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Latest revision as of 05:16, 7 March 2023

<Pose Tracker> Mineva Lao Zabi has posed.

A small shuttle arrives aboard the Ra Mari II, carrying aboard it a sole passenger. the Princess of Zeon, Mineva Lao Zabi. A meeting--an audience--was owed, regardless of why she wasn't present originally.

A conference room onboard has been reserved for the occasion, with coffee and tea offered; this isn't simply a one-on-one meeting between the two. It's a meeting of sides, between the allies of Full Frontal's Sleeves, the allies of Neo Zeon's princess-in-exile... and those caught in between.

When Mineva enters the room, she is in uniform--the high-collared, ornate formal wear of a Zeon noble, green with gold trim, and a red cape. She carries herself stoically, her expression stony as she looks down the table... and waits for everyone to be assembled. She's silent as she stands, simply... staring at Full Frontal.

She certainly looks the part of her station... it's a shame she struggles so much to inhabit it.

Once it's time to commence, she begins. "As most of you likely know, I am Mineva Lao Zabi, princess of Zeon," she says, resolutely. Not Audrey. Mineva. "First, I would like to extend my sincere apologies for my absence when you came aboard the Ra Mari II. I was unexpectedly indisposed at the time." She takes a seat... and looking at those assembled, she allows herself a smile to Marida Cruz.

<Pose Tracker> Banagher Links has posed.

Though he can't match Audrey (always Audrey) for finery, Banagher is at least waiting for her within the meeting room. He's at least put on his nicest jeans and hoodie. Banagher has appeared exhausted during his most recent stay aboard the Ra Mari II, but since his visit back to the PPL, he seems rejuvenated.

Despite the princess and Gundam pilot's deep connection, a look of shock crosses Banagher's face when Audrey enters the room. He's never seen her in her finery like this -- and to introduce herself as princess?

"A--Audrey," Banagher can't help but murmur, as she enters. Catching himself, he quiets down. The young pilot looks unsettled, fingers tight on the armrest of his chair.

<Pose Tracker> Marida Cruz has posed.

         Marida sits next to Zinnerman, back up straight and hands in her lap like a school girl. She found herself torn between her duty to the Sleeves and her relationship with Mineva, who was like a s

         She blinks the thought away, glancing over to Zinnerman. Master would know how to handle this. Her eyes scanned across the other people at the table. Full Frontal, the mysterious leader of the Sleeves, and Angelo Sauper, his lackey. They were obsenstibly her superiors, but they were usually so distant from her that they never really directly figured into her duties. Banagher Links, the pilot of the Unicorn. He should have been her enemy, but...it's complicated. Eight York, the captain of the Ra Mari II. She had not had much opportunity to get to know her, but she had been a gracious host, and she was grateful for that.

         She stands at attention when Mineva enters the room, addressing the Princess of Neo-Zeon with the respect that position deserved. She had almost forgotten, knowing her as Audrey Burne for so long. When the Princess sits, she does too, giving a curt nod in response to her smile.

<Pose Tracker> Suberoa Zinnerman has posed.

Zinnerman is seated in the meeting room, reviewing the Garencieres Team's pursuit of leads pertaining to the Vist Foundation's ambush of their initial rendezvous with the Ra Mari II, Flaste and Marida sitting at his right and left respectively.

"I've reviewed our communications from the freighter's salvaged logbanks, Captain," Flaste interjects. "Our crew's too small to be compromised without it being extremely obvious and everyone knows their encryption protocols back to front."

"Hm." Zinnerman nods. "The evidence we've gathered so far certainly supports that conclusion." He sets his device down. "We may have to rely on the old Intelligence standby."

"'Do nothing, deliberately?'"

"Exactly." The door to the meeting room opens, and the set of footsteps behind them announce the arrival of Mineva and Banagher. Zinnerman turns, recognises the choice of appearance Mineva is presenting, and, along with Flaste, stands. "Highness," he greets her with a nod - and a small smile when he recognises her kindness to Marida.

Zinnerman and Flaste sit, watching the assembled and waiting for the next to speak.

<Pose Tracker> Full Frontal has posed.

Full Frontal observes the proceedings with his usual dispassionate demeanor. As the princess of Neo Zeon enters, he mechanically rises from his chair and gives a formal bow. All the flourishes, all of the movements, executed perfectly...and yet, they still seem all too mechanical, as if a puppeteer was guiding the empty vessel's movements.

"A pleasure to see you again, Princess Mineva. Tell me, how have you been? I trust that despite the failures of the Unicorn's pilot, you are still hale and hearty?" Full Frontal did not care what reaction the dig at Banagher Links got him, only that there was a reaction. This too, was part of priming the game board.

After all, the endgame was swiftly approaching.

Lines would need to be drawn, the yet neutral would be forced to pick sides, and open conflict was inevitable. For now...it was time for pleasantries. So utterly vapid. Yet, this too was part of the trappings of Neo Zeon. The old glamour that so many refused to let go of, for what it had meant, and for what it could mean again.

The supreme leader of the Sleeves merely let his gaze wander around the room, giving practiced smiles to Marida and Zinnerman. To Zinnerman in particular, he walked over, looking down at the seated, still Captain. "Good to see you, my dear Captain. Tell me, how fruitful was your meeting with Captain York? I do hope that I can still rely on you when the time comes...for yours and Lieutenant Junior Grade Cruz's sakes, of course."

Returning to his seat, Full Frontal sat down, under the watchful, loyal gaze of Angelo Sauper at his back. Truly, he was a lucky man for such a ceaselessly loyal major domo. Yet even so, the knowledge did little to stir his heart.

<Pose Tracker> Angelo Sauper has posed.

A meeting, with the princess.

It was inevitable, Angelo Sauper supposes.

Commander of Full Frontal's Royal Guard, officer in the Sleeves; Angelo certainly at least looks the part of a former, prideful member of the doomed Neo Zeon, dressed in his crisp, teal officer's uniform, standing just behind and to the side of his masked Captain with fastidious posture that straightens just so at attention as Mineva Lao Zabi arrives.

But it is on the side of Full Frontal the man sides, and it is with an unreadable, hooded gaze that he watches Mineva's passing as she takes her seat at the table.

For now, Angelo elects not to sit, as if unwilling to play the part of active participant. No -- instead, his rightful place seems to be staying at a stand behind Full Frontal's chair even as the man departs it to address Zinnerman directly. His hands are clasped behind his back, chin tilted slightly upward in that proud way that some might construe as condescending.

It's not, really; it's just quietly contemptuous.

For now, he says nothing. He just looks sidelong at Marida, Zinnerman and Flaste, something approaching quiet thought touching his features. But that violet gaze does slowly slide Banagher's way as he murmurs and looks just generally unsettled, pale brows furrowing in more agitated consternation as he regards the young pilot of the Unicorn.


<Pose Tracker> Eight York has posed.

Naturally, at such an important meeting on her ship, Captain Eight York is present. A theoretically neutral party may be valuable. ...And if not, a steadying hand or someone to intervene might be.

She is in her 3SA uniform, teal and white and dark pink, with her Captain's rank bars at the collar and her hat on her head. Blonde, Eight has red eyes, and they are sharp just now.

...She's avoided the drinks for the moment; secretly, she doesn't feel much like eating or drinking at the moment, for reasons unrelated.

tShe's in a seat already, and rises when Mineva introduces herself, apologizes, and notes herself. It is the polite thing to do; she's a negotiator... but since she's accepted her heritage in the Kadun family, she is in theory a woman of Zeon in at least a small way now.

She glances to Banagher, 'feeling' his distress easily. But she doesn't say anything to him. Nor does she answer for Zinnerman when he's asked the question. Her eyes slide to Angelo for a moment, then over Full Frontal again, thoughtfully.

She looks to Mineva again. "Regardless, we're all here now."

<Pose Tracker> Mineva Lao Zabi has posed.

There's a touch of discomfort as several of those present stand at attention when Mineva enters; she gives a brief look toward Banagher. There's a faint nod, and a touch of concern in his direction. As Full Frontal launches a verbal barb toward him, though, her lips pull down into a subtle frown, her eyebrow twitching just slightly.

"I am doing well enough," she replies, "And Banagher is as capable a protector as I could ask for. I owe him my life." And she trusts him with it, as well.

She follows Full Frontal with her eyes as he moves... there's another break, subtle, accompanied with some anger at the veiled threat toward Captain Zinnerman and Marida.

"Yes. We are," she nods to Eight, before turning back to Frontal. "Now, Colonel Frontal--I believe you were the one who requested this meeting, yes? I have questions, myself... but I believe they can wait."

<Pose Tracker> Banagher Links has posed.

Full Frontal's criticism grates against Banagher, the young pilot's face /almost/ twisting into a scowl. He catches himself at the last second -- instead, simply glancing down at the table. If he reacts, it might be read as a complaint. He can't risk it.

Marida, Flaste, and Zinnerman's presences are comforting, at least, as is Eight's. Banagher tries not to look at Angelo, though he can feel the Lieutenant's gaze. Whatever this meeting is for, it's important to Audrey. Banagher can keep it together for her.

Audrey speaks again, and Banagher looks up at her -- eyes soft and gentle. "Thank you." He smiles. "I'll always keep you safe."

As quickly as their moment appeared, it ends, with the conversation turning to Full Frontal. Banagher risks looking at the man. If he says anything to threaten Audrey... no matter what his deal with the Ghost, Banagher won't let that stand.

<Pose Tracker> Marida Cruz has posed.

         Marida gives the most momentary of glares at Full Frontal the second he threatens the Captain. She did not want to be insubordinate, but going after Zinnerman was too much. Her face returns to normal after but a second, but the criticism put her in a state of mind that anyone so inclined could sense.

         "The Captain is as good a soldier as you'll ever have, Colonel." Her tone is her usual flat cadence, but with just the barest hint of venom behind her words. Ungrateful man.

<Pose Tracker> Suberoa Zinnerman has posed.

"Marida." A single word - a name - as an invocation of authority, to both acknowledge the young pilot and request that she step back. "Rest assured, Colonel," Zinnerman replies to Full Frontal's probe, "the Garencieres Team are committed to the retrieval of Laplace's Box." This, at least, he decided on a while ago. Why? He's still not sure.

Flaste, who has never given a damn about the Box, only his loyalty to his captain, grunts, but says only "The Vists would dog us even if we did bail, I bet. If nothing else, keeping them off your backs is the right play, and we're the best team for that job." Now he's speaking, though, he feels the urge to challenge Full Frontal, but Zinnerman shoots his first officer a Look of Authority and Flaste closes his mouth mid-breath with another grunt.

Banagher's respect is important to all of them - it's equally important to provide an example to uphold in situations like this.

Mineva - Audrey? - No, today it's Mineva - answers Eight, and Zinnerman watches her carefully. What has his ward learned, in her time away from his protection and with the pilot of the Unicorn, whose loyalty to her could never be in question?

His thoughts turn to the third of the youngsters' trio - Miss Ashta, far away from this intrigue, on Earth - and the bond the three share. That they can trust each other so readily as to separate, even for each others' safety, warms his old soldier's heart. For once, the memories of Fee that come unbidden are more sweet than they are bitter - he treasures the time when he, too, felt so deeply.

With Mineva's question to Full Frontal asked, Zinnerman turns his attention to his superior officer. The stage is laid out for the Supreme Commander of the Sleeves. He expects to learn much from the performance.

<Pose Tracker> Full Frontal has posed.

The casual, practiced smile on Full Frontal's face hardly wavers, even as Marida glares at him. "With fire like that, perhaps there'll be no need to teach you and your mobile suit how to dance better." Moving his gaze back to Mineva, the vessel continues. "Correct, Princess. I have gathered you all here today to outline my plans for Laplace's Box, and how obtaining it will secure the future of the Spacenoids." Standing up, not once breaking his gaze with the last Zabi, the Ghost of Char claps once. "Tell me, dear guests. Why did Char Aznable choose to drop Axis on our mother planet?"

As if to illustrate his point, Full Frontal walks over to a window, looking out in the direction of the Earth Sphere. "Many would consider him insane. Others would consider him little more than one of the greatest terrorists of human history. He could've continued his path with the AEUG and what became of it. Yet he chose to throw everything away in a mad attempt to force humanity off our homeworld."

It was the only way to save it.

Looking back to his assembled audience, the Ghost of Char gave each of them another assembled smile. "Our world is dying, corrupted and overexploited by the Federation and the many commercial interests that parasitize what's left of its verdant gifts. Char thought that by forcing humanity off Earth, he would give it the chance to live anew, even if it would be naught but a blasted, ruined world for a few centuries."

Full Frontal pauses.

Char Aznable was a fool.

"He let idealism and his emotions get in the way of what could have been the end of the Federation and its corruption. That path led to the second coming of Char, and I, who was born from his ashes, will make no such errors again." Sweeping his gaze around the room, he met all of them in turn. "So then what, you may be wondering, does Laplace's Box have to do with all of this?"

An empty smile is injected with crafted mirth and confidence.

"Simple. I will bleed the Federation dry until they collapse, with my Side Co-Prosperity Sphere."

<Pose Tracker> Angelo Sauper has posed.

Silence is Angelo's companion -- indeed, his outbursts aside, the young man does not seem to even like to stand out, given how out-of-frame he seems naturally adept at being. To him, this is Full Frontal's stage; he is simply here to ensure it isn't interfered with.

Or, for example, no one tries to slug him in the face.

Perhaps that lack of desire to be noticed is why the pale spacenoid frowns as he feels Eight's attention on him. It's remarkably subdued, for how venomous he is capable of being. For example:

When Marida interjects with just that slightest hint of acidity, and that frowning, contemplative look is swiftly replaced with the quiet seethe of a stare leveled on the Kshatriya's pilot, so caustic it could erode steel.

Angelo's lips twist; but Zinnerman and Full Frontal both address the Sleeves pilot, leaving Angelo to his wordless comfort. Full Frontal continues on: Angelo does not so much as blink as Full Frontal lays out his plan, as he criticizes the man so many in Neo Zeon saw as one of their greatest and last hopes. No -- he takes it all in the stride of one who already knows all this.

Someone who agrees, whole-heartedly. To him, Char Aznable wasn't just a fool.

Char Aznable was yet another dose of poison injected into the veins of spacenoid's hopes.

for now, the Lieutenant continues his silence, instead turning his attention to those assembled, to weigh their reactions with a sharply pensive eye.

<Pose Tracker> Eight York has posed.

Eight continues to listen and watch carefully through the meeting, nodding to Mineva and turning towards Full Frontal to see what he has to say after all. She notes Marida's loyalty, Banagher and Mineva's connection. And of course, Flaste's words but also the point at which Zinnerman ensures there are no more for now.

Laplace's Box. Eight has heard the name, and has longer wondered what it means, what it is. But now that she's out of the Federation... It's different. She no longer needs to oppose the Sleeves' intentions for that reason. So she waits.

She does not supply her own thoughts on Char's plan. Instead...

Well. She told Angelo that she wanted to understand their perspective, after all. How can she do that if she won't listen? She does not overburden him for now with notice; Full Frontal demands more of her attention.

"An economic approach to independence?" Eight wonders. Her grandmother hopes for the same. Somehow she hopes that she doesn't want it in the same /way/, though. She sounds interested rather than immediately dismissive, at least. Curious, if nothing else. "It's certainly different from his plan."

<Pose Tracker> Mineva Lao Zabi has posed.

Char Aznable was a fool--this is a something Mineva can agree with Full Frontal on. But the foundations of that assertion couldn't be more different. She endures his assertions--absolutes delivered by a man who understands nothing about his model--quietly, listening as he speaks. She takes solace in the support she has in the room; the allegiances of the Garencieres may be with the Sleeves, but nonetheless, they're people she trusts.

Mineva understands the economics well enough to see what Full Frontal is implying. "So you plan to unite the colonies, then, and cut off their trade with Earth. Allow the colonies to be self-sustaining, without the exorbitant tithes of the Earth government... and in doing so, starve the Earth, whose population is unsustainable without colonial imports, until the Federation collapses under its own weight."

A slower, whimpering means to the same end as Char's rebellion.

She can't quite contain her disgust at the idea, but regardless, she asks, "And how do you plan to achieve this Side Co-Prosperity Sphere?"

<Pose Tracker> Banagher Links has posed.

Marida stands up for the Captain, and Banagher smiles a bit wider. Zinnerman /is/ the finest soldier, far too good for Full Frontal's command. Banagher gently radiates support and agreement.

At Flaste's theory, Banagher lowers his head slightly. The Vists are definitely that cruel. If Banagher's family had any idea how much the Sleeves have done for him, they'd never leave Captain Zinnerman and his crew alone.

As expected, Full Frontal threatens his promise to train the young Unicorn pilot. Banagher grits out a little "Sorry." Just a little longer and he can drop this pretense.

Why did Char drop Axis? So he could fight Amuro again, Banagher thinks, but keeps to himself. Char was definitely insane.

Full Frontal's charisma is in full effect, and Banagher listens, spellbound. As much as he doesn't like the man, Banagher can understand how Full Frontal managed to captivate Neo-Zeon.

"Side... Co-Prosperity Sphere?" Banagher echoes. His brow furrows. "This won't do anything for the people suffering on Earth."

But Eight seems to be willing to listen... Banagher quiets down again. He trusts Captain York -- if she's taking this seriously, then he should too.

...does he /ever/ wish Leina was here. She'd be able to see the truth of Full Frontal's plan immediately, and tear it apart.

Thankfully, Audrey understands. Her revulsion echoes through her feelings, and Banagher responds to it with a soft intake of breath.

<Pose Tracker> Marida Cruz has posed.

         At the further barbs from Full Frontal and the sneer from Angelo, Marida almost speaks up again, but Zinnerman silences her, putting the safety on his gun. She stands down, staring out into the middle distance as Frontal speaks.

         A poisonous ideology. How many had people like him, the Red Comet, Glemy Toto, Haman Karn, killed and made suffer for this goal? It seems like none of them could ever agree on what they wanted or how to get it. Chasing after the words and name of a man long dead. She almost pitied them.

         This one's plan seems to be to cut the Earth entirely out of the Earth Sphere. Short-sighted. Foolish.

<Pose Tracker> Suberoa Zinnerman has posed.

He has heard whispers of the 'Side Co-Prosperity Sphere' before, of course, but only ever as a name for Full Frontal's plan. Zinnerman considers it, frowning.

Mineva lays out her understanding of it, that the colonies will see to each others' needs and cut Earth out of the picture.

"The PLANT would have to agree to this," Zinnerman points out. "While our alliance with them has been fruitful, it was only ever one of convenience, and the anti-Natural sentiment among the Coordinator population would build resentment in turn if that wasn't confronted. Then there's the Macross Fleet, of course, each of those ships a distinct political entity in their own right. Managing each others' needs and prejudices makes this arrangement already far more complex than merely 'Earth versus Space'."

He considers, too, the Orbital Ring. "The Neo Colonies will have no interest in this partnership, either - they are already far too comfortable pursuing their own wealth at the expense of those who live below them."

<Pose Tracker> Full Frontal has posed.

Full Frontal addresses Eight with the practiced smile of a salesperson. "It is indeed different, but that is why it will work. Where Char preached passion and madness, I will operate with cold rationality and the one force humanity has yet to truly separate itself from: their own greed." Turning back to Mineva, the smile grows wider. "I see you've saved me the trouble of explaining the basics of my plan...and yet you still not cannot grasp the method. Through the power of the Box, of course."

Turning back to the window, the supreme leader of the Sleeves presents his back to the audience. They were of no threat to him, both he and Angelo knew this to be true. "In a mere three years, Zeon will lose the independence granted to it by the Federation. Unless we can stymie that result, delay and choke its resolution, there will not be enough time for us to take action. By threatening the Federation with the Box's contents, Zeon will buy itself the time it desperately needs."

Turning back around, Full Frontal drops the smile and wraps himself in an aura of solemn command, his voice dropping to a monotone, logical, controlled, and lacking any hint of the passion that so drove his template. Turning to Zinnerman, Full Frontal nods. "Indeed, there are other parties out there...but you miss the beauty of it, my dear Captain. The Neo Colonies will react to the contraction of the Federation by amassing their own wealth and trading with the Side Co-Prosperity Sphere. After all, the Federation has little to offer from its own shores, with how exploited and blighted Mother Earth has become through their own short-sightedness."

Continuing onwards, the Ghost of Char continues to refute Zinnerman's points. "The Macross Fleets, likewise, are dependent on both their own products and constant imports. One cannot sustain the population of a colony fleet without a stable flow of supplies. As for the PLANTs...they understand the plight of the Spacenoids almost as well as their own. As fellow exiles cast out into the sea of stars, I have the utmost confidence they will be our staunchest comrades."

Raising his arms, outstretched to his audience, a crescendo surges through Full Frontal's next words, the grandeur and charisma that had enraptured so many in his cabinet and people now injected into the speech. "As the Side Co-Prosperity Sphere is established, more and more of the Sides will join us, enlightened to the possibilities of free and reciprocal trade as equals, not as mere extensions of the Federation. As we grow to support and rely on one another, our dependence and fear of the Federation will be erased, leaving them as former overseers with nothing to show for their corruption and nepotism. They will collapse as they are excluded from the future built by the Spacenoids, for the Spacenoids. Only then will we truly know freedom."

<Pose Tracker> Angelo Sauper has posed.

No threat. And yet....

        This won't do anything for the people suffering on Earth.

Angelo's right eyebrow twitches.

"And?" the lieutenant abruptly interjects, one hand abandoning its post behind his back to wave through the air dismissively. "It's no concern to the people of space what happens to the people of Earth. We've spent -long enough- suffering for -their- sake; from now on, they can be free to solve their own messes under their own power."

Zinnerman speaks next; a frown festers at the corners of Angelo's lips. "You think the Captain hasn't been working on this? He wouldn't be putting some half-baked plan into motion. And any complications along the way will be -our- complications to solve. The Federation won't change. Nearly a hundred years, and they're still mired in the filth they've always been in. They'll never let us be free as long as there's some way they can -exploit- us."

Angelo looks askance; his hands clench at his sides, a complement to his lingering frown. He quiets as Full Frontal explains in earnest; he lapses into listening to the man - the vessel - and the plan he has thrown all of himself into, gaze half-lidding as he mutters something simple but so utterly raw beneath his breath.

"... Let them rot. It's the least they deserve."

<Pose Tracker> Eight York has posed.

"That's true," Eight agrees with Banagher. "It wouldn't. Quite the opposite." But Angelo has an answer of it. She considers that. It is an answer, though not a kind one. She keeps her own counsel for a few more moments, though.

But she nods to Full Frontal. It's a practiced smile on his part, but if she doesn't hear his whole plan... she's at a disadvantage. Whether or not she agrees with the details, he's not going anywhere.

Eight will do a lot of things, but she's not planning to shoot her 'guest' in the back.

But he explains. Ah, he certainly explains, logically and passionlessly. He has answers for Zinnerman's objections; he has answers for many. And he speaks with grandeur. Eight can, she thinks, see why some people follow him.

"...At that point," Eight says, "Why bother punishing the Federation further? Revenge will only continue the cycle, and encourage them further to war against Spacenoids. ...I admit, it seems probable to me that that will be their reaction regardless; we saw in the PLANT war that the Federation's response to its people suffering is to amp up their aggresion, not pull it back to protect them."

"It's true that the suffering of the people in space isn't lessened by people helping Earth--but it's also true that Earth's suffering doesn't help Spacenoids. A desperate animal lashes out when it's cornered. Assuming you can do this, you'd be cornering them. ...Maybe you're willing to wage that bloody war. But I'm concerned for the people of Earth who are as oppressed by the Federation as the people of Space."

"Space should have independence--but not as subjugators of Earth. We should have independence as peers. ...I agree that the Federation won't change on its own. But it won't help if we become it."

<Pose Tracker> Mineva Lao Zabi has posed.

"I see," Mineva says, simply, at first.

"And the Republic of Zeon is the centerpiece. The symbolic lynchpin, without which the dream of Spacenoid independence collapses." She nods, "I understand, I think."

"But separatism, ostracizing Earth, is a far cry from Zeon Deikun's ideals of reforming humanity. All humanity, Spacenoid and Earthnoid alike... and it couldn't be further removed from Char Aznable's passionate madness, forcing all humanity into space, to make that reform happen." Her eyes half-lid.

She nods to Captain York, as well as Banagher. "This plan of yours would be a return to the last century on Earth, squabbling over insufficient resources... and it would create a generation of Earthnoids growing up in poverty, blaming the colonies for their misfortune, plotting to retaliate against their Spacenoid oppressors."

She stands, making her way around the table, toward Full Frontal and Angelo.

"Does that sound familiar to you?" She looks at the Colonel, then at Angelo. "These are the same conditions that led to the One Year War, in reverse. There's no harmony to be found here, no reform... the oppressors and the oppressed would simply trade places, over and over again, for eternity."

"Is this truly the world that the Red Comet reborn wants?"

<Pose Tracker> Banagher Links has posed.

Zinnerman brings up flaws in Full Frontal's plan, and Banagher quietly hears him out. There are so many factions at play -- surely some of them would choose to remain loyal to the Federation and the Earth.

Banagher flinches as Angelo speaks up, turning to face the Lieutenant. "That's not true. The rich people on Earth, the ones who cause all this -- they'll just flee to space, won't they? And leave the poor behind to suffer? Anyone suffering is... too much. No matter where they're from."

Full Frontal speaks again, and again, Banagher listens. His golden eyes have an intense look as he takes in the words, slowly growing more distressed.

"You talk like... it doesn't affect you." Banagher says, quietly. "But you're talking about your own people's future. What you're saying sounds cold, and detached, like you're somehow not part of it."

He pauses, raising his hand, running his fingers against his palm as if testing to see they still have physical feeling. "...the light that enveloped the Unicorn Gundam that last time was -- was warm. It was like it somehow held all the feelings of everyone I know."

Golden eyes are raised, leveled squarely at Full Frontal. "What if that kind of possibility is inside /all/ humans?"

"That's what I believe." Banagher says, unflinching. "Lieutenant Angelo... You care so much about spacenoid suffering. Why are the oppressed people of the Earth so different?"

Captain York's words are measured, cool and capable. Banagher nods to her. "Exactly. It'll just lead to another One Year War! All we'd be doing is becoming the oppressors of an entire planet. It'll lead to anger and pain, until our roles swap again. Audrey's right, about everything!"

Banagher wants to stand and take her hand. Leaving her to stand facing Full Frontal, in those clothes, unlike any he's ever seen her wear... It's difficult. He clings to the edges of his chair again.

<Pose Tracker> Suberoa Zinnerman has posed.

Zinnerman nods to Flaste as Banagher speaks up, recognising the boy's desire to leap from his seat. "Easy, lad," the second-in-command murmurs, reaching over to put a hand on Banagher's shoulder. "She's got this."

The captain, meanwhile, continues to study Full Frontal and Angelo. "I merely spell out what we all know - that while this presents an ostensible solution to the troubles the colonies have with Earth, it offers no guidance to the troubles the colonies will develop with each other."

Even despite knowing there is a ring of truth to Eight and Mineva and Banagher's words, though, Angelo's passionate response stirs the ache in Zinnerman's heart in another way entirely.

Should Earth rot, for what they did to Marie?

The question seems unaccountably hard to shake.

<Pose Tracker> Marida Cruz has posed.

         Marida stared Full Frontal down as he went over his plan. She really had no care for Earth or colony. Neither had done much for her. However, this plan...Master was right. He couldn't guarantee that the colonies would work with each other once the planet was cut out of the equation.

         "For example, Side 6 has always maintained a policy of neutrality. Would you intend to bring them into your sphere? By force if they refuse?"

         She had pulled back her fangs, venom no longer in her words. She was simply a soldier bringing up a question.

<Pose Tracker> Full Frontal has posed.

"You misunderstand me, Captain York. I have no desire to subjugate the Earth Sphere or the Federation. I merely wish to have nothing to do with them at all. We will exclude them entirely from the Co-Prosperity Sphere, and by doing so, we will create our own freedom, away from the festering, rotting remains of the Federation."

As Mineva extends her own reasoning, her refute of his plan, Full Frontal remains impassive. He knew she would be opposed, as well as the boy, but that was indeed what it meant to be young. Young, foolish, and driven by such ephemeral things as hope and possibility. "It is indeed the world that I desire for the Spacenoids. One where we are free to pursue and fulfill ourselves in the ways the Federation have long denied us in our bondage to them."

Taking off his mask, unveiling his own eyes, Full Frontal continues to speak to the last Zabi. "What we Spacenoids desire, first and foremost, is the establishment of our right to self-rule. The Federation will never consent to this, because they know the moment they do, the role of master and servant will be reversed. The Earth Sphere is no longer capable of feeding its own without the support of the Spacenoids, thanks to their own actions in polluting and strip-mining our world of resources without regard for sustainability."

"And yet, Zeon Deikun himself never used this fact as a weapon. If the Seven Sides and the Moon unite into this pact, the Earth will become a backwater of little means and importance, one where the Federation Government won't be able to survive."

At Mineva's final comment, Full Frontal remained unmoved. "It is not a matter of right or wrong, Princess. It is simply the way of the world." Putting his mask back on, the Ghost of Char continues. "A vessel does not think. It simply acts in accordance with the collective will it has been filled with...in order to ensure humanity's continued survival."

Facing Banagher, Full Frontal gives a measured reply. "I've seen that same light before. A light that was even larger. A light that may have the result of the subconscious of every human in the Earth sphere being gathered via the psycho-frame and converted into kinetic force."

"A psyco-field that deflected the asteroid Axis."

A frown of crafted disappointment shows itself on the Ghost of Char's face as he continues. "And yet, even when confronted with possibility of such a magnitude, people did not change."

"To maintain the status quo, they will sweep even possibility under the rug. That is what humans do. All we can do is hope to find peace and stability within our reality. You should know this 'possibility' of yours is naught but a poison that causes wars."

Turning to Marida and Zinnerman, "The Spacenoids are free to do as they please, but there is also no other alternative to the Side Co-Prosperity Sphere. We will grow and rely on one another, but we will not engage with those willing to support our oppressors."

<Pose Tracker> Angelo Sauper has posed.

Angelo's distaste is a deeply personal one. And one that hardly ends at the Federation.

But he knows exactly what fate he'd consign all of Earth to, if he could.

"Let rats flee a sinking ship. They can find out what vermin they really are."

Angelo Sauper simmers with an angry heat just beneath the surface of his otherwise controlled expression; it bubbles briefly back up to the surface as Mineva questions Full Frontal -- especially as she compares him to the man so many claim him to be the Second Coming of. There is so much he wants to say in response --

But he places his faith in the vessel he has put all of himself into, letting the Sleeves' commander provide the answer as only he can. No; it's not until Eight and Banagher address him with very similar scenarios, very similar questions, that his attention turns back to the meeting proper.

Why are they so different? Angelo stares at Eight, and then Banagher.

"The oppressed of Earth had decades, centuries, to rise up and make something better for themselves, or anyone else. How many 'heroes' have championed the Federation without even giving them a second glance? How many defenders of justice let people drown in the -filth- of the margins? There's no changing a broken system. So let them fix their own problems, or not."

What is the difference?

The difference is... Angelo just sees a world of used and users. Powerful and powerless. A world where, as Full Frontal so aptly describes, failed to change, given countless opportunities and reason to. The difference is...

"I don't care. The dispossessed of space have waited through enough false hopes and falser miracles."

The world's left a scar where Angelo's heart should be.

He falls into silence, as Full Frontal so completely explains the ugliness of the world. As he speaks of Axis, as he talks of how nothing has changed, Angelo's teeth sink into the inside of his cheek, gaze narrowing, fists trembling.

But his wounds, he keeps to himself, to fester.

<Pose Tracker> Eight York has posed.

"I see." To simply leave them out, and create their own freedom...

Mineva ties it to ideals; where Eight was purely practical about it, she speaks of dreams, of the tie to the past, of the Red Comet reborn. Eight listens. She thinks about it.

Banagher mentions the rich...

Zinnerman and Marida have practicalities as well.

"I'm grateful for the that 'light', Banagher. I also want to believe that such possibility is within all people. ...But the solution, I think, won't come in the form of an obvious miracle; it will be multiple hearts in unison working for a better world."

Full Frontal... and Angelo. She looks at him again, thoughtful, as she tries further to understand him.

But Full Frontal...

"Maybe," Eight says of 'the way of the world'. "Maybe it's also true that we should set our own affairs in order, rather than attending to Earth's."

"I agree at least that the system as it stands is broken. I can't deny that there is ugliness in the world. But I think that we can be the ones to change this world. At least to start it. ...How we choose to change it, that remains to be seen."


Eight lets that hang for a moment. "Colonel," Eight says. "You've explained your plan. Thank you for your clarity. But one thing remains that I can't quite put my finger on."

"How does the Box realize your plan?"

<Pose Tracker> Mineva Lao Zabi has posed.

Mineva looks back toward Banagher as he talks... as he speaks of the light he felt. The warmth he thinks is in all people.

She smiles softly at that, thinking back to a young girl watching the skies from Sweetwater colony, and watching an aurora encircle the Earth. A miracle she believes was the collective will of the entire Earth Sphere, together.

And yet, even when confronted with possibility of such a magnitude, people did not change.

As Full Frontal continues, she goes from determined... to disgusted. She looks long into his eyes, then closes hers. They've fallen away from him when she reopens them.

Char Aznable was a great many things. many of them terrible. But even in his worst moments, there was never a mere acceptance, that 'this is the way the world works'. But here...

"The Char Aznable that I knew truly is dead," she says quietly, her voice carrying a bitter venom. She turns on her heel, cape sweeping behind her, and makes for the door.

<Pose Tracker> Suberoa Zinnerman has posed.

Zinnerman falls quiet as Full Frontal presents his counter-argument. It seems unassailable... As though it was an utter certainty that the other peoples of space will see the common sense of the Co-Prosperity Sphere.

He turns it over in his mind. He has fought to defend the PLANT before, and even helped secure Britannia (even though his mission there was to prevent Blue Cosmos fanaticism being turned on the Colonies), and he sees no solution to the different stances of those peoples over this plan. Does the Supreme Commander of the Sleeves lack Zinnerman's perspective, the freighter captain having travelled to and from Earth so often?

Or is it Zinnerman that lacks some key perspective that will illustrate the Commander's point of view perfectly?

He can't tell, and the doubt in his heart grows.

Nevertheless, Mineva and Banagher hold firm in their beliefs - the Princess having one last thing to say to Full Frontal, and Zinnerman allows them the respect their convictions earn.

He almost wishes he shared that strength.

<Pose Tracker> Banagher Links has posed.

Banagher calms down, nodding to Flaste. "Yeah, you're right." Notably, Banagher doesn't startle at the other man's touch, like he does in response to so many others. "Thanks, Flaste."

Full Frontal compares the Unicorn's Miracle to Axis Shock. Banagher has had the same thought himself, but hearing it confirmed by someone who... might've... been there, affects the young pilot all the more. His eyes glimmer with a kind of awe. Is it possible that Banagher accomplished a feat similar to Amuro Ray..?

But Leina's words come back to him, immediately after. Miracles don't change things. Not everyone saw rainbows that day. "...people need more than Miracles." Banagher replies, quietly. "They need hope, so they can change things for themselves. I think I understand, Captain York."

Shaking his head, Banagher doesn't manage to keep back a glare this time. "That's not true. Possibility can be twisted or abused, but it's not fundamentally bad!"

Banagher's gaze turns to Angelo, softening. For the first time, he wonders what the Lieutenant suffered to make him so full of venom and scars. "Lieutenant..." Banagher replies, unsure of what to say. Maybe someday, he'll be able to change Angelo's mind.

Maybe not. Not as long as Angelo is so focused on Full Frontal.

Audrey's feelings reach Banagher before she speaks, and again, he moves to stand, held back only by Flaste's hand. Disgust, certainly, but... /grief/.

"Audrey--!" Banagher calls, gently shaking off Flaste's grip. He stands, propelling himself after the girl he loves so fiercely. Nothing matters more than her.

<Pose Tracker> Marida Cruz has posed.

         Marida raises up a bit, intending to also walk off after Mineva...but lowers back down. Banagher has her, and it would be best to not further antagonize Full Frontal in any way.

         "Master...is it really alright for us to leave her like this?" There is legitimate concern in her voice. As one of Mineva's guardians, how could there not be?

<Pose Tracker> Suberoa Zinnerman has posed.

Zinnerman nods once to Marida. "Go to her." It would be cruel for him to deny her this independence, after all.

<Pose Tracker> Marida Cruz has posed.

         Marida gives a nod to Zinnerman and stands, saluting Full Frontal before walking over to Mineva and Banagher.

<Pose Tracker> Full Frontal has posed.

Full Frontal watches Princess Mineva storm towards the door, swiftly followed by Banagher. His gaze is impassive, and nothing stirs within him, not even disappointment or disdain. There is but the quiet that remains of a vessel having expelled its contents for the day, only to be swiftly refilled at the next opportunity. He senses Mineva's horror, disgust, and disappointment, but most powerfully, her grief. "Princess Mineva. Regardless of what you may feel, I am indeed the second coming of Char. He lives on through me, and together, we will not make the same foolish mistakes that left Zeon and the Spacenoids in its current sad state. Perhaps we are dead, in a sense, but such a shattering and rebirth are necessities to become a vessel of the people, as I am."

Turning to Banagher, the Ghost of Char continues. "Such foolish things as hope and possibility have led to wars and poisoned the minds of billions over the course of history. 'Could my lot be better? What must I do? Do my neighbors deserve to be happy over myself?' Thus the cycle continues where those hoping for more trample over others in their greed. In the Side Co-Prosperity Sphere, there will be no need for such things, as we meet the needs of the Spacenoids."

Replying to Captain York, Full Frontal addresses her question. "The Box is our bargaining card, dear Captain. With the Federation cowed by our possession of it, negotiating our independence will be a far simpler and more attainable affair than it is currently. Once we have bought the time we need, we will be able to move forward wih the formation of the Side Co-Prosperity Sphere." Turning towards the door as well, Full Frontal motions Angelo to his side. "Come, Angelo. We have much to prepare for." However, the Ghost of Char makes a final declaration as he departs. "Soon, there will be a time to choose sides. I urge you all to think carefully about whether you wish to support the continued oppression of the Spacenoids and the Federation's corruption, or the liberation of the Sides and Moon from the tyranny of the Earth Sphere."

<Pose Tracker> Angelo Sauper has posed.


There's hesitance in the way Banagher addresses him. A softening of his expression, compared to the usual fire of hate that is so much easier to grasp. Angelo blinks. It overrides almost everything else; Eight will get to see the reflexive and dramatic shift of Angelo's expression, from surprise to one carrying a much more powerful and immediate sentiment: eyes widened, a single step back taken, lips twisting. All reflecting something utterly raw.

        How DARE you?

Immediate, violent rejection, like that single way he addressed Angelo with sympathy was more vile than anything else he could have done.

If that single expression would have escalated - and indeed it seems inevitable - it is cut off at the pass as Mineva speaks. Almost wildly, Angelo's gaze snaps towards the princess of Zeon as she laments and takes her leave. Banagher and Marida rush to her side. Full Frontal calls Angelo to his.

The young spacenoid watches the departing princess for three eye-narrowed seconds before he turns to follow his Captain, his Commander, his everything out that exit.

Char Aznable is truly dead?

"... Good riddance," hisses Angelo, in those seconds before he follows out behind the man who claims to be Char's second coming.