2024-09-01: The Lady Of The House

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  • Cutscene: The Lady Of The House
  • 'Cast: Shari Loom, Gerardo Aritza
  • Where: Shari, Gerardo, and Cascade's Apartment, OCU Japan
  • Date: September 1, 0099
  • Summary: Watching the horrors on television, Shari and Gerardo see the beginnings of something worrying to come. Then, Shari gets an unexpected call.

Shari Loom leans into her boyfriend Gerardo Artiza on the couch as they watch the news together, holding onto him for comfort. Her long, pink hair tangles up around his arm, her dark makeup still neat. His thin arm is wrapped around her, and she remains nestled against him.

It's not for affection, though, so much as it is to not be alone in the horror that the news brings.

"Damage assessments are..."

"The extremists who made this happen--"

"Coordinators are to blame! We should never have let them off so easily after--"

Shari feels like she's shrinking. "...There's so many people dead, and already all they care about is who they're going to blame," she says.

Gerardo has been very quiet, but he vocalizes softly now. "Mm." He squeezes Shari's shoulder and continues, "...People are like that. They want to have reasons for these things. For the fire in the skies. I do not like it, but..."

"I know," Shari sighs. "Especially back in Britannia. I used to be nervous about Coordinators, too," she admits. "But this kind of hatred... It scares me."

"Mm, yes. They are not popular in my homeland, either. I... do not know what to believe. I do not wish to believe that any people called 'human' would do such a thing. But clearly someone has."

"I'll..." Shari shakes her head. "I'll try to figure out the truth. You know I have contacts. Don't give up on people, okay? I can't... I can't hold onto hope on my own."

"Shari..." He turns his head to look down at her. Their eyes meet--

Shari's phone starts to ring. She blinks. For a moment, she thinks about leaving it be, but it /keeps/ ringing after the first chime. "...Mm," Shari says, and starts to get up. "this better not be some random advertising again..."

Gerardo lets her get up and mutes the television, while Shari answers.

"Hello?" she asks, in Japanese first, before she blinks as she recognizes the voice. "Wait, Mr. Killman?" she says in English.

"Miss Loom," he answers. "Or... I should say, now, Lady Loom."


"I have dire news. But we need to discuss it. Would you put me on video, so that I can show you a few documents?"

"Uhhhhh sure," Shari answers, and hits a few buttons until the wall terminal shifts to show an older Britannian gentleman, Jack Killman. ...Her family's lawyer.

Shari is glad she's dressed, at least. "So what's up?" she asks.

"I'm sorry to tell you that your parents were at home in Britannia when the crash came. ...They didn't survive."

Shari is stunned into silence at first, not just by the news but by the realization that of course 'noble estates' would've been some of the first places aided. Her stomach twists.

Killman continues, "Accordingly, as you are of legal age, you inherit the estate. The papers will be sent to you by certified mail, as you are not currently in the country. You are still in... the OCU, yes?"

"Um." Shari looks at Gerardo for a moment, who is more than a little gobsmacked. She looks back to Killman. "Yes," she answers. "I didn't know they knew..."

"...I'm sorry," he says. "I can't account for their behavior towards you, for better or worse. But my duty to your family is now a duty to you. It is legally binding. So... Do you accept?"

"Wait. I get a choice?"

"Of course. I cannot force this inheritance onto you."

"I mean, I..." Shari has to think about it. "But what about..."

"Your brother Gareth is a minor child, and cannot yet inherit by law," Mr. Killman adds helpfully. "Regardless of whether you accept your inheritance, however, you are his next of kin. If you choose to ignore this obligation, then he will go into foster care."

"Wait--wait, what? Gareth is--"

"Yes. He is /not/ the sole heir to the estate, though the title according to their last will and testament goes to him when he is of age. So, do you accept?"

"You can't just--I mean--Wait a--"

"I can't release any more information to you unless you accept, Lady Loom. So please, make up your mind."

Shari hesitates--looks to Gerardo again, who gives her a 'I have no idea' expression, and then sighs. "I accept," she says. "I didn't figure they'd want me to, but..."

"The law is the law," Mr. Killman says. "Good. In that case... The insurance adjusters are currently looking at the payout for the family home's destruction. Your assets accordingly are still being calculated. And..."

"Hold on," Shari says. "You said my brother was going into foster care?"

"...If you don't claim him, yes. You have no other living relatives."

Shari stares at him. "Then.."

"I'll be blunt, Lady Loom. The system is going to be backed up. I have no guarantee that I can secure him a reasonable home. If you don't take him in, I'm not sure anyone will."

"I..." Shari sighs, and looks down. She can't look to Gerardo for this one. "...We may not have always gotten along," Shari admits, "But he needs me, then. Please make the arrangements, Mr. Killman."

"Very good. Now, for further details..."

Gerardo blinks next to Shari, and reaches out to squeeze her shoulder. "I, ah," he says. "..I should give you some privacy, for legal business. But when you wish to talk, I... will be here. Yes? I will be here still."

Shari looks at him, and wonders if he really will. "...Thanks," she says for now. Then, she looks back to Mr. Killman again, who helpfully waits until Gerardo's soft steps carry him out of the room.

"...Lady Loom," the lawyer says. His glasses glint. "My condolences once again. But.. Let's get to business."

Shari thinks it's going to be a long night.