earth Sphere. "Isn't it?" That hanging question.

"You think they'll be dependable?" Flay turns over to Lilium. "Competent, but also unpredictable..." Flay muses. It's not unlike the kinds of Boosted Men the Federation had been sending out, but she's not quite aware how right she is. "They never mentioned what the orders they had to follow were, though." She adds.

"It's a pleasure to meet you too, Lieutenants Peries and Valerie." She says, with some composure. "Flay Allster." She answers Soma, too, before she leaves. Mysteriously, she never names a rank for herself...