2024-05-14: 'Raised' By Our Crafts

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<Pose Tracker> Ruri Hoshino has posed.

        The Nadesico is currently parked in Magallanica -- spelt with one I -- as they deliver some goods to the colony which would be difficult for them to travel and find on their own. Eight has, of course, previously lectured Ruri on taking on even more work when they're fulfilling this role, when she's already working so hard in their role as the primary Jovian response team. And so...

        ... Ruri is not distributing goods to schools and hospitals.

        No: she's at the cafe.

        She's fifteen, now, which means she's old enough to leave the Nadesico without a chaperon. (Even if she doesn't ever go far.) She still doesn't really have access to all the wages she's earned, since she is technically still a minor, but she does have a card she can charge these expenses to. She just has to be careful not to buy too much, or else Mr. Prospector will faint. She's seen it happen!

        She has a slice of cake and a cup of coffee -- of course she's started drinking coffee, she's their tech support -- and she's presently reviewing some information on a data-pad, because even if she's nominally taking a break from working, that doesn't mean she can't just keep herself up to date on the sensor data of the Nadesico while she's chilling out.

        It's utterly incomprehensible to anyone looking over her shoulder.

<Pose Tracker> Kikka Kobayashi has posed.

Kikka is up at Magallanica today, too, but this time, it isn't just related to her work - the colony builder happens to have quite the trendy cafe scene, too. It's a good setting for a more low-key date or romantic outing, and now that they've worked some things out in their last conversation, Kikka is more than happy to invite Leina out.

Once the time is planned and the location is shared, she shows up a little early - because she's not a Terminal officer, she doesn't even have a uniform to change out of, instead wearing a simple blue-striped top and jeans, her hair tied up into a ponytail this time.

She also knew the Nadesico would be making a stop today, so it might not be much of a surprise to see some of its crew about - she doesn't know them as well as some of the Ra Mari II crew... but she does know by sheer reputation that they're kind of a lively bunch.

...Well, most of them. "Excuse me, miss." Kikka walks up to Ruri, hoping she's not interrupting her from something important. "Is the booth across yours reserved?" She looks kind of young to be here by herself, doesn't she?

<Pose Tracker> Leina Ashta has posed.

So Leina Ashta isn't technically allowed on Magallanica without about five layers of approval since it's definitely not a part of NUNE.

And you know, the fear of your defense asset defecting to place filled with a lot of people who would appreciate her a lot is a rather valid one.

But the thing is - she has gotten approval to be here!

Sure that means she's watched like a hawk while there, but she is currently allowed to be on Magallanica for training exercises.

And since you know - you can't expect her to just - fly here - train - go home. I mean there's Jet(Shuttle) Lag!

What this is leading up to saying is that Leina took Kikka's invitation and totally used it to manipulate her schedule for the training exercise into an excuse to spend time with her.

Naturally she's just wearing a nice pink flowy top, and denim jeans, a bag worn over her shoulder, and some nice flats. In her hair she's wearing a Haro barrette as well, a holographic one that gives the illusion of flapping it's little flaps every now and then.

There is security nearby but fortunately they're not gonna smother her by insisting to be within 5 meters of her at all times on a date-date.

Upon arrival at the destination, she adjusts her purse, then walks up to Kikka and- pecks her lightly on the cheek as her greeting.

"Hey you."

Nah not smother - though there are a conspicuous number of tables being seated right now. "So glad we got the chance to do this. Been looking forward to seeing you again."

But then she blinks, and double takes, "Oh! Ruri. Didn't expect to run into you today."

Honestly it's a rare thing she sees her off the Nadesico at all. She then looks back and forth between the pair as she asks- "Do you two know each other?"

<Pose Tracker> Ruri Hoshino has posed.

        More couples... well, Ruri isn't unfamiliar with that. She is the littlest bridge officer of the Nadesico.

        "We work together," she answers Leina, blandly, looking up to her with not much in the way of an expression at all. (That doesn't mean she's unpleased to see her.) "Though we're not personally acquainted. My name is Ruri Hoshino," she reminds Kikka, turning her strange, too-gold eyes to her. "The Nadesico's Systems Operator. Recall that I received your report three weeks ago."

        A report on what? That isn't important. Not when Cathedra's star player is beside her, anyway.

        "It's quite busy," she remarks, glancing sidelong into the cafe, "but you can sit here. I'll be done soon." A light pause: "And it's good to see you, Ms. Ashta. I heard you were doing better. Congratulations."

        Her expression doesn't shift from that mild disinterest throughout everything she says. Apparently, that isn't just her work face.

<Pose Tracker> Kikka Kobayashi has posed.

Normally, Kikka would have no issue going somewhere else for a date, like in the Orbital Ring - she has a little more freedom of movement. But hey, if Leina's fully willing to take advantage of her training schedule, there's no reason to pass up the chance to spend some time together.

Her blue lighting up when she sees Leina, Kikka pecks her right back on the cheek. "Hey, Leina! Really glad you could make it today." She smiles, taking her hand for just a minute before they get seated. "How did training go?" She definitely feels more comfortable with the casual small talk this time.

Kikka, too, blinks seeing that Leina and Ruri know each other. "You two know each other?" She asks, in near-perfect repetition. Ruri's reminder proves to be pretty helpful though - Kikka's just never seen her outside the context of quick business-related trips to the Nadesico, after all.

"Ahh, Ms. Hoshino," Kikka nods, respectfully. "Yeah, I remember the report. Well, it's nice to meet you off-schedule." Not following-up on the details, she instead glances down to the rather incomprehensible datapad and back up to Ruri. "If you're sure. Hope you're enjoying your time off." She offers, as Ruri let them to sit near her.

<Pose Tracker> Leina Ashta has posed.

Her smile widens considerably at the return of the peck, Leina squeezes Kikka's hand before looking briefly sheepish, "Much better than last time."

She tells her, and while it's the truth she feels strange indicating it's 'training' when it's a cover to ... 'be trained by someone Kikka wants to meet - and interview badly.'

"It's showing me that I need to rely on - certain technology a lot less."

A beat as she asks, "And how's school going?"

Perhaps in her own way avoiding talk of Kikka's work while in public on their date, because while she's rather certain her detail isn't using directional microphones she certainly doesn't want them in Kikka's Journalistic Business.

But on asking if they know each other, as she allows a small grin, answering her. "Well sure. I've been supporting the Ra Mari crew since - they were still Londo Bell. It's only natural that I met Ruri along the way given their close relationship with the Nadesico."

But on the two working together? "Well it's a pleasant surprise that the two of you are in touch like that." Leina notes, smiling, but doesn't dig deeper or put that pressure on Kikka to delve further into her doings for a 'certain organization'.

She understands of course the value of 'Opsec' for certain organizations, and doesn't want to get either of them in trouble.

But also realizes that Kikka might be on boarded entirely into certain Ruri-adjacent conspiracies to be determined at a future date.

She does smile at her congratulations, though, because - certainly Ruri was thinking it at the party but...

... perhaps she's just shy, or even afraid of her still. Even if the latter thought gives her pause, it still doesn't unravel that look she gives her.

"Thank you. ... That feels like ages ago, I hope you can forgive me for how I behaved."

Indeed she takes her seat as Ruri offers, saying that she'll be done soon, "Me too - it's good to know you do take shore leave on occasion." She indicates quietly, "Given your position I imagine it's all too tempting to just want to stay on board - most of the time."

<Pose Tracker> Ruri Hoshino has posed.

        "There isn't much for me to do when the Nadesico is in port," Ruri explains, "and Admiral Orlodhari scolded me for taking up extra work when I wasn't needed, so I'm taking a break. I even left the Nadesico for that." It's docked at the nearby pier, mind you, so Ruri could get back to the Nadesico in ten minutes -- or less, if she really hurried. But never mind that. "The cake is nice." Does that count as enjoying her time off? Probably.

        She doesn't smile about it.

        "But yes," she says, to Kikka's earlier question, "Ms. Ashta and I know each other. We first met when she lost her cool and drew a gun at a party... but Rena-san assured me she's level-headed most of the time." Which tells them two things: one, Ruri is on a first-name basis with Rena, and two, she's still distant enough that she's willing to borrow from Japanese to keep a little formality.

        (Being fair, she's on a first-name basis with Eight, too, but it's just respectful to use her title with acquaintances. She's the big boss.)

        It's a dreadfully honest assessment, but, thankfully, Ruri knows better than to discuss Kikka's work in a cafe just the same. When Leina apologises, she nods, looking to her. "It's all right. I understand it was an unusual situation." It was Dr. Hell! She could mention it was literally Dr. Hell!! "Since Dr. Hell was a difficult person to deal with." Oh. She actually did mention it was Dr. Hell. It just took a beat to get there.

        "Since I don't know you well," she says, "I won't be surprised you know each other. Or that you're apparently dating, since Ms. Ashta has already expressed her polymory. But if you want, I can still act surprised. Then we can all be surprised." Her expression still doesn't shift from that vaguely bored stoicism. Is that her surprised face?! "What a shock." That's apparently her surprised face.

        "... it is easy to stay on the Nadesico," she adds, with a light shrug. "But Break Tanuki is keeping my chair warm, so it's fine. It's not like we have any concerns about being attacked out here right now."

<Pose Tracker> Kikka Kobayashi has posed.

Even if it is Char Aznable of all people that Leina's training under, it's still something Kikka's interested in knowing about - it's partially just knowing Leina isn't pushing herself too hard, too.

"Oh, good! I'm glad it went well." She nods, carefully trying not to indicate anything about the real training partner by the tone of her voice. "I just hope you've been pacing yourself, really. Going up against him.. sounds like it'd be draining." She admits. It is Char Aznable after all... though it doesn't sound like she's not talking about Banagher.

"School's been fine. It's already May, so I guess that means I get a break pretty soon?" She ruffles her bag - there's a small stack of literature notes in there. "But... summer term finals first, so wish me luck!" Her enthusiasm doesn't seem really seem to underly any worry at least.

The idea that Leina and Ruri are familiar does make sense - though Kikka wasn't aware it was on a more personal level than acquaintances. "That was your first impression of her, huh..." Kikka blinks, recalling learning of Leina pulling a gun at Dr. Hell of all people at a charity event. "Well, it's still cool that you two are friends."

When Leina brings up shore leave, Kikka nods. Ruri's role on the Nadesico is pretty important... but she's still a teenager who deserves to have fun in her view. "Admiral Orlodhari is pretty good at looking after people, it seems," Kikka says, upon hearing that was partially her doing.

"Keeping the Nadesico safe is important... but that shouldn't be your responsibility alone." Her tone softens.

Ruri's 'shock' at them dating gets a genuine laugh out of Kikka, assuming this just simply must be your typical teenager's brand of humour these days, even as Ruri's facial muscles don't seem to move an inch. "If it's not surprising, it's not surprising." Kikka answers.

"But in short, we're childhood friends, kind of? Our mothers - well, adopted mothers knew each other from during the One Year War, you see. And.. having more friends our age was a good thing for both of us." Kikka explains, at least the gist of it. "Us dating is - a much more recent thing, this is our second time going out like this."

<Pose Tracker> Leina Ashta has posed.

"It can be - but - I have to be ready for a slog too." She answers Kikka seriously on the matter, "We make sure to space these out - take adequate debriefing time." But...? "But I promise I won't burn myself out on training."

Exams thankfully is a far easier topic. "Good luck. You'll ace 'em. I know it." She puts her hand over hers briefly, "You've always been such a hard worker. Even back when we were kids I'd go to you when I needed help studying over Shiro."

She does add, "I'll be doing the same, though my worst class is thankfully a paper that's - almost done, instead of an exam."

She winks at her, "This one's pretty dry, NIA messaging strategies after Operation Stardust."

She can already feel herself drafting up the appeal paperwork on her grade.

'Lost her cool and drew a gun at a party.'

Leina's eyebrows shoot up, but then she just eyes Kikka, even as Ruri mentions it was an 'unusual situation'. And then clarifies it was 'Dr. Hell.'

By that time she puts a hand on her cheek, an elbow propped on the table, like she was simply allowing this to happen uninterrupted, flicking an amused look towards Kikka. "Yep." She confirms to her. "I'd probably tell it a little differently, but she has the floor."

And as Kikka laughs, Leina smiles back at her, nodding at her. "Right. I've known Kikka since I was... eleven I think?" Leina looks up as if trying to recall whether she'd had her birthday yet, "We became part of the same friend's group during my recovery from the war."

But, as Kikka explains, Leina adds something extra to that, "And just for the record... Kikka is the only person I'm dating right now, Ruri." And it's to Leina's credit that she sounds like she's just fine with that, "My previous partners and I broke up." She tells her, matter of factly. "And I'm not searching for anyone else."

Is she still sad about the breakups? Of course, she's admitted such to Kikka, but to her - dating Kikka is about being happy with her.

Not making her responsible for her sadness of the past.

Leina does smirk at Kikka, "And of course it's not her responsibility alone." A beat, "We shouldn't discount Break Tanuki. Their work ethic is the reason we're able to have this conversation today."

<Pose Tracker> Ruri Hoshino has posed.

        Ruri does, indeed, have the floor, and stoically declines to amend her story. Leina's first appearance was totally madwoman with gun.

        "Admiral Orlodhari has been looking out for me for a long time," Ruri says, still quite flat. "It must be three years, now. She's a good person. I babysit her children when I'm not busy with my work." Which is, astoundingly, actually an age-appropriate job.

        "It's not only my job," Ruri allows, humbly, when Kikka points out that it's not just her responsibility. "But I do share responsibility for it. The Nadesico needs me, too. But we need Break Tanuki most of all," she adds, gravely. "And Be-Right-Back Gekiganger. Without their help, we'd never be able to leave." She certainly... sounds serious, though she always sounds serious.

        She tilts her head, when Kikka and Leina explain their relationship, before she looks to Kikka. "Oh, I see. So you're the 'girl next door', Kobayashi-san. Omoikane likes that kind of anime." That sounds like a first name... without an honourific! She and this 'Omoikane' must be close!

        (Hey, come to think of it, isn't Omoikane the name of the Nadesico's onboard computer...?)

        "I see," she says, again, when Leina mentions she broke up. "I suppose it must have been complicated. I was surprised to see Links-Vist-san inherit his company, after what happened... I guess he was fine with sacrifices after all." She was concerned, back in the day, that the Unicorn would take his life -- so perhaps it's no wonder she's incisive about what ended up on the chopping block.

        Since there was someone else in the Banshee, all that time.

        She pauses. "What's it like to study?" Ruri asks, at length. "I have a university-level education, but I don't remember receiving it. By the time I started training to operate the Nadesico, I already knew a lot of things... but I don't really understand the experience." Which isn't concerning at all. Don't worry about it.

<Pose Tracker> Kikka Kobayashi has posed.

Kikka nods seriously, when Leina assures her she won't burn herself out. "I'm glad to hear it." She leaves it there, preferring not to broach too deep in what's supposed to be a light-hearted date.

Exams... "Haha... thanks. I always try my best. I've got 'Selected Literature from the One Year War' up first this term... I feel pretty safely confident in that one at least." She winks. "Hey, at least Shiro has.. spirit?" She attempts, but Shiro did find his future in the military rather than university. "Always felt like we were pretty unstoppable in our study sessions."

"Good luck on that paper, though... I know you'll knock it out of the park anyways." Although she, too, can imagine Leina having to fight her professors about that one.

"True enough," Kikka concedes, at the hard work of not only Break Tanuki, but also Be-Right-Back Gekiganger.

Kikka turns to Ruri, as she explains how long she's known Eight. Ruri doesn't look like she could be any older than 15, so to be familiar with a military woman in that way for so long... she spares a slight glance over to Leina "The Admiral made a good impression on me when I went for my interview." Kikka says, instead. "And good on you for helping her with the children." They are children on a battleship after all...

Kikka nods, when Leina brings up how long they've known each other. "Wow... that's over 10 years now." She adds. She also nods silently when Leina goes into how she broke up with her previous partners and Kikka's the only person she's seeing, feeling it's just her place to talk about it.

"Relationships can be very complicated. I don't have much experience with them. But.. I'm happy to be with Leina." She agrees. "And that makes me the 'girl next door', huh?" Not everything's an anime, someone might say... but she's not going to tell Omoikane he's wrong.

She's about to come up with an answer when Ruri asks what it's like to study, but... university education? Kikka is absolutely starting to pick up the shape of things, and is very much considering opening a private investigation of Nergal Heavy Industries at this point, despite their partnership.

But it doesn't change how she treats the girl in front of her. "It's about knowledge, but it's also about organization." Kikka starts. "Absorbing all the knowledge is the first step, but studying requires you to be able to put it all together and understand it, right?" If Ruri is a technical officer, her knowledge must be in the sciences, so she changes course a little. "I'm a writing student, so I feel like the biggest challenge isn't how to write, but what to write. How to make it resonate."

<Pose Tracker> Leina Ashta has posed.

They can have the serious conversations for later, perhaps Kikka is right to be worried. Leina's perception of her burning out hasn't always been the most - perceptive.

But that's often the case for people evaluating themselves rather than others.

"Fun one for you." She grins at her, "I can just see your classmates giving you looks like 'no pressure kid who was actually on White Base', even though you were literally four and could barely read yet."

There's a laugh afterwards, as she rubs her eyes, "I often had to twist his arm to take it seriously."

Or - as it later became, to focus on studying rather than wanting to make out, "Yeah, we were." She smiles. Not that she didn't have fun at her other 'study sessions' with Shiro but Leina was a serious kid who wanted to always get the work done.

She laughs again, smiling faintly, "Thanks, I'll need it. This guy's unfortunately uh- well we butt heads a lot."

Leina listens to Ruri speak about babysitting Eight's children and finds herself reflecting upon Eight's separation anxiety while multiple parties worked on her with that. She feels a certain sense of gratitude and - understands how far Eight has come.

And indeed - like Kikka she has a lot of feelings about- children on a battleship, she expressed them to Eight more than once.

There's a moment when Leina feels like Ruri just slapped her - mentioning Links-Vist-san was fine with sacrifices after all, feeling a certain emotion welling up in her throat.

And nearly tears.

But she swallows it, it takes her some time to do it. Kikka might see her in this moment, but even if it feels like that, she knows Ruri doesn't mean to hurt her. "It's... I'd rather not speak ill of him." She replies after a moment, "I broke up with him."

As if - the blame were on her. Even though - she knows that Ruri is correct.

She takes some time to regather herself, and perhaps the anime conversation - or rather Kikka's response gives her an opening to regain composure, after taking a breath.

"Oh? Are you sure it's her?" Leina grins wryly, "That's a trope often laser targeted for guys, you know... the 'down to earth' and 'approachable' option, compared to the mysterious - 'darkly feminine, sexy' option."

She winks at Ruri, "Your Omoikane friend has some pretty good tastes in power fantasies but... well...

She flicks her eye at Kikka in amusement, "...frankly it feels like agreeing you're my 'girl next door' feels like dangerous ground - like setting myself up for you to deflate my ego some - I'm not that much of a catch."

Hand shifting to her chin, she teases somewhat, "But it also means that if Miss Dark and Sexy shows up she's going to have to go be mysterious and hot somewhere else - because I'm not looking for anyone else."

Leina blinks at Ruri's statement then, "Hmmm." She thinks on how to describe it, but then nods, "Kikka's got the right of it - it's about - organization is key in how you commit to memory but... hmmm - yeah." She looks at Kikka, nodding, "I actually think - I want to go into that more. What Kikka's discussing is application of critical thinking skills. Because studying isn't just about acquiring knowledge. It generally requires a schema of how you reflect and evaluate the information?"

She waves a hand Kikka's way, "To give another example - let's use Kikka's field again. Let's say on any given day she sees twelve different headlines that grab attention, each with a different sensationalist bias shaping it. Which one most accurately reflects the facts at the baseline?"

She looks Kikka's way, then back towards Ruri, "So yeah - it's about studying - but it's also building that foundation towards application over just - organizing raw facts for memory. It's about building the way you look at - and question the world, so that you're better able to answer the most important questions of ... living."

<Pose Tracker> Ruri Hoshino has posed.

        It's not that Ruri can't lie to hide things; she just doesn't see the point of defending Nergal-san that much. If Kikka is concerned, Mr. Prospector can just explain the sale.

        "You were on White Base?" Ruri asks Kikka in the wake of Leina's ribbing, with what passes for interest by Ruri's standards, blinking those big gold eyes.

        "All right," she says, when Leina says she'd rather not speak of Banagher.

        And she looks Leina dead in the eyes and says: "I thought you were the Dark and Sexy one. That's how it works. The girl next door catches the eye of the dark and sexy girl when she convinces her to take care of herself." Oh. Omoikane likes yuri. Who doesn't?

        Zero remorse calling Leina dark and sexy to her face, by the way.

        "Right," she confirms, with a nod, when they speak about understanding. "Consolidating your knowledge." A light pause, and she adds, "... but isn't writing meant to communicate information? Isn't it obvious that you just write the facts? Though I suppose you have to say it in a way people will understand. I wouldn't give the Captain the same report I'd give Mr. Uribatake."

        Which is a very technical way to look at the news.

<Pose Tracker> Kikka Kobayashi has posed.

"No kidding," Kikka laughs, about the classmates' stares. Is supposedly being one of the first people outside the Federation top brass to ever see a GM actually relevant to her grade? "Honestly, it's been one of my favourite courses I ever took, though. Reading other people's accounts of the war has been.. helpful. Even if a lot of it is propaganda or some fictionalized tale of star-crossed Federation and Zeon lovers."

Ruri shows some interest when the topic of White Base comes up, though, and Kikka looks her way thoughtfully. "Yep... I was. I was one of the orphans from Side 7 the ship left with. I don't remember much and really, people like to say I made more trouble than anything." There's some clear embarrassment when she says that, turning her gaze away.

"But me and the kids who became my brothers never actually wanted to leave the ship. So we were there for the entire war." Ruri is a quite a bit older than she was, but perhaps it explains why she was so encouraging of her to take some time away from her own ship - and to help with Eight's own little ones.

There's a pindrop feeling at Leina's reaction to what Ruri has to say about 'Banagher Links-Vist'. They'd already discussed Leina's feelings about this before... but it's not hard to tell Leina still has strong emotions about it. "Leina..." She gently places her hand on hers, and makes a mental note to check in after the date.

Naturally, the mood of the conversation lifts up as come around to the topic of ANIME. "You've always been the bigger anime watcher between the two of us. But you know, I'd hope I come across as just a little cooler and more mysterious than your typical girl next door~" She winks. She is the secret spy of the two after all.

Omoikane has taste, though. "But honestly, if you'd like to be Miss Dark and Sexy... well, I'm certainly not about to complain about that." Kikka smirks.

As for studying... Kikka nods when Leina brings up the importance of critical thinking skills, and the way your writing inevitably reflects your viewpoints. "It is meant to communicate information." She agrees. "But there's also the question of what you write when you don't necessarily have all the facts. How you can effectively communicate information without misleading people." Or in the case of some journalists, how to effectively mislead people - she can imagine that kind of thing comes up in Leina's field a lot.

Like writing a report for different people... she can see how Ruri got there. "Kind of like that. But often when you write for the public, it's a much larger audience to consider."

She looks to Leina, back to Ruri. "Back to your question about studying, it's also often about being able to connect new information back to what you already know? Seeing the patterns in what you're learning usually makes it easier to remember. That's true in both science and history."

<Pose Tracker> Leina Ashta has posed.

"Yeah. You already know that's my vice too - just in... theater, film, animation..."

Kikka probably got daily reports about Leina's saga with the origin of a lot of Side 3 propaganda leading up to OYW in high school.

Her High School History Teacher hated her so much.

(And Leina would be lying if she claimed she didn't love 'educating' him.)

Kikka explains her position on the White Base, and Leina winks, "Her Mom used to tell me all the stories. Personally I always thought it was adorable, but - I always loved being around Shinta and Qum on the Argama."

When Leina is in that state, she feels Kikka's hand and, it takes her a second, before she smiles and tries to say with her eyes 'I'm okay.'

She probably isn't, but right now she wants to be.

As Kikka mentions that she wants to think of herself as cooler and more mysterious than the girl next door, she smirks, "Shall I expect you to lean into your 'femme fatale' image next date?"

But as Ruri explains, Leina sounds briefly incredulous, "Really?" There's this strange momentary shock at that realization, it's not that Leina doesn't think of herself as sexy, just- "The boys in my life usually thought of me as their girl next door."

After a moment, though she manages to get past that initial incredulity, perhaps in her own head she's never not been the girl from Shangri-La - no matter how much happened to her after.

"Well." She does this playful toss of her short hair that doesn't quite work, but simply the gesture, "It's a difficult role to play - but I suppose I do enjoy a challenge." She says with a wink to Kikka."

Ruri's statement about writing to communicate will just contain the facts? Leina gives her head a shake, "I mean - think of how many dry academic papers are out there, but people don't ever give them any attention. It's - definitely like that. Writing to your audience - but it's also trying to make your audience question too."

Leina twirls a finger in the air, "Think how many people can't be swayed from deeply held beliefs - if someone gives them the facts. Studying is supposed to help us develop a system where our beliefs can be challenged by new information and facts - or rather evolve. The people in power are often invested in- public ignorance, as anything other than making people effective workers. They don't want people to be able to ask questions that might challenge their narrative."

This is perhaps not a popular view within you know - the Benerit Group, but she's definitely outspoken, "Anyhow- not that I haven't enjoyed talking to you, but Kikka and I..." She smiles at Kikka, "... ought to order."

She looks around the cafe which has suddenly gotten - rather busy for the servers who expect a more subdued atmosphere this time of day.

"I think my expanded detail has accidentally created an extra mid-day rush?" She gives Kikka a sheepish look.

<Pose Tracker> Ruri Hoshino has posed.

        Ruri polishes off her cake slice, only to pause, after Kikka shares her experience on White Base. "Oh," she says. "I see. I started work on the Nadesico when I was eleven, too." THAT'S EVEN WORSE!

        (She doesn't look terribly disturbed by the revelation, though.)

        "I don't watch it very much myself," Ruri says. "But Omoikane likes anime a lot, so I know a couple of things." The computer... likes anime?

        Okay, be fair: the Nadesico's computer likes anime. Surely that tracks.

        "If you don't have all the facts," she says, "you just ought to say you don't have all the facts, and list what you know. If it's your role to speculate, you can estimate what the missing facts might be. But that isn't necessary most of the time." If she was really a university student, her papers must have been agonisingly dry.

        And to Leina, she adds: "I like academic articles," because of course Ruri does. "They have a lot more detail than Omoikane's encyclopedia. But I guess adults are like that... it's a shame they want humans to be so incurious."

        It's a much harsher burn than it sounds like -- because curiosity is how Ruri characterises sapience.

        She looks about the cafe. "It has gotten very busy," she says. "It's too crowded for me, now. So I'll be going back to the Nadesico." She stands, and bows at the waist, to Kikka and Leina. "But it was nice to meet you personally, Ms. Kobayashi. And it was nice to speak with you again, Ms. Ashta. Until next time."

        She turns, and hurries out.

        Ruri doesn't like crowds, huh...?