Ra Mari II

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Zentradi Monitor Ra Mari II
IC Information
Captain: ADM Eight Orlodhari
First Officer: CPT Amina Maina
Operations Officer: CDR Gidon Kall
Weapons Officer: CDR Janid Harpe
Chief Engineer: CDR Lavnadim Orlodhari
Comms Officer: LCDR Tempo Astelian
Security Chief: LT Sandyha Zidmon
Overall Length: 1.5km
BGM: "You Will Know Our Names" - Xenoblade Chronicles OST https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g7yNyhLOIa4
OOC Information
Origin: Macross/Original
Factions: Terminal
Captain/Player: Eight Orlodhari/Bel

Yes, this ship is 1.5km.

A refitted Zentradi Monitor, the Ra Mari II was recovered and repaired from the Denver Colony, using parts of many other ships in that graveyard. Designed to make use of the extra space afforded by using a human and micronized crew, she has been refitted with smaller controls and efficient transportation from one part of the ship to another--under the idea of being usable as a self-sufficient mobile 'base' unattached for some time to any particular station. While this takes up a lot of her interior, she also has a great deal of hangar space, which is well-used by her many mobile suits. She has many noncombat facilities as well, from internal hydroponics farms to a full hospital within the ship. she is thus ideal for relief and humanitarian missions, which will lsupposedly make up a lot of her day to day operations as flagship of the Magallanica Defense Force. These facilities have required the mothballing of her gigantic cannon, but with her mobile suit wings and other armaments she still has a formidable arsenal.


Additional Crew In No Particular Order:

Other Info

The Ra Mari II is a huge ship by human standards, and it's used as a mobile base by part of the Three Ships Alliance. Its systems and living spaces are designed to be sustainable for long periods without significant resupply. The food's a little boring when they can't augment it at port, but it's nourishing, and cabins are relatively large for a military vessel.

It's done up with huge, organic structures for the main ship, and then smaller, more artificial-looking structures meant to accomodate micronized and human crew. It has a complent of a few hundred people, including original Ra Mari officers, crew from Orb, and a number of Zentradi and Meltrandi technicians, crew, and warriors who came over from the Macross fleets.

The Ra Mari II's facilities include vast gardens, primarily using hydroponic technology. The ship grows enough food to supplement its supplies as well as flowers for beauty and relaxation. It holds numerous meeting rooms and cafeterias, as well as a robust residential hub located primarily towards the stern of the ship. There are also a number of observation decks, multiple hangars and a large gymnasium. The facilities as a rule are nowhere near as nice as her sister ship the Nadesico's, but they are large and functional. Further, there are a number of transportation methods across the ship; mini-trams that go up and down the entire length, plus a number of elevators between decks. This is all in addition to standard military ship requirements, such as ammo depots, offices, and so forth. Notably for relief operations, it hosts a full (though small) hospital within the ship.

In addition, it has begun an exchange program with the Eternal to trade crew members and cross-train in one another's ways of working!

(If you want your character to be stationed on the Ra Mari II, please contact Bel If you just want to be there for a scene or whatever ditto.).


The bridge on the Ra Mari II is set up with a number of useful consoles manned by an individual each. There are two general, modular command consoles, one of which is usually manned by the XO and another that is spare for a guest on the bridge; they can access any station with permissions. The Captain's post has smaller consoles that can take control of most of the ship, if needed.

(Mouse over for details!) Basic quarters represent a mix of space and efficiency. Meant to give someone sufficient living quarters for extended deployment, they nevertheless encourage time spent out in common areas. Senior officers' quarters are larger than basic, both as a perk of rank and because they are expected to have more work to bring back. Thus, there is an office space. A small kitchenette is mostly for light meals and coffee and the like while working. The double or family quarters meanwhile are often filled in part by civilians; these are for married or cohabiting individuals, or else small families. This setup includes a full, if small, kitchen and dining area. Three-room dormitory version of the Ra Mari II's quarters. Typically used as temporary housing, these have a large bathroom with multiple stalls and showers and a communal living area.