2024-08-07: High-Energy Fundraiser

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  • Log: 2024-08-07
  • Cast: Sayaka Yumi, Luanova Luckwright
  • Where: La Tour
  • OOC - IC Date: 0099-08-07
  • Summary: Having met at a fundraiser for such things, Sayaka and Luanova talk about the practical applications of energy science, and what it can do for people.

<Pose Tracker> Sayaka Yumi has posed.

With the dissolution of the Federation, and the separation of NUNE in its place, and the OCU, the Photon Power Labs have a lot more freedom to distribute their clean energy in OCU territory - but only that, OCU territory. That's to say nothing of the places left behind by the new formation of the world - and as its director, Sayaka Yumi is well-aware.

And while she can't just - unilaterally decide to send energy to the places that need it outside her jurisdiction without raising suspicions from the NUNE, especially on top of keeping her gifts to Satellicon a secret. But as a 'token effort', and a vestige of the Earth Federation, NUNE does tend to give her invites to the kind of periodic energy distribution fundraisers they put on. It's hard to believe they'll do much, but while they're a public sector not accepting donations, her presence does mean they can put more of a word out. Even if such invitations tend to conflict with her very busy work and personal life.

She's here by herself this time, in a fancy looking purple dress, though part of her wishes Koji was around for this too, even if it does reduce the amount of comments about the worst marriage proposal in history. But her engagement is something she's still proud of, dammit! Regardless, she's got a little booth set up for the Photon Power Labs, highlighting their advancements in Japan's civilian sector once again, now that Dr. Hell is gone for good.

There's the allure of being able to ask the Director herself some questions about their work - or whatever other gossip the kinds of people who attend these events get up to.

<Pose Tracker> Luanova Luckwright has posed.

        Luanova Luckwright's evening dress is no less fancy, today accessorized with a white hat halfway between a tam and a sunhat. There's a lot of things suffocating about her role in life, but access to designer fashion is one she's not shy about demonstrating. This is the kind of event where she typically shows, though she's been less frequent over the past year she's taken off for her graduate work, depriving the gossip press of some minor articles. And like when she shows at these events, she is again flanked by two tall men in sharp business suits designed to conceal holstered weapons, eyes obscured by mirrorshades. They project the image.

        "Doctor Yumi!" Lua doesn't come up to Sayaka from the front. She slips in from the blind side around the side of the booth, leaning into view with a charming smile. Looks like she's got a flute of champagne already. "Lua Luckwright. Nice to finally meet you." The daughter of the outspoken senator from Neo-America who's been funding research into 'psychodrivers,' which they hold distinct from the Newtype. "I'd say I have a lot of respect for your work, but I think everybody says that and it kind of loses its meaning. I do, though."

<Pose Tracker> Sayaka Yumi has posed.

As a former combatant since her early teenaged years, someone making the general movement of coming in from her blindside has a bit of a different feeling to it, but Sayaka doesn't tense for that long before noticing that it's just an attendee interested in her work. Sayaka smiles in Lua's direction, taking a step aside to allow a better view of the PPL's material.

Sayaka considers the name Lua presents, though it doesn't entirely change her approach. She's not well-acquainted with the senator of Neo America aside from the incidental academic paper, but she can relate to being the daughter of the politician. "Ms. Luckwright. It's nice to meet you, too. And I appreciate the earnestness there." She replies - measured and friendly, not that there isn't still a certain spark in her.

"I have to admit... it's pretty nice seeing some younger people drawn to our work in particle physics and energy distribution, too. They say a fresh perspective is what really brings innovation, after all." She gives Lua a knowing smile, because it's not like Sayaka is all that much older than her. "Thought I'd ask where that respect comes from. Are you interested in science, too? Or perhaps what that science can do for people?" She asks - while it might be politics that led to this encounter... it's good to see young women into STEM, too.

<Pose Tracker> Luanova Luckwright has posed.

        Perhaps Lua isn't familiar with Sayaka's background. A sweeping turn around the blind side like that isn't easy to improvise, though.

        "Oh! Well, that too, of course." Lua gives a slightly embarrassed smile at the director's focus on her scientific work. "I do respect STEM work a lot, there's a lot of people doing very important work. It's never been my personal forte, though. I was thinking more about the applied sciences." Perhaps canvassing for her mother's company looking for some kind of implementation of the PPL's methodologies?

        "I can tell that you care a lot. You've attended several of these summits on power distribution and infrastructure. And I looked at your proposals." The proposals that the powers that be need written down to consider the offer to distribute power to those underserved areas outside the OCU's jurisdiction. So, maybe not so much the canvassing...? "It was pretty frustrating looking over generous proposals like that and seeing so few approvals. Communities' basic utilities aren't something to play politics over."

<Pose Tracker> Sayaka Yumi has posed.

"Haha... well, that's fine. These kinds of fundraisers are meant for your average interested layperson, so it's probably better not to get into the fine details of the science." Sayaka does admit, with a good-natured laugh. "It's something I'm always happy to talk about if I get the chance, though."

"I get that the theoretical physics isn't for everyone. Koji's all about his wild theories. Always coming up with some crazy breakthrough on the brink of his ideas being shot down..." She shakes her head, though her words are a clear display of affection. "But as the Director, I have to pay close consideration to the applied side of things, making sure something's done with those wild theories and breakthroughs." She explains. "Without our two approaches in close tandem... I don't think we'd get much done."

She does wonder about Lua's approach - her mother is involved with some kind of PMC company, isn't she? "In a perfect world, we'd see both approaches equally funded. But I don't blame you for your interest in the applied sciences. It's... often in high demand." But Lua moves on to highlight an example, power distribution in underserved areas. Sayaka frowns, and nods.

"Yeah. Frustrating is one way to put it. These divides don't do a thing to help people, but... I believe these proposals are shot down as swiftly as they are because they wouldn't turn a profit." She's a little hushed, because she's kind of in the 'lion's den', so to speak. "Not compared to private energy, at least."

"Let me put it simply. This is a world where living on one side of the Nagoya border is the difference between being able to distribute Photon Power, or nothing... based on the whims of the Britannian rule from afar. Of course, it was like that before the OCU split in the first place." It might not be surprising, southwestern Japan - 'Area 11' would be her go-to example - but being from Neo America, she imagines Lua might share a similar opinion.

<Pose Tracker> Luanova Luckwright has posed.

        "They're both important," Lua agrees. Her lips fold uncomfortably at the mention of the high demand for the applied sciences. "Well. What matters equally well is what it's being applied for, and the profit incentive often doesn't align with the public good on that. The profit incentive, and, yes..." She trails off when responding to Sayaka's mention of the Nagoya border.

        She's used to speaking discreetly. Her voice isn't hushed, but it is still low, low enough to avoid the ears of listeners nearby. "To tell you the truth, I'm sick of the whole thing. I was there, did you know? I was invited to what turned into the Nagoya... incident." The Nagoya Massacre. "My mother pulled all my press appearances before I even had a chance to arrange any new ones. I was ready to raise hell and she's telling me we need to maintain a diplomatic response and stay on message. And she has all the purse strings and connections. So here I am, trotting out to every little event, pushing as hard as I can to get some earnest proposals in front of the eyes of the people who can actually do something about them."

        She takes a graceful, but voluminous, swish from her champagne flute. So that's why she always has one of those. "So I'll be doing what I can with what you've brought this time. But I can't make promises. They send me here because I don't have any real power."

<Pose Tracker> Sayaka Yumi has posed.

Sayaka does nod carefully when Lua points out how it's important what it's being applied for. "In the wrong hands, Photon Power could be applied for truly terrible means. We got a taste of that during the Infinity incident. But that doesn't mean I believe any less in its potential to do good for humanity. I guess that's become my lifework at this point, haha..." The mantra of Mazinger Z was always that it can become a god or a devil... but that feels to heavyhanded to just say right now.

Especially when the topic of the Nagoya Massacre inevitably comes up - what the Britannians managed to do while the Photon Power Labs were busy fielding the Mazinger Infinity crisis. "You were there? God, that's..." Sayaka closes her eyes. "One of our colleagues was there, too. The way she described it..." Sayaka doesn't need to say anymore than that.

Collecting her own thoughts on the situation, Sayaka shuffles back some more, keeping her tone hushed. ""The Princess was one thing, but wasn't pleased with what Zero did, either. And I understand father - the Prime Minister, I mean, couldn't exactly start a war by funnelling OCU troops into a martial law zone. But... it isn't looking good for the people who are stuck in southwestern Japan." She sighs.

"So it's your mother calling the shots, and you're just there to make her policies look good? I guess that means you aren't so naive as you look..." Sayaka smiles, when Luanova diminishes her own role as not having any power. "...is what some jerk would probably tell you." She concludes, that smile turning more into a grin.

"Sure, those proposals might not get anywhere meaningful. But I don't need 'promises'." Her gaze levels on Lua. "The point is that you have hopes for the world. And every time you put those hopes forward, it's one step towards seeing that change. I believe having the right attitude is its own power... because eventually you'll be the one building the future." No, you'd be fooled if you thought Sayaka was the cynical sort of person. The moment you become cynical... you become Dr. Hell.

<Pose Tracker> Luanova Luckwright has posed.

        "I was able to pull one family with me on my way out of the country," Lua says, looking down at her champagne. "Most of one family. Their daughter didn't make it. And then I had to fight all night to secure asylum for them." And then, the night after that, sitting in the cockpit with her nerves shot... the North Pole.

        "Oh, you learn to lie pretty early on growing up the way I did," Lua says, brightening up her cheerful smile on a dime. "I told you, I'm more interested in applications. The hope for the future is valuable, but so is the responsibility to use it to forge change for the people who are suffering now. I'm not going to be taking over for my mother anytime soon, and even if I did, her connections that let her get things done would drop me if I started demonstrating my real priorities. All I've got..."

        All she's got is something she can't speak about.

<Pose Tracker> Sayaka Yumi has posed.

"You were able to at least save some people. That... counts for something." Sayaka says, though she knows that probably sounds like cold comfort. "If you have any regrets, I think you know where to turn them." Not inward, that never helps.

Luanova talks about learning to lie easy, and Sayaka nods with some sympathy. "I was never really good at it, to be honest. Really, I couldn't take that. I had to push hard to prove myself and get people to finally take me seriously." She could share plenty of stories about opw many times her requests to get an actual robot with actual WEAPONS to properly take on the kikaiju she was tasked with fighting were vetoed. "But hey.. at least it got me somewhere eventually."

Lua smiles, and talks about practical applications once again. "Oh, I'm not denying that. Especially not with my line of work. But... like you're saying, I think there's a stark difference between making change because it means something to you, and doing it just for appearances. I can tell which one you're fighting for at least."

It might strike as interesting that she uses the word 'fighting' for that, but she means it in a very abstract sense - that she can tell from the way Lua carries herself, that she has some kind of fighting spirit. "And that gives you a lot more power than you think. I just... don't want you to waste it, thinking you can't accomplish anything." She smiles. "Besides, I'm grateful that someone will leave this building giving my proposals some thought."

<Pose Tracker> Luanova Luckwright has posed.

        "Sure. Don't get me wrong. I haven't given up." Lua knows what kind of fighting Sayaka is talking about. It's not any less important than the kind of fighting one does inside a robot. Just less fun. "It's just... it's nice to be able to grouse to somebody sometimes. About how frustrating it is, how boxed in the system of the Earth Sphere has gotten. Nice words of hope won't get me to feel better about that. Until that order can be unentangled and some change can be achieved, you have to keep an angry heart."

        She smiles, softening her expression this time, not the bright cheery smile earlier. Perhaps this one is more genuine. "Thank you, though. I'll do what I can for you. And again: I appreciate what you're doing. Honestly, the proposals I saw, you could take a cut to reinvest in the PPL's operations and it would still be a generous offer. That takes integrity in the age of the Benerit Group."

<Pose Tracker> Sayaka Yumi has posed.

"I get it. When I went to school to become a scientist, part of me felt like I had to throw away that anger..." Sayaka regards Lua, as she lays out her feelings of frustration. Her and Koji's anger on the other hand, came from being thrown on the frontlines - only for the Titans to help minute and betray them not long after. "But I won't stop you from complaining. Because it is frustrating. Righteous fury for everyone's sake, hmm?"

She sees Lua's true smile, though, and that's heartening. "Thanks again. Here's hoping... there's plenty of places in rough shape right now that could really use the Photon Power boost." The aforementioned Area 11 of course... and Azadistan never truly escaped its own energy crisis - not even with the intervention of the fallen Celestial Being. "Either way, the PPL's budget will be just fine as long as the OCU considers it still worth investing in... but that's not really what it's about for me." She considers herself having got her happy ending - but what about the rest of the world?

"If you're going to forward my work, though... perhaps it would help to keep in touch. Purely on a professional level of course, but I thought this was an enlightening talk. Guess this is what they call 'networking' in your world, huh?" A wry smile.

<Pose Tracker> Luanova Luckwright has posed.

        "Anger can be a motivating force. It can be a destructive force, too. It's all in how you harness it."
        It can make you into a god, or a devil.

        Lua reaches into her handbag and pulls out a nice looking tablet device. "This is what I use for networking." She then tosses it dismissively back in the handbag and draws out a second tablet. "This is what I use for friends, if you'd prefer." It seems like Lua would prefer it, anyway, though when she registers her contact, her name pops up as 'Centy Chaudhary,' a distaff take on the name of the main character of popular movie Die Five Times*. Lua shrugs her shoulders. "I like movies."

        *Centus Chaudhary actually only dies four times in the movie.

<Pose Tracker> Sayaka Yumi has posed.

That's exactly it. There's a productive way to use that anger... but I feel like you already have that wisdom." She smiles.

As for 'networking', Sayaka does have her official Japanese .gov account, because she does indeed work for the government. But she has a personal account too, with a cute little chibi icon of Aphrodite A, her fallen partner - who's definitely not holding Mylene of Fire Bomber's signature bass guitar. She's keen to give that one to Lua, seeing as she gives her own personal account.

"There! All set." Sayaka clicks her phone back into her handbag, and regards Lua again. "Haven't actually seen that one. Might need to make a note for the next movie night at home." She comments on the name. "As for me... what can I say? I was a big Fire Bomber fan in college."

<Pose Tracker> Luanova Luckwright has posed.

        Lua leans in. "You haven't seen it. The holiday movie. You owe it to yourself. He tears a machinegun mount off of an Arm Slave, and I am not spoiling what he does with it."

<Pose Tracker> Sayaka Yumi has posed.

Sayaka listens intently. "Sick."