Flay Allster

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Flay Allster
Flay Pilot @ Harleequeen.png
IC Information
Full Name: Flay Allster
Gender: Female (She/Her)
Species: SEED Factor Natural
Age (Birthdate): 18 (March 15, 0081)
Hair Colour: Red
Eye Colour: Light Blue
Job: Strike Successor
Homeland: Britannian Union
Awakening: 1
Primary Unit: GAT-X105E Strike E Gundam
BGM: Life Goes On - Mika Arisaka
OOC Information
Origin: Cosmic Era Gundam
Factions: Gaia Sabers
Player: Marseeya

Despite having the privilege to live a carefree childhood unburdened by the turmoil of the Earth Sphere, Flay Allster was just one girl of many who lost everything in the Bloody Valentine conflict, and turned to hatred in response to it. Once desperate enough to use her own powerlessness to secure her protection, it seems she’s no longer satisfied that way, learning to pilot the upgraded GAT-X105E Strike E for the Gaia Sabers after her recent graduation from Asticassia. In many ways, Flay has matured since her time on the Archangel, though the same impulsivity and emotional anxiety continue to underlie the way she interacts with others. While she’s hardly a model soldier, and many still view her new role as a political ploy, when the ruins of Junius Seven fell, Flay awakened to her own desire to protect this world. But when the Universal Century only seems to be repeating its course, what role will she play in shaping its never-ending future?

Page Art Credit: @_Harleequeen on Twitter!

