2023-08-17: Deculture Festival 0097 - The Crossdressing Pageant

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<Pose Tracker> Ranka Lee has posed.

The crowd at the GUTS Second Annual Public Crossdressing Pageant is just as animated as last year, some might say moreso. They set a high standard for expectation with Sheryl Nome performing and judging. There's a sense of symmetry this year, with Sheryl taking the role of the Master of Ceremonies, while newly risen star Ranka Lee of Mihoshi Academy will be performing and judging herself. As the curtains rise this year, one might be momentarily startled to find that it's not Ranka on stage, but a masculine appearing teenager with short orange hair in the spotlight in an old timey dirty shirt with suspenders and trousers with a newboy hat, knelt down with his hands over his eyes, chanting the words to a magic spell.

BGM Start OST - Rainbow Bear Bear - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MIRaN7T8G38

        "Leelamelloo lalamelloo lah loola-lah!"
        "Leelamelloo lalamelloo lah loola-lah!"

But as he chants, he's joined in by a figure who descends from above by a feat of invisible wirework in a colorful vest of pastel green halter top with a pink tie attached to a formal looking white collar, and just as colorful pink coattail that gives way to green garters and fantastical pink shoes with golden heels. White with pink ruffled cuffs, and lacy pink at the back which implies small fairy wings. She has a top hat on her head, also as green, strung with a rainbow of beads, and a red heart with wings. She's holding an Umbrella, but as it folds up, the Umbrella vanishes to become a ribboned key wand in an effect of practical magic. And the chant is joined in without the other figure realizing as she dances behind him to his other side.

        "Leelamelloo lalamelloo lah loola-lah!"
        "Leelamelloo lalamelloo lah loola-lah!"
        "Leelamelloo lalamelloo lah loola-lah!"
        "Leelamelloo lalamelloo lah loola-lah!"

The instrumentals begin to chirp a cheerful rise, as she brings her hands up to pull his hands from his eyes. He looks on in shock, as he begins to step away from her, a tiny speckling of magic in the air as the joint effort between the Tsutsujidai and Ashford Academy AV department prove their mettle. Ranka takes her top hat off sweeping it to the other side, and extends a leg forward in something implying both a bow and a curtsey to the boy, before bringing the key wand up, facing the audience as she dances with it overhead. And now the crowd will recognize 'him' as it's Shirley Fenette, just with her orange hair done up short and made to look grimy, her wide green eyes.

        "For the longest time, the sky
        "Made me feel lonely somewhere inside
        "Even when we held hands and exchanged smiles
        "What are we afraid of? What have we been hiding?
        "Use the key to your heart now and open bearame."

Twirling the cane, she stamps it down, her other hand reaching for her top hat, as a teddy bear appears out of it with a puff of sparkles before hovering in the air. Slowly the boy on stage seems to be caught off guard, wary, but seemingly delighted. As he tentatively reaches for it. She takes his hand, and puts it on her key, as the two of them open it together like a key hole.

        "Open Ranka!"

As she calls out the magic words, the spotlight's narrow focus grows wider as the lights come on, magic trailing up the 'boy's' form as it shifts down changing his outfit into a pastel pink Princess gown, bedecked with flowers, and ribbons and layers of ruffled skirts whose design of the ruffles gives the illusion that they're like feathered wings. Her orange hair spills downward as if in transformation, cleaner, sparkling, bedecked with a heart tiara. Ranka's hair is pulled up, flattening as it's swept to the side in a single short side tail, a colorful pink Frock Coat with Coattails, a polka dotted handkerchief tucked out of its left pocket. Which she immediately offers to the Princess, reaching up to dry her tears, and in the aftermath becomes a fluttering bird.

        "Flowers fill the city
        "And pebbles become candy
        "My handkerchief wipes away your tears
        "And becomes a little bird."

Imagery appears in the air, sparkling candy, more little birds. Ranka offers her arm to the Princess who accepts as Ranka begins to take her on a stroll. There's a mismatch in height here, with Ranka being the shorter, and the Princess being the taller, but the Prince still leads her around with grace and aplomb, pointing her key 'cane' enthusiastically as her guide, the stage being draped in rainbow light along the path they walk.

        "A lost little girl's love
        "Will cross a rainbow
        "To reach you, I'm sure it'll reach you
        "While our maidenly hearts give us courage."

The light shimmers and starts to fade, and the two dance up to the edge of the stage, before turning to face each other in synch, beginning to dance again now that they're over the rainbow on their magical journey.

        "Living ends up warping your heart, huh?
        "The weight of a dictionary-defined future is brick red."

A look of sympathy becomes a wink, as she suddenly spins her around, holding her out by the tip of her fingertips as she calls out to the audience. "Everyone together!" And indeed on screens strategically placed around, karaoke like subtitles appear, as she leads the DecultureFes' crowd in the song.

        "I've got to do my best to live life
        "I'm sure what I seek is in my heart
        "So now open bearame!

Sparkling hearts suddenly fly down over the audience, each with a bright impression of a keyhole. They look so real, as if to offer the same magic to the audience, for them to join in on the fantasy. And again Ranka flourishes her key cane, as if to do just that as she calls out loudly to the crowd.

        "Open Ranka!"

The 'Princess' on the stage, seemingly entranced by the wonders goes off on her own, as the backdrop changes around her, to a fantastical landscape, wonder after wonder, eventually ending up with the impression of a seaside as she kicks off her heels and goes in towards a welcoming pod of fairy like dolphins.

        "My school uniform becomes a dress
        "My schoolbag carries a single ocean
        "I'll dump it out onto the desert
        "And play with the dolphins in the forest."

As the Princess plays, the Prince comes as if in search for her. And when the two meet, Ranka offers her hand anew, and the two begin a stroll down the seaside beach. The backdrop shifting from day to night, taking on a rainbow of stars as the two walk along.

        "Dreams will come true to the rhythm of a stroll
        "While our maidenly hearts give us courage."

The Princess this time is the one to offer the dance, as Ranka takes her hand, and the Princess leads on an impromptu beachside waltz, the Princess still barefoot in the 'sand'. Only stopping once, for just long enough for Ranka's chin to gesture towards a bright comet, trailing musical notes across the night sky.

        "A piano flies through the sky
        "As stardust becomes musical notes.
        "The monsters will sing
        "And dance inside a picture book."

The Princess looks upon in delight, before twirling Ranka outwards, in this role reversal, dipping the Prince down, as night shifts to day again, fairies falling down like droplets of rain, a rainbow sliding over the landscape. The Princess and Prince then part from the waltz, alongside each other as they dance side by side in synch.

        "The trails of love will cross a rainbow
        "To reach you, I'm sure they'll reach you
        "While our maidenly hearts give us courage
        "While our maidenly hearts give us courage."

They end by spreading their hands outwards to the audience, instrumentals winding down, the stage effects and lighting beginning to fade for the more standard pageant lighting. As Ranka Lee and Shirley Fenette take a bow together. She ends the bow with her Kira pose, before her key becomes an orange Osanshoo-san microphone.

"Thank you everyone, for coming out here tonight! I hope everyone enjoyed the performance! I'd like to thank Ashford Academy Alumni Shirley Fenette for her assistance, as well as the Tsutsujidai AV club for being so diligent! To get us started tonight- I'd like to introduce our Master of Ceremonies, our Galactic Fairy, the incomparable Sheryl Nome!"

With one final wave, Ranka leaves the stage, heading for the judge's table, while Shirley heads back stage.

<Pose Tracker> Sheryl Nome has posed.

        "Thank you, Ranka! Then allow me to--"
        In the wake of Ranka's performance, someone emerges from behind the back curtains. They hold up a long drape that veils their body, silhouetting their form but not revealing any details. The drape depicts the four seasons on four quadrants: pink cherry blossoms over a blue sky on the upper left, verdant fields of bright yellow sunflowers on the upper right, a collage of red and orange maple leaves on the lower left, and bare brown trees covered in blue-white snow in the lower right. The figure beneath it strides forward to near the edge of the stage--
        and then FLINGS the drape off to reveal none other than the Galactic Fairy, Sheryl Nome.
        But not as you know her.
        Where last year Sheryl chose to cosplay, this year she's chosen to crossdress, and she's done so with spice. Her long, strawberry blonde tresses are tied back in a low ponytail tied with a black ribbon set with a string of white pearls, the strands artfully curled with her bangs swept to one side to frame her face. Normally a femme icon, her make-up now has been done to create an illusion of masculinity, shading in a seeming different shape to her jaw, cheeks, and chin to make her features more masculine, and those her lashes are darkened with mascara, they remain comparatively discreet as they frame her blue eyes. Her iconic drop earring hands not from her right ear but her left, and a black choker masks her neck.
        A low-cut wine-red shirt, loose and billowing, nonetheless plunges deep down her chest, hinting at a corset below--but while corsets normally enhance a feminine figure, this one pushes down her chest and straightens out her waistline. The ruffles that accompany that plunging neckline might make it hard to spot, though. Ruffles billow at the cuffs of her long, loose sleeves, too, draping over black leather gloves.
        High-waisted dark gray slacks further straighten her waistline, black buttons at the center over her stomach and then to the sides at her hips. Here, her ensemble pays homage to her true figure, cutting close and tight to her long, shapely legs, until they dip into a pair of black leather platform ankle boots, silver bucks holding straps over her feet in place.
        Or rather, 'his.' Since with that 'change over~,' Sheryl's even pitching their voice lower to sound like a man. That's the power of the spell known as GUTS--it's not true crossdressing if you aren't changing the outside and the inside, for the benefit of those who might not be able to see.
        With a sweep of 'his' right arm over his head and the other holding 'his' iconic golden microphone to her lips, Sheryl announces, "Welcome yet again to the second open to the public year of the infamous Ashford Academy's Crossdressing Pageant! This year, I'm honored to be not your judge but your Master of Ceremonies, Sheryl Nome!" He dips into a bow, that raised arm sweeping around and in as he dips deep at the waist. He rises with a playful wink, one finger over his lips before he blows a kiss to the audience and then sweeps his ponytail back. "For those of you new to the event, this contest takes place in three stages. Round one is dedicated to crossdressing, pushing the boundaries of what society traditionally thinks of as 'feminine' and 'masculine'; round two is dedicated to performance of a chosen talent; and round three is dedicated to our theme this year, a season-themed cosplay!"
        A gloved hand stretches out to the judging table and the three seated there--Ranka might just be settling in, given that she was performing on stage only a moment ago. "Our judges this year are last year's pageant winner, Mr. Yuta Hibiki, who now prefers to go by Gridman; Ashford Academy's Student Council President, Miss Emilia Eschonbach; and the popular new songstress who performed our opening number, Miss Ranka Lee!"
        Smiling back at the audience, Sheryl continues, "This year's contestants are one familiar face and six fresh ones, with four solo contestants and two pairs, who'll take their turns in order each round. First up will be master of sports and studies, Cascade Vermilion; next will be last prom's Couple of Couples, Rikka Takarada and Akane Shinjo; third up is the genius programmer, LiSA; then comes the broody beauty, Orpheus Zeveles; and finally, we'll have the sisters of sass, Hass and Namiko! Give them all a round of applause, pageant fans--just stepping up on this stage takes a lot of GUTS!"
        He winks as he applauds for this year's challengers. Then he cedes the stage to them, exeunting stage left.

<Pose Tracker> Gridman has posed.

Of course, Gridman sings along with Ranka's song. He's a huge fan! And he loves Rainbow Bear Bear. The last time this song was performed is the source of his inspiration for today's outfit. It feels like fate that Ranka would be performing again for the Pageant! Once the song ends, he applauds and cheers, and then applauds and cheers once more as the contestants are announced.

Once Gridman is introduced, he stands and bows to the audience. Today, he's matching the spirit of the proceedings in a truly showstopping outfit..!

Poofs of brilliant red (matching his hair, of course) tulle fluff out at Gridman's shoulders, held in place by skin-tone straps, reaching down to a bodice crafted in that same powerful red and silver brocade. Though its neckline is a little plunging, the Hyper Agent has put a skin-tone modesty panel beneath it. It's impossible to tell from a difference, but it makes him feel a little more comfortable.

Fantastic silver embroidery and bead work make a "V" pattern across his chest, and the bodice clings tight to his curves until this waist, where a tulle skirt flares out in an incredible presentation of sequins and embroidery. The silver brocade is echoed here -- if looked at from above, it makes the pattern of a sunflower across the skirt. Reaching down to his knees, the skirt's brilliant red is again echoed in dainty ballet shoes tied across Gridman's feet. He doesn't know any ballet, not really, but this is about dressing up!

A delicate silver necklace wraps around the Hyper Agent's throat, with a singular snowflake charm hanging in the center of it. The snowflake looks a bit rough, as if someone with no experience made it by hand, but the amateur nature of its construction only emphasizes the perfection in the rest of his ensemble. Matching bracelets wind up Gridman's arms, tiny silver chains against his pale skin.

Much like last year, Kaworu was present to assist with Gridman's makeup. Yellow-gold eyes are framed with bold silver eyeliner, and his lids covered with a dusting of red color. A few faux-gemstones are added to the corners of each eye, making the shape of a flower, echoing the tiny decorations scattered across the Hyper Agent's jewelry. With lipstick as red as his outfit, and a purely-ornamental bun attached to his hair, Gridman looks ready to take the finest stage as tonight's prima ballerina!

Dressing up is great. Part of Gridman wishes he was entering the Pageant tonight, but he's determined to do Tsutsujidai proud as a judge!

"Thank you all for competing today. It's not easy to get up on stage! But I have faith in each one of you. Do your best, and fight bravely!"

Gridman raises one fist to his heart in determination. Everyone competing tonight is his ally, after all! The stage has enough room for them all -- despite the fact that only one person will take home the crown.

Pride shines in the Hyper Agent's eyes. He's thought long and hard about his judge's question, considering the reasons he was competing last year, as well as what he learned from the experience. Last time, he competed for the Volleyball Club's sake, and to show his resolve to live his own life to Akane. Gridman dreamed of seeing everyone smiling together under the summer sky.

"In our world, everyone is connected. Nobody can get far without the help of the people around them." Gridman says, into the microphone. "Even in small ways we don't think about, we all depend on each other. Shuttle pilots, people who grow food, even the people who built our communities to begin with! We're all here thanks to people we'll never know, or get the chance to thank."

Smiling, he goes on. "So, my question is... Who are you honoring by competing today? Who, specifically, has helped you on your journey to reach this moment? How are you keeping their hearts with you as you compete today?"

<Pose Tracker> Emilia Eschonbach has posed.

        Seated at the Judge's table, Emilia watches the opening number with a smile on her face. It's still a great performance the second time she's seen it live. She even chimes in with the 'Open Ranka!' parts, too. Ranka's prince outfit is a pretty strong look- and Shirley does the pageboy part pretty well.

        It's kind of an interesting choice having last year's winner and last year's loser on the Judging Panel- but Ashford's student council president sitting on the panel might now be a new tradition, with the pageant itself having started as an Ashford event- and it was hardly her outfits that let her down last time.

        She focuses to dispel the lingering hand of stage fright. She doesn't have to say much this year- and Sheryl is a consummate professional. She'll have prepared for this.

        Emilia's costume lends more to the crossdressing part than the seasons part- an old style white informal service dress jacket, the top part of which is blue, with a pattern of five red stripes with join into one that leads down the center left of the jacket. The sleeves, too, are adorned with a trio of red stripes around each cuff. She has tight flared blue trousers, with red chevrons on the shin, and black dress shoes. A black belt with a gold buckle and small pouches on each side cinches her waist. Her long lavender hair is pulled into a slightly floofy ponytail, and her bangs have been swept to right.

        Those who know their history might recognize her outfit as the informal dress uniform of male pilots on the SDF-1 Macross. For those who know Emilia well, there's likely a statement being made in that outfit choice.

        It's also safer than an alternative that she might have briefly considered.

        She waves to the audience briefly when she's announced as one of the Judges. "I'm l-l-looking forward to seeing everyone g-g-give it their all today!" She says, following Gridman's sentiment, before sitting back down.

        "Sheryl's really gone all out..." She whispers to her fellow judges, as Ranka gets settled. She reaches for the tablet with her scoring sheet on it. Time to get serious...!

<Pose Tracker> Alouette Pommier has posed.

Alouette is a true lover of fashion, and although she's not much for crossdressing and menswear on herself, she still has plenty of reason to be here. After all, the moment she caught wind that several of her friends would be participating, she wanted to cheer them on.

Ranka's performance is just as magical as it was on the concert, and Alouette found herself invested in the story of Ranka the Prince and Shirley the Page. She finds she was smiling, and even singing along when encouraged.

It turns out all the judges this year are people she knows, too - and even they put in so much work in authentically crossdressing! Sheryl putting in all that effort to look as dashing and handsome as she does is a given - but Gridman looks absolutely beautiful, too! She recognizes Emilia's own outfit too, and she thinks she absolutely kills the look. Waving to the judges from the crowd, she wonders how she's going to survive the whole show if even the opener is this deadly...

<Pose Tracker> Alto Saotome has posed.

        Alto is already rubbing one of his temples. Certain he can feel a headache coming on.

        The GUTS Second Annual Public Crossdressing Pageant is not exactly his cup of tea. Not anymore, anyway. For the very reasons that some parts of it have close connections to a part of his history he prefers to not think about. A part of his history still easily discovered with a simple name search on the internet. And for which he's already been approached with questions about a couple of times today. Which doesn't help with his forming headache.

        Alto managed to avoid attending the previous pageant by claiming he had some schoolwork he was behind on, due to work. Unfortunately, since he has now graduated, Alto can no longer use that excuse. And it is work which has brought him here, as one of his contracted duties continues to be as a bodyguard for the 'incomparable Sheryl Nome'.

        Still, Sheryl had insisted he try not to bring the mood of the pageant down so Alto sucks it up. Not quite enough to put a smile on. Maybe later, after the first round is complete. But still he applauds Ranka after her song. Double-takes at Sheryl's costume. Looks a little thoughtful as Gridman poses that question to the upcoming contestants. Then silent admits that Emilia appears to be doing pretty well despite her obvious issues being the centre of attention.

        Maybe this won't be so bad after all... Though the first round is only just starting.

<Pose Tracker> Cascade Vermilion has posed.

Cascade's name is called, and at first, nothing happens for a few seconds. The timing on this was pretty specific -

But then there's a flash of light, a puff of smoke - and then there's Cascade as it clears, taking a bow!

Cascade is wearing an outfit of a stage magician of another time. Black slacks, neatly tailored; a white button-up shirt, with a black bowtie around her neck to tie it off; a black jacket with a slight tail. One hand - the one she's got tucked under her for the bow - is holding a black baton with a white tip. The other has a top hat, which she puts back on her head as she rises.

Cascade has put a lot of effort into this look. Despite having a body type that made it less than easy for her, a good binder and a bit of artifice to smooth out her waist so it didn't look so small compared to top or bottom, combined with a well-designed jacket and high-waisted pants, goes a long way. She's also done something subtle with her face and cosmetics to manage, if not masculine, somewhat androgynous. Her hair has been pulled into a single long tail rather than left loose. She's even changed her gait, her stance, just subtly.

Cascade is, after all, a master of disguise. And though this isn't a *disguise* precisely, she's using some of the same skills.

"For this round in particular, I am honouring..." Cascade trails off. This whole event is harder on her than she expected; she feels especially fake, Gamia pretending to be Cascade pretending to be someone else. Truth and lies are, for a moment, confused; she's uncertain. Does she lie, or be honest? It's not a question she's ever really thought about.

But then she answers. "My friends and schoolmates," Cascade says. "It's hard to narrow it down more than that, but... before I came to Ashford, I did not have any, really." She is the daughter of a noble, as far as Ashford is concerned, sent away to finish her schooling, but previously very sheltered. "I don't get along with my sisters either. But now that I'm here, I've met people every day who show me what the world - what living - is like. Kallen, Rin - I know they competed last year, before I came to Ashford, so perhaps their names are familiar. But they're hardly the only ones."

<Pose Tracker> Akane Shinjo has posed.

... Akane is very glad, after that opening number, that she's not going first; while it's not nearly as much of a gutpunch as it was the first time, that song still hits her like a truck. She needs a second; she spends a few moments cleaning herself up. She can't go out there looking puffy-eyed and pathetic...!

Of course Sheryl's got that kind of range, Akane reflects, as she watches the idol introduce the event; she's honestly impressed. "Huh. I guess singing really does help," she muses, canting her head a bit.

Akane and Rikka need a minute or so to set up; Akane explains, "We've got a bit of an opening act for you. Obviously you're gonna get an answer to the question, but we took a lot of time to prep this one..."

When all is said and done, though, Akane's seated at one end of the stage in front of a low table with a wooden sake bottle on it, holding a cup. (It's just water, of course. She's not that bold.) She's wearing a black haori over a very loud pinkish-purple short kimono, with simple black pants and waraji sandals.

Rikka walks forward with purpose, her haori billowing behind her as she approaches. Her outfit is a little less loud than Akane's - a blue haori with trim in the form of white triangles around the sleeves over a grey kimono featuring repeating squares arranged in a diamond pattern, accompanied by a dark grey hakama with a simple, matching cloth belt. She, too, is wearing waraji sandals.

Akane looks up from her drink, expression decidedly flat and unamused -- though after just a moment, one corner of her lips quirks up a bit.

"Oh, all that waiting and look who it is. I figured Marusan'd bleed herself over to Namiko."

Rikka looks toward the cup in Akane's hand, then back up to Akane herself - the movement of her head slightly exaggerated for the benefit of the audience and the judges.

"What are you doing here? I thought you were headed to Ako's."

The hand not holding the cup comes up, and Akane shakes her head just slightly. "Hey, slow down. Marusan's little secret is safe with me. No reason anyone's gotta know."

Akane takes a long sip, tilting her head up and back. "Now then," she says, with a wink. "Why don't we toss a few cups back? You and me."

Rikka's brow furrows. Her stance shifts, and she folds her arms in front of herself, becoming just a little more alert as Akane makes her offer.

"What are you playing at?" She asks, suspicion beginning to creep into her voice.

Akane cranes her neck a bit, assessing. "How about we make a little deal?"

She takes a breath and shakes her head. Then another drink. "Ako's a sinking ship at this point. Once Eschonbach gets what she wants from me and the rest of Former Class 2-E, that'll be it." Gesturing with her cup, she explains, "Since that much is obvious, I think I ought to switch over to Montserrat or somewhere while the getting's good."

Rikka frowns uncertainly, head lowering just briefly in thought at the proposition Akane has put before her.

"To Montserrat?" She repeats.

Nodding to the clarifier, Akane doesn't linger on it. Evidently, she's already confident in what she knows. "You guys seem pretty friendly with Leina. Think you could put in a good word for me and the rest of the Mayhem Suppression Squad?"

Slowly, Rikka's arms unfold, falling to her side. She looks... taken aback.

"Akane, what are you...?"

"Or would you rather join Marusan and let me flip you around a little bit?" Akane's head cants a little to one side, and she offers a toothy grin. "Choice's yours~." She tosses her wooden cup off to the side; it skitters across the stage. "I was showing Utsumi-kun a good time earlier, but otaku sweat just isn't for me. I like someone with a little more to them, like our girl Ramo."

As Akane continues, a slow frown crosses Rikka's face. Her stance becomes guarded, more aggressive - and then in one abrupt movement, she draws her weapon. It sails through the air slicing through the air next to the bottle - though the cut is so close, it'd take a keen eye to spot the distance.

Akane leans back a little, putting both hands behind her. Discreetly, she presses down on a cushion; underneath that cushion is a button -- and the bottle Rikka slashed falls in half, wooden top rattling slightly as it hits the small table on which that bottle sat.

Rikka shakes her head, letting her sword arm fall to her side. Her other hand rests on her katana's sheath.

"You're making this a lot easier." She says, fixing her with a stare.

"Hm~?" Akane prompts, expression getting a little more serious.

"I thought I'd just have to shut you up... but now I've got no problem cutting you down." Rikka declares. She lowers herself into a fighter's stance, both hands joining on the katana's handle.

Akane lets out a small, irritated sigh, pulling herself up to her full height. Her hands stray into her haori, and she asks, one last time: "So. You want another dance, huh?"

"You know damn well I do." There's no doubt or hesitation in Rikka's voice.

Shaking her head and sighing, Akane chides, "Right. Ah -- what a waste... You know, I was really hoping you'd make it out of this one." Her hands come out of her haori, and she's holding a pair of cheap bootleg Multiplex Launchers (a Tarabaman X4 staple!) in pistol mode. "These pistols here are what offed Ohta-san. I got 'em from Emilia Eschonbach herself."

At the sight of the weapons - and the knowledge of what they've done - Rikka's eyes open wide and she takes a step back reflexively, straightening up just slightly.


"Auto-loading, high-caliber twin shooters," Akane says, gently tapping the button on the bottom of each pistol's grip; they report, HUNT MODE as she does. After a high-pitched, tinny 'pwing!' sound, she says, "Fling that sword around all you want. It won't stand a chance against these babies. You can count on that."

Rikka frowns - but a familiar look of determination crosses her face as she lowers herself back into her stance.

"Fine. Then I guess those guns'll just have to go too."

Both raised, Akane locks eyes with Rikka. "Don't blink~" she teases. "This'll be over in a flash." She doesn't lower them to aim yet, though -- one last courtesy. One last chance. "You ready to die?"

With a flourish and zero hesitation, Rikka points her katana straight at Akane.

"I'm always ready... Bring it!" She declares.

Shaking her head, Akane finally lowers her guns to aim. "You're a fool," she chides. "Say goodbye!"

It's Akane who makes the first move, this time; she goes into a quick sidestep across the stage, shuffling one step -- two steps -- before firing a foam rubber ball out of one of them. Her aim's wide, though -- too much fancy footwork and not enough aggression.

Rikka's stance shifts in an instance, katana raised to detect the foam bullet sailing her way(conveniently toward backstage for easier retrieval) before taking a slow step forward.

Akane continues to use her range advantage to the fullest, backpedaling across the stage toward the table she'd been drinking at and weaving out of the way of Rikka's initial strikes. She steps down hard, planting her feet -- and then kicks the table up in front of her as a distraction! She steps to the side once more in the next instant, and plants her feet firmly on another cushion.

Rikka rushes forward to close the distance - and the moment the table comes up, she doesn't even flinch. In a single movement, the table is sliced cleanly in two - and with a second, her katana rushes toward her opponent to capitalize on the surprise.

Akane's not anticipating that level of aggression. She brings one of her guns up in front of her to parry -- but guns make a poor parrying weapon, and it's dashed out of her hands. "Hhhaah -- okay, that's enough fun," she says, bringing the other up in an uppercut-like move toward Rikka's stomach in close...

...But Rikka has braced herself for it. The uppercut lands (by all appearances, anyway) but even though she inhales sharply as if she'd had the wind knocked out of her - but without hesitation, she counters with a punishing, diagonally-upwards swing.

The hand still holding a gun opens, dropping it; Akane reaches first into her haori, as if she's looking for a holdout weapon. "... Nnh --" she breathes, one eye screwing shut. Her hand comes up to her mouth, and her body shudders. A wet cough escapes her lips, and a small amount of red liquid squeezes through her fingertips. "N-not bad... Rikka-san," she breathes, as her arm slackens, and the 'blood' she'd coughed up trails down her chin along with it. She hits the ground unceremoniously, and is still.

For a moment, Rikka stares down at Akane's still form, her eyes closed. She takes a step back and flicks her sword in one swift motion.

"...You were good too, Shinjo. It's just a shame..." With a spin and a flourish, Rikka's katana is sheathed. "...that your aim was off."

After staying down exactly long enough to sell that the skit is over, Akane moves hastily to retrieve her gimmicked table and sake bottle. "-- Hey, Rikka, can you get the cushions?" she asks, with a comfortable smile.

And naturally, Rikka is pleased to oblige.

"Of course." She replies, matching Akane's smile with one of her own, moving to do as she asked.

As they clean up, Akane -- still covered in prop blood -- starts on her answer to the question. "A lot of the people here know I've had... kinda a weird one the last couple years. Besides my fellow competitors and you, though... I think for me it's my little brother and the people who took me in when I was ready to start moving forward." She cants her head, musing, "I know it's kinda pandering to the judges if I point out the ways I've been saved by Gridman and Sheryl, though, even though those are huge deals and a big part of how I'm here in the first place... so I actually wanna point out Rikka's mom, too. I think if she wasn't so patient with all the weirdos that keep ending up in her house, I wouldn't be here."

A beat, before she adds, "Like -- really not here, actually. The bad kind."

That's a little too much honesty, though, and Akane can tell she's meandering, so... "Uh -- Rikka, help me out, 'cuz if I actually get into how many people bet huge on me and how much I owe them it's gonna get kinda crazy..."

It's clear that it's more 'overwhelmed by the sentiment if she actually thinks about it' than 'trying to dodge,' though.

<Pose Tracker> Rikka Takarada has posed.

It's time for the Second Annual Crossdressing Pageant, and this year, it starts with... a performance from Ranka! Rikka listens, of course, but internally, she's going through everything. They have a lot on their plate tonight... but she's confident they'll dazzle everyone.

Last year, she dressed as an admiral for the crossdressing portion. She liked the look - and, admittedly, it may have made her broaden her taste in outfits - but this year... she's gone with something a little different. Here, she lets Akane do the introduction.

--- After the skit ---

They wrap up - and Rikka offers a smile to all of the judges as she moves to take her position next to Akane. They're all people she knows, but she's not going to let herself slack because of that. If anything, she wants to work harder - to earn their approval because she earned it, rather than just because they're friends.

Rikka lets Akane go first - and she finds herself really touched by her answer. She smiles softly as Akane asks for her help, though and then takes her hand.

"We're honoring them by doing things like... this. Living life and having fun - doing the kind of things people should be allowed to do." Rikka says. "We've earned this though everyone's help - and we're taking full advantage of it."

She chuckles, then.

"As for me... Well, my answers much the same as hers. You all know what you did! But I have to thank Akane here, too. And I want to call out Kaworu, for help with the make-up... and Calibur, Borr, Max, and Vit, for always looking out for me, and Alouette and Utsumi for just being really good friends." Rikka says. "...And a little bit... I'm doing this to honor myself, too. I want to show everyone how much I've learned since last year!"

And with that, she bows formally, keeping up her character, and gets back to cleaning.

<Pose Tracker> LiSA has posed.

Lisa had been unsure what this pagent was about, until a fellow kids who had been at the previous one from Jindai had explained it to her! Sure, she was down for something fun! It was actually the Boss himself who gave her the idea, having explained to him the event. A good post-club day is making a visit into the little beloved ramen shop, and the conversation had dredged over to the two that had adopted her.

Back in the dressing rooms off the stage, a old picture of Sayaka and Koji, probably around her age, is clipped in to Lisa's little booth. Having asked and thanked Kaworu for his help earnestly with the slight makeup she needs, she turns her attention to the hardest part of this whole getup. Lisa finishes dredging her hair up into some suspiciously familiar stylized sweeps. Save the worst part for last, especially since she doesn't have them naturally. When it's finally her time to come onto the stage, she does so without much pomp or circumstance, sweeping in with a helmet tucked under his arm.

'Koji' is dressed up in his classic older suit, bandage-like bright yellow boots, lower arm covers, and waist-belt being distinct pops of color over the red suit underneath it, with a single button at the throat. Black shorts and a maroon puffy-sleeved overjacket are strictly Kabuto, and it is with the *classic* Castle of Iron Determination that Lisa stares into the audience, before throwing the hand not holding the helmet forward.

"This power I hold... it's the power to defeat evil -" Hand lifts, pointing at the sky ominiously. "Evil like you!" Ah, yes, classic threaten the sun moment. Also a very good adaption of a very old saying.

Then her attention turns to the judges, grinning fiercely at them, tone measured and low. "Honestly? I'm honoring this person. The one who, at one time, has worn this." It is, in a sense, very true. "Koji Kabuto! How he fights for the world and the one he loves... it's inspiring. I want to help make the world a better the way he tries to, and I do it by helping my friends at school, and with my work as a ... intern at the labs! Make the world a better place - that's what I'm doing!"

<Pose Tracker> Cascade Vermilion has posed.

Cascade, who is backstage again but missed most of Akane and Rikka's skit (she needed to change for her talent show, after all) spends at least part of this entry staring at LiSA from the back.

Koji Kabuto? Really?? (Also, intern, really?? She files that bit away too.)

<Pose Tracker> Alto Saotome has posed.

        The first contestant is called. The sudden arrival in a puff of smoke is somewhat impressive. And definitely fits the style. Alto actually nods a little approvingly as he looks over Cascade's outfit. Certainly not what he was expecting. But it's a nice twist. It stands out. And has a good style to it. The answer to the question is a little generic in his opinion, but there's nothing exactly wrong with it. So Alto nonetheless applauds Cascade along with others after she finishes. A good start in his opinion.

        Next up, Akane and Rikka. Alto raises an eyebrow a little, but remains quiet as he watches... And watches... And watches...

        Alto rhetorically asks a nearby random audience member, "I thought the talent show was in the second round?" He goes back to watching... And watching... And watching...

        "They're lucky I'm not a judge. I'd definitely be taking points off for this." Alto is clearly taking this too seriously! Perhaps this environment is pushing him into old, bad habits.

        Finally, it's time for the next contestant. Alto is of course passingly familiar with the name Koji Kabuto. Perhaps not as much as those who were born in the Earth Sphere. But while it might be a little cliche to dress up as someone you admire, it does have the advantage of fitting with the question provided by Gridman. A stroke of luck, perhaps? Sometimes even that is a necessary part of a competition like this. Well done, LiSA.

<Pose Tracker> Orpheus Zevon has posed.

"Open Ranka!"

"I'm not doing this..."

"Flowers fill the city..."

"Get someone else..."

"Living ends up warping your heart, huh?"

"...You wouldn't...You don't have that kind of pull..."

"Thank you, Ranka! Then allow me to--"

The ceremony is afoot and with it, Orpheus has kinda been volunteered to partake in the pageant. Who had decided such an idea would be entertaining? Well, from what he was told it was a certain former Student Council President that might have requested his appearance, and for others it was simply a request of friends. Still, his attitude thus far would have been sour nonetheless. For those competing and had seen him backstage, most probably would have noticed that there was definitely arguing of some sort going on within his changing room. In some cases almost sounding like a battlefield in and of itself. A battle to which it had seemed Orpheus must have lost with the look of aggravation on his face. Yet...


Orpheus arrival isn't highlighted by any over the top theatrics. When he enters the stage the lights are left dark only for the stage lights to descend upon him. Orpheus comes upon the battlefield of this pageant as a maiden of summer. A hat that shades his expression at first, leaving his expression to the audience a mystery till the last moment, acting as the mask to conceal his expressions and his thoughts of all this foolishness. A pink dress with a rather low-cut neck was adorned with a white jacket that was light enough to be worn in this weather, tied off at the bottom rather than buttoned down. White heels had been found in the young man's size and frankly they were still shown off rather well even with how far down the dress went. In truth...If one had just met this person, they could have honestly assumed the person before them was a proper lady and yet...The look as Orpheus finally lifted his head showed little to no elegance...At least to those on stage. It was a look that screamed, 'I'm not tsundere, and I'm not embarrassed, I actually just hate this...' Though the distance from the judges and the audience might have made it seem otherwise...

Now it comes to that question...

"There's a few very...Choice people who have put in the effort today. Some names I'd rather not say, but know who they are... Some more than I would have asked for. In truth...Those who stand on the stage with me..." His eyes veer to his left as he notices some participants, and then to his right as he takes note of certain talents that would know who they are. "I believe that they've all belong on this stage more than me. However...Because there are people who have put in the time, the effort, to see me up here. I have a duty for their sakes to put in all I can for this event. If I don't, I'd be more ashamed than I'd ever be. So all I can say is to those who supported me, those here watching, judging, and those I am contending against...Don't expect me to not put it all on the line here today...So I expect all of them to do the same."

<Pose Tracker> Hass has posed.


'Shinsengumi' was the prompt Namiko came up with. That should be fun! Those guys from middle-ages Japan, wearing slick, dashing uniforms, just like that anime she'd seen...! It seemed like enough of a slam dunk that she wouldn't need to do much coordination with Namiko.


Upon seeing Namiko's historically-accurate outfit, Hass comes to two realizations.

One: The anime she saw may have taken some liberties in its costume design.

Two: communication is key when doing a couples cosplay.


From backstage, Hass watches Ranka and Sheryl's performance with eyes wide, looking a little starstruck. She never imagined she'd be this close to some of her favorite artists... though afterward, she gets a little nervous, looking over her fellow competitors, particularly Akane and Rikka. By sheer coincidence, they'd both landed on shinsengumi...! Maybe it's for the best that Hass didn't exactly go historically accurate.

She's wearing a black cloth mask over her the lower half of her face, and her black hair is pulled into a low, masculine ponytail, just loose enough to allow for her hair to add some shape to her face. Her makeup is perfect, thanks to Kaworu Nagisa's help--eyeliner and shadow helps to turn her eyes from 'sleepy' to 'smoldering'.

She cuts a handsome figure in her chosen outfit, which resembles an ancient western naval officer's attire. A white silk ascot around her neck pours out over her front, disguising her bound-back chest before tucking into a gold-trimmed black vest fastened shut just below her sternum. She wears an open greatcoat in black over top, gold trim tracing out its edges. The collar rises above her chin before the fold, cuffs are fastened back, and rectangles of gold outline the buttons and button-holes running down either side. Her black slacks hug a *little* tightly to her hips, where an all-black katana with a dark crossguard sits on one side.

Clapping and cheering as Rikka and Akane steal the show, she can't help but feel a bit more nervous... but she smiles at Namiko anyway, grasping her hand and giving it a squeeze. "Let's go."

Stepping up to the microphone, Hass takes a breath to calm herself before answering. "Today, first off... I'm honoring my friends. Akane, Rikka, Gridman," she turns and nods toward each of them in turn, "Borr, Vit, Max, Calibur... I owe you all my life, in more ways than I can describe. I wouldn't be here without you, and there's no way I can thank you enough." It's easy to see she's smiling under her mask.

She looks at the girl standing beside her next. "But I especially want to thank you, Namiko. You're the one who first reached out to me back in middle school, and it feels like we've been together ever since." She chuckles. "You're my rock..." Her heart almost skips a beat as she dares to say it: "I love you."
Sheryl Nome (sher) has paged Cascade Vermilion, Namiko, Hass, Akane Shinjo, Rikka Takarada, Orpheus Zevon, and LiSA with, 'OK! I'm prepping the pose for next round--could I get each of you to let me know rq what your talent/performance is going to be? you can page me directly, i'm just hitting everyone at once'
Teletha Testarossa teleports in.
POT: Teletha Testarossa is now set observer.

<Pose Tracker> Namiko has posed.

"WELL! I guess one of us has to change."

A girl in blue emerges onto stage. Namiko's brown hair has gotten JUST long enough to scrunch up the back into a short tuft of a tail, giving a certain androgynous energy, particularly paired with a white headband, and a navy blue kimono under a much brighter sky blue haori, trimmed with white mountain-peak pattern at the edge of the sleeves. Gray hakama sweep around her sandaled feet. She has a prop katana, which she had been intending to hold all cool like, but considering cool has now been thoroughly stolen, it's just doing its own thing from wehre it's tied to her hakama. She just struts onto stage with hands on her hips, giving Rikka and Akane a scrutinizing look.

Then she breaks out into a sunny smile and a big laugh, spinning on her sandal heel and sliding into place next to Hass, posture confident and grinning, offering her partner a little fistbump. "We just agreed on Shinsengumi, but we didn't figure out specifics," she volunteers, as to hers and Hass' wildly unrelated outfits. "And I think that says it all, right? Even if you agree, you can be on different wavelengths. And even if you've got different ideas, you can still come together to something fun! There's so many cool friends I've made, and I don't need to understand everything about them, uh," she glances to Rikka and Akane again, their dramatic skit a total surprise to her, and then offers a big laugh, "sometimes at all? But we can be here because of it. Akane...that's my best friend you're holding hands with. Let's be friends too, OK? And Rikka, you're my girl, you know that. We do still have to kill each other later, though. And--"

She's puffing up to say something, Hass turns to her first, and her face turns bright pink. "O-oh! I....Hass..."

She reaches up and grabs Hass' hands, giggling. "Yeah. If it's a specific person...it's you. I love you, Hass."

<Pose Tracker> Alouette Pommier has posed.

Cascade is up first, and she might notice Alouette gives her an encouraging smile for having the bravery to step up first (regardless of how pre-determined the turn order was). It seems like she's put quite a bit of effort in the look - whatever makeup she used, it was really effective! More than that, she empathises with her reasoning for honouring her friends... it's nice to see her put herself out there like that, having got to understand her a bit in their sparring match.

Akane and Rikka are next and perhaps theirs is the performance she's most excited to see. A lot of time to prep? Oh gosh... what are they cooking?

A whole, unfettered piece of stage art, apparently. Knowing those two, this is absolutely a reference to something or another, but it's engaging in its own right, as the dialogue continues to build up tension, culminating in that final clash, after which Alouette claps as Akane cleans what is hopefully just tomato paste.

Alto has a question for the audience and Alouette answers him with a slight smile: "They're pretty much theatre kids. Just sit back and enjoy the show~"

Next up, the pair explains the people they're performing for. She can definitely understand their reasonings... it's so nice to see Akane step out of her comfort zone to be here. Not only that, it's kind of an honour to hear Rikka mention her by name, too.

When LiSA performs, it's Dr. Sayaka Yumi who watches her closely, having taken time out of her extremely busy schedule just for this. She knows Boss was giving her some ideas, but she wonders what LiSA will end up dressing up as. It's none other than Koji Kabuto, of course... and Sayaka breaks out a genuine smile. "It's almost uncanny how much she looks like he did back then," Sayaka comments to herself, as she watches the heroic figure on stage. No impersonator has really ever been able to capture that specific energy, but Lisa has it in spades.

Finally, Hass and Namiko! Alouette doesn't know them as well as she knows Akane and Rikka, but she still wanted to see what they had in store. They're very quite strong looks, honestly, with Hass looking confident and brave in her navy coat, and Namiko hitting that perfect sweet-spot of androgyny... that katana is real cool, even if it doesn't get the focus shot. ...Alouette already knew the two of them were dating, but confessing their love on stage is pretty bold. Will that earn her points with the judges she wonders?

<Pose Tracker> Rikka Takarada has posed.

Backstage, Rikka can't help but laugh a little when she realises that Hass and Namiko... had basically the same idea that she and Akane did. She can't help it, she guesses - they're her best friends, of course they'd all be on a similar wavelength. She has to say they both look great, though. Pretty stunning, honestly. They're both quite dashing in their own ways.

"Of course. It'll be a battle for the ages." Rikka whispers from backstage with a wink at Namiko's fateful challenge - but she goes quiet at Hass's heartfelt declaration, a genuine smile crossing her face.

...She's really quite happy they ended up together.

<Pose Tracker> Ranka Lee has posed.

"When doesn't she?" Ranka whispers back to Emilia, pleased. There's not a hint of passive aggression there, after all, Ranka despite breaking big is still one of Sheryl's biggest fans.

Perhaps the biggest.

She settles in, listening to Gridman's question, nodding in approval. It's the kind of question she would ordinarily ask. After all she attributes so much of her success to the people in her life.

Spying Alto, she gives him a brief glance, and if he looks closely, he might catch a tiny wave of her fingers, without her eyes leaving the stage again.

Ranka Lee watches Cascade, head tilting to the side as she listens to her justification, before nodding, looking thoughtful as she jots a few answers down.

And then Akane and Rikka come up on stage, she tries not to brighten - keeping herself in that objective space as she watches. And their bit-!

Ranka's eyes shift back and forth in the performance, finding herself drawn into the conflict between the pair. And then when they start to fight... Ranka's single side tail leaps up.

Hand over her mouth, she slowly drops it as if reminding herself right now she's a Prince. Hands folded, she tries to keep a severe look as she follows.

When the performance is over, Ranka listens to the answers to their questions. And then tries her best not to smile as she writes down her scores.

When LiSA cheerfully makes her arrival, Ranka puts a hand to her chin, considering. Regarding her, as she speaks her answer, and she jots something down.

When Oz appears on stage, Ranka cranes her neck to get a look at the outfit. At first she seems rather impressed, but then something about it slowly seems to lower her esteem.

Perhaps she simply reads the message that he doesn't want to be up there loud and clear.

It's perhaps not so surprising that Namiko and Hass choose another Japanese theme. After all, she knows from exposure Tsutsujidai has Japanese origins. She watches them, listening to them. Trying to examine the contrasts.

When Namiko says she loves her while holding her hand though, Ranka's expression melts a little bit as she watches them and she writes something down.

With a tap of her pen she murmurs to her fellow judges, "I wonder what kind of talents they're gonna show in the next round?" She is, perhaps most eager of all for that section, even if it's not hers to introduce, being a performer.

<Pose Tracker> Sheryl Nome has posed.

        As each of the contestants takes the stage, presents themselves, and answers the first judge's question, Kaworu watches from off-stage with a pleased smile. (Yes, even for you, Orpheus.) His gaze turns to Gridman fondly, and to Ranka and Emilia. Then, as the round reaches its end, he slips backstage once more.
        Cosmetics is his hobby, but it was also once his dream. To be able to help others shine at the peak of their individual charm... It is a wonderful happiness. He can only do his best to continue to help them shine.
        "What a spectacular range of outfits, performances, and answers!," Sheryl declares at the end of the round, stepping out onto stage, clapping lightly on his wrist as he speaks into his microphone. He feigns a swoon, tapping the back of his hand to his forehead as he arches backwards. "I have to admit, I'm especially enchanted by that on-stage love confession. Quelle passion! Quel courage~!" With a saucy wink and a smirk, he sets that hand on his hip and straightens. "By the way, Akane, you should know I don't mind getting pandered to at all. I'm not judging this time around, so I don't need to be objective!"
        With a swoop of his hips, Sheryl shifts stances in the other direction, one leg straight and the other bent as he tosses his ponytail over his shoulder. He lifts his free arm and snaps his fingers over his head. "But let's keep this competition scorching! We've seen what each of our competitors are capable of when it comes to crossdressing. But image isn't everything--" He huffs a cocky little laugh and drapes the back of his hand along his handsome face. "--even if I could've convinced you otherwise. <3"
        He swings that arm around, gesturing to the other end of the stage as he walks backwards away. "So let's see if our contestants can capture our hearts by pouring their own hearts into their talents. Beauty isn't skin-deep; it goes all the way to the soul. It's up to you all to prove it!
        "Cascade Vermilion, following up on the magician motif with a display of card tricks!
        "Rikka Takarada, singing CRY-MAX Ultra Ordinary Days while Akane Shinjo plays accompaniment on piano!
        "LiSA, bringing the Mazinger spirit to life by re-programming one in real time!
        "Orpheus Zeveles, playing Somewhere Over the Rainbow on violin with a friend accompanying on piano!"
        "And finally, Namiko and Hass, keeping up their Meiji-era vibe by demonstrating a traditional, if abbreviated, Japanese tea ceremony!"

<Pose Tracker> Gridman has posed.

Four suited personages sit in the audience. They were here very early, snagging the front-center row seats. Like Gridman, they applaud Ranka, and seem intently focused on the stage as things begin.

Vit holds up his phone, filming the entire Pageant. The kids deserve to see themselves perform. He hasn't forgotten Gridman's smile at watching himself dance. If these contestants are half as good as the ones last year, this video will do numbers as To-witter. "You guys wanna bet on the winner?"

"None of that, Vit. This is a children's event." Max rumbles. The seats directly behind him are empty, despite the crowd. He is simply too tall to see around. Normally, he's thoughtful enough to sit in the back, but today is too important.

"What, and the mobile suit thing wasn't?" Borr snorts. They've decided to lean into the theme today, placing a red tutu over suit pants. It matches Gridman's outfit perfectly. "The show's starting, there's no time for bets! I'm not missing a second of this!"

Calibur, swords in his lap (they didn't fit in the chair), is quiet. Atop his swords are a collection of small flags, each one with a name of contestant emblazoned across it. Whenever one of the kids takes the stage, Calibur selects their flag and waves it sedately. It's his way of showing support.

When Rikka gives the Neon Genesis Junior High Students a shout out, Borr yells their support for the duo-entry with a loud "LET'S GO!". For as unbiased as Gridman is trying to be, it seems his comrades can be easily bought...


"It's great to see you both again." Gridman whispers to his fellow judges. "Let's do our best for everyone!"

Gridman, for his part, is thrilled at every entry. It's going to be hard for him to judge purely because of how much he's enjoying the show! He fervently takes notes, though the numerical portion of his sheet is left open until the end of everyone's performances. Wouldn't it be better if everyone could win? It's so hard to choose!

Cascade's entrance earns a gasp of surprise, and light applause from the Hyper Agent. A stage magician! He wouldn't have recognized Cascade if not for her name being called at the start. Notes are made on the quality of her cosmetics and hairstyle, and Gridman makes an appreciative noise at the masculine tilt to Cascade's movements. Her answer gets a nod and a smile. Honoring your school friends is very important. They can be a huge influence on your life!

Akane and Rikka take the stage, dressed in traditional haori. Again, Gridman begins taking notes, until--! The battle begins! He watches, eyes wide as Rikka deflects a bullet and cuts down her foe. Woah, and this isn't even the talent round? Is that allowed? Despite their intense performance, Akane and Rikka take time to tidy the stage once they're finished. That's very important, Gridman thinks. You have to respect your fellow competitors and leave them a clear place to perform. Akane and Rikka have their own responses to Gridman's question, and again, he responds to the answers with a smile and a nod.

If he blushes a bit at Akane's words, surely it can't be seen beneath his elaborate makeup...

After a few moments, LiSA takes the stage! Even Gridman recognizes Koji Kabuto's famous outfit! The hair styling is particularly impressive, he thinks, taking notes. LiSA, as an intern for the Photon Power Labs, has a perfect Koji impersonation. Her answer is clearly easy for her, as her entire performance was designed to honor one person in particular. Gridman, once more, smiles and nods to her. He hopes it's encouraging.

Next is a name Gridman was truly surprised to see listed. Orpheus? Though they haven't seen each other in quite a while, the Hyper Agent still considers Orpheus one of his closest friends, but he never would've expected to see the mysterious young man up on stage. Despite his worry, Orpheus totally rises to the challenge! That sweet pink dress, accompanied by a dainty hat... Gridman feels a little flustered at the sight. Orpheus' delicate features are totally honored by this look. Maybe his expression could use some work, but he comes up with a good answer to Gridman's question. Another smiling nod is sent Orpheus' way, as the Hyper Agent takes down his notes.

Namiko and Hass have decided on historical Japanese garb as well! Gridman's pencil flies, noting down specifics of their costumes. Their makeup, in particular, is great, and Gridman makes note of it, along with the way the gold shines on Hass' outfit. All of it is very impressive, equally as Akane and Rikka's costumes.

(The Neon Genesis Junior High Students get another shout out, and Borr yells their appreciation once more. Gridman glances toward them, embarrassed, but the smallest Hyper Agent cannot be stopped. "YOU TELL 'EM!" screams Borr, as Max buries his face in his enormous hands.)

The performance is accompanied by a sweet confession of love! That definitely earns extra points, at least from the soft-hearted Hyper Agent. The sky blue haori is lovely on Namiko, particularly with the grace with which the young woman walks. They might not match, but the two make an excellent pair. Both young women have good answers to Gridman's question, and they, too, earn a smile and nod.

Assigning numerical scores to each aspect of each performer is one of the hardest battles Gridman has fought yet. He chews on the end of his pencil as he reviews his notes. As preparations begin for the next round, numbers are carefully written in -- erased -- and written again. This is stressful!

When he's finally settled on his scores, Gridman takes a deep breath, leaning back in his chair. In a joking tone, he says, "If the talent round is as intense as this one, I'm going to sweat my makeup off."

Even so, he's excited to see what comes next! Gridman claps for the contestants as Sheryl announces their talents, waiting for the curtain to raise..!

<Pose Tracker> Emilia Eschonbach has posed.

        Emilia's face tries to be inscrutable as the judging goes on. She's only partway succeeding. She taps her lips thougtfully as Cascade comes out... But she can't help but blink as she's namedropped- and is very clearly confused as to where she fits in in this interschool Samurai drama.

        (Britannian education doesn't really cover Japanese history, even in Area 11. FOR SOME REASON.)

        She continues to mark down, but there's a momentary frown on her face at Lisa's costume. Surely it's nothing.

        ...She's *really* surprised to see Oz actually up there though. She always thought of him as the most serious guy in the world. The fact that he's here is... definitely a surprise.

        Namiko and Hass get into declarations of love and Emmy just looks down at her tablet for a moment. A few quick taps here and there.

        "I-it should be interesting..." Emmy replies to Ranka. "I g-guess we'll get s-some surprises." She giggles a little at Gridman's comment. "I w-wonder if they can keep it up."

        And then it's question time, and Emilia nods to the MC, before leaning into the microphone at the Judge's table. "C-Contestants, I'd like t-to..." Ah there it is again. Stage fright, gripping her tongue. She shakes her head and starts over. "I'd like to kn-know why you chose this talent to show? You c-could pick anything, s-so what drew you to this one to sh-sh-show us today?" Her question asked, Emilia leans back to her tablet, to get ready to judge.

        She returns to being quiet, listening intently to the contestants responses.

<Pose Tracker> Christina MacKenzie has posed.

        A redhead stands in the back, supporting her comrades and enjoying the shows. Ranka played many roles at her last concert, but to even showcase such gallantry is true versatility and talent!
        And then, afterwards, oh... Sheryl looked...heartstopping. Wow. Is it just heat from the special effects or is the venue AC turned off? Gotta be one of those for sure. As he introduces the judges, Chris is a bit taken by surprise at the magnificent transformations everyone has crafted. She cheers to welcome the contestants, and even both of her Haros are eager to chant "Do your best Do your best Do your best!!"

        Even though she's unfamiliar with Cascade and Orpheus, theeffort they both put in is clear. Cascade's formal dress is fit for ballroom dancing, and latter's casual vacation fare looks fitting and comfortable enough that Chris doesn't even catch the resistance in Orpheus's expression.
        Akane and Rikka... Chris can't help but laugh to herself when she sees the Tarabaman props brandished in stage violence. That's so Akane!
        And LiSA's earnest, faithful admiration of a younger Dr. Kabuto is nothing if not heartwarming--though she'll have to send Koji a tongue-in-cheek VERTEX about that quote during intermission. Given how often Chris sees LiSA accompany Koji outside the PPL, she must be a really dedicated intern!

        Elsewhere in the crowd, a ravenhaired young woman sits, her hands politely folded in her lap, though on the inside she wants to cheer and shout to her friend at the judges' table who invited her. 'Lattice', as Marina better knows him, looks incredible! Truly marvelous, as is the rest of the event staff's! The weft and weave of fabrics and cosmetics...Masterful. If she hadn't known the premise of the event, she wouldn't be able to tell! If Gridman happens to meet the woman's eyes--and she's not exactly inconspicuous, with her brown-haired companion and her detail in orbit--she offers him a beaming smile and a small wave.

        It's an important question put to the contestants, one Marina will have to take her own time to think about later. All the contestants are working so hard, though Marina isn't familiar with any of them. Even so, the mention of 'Rikka's mom' draws her mind back to the remarkable confections at Cafe Aya, before the continuing pageant sweeps her back into its flow. Namiko and Hass know Latt--Gridman, and the Cafe staff, too? Was Tsutsujidai such a small world of a PLANT, or just a wondrously close community?

<Pose Tracker> Alto Saotome has posed.

        Alto does manage to catch that tiny wave from Ranka. Knowing her, Alto expects she's sweating this judge thing at least just a little bit. So his response is a brief thumbs up to indicate he thinks she's doing a good job!

        Someone in the audience actually replies to Alto, so of course he has to shoot back, "Maybe... But following the limits of the round is also an important part of participating. To go outside them could be seen as cheating." Again, Alto, stop being so serious about this! It's just a high school pageant.

        As the next contestant comes out, Alto tilts his head a little as he watches Orpheus closely. Is there the slightest hint of reluctance there? Mmmm, perhaps not. Still, Alto could certainly sympathise. He's just glad neither Sheryl or Ranka tried to rope him into participating himself.

        Though of course if he did, there'd be some serious competition.

        No wait, bad thoughts! That's all in the past. Focus. Alto shakes his head to clear it, before returning to watching.

        Admittedly, Orpheus's answer is a little more on the unique side. A duty to others to put in all that he can. Another thing Alto can relate to. Alto nods approvingly, once again applauding as Orpheus's turn ends.

        Which just leaves the last set! A little unfortunate that they seem to have accidentally crossed into the style of another competitor. But sometimes a comparison can help highlight that which might have otherwise been missed. So not all is lost yet, Hass and Namiko! The two get a little lovey dovey towards the end of their answers. Which SOME here are certain to appreciate. As evidenced by Sheryl's comment on it later.

        But Alto appears to not be one of them. Not reacting much to it.

        Again, it's probably a good thing he's not a judge.

        The first round ends. On to the second! Alto actually begins to relax a little, waiting to see what's coming. And as the talents are announced ahead of time, there are certainly a couple that sound interesting! Although Alto feels a little sorry for the contestants as Emilia poses her question. It sounds like it'd be a tough one to answer.

<Pose Tracker> Cascade Vermilion has posed.

Cascade stops giving LiSA a suspicious eye after a few moments, mostly because she has to duck back out of the way and into a side room to do the rest of her changing.

When she's called, Cascade returns to the stage. She is still in a magician's outfit, but not the same magician's outfit as before, not quite; this one is a more feminine outfit without the crossdressing aspect. The jacket has been replaced with a vest in her favoured deep green, though still with a white button-up shirt beneath (no tie, though), and she's undone her hair so it hangs loose, down her back, like she usually wears it. The pants are similar in colour and length but fit differently. The lack of jacket and the difference in the cut of the pants, among other things, no longer minimize her figure, but accent it.

"A lot of my skills are not very suitable for the stage," Cascade says, which is one hell of an understatement if you know the truth, a minor understatement if you attend Ashford with her, and somewhere in between for the Black Knights. "I am on the fencing team, for instance, and I considered a fencing match on stage, but I thought I would bring something better."

Concealed from somewhere, she pulls from behind herself a deck of cards, still in their case, which she opens and passes into her free hand.

"Why did I choose this talent? Card tricks are something that magicians are known for, but there's a particular kind of card trick that isn't done as much." Cascade tucks the box away, then fans the deck - then squares it back up again.

"Throwing cards."

She nods, and another student comes out, carrying a stand with a bulls-eye target on it. Cascade takes setup time to answer the question posed to her: "Well, as I said, I couldn't do most of my hobbies on stage. They take too long, or they're not the sort of talent suitable for it... but I like to do things with my hands, I've found. I could juggle or do some sleight of hand, but juggling would only keep me busy briefly and I'm not sure all of you could see the slight of hand from where you sit. Or I could do any number of other things - I tried whittling last month! - but it would take longer than the five minutes. But with this I hope to demonstrate something interesting... and keep up the magician theme. I picked the first outfit to match it, and though I admit I'm more comfortable in this one, I'm glad to have tried them both."

Cascade finishes - the student has had plenty of time to leave by now. So with a nod to the audience, she turns. Judging the distance (and the wind), she throws three cards, one-two-three, at the target. Despite the distance - it's most of the way across the stage, fifteen meters or so - she manages to get all of them in, their corners stuck into the yielding surface.

"When most people throw these, it doesn't go very far at all. But if you know the trick, it is different. But it's not just raw force. It's a matter of precision." Cascade steps a few steps further back as a student sets up a table for her - just a small table, nothing is on it. Once they've left, she throws three more cards, one after another, one-two-three.

The first one lands, face-up, on the table. The second one lands almost perfectly on top of it, and slides the pair of them a couple inches on momentum; the third one lands on top of where the pair of cards stopped, equally precise. It's actually more impressive than making all of them land in exactly the same spot; she had to take into account the movement of the cards.

Cascade smiles, just slightly. "But there is one more trick that everybody loves to see. Beatrix, can you please come out again?"

The student who placed the table does come out. This time she's holding an apple, which is apparently the prop, and a pair of safety goggles. She slides the safety goggles on her eyes before stepping into place.

Cascade lets her get there before she speaks. "Perhaps some of you have heard the story of William Tell? I thought we'd do it, but a little differently." Beatrix takes the apple - and bites it, holding it between her teeth. It wobbles a little as Cascade lines up her shot.

Very suddenly, Cascade throws two cards, one after another.

The card first hits the apple and embeds its corner inside, quivering faintly in place but drawing a reflexive flinch from Beatrix. A second card follows it, landing almost perfectly parallel to the first despite the wobble in the apple. The goggles are, as it turns out, unnecessary.

"One more, I think," Cascade says, before throwing a third. It actually hits between the others, though not quite on the same angle - it's kind of wedged between them. "Thank you, Beatrix! Please take a bow."

Both of them do, before heading off stage.

<Pose Tracker> Rikka Takarada has posed.

Akane settles in at the school's piano, remembering the feeling of the keys and the feeling of, just -- being there, having that be her every day. ... She didn't appreciate it enough when she was here every day. Now all the wear in the keyboard feels like it's drawing her back a little --

No, she tells herself. It's not those moments that matter right now. It's this one right in front of me. She's in something more like her usual clothes right now -- a white blouse and pleated uniform skirt. If it weren't for the striped blue and white ribbon tie, she'd look like any other student... but she's comfortable in it, in a way she never quite managed when she lived here.

She plays a quick sting to get comfortable -- familiar to Truthseeker Serena watchers as the show's eyecatch. It's just six notes, but it does a lot to center her. "You're up!" Akane calls to Rikka, giving her a smile and a lazy salute.

Rikka stands before the audience, mic held in hand - for herself, she's gone back to her usual uniform, minus the cardigan to match Akane. It's been a while since she sang for a crowd last, instead of just herself or for the sake of a single girl... but she's grown in so many ways - and this time, she isn't performing alone. Rikka turns toward the piano where Akane sits, offering her a smile at her signal before turning her attention toward the crowd.

"Hello, everyone! We have a song to perform for you today, and I think it's something everyone needs to hear sometimes. I know I did. No holding back! No hiding behind shame! When you have a dream - chase it, even if it's embarrassing! So, here goes - CRY-MAX Ultra Ordinary Days!" Rikka declares. With that said she nods toward Akane to signal her to start playing, and once the intro finishes... she begins to sing.

        The genius knows, the rooster crows,
        Cock-a-doodle-doo, how I want you so!
        Before my life is through, I gotta make a move or two
        And maybe make a dream come true.

When Rikka sings, she sings with sincerity. There's a bounce to her step as she walks across the front of the stage, throwing her head back to emphasize the 'cock-a-doodle-doo', before stealing a glance over toward Akane at 'how I want you so!' before turning back to the audience.

        No common sense, it's just what we say,
        'cuz cock-a-doodle-doo, it's a brand new day!
        Another surprise just for being alive
        Like a birthday, or when I get paid...

Rikka tilts her head curiously and leans in toward the audience.

"Is the whole wide world still blue today?" She asks them all more than sings - but her voice remains in tune with the song, and she gets right back to as she takes a step back.

        "Hip hip hurray" or "S.O.S."
        Speak 'em aloud, your cheers of distress
        If you just relax, or hit your CRY-MAX, it's all the same!
        Not just your voice, give it your all,
        From your head to your tits, don't you stop at a wall!
        Don't give up on your dreams when they end!
        We're gonna make 'em real again!

Rikka belts it, with no sign of hesitation or embarrassment, pumping her fist for emphasis before looking back over the crowd.

(Akane, meanwhile, is still exactly as childish as ever, and -- embarrassment would be a strong word, but she looks like she's about to crack up. If you're really paying attention, you'll notice she skips a note in time with the beat of her heart, though.)

        A vast and empty space, as far as I can see.
        Soon the gaps between the stars are filled with all our dreams.
        Far above the Earth, and no one here will listen to me!
        If I wanna get through, If I wanna be heard, tell me how hard I should scream!

It starts slow and serene. Rikka stares up, up toward where the stars would be. But as she continues, her volume picks up - stopping below actually screaming, gripping the mic with both hands as she puts her all into it.

        Time to grow up, time to move on,
        Cock-a-doodle-doo, not with you still gone!
        I pilot alone, I'm all On My Own, my life is
        Lalalala, Les Miserables

Rikka walks backward toward the sound of the piano as she sings, briefly sagging against it melodramatically - before springing forward, back to the front of the stage, to the very center.

        I've heard it before, it's just common sense,
        Cock-a-doodle-doo, but I won't repent!
        All we have are the stars sparkling bright in our hearts
        So I won't live my life playing defense!

As she sings, Rikka stamps her foot defiantly, hands curling into fists - a tantrum without shame. Once again, then, she leans forward curiously.

"You DO have a heart in there, right?" She sing-asks, raising an eye brow.

The music continues - but rather than sing, Rikka speaks to the audience.

"We put a little faith in ourselves, and look how far we've come. The lives we live now were an impossible dream back then. Humanity -- no, life itself -- is what you make it. It's true!" She insists, resting a hand over her heart - before casting that same hand back out for emphasis.

"Say "adios!" to yesterday's doldrums and dive into a better tomorrow, today! Let's go for gold at the More Normal Olympics! You wanna get eliminated in the first round!?" She demands, throwing her free hand back in a 'come on' gesture. "C'mon! Let's give it our all!"

        A hollow, shallow phrase, bursting at the seams
        'cause I chose to fill it up with all a girl could dream!
        Connecting to your heart, how much clearer do I have to be
        To sing with you and let us be heard, across the whole galaxy!

The singing starts back up again almost immediately with that slow serenity that builds in intensity and determination.

        Director is gone, the stagehand's away
        Cock-a-doodle-doo, who's running this play?
        The stars in our hearts are now overflowing and
        Everyone'll catch our Big Bang!

Rikka shrugs dramatically for emphasis - but doesn't let it bother, doesn't seem to mind. If anything, she seems more excited by the prospect.

        You say you're a freak, but that's just the norm!
        Cock-a-doodle-doo, this is how we were born.
        Every day we're alive holds another surprise
        What you need is still waiting for you!

Rikka points dramatically at the crowd, including each and everyone in her words, before taking up the microphone in both hands. Slowly, she starts to walk backwards once more, toward the piano.

        Everyone dies -- you gotta live too!
        Cock-a-doodle-doo, one more day for you!
        If the whole world's weird, you gotta be weird too
        if you wanna make your dream come true!

Rikka sings with an insistence in her voice - like it's something she wants everyone to hear, like it's something she won't let anyone think otherwise. And before anyone knows it... she's made her way to the piano bench and, with one fluid motion, slides her way onto it next to Akane, putting one arm around her shoulders, offering her a smile, and shifting the mic so that it can pick up both of them.

Akane's gaze meets Rikka's, and she has to arrest a split-second giggle as she feels that arm slide around her shoulders. She wants to bring a hand up to the microphone herself, but she's still playing -- so she settles for leaning into Rikka, singing cheek to cheek with her with all of her might.

She's fought so hard -- and so selfishly -- for this moment. ... It's still a little scary for her to believe in the future -- but if she indulges those thoughts too much, how the hell is she going to sing?

So she sings, instead -- and really cuts loose, belting it into the microphone.

        So, Mr. genius-- the rooster, too--
        Cock-a-doodle-doo, sirs, how do you do?
        Join us again, 'cause it's been real fun,
        On our next trip around the sun!

The piano part continues for some time. While the original arrangement is fairly simple as it trails off, Akane elects to freestyle just a bit; this part is her chance to put her own spin on it. It's not perfect, and her finger slips at one point -- but the worst thing you can do with a stray note is let it sit. She slips right back into form, slowing it down a bit and finishing clean.

The song works its way to its conclusion... and then Rikka stands up from the bench, offering Akane a hand up, and then...

"Thank you!" Rikka calls out, before offering a bow and straightening up before turning her attention to the judges to address the question.

"Music has always been a big part of my life. Singing to it, listening to it... It's made me into who I am today, and I'm pretty proud of the person I've become because of it. It helps us through our darkest moments - whether it's a cheery tune to lift our spirits, or a sombre one to help us get those feelings out. That's why I wanted to share the power of music with everyone - and I'm happy to do so alongside Akane." Rikka replies, then looks toward Akane, giving her the floor.

In the audience Orie sits not too far from the Neon Genesis Junior High Students, watching the performance with a fond smile. She leans back, exhaling. Somehow, this makes her feel awfully nostalgic...

<Pose Tracker> Akane Shinjo has posed.

Akane nods to Rikka, saying, "Music was something I kinda lost when I was really depressed. I used to practice the piano a lot more, but one day I just kind of stopped, other than like two times. I wanted to try getting some of that back, and I think this kinda event was the push I needed. So I guess this was more about pushing myself forward than sharing it, for me?" She rubs at the back of her head, looking to Rikka. "Still... I kinda like her answer better."

<Pose Tracker> LiSA has posed.

Once off-stage, Lisa promptly darts around to her little cubby. Once there, she takes a seat and pulls out the last touch of makeup she didn't have Kaworu use, purple, green, yellow, red, black eyeshadow, and powder. And a tube of black grease paint. Also scissors, which she promptly uses to decisively cut at parts of the pilot suit. Once done, she uses the grease paint to mark at the suit in various spots. Then, eyeshadow is used to fake up easy to remove bruises, including a black eye. She puts the good helmet down on the table, and opens up a box revealing ... a busted and knocked up helmet, to go with the new outfit.

This helmet goes on, after netting down the spikes of hair, and she lifts the front visor. When she gets back onto the stage, it's with a Mazinger Z model, a small monitor, keyboard, and a couple of other cables. "I'll start by saying this isn't how this might be typically done... but I will also admit we wouldn't be able to fit the real one in here." A pause. "I -did- consider it." She admits with a wink, before settling down onto the ground, neatly connecting everything so screen and Mazinger can be seen. Keyboard in lap, Lisa rolls her shoulders...

Her fingers fly across the keyboard as code rolls along the screen, and she doesn't even stop as she speaks to respond to Emilia. "This isn't ... the type of science that Dr. Kabuto does, this is true. Perhaps I am taking the easy route by dressing as someone real, just showing off what's been seen before. But science is always evolving. We have to look back, and see what happened, so we can use it to better our future."

"Also... I'm kind of writing a story ... a biography, if you will. Of someone, as I answered before, I trust." Boy, is THAT an understatement. "But to do that...? We have to believe... and step forward." Four minutes odd-in, Lisa presses enter on her keyboard.

The Mazinger, after a brief pauses, starts moving.

<Pose Tracker> Orpheus Zevon has posed.

There's a brief nod that is given to Kaworu as he waits for his arrival, at this point taking a moment to step away from the stage as he'd return back with violin in hand. The white jacket being taken away only to reveal that the dress he'd been wearing had been sleeveless. This might have been questionable on whether it was a good choice or not in truth. While it surely was going to help him play better without obstructing his movements, his arms could appear a bit more muscular without the cover of the jacket.

Even still, he doesn't seem deterred in the slightest as he comes back to the stage once it's his time to perform, though he does find himself asked a question that does admittedly bring him to silence at first. It's a question that should be simple at first, 'Why did you choose the talent you did?' Yet, Orpheus doesn't immediately answer. If anything the crowd can at least notice there's a pause, contemplation in his answer.

"The violin was something I used to play a lot for someone in particular. When we es--Before we had been in this country, there was a point when we fell on hard times. Sometimes people would allow us to play with instruments and that person thought that the violin was soothing. The song...Was something that she told me she enjoyed...A song that came to be special to me. The song I play is a song...Of hope."

For those who know Orpheus, saying anything with feeling was unusual, and the context of hope escaping his lips might have honestly seemed out of place. Though that unusual feeling would only continue as he continues speaking with a somber smile on his face. As if he recalls a pleasant memory. "That person would ask me to play this song whenever she wanted to make things brighter. It was her way of having me do what I could to look towards the future I imagine. I imagine for some here, for all here...That thought isn't lost."

It's as he finishes those remarks he begins to play along with Kaworu and while his demeanor thus far had seemed somewhat reluctant, the way he plays is filled with emotion. There's definitely feelings that escape in a way that Orpheus truly never could express otherwise. As music plays it washes over the audience. It's not as enchanting as the music played by their guests here today, but it was music that was just as powerfully able to touch the soul. It was the kind of music that intended to touch the hearts of those there, to remind them that even in the chaos of this era...There's hope...Perhaps somewhere over the rainbow.

<Pose Tracker> Namiko has posed.

When called, Namiko and Hass emerge again from the side. Namiko has shed the accessories of the Shinsengumi costume, headband and haori and all, leaving her in an unadorned, navy-blue kimono. And, she is postured for presentation. "A full tea ceremony," she says, leaving time for Hass to bustle past with the implements, each wrapped in individual cloths, "is a full evening, including multiple rounds of tea, a meal, and other entertainments." Rather than her usual gigawatt smile, she bears a more restrained, more gentle look. "We'll be skipping that," she says, a light joke.

She kneels, seiza, once the equipment is out, facing to the side for full view of her work while Hass sets up even further, at a pillow they've set out on the periphery. Namiko begins quietly, studiously preparing the tools. Folding cloth into a precise form, she picks up the bowl and wipes it down precisely. She lets things hang, quiet, for five, ten seconds, before saying, "It began before the Universal Century, partly as a religious practice. And its roots are still about meditation and mindfulness."

She proceeds likewise, the ladle, whisk, scoop. "Attention to detail, and focus," she says as she works.

They're using an electric kettle for hot water, which she ladles into a small bowl. Whisks it, then transfers it to a larger serving vessel. She does the same with a small bowl of tea powder, scooping it in and whisking, then setting it aside.

"Cultivating an environment of peace and thoughftulness."

It takes, perhaps, a minute, which she allows to simply pass quietly, making several more bowls.

She sets them out - one to Hass, across the stage; the others, in the direction of the judges.

"The tea itself is important, of course. But the preparation allows guests and hosts both to bring themselves fully into the present."

"We live in a time when it is hard to get that peace. I've had a lot of trouble with that, sometimes. So I hope that these few minutes have allowed everyone to slow down, be present, and breathe. That's why I've presented this to you today."

<Pose Tracker> Hass has posed.

Hass watches with interest as Cascade demonstrates some seriously scary skill at card-throwing, and...

Her face falls a bit as she realizes just what Rikka and Akane have selected. "I recognize this song," she murmurs to Namiko with muted dread. "Ohhh, I hope they can pull it off..."

It might be too much. Too earnest, too sincere. It's a goofy song, a good song, but... there's such a thing as wearing too much on your sleeve.

They put their hearts in it, though, and she can't help but smile, bouncing along with the beat by the end. She's clapping and cheering when the song's over!

LiSA and Orpheus both get her impressed as well, though particularly LiSA.

She steps out onto the stage with Namiko, sans greatcoat and katana, baring the white silk shirt worn under her vest and ascot. There's a small microphone on her lapel.

She's silent at first, as Namiko explains the tea ceremony, laying out the tools Namiko will need in front of her, sitting seiza before them. She provides Namiko with each, cradled gently in hand, as they're needed.

And she begins to sing.

It's a wordless song, nothing more than vocalization. Her voice is on the low side, husky and smooth, carrying clearly despite her mask. It's a warm, calm tune, distinctly Japanese, seeming to shift as Namiko's work does, the pair almost seeming to move as one at times. They may not have coordinated on their cosplay, but...

At the end, she bows her head, tugging her mask upward to take a small sip before moving it back into place. She stands.

"The other reason we chose this, and why I chose to support and sing," she explains, "Is because in times like these, support is necessary. More than ever, we can ease the burdens on one another by lending a hand... not only to make things easier for them, but to make them better than they could possibly be alone. I'd like to think my voice enhanced the sense of calm offered by the ceremony itself." She takes a bow. "Thank you."

<Pose Tracker> Alouette Pommier has posed.

Everyone brought their best to Round One, now it's time for Round Two!

Cascade is up first... while Alouette usually feels a magician's tricks are hardly magic, she finds herself enjoying the show. Cascade's mastery over physics, combined with her cool and calm demeanor as she explains her tricks is more than enough to win Alouette over.

Rikka and Akane, on the other hand, bring out a piano and microphone. Alouette can't wait to see what they'll perform together!

It's really quite a childish and silly song as she listens to it, but... it's nice. She loves all the shameless passion and energy Rikka puts into her singing, and Akane's heartfelt, if imperfect playing on the piano is just as charming.

Overall, the performance feels so very authentically 'them', and the reasons they each give for their performance is just as poignant. As someone who owes a lot to music herself... she smiles and clap as they step offstage.

Sayaka almost feels like that wink was directed at her, as LiSA admits she considered bringing the real Mazinger Z in her. The worst part is that she feels Koji is insane enough that he would actually allow it... but someone has to be reasonable in this crazy little family. A biography, though? Sayaka considers asking about that after the show.

Alouette also takes interest in Lisa's performance - as a programmer herself. She's seen what LiSA is capable of on that mission to save Liam... and they actually lent each other their abilities. It may not be the life-sized Mazinger, but she recognizes the skill in doing what she's doing. She highly respects it, of course.

Back to music as Orpheus performs a duet with... Kaworu! It's really such a lovely song, Somewhere Over the Rainbow, and she feels mesmerised by its beauty, clapping as the song comes to a close. Oz's sentiment too, about music touching hearts, resonates.

Namiko and Hass are up last then! And Alouette isn't surprised to see their choice of activity. It's actually how she first met Namiko... visiting the Tea Ceremony Club while she was temporarily a student at Tsutsujidai High.

Thanks to Namiko, she learned a lot, about how tea culture in Japan differs so much from that in France, and she ended up admiring the usually energetic Namiko's ability to practice such quiet mindfulness and meditation.

Even now, she appreciates their sharing of the tea ceremony, this time with Hass by her side, with a low, pleasant and soft song, which perfectly brings forth the peaceful feeling of the tea ceremony. Those two really do compliment each other perfectly, Alouette thinks.

<Pose Tracker> Sheryl Nome has posed.

        As Sheryl had expected, the talent portion of the pageant is where everyone really gets to strut their stuff. He watches with a smile and arms folded under his waist from just off-stage, microphone temporarily shut off to avoid picking up stray noise.
        Rikka told her before that she isn't interested in performing as a future career, and that's a genuine shame, in his opinion; she really put her all into this song, from her energy to her performance. But maybe it's because she has Akane backing her up? Sheryl can pick up those notes she drops or misplays, but Akane keeps playing, and that's a note in her favor in Sheryl's opinion. It's a fun song, and they really nail it at the end there!
        Cascade's card tricks meanwhile aren't what Sheryl had expected when he got that description of the talent--but that's a good thing. This is MUCH more impressive. He especially likes the William Tell twist at the end.
        He'd known even less what to expect about LiSA supposedly programming a Mazinger on stage. It being a toy rather than the real deal is disappointing, and while it's fascinating to see her finish coding in four minutes--she really is a genius programmer!--there's nothing special about what the toy actually does when it moves. Still, while it may lack pizzazz, LiSA is nothing if not confident in her skills.
        Orpheus's violin is genuinely stirring, though. His musical partner takes pains to place himself in shadow, visible but only barely so, as he plays on the piano, to make sure the spotlight remains solely on Orpheus. (Kaworu is not a participant, after all. He plays without error, accompanying Orpheus with expertise, but he doesn't ever overpower or overshadow his performance, existing softly and solely to enhance him.) Consequently, Orpheus is where Sheryl's attention stays. As unenthusiastic as he'd seemed in the last round, here he seems heartfelt--so heartfelt, embodying both the hope and the longing of the song he plays. Sheryl has to take a moment to keep tears in check, knowing that longing well.
        The tea ceremony... Honestly, Sheryl had been wondering how Namiko and Hass would fit that in five minutes. He doesn't know a lot about it, but he'd at least known it was a long, long process, as Namiko acknowledges at the start. There is a peaceful vibe to it, though, and the notes she makes on its history through the process are interesting and engaging to listen to. Hass vocalizing as an accompaniment to support and accentuate Namiko adds a nice touch, especially since their coordination is leagues above the last round. Altogether, it's an unusual act, but that makes it stand out, in his opinion. He glances out at Alto in the audience--being behind the curtains, obviously Sheryl doesn't wave--and wonders how it compares to his experiences.
        Once the last act is over and the tea ceremony equipment is moved off-stage, Sheryl emerges once more, striding out to position zero. "Magnificent! You can tell our contestants gave it their all. Judging will be tough this time around, I'm sure," he announces, flashing a grin over at the judges' table. "Our third and final round brings us fully into our theme--the four seasons of spring, summer, fall, and winter. As the world turns 'round and time carries us forward, we--or those of us lucky enough to be in a part of the world with them--experience these changing moods, colors, and temperatures every year. We all have our favorites; you all know for me that when the season's seductive, we got a glittering summer~!" Winking after breaking into a line of his hit song, Glittering Summer, Sheryl continues, "But each season has its own beauty and charm. Contestants, show us all how you each embody that, and bring this year's pageant to a close with a bang!"

<Pose Tracker> Akane Shinjo has posed.

Akane takes a little time to reflect on the last couple rounds of competition. Orpheus has actually really impressed her; she didn't expect him as a competitor in the first place, because the space he occupies in her brain is so far removed from school stuff... but he's honestly done a really good job. She doesn't know Cascade that well, but she's been doing great, too.

... the fact that Namiko and Hass are so in sync with Akane and Rikka makes Akane giggle a bit, too. The tea ceremony part is fascinating to her, though, especially. It's a thing she knows almost nothing about, so when she sees it, it's hard not to be curious. LiSA's Mazinger tilt to all her acts is something that catches Akane's attention, though she's not sure if she fully likes it. ... She can appreciate the commitment, though.

(She doesn't have too much time to reflect, though. She needs Kaworu to handle her makeup before her next act.)

<Pose Tracker> Ranka Lee has posed.

Ranka enthuses at Emilia from her sense of anticipation, "Oh definitely! The talent portion is always like that at pageants." Before she turns to Gridman, giving him a serious expression, "Right, Gridman!" It's kind of interesting seeing him here and not you know, leagues tall, but she's totally focused on the judging this time and doesn't want to distract them right now.

The talent section is one that Ranka watches with rapt attention, startled in some ways by the differences between the first round and the second. She seems pretty shocked by Cascade's performance, especially it's ending.

Rikka and Akane however have her tapping her foot despite her best efforts to appear unbiased, as a performer, her sense of rhythm just appreciates it, especially an amateur performance like this. Because she herself was an amateur not long ago, she understands now more than ever the beauty that can be found in such feelings.

When she hears the answers to the questions between them both, Akane specially, she smiles.

LiSA's performance has her watching throughout, considering her performance, but she seems much less animated. She does seem pretty impressed when the little Mazinger moves after such a short time but-!

It's hard not to be biased for any performance including Kaworu, for any instrumental performance, he's her favorite! Still, she watches Oz, and especially listens to Oz's answer, perhaps reading between the lines some in his words, sympathy crossing her face.

A tea ceremony is unusual talent isn't it? Yet Ranka pays close attention, wondering perhaps if Alto wouldn't be better judging this portion. It's an interesting educational segment, and she finds herself drawn in. Especially when the song begins, and Ranka finds herself having something she's more knowledgeable about to judge. The accompaniment certainly offers a distinctive vibe to it that she appreciates.

Ranka has a thoughtful look on her face as it's time to kick off the third segment of the pageant. Taking a moment to snap her focus back onto things, she sits up in her Princely outfit as if to commit to the bit, smiling at the crowd. It's still surreal for her, after attending Miss Macross and becoming the Runner Up, now being here as a judge for a similar Pageant. And so once Sheryl brings in the next portion, Ranka gives him a toothy smile at her adding the line of the song in, then begins to address the contestants.

"So our next section relates to seasons... and so I've got another question for you! Seasons mark change, and the passing of time. It feels like the world is changing around us far too fast for us to always keep up with. Still, despite that, we as people must make the decisions on how we change with the world. So my question is:"

Ranka regards the contestants one by one, a discerning look. Something about this question is specifically important to her after her struggles becoming an idol.

"What about yourself would you change if you had the opportunity? Just one thing. Tonight we're all having fun changing ourselves for one night on stage, but I want to know more about who you are as the world changes around us."

It's a difficult question, and it's intended to be. It's deeply personal for so many, but as Ranka changed herself to become an idol, she wants to know how the contestants would change themselves.

Settling back into her seat, she finishes by telling everyone, "So tell me about the real you, and how you would change things in this ever-changing world. I think that'll set the right mood for this section."

Ranka is well known for her cute vibe, and in her day to day life she seems quite meek, but right now she certainly seems a touch more forceful about this one for some reason.

<Pose Tracker> Gridman has posed.

As Gridman looks into the crowd to try and quiet down his comrades, he locks eyes with Miss Annabelle -- offering her an equally bright smile and a wave. He doesn't have time to do more right now, but he'll be sure to talk to her after the show is over!

For now, he attends to his sacred duty: judging.

Cascade takes the stage, forwarding her theme of a stage magician. The feminine look suits her just as much as the masculine/androgynous one had, and Gridman notes down the hairstyle change. A fencing demonstration would've been really cool... But instead, Cascade pulls out a deck of cards? Gridman tilts his head, only for his otherworldly eyes to fly open wide as Cascade begins tossing the cards. She moves with grace and confidence, and the cards fly true. Gridman had no idea such a thing was possible, cards are so fragile! But again and again, Cascade proves him wrong. The Hyper Agent holds his breath as Beatrix sets an apple atop her head. Is this really okay? He glances nervously toward Ranka and Emmy, but all is well. Gridman applauds loudly, relief in his gaze, as those three cards embed themselves into the apple.

Next up are Akane and Rikka. It's fun having duos to judge. Scratch paper ready, Gridman smiles at the six-note theme of Truthseeker Serena. Some things never change. Politely listening to Rikka as she introduces them both, Gridman waits... Only to almost jump out of his seat as she begins to sing! Akane's accompaniment is flawless (save for that one missed note, Gridman notes), and the Hyper Agent had no idea Rikka was capable of singing like that! As the song goes on, he has to disguise how hyped up the performance is getting him. It's important to appear calm and objective, no matter how much he wants to get up and dance!

Tap, tap tap. Gridman enters his scores, feeling more confident of them this round.

LiSA, suddenly looking quite battle-worn, retakes the stage. It's just makeup, Gridman reassures himself. The little model she brings with her gets a curious look, but not for long! LiSA's keyboard magic is a wonder to watch, moving so fast it reminds Gridman of the Neon Genesis Junior High Students. It only takes moments for her code to fill the screen, even as she talks at the same time. LiSA must have a ton of practice with this kind of thing... Maybe he should ask her to take a look at Junk sometime. Before Gridman can even finish his notes on the appearance of the tiny Mazinger, it begins to move all on its own. Truly a wonder!

Despite himself, Gridman feels his smile warm as Kaworu takes the stage. He looks as beautiful as ever. How amazing is Gridman's boyfriend, helping people with their makeup and their talents? If there was a score for assisting, Kaworu would get a perfect 20!

Adjusting his focus, Gridman takes in Orpheus' appearance. He chose to stay in the dress -- interesting. It's a very good look for him, honestly, even without the nice jacket hiding his muscles. Really, the contrast makes it all the more interesting of an outfit. This time, Orpheus enters the stage with confidence, something Gridman seems pleased by. Something about his answer feels... sad, and the Hyper Agent tilts his head. But Orpheus smiles, and Gridman mirrors him, letting his friend's music wash over him. This is Orpheus' true self, clearly, these feelings he expresses in the song... It feels like a privilege to witness it.

The calm mood continues as Namiko and Hass take the stage once more. Their outfits are changed, and both have an elegant air about them. Gridman has attended a tea ceremony once before, at last year's festival, but he's by no means an expert. Namiko's seiza pose is graceful, and she arranges all the equipment with practiced ease. This performance is older than the Universal Century... it's a somber thing to consider. The environment certainly becomes peaceful with Namiko and Hass' efforts, the silence broken once Hass begins to sing. It's a unique sort of sound -- one that earns Gridman's attention.

Tap, tap tap. Scores are entered quickly, Gridman nodding to himself. Next up is the round Gridman has most looked forward to -- 'seasons'. The contestants will have to get creative with such a vague theme, and Gridman can't wait to see what everyone comes up with! Ranka's question is thoughtful, and the Hyper Agent is quiet for a moment, looking down at his paper. The real you, and how you would change things... Something that's been on his mind a lot lately.

There'll be time to figure it out later. For now, Gridman is focused in on the contestants!

<Pose Tracker> Emilia Eschonbach has posed.

        Emmy watches as Cascade makes her way on to stage in a new magician's outfit. She knows Cascade to be very athletic, but the sheer accuracy and technique on display is something impressive- and she walks the audience through her act pretty well. She does not share Gridman's trepidation, either, and just gives him a nod.

        After all, she knows exactly how accurate Cascade can be.

        And then Rikka and Akane come out with a song, and Emmy is- as she often is- pulled into the music, tapping her foot along with it under the table as she tries to keep up the Judge's impartiality. ...It's a good song, though.

        Lisa's performance... elicits a furrowed brow from Emilia. She slips out her scores quickly for that one.

        Today is full of surprises though, with another song she's never heard before. ...She can make a guess at what that aborted word was though. It's perhaps a surprise to see Orpheus has this softer side. She waits until the song is over, and then notes down her score.

        The tea ceremony seems to get a lot of interest from Emmy- it's a subtle performance, but very delicate. She seems drawn into it.

        "...You really h-h-hit them with a t-tough one." Emmy whispers to Ranka, but she's eager to hear the answers. She probably would have frozen up herself if she got this one last year. "N-Nice work."

<Pose Tracker> Cascade Vermilion has posed.

It takes a bit of extra time for Cascade to take the stage this time.

Cascade has, perhaps, taken the 'evoke a season of your choice' a little literally, as she sometimes does. Her dress is all whites and blues. Around the modest neckline and the shoulder straps it's a pale, pale blue, almost white at the very top, shot through with shimmering silvery thread to make it catch the light, like glittering ice; as it gets lower, it gets darker and there's less and less of the silvery thread, until at the lowest hem (around her knees) it's almost midnight blue. It's drawn in around her waist with a sash-like belt, also in blue with a geometric pattern picked out in silver.

Her hair, too, has been made to sparkle with a faint bit of... something brushed through it. It's barely visible as anything more than the tiny flecks of glitter that she'll probably have to brush out for days; the glitter doesn't seem to have a colour, just a sparkle as it catches the ambient light.

Cascade's technical design might be good - she was excellent with the artistry of the costumes she wore previously - but her artistic skill with unique fashion is a bit lacking. Or, at least, she might have reached beyond her grasp. She seems ... not nervous, precisely, but less settled than she has been.

"I picked winter," Cascade says, straightforward. "Winter is important to me... I know I've dressed up with ice and snow, but it's more than that."

"Winter is a time when everything looks like it's dead... but it isn't. It's a harsh season, and it's a season where things break down, but... spring is coming, afterwards. Things will bloom again. It's a time of change, when the old breaks down and is replaced by the new. And I think... that's important."

It's a rare break in from *Cascade*, not her mask, and she pushes it back down a moment later: "But that isn't the question you asked me."

What does she want to change about herself?

...It's a question Cascade has never been asked, truthfully. It's never been anything she's had an opportunity to do. Be one person to one group, and someone else to another group, and a third person in public, but none of the changes between them are real. She's thought of it as putting masks on before, but then there's that other question that she's been worrying about lately:

What is there without a mask? There is no 'real her' behind them.

Is there?

"I don't think that's a question I've ever been asked before," Cascade says, slowly. "Nobody has - ever wanted to know. So I could say, I don't know. But that is outside the spirit of the event, isn't it?"

Another pause. It's getting to the point of awkward. Cascade just holds the microphone, clearly at a loss. She has something she wants to say, and she can't say it. The words will not come out. "I want..." She trails off without finishing.

And then, so quietly it's almost not picked up by the microphone: "I love my parents. But even so... I want to live beyond what people expect of me, but I don't know if I'm brave enough. To do something new, as often as I can. ...Excuse me."

Cascade sets the microphone down and walks off stage. She keeps going once she's off, heading straight through the back area to the exit - though she turns at the last minute to just hide out in the change rooms. She needs to change out of the dress anyway.

Stupid, she tells herself. That was stupid. It was a perfect answer for her cover - from a sheltering noble family, coming to Ashford to live for the first time in her life. She lives that life - she's been a short-term member of as many clubs as will take her, has tried so many hobbies. That's what it was. That's ALL it was, she tells herself.

Right now, Cascade doesn't know if she's angry or sad or both at once. Well, she is angry, but mostly at herself. Where did that answer even *come* from? She hates showing weakness like that. She wants to shout, but that wouldn't be in character for Cascade.

Right now she is mostly hoping nobody from her family was in the audience. Fortunately, that seems unlikely at best.

<Pose Tracker> Akane Shinjo has posed.

Akane strides to the stage very, very slowly for this round, wearing a long white kimono with the slightest hint of blue undertone to the colors. The obi is a two-toned one, alternating between madder red and deep blue like a sunset cast through tree shadows. The contrast with her hair is so stark that even her hair, lighter than Marusan's and definitely lighter than Rikka's, manages to look closer to black in contrast.

What might be more striking, though, is her makeup. Pale blue lips, porcelain-white foundation, and gray eyeshadow give her face an almost frostbitten look. The effect might be so jarring that you look down past her kimono, toward her feet --

-- which aren't there; there's just a faint whitish-blue glow. (Oh, sure, you can see plastic, if you squint -- but permit the illusion. It's a teenager on stage.)

She enters the stage opposite Rikka, holding a folding fan. At three steps away, she flicks it open; at two she raises it. As she reaches Rikka, she asks, "Will you save me from boredom? ... Or can you only feed me?"

The fan slides up between the audience and their faces... what happens next, of course, is just for the two of them.

(... though an omniscient audience might find out that either Akane's not that bold, or she took 'I'm okay with it when it's just us' pretty seriously in planning this particular bit.)

Akane looks nervous as she gets to the question part of this. "So like... I've changed a lot about myself, a lot of times. You'd think that'd make this kinda question easier, but... ahahahhaa, it's really not." She grimaces a bit before finally answering, "I guess what I wanna change about me at this point is... I want to get my head clear enough about this place that I can come back to it alone without getting weird about it, if I have to. I think it's good to have friends you can rely on, but sometimes you need to be able to do stuff by yourself so you can be someone's friend, too."

It's a little embarrassing to admit that your primary goal in changing yourself is 'get your head on straight,' but it's like that sometimes.

<Pose Tracker> Rikka Takarada has posed.

Rikka steps onstage, her arms folded in front of her within the sleeves of her outfit and her hair tied up into a ponytail. Her face, too, has been made up - though not to the extent of Akane's. Faint hints of blush, to bring out the red in her cheeks and sell the illusion they're weaving together.

Her kimono is draped elegantly around her - patterned with decorations of waves of fresh, wind-swept snow, occasionally broken up by the earthy browns of trees and branches bursting forth, reaching from the heavens.

Around her waist, her kimono is kept secure by a powder-blue obi - and around her shoulders a long, translucent ribbon trails behind her, its blues and greens, and faintly some yellows and purples, so many colors that new ones seem to pop out as it moves, reminiscent of the aurora borealis.

She comes to a stop at the front, and does a small spin to let everyone see her outfit from every angle. And then Akane reaches her, and she turns to look -

And for a moment, even though she'd seen her during preparation, seeing her lit by the stage lights like that is enough to steal her breath away. Maybe she didn't even need the blush.

"I have an answer for you... but words won't do it justice." Rikka replies - and as that fan comes up to cover their faces, Rikka leans in close.

(Rikka is, of course, bold enough - but she'd be satisfied, too, with leaning in just close enough.)

This round's question, though, is a tough one. Rikka offers Akane an encouraging smile at that nervous look, but as for herself...

If there is one thing she could change about herself, what would it be...? It takes some thought. On the whole, she's pretty proud of who she is and where she is now... She frowns consideringly.

"I guess... if there's one thing I could change about myself, I'd like to be able to put myself into a position to better help more people. I'm pretty satisfied with who I am now, and honestly, when it comes to looks I'm pretty set... but if I could do more with that I have, I'd be happy." Rikka decides. She considers for a moment. "There's probably a lot more I have yet to learn about the world, too... but I'm in no rush. I can learn as I go."

<Pose Tracker> LiSA has posed.

The final event. Something evocative of a season. This one had been easier to figure out. He stills wears something similar to this day, and she has even taken inspiration from something more business-like Koji normally wears. Indeed, when Lisa shows up on stage for the third time, she's wearing something, perhaps, extraordinarily simple. (and no makeup!)

The young woman's hair is still swept up with the two cheek points, but she's clad in a pair of simple blue jeans, a light blue turtleneck sweater, and a pair of brown loafers. Her socks, rather than being white, are a sort of pale pink, a hint to the cool-turning warm weather that occurs in April in Fujinomiya city.

That's all it is. The sort of comfortable outfit that one could wear in case it's cold while taking in the beautiful sights of not just Mount Fuji itself, but the cherry blossoms that bloom during that time of the year nearby. The sort of outfit one might take someone on a date, if they knew that person wanted to go on a date, instead of being ignored around and/or too busy to acknowledge.

The question is for her, a kind of obvious one; or at least, with how the evening has been going, it's obvious for her. She puts her hands in the pockets of her jeans, and rocks back and forth for a moment. "Who I am? An orphan. Adopted. Someone who doesn't remember much, just waking up. Someone that seen the evils in this world ... and the ones who fight for it, nonetheless." She looks at the microphone, unsure of how to say what she wants to say. "... so I can't say I can really change anything, since I don't know what there is of me to change. But I'm going to keep going forward. Like winter, those were the hard times. Spring is near, for growth, for beauty... For the good of this world... and what man can define it, whether he be god or devil?"

Something strange passes her eyes, and she shakes her head, before abruptly exiting the stage.

<Pose Tracker> Namiko has posed.

"Isn't this that wild one from Rikka's regular list?" Namiko murmured back to Hass. "That's tough...!"

But, thy carry it through with gusto, and Namiko joined Hass in cheering at their friends' performance.

Then, once their own turn is taken, Namiko has to RUSH with Hass back to the changing room for the final act! "C'mon, c'mon, there's a lot to change!" she giggles.

At their final call, Namiko strides out first. Her hair is pinned up, now, just long enough to need it, using that typical red hairclip of hers there instead of on her bangs, leaving them to shift down over her forehead. She's changed into a much brighter blue kimono - more specifically, a style called a furisode, with sleeves that hang very low, down clear to her knees. Where the previous round's kimono was a plain color, this one is splashed with depictions of cherry trees in bloom, sakura petals flourishing along the lines of the garment, down beneath the grassy green obi and scattering across the imagined horizon. The trees and branches, thick with pink, puff up along the long, hanging sleeves of the garment. She walks with reserve, hands folded to let the garment speak for itself. Across the back, the crawling branches continue higher and higher. She does slip into a twirl midway through, hands coming free to unbundle her energy with springly vitality. Makeup is light, but she's selected a blush to highlight her usual spritely energy while she grins, extra wide, a far cry from the reserve she showed not so very long ago.


As to addressing the question, Namiko gets visibly uneasy. Always wearing her heart on her sleeve, right? "Something I'd change, huh?" she muses, at some length.

She gets a small, worried smile. "Aren't we always changing?" she says, lightly. "That's what everything is, always. Sometimes we don't find out who we've changed into today until we've already been them. I guess..."

She puffs up, arms crossing. "I want to change into someone brave enough to follow my friends as far as they need me to go. Girls gotta stick together!"

<Pose Tracker> Hass has posed.

Hass steps out beside Namiko, wearing a furisode of her own, and a mask to match. Her hair is bundled up in a bun as well, and she's taken the time to add some slightly feminizing touches to her eyeliner. In contrast with the bright spring colors of Namiko's furisode, though, Hass' is themed after Autumn--near her shoulders, leaves can be seen in bright greens, but as one moves down the garment, colors begin to shift, with trees depicting the vibrant, ruddy tableau of Winter's herald.

The effect is particularly striking on the long, open sleeves of her furisode, with a gentle greenish-tan near her wrists, fading down toward purples and browns at the tips. Her mask bears a patchwork of leaf designs, as well, matching the rest of her ensemble quite nicely. She can't help giggling as Namiko does a twirl, electing to do an elegant turn for herself, allowing her sleeves to spread away as she does. She's grinning fondly at Nami.

"I'd like to..." She nods to Namiko, agreeing. "I'd like to be less fearful... or maybe I'd like to overcome my fear. When I think about the times I was in danger, lately... I wanted to run. To get away, to be... somewhere else. But I know that's not what I want to do. What I want to do is help people. Help support them in times like this, so they don't have to be scared the way I have been."

<Pose Tracker> Orpheus Zevon has posed.

The group is asked to now choose a season of their choice and well, while at first glance it seems like Summer might have been the choice with the regal attire that had been chosen for him thus far. Though it seems he did have one more outfit change. One that as he looks at it, almost seems...To leave a bit of an entertaining chuckle to him. "Now, where did you get an idea to pick something up like this?"

There's a roll of the eyes that comes as he takes it upon himself to put on the attire, for even this is something that has more meaning to him than one might believe and when he comes out, even if it's in that feminine attire he almost seems more proud of it. The look is very...Rural. For those who have seen Oz upon missions, they'd know that beyond the Black Knight attire he usually wore, he came out in what could only be described as a nomad's attire.

In his final outfit he comes out in what looks like...A gypsy outfit? Yes...It's definitely something that looks nomadic that a traveling merchant might wear. A piece of fabric that exposes his midriff, veils of white and light-red adorning around his neck as he holds them about his arms as if he could use them in dance. Wooden shoes that seemed like they belonged back in Europe rather than in Japan. It's...Definitely something that is questionably at face value, but something in the wave he moves with it, something in the way that he holds himself that even in such foreign attire, there's a sense of dignity to it that someone without fear could pull off. At least, that's how it felt till he arrived at the mic and was asked that question.

"If I...Wanted to...Change...?" It was a question that Orpheus didn't usually have to think about, because for him...He could always change. He could be anyone he wanted. He could near be anything he desired. He was always able to change, to adapt to the environment. To change to what was needed of him in the moment. Of what he needed to change to survive. Though the question is simpler than that...If you could change...How would you want to? It was something that demanded a choice. A thought of something he wanted to be...In the future. Had he, had he ever really thought about that...? "I want to...Change..." All of a sudden his tone seems very confused. Was he repeating the question, or attempting to answer it. "I...I..N-- Nnngh!!!"

It's for a moment that Orpheus' voice cracks. His tone much more feminine and in fact...For a good long second rather than just appearing as to be cross-dressing...It almost seems like to the crowd that he's filled out that attire rather stunningly. As if he's truly taken on the persona of a female Orpheus. Still, the tone of his voice sounds higher, more drawn out as he holds his eye. "N-Now...Of all times?" It's something he finds mumbling away from the mic and in a moment he turns from the crowd to only one look at Kaworu. It's here that he sees something...Orpheus' Geass was active...And then...


The young man(?) reels back a bit, gritting his(?) teeth...Though all a sudden...There's a silence. His hand is removed from his face to show that he's perfectly fine, albeit. "Apologies. I was a bit...Overdramatic, but something felt like it just got into my eye I wasn't ready for...I know it's unbecoming." There's a bit more of a forced smile as tears can be seen running down his cheek. Still, he goes back to the mic as he looks like he's going to try and wipe away the tears...But he stops himself.

"To answer your question...If there's one thing about me I want to change. It's to be...Stronger. Someone who, who's able to deal with hardship without giving in. Someone who's able to fight through adversity to achieve what I've set out to do...Thank you..."

It's at this point that Oz steps back away from the mic. To the crowd and all who'd look upon his face, it'd just appear as though he was still tearing up from one eye with a forced smile. But for one person in particular...What that person would see is well... The look of a crimson eye...With tears of blood pouring down upon it, and gritted teeth. This was no joke, this was serious for a plethora of reasons. What had been him being dragged into tom-foolery had not become an actual dilemma, and it was clear from that bleeding alone that this was having adverse affects on him. So why wasn't he stepping away? Simply because...

'I have a duty for their sakes to put in all I can for this event. If I don't, I'd be more ashamed than I'd ever be. So all I can say is to those who supported me, those here watching, judging, and those I am contending against...Don't expect me to not put it all on the line here today...'

So with the few minutes he knows he has left of this Geass...He grits his teeth alone, putting on a mask just as he always does.

<Pose Tracker> Alouette Pommier has posed.

The final round is upon them... this round is about evoking the seasons. There's so very many ways to do that...

And Akane and Rikka's answer catches her attention immediately, portraying a scene that's quite literally chilling. Alouette knows it's just makeup and amateur special effects: but it evokes those emotions nonetheless. The dialogue is delightfully cheesy, Alouette thinks.

Cascade chooses winter as well and it's hard not to see that, with that shimmering, icy outfit. Alouette nods in understanding when she explains the reason she likes winter so much. It's probably her favourite season too.

LiSA on the other hand, goes with spring, and her words echo Cascade's, representing the hope after a harsh winter. Sayaka recognizes the outfit of course. Did she get it re-fit or is it just a very convincing recreation?

Namiko and Hass, then, continue their streak of traditionalism - each wearing a furisode of their own. While Namiko evokes the iconic sakura season, perfectly representing spring, Hass brings in the cool breeze of autumn. It really does represent them as a pair in so many ways.

As for Oz, well... Alouette honestly has no idea what's going on with him. She's seen tricks like this before, so while it's clever that he brought his twin sister to fill in for him for just a moment... she simply thinks it's just that. Although it is a little strange how emotional he is about it? But maybe it's some kind of family tradition thing, she doesn't really judge.

Ranka's question actually does provoke some thought for her though, even if she's not up on stage... she's already changed so much in so many ways, hasn't she? But it's not like she doesn't think she still has room for growth, either. Ultimately, she's kind of glad she doesn't have to answer on the spot.

<Pose Tracker> Sheryl Nome has posed.

        Sheryl watches as Cascade hurries past, towards the exit but ultimately to the changing room. His lips are pursed in faint sympathy, but he doesn't follow after her. For one, he barely knows her; for another, he knows if it were him, he'd rather die than have a near-stranger walk in on a vulnerable moment. Either way, it sounds like her home situation is complicated... Though in a different way from him, at least.
        He grins at that veiled kiss that Akane and Rikka share behind the veil of a fan. Whether they actually kiss or not is irrelevant; the stage is all about allure and mystique, after all, and those two nailed it. The answers are more straightforward by comparison, and very much what Sheryl would've guessed from each of them.
        LiSA's presentation is simpler by far--not necessarily in a bad way, but it's not something Sheryl would wear onto the stage. The pink socks, as minor a detail as they are, do help bring it together, as does LiSA's actual answer... even if she ends up walking off just as abruptly as Cascade had. Sheryl relates, all the same.
        Namiko and Hass keep up the Japanese theming--it's genuinely surprising that they did this independently of Rikka and Akane, but then, they are friends, so maybe it's just similar tastes. The furisode is a change at least, slowing down their pace and allowing for a leisurely display of Namiko's beautiful sakura-themed kimono and Hass's contrasting purple-brown leafy kimono.
        On the other side of the backstage, though... Kaworu watches over Orpheus with concern. Now of all times indeed. They share that look, one of understanding--he sees easily that his Geass had activated momentarily. He doesn't act, though. Orpheus is clever enough to play it off on his own, and he does. But once he has the opportunity, Kaworu brings him tissues with which to clean his face, before anyone has the opportunity to see what those "tears" really are.
        Sheryl, meanwhile, watches this part with a raised eyebrow. This question has gotten the contestants awfully emotional, to the point of tears. She respects that Orpheus managed to stay on stage, but is the question of 'how would you change yourself' really that bad?
        Still, the show must go on. Putting on a brilliant smile, he strides out onto stage, raising an arm to wave as he takes up the center position again. "This is it, what you've all been waiting for: the final judging. But before we get to that, let's have another round of applause for all our contestants, hm?" Sheryl beckons applause from the crowd, gesturing again and again until there's a proper level of excitement. He grins and joins in on the applause, with a 'yeah!' once it's heated up. After it dies down, he continues, "It takes nerve to stand up in front of an audience so they can all judge you, and I praise you all for having that nerve--but there can only be one winner!" In time with his declaration, Sheryl thrusts a single finger out to the audience.
        A beat.
        Then he raises two more fingers and wiggles them. "Just kidding~. There's actually three winners, which in a pageant with only five entrants gives pretty good odds on coming out with something." He shrugs broadly, then shines a smile on the crowds. "We'll at least spare our brave contestants the specific numbers, unlike last year. But like last year, our top three winners get a funding boost to the club of their choice, increasing in rank from 25%, to 50%, to a whopping 100%! This has been decided and agreed on by the student councils of all of the participating GUTS schools, so don't worry; win, and you'll get your funding one way or another~!" He winks, then turns to one side to gesture to the judges' table. "Then judges, if you'll deliver your verdicts, please!"

<Pose Tracker> Gridman has posed.

The final round! Gridman leans forward in his chair, eager to see his friends express themselves through the lens of the seasons. There are so many possibilities!

Akane, moving slowly, takes the stage. She looks like ice itself, with her exquisite makeup and kimono. Gridman feels his breath catch in his throat -- completely buying into the "floating" illusion. Rikka matches her, perfectly equal in elegance with her outfit invoking driven snow. The dead of winter gives way to brighter days, Gridman thinks, watching the two meet at the center of the stage and hide behind Akane's fan. Again, he buys the illusion, a soft smile crossing his face.

"Amazing..." Gridman breathes, taking down notes.

Cascade shimmers as she moves, drawing Gridman's gaze especially to the glitter in her hair. She is the picture of calm confidence as she walks to the microphone, glittering with all the grace of winter, but as she opens her mouth... The Hyper Agent's brow furrows. What a terribly sad answer to Ranka's question. Is Cascade okay? Gridman doesn't know her, but anyone who gives an answer like that has got to be in trouble of some sort. Trying to focus on Cascade's outfit and demeanor, Gridman notes down the way her outfit glowed on stage... But can't quite get her final expression out of his mind.

LiSA opts for a simple outfit, bereft of makeup this time! It's a bold choice, Gridman thinks, compared to the hyper-complicated ensembles the others choose. All the same, he notes down the details of her outfit. Perhaps this is also a selection from Koji Kabuto's wardrobe? If so, she gets points for sticking so closely to her chosen theme... Once more, Ranka's question seems to have drawn out deep feelings in the contestant. Gridman tries to look encouraging as LiSA pauses, something strange in her eyes -- and turns back to his notes as she leaves the stage.

"Ranka," Gridman whispers. "I think your question was really intense for some people..!"

Namiko and Hass make their final return, and Gridman smiles at their performance. Namiko, clearly embodying spring, is beautiful in her bright blue kimono. Cherry blossoms flower across her ensemble, and Gridman can't help but doodle one on his notes. Light, sweet makeup enhances the entire thing, giving Namiko the energy of new beginnings. Hass, certainly not outdone by her partner, is lovely in her own winter-themed furisode. Gridman's eyes are soft as he takes notes, thinking about how much his friends have grown...

Orpheus' final look brings a blush to Gridman's face. It's really showstopping, he thinks, taking a breath before he examines his friend's outfit. Where the dress emphasized Orpheus' pretty face, these veils enhance his musculature, and Gridman isn't quite sure where to look! It seems the Hyper Agent is suddenly very, very busy with his notes, until Orpheus steps forward to answer Ranka's question.

Gridman pushes himself to his feet, with a call of "Orpheus!". Without hesitating, he jumps up onto the stage, trying to steady his friend as he stumbles, only to find -- wow, did Orpheus' body, um... Was it like this before? Carefully, the Hyper Agent wraps his arm around Orpheus' shoulders.

"Are you alright? What's going on?" Gridman murmurs, quietly enough only for Orpheus, and perhaps Kaworu, to hear. "Let me know what you need."

It seems Orpheus wants to finish the show -- but Gridman is still worried, seeing those tears, so he hovers nearby. Maybe it's not very proper for a judge, but there's no way Gridman will sit back and watch his friend suffer. Something about Ranka's question has really, really upset Orpheus. Gridman resolves to find the other young man once the pageant is over and figure this out.

Should Orpheus allow him, Gridman will help his friend backstage, and then return to his judge's seat. Max appears at Gridman's shoulder, nodding. Max will take care of Orpheus. With a murmured thank you, Gridman returns, looking rattled. He glances to Ranka and Emmy with a distressed expression, but he's still got to figure out his scores. It's only fair to judge Orpheus for what happened before his... panic attack, maybe? Gridman quickly taps in his scores and sits back.

"Do we have medical people here?" Gridman quietly asks. Orpheus was crying, but that could be a sign of something worse. It's better to be prepared. "Or a first aid kit, maybe?"

Such a dire end to the Pageant... Maybe the announcement of the winners can get the room's energy back up. If anyone can do it, Sheryl Nome would be Gridman's top choice!

Joining in the applause, Gridman works up a smile of his own as the spotlight turns to the judges' table. He stands, looking at his friends on the stage.

"You were all spectacular tonight! Judging was tough for me. Each of us have a few words for all of you. No matter what, remember, everyone's the better for seeing you perform, okay?"

Gridman looks down at his notes. "Performing is about respecting the people who show up to support you. Keeping your energy high is vital, and so is confidence! It's important to thank everyone for coming by giving them your best self, and pushing away any doubt." A soft smile. "Everyone wants to see you succeed. Accept their wish and give them your all!"

<Pose Tracker> Emilia Eschonbach has posed.

        Emmy's looks very thoughtful as Cascade says her piece. The outfit is gorgeous,of course, but she seems offput. What she says though... A look of worry passes over Emmy's face briefly. She may... have to check on her after the show. She's put herself out there too far herself.

        She's getting a little better at the impassiveness over the evening. She watches intently, looking at the winter kimonos. They *are* very pretty. When the small skit is finished, she reaches down and marks down her scores.

        Her expression is muted as LiSA says her piece. She seems to give an analytical look over her outfit, before her hand moves to her scoping sheet.

        There's something... very strange about Oz's performance. There's a shift in the... everything. It's a rather impressive effect, honestly... Emmy kind of wonders how he did it. "Th-th-there's a first aid officer. Th-they'll ch-ch-check on him."

        Namiko and Hass come out in their spring and autumn furisode, and the outfits are stunning. Emmy seems to take extra note of Hass' answer.

        Finally, Sheryl asks the judges to render their verdicts. Emmy nods, and finalizes her scores on the tablets. "On b-b-behalf of the GUTS Council, th-th-thank you all for competing. W-we saw some b-bold acts, and some. I-interesting outfits. Th-those of you n-n-not graduating, I h-hope to see you back next y-year, and for those watching for the, um, the first time, I h-hope you feel encouraged to c-compete n-next year!"

        She hands Sheryl the envelope with the final scores, her last duty as judge but for congratulations.

<Pose Tracker> Cascade Vermilion has posed.

Cascade does return once she's composed herself to see the final results, though too late to see what went on with Oz. She looks at him, but if the medics are handling him, they can do more for him than she ever could.

Plus, she wants to be there for the final results.

<Pose Tracker> Ranka Lee has posed.

Ranka asked the question, she opened the box so to speak. So it's difficult watching each contestant struggle through it.

There is a sense of sympathy about her. "You might be right about that." She murmurs to Gridman, "But... I think it's a question that's important." And then thoughtful as she offers further explanation, "People who want to win these kinds of competition have to put themselves out there, and open their hearts to the people who are involved."

There are specific things she wants to change about herself that she wouldn't want to be put on the spot about, but she asked simply for one thing, not all things.

She too, gasps as Oz has obvious difficulty on stage, but lets Gridman tend to the situation. Once it's over. She does feel badly for the tears.

Still, in the end, she has to take the answers for what they are. And she tabulates her final scoring. When Sheryl announces the contestants, Ranka waits for Emilia to finish, then speaks up, "I was very excited to come out here tonight after being in the audience last year. I could really feel how hard you all were trying out there. If I had to offer an observation to our contestants, it would be that standing on a stage is a performance. You have to try your hardest to bring a certain energy to the crowd."

Ranka then smiles as she looks everywhere, "It was a lesson I had to learn after Miss Macross, when I really lacked confidence in myself. I had to change myself to earn my ability to stand on that stage out there. Even if you're not working your way to that kind of stage, it's still worth consideration in your day to day life, right?"

She smiles at all of them, "Thank you all, for taking the time to put yourselves out there. I really had a good time being here tonight!"

<Pose Tracker> Akane Shinjo has posed.

Akane's busy getting that makeup off; it's great for effect, but there's so much of it and it feels like she's practically wearing clay on her face because of how much it takes to get that yuki-onna effect. She actually misses Orpheus's dramatic moment -- or at least misses seeing it; it's hard to miss hearing it.

(She can extend him a little empathy for that, though. It's hard to tell people an honest answer about how you want to change when you spend all your time under a mask.)

It's Emmy that catches her off guard. That's right -- this is the last Deculture Festival that she'll be a participant in, barring catastrophically failing all of her exams or having even more disruptions to her school schedule that she can't just sprint through. If she was still holing up in her room, she'd never have had this chance -- never had any of these chances.

Maybe, she thinks, as she wipes some makeup she accidentally smudged into her hair, she's changed more than she thought.

Scooting toward Rikka, she discreetly asks, "What club are you thinking of chucking this into? Montserrat's drama could use the funding for my half, but..."

<Pose Tracker> Orpheus Zevon has posed.

Gridman's concern is well warranted on some level, and yet the moment that he even attempts to bring a hand to Orpheus' shoulder, he'd find that there's an immediate rejection by Orpheus. A hand keeps him at bay, as he keeps his friend at arm's length. "Yuta...You're over-reacting..." The words are said with what look to be an earnest smile. Still he tries to keep his expression turned from the cameras, and even now the veil is used a bit more defensively to conceal his face than before. "Seriously, it'll be a problem if the others think that you're showing favoritism. It's like I said before... The kind of person I want to change to be...Now hold off on the medics. We're not finished yet. If you want to help...Do your part, okay?"

The last thing he needs right now is anyone trying to examine his eye. Even now it was taking all he can to keep cameras from the angle, manipulating the veil as if trying to wipe away tears. Forcing himself to catch his breath again and smile with his actual cheek muscles though this. He doesn't accept Gridman's offer to take him backstage, though he does take Kaworu's tissue to wipe away the tears. Gridman is probably at this point close enough that even if he's doing his best to keep the tissue well hidden see that there's blood. At the same time, it's enough for him to speak up again. "I know my body well enough...Now please...Go back."

For the duration of the pageant, Orpheus was just doing his best to keep to low visibility. Staying just out of the spotlights as best he could, away from the stage unless called upon. Even though he had indeed 'cried', after the fact he thought the expression he was using was enough to assure others. Perhaps people were truly caring in those sorts of things. Perhaps his ability to control the mask he was wearing...Was harder to handle than usual. In truth, even now it felt like if he didn't focus on his own image, his Geass would simply choose something that was on his mind. A task that should have been easy enough if it didn't feel like there was a searing sensation in the back of his head, and a throbbing pain in his eyes as if he were focusing on it.

I don't know why it went off...But a few more minutes...Give it a few more minutes to subside...

His Geass was one that usually had a timer upon its usage. While it was ominous it activated so easily on its own, he figured that as things settled, it'd just simply shut off on his own. That's how it always is. That's what he should expect. At least, that's what he hopes for as he feels himself gritting his teeth behind a sealed lip smile, loosely concealed by the veil he was already using. He'd keep his composure till the winners were announced.

<Pose Tracker> Sheryl Nome has posed.

        Sheryl accepts the envelope Emilia delivers him with a flourish and a brilliant smile. Gridman was quick to go to Orpheus's aid, even if he chose not to actually leave but simply take Kaworu's tissues to clean his face. (Once the announcements are over, Kaworu will quietly and discreetly escort Orpheus away.) In turn, Sheryl was equally quick to keep the audience from focusing on Orpheus during what seemed like a moment of pain. He keeps up that energy now too, to make sure that the pageant ends on a high note despite what just happened.
        "Then, with great pleasure, I'll announce..."
        He holds up the envelope and snaps out the letter within with a sharp gesture, holding it up and out enough to read what's written therein.
        "In third place... Cascade Vermilion!
        "In second place... Namiko and Hass!
        "And in first place... Rikka Takarada and Akane Shinjo!!"
        With a broad grin, Sheryl steps to one side to allow space for the five of them to come up and take their bows. "Congratulations to our winners! Make sure to notify the GUTS Committee of what club you what your prize budget boost to go to. But before we put a cap on this night... will last year's winner, Gridman, please present the victory bouquet to this year's winners, Rikka and Akane!"

<Pose Tracker> Gridman has posed.

As Sheryl announces the winners, Gridman stands, picking up a bouquet from the arms of a nearby stagehand. It's a gorgeous, oversized display, featuring flowers of every season. Spring daffodils, summer marigolds, fall sunflowers, and winter poinsettias. Tiny white daisies are scattered throughout, while the yellow flowers halo the red poinsettias, creating a loud, energetic look. The bouquet is nearly as big as Gridman's torso, and he can't help but grin as he carries it forward.

"Congratulations, you two." Stopping in front of Akane and Rikka, he offers the flowers to them. "You were amazing! I couldn't be happier it was the both of you who won."

Pictures are taken of the previous and new winners, of all the contestants together, of Akane and Rikka in particular. Gridman beams as he watches everyone interact. What a precious memory this is going to be, he thinks, bringing one hand to his heart. He has to memorize every piece of it.

Orpheus' denial of help and mis-naming, toward Gridman stings. The Hyper Agent keeps an eye on him, even as he watches the proceedings. He tries to do as Orpheus asks, but notably keeps sneaking glances toward his friend. He thought he saw blood on that tissue Orpheus was wiping his eyes with. That's got to be some kind of serious medical issue, right? Gridman notices Kaworu taking care of Orpheus, and gives his boyfriend a nod. Alright, if Kaworu's on top of this, Gridman can relax.

Depending on what the winners desire, the after-party could be just beginning! Music, confetti, even light snacks are made available. Borr walks to Namiko and Hass, giving them both a thumbs up, while Vit stays in the audience, filming the children interacting. Max, if he is allowed, will attend to Kaworu and Orpheus, while Calibur joins Gridman at Akane and Rikka's side. They are both offered an even-tempered nod from the samurai.

"N--nice job." Calibur waves his little "Akane & Rikka" flag. "W--we were cheering for you."

Gridman throws an arm around Rikka, stands close to Akane, and holds up his phone. Who cares if all of their makeup is a mess? That only makes the memory more real. If he has his way, they'll all keep this celebration going!

<Pose Tracker> Hass has posed.

Hass looks with some concern over at Orpheus, but he seems to be tended to, so she just lets out a sigh. Between him, and Cascade leaving the way she did earlier... well, things feel a little bittersweet, even as Cascade's announced to be the third-place competitor.

She brightens up as she and Namiko are named the runners-up, though, hugging her tight... before giving out a little squeal of excitement as Rikka and Akane are announced the winners! She runs over to hug the pair. "Congratulations, you two!" she gushes, grinning under her mask. "You did the shinsengumi thing *way* better than we did."

<Pose Tracker> Alouette Pommier has posed.

"Congratulations~" Alouette approaches the two victors with a wide smile on her face. "I was cheering for you the whole time and you shattered past even my expectations!" She enthuses - they really did go all out on the opening act, and the song... even the seasons was a story unto itself.

To the runner-ups, Namiko, Hass and Cascade (who returned to see the final results) she offers a smile as well. "I'm hardly a judge or anything, but I bet it was really close..." She considers. "The tea ceremony and the card tricks were also incredible acts in their own right, honestly."

"That final prompt seemed really tough..." She cups her hand on her cheek for a moment. "I mean... even I couldn't really come up with an answer and it's not like I was being put on the spot." Her tone doesn't suggest it's a bad thing though, in fact, she respects Ranka for putting out something that makes you think. Even if she hopes Orpheus will be all right, if that's what tripped him up.

<Pose Tracker> Rikka Takarada has posed.

Backstage, Rikka is there to give Akane a hand. Her makeup job was much more simple - so by this point, she's already finished. That doesn't mean she isn't listening, though. Sheryl's praise of their nerve, Gridman's words about respect, about accepting everyone wishes and giving it their all... Emilia's gratitude, Ranka's lessons about confidence...

She hears all of them.

"That's a good question..." Rikka considers, as Akane asks her question. "I'm thinking I'd like to support our music club."

She meant what she said, after all, but wanting to be able to share the power of music.

And finally, the winners are announced. Her heart soars with pride to hear that Namiko and Hass got second - and then, in first place... it's herself and Akane.

Making sure she isn't in the middle of anything dangerous, Rikka sweeps Akane up into a hug! She doesn't mind at all if she ends up getting some of that make-up on her own face.

"We did it... I can't believe it." Rikka says, face flushed with excitement. They won. After last year, she wasn't sure how she'd do...

...But in the end, doesn't it speak volumes of the effects on working hand in hand with someone else?

It isn't long before Hass approaches, and Rikka gladly accepts her hug.

"Thank you! And congratulations to you and Namiko, for getting second! I'm so proud of you both!" Rikka replies, then shakes her head. "Are you kidding? You two were incredible! Super dashing. It was a great look for both of you."

It's definitely the best possible outcome, she thinks - though she would've thought the same even if they were the ones who came in first.

And so, hand in hand, she walks out onto the stage - and when it's her turn, she bows. She offers a smile to Cascade.

"Hey, you did great out there, too... I was really impressed." She says. Winter means a lot to her, too - her name says it all, after all, and that's one she won't let anyone take from her.

And now, it's time to hand out the bouquet - and it's quite an impressive one, at that. Rikka holds one half, leaving room for Akane to take the other.

"Thank you... We put our all into it." Rikka replies. His happiness is an incredible sight to see.

Rikka, for her part, is fine with a more subdued event - even she's a little drained after all of that, but she's glad to have everyone here with her.

Orie is here too, of course, and after giving her daughter a hug(and Akane too, if she wants one) she steps to the sidelines to let everyone enjoy themselves.

"It was a tough question." Rikka agrees with a nod toward Alouette. "...But I think it was an important one to ask. Especially now. Ranka's really something impressive..."

"Thanks..." That means a lot to me. I'm glad you all could make it." Rikka says, offering Calibur a smile.

Gridman approaches and throws her arm around her, drawing out his phone - and Rikka offers the camera a great big smile!

This is definitely an event worth preserving - and one she'll look back on for years to come.

<Pose Tracker> Namiko has posed.

Namiko gives Hass a slightly strained smile, as Orpheus has their episode, but...it seems they're cared for. "Save our energy for the people who aren't being helped," Namiko says, putting a comforting hand on her shoulder. "Looks like they'll be OK."

And then...OH HECK. "What!" she laughs, and leaps right into Hass' arms, giggling and jumping excitedly. BUT EVEN MORE THAN THAT: She joins Hass in running right over to throw a GREAT BIG HUG, smiling excitedly. "Congratulations!! That was so cool!! How did we land on the same stuff!?" she says, with a big laugh in her belly. "You guys were amazing!"

<Pose Tracker> Rikka Takarada has posed.

"I know, right?" Rikka replies with a laugh at Namiko's comment, accepting her hug too. "Even when we're on different sides, I guess we're just way too in sync. And, thanks - you were amazing, too!"

<Pose Tracker> Sheryl Nome has posed.

        With the pageant over but the party just begun, Sheryl will make the rounds to mingle, entertain, and be entertained. It'll keep him busy--or really 'her' by now, having dispensed with the masc voice by now--but she'll make sure to swing by Rikka and Akane later to lean in to them, one hand up to her face, and murmur:
        "I'm proud of you two."

<Pose Tracker> Akane Shinjo has posed.

"Oooh, that's a good pick," Akane agrees. "I think we've got a solid shot at second..." She doesn't think they really nailed the third round and is chastising herself over her piano-playing a bit, but as was said already -- you have decent odds of going home with something, and she's trying to convince herself to believe in her skills lately.

(If nothing else, she believes in the power of noted hypercarry Rikka Takarada.)

When she hears they got first, though -- she's swept up into a hug, and immediately returns it, with a big, enthused smile. "I -- ahahha, wow, I wasn't expecting that -- whoo," she stammers, but she's clearly delighted.

When Namiko and Hass approach, Akane adds, "Sounds like the Rikka Corps really swept things this year," enthused. At Namiko's comment of landing on the same stuff, she adds, "It's pretty wild, right? ... Which one of you put the period dramas in the ecosystem here, anyway?"

(She guesses it was Namiko.)

Even in her half-off makeup and wobbly platform shoes, Akane greets her friends with a smile. "Ahaha, don't you think it's kinda off for a judge to --" she starts, but then she remembers that that's the kind of logic that stopped her up for years and says, instead, "You did a great job judging, and I'd have said that even if we didn't pull it off."

That whisper from Sheryl gets Akane to blush -- though it's only visible on the cheek she's fully cleaned off. "... thanks," she murmurs. "We're trying really hard."