2025-03-02: Where Paths Converge, Betrayal Follows

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  • Log: Where Paths Converge, Betrayal Follows
  • Cast: Alto Saotome, Sheryl Nome
  • Where: Frontier Fleet - Central Government
  • OOC - IC Date: 02 March 0100
  • Summary: Alto and Sheryl are invited to meet with the new president of the Frontier Fleet, as well as an unfamiliar yet familiar individual, to discuss the future of the Vajra war and their part in it.

<Pose Tracker> Alto Saotome has posed.

        'The President would like to have a word with you.'

        It's a bit hard to ignore a request like that. Especially when it's
 being delivered by two gentlemen, one wearing a suit, the other a Frontier
 Defense Fleet uniform, who have shown up at Sheryl's doorstep. This is how she
 ended up being escorted to the central government building in Frontier City.

        Sheryl is guided down a corridor inside the tall government office.
 There seems to be a buzz of activity and judging by some snippets of
 conversations Sheryl catches, they appear to be preparing for a big press
 conference of some sort. Thankfully though it does not look like Sheryl is
 being unexpectedly thrust in front of a camera as she is escorted past all
 that to a quieter part of the building, approaching a large set of doors.

        Quiet that is until a raised voice can be heard coming from within the
 office, one that Sheryl would be familiar with.

        Alto asks, "So are you finally going to tell me what's up with that

        As Sheryl gets closer, she can hear a quieter voice respond, "Patience,
 Mister Saotome. We're still awaiting one more arrival." And as Sheryl's escort
 knocks on the door and opens it, the same voice continues, "Ah, and there she
 is now."

        Stepping inside the large open office, Sheryl can see that it was
 indeed Alto she heard. He currently stands in front of the large desk near the
 equally large windows that show quite a view of the city.

        As the door opens, Alto turns around to look and is clearly surprised
 as he asks, "Sheryl?"

        The man seated behind the large desk stands. Despite now being the
 Acting President, Leon Mishima still wears his FDF uniform. He moves around
 the desk to walk up to Sheryl, "Miss Nome, thank you for coming. I'm sorry to
 have dragged you all the way here, but there's a couple of matters of
 importance that we need to discuss. And as you may have noticed, things have
 been a little busy lately." He holds a hand out to Sheryl to shake.

<Pose Tracker> Sheryl Nome has posed.

        Sheryl had been slow to return to her high-rise apartment in Frontier
 after the recent Vajra attack. Part of it was because of the rebuilding
 efforts in the ship itself; part of it is who would be waiting for her when it
 happened. She'd alternated staying on the Carriax and the Battle Frontier as
 matters were smoothed over. Last night, her last night on either ship, she'd
 taken her mind off things by watching a stream of newbie idol Lilium Valerie's
 debut concert. In the morning, she'd resolved to finally head home, inasmuch
 as she can call any place where Grace would be waiting "home."
        Naturally, nearly as soon as she set foot inside, a knock came at the
 door, revealed to be a couple of the President's flunkies here to drag her off.
        Grace isn't there at that specific moment. But Sheryl can just imagine
 her smiling knowingly.
        She insists on being given enough time to change into a new outfit. She
 has enough time to put on a somber, dark red dress with matching heels and
 purse, one she'd picked up while she was traveling the world, and quickly
 touch up her make-up. She keeps her back straight and her expression neutral
 as she's escorted, and she keeps a sharp eye on her surroundings and where
 they go. It's no surprise that they end up in the government sector,
 considering this is a summons from President Mishima; it is a surprise to
 hear Alto's voice as they approach the office. A knock, an opening of the
 door, and there he is.
        Sheryl's heart squeezes tight as she takes in the sight of Alto,
 standing before the president's desk in front of a vast display of the city
 below through the wall-to-wall windows; as much as ruin still devastates the
 city, light pours in, shining down on his own wide eyes, on his long dark,
 hair, on his broad shoulders.
        Oh, right, and Mishima's there too.
        Sheryl affixes a polite smile to the Acting President. As little as she
 really wants to be here, she doesn't have cause at present to believe that he
 has anything to do with Grace or that the transfer of power to him was
 anything more than the result of President Glass's tragic death at the
 mandibles of the Vajra. She accepts his hand and shakes.
        "They've been busy for all of us," she replies smoothly. She steps in
 next to Alto, her smoky blue eyes lingering on him for a moment. Affection,
 mixed with sorrow, fill her gaze. Even in a place like this, he still isn't
 dressed up. How like Alto.
        "So what is it you need to discuss with us, Mr. President?" Sheryl
 says, reasserting her cool confidence, as she looks back at him. 'Us,' because
 it's plainly obvious that whatever is going on here, it's about her and Alto
        But not Ranka, apparently. She's not here already, and Leon said only
 one more arrival. Sheryl doesn't like that at all.

<Pose Tracker> Alto Saotome has posed.

        "Your new gift, actually."

        The response comes not from Mishima, but from a rather slim
 gentleman(?) lingering at the edge of the office. He steps in a little closer,
 wearing a stylish suit, his short, azure hair seemingly shining in the office
 lights. He gives Sheryl an apologetic look that is surely real in its intent
 as he correct, "Though perhaps 'gift' was a poor choice of words, given how
 much it is costing you. Forgive me."

        Alto has heard enough about what happened to realize what the man is
 talking about and so gives him a hard stare. But before Alto can actually say
 anything about it, Mishima raises a hand to try and gain control of the
 situation before it gets out of hand. He says, "Specifically, the events at
 the end of the last battle. The 'Fairy Tale' system that Mister Saotome is so
 interested in. And where we go from here."

        Mishima walks over to a set of couch and chairs, offering a seat to the
 two while taking one himself. Alto gives Mishima a scrutinising look, before
 walking over and dropping onto the couch. He then glances at Sheryl for
 several moments, concern clearly written on his face. He wants to ask her how
 she is...

        ... But not in the presence of their current 'hosts'. So instead Alto
 turns his attention back to Mishima, "So? What is it?"

        It's the suited gentleman that replies, "The specifics are
 confidential. But in summary, it's a method of communicating with the Vajra.
 In a rather rudimentary fashion right now. Unfortunately in its current state,
 there are many limitations on what it is capable of doing. But we are working
 to improve it. It relies on fold waves generated by certain individuals in
 states of heightened emotion."

        The gentleman gives Sheryl a stare, "Such as while singing."

<Pose Tracker> Sheryl Nome has posed.

        A stranger's voice sounds, and Sheryl swivels, fold quartz earring
 swinging almost violently as she stares at the gentleman(?) who'd been
 positioned just right to avoid being seen when she first came in. She doesn't
 know him, but something about him looks familiar. She's trying to pin down
 where she might have seen his face before when he goes on about her 'gift.'
 She hadn't clocked at first that he meant her V-type infection, and when that
 registers, her stare turns glacial. He'll simply have to deal with the
 awkwardness of that and of Sheryl decisively not offering her forgiveness
 for a moment before Mishima speaks up.
        Sheryl's regained a smile, however icy, by the time she looks back at
 him. "Is that so? That is Frontier's chief concern right now. Any weapon
 that might beat back the Vajra is worthwhile, apparently--no matter how much
 that 'weapon' might suffer over it."
        She glides to the couch along with Alto, taking a seat with a queen's
 posture, one long leg folding over the other. She catches Alto's concerned
 glance, and it is comforting... but no. That's not a conversation for right
 here and now. Alto apparently understands that too, because he opts to prompt
 Mishima to explain more.
        The explanation... is a surprise, to say the least. Sheryl's polite
 facade of a smile fades as her eyebrows furrow. "'Communicating'? Are you
        Deadly serious, apparently. Sheryl falls silent at the mention of those
 fold waves. Thanks to Grace, she knows exactly what he means. She flashes the
 gentleman a frown before looking back at Mishima. At the end of the battle,
 Ranka had left with Brera. Sheryl hasn't heard word from them since--she would
 never in a million years guess where they've gone since--but she's clever
 enough to realize that if Ranka isn't here for this conversation, she hasn't
 come back. She folds her hands over her lap.
        "So since Ranka left, you want me to take her place and sing to make
 this system work," she summarizes. She flips her hair, exuding haughtiness,
 and stares him and his 'assistant' down. "What makes you think I would even
 want to?"

<Pose Tracker> Alto Saotome has posed.

        Sheryl's jab about the suffering of a weapon is not missed, but neither
 one takes the bait as Mishima goes on further to explain, "'Communicating'
 might be too strong of a word. We're talking very basic levels of interaction.
 The Vajra fold network that makes up their hive mind is incredibly complex.
 It's like trying to use old morse code to give instruction to a quantum super
 computer. We can barely establish contact with those in our small corner of
 the galaxy, let alone the whole network."

        Mishima smiles though as he says, "But we have a plan."

        Alto doesn't look surprised as Sheryl anticipates their coming request.
 He had pretty much assumed the same thing, though he had more information on
 where Ranka was. And when Sheryl mentions her name, he turns his head away in
 guilt. He hadn't gotten around to telling her yet...

        ... Which is unfortunate because now he won't get the chance to be the
 one who does. The suited gentleman puts on a small, knowing smile as Sheryl
 asks why she would help them. He says, "Well, we could appeal to you on behalf
 of the millions of lives on the Frontier Fleet, or the billions of lives in
 the Earth Sphere. But I think perhaps just one life would be more than enough
 to convince you."

        "The life of Ranka Lee."

        Mishima quickly steps in to explain further, lest Sheryl get the
 impression they are threatening Ranka's life, "Unfortunately, Miss Lee has...
 Chosen to pursue a course that is counter to our survival. Arguably the
 survival of the human race. She has left the fleet in order to seek out the
 Vajra. Which some in the public might see as a betrayal." Certainly when the
 media get their hands on it.

        Alto doesn't say anything at this point, but his grim expression shows
 he's not surprised and that he clearly knew about it, essentially confirming
 what they're saying. He just clenches his hands a little. It's his fault, he
 couldn't stop Ranka...

        Mishima continues, "That said, if we can end this war quickly, before
 she is able to do anything especially unwise, it's a situation that could
 likely be smoothed over. Without serious repercussions."

<Pose Tracker> Sheryl Nome has posed.

        Mishima's clarification doesn't necessarily make Sheryl feel better
 about this whole thing, but it does make it clearer to her that this isn't an
 attempt to make nice with the Vajra or something idiotic (in Sheryl's view)
 like that. Still frowning, she gives him a curt nod, essentially a green light
 for him to explain his plan.
        It also gives Alto a chance to look guilty and uncomfortable and look
 away from Sheryl when Ranka's name comes up, all things she notices. She
 doesn't like that at all. She gives the gentleman a cool look when he brings
 up the many millions and billions of human lives at stake. What breaks her
 composure are five words: the life of Ranka Lee.
        "What's that supposed to mean?" she starts to demand, fingers curling
 to dig her nails into her palm. Before she can go on a tirade, though, Mishima
 cuts in to explain. Sheryl's composure breaks again, this time to let shock
 wash away her indignation. "Ranka has...?"
        That's deeply worrying. Sheryl doesn't believe for a second that
 Ranka's betrayed anyone. She may, however, have decided to do something
 extremely foolish to try to protect the happiness of the people she loves. If
 Ranka could confront the Vajra directly, she might think that she can... do
 something to them with her song. She hated being a weapon; maybe she thinks
 she can try to get them to stand down, somehow. Sheryl brushes a hand through
 her hair, her own worry clear on her face. One look at Alto's tells her it's
 not all a lie, at least, which doesn't make her feel better about it.
        "Is Brera still with her?" she wonders. Sheryl would've assumed that
 Brera would stop Ranka from doing anything too reckless, but... maybe not. He
 always did have a thing for her.
        Her eyes narrow when Mishima suggests that Sheryl could functionally
 save Ranka's public image. The suggestion irritates her--like letting Ranka
 continue to be the public's darling is more important than keeping her from
 getting herself killed. She decides to put this matter to one side for the
 moment--if she's going to ask anyone about Ranka, it's going to be Alto, in
 private--and instead ask, "So this system you're talking about that Alto and I
 would be using. How exactly does it work? What are we supposed to do?"
        Her eyes flick towards the gentleman in a wary side-eye. He still looks
 familiar to her. In fact, he looks a lot like...
        "...And how's this person figure into all this?" she adds,
 gesturing at him(?).

<Pose Tracker> Alto Saotome has posed.

        "Major Sterne is confirmed to be assisting her. The two of them left
 the Frontier Fleet in his variable fighter a few nights ago." Mishima replies
 to Sheryl's inquiry. There's no question there, Brera is helping Ranka in this
 'plan' of hers. Though at least there is some cause for reassurance, if Brera
 is there to protect her. Surely he won't let anything happen to Ranka.

        The suited gentleman just smiles a little at the topic.

        Alto doesn't seem happy about it though, eye twitching a little at the
 thought of Brera. The window of Alto's apartment still hasn't been repaired

        The discussions comes back around to Sheryl, and Alto's, place in this
 plan. Mishima explains, "A proper announcement will be made soon... But we
 plan to end this war at the source. Much like Miss Lee was, you'll assist the
 League's forces in hunting the Vajra. Except this time the purpose of your
 singing is to use the Fairy Tale system, with Mister Saotome's assistance, to
 pacify the Vajra and gather them together. Then when we have enough, we'll use
 them to fold jump the Frontier Fleet to the Vajra homeworld in a matter of
 minutes. Once there, we can use the system on the centre of their fold network
 and end this war completely." There's definitely a lot of specifics missing.
 Though this is a man who is both a soldier and a politician. Full honesty is
 not likely to be expected.

        Meanwhile, at the question of his involvement, the suited gentleman
 shrugs, "Don't mind me. I'm simply a free agent who has been assisting in the
 coordination of this combined project between the Frontier and PLANT
 governments. My purpose here is simply to provide technical assistance for the
 prototype, where needed."

        As for Alto, he has been rather quiet through all this. Though
 evidently the issue involving Ranka has shaken him somewhat... Still, in
 response to the plan Alto asks, "Just to confirm, we're still engaging the
 Vajra and clearing them from the Earth Sphere, right?"

        Mishima nods, "Unfortunately, as you experienced, activation of the
 Fairy Tale system is not instant. Engagements will be necessary until the two
 of you can activate it. And we don't intend to simply leave Vajra nests lying

        Satisified that he's still going to be able to fight the Vajra, Alto
 nods, "Then I'm in. After what they've done to Ranka. To..." Alto trails off,
 but Sheryl can likely guess he means her. Alto finishes, "We can't leave them

<Pose Tracker> Sheryl Nome has posed.

        That is a little reassuring. Sheryl is confident that Brera will
 keep Ranka safe, even if she thinks both of them are being irrational.
        All considered, maybe Brera deserves to be irrational about this. For
 the time being, Sheryl purses her lips and nods. It does catch her attention
 that they left 'a few nights ago' rather than 'two weeks' ago--and she does
 notice the twitch of Alto's eye--but she doesn't put those things together
 just yet.
        Sheryl's eyebrows rise at the description of the plan. Whatever else is
 going on with this, she has to admit it's bold, and she begrudgingly can't
 help but like that. The 'Fairy Tale system,' though... It doesn't not fit
 Ranka, with that song of hers called Rainbow Bear Bear, but it definitely
 fits her more. That's weird to Sheryl. Were they planning on having her take
 over for Ranka? How could they plan for that, when she only returned to
 Frontier two weeks ago?
        There's an obvious answer to that, and it makes a hard lump form in the
 pit of Sheryl's stomach. She side-eyes the gentleman again. The gentleman with
 the blue hair and the violet eyes, who claims he's a free agent helping with
 the prototype. She looks back at Mishima and his obviously incomplete
 explanation. Sheryl is no genius, but she knows that about herself. She's
 always insisted on being fully involved in anything that bears her name--when
 she had Nome Pure Shield developed, she made the scientists involved explain
 everything to her until she was satisfied.
        But Alto's content to just be able to fight the Vajra. Sheryl can't say
 she disagrees. Her eyes soften as he trails off. She definitely knows he means
        Does it matter if she's getting used? Does it matter if there's so much
 about this she doesn't understand? She's dying soon anyway. At least she can
 do something about the Vajra before she's gone, now that she can do
 something, and she could do worse than enable this bold plan.
        "...Fine," she decides. "I'm the only one who can do it at this point
 anyway, right? So I'll do it. If we can get rid of the Vajra already, that's
 enough for me." (It isn't really. But Sheryl stances herself like that anyway,
 out of sheer stubbornness.) "But in the meantime, tell us more about how the
 Fairy Tale System works. What exactly are we supposed to do?" All she did was
 sing, and the Vajra placidly left the battlefield, but... surely it's not as
 simple as that. She looks over at Alto, and slips a hand over towards
 him--maybe on top of his, if it's within reach. "If it all hinges on us, I
 want to know more of the details."

<Pose Tracker> Alto Saotome has posed.

        Perhaps the system's name is just a coincidence? Who knows what
 engineers are thinking of when they name something. Given it's probably been
 in development for a while, likely even before the most recent Lagos attack,
 it's unlikely to have been a reference to Sheryl specifically.

        Then again, who knows?

        As Sheryl side-eyes the suited gentleman, he tilts his head and gives
 her an innocent smile.

        Alto actually seems to relax a little as Sheryl agrees to help. He
 silently admits that this is one benefit of this new mission he's been given.
 He'll be able to stay close to Sheryl. So not all is lost... Not yet, anyway.
 As Sheryl moves her hand to his, he turns his to grab hers, gently squeezing.
 Now knowing what Sheryl's going through... He's going to do what he can for

        There's a flicker of something on Mishima's face as Sheryl asks about
 the specifics, but it's quickly gone as he replies, "The specifics of the
 system's construction are confidential. If they leak and someone is able to
 replicate the effect, they might do so without the appropriate precautions,
 which could lead to the Vajra adapting to it. Rendering our work, and our
 hope, all for nothing." This is just a little bit more important than
 sunscreen, after all.

        "Besides, the science of fold technology is quite advanced. And we
 don't have the time for an in-depth explanation."

        To Sheryl he says, "All you have to do, is sing." To Alto he says, "All
 you have to do is fight. As the two of you reach an emotional peak, you'll
 synchronise through the fold quartz you both wear and the fold waves will
 activate the system."

        Alto reaches for the crystal beneath his shirt, "... Is that why it has
 to be me?"

<Pose Tracker> Sheryl Nome has posed.

        Who knows indeed? Sheryl can only go by the information she's got. This
 kind of analysis isn't typical for her, and it's entirely likely that she's
 gotten it wrong. She has been paranoid lately thanks to Grace. That
 paranoia's on full display as her frown deepens at the suited gentleman.
        But despite that, and despite Mishima's thin layer of condescension,
 Alto's here. It means a lot to her to have him hold her hand back. Regardless
 of who he loves, he still cares about her. That means a lot.
        "I still think we should have at least an idea. If something goes wrong
 and we don't know what we're doing, we also won't know what we can try
 instead," Sheryl points out, flipping her free hand upwards. "But fine. I'm
 sure you've got a back-up plan in case something like that happens."
        All she has to do is sing. All Alto has to do is fight. And they'll
 synchronize through their fold quartz... Sheryl's eyes widen as she looks over
 at Alto. She'd given him her other earring ages ago as... not exactly a
 present, but as a sort of good luck charm. As long as he has it with him, he
 has to come back for the sake of its pair. She presses a hand to her chest.
 Alto's gift to her, his mother's old omamori charm, hangs around her neck
 under her dress. He'd given that to her in return, an equal gesture to the
 family heirloom she'd shared with him, but... it looks like the Vajra don't
 care about things like that.
        "Grandma Mao..." she murmurs, almost under her breath. Almost, but not
 quite. She shakes her head, then frowns at Mishima as Alto asks his question.
 "It can't be just that, can it? If it were just because of my earrings, then
 you could demand we hand them over and give them to whichever pair you wanted.
 First of all, I was told my V-type infection..."
        She trails off as understanding dawns. Maybe the fold quartz is
 necessary for synchronization, but she's got the V-type infection set up just
 right to affect the Vajra. If it's about her reaching an emotional peak with
 someone else... "Oh," she murmurs, pink rising in her cheeks. "Right. Of
 course." She glances over at Alto. At one point, she would have left it at
 that, but she's already confessed to him. So, quietly, she concludes, "It's
 also about how we feel about each other."

<Pose Tracker> Alto Saotome has posed.

        The suited gentleman smirks as Sheryl tries to press for further
 details about how exactly the system works. He (?) recognises Sheryl's
 scepticism and unwillingness to simply accept things as they are. A step up
 from how she used to be. Wilful as she was, she would still take her medicine
 unquestioningly. Traits improved, no doubt, by recent betrayals by certain

        It's Mishima who responds say, shrugging, "The fact is the system is
 still extremely experimental, even to us. There will be experts on hand to
 handle unexpected situations." One might suspect that even Mishima isn't even
 fully aware of how it works.

        As Sheryl comes to her realisation, and mentions it out loud, Alto
 himself goes a little red, though he doesn't deny anything. The exact opposite
 actually as he says, "That makes sense... In the last battle, I was listening
 to Sheryl's song and thinking about her when the system activated."

        The suited gentlemen smiles, silently pondering his good fortune at how
 a random, previously uninteresting element like Alto Saotome turned out to
 have quite an impact on how his plans would unfold. He proceeds to explain,
 "That's one aspect to it, yes. Strong emotion does appear to be a trigger.
 It's not just that though. A certain level of sensitivity to fold quartz is
 required. Whether that be through prolonged exposure to the V-Type Infection,
 or to active crystals."

        The suited gentleman looks between the two, "Have either of you ever
 thought that you could hear one another? Or Ranka Lee? In circumstances where
 it would be seemingly impossible to do so?"

<Pose Tracker> Sheryl Nome has posed.

        That gentleman's smirk is not beyond Sheryl's notice, but what stands
 out to her even more is Mishima calling the system 'extremely experimental,
 even to us.' Sheryl knows how to read between the lines. Mishima probably
 doesn't know that much more than she does, but he's trying to save face by
 pretending it's a matter of confidentiality. Given that he's the President,
 and once again Sheryl has no reason to suspect anything off-color about that,
 she decides to go along with it with a nod.
        "In that case, I'll put a cap on my complaints for now," she says. "The
 back-up of professionals is always important."
        More important for the moment is the matter of the fold quartz and the
 synchronicity it's supposed to induce in her and Alto. She has her
 realization, and Alto chimes in, talking about he'd been listening to her and
 thinking about her. Sheryl's blue eyes soften and shimmer as she looks back at
 him. "Alto..."
        Prolonged exposure... There's definitely that too. It's been a long
 while since Sheryl gave Alto one of her earrings. If he's been keeping it
 close ever since, then it's no wonder he's got sensitivity, even without
 V-type. (She prays to God that he doesn't have V-type.)
        The question, though, gets Sheryl to shoot the gentleman a wide-eyed
 look. She doesn't answer out loud, but the way she shares a long, lingering
 look with Alto says spades. So that's why, that look seems to convey.

<Pose Tracker> Alto Saotome has posed.

        Alto too seems to be able to think of a few instances, as he looks back
 at Sheryl with the same realisation. He eventually replies, "Yes... On several
 occasions. So that was a result of the fold quartz?"

        The suited gentleman nods, "For a brief moment, some combination of the
 three of you had managed to form a temporary, rather unstable fold network.
 Similar to how the Vajra communicate. The 'Fairy Tale' system stabilises this
 connection and uses it to link up with the Vajra in the vicinity. And from
 there, lets us send basic requests to them."

        Alto follows the thought process, coming to the conclusion, "Such as,
 'Stop fighting'?"

        Mishima nods, "Precisely. And we're hoping to expand further on the
 requests we can make, taking advantage of them to end this war completely and
 finally." He then turns to Sheryl, "So, can we count on your support?" The
 fact is that without her, or Ranka, the plan appears to have no chance of
 success. Of course, if one were to say no, what might just happen?

<Pose Tracker> Sheryl Nome has posed.

        The three of them are a fold network? As logical a conclusion as that
 is, however unstable and temporary it may be, this news floors Sheryl. She
 raises a hand to her mouth, thinking hard about all the times she's heard
 Ranka sing. It went back as far as...
        ...as that time space pirates attacked her transport... Grace had been
 there too... How much of this has been the result of her plotting...?
        She purses her lips in thought. She, Ranka, and Brera all have a
 connection to the 117th Research Fleet. All traces of that are gone now,
 thanks to the destruction of Gallia IV, but is it possible there's more to
 learn? Something that connects the three of them, that also has something to
 do with Grace?
        She looks up at the simple explanation. It looks like this 'liaison'
 knows a lot more about the Fairy Tale system than President Mishima does. She
 glances at him as Alto comes to the obvious conclusion. Can they count on her
        Sheryl heaves a theatrical sigh and shrugs. "Can I really say no?
 Ranka's gone, and I can't forgive the Vajra." Or allow millions or even
 billions of people to die because she was too stubborn to cooperate. But even
 without that...
        "I'll do it. It's the least I can use the last of my life on," she
 concludes, holding her head high.
        She is a professional, and she has her pride.

<Pose Tracker> Alto Saotome has posed.

        All the talk about Ranka is reminding Alto about recent events, which
 cause him to frown a little. With everything going on he still hasn't really
 had time to process it. Not to mention he's been having trouble sleeping
 lately, which hasn't helped.

        Thankfully his attention is drawn back as Sheryl agrees to assist. That
 is at least a small relief. Though as she mentions this is how she intends to
 use the last of her life, Alto turns to look at her with concern. He knew, of
 course. And the fact that he isn't more surprised probably tells Sheryl that
 he knows. He doesn't say anything though, as again this is not the place to do

        "Thank you for your help, Miss Nome." Mishima stands, anticipation in
 his eyes at events that are still to come, "We've prepared a safehouse for you
 to stay at when you are not performing. Given your importance to our future, and
 your condition, we would prefer to have you somewhere we can protect you and
 provide immediate assistance should something go wrong." He begins to head
 over to his desk, "I'll have a car called to take you there."

<Pose Tracker> Sheryl Nome has posed.

        Sheryl technically doesn't know if Alto knows already... but he
 definitely knows that she's been sick, and there was already talk about the
 V-type infection during this conversation. For as dense as he can be when it
 comes to emotional affairs, she respects his intelligence enough to be able to
 put two and two together. When he doesn't react to her dramatic statement save
 to look at her in concern... well, that's just proof.
        It's likewise not a surprise that President Mishima's already got a
 safehouse planned for her. "Wait. I've already got protection. I hired the VTX
 Union for that, and they've already got doctors who're familiar with my
 condition. I'll just go back to the Carriax," she replies. "If you're going to
 insist anyway--" She grabs Alto by the arm and pulls him close. "Then I've got
 every right to insist on rehiring an old bodyguard, don't I?"
        She turns to look Alto in the eye. As willful as her stare is, there's
 also something a little pleading about it. Almost like, 'Don't let them take
 me away alone.'

<Pose Tracker> Alto Saotome has posed.

        Mishima pauses as Sheryl raises some objections to the protection. He
 murmurs, "The VTX Union... I don't doubt they've done a good job for you up
 to now. But I'm not sure they alone are quite up to the task ahead. Though you
 are of course welcome to keep them under contract for the times you are on the
 battlefield. The stronger our forces the better."

        Alto sees the look that Sheryl is giving him after she suggests he be
 her bodyguard again. He doesn't inherently object, though it might make things
 a bit weird. Still, he's not against it and seems like he's about to say as

        When Mishima continues, "As for Mister Saotome's services..." He seems
 to be pondering something for a moment, before continuing, "I suppose there's
 no harm in mentioning it now, as it will be announced shortly at the press

        "The Frontier Government will be using wartime authorities to absorb
 several commercial enterprises into its operational sectors. Strategic
 Military Services is one of those. Equipment and contracted personnel
 belonging to SMS will be reassigned to the Frontier Defense Fleet."

        "What!?" Alto bolts up onto his feet, "When were you going to mention

        Mishima gives Alto a hard stare, "You were to be informed along with
 the rest of the public. You of course have the option to terminate your
 contract. But that means leaving behind all SMS provided equipment. Besides,
 the Sentinel is not a VF owned by SMS. It belongs to the Frontier Government,
 in coordination with the PLANTs. What did you expect?"

        Alto clenches his jaw as he considers where this places him. His
 options are this point are essentially submit, or give up the fight.

        This is when the suited gentleman smiles and asks, "Just how much are
 you willing to give up to win this war? Are you going to leave Miss Nome to
 fight it alone?"

        Alto graduates to a glare in the man's direction...

        ... But really, is there a choice here?

        Alto deflates, "Fine, I'll do it." He looks at Sheryl for a few
 moments, then turns to Mishima, "On one condition. I stay with Sheryl, at all
 times when I'm not flying missions against the Vajra. That includes the

        Mishima seems a little annoyed at first. But it passes quickly as he
 considers it, before nodding, "That is acceptible to me." He looks at Sheryl

<Pose Tracker> Sheryl Nome has posed.

        "I will keep them under contract, thank you," Sheryl says coolly.
 That's assuming that Sagiri's up for being a tool of the government, but is
 being a tool of capitalism much better? ...Well, she doesn't think Sagiri
 would abandon her after all the trouble she went through to become her client
 in the first place. Same goes for Rin and the rest of the crew of the Carriax.
 At least this way they've got some bargaining power if things go poorly.
        And it sounds like it's immediately going poorly. Sheryl doesn't try to
 hold Alto back as he bolts to his feet. She looks from him to Mishima,
 expression clouding. She hadn't realized that the Sentinel belonged to the
 Frontier government--she honestly hadn't thought about it too hard; she's had
 too many other things on her mind--but absorbing private enterprises? "Is that
 legal?" she wonders. "Does wartime really give you that much authority? If it
 does, why didn't President Glass do that before?"
        The answer there is pretty simple: the Vajra hadn't staged a direct
 attack on the Frontier from within before. But Sheryl's saying this more to
 support Alto than because she thinks it'll make a difference. When Alto
 submits, but makes his condition, color rises in her cheeks. "Alto..." She
 brushes her hair back and sits upright. "Just what I wanted. I feel much safer
 already," she says briskly.
        However much they're both being made into weapons now, at least they're
 in it together.

<Pose Tracker> Alto Saotome has posed.

        "The legal situation is far beyond what you can comprehend. But put
 simply, there exists clauses within the existing contracts that these
 companies, SMS included, have signed with the Frontier Government. Which allow
 us to take such action." So it seems it's not wholly a one-sided acquisition.
 Though still, it's a hell of a thing to pull.

        Mishima then proceeds to answer Sheryl's follow up question, "As for
 why President Glass didn't do so previously..." Mishima turns to look out of
 the windows behind his desk, "Howard Glass was a good man. And an excellent
 president... In peace time. However, he lacked the determination to lead us in
 this war."

        Alto is not good at politics, but being someone who has fought on the
 frontlines for much of this war, there's a part of him which can't deny
 Mishima's words. It did sometimes feel like they weren't doing enough to win
 this war. Now, it seems like they are finally actually getting somewhere...
 Though he's still not happy about the fate of SMS, or being shoehorned into
 the FDF. But perhaps it is a small price to pay after all.

        Especially as Mishima agrees to his condition, and so does Sheryl.

        "Very well then." Mishima presses a button on his desk and the two men
 who escorted Sheryl here step in. Mishima explains, "I believe this concludes
 the discussion. If you'll excuse me, I have a press conference to prepare for.
 These gentlemen will show you to the safehouse. You can organise with them to
 have any personal belongings transported there."

        Alto isn't sure he likes where things have ended up... Though he can't
 be sure he doesn't like it either. It is a lot to take in, he needs to think
 about it...

        But apparently that thinking will have to be done at a new place.
 Besides, at this point he's happy to leave this office. Still frowning a
 little about the situation, Alto offers a hand to Sheryl to help her up so
 they can get out.

<Pose Tracker> Sheryl Nome has posed.

        Sheryl might not have cause to suspect Mishima of any wrongdoing, but
 boy does every new thing he say make her like him less and less. (That's the
 correct reaction, Sheryl.)
        "I see," she says coolly, and leaves it at that. As little as she likes
 Mishima's condescending attitude, when it comes to late President Glass, maybe
 there is something to what he says. After all... war is where you send
 people to die for you.
        "Fine," she says, looking at the escorts. She eyes the suited gentleman
 one last time... but for now, she accepts Alto's hand and stands up from the
 couch. Her hand curls around his, and she'll walk with dignity out of this
 office with him by her side. Once they've got some privacy, then they can
 discuss this more--just as Sheryl's sure President Mishima will with his
 explicitly-unnamed assistant.

<Pose Tracker> Alto Saotome has posed.

        Alto continues to hold Sheryl's hand as the two leave, also expecting
 they will have a lot to talk about when they get somewhere a bit more private.
 The doors are shut behind them as they exit.

        Once the two are gone, Mishima turns around once more, murmuring, "It's
 unfortunate that we have to leave such a key part of this to those two. But
 it's not like there's much choice in the matter."

        Mishima turns his head to the suited gentleman, "Still, it's impressive
 what Galaxy's cybernetic modifications can do. I don't think she realised it
 was you, Miss O'Connor. Or should I say, Colonel Godunwa? Which one is the
 real you, I wonder?"

<Pose Tracker> Sheryl Nome has posed.

        Unfortunate? In some ways, yes. In others, this is the only way Grace
 would have it.
        The 'gentleman' chuckles, raising a pair of glasses 'he' doesn't need
 and setting them on 'his' nose. 'He' turns, and the figure under that suit is
 different, and the hair is longer too. It is, without a doubt, Grace
 O'Connor--or is it Grace Godunwa?
        "I'll leave you to keep wondering on that one. A woman has more appeal
 when she has a secret or two," she teases, folding her arms under her chest.
 "With those two secured, things ought to continue smoothly. All you have to do
 is keep leading Frontier with the determination your predecessor lacked, and
 the Vajra will be dealt with in no time, and you'll be hailed as a visionary
        The voices of Galaxy titter in her ear, on a wavelength and a line that
 Mishima will not be able to hear. Grace's smile doesn't budge one millimeter.

<Pose Tracker> Alto Saotome has posed.

        Appeal, huh? Mishima can't say that he finds much appeal in Grace. And
 not just because of her artificial body. Of course, he still needs to work
 with her so doesn't say any of this out loud.

        Instead he comments on her words that follow, "'Continue smoothly'? I'm
 not sure I would say it's been going that way. The plan did not account for
 the fleet receiving so much damage as it has. Not to mention I had to take
 radical action to ensure my acquisition of the Presidency would come to pass.
 Also the lack of Doctor Kafim..."

        Leon stares intently at Grace, "You're sure you have the 'Fairy Tale'
 system under control? She was the expert on its core component, after all."

<Pose Tracker> Sheryl Nome has posed.

        Not to worry. The feeling's mutual.
        "Continue from this point forward," Grace corrects him, as if she
 weren't the one who used misleading phrasing in the first place. "We've both
 had to deal with setbacks up until now. But the more you struggle to put a
 plan into place, the less you have to worry when things start going well, hmm?
 It's when everything's been easy all along that you're in trouble."
        She says this without a hint of irony.
        "If I don't, then we're all in a lot of trouble!" Grace says lightly,
 in the cadence of a joke. Her smile settles into something approximating
 reassuring as she adds, "Not to worry. She left behind plenty of notes, and I've
 had time to study them closely. Her work was fascinating... A pity she decided
 to leave this dimension behind, but that's one less rival down the road, hmm?"
        Again, the cadence of a joke. Presentation counts for so much in
 controlling how others see you.

<Pose Tracker> Alto Saotome has posed.

        One less rival... That reminds him, he should start making preparations
 to deal with Grace...

        With no trace of his previous thoughts on his face, Mishima hmmms,
 "Unfortunately we still have many hurdles to overcome." He walks up to his
 desk, pressing a button to bring up a number of files on a screen. They
 include amongst them a number of pictures, many quite familiar such as Ranka
 Lee and her brother; Catherine Glass; the Macross Quarter's Captain; a certain
 playboy CEO. There's also information about the Vajra and the Sentinel.

        Mishima doesn't go through all of it, but does touch on a few points,
 "I'm concerned about how the situation with SMS and Nergal is going to play
 out. The former's fighting strength in particular would be of great help. We
 also still need to find the location of the Vajra homeworld. And of course,
 there's no telling what Ranka Lee might try and get up to on her own."

        Mishima turns back to Grace, "Can't you reign in that hound of yours?"
 Apparently he thinks that Brera's assistance to Ranka is going against Grace's

<Pose Tracker> Sheryl Nome has posed.

        Grace looks up at the files on Mishima's screen, mostly out of
 courtesy. She can pull up this information well enough on her own, in her own
 private viewscreen. When he voices his concerns, she nods along.
        "They do have an unfortunate habit of being willful," she murmurs, eyes
 narrowing at the memory of the Nadesico and its crew. His question, though,
 gets a brief smile that melts into a regretful sigh.
        "Hmmm... Unfortunately, part of getting Sheryl to cooperate meant
 agreeing to leave him alone, and now he's outside the range of my network,"
 Grace lies smoothly, spreading her arms in a lamenting shrug. "I'm not
 worried, though. Antares-1 may be a cyborg, but Ranka Lee still needs to eat
 and sleep. He'll get hampered by the needs of her body soon enough, which will
 bring them both back to human society, and then we'll be able to lure both of
 them in."

<Pose Tracker> Sheryl Nome has posed.

        'Start' making preparations? That's cute. If Leon's only starting now,
 he'll never catch up to Grace's machinations. ...or so Grace would say if she
 knew what Leon was thinking--instead, she assumes he's been working on it all
        What are they but allies destined to betray each other, after all?