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(Created page with "*'''Log: 2022-01-15 Vending Violence''' *'''Cast:''' Character :: Kaworu Nagisa, Character :: Shinji Ikari, Character :: Asuka Shikinami Langley *'''Where:''' NERV...")
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*'''Where:''' NERV HQ, Tokyo-3, OCU Japan
*'''Where:''' NERV HQ, Tokyo-3, OCU Japan
*'''OOC - IC Date:''' January 15, 0096 (2022)
*'''OOC - IC Date:''' January 15, 0096 (2022)
*'''Summary''': ''Splitting off from the events of [[2022-01-15_Vending_Hearts|Vending Hearts]], Kaworu and Asuka battle it out in the simulators while Shinji tries to convince them not to follow through with their bet.''
*'''Summary''': ''Splitting off from the events of [[2022-01-15:_Vending_Hearts|Vending Hearts]], Kaworu and Asuka battle it out in the simulators while Shinji tries to convince them not to follow through with their bet.''

Revision as of 02:08, 28 March 2022

  • Log: 2022-01-15 Vending Violence
  • Cast: Kaworu Nagisa, Shinji Ikari, Asuka Shikinami Langley
  • Where: NERV HQ, Tokyo-3, OCU Japan
  • OOC - IC Date: January 15, 0096 (2022)
  • Summary: Splitting off from the events of Vending Hearts, Kaworu and Asuka battle it out in the simulators while Shinji tries to convince them not to follow through with their bet.

<Pose Tracker> Kaworu Nagisa has posed.

        Even if Kaworu has no intent of winning, it probably isn't good to challenge a fellow Child to a bet for her Evangelion. But it would have been worse to let Asuka get her hands on Shinji. Kaworu has no regrets. He accomplished what he set out to do. Now there's naught left but to follow through with it.
        That had been his intent, at least. As Kaworu had left the cafeteria, he'd expected Asuka to rise to the challenge and follow. But Shinji follows, apparently intent on trying to break the bet up, going so far as telling Kaworu that *he's* the one going too far.
        It stings. But it's fine, too. Once Kaworu has gone far enough through the long and barren hallways of NERV HQ away from the cafeteria that the three of them aren't going to be interrupted, he stops and turns to face his fellow Children bound by fate.
        "Was there something you wanted to say to us, Shinji Ikari?" he says, tone now mild. It isn't condescending; it's more like someone giving someone else the floor, which might seem a little strange considering the context of the offer. He doesn't address Asuka directly for the time being, but she's already made her own feelings clear.

<Pose Tracker> Shinji Ikari has posed.

Shinji catches up, breathing. Maybe that stuff about Coordinators being super-fast IS true. He actually isn't sure if Asuka is one; she never mentioned and he didn't ask, though being in a combat zone at, what, twelve kind of hints at it.

"I'm." Shinji takes a WHEEZE. "Sorry." He holds a hand up, finally catching his breath. "This is my fault. Asuka, I honestly wasn't paying attention when I sat down, it must've just been habit from home. I was a jerk to try and make you have lunch with people you didn't want to, it was a stupid thing to fight about. I just..."

He considers going on about their records, but IS he sorry about that?

"Father and I don't get along, alright." Shinji says, finally. "It's why the 'daddy's boy' thing sets me off. It was cruel of me to put everyone in this situation because of that."

"We're all on the same side, here." Shinji tries again, face flushed from the emotional agony of saying these many things at once. "If you two need to fight or something, I can't say I understand that, but I think. I think the stakes are wrong. It's not fair to anyone."

<Pose Tracker> Asuka Shikinami Langley has posed.

Asuka is stomping past, her anger palpable, her plug suit encased feet stabbing at the floor as she walks on by but when Kaworu stops in the hallway to talk to Shinji, her pace slows, then stops as she crosses her arms. Looking away like she's trying to find a wall clock to figure out just how much time is being wasted standing here dealing with the Daddy's Boy.

There isn't one in view of course, so for the moment time has stopped... even if her temper hasn't. A hand resting upon the opposite elbow taps impatiently.

Still when Shinji invokes her name, she at least looks off to the side in his direction, still mostly faced away.

Shinji apologies - Asuka takes a deep breath. But then he cites how his father and him don't get along and she bristles. Something about that just seems to rankle her, get under her skin.

"What are you stupid or something? You think I'm upset about something Captain Katsuragi ordered?"

Wasn't she though?

"I'm not gonna apologize for saying you're only here because of the Commander. That's still true."

One might hear the phantom 'Daddy's Boy' after - like it's there, just insubstantial, she hasn't stopped calling him that and won't. But for once at least she doesn't say it.

"The fact is we're not on the same side. And if the understudy thinks he's better than me? Then you better believe I'm going to put him in his place."

A challenge to the idea that Asuka deserves to be here more than anyone else? Unacceptable, she can't let that stand.

<Pose Tracker> Kaworu Nagisa has posed.

        As he often does, Shinji apologizes. Kaworu's already-calm expression softens as he watches him and listens, quiet and attentive. He waits until he's finished speaking; then he nods. He doesn't speak yet, though, instead now turning his attention to Asuka and listening to *her* speak until she's finished having *her* word. Her anger is, of course, understandable. After all, he sparked it on purpose.
        "No, you're right," he says quietly to Shinji. "It was inappropriate of me to issue that challenge." He turns his gaze to Asuka. "Asuka Shikinami Langley, I apologize for my words and withdraw my wager. I understand how important your position is to you. If you still wish to rebuke me, I understand."
        He doesn't actually say he won't take her on in the simulator, for what it's worth. He doesn't remark on whether they're all on the same side or not, either. But perhaps, with this, the fight itself is over.

<Pose Tracker> Shinji Ikari has posed.

Put yourself out there more, Misato said. People will surprise you.

People never surprise him. That feeling, that black grip on his chest, an icy hand squeezing into a fist in his lungs happens again, and Shinji wonders why he keeps trying at all.

Maybe, he thinks, the next Angel'll get lucky and he won't have to deal with any of this anymore. That'd be nice, the thought whispers in his head, insistent, to just end. But for some reason, that he doesn't entirely understand, Shinji can't just stop. Why is he getting involved with this girl who clearly hates him? Because, what, he feels sorry for her?

At least one of them saw reason. Shinji gives Kaworu a hesitant smile but, perhaps, the first sincere one he's had today.

<Pose Tracker> Asuka Shikinami Langley has posed.

Asuka's arms unlace suddenly at Kaworu's apology, as she seems to start slightly as she turns around. "What? Don't do it just because he asked you to!"

She looks... frustrated? Why is a Coordinator that's obviously so talented deferring to Shinji Ikari, is he trying to get in good with the Commander's Son just to climb the promotional ladder? It's the obvious explanation to her. The only one, but he doesn't seem sycophantic either? She'd encountered enough people to know.

Taking another deep breath, she gives Shinji a glare at that hesitant smile he's sporting towards Kaworu.

"Fine. Fine! You want to the drop the stakes Fifth Child?"

She says finally, dropping the Understudy for the first time since he stated he'd be the backup pilot. In a sense she respected the challenge - even if she couldn't let it stand due to an acknowledgement of her talent. Challenging her way to the top is the only way she knows how to live her life.

"Fine. It was never about that anyway. We're still going at it in the simulators to prove who's the better pilot."

If she can't win, then she was never worthy of being the pilot of Eva-02 in the first place, it hardly matters if someone actually took her spot.

<Pose Tracker> Kaworu Nagisa has posed.

        For the first time this time around, Shinji gives him a genuine smile. Kaworu returns it, soft and gentle. It's a small thing--for both of them. But, for now, it's enough.
        Sadly, Asuka's not willing to simply accept his apology, but that's fine. While he did mean it, he can't truthfully deny that he's apologizing because it's what Shinji wants, so he doesn't; he merely gives her a patient look as she works through her frustration on her own and adjusts the stakes.
        "Very well, Second Child," he replies, re-establishing what the dynamic between the two of them will be. "After you, then." He pauses, then looks back at Shinji. "I'm sorry to have added to your stress," he adds quietly, genuine regret shadowing his somber expression. "I'll keep myself in check this time, I promise. So if you want to return to your meal, please go ahead."
        Having said that, Kaworu won't stop Shinji from following and seeing this through to the end, either. However it goes, it isn't far from here to the simulators; both he and Asuka are already in their plug suits too. Once they're actually in, it's a short but intense competition. Kaworu consistently does well; he has good reaction speed, good tactics, good instincts. Ultimately, his results are not as good as Asuka's, though. While he does at least give her a run for her money, at the end of the competition, it's she who comes out on top.
        When he leaves the simulator and rejoins the other(s), he breathes a faint sigh as he slips his hands into his jacket pockets. However, he says nothing, waiting patiently for Asuka to get the first word in.

<Pose Tracker> Shinji Ikari has posed.

Shinji watches.

He doesn't have anything to say, really, because these two are as alien to him as the Angels right now. But he can't bring himself to look away. It feels like a terrible obligation.

The worst part is, she's right. Piloting is what Father wants. Its the only thing he's ever wanted from him, and as much as Shinji wishes he was anywhere else in the world right now.

He's here, watching these two people tear into each other for something he doesn't understand. He doesn't understand something else, either.

But for just a second the instincts that carried Shinji Ikari through two successful Angel battles scream to life, and all he wants to do is drag Asuka out of the simulator. What the hell is wrong with me?, Shinji thinks, shaking his head. I need to drink some water.

And in the Evangelion cages, Unit-01's eyes dim. The partial activation is written down as a fluke of programming.

<Pose Tracker> Asuka Shikinami Langley has posed.

"Let's get to it then."


Asuka sits back in the simulator, taking the time to catch her breath. That was a much more difficult test than she would like to admit. And while she came out on top, as expected, she has to admit Kaworu is a skilled pilot to come so close.

Leaving the simulator, Asuka has on a smug look of course as she approaches Kaworu... in full view of Shinji, with all of his anger at the scenario...

Despite that anger though, he might notice the vibe is subtly different, the vibe around Asuka is subtly different than expected.

"Satisfied?" As she gets the first word in just like he wanted, an attempt to force him to admit that indeed she made him eat his words. "I know I am. Even if it was the expected result though - I have to admit you impressed me, Fifth Child. I... acknowledge your talent."

That's a difficult phrase for her to say, because it's the only kind of validation she required in her drive for superiority, for independence. The admission that she's at the top - and he's only one small rung lower.

And perhaps unexpectedly, she reaches out her hand, "What I guess I'm saying is that you should be my subordinate... as it'd be convenient. I've dealt with being a Coordinator on active duty longer than you - and I can show you how to navigate that, because with skills like yours it's not going to be long before everyone else comes gunning for you."

There's a strange sense of solidarity? It might even be eerie to Shinji in that sense, even if what she's suggesting seems less conventionally friendly and more pragmatic.

<Pose Tracker> Kaworu Nagisa has posed.

        The partial activation is written down as a fluke of programming.
        Kaworu knows better.
        When Asuka leaves the simulator, she'll see him casting a long, lingering look on Shinji. He does at least turn his gaze to her when she approaches. If his demeanor is a little more subdued, surely it's chagrin over his loss. He doesn't respond to her taunt; he merely gives her an even look as he awaits her point.
        It changes, his eyes widening, when it comes. She not only acknowledges him but holds out her hand? He stares down at it. He stares at her. He looks over at Shinji; then he sighs, an ironic smile on his lips, as he gives a little shrug, eyelashes fluttering shut.
        "I didn't expect you to say something like that," he muses. "To think this encounter would have resulted in such a path... Truly, one can take nothing in life for granted."
        He opens his eyes; his smile fades. Whatever he was on about, he immediately makes it clear: "No, thank you. I have no interest in being your subordinate, Second."

<Pose Tracker> Shinji Ikari has posed.

Shinji has what has to be described as a moment of culture shock. What the hell?

It's almost funny, but it's not. Shinji just wants to go back to his awful little apartment and pet his penguin.

"Are you going to be home for dinner?" Shinji asks, not sure if he's been totally dismissed as an enemy or something. "I've got to use up that ground beef Misato got, probably burgers."

<Pose Tracker> Asuka Shikinami Langley has posed.

Asuka gives Kaworu a puzzled look - she'd swear something about his words say that he knows her better than she thought he did. However, she chalks it up to him just reading her files, just like she read all the personnel files of everyone in NERV she had access to, at least the portions that weren't heavily redacted.

And then he refuses.

Her lip draws with a certain tenseness, and she takes a step forward, past him, hooking her leg back to try and casually trip him over when she walks by. While it likely won't succeed, she does it anyway.

"You're gonna regret choosing to climb the ladder the way you are - the first time everyone who feels threatened by your skills catches you off guard in the locker room. Don't come crying to me after... you had your chance."

As her theory still is that he's trying to make it by being nice to Shinji - as a step on the way to sucking up to Commander Ikari.

She looks over her shoulder at Shinji in disbelief about five paces past Kaworu.

"Idiot. Who cares about dinner at a time like this? If I don't make it home in time just put the leftovers away for later I guess."

She didn't exactly reject that she'd eat it, she just didn't commit to it either. And with that, she heads out to the locker room herself, despite her own warning.

<Pose Tracker> Kaworu Nagisa has posed.

        It does indeed fail; Kaworu deftly moves his foot out of her way with such grace that even Asuka's backswing just looks like a normal if somewhat exaggerated step. When she murmurs her warning, he glances at her unsmiling. There are lots of things he *could* say. He chooses to say none of them. Instead, he lets her walk off with the last word. Perhaps Shinji follows, or perhaps he heads back to the cafeteria; Kaworu lets them both go either way.
        For a moment, he stays where he is, gazing into the distance. Then he turns and begins the walk towards his next destination in headquarters.