2024-06-27: If I Were Into Girls I'd Want A Girl With A Sword Too

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  • Log: If I Were Into Girls I'd Want A Girl With A Sword Too
  • Cast: Alouette Pommier, Shari Loom
  • Where: Nouvelle Tokyo Tech
  • OOC - IC Date: June 27, 2024 (0099)
  • Summary: After class, Alouette--who's been zoning out--asks Shari for her notes. Shari is happy to oblige, and they make some conversation and plans!

<Pose Tracker> Alouette Pommier has posed.

It's Thursday, 2:58 PM JST, which means Art History class at Nouvelle Tokyo Tech is just about over. It's the last class of the day for most students, so most are pretty eager to get out and either get to any extracurriculars they have planned, or just get back to their dorm or apartment for the day.

Alouette, who's mostly taking this course as a history-based elective for a general arts program, doesn't particularly have any after-school plans, she was interested in the robotics club, but they meet tomorrow. It's probably for the best, though, because her sleep has been... limited.

She does have a few questions about the material, though... and in-person classes are rare enough for her that she'd rather discuss it with another student.

So, before she leaves, she turns to Shari, who she happened to sit relatively close to, and lightly taps her desk. "Hey... did you get any good notes on that lecture?" Alouette asks, gesturing to what looks like a disorganized mess of a notebook. "I ended up zoning out the whole time, and well..." It's only been a few days since the Galactron incident, so.. "It's been a week."

<Pose Tracker> Shari Loom has posed.

Shari Loom is currenly working on a minor in Art for her part--her major being mechanical engineering. But that's just whre she's starting. She isn't super eager to get out immediately, because her boyfriend has class for another couple of hours, so she's on her own for a bit.

And as it happens--

"Oh, hi," Shari says to Alouette, and then grins. Her gothy makeup belies a friendly person who's willing to talk.

"I did!" Shari answers. "I was really interested in the Middle Ages section so I especially wrote stuff down for that one. The advance of how people felt about nonrepresentative art..." A beat, "But you don't need to hear it, you need to see it, right?"
%"Sec, I'll make you a copy."

She considers. It's been a week... Shari, for her part, is just snapping photos with her phone of her notes. "Your work must keep you pretty busy, right? 3G. I'm Shari, by the way. Shari Loom."

<Pose Tracker> Alouette Pommier has posed.

Alouette smiles back, pleased to see Shari is not just friendly, but also thoroughly enthusiastic about the subject material.

"Oh, that's great. I was also at least.. interested in these topics, or else I wouldn't have taken this class. I guess it's just that.. none of it stuck today." Alouette laughs, lightheartedly. "Thank you very much!" She clasps her hands together in thanks, as Shari offers to make her a copy.

"Oh, right..." Alouette pulls out her cellphone, making a few swipes as Shari snaps her pictures. "Here's my VERTEX. So you can send them to me." Her ID is just her name, so she repeats it when Shari gives her own name. "Alouette Pommier. I don't get on campus as much as I'd like, so... it's nice to meet people."

Shari knows enough about her work in GGG that she can probably figure out why she can't get on campus a lot. "Pretty busy, yes... I don't know how much of this made it to the news, but we had to stop a major disaster on Huffman Island."

Alouette pauses. "Everything's okay now though. Honestly, though... it's actually nice to be able to worry about something smaller-scale for once, like how much I need to study for next week's Middle Ages art test." She laughs again.

"So.. do you have any plans coming up?" Alouette asks, because she might as well make small talk while they're sharing notes. "Since I don't get much time on campus, I was going to stay a bit longer today... then it might be nice to do something fun in the city this weekend."

<Pose Tracker> Shari Loom has posed.

"Haha, that's fair," she says of interest. "Some days are just like that. You're super wlcome!"

Shari takes Alouette's VERTEX and immediately taps out a message to her: 'Shari here!' so that Aloeutte will have hers too. Hers is darkbackhand, whiich may be a reference to the tennis racquet on the floor by her chair. "Cool. Can I call you Alouette?" she asks, used to Japan enough to do the formality of how to address someone. "You can call me Shari."

"It didn't," Shari says with a lopsided look. "But I heard anyway--I intern for a company that tends to get more info than gets on the news. I'm glad you were there to help."

Small-scale. "Haha. Yeah, I see. That's much nicer than all that stuff."

"Well, later today I'm meeting my boyfriend," she says, "But this weekend I was going to go into town for a show. Say, if you're free, you could come with us! It's more fun with more people."

<Pose Tracker> Alouette Pommier has posed.

Alouette taps the message with a cute little Haro emote so the system knows she's seen it, and then taps off her smartphone, putting it back in her handbag. "Sure, of course!" Alouette nods, when Shari asks to call her by her first name. "I think I might be a year behind you, anyway... so if anything, I'd be the one calling you 'senpai'." She doesn't, though, nodding as Shari offers first-name basis for herself.

""Hmm... it was a pretty big international deal, so that's almost surprising." Alouette gives a contemplative look, when Shari says what happened in Huffman didn't reach the news. But she heard anyways! "Oh, is that right? Where do you intern at - if you don't mind me asking? She can think of a few places, maybe the Space Development Corporation, but she lets Shari answer.

"Oooh, fun." Alouette smiles, when Shari brings up meeting her boyfriend. "A date? Or just hanging out?" She asks, as she keeps packing up her bag. "If you're staying on campus until then, maybe we can find a spot in the Student Centre..." She considers, and then Shari makes an offer.

"Oh, like a theatre show? I've been more interested in that kind of thing lately, so... I might take you up." Shari says it's fun with more people. "Hehe, I was worried I'd just be getting in the way if I 'third-wheeled'... but you know, maybe I could bring my girlfriend if she isn't busy with work." Alouette considers, not really shy that it's a 'girlfriend' and not a 'boyfriend'.

"Your boyfriend, though... what kind of guy is he?" She asks, mostly out of curiosity. She imagines a 'gothy' sort of guy with dark hair considering the kind of makeup Shari wears.

<Pose Tracker> Shari Loom has posed.

Haro!! Shari likes Haros. Not enough to have a bunch of them, but enough to think they're cute.

"Haha, cool," Shari says. "I'm fine with my name, though. It gets awkward when things are too formal--reminds me of my parents."

Shari of course has a Britannian accent; her parents might well be pretty formal. But for now, she nods. "Media blackout's pretty significant," she says with a sigh. "A lot of things that happen aren't coming out." Then, she answers, "The Photon Power League. I do some mechanical design for them. Not as much as I did before I started school, but still some. They helped me out of a tight spot so... I try to make time for them."

She smiles then. "A date! He's cooking for me tonight, while our roommate's out. I'm gonna get fat." She laughs, anyway.

"But sure, that sounds great," Shari says, starting to pick up her own belongings and put them in her bag.

"Yep!" Shari confirms. "It's the persoal project of one of his classmates," she explains. "So we're going to support him. But it should be really good, too, he knows what he's doing."

Girlfriend! "Yeah! The more the merrier!" It certainly does't bug Shari, who laughs, "Don't worry. If we want to be 'alone', we arrange it just fine."

What kind of guy? Shari slings her bag over her shoulder and picks up her racquet. "Huge into art," she says. "He doesn't go as elaborate on the goth thing as I do, but he introduced me to a lot of finer stuff. Like, half the painters I know about are because he showed me books even before I got here. He's great! He's from the AEU--Spain. And his accent is so hot," she says with another laugh. "But you know, the whole 'enjoy life' kind of guy."

"His name's Gerardo," she introduces ahead of time. "How about your girlfriend?" she asks as she stands up. "What's she like?"

<Pose Tracker> Alouette Pommier has posed.

Alouette has also come to appreciate Haros... they're just little guys who you can program to do little tricks! What isn't cute about that?

"I don't particularly mind formalities," Alouette says. "But I'd always rather just call someone what they'd prefer. There's no need to be inflexible about it, right?" A sympathetic nod as to Shari's parents, there's always been that cultural impression of Britannians being stuffy, but Shari seems chill.

"That does seem to be NUNE's playbook," Alouette nods, when Shari brings up the media blackout. "The idea that everything may as well be fine as long as civilians aren't seeing it." They're in the OCU, though, which only emphasizes how much things are being suppressed on the international scale - that it fell out of the news cycle that fast.

Shari names the Photon Power League, though, and of course, Alouette has a decent amount of respect for the work they do. "Oh, all the way in Fuji? Nice. It is a pretty long trip from here to there, though.. so makes sense." She nods. "Mechanical design, huh... I'd be interested in seeing your work sometime." She also notes that Shari says they helped her out of a tight spot. "That's really kind of them. Although..."

Her smile turns a little more teasing. "You must have heard of the scandal Koji Kabuto got himself into. How does it feel knowing one of your bosses ranked 'worst proposal in human history'?" Sorry, Koji, the media blackout is still not saving you from THAT one.

As for Shari's plans, tonight... a date! "Oh, I doubt that one, Ms. Tennis Club," Alouette grins at Shari's comment, looking down at her tennis equipment by her chair. "But it's always really special when someone cooks just for you. I hope you two have fun."

Shari seems to support bringing her girlfriend, too, and Alouette laughs along with her. "That's pretty exciting," She says, when Shari says it's a classmate's personal project. "I probably don't know him, but I'd be more than happy to support his work..."

An artsy guy, Shari describes her boyfriend as. "Oh, he sounds cool. There is something charming about guys into art..." Alouette nods, smiling, and then laughs when Shari says his accent is hot. "But that part is important, too." Alouette's from the AEU too, and has a bit less of a 'French' accent in her Japanese than one might expect... but she can understand the appeal.

"Gerardo, I look forward to meeting him then." Though when Shari asks her about her own girlfriend... "Her name is Sho. She's amazing. We met at the GUTS prom a few years ago... but we started dating when we both joined the fencing club. There's just something about a girl who can swordfight... right?" She explains, with a wry smile.

"She's really beautiful and sweet, but she has... this kind of intense energy to her. It's kind of exhilarating... you know?" The 'intense energy' she describes is actually just 'being a Getter Pilot', of course.

<Pose Tracker> Shari Loom has posed.

"Totally," Shari agrees on flexibiliy. As for NUNE, the pink-haired girl grimaces. "It works, too. Keeps people ignoring the things that happen. But sooner or later, it's going to come out."

Shari smiles. "Yeah, I mostly do remote work these days. "Sure. I also make jewelry and stuff. Working with your brain and your hands... it's nice, right?"

then she laughs like a pirate. "Oh yeah. I heard about that. We're never going to let him live it down." Pause. "Well, unless Dr. Yumi makes us. She's not somebody you mess with..."

A laugh about tennis club. "Not for lack of trying, anyway. Thanks! It's really nice..."

"Yeah! And he's really good, too. I think you'll like it."

"Right?" Shari agrees. "I always used to think it was kinda frivolous, but he's serious about it. He really showed me a whole new side of the world." Shari's Japanese is also perhaps surprisingly good; she's not new to the language.

"Great." Sho. "Ooh. Yeah, if I were into girls, I think I'd want one with a sword. You can cut a really dashing figure like that..." A smile. "Gerardo and I met through GUTS, too."

Beautiful, sweet, and intense... Shari beams. "She sounds great," Shari says. "I'll look forward to meeting her, too!"

Shari isn't super familiar with Getter pilots, but she does know Naoko Suzuki.

<Pose Tracker> Alouette Pommier has posed.

"Yeah... I think you're right." Alouette nods, when Shari points out that though NUNE's tactics are effective, they won't be forever. "Huffman Island could have been a massive incident, so I wouldn't be surprised if it all comes out pretty soon anyways." Alouette replies, her tone more serious.

Remote work... Alouette nods at that, too. "Ooh, jewelry? Actually, I may or may not be working on a pretty big jewelry-based project, soon... so maybe I'll text you if I need any advice." Alouette smiles, though she's pretty evasive on what that project actually entails. "It is nice, though. I'm pretty used to giving my brain a total workout, but giving your body something to do is important too."

Shari's laughter is contagious, and even thinking about that proposal video makes it hard not to laugh, so Alouette joins in Shari's laughing fit. "That's your civic duty," Alouette tells Shari of never letting Koji live it down, tone jokingly grave. Though it sure sounds like Dr. Yumi might be someone to watch out for...

"Excellent! Actually, I'll mark it down on my calendar real quick..." Alouette murmurs, pulling out her cellphone. "Wouldn't want to miss it."

Art being kind of frivolous... "I get it. I used to think the same way, like... you know, nothing was more important than the hard sciences and such." There's a good reason she thought that way, but nonetheless, it's begun to change seeing as she's in an art history classroom right now. "But there's also something only art is capable of doing, on the emotional level. I think I understand why you'd fall in love with that."

Shari says if she was into girls, she'd want one with a sword too, and Alouette laughs. "Hehe, yeah... you have good taste. I'm usually more into girls than guys, but I'm pretty into the dashing type."

Speaking of, Alouette actually does know Naoko Suzuki... but it's been quite a while.

<Pose Tracker> Shari Loom has posed.

Shari's not going to bring down the mood by mentioning her experiences in 'Area 11', but it's hard not to remember. "Hopefully. People deserve to know this stuff.

"Oh cool!" Shari answers. "Sure. I mostly work with metal and stones, so that's the kind o advice I'd have." She doesn't pry. Instead, "Yeah! When I've got a lot on my mind, there's nothing like a good workout."

"Yes," Shari says, and salutes smartly. "I'll do my part!" She is. But mostly in a good way.

"Great!" Shari says. "You're so organized, that's rally cool!"

"Yeah, exactly," Shari says. "I've always been good at those. ...I think that's a good way to put it, though. Art can do something nothing else can..."

A smile. "I did," she says of falling in love with it. "I wasn't sure I ever would, but I did."

Shari grins. "It's a good type!"

Shari doesn't tend to bring her up. For a few reasons.

"Anyway, you want to head out to the Student Center?"

<Pose Tracker> Alouette Pommier has posed.

Alouette has heard bits and pieces about what happened in Area 11 thanks to Tessa, but ultimately she agrees with Shari that people deserve to know.

"Got it. This project is a high-specificity one... but knowledge on both would be helpful. I'll let you know if it ever comes up!" She keeps it at that and nods with a smile when Shari moves on to talking about mental and physical workouts - and laughs at the salute.

"I kind of have to force myself to do it," Alouette admits, when Shari calls her organized. "I mean... my notebook isn't in the best shape. But I do try my best!" She grins, slinging her handbag across her shoulder.

"I mean, that's what this class is all about, right? The way art has changed history." Alouette nods. "Everyone always talks about how Lin Minmay's music.. literally changed the world, right?"

Alouette smiles too when Shari says it's a good type. She's never been shy about her own.

As for heading to the student center... "Sure, let's go! I'm not really hungry yet, and you have your big date, but I could use something to drink maybe..." She considers, as they exit the classroom.