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(Created page with "*'''Log: 2023-07-30: What Comes After Fighting''' *'''Cast:''' Character :: Sayla Mass, Character :: Gridman *'''Where:''' AEU Germany *'''OOC - IC Date:''' 30 June 0...")
(One intermediate revision by the same user not shown)
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Once they make it up there, and the sounds of construction fade away a little, Gridman looks a little more pensive. Not ''all'' of his enthusiasm is a facade, he really is interested in the building, but at least some of it must be. As the Hyper Agent gazes out the window, his eyes seem far away.
Once they make it up there, and the sounds of construction fade away a little, Gridman looks a little more pensive. Not ''all'' of his enthusiasm is a facade, he really is interested in the building, but at least some of it must be. As the Hyper Agent gazes out the window, his eyes seem far away.
BBSYS: Post 1134, 'Mithril Postmortem: TDD-1 Hijacking/(A notice from Mithril Intelligence. It has the signature of Intelligence Chief, General Mayer Amit.)%R%ROn July 1, Mithril's Tuatha de Danaan battlegroup launched an operation to the Perio Archipelago to respond to an attack on a strategic weapons store there. The enemy contingent included several Black Knights operatives, the mercenary Chienne, and the terrorist leader Gauron. The attack was routed; one of the Black Knights, callsign "Queen", and both Chienne and Gauron were captured.%R%RDue to the likelihood of these captives having valuable intelligence about what appears to be    an organized hostile element, as well as the experimental nature of all three captured machines, the decision was made to take the prisoners into Shuffle Alliance custody instead of leaving them for the Federation. %R%RSeveral hours later en route back to Merida Island, SRT Jonathan Danigan and Nguyen Bien Bo both betrayed the battlegroup, set the captives free, and seized the bridge of the TDD-1. In the process of this, the hijackers murdered both Private Liang Shaoping and Lieutenant Gail McAllen, the latter of whom was the commander of the battlegroup's Special Response Team. They also captured Mithril & Shuffle Alliance Person of Interest Kaname Chidori as a hostage.%R%RThe hijackers proceeded to use stolen security codes to circumvent the TDD-1's mother AI's protections, and grant super-administrator access to a remote asset code-named OWL. Based on reports from Captain Testarossa, OWL was likely an iteration of the public figure known as Asciel Colette. Intelligence agrees this matches with reports of Colette as a Super-AI of unknown providence.%R%RThey proceeded to stage a drill to evacuate all unwitting personnel from the crew section of the ship into the hangars, allowing the hijackers to operate the vessel uninhibited. It appears at this time that the plan was for the Danaan to simply disappear into the clutches of the organization behind the hijacking.%R%RThrough Captain Teletha Testarossa's quick thinking, Kaname Chidori was able to escape the bridge. This appears to have angered the lead hijacker, Gauron, to the extreme that he abandoned the stated plan and began using the TDD-1's complement of missiles to fire on inland targets and the Orbital Elevators, creating a potential global crisis. Federation assets responded to these attacks. It appears Celestial Being directly intervened to prevent the elevator attacks.%R%RThis put the Danaan in an essentially indefensible position. Using experimental onboard equipment, Kaname Chidori, in association with the Black Knight asset "Queen"  as well as SRT Sgt. Seolla Schweitzer, Sgt. Sousuke Sagara, Sgt. Kurz Weber and Sgm. Melissa Mao, and coordinating with Captain Testarossa, were able to retake the vessel's mother AI and expel the hijackers.%R%RGauron attempted to destroy    the vessel using his captured machine's Self-Destruct Module, but was launched into the sea before the explosion by Sgt. Sagara. Gauron is believed dead and his machine destroyed. "Queen" was retrieved by a Black Knight exfiltration unit. Chienne was similarly forced to retreat with her own mercenary team.%R%RAt the request of the TDD-1 crew, "Queen's" identity has been redacted from this report out of respect for her assistance.%R%RAlthough the potential damage was catastrophic, Intelligence acknowledges Captain Testarossa's skilful handling of the situation. Once the hijack was discovered, no lives were lost.%R%RWe believe at this time that the TDD-1 has likely been designated as a high-value target by at all Federation factions and likely also Celestial Being. Intelligence advises all members of the Tuatha de Danaan battlegroup to take special care.' has been published to Shuffle Alliance by Sousuke Sagara.
[O-SHF] Sousuke Sagara> Hm. That wasn't it.
[O-SHF] Emilia Eschonbach> = instead of that second slash
BBSYS: Post 1135, 'Mithril Postmortem: TDD-1 Hijacking' has been published to Shuffle Alliance by Sousuke Sagara.
[O-SHF] Sousuke Sagara> there we go, thank ya
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"It makes me realize how much I love this world, and how much I want to be a part of it. I can't remember the Hyper World at all. I don't want to go back there. I know I have to. Yuta can't exist while I'm here." Gridman works up a little wobbly smile. "But how can I not want to live as a human, when human beings show how amazing they can be? I know it's selfish. I'm sorry."
"It makes me realize how much I love this world, and how much I want to be a part of it. I can't remember the Hyper World at all. I don't want to go back there. I know I have to. Yuta can't exist while I'm here." Gridman works up a little wobbly smile. "But how can I not want to live as a human, when human beings show how amazing they can be? I know it's selfish. I'm sorry."
BBSYS: Post 1136, 'The End of Day by Day' has been published to Cutscenes & Logs by Sousuke Sagara.
BBSYS: Post 1137, 'Mithril Command - The Withdrawal Of Sousuke Sagara' has been published to Shuffle Alliance by Teletha Testarossa.
BBSYS: Post 1138, 'Withdrawal Notice: Sousuke Sagara' has been published to Gathering to Unite Transnational Schools by Sousuke Sagara.
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         "...I think you already know what the right thing to do is, though. For all we know, the Hyper World will hold just as many amazing people and things. I... don't think you'll have to give up what you learned as a human to be a Hyper Agent." It's little comfort, but she has to try. "...Has your brother told you anything? He would know what to expect. You wouldn't have to be going back alone- you have family still." It's something small, but maybe it's something.
         "...I think you already know what the right thing to do is, though. For all we know, the Hyper World will hold just as many amazing people and things. I... don't think you'll have to give up what you learned as a human to be a Hyper Agent." It's little comfort, but she has to try. "...Has your brother told you anything? He would know what to expect. You wouldn't have to be going back alone- you have family still." It's something small, but maybe it's something.
BBSYS: Post 1139, 'A Bunch of Dorks' has been published to Cutscenes & Logs by Lina Lombardi.
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"I don't want to do this! I don't want to, I don't want to..."
"I don't want to do this! I don't want to, I don't want to..."
BBSYS: Post 1139, 'A Bunch of Dorks' has been updated.
BBSYS: Post 1140, 'Destruction' has been published to Cutscenes & Logs by Alexis Kerib.

Latest revision as of 09:51, 22 August 2023

  • Log: 2023-07-30: What Comes After Fighting
  • Cast: Sayla Mass, Gridman
  • Where: AEU Germany
  • OOC - IC Date: 30 June 0097
  • Summary: In a bid to help Gridman's mood, Sayla takes him to a Yumi Foundation construction project. While Gridman does seem enthused about the work, something seems to be weighing on him- and Sayla finds out the extent of the weight on the Hyper Agent.

<Pose Tracker> Sayla Mass has posed.

        Continental Europe got hit hard in the past few decades. The wars have done a number on the continent, and while rebuilding has been effective...

        There's still a lot more to rebuild.

        It's in Germany where we find one of these efforts.

        A black car drives through the community. There's a number of prefabricated houses in the community, and more in the process of going up as petite MSes and construction wanzers work away.

        "I'm glad you could join me," Sayla says to her guest in the car. She's dressed simply, a white long sleeved blouse, brown trousers, black closed toe shoes. "...This is one of our bigger construction projects." Sayla's tone is even, calm. "A new community for those who've lost their homes, or had nowhere to go in the fighting."

        There's a lot of work work going on, but the car seems to be moving towards a particular site, larger than some of the rest.

        "We're hoping to have families in the region start moving in soon. We're working with nearby businesses to help with finding jobs for those willing and able, while providing support for those who can't."

        The car comes to a stop outside a construction site that looks most of the way there. "We're here." She says, opening the door of the car and stepping out.

        Up close, it's more obvious what it is.

        A school, under construction but near completion. "This is where I wanted to take you today, Gridman." Sayla says, waiting for her guest to join her. "I thought you might like to see it."

<Pose Tracker> Gridman has posed.

Gridman's gaze has been practically glued to the window as he and Sayla travel. He's never seen Germany before, and it's so different from France! It takes him a moment to realize Sayla is speaking. With a smile, he looks her way.

"Thank you so much for inviting me. This has already been great! Driving in a fancy car like this, I'm not used to it."

Today, Gridman wears a nice pair of jeans and a brightly-colored t-shirt. As always, his red shoes are present. Despite the cheerful demeanor he gives off, it's clear he's more than a little exhausted. His reactions are slow, his emotions a little too brightly displayed.

"It's amazing you're able to do things like this... It feels like such a more real way of helping people than fighting all the time." Gridman turns back to watch the pre-fab houses pass by. "I'm so thankful they have someone like you to watch out for them."

The car comes to a stop. Gridman gets out after Sayla does, looking up at the in-progress building. A school. "Are we here to help them build? I might be able to do more in my other form, but I'll give it my all in this body too!"

<Pose Tracker> Sayla Mass has posed.

%It's become pretty obvious to Sayla in the course of the trip that Gridman is... struggling. The high energy of his emotions feels a little off, the exhaustion is visible in his body language.

        "I'm able to help make this happen," Sayla says, a gentle correction. "I don't normally get to come down to things at this level. There are so many people that put time and effort into a project like this." Sayla shakes her head. "None of this would be happening without the people who came together to do this. Some of the teams here are volunteering their time and expertise, some of them are people who are going to be living in these communities, taking up the construction jobs here." She let's the comment about this being 'better than fighting' sit for now. Give hi time to to take it in.

        Sayla takes a breath in. "We're just giving people a chance that they should have been given." Still, Yuta offers to help build, and Sayla pauses. "We'll see. Today I want you to see what they're doing, but there might be some opportunities." As they step out of the car, two people start walking towards them. A dark skinned man with a cybernetic right arm, in a high vis vest and a hard hat, and a woman with dark green hair, in a skirt suit.

%"Dr Mass," says the woman with a smile, before moving to indicate the man. "This is Jan Sauber, the foreman of the site. He'll be guiding you through today."

        Sayla extends a hand, which the foreman takes wioth his cybernetic arm. "Nice to meet you, Mr Sauber." Sayla turns to the young man next to her. "And this is Gridman. Thank you for letting us on your site today."

        Jan offers his had to Gridman. "Hi there." He says, with a genial grin. "Welcome to our little project." He looks to be in his early 30s, with black hair, and blue eyes. He's dressed casually, apart from proper steel toed boots.

        "Thank you for taking care of organising this, Sakura." Sayla tells her assistant, who gives a small bow.

        "Of course. Let me know if you need anything else."

        "I will," Sayla says, with a nod. She's getting a little better at relying on others- and Sakura Isogai has worked with some of the most difficult to manage people in the Earthsphere.

        After a few moments, Sayla and Gridman are given their own high visibility vests and hardhats- as is Sakura, here to keep Sayla on track. Safety is clearly something that's paramount.

        "So, we're getting a lot of the fittings in now," Jan says, walking them past windowfitters carefully carrying glass. The site is busy, and active with lots of people from different walks of life working together. To one side in a safe area, some of the team takes their lunchbreak, talking while a radio plays music in the background.

        "So, I figure we'll take the full the tour, then. Maybe after that some photos with some of the folk working here? More'n a few of them only got here cause of you, I figure it'd give them something to enjoy."

        Sayla gives a calm smile. "I think we can fit that in." She turns to Gridman. "You don't have to stick around for those if you're not comfortable," she says.

        Instead, Jan speaks up again to Gridman. "So, this something you're interested in, kid? Building things, construction, all that stuff?"

<Pose Tracker> Gridman has posed.

Listening to Sayla, Gridman nods. "I'll be sure to thank everyone for their hard work. It's true that nothing can come together without a group working in harmony. I learned that from my own comrades and friends."

"It's really cool that the people who are going to live here are working on the homes and things." Another nod. "Right. I'll watch carefully!"

Those odd, otherworldly yellow eyes take everything in. As the cybernetic-armed man and skirted woman approach, Gridman bows to them, even before he's introduced. "It's a pleasure to meet you both. Thank you for your hard work."

A brief glance to Sayla, as Jan offers his hand to Gridman. A part of him is worried that, somehow, he'll hurt this man's cybernetics. After just a moment's hesitation, the Hyper Agent shakes hands with the other man. Everything is fine, and Gridman smiles up at him. "It seems like a pretty big project to me!"

"Oh, thank you." Gridman replies, automatically, as he dons his hardhat (somehow, his hair spikes stick out from beneath it) and high visibility vest. They begin to walk, and as Sayla and Sakura talk, Gridman quietly looks around. He had no idea there was so much to do in construction... His only prior experience was watching the Carpenters in Tsutsujidai. Doing things the human way looks hard.

Focusing in on the windowfitters, Gridman startles when he's spoken to. "Sorry. I was just... It's amazing. How everyone has to do so much to make this come together. They're all trusting each other to do the jobs right, even though they could be in real danger if someone messes up."

"I don't think anyone would want a picture with me," Gridman admits, scratching the side of one of his cheeks bashfully. "But I'm happy to hang around. Maybe while you take pictures, I could find something I could do to contribute?"

Is he interested in building?

"This is my first time seeing something like this. I thought it would be a lot... easier and faster. Something robots do." After all, the Neon Genesis Junior High Students hacked their own homes into existence with no effort at all. "But this feels like people are making a real change. Giving others somewhere safe to live. I'm not sure I could do much to help, but... So far, I really like it."

A glance to the side. "Does it take a lot of school to build things?"

<Pose Tracker> Sayla Mass has posed.

        "Please do. I'll be looking forward to hearing what you think when we're done." There's something a little... off about those feelings on display. Gridman's felt different ever since he awakened. There's a tension from him here. The hesitance about shaking hands, the wariness. Sayla takes a quiet note of it.

        "Sure could. Construction's got it's risks. Part of my job is making sure we mitigate those risks as best as we can. My team trust me to look out for them, and I trust them to look out for each other." Jan notices the way Gridman focuses on the glass fitters, and gives them a nod. "Yeah, if someone messes up there's danger, and everyone knows it."

        Sayla gives him a nod. "Alright." She's fairly quiet as Jan speaks, letting Gridman ask his questions.

        The comment about 'something robots do' gets a laugh. "Y'mean those things they have in Nouvelle? Kid one of those things costs as much to run as it does to pay and home a team of workers. They're great for emergency reconstruction, but you can't field them to build a house." He smirks. "And a lot of the folks are here because they want to help people, and this is how they can do it and earn a living at the same time."

        He scratches the back of his head. "Depends on what you wanna build. If you wanna design the things that we build, sure. But a lot of it is on the job training or apprenticeships. Not gonna say it's easier than school, either- it can take years to pick up a skill like this. But if it's what you wanna do, then it's worth trying." He gives a shrug. "Come on, let's head inside. Maybe you'll see something that sparks for you."

        As they walk in, Sayla walks beside Gridman. "You doing okay? We can always slow down the pace if you need."

        They enter into the entrance of the school- This area, strangely, looks much less complete than the outside. Unpainted brick walls, exposed structure, no lockers, equipment throughout the halls. To some degree it makes sense- you don't want to risk damaging the are you've finished while carrying things in. Tarps cover the floor and some of the walls. But there are people working away. A team carts lab tables down the hall towards a lab room. Painters work on the base coat. But just like outside, there's so many people working together.

<Pose Tracker> Gridman has posed.

"Have you been building things for a long time, Jan?" Gridman asks, looking away from the glass fitters once he realizes he's been staring. "To have everyone trust each other this much, you must've been together for a while. My comrades and I've known each other all our lives. We're in harmony on most things, but we still have arguments." Gridman smiles, his eyes faraway. "But when it really counts, none of that matters. We protect each other. I guess it's like that for you guys, too."

Yellow eyes widen with surprise at the cost of the construction robots. Money's never something he's really had to engage with, but even Gridman understands a number like that is out of reach for most people. "I had no idea... Sorry. And, I guess, yeah. It'd take away people's work and companionship. Maybe it's better that you don't have those builders."

It's a strange realization. The long way, the hard way, being the better choice. This isn't a situation Gridman has encountered before, and it's one he has to consider for a moment before he's ready to speak up again. His mind jumps to the Angel, Duma, and how the creature believes humanity would be better without their free will. It's an oddly applicable viewpoint. If Gridman brought those helper robots to the workers here, they'd be sadder, even if the work was able to be done more quickly.

Maybe transforming into his Giant form would've been a mistake. It'd be taking away the thing all these people want. Human beings... The Hyper Agent glances up at an already-fitted window, unable to see inside the building due to the glare of the sunlight.

"I'm not... great at school." Gridman admits, returning to the conversation. "I only go because I owe it to someone. Stuff like this, physical stuff, I do way better at." A little smile, as they head inside. "Alright! I'll take a look at everything."

Sayla checks in, and Gridman looks up at her gratefully. "Yeah, I'm alright. This is both really, really cool, and kinda..." He pauses, making sure Jan and Sakura are out of earshot. "It makes me realize how different I am at the same time."

As he promised, Gridman closely examines each cluster of workers. The painters get a long, quiet stare. The smell is a little overwhelming, but it's cool to see the color spread over the walls, even if it is just a base coat.

"What kind of school will this be?" He asks Jan and Sakura softly. "If this is a place for people displaced by conflict, I'm sure whoever attends will be really, really grateful. Maybe they won't have had the chance before..."
SCENESYS: Cascade Vermilion has posted scene #396, 'Black Knights Gathering', at 19:00 ET on 08/12.

<Pose Tracker> Sayla Mass has posed.

        "Me? Oh, ten, twelve years or so." He shrugs his arm. "But the team... For a lot of them this is their first time working together. I've been doing Yumi Work on and off for about five of those. But this team... Honestly we've only been together a few months?"

        Sayla steps in, to explain. "We like to use local work wherever we can. We occasionally get specialists from further away if we have to but you can usually find someone with the skills either in the people already there or those who have been displaced."

        Jan nods. "Don't need to know someone deep to trust their expertise. Everything else works out from there. Folks'll butt heads and either sort it out themselves or be professional about it." He shrugs at the realization Gridman has. "A lot of folks don't. And like, as much as I'm sure people like Dr Mass'd love to cover everyone's costs and just let them live, that isn't really how things work in this world." He shrugs. "Besides, there are plenty of folk who even if they had the money would go nuts without something to do. Then they'd be like the volunteeers we've got."

        As Gridman talks about not being great at school, Sayla crosses her arms. That could be a problem for Yuta Hibiki. Something else to keep note of.

        "Plenty of folks end up in construction that way. No shame in it. School's not for everyone. But you don't wanna let down the people you owe, either." Jan seems a very down to earth sort. Jan catches the look on Sayla's face, and gives a shrug. "Maybe you could look into shop classes, then. You can still graduate doing that."

        Sayla falls back with Gridman as he wants to wait until the other two are out of earshot. "I suppose it's different compared to what you're used to, right?" She's not sure about how things... work for Hyper Agents. "It's slower work, certainly. But I think it's worth it for you to see it." The question comes, and Sakura nods. "It's called 'Realschule' in German, but it's essentially 5th year of Primary School through to the first year of High School. There's been something ofr a "

        The tour continues, with Gridman able to see a whole lot of how humans 'build' things. His eagerness to help is eventually allowed for some simple tasks- things that are low risk, low chance of danger. A little painting, helping move some lighter things, getting involved with some basic fitting.

        It's this, that if Gridman accepts it, Sayla will take some photos of. Something so he can see how he felt.

        After that come the photos with some of the crew. It's obvious PR shots, mostly, and Sayla seems a touch apologetic, but... it's part of her role. Sakura sits with Gridman while they get through the shots, getting him something to drink. "I'm sure Dr Mass will be done soon."

        To her credit, Sayla doesn't make them wait over long, heading back to Gridman and Sakura. "So, I'm told the third floor has an excellent view of the community coming up. Care to take a look?" It will also give them a chance to talk slightly more privately.

<Pose Tracker> Gridman has posed.

"That's amazing!" Gridman says, of both Jan's length of time as a builder, and the volunteers lack of experience. Both are equally impressive to him. Sayla's addition gets a serious nod. "Of course. It's important for people to have experiences like this."

Shop class... Gridman thinks about it, tilting his head slightly. He'd always thought that was just learning how to be a mechanical engineer, which didn't appeal to him, but building stuff is totally different. "I'll check it out." Gridman says, at length.

Once Sayla and Gridman have some space to talk, he smiles up at her gratefully. No matter how interesting this all is, it's a little overwhelming to take it all in! Thank goodness she's here to have his back.

"Yeah, I really had no idea how building worked, besides what the Carpenters did for Tsutsujidai. And that's... pretty different than this project." He is quiet for a moment. "But it's worthwhile. Definitely. Everyone working together like this, no matter what skills they have -- it reminds me when Tsutsujidai was lost. Everybody came together then, too."

He looks down, a little ashamed. "I miss those days, sometimes."

Gridman takes to the small tasks he's offered with enthusiasm. He's a quick learner when it comes physical tasks! It feels good to succeed, and earn some praise from the builders. Photos are accepted, immortalizing Gridman's sweet grin, accompanied by a bit of stray paint on one cheek.

"Thank you, Sakura." Gridman takes the water gratefully.

Sayla makes all this look so easy, but Gridman can tell how exhausting it is. He makes sure to offer her a drink as well. The offer of the third-floor window is met with a nod. "Yeah! I'd love to see it!"

Once they make it up there, and the sounds of construction fade away a little, Gridman looks a little more pensive. Not all of his enthusiasm is a facade, he really is interested in the building, but at least some of it must be. As the Hyper Agent gazes out the window, his eyes seem far away.

<Pose Tracker> Sayla Mass has posed.

        Sayla takes note of that wistfulness. "I can understand that," Sayla says. "There are times I missed the White Base, after it was all over. There's something to be said for the camaraderie that forms in times like that." Everyone working together, huh. "But those days had plenty of tension too."

        Still, that's all Sayla says about it then. They'd have a better chance to talk later.


        Sayla takes the offered drink, and takes a sip. "Thank you."

        From here, one can see the way the community is forming in full. The lack of completion, but also the promise it represents. A year of work, maybe years to go. But one day this will be a place where people live their lives, grow their families, find out their directions.

        But that promise will need to be fulfilled.

        But right now, it's just Sayla and Gridman, looking over the building community. "...This place might not be needed if there hadn't been fighting," she says, quietly. "But that doesn't mean the fighting didn't have a purpose. Sometimes you need to fight to have the chance to help people like this. This is what you do once that abrupt, quick change is done. The slow work, to help make things better for people."

        She turns to look at Gridman. "...You don't have to keep forcing the enthusiasm, Gridman. We're alone now. Or as close as we're going to get."

        Sayla's covert security detail is still present, as always, but unobtrusive.

        "I can tell you enjoyed some of this, but you've been pushing it. I didn't bring you here to make me happy, or the workers happy. I want you to be honest with me. What's on your mind?"

<Pose Tracker> Gridman has posed.

White Base... It takes Gridman a moment to remember what that is. He nods, politely, all the same. Maybe there's something about crisis situations that help human beings be their best selves, or bond with others.

Yellow eyes shift away from the window to take in Sayla's words. "Right... I..." He sighs. "I really am enjoying this, it's so cool to see! But it makes me feel a little embarrassed. Protecting humanity isn't much good if people are left without homes. And when I fight, there's so much destruction."

He doesn't mind the security detail. Sayla is a really important person, she needs it, especially after what happened with Leina.

"Um." Gridman isn't one for sharing his feelings. It feels like burdening others, but if Sayla's asking... "It's complicated. I know I have to give Yuta's body back, as soon as possible. I promise I haven't forgotten that. But watching humanity like this..."

His gaze goes back to the window. It's a little easier not to make eye contact as he speaks.

"It makes me realize how much I love this world, and how much I want to be a part of it. I can't remember the Hyper World at all. I don't want to go back there. I know I have to. Yuta can't exist while I'm here." Gridman works up a little wobbly smile. "But how can I not want to live as a human, when human beings show how amazing they can be? I know it's selfish. I'm sorry."

<Pose Tracker> Sayla Mass has posed.

        "...Fighting is, by it's nature, destructive." There's no point denying that, it's simply fact. "But... just because it is destructive doesn't mean nothing good can come of it." She walks over to the young man, placing a hand on his shoulder. "Sometimes the alternative to the destruction is something worse. It's always better to fight with the aim of keeping it to a minimum." She pauses, musing. "But that doesn't mean you can't be destructive and then act to make up for that destruction."

        She takes a few moments to think. "I wasn't always doing this. During the One Year War, I killed a lot of people. I don't regret fighting. I don't even feel guilty for taking most of those lives. If I hadn't, people I care about would be dead. I've killed in my time as a member of the Shuffle Alliance too."

        Sayla looks out on the developing houses. "I didn't start the foundation to make up for what I'd done. I did it to help some friends of mine. It grew from there. There are things I still feel guilty about, but I don't regret the decision I made to fight."

        And then the complicated part comes up, and Sayla nods slowly. What do you say to someone in a situation like this? For a few moments, Sayla is quiet. "...You're right. You do need to give Yuta his body back. His life isn't yours to lead." Her voice is soft, even as she says something so hard. "Most of the records of your first time on Earth are lost too... I can't provide you any knowledge from when you worked with Tris and the others. I just know that you were here before." Sayla lets out a sigh.

        "...I think you already know what the right thing to do is, though. For all we know, the Hyper World will hold just as many amazing people and things. I... don't think you'll have to give up what you learned as a human to be a Hyper Agent." It's little comfort, but she has to try. "...Has your brother told you anything? He would know what to expect. You wouldn't have to be going back alone- you have family still." It's something small, but maybe it's something.

<Pose Tracker> Gridman has posed.

Gridman accepts Sayla's hand on his shoulder, turning his head up to face her, eyes soft with emotion. Guilt and anxiety echo from the young man, but deep down, also a spark of hope. Sayla is so brilliant, and she's helped so many people. Maybe she can help Gridman, too.

"I've never been able to help much in Tsutsujidai, I don't want to expose Yuta's identity. But I help with the community garden with Borr." He says, slowly. "And I'm sure there's more I could do. I've just been scared I'd mess everything up. There's always been some reason I told myself not to help out more."

And over time, the anxiety grew, until it was too overwhelming to ever consider helping with rebuilding efforts.

"I'm sorry." Gridman murmurs, automatically, to Sayla's words about the One Year War. "But I know you were doing what you had to so you could survive. It's awful, and a tragedy, but." He struggles for words. "I don't think you did the wrong thing. Then, or now."

Yellow eyes squeeze closed as Sayla gently agrees with him. Of course. It's not like she could honestly say Gridman could keep Yuta asleep forever! He was expecting this, but still. It aches, just a little, knowing how hard it's going to be to do the right thing.

"Oh, yeah, Sigma's told me a lot." Gridman collects himself. "But he still loves humanity, and this world, better than our 'home'. He said... there are options, maybe, if I want to find a body of my own. I even found some people who said they could help me! But--"

He wrestles with something. "...this is a secret, okay? I don't want everybody knowing and worrying about me."

"Sigma told me," Gridman says, after waiting for Sayla's confirmation. He trusts her to keep her word. "That the Hyper World keeps track of who is out on missions. And if too many of us disappear, they'll probably send someone to bring us home. I realized, um."

A pause. His eyes get watery, and he blinks rapidly, clearing his throat.

"I have to be the one to go back. Sigma's been here for so long, he's practically human. And his partner's still -- you know, the orange stuff... I couldn't ask him to go in my place. And if we both stick around, they'll send someone for sure, right? So even if I found a way to get a body of my own, um. It still..."

That smile turns awfully wobbly.

"It has to be me. No matter what. I can't just..." Gridman shakes his head. "It has to be me. Y--you're right! I'm sure the Hyper World is going to be just as good, and I probably have friends and family waiting for me. So it's going to be fine!"

<Pose Tracker> Sayla Mass has posed.

        Didn't want to expose Yuta's identity, huh? He already admits it's kind of an excuse, and Sayla muses. "...I don't think that holds true. You spent nearly a year as Yuta Hibiki. Just because his life wasn't yours to live doesn't mean that you should completely close off from that side of things either. You didn't choose to take over his life, and he's going to need the friends you made for him when this is over. For better or worse, you are still living in his place. Retreating, isolating yourself, that's not fair to either of you."

        Sayla shakes her head. "There's nothing to apologize for. You're doing what you need to, too. Alexis is still out there- and we know if he gets what he wants he won't stop there. Destroyed buildings can be rebuilt. The lives you saved can keep going. If you didn't fight, though... How many more people would be dead? People wouldn't have a chance to come to a place like this if people like you didn't fight to protect them. Do you understand? Sometimes fighting creates the opportunity to do something like this- and you can help with that too, if you want to- especially if you think Yuta would too."

        She listens, as Gridman tells her what Sigma told him. She balks a bit. "...Do you really think it's fair to them?" She says. an edge to her voice. "To leave them without warning, and disappear from their lives?" She bites back some anger. "Having been on the receiving end of that, I can tell you it's miserable. Someone you care about- or even love- leaving suddenly, without a word? Even if you have to leave, they deserve a chance to prepare themselves for goodbye, don't they?

        This gives way to concern, though. "You've been here before. That means people from the Hyper World can come back, doesn't it? Even if you don't remember it."

        'It has to be me. No matter what.'

        The hand on the shoulder shifts, ever so slightly. She can tell how much it's forced. Silently, Sayla shifts her stancing-

        And pulls Gridman into a hug.

        "I think you might just be as close to human as your brother is." She says, quietly. "That's what makes this so hard for you." She wishes she could offer him something that would help him move forward. Something other than guilt and obligation.

        But she doesn't have that. "...It's okay to be sad about having to leave the only life you remember. It's okay to be scared about what's coming." There's a certain empathy in Sayla's voice. "But this can just be goodbye for now, instead of goodbye forever. We'll be here, waiting for when you can come back."

        Those tears glinting from his eyes, the worries in his smile. "...You can let it all out here, if you need to. It's okay."

<Pose Tracker> Gridman has posed.

"No, I mean -- I don't want him to have to carry my identity when I'm gone. I'm honest with my friends now, but for the people of Tsutsujidai, I want him to just be Yuta Hibiki. I won't isolate myself, I promise."

Gridman nods gravely. "I can't leave until Alexis has been taken care of. You're right, I know you are, but it still feels different, I guess. Seeing something like this, built and making people happy? I'd like to be able to give those kind of feelings to others, I think."

"N--no!" He sounds horrified, shaking his head fervently enough his hair-spikes toss back and forth. "I'd tell them, I promise! I'd tell everyone. I have people who depend on me, and love me, I couldn't just vanish! I don't know how much warning I could give, I don't know how any of this works, but! I'm going to tell them!"

Sigma has spoken of Gridman's first human partner before. It sounds so foreign, it may as well have happened to someone else entirely. Slowly, he speaks up again. "Yeah. I'd just need a reason to fight, and a new human partner I'm compatible with. One that knows what they're getting into this time. I don't want to take anyone's free will ever again..."

Briefly, Gridman thinks of Duma. He pushes the thought of the Angel aside.

Gridman looks down as Sayla's hand shifts, thinking she's going to walk away, but--! The opposite happens. Yellow eyes fly wide open as he's brought into a hug. It takes him a moment, but he wraps his arms around Sayla in return. This simple act of acceptance and comfort is overwhelming. Gridman's shoulders start to tremble.

"T--thank you. Thank you." Gridman manages, his voice breaking. "I don't to go. I don't want to leave my friends. I don't want t--to leave Kaworu and Rei!" He buries his face in Sayla's shoulder. "I'm scared. I don't know how long it'll be, or if I'll ever get to exist in a human body like this again. I don't want to go back to being trapped in a computer!"

A sob breaks through his words. Clinging to Sayla, Gridman seems much more like a terrified 17 year old boy than a powerful, mysterious Hyper Agent.

"I don't want to do this! I don't want to, I don't want to..."

<Pose Tracker> Sayla Mass has posed.

        Gridman promises not to isolate himself, and Sayla nods. That's all she she can ask of him right now. "I think you will be, one day. I'm sure you can find a way, if it's what you really want to do."

        The way Gridman suddenly shudders in horror. Sayla knows she's stepped on something frightening to him. She almost regrets it, but...

        "I think you should tell them what's coming." She says, softer this time. "So you can make the most of the time you have. What you do is your decision, but that's my advice."

        "Maybe you could find another reason. Not just a reason to fight." It might be possible- but Sayla doesn't know how the world of Hyper Agents works. She doesn't know their rules. Maybe it's too cruel to offer hope. He mentions never wanting to take someone's free will again, and Sayla nods to that too. "Yeah. Next time you can do it properly." That's a promise she can't fulfill for him- but she raises that there will be a next time anyway.

        So he simply tightens that hug. "I'm sorry." She says, quietly. Her apologies are all she has to offer Gridman. That's all she CAN offer right now.

        But she doesn't break the hug before Gridman's ready. "It's okay." She says, quietly. "Cry as much as you need to. You can't take as much time as you want. I promise."